^ ^ -f

WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 19®8 1 uTSs# TWENTY-BIOHT tim iOaturlr^Btipr If^raUt Jolg 94. INS I a l V. • . W( Four from Town 13,700 About Town Mrtwbw at the Aodtt ■ttNsm of OIrealatfoa Dr. f i r TOililintim 9t Announce Engagements At Guard School Md. hM n tum id IfigtdiMwtoD— CU/y • / VaUgm Chmrm hc*n« aftir vMttnr Mi immMa, Itour Manohsstor man art Jitr. and Mm. WIWun TurMn^ mimbers of the Oonnictlctit Na­ Craft originals TOL. L X W r , NO. 214 «MI o( M Mgalow ft. HI la iMth tional Ouard Officer’s Tralnir (TWENTY PAGES) MANCEEBTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 29. 1965 (ClBBilflad Advarttotag aa F ags U ) PRICE SI Ito NlHoml InaUtutM c t RmUUi School at Camp Dempsey, ait Batttirta. Hia Ktfi, Mra. antic. ’Ihsy era being tnUnM create room individuality Maria BohlwK TurMtiglm, tor> to become National Guard of . *s •( Imiabruek, Auatrla, la ficera. Training indi Saturday. M m im k a with a Mimberi Of toe Junior clasi l^tOOluVOCnii WT9CiAll* are Stephen Shurkua of W Lin­ den St., Robert F. Kopta of 10 n ta Rar. M f Ahnatron, a Okfott St. and Alexander M. m M cliaij o< tlii FUadUfla Burgees IH of 10 Depot 8q. Churoh, Swaden, wM m aJ( to- Seldon L. Bogll of 31 River- Paratroopers from 101st nfgM at 7:10 at CWvmry Church, aide Dr. Is a member of the Hi haa b n n a mlarionary to cenior claaa. He le also a memt Motoo andana Spainapain andam aini ^ hi bar of the 184th MlUtory Police •widMi, Spanlah and BnglUh, I Company of the laeth Battalion, aooonimanywf himself ion thi Mancheater. aaoormm. I h iI puMiepuhHe la iavltid.; Mountain launil Chaptir of •wMt AdeUnea, Inc., will meet Special and nhiaiw i tomonww at • p.m. Go to War in Viet Nam at Kaat Hartford High School. REMINGTON HAND H m . engagement of Mlaap JWUot photop Lorina photo ADDING MACHINES Mary-BMin Chirk to Lynn The engagemont of Miss Jan­ The engagement of Miss Linda Subtraction—^FuU Keyboard Not for Breakfa$t Police Arrests Qlenn White, both of Manchee- ice Ann Fowler of Manchester M. Browning of Tolland to Alan f'-r ^ NEW YORK (AP)—Tif­ tor, haa been announced by her to Thomas J. Donlon of East S. Hunter of Manchester has $ 8 5 .0 0 fany's Fifth Avenue Jewel- Land Amid parenta; Mr. and Mrs. Harland Hartford has been announced been announced by her parents, O.8.T. Included era, plans to put two foun­ Flrkiy, IS, of ST Brook- B. Oarfc of 800 Center St. by her parents, Mr. and Mrs- Mr. and Mrs. Bradford J. tains In its window die- •eldleM St., was oharfid laat night Her fiance ia the aon of Mre. Delbert L. Carter of 3S7 Oak Browning of Patridge Lane, Tol­ Also Special On Eleetrta pteya. But water, pryclous wMi breach of peace. His flather New R aid Merton KIngrtey of Strong, St. land. . Adding Mncblnee Beauty . • « in thto city facing a short- polated a tlOO bond, and court Mlalne and Olenn White of Her fiance is the son of Mr. Her fiance Is the son of Mr. age, win not be used. m a a ra n o i la Aur. • In Man- Maine. and Mrs. Thomas J. Donlon at and Mrs. Leslie Hunter of 343 Tnie Typewriter Servloe Sofa, choir and toblo, from the A distUler wlH donate e n ^ e r aeealon of OhouK Court. Mias d a rk Is a graduate of Blast Hartford. E. Center St. Phone M9-d986 seven eases of gin to be re­ On R ebels FMlce say Flrkiy became collection of Craft orlginali, set the W x- Mioncheater High School and a Miss Fowler is a graduate of Miss Browning is a 1M4 grad­ o , ’ ■ circulated In the fountains. albualva when toM to atop kilter 1MB graduate of Middlesex Manchester High School. She is mood for contemporary. Free flow­ SAIGON, South Viet tat at the Oentar near tM Dug- uate of Stafford High School. Memorial Hospital School of employed In the data process­ She is a secretary at Purdy- out, a pool room. Nursing, Middletown. She Is on ing department at Pratt and ing ityle touched with the elegattee Nam (AP)—Paratro^rg Ferris' Cbrp., Manchestar. Hmr BtHn S* tow PriMSl of the 101st Airborne Divi­ the mneing staff at Middlesex Whitney, Divlaion of United Mr. Hunter is a IMS graduate 4*1 rwMwwef of richly grained solid wolnut State News Mensortsd Hospital. Aircraft Oorp., East Hartford. of Manchester High School and sion, successors to the Personal Nodees Mr. White was raiedlctoiian Mr. Donlon Is a recent gradu­ a IMI graduate of Ward’s Thick foam rubber for loftett seat­ Vorld War II heroes ate of Hartford Institute of Ac­ of hia otaee at Strong High School of Electronics, Rocky ing. Sofa eniemble tadudee twa Normandy and Bastog^ ^ SohDol and attended Pratt and counting and is employed at HWI. He is an electronic tech­ Several Fires 9 bi Memoriam WMtaey Apprendceehlp School, CooleyM and Co., brokerage cam and tlx throw plMowe. Tailored came to the war in South hi lorfeia BMmory at our tawiiand firm, Hartford. /.j nician at Pratt and Whitney, Viet Nam today. sad tMlwr, AjiUmm j How, who nsat Hartford. He jws recenUy West HartAnd. In your choice of designers* fabrics. psased Mrejr Julr IB, ISoOi oompletod a three-year tour of The umdding la planned for No date has been announced Under Study As 8,700 men of ths UUst’S aervici In U.S. Army. aviaticm, OcL a. tor the wadding., First Brigade began landing at _____Is a Oowr mar wahar. Coffee table base of sculptured Cam Ranh Bay, 180 miles north­ urmitot son mar set: Tstundng from Viet Nam last year. He ta employed at Pratt lit. I telid walnut with 60" crystal gtose east of Saigon, a UK. spokes­ tbs baarta Swt torad yua Saar- As Suspicious man laid giant BBS Jet bombers and WhMney, DtvMon of United SofI Field Day ‘ top. All designed by Adrkm Peorsall Ataotaft C o ^ , Oart Hartford. eegdaewaiw RwoWw^taT 1M Ham 0 STAFFORD SPRINGS of the U.S. Strategic Air Com­ WVa. Sob. HaiigWaMwtow. tlM w sddl^ la planned for mand dumped 000 tons of bombs To Attract 500 R. E. Wandell •mMwMlkmM , toll Twit It for Croft. . . originators of furnllum, oM m kyjm (AP)—A fire destroyed on suspected Viet Cong poalUoas Ang. M. fgllilsnsd ts mA St i m m int (HMsld photo by Plato) Ims lltaa kaO fvtaa. TWy give I fashions.__ an unoccupied farm house 86 miles southeast of Saigon. About DM periona from Building SaiMMito' Camp Kennedy Celebrates First Birthday early today in the fourth After the BBS raid —the alxtb throughout Connecticut are ex- m lutffcus. Thif Ism dsaf I in South Viet Nam by the Okina­ sSssI ww w dewdreegd, blaze battled by firemen in DMted to attend the annual C o n trac to r MMfdbr Asb. SRaMi i Sherry Keenan and Bruce Smith, volunteer counselors, carry in the water­ wa-based bombers — several Field Day of the Sons of Italy in the area during the night. thousand paratroopers ot the IVORYTON PLAYHOUSE Residential-Commercial JM Ml* tr I.tf J(m> M to melon being served to the campers by Teri Ivaniski of Jon-ly Coiffures at America Sunday at Rosemount Ml* MF ■•Mnwta bM *i4»toi Earlier in the night fires de­ 178rd Airborne Brigade began Restaurant, Bolton, it was an­ Aiterations-Remodeling Camp Kennedy’s first birthday party. Miss Ivgniski organized and .coordinat­ stroyed an abandoned house combing the hlUy area. By Ute Saturday Evening Tours nounced today by Louis P^azai *“Belanoa to the registered ed the hour-and-a-half long party, with eveiytning furnished by the hair­ trailer, a v a c u t house, and a today one Viet Cong bad been of Manchester, general chair­ **Bu8ine88 Built On TM of the Heberleln BEZZINI BROS dressers of the Manchester area. Story and otiier photo on page seven. barn In West Stafford. killed, another caj^red, and Tth. • Oeaa Baymoad ia "Di|doinatie man. Duse and' Matasinl Lodges Customer Satisfaction" PBtaot Cofp.” Fire Chief Forrest N. Burke thera were no U.S. casualties, are sponsorliig the event WAYSIDE FURNITURE said arson was suspected in the the spokesman reported. g. 14th. Walter PIdgaaa ta *T1ie Happleat MflUonalre” The ouUng win open with a series o t fires. North at the border, a UK. ribbon cuttlM ceremony at 11 Foil Insurance Coverage He requested an investigation Air Force RFlOl photo recon­ g. SSth. Shelley WInton ta ‘Whe'e Afraid of Vlrgtiila a.m. Mayor Froncls Mahonay of 519 E. MIDDLE TPKE.—AT THE 6REEN^49-1864 the state fire marshal’s o t- naissance Jet waa Shot down Woolf" 82 BALDWIN ROAD (jdsddojfL Manchester and Richard Morra, DRUG COMPANY Shot Kills White Youths %ce. while photographing one of the * Oatoato Hefan la n h e Oraaa U first selectoian of Bolton, wiU Tel. 644-0450 OPEN DAILY TO 9 PJ».—SAT. TO 5 P.M. In nearby WUIington Wednes­ two surface to air mlaalle sltee prsside at the ceremmy. After 5:00 P.M. / 901 Main S t—6dS-SSSl day, Fire Marshal Oldrlch Vona- attacked TUeaday by 44 fighter- John Ottavtono Jr., grand sek asked the state fire mar­ (AP piiDto(*a) bombers. THm pilot was prw COST: f l ,§ t Psr Person venerable of the national lodge; shal’s office to investigate four This picture of crater-covered Mars was released today by the National Aero­ sumed killed. Negroes Hold Off Protests house fires In WilUngton last Inelndlng Theater TM nt and Motorooaoh Transportation and Angelo Santanleho, grvul nautics end Space Administration. It was made from 7,800 miles. Area cov­ The site was 40 miles nortb* TMm Hartford to Imgrton and Return. venerable of the state lodge, month. west of Hanoi. A U.S. spoken- plan to attend the event t ^ .V I AM ERICUB, Ga. (A P)f«t^ with a group of whlte<^ Before the truce was de­ Vonasek described each of the ered 170 miles east to west, 150 miles north to south. North is at top. man said ttia weaixm used ao- J J fires as of "suspicious’’ origin. liv. Hartford, Batardaj Kveatag at 7:S0 P.M. from 100 — A young white man was youths at a filling station.Bti The clared, Negroes had planned an parenUy was conventional,1, OcMwtttatloB Plaaa. For Informattoa and Reaerratloi Can: station Is about three blocks economic boycott unless voting nitely not a missile killed by a shot fired trem from the Sumter County Court­ demands were met Agmcy formed The paratromrs who landad “■ 'V- ■ 'rs,-' * . house where 760 ]^egroea- had , Sheiw Ofusppeil said i«rmji(CAP)'-«4to f o t^ Staff of 81 at Cam Ranhnh BBay ay were ' greeted Z h I ^ e r s ^ begun an all^iltlit civil'Tlgra