European Commission Competition prices within the European Union European the within prices Car

Car prices within the European Union

Prix des voitures au sein de l’Union européenne Autopreise in der europäischen Union 1 January 2010 1 January 2010 January 1 COMPETITION REPORTS

European Commission

Car prices within the European Union Prix des voitures au sein de l'Union européenne Autopreise in der europäischen Union

1 January 2010



Brussels, 2010

The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect official position of the European Communities. Responsibility for the information lies entirely with the car manufacturers who have provided the data.

Car prices within the European Union at 1 January 2010

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Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication.

Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2010

ISSN 1725-9991

Printed issue: ISBN 978-92-79-16027-1 DOI 10.2763/34069

PDF-version: ISBN 978-92-79-16028-8 DOI 10.2763/34252 © European Union, 2010. Reproduction is authorised, provided the source is acknowledged.

Printed in Belgium




















Table of contents


Означение / Leyenda / Vysvětlivky 4 Reference / Erläuterung / Viide 5 Σημείωση / Reference / Légende 6 Leggenda / Atsauce / Paaiškinimas 7 Hivatkozás / Referenza / Verklaring 8 Legenda / Legenda / Referinţă 9 Odkaz / Referenca / Viite 10 Referens 11 Euro 12 Price index by make 13 Index by segment 25

Ценоразписи на производителите 35 Tablas de Precios de los Fabricantes Ceník výrobce Tabeller fra. Fabrikanterne Preisübersichten der Hersteller Tootja hinnatabelid Πίνακες με τις τιμές των κατασκευαστών Manufacturer price tables Tableaux de prix des constructeurs Tabella dei prezzi fornita dai fabbricanti Ražotāja cenu tabulas Gamintojų kainų lentelės Gépjárműgyártók Árjegyzéke Tabelli tal-prezzijiet tal-manifatturi Fabrieksprijs tabel Tabele cen producentów Tabelas dos fabricantes Tabele cu preţurile de producător Cenníky výrobcov Tabele cen proizvajalca Valmistajan hintataulukot Tabell över tillverkarpriser

Български – Означение BE – Белгия FR – Франция PL – Полша BGN – български лев LTL – литовски BG – България IT – Италия PT – Португалия CZK – чешка крона литас CZ – Чешка CY – Кипър RO – Румъния DKK – датска крона LVL – латвийски република LV – Латвия SI – Словения EEK – естонска крона лат DK – Дания LT – Литва SK – Словакия GBP – британска лира PLN – полска DE – Германия LU – Люксембург FI – Финландия HUF – унгарски злота EE – Естония HUУнгария SE – Швеция форинт RON – румънска IE – Ирландия MT – Малта UK – Обединеното лея EL – Гърция NL –Нидерландия кралство SEK – шведска ES – Испания AT – Австрия крона

Цена в EUR и в национална валута (без такси), СЕГМЕНТ А Мини автомобили по марки/сегменти СЕГМЕНТ B Малки автомобили Източници: Автомобилни производители СЕГМЕНТ C Средни автомобили СЕГМЕНТ D Големи автомобили 100% се използват за най-евтината страна от СЕГМЕНТ E Представителни автомобили EUR-16 (BE, DE, IE, EL, ES, FR, IT, CY, LU, MT, NL, AT, СЕГМЕНТ F Луксозни автомобили PT, SI, FI, SK) СЕГМЕНТ G Многофункционални и XXX означава, че няма данни високопроходими автомобили

Español – Leyenda BE – Bélgica FR – Francia AT – Austria BGN – lev búlgaro LTL – litas lituana BG – Bulgaria IT – Italia PL – Polonia CZK – corona checa LVL – lats letón CZ – Chequia CY – Chipre PT – Portugal DKK – corona danesa PLN – zloty polaco DK – Dinamarca LV – Letonia RO – Rumania EEK – corona Estonia RON – leu rumano DE – Alemania LT – Lituania SI – Eslovenia GBP – libra esterlina SEK – corona sueca EE – Estonia LU – Luxemburgo SK – Eslovaquia HUF – forint húngaro IE – Irlanda HU – Hungría FI – Finlandia EL – Grecia MT – Malta SE – Suecia ES – España NL – Países Bajos UK – Reino Unido Precio en euros y en moneda nacional (sin SEGMENT A Minicoches impuestos), por marca/por segmento SEGMENT B Coches pequeños SEGMENT C Coches medianos Fuentes: Los fabricantes de automóviles SEGMENT D Coches grandes SEGMENT E Coches de representación 100% para el país menos caro EUR-16 (BE, DE, IE, EL, SEGMENT F Coches de lujo ES, FR, IT, CY, LU, MT, NL, AT, PT, SI, FI, SK) SEGMENT G Todo-terrenos, monovolúmenes XXX indica que no hay datos disponibles y coches deportivos

Čeština – Vysvětlivky BE – Belgie FR – Francie AT – Rakousko BGN – bulharský lev LTL – litevský litas BG – Bulharsko IT – Itálie PL – Polsko CZK – česká koruna LVL – lotyšský lats CZ – Česko CY – Kypr PT – Portugalsko DKK – dánská koruna PLN – polský zlotý DK – Dánsko LV – Lotyšsko RO – Rumunsko EEK – estonská koruna RON – rumunský lei DE – Německo LT – Litva SI – Slovinsko GBP – britská libra SEK – švédská koruna EE – Estonsko LU – Lucembursko SK – Slovensko HUF – maďarský forint IE – Irsko HU – Uhersko FI – Finsko EL – Řecko MT – Malta SE – Švédsko ES – Španělsko NL – Nizozemí UK – Spojené království Cena v eurech a v národní měně (bez daně), SEGMENT A mini automobily dle značky/dle segmentu SEGMENT B malé automobily Zdroj: výrobci motorových vozidel SEGMENT C střední automobily SEGMENT D velké automobily 100% je užito pro nejlevnější zemi EUR-16 (BE, DE, SEGMENT E manažerské automobily IE, EL, ES, FR, IT, CY, LU, MT, NL, AT, PT, SI, FI, SK) SEGMENT F luxusní automobily XXX znamená, že údaje nejsou k dispozici SEGMENT G víceúčelové a sportovní vozy

4 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

Dansk – Reference BE – Belgien FR – Frankrig AT – Østrig BGN – bulgarske lev LTL – litauiske litas BG – Bulgarien IT – Italien PL – Polen CZK – tjekkiske koruna LVL – lettiske lats CZ – Tjekkiet CY – Cypern PT – Portugal DKK – danske kroner PLN – polske zloty DK – Danmark LV – Letland RO – Rumænien EEK – estiske kroon RON – rumænske lei DE – Tyskland LT – Litauen SI – Slovenien GBP – pund sterling SEK – svenske kroner EE – Estland LU – Luxembourg SK – Slovakiet HUF – ungarske forint IE – Irland HU – Ungarn FI – Finland EL – Grækenland MT – Malta SE – Sverige ES – Spanien NL – Nederlandene UK – Det Forenede Kongerike Pris i euro og national valuta (uden afgifter), SEGMENT A Mini biler per bilmærke/per bilsegment SEGMENT B Små biler Kilde: Bilfabrikanter SEGMENT C Mellem biler SEGMENT D Store biler 100% er brugt på det billigste land EUR-16 (BE, DE, SEGMENT E Repræsentations biler IE, EL, ES, FR, IT, CY, LU, MT, NL, AT, PT, SI, FI, SK) SEGMENT F Luksus biler XXX indikerer at beløb ikke er til rådighed SEGMENT G Multifunktioner og sportsformål

Deutsch – Erläuterung BE – Belgien FR – Frankreich PL – Polen BGN – Bulgarischer LTL – Litauischer Litas BG – Bulgarien IT – Italien PT – Portugal Lew LVL – Lettischer Lat CZ – Tschechische CY – Zypern RO – Rumänien CZK – Tschechische PLN – Polnischer Zloty Republik LV – Lettland SI – Slowenien Krone RON – Rumänischer Leu DK – Dänemark LT – Litauen SK – Slowakei DKK – Dänische Krone SEK – Schwedische Krone DE – Deutschland LU – Luxemburg FI – Finnland EEK – Estnische Krone EE – Estland HU – Ungarn SE – Schweden GBP – Pfund Sterling IE – Irland MT – Malta UK – Vereinigtes HUF – Ungarischer EL – Griechenland NL – Niederlande Königreich Forint ES – Spanien AT – Österreich Preis in Euro und nationaler Währung (ohne Steuern), SEGMENT A Kleinstwagen gegliedert nach Marke/nach Marktsegment SEGMENT B Kleinwagen Angaben stammen von den Automobilherstellern SEGMENT C Mittelklasse SEGMENT D Obere Mittelklasse 100% bezeichnet das preisgünstigste Land EUR-16 SEGMENT E Oberklasse (BE, DE, IE, EL, ES, FR, IT, CY, LU, MT, NL, AT, PT, SEGMENT F Luxusklasse SI, FI, SK) SEGMENT G Mehrzweck, Sportwagen XXX Angaben nicht verfügbar

Eesti keel – Viide BE – Belgia FR – Prantsusmaa AT – Austria BGN – Bulgaaria lev LTL – Leedu litt BG – Bulgaaria IT – Itaalia PL – Poola CZK – Tšehhi kroon LVL – Läti latt CZ – Tšehhi CY – Küpros PT – Portugal DKK – Taani kroon PLN – Poola zlott DK – Taani LV – Läti RO – Rumeenia EEK – Eesti kroon RON – Rumeenia leu DE – Saksamaa LT – Leedu SI – Sloveenia GBP – Inglise nael SEK – Rootsi kroon EE – Eesti LU – Luksemburg SK – Slovakkia HUF – Ungari forint IE – Iirimaa HU – Ungari FI – Soome EL – Kreeka MT – Malta SE – Rootsi ES – Hispaania NL – Madalmaad UK – Ühendkuningriik Hind Eurodes ja rahvuslikes valuutades (ilma SEGMENT A Miniautod maksuta), margi/segmendi kohta SEGMENT B Väikeautod Allikas: Mootorsõidukite tootjad SEGMENT C Keskmise suurusega autod SEGMENT D Suured autod Odavaima maa kohta on kasutatud 100% EUR-16 SEGMENT E Esindusautod (BE, DE, IE, EL, ES, FR, IT, CY, LU, MT, NL, AT, PT, SEGMENT F Luksusautod SI, FI, SK) SEGMENT G Mitmeotstarbelised ja spordi sõiduvahendid XXX märgib, et andmed pole kättesaadavad

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 5

Ελλινικα − Σημειωση BE – Βέλγιο FR – Γαλλία PL – Πολωνία BGN – βουλγαρικό λεβ LTL – λιϑουανικό λιτας BG – Βουλγαρία IT – Ιταλία PT – Πορτογαλία CZK – τσεχική κορόνα LVL – λεττονικό λατ CZ – Τσεχική CY – Κύπρος RO – Ρουμανία DKK – δανική κορόνα PLN – πολωνικό ζλότι Δημοκρατια LV – Λεττονία SI – Σλοβενία EEK – εσϑονική κορόνα RON – ρουμανικό λέι DK – Δανία LT – Λιθουανία SK – Σλοβακία GBP – λίρα στερλίνα SEK – σουηδική κορόνα DE – Γερμανία LU – Λουξεμβούργο FI – Φινλανδία HUF – ουγγρικό ϕιορίνι EE – Εσθονία HU – Ουγγαρία SE – Σουηδία IE – Ιρλανδία MT – Μάλτα UK – Ηνωμένο EL – Ελλάδα NL – Κάτω Χώρες Βασίλειο ES – Ισπανία AT – Αυοτρία Τιμή σε ευρώ και εθνικό νομισμα (αϕορολόγητη), SEGMENT A πολύ μικρά αυτοκίνητα μοντέλο/ανά τμήμα SEGMENT B μικρά αυτοκίνητα Πηγές:Οι κατασκευαστές οχημάτων SEGMENT C μεσαία αυτοκίνητα SEGMENT D μεγάλα αυτοκίνητα 100% χρησιμοποιείται για τη φτηνότερη χώρα SEGMENT E επίσημα αυτοκίνητα EUR-16 (BE, DE, IE, EL, ES, FR, IT, CY, LU, MT, NL, AT, PT, SEGMENT F αυτοκίνητα πολυτελείας SI, FI, SK) SEGMENT G πολλαπλής ωφελείας και αθλητικής XΧΧ ενδυκνείει ότι τα ποσά δεν είναι διαθέσιμα χρησιμότητας

English – Reference BE – Belgium FR – France AT – Austria BGN – Bulgarian lev LTL – Lithuanian litas BG – Bulgaria IT – Italy PL – Poland CZK – Czech koruna LVL – Latvian lats CZ – Czech Republic CY – Cyprus PT – Portugal DKK – Danish krone PLN – Polish zloty DK – Denmark LV – Latvia RO – Romania EEK – Estonian kroon RON – Romanian leu DE – Germany LT – Lithuania SI – Slovenia GBP – Pound sterling SEK – Swedish krona EE – Estonia LU – Luxembourg SK – Slovakia HUF – Hungarian forint IE – Ireland HU – Hungary FI – Finland EL – Greece MT – Malta SE – Sweden ES – Spain NL – Netherlands UK – United Kingdom Price in euro and national currency (tax-free), SEGMENT A Mini by make/by segment SEGMENT B Small cars Sources: Motor vehicle manufacturers SEGMENT C Medium cars

SEGMENT D Large cars 100% is used for the cheapest country EUR-16 (BE, SEGMENT E Executive cars DE, IE, EL, ES, FR, IT, CY, LU, MT, NL, AT, PT, SI, FI, SEGMENT F Luxury cars SK) SEGMENT G Multi purpose and sports utility XXX indicates that figures are not available

Français – Légende BE – Belgique FR – France AT – Autriche BGN – lev bulgare LTL – litas BG – Bulgarie IT – Italie PL – Pologne CZK – couronne tchèque lituanien CZ – République CY – Chypre PT – Portugal DKK – couronne danoise LVL – lats letton tchèque LV – Lettonie RO – Roumanie EEK – couronne estonienne PLN – zloty DK – Danemark LT – Lituanie SI – Slovénie GBP – livre sterling polonais DE – Allemagne LU – Luxembourg SK – Slovaquie HUF – forint hongrois RON – leu roumain EE – Estonie HU – Hongrie FI – Finlande SEK – couronne IE – Irlande MT – Malte SE – Suède suédoise EL – Grèce NL – Pays-Bas UK – Royaume-Uni ES – Espagne Prix en euros et en monnaie nationale (hors taxes), SEGMENT A Mini-voitures par marque/par segment SEGMENT B Petites voitures Sources: Les constructeurs automobiles SEGMENT C Voitures moyennes SEGMENT D Familiales 100% pour le pays le moins cher EUR-16 (BE, DE, IE, SEGMENT E Grandes routières EL, ES, FR, IT, CY, LU, MT, NL, AT, PT, SI, FI, SK) SEGMENT F Voitures Prestigieuses XXX données non disponibles SEGMENT G Tout terrain, monovolumes et sportives

6 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

Italiano – Leggenda BE – Belgio FR – Francia AT – Austria BGN – lev bulgari LTL – litas lituani BG – Bulgaria IT – Italia PL – Polonia CZK – corone ceche LVL – lats lettoni CZ – Repubblica ceca CY – Cipro PT – Portogallo DKK – corone danesi PLN – zloty polacchi DK – Danimarca LV – Lettonia RO – Romania EEK – corone estoni RON – leu rumeni DE – Germania LT – Lituania SI – Slovenia GBP – sterline inglesi SEK – corone EE – Estonia LU – Lussemburgo SK – Slovacchia HUF – fiorini ungheresi svedesi IE – Irlanda HU – Ungheria FI – Finlandia EL – Grecia MT – Malta SE – Svezia ES – Spagna NL – Paesi Bassi UK – Regno Unito Prezzo in euro e in moneta nazionale (al netto delle SEGMENT A Superutilitarie Tosse), per marca/per segmento SEGMENT B Utilitarie Fonte d'informazione: I costruttori di automobili SEGMENT C Medie inferiori SEGMENT D Medie 100% per il paese meno caro EUR-16 (BE, DE, IE, EL, ES, SEGMENT E Lusso FR, IT, CY, LU, MT, NL, AT, PT, SI, FI, SK) SEGMENT F Superiori XXX vale dati non disponibili SEGMENT G Monovolume fuoristrada e macehine sportive

Latviešu valoda – Atsauce BE – Beļģija FR – Francija AT – Austrija BGN – Bulgārijas ieva LTL – Lietuvas lits BG – Bulgārija IT – Itālija PL – Polija CZK – Čehijas krona LVL – Latvijas lats CZ – Čehija CY – Kipra PT – Portugāle DKK – Dānijas krona PLN – Polijas zlots DK – Dānija LV – Latvija RO – Rumānija EEK – Igaunijas krona RON – Rumānijas leja DE – Vācija LT – Lietuva SI – Slovēnija GBP – Lielbritānijas mārciņa SEK – Zviedrijas krona EE – Igaunija LU – Luksemburga SK – Slovākija HUF – Ungārijas forints IE – Īrija HU – Ungārija FI – Somija EL – Grieķija MT – Malta SE – Zviedrija ES – Spānija NL – Nīderlande UK – Apvienotā Karaliste Cena eiro un nacionālajā valūtā (bez nodokļiem), SEGMENT A mini automašīnas pa marku/pa sektoru SEGMENT B mazās automašīnas Avoti: Auto transporta ražotāji SEGMENT C vidējās automašīnas SEGMENT D lielās automašīnas 100% ir lietoti lētākajai valstij EUR-16 (BE, DE, IE, EL, SEGMENT E augstākās klases automašīnas ES, FR, IT, CY, LU, MT, NL, AT, PT, SI, FI, SK) SEGMENT F luksuss automašīnas XXX norāda, ka skaitļi nav pieejami SEGMENT G multi-lietošošanas un sporta automašīnas

Lietuvių kalba – Paaiškinimas BE – Belgija FR – Prancūzija AT – Austrija BGN – Bulgarijos levas LTL – Lietuvos litas BG – Bulgarija IT – Italija PL – Lenkija CZK – Čekijos krona LVL – Latvijos latas CZ – Čekija CY – Kipras PT – Portugalija DKK – Danijos krona PLN – Lenkijos zlotas DK – Danija LV – Latvija RO – Rumunija EEK – Estijos kronos RON – Rumunijos lėja DE – Vokietija LT – Lietuva SI – Slovėnija GBP – Svaras šterlingas SEK – Švedijos krona EE – Estija LU – Liuksemburgas SK – Slovakija HUF – Vengrijos forintas IE – Airija HU – Vengrija FI – Suomija EL – Graikija MT – Malta SE – Švedija ES – Ispanija NL – Nyderlandai UK – Jungtinė Karalystė Kaina eurais ir nacionaline valiuta (be mokesčių), SEGMENT A mini-automobiliai pagal modelį/pagal segmentą SEGMENT B maži automobiliai Šaltiniai: automobilių gamintojai SEGMENT C vidutinio dydžio automobiliai SEGMENT D dideli automobiliai 100% atitinka pigiausią valstybę EUR-16 (BE, DE, IE, SEGMENT E automobiliai vadovams EL, ES, FR, IT, CY, LU, MT, NL, AT, PT, SI, FI, SK) SEGMENT F prabangūs automobiliai xxx žymima, kad duomenų nėra SEGMENT G daugiatikslio naudojimo ir sportiniai automobiliai

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Magyar – Hivatkozás BE – Belgium FR – Franciaország AT – Ausztria BGN – Bulgár leva LTL – Litván litász BG – Bulgária IT – Olaszország PL – Lengyelország CZK – Cseh korona LVL – Lett lats CZ – Csehország CY – Ciprus PT – Portugália DKK – Dán korona PLN – Lengyel zloty DK – Dánia LV – Lettország RO – Románia EEK – Észt korona RON – Román lej DE – Németország LT – Litvánia SI – Szlovénia GBP – Angol font SEK – Svéd korona EE – Észtország LU – Luxemburg SK – Szlovákia HUF – Magyar Forint IE – Írország HU – Magyarország FI – Finnország EL – Görögország MT – Málta SE – Svédország ES – Spanyolország NL – Hollandia UK – Egyesült Királyság Árak euro-ban és nemzeti valutában (adómentes), SEGMENT A Mini autók gyártmány/szegmens szerint SEGMENT B Kisméretű autók Forrás: Gépjárműgyártók SEGMENT C Középméretű autók SEGMENT D Nagyméretű autók 100 % az Euro-zóna legolcsóbb országát jelzi EUR-16 SEGMENT E Felsőkategóriás autók (BE, DE, IE, EL, ES, FR, IT, CY, LU, MT, NL, AT, PT, SI, SEGMENT F Luxus autók FI, SK) SEGMENT G Többfunkciós és sport autók XXX jelöli, ha az adatok nem elérhetők

Malti – Referenza BE – Il-Belġju FR – Franza AT – L-Awstrija BGN – Lev Bulgaru LTL – Litas Litwana BG – Il-Bulgarija IT – L-Italja PL – Il-Polonja CZK – Koruna Ċeka LVL – Lats Latvjan CZ – Ir-Repubblika CY – Ċipru PT – Il-Portugall DKK – Krone Daniż PLN – Zloty Pollakk Ċeka LV – Il-Latvja RO – Ir-Rumanija EEK – Kroon Estonu RON – Leu Rumen DK – Id-Danimarka LT – il-Litwanja SI – Is-Slovenja GBP – Lira sterlina SEK – Krona Żvediża DE – Il-Ġermanja LU – Il-Lussemburgu SK – L-Islovakkja HUF – Forint EE – L-Estonja HU – L-Ungerija FI – Il-Finlandja Ungeriż IE – L-Irlanda MT – Malta SE – L-Iżvezja EL – Il-Greċja NL – L-Olanda UK – Ir-Renju Unit ES – Spanja Prezzijiet f'euro u l-munita nazzjonali (mingħajr taxxa), SEGMENT A Karrozzi żgħar ħafna skond id-ditta/skond is-segment SEGMENT B Karrozzi żgħar Sorsi: Manifatturi tal-vetturi bil-mutur SEGMENT C Karrozzi ta' daqs medju SEGMENT D Karrozzi kbar 100% huwa użat għall-irħas pajjiż EUR-16 (BE, DE, IE, SEGMENT E Karrozzi eżekuttivi EL, ES, FR, IT, CY, LU, MT, NL, AT, PT, SI, FI, SK) SEGMENT F Karrozzi lussużi XXX tindika li ċ-ċifra mhix disponibbli SEGMENT G Karrozzi b'aktar minn funzjoni waħda u sports utility

Nederlands – Verklaring BE – België FR – Frankrijk AT – Oostenrijk BGN – Bulgaarse lev LTL – Litouwse litas BG – Bulgarije IT – Italië PL – Polen CZK – Tsjechische LVL – Letlandse lat CZ – Tsjechië CY – Cyprus PT – Portugal koruna PLN – Poolse zloty DK – Denemarken LV – Letland RO – Roemenië DKK – Deense kroon RON – Roemeense DE – Duitsland LT – Litouwen SI – Slovenië EEK – Estlandse kroon leu EE – Estland LU – Luxemburg SK – Slowakije GBP – Fond sterling SEK – Zweedse IE – Ierland HU – Hongarije FI – Finland HUF – Hongaarse kroon EL – Griekenland MT – Malta SE – Zweden forint ES – Spanje NL – Nederland UK – Verenigd Koninkrijk Prijs in euro en in nationale Valuta (zonder belasting), SEGMENT A Zeer kleine auto’s per merk/per segment SEGMENT B Kleine auto’s Bron: automobielfabrikanten SEGMENT C Medium auto’s SEGMENT D Grote auto’s 100% wordt gebruikt voor het goedkoopste land EUR-16 SEGMENT E Executive auto’s (BE, DE, IE, EL, ES, FR, IT, CY, LU, MT, NL, AT, PT, SI, FI, SEGMENT F Luxe auto’s SK) SEGMENT G Terrein-, monovolume- en sportauto’s XXX betekent dat er geen cijfers beschikbaar zijn

8 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

Polski – Legenda BE – Belgia FR – Francja AT – Austria BGN – Lew LTL – Lit litewski BG – Bułgaria IT – Włochy PL – Polska CZK – Korona czeska LVL – Łat łotewski CZ – Czechy CY – Cypr PT – Portugalia DKK – Korona duńska PLN – Złoty polski DK – Dania LV – Łotwa RO – Rumunia EEK – Korona estońska RON – Lej rumuński DE – Niemcy LT – Litwa SI – Słowenia GBP – Funt szterling SEK – Korona EE – Estonia LU – Luksemburg SK – Słowacja HUF – Forint węgierski szwedzka IE – Irlandia HU – Węgry FI – Finlandia EL – Grecja MT – Malta SE – Szwecja ES – Hiszpania NL – Niderlandy UK – Wielka Brytania Cena w euro i w walucie krajowej (bez podatku), SEGMENT A Samochody mini wg marki/wg segmentu SEGMENT B Samochody małe Źródło: Producenci pojazdów samochodowych SEGMENT C Samochody kompaktowe SEGMENT D Samochody duże 100% jest użyte dla najtańszego kraju EUR-16 (BE, DE, SEGMENT E Samochody reprezentacyjne IE, EL, ES, FR, IT, CY, LU, MT, NL, AT, PT, SI, FI, SK) SEGMENT F Samochody luksusowe XXX oznacza, że dane nie są dostępne SEGMENT G Samochody terenowe i sportowe

Português – Legenda BE – Bélgica FR – França AT – Áustria BGN – lev LTL – litas BG – Bulgária IT – Itália PL – Polónia CZK – coroa checa LVL – lats CZ – República Checa CY – Chipre PT – Portugal DKK – coroa PLN – zloti DK – Dinamarca LV – Letónia RO – Roménia dinamarquesa RON – leu DE – Alemanha LT – Lituânia SI – Eslovénia EEK – coroa estoniana SEK – coroa sueca EE – Estónia LU – Luxemburgo SK – Eslováquia GBP – libra esterlina IE – Irlanda HU – Hungria FI – Finlândia HUF – forint EL – Grécia MT – Malta SE – Suécia ES – Espanha NL – Países Baixos UK – Reino Unido Preço em euros e em moeda nacional (livre de taxas), SEGMENT A Mini carros por marca/por segmento SEGMENT B Carros pequenos Fonte: Os fabricantes de automóveis SEGMENT C Carros médios SEGMENT D Carros grandes 100% para o país menos caro EUR-16 (BE, DE, IE, EL, ES, SEGMENT E Carros de representação FR, IT, CY, LU, MT, NL, AT, PT, SI, FI, SK) SEGMENT F Carros de luxo XXX dados não disponíveis SEGMENT G Todo terreno – monovolumes e desportivos

Română – Referinţă BE – Belgia FR – Franţa AT – Austria BGN – Leva bulgărească LTL – Litas lituanian BG – Bulgária IT – Italia PL – Polonia CZK – Coroana cehă LVL – Lats leton CZ – Republica Cehă CY – Cipru PT – Portugalia DKK – Coroana daneză PLN – Zlot polonez DK – Danemarca LV – Letonia RO – România EEK – Coroana estoniană RON – Leu românesc- DE – Germania LT – Lituania SI – Slovenia GBP – Lira sterlină nou EE – Estonia LU – Luxemburg SK – Slovacia HUF – Forint maghiar SEK – Coroana IE – Irlanda HU – Ungaria FI – Finlanda suedeză EL – Grecia MT – Malta SE – Suedia ES – Spania NL – Ţările de Jos UK – Regatul Unit Preţ exprimat în euro şi în moneda naţională (fără taxe), SEGMENT A Autoturisme mini în funcţie de marcă/segment SEGMENT B Autoturisme mici Surse: Producătorii de autovehicule SEGMENT C Autoturisme medii SEGMENT D Autoturisme mari 100% se foloseşte pentru ţara cu cele mai mici preţuri SEGMENT E Autoturisme de tip executive EUR-16 (BE, DE, IE, EL, ES, FR, IT, CY, LU, MT, NL, AT, SEGMENT F Autoturisme de lux PT, SI, FI, SK) SEGMENT G Utilitare şi autoturisme sport XXX indică faptul că datele nu sunt disponibile

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 9

Slovenčina – Odkaz BE – Belgicko FR – Francúzsko AT – Rakúsko BGN – Bulharský lev LTL – Litovský BG – Bulharsko IT – Taliansko PL – Poľsko CZK – Česká koruna litas CZ – Česko CY – Cyprus PT – Portugalsko DKK – Dánska koruna LVL – Lotyšský DK – Dánsko LV – Lotyšsko RO – Rumunsko EEK – Estónska koruna lats DE – Nemecko LT – Litva SI – Slovinsko GBP – Britská libra PLN – Poľský EE – Estónsko LU – Luxembursko SK – Slovensko HUF – Maďarský forint zlotý IE – Írsko HU – Maďarsko FI – Fínsko RON – Rumunský EL – Grécko MT – Malta SE – Švédsko lei ES – Španielsko NL – Holandsko UK – Spojené Kráľovstvo SEK – Švédska koruna

Cena v EUR a v národnej mene (bez DPH) SEGMENT A Miniautá podľa značky/kategórie SEGMENT B Malé autá Zdroje: Výrobcovia motorových vozidiel SEGMENT C Nižšia stredná trieda SEGMENT D Stredná trieda Hodnota 100% je použitá pre krajinu s najnižšími SEGMENT E Vyššia stredná trieda cenami SEGMENT F Luxusné autá EUR-16 (BE, DE, IE, EL, ES, FR, IT, CY, LU, MT, NL, AT, SEGMENT G Viacúčelové a športovo-úžitkové autá PT, SI, FI, SK) XXX znamená, že číselné údaje nie sú k dispozícii

Slovenščina – Referenca BE – Belgija FR – Francija AT – Avstrija BGN – lev LTL – litovski litas BG – Bolgarija IT – Italija PL – Poljska CZK – ceška krona LVL – latvijski lats CZ – Češka CY – Ciper PT – Portugalska DKK – danska krona PLN – poljski zlot republika LV – Latvija RO – Romunija EEK – estonska krona RON – romunski leu DK – Danska LT – Litva SI – Slovenija GBP – funt šterling SEK – švedska krona DE – Nemčija LU – Luksemburg SK – Slovaška HUF – madžarski forint EE – Estonija HU – Madžarska FI – Finska IE – Irska MT – Malta SE – Švedska EL – Grčija NL – Nizozemska UK – Združeno ES – Španija kraljestvo Cena v evrih in nacionalni valuti (brez davka) SEGMENT A Mini avtomobili po znamki/po razredu SEGMENT B Majhni avtomobili Viri: Proizvajalci motornih vozil SEGMENT C Srednje veliki avtomobili SEGMENT D Veliki avtomobili 100% se uporablja za najcenejšo državo EUR-16 (BE, SEGMENT E Avtomobili poslovnega razreda DE, IE, EL, ES, FR, IT, CY, LU, MT, NL, AT, PT, SI, FI, SK) SEGMENT F Luksuzni avtomobili XXX pomeni, da podatki niso na razpolago SEGMENT G Večnamenski in športni avtomobili

Suomi – Viite BE – Belgia FR – Ranska AT – Itävalta BGN – Bulgarian leviä LTL – Liettuan litiä BG – Bulgária IT – Italia PL – Puola CZK – Tšekin korunaa LVL – Latvian latia CZ – Tšekki CY – Kypros PT – Portugali DKK – Tanskan kruunua PLZ – Puolan zlotya DK – Tanska LV – Latvia RO – România EEK – Viron kruunua RON – Romanian leuta DE – Saksa LT – Liettua SI – Slovenia GBP – Englannin puntaa SEK – Ruotsin kruunua EE – Viro LU – Luxemburg SK – Slovakia HUF – Unkarin korinttia IE – Irlanti HU – Unkari FI – Suomi EL – Kreikka MT – Malta SE – Ruotsi ES – Espanja NL – Alankomaat UK – Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta Hinta euroissa ja paikallisessa valuutassa (ilman veroja), SEGMENT A Pienet autot automerkeittäin/per luokka SEGMENT B Pienehköt autot Lähde: Moottoriajoneuvojen valmistajat SEGMENT C Keskikokoiset autot SEGMENT D Suuret autot 100 %:ia käytetään kuvaamaan edullisinta maata EUR-16 SEGMENT E Edustusautot (BE, DE, IE, EL, ES, FR, IT, CY, LU, MT, NL, AT, PT, SI, FI, SEGMENT F Loistoautot SK) SEGMENT G Monikäyttö- ja urheiluautot XXX ilmaisee, ettei tietoja ole saatavilla

10 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

Svenska – Referens BE – Belgien FR – Frankrike AT – Österrike BGN – bulgarisk lev LTL – litauisk litas BG – Bulgarien IT – Italien PL – Polen CZK – tjeckisk koruna LVL – lettisk lats CZ – Tjeckien CY – Cypern PT – Portugal DKK – dansk krona PLZ – polsk zloty DK – Danmark LV – Lettland RO – Rumänien EEK – estnisk krona RON – rumänsk leu DE – Tyskland LT – Litauen SI – Slovenien GBP – pund sterling SEK – svensk krona EE – Estland LU – Luxemburg SK – Slovakien HUF – ungersk forint IE – Irland HU – Ungern FI – Finland EL – Grekland MT – Malta SE – Sverige ES – Spanien NL – Nederländerna UK – Förenade kungariket Pris i euro och i nationell valuta (excl. moms), SEGMENT A Mindre småbilar per bilmärke/per segment SEGMENT B Småbilar Källor: biltillverkare SEGMENT C Mellanstora bilar SEGMENT D Större mellanklass 100% används för det billigaste landet EUR-16 (BE, DE, SEGMENT E Stora bilar IE, EL, ES, FR, IT, CY, LU, MT, NL, AT, PT, SI, FI, SK) SEGMENT F Lyxbilar XXX visar att uppgift saknas SEGMENT G Sport- och terrängbilar

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 11


1 EURO =

1,9558 BGN

26,285 CZK

7,4415 DKK

15,6466 EEK

0,891 GBP

269,85 HUF

3,4528 LTL

0,7093 LVL

4,103 PLN

4,2253 RON

10,1930 SEK


12 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010


Цена в EUR (без такси), по марки Precio en euros (sin impuestos), por marca Cena v eurech (bez daně), dle značky Pris i euro (uden afgifter), per bilmærke Preis in Euro (ohne Steuern), gegliedert nach Marke Hind Eurodes (ilma maksuta), margi kohta Τιμή σε euro (αϕορολόγητη), μοντέλο Price in euro (tax-free), by make Prix en euros (hors taxes), par marque Prezzo in euro (al netto delle Tasse), per marca Cena eiro (bez nodokļiem), pa marku Kaina eurais (be mokesčių), pagal modelį Árak euro-ban (adómentes), gyártmány Prezz f'euro (mingħajr it-taxxa), skond id-ditta Prijs in euro (zonder belasting), per merk Cena w euro (bez podatku), wg marki Preço em euros (livre de taxas), por marca Preţ exprimat în euro (fără taxe), în funcţie de marcă Cena v EUR (bez DPH), podľa značky Cena v evrih (brez davka), po znamki Hinta euroissa (ilman veroja), automerkeittäin Pris i euro (excl. moms), per bilmärke

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 13

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EURO 15 810 15 413 15 504 14 683 14 915 18 565 16 497 14 443 15 333 15 413 15 269 16 839 16 408 15 126 ALFA ROMEO MITO B Index 109,5% 106,7% 107,3% 101,7% 103,3% 128,5% 114,2% 100,0% 106,2% 106,7% 105,7% 116,6% 113,6% 104,7%

EURO 26 986 24 711 24 370 23 765 24 738 27 615 25 861 25 323 24 030 24 711 23 267 22 802 23 992 26 387 ALFA ROMEO 159 D Index 118,4% 108,4% 106,9% 104,2% 108,5% 121,1% 113,4% 111,1% 105,4% 108,4% 102,0% 100,0% 105,2% 115,7%

EURO 19 458 17 868 19 996 18 308 18 353 18 171 18 788 16 936 19 671 18 554 17 607 17 083 17 605 17 882 19 473 AUDI A3 C Index 114,9% 105,5% 118,1% 108,1% 108,4% 107,3% 110,9% 100,0% 116,1% 109,6% 104,0% 100,9% 104,0% 105,6% 115,0%

EURO 26 623 25 568 25 325 27 546 25 671 27 022 24 366 26 815 24 828 26 408 25 215 25 899 24 829 24 586 26 386 AUDI A4 D Index 109,3% 104,9% 103,9% 113,1% 105,4% 110,9% 100,0% 110,1% 101,9% 108,4% 103,5% 106,3% 101,9% 100,9% 108,3%

EURO 38 756 37 278 38 886 39 273 38 715 38 802 36 702 35 202 39 194 36 401 37 692 38 237 36 951 37 940 AUDI A6 E Index 110,1% 105,9% 110,5% 111,6% 110,0% 110,2% 104,3% 100,0% 111,3% 103,4% 107,1% 108,6% 105,0% 107,8%

EURO 71 568 70 922 72 357 71 667 70 631 73 623 72 253 AUDI A8 F Index 101,3% 100,4% 102,4% 101,5% 100,0% 104,2% 102,3%

EURO 15 173 15 198 16 310 16 218 15 389 15 845 15 342 14 820 14 233 15 249 15 209 15 651 14 272 15 281 15 479 14 864 BMW Mini Cooper A Index 106,6% 106,8% 114,6% 114,0% 108,1% 111,3% 107,8% 104,1% 100,0% 107,1% 106,9% 110,0% 100,3% 107,4% 108,8% 104,4%

EURO 23 188 23 018 23 454 24 118 22 179 23 047 22 616 23 701 22 429 23 276 23 045 23 280 23 067 23 077 22 787 22 860 BMW 120d C Index 104,6% 103,8% 105,8% 108,7% 100,0% 103,9% 102,0% 106,9% 101,1% 104,9% 103,9% 105,0% 104,0% 104,1% 102,7% 103,1%

EURO 28 217 27 564 27 769 28 655 27 682 28 345 27 405 28 010 26 547 26 990 27 567 29 374 28 279 28 392 27 034 26 788 BMW 320d D Index 106,3% 103,8% 104,6% 107,9% 104,3% 106,8% 103,2% 105,5% 100,0% 101,7% 103,8% 110,6% 106,5% 106,9% 101,8% 100,9%

EURO 33 722 33 238 34 330 33 361 32 289 33 612 32 479 33 248 30 628 33 169 33 247 32 042 32 685 32 722 33 769 32 906 BMW 523i E Index 110,1% 108,5% 112,1% 108,9% 105,4% 109,7% 106,0% 108,6% 100,0% 108,3% 108,6% 104,6% 106,7% 106,8% 110,3% 107,4%

EURO 59 268 62 160 55 103 61 597 57 844 58 677 61 765 58 662 56 610 59 666 62 196 60 212 60 951 60 546 56 909 57 880 BMW 730d F Index 107,6% 112,8% 100,0% 111,8% 105,0% 106,5% 112,1% 106,5% 102,7% 108,3% 112,9% 109,3% 110,6% 109,9% 103,3% 105,0%

EURO 45 922 45 773 49 739 45 126 45 156 45 735 45 713 45 456 43 178 46 022 45 809 48 817 44 804 45 346 46 566 46 783 BMW X5 G Index 106,4% 106,0% 115,2% 104,5% 104,6% 105,9% 105,9% 105,3% 100,0% 106,6% 106,1% 113,1% 103,8% 105,0% 107,8% 108,3%

EURO 13 762 14 607 13 497 13 796 14 607 13 693 12 625 CITROEN C3 B Index 109,0% 115,7% 106,9% 109,3% 115,7% 108,5% 100,0%

EURO 14 654 15 661 14 267 13 301 15 928 14 621 15 661 14 272 14 033 13 950 CITROEN C3 Picasso B Index 110,2% 117,7% 107,3% 100,0% 119,8% 109,9% 117,7% 107,3% 105,5% 104,9%

EURO 16 322 14 306 16 552 17 349 14 983 16 322 16 783 16 783 CITROEN C4 C Index 114,1% 100,0% 115,7% 121,3% 104,7% 114,1% 117,3% 117,3%

EURO 22 356 22 694 23 479 22 211 22 533 20 393 22 146 22 694 20 218 21 219 20 875 20 282 CITROEN C4 Picasso C Index 110,6% 112,2% 116,1% 109,9% 111,5% 100,9% 109,5% 112,2% 100,0% 105,0% 103,3% 100,3%

EURO 27 316 27 211 27 345 24 878 24 877 26 672 25 100 27 211 25 125 CITROEN C5 D Index 109,8% 109,4% 109,9% 100,0% 100,0% 107,2% 100,9% 109,4% 101,0%

EURO 9 716 10 405 8 239 9 409 9 110 10 354 10 905 9 451 10 518 10 774 9 111 10 317 8 837 DAIHATSU Sirion A Index 117,9% 126,3% 100,0% 114,2% 110,6% 125,7% 132,4% 114,7% 127,7% 130,8% 110,6% 125,2% 107,3%


EURO 16 613 14 520 14 498 13 474 15 773 13 046 14 446 14 520 13 638 ALFA ROMEO MITO B Index 115,0% 100,5% 100,4% 93,3% 109,2% 90,3% 100,0% 100,5% 94,4%

