GazetteAHMADIYYA Volume 49 - No. 09 - September 2020 CANADA WHAT IS ZAKĀT?

Syednā Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ V (may Allāh be his Helper!) said:

What is Zakāt? It is to purify one’s wealth by donating a portion in the way of Allāh. It signifies one’s absolute obedience to Allāh which results in Divine blessings and augmentation of wealth. Thus, the wealth a believer spends for their fellow-believers in need, for faith, and for the victory of Islām is in exchange for receiving Divine blessings and increase in wealth so that believers may also enjoy worldly benefits. The more they spend the more pleasure of Allāh they receive. It is an investment that can never result in loss and is guaranteed profit. In worldly transactions if people are wise and evaluate things they are able to get their money’s worth. However, worldly things have time-constraints and eventually lose their value.

In the manufacturing world raw materials used in production is often wasted and increases the cost of production. However, experts in the field compensate for this loss and ultimately make profit. In spite of this, other factors can sometimes result in increased production cost. Consequently, the entire profit goes towards off-setting this loss.

But when it comes to spending in the way of Allāh, He has guaranteed profit. It is mentioned in the Holy Qur’ān that one could profit up to seven hundred times or greater. Thus, Allāh has drawn the believers to an investment in which they spend wealth they have earned by worldly means for the sake of Allāh. Through financial sacrifice not only has God strengthened the Jama‘āt and prepared the followers for a better afterlife, He has protected the wealth of believers from incurring loss.

(Friday Sermon, November 9, 2007, translated from Urdu) AḤMADIYYA GAZETTE CANADA An Educational and Spiritual Publication CONTENTS | September 2020 | Volume 49 | No. 09



The Editors of the Aḥmadīyya Gazette Canada shall be solely responsible for all errors or omissions contained in the publication herein of the writings of the Promised Messiahas or any of his Successors, as well as the Friday Sermon summaries or other Addresses of Hazrat Mirzā Masroor Aḥmad, Khalīfatul-Masīḥ Vaa. Articles ABBREVIATIONS OF SALUTATIONS published in the Aḥmadīyya Gazette Canada reflect the views of their respective authors sa (Ṣallallāhu ‘alaihī wa Sallam - May peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him!) and may not necessarily reflect the views, Usage: Salutation written after the name of the Holy Prophet Muḥammadsa beliefs and tenets of the Aḥmadīyya Muslim Jamā‘at Canada.

as (Alaīhis-Salām/ ‘Alaihas-Salām - May peace be upon him/her!) Aḥmadīyya Muslim Jamā‘at Canada Inc. sa Usage: Salutation written after names of Prophets other than the Holy Prophet Muḥammad , 10610 Jane Street, Maple, ON L6A 3A2, sa and pious women prior to the era of the Holy Prophet Muḥammad Canada Tel: 905-303-4000 Fax: 905-832-3220 ra (RaḍīAllāhū ‘anhu / ‘anhā/ ‘anhum - May Allāh be pleased with him/her/them!) [email protected] Usage: Salutation written after names of Companions of the Holy Prophetsa and Companions of the Promised Messiahas The official publication of the Aḥmadīyya Muslim Jamā‘at Canada rh (Raḥimahullāh - May Allāh have mercy upon him!) ISSN 0229 5644 Usage: Salutation written after the names of deceased, pious Muslims who are not Companions 1. Aḥmadīyya - Periodicals. I. Aḥmadīyya Movement in Islām Canada. BP195.A34 1972 297.8605-20dc aa (Ayyadahullāhu Ta‘ālā binaṣrihil-‘Azīz - May Allāh be his Helper! CANADA POST Usage: Salutation written after the name of Hazrat Mirzā Masroor Aḥmad, Khalīfatul-Masīḥ Vaa SECOND CLASS MAIL Mail Registration No: 40026877 PEARLS OF WISDOM


َ َّ ۡ ُ َ َ ّٰ َ َ َ َ َ َ َمث ُل الذیۡ َن یُن ِفقوۡ َن ا ۡموَال ُہ ۡم فِ ۡی َسب ۡیل الل ِہ ک َمثل َح ّب ٍۃ انۢۡ َبت ۡت َس ۡبع The similitude of those who spend their wealth for the ِ ِ ِ ِ cause of Allāh is like the similitude of a grain of corn which َ ُ َ ّ َ ُ َ َ ّٰ ُ ُٰ ُ َّ َ ُ ّٰ ُ ٌ َسناب َل فِ ۡی ک ّل ُس ۢۡن ُبل ٍۃ ِمائۃ ح ّب ٍۃ ؕ َو اللہ یض ِعف َلِم ۡن یشٓاء ؕ َو اللہ َو ِاسع grows seven ears, in each ear a hundred grains. And Allāh ِ ِ multiplies it further for whomsoever He pleases; and Allāh َع ِل ۡی ٌم ﴿is Bountiful, All-Knowing. ﴾۲۶۲ َ ٰ ُ ۤ ۡ ً َّ ۡ َ ُ ۡ ُ ۡ َ َ ۡ َ َ ُ ۡ ۡ َ ۡ ّ َّ َ ُ ۡ ُ ۡ َ َ َ َ ُ ۡ َ ّ َّ َ ۤ They who spend their wealth for the cause of Allāh, then ال ِذین ین ِفقون اموالہم فِی س ِبی ِل الل ِہ ثم لا یت ِبعون ما انفقوا منا و لا ,follow not up what they have spent with taunt or injury َ ً َّ َ ۡ َ َ ۡ ُ اذی ۙ ل ُہ ۡم ا ۡجرُ ُہ ۡم عن َد َر ّبہ ۡم ۚ َو لَا خوۡ ٌف َعل ۡیہ ۡم َو لَا ُہ ۡم یَح َزنوۡ َن ﴿for them is their reward with their Lord, and they shall ﴾۲۶۳ ِ ِ ِ ِ .have no fear, nor shall they grieve (2:262- 263) ٰ َ َ ّ ُ َّ َ ّ َ ٰ ُ َ َّ َ َ ٰ ٰ ُ َ َّ َّ َ ْ َ َ ّ ْ َّ َ َ ْ ٌ َّ ْ ٌ اللھم ص ِل علی محم ٍد و علی ا ِل محم ٍد و بارِک وسلم ِانک ح ِمید م ِجید ḤADĪTH

ra sa عن بْن ْ ٍ ِ ْ ْ ِ َ ْ ,Hazrat Ibn Mas‘ūd relates that the Holy Prophet said َ ِ ا ِ َمسعود قَ َال َسع ُت َّالن ِ َب َص َّ لاہلل َعلَیہ َو َسلّم یَ ُقو ُل Only two persons are worthy of envy: first, a person“ ُ ْ ْ ٌ ّ ً ُ ٗ َ ال حسد ِا َال ِ ْف اثن ِی رجل ات اہاہلل ماال فسلَطہ ع ٰل ھلک ِت ٖہ to whom Allāh gave wealth and he spent it in the cause َ َ َ َ ّ َ َ ُ َ َ ُ ُ َ َ َ ّ َ َ َ َ َ of Truth; and second, a person upon whom Allāh has ْ ٌ ْ ً ْ ِف ال ِق و رجل ات اہاہلل ِحکمۃ فَھو یق ِ ْض بِھا و یع ِلّمھ ا۔ bestowed knowledge, wisdom and insight by which he َ ّ َ َ ُ َ َ ُ ُ َ ُ َ َ َ َ َُ ُ َ ”.judges between people and teaches them

)حصحی خباری( (Saḥīḥ Bukhārī, Kitābuz Zakāt, Bāb Infāqil Māli fil haqihi)



It goes without saying that you cannot love two things at the same time. It is not possible for you to love wealth as well as to love Allāh. You can love only one of them. Fortunate is one who loves Allāh. If any of you loves Him and spends his wealth in His cause, I am certain his wealth will increase more than that of others. For, wealth does not come of its own accord. Rather, it comes by of Allāh. Whosoever parts with some of his wealth for the sake of Allāh, is bound to get it back. But one who loves his wealth and does not serve it in the way of Allāh the way he ought to, will surely lose his wealth. Dot not ever imagine that your wealth comes because of your own effort. Nay! It comes from Allāh Almighty. And do not ever imagine that you do Allāh or his appointed one a favour by offering your money or helping in any other way. Rather, it is His favour upon you that He calls you to His service!

(Majmu‘ah Ishtihārāt, Vol. 3, pp 497-498, translated from Urdu)

Mināratul-Masīḥ , India


The following summaries of Friday Sermons have been provided by Wakālat ‘Ulyā’, Taḥrīk Jadīd Anjuman Aḥmadiyya



uzooraa continued with his death. Hazrat Musleh Mau‘ūdra the first among the Abyssinians.” the accounts of the says regarding Hazrat Suhaibra: He also Companions of the Holy accepted the Holy Prophetsa and bore all According to one account, the last of Prophetsa. kinds of hardships for his faith. the Companions to migrate to Madinah were Hazrat ‘Alī and Hazrat Suhaib Hazrat Ammār bin Yāsirra relates: I met bin Sinānra. It is related that after the HHazrat Suhaib bin Sinānra: Suhaib at the door of Dār Arqam while the migration Hazrat Suhaibra presented Holy Prophetsa was inside. I asked Suhaib himself before the Holy Prophetsa who His father’s name was Sinān bin Mālik what he intended to do and he asked me was staying at Qubā’. Hazrat Abu Bakrra and his mother was Salma bint Qa’eed. what I wanted to do. I said I wanted to go and Hazrat ‘Umarra were also present. His homeland was Mosul. Hazrat Suhaibra in and listen to Muhammad. Suhaib said They had before them some dates that was very young when the Romans that he wanted to do the same. Both of had been brought by Hazrat Kulthūm attacked the town and took him prisoner. us then came before the Holy Prophetsa bin Hidmra. During the journey, Hazrat According to Abu Al-Qāsim Maghrabi, and he spoke to us about the message Suhaib’sra eyes had become swollen. Hazrat Suhaib’sra real name was ‘Umairah of Islām, which we accepted. We stayed When Hazrat Suhaibra put forward his but the Romans changed it to Suhaib. He there all day until evening when we came hand to take some dates, Hazrat ‘Umarra was of bright red complexion, medium out secretly so that no one could see us. said: “O Prophet of Allāh. Look at Suhaib. height and had thick hair. He grew up His eyes are swollen and yet he is eating among the Romans. Qalb bought him Hazrat Anasra says: “Four people were dates.” The Holy Prophetsa jestingly said, from the Romans and brought him to foremost in accepting Islām. I was the “Are you eating dates while your eyes Makkah. He was then bought and freed first among the Arabs. Suhaib was the are swollen?” Hazrat Suhaibra replied: “I by ‘Abdullāh bin Jud’ān. Hazrat Suhaibra first among the Romans. Salmān was the am eating with the part of my eye that is lived with ‘Abdullāh bin Jud’ān until first among the Persians. And Bilāl was fine.” The Holy Prophetsa smiled at this.

4 Aḥmadiyya Gazette Hazrat Suhaibra then said to Hazrat Abu Bakrra: “You had promised to bring me with you when you migrated, but you And of men there is he who would sell left me behind.” He then said to the Holy himself to seek the pleasure of Allāh; and Prophetsa: “O Prophet of Allāh, you too promised to bring me with you, but you Allāh is Compassionate to His servants. left me behind. The Quraish captured me and confined me, and I had to buy my freedom and that of my family with all lead his funeral prayer when he died and the Holy Prophetsa on the night of Aqabah. my possessions.” The Holy Prophetsa said, lead all the prayers for three days until They will have no excuse before Allāh “That was a profitable trade indeed.” the Shūrā agreed upon the next Khalīfa. if the enemy reaches the Holy Prophetsa Thereupon, the following verse was and even one of them is still alive. Hazrat revealed: Hazrat Suhaibra passed away in the month Ka‘abra relates that he was still with Sa‘ad of Shawāl, 38 or 39 A.H. He was 70 or 73 when Sa‘ad passed away. He went back َ ٰ ٰ ۢ sa َ َ ّ َ ۡ َّ ۡ ۡ َ ۡ َ ُ ۡ َ َ َ ۡ َ ّ َ ّ ُ َ ُ ۡ ٌ ۡ years old at the time of his death. He was to the Holy Prophet and told him about و ِمن الن ِاس من یش ِری نفسہ اب ِتغٓاء مرض ِات الل ِہ ؕ و اللہ رءوف ِبال ِع َب ِاد buried in Madinah. Sa‘ad and what he had said and how he And of men there is he who would sell had died. The Holy Prophetsa said:“May himself to seek the pleasure of Allāh; and Hazrat Sa‘ad bin Rabi’ra: Allāh have mercy on him. He was devoted Allāh is Compassionate to His servants to Allāh and His Messenger in life as well (2:208). He belonged to Banu Harith clan of the as in death.” Khazraj tribe of Ansār. His father’s name Hazrat Musleh Mau‘ūdra writes: Hazrat was Rabi’ bin ‘Amr and his mother was Hazrat Jābir bin ‘Abdullāhra relates: Suhaibra was a wealthy and influential Huzaila bint ’Inabah. Hazrat Sa‘adra had Hazrat Sa‘ad’sra wife came to the Holy merchant. Even though he had been two wives, ‘Amrah bint Hazm and Habiba Prophetsa with her two daughters and freed as a slave, the Quraish would bint Zaīd. He had two daughters. One of said: “O Messenger of Allāh! These are beat him unconscious. When the Holy them was Jamila and she was also known the two daughters of Hazrat Sa‘ad bin Prophetsa migrated to Madinah, Hazrat as Umm-e-Sa‘ad or Umm-eSa‘īd. Rabi’ra who died while fighting alongside Suhaibra also wanted to migrate, but the you in the Battle of Uhud. Their uncle has people of Makkah refused to let him go Hazrat Sa‘adra knew how to read and usurped all their inheritance and they saying that he could not take with him all write prior to Islām when very few are left with nothing. They cannot be the wealth he had acquired in Makkah. people did. Hazrat Sa‘adra was a leader of married off if they do not have anything. He asked whether they would let him Banu Harith, along with Hazrat ‘Abdullāh The Holy Prophetsa said: “Allāh will decide go if he left behind his wealth, and they bin Rawahara. Hazrat Sa‘adra was present in this matter.” Thereafter, the verses said that they would. Hazrat Suhaibra during the first and second Bai’at at regarding inheritance were revealed. then surrendered all his belongings to Aqabah. After the migration to Madinah, The Holy Prophetsa then summoned the the Makkahns and migrated to Madinah the Holy Prophetsa established bond of uncle of the two girls and said: “Give to empty handed and presented himself to brotherhood between Hazrat Sa‘ad and the daughters a third of what Sa‘ad left the Holy Prophetsa. The Holy Prophetsa Hazrat Abdur Rahmān bin Aufra. Hazrat behind, and give their mother one-eighth said, “This is the best trade you have Sa‘adra participated in the Battle of Badr of it, and what remains will be yours.” ever made.” Meaning, while previously and was martyred at Uhud. he would acquire money in return for Hazrat Mirza Bashir Aḥmad Sahibra his goods, he had now earned faith and On the day of Uhud, the Holy Prophetsa writes: Hazrat Sa‘adra was a wealthy and conviction. said: “Who will bring me news of Sa‘ad prominent person of his tribe. However, bin Rabi’?” One man said he would bring he had no male issue and left behind only The Holy Prophetsa established bond of the news and went and started looking his wife and two daughters. Up to that brotherhood between Hazrat Suhaib among the martyrs. When he saw Hazrat time no laws regarding inheritance had and Hazrat Harith bin Simmahra. Hazrat Sa‘adra wounded among them, he told been revealed to the Holy Prophetsa and Suhaibra accompanied the Holy Prophetsa him that the Holy Prophetsa had sent him inheritance was divided according to the in all the battles, including Badr and to see how he was. Hazrat Sa‘adra said: ancient Arab customs, which meant that, Uhud. Convey my Salām to the Holy Prophetsa. in the absence of a male issue, the elders Tell him that I have suffered 12 spear of the family would take possession of In his old age, Hazrat Suhaibra would wounds and that those wounded me have all the inheritance and leave the widow gather people around him and tell them been consigned to hell, i.e., he had killed and orphan girls with nothing. The same stories of the valour he had shown in all those he had fought with. It is said happened after the martyrdom of Hazrat the battles. Hazrat ‘Umarra had great that the person who went to find him was Sa‘adra, and so Hazrat Sa‘ad’sra widow took reverence for Hazrat Suhaibra, so much Hazrat Ubai bin Ka‘abra. Hazrat Sa‘adra the matter before the Holy Prophetsa. The so that when Hazrat ‘Umarra was injured, said to him: Tell my people to fear Allāh Holy Prophetsa was definitely pained by he instructed that Hazrat Suhaibra would and to fulfil the pledge they made with this story, but since no commandments