Whatley was igiot wlu) a plstoli of a wtadbam Regional Mars Like Moon, by tbe man who commanded OLOBE TIAVEL SERVICE g For Every Oceiulonl I i^ati< ui4 v i^ . I The youth waf given emergenc; was assured their division when it dropped SOS MAIN STREET I ,Turo N a ^ „ B ^ e m Mton it towti b y Into Nbtmandy to qwarboad the Poric HIH. . ------, Georgia town. mar and Chartes t^ e Hoplona, Invasion ot Franco, Umbswartor MANCHESTER, CONN. Negroes caUed a^M-hour truce - I ’ <4*1 C, t :-l. » - r .. . I; both of Americas, sms' balTfg 'Anmny. klxiui w mnes 84'^0«le gates Maxwell D. Taylor. TEL. 043-2165 Jove* Flowtr Shop I In demonstrations to glvs poUca (meuiitjr to jartioipate in the held on open charges. Where he died at g.a.tn. Life Improbable It wae one of Taylor’e last _ Next te Hartford " i ih: % time to Investigate the shooting S 1, ' Demonstratiems have oc­ The sheriff said Hopkins, o a t FliM.otiiM' Brta towns have HARTFORD (AP) — With 81 official acts In Viet Nam. Ha U U ■ National Bank ■ I af Andy WhaUsy, 31. curred daily here since July 30 ot the arrested Negroes, wa* A ora-O R A H A M TOURS, INC. ■ M l Main S t. Maaelmitair ■ already ■; 49pnwed th6 plan, stkff members eutbortzed, tbe leaves Friday to be replaced by US Hartford, Conn. - . ' ‘ Whatley, who Joined the when four Negro women were free at thd time of the BhooUai whioh. was lin t pfopoeed in on- WASHINGTON (AP)—^Latest -pictures of the planet Henry Cabot Lodga. Among the k S49r0791«-ddS-ldM M !'iliiit'-. I 1 1 Marines on Tuesday, was shot Jailed when they tried to vote In on a $6,000 bond on a charge « 84-delegate state constitutional MS-MM Mi M't'-*’:-. ' . ¥ - ■ W f:- "S f', tober SMK Mars disclosed that the planet-may be pockmarked by arrivals a Taylor’e eon. shortly after midnight as he a whltes-only line. manufactuHng and poesesaing convention meets at noon today m w m m m m Under state law, at lesiit sixty to finiih its organisational bust up to 10,000 craters, and that it appears to be more Thomas, an intelUgtaica offioar { :i! t'- r ' ' '. m \ illMal whisky. ^ per cent of the towns proposed with the brigade. ■« 4 Gov. Cart E. Sanders, reached ness. like the moon than the earth in its surface features. ,-A't •- B' for the agency must approve be­ This was disclosed today The landing came leee than 34 In Minneapolis, Mlnn.i where he fore it. can be form wy estab­ The convention is expected to is attending the national gover­ adjourn after today’s meeting Space agency scientists in a re­ Biit the fact that the photos hours after President Johnson lished. port to the White House. The announced U.S. forces in Viet nors conference, said he Is re­ The other towns that have ap­ until after public hearings are Indicate Mare never had any i turning to Georgia for a .full re­ conducted taroughout the state report covered findings on 18 oceans or significant quantities Nam would be Increased from Woman Bears Quints proved are Mansfield, Wind­ previously unpublished photo­ 76,000 to 136,000 men. But a U.S. port. ham, Lebkhoh, Ashford, and |n August. of water makes the prospect of L L i -?;■ 1 !' Wednesday’s session in the graphs taken by Mariner 4 on finding life on Mars "less prom spokeaman said transfer of the ■ i I t- >am going to have my men Chaplin. T h t oUher towns to be come In from the field and let State Capitol was mainly de­ Us epochal voyage to the planet. Ising, ’’ he said. brigade waa part of a six-battal- include. "* / quints weighed aroimd four men were rescued today within $2,000; and $300 each for 10 "a little bit relieved your photo­ would deploy Initially around- girl died. Two girls and a boy ' V ' 'T J.. -ya pounds each. Status of Women minutea after their 44-foot fish­ pages. ameter from three to 76 miles. graphs didn’t show more signs Cam Ranh Bay to provide secu­ were still alive. The newspaper Expressen ing dragger struck some rocks The six Democratic delegatee He said that if the rest of the of life out there.” rity for 2,BOO U.S. Army engi­ The hospital, withholding the reported the Falim mother had outside the harbor here early from the 6th Congressional dis. planet is like the area photo­ He said he felt this way be- neers who are building a port at /■ woman’s name, said the quintu­ been treated for a hormone Is Capital Topic today and Muik in SB feet of trict, Litchfield County and sec­ graphed by Mariner during a cause he belonged to the gen. one of South Viet Nam's finert plets wsrs bom U. weeks pre­ deficiency by Prof. Carl-Axel water. tions of Hartford County, will period of 26 minutes, there eratlon which writer-actor-pro- maturely. Gemsell of Uppsala University. By FRANCES LEWINE The two men were picked up elect a new delegate today to must be "more than 10,000 cra­ ducer Orson Welles “scared out (See Page Bight) ,'/// -1 They were the second set of WASHmOTON (AP) — The from a rowboat by another succeed Mayor James P. Ouey ters compared to a mere hand­ of its wits" with a reeJlstic ra­ aulnte to be bora this week. Prof. Oamsell confirmed that he had administered the drug status of women has been the dragger after they, had radioed qf Bristol, who died last week. ful on the earth." dio broadcast during the 1980’s Four glrto and a boy were bom a distress message before their Leighton said evidence from of an Imaginary Invasion of i# i to the Falun woman. topic of discuBSion at three ma­ The following schedule 01 pub­ tUesday to Mrs. Samusl Law- He said he did not himself own boat sank. lic hearings on convention pro­ the ^otographs "neither dem­ earth by Martians. •*\ 'j gon, who received the same hor­ treat the New 2Sealand Woman jo r meetings In Washington this Rescued were John Roderick, posals Is expected to be ap- onstrates nor precludes the pos­ At another point, Johnson Bulletins mone treatment, in Auckland, but that the drug had been week. skipper of the ?*WlUiam B’’, and sibility of the existence of life" : i) Rew Zealand. There are three flown there from Uppsala. Some 6,000 women from 33 Kenneth Santos, a crewman. (Bm Page Eight) on the planet. (Bee Page Eight) f-F! ether sets of quintuplets known countries are In on the act Both are from Stonlngton. ta be living. TMs treatment of Infertile Mrs. Elisabeth Carpenter, They were picked up by the OOVEBMOatS PICK R eE D . The Auckland quintuplets women consists of adminlS' press secretary to tha first lady, "Gannett," a dragger out of Alter ■ » terlng a drug produced from calls It "a status explosion.’' Nerw Haven ek^mered by Frank MINNEAFOUS , M la^t hormones from the human pltul' After a slow start, she aays, Oreo of 318 Dodge Ave., East (AP)—^The Natfoael Ctov*“ tary glands at the base of the "our country la making room Haven. eraore Conference Inetalled your sister, Coinless Reno brain. for mom." Roderick said he was con- Thant Pronlises Peace Try OOP Oov. John H. Read oC The treatment Is reported And, . dlscusaing the talent fused by a buoy which normaUy Maine as Its new chairman to­ auccessful in about 10 per cent UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. day in a ZZ-20 vote that out To Try Tokens search President Johnson has flashes hut which waa shining (AP) — Secretary-General U . ot the cases treated. Experts been conducting to find women steadily today. He said he across party Unee. Republi­ 2 brotiier-in-law, f thought the light wae aboard a Thant promieed "most serious cans had oppooed Use oele». For Gambling (Oonttaued from Page Om ) (Bee Page Three) ship. When he sought to avoid conslderaUtm" today to Presi­ tlon of Reed becauee the ae« hitting what he thought was the dent Johnson’s bid for more tipn overturned their provloos iuo(li(T-in-law, RENO, NBv. (AP) — As Har­ ship, hia own boat struck sub­ U.N. efforts to get the Commu­ agreMneat on Qova. John A>« old Smith Jr. says, “there’s no merged rocks. nists to negotiate for peace In Love ot Colorado and Mark ‘ •ubsUtute for money." But two The boat sank south of Lord'* Viet Nam. O. Hatfield of Oregon as their dear old I iiel(‘ Nat(‘ of Nevada’s biggest gambling Red Plans Sunken Wall Passage about IH miles from Johnson made his request In a caucus nominees. The OOP oasinos are ready to give It a the Stonlngton breakwater. letter delivered Wednesday by got help from Bontheni end whirl anyway. Arthur J. Goldberg when the Bome other Democrats in a and rieli Aunt (JuuioUa Uarolds Club will begin using Given Sentences new American chief delegate to vote titat ellmased a atofuif ohrome-plated tokens In silver To Seal Berlin Better the United Nations presented eesalan. 9 dollar slot machines, probably WATBRBURY (AP) — Julius his credentials to Thant. next week, Smith, aon of the BERLIN (AP) — Refugeeawall nine feet high and almost Gibson, 19, of Waterbary, ao' A U.S. apokeeman said Thant THANT TO R'SFI.T all say, olub's founder, says. Bol by Judge Harold In the day. and tckjaok0 and orap'tablee for East German soldlara, the Com sign and landscaping." "Your efforts In the past to Ingtoa later la peare. The ohlpe are as good es muiUst regime idana lo onoirols Haokbarth su d thithe Rede Missal on breach of peace find some way to removt that eonoelvaMy wouldroald get the That*s what our new Famijy Banking Service is here for; to lend you money when you . West Berlin oomplataly with Its started their project last fan charges. dispute from the battlefield to letter from Thant at a hinm money almost any place In Several policemen were In tawn. One chib'e ohlpe nonrnelly modem border’ by 1970, The and have not progreaead very the negotiating table are much eon both were to attoMi nS need it..,*to lend you a helping hand with all your money problems. Another good thing, Idea !■ to remove all barbed far, lured as they tried to take the appreciated and highly valued tlw Bovlet VM. mlwdtm. een be exchanged for money at three Into oustody, A crowd another' casino. wire and the present wall from "But wherever they oomplete by my goverament. 