EURO 24 069 24 158 21 985 23 486 20 931 24 202 22 761 20 670 ALFA ROMEO 159 D Index 105,6% 105,9% 96,4% 103,0% 91,8% 106,1% 99,8% 90,7%

EURO 20 720 19 828 15 284 19 717 16 201 19 717 19 717 19 102 20 720 14 873 15 528 AUDI A3 C Index 122,3% 117,1% 90,2% 116,4% 95,7% 116,4% 116,4% 112,8% 122,3% 87,8% 91,7%

EURO 25 875 26 968 21 690 26 694 22 142 26 694 26 694 25 799 25 875 20 137 21 512 AUDI A4 D Index 106,2% 110,7% 89,0% 109,6% 90,9% 109,6% 109,6% 105,9% 106,2% 82,6% 88,3%

EURO 40 487 37 799 33 637 37 014 32 774 37 014 37 014 39 335 40 487 30 425 29 456 AUDI A6 E Index 115,0% 107,4% 95,6% 105,1% 93,1% 105,1% 105,1% 111,7% 115,0% 86,4% 83,7%

EURO 60 037 48 386 AUDI A8 F Index 85,0% 68,5%

EURO 15 533 15 474 17 762 15 600 15 967 15 487 15 262 14 625 15 254 13 093 11 804 BMW Mini Cooper A Index 109,1% 108,7% 124,8% 109,6% 112,2% 108,8% 107,2% 102,8% 107,2% 92,0% 82,9%

EURO 22 594 23 640 26 465 24 176 22 639 23 799 23 289 23 256 22 067 20 996 17 770 BMW 120d C Index 101,9% 106,6% 119,3% 109,0% 102,1% 107,3% 105,0% 104,9% 99,5% 94,7% 80,1%

EURO 26 645 27 851 31 114 28 427 27 589 28 890 28 199 26 959 26 824 23 663 21 931 BMW 320d D Index 100,4% 104,9% 117,2% 107,1% 103,9% 108,8% 106,2% 101,6% 101,0% 89,1% 82,6%

EURO 33 565 34 367 37 543 33 330 34 958 33 855 33 226 31 872 31 771 27 301 23 073 BMW 523i E Index 109,6% 112,2% 122,6% 108,8% 114,1% 110,5% 108,5% 104,1% 103,7% 89,1% 75,3%

EURO 56 417 57 053 71 512 60 158 59 371 60 129 59 203 54 476 57 798 53 177 44 056 BMW 730d F Index 102,4% 103,5% 129,8% 109,2% 107,7% 109,1% 107,4% 98,9% 104,9% 96,5% 80,0%

EURO 46 690 46 630 66 682 46 029 45 084 46 989 45 870 42 069 45 370 40 045 34 712 BMW X5 G Index 108,1% 108,0% 154,4% 106,6% 104,4% 108,8% 106,2% 97,4% 105,1% 92,7% 80,4%

EURO 12 090 11 806 11 292 12 353 CITROEN C3 B Index 95,8% 93,5% 89,4% 97,8%

EURO 14 200 12 694 12 982 11 464 CITROEN C3 Picasso B Index 106,8% 95,4% 97,6% 86,2%

EURO 13 525 15 024 14 481 13 969 13 874 13 697 13 006 CITROEN C4 C Index 94,5% 105,0% 101,2% 97,6% 97,0% 95,7% 90,9%

EURO 17 355 20 763 17 971 19 039 17 807 17 632 18 854 CITROEN C4 Picasso C Index 85,8% 102,7% 88,9% 94,2% 88,1% 87,2% 93,3%

EURO 27 332 23 833 22 950 CITROEN C5 D Index 109,9% 95,8% 92,3%

EURO 8 185 DAIHATSU Sirion A Index 99,3%

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EURO 11 500 11 248 11 653 11 092 10 162 10 986 11 054 10 810 10 579 10 576 11 248 11 500 11 226 11 880 11 042 10 924 FIAT 500 A Index 113,2% 110,7% 114,7% 109,2% 100,0% 108,1% 108,8% 106,4% 104,1% 104,1% 110,7% 113,2% 110,5% 116,9% 108,7% 107,5%

EURO 9 492 8 777 8 350 9 050 7 985 8 434 7 039 8 135 8 159 7 993 8 777 7 736 7 333 8 130 7 583 9 075 FIAT Panda A Index 134,8% 124,7% 118,6% 128,6% 113,4% 119,8% 100,0% 115,6% 115,9% 113,6% 124,7% 109,9% 104,2% 115,5% 107,7% 128,9%

EURO 13 590 12 809 10 634 13 739 11 811 12 369 11 859 12 775 12 606 12 665 12 809 10 641 12 958 13 657 11 508 11 319 FIAT Punto Evo B Index 127,8% 120,5% 100,0% 129,2% 111,1% 116,3% 111,5% 120,1% 118,5% 119,1% 120,5% 100,1% 121,9% 128,4% 108,2% 106,4%

EURO 17 335 17 674 14 980 18 067 15 239 17 369 18 443 17 017 16 858 17 058 17 674 12 919 14 622 17 958 14 792 15 504 FIAT Bravo C Index 134,2% 136,8% 116,0% 139,8% 118,0% 134,4% 142,8% 131,7% 130,5% 132,0% 136,8% 100,0% 113,2% 139,0% 114,5% 120,0%

EURO 10 746 11 926 11 345 10 304 11 195 9 593 11 145 10 796 10 075 11 926 10 741 10 243 FORD Fiesta B Index 112,0% 124,3% 118,3% 107,4% 116,7% 100,0% 116,2% 112,5% 105,0% 124,3% 112,0% 106,8%

EURO 14 652 15 826 16 450 13 517 13 690 12 864 15 343 15 961 14 097 15 826 15 020 14 766 FORD Focus C Index 113,9% 123,0% 127,9% 105,1% 106,4% 100,0% 119,3% 124,1% 109,6% 123,0% 116,8% 114,8%

EURO 21 629 21 917 23 866 17 268 21 135 18 951 21 919 19 952 21 222 21 917 22 141 20 038 FORD Mondeo D Index 125,3% 126,9% 138,2% 100,0% 122,4% 109,7% 126,9% 115,5% 122,9% 126,9% 128,2% 116,0%

EURO 18 801 18 008 15 248 18 899 16 787 17 201 15 295 18 855 16 287 17 201 18 009 11 758 18 140 16 563 17 965 15 513 HONDA Civic C Index 159,9% 153,2% 129,7% 160,7% 142,8% 146,3% 130,1% 160,4% 138,5% 146,3% 153,2% 100,0% 154,3% 140,9% 152,8% 131,9%

EURO 22 791 22 306 18 474 22 647 20 245 19 899 19 175 22 990 20 318 21 793 22 304 18 397 22 347 22 960 19 700 22 101 HONDA Accord D Index 123,9% 121,2% 100,4% 123,1% 110,0% 108,2% 104,2% 125,0% 110,4% 118,5% 121,2% 100,0% 121,5% 124,8% 107,1% 120,1%

EURO 6 883 7 437 7 135 8 125 8 102 9 450 6 853 6 371 8 139 6 134 HYUNDAI i10 A Index 112,2% 121,2% 116,3% 132,5% 132,1% 154,1% 111,7% 103,9% 132,7% 100,0%

EURO 11 294 12 396 11 126 12 184 12 990 13 462 14 620 11 186 10 651 11 888 8 655 HYUNDAI i30 B Index 130,5% 143,2% 128,5% 140,8% 150,1% 155,5% 168,9% 129,2% 123,1% 137,4% 100,0%

EURO 8 158 8 826 9 675 8 103 7 726 9 022 7 790 KIA Picanto A Index 105,6% 114,2% 125,2% 104,9% 100,0% 116,8% 100,8%

EURO 13 675 17 347 18 172 14 057 18 052 13 841 14 193 KIA Cee'd C Index 100,0% 126,9% 132,9% 102,8% 132,0% 101,2% 103,8%

EURO 16 905 16 529 15 958 13 388 13 985 17 135 16 625 16 063 14 630 14 790 LANCIA Musa B Index 126,3% 123,5% 119,2% 100,0% 104,5% 128,0% 124,2% 120,0% 109,3% 110,5%

EURO 9 873 10 736 10 916 10 046 10 253 10 383 9 917 10 509 10 955 8 630 LANCIA Ypsilon B Index 114,4% 124,4% 126,5% 116,4% 118,8% 120,3% 114,9% 121,8% 126,9% 100,0%

EURO 20 991 19 860 18 824 18 428 24 044 20 224 20 792 18 413 19 869 LANCIA Delta C Index 114,0% 107,9% 102,2% 100,1% 130,6% 109,8% 112,9% 100,0% 107,9%

EURO 34 972 34 678 35 294 32 573 35 461 34 158 35 064 31 843 LAND ROVER Discovery G Index 109,8% 108,9% 110,8% 102,3% 111,4% 107,3% 110,1% 100,0%

EURO 27 296 27 797 27 563 25 823 27 609 26 995 26 216 26 096 LAND ROVER Freelander G Index 105,7% 107,6% 106,7% 100,0% 106,9% 104,5% 101,5% 101,1%

EURO 76 911 78 216 78 739 77 819 78 443 77 464 78 381 77 837 LAND ROVER Range Rover G Index 100,0% 101,7% 102,4% 101,2% 102,0% 100,7% 101,9% 101,2%


EURO 11 036 10 771 10 509 11 320 9 604 10 819 11 840 10 088 10 504 11 380 9 714 FIAT 500 A Index 108,6% 106,0% 103,4% 111,4% 94,5% 106,5% 116,5% 99,3% 103,4% 112,0% 95,6%

EURO 7 435 6 998 7 446 7 529 6 934 7 205 8 102 7 989 7 710 10 478 7 708 FIAT Panda A Index 105,6% 99,4% 105,8% 107,0% 98,5% 102,4% 115,1% 113,5% 109,5% 148,9% 109,5%

EURO 11 202 12 171 11 434 11 049 11 562 12 112 11 901 11 685 11 261 12 244 13 242 FIAT Punto Evo B Index 105,3% 114,5% 107,5% 103,9% 108,7% 113,9% 111,9% 109,9% 105,9% 115,1% 124,5%

EURO 15 122 14 137 13 661 14 353 14 236 14 122 15 102 13 283 15 202 14 559 15 649 FIAT Bravo C Index 117,1% 109,4% 105,7% 111,1% 110,2% 109,3% 116,9% 102,8% 117,7% 112,7% 121,1%

EURO 8 978 9 419 9 330 9 449 9 002 12 001 FORD Fiesta B Index 93,6% 98,2% 97,3% 98,5% 93,8% 125,1%

EURO 14 184 13 412 13 193 13 672 11 114 17 231 FORD Focus C Index 110,3% 104,3% 102,6% 106,3% 86,4% 133,9%

EURO 21 637 18 860 21 074 19 672 17 021 20 688 FORD Mondeo D Index 125,3% 109,2% 122,0% 113,9% 98,6% 119,8%

EURO 15 874 14 615 17 086 15 642 14 192 16 112 15 814 15 096 14 583 14 747 16 771 HONDA Civic C Index 135,0% 124,3% 145,3% 133,0% 120,7% 137,0% 134,5% 128,4% 124,0% 125,4% 142,6%

EURO 21 658 22 161 17 009 19 363 17 429 19 341 19 710 20 666 18 233 19 158 19 324 HONDA Accord D Index 117,7% 120,5% 92,5% 105,3% 94,7% 105,1% 107,1% 112,3% 99,1% 104,1% 105,0%

EURO 5 704 6 496 7 557 6 411 7 998 7 421 HYUNDAI i10 A Index 93,0% 105,9% 123,2% 104,5% 130,4% 121,0%

EURO 9 666 10 048 9 451 9 489 11 765 10 748 HYUNDAI i30 B Index 111,7% 116,1% 109,2% 109,6% 135,9% 124,2%

EURO 7 925 7 326 8 436 7 213 7 665 KIA Picanto A Index 102,6% 94,8% 109,2% 93,4% 99,2%

EURO 14 534 14 266 14 335 13 033 14 276 15 384 KIA Cee'd C Index 106,3% 104,3% 104,8% 95,3% 104,4% 112,5%

EURO 14 348 13 544 LANCIA Musa B Index 107,2% 101,2%

EURO 8 766 LANCIA Ypsilon B Index 101,6%

EURO 19 022 17 050 LANCIA Delta C Index 103,3% 92,6%

EURO 25 871 LAND ROVER Discovery G Index 81,2%

EURO 22 546 LAND ROVER Freelander G Index 87,3%

EURO 59 600 LAND ROVER Range Rover G Index 77,5%

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 17 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 18


EURO 12 845 12 562 12 569 11 676 11 676 11 119 11 099 11 548 11 684 11 920 11 158 12 525 MAZDA 2 B Index 115,7% 113,2% 113,2% 105,2% 105,2% 100,2% 100,0% 104,0% 105,3% 107,4% 100,5% 112,8%

EURO 15 522 15 702 15 958 13 446 15 292 14 918 15 385 15 652 14 923 15 907 14 164 14 433 15 538 MAZDA 3 C Index 115,4% 116,8% 118,7% 100,0% 113,7% 110,9% 114,4% 116,4% 111,0% 118,3% 105,3% 107,3% 115,6%

EURO 25 693 28 430 24 880 23 988 23 742 26 505 23 132 23 024 24 242 27 622 MAZDA 6 D Index 111,6% 123,5% 108,1% 104,2% 103,1% 115,1% 100,5% 100,0% 105,3% 120,0%

EURO 21 379 20 901 20 698 18 514 20 636 18 885 22 093 20 048 19 263 20 575 MAZDA 5 G Index 115,5% 112,9% 111,8% 100,0% 111,5% 102,0% 119,3% 108,3% 104,0% 111,1%

EURO 29 723 28 759 30 044 30 225 27 505 28 835 27 082 27 263 26 477 29 228 28 925 29 741 29 016 28 502 26 598 28 472 MERCEDES C220 D Index 112,3% 108,6% 113,5% 114,2% 103,9% 108,9% 102,3% 103,0% 100,0% 110,4% 109,2% 112,3% 109,6% 107,6% 100,5% 107,5%

EURO 34 868 34 604 34 740 34 950 32 888 34 076 32 455 34 031 28 310 34 943 34 426 34 076 32 643 35 020 33 203 34 372 MERCEDES E220 E Index 123,2% 122,2% 122,7% 123,5% 116,2% 120,4% 114,6% 120,2% 100,0% 123,4% 121,6% 120,4% 115,3% 123,7% 117,3% 121,4%

EURO 64 218 65 323 64 000 64 000 64 000 63 104 64 254 64 133 63 872 64 000 63 945 61 760 64 000 64 000 63 860 MERCEDES S350 F Index 104,0% 105,8% 103,6% 103,6% 103,6% 102,2% 104,0% 103,8% 103,4% 103,6% 103,5% 100,0% 103,6% 103,6% 103,4%

EURO 8 750 9 174 9 552 9 429 8 598 9 239 8 538 9 699 10 170 8 657 9 174 6 466 8 201 9 058 8 542 7 562 NISSAN Micra A Index 135,3% 141,9% 147,7% 145,8% 133,0% 142,9% 132,0% 150,0% 157,3% 133,9% 141,9% 100,0% 126,8% 140,1% 132,1% 117,0%

EURO 11 895 11 529 10 047 12 008 10 071 11 061 10 422 12 040 13 155 10 557 11 529 11 398 11 138 10 471 11 075 13 521 NISSAN Note B Index 118,4% 114,8% 100,0% 119,5% 100,2% 110,1% 103,7% 119,8% 130,9% 105,1% 114,8% 113,4% 110,9% 104,2% 110,2% 134,6%

EURO 16 308 16 074 14 652 16 996 14 438 15 202 13 880 16 597 16 451 15 014 17 050 16 718 15 279 14 724 15 625 15 538 NISSAN Qashqai C Index 117,5% 115,8% 105,6% 122,4% 104,0% 109,5% 100,0% 119,6% 118,5% 108,2% 122,8% 120,4% 110,1% 106,1% 112,6% 111,9%

EURO 12 116 10 855 12 437 10 006 11 695 10 246 12 425 11 752 10 283 10 855 10 638 11 726 9 970 12 231 OPEL Corsa B Index 121,5% 108,9% 124,7% 100,4% 117,3% 102,8% 124,6% 117,9% 103,1% 108,9% 106,7% 117,6% 100,0% 122,7%

EURO 24 723 24 413 25 542 20 324 23 406 20 611 23 846 20 551 23 513 24 413 23 576 21 000 22 061 25 092 OPEL Insignia E Index 121,6% 120,1% 125,7% 100,0% 115,2% 101,4% 117,3% 101,1% 115,7% 120,1% 116,0% 103,3% 108,5% 123,5%

EURO 20 790 18 653 21 004 16 321 18 548 18 787 17 575 18 537 18 679 18 653 16 865 19 770 17 749 20 008 OPEL Zafira D Index 127,4% 114,3% 128,7% 100,0% 113,6% 115,1% 107,7% 113,6% 114,4% 114,3% 103,3% 121,1% 108,7% 122,6%

EURO 9 427 8 818 7 280 9 117 7 761 8 964 7 979 8 821 7 662 8 558 8 818 5 968 8 353 9 015 7 817 7 848 107 A Index 158,0% 147,8% 122,0% 152,8% 130,0% 150,2% 133,7% 147,8% 128,4% 143,4% 147,8% 100,0% 140,0% 151,1% 131,0% 131,5%

EURO 12 929 10 284 12 648 11 566 13 043 10 397 13 169 11 856 11 808 9 427 12 077 11 531 10 642 11 084 B Index 137,2% 109,1% 134,2% 122,7% 138,4% 110,3% 139,7% 125,8% 125,3% 100,0% 128,1% 122,3% 112,9% 117,6%

EURO 18 503 18 904 14 863 17 942 18 567 14 854 19 022 17 034 18 904 13 986 17 767 16 927 16 220 16 767 C Index 132,3% 135,2% 106,3% 128,3% 132,7% 106,2% 136,0% 121,8% 135,2% 100,0% 127,0% 121,0% 116,0% 119,9%

EURO 24 706 24 535 24 196 23 268 20 508 23 620 21 521 24 535 21 794 21 322 22 872 23 653 D Index 120,5% 119,6% 118,0% 113,5% 100,0% 115,2% 104,9% 119,6% 106,3% 104,0% 111,5% 115,3%

EURO 21 175 20 271 21 702 20 626 17 173 21 154 18 802 21 292 20 271 19 356 19 627 20 105 19 936 C Index 123,3% 118,0% 126,4% 120,1% 100,0% 123,2% 109,5% 124,0% 118,0% 112,7% 114,3% 117,1% 116,1%

31 277 31 779 32 352 30 746 28 070 32 191 23 560 30 611 31 779 28 217 28 983 31 626 30 209 PEUGEOT 4007 G Index 132,8% 134,9% 137,3% 130,5% 119,1% 136,6% 100,0% 129,9% 134,9% 119,8% 123,0% 134,2% 128,2%


EURO 12 139 10 970 10 397 11 477 10 260 11 006 11 224 10 272 11 168 11 362 10 220 MAZDA 2 B Index 109,4% 98,8% 93,7% 103,4% 92,4% 99,2% 101,1% 92,5% 100,6% 102,4% 92,1%

EURO 14 908 15 278 11 918 13 510 12 637 13 630 14 680 13 457 14 277 13 952 13 774 MAZDA 3 C Index 110,9% 113,6% 88,6% 100,5% 94,0% 101,4% 109,2% 100,1% 106,2% 103,8% 102,4%

EURO 22 918 25 116 21 615 22 933 19 872 MAZDA 6 D Index 99,5% 109,1% 93,9% 99,6% 86,3%

EURO 20 957 22 792 15 174 19 868 17 103 17 953 19 168 17 733 20 328 16 856 18 793 MAZDA 5 G Index 113,2% 123,1% 82,0% 107,3% 92,4% 97,0% 103,5% 95,8% 109,8% 91,0% 101,5%

EURO 27 172 27 311 23 448 28 623 27 626 28 623 30 134 25 641 30 316 25 262 21 213 MERCEDES C220 D Index 102,6% 103,1% 88,6% 108,1% 104,3% 108,1% 113,8% 96,8% 114,5% 95,4% 80,1%

EURO 32 901 33 886 30 604 33 554 31 463 33 554 34 820 31 902 34 950 26 836 22 584 MERCEDES E220 E Index 116,2% 119,7% 108,1% 118,5% 111,1% 118,5% 123,0% 112,7% 123,5% 94,8% 79,8%

EURO 64 000 63 366 64 046 63 976 63 824 63 976 63 860 58 313 65 850 57 192 44 170 MERCEDES S350 F Index 103,6% 102,6% 103,7% 103,6% 103,3% 103,6% 103,4% 94,4% 106,6% 92,6% 71,5%

EURO 8 525 7 423 6 974 7 816 6 824 7 901 7 968 7 860 8 852 8 560 8 570 NISSAN Micra A Index 131,8% 114,8% 107,9% 120,9% 105,5% 122,2% 123,2% 121,6% 136,9% 132,4% 132,5%

EURO 10 500 9 565 9 259 10 393 9 151 10 680 9 797 10 024 13 063 10 262 10 604 NISSAN Note B Index 104,5% 95,2% 92,2% 103,4% 91,1% 106,3% 97,5% 99,8% 130,0% 102,1% 105,5%

EURO 13 633 15 145 13 825 13 327 13 327 16 128 13 610 15 156 15 950 13 808 14 861 NISSAN Qashqai C Index 98,2% 109,1% 99,6% 96,0% 96,0% 116,2% 98,1% 109,2% 114,9% 99,5% 107,1%

EURO 11 615 12 048 9 643 11 214 11 127 11 277 10 230 10 772 OPEL Corsa B Index 116,5% 120,8% 96,7% 112,5% 111,6% 113,1% 102,6% 108,0%

EURO 23 900 24 432 20 733 22 103 22 030 23 824 20 810 19 594 OPEL Insignia E Index 117,6% 120,2% 102,0% 108,8% 108,4% 117,2% 102,4% 96,4%

EURO 19 634 20 372 16 395 16 352 17 460 17 504 15 470 17 597 OPEL Zafira D Index 120,3% 124,8% 100,5% 100,2% 107,0% 107,2% 94,8% 107,8%

EURO 8 007 7 722 7 327 7 905 7 843 8 323 8 261 7 572 8 420 7 621 7 359 A Index 134,2% 129,4% 122,8% 132,5% 131,4% 139,5% 138,4% 126,9% 141,1% 127,7% 123,3%

EURO 11 184 10 237 9 555 10 625 10 631 10 917 10 981 10 425 11 463 10 087 10 930 PEUGEOT 207 B Index 118,6% 108,6% 101,4% 112,7% 112,8% 115,8% 116,5% 110,6% 121,6% 107,0% 116,0%

EURO 15 570 15 735 14 481 16 316 16 406 16 330 16 673 15 706 16 306 14 587 16 117 PEUGEOT 308 C Index 111,3% 112,5% 103,5% 116,7% 117,3% 116,8% 119,2% 112,3% 116,6% 104,3% 115,2%

EURO 19 941 22 984 17 464 21 717 21 620 19 983 22 073 20 399 20 384 18 756 19 305 PEUGEOT 407 D Index 97,2% 112,1% 85,2% 105,9% 105,4% 97,4% 107,6% 99,5% 99,4% 91,5% 94,1%

EURO 19 007 18 933 17 461 17 486 17 987 17 375 17 842 17 079 17 333 17 739 PEUGEOT 3008 C Index 110,7% 110,3% 101,7% 101,8% 104,7% 101,2% 103,9% 99,4% 100,9% 103,3%

29 358 30 007 24 717 27 869 26 655 26 469 26 658 23 606 PEUGEOT 4007 G Index 124,6% 127,4% 104,9% 118,3% 113,1% 112,3% 113,1% 100,2%

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 19 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 20


EURO 13 393 13 342 12 941 12 502 12 119 13 597 12 824 11 517 12 577 11 919 13 871 10 486 10 617 RENAULT Clio 3 B Index 127,7% 127,2% 123,4% 119,2% 115,6% 129,7% 122,3% 109,8% 119,9% 113,7% 132,3% 100,0% 101,3%

EURO 18 675 18 120 17 605 18 532 16 311 19 900 17 975 16 843 18 182 17 101 17 218 15 694 16 303 RENAULT Mégane Hatch C Index 119,0% 115,5% 112,2% 118,1% 103,9% 126,8% 114,5% 107,3% 115,9% 109,0% 109,7% 100,0% 103,9%

EURO 19 992 21 178 19 706 19 453 17 049 20 885 19 306 18 980 21 653 17 904 21 165 17 674 19 883 RENAULT Laguna Hatch D Index 117,3% 124,2% 115,6% 114,1% 100,0% 122,5% 113,2% 111,3% 127,0% 105,0% 124,1% 103,7% 116,6%

EURO 19 332 19 856 17 815 18 287 15 311 21 196 18 458 18 718 19 917 18 833 18 126 16 247 16 750 RENAULT Scénic C Index 126,3% 129,7% 116,4% 119,4% 100,0% 138,4% 120,6% 122,2% 130,1% 123,0% 118,4% 106,1% 109,4%

EURO 9 458 9 876 8 437 10 038 8 520 8 592 8 066 9 185 8 235 9 076 9 244 8 195 9 358 8 685 8 810 8 189 SEAT Ibiza B Index 117,3% 122,4% 104,6% 124,4% 105,6% 106,5% 100,0% 113,9% 102,1% 112,5% 114,6% 101,6% 116,0% 107,7% 109,2% 101,5%

EURO 16 359 16 025 18 571 15 124 16 645 14 856 17 042 17 042 17 496 16 801 15 117 16 585 16 214 SEAT Altea XL C Index 110,1% 107,9% 125,0% 101,8% 112,0% 100,0% 114,7% 114,7% 117,8% 113,1% 101,8% 111,6% 109,1%

EURO 12 859 13 504 11 751 13 559 11 127 12 013 10 996 13 043 11 659 12 605 13 530 11 626 12 440 11 775 12 427 11 798 SEAT León C Index 116,9% 122,8% 106,9% 123,3% 101,2% 109,2% 100,0% 118,6% 106,0% 114,6% 123,0% 105,7% 113,1% 107,1% 113,0% 107,3%

EURO 8 866 8 970 9 060 7 019 8 758 7 494 8 654 7 336 7 848 9 023 6 450 7 273 7 767 6 258 7 522 SKODA Fabia B Index 141,7% 143,3% 144,8% 112,2% 139,9% 119,8% 138,3% 117,2% 125,4% 144,2% 103,1% 116,2% 124,1% 100,0% 120,2%

EURO 13 016 11 467 11 562 13 361 12 492 10 535 13 174 10 654 12 248 14 044 11 081 12 271 11 398 12 252 SKODA Octavia C Index 123,6% 108,8% 109,7% 126,8% 118,6% 100,0% 125,0% 101,1% 116,3% 133,3% 105,2% 116,5% 108,2% 116,3%

EURO 20 468 20 731 22 455 21 877 19 785 18 586 20 145 16 416 20 555 21 161 16 064 20 959 18 547 18 277 21 192 SKODA Superb D Index 127,4% 129,1% 139,8% 136,2% 123,2% 115,7% 125,4% 102,2% 128,0% 131,7% 100,0% 130,5% 115,5% 113,8% 131,9%

EURO 25 997 24 664 20 045 25 471 23 618 24 432 21 477 24 350 22 404 25 902 24 714 24 884 23 398 21 796 24 366 27 045 SUBARU Forester D Index 129,7% 123,0% 100,0% 127,1% 117,8% 121,9% 107,1% 121,5% 111,8% 129,2% 123,3% 124,1% 116,7% 108,7% 121,6% 134,9%

EURO 11 687 11 862 9 890 11 576 9 868 10 701 9 889 11 296 11 307 10 822 12 024 9 778 9 895 11 194 9 796 10 220 SUZUKI Swift B Index 119,5% 121,3% 101,1% 118,4% 100,9% 109,4% 101,1% 115,5% 115,6% 110,7% 123,0% 100,0% 101,2% 114,5% 100,2% 104,5%

EURO 20 888 24 178 22 595 22 732 22 091 20 916 23 937 23 405 24 298 16 258 20 924 22 990 19 164 23 508 SUZUKI Grand Vitara G Index 128,5% 148,7% 139,0% 139,8% 135,9% 128,7% 147,2% 144,0% 149,5% 100,0% 128,7% 141,4% 117,9% 144,6%

EURO 13 076 13 128 12 281 13 529 11 761 12 601 11 253 13 119 12 373 11 900 13 128 11 839 12 726 11 261 11 315 TOYOTA Yaris B Index 116,2% 116,7% 109,1% 120,2% 104,5% 112,0% 100,0% 116,6% 110,0% 105,8% 116,7% 105,2% 113,1% 100,1% 100,6%

EURO 16 042 16 410 14 500 16 494 13 920 15 162 13 406 16 434 17 164 15 095 16 410 15 058 15 410 13 845 14 417 TOYOTA Auris C Index 119,7% 122,4% 108,2% 123,0% 103,8% 113,1% 100,0% 122,6% 128,0% 112,6% 122,4% 112,3% 115,0% 103,3% 107,5%

EURO 22 043 20 610 19 693 22 017 17 233 20 355 17 731 20 818 19 539 20 271 20 610 19 156 21 985 19 694 21 393 TOYOTA Avensis D Index 127,9% 119,6% 114,3% 127,8% 100,0% 118,1% 102,9% 120,8% 113,4% 117,6% 119,6% 111,2% 127,6% 114,3% 124,1%


EURO 10 533 10 698 11 535 11 944 10 256 10 832 11 652 12 311 RENAULT Clio 3 B Index 100,5% 102,0% 110,0% 113,9% 97,8% 103,3% 111,1% 117,4%

EURO 14 829 15 602 15 470 17 664 15 529 17 143 14 904 18 066 RENAULT Mégane Hatch C Index 94,5% 99,4% 98,6% 112,6% 99,0% 109,2% 95,0% 115,1%

EURO 17 368 18 305 17 699 18 095 16 881 17 066 RENAULT Laguna Hatch D Index 101,9% 107,4% 103,8% 106,1% 99,0% 100,1%

EURO 19 659 16 090 15 429 17 500 17 430 15 244 15 003 16 585 RENAULT Scénic C Index 128,4% 105,1% 100,8% 114,3% 113,8% 99,6% 98,0% 108,3%

EURO 8 733 8 165 8 018 8 439 8 952 9 683 8 060 9 773 SEAT Ibiza B Index 108,3% 101,2% 99,4% 104,6% 111,0% 120,0% 99,9% 121,2%

EURO 15 508 16 958 14 952 18 290 18 547 16 985 15 240 16 938 SEAT Altea XL C Index 104,4% 114,2% 100,6% 123,1% 124,8% 114,3% 102,6% 114,0%

EURO 12 020 11 597 10 994 11 031 13 018 13 115 11 043 12 657 SEAT León C Index 109,3% 105,5% 100,0% 100,3% 118,4% 119,3% 100,4% 115,1%

EURO 7 819 7 679 7 310 7 165 6 838 8 174 7 362 7 255 7 833 7 333 9 729 SKODA Fabia B Index 124,9% 122,7% 116,8% 114,5% 109,3% 130,6% 117,6% 115,9% 125,2% 117,2% 155,5%

EURO 11 686 12 648 10 242 9 994 11 712 10 519 9 942 10 897 10 411 10 200 SKODA Octavia C Index 110,9% 120,1% 97,2% 94,9% 111,2% 99,8% 94,4% 103,4% 98,8% 96,8%

EURO 18 813 20 377 16 212 18 863 16 460 19 925 19 126 16 786 16 189 15 940 16 215 SKODA Superb D Index 117,1% 126,8% 100,9% 117,4% 102,5% 124,0% 119,1% 104,5% 100,8% 99,2% 100,9%

EURO 22 723 24 543 20 302 21 615 22 661 19 489 21 229 25 772 25 014 21 939 21 686 SUBARU Forester D Index 113,4% 122,4% 101,3% 107,8% 113,1% 97,2% 105,9% 128,6% 124,8% 109,4% 108,2%

EURO 9 900 9 407 8 952 9 067 9 997 10 742 10 175 9 770 9 050 9 475 9 778 SUZUKI Swift B Index 101,2% 96,2% 91,6% 92,7% 102,2% 109,9% 104,1% 99,9% 92,6% 96,9% 100,0%

EURO 20 795 21 088 16 266 19 556 20 759 20 339 20 759 21 004 19 811 20 148 17 225 SUZUKI Grand Vitara G Index 127,9% 129,7% 100,0% 120,3% 127,7% 125,1% 127,7% 129,2% 121,9% 123,9% 105,9%

EURO 11 921 10 611 11 274 11 620 10 963 11 620 11 620 10 920 11 554 11 431 11 377 TOYOTA Yaris B Index 105,9% 94,3% 100,2% 103,3% 97,4% 103,3% 103,3% 97,0% 102,7% 101,6% 101,1%

EURO 14 841 13 642 12 855 14 191 14 231 14 191 14 191 13 007 14 448 13 620 14 040 TOYOTA Auris C Index 110,7% 101,8% 95,9% 105,9% 106,2% 105,9% 105,9% 97,0% 107,8% 101,6% 104,7%

EURO 19 210 20 071 17 043 18 017 18 372 18 016 18 016 16 740 18 931 17 915 17 616 TOYOTA Avensis D Index 111,5% 116,5% 98,9% 104,5% 106,6% 104,5% 104,5% 97,1% 109,9% 104,0% 102,2%

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 21 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 22


EURO 10 030 9 926 8 074 10 210 8 156 9 897 9 155 9 753 9 976 9 916 10 111 9 704 8 955 7 970 VW Polo B Index 125,8% 124,5% 101,3% 128,1% 102,3% 124,2% 114,9% 122,4% 125,2% 124,4% 126,9% 121,8% 112,4% 100,0%

EURO 13 970 14 522 12 545 13 992 11 803 11 403 13 123 12 715 13 666 13 119 13 329 13 430 VW Golf C Index 122,5% 127,4% 110,0% 122,7% 103,5% 100,0% 115,1% 111,5% 119,8% 115,0% 116,9% 117,8%

EURO 18 339 19 010 16 180 19 441 16 024 16 882 14 712 17 493 17 128 18 886 15 605 17 506 17 450 14 976 VW Touran C Index 124,7% 129,2% 110,0% 132,1% 108,9% 114,7% 100,0% 118,9% 116,4% 128,4% 106,1% 119,0% 118,6% 101,8%

EURO 17 875 17 892 19 769 15 433 19 071 16 754 18 568 16 396 18 052 16 166 17 517 18 193 18 773 VW Passat D Index 115,8% 115,9% 128,1% 100,0% 123,6% 108,6% 120,3% 106,2% 117,0% 104,7% 113,5% 117,9% 121,6%

EURO 20 774 20 610 20 378 19 383 16 863 20 919 18 730 19 833 20 236 19 146 20 833 20 071 VOLVO S40 D Index 123,2% 122,2% 120,8% 114,9% 100,0% 124,1% 111,1% 117,6% 120,0% 113,5% 123,5% 119,0%

EURO 32 855 30 974 32 647 31 364 29 819 30 618 30 405 33 833 29 901 32 218 35 900 31 070 VOLVO S80 F Index 110,2% 103,9% 109,5% 105,2% 100,0% 102,7% 102,0% 113,5% 100,3% 108,0% 120,4% 104,2%

EURO 35 937 35 695 36 815 38 640 37 281 33 430 34 170 33 293 35 067 37 112 39 601 38 183 36 616 VOLVO XC90 G Index 107,9% 107,2% 110,6% 116,1% 112,0% 100,4% 102,6% 100,0% 105,3% 111,5% 118,9% 114,7% 110,0%


EURO 9 629 7 460 8 661 9 064 8 538 9 064 9 064 8 450 8 174 9 241 8 499 VW Polo B Index 120,8% 93,6% 108,7% 113,7% 107,1% 113,7% 113,7% 106,0% 102,6% 115,9% 106,6%

EURO 12 296 11 033 11 222 11 597 13 498 11 597 11 597 11 449 11 463 12 337 13 156 VW Golf C Index 107,8% 96,8% 98,4% 101,7% 118,4% 101,7% 101,7% 100,4% 100,5% 108,2% 115,4%

EURO 16 732 15 175 16 451 18 036 16 451 16 451 13 854 16 933 15 915 VW Touran C Index 113,7% 103,1% 111,8% 122,6% 111,8% 111,8% 94,2% 115,1% 108,2%

EURO 16 753 17 897 14 070 14 397 18 766 14 397 14 397 14 875 16 695 15 392 VW Passat D Index 108,6% 116,0% 91,2% 93,3% 121,6% 93,3% 93,3% 96,4% 108,2% 99,7%

EURO 19 894 16 417 19 621 18 568 19 700 19 640 16 592 17 282 14 556 VOLVO S40 D Index 118,0% 97,4% 116,4% 110,1% 116,8% 116,5% 98,4% 102,5% 86,3%

EURO 34 816 27 539 30 422 30 867 30 500 30 550 33 811 26 541 24 581 VOLVO S80 F Index 116,8% 92,4% 102,0% 103,5% 102,3% 102,5% 113,4% 89,0% 82,4%

EURO 37 063 32 363 38 730 35 314 38 800 39 029 37 233 28 277 25 064 VOLVO XC90 G Index 111,3% 97,2% 116,3% 106,1% 116,5% 117,2% 111,8% 84,9% 75,3%

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 23


Цена в EUR (без такси), по сегменти Precio en euros (sin impuestos), por segmento Cena v eurech (bez daně), dle segmentu Pris i euro (uden afgifter), per bilsegment Preis in Euro (ohne Steuern), gegliedert nach Marktsegment Hind Eurodes (ilma maksuta), segmendi kohta Τιμή σε euro (αϕορολόγητη), ανά τμήμα Price in euro (tax-free), by segment Prix en euros (hors taxes), par segment Prezzo in euro (al netto delle Tasse), per segmento Cena eiro (bez nodokļiem), pa sektoru Kaina eurais (be mokesčių), pagal segmentą Árak euro-ban (adómentes), szegmens szerint Prezz f'euro (mingħajr it-taxxa), skond is-segment Prijs in euro (zonder belasting), per segment Cena w euro (bez podatku), wg segmentu Preço em euros (livre de taxas), por segmento Preţ exprimat în euro (fără taxe), în funcţie de segment Cena v EUR (bez DPH), podľa kategórie Cena v evrih (brez davka), po razredu Hinta euroissa (ilman veroja), per luokka Pris i euro (excl. moms), per segment

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 25

Member States in euro zone EUR‐16


BMW Mini Cooper 106,6% 106,8% 114,6% 114,0% 108,1% 111,3% 107,8% 104,1% 100,0% 107,1% 106,9% 110,0% 100,3% 107,4%

DAIHATSU Sirion 117,9% 126,3% 100,0% 114,2% 110,6% 125,7% xxx 132,4% 114,7% 127,7% 130,8% 110,6% 125,2% 107,3% MAX FIAT 500 113,2% 110,7% 114,7% 109,2% 100,0% 108,1% 108,8% 106,4% 104,1% 104,1% 110,7% 113,2% 110,5% 116,9% MAX FIAT Panda 134,8% 124,7% 118,6% 128,6% 113,4% 119,8% 100,0% 115,6% 115,9% 113,6% 124,7% 109,9% 104,2% 115,5%

HYUNDAI i10 112,2% 121,2% xxx 116,3% xxx 132,5% xxx 132,1% 154,1% 111,7% xxx xxx 103,9% 132,7% MAX KIA Picanto 105,6% 114,2% xxx xxx xxx 125,2% 104,9% 100,0% xxx xxx xxx xxx 116,8% xxx MAX NISSAN Micra 135,3% 141,9% 147,7% 145,8% 133,0% 142,9% 132,0% 150,0% 157,3% 133,9% 141,9% 100,0% 126,8% 140,1% MAX MIN PEUGEOT 107 158,0% 147,8% 122,0% 152,8% 130,0% 150,2% 133,7% 147,8% 128,4% 143,4% 147,8% 100,0% 140,0% 151,1% MAX MIN


ALFA ROMEO MITO 109,5% 106,7% xxx 107,3% 101,7% 103,3% 128,5% 114,2% 100,0% 106,2% 106,7% xxx 105,7% 116,6% MAX CITROEN C3 109,0% 115,7% xxx xxx xxx 106,9% xxx 109,3% xxx xxx 115,7% xxx xxx 108,5% MAX MAX CITROEN C3 Picasso 110,2% 117,7% xxx xxx xxx 107,3% 100,0% 119,8% xxx 109,9% 117,7% xxx xxx 107,3% MAX FIAT Punto Evo 127,8% 120,5% 100,0% 129,2% 111,1% 116,3% 111,5% 120,1% 118,5% 119,1% 120,5% 100,1% 121,9% 128,4% MIN MAX FORD Fiesta 112,0% 124,3% xxx 118,3% 107,4% 116,7% 100,0% 116,2% 112,5% 105,0% 124,3% xxx 112,0% 106,8%

HYUNDAI i30 130,5% 143,2% xxx 128,5% xxx 140,8% 150,1% 155,5% 168,9% 129,2% xxx xxx 123,1% 137,4%