5 had been revealed regarding this matter have nothing to do with freedom. On the virus, we should also pray that Allāh he asked them to be patient and wait for the other hand, they object to Islāmic may bring people to their senses and Divine instructions. Not long afterwards, restrictions that are meant to safeguard they may understand that their safety the verses related to inheritance that are the honour of women and preserve the depends on submitting to the One God, found in Surah Al-Nisa were revealed to harmony of the household and ensure the fulfilling their obligations to one another the Holy Prophetsa. He summoned Hazrat proper upbringing of future generations. and ending all kinds of discord and Sa‘ad’sra brother and instructed him to The fact is that only Islām gives women mischief. give two-thirds to the daughters, one- their true freedom and guarantees the eighth to his sister-in-law, and to take protection of their rights. May Allāh enable the governments to what was left. rule with justice and fairness. Huzooraa At the end of the sermon Huzooraa also appealed for prayers for Aḥmadīs in Huzooraa said that today the world talks appealed for prayers regarding the . about the rights of women and highlights current situation of the world. While we some superficial points that in reality pray that Allāh may free the world from



uzooraa continued with the accounts of the Companions of the Holy Prophetsa.

HHazrat Sa‘īd bin Zaīdra:

Hazrat Sa‘īdra was a tall man with a fair complexion and thick hair. He belonged to ’Adiy bin Ka‘ab bin Lu’ayyi tribe. His ancestral lineage is linked to that of Hazrat ‘Umarra in the fourth step and that of the Holy Prophetsa in the eighth. Hazrat Sa‘eed’s sister ’Ātikah was married to Hazrat ‘Umarra, and Hazrat ‘Umar’s sister Fatima was married to Hazrat Sa‘īdra. Hazrat Sa‘īd’sra father Zaīd bin ‘Amr followed the religion of Abraham and believed in One God. According to Hazrat Syednā Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ Vaa Asmā’ bint Abu Bakrra, Zaīd did not condone the act of burying of daughters Prophetsa refused to eat something that among the progeny of Ismael, and yet he alive, as was the custom among some had been slaughtered in the name of was afraid that he would not live to see Arabs prior to Islām, and if he heard idols, whereupon Zaīd said that he too that Prophet. He, therefore, instructed of anyone intending to do so, he would did not eat anything that had not been ‘Āmir that if he saw that Prophet he stop him from doing it and take the slaughtered in the name of Allāh. should convey to him his Salām. Later responsibility for feeding and upbringing when ‘Āmir bin Rabi’ah accepted Islām, of the girl. Zaīd bin ‘Amr had become averse to he conveyed Zaīd’s Salām to the Holy idolatry and travelled far and wide in Prophetsa. The Holy Prophetsa responded Huzooraa said that children often search of the truth. In Syria he met to the Salām, prayed that Allāh have ask about the beliefs of the Holy Jewish and Christian scholars who told mercy on Zaīd, and said, “He will be Prophetsa prior to Islām. From the very him to follow the religion of Abraham. raised on the Day of Judgement as one beginning, the Holy Prophetsa was the Zaīd passed away five years before nation.” greatest proponent of monotheism the Holy Prophetsa announced his and worshipped One God. There is an . Zaīd bin ‘Amr once said to Hazrat Sa‘īd bin Zaīdra and his wife Fatima account of the Holy Prophetsa meeting ‘Āmir bin Rabi‘ah that he firmly believed accepted Islām before the Holy Prophetsa Zaīd bin ‘Amr prior to Islām. According in the religion of Abraham and that he started preaching at Dar Arqam. His to this account, on one occasion the Holy was waiting for a Prophet to appear from wife became the means for converting

6 Aḥmadiyya Gazette Hazrat ‘Umarra to Islām, as has already been mentioned in the context of Hazrat Khabbāb bin Aratra. Huzooraa recounted this story with reference to Seerat Khatamun Nabiyyīn.

Hazrat Sa‘īdra was among the first to migrate to Madinah where the Holy Prophetsa established bond of brotherhood between him and Hazrat Rāfay’ bin Mālik or Hazrat Ubbai bin Ka‘abra. Hazrat Sa‘īdra was unable to participate in the battle of Badr but the Holy Prophetsa gave him a share of the spoils. Huzooraa said that he considered all the Companions who did had done to the mountain of Uhud what Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmānra was a tall man not physically participate in the battle of you have done to ’Uthmān, it would have with a reddish complexion, beautiful Badr but were given a share of its bounty wavered.” Similarly, when Mughīra bin eyes and long eyelashes. He was born ten by the Holy Prophetsa to be among the Shu’ba uttered inappropriate words year before the Year of the Elephant and Companions of Badr. against Hazrat ‘Alīra, Hazrat Sa‘īdra was among the handful of people who did stopped him and reminded him that ‘Alī not drink liquor even before Islām. He The reason why Hazrat Sa‘īdra was unable was among the ten Companions who was part of the six-member committee to participate in the battle of Badr was were given glad tiding of paradise by the appointed by Hazrat ‘Umarra to elect the that, ten days prior to the battle, the Holy Prophetsa in their lifetime. next Khalīfa. When, after the migration to Holy Prophetsa had sent him and Hazrat Madinah, the Holy Prophetsa established Talhara on a scouting mission to gain Hazrat Sa‘īdra was a devout and prayerful bond of brotherhood between him and information about the departure of the person and his prayers were often heard Hazrat Sa‘ad bin Rabi’ra. Hazrat Sa‘adra Makkahn caravan from Syria. But before by Allāh. During the reign of Hazrat Amīr said: “I am among the most affluent of the two could return to Madinah, the Mu’awiyahra, a woman accused Hazrat Ansār. I give up half of my entire wealth Holy Prophetsa had already received Sa‘īdra of having forcibly taken her land. and one of my two wives for you. You information about the caravan and can marry her after period of iddah.” had set out for Badr. The day the two When he was asked about this, he said: Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmānra thanked him but Companions returned to Madinah was “How could I have done such a thing declined the offer. He then started his the same day when the Battle of Badr was after hearing the Holy Prophetsa say that own trade with meagre investment and fought and so they could not participate anyone who unjustly takes the smallest soon God blessed him with abundance. in the battle. piece of land belonging to another shall wear seven lands around his neck on the Huzooraa recounted the incident during Hazrat Sa‘īdra was among the ten Day of Judgement!” He then prayed: “O the battle of Badr when Hazrat ‘Abdur Companions who had been glad tiding Allāh, if this woman is lying, then let her Rahmān bin ‘Aufra was approached by two of paradise by the Holy Prophetsa during not die until she has lost her eyesight, youngsters and they asked him to point their lifetime. Hazrat Sa‘īdra said one and let the well be her grave.” Later the out to them who Abu Jahl was. Before he day we were on the mountain of Ḥira woman totally lost her eyesight and fell could even lower his hand, they hastened along with the Holy Prophetsa when the into a well in her house and was killed. like eagles through the ranks of the mountain started to shake. The Holy Makkahns and struck Abu Jahl. Hazrat Prophetsa said: “Be still, O Ḥira, for none Hazrat Sa‘īdra died in 50 A.H. or 51 A.H. ‘Abdullāh bin Mas’ūdra then ended the is upon you other than a Prophet, a Hazrat Sa‘ad bin Abi Waqasra performed life of the wounded Abu Jahl. Huzooraa Siddīq and a Shahīd.” When asked who the rites on his body and Hazrat ‘Abdullāh said that such was the devotion of these these people were, Hazrat Sa‘īdra said bin ‘Umarra led his funeral prayer. He was Companions that they had no fear of that they were the Holy Prophetsa, Abu buried in Madinah. Hazrat Sa‘īdra had ten their lives. Bakrra, ‘Umarra, ’Uthmānra, ‘Alīra, Talhara, wives at different times from whom he Zubairra, Sa‘adra and ‘Abdur Rahmān bin had 13 male and 19 female offspring. Huzooraa said that he would speak more ‘Aufra. When asked who the tenth was, he about Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān bin ‘Aufra hesitated a little and then said that he was Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān bin ‘Aufra: later, Insha’Allah! the tenth. Hazrat Sa‘īdra witnessed many revolutions and civil strife in his time but Prior to the advent of Islām he was called remained aloof from them on account ‘Abd-e-‘Amr or ‘Abdul Ka’ba but the Holy to his piety and Taqwa. He, however, Prophetsa changed his name to ‘Abdur openly voiced his opinions, when Hazrat Rahmān after he converted to Islām. He ’Uthmānra was martyred, he said, “If you belonged to Banu Zuhra bin Kilāb tribe.



uzooraa began the Friday of women and children. Accordingly, Khilāfat of Hazrat ‘Umarra. sermon by continuing with Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān bin ‘Aufra invited the accounts regarding the people of Kalb tribe to Islām for Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān bin ‘Aufra had the Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān three days and they finally accepted honour of leading the Holy Prophetsa bin ‘Aufra. Hazrat ‘Abdur Islām. Following the Holy Prophet’ssa in prayer. This occurred at Fajr prayer Rahmānra was an old friend of Umayyah instructions, Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān bin during the Battle of Tabūk. When, after binH Khalf. After migrating to Madinah, ‘Aufra married Tumāzir, the daughter of the prayer had ended, the Holy Prophetsa Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān bin ‘Aufra wrote a the chief of Kalb tribe. She later came to got up to offer his remaining rak’ah, letter to Umayyah bin Khalf asking him be known as Umm-e-Abu Salama. those present became concerned and to safeguard his property in Makkah and started to recite tasbih. After completing promising to do the same for Umayyah’s In 14 A.H., on the occasion of the Battle his prayer, the Holy Prophetsa said: “Every property in Madinah. Hazrat ‘Abdur of Jisr, when the news of Hazrat Abu Prophet has offered prayer behind some Rahmānra had signed this letter with ’Ubaid bin Mas’ūd’sra martyrdom reached righteous person.” This was a great his Muslim name ‘Abdur Rahmān, to Madinah, Hazrat ‘Umarra appointed honour for Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān bin which Umayyah replied that he did not Hazrat ‘Alīra as his deputy in Madinah and ‘Aufra because the Holy Prophetsa thus recognize anyone by the name of ‘Abdur decided to go out with an army. Hazrat testified that he was indeed a righteous Rahmān. Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān rathen ‘Abdur Rahmān bin ‘Aufra was one of the man. wrote back and signed the letter with Companions who asked Hazrat ‘Umarra ‘Abd-e-‘Amr, the name he had before not to go. He said: “I have never said According to one account, Hazrat Islām. to anyone the words ‘may my parents ‘Abdur Rahmān bin ‘Aufra used to offer be sacrificed for you’ other than to the long Nawāfil before Zuhr. According to Huzooraa explained that during the battle Holy Prophetsa. But today I say to you, another account, Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān of Badr, Umayyah bin Khalf requested ‘Umar, may my parents be sacrificed for bin ‘Aufra was seen performing a circuit Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān bin ‘Aufra to you, stop here and send a large army. of the Ka‘aba and praying: “O Allāh, save take him and his son under his refuge, Because if the army is defeated in your me from the greed of the ego.” In the which Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān raagreed presence, it will be considered your first year of his Khilāfat, Hazrat ‘Umarra to do. The two were with Hazrat ‘Abdur defeat. And if you are martyred at the appointed Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān bin Rahmān when Hazrat Bilālra saw them start, then I am afraid the Muslims will ‘Aufra as the chief judge. and recognized Umayyah who used not even be able to proclaim the Kalima.” to torture him in Makkah. Seeing him Hazrat ‘Umarra accepted this advice and, On one occasion, Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān accompanying Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān after consultation with Hazrat ‘Abdur bin ‘Aufra came to the Holy Prophetsa bin ‘Aufra, Hazrat Bilālra called out to Rahmān bin ‘Aufra, sent an army under complaining of lice and asked that he be Ansār and said to them: “That is a leader the command of Hazrat Sa‘ad bin Mālikra. allowed to wear silk clothes. The Holy of the infidels. If he escapes then Iam Prophetsa graciously permitted him to lost.” Hearing this, a party of Muslims Huzooraa said that the Holy Prophetsa had do so. One day during the Khilāfat of attacked Umayyah and his son and killed assigned land to various Companions Hazrat ‘Umarra, Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān them. and their tribes in Madinah. The tribe bin ‘Aufra and his son came to Hazrat of Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān bin ‘Aufra was ‘Umar’s presence wearing silk clothes. In the Battle of Uhud, Hazrat ‘Abdur given a place in a cluster of date palm Hazrat ‘Umarra tore the cloth that the Rahmān bin ‘Aufra remained steadfast trees behind the Prophet’s Mosque. The son was wearing and said to Hazrat with the Holy Prophetsa even though Holy Prophetsa had promised Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān bin ‘Aufra: “You received he suffered 21 wounds, lost two of his ‘Abdur Rahmān bin ‘Aufra that after the permission to wear silk because you front teeth, and suffered a severe injury victory of Syria, he would be given a complained of lice to the Holy Prophetsa. because of which he used to walk with a certain piece of land. The permission was specifically for you limp. and for no one else.” He was given this piece of land during the In 6 A.H., the Holy Prophetsa sent an army of 700 Companions to Doumat ul- Jandal under the command of Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān bin ‘Aufra. The Holy By God, there have passed before you Prophetsa instructed them to invite the believers who were cleft into two with a people to Islām, and that if fighting became inevitable then they should saw upon their heads and yet they did not avoid dishonesty, deception and killing recant their faith.