1 trust they : too^our intorest rates are low andyour rdativea wiU never know. If ^ou need numoy now, around West Berlin." It, it will be more dltfloult wan gathered and poUoa were pelted will be continued. HEATH BEEKB OUT But the law says metal tokens with brioks and bottlei. come intandaskf m ask for iti We like to B a y , **YES.” eannot be used ae legal tender, Pointing to a aeotion of the ever for refugees to got aoroes," "Meanwhile, as I stated pub­ LONDON (AP) — PrtDtl "modern border" already built he added. licly last April, the goverament Clean noted foUowlng a confer- m ntoter Harold WOeoe m t > . erne with club owneri thla along the Zehlondorf frontier, U the Information given by Seeks Separate Trial of the United States Is prepared ehengee weeds la HeMa ed TMK CONNBCTICUT BANK AND TRUST COMPANY weak, and must ba olroul*^ Haokbarth eaidt the refugee eoldlore ta oorreot,fit, HOUSTON, TiK. (A Pl-Jam ee to enter Into narotilUauona for "Tlisy will put up an ordinary Walter Ulbrloht'e 'Oommunlrt peacefulsaoeful isettlement without oon- Oommoae fee Bret aniy within tha oaatno which Miller of Orange, Conn., one ot Conservative oppoeltloa'e new J TMB SANK THAT NKOVISBS A QOMPtBTB PAH^HY SANKINS SBKVICB j wire fence where tha barbed regime appears to have had ■oven men aoOueed of taking dlUone, That remains our poll- lesuad thaft). wire — and perhaps the wall — ■eoond thoughto about the looks leader, Bdwierd Heath. Tha ' ievaral othar oealnoa era in- part In an Inteimational doge oy. tnhjeot■nhjeot waa Vial Nam n a i* now stand, m the middle of a ot the barbed ^wire and wall that ■muggllng ring, 1hae aeked i "And as X stated in San Fran- taraatad In using tokana In elot oloarsd strip BOO yards wide, BOW surround Waet Berttn. HtoUh ealled eh WUewi •I «p ntohinae, tha gaming triad eeparately, oleoo laat month, we hope that ftw a 11 N. MAIN ST. 191 MAIN ST. MANCHIfTB PARKADI **— —‘ " -r*T“ ..... - n il inr jniMHg^ mUU Ihe tokena were author- they will dlig a broad trench, A eunken wall would not he eo One Of the ■even eei euepaoto la the members of the United N»> i; and Inside It on the aide toward apparent to vMton from the • T im ). West Berlin wUl be n oemant oSfaMe wmM. (Bee fH t llihta (lee Tafe Uevea) Goldberg ,(R) Gives LBJ Letter to T huit

A c in o H


KAaS TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 29. 1965 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1968 PAGE Coinless Reno Sheinwold on Bridge Bolton Full Home South dsster Status of Women Woman Bears Quints To Tiy Tokens BREAK DRT'fNBIVE R l'tK Both sldss vulnarable TO UEOEIVB DECLARER NORTH Is Capital Topic UsImytoniiM^ Hears Last For Gambling A I04> School Rd» Subdivision The Baby Has ^ 4 :f: By ALFRED ■HjOINWOLB (OonOaoee frem Pag* Om ) would rather fight After Hormone Use •"Third hand high Is the time- n rQ10941 Of Concerts (COatlaued from Fata Ona) honored rule for defensive play. Granted First Approved for top fovenu n sn t Jobs, aha than swrtlchr WEST oommantsdi <8aa Fags ^ a ) has been receiving hormones lied by the 1965 legtslature, pro­ When you are third to p^lay a R Q872 A K95 Been Named ••• By JOHN GRUBER but I do not deny It. We are trick you try to win ? viding each dealgn was ap­ 5 kI52 ©J74 Tha planning commlsalont tlse will be at tha alamantarjr "All It really takas to find a (HOW FUT CAN VOU SHOW HIM THE WAV TO A FACKT) A capacity audience listened say tha dosage of the hormone writing up Mra. Lawson's cast proved by the board. you'cannot win, you play o u (Ivan prshminai^ approval as a matter of urgency for pub­ to force out an even higher oaro 0 * . $ A7S sch(x>l, but ha will aim supartpr woman is a auportor to the final concert of the Hart­ Is so critical that too much can Silver dollars have virtually X 10852 A JtlS for a 17-lot subdivision on tha Junior and aantor high man and hts confidanca." lication in the medical Journals dlaappaared from Navada casi­ from the fourth, player’s hand SOUTH ford Feotlval of Music last eve­ cause multiple blrthe. of New Zealand and Australia 0ns of the many >’*»*®bs to School Rd. to the UAR con- sohooi chorusaa. Soma of tha top man In gov­ ning at Trinity. In fact It was They say the dosage required nos sines the great run on cart- A A J6 Spencer was bom In WUU- h a r t m e iie MoOInley, Christin* Carol, daufhttr of Michael and and In Britain." wheals In the spring of 1944 by br»ak this rule Is to deprive A 6 J ■truotlon Co., subject to the ernment, called on to make over-capaotty and some people for each Individual varies and ’Tht Sun quotsd an expert on mantio in 1941, graduated from apaaches at this week's eonvan- B Nanoy Dumas McQInley, 58 Meadow Lane. She was bom collectors and apaculators. dummy of w •"‘'T; . J 6 S submission of a tentative lay- KHIIngly High Itohool and from ( July IT at Hartford. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. u'ere seaUd in the orchestral that there it no certain method hormone treatment In Sydney Opening lead — Two of hearts. . AKQ4 lend not tlona of tha National and Inter­ of determining exactly how as saying It waa successful in The larger oaalhoa saved what W^it led the deuce of hesrts, I Danbury State OoHege In 1966 national Fadsratlona of Busl- I,and Mrs. J. Douglas Dumas of 58 MeadowiLane. Her pa- pit of Goodwin Theater while silver dollars they had for use In SoeA Wsst North loi( Immediately to be developed. with a major In music educa­ tftam al grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James McQInley of the orchestra and ohorus oc­ much hormone la required to about one of 10 oases of tnfertlls declarer played the nine from 1 4i Psss 1 0 Pm TOe subdlvUion will be called and Professional Woman produce an ovum. women. the dollar slot machines. dummy, and Bast played low. If 2 NT Pass 3 NT An Mountain View." tion. He Is doing graduate work and tha conference of 44 state ' Hartford. Her maternal great-grandparents are Mr. cupied the stage. More than 28.000 slot ma­ at the Yale summer school In Eland Mrs. A. A. Barnes of Warwick, R.I. Her maternal Orchestra and chorus, under Gemiell was not available for In Melbourne, Dr. J.B. Brown East followed the old rule he At a public hearing on the governors’ commissions on the comment. of the endocrine unit at the Roy­ chines gulp coins around the advanced theory and ensemble •tatus of women, are getting a • I j^at-grandm other Is Mrs. Margaret Dumw of Providence, the baton of Robert Brswley, clock In Nevada. ’The tax on would play the Jack of h“ ^ nnyosad subdivision last night, seemed at their peak of the sea­ The Sydney Sun'e report said al Women's Hospital said hla and South would win with the all surt to to so if ho had the m b ert Murdock represented rformancs. He la married and bit self-conscious. m Mra. Lawson volunteered to department processed the hor­ their winnings accounts tor 9 acc. South would then get back a one ohUd. Secretary of Labor W, Willard ’ ..... son, and perhaps due to the per cent of the staU’s general Jack. It waa thorefora mors Itka- the construction company and K *' Montes, Robert Ralph, son of Richard W. and Barbara large crowd, acoustics seemed take the hormone a year ago mone extract — known as gona- to dummy with either the or ly that East had tha king of Hayden Griswold Jr,, town Public Records WIrtz said hs’s thl/iklng of LU after she had experienced diffi­ datrophin — which waa sent to fund ravemie, the gaming board the queen of hearts to run the hearts than tha Jaok. Warrantee deeds; UAR Hous­ speaking on the topis'; "Dino- 1 1 Lakson Montos, Box 120 A, RFD 2, Coventry. He was bom better last evening than at pre­ says. consulting engineer, outlined f ' July 18 at Hartford Hospital. His maternal grandmother Is vious concerts, culty in becoming pregnant, and the Auckland hospital laat Octo­ diamonds. Following this raasonlhg. the plan. No adjoining prop­ ing Corp. to Norman C. and eaurs. Dodo Birds, Whooping JlMrs, Charles Lobban of Post, Tex. His paternal grandpar- Johann Christian Ba<^ was was one of 15 such volunteers in ber. East’s actual play of the low South tried a flnosaa with dum­ erty owners were present, but Lola M. Ouellette, property on Cranes and Males." f ! ents are Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Nevers of East Hartford. a research unit at the National Brown said that as a result of heart at the first trick tempted two curious resldenU from Mt. Simmer; WllMam J. and And he paraphrased a famous the first composer to find rep­ my's ton of hearts. This gave Fay C. Lee to Joaeph R. and ' ' He has three brothers, Michael, 6: and Thomas and Undsey, resentation on the program. Women's Hospital. the drag, twins had been born to Library Urges South to play a low heart from the defenders three heart trloks, nearby attended. • quotation; "There's always a EI|>4. and a sister, Michele, 5. The Sun qubted a professor of a woman In Sydney, although his hand. This would give him The proposed development H. Lorraine Morrom, property great man following a great Mr. Brawley has always been obstetrics and gynecology at the only one survived; and twins and It was then easy for them on ToMand Rd.; Herman O. and woman.” II . . . . . happy In hi.s readings of mu­ Duck’s Return two heart tricks but would leave to defeat the contract. ^11 have four lota on Hebron !;•! Mullanev. Mary Tereaa. daughter of Robert L. and Joan hospital, B.G. Bonham, as say­ had been bom in Adelaide. no entry to the dummy. The dia­ nd., one on the comer of Heb­ Thelma Smith to Joaeph Nei- The men were In the minority sic In the "style galant” and ing : ”We are under Inatructlon.s He said he had been using Dally Question man, and Joaeph Neiman to JI Wrightson Mullaney, 199 Woodland St. She was bom July last night was no exception; monds would not come In, and - Partner opens with one chib, ron and School Rda., and the Wednesday night at a State De­ H118 at St. Francis Hospital, Hartford. Her maternal grand- not to discuss any medical as­ gonadatrophtn since April 1963, A small ceramic duck, -valued South would make only eight Lawrence F. Flano, property in partment dinner for some 400 there was excellent balance, pect of Mrs. Lawson's case. and so far seven childless wom­ and ttie next player poosea. You remainder on School Rd., to Roeedala; John U and Janet B. !! father Is George F. Wrightson