LANCIA Ypsilon 114,4% 124,4% xxx 126,5% 116,4% 118,8% xxx 120,3% xxx 114,9% xxx xxx 121,8% 126,9% MAX LANCIA Musa 126,3% 123,5% xxx 119,2% 100,0% 104,5% xxx 128,0% xxx 124,2% xxx xxx 120,0% 109,3% MIN MAX MAZDA 2 115,7% 113,2% xxx 113,2% 105,2% 105,2% 100,2% xxx 100,0% 104,0% xxx xxx 105,3% 107,4% MAX NISSAN Note 118,4% 114,8% 100,0% 119,5% 100,2% 110,1% 103,7% 119,8% 130,9% 105,1% 114,8% 113,4% 110,9% 104,2%

OPEL Corsa 121,5% 108,9% xxx 124,7% 100,4% 117,3% 102,8% 124,6% 117,9% 103,1% 108,9% xxx 106,7% 117,6% MAX PEUGEOT 207 137,2% xxx 109,1% 134,2% 122,7% 138,4% 110,3% 139,7% 125,8% 125,3% xxx 100,0% 128,1% 122,3% MAX MIN RENAULT Clio 3 127,7% 127,2% xxx 123,4% xxx 119,2% 115,6% 129,7% 122,3% 109,8% 119,9% xxx 113,7% 132,3% MAX SEAT Ibiza 117,3% 122,4% 104,6% 124,4% 105,6% 106,5% 100,0% 113,9% 102,1% 112,5% 114,6% 101,6% 116,0% 107,7% MAX SKODA Fabia 141,7% 143,3% xxx 144,8% 112,2% 139,9% 119,8% 138,3% 117,2% 125,4% 144,2% 103,1% 116,2% 124,1%

SUZUKI Swift 119,5% 121,3% 101,1% 118,4% 100,9% 109,4% 101,1% 115,5% 115,6% 110,7% 123,0% 100,0% 101,2% 114,5% MAX TOYOTA Yaris 116,2% 116,7% 109,1% 120,2% 104,5% 112,0% 100,0% 116,6% 110,0% 105,8% 116,7% xxx 105,2% 113,1% MAX VW Polo 125,8% 124,5% 101,3% 128,1% 102,3% 124,2% 114,9% 122,4% 125,2% 124,4% 126,9% xxx 121,8% 112,4% MAX

26 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 Member States in non euro zone


BMW Mini Cooper 108,8% 104,4% 109,1% 108,7% 124,8% 109,6% 112,2% 108,8% 107,2% 102,8% 107,2% 92,0% 82,9% MAX MIN DAIHATSU Sirion xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx 99,3% MIN FIAT 500 108,7% 107,5% 108,6% 106,0% 103,4% 111,4% 94,5% 106,5% 116,5% 99,3% 103,4% 112,0% 95,6% MIN FIAT Panda 107,7% 128,9% 105,6% 99,4% 105,8% 107,0% 98,5% 102,4% 115,1% 113,5% 109,5% 148,9% 109,5% MIN MAX HYUNDAI i10 xxx 100,0% xxx 93,0% 105,9% xxx 123,2% xxx xxx 104,5% xxx 130,4% 121,0% MIN KIA Picanto xxx 100,8% xxx 102,6% 94,8% xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx 109,2% 93,4% 99,2% MIN NISSAN Micra 132,1% 117,0% 131,8% 114,8% 107,9% 120,9% 105,5% 122,2% 123,2% 121,6% 136,9% 132,4% 132,5%

PEUGEOT 107 131,0% 131,5% 134,2% 129,4% 122,8% 132,5% 131,4% 139,5% 138,4% 126,9% 141,1% 127,7% 123,3%


ALFA ROMEO MITO 113,6% 104,7% 115,0% 100,5% 100,4% xxx 93,3% 109,2% xxx 90,3% 100,0% 100,5% 94,4% MIN CITROEN C3 100,0% xxx 95,8% 93,5% xxx xxx 89,4% xxx xxx 97,8% xxx xxx xxx MIN CITROEN C3 Picasso 105,5% 104,9% xxx 106,8% xxx xxx 95,4% xxx xxx 97,6% xxx xxx 86,2% MIN FIAT Punto Evo 108,2% 106,4% 105,3% 114,5% 107,5% 103,9% 108,7% 113,9% 111,9% 109,9% 105,9% 115,1% 124,5%

FORD Fiesta xxx xxx xxx 93,6% 98,2% xxx 97,3% xxx xxx 98,5% xxx 93,8% 125,1% MIN MAX HYUNDAI i30 xxx 100,0% xxx 111,7% 116,1% xxx 109,2% xxx xxx 109,6% xxx 135,9% 124,2% MIN MAX LANCIA Ypsilon xxx 100,0% xxx 101,6% xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx MIN LANCIA Musa xxx 110,5% xxx 107,2% xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx 101,2% xxx xxx xxx

MAZDA 2 100,5% 112,8% 109,4% 98,8% 93,7% 103,4% 92,4% 99,2% 101,1% 92,5% 100,6% 102,4% 92,1% MIN NISSAN Note 110,2% 134,6% 104,5% 95,2% 92,2% 103,4% 91,1% 106,3% 97,5% 99,8% 130,0% 102,1% 105,5% MAX MIN OPEL Corsa 100,0% 122,7% 116,5% 120,8% 96,7% xxx 112,5% xxx xxx 111,6% 113,1% 102,6% 108,0% MIN PEUGEOT 207 112,9% 117,6% 118,6% 108,6% 101,4% 112,7% 112,8% 115,8% 116,5% 110,6% 121,6% 107,0% 116,0%

RENAULT Clio 3 100,0% 101,3% 100,5% 102,0% 110,0% xxx 113,9% xxx xxx 97,8% 103,3% 111,1% 117,4% MIN SEAT Ibiza 109,2% 101,5% 108,3% 101,2% 99,4% xxx 104,6% xxx xxx 111,0% 120,0% 99,9% 121,2% MIN SKODA Fabia 100,0% 120,2% 124,9% 122,7% 116,8% 114,5% 109,3% 130,6% 117,6% 115,9% 125,2% 117,2% 155,5% MIN MAX SUZUKI Swift 100,2% 104,5% 101,2% 96,2% 91,6% 92,7% 102,2% 109,9% 104,1% 99,9% 92,6% 96,9% 100,0% MIN TOYOTA Yaris 100,1% 100,6% 105,9% 94,3% 100,2% 103,3% 97,4% 103,3% 103,3% 97,0% 102,7% 101,6% 101,1% MIN VW Polo 100,0% xxx 120,8% 93,6% 108,7% 113,7% 107,1% 113,7% 113,7% 106,0% 102,6% 115,9% 106,6% MIN

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 27 Member States in euro zone EUR‐16


AUDI A3 114,9% 105,5% xxx 118,1% 108,1% 108,4% 107,3% 110,9% 100,0% 116,1% 109,6% 104,0% 100,9% 104,0%

BMW 120d 104,6% 103,8% 105,8% 108,7% 100,0% 103,9% 102,0% 106,9% 101,1% 104,9% 103,9% 105,0% 104,0% 104,1%

CITROEN C4 xxx 114,1% 100,0% xxx xxx 115,7% xxx 121,3% xxx 104,7% 114,1% xxx xxx xxx MAX CITROEN C4 Picasso 110,6% 112,2% xxx 116,1% xxx 109,9% xxx 111,5% 100,9% 109,5% 112,2% xxx 100,0% 105,0% MAX FIAT Bravo 134,2% 136,8% 116,0% 139,8% 118,0% 134,4% 142,8% 131,7% 130,5% 132,0% 136,8% 100,0% 113,2% 139,0% MAX MIN FORD Focus 113,9% 123,0% xxx 127,9% 105,1% 106,4% 100,0% 119,3% 124,1% 109,6% 123,0% xxx 116,8% 114,8%

HONDA Civic 159,9% 153,2% 129,7% 160,7% 142,8% 146,3% 130,1% 160,4% 138,5% 146,3% 153,2% 100,0% 154,3% 140,9% MAX MIN KIA Cee'd 100,0% 126,9% xxx xxx xxx 132,9% 102,8% 132,0% xxx xxx xxx xxx 101,2% xxx MAX LANCIA Delta 114,0% 107,9% xxx 102,2% 100,1% 130,6% xxx 109,8% xxx 112,9% xxx xxx 100,0% 107,9% MAX MAZDA 3 115,4% 116,8% xxx 118,7% 100,0% 113,7% 110,9% 114,4% 116,4% 111,0% xxx xxx 118,3% 105,3% MAX NISSAN Qashqai 117,5% 115,8% 105,6% 122,4% 104,0% 109,5% 100,0% 119,6% 118,5% 108,2% 122,8% 120,4% 110,1% 106,1% MAX PEUGEOT 308 132,3% 135,2% 106,3% 128,3% xxx 132,7% 106,2% 136,0% xxx 121,8% 135,2% 100,0% 127,0% 121,0% MAX MIN PEUGEOT 3008 123,3% 118,0% xxx 126,4% xxx 120,1% 100,0% 123,2% 109,5% 124,0% 118,0% xxx 112,7% 114,3% MAX RENAULT Mégane Hatch 119,0% 115,5% xxx 112,2% xxx 118,1% 103,9% 126,8% 114,5% 107,3% 115,9% xxx 109,0% 109,7% MAX RENAULT Scénic 126,3% 129,7% xxx 116,4% xxx 119,4% 100,0% 138,4% 120,6% 122,2% 130,1% xxx 123,0% 118,4% MAX SEAT Altea XL 110,1% 107,9% xxx 125,0% 101,8% 112,0% 100,0% 114,7% xxx 114,7% 117,8% xxx 113,1% 101,8% MAX MIN SEAT León 116,9% 122,8% 106,9% 123,3% 101,2% 109,2% 100,0% 118,6% 106,0% 114,6% 123,0% 105,7% 113,1% 107,1% MAX MIN SKODA Octavia 123,6% 108,8% 109,7% 126,8% xxx 118,6% 100,0% 125,0% 101,1% 116,3% 133,3% 105,2% 116,5% xxx MAX TOYOTA Auris 119,7% 122,4% 108,2% 123,0% 103,8% 113,1% 100,0% 122,6% 128,0% 112,6% 122,4% xxx 112,3% 115,0% MAX VW Touran 124,7% 129,2% 110,0% 132,1% 108,9% 114,7% 100,0% 118,9% xxx 116,4% 128,4% 106,1% 119,0% xxx MAX VW Golf 122,5% 127,4% 110,0% 122,7% 103,5% xxx 100,0% 115,1% 111,5% 119,8% 115,0% xxx 116,9% 117,8% MAX

28 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 Member States in non euro zone


AUDI A3 105,6% 115,0% 122,3% 117,1% 90,2% 116,4% 95,7% 116,4% 116,4% 112,8% 122,3% 87,8% 91,7% MAX MAX MIN BMW 120d 102,7% 103,1% 101,9% 106,6% 119,3% 109,0% 102,1% 107,3% 105,0% 104,9% 99,5% 94,7% 80,1% MAX MIN CITROEN C4 117,3% 117,3% 94,5% 105,0% xxx 101,2% 97,6% xxx xxx 97,0% 95,7% xxx 90,9% MIN CITROEN C4 Picasso 103,3% 100,3% 85,8% 102,7% 88,9% xxx 94,2% xxx xxx 88,1% 87,2% xxx 93,3% MIN FIAT Bravo 114,5% 120,0% 117,1% 109,4% 105,7% 111,1% 110,2% 109,3% 116,9% 102,8% 117,7% 112,7% 121,1%

FORD Focus xxx xxx xxx 110,3% 104,3% xxx 102,6% xxx xxx 106,3% xxx 86,4% 133,9% MIN MAX HONDA Civic 152,8% 131,9% 135,0% 124,3% 145,3% 133,0% 120,7% 137,0% 134,5% 128,4% 124,0% 125,4% 142,6%

KIA Cee'd xxx 103,8% 106,3% 104,3% 104,8% xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx 95,3% 104,4% 112,5% MIN LANCIA Delta xxx xxx xxx 103,3% xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx 92,6% xxx xxx xxx MIN MAZDA 3 107,3% 115,6% 110,9% 113,6% 88,6% 100,5% 94,0% 101,4% 109,2% 100,1% 106,2% 103,8% 102,4% MIN NISSAN Qashqai 112,6% 111,9% 98,2% 109,1% 99,6% 96,0% 96,0% 116,2% 98,1% 109,2% 114,9% 99,5% 107,1% MIN MIN PEUGEOT 308 116,0% 119,9% 111,3% 112,5% 103,5% 116,7% 117,3% 116,8% 119,2% 112,3% 116,6% 104,3% 115,2%

PEUGEOT 3008 117,1% 116,1% 110,7% 110,3% 101,7% 101,8% 104,7% 101,2% 103,9% 99,4% xxx 100,9% 103,3% MIN RENAULT Mégane Hatch 100,0% 103,9% 94,5% 99,4% 98,6% xxx 112,6% xxx xxx 99,0% 109,2% 95,0% 115,1% MIN RENAULT Scénic 106,1% 109,4% 128,4% 105,1% 100,8% xxx 114,3% xxx xxx 113,8% 99,6% 98,0% 108,3% MIN SEAT Altea XL 111,6% 109,1% 104,4% 114,2% 100,6% xxx 123,1% xxx xxx 124,8% 114,3% 102,6% 114,0%

SEAT León 113,0% 107,3% 109,3% 105,5% 100,0% xxx 100,3% xxx xxx 118,4% 119,3% 100,4% 115,1% MIN SKODA Octavia 108,2% 116,3% 110,9% 120,1% xxx 97,2% 94,9% 111,2% 99,8% 94,4% 103,4% 98,8% 96,8% MIN TOYOTA Auris 103,3% 107,5% 110,7% 101,8% 95,9% 105,9% 106,2% 105,9% 105,9% 97,0% 107,8% 101,6% 104,7% MIN VW Touran 118,6% 101,8% 113,7% xxx 103,1% 111,8% 122,6% 111,8% 111,8% 94,2% 115,1% xxx 108,2% MIN VW Golf xxx xxx 107,8% 96,8% 98,4% 101,7% 118,4% 101,7% 101,7% 100,4% 100,5% 108,2% 115,4% MIN

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 29 Member States in euro zone EUR‐16


ALFA ROMEO 159 118,4% 108,4% xxx 106,9% 104,2% 108,5% 121,1% 113,4% 111,1% 105,4% 108,4% xxx 102,0% 100,0% MAX AUDI A4 109,3% 104,9% 103,9% 113,1% 105,4% 110,9% 100,0% 110,1% 101,9% 108,4% 103,5% xxx 106,3% 101,9% MAX BMW 320d 106,3% 103,8% 104,6% 107,9% 104,3% 106,8% 103,2% 105,5% 100,0% 101,7% 103,8% 110,6% 106,5% 106,9%

CITROEN C5 109,8% 109,4% xxx 109,9% xxx 100,0% 100,0% 107,2% xxx 100,9% 109,4% xxx xxx xxx MAX FORD Mondeo 125,3% 126,9% xxx 138,2% 100,0% 122,4% 109,7% 126,9% 115,5% 122,9% 126,9% xxx 128,2% 116,0% MAX HONDA Accord 123,9% 121,2% 100,4% 123,1% 110,0% 108,2% 104,2% 125,0% 110,4% 118,5% 121,2% 100,0% 121,5% 124,8% MAX MAZDA 6 111,6% 123,5% xxx 108,1% xxx 104,2% 103,1% 115,1% xxx 100,5% xxx xxx 100,0% xxx MAX MERCEDES C220 112,3% 108,6% 113,5% 114,2% 103,9% 108,9% 102,3% 103,0% 100,0% 110,4% 109,2% 112,3% 109,6% 107,6%

OPEL Zafira 127,4% 114,3% xxx 128,7% 100,0% 113,6% 115,1% 107,7% 113,6% 114,4% 114,3% xxx 103,3% 121,1% MAX PEUGEOT 407 120,5% 119,6% xxx 118,0% xxx 113,5% 100,0% 115,2% xxx 104,9% 119,6% xxx 106,3% 104,0% MAX RENAULT Laguna Hatch 117,3% 124,2% xxx 115,6% xxx 114,1% 100,0% 122,5% 113,2% 111,3% 127,0% xxx 105,0% 124,1% MAX SKODA Superb 127,4% 129,1% 139,8% 136,2% xxx 123,2% 115,7% 125,4% 102,2% 128,0% 131,7% 100,0% 130,5% 115,5% MAX SUBARU Forester 129,7% 123,0% 100,0% 127,1% 117,8% 121,9% 107,1% 121,5% 111,8% 129,2% 123,3% 124,1% 116,7% 108,7%

TOYOTA Avensis 127,9% 119,6% 114,3% 127,8% 100,0% 118,1% 102,9% 120,8% 113,4% 117,6% 119,6% xxx 111,2% 127,6% MAX VW Passat 115,8% xxx 115,9% 128,1% 100,0% 123,6% 108,6% 120,3% 106,2% xxx 117,0% 104,7% 113,5% xxx MAX VOLVO S40 123,2% 122,2% xxx 120,8% xxx 114,9% 100,0% 124,1% 111,1% 117,6% xxx xxx 120,0% 113,5% MAX

30 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 Member States in non euro zone


ALFA ROMEO 159 105,2% 115,7% 105,6% 105,9% 96,4% xxx 103,0% xxx xxx 91,8% 106,1% 99,8% 90,7% MIN AUDI A4 100,9% 108,3% 106,2% 110,7% 89,0% 109,6% 90,9% 109,6% 109,6% 105,9% 106,2% 82,6% 88,3% MIN BMW 320d 101,8% 100,9% 100,4% 104,9% 117,2% 107,1% 103,9% 108,8% 106,2% 101,6% 101,0% 89,1% 82,6% MAX MIN CITROEN C5 101,0% xxx xxx 109,9% xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx 95,8% 92,3% xxx xxx MAX MIN FORD Mondeo xxx xxx xxx 125,3% 109,2% xxx 122,0% xxx xxx 113,9% xxx 98,6% 119,8% MIN HONDA Accord 107,1% 120,1% 117,7% 120,5% 92,5% 105,3% 94,7% 105,1% 107,1% 112,3% 99,1% 104,1% 105,0% MIN MAZDA 6 105,3% 120,0% 99,5% 109,1% xxx xxx 93,9% xxx xxx xxx 99,6% 86,3% xxx MIN MERCEDES C220 100,5% 107,5% 102,6% 103,1% 88,6% 108,1% 104,3% 108,1% 113,8% 96,8% 114,5% 95,4% 80,1% MAX MIN OPEL Zafira 108,7% 122,6% 120,3% 124,8% 100,5% xxx 100,2% xxx xxx 107,0% 107,2% 94,8% 107,8% MIN PEUGEOT 407 111,5% 115,3% 97,2% 112,1% 85,2% 105,9% 105,4% 97,4% 107,6% 99,5% 99,4% 91,5% 94,1% MIN RENAULT Laguna Hatch 103,7% 116,6% 101,9% 107,4% 103,8% xxx 106,1% xxx xxx 99,0% xxx xxx 100,1% MIN SKODA Superb 113,8% 131,9% 117,1% 126,8% 100,9% 117,4% 102,5% 124,0% 119,1% 104,5% 100,8% 99,2% 100,9% MIN SUBARU Forester 121,6% 134,9% 113,4% 122,4% 101,3% 107,8% 113,1% 97,2% 105,9% 128,6% 124,8% 109,4% 108,2% MAX MIN TOYOTA Avensis 114,3% 124,1% 111,5% 116,5% 98,9% 104,5% 106,6% 104,5% 104,5% 97,1% 109,9% 104,0% 102,2% MIN VW Passat 117,9% 121,6% 108,6% 116,0% 91,2% 93,3% 121,6% 93,3% 93,3% 96,4% 108,2% xxx 99,7% MIN VOLVO S40 123,5% 119,0% xxx 118,0% 97,4% 116,4% 110,1% 116,8% 116,5% 98,4% xxx 102,5% 86,3% MIN

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 31 Member States in euro zone EUR‐16


AUDI A6 110,1% 105,9% 110,5% 111,6% xxx 110,0% 110,2% 104,3% 100,0% 111,3% 103,4% xxx 107,1% 108,6%

BMW 523i 110,1% 108,5% 112,1% 108,9% 105,4% 109,7% 106,0% 108,6% 100,0% 108,3% 108,6% 104,6% 106,7% 106,8%

MERCEDES E220 123,2% 122,2% 122,7% 123,5% 116,2% 120,4% 114,6% 120,2% 100,0% 123,4% 121,6% 120,4% 115,3% 123,7% MAX OPEL Insignia 121,6% 120,1% xxx 125,7% 100,0% 115,2% 101,4% 117,3% 101,1% 115,7% 120,1% xxx 116,0% 103,3% MAX


AUDI A8 101,3% 100,4% xxx 102,4% xxx 101,5% xxx 100,0% xxx 104,2% xxx xxx 102,3% xxx MAX BMW 730d 107,6% 112,8% 100,0% 111,8% 105,0% 106,5% 112,1% 106,5% 102,7% 108,3% 112,9% 109,3% 110,6% 109,9%

MERCEDES S350 104,0% 105,8% 103,6% 103,6% 103,6% 102,2% 104,0% 103,8% 103,4% 103,6% 103,5% 100,0% 103,6% 103,6%

VOLVO S80 110,2% 103,9% xxx 109,5% xxx 105,2% 100,0% 102,7% 102,0% 113,5% xxx xxx 100,3% 108,0%


BMW X5 106,4% 106,0% 115,2% 104,5% 104,6% 105,9% 105,9% 105,3% 100,0% 106,6% 106,1% 113,1% 103,8% 105,0%

LAND ROVER Discovery 109,8% 108,9% xxx 110,8% xxx 102,3% xxx 111,4% xxx 107,3% xxx xxx 110,1% 100,0% MAX LAND ROVER Freelander 105,7% 107,6% xxx 106,7% xxx 100,0% xxx 106,9% xxx 104,5% xxx xxx 101,5% 101,1% MAX LAND ROVER Range Rover 100,0% 101,7% xxx 102,4% xxx 101,2% xxx 102,0% xxx 100,7% xxx xxx 101,9% 101,2% MAX MAZDA 5 115,5% 112,9% xxx 111,8% 100,0% 111,5% 102,0% 119,3% xxx 108,3% xxx xxx 104,0% xxx

PEUGEOT 4007 132,8% 134,9% xxx 137,3% xxx 130,5% 119,1% 136,6% 100,0% 129,9% 134,9% xxx 119,8% 123,0% MAX MIN SUZUKI Grand Vitara 128,5% 148,7% xxx 139,0% 139,8% 135,9% 128,7% 147,2% xxx 144,0% 149,5% 100,0% 128,7% 141,4% MAX MIN VOLVO XC90 107,9% 107,2% xxx 110,6% 116,1% 112,0% 100,4% 102,6% 100,0% 105,3% xxx xxx 111,5% 118,9% MAX

32 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 Member States in non euro zone


AUDI A6 105,0% 107,8% 115,0% 107,4% 95,6% 105,1% 93,1% 105,1% 105,1% 111,7% 115,0% 86,4% 83,7% MAX MAX MIN BMW 523i 110,3% 107,4% 109,6% 112,2% 122,6% 108,8% 114,1% 110,5% 108,5% 104,1% 103,7% 89,1% 75,3% MAX MIN MERCEDES E220 117,3% 121,4% 116,2% 119,7% 108,1% 118,5% 111,1% 118,5% 123,0% 112,7% 123,5% 94,8% 79,8% MIN OPEL Insignia 108,5% 123,5% 117,6% 120,2% 102,0% xxx 108,8% xxx xxx 108,4% 117,2% 102,4% 96,4% MIN


AUDI A8 xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx 85,0% 68,5% MIN BMW 730d 103,3% 105,0% 102,4% 103,5% 129,8% 109,2% 107,7% 109,1% 107,4% 98,9% 104,9% 96,5% 80,0% MAX MIN MERCEDES S350 xxx 103,4% 103,6% 102,6% 103,7% 103,6% 103,3% 103,6% 103,4% 94,4% 106,6% 92,6% 71,5% MAX MIN VOLVO S80 120,4% 104,2% xxx 116,8% 92,4% 102,0% 103,5% 102,3% 102,5% 113,4% xxx 89,0% 82,4% MAX MIN


BMW X5 107,8% 108,3% 108,1% 108,0% 154,4% 106,6% 104,4% 108,8% 106,2% 97,4% 105,1% 92,7% 80,4% MAX MIN LAND ROVER Discovery xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx 81,2% MIN LAND ROVER Freelander xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx 87,3% MIN LAND ROVER Range Rover xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx 77,5% MIN MAZDA 5 111,1% xxx 113,2% 123,1% 82,0% 107,3% 92,4% 97,0% 103,5% 95,8% 109,8% 91,0% 101,5% MAX MIN PEUGEOT 4007 134,2% 128,2% 124,6% 127,4% 104,9% xxx 118,3% 113,1% xxx 112,3% xxx 113,1% 100,2%

SUZUKI Grand Vitara 117,9% 144,6% 127,9% 129,7% 100,0% 120,3% 127,7% 125,1% 127,7% 129,2% 121,9% 123,9% 105,9% MIN VOLVO XC90 114,7% 110,0% xxx 111,3% 97,2% 116,3% 106,1% 116,5% 117,2% 111,8% xxx 84,9% 75,3% MIN

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 33

Ценоразписи на производителите Gamintojų kainų lentelės Tablas de Precios de los Fabricantes Gépjárműgyártók Árjegyzéke Ceník výrobce Tabelli tal-prezzijiet tal-manifatturi Tabeller fra. Fabrikanterne Fabrieksprijs tabel Preisübersichten der Hersteller Tabele cen producentów Tootja hinnatabelid Tabelas dos fabricantes Πίνακες με τις τιμές των κατασκευαστών Tabele cu preţurile de producător Manufacturer price tables Cenníky výrobcov Tableaux de prix des constructeurs Tabele cen proizvajalca Tabella dei prezzi fornita dai fabbricanti Valmistajan hintataulukot Ražotāja cenu tabulas Tabell över tillverkarpriser


European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 35

36 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010


1.3 JTDM 95hp Distinctive incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 3 DOORS Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 19 560 15 810 18 650 15 413 18 450 15 504 18 900 14 683 17 800 14 915 22 490 18 565 20 200 16 497 Price index 109,9% 109,5% 104,8% 106,7% 0,0% 0,0% 103,7% 107,3% 106,2% 101,7% 100,0% 103,3% 126,3% 128,5% 113,5% 114,2% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSS SSSSYesYesSSSS ‐ ABS SSSS SSSSYesYesSSSS ‐ airbag SSSS SSSSYesYesSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 760 1 679 1 661 1 701 1 602 2 024 1 818 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222 2233225522 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No Yes Yes

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK 1.3 JTDM 95hp Distinctive incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 3 DOORS Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 19 995 14 443 19 200 15 333 18 650 15 413 22 950 15 269 23 000 16 839 19 690 16 408 18 000 15 126 Price index 112,3% 100,0% 107,9% 106,2% 104,8% 106,7% 0,0% 0,0% 128,9% 105,7% 129,2% 116,6% 110,6% 113,6% 101,1% 104,7% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSS SSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSS SSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSS SSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSS SSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive SS1 728 1 679 2 066 2 070 1 772 1 620 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 332222 22222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Alfa Romeo MiTo NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES ALFA BG CZ DK EE HU(*) LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL 1.3 JTDM 95hp Distinctive incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 3 DOORS Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 38 990 32 492 458 000 381 667 260 000 107 890 4 795 000 3 636 000 65 900 54 462 Price EURO 19 936 16 613 17 424 14 520 34 939 14 498 17 769 13 474 19 086 15 773 Price index 112,0% 115,0% 97,9% 100,5% 196,3% 100,4% 99,8% 93,3% 107,2% 109,2% Major options ROMEO ‐ air conditioning SSSSSS SSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSS SSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSS SSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSS SSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 794 1 568 3 145 1 599 1 718 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222 2222 ‐ free roadside assistance No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528 (*) Progression trim

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP 1.3 JTDM 95hp Distinctive incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 3 DOORS Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 66 900 53 528 72 633 61 039 185 000 148 000 14 815 12 157 Price EURO 16 305 13 046 17 190 14 446 18 150 14 520 16 620 13 638 Price index 91,6% 90,3% 96,6% 100,0% 102,0% 100,5% 93,4% 94,4% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 467 1 547 1 633 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22332233 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes NA NA NA NA Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 37 38 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

Alfa Romeo 159 EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT(*) BE CY DEEL(*) ES FI(*) FR 140.BBE.2 2.0 JTDM 170hp Progression/Medium incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 4 DOORS Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 34 650 26 986 29 900 24 711 29 000 24 370 34 500 23 765 30 390 24 738 34 990 27 615 31 400 25 861 Price index 120,4% 118,4% 103,9% 108,4% 100,7% 106,9% 119,8% 104,2% 105,6% 108,5% 121,5% 121,1% 109,1% 113,4% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box (available on 1.9 JTDM) 3 200 ‐ 2 050 ‐‐‐NA NA 2 000 ‐ NA NA 1 000 ‐ ‐ power steering SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSS SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 3 119 2 691 2 610 3 105 2 735 3 149 2 826 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222 223322 22 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes (*) Distinctive trim (*) Distinctive trim (*) Distinctive trim

IE(*) IT LU MT NL PT SI SK(*) 2.0 JTDM 170hp Progression/Medium incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 4 DOORS Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 35 795 25 323 29 700 24 030 29 900 24 711 36 050 23 267 36 100 22 802 28 790 23 992 31 400 26 387 Price index 124,3% 111,1% 103,2% 105,4% 103,9% 108,4% 125,2% 102,0% 125,4% 100,0% 100,0% 105,2% 109,1% 115,7% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSS SSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box (available on 1.9 JTDM) 3 500 ‐ 2 000 ‐ 2 050 ‐ 2 300 ‐ NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSS SSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSS SSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSS SSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive SS2 673 2 691 3 245 3 249 2 591 2 826 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 332222 22222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (*) Distinctive trim (*) Distinctive trim Alfa Romeo 159 NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES ALFA BG CZ(*) DK(*) EE HU(*) LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL 2.0 JTDM 170hp Progression/Medium incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 4 DOORS Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 56 490 47 075 762 000 635 000 470 000 163 605 8 665 000 6 337 600 Price EURO 28 883 24 069 28 990 24 158 63 159 21 985 32 110 23 486 Price index 100,3% 105,6% 100,7% 106,0% 219,4% 96,4% 111,5% 103,0%

Major options ROMEO ‐ air conditioning SSSSSS SS ‐ automatic gear box (available on 1.9 JTDM) NA NA NA NA 4 031 ‐ 1 927 ‐ ‐ power steering SSSSSS SS ‐ ABS SSSSSS SS ‐ airbag SSSSSS SS Right‐hand‐drive 2 599 2 609 5 684 2 890 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222 22 ‐ free roadside assistance No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528 (*) Distinctive trim (*) Distinctive trim (*) Distinctive trim

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP 2.0 JTDM 170hp Progression/Medium incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 4 DOORS Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 109 900 85 880 121 689 102 261 290 000 232 000 22 270 18 426 Price EURO 26 785 20 931 28 800 24 202 28 451 22 761 24 983 20 670 Price index 93,0% 91,8% 100,0% 106,1% 98,8% 99,8% 86,8% 90,7% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box (available on 1.9 JTDM) 2 194 ‐ 1 672 ‐ ‐ power steering SSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 2 411 2 592 2 561 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22332233 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes NA NA NA NA Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 39 40 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

Audi A3 2.0 TDI EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax A3 2.0 TDI Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 NA NA Price EURO 24 710 19 458 22 116 17 868 23 796 19 996 28 202 18 308 21 290 18 353 27 054 18 171 22 769 18 788 Price index 116,1% 114,9% 103,9% 105,5% 0,0% 0,0% 111,8% 118,1% 132,5% 108,1% 100,0% 108,4% 127,1% 107,3% 106,9% 110,9% Major options ‐ air conditioning 1 000 798 1 750 1 446 1 425 1 198SSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 600 1 800 2 300 1 900 2 100 1 765 NA NA 2 140 1 672 3 300 1 730 2 070 1 730 ‐ power steering ‐ ABS ‐ airbag Right‐hand‐drive 1 330 1 290 1 210 1 300 1 350 1 365 1 330 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 22222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax A3 2.0 TDI Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 23 522 16 936 24 303 19 671 21 809 18 554 31 340 17 607 25 627 17 083 26 260 17 605 23 487 17 882 23 691 19 473 Price index 110,5% 100,0% 114,2% 116,1% 102,4% 109,6% 147,2% 104,0% 120,4% 100,9% 123,3% 104,0% 110,3% 105,6% 111,3% 115,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning 2 150 1 770 S S 1 513 1 316SSSSSS1 615 1 345 S S ‐ automatic gear box 2 545 791 2 150 1 792 2 070 1 800 NA NA 2 600 1 583 1 725 1 306 2 350 1 845 2 730 2 295 ‐ power steering ‐ ABS ‐ airbag Right‐hand‐drive ‐ 1 250 1 290 ‐ 1 320 1 325 1 290 1 300 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 ‐ free roadside assistance No Yes No Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Notes: Prices are based on recommended retail prices, adjusted for equipment differences, eff. on Jan 1st, 2010 Final prices are set by dealers Major Options: S = Standard; n.a. = not availabe; * only available version Audi A3 2.0 TDI NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AUDI BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax A3 2.0 TDI Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 25 144 20 720 23 794 19 828 39 605 15 284 23 633 19 717 22 786 16 201 23 633 19 717 Price index 118,1% 122,3% 111,8% 117,1% 186,0% 90,2% 111,0% 116,4% 107,0% 95,7% 111,0% 116,4% Major options ‐ air conditioning 1 600 1 340 1 412 1 212 3 580 1 200 1 476 1 240 S S 1 476 1 240 ‐ automatic gear box 2 040 1 700 2 117 1 700 5 383 1 700 1 550 1 302 2 138 1 781 1 550 1 302 ‐ power steering ‐ ABS ‐ airbag Right‐hand‐drive 1 350 1 210 1 430 1 260 1 430 1 430 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222232 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax A3 2.0 TDI Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 23 633 19 717 22 220 19 102 25 144 20 720 19 104 14 873 18 246 15 528 Price index 111,0% 116,4% 104,4% 112,8% 118,1% 122,3% 89,7% 87,8% 85,7% 91,7% Major options ‐ air conditioning 1 476 1 240 1 660 1 370 S S 1 672 1 337 1 600 1 365 ‐ automatic gear box 1 550 1 302 2 305 2 080 1 797 1 485 2 149 1 720 2 090 1 782 ‐ power steering ‐ ABS ‐ airbag Right‐hand‐drive 1 430 1 370 1 410 1 345 ‐ Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891 Notes: Prices are based on recommended retail prices, adjusted for equipment differences, eff. on Jan 1st, 2010 Audi AG Final prices are set by dealers Major Options: S = Standard; n.a. = not availabe; * only available version

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 41 42 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

Audi A4 2.0 TDI EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax A4 2.0 TDI Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 34 386 26 623 31 434 25 568 36 438 25 325 32 780 27 546 39 313 25 671 32 629 27 022 37 292 24 366 32 412 26 815 Price index 116,7% 109,3% 106,7% 104,9% 123,6% 103,9% 111,2% 113,1% 133,4% 105,4% 110,7% 110,9% 126,5% 100,0% 110,0% 110,1% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 330 1 820 2 050 1 694 NA NA 2 150 1 807 NA NA 2 040 1 689 3 100 1 653 2 000 1 672 ‐ power steering ‐ ABS ‐ airbag Right‐hand‐drive 1 853 1 816 1 653 1 835 1 852 1 830 1 835 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax A4 2.0 TDI Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 NA NA Price EURO 35 228 24 828 32 441 26 408 29 469 25 215 39 929 25 899 37 241 24 829 32 544 24 586 31 888 26 386 Price index 119,5% 101,9% 110,1% 108,4% 100,0% 103,5% 0,0% 0,0% 135,5% 106,3% 126,4% 101,9% 110,4% 100,9% 108,2% 108,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSS SSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 800 728 2 200 1 833 1 920 1 670 2 290 1 441 2 400 831 2 477 1 690 2 160 1 690 ‐ power steering ‐ ABS ‐ airbag Right‐hand‐drive 1 798 1 815 1 863 1 840 1 820 1 832 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222222 ‐ free roadside assistance No Yes No Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Notes: Prices are based on recommended retail prices, adjusted for equipment differences, eff. on Jan 1st, 2010 Audi AG Final prices are set by dealers Major Options: S = Standard; n.a. = not availabe; * only available version Audi A4 2.0 TDI NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AUDI BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax A4 2.0 TDI Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 31 279 25 875 32 361 26 968 63 065 21 690 31 856 26 694 30 532 22 142 31 856 26 694 Price index 106,1% 106,2% 109,8% 110,7% 214,0% 89,0% 108,1% 109,6% 103,6% 90,9% 108,1% 109,6% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA 2 020 1 698 7 019 1 690 2 100 1 765 2 025 1 690 2 100 1 765 ‐ power steering ‐ ABS ‐ airbag Right‐hand‐drive 1 810 1 811 1 819 1 811 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222232 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax A4 2.0 TDI Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 31 856 26 694 31 475 25 799 31 279 25 875 25 683 20 137 25 276 21 512 Price index 108,1% 109,6% 106,8% 105,9% 106,1% 106,2% 87,2% 82,6% 85,8% 88,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 100 1 765 NA NA 2 261 1 900 1 826 1 461 NA NA ‐ power steering ‐ ABS ‐ airbag Right‐hand‐drive 1 811 1 820 1 810 1 825 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891 Notes: Prices are based on recommended retail prices, adjusted for equipment differences, eff. on Jan 1st, 2010 Audi AG Final prices are set by dealers

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 43 44 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

Audi A6 3.0 TDI EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax A6 3.0 TDI Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 NA NA Price EURO 51 794 38 756 45 603 37 278 65 956 38 886 46 735 39 273 48 684 38 715 63 618 38 802 44 233 36 702 Price index 122,3% 110,1% 107,7% 105,9% 155,8% 110,5% 110,4% 111,6% 0,0% 0,0% 115,0% 110,0% 150,3% 110,2% 104,5% 104,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 3 660 2 129 S S * * 2 050 1 723 * * 2 300 1 797 3 800 2 124 2 200 1 840 ‐ power steering ‐ ABS ‐ airbag Right‐hand‐drive 2 140 2 110 ‐ 1 900 2 050 2 110 2 340 2 120 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 22222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax A6 3.0 TDI Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 NA NA Price EURO 57 373 35 202 47 992 39 194 42 333 36 401 60 861 37 692 63 558 38 237 49 841 36 951 45 636 37 940 Price index 135,5% 100,0% 113,4% 111,3% 100,0% 103,4% 0,0% 0,0% 143,8% 107,1% 150,1% 108,6% 117,7% 105,0% 107,8% 107,8% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSS SSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 3 010 1 840 2 200 1 833 2 070 1 800 4 210 1 611 4 500 2 070 2 640 2 005 ‐ power steering ‐ ABS ‐ airbag Right‐hand‐drive ‐ 1 980 2 030 2 110 2 150 2 070 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222 222 ‐ free roadside assistance No Yes No Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Notes: Prices are based on recommended retail prices, adjusted for equipment differences, eff. on Jan 1st, 2010 Audi AG Final prices are set by dealers Major Options: S = Standard; n.a. = not availabe; * only available version Audi A6 3.0 TDI NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AUDI BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax A6 3.0 TDI Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 48 667 40 487 45 359 37 799 105 557 33 637 44 020 37 014 46 471 32 774 44 020 37 014 Price index 115,0% 115,0% 107,1% 107,4% 249,3% 95,6% 104,0% 105,1% 109,8% 93,1% 104,0% 105,1% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box **2 370 1 995 5 224 2 000****** ‐ power steering ‐ ABS ‐ airbag Right‐hand‐drive 2 120 2 175 1 950 2 180 1 950 2 180 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22232 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax A6 3.0 TDI Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 44 020 37 014 47 988 39 335 48 667 40 487 38 544 30 425 34 611 29 456 Price index 104,0% 105,1% 113,4% 111,7% 115,0% 115,0% 91,0% 86,4% 81,8% 83,7% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box **2 780 2 195 + * + *1 425 1 240 ‐ power steering ‐ ABS ‐ airbag Right‐hand‐drive 2 180 2 220 2 150 2 160 ‐ Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 22 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891 Notes: Prices are based on recommended retail prices, adjusted for equipment differences, eff. on Jan 1st, 2010 Audi AG Final prices are set by dealers

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 45 46 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

Audi A8 4.2 (new) EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax A8 4.2 Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 NA NA NA Price EURO 99 180 71 568 86 299 70 922 86 105 72 357 94 208 71 667 85 265 70 631 Price index 116,3% 101,3% 101,2% 100,4% 0,0% 0,0% 101,0% 102,4% 0,0% 0,0% 110,5% 101,5% 0,0% 0,0% 100,0% 100,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ power steering ‐ ABS ‐ airbag Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) ‐ free roadside assistance ‐ delivery cost included