8 Aḥmadiyya Gazette Mubarak Mosque, Islamabad, Tilford UK. Sa‘ad bin Ibrahīm related that Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān bin ‘Aufra used to wear a ra cape that cost about 400 or 500 Dirham. Hazrat ’Abdur Rahmān bin ’Auf said Huzooraa said that this is an example that he had heard the Holy Prophetsa say of God’s blessings. When he migrated from Makkah he had no possessions that when you hear of an epidemic in whatsoever, but then the time came when he wore expensive clothes and some place, do not go there, and if you Allāh blessed him with many properties. are already there then do not leave.

When Hazrat Abu Bakrra considered to sheet, even though he was better than At one time when news was received appoint Hazrat ‘Umarra as Khalīfa after us. The sheet was so small that if his feet of an outbreak of the plague in Syria, him, he asked Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān were covered, his head would be bear; Hazrat ‘Umarra summoned the eminent bin ‘Aufra for his opinion on the matter. and if his head was covered, his feet Companions for advice as to whether Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān bin ‘Aufra would be exposed.” He said similar words the army should continue to advance admitted Hazrat ‘Umar’s superiority regarding Hazrat Hamzara and said: “We towards Syria or turn back. Hazrat over all Muslims and added that his only have been granted financial abundance ‘Abdur Rahmān bin ‘Aufra said that he had drawback was that he was rather fierce and worldly comforts in good measure. heard the Holy Prophetsa say that when in his disposition. I am afraid we may have been given our you hear of an epidemic in some place, reward in this world.” Tears started to do not go there, and if you are already On one occasion Hazrat Khalid bin flow from his eyes and he did not eat there then do not leave. Hazrat ‘Umarra, Walīdra spoke harshly to Hazrat ‘Abdur anymore. On another occasion he said therefore, decided to return the army. Rahmān bin ‘Aufra and asked why he that the Holy Prophetsa left this world in Upon this, Hazrat ‘Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah imagined that it was an honour to be such a state that he and his family never said, “Are you fleeing from the decree of among the early Muslims. When the Holy had eaten their fill of barley bread. Allāh?” Hazrat ‘Umarra replied, “Only if Prophetsa heard of this, he said: “Leave someone other than you had said this! my Companions alone. I swear by Him One day, Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān bin We are fleeing from one decree of Allāh who holds my life in His hands, that if ‘Aufra expressed before Ummul Mu’minīn to another decree of Allāh.” one of you were to spend as much gold as Hazrat Salamara the fear lest the Uhud mountain, you would not equal the profusion of wealth might destroy him. Huzooraa said that even today we can meagre sacrifices made by these people.” Hazrat Salamara said that he should give see that the countries that implemented The Holy Prophetsa said regarding Hazrat a lot in charity and alms because she a lock-down earlier have been able to ‘Abdur Rahmān bin ‘Aufra: “He is chief had heard the Holy Prophetsa say, “There control the pandemic more successfully, among the Muslims and honest among are some among my Companions who whereas it is continuing to spread in the dwellers of heaven and earth.” will never see me again after we part.” other countries. Huzooraa said that Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān On one occasion, a variety of foods were bin ‘Aufra was among the Companions At the end of the sermon Huzooraa said served before Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān who had been given the glad tiding of that he would continue with the rest of bin ‘Aufra. As he took the first morsel, he paradise by the Holy Prophetsa himself, the account regarding Hazrat ‘Abdur became perturbed and pulled back his and yet he was always vigilant for the Rahmān bin ‘Aufra in the next sermon, hand saying: “When Mus’ab bin ‘Umair fear of God. Insha’Allāh! was martyred, he was buried in a single



uzooraa began the Friday sermon by continuing with the accounts regarding Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān bin ‘Aufra.

HazratH ‘Abdur Rahmānra was an extremely generous and charitable person. He made a bequest of 400 Dinār to each of the Companions who participated in the Battle of Badr, and there were about a hundred of these Companions living at the time. When an appeal was made for money and transportation for the Battle of Tabūk, Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān bin ‘Aufra contributed 4000 Dirham. The Holy Prophetsa said: ‘Uthmān and ‘Abdur Rahmānra are two of God’s treasures that spend for the sake of His pleasure.

On one occasion, Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān Mubarak Mosque, Islamabad, Tilford UK. bin ‘Aufra bought a land worth 40,000 Dinār and distributed it among the bequeathed an orchard that was valued at Mus’ab bin ‘Umairra and Hazrat As‘ad bin needy and Ummahātul Mu’minīn. Hazrat 100,000 Dirham to Ummahātul Mu’minīn. Zurarahra against preaching Islām. But ‘Ā’īshara prayed for him: “O Allāh, may Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān bin ‘Aufra passed when Hazrat Mus‘abra recited the Holy ‘Abdur Rahmān drink of the Salsabīl away in 21 or 22 A.H. at the age of 72. His Qur’ān for Hazrat Usaid bin Huzairra fountain in paradise.” The Holy Prophetsa funeral prayer was led by either Hazrat and conveyed to him the message of had said, “The person who will take care ‘Uthmān or Hazrat Zubair bin Al-‘Awām Islām in an affectionate manner, Hazrat of my family after me will be true and and he was buried in Jannatul Baqī’. Usaid bin Huzairra immediately accepted righteous.” Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān bin Islām. After returning, Hazrat Usaidra ‘Aufra was the one who took the most care Hazrat Sa‘ad bin Mu‘āzra: asked Hazrat Sa‘ad bin Mu‘āzra to go of the Holy Prophet’ssa family. He would himself as well. While meeting Hazrat take Ummahātul Mu’minīn to perform He belonged to Banu Abdil Ashhal branch As‘ad bin Zurarah Hazrat Sa‘adra told the Hajj and paid great attention to their of ‘Aus tribe of Ansār. He was also the him angrily that he was taking undue comfort and dignity. chief of ‘Aus tribe. Hazrat Sa‘adra accepted advantage of their relationship. Hazrat Islām at the hand of Hazrat Mus’ab bin Mus’ab then conveyed the message of Once when there was a serious shortage of ‘Umair. Because of him, Banu Abdil Islām to Hazrat Sa‘ad and explained the food in Madinah, a caravan belonging to Ashhal became the first clan to accept principles of Islām in a beautiful manner. Hazrat ‘Abdur Rahmān bin ‘Aufra arrived Islām. The Holy Prophetsa established a Consequently, Hazrat Sa‘ad bin Mu‘āzra from Syria carrying food supplies. When bond of brotherhood between him and also accepted Islām. Hazrat ‘Ā’īshara learnt of this, she said: either Hazrat Sa‘ad bin Abi Waqasra or “‘Abdur Rahmān will enter paradise on Hazrat Abu Ubaidah bin Al-Jarahra. Hazrat Sa‘ad bin Mu‘āzra and Hazrat his knees.” Hearing this, Hazrat ‘Abdur Usaid bin Huzairra are both counted Rahmān bin ‘Aufra gave away all the Quoting Hazrat Mirza Bashīr Aḥmad among the eminent Companions. Hazrat provisions, including the pack-saddles Sahibra, Huzooraa said that even though Mirza Bashīr Aḥmad Sahibra writes that on the camels that were carrying the Hazrat Sa‘ad bin Mu‘āzr ahad been Hazrat Sa‘ad bin Mu‘āzra held the same supplies. On another occasion he freed 30 unhappy with the spread of Islām, he did position among Ansār of Madinah as did slaves in one day. not vocally oppose it on account of his Hazrat Abu Bakrra among the Muhajirīn cousin Hazrat As‘ad bin Zurarahra who of Makkah. On different occasions, Hazrat ‘Abdur had been the first person to enter Islām Rahmān bin ‘Aufra gave away 40,000 in Madinah. However, he sent another The Makkahns incited the Jews of Madinah Dirham, 40,000 Dinār, 500 horses and influential member of his tribe Hazrat against Islām. They were determined 500 camels in the way of Allāh. He also Usaid bin Huzairra to go and warn Hazrat to wipe Islām off the face of the earth

10 Aḥmadiyya Gazette Mubarak Mosque, Islamabad, Tilford UK. and were not going to allow Muslims to live in peace. The dangerous schemes of the Makkahns are highlighted in the It looks like you mean to seek our opinion, following account recorded in Ṣaḥi Bukhari. A short time after the migration, O Messenger of Allāh! By Allāh, we have Hazrat Sa‘ad bin Mu‘āz went to Makkah believed in you because we know you to to perform Hajj and stayed with Umayyah bin Khalf. He also asked Umayyah to be true. We will, therefore, go wherever accompany him in performing tawāf of you command us. Ka‘bah so that no one would create any mischief. When Hazrat Sa‘ad bin Mu‘āzra Hazrat Sa‘ad bin Mu‘āz’s love and will jump. You will find us steadfast and was performing tawāf, Abu Jahl saw him devotion to the Holy Prophetsa is revealed resolute in fighting.” The Holy Prophetsa and said angrily, “Do you think you can in the following incident. When the Holy was very pleased to hear the words of circuit the Ka‘aba in peace even after Prophetsa was on his way to Badr, the love and devotion. giving refuge to Muhammad?” Hazrat news came that a large army of Makkahns Sa‘adra wanted to avoid any conflict, but was coming to protect the trade caravan. Huzooraa concluded by saying that he he had the honour of faith at heart and The Holy Prophetsa gathered all the would speak more about Hazrat Sa‘ad bin replied in an imposing voice: “If you stop Companions and asked for their advice Mu‘āzra in the next sermon. Insha’Allāh! us from Ka‘aba, then remember that you as to what course of action should be will not find safety on your way to Syria adopted. Most of the Companions were either.” Hearing this, Umayyah bin Khalf of the view that they should confront asked Hazrat Sa‘ad to lower his voice the caravan and avoid the army, but as he was speaking to Abu Jahl. Hazrat the Holy Prophetsa did not like this idea. Sa‘ad said to Umayyah: “I cannot forget The eminent Companions also rejected the Holy Prophet’ssa prophecy that one this idea and made heart-warming day you will be killed at the hands of speeches expressing their devotion and Muslims.” Umayyah became terrified at willingness to make any sacrifices. The hearing this. He returned home and said Holy Prophetsa was delighted to hear them to his wife that he would never go out to but kept asking for more advice. Hazrat fight against the Muslims. Nevertheless, Sa‘ad bin Mu‘āzra understood that the the will of God could not be averted. Holy Prophetsa wanted someone to speak Umayyah had to come out for the Battle on behalf of Ansār as well. Therefore, of Badr and was killed at the hands of he stood up and made an impassioned Muslims. speech saying: “It looks like you mean to seek our opinion, O Messenger of Hazrat Sa‘ad bin Mu‘āz accompanied Allāh! By Allāh, we have believed in you the Holy Prophetsa in the battles of Badr, because we know you to be true. We will, Uhud and Khandaq. He held the flag of therefore, go wherever you command us. ‘Aus tribe in the Battle of Badr. If you order us to jump into the sea, we


Abid Khan, Press Secretary Muslim Jamā‘at

hat is a Jama‘āt? What is a community?

These questions have become increasingly pertinent as racial tensionsW that had long been simmering in the United States ignited recently following the killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor earlier this year.

Such examples of police brutality have led to increased awareness and support for the Black Lives Matter movement. Founded in 2013, the movement aims to increase awareness of the injustices that have been perpetrated against the black community in the United States. It has since garnered support from people Image by UnratedStudio from Pixabay in other countries as well, while raising complex questions about communities, At a time when religion is being it. As horrific as that sounds, it did not support systems and principles. abandoned across the world, our even register as big news. community has continued to grow and So, is a community something where flourish. It has spread to all corners of the However, a little while later when I saw members gather together only to enjoy world. It has been embraced by people the video of what had actually transpired, the good times and to reap the blessings of all races, nationalities and socio- I was left in complete shock. There was of when all is well? Or is it that when there economic status. Most Aḥmadīs, if not all, nothing new about a black person being are struggles, people of a community know that unity is what distinguishes us. killed in the United States, but my shock stick together and, above all, they stick was provoked by the sense of impunity to their principles – adhering to them Together we are united at the hand of amongst those white police officers. ‘I without fear, without an inferiority one: the hand of Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīh can’t breathe, I can’t breathe,’ said George complex and without weakening their V (His Holiness, the Fifth Caliph) (aba). Floyd repeatedly, begging for mercy, as resolve. an officer had his knee firmly lodged To remain united requires faith in how onto his neck. And when no mercy was I have particularly wondered about what our spiritual bond with the Promised forthcoming, he called out in his dying distinguishes Aḥmadīyyat as a Jama‘āt. Messiah (as), his Khulafa (Caliphs), and, moments for his mother, just as the last Why do Aḥmadīs consider themselves above all, with the Holy Qur’ān and the light of his life was cruelly extinguished. different from other Muslims and blessed teachings of the Prophet of Islām The look not only of contentment, but if non-Muslims? Why is it that Aḥmadīs (sa), is of paramount importance in our I’m not mistaken, a hint of a smile, on the are not inclined towards terrorism or lives. This spiritual bond far exceeds any face of the police officer was perhaps the extremism? political and worldly movement that may most disturbing and horrifying detail to gain prominence from time to time. me. Instead, the Aḥmadīyya Jama‘āt’s unremitting response to hatred is to When I first came across the news of How could this be possible in a country show love, peace and to bow our heads George Floyd’s murder whilst scrolling that claims to be the most advanced nation in the worship of Allāh rather than social media, I was honestly unsurprised on earth; a paragon of virtue and the so- returning hatred with hatred and a that a black man had been killed by a called land of the free? The mounting desire for vengeance. white police officer in America. There resentment and frustration harboured was something incredibly ordinary about by millions of African Americans reached