of Turners Falls, Mass. Her nne attention to detail and highly for sentimental reasons, tricks. hold: Spades, K-O-Si Hearta, J- within 178 foot of RL 85. delegates to the status of wom­ , ■ paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J.,Mul- Therefore I cannot confirm she en had become pregnant. Sees Trap Henley to Carl B. and BMe M. en conference and presidential great sincerity In the per­ has been stolen from the Mary 7.4; Diamonds, A-T-S; Clubs, J. There Is Interior land In the Nyatrom, proporty on Fern- »' lanoy of East Hartford. She has two brothers. Michael formance of the compoeer’s Cheney Library, apparently South saw the trap and there­ B-l-8. What do you say? pacccl, but UAR does not pro­ talent scout Johiuwn W. Macy I! I Lawrence, 2, and John Robert, 1. • fore won the first trick with the wood Dr.; George E. and LU- Jr. said it was "so glorious I Symphony In B-flat. smuggled out In a briefcase or Answer; Bid one notrump. pose to develop It at this time, lian J. Parsons to Nathan O. I, ...... ace of hearU. He led diamonds according to Murdock. Because hope we can perpetuate It.” '' I C roft Durward Kesinelli, son of Robert and Elisabeth Contrast to the rather early under a fold of clothing. and continued the suit until East This should show a good hand, AgoatineUi, property in Bolton Baoh work was provided by 90^Day Extension Granted The duck was part of a col­ either 8 to 10 points In high of the shape of the parcel, Lake Shores; Daidd L. and He's the man who's been us­ I Vaughn Croft, 74 Union St. He was bom July 17 at Hart- Honegger's “Concerto da Cam­ took the third diamond. East re­ back lots along one aeotlon ing a romputer to help find men 2 t ' ford Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. lection of art objects presented turned a club to South’s queen, cards or 9 to 11 points, depend­ Marion B. Kni^mt to Edward A. era” for flute, English hom and to the library by the late Miss ing on partnership agreement. could not bo used without an and Gertrude Badyra, property — $n lOiOS Makes Donations the Manchester Cl'vU Air Patrol at the barbecue to try badmin­ WUsoB, Lori Lyn. daughter of Harold Sr. and Austeen theless the results are far from Weekend. "Harlow” 1 :S0-4;9M:49- that they would range in coat evlrion station and a community People Are All Talking About convincing: there was little or proved as reliable os the West “Thii TniHi About I S:1S; "Iniomnla’’ S:SS-4:1M:4S from $18,000 to $22,000. and his wife. ton, croquet and even football, Chambers Wilson of 27 Cook St. She was bom July 21 at STATE antenna televlsloMbystem. Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandmother no strength to the music, for Indiana. In other business, the«com- Mrs. Robert Lllley, president The youths are making a games they had never before This extension in especially Spring" mlssion read a copy of a letter of the Manchester YWCA’s New­ In handing down the 5-2 deci­ week-long visit lif the state. To­ heard of. Is Mra Edith McSfullln of 89 Ridge St. Her maternal grand­ all Its facility. In the end the — Color — father Is Austin Chambers of 32 Byron Rd. Her paternal works sound^ like mis-shapen welcome since " most of the sent to the selectmen by the comer's Club, today announced sion Wednesday the FCC made day they left for Groton where Mrs. Gebhard said several youths hired on a temporary Holoy Mills conservation commission, sug­ that proceeds from ’’Light Up clear It waa reserving the right they will vlalt Mystic Seaport, girls from a Hartford insurance , grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fremont Wilson Sr. of 152 madrigals. Joinea McArthur n School St. Her maternal great-grandmother is Mrs. Martha Final number on the program basia for tobacco work will be gesting that an inter-commlsslon the Sky," a play sponsored by to Investigate any caaee of the Groton submarine base and company, where she Is em­ Nowark of 89 Ridge St. Her maternal great-grandparents was Haydn’s “London” Sym­ disappearing from the fields in Enjoy thoso BOLTON committee be aet up with rep­ the club last spring, would be abuse that come to Its attention. ployed, Joined the barbecue are Mr. and M ra David Chambers of 68 Hollister St. She phony and again Mr. Brawley about four weeks. It will be al­ resentatives from the planning, used to ‘benefit a variety of The FOC said the decision and demonstrated for the ca­ GRINDER KING LAKE HOTEL "Friday has two brothera Harold Jr., 8, and Olenn Alan, 4; and a was happily in control of the most impossible to replace them conservation, and school boards. causes. followed a 15-month study of the dets some lively American i^ter, Melanee Ann, 9. music. He seems to possess a with locally recruited adult la­ Nitt Fish DInntr •The committee would get pop­ The Child Guidance Clinic of possibility that common owner­ dances. The boys gave a sample ..... peculiar affinity for music of bor. In Connecticut, the grow­ FRANK’S CAFE ulation figures and predict Manchester received a dona­ ship might lead to abuses of their native dances. English, WHBUS IS IT? Oarrler, Donna Lynne, daughter of Robert Harding the late 18th and early 19th ing season Is generally over by Specials" ovtriooking growth, based on available data. tion of $78 and the National threatening competition in In varying degrees, was the centuries. So we heard a most mid-September and warehouse plus Sophia Loren The Family Reatauraat If the selectmen request that Hemophilia Association, $60; a J ; and Phyllis Ann Crepan Carrier of 26 Wetherell St. She broadcasting. language for the evening. enjoyable performance of a operatloris usually dominate the "The MUUonalreas” bisautiful Bolton Loka the planning commission look Polaroid camera was presented was bom July 23 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her ma­ CORNER MAIN and FEARL Dissents came from Commis­ Mrs. Gebhard noted that the 17A SPRUCE STREET ACROSS FROM COLONIAL AFTS* ternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs, Charles F. Crepan of thoroughly well-known sym­ work by mid-October. Into the matter, the commission to the Kennedy Day Camp for air cadet training in Turkey phony. Yet for all its familiar­ Mark Kravitz of the Shade East Windsor from our Torroeo Room. will suggest that committee Retarded Children and tews sioner Kenneth A. Cox and 265 TImrod Rd. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and EVERY FRIDAY Chairman B. William Henry. appeared to be tougher than It Mrs. Harding Carrier of 649 W. Middle Tpka ity. the music sounded fre.sh and Tobacco Growers’ Agrricultural chairmen and those responsible were purchased and given to the la here. One of the boys has ..... sparkling, quite undamaged by Association, who received the iJRIVt-IN »oi'M 5 Twin Lobsters, Shrimp New- Lemon Sole, Lobster Saute, for the school enumeration be Playschool of the Manchester Henry said he favored forbid­ NEXT TO FOLY-CLEAN CENTHI RAKED STUFFED Seafood Marinaro, Saute ding common ownership in already completed 200 hours of Harrison, Timothy Andrew, son of Robert H. and Diane the pa.sstng of centuries. nerws of the extension this burg. Fried Clams, Broiled called together to arrange a YWCA. flying. SmachetU Harrison of 19 Moore St, He was bom July 22 at An enthusiastic audience ac­ morning, said that, although Longosttnos, Silver Smelta, census. Commission members large conununitles and permit­ JUMIO SHRIMF Twin Lobsters With Drawn Crab Meat Au Qratln, Com­ ting it under certsdn conditions The East Hartford woman Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal gTWUlpwwts corded Mr. Brawley and the >sKS'sr; Butter, Salmon Steak, Rain­ agreed that a census ih between are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smaohetti of 101 Summer St. His performers a staiuling ovation bination Seafood Plate, Bak­ the ten-year govehiment censua- in smaller places. said she Joined the local aquad- paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. Donald Harrison of at the close. t'liM'i ^ u . • bow Trout With Anchovle ed Shrimp and Clams, Regu­ er, the last of which was In I960, roo at the suggestion of her 15 Griswold S t 1.50 Butter, Halibut Steak, Baked lar Broiled Lobster With would be a good Idea, Local Stocks WASHTNCTON (AP) — The son, one of six, who is a mem­ U ..... Area Weather Stuffed Shrimp. Soft Shell Drawn Butter, Special 8 The planning commission will Army has decided to abandon ber of the squadron. Aatoaios, DiaBe Mary, daughter of Ibraham and Lila Fresh breads and IMS- Croba, Fried Shrimp, Boston Pound Lobster With Drawn Invite the Democratic candi­ the Mauler air defense missile Her husband has had i Amary Antonio# of 137 School St. She was bora July 22 a t WINDSOR LOCKS (API — m iM M M . tries made daily. ------Scrod.. Lobster■ NeNewburg, Butter. dates to the commission to sit Qnotatlons Famished by project on which it has spent varied background In airplanes. Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents Morning sunshine will give way At Reg. Low Price $1.00 In on meetings. Michael Sheri­ Dempsey-Tegfler Oo„ Ino. $200 million. It estimated that I He was with the Air Force In are Mr. and Mrs. Rasmy Amary of Amman. Jordan. Her pa­ to mostly cloudy skies in Con­ Children Under 12 Free Featuring Daily Specials DANCING dan, already serving an unex­ Nembers of New York another $l8p million would have ! Europe during World War EC. ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Eliaa Antonios of i^nonti pired term, is a candidate. Dav­ Stock Exchange been needeU to complete devel­ After the war he attended the necticut today. ’’Sandpiper" Shown First plus "Herooles, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Beirut Lebanon. She has a brother, Joseph AI, 14 mcmths. Very cool temperatures are id Mlnicuccl la a new candi­ Bank Stocks opment. School of Aeronautics in New ..... Tonight Sampson, U lyas^ As Always York. He is a licensed airplane reported over southern New Legal Beverages date. Bid Asked "Technical difficulties asso­ White, Clayton Edward, son of Charles Burnett and England, with most sections In Gates Open 7:30 P.M. East Hartford fhe new The commission Is also seek­ Conn. Bank and ciated with mounting a fire con' engine mechanic. Carol Jane Smith White of Stuart Dr., Tolland. He was bom the 80s and a tew in the very She gave men ing ’’advisora." Chairman Trust Co...... 70 '7 2 trol radar and guided missile Harry H. Gebhord Gebhard, now employed by July 22 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal DRIVE-IN «ouu 5 TEL. 649-5544 James Hassett said the com­ Hartford National Mercer and Dunbar in Hart­ L cool upper 40s. launcher on the same vehicle the Cbaet Guard Academy in grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Smith of Hunting- a taete of Hfd mission used to have quite a Bank Co...... 55H 56 caused significant delays and ford, expects to increase the ton, Coim. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. ■ ’Today’s weather will be al- few Interested townspeople at New London. moet a carbon copy of Wednes­ that BOLTON LAKE HOTEL Fire Insuranoe OompaalM increased costs,” the Army an' Yesterday'fl barbecue, a t(ypl- actiiritles of the local squadron, A ^ u r M. White of Milford. He has two brothers, Charles Its meetings, taking part in dis­ Hartford Fire ... 66 66% nounced Wednesday. which has currently 26 mem- Jr., 4, and Chrtsto^er, IHl and a sister, Cathleen, 2H- day’s, starting aunny but turning made cussions and offering their opin­ cal American one with hot doge ..... mostly cloudy this afternoon. ROUTE 44-A—BOLTON, CONN. Maas. General . . . 17% 18% The Mauler 'waa to protect bera The squadron provides air them ions, but that not many have Phoenix Fire . . . 58% 59% and hamiburgora, was given by space education for children. I Hlnea, Catherine Ann, daughter of Richard W. and Some of the clouda will build 4th SMASH Wl come to meetings recently, front-line troops against high­ Mr. and Mra. Harry Gebhard at up Into showers or thundershow- hunger life and Indemnity b s . Cos. speed enemy aircraft and short- Its activities include a week- ' Catherine MacMillan Hines of 26 Salem Rd. She was bom Teochent Hired Aetna Life ...... 69% 60% their Blast Hartford home. long visit to an Air Force base. I July 24 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal ees which should be a little BBMnHTWUm UCHNCRMTON M l range missile and rockets. more numerous and heavier for The staff of the Bolton Conn. General . 181 133 GdUhard, 'who has been 'with grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. D. B. MacMillan of Wind- ■Chools is nearly complete, ac­ Hfd Steam Boiler 143 148 One reason the Army cited for the local squadron for two > ham. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William than those of Wednesday. morel ^ C H E S T E R ’’Cinderella” Shown 1st abandoning the project 'was that BUT SMAR'fER, MAYBE 7 The weather is being In­ cording to PhHlp Llguori, su­ Security Ins. ... 44 45 yeairs, waa named the new com­ S J. Hines of WiUlmantic. She has a sister, Kelly Lynn, 3. perintendent. A home economics Security Insurance simpler and cheaper new sys­ manding officer last week. He DES MOINES, Iowa — In ..... fluenced more by a large storm Each Evening At 8:86 tems for forward area air de­ system in the upper atmoephere teacher and a music teacher of Hartford ... 16% 16% was formerly executive officer, the past 20 years the average ' WMte, Beth Ann, daughter of Edwiard and Patricia have been hired recently, and a 36% fense are being developed. educational level of U.S. farm > Mascola White of 161 School St. She was bom July 21 at than by any surface fe^ure. Travelers ...... 36 hto. Gebhard, information sec­ The upper storm ^ te m , cen­ part-time art teacher, to be PubUo UtUIUee retary for the squadron, has laborers has not improved. Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents shared with Columbia, Is the Conn Light Power 37% 88 WASHINGTON (AP) — An E are M ra Anthony DlManno of 57 Ardmore Rd. and Joseph tered over eastern (Janada, has [OHT" Spun of Laughter, Music increase of 26,587 in the nunaber a Mascola of Hartford. Her paternal grandmother is Mrs. forced unusually cold air aloft AIK ( o\ninoNH/ only remaining vacancy. Hartford Gas 0>. 51% 65% 7:00 - 9:15 I Mrs. Marilyn Y. Bishop of So. New England of civilians on federal govern­ » Eleanor White of Hartford. She has two brothers, Eklward, southward over the northeast. SUNDAYS 1 and Magicl'^ ment payrolls during the fiscal 1 7 and Danny, 3; and a slater, Cheryl, 9. This in turn makes the atmos­ S:00 - 4:80 - BURNSIDE Wapplng will teach home ec­ Telephone Co. . 53% 64% ..... onomics, replacing Miss Sara Maanfactoring Companies year Just ended was reported phere very unstable and pro­ 6:20 - S:80 I HI I I A V I I N i , M - . . m T D I S N E Y S WUllaims, who reaigned to get Allied Thermal .. 48 52 today by SenV Harry F. B j^ , D- REPEAT OF OUR FRIDAY SPEOAL I Hull, Jennifer Lynn, daughter of Raymond H. and duces the a/teraoon cloudinesn Va. I Carol Vander Zee Hull of C^eir Swamp Rd., Coventry. and showers Connecticut has married and eventu^ly move to Arrow, Hart, Heg 60% 61% She was born July 20 ait Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her been experiencing. Ghana. Barden ...... 18% 19% But moat if not all the In­ , maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vander Zee Smnewhat drier and more Mrs. Bishop was bom In Bristol Brass .... 8 : 8% crease may have' resulted from I of Clifton, N.J. Her paternal grandmother Is Mrs. Viola stable air la expected to move Hartford, graxiuated from Coleoo ...... 16% 16 President Johnson’s directive to TUNA FISH GRINDER { Hull of Netcong, N.J. Her maternal great-grandfather is from the Great Lakes Into the TECHNICOLOR* Windham High School In 1949 Colonial Board find Jobs for young peoide under I Henry Bcherllng of Clifton, N J. She has a sister, Janet Lee; Connecticut area tonight. This CENTER RESTAURANT N rtWHM to sulNA vdt* On. ton •and from UOonn In 1968. She Common ...... 6% ' 6 % the eo-called youth opportunity will bring more sunshine Fri­ majored In education and ml- Dunham-Busb ... 4 4% campaign, the senator said in a REOULAR or ITALIAN STYU day and almost negllgable 499 MAIN STREET Bored In home economics. She Kaman Aircraft . 10% 1 1 % statement. chances tor afternoon showers. ICOLUMBIA PICTURES presontefi also has her MG. from UConn. N. B. Machine . . . 81% 32% Civilian employment was 2,- ■ 0 Mrs. Bishop taught home North and Judd 18% 20% 481,582 at .the Start of the fiscal Closing For Vacqfion ooonomlcs from 1967 to 1961 at Peter Paul ...... 31% 32% year, July 1, 1064, aitd 2,606,110 FRIDAY MENU.. .CHEESE 8RIHDERS, PEPPER DRIHDERS, New Britain Senior High Plastic Wire Cable 21% 24 at the end. kinNovAk MlilMON fkcA^RE school, was a lecturer at the Standard Screw . 37% 38% August 2nd fo ISfh B a ^ o rd branch of UOonn In Stanley Works .. 24% 24% PEPPER AND EBG DRINDERS AND EDO PLANT BRINDERS. INSTANT the spring and summer of 1962, Veeder-Root .-... 28 26% REED’S OFB4 FdR lUSINESS T h e N o t o r io u s ( a n d i a d Y and this spring taught in thb The above quotations are not ALL OTHER GRINDERS AVAILABLE INCLUDING COOKED SALAMI, I MUROGOUMYN.HAYER«eFILHWAY| MONDAY. AUGUST UHi Rocknrille-Vemon adult school. to bo construed os actual mar­ SWEATER M IU GENOA' SALAMI, CAPOCOLA, HAM, HAMBURG, CHEESEBURGER, 8AU- " 2 RESTAURANT m e U N T She is married and has three kets. EARNINGS 840 Main St., Manoheeter children, aged 9, 4 and 2. STORE OPEN SAGE AND OUR SPECIALTY MEATBALL. HJZABEIHWIOR lA FRED KOHLMAR-RICHARD^lTRODUCTIONi Barry Spencer of Haot Hamp­ 600 8TRADS SURVIVE ROME — AntoniUB Stradivnii- Divtdrads paid from day COUNTRY AND COME DINE ton has been hired as tha aec- TO THE PUBLIC RICHARD BURTON ^mui tm K<"i' !'• onA mualo teacher In the B d- us made about 8,000 inotru- OPEN DAILY — 11 A.M. to 11 F.M., 7 DAYS A WEMC of dopooit — 4 timea a WESTtRN MUSIC ton ayatom. Keith Oroathe has menti. Of them, about 540 vio- year. EVn MARE SAINT taught all music classee until Bns, 11 viotaB and 60 oellos have ROCKVILLE, Conn.—Now this year. Spenoar’a main du- 0urv4v«d. you can buy sweaters direct TEL *43-1370 Featuring M MARTIN RANSOHOrrS PRODUCTION, . . . at the mill, where name­ At the beginning of Jnnn- brand sweaters are manu­ Uncle Howard and His . 1 11(11 9 ary, April, July and 0«- lie] factured for the country’s toter. fhe n e w NOW... leading nationally advertised *^moky Mountain branda. Sdun Allen Cmurn Room lisa nda EVERY Roosevelt Mills salesroom, aouch under windom, dimb waUa B oyr Companion Feature located on. the<-ground floor JDD MORE STORAGE and eautgle into eomert. Tbev add BOLTON LAKE HOTEL of the factory, offers first WfTH ETHAN ALLEN woddi of nortge epioe, (betotinlly)* / FRIDAY quality o I a s s i a sweater and cuitom fit any nooi. Hicia an iVERY ROUTE 44-A—BOLTON, CONN. styles, designers original CUSTOM ROOM aetutUr over 400 open Made BTHAH AND ALLEN iunu far every room. Choon THURSDAY NIOHT samples, and selected mill PUN UNITS Antiqued Hne, Heirloom Solid CbtoR LEASE Irregulars of famous name Solid IrbhQgtiw or ntStd Miple OM EVERY THURS. NIGHT S A TU R D A Y ' A CAR FROM PAUL DODOl PONTIAC brands . . . at prices we be­ Birch. AU nwooidr priced. O m in FROM S:30 to 8:30 P.M. lieve Impboslbfa to matdh dkemtodey. OMiaRj Paid Bob Maltempo for comparable quality. m Dag «d Dopodt Read Herald Ads. ALL MAKES Come in and browse ITALIANO through a breathtaking se- STORE HOURS ^ND THI VISSATIONt leotlon of more thaa. 20,000 ALL MODELS sweaters In Pure' Wool, Al­ Momid ^ sad Tuesday Open till 6 PAl. Rock and Roll Stag Dandng paca, Mohair, Orion, Aorilan, Open 'fhundsy and Friday Evenings Antron, Shetland, and full- Closed Wednesdays 17 to u r FriMidly Host, Ray Stanko says — Everyone Welcome USE OUR ONE OR TWO YEAR fashioned Fur-Blends. Save SAVINGS COMB W DANCE THURS,, FRI. or SAT. 21 shears and Over 60% on Hand-Loomed bulky T h e Don Moore and “His VersatUeS" cable oardigana. S —> Wednesday Night# ONLY — campus, famous ’’Sturbrldgo “COUNTRY and WESTERN MUSIC" Iteturday Ladies’ Night AUL YOU CAN lAT - $3.00 For ft r s M Ladies Admitted Free Village" olaoslo heather-tone e For Fortgr ReservaUons—Phone 641-6066 a In our main dining room ... ooordlnatei. Matching sklrta, sweaters, slacks, and blouses 1007 BCAIN 8T. NEAR MAPLE ST. e DAILY, LUNCHEON SPECIALS—68e e DANCING THE NEW PAUL DODGE at 80% below regular retail. BRANCH OFFICE, ROUTE SI, COVENTRY Remember, you always C o J n O e OAK ST. RESTAURANT FRIDAY AND UTUROAY ■ava when you buy direct... OPEN TUX 4 P J i. MONDAY THROUGH VBIDAY Bolton Lake Hotel at the mill. Open/dally till M OAK ST. PLENTY of FREE PARKlNa Banquot FndllUos Avsilsblo Up Tb 450 PONTIAC 20 UNION STRKBIV-ROCKVILLE, CONN. t TUUR8DAY NlOHr il to • O’CLOCK ' ROUTE 44.A—BOLTON 0;80, Friday nfrhta till 9:00 Phones: Read Herald Advertisementi MANCHESTER 649-2881 p,m. Rooeevelt MlUs, SIS B. STS Blain St. Main S t, Rockville, 0 < m ManchesteY 643-0890<—RockvlUs 875*2534 4 J I M r A G i Form MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1968 ■3-ji.l

