9600-to- n I son's had warned the steamship Aquarius of the Cisco. 2 M. "W. marine traditions tireeu Star Steamship corporation, built Arrived at A. Steamer by - F. Herrin. from' Gavlota. Arrived at S "Then we marines in publicity. DEMAND FOR CEREAL the G. M Standi ter Construction cor- P. M. Steamer Daisy, from San Fran- train po ration in Vancouver, Wash., arrived in cisco. Arrived at 4:30 P. M. Steamer y The newspapers are good to us and Seattle early this morning from the yards Tahoe. from San Francisco. Sailed at we try. to help them out in return. of her builders and went to a berth at the A. M. Japaneso steamer Kaisho Maru. for Why 100 army officers the other day terminal of the Kaat Waterway Uock. Kobe and Dairen. Sailed at 8:30 A. M. wanted to go through our publicity Warehouse company. Steamer Corone. for Cuba via Puaet sound. T ERS NOW- - MET The Hoi line soon will es- TP STRIKE, THEY SAY training school f.o that the regular tablish a regular service linking Seattle ASTORIA. May 28. Sailed at 8:3n last army could imbibe some of our ideas. with nlitht Steamer Shasta, for San Pedro. But modesty, polrffeness and efficiency Holland for the. first time, with four Sailed at 10:30 last night Steamer Steel huge new treis titers between the Pacific Voyairer, for Newport, England. Arrived are the keynota of the marines." coaat and Kutterdam, according to ad- at 3 and left up 5 30 A. M. Steamer General la Modest. vices received this morning from San Fran- lalsy. from San Francisco. Arrived at 8 cisco, tne information being given out by Contract Is Binding, Declares and left up 9 A. M. Steamer Tahoe. from General Barnett Wrecks Pair The general was modest enough, Scramble for Ships Believed one of the corporation's directors. The San Francisco. Sailed at 11:45 A. M. but the enlisted marines in attend- service will follow Panama Steamer West Nlvaria. for China. Arrived the canal S M. ance could almost be heard to say: to Be Nearly route. . Union Leader. down at P. Japanese steamer Kai of Traditions. Over. sho Maru. Sailed at 3 P. M. British mo- "What on earth does that chap want tor to bother the general when he is PORT TOWSBND. Wash., May schooner Atalahat. for Adelaide. ready go on J n route to Puget sound from SAN PRAMC1SCO. May 16 Sailed at to the highway?" San Francisco, where sho loaded part 11 A. M. steamer City of Toneka, for General Barnett paid a. tribute to cargo for Kuskokiom river, the motor via iSureka and Coos Bay. the marines from Ozmo Friday. the . He schooner will arrive The SAN May 26. 6 MANY. TO CALL IN JUNE cargo - ULTIMATUM IS DELIVERED PEDRO. Arrived at CORPS SPIRIT PRAISED said the marines were recruiting1 to loaded at San Francisco will be A. M. Steamer Willlamette. from Port- their new strength of 27,000. transferred to the steamer Victoria for land via San Francisco. a jolly delivery at St. Michaels. At Seattle she General Barnett has kind of will mining suppliee SEATTLE. May 26. Arrived t 1 A M laugh, a happy kind of smile. He does load machinery and Steamer Aquarius, not brag, but assumes for Ivuakokiom. All of her passenger ac- from Portland. he that the commodations have been taken. The Ozmo KOBE. May 19. Arrived Steamer Mon- Commandant - Sailors fame of the marines is so well recog- Exporters Feel That Vessels Enough Is on operated by Caterers Insist Upon Demand for tague, ot Soldier really possible ned and the .Northern from Portland and Yokohama for lk. issf nized that it is not to Are Available to Clean Up Commercial company. Sew Wage Schedule Being Shanghai. Hongkong and Manila. Proves Self on Time Although paint the lily, as it were. He believes With her hold filled with general cargo SHANGHAI. Mav 28. Arrived Thlcaso in the marines He is a marine. Crop. and her deck piled high with lumber, the Withdrawn Promptly. Maru, from Seattle. L)aus SprL 3 9 Minutes Late. General Barnett left Portland last Last Year's steamer Wallingford sailed today for Val- ofpiri night for He Is accompanied paraiso. AUCKLAND. May 23. Seattle. The steamer been re- Arrive Makura. - by Brigadier-Gener- al Charles L. Fred Baxter has from Vancouver, B. C. the quartermaster of the ma lieved of her deckload of piles and an ef- are the best of all fort was made today to place her on an KOBE, May 21. Arrived West Isera, uiestfear Hey, buddies'. rine corps'. Lieutenant Murray, his With six steamers announced as even keel, without success. It Is probable Developments of the restaurant aide; Mrs. Barnett and Miss will be to big yesterday were: from Seattle. The marines did not win the war. Lucia chartered to load wheat or flour here she towed Seattle, where the situation And right at hand you have Victoria the Chase of Waterbury, Conn. on private account, two assigned to derrick at the municipal dock wilt be used Under no circumstances will the VLADIVOSTOK. May 21. Sailed a, "Tis true there has "been some sort Mrs. Barnett was formerly Mrs. the grain corporation for flour load- to pull .her over. The piles have been cooks of Portland violate their afjree- - from Portland, Or. Garden City of Canada with all the unique of an idea that they did a few of Basil Gordon, one of the far-fam- ing In the and an- boomed at Hadtock and will be loaded on ment and strike. Their - contract la England beautiful women Baltimore, the steamer Horace X. Baxter for delivery charm of the south of or northern them and 'tis also true that the ma- of and is other tentatively booked for wheat at San Pedro. their bond. This was the statement Fance in Spring. Warm, mild air, roses and rines as a bo as now a leader in Washington society. or flour loading either here or on of C. T. Frederick, secretary of the whole have not acted SAILER . to dispel impression, but It isn't Puget sound, besides the two ves OR AYS HARBOR. Wash.. May 26. cooks' and