DJ PRO Music Is Love

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DJ PRO Music Is Love DJ PRO Music is love Documentation Date: 31.08.2021 Version: 2021.2.2 © 2015-2021 crosstales LLC https:/ !!! D" PRO 2021.2.2 Table of Contents 1. #vervie!.........................................................................................................$ 2. %eatures..........................................................................................................5 2.1. D" an& turnta'les..................................................................................................5 2.2. %ilter ( or&er.......................................................................................................5 2.3. Documentation ( control.......................................................................................) 2.4. Compati'ilit*........................................................................................................) 2.5. +nte,rations.........................................................................................................) 3. Demonstration..................................................................................................- 3.1. .la*....................................................................................................................- 3.2. Mixer..................................................................................................................- 3.3. .iano..................................................................................................................8 3.4. 3D0u&io..............................................................................................................8 3.5. Lou&spea1er........................................................................................................2 3.). .la*3in,leFile.......................................................................................................2 3.-. 4ecor&List..........................................................................................................10 4. 3etup............................................................................................................10 4.1. 3chema..............................................................................................................11 4.2. 5urnta'le...........................................................................................................12 4.3. .rovi&ers...........................................................................................................13 $.3.1. 4ecor&.rovi&er.ath...................................................................................................13 $.3.2. 4ecor&.rovi&*list...............................................................................................13 $.3.3. #ther provi&ers........................................................................................................13 4.4. 3ets..................................................................................................................1$ $.$.1. 4ecor&3et................................................................................................................1$ $.$.2. D"3et.....................................................................................................................1$ 4.5. 3implePla*er.......................................................................................................15 4.). #ther components..............................................................................................15 $.).1. Lou&spea1er............................................................................................................15 $.).2. 4ecor&3aver............................................................................................................15 $.).3. Cross%a&er..............................................................................................................15 $.).$. 4ecor&%a&er............................................................................................................1) $.).5. Looper...................................................................................................................1) $.).). 3urvive3cene3!itch..................................................................................................1) $.).-. 6venter...................................................................................................................1) $.).8. 7.M0nal*8er...........................................................................................................1) 5. 0.+................................................................................................................1- 5.1. .la*er................................................................................................................1- 5.1.1. .la*......................................................................................................................... 1- 5.2. Call'ac1s...........................................................................................................18 5.2.1. .la*'ack start an& en&..............................................................................................18 5.2.2. 7u99erin, start: en& an& pro,ress................................................................................18 5.2.3. 0u&io start: en& an& time..........................................................................................12 5.2.$. 6rrors.....................................................................................................................12 5.2.5. %ilter chan,e............................................................................................................12 5.2.). 4ecor&s chan,e........................................................................................................12 5.2.-. 4ecor& chan,e.........................................................................................................20 5.2.8. 6/ample.................................................................................................................20 5.3. Complete 0.+.....................................................................................................20 6. 5hir&-part* support ;.la*Ma1er etc.<..................................................................21 -. Veri9* installation.............................................................................................21 8. =pgra&e to new version...................................................................................21 crosstales Documentation 2 2- D" PRO 2021.2.2 2. +mportant notes..............................................................................................22 2.1. 0n&roi&..............................................................................................................22 2.2. =>. ;>30<.......................................................................................................22 10. #n4a&io.......................................................................................................23 10.1. 3tep 1..............................................................................................................23 10.2. 3tep 2.............................................................................................................23 10.3. 3tep 3.............................................................................................................23 11. .ro'lems: improvements etc...........................................................................2$ 12. 4elease notes...............................................................................................2$ 13. Cre&its.........................................................................................................2$ 14. Contact an& 9urther in9ormation.......................................................................25 15. #ur other assets............................................................................................2) crosstales Documentation 3 2- D" PRO 2021.2.2 Thank you for buying our asset "DJ PRO"! +9 *ou have an* ?uestions a'out this asset: sen& us an email at & .lease &on't 9or,et to rate it or write a little revie! C it !oul& 'e ver* much appreciate&. 1. Overview +9 *ou ever !ante& to listen to *our o!n music !ithin *our ,ame: *ou can &o so no!. D" is: simpl* put: the missin, link 'et!een =nit* an& *our music-li'rar*. 0s the name promises: itBs a solution to 'uil& the music pla*er o9 *our &reams C @ust li1e a real D". +t a&&s an& pla*s au&io 9iles 9rom an*!here insi&e *our application: itBs ver* con9i,ura'le an& *ou can a&& as man* recor&s: sets an& turnta'les as *ou !ish. D" is a must 9or ever*one !ho loves musicD crosstales Documentation $ 2- D" PRO 2021.2.2 . !eatures .1. DJ and turntables • 3upport 9or those au"io for#ats on any $latfor#: • M.3 • #EE • FM • +5 • M#D • 33M • >0V • 0+%% • %&$ort au&io 9rom a turntable or the !hole session • 4ea& the lyrics o9 the current recor" • #pen 'potify !ith the current recor" • 5une into #ulti$le turntables at the sa#e ti#e ;an& 'len& 'et!een recor&s< • 4ea&s tags li1e (D) • Rea"s an& saves M3U: .L3 an& F3.% 9iles • Crossfa"e 'et!een turntables an& recor"s • Loop 'et!een start an& en" position • %vents 9or certain positions • 0nal*8e the +PM o9 a recor&1 • Cache recor"s to pla* them !ith no &ela* ;e.,. a piano< • -atch"og 9or 9ile s*stem chan,es • Perfor#ance: Ver* low impact on per9ormanceD • .o li#its: Does survive chan,in, scenesD 5he music is not interrupte& even &urin, a loa& operation i9 necessar*. .2. !ilter / or"er !ilter an& or"er
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