^ ★ G-R-A-N-D 04»-i-N-l-N-G ★ ★ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1966 PAcm f i v i -PuUic Health TV-Radio Tonight WINDY HIU STAMJS iceman have basn wounded In 4- t combat sines 1M1, according to BK INNER HHX ROAD, OOVBNTRT Two Fugitives HEALTH CAPSULES bomania Veers Away hy Mtehael A. Petll. M.D. Modem Hospitals on Hand the latest figures. FOR I Nursing Service If the United States greatly m jayabl. omlls Sealed in Trunk WHIN NOU COOK PORK ON A increases Its troop commitment Ends First Year Television R0T16I6RI6 OR OUT-OF-POORW, At Remote Viet Nam Areas there will be an obvious need Cosm^fics Homes tar From Kremlin Grip ■OUTH PARIS, Maine (AP) HOW CAN YOU TILL WHIN for more and better medical Chef n u demonatnUon publlo 6:00 I M6-13-1MI) Movie T:IU • t an timaa. Morgaa i t a i BarTioe. — Two man who escaped from services. A new Navy hospital Is hMath nuratnc • • r v l « « ha* " Admiral| aJI|a m SAIGON, South Viet Nam fof Nha Trang, 200 mllaa north- rr* MoXi lUMeri 13) S uibeoriptioa b eo rip ti^ TV . . Ola Oxford Oounty Jail Tuesday east. being built in Da Nang, 880 ! wound up Ita fln t of t h r o e Mavi '1) Daniel Boone ‘•■ta claariy placaa them (AP) — Tha amargancy call miles north of Saigon. jreare of iriiniiterlnf to Heb> SwabbyDDyKKu 8eoo'w ----- i) Johnny Queet (C) ware rstumad early today in tha With a capacity of nearly 400 l:K Huckleberry Houad 1:00 » « .J) Donna Reed SPEOIALIb'T’S .A ^ ^ ' — Romania la icoring poinU in on the goviat aide of the argu-rgu- flashed over the radio at Sal- beds, and skilled doctors and ’ ran reeidenta under a State [40i 'rile lUhemaa 34) Point of View •ta policy of maintaining a na- mant, Tha Ohineaa reject u\a trunk of a car they apparently gon’e Airport tower: Uggetts t Department of Education pilot ») nim 8-13) P erry Mawn 1966 and get V4-HWR RIDE FRBlil thought waa taking them a w ^ . nurse*, the hospItaU provide Cuba Pushes Mangoes 8:30 ------_ 1 1 o n a 1 oommunlam, free of teat ban and maintain that there "We're bringing in three, two relatively modem care not program. » ( Movie can be no paacaful ooaxlatanca Pater H. RemlM, 24, of Co- At Th« Parkad* During thie year, the public 6:00 What’e New? hree Bona Kramlln control. haaset, Maas., and Robert L. wounded In the head and the available-elsewhere In the coun­ MIAMI. Fla. (AP) — Mango S) Uring Hletory “ between the eppraaaora and othei; hit In the arm. They look try. Many of the wounded un­ nurse made 669 visite to 414 1) News t:00 Whan Leonid I. Brachnev, the tha oppraaaad." Haakall, It, at Lewiston, offered ft omelets have been Introduced in MANCHESTER ^^Hebron families to provide ' Floeh Oordon (M) H eritaseF.. Ben Shahn Bovlet party chief, andoraad the no resistance as four deputies In bad ahapa." dergo major surgery for compli­ heavily rationed Cuba, exiles Adventuree In (18)----Suba^pipiton TV Aaaarting thair economic In- Tha voice came from an evac­ cated Injuries, Cursing care In the home to the Pared lee 8-3CM0)KMO) Beeiwitohed policy before the Romanian par­ dapandenoa, tha Itomanlana ra- dragged them from ULe trunk. report. •cute and chronically ill, in- RMky end Hie friende ty congraaa, ha formally put an Sheriff Lester Horton said. uation helicopter. A central of­ In most cases, those who re­ Mangoes, due to favorable 6:10 i 1) Newt, aporte, WeaUtcr 8:10 (10-33-80) Hazel fuaad to accept Soviet plana for fice In tha capital replied: quire hospitalization for more ...Aludlng such services as bed • :U (IS) a u b Houee (31)|3t) The■rite Okwy TraflTraB ^ end to Soviet efforU to make Horton said the trap was set growing conditions, and eggs, ■4>aths, dressings and Injections I 8) R ichard Diamond a "dlvlalon of labor" among the "Land In tha soccer field." than 80 days are flown to the ») Rocky______and Hie_ Friende_____ (13) Movie Romania toe the Moacow line, Oommunlat countriaa. That after a woman In adjacent Nor­ due to a special program by the ’ %nder the direction of the fam I) Peter Jennlnge—Newt Within 16 mlnutae tha chopper Philippines or Okinawa. Some Fidel Castro regime, were re- • ;K> i) Laramie (C) . ( 8-30^) Peyton Place ^ a action left the Impraaalon would have kapt Romania a rel­ way told him the men had bean go directly to the United States WINDOW SHADES ly physican. The nurse pro­ 10:00 ( 8-3040) Jim m y Dean that auch countriei aa Poland set down on the big lot. Ambu­ portbd to abouncT1(1 amid a scarcl------1 0 4 ^ ) HunUey-Brinkley America'! Cup atively underdeveloped auppllar to her home and asked her and lance! were waiting for the for treatment. Routine medical i - vided health counseling for ex- jK) 5^vel 'rim# m infants and pre-school U:00 36-13604B-SO-40) Newe. with It, OR 4MILL. UAI A MEAT Navy hospital took five minutes. times a week. The usually popular tropical (iS) Newibeaf W eather Germany and Ckachoalovakla. The sheriff aald the couple thermometer anp cook it “'The object Is to treat as INTERSTATI children. Other services Includ­ • :4S (30) P e te r JennInsB—Newa At Summit S i The Soviet andoraament waa a agreed, fearing they might oth Almost every day somewhere fruit also Is being served In oth. ed guidance in cases of mental (l8) lior Adulti Only Instead, Romania pushed UNTIL THE INTERIOR HAW In Viet Nam, the procedure Is many patients as possible and 7:00 ( S) W yatt E arp 11:18 (1040)______Tonight ..n ig h t —Show (C) personal triumph for Romanian ahead with her own industriali­ enWse be harmed. Horton said er new ways, such as fried or AQUA SHADES Illness and mental retardation (»4)...... W hat’e_ New? ” ‘ (30) ABC Nlj^Ujte REACHEP at LEAWr repeated as U.S. battlefield also try to keep our case load with rice. It was reported In a (30) Mr. DIetrict Attorney (40) Sportz party leader NIcolae Ceauaeacu, sation. he asked the woman to drive tha 19? PECREEW f. casualties In the Vietnamese down," said Lt. Cmdr. Philip E. as well as follow-up and In- (18) In Public Inlereet 47, a Oommunlat Intellectual. He esoapees to the Jail, letter from Cuba received by R9 to Order Th« etructlon in the control of com­ (10) Wanted 11:30 ( 3) MovieMovI WEEKEND CASH AND CARRY SPECIAL Steel production, virtually nil war mount. Jones, La Mesa, Calif., adminis­ (13) Movie wan the right-hand man of before World War n , haa The couple, who asked to re­ MmMi Co#iuUo fivoi Kolpful iRlofmalloa trator of the Navy hospital. exile Raul Rosado. With Tour RoUova eWMMi municable diseases, 7:18 (30) 8port! Camera 11:36 ( 8) Movie _ former president and party main anonymous, locked Rem- glflinefl#i##«»dodlokee##*ognoa»k Mlifroi. The hospital, a converted five- “We are tired of mangoes,” A Hebron public health nurs­ (33) Square Dance Party (40) M erv Oriffln Show reached 8.6 million tone a year story apartment building. Is the “That way we are ready with Full Lina of Oastom (40) Peter Jennlngi—Newe 11:80 (33) Tonight Show (C) SWttTHEART ^ leader Ghaorghe Ohaorglu-Daj. and la icheduled to double be- Ick and Haskell In the trunk af- enough beds at any time In the the letter writer said. ing advisory committee, com­ When Oheorglu-Dej died last ter they emerged from their hid­ only Navy facility . that treats m prising local residents, has as­ SEE SAl’OKDAB'S TV WEEK FOB OOBOPLEIV U8TINO fore 1970. Soma alx million tons tha $1.9 billion antipoverty bill. combat casualties Jirectly from event of an emergency.’’ VENETIAN ILINDS March, Ceauaeacu took hla of petroleum products from tha ing place in the woods. HAVE TEETH, WILL WAR sisted the public health-nurse place at the head of the party. The Senate Labor Committee the field. It also provides medi Regardless of his branch of In planning and conducting the ROSES t *1" Ploastl oil fields, raflnad in Ro­ wrote the provision In Wednes­ cal care for thousands of Ameri service a man Is entitled to ROME — Ancient Rom ana be­ Under hla guidance, Romania mania, are exported annually — lieved tha* a baby bom with health program throughout the la following In the path of Mar- Job Program Added day. It would provide $190 mil­ cans, Including U.S. government treatment at any of the U.S. E. A. JOHNSON year. About 30 pre-school chil­ largely to France, Waot Garma- lion to be used on jobs In such employes. military hospitals In Viet Nam. one or more teeth would surely 7*8 Main 8L—^eU 649-4001 2 ahal Ttto’a Yugoalavla without dren received medical super­ Radio ny and Italy. WASraNGTON (AP) — federal fields as cchiservatlon Two additional hospitals han­ Medical sources say they givrtv up warlike and pugna- 2 vision through six well-child leaving the Soviet bloc or aban­ Trade relatione are Improving odou-s. Thl.s waa viewed with ap- (Thto Hattog taiolndea only ttiCM newa broBdcMto of 16 or U special provlsi Comet G Giant Ztro ter wash agitation, Flush-away Whichwuniu manyuuuiy motheremoineis fearle to Dart drain liquifies .soft food particles, tbai touch, is protected by a mem- Falrlana Dogrt* FrooMr Automatic Detergent Dispenser. 