Steamer Georgiana
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THE MORNING OREGOXIAN', TUESDAY, APR IE 20, 1020 closing May 29. The ballots will be Bound for the mouth of the Yukon river, at low water, the larger vessels may counted on Friday evening, April SO. wnere they will remain all summer, cap- CAPT. BLAIN OH DEFENSE come to St. Helens for full cargoes. ROTTEN NT beginning at 8 o'clock, and immedi- PB WAYS tain Harry W. Ravens and Sabine L. GOvElIf ately 116 Craft, composing the St. Michael board of after the results of the election the United States steamboat Inspection, Kalom-Portlan- d Boat Starts. are known the annual meeting of the will leave for Skaway at the. end of the chamber will be held. month. from Skagway they will travel SALEM, Or.. April 19. (Special.) Vu-ko- n DEMURRERS TO MUBT GO, SAYS RED Thus far 11 have been nominated FIND FEW BIDDERS to White Horse on the White .Pan & INDICTMENTS The steamer Grahamona, operated by for the seven director positions. The railroad and from White Horse roceed ARGUED IX COURT. the Pacific Navigation company, left constitution of the chamber provides to Davton by liver steamboat. At here this morning on its initial trip to that others in addition to those nom- - Dawson they will board another river Portland. The boat carried a heavy boat for the long voyage down the. Yukon cargo produce nated by the nominating committee from one side of Alaska to the other. Attorney Bogle Pleads Tor Former of merchandise and and may have their names placed upon En route down the Tukon they will in several passengers. Docking facili- Marked for he ballot upon receipt of petitions Only spect the vessels of the great river fleets Fleet Corporation Official Now ties here have been donated by the Three States containing 100 or more signatures. Three Offers Received of aternwheel and other vessels. The Spaulding Lumber company. A night lhose nominated by the committee two men will make their headquarters Charged With Fraud. boat will add to the convenience of f! "WW 1 1 . Destruction Soon. By Fleet Corporation. In St. Michael until the departure of the persons Port- "4h .r.2 are: E. G. Crawford. C. W. Hodson. last passenger steamship from Bering sea wishing to come from H. C. Huntington, O. W. Mielke, E. H. next fall. i - land to Salem. Sensenich. H. B. Van Duzer and W. , Seattle representatives of the Osaka SEATTLE. Wash., April 19. (Sper vvhitcomb. Others nominated by pe- Shoshen Kaisha. were advised today tnat cial.) Demurrers to two indictments Sauvies Island Farm Bought. Roy T. Bishop. Coe A. the steamship Arizona Maru. the. first tition are: 10.0O0-to- returned month ago by McKenna, W. of two new n liners to be placed ,i a federal ST. HELENS. Or., April 19. (Spe- RUIN FORESEEN W. Payne and Fred H. PLANT BEING DISMANTLED trans-Pacif- GREAT la the ic service this summer, jury against Captain John F. Blain, cial.) The Columbia County Lumber Strong. Mr. Mielke, Mr. Van Duzer will kail Yokohama July 9 and will and Mr. from former manager or the northern Pa- company has purchased from B. B. Whitcomb were also nomi arrive in the port July 22. Hem-ic- t on nated by petition before, the'report of Bids will .be ODened bv the Seattle or- - cific district of the emergency fleet Whitten the farm Sauvies an- flcea of. the emerrencv fleet corporation corporation, pre- island. The tract of land contains 2S3 the nominating committee was to be charging him with acres and a mile of nounced. Decisions as to Sale Government at noon tomorrow on the contract senting false salary claims to has water front- Liire Size Contract Undertaken by of awarded for extensive alterations on the government the age on the Willamette slough. The Awaits of 10,5O0-to- n steel, steamship Eaatern JpU-mlr- and with using tfie mails company will use this for boomage Itcvolulionists, Says Letter Sent Property Return built for the shipping board by the to further alleged fraudulent claims, facilities and possibly develop Osaka Iron Works of Japan. Th amount were argued in United dis- several Your Eastern E Pacific Coast Manager. 