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FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY EDITION the Way We Were VETRUNNER ISSN 1449-8006 Vol. 40 Issue 10 — May 2019 Patron: Dick Telford Website: Facebook: ACT-Veterans-Athletic-Club The monthly magazine of the ACT Masters Athletics Club Inc. Email: [email protected] FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY EDITION Forty years of Fitness and Friendship ACT Vets Half Marathon was held in June 1982, and weekly track and field programs commenced from 1983-84. The in- The inaugural AGM of the ACT Masters Athletics Club, augural throwing handicap was held in June 1990. previously the ACT Veterans Amateur Athletics Club, was held at the East Canberra Rugby Club in Kingston on 2 May In December 1979, eight months after the establishment 1979. Peter Frylink was elected president, Nigel Crew vice of the ACT Veterans Athletics Club, there was a total mem- president, Ken Daniels secretary, Terry Munro treasurer and bership of forty. Now four decades later five of those original there was a committee of Mike Adler, Rod Moore and Brian members, who are now octogenarians, have maintained con- Paxman. tinuous membership. They are John Bakker, Ken Daniels, Peter Frylink, Peter Kallio and Terry Munro. A summary of The Club’s first running handicap was held in June 1979 their involvement over four decades is on page 4. over the 6.6k Jogalong course in Stromlo Forest. The first vets track and field event was held in September 1979, and Since 1979 there have been many other changes. Mem- the first Forest Fun Run over 7.5k was held in October 1979, bership has grown and club activities have expanded. A brief with medals awarded by age group. history of these changes has been provided by Bryan Thomas on pages 11 to 13 of this newsletter. Photos from the Nike The first ACT Veterans athletics uniform was worn by a International Marathon held in Canberra 40 years ago, are small contingent at the Nationals in Easter 1980. The first included on pages 24 and 25. Left: Some of the Tuesday Group regulars who participated forty years ago in Canberra’s 1979 Nike International Marathon, as participants or volunteers. Right: Marathon T Shirt. The Way we Were 1979 - THE WAY WE WERE According to the 1979 Nike Marathon Programme, run- ning had evolved from being “a lonely and somewhat eccen- In 1979, the population of Canberra was around 220,000. tric pursuit” to being “acceptable and even trendy”. This had (It has since nearly doubled to around 420,000). The ACT “elevated the more talented to a position of some status”. was still a decade away from self-government. The Prime Minister was Malcolm Fraser. There was speculation as to The top 20 marathon performers worldwide in 1979 in- whether Australia would send a team to the 1980 Moscow cluded three Australians (Dave Chettle, Bill Scott and Chris Olympics, and Skylab fell to earth in WA. Britain had their Wardlaw). This top 20 also included only one Ethiopian and first female Prime Minister. Canada was led by Prime Minis- no Kenyans. Dave McInnes had the best all time marathon ter Trudeau (the father of the current Canadian PM). Mad ranking for an ACT athlete at 2:18:20. Rosemary Longstaff’s Max made Mel Gibson an international star, and Michael time of 2:50:34 topped the ranking for ACT women. Jackson released his breakthrough solo album Off the Wall. Page 2 — May 2019 Vetrunner Club Sponsors Need new shoes for the Autumn/ Winter season? Be like this month’s guest editor and get shod with the latest footwear at the Runners Shop. Phillip Store: 76 Dundas Court Ph: 6285 3508 Gungahlin Store: Level 1 46/50 Hibberson St. Ph: 6241-7054 After 19 years Craig Wisdom and his Physiotherapy & Massage team have relocated to brand new premises in Green Square Centre, Kingston. ACTMA discounts & contacts unchanged: P : 0 2 -6 260 82 44 E: [email protected] W : Club Supporters The Club is grateful for the generous support of the following local businesses: • National Mailing & Marketing for printing of the Vetrunner, the Annual Report and other pamphlets • Garry Maher of Manuka Drafting Service for donating prizes for the King and Queen of the Mountain in both Thomas and Frylink Series • Belconnen Soccer Club for their support of the 200th Throwing Handicap and providing a venue for commit- tee meetings • Go Troppo Fyshwick Markets for a discount on fruit for our regular athletic events and the ACTMA and National Half Marathon Championship • The Runners Shop for discounts to members for purchases, a percentage of sales to club members back to the club, and for providing medals at the Half Marathon. Page 3 — May 2019 Vetrunner President’s Report Our implementation of the