assistants' union. TOWED INTO PORT brilliant foliage, wonderful motor roads by sea this sels now loading flour in the river, (Special.) The steamer Hoquiam, coming An ultimatum was formally de and mountain, ideal goIf, salmon fish- so. At least, not quite so. local grain exporters believe am- to Aberdeen to take a small amount of livered to union headquarters by and trout Major-Gener- al George Barnett. who. ORIENT SCHEME APPROVED ple tonnage has been securedth: to freight to Seattle on Monday, struck on F. W. Beach, secretary of the caterers' ing, motor boating and canoeing, sea bathing, S up the north spit and lost her rudder, and pres- commander of all the American clean the remainder of last year's probably wars otherwise damaged. The tug association, that the caterers at OCEANIA VANCE IX BADLY DIS typical English atmosphere and traditions and marines, ought to know, said yester- grain crop, and that the scramble Cudahy went to her assistance and stood ent operating under union conditions day definitely that the marines did for ships which has been in prog by during Monday night until the steamer were willing so to continue; but AH LED CONDITION. "not win the war. CHAMBER DIRECTORS ASSUME ress for the past month is at an was taken in tow for Astoria, where she that the waere schedule must be with THE BEAUTIFUL EMPRESS "So, you doughboys, you needn't feel end. Several other private charters will be put on the marine railway for ex- drawn not later than noon Friday, o blue about it any more. SHARE OF EXPEXSES. besides those announced are under- amination as to the amount of damages. and that if it is not withdrawn by Vessel Begins Leaking: Shortly After the meeting place of East and West, one of But the general broke oil marine stood to have been made and are The condition of the harbor Is add to be that date the union houses will oper the best appointed and delightful expected soon. responsible for the accident, as the Ho- open Leaving San Francisco With most traditions to smithereens yesterday. to be made public quiam was light. The towing of the Ho- ate under shop conditions. hotels of the famous Canadian Pacific group. Whisper it old "Father Time," as Delegate Will Visit Washington Wtilwlnd Expected Wednesday. quiam to Astoria for placing In drydock 'And the answer must be yes or no; Cargo the marines call him was 39 minutes also emphasizes the need here, marine men we cannot arbitrate the question, of Lumber. and 22 seconds late for an engage- Urge Government to Assign The steamer Westwind, previously say, of a floating dock for the repair of said Mr. Beach to the union leaders. For information and reservations address ment. reported as having sailed from Yoko- vessels, an enterprise which will doubtless Vessel for Trip. April 26 follow Unions Frame Answer. LOS ANGELES, May 26. t Won't be told in Guam, on the hama for the Columbia proposed port improvements. to Cal.. The CANADIAN PACIFIC HOTELS that river, will be here about next me steamer J. B. Stetson cleared for Union meet today to three-maste- d calling- Potomac, in Haiti, Santa Domingo, Ean leaders will vessel jDceania E. E. PENN 55 Third Street PORTLAND zgne everywhere Wednesday and will load flour for Francisco at 8 A. M.. after taking consider their answer. Vance, which left San Francleco May China, the canal and The directors of the Chamber of the grain corporation, it was learned cargo at the Lyttle mill. A record attendance of members of over the globe where those "few Commerce yesterday gave hearty ap- yesterday. 20 with a cargo of lumber for Syd TACOMA. fflv A the caterers' association met at the ney, marines" are gathered with glee and proval to the movement inaugurated Announcement was made by Kerr, Wh. rSnoia1 Chamber of Commerce and the entire Australia, was towed Into San something akin to amazement? San by cham- According to Tacoma fishermen the treaty in at Francisco jointly the Gifford & Co. yesterday that a full between the United States and Canada wage schedule was considered. Mem- Pedro a badly disabled condition And when the general really failed bers of the Pacific coast ports and cargo by this will put purse today by to appear on schedule, his aide. Lieu- of grain will be loaded seine fishermen of the bers of the association declared that the Standard Oil tanker Yokohama, 242 miles west of San Fran the foreign trade clubs of the cities company on . the British steamer sound out of buMness with the exception they could not possibly pay the in Asuncion. Cisco. tenant Charles L. Murray, glanced at the encouragement of with during of fall salmon fishing, which Is done in a in an awed for trade Mount Etna at Astoria June. the upper say treaty creased wage demands and Mr. Beach The vessel began leaking: badly UMAX STEWART. Port San L.ui for clock and murmured the orient. An appropriation was This cargo is now being assembled sound. They that the was to call upon the shortly after leaving' San Francisco, Vancouver, S40 miles from Vancouver. tone. contains a provision whereby a line is es instructed Bellingham made of the chamber's ehare of the at Astoria. tablished between Trial B. unions and deliver the ultimatum. according to Captain Charles Sexon. SIERRA, for San Francisco, Clock Errs, Says) Aide. expense to be incurred in Bending The steamer Eastern Cloud Is now Whilby island. C. and and when 150 off shore 77 miles north of San Francisco. Conducted atone lines most invit island. Purse seine ffnhcrmn will Prior to that time Mr. Frederick, about. miles HWAH-W- 320 ing to men women of The Captain I. N. Hibbard of the steam- loading at Astoria for the grain cor not oe allowed Inside In flooded Portland for Tako kar. and retined ."The general is never late. purse this line which. Harley Johnson, representing the the water the hold and the miles northwest