12 Aḥmadiyya Gazette a boiling point. Indeed, there has been people are born equal. undoubtedly the path that is paved with a metaphorical knee at their necks for wisdom and ultimately the means to generations. George Floyd’s murder, Moreover, our response is based on the success. Some Aḥmadīs expressed their among countless other injustices against example of Hazrat Syedna Bilalra who desire at that time to join BLM protest the black community, triggered a wave of was born in an era during which he was movements and, upon this, Huzoor emotion manifested in mass protests. treated with contempt simply because he clearly said that this was the personal was a black man. His dark skin colour was right of people to join peaceful protests Members of our Jama‘āt across the world perceived as a symbol of dirt by his slave if they desired. Thus, if anyone thought shared instantly that pain. Aḥmadīs in masters. Yet, due to his exemplary piety, that the Jama‘āt sought to restrict their the United States were more directly faith and character, he was raised to the rights to join and protest, they were involved and understandably felt highest of stations by the Prophet of wrong. visceral pain and emotion out of love Islāmsa himself who nominated him to be and empathy for the plight of African- the first person to call mankind towards However, Huzooraa also firmly said that Americans. The question that arose was, prayer. people should not partake in anything do we and should we, as Aḥmadī Muslims, which could be a means of hurting their and as a religious community, respond Thus, the simple question for our nation, or where violence or anything in kind as the world is doing? Should we Khuddam (Aḥmadī youth) and other criminal could transpire. What would take a knee, promote Black Lives Matters, Aḥmadīs, is whether they want to take that achieve other than bring the join demonstrations? Should we go even the path that, Insha’Allāh (God-Willing), protesters down to the level of those who further and join those who are violent will surely lead to emancipation and oppressed them? and take advantage of the unrest to loot freedom, but might require them to go and plunder? against the grain. Arguably, the easier At a human level, Huzooraa was extremely option will allow them to attain likes on worried for the safety and well-being of Or should we respond according to Islāmic Instagram and provide an immediate Aḥmadī Muslims. He loves every Aḥmadī, teachings? That was the stark choice that outlet to quell their frustration. every Khadim, every Lajna (Aḥmadī lay before all of us a couple of months ago. woman) member, and every child, no Of course, the Jama‘āt’s response, under The worldly path might lead to short matter their race or residence. I do not the guidance and leadership of Khalifa- term success, but it is not a united path. need to repeat the countless incidents e-Waqt (the Caliph), would always be to There are already cracks and fissures that I have personally witnessed over the follow the teachings of Islām. in the Black Lives Matter movement. years which have demonstrated the love Some people who initially supported the that Khalifa Waqt has for each Aḥmadī, What every Aḥmadī must realise is that movement, are now stepping away and and how he partakes in and feels their what our faith decrees is not always saying that it is morphing into a far-left grief and burdens. going to be the easiest path – precisely political crusade or has developed other why so many people across the world objectives that do not align with the Huzoor cannot bear for a single Aḥmadī have abandoned their faith. majority. to be hurt, injured or even worse. Nor does he want any Khadim or Jama‘āt Our response should not be to align with a A day or two after the death of George member to get entangled in something group or movement that has only existed Floyd, I sought the guidance of Hazrat that could lead to arrest and see their a few years and which might, quite easily, Khalīfatul-Masīh Vaa. The first thing I lives destroyed. morph into something else in three, four, noticed was the pain and grief in the five or ten years from now. voice of Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīhaa as he In addition, Huzooraa emphasised that described the killing of George Floyd. He such protests are of limited effect. Who Rather, our response lies in the righteous had seen the video and heard the news. can deny this logic? In the United States, example of the noble Prophet (sa) who marches and rallies have taken place proclaimed in his Farewell Address that Huzooraa immediately said that it was the for decades. Giants of the civil rights a black person is not superior to a white, Jama‘āt’s duty to condemn this brutality movements have come and gone, some nor is a white person superior to a black, and to make every single possible effort brutally lost their lives – yet this systemic and that an Arab is not superior to a non- to highlight the injustice of this killing racism persists. Whilst white privilege Arab, nor is a non-Arab superior to an and the long-term injustices against does everything it can to sustain the Arab. black people in the United States. He said past, Khalīfatul-Masīhaa is calling for real that we must not only advocate on their change. Our response is guided by the Holy behalf, but also endeavour to achieve Qur’ān, which from the outset has justice and equality. The guidance of Khalīfatul-Masīhaa is that condemned slavery and called for the if the black community wants to rise, if it emancipation of those who have been Whilst, the path of Islām may not always wants to thrive then it must endeavour, subjugated and oppressed. Allāh’s Word be the easiest, or the one that gets the it must strive. has unequivocally laid down that all most recognition in the short-term, it is

13 Huzooraa has lived in Africa and considers be they politicians, dignitaries or human Huzooraa said: the black people amongst the brightest rights activists ask how they can help, stars of humanity. He knows the rich he tends to respond by suggesting that ‘Our actions, as Aḥmadī Muslims, will potential of the black race and has they should try to help Aḥmadīs get their always be underpinned by Islām’s openly expressed his hope that they voting rights in Pakistan. teachings. Thus, our statements and come to lead the world. At a time when pronouncements are not motivated by people continue to look down on black He does not say to them that, in the first politics but are always derived from the people, Khalifa Waqt has consistently instance, that they should challenge Holy Qur’ān and the life and teachings showered his love and appreciation upon the Pakistani Government to remove of the Holy Prophet of Islām (sa). It is the talents, intellect and piety of Africans the inhumane blasphemy laws. Rather for this reason that better slogans, when and African-Americans. Huzooraa has in his wisdom, Huzooraa gives realistic confronting the issue are ‘Innocent Lives made it clear that it will take time, great suggestions that are practical and urges Matter’ and the ‘Supremacy of Justice.’’ effort and, above all, an unyielding, for them to take things step by step. unbreakable and unswayable faith and Huzooraa further said: ‘However, if resolve in Allāh the Almighty. I remember when I asked Huzooraa Aḥmadīs wish to personally tweet or use whether the Jama‘āt should align itself the Black Lives Matter term they may do Huzooraa instructed that African- with the Black Lives Matter movement. so.’ Americans and all those minorities who I informed him that there were Aḥmadīs are looked down upon or who have faced who had expressed their support for this As I mentioned earlier, I thought that the injustice must use their democratic rights organisation and desired for the Jama‘āt term Innocent Lives Matter would prove from the grassroots level up. Some people to officially endorse it. As soon as I said particularly controversial. Who would have suggested that it might be worth this, to my surprise, Huzooraa remained be classed as ‘innocent’ and who would boycotting the democratic process as a silent. For how long exactly, I cannot not be? Some people might assume it means of protest, but Huzooraa was very remember, perhaps 30 seconds or a excluded black people or others who had clear that such protests are futile and minute. made mistakes or bad choices because of will only entrench the existing norms. the circumstances in which they had been Furthermore, it is not just about voting After that short period of reflection, raised and their lack of opportunities. in the upcoming presidential election in Huzooraa said: ‘‘Innocent Lives Matter’ November, but partaking in every field, and ‘Supremacy of Justice.’ These are However, the way Huzoor explained this at every single level of society. Go to the the terms we should use.’ Instinctively, term showed me that such concerns were town hall meetings or join the housing I knew as soon as I heard these terms unfounded. This slogan is the epitome of associations, and most of all, educate that both might prove controversial, Islām’s teachings of valuing every single yourselves so that you know your rights especially Innocent Lives Matter. person, regardless of whether they are and have the ability to stand up and black, white or any other colour. defend yourself – not through violence First and foremost, people had strongly or cruelty, but through the unstoppable opposed and criticised those who had not Huzooraa said: force of knowledge. Run for office if you used Black Lives Matter, considering it have the potential. an affront to the rights of black people. ‘The term ‘Innocent Lives Matter’ is a very Furthermore, some terms like ‘All Lives broad term based on the Holy Qur’ān, America might have seen its first black Matters’ were being used by the alt-right which says to ‘kill’ an innocent person president a few years ago, but are black or others who seemed to deny that there is akin to the killing of all mankind. It people proportionately represented was any problem of racial inequality. does not mean that those who commit across the board in society – in every Nonetheless, having seen first-hand how low-level crimes or who may be forced district, in every town, in every city, in Huzooraa had reflected and been inspired, into error due to the circumstances they every state? Are they rising to the higher I was completely sure that the terms and have grown up in, where they have been levels and echelons of society? The truth slogans given by him would be blessed denied opportunities and justice, are not is, and it is a sad truth, that worldly and prove to be of true value. deemed as innocent. In fact, if they are people will only see you when you can forced to commit such crimes to feed affect them. Subsequently, as Huzooraa explained their families or to exist then they are these terms, I was overwhelmed with very much innocent.’ For instance, if they think that the black pride. I saw how lucky and how fortunate vote could swing an election, then they we are to have a leader who is not Huzooraa continued: will listen to the African-Americans. The thinking about how to win any popularity same applies to Pakistani or other Asian contests. Rather, he solely focuses upon ‘The only people who are not ‘Innocent’ people who live in the West as minorities. how the problems facing humanity may are those who have power or wealth For this reason, whenever Huzooraa is be solved according to the teachings of and use it to persecute, to brutalise and asked about the persecution faced by our the Qur’ān and the Ahadith, which are perpetrate grave injustice and who deny Jama‘āt in Pakistan, and our supporters, his true inspiration at all times. people their rights. The very definition

14 Aḥmadiyya Gazette and standard of someone who is not most dominant. He wrote that it was a should reflect and ask themselves if they innocent is that he violates the sanctity time for nations and their leaders to turn are ready to stay true to the principles of life and a prime example of this is a towards God Almighty. I was fortunate of Islām. It is a question every one of us member of law enforcement who abuses and privileged to be able to take the who has taken theBai’atof the Promised his power to mercilessly place his knee dictation for these letters and to type Messiah (as) must ask. Will we abide by on the neck of a man and refuses to them up. the teachings and instructions of the remove it for almost nine minutes even Holy Qur’ān through thick and thin? Or as the defenseless man repeats ‘I can’t Huzooraa also wrote a letter to the will we forsake them in order to please breathe.’‘ President of the United States, as the people who we do not even know, and leader of one of the major powers. whose values are often opposed to those So in essence, if you have confidence in However, just before it was sent, the with which we have been raised? Islām’s teachings, you will soon recognise George Floyd killing took place. Upon that Innocent Lives Matter is a term of this, very late at night, when most people Do we want to be amongst those who immense value. It is, at its core, a clear will have assumed that Huzooraa was remain truly loyal and faithful to the rebuttal and rejection of all forms of resting or spending time with his family, mission of the Promised Messiahas and persecution, injustice and oppression. It I received a message from Huzooraa which to the institution of Khilāfat Aḥmadīyya? is a call for mankind to show its humanity showed how at that late hour his mind Will we, God forbid, forgo our faith, trust and to forgo all forms of subjugation, was on other things. and obedience to Khilāfat, even though harassment and inequality. In terms of it is Khalifa-e-Waqt who has consistently Supremacy of Justice, some people later In the message, Huzooraa said: demonstrated to us that our religion is expressed their fears that it may harbour the true means for peace, freedom, and some connotation of or connection with ‘In the letter to President Trump, I wish equality. ‘White Supremacy’, yet nothing could be to add an additional paragraph regarding further from the truth. how it is necessary for him to treat It is our reaction to the trials and hard every citizen, irrespective of their race times that will define us as people, not As he explained the meaning of this term, or ethnicity, with absolute equality and as I said at the start, the moments of Huzooraa said: justice and the very highest standards happiness and contentment. of equality and non-discrimination ‘The term ‘Supremacy of Justice’ is are expected from the President of the Always remember that we are the people inspired by the Qur’ān’s teachings that United States.’ who swear by the words of the Holy justice is paramount and the Farewell Qur’ān that states,‘Surely there is ease Sermon of the Holy Prophetsa in which he Thus, in his letter to President Trump, after hardship.’ [94:6]. This includes in said that a white person is not superior to which was recently delivered, Huzooraa Pakistan, where our people have been a black person or an Arab to a non-Arab. wrote: brutally martyred for decades, where Hence, this term rejects and refutes the even our ladies are not spared and have claim of those people who consider that ‘For the sake of the peace and harmony been imprisoned in the most horrific the white race has ‘supremacy.’ Rather, it of any nation, it is a prerequisite that the conditions. is ‘justice’ that is supreme.’ government, local authorities and law enforcement agencies treat all of their Or in Bangladesh where not even the Therefore, rather than bearing any citizens equally, irrespective of their graves of our three day old infants are connotation of white supremacy, this skin colour or ethnicity. In this regard, safe. Or when one fights for the rights of term actually rejects the notion of any the expectation of absolute justice and those who have been scorned, oppressed form of racial superiority. Instead, it non-discrimination from the leader of a and violated, so that they may be free of elucidates that it is only justice and country as the United States is especially injustice and truly equal. Our belief now equality that may be considered to have high.’ and always must be according to the supremacy. teachings of Islām. Aside from seeking Huzoor’saa guidance In recent weeks, he has written a series in many Mulaqats (private audiences) This is our challenge and I am sure of letters to certain world leaders at the about this issue, I have seen in every word, that Inshā’Allāh (God-Willing) through apex of the coronavirus pandemic. Huzoor’saa love for African-Americans the Grace of Allāh and the prayers and and black people shining forth and how guidance of Khilāfat Aḥmadīyya, every In these letters, Huzooraa expressed, he desires to see them achieve true peace, sincere Aḥmadī will come to see the without fear or hesitation, that this security and justice so that they, their fruits of their labours, the rewards of pandemic ought to be considered a children and future generations are able their patience and have their prayers warning from God Almighty, as it had to reverse the vicious tide of oppression answered so long as they stand firm and exposed how fragile the power and that they have faced for centuries. united at the hand of Khilāfat. might was even of those nations that considered themselves the mightiest and With all humility, every Aḥmadī Muslim


