Trinity Tops Ephmen, 27-0; Yavinsky Passes Lead

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Trinity Tops Ephmen, 27-0; Yavinsky Passes Lead VOL. LXII NO. 5 TRINITY COLLEGE, HARTFORD CONN. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1 1963 New Faces on Campus Trinity Tops Ephmen, 27-0; Deke Renovation Begins Yavinsky Passes Lead Way by BILL LINN play, as the Bantam forwards con- protection it gave Yavinsky as he tinually ripped gaping holes In the rolled out to exercise Ms option WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass,, Sept. Purple linea of passing or running. Not once 28 -- Rolling on all cylinders Aside from occasional forays by was. Merrill spilled for a loss behind their devastating new Jim Leitz and quarterback Doug as he faded to throw, and as often "I" formation attack, Trinity's Fearon, the Ephmen could not gen- as not he would find an inviting Bantams soundly trounced Wil- erate any kind of an effective hole straight ahead and plow liams, 27-0, today before anopen- attack. Thus their determined op- through it for Important yards. ing day crowd of 5,500 at Weston ponents from Hartford ruined the Field. The victory evened the head coaching debut of Frank Fenrich and right end Bruce Mac- series between the two rivals at Navarro. Dougall were the prime targets 11-11. for Yavinsky's tosses when he did Junior quarterback Merrill TOO MUCH CANNOT be said throw, but Oulundsen and Campbell Yavinsky spearheaded the assault about the performance of the Trin also dismayed the Ephs by turn- by throwing three touchdown pas- forward wall, particularly In the continued on Page 4} ses and scoring another himself, as he personally figured in 26 of the game's 27 points. Two of Yavinsky's TD tosses were caught SEPT. 30 — Construction by end John Fenrich for 12 and 11 started today on the addition and Cheerleaders yards, while the other was grabbed renovation of the Delta Kappa Ep- by halfback Bill Campbell on a 14- sllon fraternity house at98Vernon yard play. Street. To Spirit Rally Trin's superiority was evident The $55,000 alteration and ad- in' every important offensive de- dition is expected to be completed The Sports Committee, the partment. The Bantams piled up by the first of February. Cheerleaders, and the Pipes and 209 yards rushing to 57 for the The new front addition will house Drums will lead the first pep Ephmen, and led in passing by three new bedrooms, on the third rally of the 1963 football season 104 to 59, with Yavinsky com- floor, a first floor lounge and a on Friday, October 4, at 7:30. pleting 8 of 11 attempts. basement level dining room which Beginning at the foot of Vernon Street, the march will proceed will look out to a sunken terrace. CONTROLLING THE BALL the Renovation of the house will in- to Ogilby Hall, through theDownes Memorial Arch, and around the lion's share of the time, Trin had clude the building of two bath- a big 20 to 10 edge in first downs. rooms, a library, and a billiard quadrangle to the Bishop Brown- ell statue where coach Jan Jessee Halfback Terry Oulundsen was the room. Bantams' leading rusher with 59 Access and use of the present and members of the football team will speak. yards in 11 carries, mostly on house will be maintained while off tackle charges, while Camp- the addition is built. Renovation of Fraternities are asked to provide bell was close behind with 55 the present house will be done torches to light the line of the yards in 12 tries. Yavinsky, who A BANTAM TACKLE limits Williams' advance. So effective were during the Christmas vacation. parade, and it is hoped that a also rushed eight times for 39 the Jessemen that they held Williams to a total of 57 yards great number of students will par- Plans are not complete for the yards, accounted for 160 yards in rushing compared to 209 for the Bantams. (Kelsey Photo) improvement of the rear lot. Ac- ticipate. total offense. cording to member Jim Rowan, The rally is in preparation for plans call for either a Shakes- the St. Lawrence game, Saturday. While nothing should detract from pearean garden, a putting green, Both the Bantams and St. Law- Trin's fine effort, the Ephmen were Leader In NECAP Alleges or a parking lot. rence are undefeated teams since unquestionably flat and off on their timing for this opening game. The The architect is Gordon MacMas- St. Lawrence defeated Union 21- 19 in their first game, September jittery Purple fumbled no fewer NegroNorthEndA "Ghetto " ter and the construction is by than six times and recovered only Griffin Company, 28th. On the same day the Ban- tams walloped Williams 27-0. once. Second string lineman Rufus Sept, • 27 - Robert Mitchell '64, in the solution of this problem." It is hoped that this year's rally Blocksidge was a