electronic timing continues, As the summer track and field season winds down, I and there appeared to be a smooth operation of the system at think back to where we started with the dramatic circum- Stromlo Forest Park. Well done to all our competitors and stances of the Woden Park fire. The way the club responded volunteers in the very cold and windy conditions. was a fine example of our teamwork, camaraderie and volun- A reminder that we host the 2019 AMA Half-Marathon teerism from everyone. The efforts of Roger Pilkington and National Championships in conjunction with the YMCA his team ensured we had a great season in exceptional cir- Canberra 50th Half-Marathon on the Sunday 26 May. This cumstances, which we celebrate at the AGM with the annual is great opportunity to compete with elite athletes and mar- Track and Field awards. ket the club to local runners and visitors. We will have our club gazebo at the event for all our AMA athletes and ACT- The review into the future of athletics in the ACT MA volunteers. I extend thanks to everyone who offered has been completed and a report is available for those inter- help, even though we are co-hosting this year, it still takes a ested. It is a preliminary report containing a summary of the huge effort to organise, manage and volunteer for a half mar- athon. survey results, so is not ‘light reading’, however, it has pro- I have described what is happening with the future years vided a foundation of evidence and feedback for the next on the event webpage, and I also include it here. stage. The next stage is selected one-on-one interviews, with some members from ACTMA selected to provide a cross sec- • The 2020 AMA Half Marathon Championships tion of detailed feedback to the independent consultant. are in Perth; returning to Canberra in May 2021 to the Lake Burley Griffin YMCA course. Preparations for the Annual General Meeting are al- • The 38th ACTMA Half-Marathon is in May 2020 in most complete. The AGM will feature 40th anniversary mer- conjunction with the YMCA Canberra Half-Marathon riment, including awards, a ceremonial group photo, celebra- (at Lake Burley Griffin). tory cake and a display of club memorabilia. While all posi- • Thereafter, we continue the ACTMA Half-Marathon tions on the committee will be declared vacant, I am pleased biennially in May 2022, 2024 etc. to say that we have had interest from people willing to take on the key roles in 2019. This is going to be a vital year for Finally, all the best to the 58 club members competing at the AMA Track and Field Championships in Melbourne. the club’s future with the ‘One Sport’ concept progressing. We are keen for more members to be on the main committee Shane Hutchison, President and welcome your interest. So please clear your diary for our AGM on Tuesday 21 May, this year held at the Ainslie Foot- [email protected] ball & Social Club. Run/Walk Handicap Stromlo— 31 March 2019 has now also been sucked into the super competitive vortex The March Run/Walk Handicap at the Stromlo cross- that is the R/W Handicap. He says his running has recently country course saw a return to the 9.00am start time. There improved because he has lost quite a few kg training for the were 83 competitors: 39 in the Thomas event, 20 in the Canberra Marathon. He also said that he has been inspired Frylink, and 24 in the Waddell. by the ACT Masters Athletes (see more from Michael else- where in this Vetrunner). This course seems to attract the wind which was whip- ping around Mt. Stomlo from the north and barrelled down John Kennedy who won Silver, was running his 150th the exposed start/finish area. The new timing tent spent the handicap so hoped for a good run and got one despite some whole morning trying to escape it’s attachments but was recent knee and ankle problems. John is a barefoot runner thwarted by equally determined volunteers. But a north when he can, so this course is made for him. He said that he wind in Canberra is never particularly cold and the sun was has medalled on it at least once before. He admits to not shining so conditions for running and walking were reasona- training much as this ‘never seems to make him go any fast- ble. This course is now a regular venue for the R/W Handi- er’ but he likes swimming and has competed in the Triple-tri cap and the almost perfectly smooth grass surface provides events in Canberra. some runners with the opportunity to run barefoot for once. But the designers were very cunning and have contrived a Judi Edwards won Bronze, but could not work out how course which is never flat at any point so that runners are she won a medal because she does not like this course.
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