Sohail Aḥmad Saqib - Professor, Jāmi‘a Aḥmadīyya Canada

َ َ َ ُ ْ ُ ُ َ َ ْ َ َ َ َ َ َ َّ ُ ْ َ ً َّ َ َ ْ Kashtī Nūh, Ruhānī Khazā’in, Vol. 19, Our God is the One Who is living today) َر ّبنا لا تزغ قلوْبَنا ب ْع َد ِاذ ھ َدیْتنا َو ھ ْب لنا ِم ْن لدنک َر ْح َمۃ ِانک ان َت ِ ْ َ pg. 21 -22) as He was living before, and Who الوَ ّھ ُاب speaks today as He spoke before, and “Our Lord, let not our hearts become Once one steps forward to seek the hears today as He heard before. (Al- perverse after thou hast guided us, and pleasure of his God, we will find God Wassīyat, pg. 16) bestow on us mercy from Thyself; surely, waiting for him. It is mentioned in a Thou art the Great Bestower.”(3: 9) Hadīth-e-Qudsī that: In this age, Allāh the exalted has manifested his attributes through the as ْ ْ Promised Messiah and thousands of ِاذا تقرب الع ْبد ِال ِش ًبا تقربْت ِال ْی ِہ ِذر ًاعا و ِاذا تقرب ِال hough we do understand the َ َ َ َ َ َ ُ َ َّ َ َ َ ُ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ ً َ َّ importance of loving Allāh, ّْ ْ ْ ِ ْ ْ ِّ ً ْ ِ ْ ًّ ِ blessed souls attained true recognition of ذ َراعا تَ َق َرب ُت من ُہ بَاعا َوا َذا اَتَ ِان یَمش اَتَی ُت ُہ َھر ُولَۃ we as humans tend to fall ّ Allāh through him becoming completely in love with worldly things When a servant of Mine advances engrossed in the true love of Allāh. and make these things the towards Me a foot, I advance towards These blessed souls are known as sahaba purpose of our lives. We forget that all him a yard, and when he advances or the companions of his Holiness the theseT things we love so dearly will cease towards Me a yard, I advance towards Promised Messiahas. Today, these blessed to exist one day. him the length of his arms spread out. personalities are no longer with us. When he comes to me walking, I go to ُ ُّ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ َ َّ َ ْ ٰ َ ْ ُ َ ّ َ ُ ْ َ ٰ َ ْ ْ َ him running. (Sahih Muslim, Kitabuz- Those of us who are sitting here refer كل من علیها ف ٍانۖۚ ۝ و یبقی وجه ر ِبك ذو الجل ِل و الاِكر ِامۚ ۝ Zirk wad-Dua) to ourselves as taba`īn or taba` taba`īn, “All that is on the earth will pass but have we ever wondered if Allāh’s away and there will remain only the All the prophets raised by God served love, which was in the hearts of our person of thy Lord, Master of Glory only one purpose and that was to forefathers, is also to be found in our and Honour.” (55: 27- 28) establish a living relationship between hearts? Have we ever analyzed ourselves the creation and the Creator, between to see whether we are moving forward in If this is true, then why should one not the Lord and the servant. They paved this righteousness and piety? Do we realize fall in love with an eternal being that will path through their personal examples. what our priorities are? Do we have a never cease to exist? A person who attains conscious understanding of the level of the love of such a being, would naturally For the latter days, Allāh the exalted righteousness of our coming generation? find all other loves become meaningless has appointed the Promised Messiahas to for him. If one attains the love of God in show the true face of a living God. As he We live in a time where godlessness this world, then we would be right to say says: has become common and people have that he has attained paradise in this very become so materialistic that they have world because the paradise of a believer He has commissioned me that I should completely forgotten their creator and lies in the delight of his God. inform the world of the way in which they consider this world to be a means that brilliant ruby might be acquired. for luxury and enjoyment and their only The Promised Messiahas states: (Malfūzāt, Vol. 3, pg. 16) purpose in life is to boast about their wealth and power – it is in this time that Our paradise lies in our God. Our Then he writes: Allāh the Almighty has chosen us for the highest delight is in our God for we completion of His divine mission. have seen Him and have found every beauty in Him. This wealth is worth procuring though one might have to If one attains the love of God in this world, lay down one’s life to procure it. This ruby is worth purchasing though one then we would be right to say that he may have to lose oneself to acquire has attained paradise in this very world it. O ye, who are bereft! Run to this fountain and it will satisfy you. It is because the paradise of a believer lies in the fountain of life that will save you. the delight of his God.

16 Aḥmadiyya Gazette did you do to achieve such a high station that the Promised Messiahas became your son-in-law?” He responded, “When this daughter was born, I prayed with such pain, pain like that which an animal feels when it is being slaughtered. I prayed before Allāh, the Exalted, for Him to take her into His own care and grant her a status that no one had held before.” When Hazrat Mir Sahibra was saying this, his eyes were shedding tears.

Another way to incorporate the love of Allāh in children is to take special care of their upbringing right from their childhood or even earlier when they are still in the wombs of their mothers. We live in a scientific era where science has also proven that the environment around a child while still in a mother’s Image by Samer Chidiac from Pixabay womb has a significant effect on the child after birth. The Holy Prophetsa has told us To continue the mission of the prophets “[The delight of eyes] can only be this fact long ago, he has said, that good requires a special connection with God attained if they do not indulge in a or bad fortune of a human being starts Almighty without which it is impossible life of promiscuity and lewdness but from the womb of his mother. If a child to attain real success. In order to develop spend their lives as the true servants receives a good environment during a living relationship with God, one has to of the gracious God, and give God pregnancy then the rest of his life would be steadfast and persistent in his effort preference over every other thing.” show this good fortune. just as Allāh Himself points out that: (Malfūzāt, Vol. 1 pg. 562) The Holy Prophetsa has also alluded َّ َ ُ َ َ َ ْ َّ ُ َ َ Then explaining the phrase “make us a towards this; saying that there is no َو ال ِذیْ َن َجاھد ْوا فِ ْینا لنھ ِدیَنھ ْم ُس ُبلنا model for the righteous,” the Promised better gift a father can give his children “That whosoever struggles to find the Messiahas states that: other than good training in childhood way to us we guide him to ourselves” (Tirmidhī). In the Sermon of Nikah, (29:70). “It is necessary for one to reform himself when the seed is being sown for a new and to live a righteous life before seeking family tree, we read “…that every soul The first step in incorporating the love of righteous and pious offspring” (Malfūzāt, should look at what he is preparing for Allāh in the hearts of children is through Vol. 1 pg. 560). tomorrow…” We must build our future prayers and through personal examples. today by inculcating true love of Allāh in Allāh, the exalted, has taught us a prayer In our daily prayer we supplicate “O my our children. regarding our family, Lord, make me one who establishes prayer and then make my offspring follow on my Islām teaches us to say Adhān in the right َ َّ َ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ َ ُ ّ ّٰ َ ُ َّ َ َ ْ ُ َّ ْ َ ْ َ ْ ُ َّ ْ َ َ ً footstep.” So, we have to pray constantly ear and Takbīr in the left ear of the child ربنا هب لنا ِمن ازو ِاجنا و ذرِی ِتنا قرة اعی ٍن و اجعلنا لِلمت ِقین ِاماما with pain for our children, because at the time of their birth. In fact, this “Our Lord, grant us of our spouses and Allāh the exalted especially accepts the practice is a reminder for the parents children the delight of our eyes, and prayers of the parents in regards to their that the training and proper upbringing make us a model for the righteous” (Al- children. The Promised Messiahas writes of a child starts from this very moment, Furqān: 75). regarding this, that: and if we wait any longer it might be too late. Many parents have not understood Parents can only be considered the ‘‘. . . prayers of parents in regards this fact and have suffered greatly models and the Imāms of the righteous to their children have been granted thinking that the child is too young and if both, the father and the mother, work special acceptance by God” (Malfūzāt, can be taught when he grows up. It is towards the proper upbringing of their Vol. 1 pg. 368). said that whatever a child learns in his children. Children can only become the childhood remains with him just like an delight of eyes if they truly become the An excellent example of this can be seen imprint remains on a stone. So, we have servants of the gracious God, just as in the life of Hazrat Mir Nasir Nawabra to teach them basic morals in an early Promised Messiahas has stated: Sāhib. Someone once asked him, “How age, explaining the difference between did you receive this honour and what right and wrong, and emphasizing the

17 importance of worship from an early age. We have to create a natural love for good things and a natural disgust for bad. We cannot create the true spirit of the Certainly this is a task which demands worship of Allāh without explaining utmost wisdom, effort and planning but we as parents can only be considered to to them the deep wisdom behind the have fulfilled our duties when our efforts reach their climax. teachings of Allāh, the Almighty.

Parents should make sure that they do children sometimes do not have the true on daily basis and we need to narrate not depict a double-standard at home, spirit of worship in them. It is for this them to our children so they can also meaning they should not preach what reason that when they grow up and enter understand how benevolent their Lord they do not observe themselves. We have colleges or universities, their adolescent really is. Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīh IVrh has to become Imāms and leaders for this desires start to take over, changing their narrated the following incident: coming generation, and it is our prime personalities. Allāh the exalted says in duty to inculcate the love of mosque in Sūrah Al-Muminūn, verse 97 that: Once he was returning home from his their hearts; the love of Allāh in their farmhouse on his bicycle along with ْ َ ْ َّ َ ْ َ ُ َّ ّ َ َ his daughter who was very young at ِادفع ِبال ِتی ِھ َی احسن الس ِیئۃ .hearts, the love of Khilāfat in their hearts We have to teach them our traditions and that time. On the way she dropped values which have helped our forefathers …if we want to get rid of evil altogether her shoe which was still relatively to attain the love and nearness of Allāh. then we need to present something new. Upon this she recited Innā lillāhī Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīh IVrh has directly better against it, and it is this which is wa Innā Ilaihī Rāji‘ūn in her childish in this verse. So one way, and she was so young that احسن spoken to the Canadian Jamā`at in these referred to as words: cannot get rid of evil without falling she couldn’t even recite the whole in love with the Ahsan. The right prayer Innā lillāhī wa Innā Ilaihī Rāji‘ūn The path towards righteousness is an time to create the love of Ahsan and properly. She had only just recited “uphill task” and the path to evil is sowing the seed of goodness is the age the prayer that a man came running downhill. If parents were to put ten prior to maturity, not after. with her shoe in his hand. times their effort into the Tarbīyyat of their children, only then will [their Another way to strengthen their This small incident engraved a very children] be virtuous. If you make ten relationship with God is to have a important lesson in her mind from a steps towards righteousness, your mental picture of Him in mind. The very young age, that is, no matter what children will advance one step. And Holy Prophetsa has explained this in the our need is, no matter what difficulty has if you take one step towards evil, following words. “Worship Allāh, as if befallen us, we need to pray to Allāh who going downhill, your children will you are seeing him, or at least know that will help us in our need immediately. descend ten steps. You should keep he is seeing you.” this basic principle in mind that if you We have the examples of our forefathers advance towards goodness ten times, Prayers which are offered in this way in front of us who were able to recognize your children will advance only once, result in achieving the love of Allāh and the true face of Allāh, the Almighty, at unless of course you work ten times act as a vehicle to attain his closeness. a very young age. For example, Hazrat harder. So to create a true love of Allāh in the Musleh Mau‘ūdra mentions his personal hearts of the children, it is necessary that experience about finding God in these Some parents get frustrated that the we present our children a personal God, words: children of this age ask too many we must explain to them who Allāh is in questions; however, instead of getting relation to them. Why has He created When I turned 11 … I had this thought frustrated, it is our duty to answer those us? Who has given us all these bounties in my mind that why do I believe questions and satisfy them. That is why which we enjoy in our daily life? Who in Allāh; what proof do I have of Allāh states in the Holy Qur’ān that the helps us in our time of need? If we can his existence. I pondered over this Holy Prophetsa didn’t only teach us the demonstrate to our children the relation matter till late at night, and finally teachings of Islām but also explained between the bounties they enjoy and the at around 10 or 11 at night, my heart to us the wisdom therein. We cannot one who gives them to us, then we can came to the conclusion that there is a create the true spirit of the worship create a personal relationship between God. That moment was such a blessed of Allāh without explaining to them our children and Allāh from a very young moment for me. I was so happy to find the deep wisdom behind the teachings age. my creator just as a child is happy to of Allāh, the Almighty. It is due to find his mother. Yād( Ayyām, pg. 365) not understanding the true wisdom Similarly, incidents of acceptance of of Islāmic commandments, that our prayers occur in every Aḥmadī house Today, the world is completely unaware

18 Aḥmadiyya Gazette loyalty to them for the rest of their lives. Man can enter any state and this love would not desert him. This is why this is the age in which you should fall in love with your Lord, you should learn the etiquettes of loving Him, and should develop a personal relation with him. Every child should have this firm belief in his heart that his God is his personal God and his alone without even the means of my parents in the middle. I have a direct relationship of love with my Allāh and that I have a personal relation with him. (Mash‘al Rāh, Vol. 3 pg. 57)

In the end, I would like to mention a prayer through which one can win the Love of Allāh.

Photo courtesy of Farah Ahmad O Allāh! I ask you for your love and the love of those who love you and the of Allāh and his attributes. Humanity Masīh IVrh has stated: love of the actions which brings me has forgotten its Creator. People do not closer to your love. My Lord! Make me care much about fulfilling the rights The love of God is a very sacred such that your love is more pleasing of their Creator. Today, there is no emotion. It is such a sacred emotion to me then myself, and my wealth, one on the face of the earth, except for that once it enters the heart of man and my family and the cool, sweet Aḥmadīs, who have pledged to reinstate it only increases and never leaves his water. (Tirmidhī) the relationship between humanity and heart. And this is why a very good age its Creator. For this, we would have to for this is in childhood. Those people May Allāh Almighty enable us to develop rekindle true love of God in our hearts are very lucky who have the love a loving relationship with Him and may and once we have done so, our God will of Allāh in their hearts from a very he enable us to incorporate this love in never desert us. Just as Hazrat Khalīfatul- young age, and then this love does the hearts of our children as well! Āmīn!


"Offer prayers and observe them with deep concentration. To supplicate in one’s own language after reciting the prescribed prayers is not at all forbidden. When there is a wave of emotions, consider it an opportunity. Pray abundantly in that moment; pray profusely and weep. Doing so is not in one’s control, but a blessing showered upon by God Almighty. Initially, one experiences discomfort in offering such prayers, but once they taste its sweetness, they will understand. Once unfamiliarity begins to dissipate and a person sees a manifestation of Divine power, they will never abandon it. It is human nature to progressively incline towards something that has been enjoyed. Truthfully, all enjoyment lies in the love of God Almighty."

