List of Articles
List of Articles 1492 Review A review of Marvin Lunenfeld's 1492: Discovery, Invasion, Encounter; Sources and Interpretations by Thomas C. Tirado, Director of CIRS. 1991. AARONS01 ART (Anthropology) "The Lucayans: The People Whom Columbus Discovered in the Bahamas" by George A. Aarons. Five Hundred Magazine. April 1990, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 6-7. Pertains to the lifestyle, culture, and society of the Lucayans who resided in the Bahamasin the Age of Discovery. ADORNO01 ART "Early Peruvian recorded daily life under the rule of Spanish conquistadors" by Rolena Adorno in: The New World (Spring 1990, No. 1). An account of the Nueva Crónica of Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala (published 1615.) ADORNO02 ART "The Discursive Encounter of Spain and America: The Authority of Eyewitness Testimony in the Writing of History" by Rolena Adorno in The William and Mary Quarterly (April 1992, Vol. XLIX, No. 2, pp. 210-228). Compares writings of del Castillo, Cabeza de Vaca, and Las Casas, what influenced each one's view of the encounter, and how their accounts were received. AGUILAR1 ART Article in Spanish by Lic. Agustin Aguilar, Antropólogo e Historiador Mexicano, "La Comunicación Entre los Mayas" from Excelsior, Ediciones Especiales, México, D.F., August 12, 1992. ALBION NTS Robert, G. Albion. Exploration and Discovery Macmillan Company, NY 1965 14 pgs. Discusses excitement and environment of the Age of Discovery and its impact on the Iberian Peninsula. ALEXAN01 ART "Columbus to be remembered here" by Larry Alexander in Lancaster Intelligencer Journal, October 11, 1991, pp. B1-B2. Columbus to be remembered in Lancaster by statue; also relates 3 different views on the importance of the Quincentenary.
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