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Leeds FRIDAY, 9th NOVEMBER, 1984 Laos UmyERsmr UNION O.G.M. Tuesday 15th Nov. StudentINDEPENDENT LEEDS AREA STUDENT NEWSPAPER — 1.00pm -Riley Smith Hall ■ ART ATTACK Student sculpture smashed by intruders RIGHT TAKES IR UNION OTES `A victory over extremism' was how new Publicity Secretary. Rosemary Powell, described her convinc- ing win in the first University Union elections this year. Moderate Tory, Rosemary thing for the people who have Powell, and Independent. welfare problems." Clare Whitely, were elected as Gavin Carter expressed his Publicity and Welfare Secre- disappointment but said that taries this week. Their sub- he was 'pleased that the stantial majorities have been Labour Club have been so Art objects were The works were from sented images of women. interpreted as giving a man- overwhelmingly defeated: date for moderation. Topping the poll in the elec- smashed and students' staff and students at the One, by student Steve But defeated Labour club tions for NUS Conference, work left strewn on the Poly Fine Art Department. Clarke, showed a cling candidate. Trevor Thorne, hit which were held simul- floor after a break in Some were to be submitted film wrapped woman's out at Rosemary for veiling taneously, was General for final degree exams. torso in a refridgerator her true politics; Secretary and Labour club at the Poly Gallery last which was surrounded by 'The other candidates did member Marcus Sheff. Com- Tuesday. not stand on a clear political menting on his success, he REPORT BY decaying and rotten fruit. platform as 1 did. The wet said: At least it shows that Eight ceramic sculp- Another was of a reclining Tories have done this time despite the disappointment of tures were wrecked after JONATHAN nude. and time again: Rosemary the non-sabbatical denim, intruders forced their way I oveli ti:sguiseal her true po.)1i- students still feel that the CALVERT tics and wasn't prepared to .Labour Club is the 4.miy poli- into the City Site Gallery Four people have been put tier views first.' tical organisatioin that is Iruly by smashing two plate Out of the twenty-two arrested and charged in flowevet, Rosemary Powell working for student's rights. glass windows early on works in the exhibition. connection with the inci- was 'delighted" with her win whilst bearing in mind the re- Tuesday morning. the ones wrecked repre- dent. saying; 'I see my election as a sponsibilities we carry to victory over extremism and members of the wider com- for the policy of students first. munity. The Union can rest 1 feel that I was elected to do a assured that it will be truly job and not rain my politics represented at the conference down the throats of unwilling and that we will vote for a students, as the left-wing better NUS." TORY'S LOAN VO1C candidate obviously intended Other candidates elected, in Polytechnic Cultural replace the present grants sys- Conservative Association note- to do.' order of popularity, were Affairs Secretary Stephen tem. He described students as paper, Avis said. "I do not wish Out of a total of 930 votes Rosemary Powell, Erica Wel- Tart of yet another public sec- to be part of an Executive com- cast (approximately 10% of lington, Marcus Killick, Bevo, Avis, has resigned follow- tor, parasitic, special interest mittee that prevents individual the electorate) Rosemary re- Ingram. Gavin Carter. ing a motion of no- group: Avis also argued that it members from expressing their cieved final vote of 477 heat- Miriam Gitlin., Adam Bowen confidence passed by the the Government is able to re- own opinions. 1 hope you treat ing her nearest rival Trevor and Frank Horvarth. Further Union Executive last week. coup a significant proportion of my successor better than you Thorne by 141 votes. results are not yet known. Tice motion was proposed af- its initial financial outlay, then have treated me." Clare Whitely won the post ter Avis. who is also the Leeds more college places would he Owing to impending NUS of Welfare Secretary with a Poly Chairman of Leeds Poly available than would otherwise conference elections the LPSU total vote of 421 which was Conservative Association, sent be the case: Exec. has been unable to final- 126 votes ahead of Tory candi- a letter to the Yorkshire Even- However when the no- ise a date for the election of a date Gavin Carter. She said confidence motion was discus- ing Post in which he advocated new Cultural Affairs Secretary. after her victory: "I hope that will be able to achieve sonic- a system of student loans to sed, it was decided that the Stephen Markey proposals suggested by Avis were 'against the policy of the Executive Committee as LPSU are totally against any form of student loans.' Said one Poly POLY POLLING Exec. member, "by