(Malfuzat Volume 2 Page 631, translated from Urdu)


By: Hazrat Mirzā Bashīrud-Dīn Maḥmūd Aḥmadra Publishers: Islām International Publications Ltd. Available at the following link : The Economic System of Islām

his book is a print version of Russia – a prophecy a lecture delivered by Hazrat of Prophet Hizqilas Mirzā Bashīrud-Dīn Maḥmūd [Ezekiel], a prophecy of Aḥmadra, second successor the Promised Messiahas, of the Promised Messiahas, and a dream of Hazrat titled Islām ka Iqtisadi Nizam. Khalīfatul-Masīḥ IIra T (the speaker) himself. The lecture was delivered in Lahore, at What unfolded in the the Aḥmadīyya Hostel, on 26 February years and decades 1945. The main purpose of the lecture after this lecture was was to show that it is only through delivered are enough the teachings of Islām that a truly just to prove the fulfilment system of governance and economics can of these prophetic words and visions. individualistic, i.e., it gives individuals be established. The lecture, in light of the an opportunity to work on their own Holy Qur’ān and the practice of the Holy We present below some excerpts from for the betterment and progress of Prophetsa, elaborates the responsibilities the lecture as no better words than those their country. Workers as well as of both the rulers and the ruled, and of the great orator himself can justify the owners of capital are permitted to leaves no doubt that the Islāmic system of topic. struggle for their rights and pursue governance is fundamentally democratic, their self-interest. Employees have based on free and fair elections in the Describing the nature of economic the right to negotiate their wages best sense of the word. It also ensures systems of the world, Hazrat Khalīfatul- and benefits with the management, that justice will prevail, incentives for Masīḥ IIra states: which in turn is expected to institute achieving excellence would be provided, clear rules and regulations governing and the basic needs of all will be satisfied. The economic systems prevalent in workers. Thus the emphasis in this However, a proper governance structure the world can be classified into three system is on the individual. These is a prerequisite for the establishment of types. There is one type of economic are the three basic economic systems the Islāmic economic system – it would be system that is not governed by any that exist in the world today. The first impossible to have an Islāmic economic specified rules and regulations, and system is not bound by any definite system in an otherwise corrupt political can be called a ‘system’ only for the laws or rules; the second system is and social environment. sake of convenience. Some nations nationalistic in its approach, while the and countries never spelled out how third is driven by individualism. Islām After giving an in-depth description of their economic system would be run does not accept the first system at the main elements of the Islāmic system and had no specific plan or policy all, for the Islāmic system is based on of economics, the second half of the towards that end. Such societies do prescribed principles and laws, which lecture is devoted to a critical evaluation not distinguish between individual people are enjoined to follow. Islām of communism. It is demonstrated and national goals, and in the absence relies on purpose and wisdom, and that the communist system is really of a set policy, adopt any idea that does not approve of indiscriminate not what it claims to be, and it has appears convenient or practical. The adoption of economic policies. A inherent contradiction which will second system is nationalistic in its system without well-designed laws is cause its downfall. This is followed by a approach, that is, one where nations akin to feeding off of wild vegetation presentation of three prophecies about seek only to maximize their collective that grows on its own. Islāmic system, the decline of the Communist system in national interests. The third system is on the other hand, can be compared

20 Aḥmadiyya Gazette to a farmer who follows a set routine for sowing seeds, irrigation, and nurturing plants. He knows what to Individual freedom is granted to enable keep in his orchard and what to throw persons to build up assets and spend them out. voluntarily in order to gain the spiritual In this variety of systems, Hazrat Mirzā Bashīrud-Dīn Maḥmūd Aḥmad, benefits in the life to come. Khalīfatul-Masīḥ IIra goes on to explain avoided. It should now be easier to rivalry. The fact is that communism the very nature of the Islāmic economic understand that religions that believe was a reaction to past tyranny. system: in the hereafter in general, and Islām That explains why this philosophy in particular, do not view the issue spread to areas where people were The essence of the economic system in simple economic terms, but from oppressed, but it did not take root in of Islām lies in an appropriate a religious, moral and economic such countries as Great Britain and combination of individual freedom perspective. Religion does not seek the United States. Similarly, it has not with state intervention. It allows state a purely economic solution because been successful in countries where intervention to a certain extent, but it such a solution might interfere with nationalist or socialist governments also provides for individual freedom. the moral and religious aspects of were in power. Some time ago an A proper balance between these two life, which would be unacceptable. A American newspaper posed an defines the Islāmic economic system. non-believer is of course free to view interesting question to the working Individual freedom is granted to economic problems in isolation. But classes: Do you consider yourself to enable persons to build up assets a religious person would not judge belong to the capitalist class, the and spend them voluntarily in order an economic system from purely middle class or the poor class? The to gain the spiritual benefits in the an economic perspective. He would majority of the respondents said life to come. State intervention, on demand an economic system that that they considered themselves to the other hand, is provided in order also respects his moral and religious be in the middle class. This suggests to protect the poor from economic requirements. that it does not occur to an American exploitation by the wealthy. The state worker that he is poor. This is the intervention is deemed essential for After a thorough examination of reason why communism was an even putting in place certain safeguards capitalism and communism, Hazrat bigger failure in the United States against harming the weaker sections Khalīfatul-Masīḥ IIra identifies where than in Great Britain. On account of of society, while individual freedom problems with both the systems lie the abundance of wealth in America is deemed essential for a healthy and how the only possible way forward the labouring class does not feel that competition among individuals and happens to be the Islāmic way: they are impoverished and are in for enabling them to make provisions need of a system that redresses their for the life hereafter. Individuals are After reflecting over these important complaints and meets their basic given full opportunity to voluntarily matters, a reasonable person would needs. Thus, the real solution to the serve humanity and earn merit in conclude that a practical economic problem is that: the life hereafter. Individual freedom system must leave room for religion. thus opens up endless possibilities Short term economic considerations 1. In accordance with the Islāmic of progress through the force of must not permit that the longer term teaching, the rights of the poor should healthy competition. At the same consequence of an economic system be safeguarded; and time, judicious state intervention be ignored. Only that economic system is provided so that the economic would be beneficial to humanity which 2. The hopes and aspirations of people system is not based on brutality and fulfils everyone’s basic needs, but also should be fostered. injustice and hindrances to economic promotes healthy competition among progress of any section of society are individuals while curbing unhealthy


Allāh the Exalted has blessed Irfan Tanvir Sāḥib and Kiran Shakeel Sāḥiba of Hamilton Mountain Jamā‘at with a baby girl on Tuesday, September 8, 2020. Huzoor Anwar (May Allāh be his Helper!) has graciously named her Durr-e-Jamal Tanvir (Beautiful Pearl). She is the paternal granddaughter of Iqbal Tanvir Sāḥib and Tabassum Tanvir Sāḥiba and maternal granddaughter of Sheikh Muhammad Shakeel Sāḥib and Mubashira Shakeel Sāḥiba of Germany.

May God Almighty grant her a healthy and pious life and make her a true servant of the Jamā‘at. May Allāh make her a delight of eyes of the family! Amīn! 21 THE HOLY QUR’AN IN THE DEFENSE OF HAZRAT MIRZA GHULAM AHMADAS

Dr. Omer Mallhi, Sadr Jamā'at Newfoundland & Labrador

s a convert to Islam- Ahmadiyyat, I find it more compelling to defend the truthfulness of the claims of Hazrat Imam Mahdi and Masī Mau‘udas. As I was pondering over howA to do this, I realized that Allah the Exalted has already done this in the Holy Qur’ān.

There is only one Book through which God Almighty speaks universally to all of humanity (Muslims and non-Muslims alike)—the Holy Qur’an. Every Muslim denomination agrees to its authenticity, veracity, and truthfulness. Therefore, the Holy Qur’an is the best way to defend the claims of Hazrat Masī Mau‘udas. When the Holy Qur’an speaks in the defense of Hazrat Mirza Ghulām Ahmadas, all Muslims will have to pay attention. (35:44). would only be a favour of God upon the Muslims—if the Masih expected by the So how does Allah defend Hazrat Mirza The first verse that supports the claim of Muslims was raised from among their Ghulām Ahmadas in the Holy Qur’an? The Hazrat Muhammadsa is 165 of Surah Āl- our own people, not ‘Isaas the prophet same way He defends the Syedul Anbiya e-‘Imrān: of Israelites. Indeed, Hazrat ‘Isaas has [The Chief of Prophets], Khatamun- already died as undoubtedly proven in َ َ ۡ َ َّ ّٰ ُ َ َ ۡ ُ ۡ ۡ َ ۡ َ َ َ ۡ ۡ َ ُ ۡ ً ّ ۡ َ ۡ ُ ۡ َ ۡ ُ ۡ َ َ ۡ ۡ .the Holy Qur’an لقد من اللہ علی المؤ ِم ِنین ِاذ بعث فِی ِہم رسولا ِمن انف ِس ِہم یتلوا علی ِہم Nabiyeen [Seal of the Prophets)—Hazrat ٰ ٰ َ ُ َ ّ ۡ ۡ َ ُ َ ّ ُ ُ ُ ۡ ٰ َ َ ۡ ۡ َ َ َ ۡ َ ُ ۡ ۡ َ ۡ ُ َ َ ٰ sa ای ِت ٖہ و یزکِی ِہم و یع ِلمہم ال ِکتب و ال ِحکمۃ ۚ و ِان کانوا ِمن قبل ل ِف ۡی ضل ٍل . Muhammad ُّ ۡ The second verse of the Holy Qur’an م ِبی ٍن In the Holy Qur’an, Allah repeatedly supporting the claim of Hazrat Masī defends Hazrat Muhammadsa, especially Verily, Allah has conferred a favour on Mau‘udas is verse 70 of Surah Al-Nisā: when people questioned the truthfulness the believers by raising among them a َ ۡ ُّ ّٰ َ َ َّ ُ ۡ َ َ ُ ٰٓ َ َ َ َّ ۡ َ َ ۡ َ َ ّٰ ُ َ َ ۡ ۡ ّ َ َّ ّ َ َ ومن ی ِط ِع اللہ وُ الرسول فاول ِئک مع ال ِذین انعم اللہ علی ِہم ِمن الن ِب ٖین و ,of his claim. The principles established Messenger from among themselves ّ ّ ۡ ۡ َ َ ّ َ َ َ ّٰ ۡ َ َ َ ُ َ ُ ٰٓ َ َ ۡ ً ِالص ِدی ِقین و الشہد ِٓاء و الص ِل ِحین ۚ و حسن اول ِئک رفِیقا by Allah to defend the truthfulness of who recites to them His Signs, and Hazrat Muhammadsa should be the same purifies them and teaches them the for all prophets and claimants. Anyone Book and Wisdom; and, before that, And whoso obeys Allah and this who claims to be sent by Allah the they were surely in manifest error. Messenger of His shall be among Exalted must be tested through this same (3:165) those on whom Allah has bestowed yardstick. For Allah does not change His His blessings, namely, the Prophets, way as He says: It is mentioned in this verse that the the Truthful, the Martyrs, and the advent of Prophet Muhammadsa among Righteous. And excellent companions َ َ ۡ َ َ ُ َّ ّٰ َ ۡ ۡ ً َ َ ۡ َ َ ُ َّ ّٰ َ ۡ ۡ ً .(the Makkans was a Divine favour. It are these (4:70 فلن ت ِجد لِسن ِت الل ِہ تب ِدی ال ۚ۬ و لن ت ِجد لِسن ِت الل ِہ تح ِویلا signifies a general [practice] of But thou wilt never find any change Allah that when He wants to favour a This verse is a source of faith and hope in the way of Allah; nor wilt thou ever people, He raises a messenger among for the Muslim Ummah. It describes find any alteration in the way of Allah them. Considering this principal, it the spiritual blessings Muslims can

22 Aḥmadiyya Gazette attain if they truly obey Allah and His the punishment of disgrace, because understand? Who is then more unjust Prophetsa. It mentions the four spiritual of that which you spoke against Allāh than he who forges a lie against Allah stations Muslims can attain. Hazrat falsely and because you turned away or he who treats His Signs as lies? Mirza Ghulām Ahmadas was the epitome from His Signs with disdain.’ Surely, the guilty shall never prosper. of love and obedience to Allāh and His Prophetsa, surpassing all others. The Allah declares that attributing a lie to In verse 17, Allah has instructed the following couplet he wrote summarizes Him is the greatest injustice. How could Holy Prophetsa to present the following his relationship to the Holy Prophetsa: Allah possibly let Hazrat Mirza Sahibas two points: One, it is Allah who has sent succeed if his claim and mission were him with this Word. Second, his life and ش � بع was not from Allāh? Instead of disgrace character is well-known to the people دعب از دخا �قدمحم رمخمم ۔ رگ ی وبد رفکا�دخبا تخس اکرفم and punishment, Allah granted him the and testifies to his truth. After Allah, I am intoxicated in the greatest of honours and success. Why? love of Hazrat Muhammadsa. If this Meaning that, the Holy Prophetsa is disbelief, then by God I am the Similarly, the next verse was revealed claimed prophethood only after Allah greatest disbeliever. when the disbelievers had attributed categorically ordered him to do so. And false matters towards Allah concerning his own honest and truthful character The third verse is a shining proof of the for sacrifice; living among the people was, itself, a truthfulness of Hazrat Muhammadsa proof of the truth of his claims. ۡ ۡ ُ َّ َ َ َ َ ۡ َ ۡ َ َ ۡ َ َ َ ۡ ۡ ٰٓ َ ۡ َ َّ َ َ ۡ ُ ۡ َ ۡ and by analogy supports Hazrat Masī و ِمن الاِ ِب ِل اثنی ِن و ِمن البق ِر اثنی ِن ؕ قل ءالذکری ِن حرم ا ِم الاٰنثیی ِن as َ ٰ ُ ّ ُ ُ ّٰ َ ۡ َ َ َ ُ ۡ ُ ۡ ُ ۡ َ ۡ َ ۡ ُ ۡ ُ َ ۡ َ ۡ َ َ ۡ َ َ َ ۡ َّ َ as Similarly, Hazrat Mirza Ghulām Ahmad اما اشتملت علی ِہ ارحام الانث َیی ِن ؕ ام کنتم شہدٓاء ِاذ وصکم اللہ ِبہذا . Mau‘ud َ َ ۡ َ ۡ َ ُ َّ ۡ َ ٰ َ َ ّٰ َ ً ّ ُ َّ َّ َ َ ۡ ۡ َّ ّٰ َ َ made his claims public after Allah ۚ فمن اظلم ِممن افتری علی الل ِہ ک ِذبا لِی ِضل الناس بِغیرِ ِعل ٍم ؕ ِان اللہ لا ۡ ۡ َ ِّٰ ۡ َ repeatedly ordered him to do so. And یَہ ِدی القوۡ َم الظ ِل ِمین :Allah says in Surah Al-An‘ām, Verse 22 prior to his claims, his high character and َ ٰ َ َ ۡ َ ۡ َ ُ َّ ۡ َ ٰ َ َ ّٰ َ ً َ ۡ َ ّ َ ٰ ٰ َّ ٗ َ ُ ۡ ُ ّ ُ ۡ َ And of the camels two, and of the oxen relentless efforts to defend Islām and the و من اظلم ِمم ِن افتری علی الل ِہ ک ِذبا او کذب ِبای ِت ٖہ ؕ ِانہ لا یف ِلح الظ ِلمون two. Say, “Is it the two males that Holy Prophetsa were both acknowledged And who is more unjust than he who He has forbidden or the two females by Muslims and non-Muslims. forges a lie against Allah or gives the or that which the wombs of the two lie to His Signs? Surely, the unjust females contain? Were you present In verse 18, Allah reiterates that liars will shall not prosper. when Allah enjoined this on you?” never prosper. Who is then more unjust than he who This verse explains that Allah does forges a lie against Allah that he may The next supportive verse is from Surah not permit a liar to succeed in their lead men astray without knowledge? Yūnus Verse 70: false mission. The success of Hazrat Surely, Allah guides not the unjust ُ َّ َّ َ ۡ َ ُ َ َ ّٰ ۡ َ َ َ ُ ۡ َ sa ق ۡل ِان ال ِذیۡ َن یفتر ۡون َعلی الل ِہ الک ِذب لا یف ِل ُحوۡن .Muhammad attests to his truthfulness. people Al-Hamdo lillah! In the same way, the truth of Hazrat Masī Mau‘ud’sas claim People had attributed to Allah false Say, ‘Those who invent a lie against Allah can be measured by the success of his matters concerning animal sacrifices and shall not prosper.’ Divine Jama‘āt. Allah categorically denied their claims and announced that liars shall never Again, how could Allah apply this The same message is repeated in another be guided. If Allah did not let matters principle upon the Holy Prophetsa but verse 94 of Surah Al-An‘ām: of animal sacrifice be falsely attributed let Mirza Sahibas prosper, if he were a to Him, how could He possibly allow false claimant? The sheer success of his ٰ as َ َ ۡ َ ۡ َ ُ َّ ۡ َ ٰ َ َ ّ َ ً َ ۡ َ َ ُ ۡ َ َّ َ َ ۡ ُ ۡ َ َ ۡ َ ٌ Hazrat Mirzā Ghulām Aḥmad Sāḥib to mission to this day proves the veracity of و من اظلم ِمم ِن افتری علی الل ِہ ک ِذبا او قال او ِح َٰی ِالی و لم یوح ِالی ِہ ش ۡیء َّ َ ۡ َ َ َ ُ ۡ ُ ۡ َ ۤ َ ۡ َ َ ّٰ ُ َ َ ۡ َ ّ ُ ۡ َ َ َ ۡ َ ۡ !make such colossal claims and grant his his claim, Al-Hamdo lillah و من قال سان ِزل ِمث َل ما انزل اللہ ؕ و لو ت ٰۤری ِا ِذ الظ ِلمون فِ ۡی غم ٰر ِت المو ِت َ ۡ َ ٰٓ َ ُ َ ُ ۡۤ َ ۡ ۡ ۡ َ ۡ ُ ۡۤ َ ۡ ُ َ ُ ۡ َ ۡ َ ۡ َ ُ ۡ َ ۡ َ َ َ َ ۡ ُ ۡ ?mission such great progress and success و المل ِئکۃ ب ِاسطوا ای ِدی ِہم ۚ اخ ِرجوا انفسکم ؕ الیوم تجزون عذاب الہو ِن َ ُ ۡ ُ ۡ َ ُ ۡ ُ ۡ َ َ َ ّٰ َ ۡ َ ۡ َ ّ َ ُ ۡ ُ ۡ َ ۡ ٰ ٰ َ ۡ َ ۡ ُ ۡ َ Thus, in the above verses, Allah ِبما کنتم تقولون علی الل ِہ غیر الح ِق و کنتم عن ای ِت ٖہ تستکبِرون The next set of verses are in Surah Yūnus, repeatedly explained that the success of And who is more unjust than he who Chapter 10 Verse 17-18: the Prophet Muhammadsa will prove that forges a lie against Allāh, or says, he was Divinely appointed because false ُ َ َ ٰ ُ ُ ۡ ُ ,It has been revealed to me,’ while ۡ ّ ً ُ ُ ۡ ۡ ُ َ ۡ َ َ ْ ٰ ْ َ ۤ َ َ ۡ ۡ َ َ ٗ ُ ۡ َ َ َ ُ ّ َ ۡ ّ ۡ claimants cannot succeed. It means that‘ قل لو شٓاء اللہ ما تلوتہ علیکم و لا ادرىکم ِب ٖہ ۖ۫ فق ٰد ل ِبثت فِی َکم عمرا ِمن sa َ ۡ َ َ َ َ ۡ ُ ۡ َ َ َ ۡ َ ۡ َ ُ َّ ۡ َ ٰ َ َ ّ َ ً َ ۡ َ ّ َ ٰ ٰ hypothetically, if the Holy Prophet had قب ِل ٖہ ؕ افلا تع ِقلون فمن اظلم ِمم ِن افتری علی الل ِہ ک ِذبا او کذب ِبای ِت ٖہ ؕ nothing has been revealed to him; and َّ ٗ َ ُ ۡ ُ ۡ ُ ۡ ُ ۡ َ been a false prophet (God forbid), Allah ِانہ لا یف ِلح المجرِمون who says, ‘I will send down the like of that which Allah has sent down?’ would never have allowed him to succeed And if thou couldst only see, when Say, if Allah had so willed, I should in his mission. Given this, is it conceivable the wrongdoers are in the agonies of not have recited it to you nor would that Allah would permit Hazrat Mirza death, and the angels stretch forth He have made it known to you. I Ghulām Ahmadas to succeed— if he were their hands, saying, ‘Yield up your have indeed lived among you a whole false in his claims? souls. This day shall you be awarded lifetime before this. Will you not then