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax A8 4.2 Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 NA NA NA NA NA NA Price EURO 89 304 73 623 111 497 72 253 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 104,7% 104,2% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 130,8% 102,3% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ power steering ‐ ABS ‐ airbag Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) ‐ free roadside assistance ‐ delivery cost included Notes: Prices are based on recommended retail prices, adjusted for equipment differences, eff. on Jan 1st, 2010 Audi AG Final prices are set by dealers Major Options: S = Standard; n.a. = not availabe; * only available version Audi A8 4.2 (new) NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AUDI BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax A8 4.2 Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Price index Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ power steering ‐ ABS ‐ airbag Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) ‐ free roadside assistance ‐ delivery cost included 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax A8 4.2 Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO NA NA NA NA NA NA 74 116 60 037 56 854 48 386 Price index 86,9% 85,0% 66,7% 68,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box SSSSSSSSSS ‐ power steering ‐ ABS ‐ airbag Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) ‐ free roadside assistance ‐ delivery cost included 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891 Notes: Prices are based on recommended retail prices, adjusted for equipment differences, eff. on Jan 1st, 2010 Audi AG Final prices are set by dealers

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 47 48 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

Mini EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR MINI Cooper incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax MINI Cooper 1598 cm³ Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 18 878 15 173 18 389 15 198 19 433 16 310 19 300 16 218 20 681 15 389 19 141 15 845 22 414 15 342 17 725 14 820 Price index 107,9% 106,6% 105,1% 106,8% 111,1% 114,6% 110,3% 114,0% 118,2% 108,1% 109,4% 111,3% 128,1% 107,8% 101,3% 104,1% Major options ‐ air conditioning 1 040825SSSS960807SSSS1 656 1 090 S S ‐ automatic gear box 2 059 1 315 1 570 1 298 1 488 1 294 1 540 1 294 1 705 1 304 1 562 1 294 1 967 1 300 1 650 1 380 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 018 800 968 800 S S 928 780 1 088 800 1 086 900 2 650 1 460 957 800 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK MINI Cooper incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax MINI Cooper 1598 cm³ Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 20 278 14 233 17 950 15 249 17 491 15 209 21 853 15 651 20 704 14 272 20 790 15 281 19 140 15 479 17 836 14 864 Price index 115,9% 100,0% 102,6% 107,1% 100,0% 106,9% 124,9% 110,0% 118,4% 100,3% 118,9% 107,4% 109,4% 108,8% 102,0% 104,4% Major options ‐ air conditioning 393277SSSSSS1 181 807 S S 1 005 838 960 807 ‐ automatic gear box 2 006 1 290 1 600 1 333 1 493 1 298 1 807 1 294 1 911 1 305 1 570 1 308 1 612 1 343 1 540 1 294 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive S S 1 560 1 300 920 800 S S NA 1 279 NA NA 960 800 960 800 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Mini NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES MINI BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL MINI Cooper incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax MINI Cooper 1598 cm³ Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 36 455 30 379 484 027 406 745 275 068 132 175 288 017 244 082 5 648 436 4 308 696 63 632 53 472 Price EURO 18 640 15 533 18 415 15 474 36 964 17 762 18 408 15 600 20 932 15 967 18 429 15 487 Price index 106,6% 109,1% 105,3% 108,7% 211,3% 124,8% 105,2% 109,6% 119,7% 112,2% 105,4% 108,8% Major options ‐ air conditioning 1 893 1 578 24 960 20 975 21 063 6 018 14 894 12 622 S S 3 266 2 768 ‐ automatic gear box 3 037 2 530 5 200 4 370 28 046 8 013 23 893 20 248 449 400 359 520 NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 878 1 565 0 0 12 000 9 600000000 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes No No Yes No 1 EURO = 02.01.2009 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,825 27606,39 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP MINI Cooper incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax MINI Cooper 1598 cm³ Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 18 893 15 262 75 480 60 008 76 700 64 454 167 637 133 458 12 363 10 522 Price EURO 18 893 15 262 18 396 14 625 18 153 15 254 16 446 13 093 13 869 11 804 Price index 108,0% 107,2% 105,2% 102,8% 103,8% 107,2% 94,0% 92,0% 79,3% 82,9% Major options ‐ air conditioning 1 513 1 250 3 886 3 185 3 946 3 317 16 400 13 120 890 757 ‐ automatic gear box NA NA 6 235 5 111 6 329 5 318 9 500 7 600 1 060 902 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 0000NANA10 000 8 000 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22223 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No Yes Yes No No 1 EURO = 02.01.2009 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 49 50 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

BMW 1 Series EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR 1 Series incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 120d 1995 cm³ Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 29 495 23 188 27 852 23 018 32 454 23 454 28 700 24 118 33 219 22 179 27 829 23 047 33 153 22 616 28 347 23 701 Price index 111,3% 104,6% 105,1% 103,8% 122,5% 105,8% 108,3% 108,7% 125,3% 100,0% 105,0% 103,9% 125,1% 102,0% 107,0% 106,9% Major options ‐ air conditioning 1 081 850 1 000826SS980824SSSS1 965 1 295 S S ‐ automatic gear box 2 573 1 785 2 140 1 769 1 981 1 723 2 050 1 723 2 650 1 799 2 336 1 934 2 400 1 730 2 150 1 798 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 336 1 050 1 573 1 300 S S 0 0 1 586 1 050 1 630 1 350 2 650 1 460 1 555 1 300 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK 1 Series incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 120d 1995 cm³ Recommended retail price 1/01/2009 Price EURO 31 881 22 429 28 887 23 276 26 502 23 045 32 289 23 280 35 743 23 067 33 522 23 077 28 424 22 787 27 432 22 860 Price index 120,3% 101,1% 109,0% 104,9% 100,0% 103,9% 121,8% 105,0% 134,9% 104,0% 126,5% 104,1% 107,3% 102,7% 103,5% 103,1% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS951827SS1 207824SSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 249 1 525 2 100 1 750 2 034 1 769 2 529 1 723 2 522 1 723 2 110 1 758 2 174 1 812 2 050 1 723 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive S S 1 300 1 083 1 495 1 300 S S NA 1 279NANA0000 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes BMW 1 Series NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES BMW BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL 1 Series incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 120d 1995 cm³ Recommended retail price 1/01/2009 53 026 44 188 739 440 621 378 451 606 196 938 446 357 378 269 8 074 028 6 109 190 97 788 82 174 Price EURO 27 112 22 594 28 132 23 640 60 687 26 465 28 527 24 176 29 920 22 639 28 321 23 799 Price index 102,3% 101,9% 106,1% 106,6% 229,0% 119,3% 107,6% 109,0% 112,9% 102,1% 106,9% 107,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS21 502 6 143 15 205 12 886 S S 3 337 2 828 ‐ automatic gear box 4 043 3 369 53 300 44 790 36 533 10 438 31 806 26 954 598 300 478 640 7 200 6 102 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 000012 000 9 600000000 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes No No Yes No 1 EURO = 02.01.2009 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,825 27606,39 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528 26,285

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP 1 Series incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 120d 1995 cm³ Recommended retail price 1/01/2009 28 606 23 289 120 021 95 420 110 956 93 240 268 327 214 009 18 613 15 840 Price EURO 28 606 23 289 29 252 23 256 26 260 22 067 26 325 20 996 20 880 17 770 Price index 107,9% 105,0% 110,4% 104,9% 99,1% 99,5% 99,3% 94,7% 78,8% 80,1% Major options ‐ air conditioning 991819SSSS9 500 7 600 S S ‐ automatic gear box 2 163 1 788 8 299 6 802 8 426 7 082 19 800 15 840 1 460 1 243 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 0000NANA10 000 8 000 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22223 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No Yes Yes No No 1 EURO = 02.01.2009 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 51 52 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

BMW 3 Series EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR 3 Series incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 320d 1995 cm³ Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 35 893 28 217 33 352 27 564 37 416 27 769 34 100 28 655 40 547 27 682 34 226 28 345 48 416 27 405 33 500 28 010 Price index 113,2% 106,3% 105,2% 103,8% 118,0% 104,6% 107,6% 107,9% 127,9% 104,3% 108,0% 106,8% 152,7% 103,2% 105,7% 105,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 782 1 900 2 230 1 843 2 116 1 840 2 160 1 815 2 750 1 854 2 459 2 036 2 500 1 850 2 200 1 839 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 669 1 300 1 573 1 300 S S 0 0 1 963 1 300 1 630 1 350 2 650 1 460 1 914 1 600 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK 3 Series incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 320d 1995 cm³ Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 37 447 26 547 33 343 26 990 31 702 27 567 41 190 29 374 43 329 28 279 39 900 28 392 33 658 27 034 32 146 26 788 Price index 118,1% 100,0% 105,2% 101,7% 100,0% 103,8% 129,9% 110,6% 136,7% 106,5% 125,9% 106,9% 106,2% 101,8% 101,4% 100,9% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 297 1 556 2 200 1 833 2 120 1 843 2 617 1 840 2 659 1 816 2 260 1 883 2 190 1 840 2 190 1 840 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive S S 1 300 1 086 1 495 1 300 S S NA 1 279 NA NA 1 620 1 350 0 0 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes BMW 3 Series NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES BMW BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL 3 Series incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 320d 1995 cm³ Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 62 535 52 112 871 159 732 067 540 572 231 535 524 842 444 781 9 677 012 7 445 010 118 703 99 750 Price EURO 31 974 26 645 33 143 27 851 72 643 31 114 33 544 28 427 35 861 27 589 34 379 28 890 Price index 100,9% 100,4% 104,5% 104,9% 229,1% 117,2% 105,8% 107,1% 113,1% 103,9% 108,4% 108,8% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 4 319 3 599 56 940 47 849 39 003 11 143 33 513 28 401 639 200 511 360 7 376 6 251 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 0 0 40 663 34 171 12 000 9 6000000NANA Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes No No Yes No 1 EURO = 02.01.2009 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,825 27606,39 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP 3 Series incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 320d 1995 cm³ Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 34 546 28 199 139 133 110 614 134 876 113 341 302 307 241 193 22 970 19 549 Price EURO 34 546 28 199 33 910 26 959 31 921 26 824 29 658 23 663 25 769 21 931 Price index 109,0% 106,2% 107,0% 101,6% 100,7% 101,0% 93,6% 89,1% 81,3% 82,6% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSS535455 ‐ automatic gear box 2 191 1 811 8 866 7 267 9 001 7 562 21 700 17 360 1 490 1 268 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 0000NANA10 000 8 000 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22223 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No Yes Yes No No 1 EURO = 02.01.2009 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 53 54 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

BMW 5 Series EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR 5 Series incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 523i 2497 cm³ Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 44 109 33 722 40 218 33 238 52 958 34 330 39 700 33 361 50 181 32 289 42 267 33 612 57 627 32 479 39 765 33 248 Price index 115,4% 110,1% 105,2% 108,5% 138,5% 112,1% 103,8% 108,9% 131,2% 105,4% 110,5% 109,7% 150,7% 106,0% 104,0% 108,6% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 605 1 900 2 230 1 843 2 116 1 840 2 160 1 815 2 900 1 866 2 561 2 036 2 950 1 850 2 300 1 923 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 766 1 350 1 634 1 350 S S 1 566 1 316 2 147 1 350 1 698 1 350 2 650 1 460 2 033 1 700 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 year ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes

IE IT LU MTNL PT SI SK 5 Series incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 523i 2497 cm³ Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 49 664 30 628 40 758 33 169 38 234 33 247 50 870 32 042 49 982 32 685 47 147 32 722 42 418 33 769 39 488 32 906 Price index 129,9% 100,0% 106,6% 108,3% 100,0% 108,6% 133,0% 104,6% 130,7% 106,7% 123,3% 106,8% 110,9% 110,3% 103,3% 107,4% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 959 1 815 2 200 1 833 2 120 1 843 2 900 1 840 3 322 2 269 2 260 1 883 2 420 2 017 2 190 1 840 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive S S 1 300 1 083 1 553 1 350 S S NA 1 330 NA NA 1 620 1 350 0 0 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes BMW 5 Series NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES BMW BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL 5 Series incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 523i 2497 cm³ Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 81 276 65 646 1 074 975 903 340 699 526 279 375 615 365 521 496 12 785 991 9 433 326 139 104 116 894 Price EURO 41 556 33 565 40 897 34 367 94 003 37 543 39 329 33 330 47 382 34 958 40 287 33 855 Price index 108,7% 109,6% 107,0% 112,2% 245,9% 122,6% 102,9% 108,8% 123,9% 114,1% 105,4% 110,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 4 319 3 599 56 940 47 849 39 003 11 143 33 153 28 401 639 200 511 360 7 376 6 251 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 3 168 2 640 42 227 35 485 12 000 9 600000000 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes No No Yes No 1 EURO = 02.01.2009 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,825 27606,39 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP 5 Series incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 523i 2497 cm³ Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 40 630 33 226 189 214 130 770 159 749 134 243 348 659 278 275 24 167 20 568 Price EURO 40 630 33 226 46 116 31 872 37 808 31 771 34 206 27 301 27 111 23 073 Price index 106,3% 108,5% 120,6% 104,1% 98,9% 103,7% 89,5% 89,1% 70,9% 75,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 191 1 811 10 199 8 360 9 001 7 562 23 200 18 560 1 450 1 234 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 0000NANA10 000 8 000 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22223 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No Yes Yes No No 1 EURO = 02.01.2009 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 55 56 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

BMW 7 Series EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR 7 Series incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 730d 2993 cm³ Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 78 594 59 268 75 213 62 160 79 524 55 103 73 300 61 597 95 130 57 844 73 786 58 677 110 790 61 765 70 160 58 662 Price index 113,2% 107,6% 108,3% 112,8% 114,5% 100,0% 105,5% 111,8% 137,0% 105,0% 106,2% 106,5% 159,5% 112,1% 101,0% 106,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 948 1 400 1 694 1 400 S S 1 624 1 365 2 226 1 400 1 698 1 350 2 650 1 460 2 033 1 700 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 25 years 222222 year ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK 7 Series incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 730d 2993 cm³ Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 92 134 56 610 72 554 59 666 71 525 62 196 95 286 60 212 99 428 60 951 91 168 60 546 73 261 56 909 69 455 57 880 Price index 132,7% 102,7% 104,5% 108,3% 103,0% 112,9% 137,2% 109,3% 143,2% 110,6% 131,3% 109,9% 105,5% 103,3% 100,0% 105,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive S S 1 300 1 083 1 610 1 400 S S NA 1 380 NA NA 0 0 1 680 1 400 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 225 years 22222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes BMW 7 Series NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES BMW BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL 7 Series incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax 730d 2993 cm³ Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 138 507 110 339 1 784 560 1 499 630 1 352 597 532 160 1 110 700 941 272 20 691 599 16 021 333 247 060 207 613 Price EURO 70 819 56 417 67 893 57 053 181 764 71 512 70 987 60 158 76 678 59 371 71 553 60 129 Price index 102,0% 102,4% 97,8% 103,5% 261,7% 129,8% 102,2% 109,2% 110,4% 107,7% 103,0% 109,1% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 000012 000 9 600000000 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes No No Yes No 1 EURO = 02.01.2009 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,825 27606,39 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP 7 Series incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 730d 2993 cm³ Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 72 061 59 203 323 407 223 514 290 617 244 216 678 357 542 033 46 144 39 271 Price EURO 72 061 59 203 78 822 54 476 68 780 57 798 66 551 53 177 51 765 44 056 Price index 103,8% 107,4% 113,5% 98,9% 99,0% 104,9% 95,8% 96,5% 74,5% 80,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box SSSSSSSSSS ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 0000NANA10 000 8 000 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22223 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No Yes Yes No No 1 EURO = 02.01.2009 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 57 58 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

BMW X5 Series EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR X5 Series incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax X5 3.0d 2993 cm³ Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 62 740 45 922 55 385 45 773 76 945 49 739 53 700 45 126 69 094 45 156 59 821 45 735 81 650 45 713 54 365 45 456 Price index 119,1% 106,4% 105,1% 106,0% 146,1% 115,2% 101,9% 104,5% 131,2% 104,6% 113,6% 105,9% 155,0% 105,9% 103,2% 105,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 831 1 350 1 634 1 350 S S 1 566 1 316 2 147 1 350 1 765 1 350 2 650 1 460 2 033 1 700 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 year 22 year 2 year 2 year 22 year ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK X5 Series incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax X5 3.0d 2993 cm³ Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 73 711 43 178 56 182 46 022 52 681 45 809 78 912 48 817 76 904 44 804 76 628 45 346 59 553 46 566 56 140 46 783 Price index 139,9% 100,0% 106,6% 106,6% 100,0% 106,1% 149,8% 113,1% 146,0% 103,8% 145,5% 105,0% 113,0% 107,8% 106,6% 108,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive S S 1 300 1 083 1 553 1 350 S S NA 1 330NANA0000 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 year 2 year 22222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes BMW X5 Series NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES BMW BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL X5 Series incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax X5 3.0d 2993 cm³ Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 115 048 91 315 1 458 544 1 225 668 946 226 496 211 849 831 720 196 16 065 200 12 166 000 193 069 162 243 Price EURO 58 824 46 690 55 490 46 630 127 155 66 682 54 314 46 029 59 534 45 084 55 917 46 989 Price index 111,7% 108,1% 105,3% 108,0% 241,4% 154,4% 103,1% 106,6% 113,0% 104,4% 106,1% 108,8% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 000012 000 9 600 0 0 437 157 364 298 0 0 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222 year 2 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes No No Yes No 1 EURO = 02.01.2009 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,825 27606,39 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP X5 Series incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax X5 3.0d 2993 cm³ Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 55 929 45 870 249 752 172 609 228 125 191 701 511 039 408 179 36 357 30 942 Price EURO 55 929 45 870 60 871 42 069 53 990 45 370 50 136 40 045 40 787 34 712 Price index 106,2% 106,2% 115,5% 97,4% 102,5% 105,1% 95,2% 92,7% 77,4% 80,4% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box SSSSSSSS1 490 1 268 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 0000NANA10 000 8 000 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22223 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No Yes Yes No No 1 EURO = 02.01.2009 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 59 60 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

CITROEN C3 1.4 HDi 70 Collection EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DEEL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax C3 1.4 HDi 70 Collection Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 17 340 13 762 17 675 14 607 15 657 13 497 16 500 13 796 Price index 114,5% 109,0% 116,7% 115,7% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 103,3% 106,9% 0,0% 0,0% 108,9% 109,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning S SSS SS SS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering S SSS SS SS ‐ ABS S SSS SS SS ‐ airbag S SSS SS SS Right‐hand‐drive 840 700 847 700 812 700 837 700 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2 222 22 22 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl taxexcl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax C3 1.4 HDi 70 Collection Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 16 799 14 607 20 083 13 693 15 150 12 625 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 110,9% 115,7% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 132,6% 108,5% 100,0% 100,0% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning 1 045909 SSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SS SSSS ‐ ABS SS SSSS ‐ airbag SS SSSS Right‐hand‐drive 805 700 840 700 840 700 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 2222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No Yes Yes No No Notes: CITROEN C3 1.4 HDi 70 Collection NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES CITROEN BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax C3 1.4 HDi 70 Collection Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 14 508 12 090 14 168 11 806 15 453 11 292 Price index 95,8% 95,8% 93,5% 93,5% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 102,0% 89,4% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning 959 799 S S S S ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering S SSS SS ‐ ABS S SSS SS ‐ airbag S SSS SS Right‐hand‐drive 840 700 840 700 875 700 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2 222 22 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax C3 1.4 HDi 70 Collection Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 15 537 12 353 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 102,6% 97,8% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning 1 109 909 ‐ automatic gear box NA NA ‐ power steering SS ‐ ABS SS ‐ airbag SS Right‐hand‐drive 854 700 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 61 62 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

CITROEN C3 PICASSO EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DEEL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax C3 Picasso 1.6 HDi 90 Confort Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 18 640 14 654 18 950 15 661 16 550 14 267 19 869 13 301 19 050 15 928 Price index 112,6% 110,2% 114,5% 117,7% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 100,0% 107,3% 120,1% 100,0% 115,1% 119,8% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSS SSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSS SSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSS SSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 960 800 968 800 928 800 976 800 957 800 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax C3 Picasso 1.6 HDi 90 Confort Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 18 070 14 621 18 010 15 661 21 835 14 272 16 840 14 033 16 600 13 950 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 109,2% 109,9% 108,8% 117,7% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 131,9% 107,3% 101,8% 105,5% 100,3% 104,9% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSS SSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSS SSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSS SSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 960 800 920 800 960 800 960 800 952 800 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No No No CITROEN C3 PICASSO NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES CITROEN BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax C3 Picasso 1.6 HDi 90 Confort Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 17 040 14 200 17 639 12 694 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 103,0% 106,8% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 106,6% 95,4% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SS SS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SS SS ‐ ABS SS SS ‐ airbag SS SS Right‐hand‐drive 960 800 1 000 800 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 22 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax C3 Picasso 1.6 HDi 90 Confort Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 16 330 12 982 14 311 11 464 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 98,7% 97,6% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 86,5% 86,2% Major options ‐ air conditioning SS SS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SS SS ‐ ABS SS SS ‐ airbag SS SS Right‐hand‐drive 976 800 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 22 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 63 64 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

CITROEN C4 EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DEEL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax C4 HDi 92 Confort Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 19 750 16 322 17 380 14 306 19 200 16 552 20 750 17 349 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 114,9% 114,1% 101,1% 100,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 111,7% 115,7% 0,0% 0,0% 120,7% 121,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SS SS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSS SS SS ‐ ABS SSSS SS SS ‐ airbag SSSS SS SS Right‐hand‐drive 968 800 S S 928 800 957 800 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222 22 22 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax C4 HDi 92 Confort Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 18 580 14 983 18 771 16 322 20 140 16 783 17 190 16 783 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 108,1% 104,7% 109,2% 114,1% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 117,2% 117,3% 100,0% 117,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSS SSSS ‐ ABS SSSS SSSS ‐ airbag SSSS SSSS Right‐hand‐drive 960 800 920 800 960 800 952 800 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222 2222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes No No No No No No CITROEN C4 NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES CITROEN BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax C4 HDi 92 Confort Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 16 229 13 525 18 029 15 024 17 378 14 481 19 233 13 969 Price index 94,4% 94,5% 104,9% 105,0% 0,0% 0,0% 101,1% 101,2% 111,9% 97,6% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning S SSS SSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering S SSS SSSS ‐ ABS S SSS SSSS ‐ airbag S SSS SSSS Right‐hand‐drive 960 800 960 800 960 800 1 000 800 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2 222 2222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No No No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax C4 HDi 92 Confort Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 17 451 13 874 16 300 13 697 15 282 13 006 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 101,5% 97,0% 94,8% 95,7% 0,0% 0,0% 88,9% 90,9% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSS SS ‐ ABS SSSS SS ‐ airbag SSSS SS Right‐hand‐drive 976 800 952 800 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222 22 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes No No Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 65 66 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

CITROEN C4 PICASSO EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DEEL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax C4 Picasso HDi 110 FAP Millenium Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 28 705 22 356 27 460 22 694 27 940 23 479 26 820 22 211 26 950 22 533 Price index 118,9% 110,6% 113,8% 112,2% 0,0% 0,0% 115,8% 116,1% 0,0% 0,0% 111,1% 109,9% 0,0% 0,0% 111,7% 111,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SS SSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSS SS SSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSS SS SSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSS SS SSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 960 800 968 800 952 800 966 800 976 800 957 800 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222 22 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax C4 Picasso HDi 110 FAP Millenium Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 29 476 20 393 27 225 22 146 26 098 22 694 32 090 20 218 32 995 21 219 25 050 20 875 24 135 20 282 Price index 122,1% 100,9% 112,8% 109,5% 108,1% 112,2% 0,0% 0,0% 133,0% 100,0% 136,7% 105,0% 103,8% 103,3% 100,0% 100,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSS SSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSS SSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSS SSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSS SSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive S S 960 800 920 800 1 171 800 960 800 960 800 952 800 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222 22222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No CITROEN C4 PICASSO NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES CITROEN BGCZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax C4 Picasso HDi 110 FAP Millenium Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 20 827 17 355 24 915 20 763 49 836 17 971 25 570 19 039 Price index 86,3% 85,8% 103,2% 102,7% 206,5% 88,9% 0,0% 0,0% 105,9% 94,2% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSS SS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSS SS ‐ ABS SSSSSS SS ‐ airbag SSSSSS SS Right‐hand‐drive 960 800 960 800 1 000 800 1 000 800 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222 22 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No No No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax C4 Picasso HDi 110 FAP Millenium Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 22 398 17 807 20 982 17 632 21 227 18 854 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 92,8% 88,1% 86,9% 87,2% 0,0% 0,0% 88,0% 93,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSS SS ‐ ABS SSSS SS ‐ airbag SSSS SS Right‐hand‐drive 976 800 976 800 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222 33 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes No No Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 67 68 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

CITROEN C5 EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DEEL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax C5 HDi 140 FAP Exclusive Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 35 074 27 316 32 925 27 211 32 540 27 345 30 040 24 878 38 521 24 877 31 900 26 672 Price index 116,8% 109,8% 109,6% 109,4% 0,0% 0,0% 108,3% 109,9% 0,0% 0,0% 100,0% 100,0% 128,2% 100,0% 106,2% 107,2% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SS SSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSS SS SSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSS SS SSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSS SS SSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 320 1 100 1 331 1 100 1 309 1 100 1 328 1 100 1 342 1 100 1 316 1 100 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222 22 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl taxexcl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax C5 HDi 140 FAP Exclusive Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 30 770 25 100 31 292 27 211 30 150 25 125 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 102,4% 100,9% 104,2% 109,4% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 100,4% 101,0% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSS SS ‐ ABS SSSS SS ‐ airbag SSSS SS Right‐hand‐drive 1 320 1 100 1 265 1 100 1 320 1 100 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222 22 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes No No No No CITROEN C5 NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES CITROEN BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax C5 HDi 140 FAP Exclusive Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 32 798 27 332 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 109,2% 109,9% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA ‐ power steering SS ‐ ABS SS ‐ airbag SS Right‐hand‐drive 1 320 1 100 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax C5 HDi 140 FAP Exclusive Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 29 978 23 833 27 310 22 950 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 99,8% 95,8% 90,9% 92,3% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSS ‐ ABS SSSS ‐ airbag SSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 342 1 100 1 342 1 100 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes No No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 69 70 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

DAIHATSU SIRION 1.3 2WD M/T EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DEEL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (Sirion 1.3 2WD M/T) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 12 197 9 716 12 590 10 405 9 475 8 239 11 197 9 409 11 782 9 110 12 502 10 354 13 042 10 905 Price index 128,7% 117,9% 132,9% 126,3% 100,0% 100,0% 118,2% 114,2% 124,3% 110,6% 131,9% 125,7% 0,0% 0,0% 137,6% 132,4% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSS SS ‐ automatic gear box 1 000 779 1 000 826 S S 1 100 924 1 000 775 650 538 1 000 836 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSS SS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSS SS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSS SS Right‐hand‐drive N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. S S N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 351333 3 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (Sirion 1.3 2WD M/T) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 13 975 9 451 13 102 10 518 12 390 10 774 12 607 9 111 14 734 10 317 12 322 8 837 Price index 147,5% 114,7% 138,3% 127,7% 130,8% 130,8% 133,1% 110,6% 155,5% 125,2% 130,0% 107,3% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSS895611SS ‐ automatic gear box N.A. N.A. 470 392 1 000 870 800 576 1 600 768 N.A. N.A. ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive S S N.A. N.A, N.A. N.A. S S 1 650 1 127 N.A. N.A. Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 335333 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes No No ‐ delivery cost included No Yes Yes Yes No No Notes: Prices are based on recommended retail prices, adjusted for equipment differences. Effective Jan. 1 , 2010. Final prices are set by dealers. TOYOTA DAIHATSU SIRION 1.3 2WD M/T NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES DAIHATSU BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (Sirion 1.3 2WD M/T) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 000000000000 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning ‐ automatic gear box ‐ power steering ‐ ABS ‐ airbag Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) ‐ free roadside assistance ‐ delivery cost included 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (Sirion 1.3 2WD M/T) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 8 748 7 296 Price EURO 000000009 814 8 185 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 103,6% 99,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning SS ‐ automatic gear box N.A. N.A. ‐ power steering SS ‐ ABS SS ‐ airbag SS Right‐hand‐drive SS Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 5 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891 Notes: Prices are based on recommended retail prices, adjusted for equipment differences. Effective Jan. 1 , 2010. Final prices are set by dealers.

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 71 72 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

FIAT EURO ZONE COUNTRIES 500 AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 500 1.2 Lounge Recommended retail price 13 800 11 500 13 610 11 248 13 833 11 653 13 200 11 092 12 950 10 162 13 150 10 986 16 500 11 054 13 400 10 810 Price EURO 13 800 11 500 13 610 11 248 13 833 11 653 13 200 11 092 12 950 10 162 13 150 10 986 16 500 11 054 13 400 10 810 Price index 1111111111111111 Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 867 695 1 000 826 1 150 1 000 900 756 1 000 787 754 650 NA NA 900 753 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSS77SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 983 788 850 702 S S 735 618 800 654 735 609 750 627 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222552222223322 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 500 1.2 Lounge Recommended retail price 14 645 10 579 13 400 10 576 12 935 11 248 15 800 11 500 14 695 11 226 15 800 11 880 13 250 11 042 13 000 10 924 Price EURO 14 645 10 579 13 400 10 576 12 935 11 248 15 800 11 500 14 695 11 226 15 800 11 880 13 250 11 042 13 000 10 924 Price index 1111111111111111 Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 1 000 722 800 667 950 826 NA NA 300 1 000 833 NA NA 1 190 1 000 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive S S 938 740 808 702 S S 875 550 735 613 708 595 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 4422222222222222 ‐ free roadside assistance 4422YesYes2222YesYesNoNo22 ‐ delivery cost included No No 709 615 Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes FIAT 500 NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES FIAT BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 500 1.2 Lounge Recommended retail price 25 900 21 583 336 900 283 109 168 990 78 202 209 000 177 119 3 600 500 2 591 600 45 201 37 356 Price EURO 13 242 11 036 12 817 10 771 22 709 10 509 13 358 11 320 13 343 9 604 13 091 10 819 Price index 111121111111 Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 1 936 1 613 30 000 25 210 19 000 5 429 NA NA 260 000 208 000 3 032 2 507 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 734 611 743 625 1 357 618 738 626 942 785 728 617 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222332222 ‐ free roadside assistance No No 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 2 Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 2 2 26 26 7 7 16 16 270 270 3 3


LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 500 1.2 Lounge Recommended retail price 10 162 8 398 50 500 41 393 52 816 44 383 145 000 116 000 10 700 8 656 Price EURO 14 327 11 840 12 308 10 088 12 500 10 504 14 225 11 380 12 008 9 714 Price index 1111111111 Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA 4 900 4 016 4 510 3 788 10 900 8 720 730 621 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 767 650 983 806 629 529 965 772 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2233332233 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No 1 1 ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 114444101011

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 73 74 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

FIAT PANDA EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DEEL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Panda 1.2 Dynamic 60HP Recommended retail price 11 390 9 492 10 620 8 777 10 180 8 350 10 770 9 050 10 190 7 985 10 190 8 434 10 692 7 039 10 200 8 135 Price EURO 11 390 9 492 10 620 8 777 10 180 8 350 10 770 9 050 10 190 7 985 10 190 8 434 10 692 7 039 10 200 8 135 Price index 126,6% 134,8% 118,1% 124,7% 113,2% 118,6% 119,7% 128,6% 113,3% 113,4% 113,3% 119,8% 118,9% 100,0% 113,4% 115,6% Major options ‐ air conditioning SS1 000826SS990832SSSS847694SS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA 1 160 1 010 1 020 857 1 039 873 NA NA NA NA 1 100 920 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 742 594 750 620 S S 726 610 800 646 674 534 839 552 660 552 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222222222223222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Notes: AT: Panda 1.2 Lifestyle

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Panda 1.2 Dynamic 60HP Recommended retail price 11 295 8 159 10 400 7 993 10 094 8 777 10 700 7 736 8 995 7 333 11 300 8 130 9 100 7 583 10 800 9 075 Price EURO 11 295 8 159 10 400 7 993 10 094 8 777 10 700 7 736 8 995 7 333 11 300 8 130 9 100 7 583 10 800 9 075 Price index 125,6% 115,9% 115,6% 113,6% 112,2% 124,7% 119,0% 109,9% 100,0% 104,2% 125,6% 115,5% 101,2% 107,7% 120,1% 128,9% Major options ‐ air conditioning SS800667950826SSSS780650SSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA 1 000 833 NA NA NA NA 1 200 851 1 300 1 083 NA NA 1 390 1 168 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive S S 624 480 713 620 S S 912 573 770 525 627 523 738 620 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 4422222222222222 ‐ free roadside assistance 4422YesYes2222YesYesNoNo22 ‐ delivery cost included No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Notes: PT: Panda 1.2 Dynamic 60HP ECO FIAT PANDA NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES FIAT BGCZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Panda 1.2 Dynamic 60HP Recommended retail price 17 450 14 542 218 899 183 949 112 990 55 406 139 000 117 797 2 700 000 1 871 200 30 102 24 877 Price EURO 8 922 7 435 8 328 6 998 15 184 7 446 8 884 7 529 10 006 6 934 8 718 7 205 Price index 99,2% 105,6% 92,6% 99,4% 168,8% 105,8% 98,8% 107,0% 111,2% 98,5% 96,9% 102,4% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS10 000 2 857 12 000 10 169 230 000 184 000 2 210 1 827 ‐ automatic gear box 2 200 1 833 35 300 29 417 20 000 5 714 NA NA 275 000 220 000 NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 590 492 703 591 942 436 622 527 565 471 586 497 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222332222 ‐ free roadside assistance No No 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 2 Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE (*) UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Panda 1.2 Dynamic 60HP Recommended retail price 6 953 5 747 39 990 32 779 38 767 32 577 133 500 106 800 8 600 6 869 Price EURO 9 803 8 102 9 747 7 989 9 175 7 710 13 097 10 478 9 651 7 708 Price index 109,0% 115,1% 108,4% 113,5% 102,0% 109,5% 145,6% 148,9% 107,3% 109,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning 543449SSSS5 500 4 400 S S ‐ automatic gear box NA NA 6 000 4 918 4 186 3 489 NA NA 810 689 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 669 567 832 682 629 529 668 534 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2233332233 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No 1 1 ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891 Notes: (*) SE: 1.3 MJT Diesel Dynamic

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 75 76 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

FIAT PUNTO EVO EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DEEL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 1.3 mjet Dynamic 75HP 5 door Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 16 600 13 590 15 499 12 809 12 770 10 634 16 350 13 739 15 000 11 811 14 800 12 369 17 701 11 859 15 750 12 775 Price EURO 16 600 13 590 15 499 12 809 12 770 10 634 16 350 13 739 15 000 11 811 14 800 12 369 17 701 11 859 15 750 12 775 Price index 130,0% 127,8% 121,4% 120,5% 100,0% 100,0% 128,0% 129,2% 117,5% 111,1% 115,9% 116,3% 138,6% 111,5% 123,3% 120,1% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSS1 100948SSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA 700 579 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 166 926 850 702 800 636 950 794 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222552222223322 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Notes: CY: Grande Punto 1.3 mjt Active 5D

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 1.3 mjet Dynamic 75HP 5 door Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 17 453 12 606 15 950 12 665 14 730 12 809 15 600 10 641 19 595 12 958 19 070 13 657 13 810 11 508 13 470 11 319 Price EURO 17 453 12 606 15 950 12 665 14 730 12 809 15 600 10 641 19 595 12 958 19 070 13 657 13 810 11 508 13 470 11 319 Price index 136,7% 118,5% 124,9% 119,1% 115,4% 120,5% 122,2% 100,1% 153,4% 121,9% 149,3% 128,4% 108,1% 108,2% 105,5% 106,4% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA 666 579 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive S S 1 117 887 807 702 S S 1 499 943 1 253 860 923 769 1 000 841 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 4422222222222222 ‐ free roadside assistance 4422YesYes2222YesYesNoNo22 ‐ delivery cost included No No 752 651 Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Notes: MT: Grande Punto 1.3 mjt Active 5D IE/SI/SK: Grande Punto 1.3 mjt Dynamic 5D FIAT PUNTO EVO NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES FIAT BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 1.3 mjet Dynamic 75HP 5 door Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 26 290 21 908 383 900 319 917 175 990 85 087 204 000 172 881 4 150 000 3 120 000 50 601 41 820 Price EURO 13 442 11 202 14 605 12 171 23 650 11 434 13 038 11 049 15 379 11 562 14 655 12 112 Price index 105,3% 105,3% 114,4% 114,5% 185,2% 107,5% 102,1% 103,9% 120,4% 108,7% 114,8% 113,9% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS10 000 2 857 13 000 11 017SSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 927 772 991 833 1 328 615 948 804 942 785 890 754 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222332222 ‐ free roadside assistance No No 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 2 Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528 Notes: LT: Grande Punto 1.3 mjt Active 5D

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 1.3 mjet Dynamic 75HP 5 door Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 10 214 8 441 58 490 47 943 56 619 47 581 156 000 124 800 14 395 11 800 Price EURO 14 400 11 901 14 255 11 685 13 400 11 261 15 305 12 244 16 154 13 242 Price index 112,8% 111,9% 111,6% 109,9% 104,9% 105,9% 119,8% 115,1% 126,5% 124,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning 589486SSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA 5 000 4 098 NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 007 853 1 135 930 980 824 1 247 998 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2233332255 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No 1 1 ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891 Notes: PL/LV/RO: Grande Punto 1.3 Dynamic 90HP 5D

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 77 78 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

FIAT BRAVO EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Bravo 1.6 Mtjet 120HP Dynamic Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 22 050 17 335 21 385 17 674 17 250 14 980 21 500 18 067 20 450 15 239 20 600 17 369 22 500 18 443 20 850 17 017 Price EURO 22 050 17 335 21 385 17 674 17 250 14 980 21 500 18 067 20 450 15 239 20 600 17 369 22 500 18 443 20 850 17 017 Price index 127,8% 134,2% 124,0% 136,8% 100,0% 116,0% 124,6% 139,9% 118,6% 118,0% 119,4% 134,4% 130,4% 142,8% 120,9% 131,7% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA S S 339 390 790 900 695 S S NA NA 800 669 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSS44SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 537 1 208 1 500 1 240 S S 1 463 1 229 1 000 797 1 335 1 106 1 539 1 001 750 627 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 5522552222223322 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Notes: BE: 1.9 120HP Dynamic MTA FI: 1.9 105HP Dynamic

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Bravo 1.6 Mtjet 120HP Dynamic Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 23 339 16 858 21 300 17 058 20 325 17 674 19 600 12 919 23 195 14 622 27 400 17 958 17 750 14 792 18 450 15 504 Price EURO 23 339 16 858 21 300 17 058 20 325 17 674 19 600 12 919 23 195 14 622 27 400 17 958 17 750 14 792 18 450 15 504 Price index 1111111111211111 Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA 800 667 S S NA NA 700 440 NA NA 1 000 833 1 330 1 118 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive S S 1 704 1 365 1 426 1 240 S S 1 345 846 1 659 1 069 1 225 1 021 1 302 1 094 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 4422222222222222 ‐ free roadside assistance 4422YesYes2222YesYesNoNo22 ‐ delivery cost included No No 830 716 Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Notes: LU: 1.9 120HP Dynamic MTA FIAT BRAVO NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES


BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Bravo 1.6 jtd 120HP Dynamic Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 35 490 29 575 445 900 371 583 249 990 101 659 265 000 224 576 5 280 000 3 841 600 59 001 48 760 Price EURO 18 146 15 122 16 964 14 137 33 594 13 661 16 937 14 353 19 566 14 236 17 088 14 122 Price index 111121111111 Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box SS43 400 36 167 25 000 7 143 NA NA 250 000 200 000 NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 212 1 010 1 278 1 074 3 020 1 228 1 230 1 043 942 745 1 174 995 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222332222 ‐ free roadside assistance No No 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 2 Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 02.01.2009 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528


LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Bravo 1.6 Mtjt 120HP Dynamic Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 12 961 10 712 66 490 54 500 76 436 64 233 185 500 148 400 17 000 13 945 Price EURO 18 273 15 102 16 205 13 283 18 090 15 202 18 199 14 559 19 078 15 649 Price index 1111111111 Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA 5 000 4 098 NA NA NA NA 900 783 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 247 1 057 1 383 1 134 1 199 1 007 1 410 1 128 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2233332255 ‐ free roadside assistance No No Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 02.01.2009 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891 Notes: UK: 1.6 Mtjt 120HP Emotion EE/LV/RO: 1.9 120HP Dynamic SE: 1.6 105HP Dynamic

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 79 80 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

FORD FIESTA EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DEEL ES FI FR 1.25 5Dr Trend incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 13 725 10 746 14 430 11 926 13 500 11 345 13 060 10 304 13 755 11 195 14 630 9 593 13 330 11 145 Price index 108,5% 112,0% 114,1% 124,3% 0,0% 0,0% 106,7% 118,3% 103,2% 107,4% 108,7% 116,7% 115,7% 100,0% 105,4% 116,2% Major options ‐ air conditioning 950 744 1 100 909 1 140 958 S S 950 773 900 590 S S ‐ automatic gear box 1 200 940 1 200 992 1 250 1 050 1 500 1 184 1 200 977 2 600 1 705 S S ‐ power steering SSSS SSSS SSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSS SSSS SSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSS SSSS SSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 720 564 726 600 0 0 696 585 756 596 600 488 1 008 661 640 535 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 4 Yr 4 Yr Std (2yr) Std (2yr) 2 2 2Yrs 2Yrs 2 22222 ‐ free roadside assistance 2 2 Std (2yr) Std (2yr) S S Yes Yes 2 2 No No 2 2 ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes

FIEST A IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK 1.25 5Dr Trend incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 15 155 10 796 12 650 10 075 13 715 11 926 15 232 10 741 13 825 10 243 Price index 119,8% 112,5% 100,0% 105,0% 108,4% 124,3% 0,0% 0,0% 120,4% 112,0% 109,3% 106,8% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning 530 378 750 597 1 045 909 S S S S ‐ automatic gear box 4 000 2 850 1 250 996 1 141 992 1 250 881 3 185 2 360 ‐ power steering SSSSSS SS SS ‐ ABS SSSSSS SS SS ‐ airbag SSSSSS SS SS Right‐hand‐drive S S 600 478 690 600 0 0 600 423 935 693 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222Std (2yr) Std (2yr) Std (2yr) Std (2yr) 2 Yr 2 Yr ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes 2 2 Std (2yr) Std (2yr) Std (2yr) Std (2yr) 2 Yr 2 Yr ‐ delivery cost included No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes FORD FIESTA Group NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES FORD FIESTA BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL 1.25 5Dr Trend incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 01/01/2010 Price EURO 10 773 8 978 21 431 9 419 13 097 9 330 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 85,2% 93,6% 169,4% 98,2% 0,0% 0,0% 103,5% 97,3% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning 25 000 20 833 25 000 10 987 530 378 ‐ automatic gear box 30 000 25 000 NA NA 4 000 2 850 ‐ power steering SSSS SS ‐ ABS SSSS SS ‐ airbag SSSS SS Right‐hand‐drive 19 040 15 867 11 330 4 979 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222 22 ‐ free roadside assistance 221 862 818 Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes No No No No 1 EURO = 05.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

FIEST A LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP 1.25 5Dr Trend incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 01/01/2010 Price EURO 11 528 9 449 11 427 9 002 14 102 12 001 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 91,1% 98,5% 0,0% 0,0% 90,3% 93,8% 111,5% 125,1% Major options ‐ air conditioning 4 500 3 689 7 000 5 515 S S ‐ automatic gear box 5 000 4 098 10 000 7 878 991 843 ‐ power steering SS SSSS ‐ ABS SS SSSS ‐ airbag SS SSSS Right‐hand‐drive 3 121 2 558 6 900 5 436 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 2233 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes 3 Yr 3 Yr 1 yr 1 yr ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 05.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,89140 0,89140 Notes: Prices are Based on recommended retail price adjusted for equipment difference (effective Jan 1, 2010)

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 81 82 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

FORD Focus EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DEEL ES FI FR 1.6 5 Dr Colour incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 19 110 14 652 19 150 15 826 19 575 16 450 17 765 13 517 16 750 13 690 20 370 12 864 18 350 15 343 Price index 114,1% 113,9% 114,3% 123,0% 116,9% 127,9% 106,1% 105,1% 100,0% 106,4% 121,6% 100,0% 109,6% 119,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 300 1 763 1 000 826 1 250 1 050 1 200 913 1 200 981 2 500 1 579 1 050 878 ‐ power steering SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSS SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 720 552 726 600 696 585 756 575 600 490 1 024 647 640 535 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 4 Yr 4 Yr22 2222222222 ‐ free roadside assistance 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No 2 2 ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK 1.6 5 Dr Colour incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 23 175 15 961 17 500 14 097 18 200 15 826 22 366 15 020 20 875 14 766 Price index 138,4% 124,1% 104,5% 109,6% 108,7% 123,0% 133,5% 116,8% 124,6% 114,8% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSS SS1 040 736 ‐ automatic gear box 1 300 895 NA NA 950 826 1 450 974 No No ‐ power steering SSSSSS SSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSS SSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSS SSSS Right‐hand‐drive S S 600 483 690 600 600 403 935 661 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222 2222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes 2 2 Yes Yes 2 2 Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes FORD Focus NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES FORD Focus BGCZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL 1.6 5 Dr Colour incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 17 021 14 184 35 016 13 412 18 326 13 193 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 101,6% 110,3% 209,0% 104,3% 0,0% 0,0% 109,4% 102,6% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SS ‐ automatic gear box 35 000 29 167 25 000 9 576 350 000 251 962 ‐ power steering SSSS SS ‐ ABS SSSS SS ‐ airbag SSSS SS Right‐hand‐drive 19 040 15 867 12 191 4 669 132 316 95 254 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222 22 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes No No Yes Yes 1 EURO = 05.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

Focus LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP 1.6 5 Dr Colour incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 16 679 13 672 14 047 11 114 20 247 17 231 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 99,6% 106,3% 0,0% 0,0% 83,9% 86,4% 120,9% 133,9% Major options ‐ air conditioning 4 500 3 689 SSSS ‐ automatic gear box 4 000 3 279 11 000 8 703 996 848 ‐ power steering SS SSSS ‐ ABS SS SSSS ‐ airbag SS SSSS Right‐hand‐drive 3 121 2 558 6 900 5 459 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 2233 ‐ free roadside assistance YesYes 3311 ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 05.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,89140 0,89140 Notes: a/ Prices are Based on recommended retail price adjusted for equipment difference (effective Jan 1, 2010) NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 83 84 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

FORD MONDEO EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DEEL ES FI FR 2.0TD 5Dr Trend incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 28 770 21 629 26 520 21 917 28 400 23 866 23 655 17 268 25 760 21 135 29 820 18 951 26 215 21 919 Price index 121,6% 125,3% 112,1% 126,9% 0,0% 0,0% 120,1% 138,2% 100,0% 100,0% 108,9% 122,4% 126,1% 109,7% 110,8% 126,9% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SSSS00SSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 800 2 105 1 650 1 364 2 000 1 681 1 250 913 2 500 2 051 2 700 1 716 1 300 1 087 ‐ power steering SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSS STdSTdSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 720 541 726 600 696 585 809 591 600 492 1 024 651 640 535 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 4years 4years 2 2 222222222 yrs 2 yrs ‐ free roadside assistance 2222 YesYesYesYes22NoNo2 yrs 2 yrs ‐ delivery cost included S S Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes

MONDEO IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK 2.0TD 5Dr Trend incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 28 970 19 952 26 050 21 222 25 205 21 917 33 531 22 141 34 970 20 038 Price index 122,5% 115,5% 110,1% 122,9% 106,6% 126,9% 0,0% 0,0% 141,8% 128,2% 147,8% 116,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSS SSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 300 1 584 1 250 1 018 1 569 1 364 2 000 1 321 3 645 2 089 ‐ power steering SSSSSS SSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSS SSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSS SSSS Right‐hand‐drive S S 600 489 690 600 600 396 935 536 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222 2222 ‐ free roadside assistance YesYes2222 2222 ‐ delivery cost included No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes FORD MONDEO Group NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES FORD MONDEO BGCZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL 2.0TD 5Dr Trend incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 25 964 21 637 53 392 18 860 29 241 21 074 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 109,8% 125,3% 225,7% 109,2% 0,0% 0,0% 123,6% 122,0% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SS ‐ automatic gear box 50 000 41 667 40 000 14 129 500 000 360 364 ‐ power steering SSSS SS ‐ ABS SSSS SS ‐ airbag SSSS SS Right‐hand‐drive 19 040 15 867 12 191 4 306 132 316 95 364 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222 22 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes 1 862 658 Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes No No Yes Yes 1 EURO = 05.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

MONDEO LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP 2.0TD 5Dr Trend incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 24 000 19 672 21 453 17 021 24 309 20 688 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 101,5% 113,9% 0,0% 0,0% 90,7% 98,6% 102,8% 119,8% Major options ‐ air conditioning SS SSSS ‐ automatic gear box 5 800 4 754 19 000 15 200 1 160 1 009 ‐ power steering SS SSSS ‐ ABS SS SSSS ‐ airbag SS SSSS Right‐hand‐drive 3 121 2 558 6 900 5 520 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 2233 ‐ free roadside assistance 22 3311 ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 05.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,89140 0,89140 Notes: a/ Prices are Based on recommended retail price adjusted for equipment difference (effective Jan 1, 2010)

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 85 86 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

HONDA CIVIC 5D EURO ZONE COUNTRIES ATBE CY DEEL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 23 900 18 801 21 790 18 008 21 150 15 248 22 490 18 899 23 290 16 787 21 300 17 201 24 039 15 295 22 550 18 855 Price index 129,5% 159,9% 118,0% 153,2% 114,6% 129,7% 121,8% 160,7% 126,2% 142,8% 115,4% 146,3% 130,2% 130,1% 122,2% 160,4% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 240 1 713 1 300 1 074 1 000 870 1 300 1 092 1 000 719 1 000 828 2 439 1 450 450 376 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 596 464 562 464 552 464 645 464 560 464 731 464 555 464 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 3333773333333333 ‐ free roadside assistance YYYYNNNNYYYYYYYY ‐ delivery cost included YYYYYYNNYYYYNNYY

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 24 177 16 287 21 290 17 201 20 710 18 009 19 805 11 758 26 800 18 140 24 900 16 563 22 990 17 965 18 460 15 513 Price index 131,0% 138,5% 115,3% 146,3% 112,2% 153,2% 107,3% 100,0% 145,2% 154,3% 134,9% 140,9% 124,5% 152,8% 100,0% 131,9% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 747 504 1 200 1 000 1 235 1 074 1 000 847 1 950 1 007 1 500 1 250 1 490 1 242 1 300 1 092 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 557 464 534 464 704 464 557 464 557 464 552 464 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 3333333333333333 ‐ free roadside assistance YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ‐ delivery cost included NNYYYYYYYYNNYYYY Notes: Prices are recommended retail prices at 1/01/2009. Final prices are set by dealers. The recommended prices are adjusted for equipment differences

*For Malta price is based on 1.8 Comfort adjusted to level of equipment of 1.8 Sport. HONDA CIVIC 5D NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES HONDA BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 19 130 15 874 17 539 14 615 36 740 17 086 18 870 15 642 20 493 14 192 19 496 16 112 Price index 103,6% 135,0% 95,0% 124,3% 199,0% 145,3% 102,2% 133,0% 111,0% 120,7% 105,6% 137,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 1 227 1 023 1 141 951 2 688 722 1 278 1 065 1 112 889 1 332 1 101 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 557 464 552 464 1 244 464 548 464 552 464 552 464 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 333333333333 ‐ free roadside assistance NNYYYYYYNNYY ‐ delivery cost included YYYYNNYYNNYY 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 19 135 15 814 18 133 15 096 17 353 14 583 18 434 14 747 19 056 16 771 Price index 103,7% 134,5% 98,2% 128,4% 94,0% 124,0% 99,9% 125,4% 103,2% 142,6% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 1 311 1 084 975 799 1 155 970 1 275 1 020 1 492 1 270 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 562 464 566 464 557 464 580 464 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 3333333333 ‐ free roadside assistance YYYYYYYYYY ‐ delivery cost included YYYYYYYYNN 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891 Notes: Prices are recommended retail prices at 1/01/2009. Final prices are set by dealers. The recommended prices are adjusted for equipment differences

*For Malta price is based on 1.8 Comfort adjusted to level of equipment of 1.8 Sport.

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 87 88 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

HONDA ACCORD 4D EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 29 810 22 791 26 990 22 306 29 420 18 474 26 950 22 647 29 790 20 245 26 800 19 899 31 024 19 175 27 500 22 990 Price index 116,2% 123,9% 105,2% 121,2% 114,7% 100,4% 105,1% 123,1% 116,1% 110,0% 104,5% 108,2% 121,0% 104,2% 107,2% 125,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 680 2 049 1 900 1 570 1 700 1 478 1 900 1 597 1 660 1 082 2 000 1 590 2 385 1 500 1 000 836 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 607 464 562 464 552 464 682 464 584 464 751 464 555 464 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 3333773333333333 ‐ free roadside assistance YYYYYYNNYYYYYYYY ‐ delivery cost included YYYYNNNNYYYYNNYY

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 32 560 20 318 26 800 21 793 25 650 22 304 32 090 18 397 33 400 22 347 34 270 22 960 27 280 19 700 26 300 22 101 Price index 126,9% 110,4% 104,5% 118,5% 100,0% 121,2% 125,1% 100,0% 130,2% 121,5% 133,6% 124,8% 106,4% 107,1% 102,5% 120,1% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 1 700 1 043 2 000 1 667 1 805 1 570 1 000 847 2 450 1 488 1 700 1 417 1 490 1 242 2 000 1 053 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 557 464 534 464 695 464 564 464 557 464 552 464 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 3333333333333333 ‐ free roadside assistance YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ‐ delivery cost included NNYYYYYYNNNNYYYY Notes: Prices are recommended retail prices at 1/01/2009. Final prices are set by dealers. The recommended prices are adjusted for equipment differences

*For Czech Republic,Slovakia, and Romania, price is based on 2.0 Comfort adjusted to level of equipment of 2.0 Elegance. HONDA ACCORD 4D NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES HONDA BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 26 071 21 658 26 593 22 161 48 577 17 009 23 242 19 363 25 566 17 429 23 421 19 341 Price index 101,6% 117,7% 103,7% 120,5% 189,4% 92,5% 90,6% 105,3% 99,7% 94,7% 91,3% 105,1% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 1 779 1 483 1 902 1 585 4 031 1 133 1 278 1 065 1 112 889 1 332 1 101 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 557 464 552 464 1 323 464 548 464 580 464 552 464 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 333333333333 ‐ free roadside assistance YYYYYYYYNNYY ‐ delivery cost included NNY YNNY YNNY Y 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PLRO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 23 849 19 710 24 762 20 666 21 697 18 233 23 948 19 158 22 055 19 324 Price index 93,0% 107,1% 96,5% 112,3% 84,6% 99,1% 93,4% 104,1% 86,0% 105,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 1 297 1 071 1 462 1 199 1 155 970 1 471 1 098 1 492 1 270 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 562 464 566 464 552 464 580 464 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 3333333333 ‐ free roadside assistance YYYYYYYYYY ‐ delivery cost included YYYYYYYYNN 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891 Notes: Prices are recommended retail prices at 1/01/2009. Final prices are set by dealers. The recommended prices are adjusted for equipment differences

*For Czech Republic,Slovakia, and Romania, price is based on 2.0 Comfort adjusted to level of equipment of 2.0 Elegance.

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 89 90 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010


incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 1.1 gasoline (66 PS) 5dr entry trim Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 7 990 6 883 8 999 7 437 8 490 7 135 9 750 8 125 9 690 8 102 Price index 109,5% 112,2% 123,3% 121,2% 116,3% 116,3% 133,6% 132,5% 132,8% 132,1% Major options ‐ air conditioning No No No No No ‐ automatic gear box No No No No No ‐ power steering Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ ABS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ airbag Yes (2) Yes (2) Yes (2) Yes (4) Yes (2) Right‐hand‐drive No No No No No No No No No No Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 33 3 3 3 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes No Yes Yes no i10 sales

Hyundai IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK i10 Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 1.1 gasoline (66 PS) 5dr entry trim Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 11 995 9 450 8 790 6 853 7 595 6 371 10 556 8 139 7 299 6 134 Price index 164,3% 154,1% 120,4% 111,7% 104,1% 103,9% 144,6% 132,7% 100,0% 100,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning No No No No No ‐ automatic gear box No No No No No ‐ power steering Yes Yes Yes Yes No ‐ ABS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ airbag Yes (4) Yes (2) Yes (1) Yes (4) No Right‐hand‐drive No No No No No No No No No No Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 33 33 3 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No Yes No No Yes Engine: 1.2 (78hp) Engine: 1.2 (78hp) HYUNDAI i10 NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES HYUNDAI Hyundai BG CZ DK EE HU LT i10 BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 1.1 gasoline (66 PS) 5dr entry trim Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 179 900 149 917 99 996 48 340 2 549 000 2 039 200 Price EURO 6 844 5 704 13 438 6 496 9 446 7 557 Price index 93,8% 93,0% 184,1% 105,9% 129,4% 123,2% Major options ‐ air conditioning No No Yes ‐ automatic gear box No No No ‐ power steering No Yes Yes ‐ ABS Yes Yes Yes ‐ airbag Yes (1) Yes (4) Yes (2) Right‐hand‐drive No No No No No No Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 33 3 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes No No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

Hyundai LV PL RO SE UK i10 LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 1.1 gasoline (66 PS) 5dr entry trim Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 32 090 26 303 101 900 81 520 8 425 6 615 Price EURO 7 821 6 411 9 997 7 998 9 451 7 421 Price index 107,2% 104,5% 137,0% 130,4% 129,5% 121,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning No No Yes ‐ automatic gear box No No No ‐ power steering Yes Yes Yes ‐ ABS Yes Yes Yes ‐ airbag yes (1) yes (4) yes (4) Right‐hand‐drive No No No No Yes Yes Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 333 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 91 92 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010


incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 1.4 gasoline (109 PS) 5dr H/Back entry trim Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 13 990 11 294 14 999 12 396 13 240 11 126 15 050 12 184 16 501 12 990 16 100 13 462 Price index 135,8% 130,5% 145,6% 143,2% 128,6% 128,5% 146,1% 140,8% 160,2% 150,1% 156,3% 155,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ automatic gear box No No No No No No ‐ power steering Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ ABS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ airbag yes (6) yes (6) yes (6) yes (6) yes (6) yes (6) Right‐hand‐drive No No No No No No Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 55 5 555 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes No Yes No Yes

Hyundai IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK i30 Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 1.4 gasoline (109 PS) 5dr H/Back entry trim Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 18 495 14 620 13 990 11 186 15 495 10 651 16 406 11 888 10 299 8 655 Price index 179,6% 168,9% 135,8% 129,2% 150,5% 123,1% 159,3% 137,4% 100,0% 100,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning Yes Yes No Yes No ‐ automatic gear box No No No No No ‐ power steering Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ ABS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ airbag yes (6) yes (6) yes (6) yes (6) yes (6) Right‐hand‐drive No No No No No Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 55 55 5 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No Yes No No Yes HYUNDAI i30 NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES HYUNDAI Hyundai BG CZ DK EE HU LT i30 BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 1.4 gasoline (109 PS) 5dr H/Back entry trim Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 304 900 254 083 169 994 74 774 3 188 000 2 550 400 Price EURO 11 600 9 666 22 844 10 048 11 814 9 451 Price index 112,6% 111,7% 221,8% 116,1% 114,7% 109,2% Major options ‐ air conditioning No No No ‐ automatic gear box No No No ‐ power steering Yes Yes Yes ‐ ABS Yes Yes Yes ‐ airbag yes (6) yes (6) yes (6) Right‐hand‐drive No No No Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 55 5 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes No No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

Hyundai LV PL RO SE UK i30 LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 1.4 gasoline (109 PS) 5dr H/Back entry trim Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 47 500 38 934 149 900 119 920 12 000 9 581 Price EURO 11 577 9 489 14 706 11 765 13 462 10 748 Price index 112,4% 109,6% 142,8% 135,9% 130,7% 124,2% Major options ‐ air conditioning No Yes Yes ‐ automatic gear box No No No ‐ power steering Yes Yes Yes ‐ ABS Yes Yes Yes ‐ airbag yes (6) yes (6) yes (6) Right‐hand‐drive No No Yes Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 555 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 93 94 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

KIA PICANTO EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Kia Picanto 1.1 Petrol MT EX Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 9 790 8 158 10 680 8 826 11 223 9 675 11 990 8 103 9 240 7 726 Price index 106,0% 105,6% 115,6% 114,2% 121,5% 125,2% 129,8% 104,9% 100,0% 100,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning YYN YNoNoS ‐ automatic gear box NNY (1.1 engine) NNoNoN ‐ power steering YYY Y yyS ‐ ABS YYY Y yyS ‐ airbag YYY Y yyS Right‐hand‐drive N NNoNoN Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 777 years 7777 years ‐ free roadside assistance 557 years 33 ‐ delivery cost included YY Y No No 335 280 Notes: Version not available in Austria ‐ Version Picanto 1.0 Petrol MT Cool (LX) ‐ best selling version ‐ chosen 1,1 not available nor EX grade. Data is based on 1,0 Petrol MT LX Notes: Model : picanto EX trim is not availble in the Franch picanto range at 1st Jan 2010. The closest version is picanto 1,0 petrol MT BEST (LX base) Major options : metal paint (340 € incl tax) + CD audio (250 € incl tax)

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Kia Picanto 1.1 Petrol MT EX Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 11 295 9 022 9 270 7 790 Price index 122,2% 116,8% 100,3% 100,8% Major options ‐ air conditioning Y std. std. ‐ automatic gear box N 1 160 975 ‐ power steering Y std. std. ‐ ABS Y std. std. ‐ airbag Y std. std. Right‐hand‐drive N Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 7 7 years 7 years ‐ free roadside assistance 3 33 ‐ delivery cost included N Yes Yes KIA PICANTO NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES KIA BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Kia Picanto 1.1 Petrol MT EX Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 9 510 7 925 14 782 7 326 Price index 102,9% 102,6% 160,0% 94,8% Major options ‐ air conditioning NA NA Y Y No No ‐ automatic gear box NA NA N N No No ‐ power steering NA NA Y Y Yes Yes ‐ ABS NA NA Y Y Yes Yes ‐ airbag NA NA Y Y Yes Yes Right‐hand‐drive No No Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) NA NA years warrantyears warrant 7 year 7 year ‐ free roadside assistance NA NA Y Y No No ‐ delivery cost included NA NA N N No No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528 900 CZK incl. VAT is included in MSRP price. Delivery cost 1 994 CZK incl. VAT is excluded.

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Kia Picanto 1.1 Petrol MT EX Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 9 374 8 436 9 016 7 213 9 737 7 665 Price index 101,5% 109,2% 97,6% 93,4% 105,4% 99,2% Major options ‐ air conditioning SNY ‐ automatic gear box ‐ NN ‐ power steering SYY ‐ ABS SYY ‐ airbag SYY Right‐hand‐drive NY Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 3 years (*see Notes) 7 7 yrs (from 01/01/10) ‐ free roadside assistance 3YY ‐ 1 yr ‐ delivery cost included Yes Y Y N 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891 Notes: The prices are in euro and subject to vary in local currency (RON) due to the exchange rate. VAT (19%) not includBased on 1.1 Picanto MT (trim grade Graphite)

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 95 96 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

KIA PICANTO EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Kia cee'd SW 1.6 dsl MT EX Entry low power Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 16 990 13 675 20 990 17 347 21 080 18 172 20 990 14 057 21 590 18 052 Price index 100,6% 100,0% 124,3% 126,9% 124,8% 132,9% 124,3% 102,8% 127,8% 132,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning YYY Y yyS ‐ automatic gear box NN(only on 115 hp) NNoNo1 200 1 003 ‐ power steering YYY Y yyS ‐ ABS YYY Y yyS ‐ airbag YYY Y yyS Right‐hand‐drive N NNoNoN Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 777 years 7777 years ‐ free roadside assistance 557 years 33 ‐ delivery cost included YYY Y No No 335 280 Version not available in Austria ‐ Version cee´d_sw 1.4 Petrol MT Cool (LX) ‐ best selling version ‐ chosen 1.6 low power not available. Data is based on 1.6 CRDi high power (85 kW) Notes: cee'd SW 1,6 CRDi MT EX trim is only available with 1,6 CRDi 115 hp engine

IEIT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Kia cee'd SW 1.6 dsl MT EX Entry low power Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 21 095 13 841 16 890 14 193 Price index 124,9% 101,2% 100,0% 103,8% Major options ‐ air conditioning Y std. std. ‐ automatic gear box N 1 325 1 113 ‐ power steering Y std. std. ‐ ABS Y std. std. ‐ airbag Y std. std. Right‐hand‐drive N Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 7 7 years 7 years ‐ free roadside assistance 3 33 ‐ delivery cost included N Yes Yes KIA PICANTO NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES KIA BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Kia cee'd SW 1.6 dsl MT EX Entry low power Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 17 441 14 534 17 119 14 266 34 939 14 335 Price index 103,3% 106,3% 101,4% 104,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning YYYYYesYes ‐ automatic gear box NNNNNoNo ‐ power steering YYYYYesYes ‐ ABS YYYYYesYes ‐ airbag YYYYYesYes Right‐hand‐drive No no Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) YYyears warrantyears warrant 7 year 7 year ‐ free roadside assistance N N Y Y No No ‐ delivery cost included NNNNNoNo 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528 900 CZK incl. VAT is included in MSRP price. Delivery cost 1 994 CZK incl. VAT is excluded.

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Kia cee'd SW 1.6 dsl MT EX Entry low power Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 13 033 13 033 17 846 14 276 18 903 15 384 Price index 77,2% 95,3% 105,7% 104,4% 138,2% 112,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning SYY ‐ automatic gear box ONY ‐ £1,020 ‐ power steering SYY ‐ ABS SYY ‐ airbag SYY Right‐hand‐drive NY Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 7 years 7 7 yrs ‐ free roadside assistance 3YY ‐ 1 yr ‐ delivery cost included Yes Y Y N 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891 Notes: The prices are in euro and subject to vary in local currenBased on 1.6 CRDi cee'd high power (trim grade '3')

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 97 98 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

LANCIA MUSA EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE* EL ES FI FR* 1.3 95cv E5 M‐Jet 16V ORO incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 5 DOORS Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 21 300 16 905 20 000 16 529 18 990 15 958 17 900 13 388 18 100 13 985 20 494 17 135 Price index 121,0% 126,3% 113,6% 123,5% 107,9% 119,2% 101,7% 100,0% 102,8% 104,5% 100,0% 128,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SSSS435360 SS ‐ automatic gear box 794 630 900 744 900 756 NA NA 885 733 800 669 ‐ power steering SSSS SSSSSS SS ‐ ABS SSSS SSSSSS SS ‐ airbag SSSS SSSSSS SS Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2 Y2 Y22 222222 22 ‐ free roadside assistance 2 Y2 Y Yes Yes 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No

(*) version 90 cv E4 instead of the 95 cv E5 for the other markets

IE IT LU MT NL* PT* SI SK* 1.3 95cv E5 M‐Jet 16V ORO incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 5 DOORS Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 20 650 16 625 24 595 16 063 21 010 14 630 17 600 14 790 Price index 117,3% 124,2% 139,74% 119,98% 119,4% 109,3% 100,0% 110,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning SS SSSS SS ‐ automatic gear box 1 000 810 NA NA NA NA 750 630 ‐ power steering SS SSSS SS ‐ ABS SS SSSS SS ‐ airbag SS SSSS 290244 Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 2222 22 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Notes: (*) version 90 cv E4 instead of the 95 cv E5 for the other markets LANCIA MUSA NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES LANCIA BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL 1.3 95cv E5 M‐Jet 16V ORO incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 5 DOORS Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 448 760 377 130 Price EURO 17 073 14 348 Price index 97,0% 107,2% Major options ‐ air conditioning SS ‐ automatic gear box 1 118 939 ‐ power steering SS ‐ ABS SS ‐ airbag SS Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 ‐ free roadside assistance 22 ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL* RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP 1.3 95cv S&S M‐Jet 16V ORO incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 5 DOORS Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 69 900 55 572 Price EURO 17 036 13 544 Price index 96,8% 101,2% Major options ‐ air conditioning SS ‐ automatic gear box ‐ power steering SS ‐ ABS SS ‐ airbag SS Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891 Notes: (*) version 90 cv E4 instead of the 95 cv E5 for the other markets

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 99 100 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

LANCIA DELTA EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR 1,6 MULTIJET E5 ORO incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 5 DOORS Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 26 700 20 991 23 990 19 860 22 400 18 824 24 600 18 428 28 390 24 044 24 500 20 224 Price index 119,2% 114,0% 107,1% 107,9% 100,0% 102,2% 109,8% 100,1% 126,7% 130,6% 0,0% 0,0% 109,4% 109,8% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SSSS600497 SS ‐ automatic gear box 5 345 4 242 NA NA 900 756 NA NA 1 100 948 1 000 836 ‐ power steering SSSS SSSSSS SS ‐ ABS SSSS SSSSSS SS ‐ airbag SSSS SSSSSS SS Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2 Y 2 Y 22 222222 22 ‐ free roadside assistance 2 Y 2 Y Yes Yes 2 2 Yes Yes S S Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes S S No No (..) allestimento Platino

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK 1,6 MULTIJET E5 ORO incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 5 DOORS Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 25 700 20 792 28 745 18 413 29 950 19 869 Price index 114,7% 112,9% 128,3% 100,0% 133,7% 107,9% Major options ‐ air conditioning SS SSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA 1 000 629 ‐ power steering SS SSSS ‐ ABS SS SSSS ‐ airbag SS SSSS Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 3322 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes 3 3 Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes No No Yes Yes LANCIA DELTA NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES LANCIA BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL 1,6 MULTIJET E5 ORO incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 5 DOORS Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 595 000 500 000 Price EURO 22 636 19 022 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 101,1% 103,3% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA ‐ power steering SS ‐ ABS SS ‐ airbag SS Right‐hand‐drive ‐ Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 ‐ free roadside assistance 22 ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP 1,6 MULTIJET E5 ORO incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 5 DOORS Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 87 570 69 956 Price EURO 21 343 17 050 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 95,3% 92,6% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA ‐ power steering SS ‐ ABS SS ‐ airbag SS Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 101 102 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

LANCIA YPSILON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DEEL ES FI FR 1,2 8v ORO incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 3 DOORS Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 12 200 9 873 12 990 10 736 12 990 10 916 12 950 10 046 12 900 10 253 12 900 10 383 Price index 118,8% 96,1% 126,5% 104,5% 126,5% 106,3% 126,1% 97,8% 125,6% 99,8% 125,6% 101,1% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SSSSSS SS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 800 669 ‐ power steering SSSS SSSSSS SS ‐ ABS SSSS SSSSSS SS ‐ airbag SSSS SSSSSS SS Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222 222222 22 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No 1,2 8 v 60 ch Y

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK 1,2 8v ORO incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 3 DOORS Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 12 600 9 917 14 735 10 509 15 207 10 955 10 270 8 630 Price index 122,7% 96,6% 143,5% 102,3% 148,1% 106,7% 100,0% 84,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning S S 795 500 NA NA S S ‐ automatic gear box NA NA 1 000 629 NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SS SSSS SS ‐ ABS SS SSSS SS ‐ airbag SS SSSS SS Right‐hand‐drive ‐‐ Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 2222 22 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes 2 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes LANCIA YPSILON NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES LANCIA BGCZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 3 DOORS Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 276 500 230 417 Price EURO 10 519 8 766 Price index 102,4% 85,4% Major options ‐ air conditioning 761 634 ‐ automatic gear box 1 141 951 ‐ power steering SS ‐ ABS SS ‐ airbag SS Right‐hand‐drive ‐ Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 ‐ free roadside assistance 22 ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 3 DOORS Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO Price index Major options ‐ air conditioning ‐ automatic gear box ‐ power steering ‐ ABS ‐ airbag Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) ‐ free roadside assistance ‐ delivery cost included 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 103 104 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010


incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 50605 34472 45000 37190 42000 35294 42770 32711 43900 36706 Price EURO 50 362 34 972 41 960 34 678 42 000 35 294 42 589 32 573 42 411 35 461 Price index 122,9% 109,8% 102,4% 108,9% 0,0% 0,0% 102,5% 110,8% 0,0% 0,0% 103,9% 102,3% 0,0% 0,0% 103,5% 111,4% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SS SS SS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA 2 400 1 983 2 360 1 983 2 590 1 981 2 370 1 982 ‐ power steering SSSS SS SS SS ‐ ABS SSSS SS SS SS ‐ airbag SSSS SS SS SS Right‐hand‐drive 384 280 339 280 334 280 367 280 335 280 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 33333 ‐ free roadside assistance 33333 ‐ delivery cost included Yes No No Yes Yes

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 40920 34100 69900 32220 70542 31979 Price EURO 40 989 34 158 66 860 35 064 70 379 31 843 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 100,0% 107,3% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 163,1% 110,1% 171,7% 100,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SS SSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 380 1 983 NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SS SSSS ‐ ABS SS SSSS ‐ airbag SS SSSS Right‐hand‐drive 337 280 411 280 337 280 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 3 33 ‐ free roadside assistance 3 33 ‐ delivery cost included Yes No Yes LAND ROVER DISCOVERY NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES LAND BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 000000000000 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0%

Major options

‐ air conditioning ROVER ‐ automatic gear box ‐ power steering ‐ ABS ‐ airbag Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) ‐ free roadside assistance ‐ delivery cost included 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 32 695 27 366 Price EURO 0000000031 005 25 871 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 75,6% 81,2% Major options ‐ air conditioning SS ‐ automatic gear box 1 505 1 281 ‐ power steering SS ‐ ABS SS ‐ airbag SS Right‐hand‐drive 294 250 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 3 ‐ free roadside assistance 3 ‐ delivery cost included Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 105 106 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010


incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 36763 27536,2691 34100 28181,8182 32800 27563,0252 32500 25844,9304 32600 27257,5251 Price EURO 36 449 27 296 33 634 27 797 32 800 27 563 32 472 25 823 33 020 27 609 Price index 112,5% 105,7% 103,8% 107,6% 0,0% 0,0% 101,3% 106,7% 0,0% 0,0% 100,2% 100,0% 0,0% 0,0% 101,9% 106,9% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SS SS SS ‐ automatic gear box 4 458 1 855 2 300 1 901 2 260 1 899 2 390 1 901 2 270 1 898 ‐ power steering SSSS SS SS SS ‐ ABS SSSS SS SS SS ‐ airbag SSSS SS SS SS Right‐hand‐drive 367 280 339 280 334 280 353 280 335 280 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 33333 ‐ free roadside assistance 33333 ‐ delivery cost included Yes No No Yes Yes

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 32500 27083,3333 44900 24989,3989 46766 26105,9167 Price EURO 32 394 26 995 44 060 26 216 46 754 26 096 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 100,0% 104,5% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 136,0% 101,5% 144,3% 101,1% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SS SSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 280 1 900 NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SS SSSS ‐ ABS SS SSSS ‐ airbag SS SSSS Right‐hand‐drive 337 280 411 280 337 280 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 3 33 ‐ free roadside assistance 3 33 ‐ delivery cost included Yes No Yes LAND ROVER FREELANDER NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES LAND BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 000000000000 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0%

Major options

‐ air conditioning ROVER ‐ automatic gear box ‐ power steering ‐ ABS ‐ airbag Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) ‐ free roadside assistance ‐ delivery cost included 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 25 050 21 089 Price EURO 0000000026 795 22 546 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 82,7% 87,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning SS ‐ automatic gear box 1 370 1 166 ‐ power steering SS ‐ ABS SS ‐ airbag SS Right‐hand‐drive 294 250 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 3 ‐ free roadside assistance 3 ‐ delivery cost included Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 107 108 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

LAND ROVER RANGE ROVER EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 111200 75865 95400 78843 93700 78739 101500 77629 93450 78135 Price EURO 111 080 76 911 94 641 78 216 93 700 78 739 101 749 77 819 93 818 78 443 Price index 119,5% 100,0% 101,8% 101,7% 0,0% 0,0% 100,8% 102,4% 0,0% 0,0% 109,5% 101,2% 0,0% 0,0% 100,9% 102,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SS SS SS ‐ automatic gear box SSSS SS SS SS ‐ power steering SSSS SS SS SS ‐ ABS SSSS SS SS SS ‐ airbag SSSS SS SS SS Right‐hand‐drive 390 280 339 280 334 280 367 280 335 280 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 33333 ‐ free roadside assistance 33333 ‐ delivery cost included Yes No No Yes Yes

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 93700 78083 145000 69389 139182 77642 Price EURO 92 957 77 464 144 362 78 381 139 416 77 837 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 100,0% 100,7% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 155,3% 101,9% 150,0% 101,2% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SS SSSS ‐ automatic gear box SS SSSS ‐ power steering SS SSSS ‐ ABS SS SSSS ‐ airbag SS SSSS Right‐hand‐drive 337 280 409 280 337 280 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 3 33 ‐ free roadside assistance 3 33 ‐ delivery cost included Yes No Yes LAND ROVER RANGE ROVER NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES LAND BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 000000000000 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0%

Major options

‐ air conditioning ROVER ‐ automatic gear box ‐ power steering ‐ ABS ‐ airbag Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) ‐ free roadside assistance ‐ delivery cost included 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 66 095 55 791 Price EURO 0000000070 490 59 600 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 75,8% 77,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning ‐ automatic gear box ‐ power steering ‐ ABS ‐ airbag Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) ‐ free roadside assistance ‐ delivery cost included 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 109 110 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

Mazda Mazda 2 EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (5‐door 1.3L Gasoline (86 hp) 5MT) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 15 790 12 845 15 200 12 562 14 957 12 569 14 099 11 676 14 099 11 676 16 727 11 119 Price index 117,9% 115,7% 113,5% 113,2%no sales 0,0% of this model 0,0% 111,7% 113,2% 105,3% 105,2% 105,3% 105,2% 124,9% 100,2%no sales 0,0% of this model 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning XX XXXXX ‐ automatic gear box no sales of this model ‐ power steering XXno sales of this XXXXX ‐ ABS XXengine / derivative XXXXX ‐ airbag XX XXXXX Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 33 33333 ‐ free roadside assistance XX XXXXX ‐ delivery cost included

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (5‐door Hatchback 1.3L Gasoline (86 hp) 5MT) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 15 747 11 099 14 400 11 548 16 590 11 684 16 265 11 920 13 390 11 158 14 904 12 525 Price index 117,6% 100,0% 107,5% 104,0%Luxemburg 0,0% shares 0,0%no sales 0,0% of this model 0,0% 123,9% 105,3% 121,5% 107,4% 100,0% 100,5% 111,3% 112,8% Major options Belgium specifications ‐ air conditioning XX XXXX Luxemburg shares no sales of this model ‐ automatic gear box Luxemburg Belgium no sales of this ‐ power steering XXshares Belgian XXXX engine / derivative ‐ ABS XXspecificationsspecifications XXXX ‐ airbag XX XXXX Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 33 3333 ‐ free roadside assistance XX XXXX ‐ delivery cost included Mazda Mazda 2 NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES MAZDA BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax (5‐door Hatchback 1.3L Gasoline (86 hp) 5MT) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 346 024 288 354 172 475 77 369 3 826 566 2 768 556 Price EURO 14 566 12 139 13 164 10 970 23 177 10 397 13 772 11 477 14 180 10 260 13 317 11 006 Price index 108,8% 109,4% 98,3% 98,8% 173,1% 93,7% 102,9% 103,4% 105,9% 92,4% 99,5% 99,2% Major options ‐ air conditioning XXXXXX ‐ automatic gear box ‐ power steering XXXXXX ‐ ABS XXXXXX ‐ airbag XXXXXX Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 333333 ‐ free roadside assistance XXXXXX ‐ delivery cost included 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (5‐door Hatchback 1.3L Gasoline (86 hp) 5MT) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 52 631 42 145 144 900 115 815 10 701 9 110 Price EURO 14 010 11 224 12 827 10 272 13 290 11 168 14 216 11 362 12 005 10 220 Price index 104,6% 101,1% 95,8% 92,5% 99,3% 100,6% 106,2% 102,4% 89,7% 92,1% Major options ‐ air conditioning XXXXX ‐ automatic gear box ‐ power steering XXXXX ‐ ABS XXXXX ‐ airbag XXXXX Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 33333 ‐ free roadside assistance XXXXX ‐ delivery cost included 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 111 112 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

Mazda Mazda3 EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (5‐door Hatchback 1.6L Gasoline(105 hp) 5MT) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 19 690 15 522 19 000 15 702 18 990 15 958 17 990 13 446 18 466 15 292 23 291 14 918 18 400 15 385 Price index 113,7% 115,4% 109,7% 116,8%no sales 0,0% of this model 0,0% 109,6% 118,7% 103,9% 100,0% 106,6% 113,7% 134,5% 110,9% 106,2% 114,4% Major options ‐ air conditioning XX XXXXX ‐ automatic gear box no sales of this ‐ power steering XXmodelno sales of this XXXXX ‐ ABS XXengine / derivative XXXXX ‐ airbag XX XXXXX Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 33 33333 ‐ free roadside assistance XX XXXXX ‐ delivery cost included