70.000. the States good manufacturing sites which are Trip. to Senator Poindexter. PLANS .ARE LAID to be expended will approximate trict, court this morning and taken on place. The (N The vessel arrived here some time ago under by the consideration was by Way of Canada Course and. is now at the Todd repair plant, advisement Federal Judge close to 20,000. of where the Osaka company has spent Neterer. Put Victoria, B. down as your first stop-- . on as a Pre- Attorney W. H. Bogle, representing C. by J20.000 in work ten plates Georgina Goes to Sea Today. over. You will find it one of the loveliest spots ORKGOXIAN NEWS BUREAU". Wash- PORTLAND SERVICE LEAGUE Only three bids were received liminary to her acceptance by the fleet Captain Blain, said the alleged fraud- the supply and sales division of th corporation. ulent salary claims prior to October Georgina, in all your travels like a fine old place in ington, April J9. and Tacoma ORGANIZERS MEET. emergency Klist of the National Oil company' big 23, 1918. The barkentlne laden Sattle fleet corporation for the 4700-to- n according to existing stat- 1.092,589 France bril- and the states of Oregon. California ways and ' wooden carriers to be completed, the utes, were person with feet of lumber, shifted Southern England or Northern two shipbuilding other steamship Adrla is expected to be not made to a yesterday from the Ininan-Poulse- n old English at- and Nevada are marked for destruc- equipment in the plant of the Co- by named as an in liant foliage, tradition and Cum pa n ready for her trial trip on the sound officer the military, mill, where she loaded the entire car- tion by a coalition of the I. W. W. and for 50,000 Members lumbia River Shipbuilding corpora- the end of the month. naval or civilian service of the United go, North mosphere, plus the grandeur and inspiration tion, Bale States. to the Bank dock to under- Japanese, according: to a letter re- Discussed -- Dues of $1 which aje being offered for go minor repairs to her rigging. She of an island of the Canadian Pacific Coast. ceived by Senator Poindexter recently by the fleet corporation. Bids were GRAYS HARBOR. Wash.. April 19. On October 23, 1918. congress will go down the river and put to sea You will never forget your stay at "JEacli Are Proposed. opened at 3 o'clock yesterday after- 'Special. The steamer Carlos cleared amended the act fixing the status of today Sydney. and turned over to the department of noon, no from tho Dono- for Captain Alfred Justice. but award was made, and yesterday for San Pedro fleet corporation officials. Attorney Alstrom. master of the Georgina. will "THE BEAUTIFUL EMPRESS" the amount of the bids was not given van mill. Bogle said, but it so happens that be accompanied on voyage The letter, written in a scrawling out. The government The schooner Robert H. Hind is the ten salary the to the One of the world's famous hotels, always hand and enclosed in an envelope An enthusiastic meeting of adju sale of all the onlv ship in port tonight" She will load claims made after that date Australian port by his bride. League property in the Columbia river yard for Australia. are said in the indictment to have remembered as the "BEAUTIFUL Empress" bearing: the return address of the tants of the Portland Service be rejected, lumber been G. - national I. W. W. headquarters in was held last night in the green room will closed, or all bids The steamer F. S. Loop is expected here presented to P. Dean, audi- Movements of Vessels. for its garden of roses, its magnificent out- Chicago, day when of Chamber of Commerce. L. by C. O. Yoakum, Pacific coast man- by morning from San Pedro. or of the northwest district of the mmm also foretells the the Ira looks across the Straits of Juan de Fuca to money Riggs, organiza- ager of the supply and sales division, fleet corporation, whereas they were' roRTI.AXn. Aoril 1! Sailed at 5:30 "this rotton novernment shall head of the general, BAY, .April 18. (Special.) P. M. Steamer Oleum, for Fort San Luis. Olympics, its perfect appointments for city-wi- de when he returns to his headquarters COOS Or., not approved by Auditor Dean. the be overthrown and the I. W. W. flag tion, presided. The plan of the - 12:45 ASTORIA. April lfl. Sailed 3 A. M.. ' in city from San Francisco.- Mr. Steamer City of Topeka arrived at at New York cuisine, its of freedom-- will float oyer the White undertaking was explained in this P. M. from Portland with only two pas- steamer Bovnton. for Cuba via Puift comfort, its Paris and Yoakum is expected here in a few sengers point and loo tons of ANOTHER PROBE IS Sound. Sailed at 11:10 A. M., bark Levi especially inter- House. detail. The necessary supplies for for this ORDERED G. music, dancing and for its days. freight. The will sail for Kureka Rurrss. for Nushairak. Sailed at 1 is a very sizable contract for the of campaign to - .learner l." It furtherance the P. M.. .Montague, - w . esting international life. In. connection with the sale by the and San Francisco tomorrow. steamer for lionc- .v asu r W r f destruction which the reds have tak- obtain 50,000 members also were fur The steamer Yellowstone from Saa itonar.