of Cape Flattery, 8 P. M. tastes. Snd for illustrated booklet' clock must be wrong." ship Iris to Washington, I. C, to poration and the army transport closes seln fi shine around-- How international union, and R. R. Hatch, cabin, washed over the decks and put May 23. MRS. C. W. J. KKI'KKKS. up ship- to San ever, four of the big packing corporations pumps White, fMtlmon. The general finally did appear. He take with the officials of the South Bend, now en route n.vw chairman of the joint board of the the out of commission, and the WEST NIGER, Honolulu for San Fran- Wali. I'hone 7KYr. ping board eercetary com- via traya nere wnicn win not be mo 8 said that he had been at his appoint- and the of Francisco from Vladivostok lested. It Is claimed these trans will wet unions involved, had declared they master steered a direct course for the cisco, 560 miles from San Francisco, P. ment on the dot, but that his chauf- merce the details of arrangements for Manila, is expected to be here to tne usn just tne same. had up to that time received no an- mainland. M. May 23. feur had assured him that another assigning a steamship to make the oad lor the grain corporation about The Robin Goodfellow Inadinr fcr fnr swer from the caterers or their When taken In tow by the tanker ENDICOTT, Seattle for Shanghai. 333 place meant, being ignorant trip to the orient with exhibits from June 15. The steamer Higho will ine orient Will HAH f rtmnrrrw tnnrnlnir most of the food aboard had been lost miles from Seattle. was and oeen association. CORONE. Portland for Seattle. IS miles TRAVELERS' GTTDE. of Portland, he had then driven there. ports on this coast. The directors also load flour here for the grain veasei nas worKln live eanea Shortly the union meeting had and Captain Sexon, his wife, their Columbia lightship. ffispatch a let- corporation same time. ol longnnoremen sor tne last two days. after north of river "No. sir," said the general, "marine also authorized the of at about the The Manila Maru of th Annka Rhnmn disbanded, Mr. Beach called at union two small children and the crew of HERCULES (tug), Seattle for Oakland, of absolute punctuality are ter to Admiral Benson of the shipping on Account. Kaisha is due during headquarters. eight were forced to sleep on top drydock pontoon in tow, 233 miles from traditions W. secretary Five Private the night. The ves intact. I was on time." board and J. Alexander, Besides the steamer Kayseeka now sel nas aoout 4UOU tons of Ken era caren "I want to say to you," said Mr. of the lumber loaded on the deck. Tatoosh. So, with the general's alibi, we'll of commerce, requesting favorable to aiscnarge nere and a lull cargo of out Frederick, "that the cooks' union Is Tbe sailer will be unloaded at San ERNEST H. METER, San Francisco for CPfll) OS considartion of the plan submitted loading at the Portland Flouring Mills bound freight to load. Pedro, Seattle. 193 miles from Seattle. let it go at that. the steamers Eastern Glen, Dewey, xne wallingford of th composed of American citizens; we it is said, to ascertain the WEST NIVARIA. Portland for Shanghai. DIRECT war jointly by the civic bodies. 0mrii stm. own property. We are extent, of the damage and need .m-- Now as to that stuff. experimental Bakersfield, Effingham and Mount snip line, sailed this morning for west homes and the 67 miles from Columbia river lightship. Pll!N.3l "'""Those 8000 marines played in won- For the rose test and Etna have been announced to come coast ports vis. San Francisco. The Ad on record with a contract that de- for repairs. l L Kdl K. U 3 luck, would have been garden development a special com- miral Dewey of the Pacific Steamshio clares there be no stoppage of The Oceania Vance Is a 445-to- n FROM QUEBEC. 4 P. M. derful but luck here in June to load wheat or flour shall Steamship To .worth nothing if they had not had mittee on the project was named, on line was an arrival from California and work pending arbitration, and the wooden vessel, owned by the Charles Date I up. consisting Kerr, Roy T. private acco int. tne Alaska from the north. company June 9 Victorian Liverpool brains to back it Not a marine of Peter Elcajon By nffir-- . cooks' union does not and will not Nelson of San Francleco. SLAYER IS ACQUITTED June 16 Km p. France Liverpool Bishop, Bishop Sumner, A. Cur-re- y The steamers West and June 1 a number of th nf aot to France unless he was wearing Jesse Yosemite, now under the management the Pacific Steamship company will be strike while Its present contract is FROM MONTREAL 10 A. M. I at least a marksmen's medal. The sit- and J. L. Bowman. of the Barber Steamship company, removed from Tacoma to Seattle. This in force. This contract does not ex OPEX PLAN IS UPHELD Date Steamship To They seized and The special committee for handling oper- is done. It is said, in order to expedite pire 1, 1921." SHOP june acanainaviaa Antwerp uation was there. it are to be turned over to other until June June 5 Metagama v Liverpool the world knows the story. arrangements for the eighth annual on on coast, Business, rresment Alexander of the com ARTHUR THOMPSON FREKD IN Juncl2 Corsican Liverpool buyers' week observance was appoint- ators their arrival this pany, will make his home here when not Contract Still In Effect. Liverpool Awes Krcnch. and will load wheat or flour. The in east. K. B. Canadian Operators Refuse to Ne June.!) Melita Coolness ed. Nathan Strauss is general chair go 'the Admiral Roeers. retired Mr. Frederick read to a news- HOUR BY JURY. "A Frenchman told me that in the man, T. Honeyman as West Elcajon is to to E. C. Evans James Wallace, secretary to President paperman the clause in the contract gotiate From Vancouver. B. C, te with David & Sons, and the Yosemite to Thorn- - Alexander and W. Shorthltl. will remain With