23 The following are few more verses, all Muhammadsa: God appointed them, they began to rebel of which are supportive of the same them, instead of accepting them. argument; Surah Al-Hāqqah, Verses 45-49: In short, the verses quoted in this article َ ۡ ُ Surah Hūd, verse 19: َّ ۡ َ ۡ ُ ۡ َ َ َ َ ۡ َ َ ۡ َ ۡ َ َ ۡ َ َ َ َّ َ ۡ َ َ tell us that Allah always defended the و لو تقول علینا بعض الاق ِاوی ِل ﴿54ۙ﴾لاخذنا ِمنہ ِبالی ِمی َِن ﴿64ۙ﴾ثم َ َ َ ۡ َ ۡ ُ ۡ َ ۡ َ َ َ ۡ ُ ۡ ّ ۡ َ َ َ ۡ ُ ٰ ۡ َ َ ّ ٗ َ َ ۡ َ ٌ honour of a true prophet and never let لقطعنا ِمنہ الو ِتین ۖفما ِمنکم ِمن اح ٍد عنہ ح ِج ِزین ﴿84﴾و ِانہ لتذکِرۃ ّ ۡ ُ َّ ۡ َ َ َ ۡ َ ۡ َ ُ َّ ۡ َ ٰ َ َ ّٰ َ ً ُ ٰٓ َ ُ ۡ َ ُ ۡ َ َ ٰ َ ّ ۡ َ َ ُ ۡ ُ .a false claimant succeed in their mission لِلمت ِقین ﴿94﴾ ومن اظلم ِمم ِن افتری علی الل ِہ ک ِذبا ؕاول ِئک یعرضون عل ٰی ر ِب ِہم و یقول ۡ َ ۡ َ ُ ٰۤ ُ َ َّ ۡ َ َ َ ُ ۡ َ ٰ َ ّ ۡ َ َ َ ۡ َ ُ ّٰ َ َ ّ ۡ َ الاشہاد ہؤل ِٓاءال ِذین کذبواعلی ر ِب ِہم ۚ الا لعنۃ الل ِہ علی الظ ِل ِمین And if he had forged and attributed To end the article I quote the following And who is more unjust than he who any sayings to Us, We would surely verse which serves as compelling forges a lie against Allah? Such shall have seized him by the right hand, argument—Surah Al-Nūr, Verse 56: be presented before their Lord, and And then surely We would have َ َ َ ّٰ ُ َّ ۡ َ ٰ َ ُ ۡ ۡ ُ ۡ َ َ ُ ّٰ ٰ َ َ ۡ َ ۡ َ َّ ُ ۡ ۡ َ ۡ وعد اللہ ال ِذین امنوا ِمنکم و ع ِملوا الص ِلح ِت لیستخ ِلفنہم فِی الار ِض the witnesses will say, ‘These are they severed his life-artery, And not one of َ َ ۡ َ ۡ َ َ َّ ۡ َ ۡ َ ۡ ۡ َ َ ُ َ ّ َ َّ َ ُ ۡ ۡ َ ُ ُ َّ ۡ َ ٰ َ ُ ۡ کما استخلف ال ِذین ِمن قب ِل ِہم ۪ و لیم ِکنن لہم ِدینہم ال ِذی ارتضی لہم .who lied against their Lord.’ Now you could have held Us off from him َ َ ُ َ ّ َ َّ ُ ۡ ّ َ ۡ َ ۡ ۡ َ ۡ ً َ ۡ ُ ُ ۡ َ َ ُ ۡ ُ ۡ َ َ ۡ ً َ َ ۡ و لیب ِدلنہم ِم ۢۡن بع ِد خوفِ ِہم امنا ؕ یعبدون ِن ۡی لا یش ِرکون ِب ۡی شیئا ؕ و من surely, the curse of Allah is on the And verily it is a reminder for the َ َ َ َ ۡ َ ٰ َ َ ُ ٰٓ َ ُ ُ ۡ ٰ ُ ۡ َ کفر بعد ذلِک فاول ِئک ہم الف ِسقون .unjust: righteous

Surah An-Nahl, Verse 117: The above verses describe the perils Allah has promised to those among of attributing lies towards Allah. The you who believe and do good works َ َ ُ ُ َ ُ َ ۡ َ ُ ُ ۡ َ َ ٰ َ ٰ َ ٰ َ َ ّ َ ۡ َ ُ َ natural question is: if Allah would not that He will surely make them َو لا تقوۡلوۡا َلِما ت ِصف ال ِسنتک ُم الک ِذب ہذا َحل ٌل ّو ہذا ح َر ٌام لِتفتر ۡوا َعلی sa ّٰ ۡ َ َ َّ َّ َ ۡ َ ُ َ َ ّٰ ۡ َ َ َ ُ ۡ َ have forgiven Hazrat Muhammad (if Successors in the earth, as He made الل ِہ الک ِذب ؕ ِان ال ِذیۡ َن یفتر ۡون َعلی الل ِہ الک ِذب لا یف ِل ُحوۡن God forbid he had forged a lie against Successors from among those who And say not — because of the Him), how could He possibly let others were before them; and that He falsehood which your tongues utter — do so and still let them live? The sheer will surely establish for them their ‘This is lawful, and this is unlawful,’ so prosperity and success of the Jama‘at of religion which He has chosen for as to forge a lie against Allah. Surely, Hazrat Mirza Ghulām Ahmadas under the them; and that He will surely give those who forge a lie against Allah do guidance of Khilafat proves that he was them in exchange security and peace not prosper. indeed raised by God and was truthful in after their fear: They will worship Me, all his claims, Al-Hamdo lillah! and they will not associate anything Surah Ash-Shūra, Verse 25: with Me. Then whoso is ungrateful It is a challenge to all anti-Ahmadis to after that, they will be the rebellious. َ ۡ َ ُ ُ َ ۡ َ ٰ َ َ ّٰ َ ً َ ۡ َّ َ ّٰ ُ َ ۡ ۡ َ ٰ َ ۡ َ َ َ ۡ ُ identify even one false prophet who ام یقوۡلوۡن افتری علی الل ِہ ک ِذبا ۚ ف ِان یش ِا اللہ یخ ِتم علی قل ِبک ؕ و یمح ّٰ ُ ۡ َ ُ ُّ ۡ َ َّ َ ٰ َّ ٗ َ ۡ ٌ ۢ َ ُّ ُ ۡ survived according to this criteria set by By the grace of Allah the Exalted, the اللہ ال َب ِاط َل و ی ِحق الحق ِبک ِلم ِت ٖہ ؕ ِانہ ع ِلیم ِبذ ِات الصدورِ God in the Holy Qur’ān. followers of Hazrat Masī Mau‘udas are Do they say, ‘He has forged a lie the only ones blessed with the institution against Allah?’ If Allah had so willed, In the following verse of Surah Fatir of Khilafat and this special favour is He could seal thy heart as He has (verse 43), Allah tells us how people promised only to true believers. As sealed the hearts of thy enemies. behave when a Prophet is raised; though Ahmadīs, our hearts are full of gratitude But Allah is blotting out falsehood awaiting a prophet and promising to be for being the fortunate ones to fulfill the through thee and is establishing the followers when he appears, they fail to prophesies of the Hazrat Muhammadsa truth by His words. Surely, He knows identify him and their ego steers them and accept the Promised Messiahas and full well what is in the breasts. away from the Prophet. his Khulafā’. May Allah bless Khilafat Aḥmadīyya and enable us and our future َ ۡ ّٰ ۡ َ َ َ ُ َ َّ ُ ُ َ َ ۡ ٰ َ generations to serve Aḥmadīyyat, the َو اق َس ُموۡا بالل ِہ َجہد ایۡ َمانِہ ۡم لئ ۡن َج َٓاءہ ۡم ن ِذیۡ ٌر ل َیکوۡن ّن اہدی ِم ۡن ِا ۡحدی :Surah Al-Ahqāf, Verse 9 ُ َ َِ َ َ َِ َ ِ َّ ُ ُ !true Islam! Amīn الۡا َمم ۚ فل ّما َج َٓاء ُہ ۡم نذیۡ ٌر ّما ز َاد ُہ ۡم الا نفوۡ َرا ۣ ِ ِ ِ ُ ٰ َ ۡ َ ُ ۡ ُ ۡ َ ْ َ ٰ ُ ُ ۡ ۡ َ َ ۡ ُ ٗ َ َ َ ۡ ۡ َ ۡ َ ّ َ ۡ ً ُ َ َ ۡ َ ُ ام یقولون افترىه ؕ قل ِا ِن افتری ۢتہ فلا تم ِلکون لِی ِمن الل ِہ شیئا ؕ ہواعلم َ ُ ۡ ُ ۡ َ ۡ َ ٰ َ ۡ ً َ ۡ َ َ ۡ َ ُ ۡ َ ُ ۡ َ ُ ۡ ُ َّ ۡ ُ And they swore by Allah their strongest ِبما ت ِفیضون فِی ِہ ؕ کفی ِب ٖہ ش ِہیدا بی ِن ۡی و بینکم ؕ وہوَالغفور الر ِحیم oaths, that if a Warner came to them, Do they say, ‘He has forged it?’ Say, ‘If they would follow guidance better than I have forged it, you cannot avail me any other people. But when a Warner did aught against Allah. He knows best come to them, it only increased them in what mischievous talk you indulge in. aversion. Sufficient is He for a Witness between me and you. And He is the Most This verse shows another similarity Forgiving, the Merciful.’ in the circumstances of Hazrat Masih Mau‘udas with those of Hazrat The following verses offer even stronger Muhammadsa. In their respective times, evidence for the truth of Hazrat people were awaiting a Prophet. But once

24 Aḥmadiyya Gazette Aḥmadīyya Muslim Jamā‘at Press Releases

AUGUST 2, 2020


His Holinessaa said Ahmadi Muslims must learn lessons from Prophet Abrahamas and his family, whose sacrifices are marked on the day of ‘Idul Adha

he World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Comm- . . . we must analyse whether we ourselves unity, the Fifth Khalifa (Caliph), His Holiness, Hazrat are living up to our pledge that ‘I will be Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa, willing to make every sacrifice for the sake delivered the ‘Idul Adha sermon on 31 TJuly 2020 from the Mubarak Mosque in of God. Islamabad, Tilford. sake of God Almighty and it was one only to impress others and as an Only a few Ahmadi Muslims were able which his son willingly assented. expression of joy. However a true to offer the ‘Id prayer in the Mubarak believer recalls and learns from the Mosque due to social distancing rules, His Holinessaa said that this incident has sacrifice of Prophet Abrahamas and however across the world, millions of been recorded in the Holy Qur’an and so Ismaelas and its underlying spirit. Ahmadi Muslims were able to listen live would remain preserved for eternity as to the ‘Id Sermon of their Caliph and a timeless example of the very highest Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa further to join in with the silent prayer led by standard of sacrifice. stated: their spiritual leader through the global television channel MTA International. Speaking of their example, Hazrat Mirza Certainly when we hear or read of Masroor Ahmadaa said: their sacrifice, we cannot help but During the sermon, His Holinessaa feel emotional and become tearful. recounted the immense sacrifice of There are countless number of people However, that alone is not enough, Prophet Abrahamas and his son Ismael, who mark this ‘Id and anticipate its rather we must analyse whether we whereupon Prophet Abrahamas lay ready arrival merely as a day of celebration ourselves are living up to our pledge to sacrifice his own son Ismael for the and joy. They sacrifice an animal that ‘I will be willing to make every

25 sacrifice for the sake of God.’