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (5‐door Hatchback 1.6L Gasoline(105 hp) 5MT) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 23 096 15 652 18 450 14 923 23 303 15 907 21 166 14 164 17 320 14 433 18 490 15 538 Price index 133,3% 116,4% 106,5% 111,0%Luxemburg 0,0% shares 0,0%no sales 0,0% of this model 0,0% 134,5% 118,3% 122,2% 105,3% 100,0% 107,3% 106,8% 115,6% Major options Belgium specifications ‐ air conditioning XX XXXX Luxemburg shares no sales of this model ‐ automatic gear box Luxemburg Belgium no sales of this ‐ power steering XXshares Belgian XXXX engine / derivative ‐ ABS XXspecificationsspecifications XXXX ‐ airbag XX XXXX Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 33 3333 ‐ free roadside assistance XX XXXX ‐ delivery cost included Mazda Mazda3 NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES MAZDA BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (5‐door Hatchback 1.6L Gasoline(105 hp) 5MT) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 17 890 481 900 401 583 225 000 88 690 4 669 504 3 410 087 Price EURO 9 147 14 908 18 334 15 278 30 236 11 918 16 212 13 510 17 304 12 637 16 492 13 630 Price index 52,8% 110,9% 105,9% 113,6% 174,6% 88,6% 93,6% 100,5% 99,9% 94,0% 95,2% 101,4% Major options ‐ air conditioning XXXXXX ‐ automatic gear box ‐ power steering XXXXXX ‐ ABS XXXXXX ‐ airbag XXXXXX Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 333333 ‐ free roadside assistance XXXXXX ‐ delivery cost included 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (5‐door Hatchback 1.6L Gasoline(105 hp) 5MT) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 68 900 55 214 177 900 142 215 14 300 12 278 Price EURO 18 230 14 680 16 793 13 457 16 990 14 277 17 453 13 952 16 042 13 774 Price index 105,3% 109,2% 97,0% 100,1% 98,1% 106,2% 100,8% 103,8% 92,6% 102,4% Major options ‐ air conditioning XXXXX ‐ automatic gear box ‐ power steering XXXXX ‐ ABS XXXXX ‐ airbag XXXXX Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 33333 ‐ free roadside assistance XXXXX ‐ delivery cost included 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 113 114 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

Mazda Mazda6 EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (5‐door Wagon 2.2L Diesel (163hp) 6MT MID) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 32 990 25 693 34 400 28 430 29 607 24 880 28 966 23 988 37 112 23 742 31 700 26 505 Price index 116,6% 111,6% 121,6% 123,5%no sales 0,0% of this model 0,0% 104,6% 108,1%no sales 0,0% of this model 0,0% 102,4% 104,2% 131,1% 103,1% 112,0% 115,1% Major options ‐ air conditioning XX XXXXX ‐ automatic gear box no sales of this model ‐ power steering XXno sales of this XXXXX ‐ ABS XXengine / derivative XXXXX ‐ airbag XX XXXXX Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 33 33333 ‐ free roadside assistance XX XXXXX ‐ delivery cost included

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 28 300 23 132 35 674 23 024 29 090 24 242 32 870 27 622 Price indexno sales of 0,0% this model 0,0% 100,0% 100,5%Luxemburg 0,0% shares 0,0%no sales 0,0% of this model 0,0% 126,1% 100,0%no sales 0,0% of this model 0,0% 102,8% 105,3% 116,1% 120,0% Major options Belgium specifications ‐ air conditioning X XXX Luxemburg shares no sales of this model ‐ automatic gear box Luxemburg Belgium no sales of this ‐ power steering X shares Belgian XXX engine / derivative ‐ ABS X specificationsspecifications XXX ‐ airbag X XXX Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 3 333 ‐ free roadside assistance X XXX ‐ delivery cost included Mazda Mazda6 NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES MAZDA BGCZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 792 210 660 175 398 676 141 426 8 306 927 5 832 942 Price EURO 27 502 22 918 30 139 25 116 53 575 19 005 0 0 30 783 21 615 0 0 Price index 97,2% 99,5% 106,5% 109,1% 189,3% 82,5%no sales 0,0% of this model 0,0% 108,8% 93,9%no sales 0,0% of this model 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning XXXXXX ‐ automatic gear box no sales of this ‐ power steering XXXXXXmodelno sales of this ‐ ABS XXXXXXengine / derivative ‐ airbag XXXXXX Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 333333 ‐ free roadside assistance XXXXXX ‐ delivery cost included 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RONSEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (…..) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 253 330 202 559 20 282 17 387 Price EURO 000027 290 22 933 24 853 19 872 22 753 19 505 Price indexno sales 0,0% of this model 0,0%no sales 0,0% of this model 0,0% 96,4% 99,6% 87,8% 86,3% 80,4% 84,7% Major options ‐ air conditioning X XXX ‐ automatic gear box no sales of this ‐ power steering X XXXmodel ‐ ABS X XXX ‐ airbag X XXX Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 3 333 ‐ free roadside assistance X XXX ‐ delivery cost included 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 115 116 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

Mazda5 Mazda5 EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (5‐door WGN 2.0L Gasoline (146 hp) 6MT) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 28 190 21 379 25 290 20 901 24 630 20 698 27 490 18 514 25 950 20 636 31 286 18 885 26 423 22 093 Price index 114,6% 115,5% 102,8% 112,9% 0,0% 0,0% 100,1% 111,8% 111,7% 100,0% 105,5% 111,5% 127,2% 102,0% 107,4% 119,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning XXno sales of this model XXXXX ‐ automatic gear box X no sales of this model X ‐ power steering XXno sales of this XXXXX ‐ ABS XXengine / derivative XXXXX ‐ airbag XX XXXXX Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 33 33333 ‐ free roadside assistance XX XXXXX ‐ delivery cost included

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (5‐door WGN 2.0L Gasoline (146 hp) 6MT) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 24 600 20 048 29 740 19 263 24 690 20 575 26 322 22 119 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 100,0% 108,3% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 120,9% 104,0% 0,0% 0,0% 100,4% 111,1% 107,0% 119,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning X Luxemburg shares XXX nono sales sales of of this this model model Luxemburg shares nono sales sales of of this this model model nono sales sales of of this this model model no sales of this model ‐ automatic gear box no BelgiumLuxemburg specifications ‐ no sales of this Belgium no sales of this ‐ power steering comparable engine X shares Belgian XXXX engine / derivative engine / derivative ‐ ABS available X specificationsspecifications XXXX ‐ airbag X XXXX Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 3 3333 ‐ free roadside assistance X XNoX X ‐ delivery cost included No Mazda5 Mazda5 NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES MAZDA BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (5‐door WGN 2.0L Gasoline (146 hp) 6MT) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 718 900 599 083 312 990 112 916 6 839 900 4 615 120 Price EURO 25 149 20 957 27 350 22 792 42 060 15 174 23 842 19 868 25 347 17 103 21 723 17 953 Price index 102,2% 113,2% 111,2% 123,1% 171,0% 82,0% 96,9% 107,3% 103,0% 92,4% 88,3% 97,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning XXXXXX ‐ automatic gear box ‐ power steering XXXXXX ‐ ABS XXXXXX ‐ airbag XXXXXX Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 333333 ‐ free roadside assistance XXXXXX ‐ delivery cost included 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (5‐door WGN 2.0L Gasoline (146 hp) 6MT) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 90 800 72 757 214 900 171 815 19 795 16 752 Price EURO 23 660 19 168 22 130 17 733 24 190 20 328 21 083 16 856 22 207 18 793 Price index 96,2% 103,5% 90,0% 95,8% 98,3% 109,8% 85,7% 91,0% 90,3% 101,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning XXXXX ‐ automatic gear box ‐ power steering XXXXX ‐ ABS XXXXX ‐ airbag XXXXX Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 33333 ‐ free roadside assistance XXXXX ‐ delivery cost included 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 117 118 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

Mercedes‐Benz C 220 CDI Blue EFFICIENCY EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CYDE EL ES FI FR C 220 CDI incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax , 125 kW, 2.143 ccm Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 37 748 29 723 34 798 28 759 42 903 30 044 35 968 30 225 43 403 27 505 34 890 28 835 42 762 27 082 32 607 27 263 Price index 115,8% 112,3% 106,7% 108,6% 131,6% 113,5% 110,3% 114,2% 133,1% 103,9% 107,0% 108,9% 131,1% 102,3% 100,0% 103,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 3 252 1 950 2 307 1 907 S 2 225 1 870 2 671 1 870 2 265 1 876 2 983 1 889 2 000 1 672 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 350 1 350 S 1 350 1 350 1 350 1 350 1 350 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2+22222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No No No

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK C 220 CDI incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Sedan, 125 kW, 2.143 ccm Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 41 384 26 477 35 073 29 228 33 264 28 925 47 558 29 741 44 365 29 016 43 323 28 502 34 843 26 598 33 882 28 472 Price index 126,9% 100,0% 107,6% 110,4% 102,0% 109,2% 145,9% 112,3% 136,1% 109,6% 132,9% 107,6% 106,9% 100,5% 103,9% 107,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 5 450 1 900 2 050 1 708 2 160 1 878 2 207 1 870 3 673 1 870 2 262 1 869 2 599 1 920 2 225 1 870 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive S 1 350 1 350 S 1 350 1 350 1 350 1 350 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No Yes No No No No No Notes: Prices are based on recommended retail prices, adjusted for equipment differences (reference market is Germany). Effective on 1.1.2010. Final prices are set by dealers Mercedes‐Benz C 220 CDI Blue EFFICIENCY NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES MERCEDES BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL C 220 CDI incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Sedan, 125 kW, 2.143 ccm Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 63 772 53 143 854 265 717 870 551 382 174 488 528 466 447 853 9 713 703 7 454 876 117 607 98 829 Price EURO 32 606 27 172 32 500 27 311 74 096 23 448 33 775 28 623 35 997 27 626 34 061 28 623 Price index 100,0% 102,6% 99,7% 103,1% 227,2% 88,6% 103,6% 108,1% 110,4% 104,3% 104,5% 108,1% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 160 1 800 2 251 1 892 6 450 1 850 2 207 1 870 2 355 1 884 2 225 1 870 ‐ power steering SSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 350 1 350 1 350 1 350 1 350 1 350 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222

‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BENZ ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP C 220 CDI incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Sedan, 125 kW, 2.143 ccm Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 25 863 21 374 145 814 105 205 156 915 128 094 321 870 257 496 22 208 18 901 Price EURO 36 462 30 134 35 538 25 641 37 137 30 316 31 578 25 262 24 925 21 213 Price index 111,8% 113,8% 109,0% 96,8% 113,9% 114,5% 96,8% 95,4% 76,4% 80,1% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 263 1 870 2 126 1 742 2 225 1 870 1 953 1 563 1 672 1 423 ‐ power steering SSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 350 1 350 1 350 1 350 S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222+1 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891 Notes: Prices are based on recommended retail prices, adjusted for equipment differences (reference market is Germany). Effective on 1.1.2010. Final prices are set by dealers

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 119 120 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

Mercedes‐Benz E 220 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR E 220 CDI incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Sedan, 125 kW, 2.143 ccm Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 44 631 34 868 41 871 34 604 47 177 34 740 41 591 34 950 51 898 32 888 41 232 34 076 49 818 32 455 40 701 34 031 Price index 112,7% 123,2% 105,8% 122,2% 119,2% 122,7% 105,1% 123,5% 131,1% 116,2% 104,1% 120,4% 125,8% 114,6% 102,8% 120,2% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 926 1 930 2 271 1 877 S 2 202 1 850 2 717 1 850 2 457 2 035 2 949 1 921 2 100 1 756 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 815 1 815 S 1 815 1 815 1 815 1 815 1 815 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2+22222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No No No

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK E 220 CDI incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Sedan, 125 kW, 2.143 ccm Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 43 314 28 310 41 932 34 943 39 590 34 426 54 487 34 076 50 009 32 643 53 230 35 020 44 160 33 203 40 903 34 372 Price index 109,4% 100,0% 105,9% 123,4% 100,0% 121,6% 137,6% 120,4% 126,3% 115,3% 134,5% 123,7% 111,5% 117,3% 103,3% 121,4% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 850 1 900 2 220 1 850 2 135 1 856 2 183 1 850 3 641 1 850 2 220 1 850 2 609 1 950 2 202 1 850 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive S 1 815 1 815 S 1 815 1 815 1 815 1 815 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No Yes No No No No No Notes: Prices are based on recommended retail prices, adjusted for equipment differences (reference market is Germany). Effective on 1.1.2010. Final prices are set by dealers Mercedes‐Benz E 220 CDI BlueEFFICIENCY NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES MERCEDES BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKKEEK HUF LTL E 220 CDI incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Sedan, 125 kW, 2.143 ccm Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 77 217 64 348 1 059 925 890 694 719 657 227 740 619 507 525 006 11 521 324 8 490 291 137 868 115 855 Price EURO 39 481 32 901 40 324 33 886 96 709 30 604 39 594 33 554 42 695 31 463 39 929 33 554 Price index 99,7% 116,2% 101,9% 119,7% 244,3% 108,1% 100,0% 118,5% 107,8% 111,1% 100,9% 118,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 220 1 850 2 251 1 892 6 440 1 850 2 183 1 850 2 355 1 884 2 202 1 850 ‐ power steering SSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 815 1 815 1 815 1 815 1 815 1 815 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222

‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BENZ ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP E 220 CDI incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Sedan, 125 kW, 2.143 ccm Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 29 884 24 698 181 419 130 894 180 901 147 674 341 924 273 539 23 644 20 122 Price EURO 42 132 34 820 44 216 31 902 42 814 34 950 33 545 26 836 26 536 22 584 Price index 106,4% 123,0% 111,7% 112,7% 108,1% 123,5% 84,7% 94,8% 67,0% 79,8% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 239 1 850 2 096 1 718 2 202 1 850 2 048 1 638 1 672 1 423 ‐ power steering SSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 815 1 815 1 815 1 815 S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222+1 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891 Notes: Prices are based on recommended retail prices, adjusted for equipment differences (reference market is Germany). Effective on 1.1.2010. Final prices are set by dealers

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 121 122 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

Mercedes‐Benz S 350 EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CYDE EL ES FI FR S 350 incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Sedan, 200 kW, 3.498 ccm Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 89 263 64 218 79 041 65 323 99 200 64 000 76 160 64 000 103 936 64 000 82 666 63 104 116 039 64 254 76 703 64 133 Price index 121,4% 104,0% 107,5% 105,8% 134,9% 103,6% 103,6% 103,6% 141,3% 103,6% 112,4% 102,2% 157,8% 104,0% 104,3% 103,8% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box SSSSSSSS ‐ power steering SSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 3 345 3 345 S 3 345 3 345 3 345 3 345 3 345 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2+22222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No No No

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK S 350 incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Sedan, 200 kW, 3.498 ccm Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 NA NA Price EURO 100 598 63 872 76 800 64 000 73 537 63 945 109 995 61 760 101 440 64 000 103 254 64 000 75 993 63 860 Price index 136,8% 103,4% 104,4% 103,6% 100,0% 103,5% 149,6% 100,0% 137,9% 103,6% 140,4% 103,6% 103,3% 103,4% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSS S ‐ automatic gear box SSSSSS S ‐ power steering SSSSSS S ‐ ABS SSSSSS S ‐ airbag SSSSSS S Right‐hand‐drive S 3 345 3 345 S 3 345 3 345 3 345 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222 2 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No Yes No No No No Notes: Prices are based on recommended retail prices, adjusted for equipment differences (reference market is Germany). Effective on 1.1.2010. Final prices are set by dealers Mercedes‐Benz S 350 NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES MERCEDES BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL S 350 incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Sedan, 200 kW, 3.498 ccm Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 150 205 125 171 1 982 035 1 665 575 1 591 838 476 598 1 181 188 1 001 007 21 614 748 17 222 906 262 867 220 896 Price EURO 76 800 64 000 75 406 63 366 213 914 64 046 75 492 63 976 80 099 63 824 76 131 63 976 Price index 104,4% 103,6% 102,5% 102,6% 290,9% 103,7% 102,7% 103,6% 108,9% 103,3% 103,5% 103,6% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box SSSSSS ‐ power steering SSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 3 345 3 345 3 345 3 345 3 345 3 345 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222

‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes BENZ ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP S 350 incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Sedan, 200 kW, 3.498 ccm Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 54 808 45 296 331 612 239 258 340 839 278 236 728 698 582 958 46 243 39 355 Price EURO 77 271 63 860 80 821 58 313 80 666 65 850 71 490 57 192 51 900 44 170 Price index 105,1% 103,4% 109,9% 94,4% 109,7% 106,6% 97,2% 92,6% 70,6% 71,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSS ‐ automatic gear box SSSSS ‐ power steering SSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 3 345 3 345 3 345 3 345 S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222+1 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891 Notes: Prices are based on recommended retail prices, adjusted for equipment differences (reference market is Germany). Effective on 1.1.2010. Final prices are set by dealers

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 123 124 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

Nissan Micra EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR Micra incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 1.2 Visia 3Dr Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 10 890 8 750 11 100 9 174 11 250 9 552 11 220 9 429 11 040 8 598 11 500 9 239 13 090 8 538 11 600 9 699 Price EURO 10 890 8 750 11 100 9 174 11 250 9 552 11 220 9 429 11 040 8 598 11 500 9 239 13 090 8 538 11 600 9 699 Price index 121,0% 135,3% 123,3% 141,9% 125,0% 147,7% 124,7% 145,8% 122,7% 133,0% 127,8% 142,9% 145,5% 132,0% 128,9% 150,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning NANASSSSNANASSNANASSNANA ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 33333333 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No No No

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Micra incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 1.2 Visia 3Dr Recommended retail price 1/01/2009 14 435 10 170 11 050 8 657 11 100 9 174 10 099 6 466 11 700 8 201 12 400 9 058 10 250 8 542 8 999 7 562 Price EURO 14 435 10 170 11 050 8 657 11 100 9 174 10 099 6 466 11 700 8 201 12 400 9 058 10 250 8 542 8 999 7 562 Price index 160,4% 157,3% 122,8% 133,9% 123,3% 141,9% 112,2% 100,0% 130,0% 126,8% 137,8% 140,1% 113,9% 132,1% 100,0% 117,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning NANASSSSSSSSSSSSNANA ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 33333333 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No No No Notes: ‐ Recommended prices are adjusted for equipment differences. ‐ Airbag: driver and passenger are standard in all countries; ‐ Application of recommended right hand drive surcharge may vary by dealer Nissan Micra NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES NISSAN BG CZ DK EE HU LT

BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Micra incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 1.2 Visia 3Dr Recommended retail price 1/01/2009 19 990 16 673 227 300 195 114 119 990 51 897 150 500 122 294 2 699 900 1 841 456 33 990 27 281 Price EURO 10 221 8 525 8 648 7 423 16 124 6 974 9 619 7 816 10 005 6 824 9 844 7 901 Price index 111121111111 Major options ‐ air conditioning SS761634SSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 333333 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528


LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Micra incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 1.2 Visia 3Dr Recommended retail price 1/01/2009 7 100 5 652 35 990 32 250 45 705 37 402 112 690 87 252 8 600 7 639 Price EURO 10 010 7 968 8 772 7 860 10 817 8 852 11 056 8 560 9 648 8 570 Price index 11111 1111 Major options ‐ air conditioning SSNANASSSSNANA ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 33333 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891 Notes: * Cz Air conditioning includes Radio & CD. ‐ Recommended prices are adjusted for equipment differences. ‐ Airbag: driver and passenger are standard in all countries; ‐ Application of recommended right hand drive surcharge may vary by dealer depending on local admistration costs.

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 125 126 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

Nissan Note EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR Note incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 1.4 Visia Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 14 890 11 895 13 950 11 529 11 850 10 047 14 290 12 008 12 990 10 071 13 700 11 061 15 995 10 422 14 400 12 040 Price EURO 14 890 11 895 13 950 11 529 11 850 10 047 14 290 12 008 12 990 10 071 13 700 11 061 15 995 10 422 14 400 12 040 Price index 125,7% 118,4% 117,7% 114,8% 100,0% 100,0% 120,6% 119,5% 109,6% 100,2% 115,6% 110,1% 135,0% 103,7% 121,5% 119,8% Major options ‐ air conditioning NA NA NA NA S S 1 580 1 374 S S NA NA S S NA NA ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 33333333 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No No No

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Note incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 1.4 Visia Recommended retail price 1/01/2009 18 595 13 155 13 350 10 557 13 950 11 529 17 007 11 398 16 000 11 138 14 800 10 471 13 290 11 075 16 090 13 521 Price EURO 18 595 13 155 13 350 10 557 13 950 11 529 17 007 11 398 16 000 11 138 14 800 10 471 13 290 11 075 16 090 13 521 Price index 156,9% 130,9% 112,7% 105,1% 117,7% 114,8% 143,5% 113,4% 135,0% 110,9% 124,9% 104,2% 112,2% 110,2% 135,8% 134,6% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSNANANANASSSSNANASSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 33333333 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No No No

Notes: * DE Air conditioning includes refrigerated glove box, Radio, CD and 4 speakers. ‐ Recommended prices are adjusted for equipment differences. ‐ Airbag: driver and passenger are standard in all countries; ‐ Application of recommended right hand drive surcharge may vary by dealer Nissan Note NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES BG CZ DK EE HU LT NISSAN

BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Note incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 1.4 Visia Recommended retail price 1/01/2009 24 643 20 536 292 900 251 416 169 990 68 901 198 900 162 615 3 459 000 2 469 397 45 600 36 876 Price EURO 12 600 10 500 11 143 9 565 22 844 9 259 12 712 10 393 12 818 9 151 13 207 10 680 Price index 111121111111 Major options ‐ air conditioning SS1 065888SSSS719539SS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 333333 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528


LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Note incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 1.4 Visia Recommended retail price 1/01/2009 8 650 6 949 45 900 41 128 67 060 55 195 134 200 104 601 10 600 9 452 Price EURO 12 195 9 797 11 187 10 024 15 871 13 063 13 166 10 262 11 891 10 604 Price index 1111111111 Major options ‐ air conditioning S S 926 759 S S NA NA 561 463 ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 33333 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891 Notes: * CZ Air conditioning includes Radio & CD. * HU Air conditioning includes Radio & CD. * PL Air conditioning includes Radio, CD, remote audio control, audio anti theft protection and 4 speakers. ‐ Recommended prices are adjusted for equipment differences. ‐ Application of recommended right hand drive surcharge may vary by dealer, depending on local admistration costs.

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 127 128 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

Nissan Qashqai EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR QASHQAI incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 1.6 Visia 5DR 2WD Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 20 700 16 308 19 450 16 074 17 050 14 652 20 190 16 996 19 300 14 438 18 700 15 202 21 990 13 880 19 850 16 597 Price EURO 20 700 16 308 19 450 16 074 17 050 14 652 20 190 16 996 19 300 14 438 18 700 15 202 21 990 13 880 19 850 16 597 Price index 121,4% 117,5% 114,1% 115,8% 100,0% 105,6% 118,4% 122,4% 113,2% 104,0% 109,7% 109,5% 129,0% 100,0% 116,4% 119,6% Major options ‐ air conditioning S SSSSSSSSS SSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering S SSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS S SSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag S SSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 33333333 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No No No

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK QASHQAI incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 1.6 Visia 5DR 2WD Recommended retail price 1/01/2009 25 495 16 451 18 750 15 014 19 450 17 050 26 040 16 718 22 743 15 279 21 850 14 724 18 750 15 625 18 490 15 538 Price EURO 25 495 16 451 18 750 15 014 19 450 17 050 26 040 16 718 22 743 15 279 21 850 14 724 18 750 15 625 18 490 15 538 Price index 149,5% 118,5% 110,0% 108,2% 114,1% 122,8% 152,7% 120,4% 133,4% 110,1% 128,2% 106,1% 110,0% 112,6% 108,4% 111,9% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 33333333 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No No No Notes: ‐ Manual air conditioning with glovebox cooler is standard in all countries ‐ Recommended prices are adjusted for equipment differences. ‐ Airbag: driver and passenger are standard in all countries;Side airbag ‐ Curtain airbag ‐ Application of recommended right hand drive surcharge may vary by dealer depending on local admistration costs. Nissan Qashqai NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES NISSAN BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL QASHQAI incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 1.6 Visia 5DR 2WD Recommended retail price 1/01/2009 31 997 26 664 459 900 398 086 275 990 102 879 253 990 208 522 4 990 000 3 596 291 67 600 55 687 Price EURO 16 360 13 633 17 497 15 145 37 088 13 825 16 233 13 327 18 492 13 327 19 578 16 128 Price index 111121111111 Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 333333 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL ROSE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP QASHQAI incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax 1.6 Visia 5DR 2WD Recommended retail price 1/01/2009 11 900 9 654 64 900 62 185 80 200 67 394 179 000 140 745 14 815 13 247 Price EURO 16 777 13 610 15 818 15 156 18 981 15 950 17 561 13 808 16 620 14 861 Price index 98,4% 98,1% 92,8% 109,2% 111,3% 114,9% 103,0% 99,5% 97,5% 107,1% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 33333 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

Notes: ‐ Manual air conditioning with glovebox cooler is standard in all countries ‐ Recommended prices are adjusted for equipment differences. ‐ Airbag: driver and passenger are standard in all countries;Side airbag ‐ Curtain airbag ‐ Application of recommended right hand drive surcharge may vary by dealer depending on local admistration costs.

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 129 130 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

Opel/ Vauxhall COR3D ENJOY Z1.4XEP 87hp MT5 EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax COR3D ENJOY Z1.4XEP 87hp MT5 Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 15 160 12 116 13 135 10 855 NA NA 14 800 12 437 13 030 10 006 14 186 11 695 12 500 10 246 14 860 12 425 Price EURO 15 160 12 116 13 135 10 855 14 800 12 437 13 030 10 006 14 186 11 695 12 500 10 246 14 860 12 425 Price index 122,9% 121,5% 106,4% 108,9% 119,9% 124,7% 105,6% 100,4% 115,0% 117,3% 101,3% 102,8% 120,4% 124,6% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSS SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 064 850 1 029 850 1 012 850 1 107 850 1 031 850 1 037 850 1 017 850 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2 2 22222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No No

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax COR3D ENJOY Z1.4XEP 87hp MT5 Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 16 770 11 752 12 340 10 283 12 485 10 855 NA NA 15 145 10 638 14 935 11 726 12 721 9 970 14 555 12 231 Price EURO 16 770 11 752 12 340 10 283 12 485 10 855 15 145 10 638 14 935 11 726 12 721 9 970 14 555 12 231 Price index 135,9% 117,9% 100,0% 103,1% 101,2% 108,9% 122,7% 106,7% 121,0% 117,6% 103,1% 100,0% 117,9% 122,7% Major options ‐ air conditioning 936 656 SSSS SSSS5124011 000 840 ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSS SSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSS SSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSS SSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 213 850 1 020 850 978 850 1 210 850 1 083 850 1 085 850 1 012 850 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2 2 2 2222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No No Notes: Prices are based on recommended retail prices, adjusted for major equipment differences. Effective on January 1st, 2010. Final prices are set by dealers. Opel/ Vauxhall COR3D ENJOY Z1.4XEP 87hp MT5 NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES OPEL BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax COR3D ENJOY Z1.4XEP 87hp MT5 Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 27 259 22 716 384 600 323 193 169 069 71 762 NA NA 4 234 000 3 026 200 NA NA Price EURO 13 937 11 615 14 337 12 048 22 720 9 643 15 690 11 214 Price index 112,9% 116,5% 116,2% 120,8% 184,1% 96,7% 127,1% 112,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning 455 379 1 305 1 096 1 330 565 1 075 768 ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSS SS ‐ ABS SSSSSS SS ‐ airbag SSSSSS SS Right‐hand‐drive 1 995 1 662 27 133 22 801 14 902 6 325 320 918 229 373 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2 2 2 2 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,96 1,96 26,29 26,29 7,44 7,44 269,85 269,85

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax COR3D ENJOY Z1.4XEP 87hp MT5 Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 NA NA 55 886 45 655 56 704 47 650 133 277 104 272 11 282 9 602 Price EURO 13 621 11 127 13 420 11 277 13 075 10 230 12 657 10 772 Price index 110,4% 111,6% 108,8% 113,1% 106,0% 102,6% 102,6% 108,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning 804 657 217 182 971 760 1 140 970 ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 4 269 3 488 4 274 3 592 11 074 8 664 890 758 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 4,10 4,10 4,23 4,23 10,19 10,19 0,89 0,89 Notes: Prices are based on recommended retail prices, adjusted for major equipment differences. Effective on January 1st, 2010. Final prices are set by dealers.

Rationale for selecting the specific Model Corsa represents 28% of Opel / Vauxhall vehicles sold in Europe in the passenger car market

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 131 132 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

Opel/Vauxhall INSST ELEGANCE A2.0DTJ 131hp MT6 WR EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax INSST ELEGANCE A2.0DTJ 131hp MT6 WR Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 31 620 24 723 29 540 24 413 NA NA 30 395 25 542 29 800 20 324 28 263 23 406 25 145 20 611 28 520 23 846 Price EURO 31 620 24 723 29 540 24 413 30 395 25 542 29 800 20 324 28 263 23 406 25 145 20 611 28 520 23 846 Price index 125,8% 121,6% 117,5% 120,1% 120,9% 125,7% 118,5% 100,0% 112,4% 115,2% 100,0% 101,4% 113,4% 117,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSS SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 087 850 1 029 850 1 012 850 1 246 850 1 026 850 1 037 850 1 017 850 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2 2 22222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No No

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax INSST ELEGANCE A2.0DTJ 131hp MT6 WR Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 31 878 20 551 28 215 23 513 28 075 24 413 NA NA 36 485 23 576 34 850 21 000 28 480 22 061 29 860 25 092 Price EURO 31 878 20 551 28 215 23 513 28 075 24 413 36 485 23 576 34 850 21 000 28 480 22 061 29 860 25 092 Price index 126,8% 101,1% 112,2% 115,7% 111,7% 120,1% 145,1% 116,0% 138,6% 103,3% 113,3% 108,5% 118,8% 123,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSS SSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA S S ‐ power steering SSSSSS SSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSS SSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSS SSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 318 850 1 020 850 978 850 1 315 850 1 411 850 1 097 850 1 012 850 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2 2 2 2222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No No Notes: Prices are based on recommended retail prices, adjusted for major equipment differences. Effective on January 1st, 2010. Final prices are set by dealers. Opel/Vauxhall INSST ELEGANCE A2.0DTJ 131hp MT6 WR NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES OPEL BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax INSST ELEGANCE A2.0DTJ 131hp MT6 WR Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 56 091 46 743 770 628 642 190 430 512 154 283 NA NA 8 294 775 5 964 611 NA NA Price EURO 28 680 23 900 29 318 24 432 57 853 20 733 30 738 22 103 Price index 114,1% 117,6% 116,6% 120,2% 230,1% 102,0% 122,2% 108,8% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSS SS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSS SS ‐ ABS SSSSSS SS ‐ airbag SSSSSS SS Right‐hand‐drive 1 995 1 662 26 811 22 342 17 650 6 325 318 980 229 373 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,96 1,96 26,29 26,29 7,44 7,44 15,65 15,65 269,85 269,85 3,45 3,45

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax INSST ELEGANCE A2.0DTJ 131hp MT6 WR Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 NA NA 110 646 90 390 119 787 100 662 267 389 212 120 20 523 17 466 Price EURO 26 967 22 030 28 350 23 824 26 233 20 810 23 023 19 594 Price index 107,2% 108,4% 112,7% 117,2% 104,3% 102,4% 91,6% 96,4% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 738 603 4 269 3 488 4 274 3 592 10 922 8 664 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,71 0,71 4,10 4,10 4,23 4,23 10,19 10,19 0,89 0,89 Notes: Prices are based on recommended retail prices, adjusted for major equipment differences. Countries showing 0 penetration have not launched/sold the vehicle in 2009 No data available for Malta and Cyprus

Rationale for selecting the specific Model Insignia represents 12% of Opel / Vauxhall vehicles sold in Europe in the passenger car market

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 133 134 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010


Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax ZAF5D ENJOY Z1.8XER 140hp MT5 Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 26 580 20 790 22 570 18 653 NA NA 24 995 21 004 23 110 16 321 23 315 18 548 22 920 18 787 21 020 17 575 Price EURO 26 580 20 790 22 570 18 653 24 995 21 004 23 110 16 321 23 315 18 548 22 920 18 787 21 020 17 575 Price index 126,5% 127,4% 107,4% 114,3% 118,9% 128,7% 109,9% 100,0% 110,9% 113,6% 109,0% 115,1% 100,0% 107,7% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSS SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 087 850 1 029 850 1 012 850 1 204 850 1 068 850 1 037 850 1 017 850 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2 2 22222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No No


Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax ZAF5D ENJOY Z1.8XER 140hp MT5 Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 30 110 18 537 22 415 18 679 21 451 18 653 NA NA 25 995 16 865 29 120 19 770 22 696 17 749 23 810 20 008 Price EURO 30 110 18 537 22 415 18 679 21 451 18 653 25 995 16 865 29 120 19 770 22 696 17 749 23 810 20 008 Price index 143,2% 113,6% 106,6% 114,4% 102,0% 114,3% 123,7% 103,3% 138,5% 121,1% 108,0% 108,7% 113,3% 122,6% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSS SSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA S S ‐ power steering SSSSSS SSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSS SSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSS SSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 381 850 1 020 850 978 850 1 310 850 1 252 850 1 087 850 1 012 850 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2 2 2 2222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No No Notes: Prices are based on recommended retail prices, adjusted for major equipment differences. Effective on January 1st, 2010. Final prices are set by dealers. Opel/Vauxhall ZAF5D ENJOY Z1.8XER 140hp MT5 NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES OPEL BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax ZAF5D ENJOY Z1.8XER 140hp MT5 Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 46 079 38 399 637 220 535 479 346 078 122 002 NA NA 6 378 776 4 412 504 NA NA Price EURO 23 560 19 634 24 243 20 372 46 506 16 395 23 638 16 352 Price index 112,1% 120,3% 115,3% 124,8% 221,2% 100,5% 112,5% 100,2% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSS SS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSS SS ‐ ABS SSSSSS SS ‐ airbag SSSSSS SS Right‐hand‐drive 1 995 1 662 26 587 22 342 17 943 6 325 331 584 229 373 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,96 1,96 26,29 26,29 7,44 7,44 15,65 15,65 269,85 269,85 3,45 3,45

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax ZAF5D ENJOY Z1.8XER 140hp MT5 Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 NA NA 87 723 71 637 88 014 73 961 199 390 157 685 18 431 15 686 Price EURO 21 380 17 460 20 830 17 504 19 561 15 470 20 677 17 597 Price index 101,7% 107,0% 99,1% 107,2% 93,1% 94,8% 98,4% 107,8% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 4 271 3 488 4 274 3 592 10 956 8 664 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,71 0,71 4,10 4,10 4,23 4,23 10,19 10,19 0,89 0,89 Notes: Prices are based on recommended retail prices, adjusted for major equipment differences. Countries showing 0 penetration have not launched/sold the vehicle in 2009 No data available for Malta and Cyprus

Rationale for selecting the specific Model Zafira represents 8% of Opel / Vauxhall vehicles sold in Europe in the passenger car market

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 135 136 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

AUTOMOBILES PEUGEOT 107 EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR 107 incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Trendy 1.0 Ess (5d) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 11 652 9 427 10 670 8 818 8 951 7 280 10 850 9 117 10 025 7 761 10 398 8 964 12 163 7 979 10 550 8 821 Price index 165,5% 158,0% 151,5% 147,8% 127,1% 122,0% 154,1% 152,8% 142,4% 130,0% 147,7% 150,2% 172,7% 133,7% 149,8% 147,8% Major options ‐ air conditioning 754 610 1 000 826 S 950 798 S 830 716 690 566 900 753 ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSS S SSS ‐ ABS SSSS S SSS ‐ airbag SSSS S SSS Right‐hand‐drive 803 650 787 650 S 774 650 852 650 754 650 793 650 777 650 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 2 2 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK 107 incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Trendy 1.0 Ess (5d) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 10 651 7 662 10 745 8 558 10 141 8 818 7 042 5 968 9 940 8 353 11 149 9 015 9 381 7 817 9 339 7 848 Price index 151,3% 128,4% 152,6% 143,4% 144,0% 147,8% 100,0% 100,0% 141,2% 140,0% 158,3% 151,1% 133,2% 131,0% 132,6% 131,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning 800 658 750 625 950 826 S 715 601 810 675 750 625 995 836 ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSS S SSS ‐ ABS SSSS S SSS ‐ airbag SSSS S SSS Right‐hand‐drive S 780 650 748 650 S 774 650 780 650 780 650 774 650 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 2 2 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Notes: Major options : S (standard), na (not available)

GROUP PSA Peugeot Citroën AUTOMOBILES PEUGEOT 107 NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES PEUGEOT BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL 107 incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Trendy 1.0 Ess (5d) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 18 792 15 660 243 581 202 984 106 397 54 521 148 425 123 687 2 895 508 2 116 407 34 773 28 738 Price EURO 9 609 8 007 9 267 7 722 14 298 7 327 9 486 7 905 10 730 7 843 10 071 8 323 Price index 136,5% 134,2% 131,6% 129,4% 203,0% 122,8% 134,7% 132,5% 152,4% 131,4% 143,0% 139,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning 915 763 25 000 20 833 12 900 10 320 12 000 10 000 188 000 150 400 2 072 1 712 ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSS S S ‐ ABS SSSS S S ‐ airbag SSSS S S Right‐hand‐drive 1 526 1 271 20 502 17 085 6 046 4 837 12 204 10 170 219 253 175 403 2 716 2 244 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 2 2 22 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP 107 incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Trendy 1.0 Ess (5d) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 7 090 5 860 39 079 31 069 42 336 35 577 97 098 77 678 8 445 6 560 Price EURO 9 996 8 261 9 524 7 572 10 020 8 420 9 526 7 621 9 474 7 359 Price index 142,0% 138,4% 135,3% 126,9% 142,3% 141,1% 135,3% 127,7% 134,5% 123,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning 549 453 4 000 3 180 1 758 1 477 6 900 5 520 535 455 ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSS S ‐ ABS SSSS S ‐ airbag SSSS S Right‐hand‐drive 558 461 3 355 2 667 3 268 2 746 8 282 6 625 S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 2 2 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891 Notes: Major options : S (standard), na (not available)

GROUP PSA Peugeot Citroën

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 137 138 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

AUTOMOBILES PEUGEOT 207 EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR 207 incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Trendy 1.4 95 ch Ess (5d) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 16 446 12 929 12 753 10 284 15 051 12 648 14 880 11 566 15 750 13 043 16 822 10 397 15 750 13 169 Price index 147,9% 137,2% 114,6% 109,1% 135,3% 134,2% 133,8% 122,7% 141,6% 138,4% 151,2% 110,3% 141,6% 139,7% Major options ‐ air conditioning 903 710 S S S 1 000 862 S S ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 827 650 S 774 650 852 650 754 650 793 650 777 650 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 2222 2 2 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK 207 incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Trendy 1.4 95 ch Ess (5d) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 16 828 11 856 14 694 11 808 11 123 9 427 17 413 12 077 16 173 11 531 12 770 10 642 13 190 11 084 Price index 151,3% 125,8% 132,1% 125,3% 100,0% 100,0% 156,5% 128,1% 145,4% 122,3% 114,8% 112,9% 118,6% 117,6% Major options ‐ air conditioning 300 247 S S 950 649 450 375 S S ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SS S S SSS ‐ ABS SS S S SSS ‐ airbag SS S S SSS Right‐hand‐drive S 780 650 S 952 650 780 650 780 650 774 650 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222 22 2 2 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance No No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes AUTOMOBILES PEUGEOT 207 NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES PEUGEOT BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL 207 incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax Trendy 1.4 95 ch Ess (5d) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 26 248 21 873 322 900 269 083 169 781 71 103 199 500 166 250 3 947 000 2 868 800 45 611 37 695 Price EURO 13 421 11 184 12 285 10 237 22 815 9 555 12 750 10 625 14 627 10 631 13 210 10 917 Price index 120,7% 118,6% 110,4% 108,6% 205,1% 101,4% 114,6% 112,7% 131,5% 112,8% 118,8% 115,8% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS S S ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSS S S ‐ ABS SSSS S S ‐ airbag SSSS S S Right‐hand‐drive 1 526 1 271 20 502 17 085 6 046 4 837 12 204 10 170 219 253 175 403 2 716 2 244 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 2 2 22 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP 207 incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Trendy 1.4 95 ch Ess (5d) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 9 424 7 789 53 800 42 772 57 637 48 435 128 523 102 818 12 270 9 743 Price EURO 13 287 10 981 13 112 10 425 13 641 11 463 12 609 10 087 13 765 10 930 Price index 119,5% 116,5% 117,9% 110,6% 122,6% 121,6% 113,4% 107,0% 123,8% 116,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS S ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSS S ‐ ABS SSSS S ‐ airbag SSSS S Right‐hand‐drive 558 461 3 355 2 667 3 268 2 746 8 282 6 625 S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 2 2 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 139 140 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

AUTOMOBILES PEUGEOT 308 EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR 308 incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Premium 1.6 Hdi 110ch (5d) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 23 536 18 503 22 874 18 904 18 283 14 863 21 351 17 942 21 537 18 567 23 204 14 854 22 750 19 022 Price index 142,6% 132,3% 138,6% 135,2% 110,8% 106,3% 129,4% 128,3% 130,5% 132,7% 140,6% 106,2% 137,8% 136,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSS SSS ‐ ABS SSSS SSS ‐ airbag SSSS SSS Right‐hand‐drive 890 700 847 700 S 833 700 812 700 854 700 837 700 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK 308 incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Premium 1.6 Hdi 110ch (5d) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 21 065 17 034 21 739 18 904 16 504 13 986 26 887 17 767 24 738 16 927 19 463 16 220 19 952 16 767 Price index 127,6% 121,8% 131,7% 135,2% 100,0% 100,0% 162,9% 127,0% 149,9% 121,0% 117,9% 116,0% 120,9% 119,9% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSS S SSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA 1 200 820 NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSS S SSS ‐ ABS SSS S SSS ‐ airbag SSS S SSS Right‐hand‐drive 840 700 805 700 S 1 025 700 840 700 840 700 833 700 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222 2 2 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Notes: Major options : S (standard), na (not available)