Unions. Yokohama, Shanghai, Mavoilsw heart of a hot advance he watched chairman of the jobbers' committee, here. This move has bv in effect between the union house Hon ly dyke & Trenholme. The West Elca been forecasted VANCOUVER, B. May 26. Hoof c. some of our marines and the following members: A. J. shipping men for some time, following the restaurateurs, comprising the larger C. There Fight With Date Steamship. sights, the aver- - jon will load here and the Yosemite disposal of by is nothing: to negotiate, contend repre Plea ot Self Defense in 3 Empress "adjusting their while Bale, F. A. Spencer, O. W. Mielke. A. or on Puget stock owned Tacomans in number of restaurants, and the June of Russta age Frenchman was satisfied so long H. K. either here sound. the company. The Quadra, the Alaska and union, which says! sentatives of Canadian steamship Odie Bates, Over Cow, Wins June 13 Km press of Japan H. Devers, Huntington, George was announced yesterday by the Cordova are unloading ore companies operating of July 1 Em press of Asia as he was shooting somewhere in me Lawrence W. H. Beharrell, F. M. It at the out British All of the enemy under such Jr. Frank O'Connor, agent of the Admiral smelter docks this week, the two first- - This agreement shall be in full fores Columbia ports, whose sailors have Freedom at Roseburg. Information From direction Seller, Paul DeHaas, Henry J. Frank, line, the steamer West Togus, named ships arriving this morning. The and effect from June 1, 1919, and ques been who conditions. and E. N. Weinbaum, secretary. Other that Quadra makes regular trips from Brltain- - tions arising between the unions and th oir strike for three weeks, CANADIAN PACIFIC ! me is that an which is to follow the Artigas in the nia Beach, B. proprietors of the undersigned, regarding today informed I. T. Bulger, provin . OCEAN SERVICES r "But what thrills committees named were: coast-to-coa- st C. and the Alaska comes ' . - in service of the North regularly from the wage scales for the second year from date cial fair wage officer, and a media ROSEBURG, Or., May 26. (Spe l'bone Itdn-r- SO American woman was the advance Industry bureau Max H. Hirsch, A. & com north. The Cordova - Atlantic Western Steamship is expected to complete the discharging hereof, shall be subject to arbitration; tion committee of the International cial.) Arthur Thompson, charged 65 3l bt., lines nursing Frenchmen. Sudisi G. Labbe,1 E. T. Bishop and Frederick cargo ques- Fortlaud 7 yell-- pany, will load flour or wheat for of her and sail Wednesday for and be It further agreed that all Longshoremen's open Odie . she head youthful voices joyfully ; H. Strong. are union, that the with the murder of Bates at She not know the return voyage from the Pacific Alaska. tions arising that not in conflict with shop principle would be maintained. Riddle, sonne weeks ago. was acquitted ing 'Over There.' ild Foreign trade bureau Peter Kerr Philadelphia and Boston. The port of Tacoma may soon be visited the constitution snd laws of the Motel within, an American soldier was in France. coast to regularly by four huge new freighters, op and Restaurant Employes' International al- The committee so reported to the sail todav by the trial jury an dis- - and I. I. Hunt. etague ors' was told the case was taken under ; The French wcr allinB back in T. T. Honey-ma- era ting between Rotterdam, Holland, and liance and Bartenders' International union. The committee hour after - order. Paris was endangered. Then Commercial bureau WATER CARRIERS WANT RISE r'aciric coast ports, by way of the Pana of America, shall be settled by arbitration, plenty men are available, but no dis- advisement. The trial occupied prac coming ma canal. provided same cannot be settled by the crimination would bo shown against tically one day, the jury being ob that woman saw the marines Membership Max H. Hirsch prediction by In no bureau This was made today parties interested, and case shall union men returning to work. tained and the prosecution presenting . over the hill." Publicity bureau O. W. Mielke. Same Increase as Railroads hipping men when reports came from there be a stoppage of work pending such The general is inspecting marine Rate San Officials of the steamship compa the case late yesterday. Mac- - Francisco that four freighters will be arbitration. e- Legislative bureau William Holland-America- n Thompson put up a plea self-d- - recruiting stations, but the spirit of Get Be put on oy tne line be in we nies stated all Canadian Pacific ves of Master. to Demanded. San "'The last thing the world sels, txcepting two, Upton fense, alleging Bates was the ' the marines has kept everything in W. tween Rotterdam and Francisco, "and would do," said Mr. Frederick, most of the that - State development bureau H. WASHINGTON, May 26. other ports on the Pacific coast." No Steamship one powerful to apple-pi- e order, he indicated. Water "would be to injure Portland and the company's boats and more and save himself " ma- -' Corbett. are entitled to the sanfe rate representative of the Holland line has Grand Trunk Pacific steamer were in' from harm he used a pocket knife. "You know the spirit of the Tourist hotel accommodation and carriers visited Tacoma thus far, but arrange Shrine convention. The matter was Let us help you plan the best itiner- went on. "A increases as railroads, Levi Mayer of 1 commission with full crews, and prep. The thrust penetrated the lower part rines," General Barnatt E. G. ments are expected to be made in the taken up at this time because June ary for your trip, in coui-tr- y new had been in the service a outdoor life bureau Crawford the Great Lakes Transport corpor- near future for the regular visits of the arations were under way to man all of the heart and the wounded man either this recruit Home