remarkable ball- and Peter Morrill '62, spoke about The white person lives in a com- Freshmen View will help to increase college spirit hawk for Trin, falling on two of the North End Community Action pletely segregated society and has during the season. these bobbles in crucial situations. Project in the third of a six week no contact with the North End, he On the day of the rally there will Williams sorely missed defensive "Trinity Last Summer* series. observed. Book Service be a home soccer game against aces Mike Reily and Al Hageman, NECAP was organized this sum- Mitchell listed segregation in SEPT. 30 -- President Albert MIT for which support is asked. both of whom suited up but did not mer said Morrill "to destroy the clubs, businesses, and advertising C. Jacobs said at the 141st Matric- myth that the Negro was indeed, as only a few of the places that ulation Service and Book Ceremony a second class citizen." contribute to the impasse. "All that it was "the symbol of ad- Discounters Force Closing He explained, "There are two posters show attractive white mission to the company of gentle- communities in Hartford--one rich people," he said, "never Negroes." men and scholars all over the and white, the other poor and "As long as we are willing to live world." Of Billyou 's Bookstore black," The Negro North End is with the problem, It will exist," de- The service, held this afternoon a "ghetto" added Morrill clared Mitchell. "NECAP opened by LEON SHILTON ers, Billyou wrote, "This confirms Because of the conditions that in the Chapel, started with an our experience" on, a reproduced the Negroes eyes to this. It broke academic procession of thirty- " have been forced upon the the conspiracy of silence, It was the last day, Saturday, article of the Wall Street Journal inhabitants of the North End, they eight of the faculty and administra- headlined "Specialty Book Shops "Each person must break his own tive staff... September. 28. The seven.people. have lost purpose and-fallen into- conspiracy of silence or < the prob- who browsedthroughsuchassorted Suffer as Discounters and Clubs the belief that they are meant to In the traditional Book Ceremony, Increase Sales." lem will continue for another thirty President Jacobs presented to. remaining.ivolumes as TheStudyOf be like this," he continued. years unchanged,", he stated,. Professor Lawrence Towle, Trees Made Simple, Cost Account- The article of Monday, August 26, NECAP was started by a few stu- During lastsummerNECAPpIck- Secretary- of' the• Faculty*' "The ing, The Old Order, or last spring's 1963 pointed out that although books dents to be a "community project" eted area businesses to find Book" which has been placed in the Trinity REVIEW selling at 95 are being sold at a record pace, and to clean up the North End. "visible jobs for Negroes" added hands of between ten and eleven cents, ignored what was going to direct mall sales account for 50 The organization marched and Morrill, thousand graduates of Trinity since per cent of all sales, and dis- picketed this pastsummerinHart- happen. counters were closing in on the On October third and fourth the Its founding in 1823. This presen- Only a prim, middle-aged man ford to help gain more jobs for series will continue with reports tation annually symbolizes the en- 1,400 stores which carry a good Negroes, particularly visible em- seem confused as he wandered selection of hardbound books. on "Trinity in Africa Last trusting to the faculty the care of around the bare shelves and looked ployment. Summer." the undergraduates by the admin- Maleham Black, the clerk on duty, The group hopes to obtain posi- as though he were mourning a lost said that the staple items, the best istration. friend. tions involving service to the pub- sellers which enable a store to lic for Negroes. The organization Dr. Jacobs pointed out that the Scott Billyou's book store, a make money, the "ones that nice Chapel history of the book began with favorite browsing place for Trinity "tries to show Negroes that they old ladies read," are being sold at can act, and It gives a new mes- Bishop Brownell the first presi- students and professors, was going the discount stores atprices which Chapel Talks dent of the College. It was his to close its doors at 4 p.m. for the sage of hope," explained MorrilL the established book stores cannot NECAP "tries to show that there Thurs. and Frl, 11:30 a.m. desire to have each student touch last time. After four years of pro- possibly meet. He Implied that the the Bible at the graduation exer- viding a market place at 123 Trum- is nothing wrong with being a "Trinity in Hartford's store could not manage financially Negro." tiorth End1' cises.
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