writing this were elected to letter Steve Avis was affecting Two members of Executive and one ex-member the campaign against the loans attend Christmas NUS Conference. Bill Cooke. President of LPL" system." and fellow Executive member Tommy Hutchinson were both elected as delegates. Poly President Bide Cooke, , Steve Avis, who this week resigned his post as Cultural Affair! said "It was passed because Ex- lorlobirc ecutive find it hard to work with Secretary after a row over a letter he wrote to the him on things like grants." Evening Post, was elected as an observer. The no-confidence motion The other three delegates elected were Gamble, Rosenberg ,ind was passed with three absten- Cartmell and the other observer Deur]. tions. The total poll was 289 which is somewhat higher than turnouts in Handing in his letter of res- previous years. ignation written on Leeds Poly Deb Lyttleton YOUR BODY, MIND BILLY PLUS COMPLETE GUIDE' AND FOOD BRAGGING WHAT'S ON TO LEEDS P.12 & 13 P.B & 9 - P.11 PAGE TWO FIREWORKS AT KITSON Introducing A.G.M. sparks off heated debate There were fireworks at cued when he reiterated Union funds. awareness and participation." last Thursday's Kitson Erskine's earlier comments. He Although the AGM attracted The 1984/85 Kitson Union Poly told Leeds Student: "The meet- a capacity attendance of 450. Executive consists of President. College Union AGM. when Tom Satterthwaite, Paul Myers vociferous heckling inter- ing developed into a heated de- the Kitson Union is still pla- bate between myself, John gued by the all-too-common (Vice-President with special re- Quorum rupted speeches advocat- Erskine and the floor. The mo- problem of student apathy. sponsiblity for full-time stu- ing continued NUS affili tion was eventually passed. but dents), Jonathon Sammon "Fin convinced that some Treasurer). Richard Dalton ations. it was a close-run. nail-biting students are not even aware of Secretary). Sean Goodyear The Exchanges were sparked off vote." the Union's existence," said second quorate OGM of the Assistant Secretary), Annette session kicked off with a motion when the ubiquitous John Motions were also passed to Tom Satterthwaite, "We have a 1 Lee (Entertainments Secret- concerning grants or rather the lark Erskine Area Convenor. set up student common rooms good sound base on which to ary), Gavin Taylor (Public Re- build. The Executive has dou- of them. Oddly enough the meeting pledged his support for the in the College's three annexes, la tions Officer) and Sally annual renewal of the Kitson and to provide sufficient funds bled in size, we have good faci- decided that grants were far too low Abbott (Science/Maths Repre- while Hall fees and refectory prices Union's NL?S membership. to sue ex-President Ian Green- lities and we're ticking over sentative). Union President. Tom Sat- berg. found guilty last Septem- financially. My priority for the were too high. A boycott of the terthwaite who was also haran- ber of embezzling L.5.000 from year is to increase student Dougie Thomson refectory was agreed in protest. Next the right wingers led by David Yellend (yell until he's blue in the face) attempted to press home GAY PROTEST AGAINST last months' OGM's defect of the striking miners lobby in a motion to ban miners collections from the Cinema REACTIONARY COUNCIL Union. words 'sexual Orientation' in its Their argument lost a little of its A demonstration protest- sending one coach and former impact when it was pointed out by President of Gay Sac, Graham equal opportunities policy. The ing against Rugby City councillors stated that they Bill Cooke that the offending CM- Moore commented: "It is very lectors were not actually in the Un- slashes Councils anti-gay policy is i mportant that as many people wanted to ban all gay people to take place tomorrow. ion building and so could not be as possible go on this because from the Town Hall. moved anyway. This has been organised in this is the test case for the Councillor Needham is re- response to the council's policy whole country," ported to have declared all prices to positively discriminate The Council's policy has re- homosexuals to be "vile and against gay workers applying sulted in widespread conde- perverted people" and Council- for jobs there. mnation after the September lor Keith Judge said that by Leeds University are so far decision not to include the including the words 'sexual orientation': "we shall give the `A' LEVELS ALTERED people of Rugby the idea that this Council welcomes all New revamped A-Levels background of students coming queers and perverts." have been given the go- into the University although it People who want to go on the ahead by University Vice will he realised there will be a demo should meet on the Par- Half-price tickets for students Chancellors.