9 braiM as tough as canvas.canva CORNISH Valiant 9 PLUMP NATIVE • Butttr Ford 7.75*14- Service for UNDERCOUNTER BUILT-IN Chovy 7.75x15 Comportmont t* 3-LEGGED CHICKENS b.79° Plymouth Beplacea $ 2 3 5 0 * Capacity HENS alzes * 1 1 ” * * 1 1 ” MODEL Studebaker Washes dishes spot­ I* rk 7.50x14, • Ramovobl* V 8.70x15 lessly clean without APPLIANCE HIGHLAND PARK'S CHOICB A lso HAVE A FEW Rambler Egg Troy hand rinsing or Bulok t scrubbing. Has 6R0UND CHUCK b.7»‘ Studebaker 8.35x14- • Dtap Door Shtif roomy handles-up ailverware bsuUtet REPAIR Mercury 8.15x15 Hat Power and stainless steel rack slides. I Chrysler Beplaoee $ 2 7 0 0 * * 1 3 « * * 1 3 * ® Arm for 4 9 £ SNOW THROWER SPECIALS Dodge slzee • TVfin Poreololn Aggressive FANCY "SWBET UFE" Olds. 8.00x14. VogatoMo Bint Hwtrl-Around Good BorbbeiMd! Plymouth 7.10x15 Wash Action BACON OH so GOODI b. 79^ Pontlao ALL Ml ' I 0 ★ TERMS ★ TRADES ★ DEMONSTRATIONS Bulok, Olds 8.55/8.85x14 No Payments t Chrysler 8.45/8.85x15 INSTANT NATIVK, BED FIRM. BIPB Paclurd B ^lsces $ 2 9 8 0 * Until SEPT. SFRVICF De Soto sizes * 1 4 ” * * 1 4 ” Easy Terms! Up To 3 Years To Pay! t o w t o e s Pouttae 8,50/0.00x14 • EATINI APPLES S e,Stt ...... Imperial 7.60/8.00x15 Call 616 0111 From Nearby Farms CAPITOL EQUIPMENT Co. Inc. Cadlllae eniiia w h it e w a l l s SLIGHTLY HIGHER FURNITURE WAREHOUSE ^NO TRADE-IN TIRES NBBDBD—FREE MOUNTINdl ShJ We Service What We Selll" FOR OREATER SAVINAS . . . c o ? 2 HIGHLAND PARK MARKET 38 MAIN STRin f NORMAN'S MANCHISTIR GENERAL PINE ST., Oornir of FOREST ST. M A N * H f S11 H 317 Highland Sf.. Monchnsttr. Conn. PlMNio M 3-427t HOURS: DAILY 7 fo I PHONE 54S.798I NO RM AN ’S THURSDAYS 7 lo 9 UTURDAYS 7 fo 4 ril TIRE SERVICE INC. 165 CENTER ST.—TEL. 849.2828 OPEN D A ILY 9 to 9 — SAT. TO 5 445 HARTFORD ROAD, Near McKEF DOM FARETRA, Branch M m ifr MANCHESTER' EVENING IPPIAUD* MANCHBSTBl^ CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 18, 19M jf'J'jli', ■ .'■ f FUm Stars Praaident Johnson gave voice yester­ f ' 1®mrl(»ia»r day—a limited war to prova bat war Can’t Plan GLENNEY'S la not the sohitton. Eprainn i|(ralli •eoond, we must hope b a t' aomsbody alae, aomewhere la b e work)—and it Far Ahead m a SUMMERTIME eeems more and more logloal to look to HOLLYWOOD (AP) — Bome- b e United Nations as b e only posM- f h tlmea, said James Btowart w lb hle Instrument for such a convocation VALUES an eloquent shrug, a (allow juM % n £ ? t iiB of b e ooUeotlve consolenee and will of can’t iidan anytMitg. mankind—will launch some dlplomatlo effort to end b e brutal buetnees la He was explaining why he Is leaving today on a long, expen' Vlebam before It has had to prove Its own futility In too much flame and slve journey Into frustration, *i55SHrraAf2?“_^ blood and deab. Btowart did his explaining on the set of "The Flight o< b e g r J55»-:::::::«::::::: ^ Phoenix,’ ’ In which he Mays the OSE JfMth commander of a military air­ MAKE YOUR HOME Computeriicd^ Diplomacy craft downed in b e African des­ The Pentagon today Is a triumph of ert. ___li exdu»lTKly enUy^ b s applied rationalism of modem "At bis very moment," ha PRETTY AS A PICTURE WITH iMUblkwtlaa_ JOn Vto t _ •!!all n«V.wnawi American engineering; which Is to say ' FrederlokB photo sighed, "m y wife, twin dau^- ?aoraonw_____ d lt* d 'to to It ^ or not jj,, attaarwtie oradlt ___ paper and bat mabematiciana, scientists,, so- ters and two eons are on a saf­ countants, and opsratlons analysts Engaged ari 2(XI miles soub of NalroM. o t rapublloatloo o< apeolal dla- They are having a fantaatio ara alao raaarrad. have carried out an immense job of ra- TTie engagement of Miss Sue time, they write me. One of b e tlonsllsation and have brought the huge Ann O’Dwyer of Manchester to American military estaMlahment within twlna told me all abMt h ^ POST AND a reasonable and consistent syflem of Richard Buon Kosek of Crom­ b eir camp waa Invaded by an assignments, priority valuations, cost- well haa been announced by her army of ants. The camp had to ranla<~ha»Sd. ______effectiveness analyses, apd' systems oi^ parente, Mr. and Mrs. Edward move or it would have neen de- strewed. k Ftall aairloa cllant o< N. B. A. ganisatlon and appraisals. Fbr this T. O’Dwyer of 278 Oak 8t. achievement the McNamara Defense Her fiance is b e eon of Mr. "Everyone b be family la administration detervea all b s pralaa and Mrs. Ferdband Kasek of keeping a diary, but they tell RAIL FENCE OTBATJ or emewuA. It has been given. me b e y ’re too tired at night to Cromwell. Accentuate b e beauty of your home. Ideal for boundary llnee ’The ciitlClsmB, b o u g h ,' point to Miss O'Dwyer Is administra­ write everyblng down. They get 2 up at 6 in b e morning and don’t and floral backgrounds. Sm our. sample sections on display. niuraday, Wbr >• Bomeblpg Important. ’The management tive aealstant at b e Constitu­ 2 get back until 7 in the evening." Install It yourself and save! Free use of poet hole digger w lb of a military establishment Is a matter tion Plaza office of be So­ 6 or more eectlons. of units and quantities—of managing ciety for Savings. As you can see, Jimmy’s en. *^>odies” and their equipment and sup­ Mr. Kasek, an alumnus o f b e joyment of b e safari la entirely The Preddent On Vletnnm plies. The professional officer may. justi­ vicarious. That’s not b e way he University of Connecticut, is ■ planned It. Hia “TpUaf’ which followed President fiably complain that directing this es­ computer progrsunmer at Pratt lohnson** press oonferenca yesterday— tablishment, commanding It In action, Apparently b e re U no such and Whibey, Division of Unit­ bing as an Inatant safari. Jim Oampen, couneMon and everyboi hi OOncrsBs, on Wall Btrset, and Hi or- is something more than a managerial ed Aircraft Corp., East Hart­ y else there walto to get hie piece of the birthday cake my and Olorta Stewart, who had being out by Guy Do ICoscolo of laetaao’s Beauty Salon. (HeraM iboto by Pinto.) hlnary Amsplosn homes—wss some* problem, and requires "great captains." ford. But beyond bis complaint is a stlH been to Africa twice bMore, had An October wedding Is arranged a year and a half ago toitny Ilks the relief one »«t« Hi the more important problem, bat of be planned. 9 Jantist’s tShelr when he finally deddee for b la family outing. Tea Party Held political poHcy which ought to govern 9 military policy. After one of Mr. Mc­ When Jimmy signed to aspeer that that W f molar has to corns out, In "The Flight of b e Phoenix,’’ For New Bride Day Camp Notes First Year, hut Immediately announces that, for to- Namara’s disputes w lb b e service b e timing waa tight but posal- lUOTIFIES staffs—over some such question as ths •ay, he Is juht gains ts loosen it a lit- Golden Nude ble. If b e film flniahed on FIOTECTS-ENCLOSES Air Force’s stubborn desire to have schedule, be could go along on Mrs. Richard Ooesena of West Hairdressers Throw P a r ty ! Ito Mt. bombers to fly rather ban mere mis­ b e eafarl. It didn’t, and he Hartford, b e former Kableen ’ b other words, Um major decision siles to man In holes In b e ground—a Lures Crowd McCormick of Manchester, was won’t. n Is Impossible to say who<^ P s PrssideDit aimounoed yesterday, friend of mine remarked bitterly b a t But he Is going to make one feted Sunday afternoon at a tea During be course of be CARLOAD FENCING SALE MODEL OF CHRISTIAN SCIENCE DEVELOPMENT PLAN had ths most fim at yesterday’s P s major thing he did, was to take us "McNamara can’t even understand last gesture for family imlty, given by Mrs. William Hooker hour-and-a-half-long ■* p a r t y, what makes an Air Force general tick, To Laguna and her daughter, Miaa Holly party at Camp Kennedy — b e coloring books and crayons hsspsr Into an American war In Vietp THE MASTER PLAN pre­ starting today. what makes him think he can under­ pared for b e Christian Science "I will leave Los Angelas air­ Hooker, at their home at 77 campers, b e volunteer teen-age were passed out to the camp­ • WHITE CEDAR horn. stand Vietnam?" Erie St. About $6 former class- ers, and the counselors per­ SPLIT RAIL church by I. M. Pel A As­ LAGUNA BEACH, CaUf. (AP) port at 9 a.m.,’’ he rebted. "I counselors, the camp supervl- b eontmst with Hm major proporw ’That Vietnam Is something M t. Mc­ sociates Includes a ‘‘ehurch,cen­ arrive b New York at 6 and get matea and frienda of b e honor formed on musical instruments ROUND RAIL Namara and his staff are trying to — The curtains part, and Venua guest attended b e tea. .aors, the town otticials, or .b e and led everyone b sb g s and ItoMi o f this eommitment, ths aotusl ter” in Boston costing $8,000,- Connecticut Yankee on a plane for Rome at 6- I ar­ area hairdressers who mode the understand Is a result of their own Inside Report 000, plus privately-developed stands life-like on her sea-tossed rive b Rome at 7:80 b b e A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. dancea hnmediats messures Involved — “only" first Mrbday celebration pos- $435 ®*®**®“ ^3.80 ®***‘““ 94.10 drive, amMtlon, and aelf-oonfldence, apartment and commercial shell, just as Botticelli psdnted morning and leave at 11 for Robert McCormick of New Bol­ Camp Director Henry Man- 94^5 |0,000 more men. immediately, *VmIy* but in part It Is also a result o f the ef­ By A.H .O . ton Rd., Mra. Coeeena was mar­ slMe. n b g said today, "Elveryone had by space estimated at $63,000,000. her 400 years ago. Nairobi. Then I go 200 mUes to All of them participated b Delivered pn Inereaee In the draft oeB and not fective collapee of State Department where b e camp ie, arriving just ried July 4 b the chapel of St. a most marvelous time and we Tote and Save DeUvered The model showa existing When we surveyed, the ober accorded at least a half credit Indeed she is alive, this glow­ Thomas Episcopal Church, b e acitvltles, and all cf bem policy-making. Bob Presidents Ken­ Rowland Evana Jr. and Robert D. Novak church edlflcee and publishing . in time to help w ib b e packing are indebted to Manchester's gny Hninedlato calling up of reserves— day, b e record of (Connecti­ for being honest dealers. Hila, ing, golden-haired nude, and ahe Taunton, Mass. ate — and did b e y eat! hairdressers for making b e nedy and Johnson have turned to the house surrounded by a seven- and pay oft b e wMte hunters. 