His Holinessaa said that God Almighty ultimately stopped Prophet Abrahamas from sacrificing his son and instead gave the glad tiding, narrated in the Holy Qur’an, chapter 37 verse 106, that: “‘Thou hast indeed fulfilled the dream.’ Thus indeed do We reward those who do good.”

His Holinessaa said that the sacrifice of Prophet Abraham’sas family did not end there, rather it heralded the dawn of a new era of true faith and sacrifice, in which the mother of the Prophet Ismaelas, Syednā Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ Vaa delivering ‘Id Sermon at Mubarak Mosque Hazrat Hajrara manifested absolute faith and trust in God Almighty. Reflection upon the immeasurable in Pakistan are especially focused sacrifices of the Prophet Abrahamas and on pressuring the authorities to His Holinessaa narrated that on the his family, Hazrat file cases against Ahmadi Muslims instruction of Allah the Almighty, said: seeking to fulfil the Islamic practice of Prophet Abrahamas left his wife and son sacrificing an animal on the occasion in the wilderness of Makkah with a few Only when a man strives to tread upon of this ‘Id. They are asserting that dates and some water. the Abrahamic example and elevates Ahmadi Muslims should be punished his own level of loyalty towards Allah all because we seek to fulfil this As she faced this trial, Hazrat Hajrara the Almighty will they become the Islamic duty. May Allah the Almighty enquired if her husband was leaving them recipients of the blessings of Allah the save Ahmadi Muslims from the evils on the command of Allah the Almighty. Almighty. Only when a woman seeks of such mischievous people. The Prophet Abrahamas replied in the to emulate the standard set by Hazrat affirmative. Hajrara will she be showered with the His Holinessaa concluded the sermon with blessings of Allah the Almighty. And a silent prayer. Narrating her pious and noble response, surely if a young person strives to Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadss said: learn from the example of Prophet As this year, ‘Idul Adha fell on a Friday, Ismaelas will they be the inheritors of later His Holinessaa also delivered his With complete conviction and trust Allah’s Beneficence. That is when true weekly Friday Sermon from the Mubarak in Allah the Almighty, Hazrat Hajra ‘Id will be attained. Mosque during which he spoke about a replied ‘If you are leaving us upon the new law in Pakistan that required people command of Allah the Almighty then His Holinessaa concluded his ‘Id Sermon to write ‘Seal of the Prophets’ after the He will not let us be ruined. You may by calling on Ahmadi Muslims to pray for name of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa. go wherever you need.’ all those who are facings struggles and hardship. Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa stated: Speaking of the incomparable reward that Allah the Almighty granted them in His Holinessaa instructed Ahmadi Muslims These people think they have return for their sacrifices, Hazrat Mirza to fervently pray for those who are facing accomplished a great feat by requiring Masroor Ahmadaa said: religious persecution in parts of Africa, people to write ‘Seal of the Prophets’ across Pakistan and elsewhere. next to the name of the Holy Prophetsa History testifies to how Allah the and they feel that they have created Almighty rewarded the faith of Hazrat His Holinessaa mentioned how even the some hurdles in the path of Ahmadi Hajra and so He did not forsake basic religious ritual of sacrificing an Muslims by doing so. They are her or her son, rather in return, an animal on the occasion of ‘Idul Adha was ignorant of the truth because they do incredible nation was born to them a right that extremists sought to deny to not realise that we Ahmadi Muslims and they had the ultimate honour Ahmadi Muslims living in Pakistan. are the ones who truly understand the that a great prophet, the Seal of the unparalleled status of the ‘Seal of the Prophets, Muhammad, the Chosen Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa said: Prophets’sa and that we have attained Onesa was raised from amongst this understanding through the them who became a Prophet for all Although it is the case every year, teachings of the Promised Messiahas. mankind. this time those who persecute us

26 Aḥmadiyya Gazette AUGUST 10, 2020


ue to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Ahmadi Muslims around the world have been unable to hold their respective Annual Conventions (Jalsa Salana) this year. DHowever, on August 7 and 9 2020, during the dates that the international Jalsa Salana was due to be held in the United Kingdom, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa, His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa delivered an inspirational two-part address in which he recounted the blessings and continued progress of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community during the past year.

On Friday, August 7, 2020, His Holinessaa delivered the first part of the report during his weekly Friday Sermon from Syednā Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ Vaa delivering special Jalsa Salana address the Mubarak Mosque in Islamabad, Tilford. Narrating the story of how one lady satisfied and she decided to join the came to join the Ahmadiyya Muslim Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. The second part was delivered as a Community in Argentina, Hazrat Mirza special Jalsa Salana address from the Masroor Ahmadaa said: In his address, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Masroor Hall at the Islamabad complex. Ahmadaa also spoke about the work of Both addresses were delivered in front of An Argentine lady passed by our the Foreign Missions of the Ahmadiyya a small gathering of Ahmadi Muslims in mission house in Argentina, where Muslim Community, as well as the output line with social distancing requirements. she saw a picture of the Promised of its official websites such as Messiahas with a quote next to it and periodicals such as , Al Hakam, Additionally, during the three days when stating that ‘The Messiah has come’. Al-Taqwa, The amongst the Jalsa Salana UK 2020 was due to be This image and quote had a deep others. held, MTA International broadcast a impact on her because she was a series of Jalsa Salana speeches delivered practicing Catholic. Before this she Speaking about The Review of Religions by His Holinessaa in prior years, as well as had no interest in Islam and nor did magazine, Hazrat Mirza Masroor some special live new programmes. she personally know any Muslims. Ahmadaa said:

Whilst presenting the Annual Report Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa continued: The Promised Messiahas himself of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim established The Review of Religions, Community, His Holinessaa announced She began learning about Islam and and its first edition was published that, despite the great and unexpected contacted the local Missionary of in January 1902. By the Grace of God challenges posed in spreading the the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. this magazine has been running message of Islam by COVID-19, a total of Subsequently, she began to attend for 118 years. It is being printed in 112,179 people had joined the Ahmadiyya the classes and meetings organised by English, French, Spanish and German Muslim Community during the past our Community. Her husband found accompanied by a website and social year. His Holinessaa also presented faith- out about this and did not approve, media channels for each language. inspiring accounts of people who had yet despite this, she secretly kept The Review of Religions has played a joined having witnessed signs of God in touch and carried on her study very important part in conveying the Almighty testifying to the truth of the of Islam. Then, a year later, on the message of the Promised Messiahas to Promised Messiahas. 28th December 2019, her heart was the English speaking community.

27 His Holinessaa also spoke about the humanitarian work being carried out across the globe by Humanity First and the International Association of Ahmadi Architects and Engineers (IAAAE). He said that, during the past year, the IAAAE had installed 2,800 water pumps providing benefit to 250,000 people. The IAAAE had also now established 19 model village projects in nine countries and was working on various other humanitarian projects.

Speaking of Humanity First, His Holinessaa said that the charity was now aa registered in 54 countries and amongst its Syednā Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masīḥ V delivering special Jalsa Salana address humanitarian efforts, it had arranged for 15,315 free eye operations. Furthermore, and enlightens their truthfulness. Those • 520 million people reached through 345 medical camps had helped over who are not from God and forge a lie News Reports and Media across 2,544 230,000 vulnerable and under-privileged against Him are eventually disgraced and outlets in 12,453 articles people. destroyed.” • 310 English and 1,000 Urdu Books His Holinessaa also spoke about the His Holinessaa concluded the special available on the Ahmadiyya Muslim Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s global address at Jalsa Salana 2020 with a silent Community’s website television station, Muslim Television prayer. Ahmadiyya (MTA) and how it had • 145 New Arabic Publications continued to develop and expand its Key Facts & Figures from the Annual reach. Report of the Ahmadiyya Muslim • 230,000 People Treated in 345 free Community 2019-2020 Humanity First medical camps. He stated that MTA had increased its number of channels from five to eight • 112,179 people joined the Ahmadiyya • Humanity First is established in 54 in the past year and was now regularly Muslim Community from 98 countries translating its broadcasts into ten countries languages and furthering its efforts • 496 workers in MTA International to propagate the true and peaceful • 22.7 million people were given the including 417 unpaid volunteers teachings of Islam online and through message of Islam through 9.3million social media. leaflets • MTA is now broadcasting over 8 channels globally His Holinessaa concluded by reflecting on • 217 New and 97 mission the progress of the Ahmadiyya Muslim houses of the Ahmadiyya Muslim • Exhibitions were held across the Community and how it continues to be Community were established across world, through which 343,000 people supported by God Almighty despite the four continents. received the true message of Islam. false allegations that are often levelled against its Founder. • More than 360,000 books were • Over 5000 bookstalls and book fairs printed from the Ahmadiyya Muslim were held across the world, through Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa said: Community’s Printing Press in the which 774,000 people received the UK (Raqeem Press) true message of Islam Today, even after 130 years, we are seeing that those signs of support of • $5.2 million was saved by volunteer God Almighty for the Community of work in 41k sessions across 114 the Promised Messiahas continue to be countries. manifested. • 288 New Branches of the Ahmadiyya Ending with a quote of the Promised Muslim Community were established Messiahas, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaa said: “God Himself manifests • 42 million publications produced in the honour of those who are sent by God 42 languages across 93 countries.

28 Aḥmadiyya Gazette COVID-19 Fact Sheet stay home stay safe help others #HFCares

As COVID-19 continues to spread, there are things we can all do to keep each other and ourselves safe. Stay informed and take all necessary precautions to ensure we are doing our part to help the government and frontline workers combat the virus.

SOME ARE AT • Change your routine to avoid HIGH RISK crowded places, such as going COMMUNICATE to the grocery store at off peak hours. Anyone with pre-existing medical • Communicate with your health- conditions and/ or a weakened im- • Keep at least a 2 arms length (or care provider. They will help mune system is at a higher risk. 2m) distance from others ensure you have enough pre- scribed medication and medical • Avoid all nonessential travel This includes seniors and those with supplies. the following conditions: • put a system in place to regular- • Heart disease HYGIENE MEASURES ly check on family and friends • Hypertension via phone or email. • Lung disease • Wash your hands frequently ac- • Diabetes cording to the World Health Or- STAY INFORMED • Cancer ganization’s guidelines and use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when not available. • Learn about the symptoms of Covid-19, how it spreads and HOW TO REDUCE YOUR RISK • Avoid touching your face and preventative measures you can food with your hands take STAY HOME • Ensure your information is com- BE PREPARED ing from reputable sources, such Stay home if possible and limit the as Public Health Agency of Can- number of visitors at your home ada and the World Heath Orga- PLAN AHEAD nization. • Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces in your home regularly • Monitor yourself for symptoms • Stock up on necessary supplies • Give yourself a break from the If you must step outside, please in case you need to stay at home news and find time to relax take the following measures: for a few weeks. • Avoid touching high touch sur- • Identify services that can deliv- Visit for faces er food and medications more info

Contact Humanity First: +1 416 440-0346 [email protected] Twitter: @humanityfirst PRAYERS FOR THE CURRENT PANDEMIC In these days, we should pay special attention to the study of Kashti-e-Nooh (Noah’s Arc) and arrange regular Dars of this book in our homes. In the current situation, whereas Syedna Hazrat Khalīfatul-Masiḥ V (May Allah be his Helper!) has advised us to take other precautionary measures, Huzoor aa has also urged us to turn to Allah in repentance and pray. Therefore, some prayers from the Holy Qur’an, Ahadith and prayers of the Promised Messiah as are given below:

Prayer of Hazrat Ayubas Prayer for Protection from Pandemics Hazrat Ayubas supplicated to seek cure from his illness During a pandemic, God Almighty conveyed it and presented his weak state for attracting Allah’s the Promised Messiah as that, as a remedy against it, mercy. This prayer was accepted and, miraculously, Allah should be remembered through His following the affliction was removed. attributes: ْ ْ ْ ْ یَا َح ِف ْي ُظ۔ یَا َعزِیْ ُز۔ یَا َرفِْي ُق َان ِّی َم َّسنِ َی ُّالض ُّر َو َان َت َار َح ُم ّٰالر ِح ِمی َن Affliction has touched me, and Thou art the O Protector, O Almighty, O Companion Most Merciful of all who show mercy. (21:84) (Tadhkirah, p,660) َ Prayer of Hazrat Mosesas یَا َح ُّی یَا َقي ْو ُم ِب َر ْحم ِت َک أ ْس َت ِغ ْي ُث ُّ َ When an earthquake overtook Hazrat Mosesas and O Ever-Living and Self-Subsisting One, I the chiefs of his people , Hazrat Mosesas considered it supplicate for Your mercy. (Tadhkirah, p,439) indication of Allah’s displeasure and he supplicated as: The Promised Messiah as has stated that it was con- ْ ْ ْ ْ ْ ْ ْ of (اسم اعظم) veyed to him that this is the Great Name َان َت َو ِلیَُّنا َفاغ ِف ْر َل َنا َو ار َح ْم َنا َو َان َت َخی ُر ال ٰغ ِف ِری َن Thou art our Protector; forgive us then God and that whoever supplicates with these words and have mercy on us, for Thou art the would be delivered from every affliction. ْ ْ ِّرب کُ ُّل َش ٍئ َخ ِاد ُم َک َر ِّب َف ْاحَفظنِی َوان ُص ْرن ِی ْوار َح ْمنِی (Best of those who forgive. (7:156 Prayer for Protection against All Harms O my Lord everything serves You. So O Uthman ibn Affan ra says: I heard the Holy Prophet sa my Lord, protect me and help me and say: “He who recites this prayer thrice in the morning have mercy on me. (Tadhkirah, p,601) and again in the evening every day, God will protect Prayer for Deliverance from him from anything which is harmful.” Sufferings and Illness

سْبحان اهللِ و ِبح ْم ِد ٖہ سْبحان اهللِ ْالع ِظ ْیم ِب ْس ِ ماهللِ الَّ ِذي َلا َي ُضر َم َع ْاس ِمهِ َش ْی ٌء ُ َ َ َ َ ُ َ َ َ ْ ُّ ٍ ٍ في ال َأ ْر ِض وَلا في السما ِو ُهو الس ِم ُيع ْالع ِل ْیم َاللّٰ ُھ َّم َص ِّل َعلٰی ُم َح َّمد َّو ِٰال ُم َح َّمد ِ َ ِ َّ َ ء َ َ َّ َ ُ In the name of Allah, with Whose name Holy is Allah and worthy of all Praise; Holy nothing can harm in the earth and in is Allah, the Great. Allah, bestow Your Heaven, and He is All-Hearing, All- blessings on Muhammad and the people of Knowing. (Sunan Abi Dawood: 5088) Muhammad. (Tiryaqul-Qulub, pp. 36–37, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 15, pp. 208–209)

Department of Tarbiyat, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama‘at Canada Updated March 18, 2020