industry bureau H. C. Hunt today marks the end of the first year of up by away, dying he or abroad. You secure bene- week. Another had been there a day. ation, declared before the inter. freighters. the contract, and we feel that we other vessels tied he strike. started before reached the The second did something or other. ington. state commerce commission. He gave his house. fit of experienced and Office management and finance bu expiration of the were simply opening negotiations The fight ending In Bates' death information The first recruit went up to him. notice that at the SAN FRANdSCO. CaL. May 2. Spe to a Artigas May Come Here. get services world-wid-e or- reau W. E. Whttcomb. testimony, applications would T. K. TC. which would lead consideration over a in the of a t " 'Hey,' he said sternly, "We don't railroad cial.) The steamship Persia of the entire question. We are will- occurred trade which do in the marines.' be filed on behalf of water earners. Maru, Captain Watanabe, sailed today for The coming to Portland of the Thompson accepted a horse for a cow. ganization. Tickets and tours. that Chairman Clark requested repre the orient via Honolulu with a full gen ing to submit the entire matter to steamer Artigas of the North Atlantic Alleging that the horse was balky Office Open to ''Bui'k." eral careo and a capacity lint of passen arbitration and consider that under & Steamship company is con Dorsey B. Smith, Dist. Pass. Agt, sentatives of the railroads to file gers. port cater- Western he took the animal over to Bates' 1 "We have an esprit de corps. My SPECIAL TRAINS MANY statements clearing up the question The Persia arrived and left the terms of the contracts the tingent upon the booking of at lease cabin untied the cow and was leading AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVEL instance, is open readily at during an Interval when but few liners ers will feel the same way about it. 500 oif office, for of whether the new rates would be arrived or sailed. The Pacific Mall steam we tons freight here for Boston the animal away when he was stopped DEPARTMENT, :." any hours of the day to any enlisted expected to apply also to switching ship Columbia is the next vessel sched "But please remember, don't and Philadelphia, it was announced by the owner, and in the dispute fol- man just as much as to any com--- -' and terminal charges. uled to sail for the far east. break contracts." yesterday by Frank J. O'Connor, Port lowing the matter came to blows. Sixth and Oak Streets mander of a regiment." SOUTHERN" PACIFIC TO HAVE Explaining the selection of freight The United States shipping board steam land agent of the Pacific Steamship After i the stabbing Thompson took "But the marines seem to have a er Bakersfield, which is to arrive tomor company, which will represent the cow him. rates to bear the entire increase, Ben row New York, en to Tacoma, Marine Xoies. the home with publicity," suggested the FULL OF nt from route knack for 18 SHRIXERS. jamin Campbell, of the twin-scre- eastern concern on this coast. No dif has a motorboat aboard The steam schooner Hoquiam, operated Ting de- interviewer. New York, New Haven & Hartford as freight, it was announced. The vessel by Bowes & Andrews, which smashed her ficulty is expected in sect the . "There are several reasons. The railroad, said the carriers had de was built by the Aioany Hoar worKs ana rudder on the Grays Harbor bar, left up sired amount of freight. The Artigas AUTO DRIVER EXONERATED SanFrancisco - first is that the first tradition of the Most of Specials, Totaling 166 cided they would cause least disturb ill cost the owner, freight included from Astoria at 6 o'clock last night for sailed from Boston May 10, and will marines is politeness. A woman met ance to rate relationships. Portland for repairs. She will be lifted make her first stop on this coast at " me on the streets today. Cars, Will Arrive in City on The Panama canal is proving' an aa today in the port drydock. San Pedro. She should reach this port F. F. Hickox Xot Blamed for Death S. S. ROSE CITY " I just wanted to speak to you, vantage to the east dast and a d lead van The steam schooner Tahoe. bringing 10 15. 21 for Convention. Pacific Coast Shipping Notes. taee to the norts of the Pacific coast, ac company, between June and June of William J. Sommers. DEPARTS 10 A. U. for my son was in the marines she June men. Basing freight .for the Charles Nelson - ASTORIA, Or., May 26. (Special.) Tha cording to local shipping arrived up at Albers dock No. 8 at 4:30 VANCOUVER. Wash.. May 26. said. Daisy, carrying: cargo their ludirment upon the reports of yesterday afternoon. Northwestern Leaves Today. "Now she knew she was welcome steam schooner a of rivals and sailings at. ports of the orient, (Special.) At a coroner's inquest to Friday, May 28 The Southern Pacific company alone lumber from Willapa and Rainier, sailed two-thir- The steam schooner Daisy arrived at snd I was delighted to meet her. Her t experts allege that of the The river steamer Northwestern. day in the matter of the death of FROM will bring 18 special of at 9 last nlg-h- for San Francisco. these the Couch-stre- dock to discharge gen- AINSWORTH DOCK. trains Voyager, part movements there are directed to or from freight 3 yesterday after- formerly the Grahamona, will leave William J. Sommers, 23 years old, Shrinera to Portland, representing The steamer Steel with ports via the Panama eral at o'clock 2 Far includes Berth and Meals, cargo from Portland, sailed at 10 Last of the Atlantic noon. She will load lumber at St. Helens. municipal terminal No. today on her crushed by a big truck here last temples throughout the country. The night Europe canal. Today there were nine arrival The steamer Silverado, loading the first trip in her new service