GROUP PSA Peugeot Citroën AUTOMOBILES PEUGEOT 308 NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES PEUGEOT BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL 308 incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Premium 1.6 Hdi 110ch (5d) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 36 543 30 453 496 312 413 593 269 176 107 757 306 353 255 294 6 011 936 4 427 148 68 227 56 386 Price EURO 18 685 15 570 18 882 15 735 36 172 14 481 19 580 16 316 22 279 16 406 19 760 16 330 Price index 113,2% 111,3% 114,4% 112,5% 219,2% 103,5% 118,6% 116,7% 135,0% 117,3% 119,7% 116,8% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS S S ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSS S S ‐ ABS SSSS S S ‐ airbag SSSS S S Right‐hand‐drive 1 643 1 369 22 079 18 400 6 511 5 209 13 143 10 953 236 119 188 895 2 925 2 417 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 2 2 22 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP 308 incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Premium 1.6 Hdi 110ch (5d) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 14 309 11 826 81 058 64 443 81 990 68 899 185 854 148 683 17 618 14 367 Price EURO 20 174 16 673 19 756 15 706 19 404 16 306 18 234 14 587 19 764 16 117 Price index 122,2% 119,2% 119,7% 112,3% 117,6% 116,6% 110,5% 104,3% 119,8% 115,2% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS S ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSS S ‐ ABS SSSS S ‐ airbag SSSS S Right‐hand‐drive 601 497 3 613 2 872 3 520 2 958 8 919 7 135 S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 2 2 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

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European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 141 142 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

AUTOMOBILES PEUGEOT 407 EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DEEL ES FI FR 407 incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Premium 2.0 Hdi 136ch (Sedan) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 31 722 24 706 29 688 24 535 28 793 24 196 28 096 23 268 33 109 20 508 28 250 23 620 Price index 120,0% 120,5% 112,3% 119,6% 108,9% 118,0% 106,2% 113,5% 125,2% 100,0% 106,8% 115,2% Major options ‐ air conditioning SS S SSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 170 1 690 NA NA NA 1 500 1 230 NA ‐ power steering SS S SSS ‐ ABS SS S SSS ‐ airbag SS S SSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 245 970 1 174 970 1 154 970 1 125 970 1 183 970 1 160 970 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222 22 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK 407 incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Premium 2.0 Hdi 136ch (Sedan) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 26 444 21 521 28 215 24 535 34 552 21 794 35 291 21 322 27 447 22 872 28 147 23 653 Price index 100,0% 104,9% 106,7% 119,6% 130,7% 106,3% 133,5% 104,0% 103,8% 111,5% 106,4% 115,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning SS S SSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA 5 500 3 757 7 995 6 663 1 250 1 042 NA ‐ power steering SS S SSS ‐ ABS SS S SSS ‐ airbag SS S SSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 164 970 1 116 970 1 420 970 1 164 970 1 164 970 1 154 970 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222 2 2 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes AUTOMOBILES PEUGEOT 407 NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES PEUGEOT BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL 407 incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Premium 2.0 Hdi 136ch (Sedan) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 46 801 39 001 724 956 604 130 343 176 129 960 407 758 339 798 8 035 647 5 834 118 83 485 68 996 Price EURO 23 930 19 941 27 581 22 984 46 116 17 464 26 060 21 717 29 778 21 620 24 179 19 983 Price index 90,5% 97,2% 104,3% 112,1% 174,4% 85,2% 98,6% 105,9% 112,6% 105,4% 91,4% 97,4% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS S S ‐ automatic gear box NA NA 20 000 16 000 20 000 16 667 570 000 456 000 4 792 3 960 ‐ power steering SSSS S S ‐ ABS SSSS S S ‐ airbag SSSS S S Right‐hand‐drive 2 277 1 897 30 596 25 496 9 023 7 218 18 213 15 177 327 193 261 755 4 053 3 349 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 2 2 22 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP 407 incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Premium 2.0 Hdi 136ch (Sedan) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 18 944 15 656 105 275 83 697 102 493 86 129 238 970 191 176 21 047 17 209 Price EURO 26 708 22 073 25 658 20 399 24 257 20 384 23 445 18 756 23 612 19 305 Price index 101,0% 107,6% 97,0% 99,5% 91,7% 99,4% 88,7% 91,5% 89,3% 94,1% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS S ‐ automatic gear box 914 756 10 000 7 950 NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSS S ‐ ABS SSSS S ‐ airbag SSSS S Right‐hand‐drive 833 688 5 006 3 980 4 877 4 099 12 359 9 887 S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 2 2 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 143 144 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

AUTOMOBILES PEUGEOT 3008 EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR 3008 incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Premium 1,6 Hdi 110ch Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 26 935 21 175 24 528 20 271 25 826 21 702 24 906 20 626 27 343 17 173 25 300 21 154 Price index 115,5% 123,3% 105,2% 118,0% 110,8% 126,4% 106,8% 120,1% 117,3% 100,0% 108,5% 123,2% Major options ‐ air conditioning SS S SSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SS S SSS ‐ ABS SS S SSS ‐ airbag SS S SSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 234 970 1 174 970 1 154 970 1 125 970 1 183 970 1 160 970 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 2 2 2 2 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK 3008 incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Premium 1,6 Hdi 110ch Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 26 687 18 802 26 151 21 292 23 311 20 271 30 542 19 356 29 390 19 627 24 125 20 105 23 724 19 936 Price index 114,5% 109,5% 112,2% 124,0% 100,0% 118,0% 131,0% 112,7% 126,1% 114,3% 103,5% 117,1% 101,8% 116,1% Major options ‐ air conditioning SS S S SSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SS S S SSS ‐ ABS SS S S SSS ‐ airbag SS S S SSS Right‐hand‐drive S 1 164 970 1 116 970 1 420 970 1 164 970 1 164 970 1 154 970 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance No No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes AUTOMOBILES PEUGEOT 3008 NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES PEUGEOT BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL 3008 incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Premium 1,6 Hdi 110ch Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 44 610 37 175 597 197 497 664 344 083 129 938 328 323 273 602 6 545 254 4 853 803 72 592 59 993 Price EURO 22 809 19 007 22 720 18 933 46 238 17 461 20 984 17 486 24 255 17 987 21 024 17 375 Price index 97,8% 110,7% 97,5% 110,3% 198,4% 101,7% 90,0% 101,8% 104,0% 104,7% 90,2% 101,2% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 2 277 1 897 30 596 25 496 9 023 7 218 18 213 15 177 327 193 261 755 4 053 3 349 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP 3008 incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Premium 1,6 Hdi 110ch Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 15 313 12 656 88 139 70 073 220 849 176 679 19 402 15 812 Price EURO 21 589 17 842 21 482 17 079 21 667 17 333 21 765 17 739 Price index 92,6% 103,9% 92,2% 99,4% 92,9% 100,9% 93,4% 103,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning SS S S ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SS S S ‐ ABS SS S S ‐ airbag SS S S Right‐hand‐drive 833 688 5 006 3 980 12 359 9 887 S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 145 146 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

AUTOMOBILES PEUGEOT 4007 EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR 4007 incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Premium Pack 2,2 Hdi 156ch Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 41 286 31 277 38 453 31 779 38 499 32 352 38 663 30 746 49 743 28 070 38 500 32 191 Price index 114,8% 132,8% 107,0% 134,9% 107,1% 137,3% 107,5% 130,5% 138,4% 119,1% 107,1% 136,6% Major options ‐ air conditioning SS S SSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SS S SSS ‐ ABS SS S SSS ‐ airbag SS S SSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 280 970 1 174 970 1 154 970 1 125 970 1 183 970 1 160 970 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222 22 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK 4007 incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Premium Pack 2,2 Hdi 156ch Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 40 204 23 560 37 351 30 611 36 546 31 779 47 906 28 217 53 255 28 983 37 951 31 626 35 949 30 209 Price index 111,8% 100,0% 103,9% 129,9% 101,7% 134,9% 133,3% 119,8% 148,1% 123,0% 105,6% 134,2% 100,0% 128,2% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSS S SSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSS S SSS ‐ ABS SSS S SSS ‐ airbag SSS S SSS Right‐hand‐drive S 1 164 970 1 116 970 1 420 970 1 164 970 1 164 970 1 154 970 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222 2 2 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance No No No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes AUTOMOBILES PEUGEOT 4007 NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES PEUGEOT BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL 4007 incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Premium Pack 2,2 Hdi 156ch Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 68 902 57 419 946 493 788 744 551 850 183 928 10 420 508 7 520 407 111 363 92 035 Price EURO 35 230 29 358 36 009 30 007 74 158 24 717 38 616 27 869 32 253 26 655 Price index 98,0% 124,6% 100,2% 127,4% 206,3% 104,9% 107,4% 118,3% 89,7% 113,1% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSS S S ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSS S S ‐ ABS SSS S S ‐ airbag SSS S S Right‐hand‐drive 2 277 1 897 30 596 25 496 9 023 7 218 327 193 261 755 4 053 3 349 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222 2 2 22 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP 4007 incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Premium Pack 2,2 Hdi 156ch Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 157 141 108 604 339 653 271 723 25 641 21 042 Price EURO 38 299 26 469 33 322 26 658 28 765 23 606 Price index 106,5% 112,3% 92,7% 113,1% 80,0% 100,2% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSS ‐ ABS SSS ‐ airbag SSS Right‐hand‐drive 5 759 3 980 12 359 9 887 S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 22 2 2 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes No No Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

PSA Peugeot Citroën

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 147 148 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010


Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Clio III Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 16 796 13 393 16 215 13 342 15 400 12 941 15 350 12 502 18 541 12 119 16 262 13 597 Price index 132,9% 127,7% 128,3% 127,2% 0,0% 0,0% 121,9% 123,4% 0,0% 0,0% 121,5% 119,2% 146,8% 115,6% 128,7% 129,7% Major options ‐ air conditioning YYYY YY YYYYYY ‐ automatic gear box NNNN NN NNNNNN ‐ power steering YYYY YY YYYYYY ‐ ABS YYYY YY YYYYYY ‐ airbag YYYY YY YYYYYY Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222 22 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance NNNN NN NNNNNN ‐ delivery cost included NNNN NN NNNNNN


Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Clio III Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 18 200 12 824 14 500 11 517 14 463 12 577 16 790 11 919 17 700 13 871 12 771 10 486 12 634 10 617 Price index 144,1% 122,3% 114,8% 109,8% 114,5% 119,9% 0,0% 0,0% 132,9% 113,7% 140,1% 132,3% 101,1% 100,0% 100,0% 101,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning YYYYYY YYYYYYYY ‐ automatic gear box NNNNNN NNNNNNNN ‐ power steering YYYYYY YYYYYYYY ‐ ABS YYYYYY YYYYYYYY ‐ airbag YYYYYY YYYYYYYY Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222 22222222 ‐ free roadside assistance NNNNNN NNNNNNNN ‐ delivery cost included NNYNNN NNNNNNNN RENAULT CLIO III NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES RENAULT BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Clio III Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 24 721 20 601 334 613 281 187 190 183 85 837 3 867 864 3 223 220 Price EURO 12 640 10 533 12 730 10 698 25 557 11 535 0 0 14 333 11 944 00 Price index 100,0% 100,5% 100,8% 102,0% 202,3% 110,0% 0,0% 0,0% 113,4% 113,9% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning YYYYYY YY ‐ automatic gear box NNNNNN NN ‐ power steering YYYYYY YY ‐ ABS YYYYYY YY ‐ airbag YYYYYY YY Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222 22 ‐ free roadside assistance NNNNNN NN ‐ delivery cost included NNNNNN NN 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528


LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Clio III Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 52 928 42 079 54 464 45 768 148 456 118 764 12 894 10 974 Price EURO 0 0 12 900 10 256 12 890 10 832 14 564 11 652 14 465 12 311 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 102,1% 97,8% 102,0% 103,3% 115,3% 111,1% 114,5% 117,4% Major options ‐ air conditioning YYYYYYYY ‐ automatic gear box NNNNNNNN ‐ power steering YYYYYYYY ‐ ABS YYYYYYYY ‐ airbag YYYYYYYY Right‐hand‐drive YY Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 ‐ free roadside assistance NNNNNNNN ‐ delivery cost included NNNNNNNN 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 149 150 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010


Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Megane III Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 23 170 18 675 22 000 18 120 20 950 17 605 21 787 18 532 24 395 16 311 23 800 19 900 Price index 123,1% 119,0% 116,9% 115,5% 0,0% 0,0% 111,3% 112,2% 0,0% 0,0% 115,8% 118,1% 129,6% 103,9% 126,5% 126,8% Major options ‐ air conditioning YYYY YY YYYYYY ‐ automatic gear box NNNN NN NNNNNN ‐ power steering YYYY YY YYYYYY ‐ ABS YYYY YY YYYYYY ‐ airbag YYYY YY YYYYYY Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222 22 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance NNNN NN NNNNNN ‐ delivery cost included NNNN NN NNNNNN


Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Megane III Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 25 513 17 975 21 000 16 843 20 909 18 182 25 690 17 101 23 700 17 218 18 822 15 694 19 400 16 303 Price index 135,6% 114,5% 111,6% 107,3% 111,1% 115,9% 0,0% 0,0% 136,5% 109,0% 125,9% 109,7% 100,0% 100,0% 103,1% 103,9% Major options ‐ air conditioning YYYYYY YYYYYYYY ‐ automatic gear box NNNNNN NNNNNNNN ‐ power steering YYYYYY YYYYYYYY ‐ ABS YYYYYY YYYYYYYY ‐ airbag YYYYYY YYYYYYYY Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222 22222222 ‐ free roadside assistance NNNNNN NNNNNNNN ‐ delivery cost included NNYNNN NNNNNNNN RENAULT NEW MEGANE HATCH 5DORRS DIESEL NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES RENAULT BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Megane III Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 34 802 29 002 492 128 410 107 300 300 115 119 5 719 976 4 766 647 Price EURO 17 795 14 829 18 723 15 602 40 355 15 470 0 0 21 197 17 664 00 Price index 94,5% 94,5% 99,5% 99,4% 214,4% 98,6% 0,0% 0,0% 112,6% 112,6% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning YYYYYY YY ‐ automatic gear box NNNNNN NN ‐ power steering YYYYYY YY ‐ ABS YYYYYY YY ‐ airbag YYYYYY YY Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222 22 ‐ free roadside assistance NNNNNN NN ‐ delivery cost included NNNNNN NN 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Megane III Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 77 735 63 717 86 200 72 436 199 900 151 920 18 922 16 104 Price EURO 0 0 18 946 15 529 20 401 17 143 19 611 14 904 21 228 18 066 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 100,7% 99,0% 108,4% 109,2% 104,2% 95,0% 112,8% 115,1% Major options ‐ air conditioning YYYYYYYY ‐ automatic gear box NNNNNNNN ‐ power steering YYYYYYYY ‐ ABS YYYYYYYY ‐ airbag YYYYYYYY Right‐hand‐drive YY Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 ‐ free roadside assistance NNNNNNNN ‐ delivery cost included NNNNNNNN 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

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RENAULT Scénic EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Scénic Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 24 590 19 332 24 100 19 856 21 200 17 815 21 462 18 287 24 254 15 311 25 350 21 196 Price index 126,1% 126,3% 123,5% 129,7% 0,0% 0,0% 108,7% 116,4% 0,0% 0,0% 110,0% 119,4% 124,3% 100,0% 130,0% 138,4% Major options ‐ air conditioning YYYY YY YYYYYY ‐ automatic gear box NNNN NN NNNNNN ‐ power steering YYYY YY YYYYYY ‐ ABS YYYY YY YYYYYY ‐ airbag YYYY YY YYYYYY Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222 22 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance NNNN NN NNNNNN ‐ delivery cost included NNNN NN NNNNNN

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Scénic Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 26 200 18 458 23 250 18 718 22 905 19 917 29 690 18 833 26 554 18 126 19 507 16 247 19 932 16 750 Price index 134,3% 120,6% 119,2% 122,2% 117,4% 130,1% 0,0% 0,0% 152,2% 123,0% 136,1% 118,4% 100,0% 106,1% 102,2% 109,4% Major options ‐ air conditioning YYYYYY YYYYYYYY ‐ automatic gear box NNNNNN NNNNNNNN ‐ power steering YYYYYY YYYYYYYY ‐ ABS YYYYYY YYYYYYYY ‐ airbag YYYYYY YYYYYYYY Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222 22222222 ‐ free roadside assistance NNNNNN NNNNNNNN ‐ delivery cost included NNYNNN NNNNNNNN RENAULT Scénic NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES RENAULT BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Scénic Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 46 138 38 448 507 509 422 924 271 900 114 814 0 0 5 666 702 4 722 252 0 0 Price EURO 23 590 19 659 19 308 16 090 36 538 15 429 20 999 17 500 Price index 120,9% 128,4% 99,0% 105,1% 187,3% 100,8% 0,0% 0,0% 107,7% 114,3% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning YYYYYY YY ‐ automatic gear box NNNNNN NN ‐ power steering YYYYYY YY ‐ ABS YYYYYY YY ‐ airbag YYYYYY YY Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222 22 ‐ free roadside assistance NNNNNN NN ‐ delivery cost included NNNNNN NN 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Scénic Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 87 249 71 515 76 646 64 409 191 159 152 927 17 371 14 784 Price EURO 21 265 17 430 18 140 15 244 18 754 15 003 19 487 16 585 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 109,0% 113,8% 93,0% 99,6% 96,1% 98,0% 99,9% 108,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning YYYYYYYY ‐ automatic gear box ‐ power steering YYYYYYYY ‐ ABS YYYYYYYY ‐ airbag YYYYYYYY Right‐hand‐drive YY Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 ‐ free roadside assistance NNNNNNNN ‐ delivery cost included NNNNNNNN 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

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RENAULT LAGUNA III EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax LAGUNA III Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 25 790 19 992 25 700 21 178 23 450 19 706 23 938 19 453 25 866 17 049 24 979 20 885 Price index 110,0% 117,3% 109,6% 124,2% 0,0% 0,0% 100,0% 115,6% 0,0% 0,0% 102,1% 114,1% 110,3% 100,0% 106,5% 122,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning YYYY YY YYYYYY ‐ automatic gear box NNNN NN NNNNNN ‐ power steering YYYY YY YYYYYY ‐ ABS YYYY YY YYYYYY ‐ airbag YYYY YY YYYYYY Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222 22 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance NNNN NN NNNNNN ‐ delivery cost included NNNN NN NNNNNN

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax LAGUNA III Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 27 290 19 306 23 594 18 980 24 901 21 653 27 990 17 904 30 200 21 165 21 960 17 674 23 660 19 883 Price index 116,4% 113,2% 100,6% 111,3% 106,2% 127,0% 0,0% 0,0% 119,4% 105,0% 128,8% 124,1% 93,6% 103,7% 100,9% 116,6% Major options ‐ air conditioning YYYYYY YYYYYYYY ‐ automatic gear box NNNNNN NNNNNNNN ‐ power steering YYYYYY YYYYYYYY ‐ ABS YYYYYY YYYYYYYY ‐ airbag YYYYYY YYYYYYYY Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222 22222222 ‐ free roadside assistance NNNNNN NNNNNNNN ‐ delivery cost included NNYNNN NNNNNNNN RENAULT LAGUNA III NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES RENAULT BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKKEEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax LAGUNA III Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 40 761 33 968 577 383 481 153 313 900 131 707 0 0 5 859 480 4 882 900 0 0 Price EURO 20 841 17 368 21 966 18 305 42 182 17 699 21 714 18 095 Price index 88,9% 101,9% 93,7% 107,4% 179,9% 103,8% 0,0% 0,0% 92,6% 106,1% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning YYYYYY YY ‐ automatic gear box NNNNNN NN ‐ power steering YYYYYY YY ‐ ABS YYYYYY YY ‐ airbag YYYYYY YY Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222 22 ‐ free roadside assistance NNNNNN NN ‐ delivery cost included NNNNNN NN 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax LAGUNA III Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 84 502 69 264 0 0 17 875 15 213 Price EURO 0 0 20 595 16 881 20 053 17 066 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 87,8% 99,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 85,5% 100,1% Major options ‐ air conditioning YY YY ‐ automatic gear box NN NN ‐ power steering YY YY ‐ ABS YY YY ‐ airbag YY YY Right‐hand‐drive YY Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 22 ‐ free roadside assistance NN NN ‐ delivery cost included NN NN 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

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SEAT IBIZA EURO ZONE COUNTRIES ATBE CY DE EL ES FI FR IBIZA incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (1.2 70 hp 5 doors) Recommended retail price 1/1/2010 Price EURO 13 130 9 458 12 390 9 876 12 375 8 437 12 790 10 038 12 300 8 520 12 960 8 592 14 834 8 066 13 200 9 185 Price index 119,7% 117,3% 113,0% 122,4% 112,9% 104,6% 116,6% 124,5% 112,2% 105,6% 118,2% 106,5% 135,3% 100,0% 111,7% 113,9% Major options ‐ air conditioning 750 590 1 000 826 serie 900 776 serie 1 000 813 1 290 711 serie ‐ automatic gear box 1 030 810 1 000 826 450 391 1 250 1 078 N.A. 1 280 1 041 N.A. 1 050 882 ‐ power steering serie serie serie serie serie serie serie serie ‐ ABS serie serie serie serie (ESP) serie serie (ESP) serie (ESP) serie (ESP) ‐ airbag e (D & P/Side AB) serie (D & P) serie (D & P) serie (D & P) serie (D & P) serie (D & P) serie (D & P) serie (D & P) Right‐hand‐drive 1 080 900 1 089 900 serie serie 1 071 900 1 071 900 1 044 900 1 634 900 1 076 900 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Version: 1.2 Ref Plus70hp 1.2 Ref 70hp 1.2 Reference 1.2 Ref 70hp 1.2 Reference 70 1.2 Reference 1.4 Reference 85hp 1.2 Ref 70hp

IE IT LU MTNL PT SI SK IBIZA incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (1.2 70 hp 5 doors) Recommended retail price 1/1/2010 Price EURO 14 430 8 235 12 410 9 076 12 296 9 244 15 049 8 195 13 995 9 358 13 400 8 685 11 822 8 810 10 965 8 189 Price index 131,6% 102,1% 113,2% 112,5% 112,1% 114,6% 137,2% 101,6% 127,6% 116,0% 122,2% 107,7% 107,8% 109,2% 100,0% 101,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning 1 150 758 800 667 900 783 755 657 975 594 900 769 serie serie ‐ automatic gear box N.A. 1 200 1 000 1 000 870 N.A. 1 300 792 1 900 1 624 1 320 1 100 1 215 1 013 ‐ power steering serie serie serie serie serie serie serie serie ‐ ABS serie serie serie (ESP) serie serie serie (ESP) serie serie ‐ airbag serie (D & P) serie (D & P) serie (D & P/Side AB) serie (D & P) serie (D & P) serie (D & P) serie (D & P) serie (D & P) Right‐hand‐drive serie serie 1 080 900 1 035 900 serie serie 1 478 900 1 080 900 1 080 900 1 071 900 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Version: 1.2 Ref 70hp 1.2 Ref 70hp 1.2 70hp Refernce 1.2 Reference 1.2 Ref 70hp 1.2 Ref 70hp 1.2 Reference 1.2 Reference Notes : Prices are based on Recommended Retail Prices adjusted for equipment differences. Final prices are set by dealers. SEAT IBIZA IBIZA Group O ZONE COUNTRIES SEAT BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL IBIZA incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (1.2 70 hp 5 doors) Recommended retail price 1/1/2010 Price EURO 11 874,42 8 732,85 9 999,28 8 165 19 551,97 8 018 12 066,00 8 439 Price index 111121‐‐11‐‐ Major options (Country currency) ‐ air conditioning serie 1 313 1 076 2 364 675 885 708 ‐ automatic gear box 1 278 1 065 1 750 1 434 N.A. 1 479 1 183 ‐ power steering serie serie serie serie ‐ ABS serie serie serie (ESP) serie ‐ airbag serie (D & P) serie (D & P) serie (D & P/Side AB) serie (D & P) Right‐hand‐drive (Country currency) 1 088 907 1 345 1 130 3 175 907 ‐‐1 063 850 ‐‐ Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222 3 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528 Version: 2 Reference 1.2 Reference 1.2 Reference 1.2 Reference

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP IBIZA incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (1.2 70 hp 5 doors) Recommended retail price 1/1/2010 Price EURO 10 996,69 8 952 11 782,83 9 683 11 885,31 8 060 13 383,70 9 773 Price index ‐‐100,3% 111,0% 107,5% 120,1% 108,4% 99,9% 122,1% 121,2% Major options (Country currency) ‐ air conditioning 1 194 979 900 756 957 765 900 766 ‐ automatic gear box 1 706 1 398 1 327 1 115 N.A. 884 752 ‐ power steering serie serie serie serie ‐ ABS serie serie serie (ESP) serie ‐ airbag serie (D & P) serie (D & P) serie (D & P) serie (D & P) Right‐hand‐drive ‐‐1 258 1 031 887 746 1 015 812 serie serie Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2223 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,8914 0,8914 Version: 1.2 Reference 1.2 Reference 1.2 Reference 1.2 70hp S Notes : Prices are based on Recommended Retail Prices adjusted for equipment differences. Final prices are set by dealers.

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 157 158 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

SEAT ALTEA XL EURO ZONE COUNTRIES ATBE CY DE EL ES FI FR ALTEA XL incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (1.9 Tdi 105 hp 5 doors) Recommended retail price 1/1/2010 Price EURO 23 430 16 359 19 840 16 025 23 090 18 571 24 500 15 124 21 650 16 645 23 925 14 856 22 550 17 042 Price index 118,1% 110,1% 100,0% 107,9% 116,4% 125,0% 123,5% 101,8% 109,1% 112,0% 120,6% 100,0% 113,7% 114,7% Major options ‐ air conditioning rie (Climatronic) serie (Climatronic) serie (Climatronic) serie (Climatronic) serie (Climatronic) serie (Climatronic) serie (Climatronic) ‐ automatic gear box 2 020 1 559 1 340 1 107 1 400 1 207 1 700 1 269 1 464 1 190 2 205 1 215 1 400 1 176 ‐ power steering serie serie serie serie serie serie serie ‐ ABS serie (ESP) serie (TCS) serie (ESP) serie (TCS) serie (ESP) serie (ESP) serie (ESP) ‐ airbag e (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) Right‐hand‐drive 1 166 900 1 089 900 ‐‐1 071 900 1 071 900 1 044 900 1 634 900 1 076 900 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 22222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Version: 1.6Tdi Style 1.9Tdi Style 1.9Tdi Style 1.6Tdi Style DPF 1.6Tdi Style 1.6Tdi Style 1.6Tdi Style

IE IT LU MTNL PT SI SK ALTEA XL incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (1.9 Tdi 105 hp 5 doors) Recommended retail price 1/1/2010 Price EURO 22 550 17 042 21 020 17 496 27 195 16 801 27 905 15 117 20 882 16 585 20 045 16 214 Price index 113,7% 114,7% 105,9% 117,8% 137,1% 113,1% 140,7% 101,8% 105,3% 111,6% 101,0% 109,1% Major options ‐ air conditioning serie (Climatronic) serie (Climatronic) serie (Climatronic) serie (Climatronic) serie (Climatronic) serie (Climatronic) ‐ automatic gear box 1 400 1 167 1 340 1 165 1 945 1 185 1 359 1 162 1 460 1 217 1 700 1 417 ‐ power steering serie serie serie serie serie serie ‐ ABS serie (TCS) serie (ESP) serie (TCS) serie (ESP) serie (TCS) serie (TCS) ‐ airbag serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) Right‐hand‐drive ‐‐1 080 900 1 035 900 ‐‐1 478 900 1 080 900 1 800 1 500 1 785 1 500 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22 2242 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Version: 1.9Tdi S 1.6Tdi Style 1.6Tdi Style 1.6Tdi Style 1.6Tdi Style Notes : Prices are based on Recommended Retail Prices adjusted for equipment differences. Final prices are set by dealers. SEAT ALTEA XL NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES SEAT BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL ALTEA XL incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (1.9 Tdi 105 hp 5 doors) Recommended retail price 1/1/2010 Price EURO 19 449,84 15 508,20 21 696,77 16 957,98 40 950,00 14 951,98 22 745,00 18 290,17 Price index 111121‐‐11‐‐ Major options (Country currency) ‐ air conditioning rie (Climatronic) serie (Climatronic) serie (Climatronic) serie (Climatronic) ‐ automatic gear box 869 649 1 674 1 372 3 763 1 075 1 223 978 ‐ power steering serie serie serie serie ‐ ABS serie (TCS) serie (ESP) serie (ESP) serie (TCS) ‐ airbag e (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4) Right‐hand‐drive (Country currency) 1 088 907 1 345 1 130 3 175 907 ‐‐1 063 850 ‐‐ Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222 3 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528 Version: 1.9Tdi Style 1.6Tdi Style 1.6Tdi Style 1.6Tdi Style

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP ALTEA XL incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (1.9 Tdi 105 hp 5 doors) Recommended retail price 1/1/2010 Price EURO 23 567,00 18 546,72 20 962,55 16 985,34 20 120,00 15 240,00 21 570,00 16 937,91 Price index ‐‐118,8% 124,8% 105,7% 114,3% 101,4% 102,6% 108,7% 114,0% Major options (Country currency) ‐ air conditioning serie (Climatronic) serie (Climatronic) serie (Climatronic) serie (Climatronic) ‐ automatic gear box 1 595 1 308 1 520 1 277 1 275 1 020 1 571 1 337 ‐ power steering serie serie serie serie ‐ ABS serie (ESP) serie (TCS) serie (ESP) serie (TCS) ‐ airbag serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) Right‐hand‐drive ‐‐1 258 1 031 887 746 1 015 812 serie serie Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2223 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,8914 0,8914 Version: 1.9Tdi Style 1.6Tdi Style 1.6Tdi Style 1.6Tdi SE Notes : Prices are based on Recommended Retail Prices adjusted for equipment differences. Final prices are set by dealers.

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 159 160 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

SEAT LEON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR LEON incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (1.6 102 hp 5 doors) Recommended retail price 1/1/2010 Price EURO 17 770 12 859 17 290 13 504 15 958 11 751 17 790 13 559 15 350 11 127 16 900 12 013 20 404 10 996 17 695 13 043 Price index 115,8% 116,9% 112,7% 122,8% 104,0% 106,9% 116,0% 123,3% 100,1% 101,2% 110,2% 109,2% 133,0% 100,0% 115,4% 118,6% Major options ‐ air conditioning serie serie serie serie serie serie serie serie ‐ automatic gear box 2 020 1 559 1 340 1 107 N.A. 1 400 1 207 1 700 1 269 1 464 1 190 1 500 826 1 400 1 176 ‐ power steering serie serie serie serie serie serie serie serie ‐ ABS serie (TCS) serie (TCS) serie (TCS) serie (ESP) serie (TCS) serie (ESP) serie (ESP) serie (TCS) ‐ airbag e (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) Right‐hand‐drive 1 166 900 1 089 900 serie serie 1 071 900 1 071 900 1 044 900 1 634 900 1 076 900 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Version: 1.6 Reference 1.6 Reference 1.6 Reference 1.6 Reference 1.4 Ref 85PS 1.6 Reference 1.4 Ref 125PS 1.2 Ref 105PS

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK LEON incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (1.6 102 hp 5 doors) Recommended retail price 1/1/2010 Price EURO 21 900 11 659 17 510 12 605 16 660 13 530 24 543 11 626 21 395 12 440 18 600 11 775 15 862 12 427 15 340 11 798 Price index 142,8% 106,0% 114,1% 114,6% 108,6% 123,0% 160,0% 105,7% 139,5% 113,1% 121,3% 107,1% 103,4% 113,0% 100,0% 107,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning serie serie serie serie serie serie serie serie ‐ automatic gear box 1 960 1 292 1 400 1 167 1 340 1 165 N.A. 1 945 1 185 1 359 1 162 1 460 1 217 1 700 1 417 ‐ power steering serie serie serie serie serie serie serie serie ‐ ABS serie (TCS) serie (TCS) serie (TCS) serie (TCS) serie (TCS) serie (TCS) serie (TCS) serie (TCS) ‐ airbag e (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) Right‐hand‐drive serie serie 1 080 900 1 035 900 serie serie 1 478 900 1 080 900 1 800 1 500 1 785 1 500 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222 2242 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Version: 1.4 Ref 125PS 1.6 Reference 1.6 Reference 1.6 Reference 1.4 Ref 125PS 1.4 Reference 85hp 1.6 Reference 1.6 Reference Notes : Prices are based on Recommended Retail Prices adjusted for equipment differences. Final prices are set by dealers. SEAT LEON LEON NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES SEAT BG CZDK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL LEON incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (1.6 102 hp 5 doors) Recommended retail price 1/1/2010 Price EURO 15 373,61 12 019,67 15 513,15 11 597 30 205,00 10 994 15 099,00 11 031 Price index 111121‐‐11‐‐ Major options (Country currency) ‐ air conditioning serie serie serie serie (Climatronic) ‐ automatic gear box 1 278 1 065 1 674 1 372 3 763 1 075 1 223 978 ‐ power steering serie serie serie serie ‐ ABS serie (TCS) serie (TCS) serie (ESP) serie (TCS) ‐ airbag e (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) Right‐hand‐drive (Country currency) 1 088 907 1 345 1 130 3 175 907 ‐‐1 063 850 ‐‐ Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222 3 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528 Version: 6 Reference 1.6 Reference 1.6 Reference 1.4 Ref 125PS

LVPL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP LEON incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (1.6 102 hp 5 doors) Recommended retail price 1/1/2010 Price EURO 17 282,00 13 018 16 556,93 13 115 16 094,20 11 043 17 494,19 12 657 Price index ‐‐112,7% 118,4% 107,9% 119,3% 104,9% 100,4% 114,0% 115,1% Major options (Country currency) ‐ air conditioning serie serie serie serie ‐ automatic gear box 1 595 1 308 1 520 1 277 1 275 1 020 1 571 1 337 ‐ power steering serie serie serie serie ‐ ABS serie (TCS) serie (TCS) serie (ESP) serie (TCS) ‐ airbag serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) serie (AB4 + Curtain) Right‐hand‐drive ‐‐1 258 1 031 887 746 1 015 812 serie serie Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2223 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,8914 0,8914 Version: 1.6 Reference 1.6 Reference 1.4 Ref 125PS 1.2 TSI 105PS Notes : Prices are based on Recommended Retail Prices adjusted for equipment differences. Final prices are set by dealers.

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 161 162 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

SKODA FABIA EURO ZONE COUNTRIES ATBE CY DEEL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Skoda Fabia Ambiente 1,2/51 kW Recommended retail price 04/01/2010 NA NA Price EURO 11 037 8 866 10 854 8 970 10 781 9 060 9 439 7 019 10 576 8 758 11 188 7 494 10 350 8 654 Price index 142,3% 141,7% 139,9% 143,3% 0,0% 0,0% 139,0% 144,8% 121,7% 112,2% 136,3% 139,9% 144,2% 119,8% 133,4% 138,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SSSS952788SSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSS SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 175 923 1 112 919 1 095 921 1 184 887 1 113 922 1 279 850 1 149 961 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222 2222222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Skoda Fabia Ambiente 1,2/51 kW Recommended retail price 04/01/2010 Price EURO 10 369 7 336 9 418 7 848 10 377 9 023 9 720 6 450 10 380 7 273 10 851 7 767 7 757 6 258 9 031 7 522 Price index 133,7% 117,2% 121,4% 125,4% 133,8% 144,2% 125,3% 103,1% 133,8% 116,2% 139,9% 124,1% 100,0% 100,0% 116,4% 120,2% Major options ‐ air conditioning 1 146811SSSSSSSSSSSS871732 ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive S S 1 147 956 1 058 920 S S 1 337 913 1 074 895 1 035 845 1 018 856 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222222222222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No Notes: Prices based on recommended retail prices adjusted for equipment differences effective 04 January 2010 Final prices are set by dealers Price index: 100% country with lowest price on the respective price level within Eurozone SKODA FABIA NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES SKODA BG CZ DK EE HU LT

Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Skoda Fabia Ambiente 1,2/51 kW Recommended retail price 04/01/2010 Price EURO 9 383 7 819 9 215 7 679 14 597 7 310 8 455 7 165 10 204 6 838 9 891 8 174 Price index 121,0% 124,9% 118,8% 122,7% 188,2% 116,8% 109,0% 114,5% 131,5% 109,3% 127,5% 130,6% Major options ‐ air conditioning S S 761 634 S S 836 708 S S 806 666 ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 022 852 922 768 2 966 847 977 828 1 040 832 943 780 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No 1 EURO = 01.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528


Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Skoda Fabia Ambiente 1,2/51 kW Recommended retail price 04/01/2010 Price EURO 9 356 7 362 9 126 7 255 9 321 7 833 9 166 7 333 12 189 9 729 Price index 120,6% 117,6% 117,6% 115,9% 120,2% 125,2% 118,2% 117,2% 157,1% 155,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning S S 880 721 842 707 960 768 S S ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 952 787 1 029 818 984 827 1 122 898 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222222233 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 01.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,1030 4,1030 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891 Notes: Prices based on recommended retail prices adjusted for equipment differences effective 04 January 2010 Final prices are set by dealers

Price index: 100% country with lowest price on the respective price level within Eurozone

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 163 164 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

SKODA OCTAVIA EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Skoda Octavia Ambiente 1,6/75 kW Recommended retail price 04/01/2010 NA NA Price EURO 16 785 13 016 13 875 11 467 13 637 11 562 15 899 13 361 15 709 12 492 17 120 10 535 15 756 13 174 Price index 123,1% 123,6% 101,7% 108,8% 100,0% 109,7% 116,6% 126,8% 0,0% 0,0% 115,2% 118,6% 125,5% 100,0% 115,5% 125,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSS SSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 1 640 1 367 1 600 1 322 1 407 1 223 1 700 1 429 1 770 1 408 1 530 1 528 1 400 1 171 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSS SSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSS SSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSS SSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 385 1 154 1 286 1 063 1 107 962 1 241 1 043 1 376 1 094 1 678 1 027 1 339 1 120 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Skoda Octavia Ambiente 1,6/75 kW Recommended retail price 04/01/2010 NA NA Price EURO 17 234 10 654 14 697 12 248 16 151 14 044 18 640 11 081 18 921 12 271 14 271 11 398 14 699 12 252 Price index 126,4% 101,1% 107,8% 116,3% 118,4% 133,3% 136,7% 105,2% 138,7% 116,5% 0,0% 0,0% 104,6% 108,2% 107,8% 116,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSS SSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 100 1 298 1 650 1 375 1 300 1 130 3 245 1 401 3 277 2 238 2 289 1 842 2 642 2 220 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSS SSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSS SSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSS SSSS Right‐hand‐drive S S 1 322 1 102 1 186 1 031 S S 1 549 1 058 1 230 989 1 163 977 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222222222 2222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes Yes No No Notes: Prices based on recommended retail prices adjusted for equipment differences effective 04 January 2010 Final prices are set by dealers Price index: 100% country with lowest price on the respective price level within Eurozone SKODA OCTAVIA NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES SKODA BG CZ DK EE HU LT

Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Skoda Octavia Ambiente 1,6/75 kW Recommended retail price 04/01/2010 NA NA Price EURO 14 023 11 686 15 177 12 648 12 299 10 242 14 785 9 994 14 172 11 712 Price index 102,8% 110,9% 111,3% 120,1% 0,0% 0,0% 90,2% 97,2% 108,4% 94,9% 103,9% 111,2% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 1 620 1 350 2 092 1 743 1 799 1 499 1 696 1 357 1 974 1 631 ‐ power steering SSSS SSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSS SSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSS SSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 078 899 1 077 898 1 124 937 1 232 986 1 078 891 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No Yes Yes No No No No 1 EURO = 01.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528


Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Skoda Octavia Ambiente 1,6/75 kW Recommended retail price 04/01/2010 Price EURO 13 055 10 519 12 506 9 942 12 968 10 897 13 014 10 411 12 803 10 200 Price index 95,7% 99,8% 91,7% 94,4% 95,1% 103,4% 95,4% 98,8% 93,9% 96,8% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 286 1 889 1 780 1 415 1 508 1 267 981 785 1 336 1 137 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 084 896 1 190 946 1 115 937 1 266 1 013 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222222233 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 01.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,1030 4,1030 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,8914 0,8914 Notes: Prices based on recommended retail prices adjusted for equipment differences effective 04 January 2010 Final prices are set by dealers

Price index: 100% country with lowest price on the respective price level within Eurozone

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 165 166 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