between F. F. Hickox. driver of the CITV TICKET OFFICK. SD AND be composed of 166 cars, for via ban Francisco. or departures at oriental ports attacnea to at nil? in. WASH. 1'IIO.VK MAIN HE HAD SUFFERED trains will The steam schooner Tahoe, bringing ccast ports and only St. Johns Lumber company's mill for the Portland and Lewieton, . ' For truck, was exonerated from all blame. S530. all but two of which will arrive in freight for Portland, arrived at 10 last American Atlantic west coast of South America, will shift to cargo Naviga FRF.IGHT OFFICE. AINSWOKTH this or other Pacific ports, Inman-Poulse- her first the Portland It was shown that Sommers was this city June 21. Damascus temple niftlit from San FranclsCo. four concerned the n mill tomorrow morn- company, DOCK. BUM Y. 268. without the Panama canal It is said th ing to tion owners of the vess riding in the truck with several other THE SAK & Rochester, N. Y., will arrive June 20 The British motor schooner Malahat, the nine ships would all have cleared for finish. have obtained a large quantity of on way home from the FKA'CICt PORTLAND lumber from the Hammond mill and The first pontoon of the 15.000-to- n dry-doc- k workmen their 6. 8. COMfAJSY. and Mecca temple, of New York city, with or arrived from facmc coast ports. sirups in city. M-- corpor- FOR THIRTY YEARS Westport, sailed at 1:45 today for Aus & oper being built for the commission of manufactured this The G. Standifer Construction will arrive June 22, the first day of Williams. Dfmond Co., who now operate on week-l- y tralia. 12 steamers between Pacific public docks by Cornfoot fc Mcintosh will Northwestern will a ation and when the truck reached the imperial council session. On the ate a fleet of be during schedule. .She will be piloted by Washington Som- same company The steamer West Nlvaria, with lumber coast ports and Europe, announced yes launched the first week of Second and streets, homeward trip the from Portland, sailed at ll:4o today for terday that In order to care for the heavy July, It was estimated by Mr. Mcintosh Captain Clyde Raabe, one of the mov mers attempted to leave the truck will handle 22 trains, composed of the orient. movement of goods from this coast to yesterday. k ing spirits in the company which without telling the driver he was Columbia Pacific Man Says Tanlac Has 38 cars, all departing June 24 ex Laden with 6o0 tons of asphaltum for Europe during the rush months next fall The passenger steamer Rose City arrived owns the boat. going to do so. He placed his foot on cept one. The nobles of Ararat temple Portland, the steam schooner Daisy ar- they will need tnree or iour more Bnipi t tne Arnswortn dock: at 1 o clock yes of car and was thrown Now Completely Overcome 25, rived at 4 this morning from San Fran from the shipping board. The company terday morning with freight and passen the hub the Kansas City, will leave June the car- U. S. Naval Radio Reports. the rear wheel and died al- Shipping Company second day of the Rose Festival. cisco. will load one direct ship with general gers irora ban r rancisco. under His Indigestion. The crippled schooner Hoquiam sailed at go here in June, two In July, three in The Admiral line oriental freighter Paw (All positions reported at 8 P. M, yejtter-- most at once. "NORTH CHINA LINE." The parking of Pullman cars of 5 afternoon for Portland to go on not less than three each this September and let is expected to finish loading lumber aay ume loairmtea.) trans-shipme- 'Although it has been two years the special trains has been one drydock. where a rudder will be shipped. thereafter. An extra steamer will Wauna this afternoon to Dirffct service without with, month for at and return RICHMOND, towing barge 95, San Pedro PORTLAND to Kobe, Yokohama, Shang- now since Tanlac straightened me up the difficult problems which! The Japanese steamer Vancouver Marti be placed on the berth earti month Portland to complete her cargo. She for Point Weill, 80 miles from San hai. Teiogtau. Tttku Bar and Dairen, 1 am ill feeling fine," O. W. the general committee has had to is due from Seattle en route to Portland. Copenhagen and Scandinavian ports be- is scheduled to sail June 2. st said cargo from Portland, Japanese September, was announced. Pedro. -- Grigg, 4929 Sixty-secon- d south- deal. Next Wednesday a special ordi- With the ginning with it The Associated Oil .Company's tanker WAHKEENA, Portland for San Pedro, S. S. The Anjre Early July Loading street Kaisho Maru sailed 4 I Or., an employe of the nance will be introduced in the city steamer at this aft William F. Herrin arrived at 2 o'clock L'l. miles soutn oi ban r ran clsco. S. S. "Wfttt Keats' ate July east. Portland. ernoon for the orient. Tides at Astoria Thursday. yesterday morning cargo CLAREMONT, S. ti. "West ivari Early Auk. .Loading Pacific Telephone company." council to permit the laying of tem- Corone Low. with a of fuel San Pedro for Willapa The steamer from Portland sailed High. oil irom Oaviota. lit'J an ir"edro. above-name- d 1 began taking had porary parking tracfts on certain Puget ! A. M 3 7 feet!3:2 A. M 1.4 feet harbor. miles irom The vesaela are now be ins "When Tanlac I 8 this afternoon for sound, where Japanese WASHTENAW, Port San Luis for book-id- . streets will enable these cars to she is to 9:30 P. M 3.T feet'3:lff P. M. 2.1 feet The steamer Kaisho Maru went For further Information revarUlns been bothered with stomach trouble that load. down the river from the Inman-Poulse- n Oleum, 160 miles from Oleum. space, ra.;ea etc apply off and on for 30 years, which had be set out during their stay here SAN PEDRO. Cal.. May 26. (Special.) Colombia River Bar Report. mill at 6 o'clock yesterday morning for ADMIRAL. NICHOLSON, Port San Luis gradually grown worse until I was in where it will be convenient for the steamer West Montop of Los An Japan. for Santa Barbara, 15 miles from Santa 1 Tie the NORTH HEAD, May 26. Condition of a mighty bad shape, but by the time visitors to reach them. eeles Pacific Navigation company arrived M. ; wind 1 ne snipping board wooden steami Barbara. Wonderful Traffic Department the bar at 5 P. Sea smooth Corone left down 8 :30 y - BARGE 01. In tow of tug Standard No. had taken only three bottles of this The temples and the cities they this morning from the orient on her first 22 miles. at o'clock ester- Medicine wonderful medicine all my troubles represent, all of which have one return trip to this port. The vesse south, aay morning tor uiDa via Seattle. 