SKODA SUPERB EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Skoda Superb Ambition 2,0/103 kW Recommended retail price 04/01/2010 Price EURO 26 527 20 468 25 085 20 731 26 511 22 455 26 034 21 877 23 890 19 785 29 289 18 586 24 094 20 145 Price index 112,4% 127,4% 106,3% 129,1% 112,4% 139,8% 110,3% 136,2% 101,2% 123,2% 124,1% 115,7% 102,1% 125,4% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSS SSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 830 2 184 2 000 1 653 2 000 1 739 2 000 1 681 3 172 2 627 2 544 1 610 1 500 1 254 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSS SSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSS SSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSS SSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 390 1 072 1 362 1 126 1 106 962 1 255 1 055 1 264 1 047 1 653 1 046 1 349 1 128 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222222 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Skoda Superb Ambition 2,0/103 kW Recommended retail price 04/01/2010 Price EURO 24 224 16 416 24 666 20 555 24 335 21 161 26 780 16 064 33 499 20 959 32 670 18 547 23 596 18 277 25 297 21 192 Price index 102,7% 102,2% 104,5% 128,0% 103,1% 131,7% 113,5% 100,0% 142,0% 130,5% 138,5% 115,5% 100,0% 113,8% 107,2% 131,9% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 3 180 2 155 1 750 1 458 2 000 1 739 3 284 1 429 3 200 2 186 4 200 3 500 2 002 1 558 2 640 2 219 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive S S 1 323 1 103 1 233 1 072 S S 1 548 1 058 1 227 1 022 1 309 1 019 1 194 1 003 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222222222222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No Notes: Prices based on recommended retail prices adjusted for equipment differences effective 04 January 2010 Final prices are set by dealers Price index: 100% country with lowest price on the respective price level within Eurozone SKODA SUPERB NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES SKODA BG CZ DK EE HU LT

Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Skoda Superb Ambition 2,0/103 kW Recommended retail price 04/01/2010 Price EURO 22 576 18 813 24 452 20 377 44 949 16 212 22 635 18 863 24 006 16 460 24 109 19 925 Price index 95,7% 117,1% 103,6% 126,8% 190,5% 100,9% 95,9% 117,4% 101,7% 102,5% 102,2% 124,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 200 1 833 2 701 2 251 4 703 1 344 1 508 1 257 1 800 1 440 2 050 1 694 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 197 998 1 102 918 3 278 937 1 124 937 1 233 986 1 078 891 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No 1 EURO = 01.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528


Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Skoda Superb Ambition 2,0/103 kW Recommended retail price 04/01/2010 Price EURO 23 149 19 126 21 114 16 786 19 265 16 189 19 925 15 940 19 843 16 215 Price index 98,1% 119,1% 89,5% 104,5% 81,6% 100,8% 84,4% 99,2% 84,1% 100,9% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 255 1 899 2 437 1 938 1 814 1 524 1 569 1 255 1 464 1 246 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 063 896 1 188 945 1 141 959 1 265 1 012 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222222233 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 01.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,1030 4,1030 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,8914 0,8914 Notes: Prices based on recommended retail prices adjusted for equipment differences effective 04 January 2010 Final prices are set by dealers Price index: 100% country with lowest price on the respective price level within Eurozone

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 167 168 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

Subaru Forester 2.0TD MT EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (Forester 2.0TD MT) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 36 290 25 997 31 590 24 664 32 419 20 045 32 200 25 471 36 400 23 618 30 723 24 432 37 240 21 477 30 900 24 350 Price index 120,6% 129,7% 105,0% 123,0% 107,8% 100,0% 107,0% 127,1% 121,0% 117,8% 102,1% 121,9% 123,8% 107,1% 102,7% 121,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 582 1 318 1 522 1 258 1 533 1 322 1 500 1 254 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 0 000 km (3 years) 100 000 km (3 years) 100 000 km (5 years) 100 000 km (3 years) Unlimited (3 years) 100 000 km (3 years) 100 000 km (3 years) 100 000 km (3 years) ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (Forester 2.0TD MT) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 37 071 22 404 33 800 25 902 30 085 24 714 40 818 24 884 41 195 23 398 41 500 21 796 33 990 24 366 33 990 27 045 Price index 123,2% 111,8% 112,3% 129,2% 100,0% 123,3% 135,7% 124,1% 136,9% 116,7% 137,9% 108,7% 113,0% 121,6% 113,0% 134,9% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 582 1 318 1 447 1 258 2 000 1 681 1 400 1 167 1 582 1 318 1 582 1 318 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 0 000 km (3 years) 100 000 km (3 years) 100 000 km (3 years) 100 000 km (3 years) 100 000 km (3 years) 100 000 km (3 years) 100 000 km (3 years) 100 000 km (3 years) ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Subaru Forester 2.0TD MT NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES SUBARU BG CZDK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (Forester 2.0TD MT) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 57 477 44 442 829 265 645 113 477 536 151 077 436 118 338 201 8 990 053 6 115 071 88 174 67 292 Price EURO 29 388 22 723 31 549 24 543 64 172 20 302 27 873 21 615 33 315 22 661 25 537 19 489 Price index 97,7% 113,4% 104,9% 122,4% 213,3% 101,3% 92,6% 107,8% 110,7% 113,1% 84,9% 97,2% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 14 000 11 200 200 750 160 600 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 0 000 km (3 years) 100 000 km (3 years) 100 000 km (3 years) 100 000 km (3 years) 100 000 km (3 years) 100 000 km (3 years) ‐ free roadside assistance No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax (Forester 2.0TD MT) Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 19 587 15 058 133 003 105 743 134 124 105 692 299 674 223 624 24 061 19 331 Price EURO 27 615 21 229 32 416 25 772 31 743 25 014 29 400 21 939 26 992 21 686 Price index 91,8% 105,9% 107,7% 128,6% 105,5% 124,8% 97,7% 109,4% 89,7% 108,2% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 0 000 km (3 years) 100 000 km (3 years) Unlimited (3 years) 100 000 km (3 years) 60 000 miles (3 years) ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes No Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 169 170 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010


Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax SWIFT Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 14 626 11 687 14 580 11 862 12 153 9 890 13 775 11 576 12 650 9 868 12 881 10 701 14 719 9 889 13 510 11 296 Price index 122,0% 119,5% 121,6% 121,3% 101,4% 101,1% 114,9% 118,4% 105,5% 100,9% 107,4% 109,4% 122,8% 101,1% 112,7% 115,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning SS1 000826SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA 950 826 1 300 1 092 1 200 948 1 500 1 242 NA NA 1 000 836 ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag S6 S6 S2 S2 S2 S2 S6 S6 S6 S6 S2 S2 S6 S6 S6 S6 Right‐hand‐drive 168 132 160 132 S S 158 132 157 132 153 132 196 132 158 132 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 00,000km/3 yesrs 150,000km/5 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes


Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax SWIFT Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 15 861 11 307 13 570 10 822 13 828 12 024 14 257 9 778 14 232 9 895 15 410 11 194 11 990 9 796 12 262 10 220 Price index 132,3% 115,6% 113,2% 110,7% 115,3% 123,0% 118,9% 100,0% 118,7% 101,2% 128,5% 114,5% 100,0% 100,2% 102,3% 104,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS950826SSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA 1 000 833 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag S6 S6 S6 S6 S2 S2 S2 S2 S6 S6 S6 S6 S2 S2 S2 S2 Right‐hand‐drive S S 159 132 151 132 S S 157 132 158 132 159 132 157 132 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 0,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/5 years 100,000km/3 year 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Notes: Final prices are set by dealers. / Adjusted for equipment differences. S2:driver+passenger, S6: driver+passenger+side+curtain The validity of roadside assistance is different by country. Only 4WD version is available in Finland and above mentioned price is adjusted price. SUZUKI MOTOR CORPORATION SWIFT GL‐A 5DOOR 2WD 1,328CC PETROL NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES SUZUKI BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEKHUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax SWIFT Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 23 364 19 362 296 705 247 263 152 716 66 616 170 235 141 868 3 733 105 2 697 690 44 507 37 090 Price EURO 11 946 9 900 11 288 9 407 20 522 8 952 10 880 9 067 13 834 9 997 12 890 10 742 Price index 99,6% 101,2% 94,1% 96,2% 171,2% 91,6% 90,7% 92,7% 115,4% 102,2% 107,5% 109,9% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSNANASSSS741593SS ‐ automatic gear box 1 000 833 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag S6 S6 S2 S2 S6 S6 S6 S6 S2 S2 S6 S6 Right‐hand‐drive 158 132 159 132 338 132 159 132 165 132 268 132 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 0,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes No No Yes No ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes No No Yes No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax SWIFT Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 8 947 7 217 48 904 40 086 45 506 38 239 120 726 96 579 10 806 8 716 Price EURO 12 614 10 175 11 919 9 770 10 770 9 050 11 844 9 475 12 123 9 778 Price index 105,2% 104,1% 99,4% 99,9% 89,8% 92,6% 98,8% 96,9% 101,1% 100,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag S6 S6 S6 S6 S2 S2 S6 S6 S6 S6 Right‐hand‐drive 160 132 161 132 157 132 165 132 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 0,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 60,000miles/3 years ‐ free roadside assistance No Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891 Notes: Final prices are set by dealers. / Adjusted for equipment differences. S2:driver+passenger, S6: driver+passenger+side+curtain The validity of roadside assistance is different by country. Only 4WD version is available in Lithoania, Latvia & Roumania and above mentioned prices are adjusted prices.

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 171 172 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010


Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax GRAND VITARA Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 NA NA Price EURO 28 655 20 888 30 032 24 178 26 888 22 595 32 801 22 732 27 726 22 091 31 131 20 916 28 629 23 937 Price index 114,8% 128,5% 120,4% 148,7% 107,8% 139,0% 131,5% 139,8% 111,1% 135,9% 124,8% 128,7% 114,7% 147,2% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 Right‐hand‐drive 349 262 317 262 312 262 311 262 303 262 390 262 313 262 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 0,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes No No No No Yes


Model incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax GRAND VITARA Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 NA NA Price EURO 28 730 23 405 27 943 24 298 27 238 16 258 37 270 20 924 42 960 22 990 24 950 19 164 28 074 23 508 Price index 115,2% 144,0% 112,0% 149,5% 109,2% 100,0% 149,4% 128,7% 172,2% 141,4% 100,0% 117,9% 112,5% 144,6% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 Right‐hand‐drive 314 262 301 262 S S 311 262 314 262 315 262 312 262 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Notes: Final prices are set by dealers. / Adjusted for equipment differences. S2:driver+passenger, S6: driver+passenger+side+curtain The validity of roadside assistance is different by country. SUZUKI MOTOR CORPORATION GRAND VITARA JLX‐E 5DOOR 4WD 1,870CC DIESEL NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES SUZUKI BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax GRAND VITARA Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 48 934 40 671 665 168 554 298 334 936 121 043 367 179 305 985 7 465 130 5 601 816 84 973 70 226 Price EURO 25 020 20 795 25 306 21 088 45 009 16 266 23 467 19 556 27 664 20 759 24 610 20 339 Price index 100,3% 127,9% 101,4% 129,7% 180,4% 100,0% 94,1% 120,3% 110,9% 127,7% 98,6% 125,1% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 Right‐hand‐drive 314 262 314 262 917 262 315 262 315 262 317 262 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 0,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes No No Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes No No Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax GRAND VITARA Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 17 816 14 724 105 139 86 179 99 611 83 707 256 711 205 369 18 682 15 354 Price EURO 25 118 20 759 25 625 21 004 23 575 19 811 25 185 20 148 20 958 17 225 Price index 100,7% 127,7% 102,7% 129,2% 94,5% 121,9% 100,9% 123,9% 84,0% 105,9% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 S6 Right‐hand‐drive 317 262 320 262 311 262 328 262 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 0,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 100,000km/3 years 60,000miles/3 years ‐ free roadside assistance No Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891 Notes: Final prices are set by dealers. / Adjusted for equipment differences. S2:driver+passenger, S6: driver+passenger+side+curtain The validity of roadside assistance is different by country.

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 173 174 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

TOYOTA YARIS EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR 1.33P 5DRS incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax

Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 15 960 13 076 15 880 13 128 14 917 12 281 16 100 13 529 15 100 11 761 14 800 12 601 16 810 11 253 15 690 13 119 Price index 118,5% 116,2% 117,9% 116,7% 110,8% 109,1% 119,6% 120,2% 112,1% 104,5% 109,9% 112,0% 124,8% 100,0% 116,5% 116,6% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 427 350 423 350 S 417 350 449 350 411 350 523 350 419 350 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 35 years 3 3 6 years 3 3 3 ‐ free roadside assistance YYNYYYN Y ‐ delivery cost included YYYNNYN Y

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK 1.33P 5DRS incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax

Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 17 130 12 373 14 280 11 900 15 093 13 128 15 630 11 839 16 500 12 726 13 890 11 261 13 465 11 315 Price index 127,2% 110,0% 106,1% 105,8% 112,1% 116,7% 0,0% 0,0% 116,1% 105,2% 122,5% 113,1% 103,2% 100,1% 100,0% 100,6% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSS SSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSS SSSS ‐ ABS SSS SSSS ‐ airbag SSS SSSS Right‐hand‐drive S 420 350 402 350 462 350 454 350 432 350 417 350 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 335 years 3 5 years 3 3 ‐ free roadside assistance YYY YYYY ‐ delivery cost included NYY YNYY Notes: ‐ Prices are recommended retail prices, effective January 1, 2010. Final prices are set by dealers. ‐ Recommended price is adjusted for equipment differences. ‐ Malta not surveyed TOYOTA YARIS NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES TOYOTA BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL 1.33P 5DRS incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax

Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 27 977 23 314 334 690 278 906 193 710 83 893 218 114 181 815 4 059 050 2 958 443 48 548 40 122 Price EURO 14 305 11 921 12 733 10 611 26 031 11 274 13 940 11 620 15 042 10 963 14 060 11 620 Price index 106,2% 105,9% 94,6% 94,3% 193,3% 100,2% 103,5% 103,3% 111,7% 97,4% 104,4% 103,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 420 350 420 350 808 350 420 350 480 350 424 350 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 333333 ‐ free roadside assistance NYNYYY ‐ delivery cost included YYNN YN 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP 1.33P 5DRS incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax

Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 10 016 8 242 56 100 44 806 58 098 48 819 145 640 116 512 11 916 10 142 Price EURO 14 121 11 620 13 673 10 920 13 750 11 554 14 288 11 431 13 368 11 377 Price index 104,9% 103,3% 101,5% 97,0% 102,1% 102,7% 106,1% 101,6% 99,3% 101,1% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 425 350 438 350 417 350 438 350 S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 335 years 3 3 ‐ free roadside assistance YYYYY ‐ delivery cost included N YYYY 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891 Notes: ‐ Prices are recommended retail prices, effective January 1, 2010. Final prices are set by dealers. ‐ Recommended price is adjusted for equipment differences. ‐ Malta not surveyed

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 175 176 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

TOYOTA AURIS EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DEEL ES FI FR 1.6P SOL 5DRS incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax

Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 20 600 16 042 19 860 16 410 17 915 14 500 19 630 16 494 18 770 13 920 18 490 15 162 21 030 13 406 19 660 16 434 Price index 119,4% 119,7% 115,1% 122,4% 103,8% 108,2% 113,7% 123,0% 108,7% 103,8% 107,1% 113,1% 121,8% 100,0% 113,9% 122,6% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 449 350 424 350 S 417 350 472 350 427 350 549 350 419 350 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 35 years 3 3 6 years 3 3 3 ‐ free roadside assistance YYNYYYN Y ‐ delivery cost included YYYNNYNY

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK 1.6P SOL 5DRS incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax

Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 25 330 17 164 18 110 15 095 18 875 16 410 22 220 15 058 22 400 15 410 17 260 13 845 17 300 14 417 Price index 146,8% 128,0% 104,9% 112,6% 109,4% 122,4% 0,0% 0,0% 128,7% 112,3% 129,8% 115,0% 100,0% 103,3% 100,2% 107,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSS SSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSS SSSS ‐ ABS SSS SSSS ‐ airbag SSS SSSS Right‐hand‐drive S 420 350 403 350 516 350 509 350 436 350 420 350 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 335 years 3333 ‐ free roadside assistance YYY YYYY ‐ delivery cost included NYY YYYY Notes: ‐ Prices are recommended retail prices, effective January 1, 2010. Final prices are set by dealers. ‐ Recommended price is adjusted for equipment differences. ‐ Malta not surveyed TOYOTA AURIS NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES TOYOTA BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL 1.6P SOL 5DRS incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax

Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 34 832 29 026 430 280 358 570 251 700 95 662 266 462 222 033 5 278 440 3 840 348 59 286 48 997 Price EURO 17 809 14 841 16 370 13 642 33 824 12 855 17 030 14 191 19 561 14 231 17 171 14 191 Price index 103,2% 110,7% 94,8% 101,8% 196,0% 95,9% 98,7% 105,9% 113,3% 106,2% 99,5% 105,9% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 420 350 420 350 921 350 420 350 481 350 424 350 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 333333 ‐ free roadside assistance NYNYYY ‐ delivery cost included YYNN YN 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP 1.6P SOL 5DRS incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax

Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 12 363 10 065 66 810 53 368 72 633 61 045 173 530 138 827 14 705 12 515 Price EURO 17 430 14 191 16 283 13 007 17 190 14 448 17 024 13 620 16 497 14 040 Price index 101,0% 105,9% 94,3% 97,0% 99,6% 107,8% 98,6% 101,6% 95,6% 104,7% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 430 350 438 350 416 350 437 350 S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 335 years 3 3 ‐ free roadside assistance YYYYY ‐ delivery cost included N YYYY 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891 Notes: ‐ Prices are recommended retail prices, effective January 1, 2010. Final prices are set by dealers. ‐ Recommended price is adjusted for equipment differences. ‐ Malta not surveyed

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 177 178 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

TOYOTA AVENSIS EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DEEL ES FI FR 1.8P WG incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax

Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 28 060 22 043 24 940 20 610 23 750 19 693 26 200 22 017 24 600 17 233 24 760 20 355 27 940 17 731 24 900 20 818 Price index 118,4% 127,9% 105,2% 119,6% 100,2% 114,3% 110,5% 127,8% 103,8% 100,0% 104,5% 118,1% 117,9% 102,9% 105,0% 120,8% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 446 350 424 350 S 417 350 500 350 426 350 552 350 419 350 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 35 years 3 3 6 years 3 3 3 ‐ free roadside assistance YYNYYYYY ‐ delivery cost included YYYNNYYY

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK 1.8P WG incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax

Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 28 830 19 539 24 320 20 271 23 703 20 610 28 290 19 156 31 400 21 985 24 920 19 694 25 458 21 393 Price index 121,6% 113,4% 102,6% 117,6% 100,0% 119,6% 0,0% 0,0% 119,4% 111,2% 132,5% 127,6% 105,1% 114,3% 107,4% 124,1% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSS SSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSS SSSS ‐ ABS SSS SSSS ‐ airbag SSS SSSS Right‐hand‐drive S 420 350 403 350 517 350 500 350 443 350 417 350 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 35 years 5 years 3 5 years 3 3 ‐ free roadside assistance YYY YYYY ‐ delivery cost included NYY YNNY Notes: ‐ Prices are recommended retail prices, effective January 1, 2010. Final prices are set by dealers. ‐ Recommended price is adjusted for equipment differences. ‐ Malta not surveyed TOYOTA AVENSIS NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES TOYOTA BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL 1.8P WG incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax

Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 45 084 37 570 633 080 527 570 359 010 126 822 338 279 281 909 6 939 970 4 957 575 75 270 62 207 Price EURO 23 051 19 210 24 085 20 071 48 244 17 043 21 620 18 017 25 718 18 372 21 800 18 016 Price index 97,2% 111,5% 101,6% 116,5% 203,5% 98,9% 91,2% 104,5% 108,5% 106,6% 92,0% 104,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 420 350 420 350 991 350 420 350 490 350 424 350 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 333333 ‐ free roadside assistance NYNYYY ‐ delivery cost included YYNN YY 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP 1.8P WG incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax

Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 15 661 12 779 85 980 68 683 95 196 79 990 228 250 182 604 18 451 15 703 Price EURO 22 080 18 016 20 955 16 740 22 530 18 931 22 393 17 915 20 699 17 616 Price index 93,2% 104,5% 88,4% 97,1% 95,1% 109,9% 94,5% 104,0% 87,3% 102,2% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 429 350 438 350 417 350 437 350 S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 335 years 3 3 ‐ free roadside assistance YYYYY ‐ delivery cost included N YYYY 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891 Notes: ‐ Prices are recommended retail prices, effective January 1, 2010. Final prices are set by dealers. ‐ Recommended price is adjusted for equipment differences. ‐ Malta not surveyed

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 179 180 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010


incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Trendline 60 PS 5G 2T Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 70 PS 70 PS 70 PS Price EURO 12 398 10 030 12 010 9 926 10 018 8 074 12 150 10 210 10 540 8 156 11 950 9 897 13 826 9 155 11 665 9 753 Price index 129,6% 125,8% 125,6% 124,5% 104,7% 101,3% 127,0% 128,1% 110,2% 102,3% 124,9% 124,2% 144,6% 114,9% 122,0% 122,4% Major options ‐ air conditioning 896 711 540 446 906 788 910 765 993 770 708 586 513 338 690 577 ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 503 1 193 NA NA S S NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 32222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes


incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Trendline 60 PS 5G 2T Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 NA NA 70 PS NA NA Price EURO 14 154 9 976 12 258 9 916 11 628 10 111 13 531 9 704 11 815 8 955 9 564 7 970 Price index 148,0% 125,2% 128,2% 124,4% 121,6% 126,9% 0,0% 0,0% 141,5% 121,8% 123,5% 112,4% 100,0% 100,0% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning 1 595 1 158 NA NA 600 522 1 050 717 1 086 905 438 365 ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSS SSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSS SSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSS SSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive S S NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222 222 ‐ free roadside assistance No Yes Yes No No Yes ‐ delivery cost included No Yes No No No Yes VOLKSWAGEN Polo NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES VOLKSWAGEN BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Trendline 60 PS 5G 2T Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 11 555 9 629 8 952 7 460 19 070 8 661 11 136 9 064 10 339 8 538 11 229 9 064 Price index 120,8% 120,8% 93,6% 93,6% 199,4% 108,7% 116,4% 113,7% 108,1% 107,1% 117,4% 113,7% Major options ‐ air conditioning 883 736 499 599 1 474 421 818 681 815 652 824 681 ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes No Yes No ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes No No Yes No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,825 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Trendline 60 PS 5G 2T Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 85 PS Price EURO 11 411 9 064 10 308 8 450 9 727 8 174 12 167 9 241 9 984 8 499 Price index 119,3% 113,7% 107,8% 106,0% 101,7% 102,6% 127,2% 115,9% 104,4% 106,6% Major options ‐ air conditioning 824 681 972 797 885 774 922 738 785 668 ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 373 1 099 NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222 ‐ free roadside assistance No No No Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,1030 4,1030 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,89140 0,89140

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 181 182 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010


incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Trendline 80 PS 5G 2T Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 NA NA Price EURO 17 698 13 970 17 571 14 522 15 277 12 545 16 650 13 992 15 242 11 803 17 785 11 403 15 695 13 123 Price index 117,3% 122,5% 116,5% 127,4% 101,3% 110,0% 110,4% 122,7% 101,0% 103,5% 0,0% 0,0% 117,9% 100,0% 104,0% 115,1% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSS SSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSS SSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSS SSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSS SSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 611 1 255 NA NA S S 1 440 1 210 NA NA NA NA NA NA Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 3 2222 2 2 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes


incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Trendline 80 PS 5G 2T Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 102 PS NA NA NA NA NA NA Price EURO 18 850 12 715 16 803 13 666 15 087 13 119 19 551 13 329 18 782 13 430 Price index 124,9% 111,5% 111,4% 119,8% 100,0% 115,0% 0,0% 0,0% 129,6% 116,9% 124,5% 117,8% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSS SSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSS SSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSS SSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSS SSSS Right‐hand‐drive S S NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2 22 22 ‐ free roadside assistance No Yes Yes No No ‐ delivery cost included No Yes No No No VOLKSWAGEN Golf NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES VOLKSWAGEN BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Trendline 80 PS 5G 2T Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 14 756 12 296 13 239 11 033 28 079 11 222 14 275 11 597 16 540 13 498 14 394 11 597 Price index 97,8% 107,8% 87,8% 96,8% 186,1% 98,4% 94,6% 101,7% 109,6% 118,4% 95,4% 101,7% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes No Yes No ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes No No Yes No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Trendline 80 PS 5G 2T Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 14 606 11 597 13 967 11 449 13 641 11 463 16 050 12 337 15 456 13 156 Price index 96,8% 101,7% 92,6% 100,4% 90,4% 100,5% 106,4% 108,2% 102,4% 115,4% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA 1 373 1 099 NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 22222 ‐ free roadside assistance No No No Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,1030 4,1030 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,89140 0,89140

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 183 184 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010


incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Conceptline 102 PS Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 24 957 18 339 23 002 19 010 19 830 16 180 23 135 19 441 21 732 16 024 21 230 16 882 24 578 14 712 20 921 17 493 Price index 140,0% 124,7% 129,0% 129,2% 111,2% 110,0% 129,8% 132,1% 121,9% 108,9% 119,1% 114,7% 137,8% 100,0% 117,3% 118,9% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 845 1 398 1 636 1 352 S S 1 455 1 223 1 683 1 242 1 692 1 345 2 294 1 368 1 580 1 321 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 32222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes No Yes No No Yes No Yes


incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Conceptline 102 PS Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 NA NA 102 PS Trendl. Easyline NA NA Price EURO 20 958 17 128 21 719 18 886 26 212 15 605 28 358 17 506 20 940 17 450 17 830 14 976 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 117,5% 116,4% 121,8% 128,4% 147,0% 106,1% 159,0% 119,0% 0,0% 0,0% 117,4% 118,6% 100,0% 101,8% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSS SSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSS SSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSS SSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSS SSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 520 1 267 1 599 1 390 S S 2 364 1 443 1 547 1 289 1 840 1 541 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2222 22 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes No Yes No ‐ delivery cost included Yes No No No Yes No VOLKSWAGEN Touran NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES VOLKSWAGEN BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Conceptline 102 PS Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 NA NA Price EURO 20 080 16 732 42 387 15 175 20 199 16 451 22 101 18 036 20 368 16 451 Price index 112,6% 113,7% 0,0% 0,0% 237,7% 103,1% 113,3% 111,8% 124,0% 122,6% 114,2% 111,8% Major options ‐ air conditioning SS SSSS1 271 1 015 S S ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SS SSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SS SSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SS SSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 1 607 1 339 5 371 1 535 NA NA 1 625 1 300 NA NA Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2 2232 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes No Yes No ‐ delivery cost included Yes No No Yes No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Conceptline 102 PS Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 NA NA Price EURO 20 780 16 451 16 902 13 854 20 150 16 933 18 701 15 915 Price index 116,5% 111,8% 94,8% 94,2% 113,0% 115,1% 0,0% 0,0% 104,9% 108,2% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSS SS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSS SS ‐ ABS SSSSSS SS ‐ airbag SSSSSS SS Right‐hand‐drive NA NA NA NA 1 558 1 309 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222 2 ‐ free roadside assistance No Yes No Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,1030 4,1030 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,89140 0,89140

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 185 186 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010


incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Trendline 102 PS 5G 4T Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 NA NA 122 PS 122 PS BM 122 PS Price EURO 23 710 17 875 21 799 17 892 23 525 19 769 19 902 15 433 23 029 19 071 25 723 16 754 22 207 18 568 Price index 119,1% 115,8% 0,0% 0,0% 109,5% 115,9% 118,2% 128,1% 100,0% 100,0% 115,7% 123,6% 129,2% 108,6% 111,6% 120,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning SS SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SS SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SS SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SS SSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 2 895 2 213 S S 2 910 2 445 3 179 2 469 3 165 2 621 3 315 2 153 2 765 2 312 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 3 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes


incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Trendline 102 PS 5G 4T Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 NA NA 102 PS Comfortline NA NA Price EURO 23 263 16 396 20 759 18 052 26 065 16 166 26 703 17 517 21 832 18 193 22 340 18 773 Price index 116,9% 106,2% 0,0% 0,0% 104,3% 117,0% 131,0% 104,7% 134,2% 113,5% 0,0% 0,0% 109,7% 117,9% 112,3% 121,6% Major options ‐ air conditioning SS SSSSSS SSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SS SSSSSS SSSS ‐ ABS SS SSSSSS SSSS ‐ airbag SS SSSSSS SSSS Right‐hand‐drive S S 2 374 2 064 S S 3 290 2 247 3 061 2 551 3 430 2 877 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2 222 22 ‐ free roadside assistance No Yes Yes No Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No Yes Yes VOLKSWAGEN Passat NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES VOLKSWAGEN BG CZDK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax Trendline 102 PS 5G 4T Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 20 104 16 753 21 476 17 897 38 372 14 070 17 734 14 397 23 014 18 766 17 882 14 397 Price index 101,0% 108,6% 107,9% 116,0% 192,8% 91,2% 89,1% 93,3% 115,6% 121,6% 89,9% 93,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive NA NA 2 660 2 216 7 559 2 160 NA NA 2 032 1 972 NA NA Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222222 ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes No Yes No ‐ delivery cost included Yes Yes No No Yes No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax Trendline 102 PS 5G 4T Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 NA NA 122 PS Price EURO 18 103 14 397 18 147 14 875 19 867 16 695 18 086 15 392 Price index 91,0% 93,3% 91,2% 96,4% 99,8% 108,2% 0,0% 0,0% 90,9% 99,7% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSS SS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSS SS ‐ ABS SSSSSS SS ‐ airbag SSSSSS SS Right‐hand‐drive NA NA NA NA NA NA S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 222 2 ‐ free roadside assistance No No No Yes ‐ delivery cost included No No No No 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,1030 4,1030 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,89140 0,89140

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 187 188 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

Volvo Car Corporation S40 1.6D 109hp EURO ZONE COUNTRIES ATBE CY DE EL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax S40 1.6D 109hp Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 25 400 20 774 24 750 20 610 24 250 20 378 24 990 19 383 25 786 16 863 25 850 20 919 Price index 109,1% 123,2% 106,3% 122,2% 0,0% 0,0% 104,1% 120,8% 0,0% 0,0% 107,3% 114,9% 110,7% 100,0% 111,0% 124,1% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SS SSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSS SS SSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSS SS SSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSS SS SSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 900 750 847 700 800 689 923 750 1 387 650 1 000 836 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2 Year 2 Year 2 Year 2 Year 2 Year 2 Year ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included

IE IT LU MTNL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax S40 1.6D 109hp Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 27 994 18 730 23 800 19 833 30 995 20 236 35 405 19 146 24 400 20 833 23 290 20 071 Price index 120,2% 111,1% 102,2% 117,6% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 133,1% 120,0% 152,0% 113,5% 104,8% 123,5% 100,0% 119,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSS SSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering SSSSSS SSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSS SSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSS SSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive S S 700 583 847 700 833 700 750 620 780 650 832 699 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2 Year 2 Year 2 Year 2 Year 2 Year 2 Year 2 Year ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No ‐ delivery cost included 624 520 590 Notes: ‐ Prices are based on recommended retail prices, excl tax prices are adjusted for equipment differences. Reference country is Germany. ‐ Final prices are set by dealers. Volvo Car Corporation S40 1.6D 109hp NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES VOLVO BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax S40 1.6D 109hp Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 617 100 522 924 320 101 122 168 368 000 307 000 6 590 000 5 010 495 82 304 68 020 Price EURO 0 0 23 477 19 894 43 016 16 417 23 519 19 621 24 421 18 568 23 837 19 700 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 100,8% 118,0% 184,7% 97,4% 101,0% 116,4% 104,9% 110,1% 102,3% 116,8% Major options ‐ air conditioning S SSSSS SSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering S SSSSS SSS ‐ ABS S SSSSS SSS ‐ airbag S SSSSS SSS Right‐hand‐drive 700 843 708 NA 755 NA 814 678 NA Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2 Years 2 Year 2 Year 2 Years 2 Year 2 Years ‐ free roadside assistance No Yes Yes No Yes No ‐ delivery cost included 454 454 645 547 745 626 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax S40 1.6D 109hp Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 16 857 13 931 80 500 68 076 223 000 176 158 18 220 12 975 Price EURO 23 766 19 640 19 620 16 592 0 0 21 878 17 282 20 440 14 556 Price index 102,0% 116,5% 84,2% 98,4% 0,0% 0,0% 93,9% 102,5% 87,8% 86,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning S SSS SSSS ‐ automatic gear box NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ‐ power steering S SSS SSSS ‐ ABS S SSS SSSS ‐ airbag S SSS SSSS Right‐hand‐drive NA 998 720 700 653 522 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2 Years 2 Year 2 Years 2 Year 3 Year ‐ free roadside assistance No Yes No Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included 551 455 322 258 541 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891 Notes: ‐ Prices are based on recommended retail prices, excl tax prices are adjusted for equipment differences. Reference country is Germany. ‐ Final prices are set by dealers.

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 189 190 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

Volvo Car Corporation S80 D5 205hp EURO ZONE COUNTRIES AT BE CY DE EL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax S80 D5 205hp Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 42 700 32 855 37 600 30 974 38 850 32 647 43 490 31 364 48 247 29 819 40 650 30 618 Price index 114,2% 110,2% 100,6% 103,9% 0,0% 0,0% 103,9% 109,5% 0,0% 0,0% 116,3% 105,2% 129,0% 100,0% 108,7% 102,7% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 3 200 2 402 2 180 1 802 2 050 1 723 2 112 1 680 2 500 1 470 1 660 1 388 ‐ power steering SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSS SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 900 750 847 700 800 689 960 750 650 1 000 836 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included

IE IT LU MT NL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl taxexcl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax S80 D5 205hp Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 47 565 30 405 40 600 33 833 47 495 29 901 56 420 32 218 43 500 35 900 37 390 31 070 Price index 127,2% 102,0% 108,6% 113,5% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 127,0% 100,3% 150,9% 108,0% 116,3% 120,4% 100,0% 104,2% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSS SS SSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 365 1 415 2 050 1 708 2 180 1 802 2 525 1 537 2 670 2 206 1 878 1 401 2 177 1 830 ‐ power steering SSS SS SSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSS SS SSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSS SS SSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive S S 700 583 847 700 833 700 750 620 650 699 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included 624 520 590 Notes: ‐ Prices are based on recommended retail prices, excl tax prices are adjusted for equipment differences. Reference country is Germany. ‐ Final prices are set by dealers. Volvo Car Corporation S80 D5 205hp NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES VOLVO BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax S80 D5 205hp Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 1 109 200 915 134 610 902 204 934 571 000 476 000 11 490 000 8 329 553 127 426 105 310 Price EURO 0 0 42 199 34 816 82 094 27 539 36 494 30 422 42 579 30 867 36 905 30 500 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 112,9% 116,8% 219,6% 92,4% 97,6% 102,0% 113,9% 103,5% 98,7% 102,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning S SSSSS SSS ‐ automatic gear box 1 900 1 583 1 653 1 389 4 499 1 295 27 879 23 626 2 394 1 915 6 152 5 214 ‐ power steering S SSSSS SSS ‐ ABS S SSSSS SSS ‐ airbag S SSSSS SSS Right‐hand‐drive 700 708 755 NA 678 NA Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years ‐ free roadside assistance No Yes Yes No Yes No ‐ delivery cost included 645 547 745 626 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax S80 D5 205hp Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 26 219 21 669 171 000 138 728 326 000 270 534 28 255 21 912 Price EURO 36 965 30 550 41 677 33 811 0 0 31 983 26 541 31 697 24 581 Price index 98,9% 102,5% 111,5% 113,4% 0,0% 0,0% 85,5% 89,0% 84,8% 82,4% Major options ‐ air conditioning S SSS SSSS ‐ automatic gear box 1 245 1 055 2 264 1 856 2 202 1 850 1 878 1 401 1 457 ‐ power steering S SSS SSSS ‐ ABS S SSS SSSS ‐ airbag S SSS SSSS Right‐hand‐drive NA 720 700 650 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 3 Years ‐ free roadside assistance No Yes No Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included 551 455 541 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891 Notes: ‐ Prices are based on recommended retail prices, excl tax prices are adjusted for equipment differences. Reference country is Germany. ‐ Final prices are set by dealers.

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 191 192 European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010

Volvo Car Corporation XC90 D5 185hp EURO ZONE COUNTRIES ATBE CY DE EL ES FI FR Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax XC90 D5 185hp Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 50 500 35 937 47 390 35 695 43 810 36 815 58 100 38 640 54 590 37 281 69 990 33 430 47 350 34 170 Price index 118,0% 107,9% 110,7% 107,2% 0,0% 0,0% 102,4% 110,6% 135,7% 116,1% 127,5% 112,0% 163,5% 100,4% 110,6% 102,6% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 700 1 874 2 180 1 802 2 050 1 723 S S 2 089 1 598 3 300 1 829 S S ‐ power steering SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSS SSSSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSS SSSSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive 900 750 847 700 800 689 NA NA 960 750 1 387 650 1 000 836 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included

IE IT LU MTNL PT SI SK Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl taxincl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax XC90 D5 185hp Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 Price EURO 58 421 33 293 42 800 35 067 65 495 37 112 76 915 39 601 46 300 38 183 43 990 36 616 Price index 136,5% 100,0% 100,0% 105,3% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 0,0% 153,0% 111,5% 179,7% 118,9% 108,2% 114,7% 102,8% 110,0% Major options ‐ air conditioning SSSSSS SSSSSSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 330 1 358 1 900 1 583 2 180 1 802 2 750 1 675 3 140 1 441 1 878 1 401 2 177 1 830 ‐ power steering SSSSSS SSSSSSSS ‐ ABS SSSSSS SSSSSSSS ‐ airbag SSSSSS SSSSSSSS Right‐hand‐drive S S 700 583 847 700 833 700 750 620 780 650 832 699 Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years ‐ free roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included 624 520 590 Notes: ‐ Prices are based on recommended retail prices, excl tax prices are adjusted for equipment differences. Reference country is Germany. ‐ Final prices are set by dealers. Volvo Car Corporation XC90 D5 185hp NON EURO ZONE COUNTRIES VOLVO BG CZ DK EE HU LT BGN CZK DKK EEK HUF LTL Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax XC90 D5 185hp Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 1 290 800 974 207 924 000 240 827 727 000 606 000 12 990 000 9 529 553 162 102 133 969 Price EURO 0 0 49 108 37 063 124 169 32 363 46 464 38 730 48 138 35 314 46 948 38 800 Price index 0,0% 0,0% 114,7% 111,3% 290,1% 97,2% 108,6% 116,3% 112,5% 106,1% 109,7% 116,5% Major options ‐ air conditioning S SSSSS SSS ‐ automatic gear box 1 900 1 583 S S 4 499 1 295 S S ‐ power steering S SSSSS SSS ‐ ABS S SSSSS SSS ‐ airbag S SSSSS SSS Right‐hand‐drive 700 843 708 NA 755 NA 814 678 NA Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years ‐ free roadside assistance No Yes Yes No Yes No ‐ delivery cost included 645 547 745 626 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 1,9558 1,9558 26,285 26,285 7,4415 7,4415 15,6466 15,6466 269,85 269,85 3,4528 3,4528

LV PL RO SE UK LVL PLN RON SEK GBP Model incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax incl tax excl tax XC90 D5 185hp Recommended retail price 1/01/2010 33 496 27 683 205 700 152 769 444 000 288 232 30 190 22 342 Price EURO 47 224 39 029 50 134 37 233 0 0 43 559 28 277 33 868 25 064 Price index 110,3% 117,2% 117,1% 111,8% 0,0% 0,0% 101,8% 84,9% 79,1% 75,3% Major options ‐ air conditioning S SSS SSSS ‐ automatic gear box 2 264 1 856 2 202 1 850 1 764 1 412 1 457 ‐ power steering S SSS SSSS ‐ ABS S SSS SSSS ‐ airbag S SSS SSSS Right‐hand‐drive NA 998 720 700 653 522 S S Other information ‐ warranty condition ( x years) 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 2 Years 3 Years ‐ free roadside assistance No Yes No Yes Yes ‐ delivery cost included 551 455 322 258 541 1 EURO = 04.01.2010 0,7093 0,7093 4,103 4,103 4,2253 4,2253 10,1930 10,1930 0,891 0,891 Notes: ‐ Prices are based on recommended retail prices, excl tax prices are adjusted for equipment differences. Reference country is Germany. ‐ Final prices are set by dealers.

European Commission - Car Price Report at 1.01.2010 193 European Commission

Car prices within the European Union at 1 January 2010

Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2010

2010 — 193 pp.— 21 x 29.7 cm

ISSN 1725-9991

Printed issue: ISBN 978-92-79-16027-1 DOI 10.2763/34069

PDF-version: ISBN 978-92-79-16028-8 DOI 10.2763/34252 Printed in Belgium.

The car price report, which is based on standardised data provided by vehicle manufacturers, provides manufacturers’ recommended prices for about 100 car models of 25 different brands. Prices are given both excluding and including taxes, together with prices for the major options and right-hand-drive supplements. The report is published once a year. This initiative was launched following numerous complaints from consumers about differences in car prices between Member States and obstacles placed in the way of those consumers that wished to buy in another EU country KD-XB-10-001-1X-N Car prices within the European Union European the within prices Car 10.2763/34252

1 January 2010 January 1