2, Los Angeles for Richmond, 312 miles Board of Trade Building train brought a cargo of from Richmond. Portland. Orrroa. were gone and I had gained IS pounds each except that there are three miscellaneous oriental GOVERNOR. San Francisco for Seattle. could Philadelphia products. She was greeted by a number Caspe Arago. this approved in weight. I not eat a single trains of the delegation, of officers and directors of com Movements or Vessels. , 112 miles north of Point TRY the the Calendar. R N AMI Oiling without its hurting me. After two from Chicago, two from Boston pany, which is the largest purely local Port STORM KING, with schooner Golden Just the tonic for AMBUCO.8 A. my He ASTORIA. May 28-- (Special.) Sailed Shore in tow. San Francisco for Astoria. JANEIRO. SANTOS. livery meal food would just in and three from Atlanta, are as steamship company operating with this as nervousness, sleeplessness, BUENOS my undigested, sour port. On trip at 4:30 P. M. Japanese steamer Kaisho 4l2." miles from San Francisco. AYRES. stomach turn and follows: Its home her out the steam Maru for Kobe and Dairen. Arrived at 4:30 SAN DIEGO, San Pedro for Tacoma, ferment, causing me to bloat up with Arriving: I,u Lu, Philadelphia; er carried a cargo of which 40 per cent To Arrlv at Portland. Ai. steamer corone Cuba via. depressed feeling, loss of 1""LAMP0RTI HOLT LI N E Angeles f. lor Pn 451 miles north of San Francisco. IS a. a I was as n, was Los made products. Included Vessel Prom. get sound. Left at ft P. M. Ho Klch-mo- Frequent sailines until tight as a drum. Salad. Grand Rapids; Islam, San cargo. large Iue. Steamer EL BEGUN DO, towing barge IM. appetite, digestive troubles, from New York by new and fast My heart palpitated so badly and Francisco: Aahmes, Oakland; Boumi, on her return is a consignment Str. Vancouver Maru. Japan .May 27 quiam ior aryaocjt. for Portland. 130 south of tbe (l7,0iX)ton displacement) passenger teamen so I or rubber from Singapore. The West Mon Str. City of Topeka.. .San Fran... May 30 SAN May 28. Columbia iiver. brain fag, or Blow recovery acted queerly at times became Oakland; Damascus, Rochester; Acca, top was In tne yards or An- Sch. Golden Shore ...San FRANCISCO. Special.) r, built the Ios Fran... ctaiiea ai. ADMIRAL SCHLEY, Seattle for San Or Dorsey B. Smith. frightened for fear I had heart Richmond; Mecca, New York; Alza-fa- geles Shipbuilding & Drydock company. Str. West Ivan Seattle . .Mav .11 at :u a. steamer Bantu from from influenza and kindred Portland, Or. My Wapama .San . . 30 ftew xorK vta Santiago. Cuba; and Cria Francisco, 395 miles from Seattte. trouble. liver was all out of order, San Antonio; Kosier, Louisville; world traders will hold a luncheon on Str. Fran. ..Mav . mm m The i a oan . . . tobal for Portland via Vancouver. B. C PRESIDENT, Seattle for San Francisco, ailments. Atonic, alterative mm 1 suffered with severe headaches and Alee, Savannah; India, Oklahoma; board the steamer June 3. utr no ..... ran May 30 illi Str! West No men turn. San Fran. ..June J SAN PEDRO. Cal.. Mav fSoeclal. S27 miles from San Francisco. blood and often became so dizzy I could hardly Pyramid, Bridgeport, Conn.; Hamasa, The Los Angeles Pacific Navigation com- Rti- - Westwind .Honolulu . 2. Fortej WALLINGFORD, Tacoma for San Pedro, and diuretic for pany Is enjoying unusual prosperity, . . . .June Arrived: Steamers Brunswick from stand up. I lost a great deal in Meridian; Jerusalem, New Orleans; recent Str. Eastern Glen. oean.e . .June Br&RK. I A.. M. ; anguard. from Eureka. : off Race rocks. nerve disorders. weight, reports showing that the West Montop Str. Crown Cit .San Pedro . .June A. M. : H. Buck, San HYADBS, Beltlngham for Honolulu. 73 felt tired and wornout al Al Malarkah, Los Angeles; Zamora, $108,703 on her outward-boun- d voy- . Frank from Fran the time, had life or energy Birmingham; earned Str. Artigas .Boston .. .June clsco. 11 A-- M.: Dllworth. from Honolulu. miles from Bellingham. little left Salaam and Crescent. age. The West Hika. the second vessel Str. Bakersfield - .San Fran.. . .June 11 A. M. ; West Montop. from Singapore. Hilo Francisco, AUSTRALIA so 1 . . . . k . . . . DE VOLENITE, for San Honolulu, Suva. New and was weak could barely get Departing: Islam, San Francisco; dispatched, earned JllO.OflO; the Vinita. Str. Coaxet .Orient ... . .June A. m. ; , Zealand. Dewey . x . a.-.- lu from Redondo. 9SO miles from San Francisco. 8 P. M. The Palatial vessel, $11,000 on Str. via, M.; Steamer around. Aahmes, Oakland; Egypt. Tampa; the third earned her vanoy-r- .June A. West Katan. from Port San 6 'May 2o.' . B, M. MAtiAKA"rangfrK. M. S. ".MAKURA "I tried just about everything maiden voyare: the fourth, tTTe West Hix-to- n. Str. Bantu s.c June 10 A. M. ; Humboldt, from San Francisco. 8 20,000 for Medinah, Chicago; Ismailia, Buffalo; Sen. Kath'n Mackall. San Fran June 1 A. M. ORANI, San Francisco for Alexandria, Tons 13,500 Ton my troubles I could hear off, but up' Rajah, Syria, earned $122,000. The West Hesseltlne soutn ena. . x aa r ran. . of San 8 M. bail from Vancouver, B. C. Akdar. Tulsa; Reading; will next vessel of company to Str. .... June 15 Sailed: Steamers Vanguard, for Eureka. 807 miles south Francisco. P. nttd hailing Hall- until I got hold of Tanlac Alhambra-Kerbel- a, be the ihe Str. Higho ..San Fran.. 15 yueen. 25. For fares apply Can. Pac had failed Pittsburg; Chat June 5 P. M.; for San Diego. 10 A. M. May way, 55 (St.. Canadian-Atttralai.i- an to find anything to help me. Well, tanooga sail. Str. Wawalona ..Shanghai . .June 15 West Katan. for India. 6 P. M.: Halco. for EDITOR. San Francisco for Honolulu, Third Portland, or and Knoxville; Ararat, Kan Str. Horalsan ..Seattle ... 25 TRAVKLERS'. GUIDE. Koyal Mail Line, 440 beymtiar sir, 1 had finished my bot- SEATTLE. Wash., May 26. (Special.) . . .June Astoria, lo a. ai.; Mcnmona. lor Seattle. 829 miles from San Francisco, 8 P. M. ancouver. after first sas City; Aladdin, Columbus; Oasis, Str. Krringnam ..Xew Tork. .June 30 8 A M.; Humboldt, for San Francisco. 10 St.. f. C tle of Tanlac my stomach was in such Charlotte; Alkoran, Navigation on the Yukon river will not open Str. Westward Ho. . .! more .June 30 May 25. Cleveland; Alep until about June 12. according to advices Angeles.. .China P. At. MANOA. San Francisco for Honolulu. 27 good shape I could eat just anything po, Boston; Ainid, St. Louis Str. The .... June 30 8 M. May 25. East received in Seattle today by J. L. Bum-side -- SEATTLE, Wash.. May 26. Arrived mi'es out, P. AND WAY POINTS 1 wanted without having a particle Varat, Atlanta; Kagi, To From PrtLand E. ASTORIA Evansville; of the White Pass A Yukon route, Vessel For. Redondo. from southeastern Alaska. Nome COLONEL L. DRAKE. San Pedro for Astoria Route of trouble afterward and it has never Mohammed, Peoria; Zenobia, Toledo which operates trains on the White Pass City San Date. City, and Horace X. Baxter, from San Hilo, 507 miles from San Pedro. 8 P. M. bothered me from that day to this. railway and river boats up and down Str. Rose Fran. ... .Mav Francisco : Aq uarius. irom Vancouver. 25. Al Malarkah, Los Angeles. the Str. City of Topeka ..San Fran. ... May 31 - Mar Str. GEORGIANA S. S. "ASTORIAN In a short while my liver became Yukon. The late spring in the north Pawlett Orient w asn. WEST NIGER. Honolulu for San Fran- extremely low Str. .June 8 P. Round Trip Dally lEmpt Friday) 2:30 P. M. DAILY Except Thura.) active, the headaches stopped and 1 and the water In the river YesaeJa in Port. TACOMA. Wash.. May 26. Arrived: Ad cisco, 560 miles from San Francisco, FARE $1.65. Including tax. never became dizzy any more. That make tne operation or vessels at present Vessel Bertfi. miral Dewey, from San Francisco: Alaska, M. May 35. LEAVES PORTLAND 7:10 A. M. SHIP CLAIM BILL KILLED impossible, according to Mr. Burnside. Tbe Cecelia .East. A from Alaska- - Sailed: Wallingford. for LAKE FLTNTJSS, 33 miles southwest of Taylor St. Dock. tired, wornout feeling left me, I felt Sch. Sudden. Western znilL Alder-Stre- water In the river has not been at such . .i-- Valparaiso, via Cordova and Alaska, Francisco, bound for Tacoma. et Book. Main 8065. 611-4- 6. good and full of energy all ten. WOiumui "itci j uoci, Port: Dewey, San Phones the time low stage in the spring for more than Str. Daisy Freeman. .Mult. Lbr. & Box Co. for Alaska ports; Admiral for San CITY OF TOPEKA. S3 miles north of ' and my work was actually a pleasure House Refuses to Authorize Board years. Str. Daisy Matthews.. St. Helens. Francisco. San Francisco, for Portland. LEAVES ASTORIA 2 P. M. '. U 1 Shosen me. As said before this was two The Osaka Kaisha liner Manila Daisy Putnam. ..St. Helens. . 26- ATLAS, San Pedro for Ketchikan, 182 Str. Inman-Poulse- SAN FRANCISCO. Cal May - De. - years ago when Tanlac rid me of my to Adjust Losses. Maru. bringing a total of 7372 tons of Str. Elk ton n mill. parted: Bantu, for Vancouver: Johanna inilM north of San Francisco. FLAVEL DOCK. oriental relght. arrived In Seattle - last Str. Johan Poulsen. .. Westport. Bay; CAUTAIN A. T. LUCAS. Port San ImIb EACH WAV. troubles, and I am still enjoying the WASHINGTON. May. 26. The house ports in Helens. Smith, for Coos Chehalis. for Aber- FARE I.5 STEAMER best of health. I think is night from the far east. The Str. Kayseeka ...... St. deen; Wapama. for Portland: San Ja- for 647 miles from Seattle. Spevial 1" Carte Dining; Tanlac the today killed the bill authorizing; the through freight aboard the vessel rnn str. .... Portland Flour mm. cinto, for Portland. Arrived: Astoria, ARGYLL, Seattle for Oleum 145 miles Service. FOR SAN KKANCIKCO most wonderful medicine on. earth, shipping board to adjust claims sisted of 233 tons of raw silk and 159 tons Str. Olen from Bremerton ; Acme, from Itosokl: Dlrct Connection for South Beaches Sailing Thursday at 2:30 1 M. I am always glad oppor- of goods. str. Paw let . . Wauna. Shanghai; from Oleum. and of the wooden shipbuilders- - of eilk I he vessel also brought Rose City . . Ainsworth dock. Charlton Hall, from Elizabeth, OLEUM. Port San Luis for Portland. 6S8 NIGHT BOAT DAILY, 8 P. M. tunity to recommend it." I 890 tons In bulk. The Manila Str. from Bandon; Grace Dollar, from New Compensation was sought for losses for Ninety- - Str. Silverado .... St. Johns mill. York. miles from Astoria. RATES Tanlac Is sold in Portland by the I Seattle. Str. Thistle ...ast. A Western mill. MOHINKIS. Hilo for San Francisco. 163 The Hftrkln Trail port at Ion Co. CHEAP suffered in creating and weqt a;snore m v 541-2- M. BOI.UA.M. AGT. Owl Drug Store. Adv. tlve travelers"rs' ictoria. ii. c Str. Tiverton .... - . r eiipori. PORTLAND. May 26. Arrived at 1 miles from San Francisco. Main 1422. 2 Maia uui tui ii 6 csscia uurmg tne war. Ready to load for ner voyage, H. . .Inman-Poulse- n IS Tllrl t. I'hone St. maiden Sen. Wm. Smith mllL A. M. Steamer Rose City, from San Fran- - STANDARD ARROW, San Francisco fr