10’ SECTIONS — 2 RAILS •ame as a relatively ideaaant surprise. brilliant engineers o f b e Defense De- MXNNmPOLJB. Minn. — over these projects is disre­ cut’s Long Legislature in pro­ like all b e o b e r nice supposi­ can be seen b e se summer, Refreshments Included a TTie portygoers, bedecked b birthday celebration such a garded by Washington. acre park and proposed new tions about women In pMltlcs, nights In one of California’s "Two days later, we all get on b addition to the relativs Ughtneas peutotient for policy because b e Defense President Johnson has estab­ duction of potential candidates b e plane for London, where I three-tier wedding cake. gay and feetlve paper hats, and memorable affair. They approve everything un­ buildings ,as follows: (1) 22- for high, office like that of Gov­ Is a superstition descended unique tourist attractions. This Mr. and Mrs. (Joeoena are liv­ tosobg balloons at each obqr, "It Is but one more bdica- pf the Immediate practical measures people knew what bey were doing lished a new high in consensus story church administration will leave my family and coma within b e Pentagon and believed that less we happen to hear about ernor, we wound up, in a sort from all our primordial mys­ year marks the 30th anniversa­ ing at Oakwood Manor Houae, devoured 200 hamburgers, 160 tlon of b e wonderful support hmdved, there were some pain-kUIers poliUca among b e nation’s it first and have a chance to building, (3) ’ auditorium and tiques about women, in which ry of the Laguna Beach Festival back to Hollywood, reporting to the same talent and b e same tech­ of polite desperation, creating b e studio a week after I left." Oakwood Rd., West Hartford. hotdogs, 10 watermelons, 180 which the town’s residents Included In the eeseion. Governors, but b e consensua— disapprove,” says a high state other facilities. (3) nine-etory for ourselves two composite we enshrine b e ir gentle, m ob- of the Arts, wMch attracts so cups of Ice cream, two huge have g;lven us. I have never niques couM be aM>lied to policy issues. private apartments w ib "Oh, well,’’’ Jimmy said wlb py>r the first time, we are jmcleimed, If b e y could produce new and convinc­ a growing reeentment and official. “ We don’t .even know candidates, woven out of some erly qualities to b e neglect of many tourists that it Is sold out birthday cakes cuid 60 gallons of seen anyblng to match b e ir about hsLlf the projecta in b e ground-floor shops, (4) M-story b e compensatory talento on for Its five-weeks run. a touch of rue, "I may have Dempsey Views Glass cooperation.” hy the President’s own words, to bs ing Botutiona to the problems of nudew frustration over be workings of b e plus qualities of a whole missed b e safari, but I did have assorted juices. works.” sfiarttnents. group of legislators. Only after b e o b e r side of b M r natures. The setting Is an amphibeat- psedy to discuss the four-point peace deterrence and weapons-system evalu­ of be poverty program—won’t Yuma. Ah, Yuma, w lb Ita cool WATERFORD, Ireland (AP) Terl Ivanlskl coordinated and ation and development, why shouldn’t Not one of be complxMlng we had performed b is fanciful The 'women politicians know er carved out of wooded hills a proposals put forward by Hanoi ^ Governors is against b e goals breezes. Its gorgeous scenery, —Gov. John Dempsey of Con­ supervised b e criebration, and Time Marches Past b e lr techniques be turned to anober pirose him. task did it occur to our be­ and respect one anober, so mile from the Pacific. Under was assisted by Yolanda Felice The plaintive cry bait all of the poverty program, but reaHsUcallyV b a t they are etar-fllled skies, 800 volunteers Its dancing na'tlve girls.” necticut visited b e (amoua months ego and hitherto merely olaa> area of problems where exlsbig policies nighted male soul b a t we had He spoke of b e Arizona loca­ Waterford Irish cut glass fac and Guy De Mascolo, aa repre O A lR A O A fl— ^Venezuela’s of­ •ified by ue as beyond the possibility af seemed unsatisfactory? may not be well w lb the pov­ they fadl to comprehend b e full neglected b e more charming usually deferential to each combine to recreate In living meaning of "local control” — tion, where temperatures tory and Clsterlsan Monastery sentatives of an of b e area’s ficial time, once half an hour J But. In b e ir confidence b e Defense erty program is undergoing an side of b e Long Legislature, other, across party lines. But form some of the world’s most hairdressers and allied sup­ oven dlseiission for ue. reached b e 120a. "It wasn’t so today as he contbued his sen­ ahead of UB. Eastern Stand­ J ugly transformation into out­ that la, control over spending A Thought for Today and for b a t we now apologize. woe to any mere male who sublime works of sut — also, PV>r the first time, w« are pro- managers were wrong, and now it Is bod until b e lost m onb,” said timental journey b b e country pliers, who had paid for and ard Time, has been changed by coming home to b e best men in b e De- right antagonism at the an­ at local, not state, level — on Sponsored by b e Manchester Quite obviously, now b a t we tries to engage any one of say some carpers, some of be which President Johnson baaed Stewart, "When b e local people where he was horn 60 years furnished everythbg. low to a full hour faster. alalmed, by the President’s own words, pailment of Denfense b a t b e Intellec­ nual Governors’ Conference Council of Churches bln k of It, we wouM have had bem as If he were at least en­ most banal. started saying, ‘Boy, it’s hot I ago. here. his program. I ’ll leave that argument to b e Miss Ivaniskt, who cooked, he bs rsody to sit down at a negotiat- tual techniques which work w ib quan- a much easier tlqie finding titled to b e privllegea of equal b en you knew it was." The governor, wlb Ms wife y i m im " 'There are, of course, impor­ They’re just now being hit combat. He can get up to 20 critics. There are many, as you served and did everything pos­ few table with representatives o f ths tiflable problems which have objective gubernatorial level qualities If and son Edward, were feted sible to make b e party b e suC' tant exceptions. The exceptions with the full Impact o f a Mi­ rrhe Flower of Gentleness’ years of hard, unrequlM labor might expect in a commimity Vletoong—anober thing that, for the values and defined parameters and cri­ we had looked up and down b e Wednesday night b Clonmel, cess b a t it was, said after­ OVER 2 MILLION STOCKADE teria. are not working In b e subjective, prove b e rule b a t, no matter lton dollars coming Into their "Thy gentleness hath n^ade list of distinguished lady legis­ as his punishment for such w ib a large number of artists. capital of County Tipperary. early months of ths intense orleis, we This year’s festival brought a Hebron wards, “ I think b e t I had more perverse, change and flux of b e politi­ how b e poverty pill ie sugar- states throtigh a new channel me great.’’ Psalm .I6:Ki Read lators. gross lack of chivalry. The mayor o f Clonmel, Aider- PRESCRIPTIONS o f officialdom that bypasses minor skirmish when self- fun b a n the klde." FENCING tilled ou t ca l arena. The McNamara team as a coated for official statements, Titus $;3t6. . In fact, we begin to wonder, We saw one o f b e se wveet. man Williman Corbett, garo a She added, "I have never had Safely Compounded group are men of a scientific culture— in private the Governors are beir own offices, w lb no ges­ gentle blnga In action, during styled rejectlonlsts picketed b e U Pertwpe moro deaily then before, I pause before one o b e r fkyw^ aa we look over b e capablll- Unique Visitor reception for b em at b e town place. These were artists who such a thrilling experience b A most popular yard enclosure U bey are of Pascal’s "mabematlcal afraid of its potential impact ture to historic political real­ er In this beautiful spiritual gar­ ' ties and accomplishments of a brilliant half hour one day hall where Dempsey was intro­ my life, and f am certably Preaideat Johnson, sven while he for- ARTHUR DRUQ mind” rather b a n his antlbetical “ in­ on established political insti­ ities and no sbtehouse control. den; b e fkwer of gentlenew. during b e life of this Long were turned down as exhibitors duced to one of his relatives b bat enhances be beauty of paallsed his Mg major commitment to b e distaff side members of Drops in Upon looking forward to doing it tuitive rrrind.’’ ’Ibey are essentially un­ tutions in b e ir states. With failures inevitable In ths The ■ Greek word Means b e ab­ this Long Legislature, If all b e Legislature. She swept into a in b e outdoor art display, an b e area, Mrs. Kitty Madlgan. your home and Increases bP^‘ Important feature of b e festi­ agota?^ |snd war In Asia, stated limited objeo- political In temper and perception, and ’Ike complaints boil down to vast poverty program, b e y are sence of anything that galls or usual speculation about how a omnmittee hearing room, where East St. Home value. |tvea for this war—to prove to the bey find be facts, be data, bey re- two: That the Governors have suddenly glimpsing b e poten­ frets. Jesus used b e word when certain particular ethnic divi­ the hearing's of b e day had val. virtually no control over any tial for political disaster In­ This year’s program Includes Oommuidsts that "a violent solution is eeive on such problems aa Viebam to He said that His yoke was easy. sion of Connecticut life is next been proceeding under raber Tote and Save ^ 1 0 ^ ^ be, in the mathematical sense, "rsin- aspect of the program, but herent in bese failures. W lb dull and gentle male tutelage. everythbg from an El Greco Mrs. Joseph Esada of East knposBlbile” but not to "seek ths de- TChus appHed to persons, the coming into its direct and Irre- dom" data. ’They are anxloua smd catch b e devil when a project no power to affect the. pro­ word means graclouaness, a In b e twinkling o f an eye, and, Christ to a Norman Rockwell St. was more than somewliat gram, they neverbeleas will sistlMe claim on b e Governor’s magazbe cover, from Rem­ ptruction of sny Oovemment’’ deeply troubled bat bey have been goes sour (as some Inevit^ly natural without rough edgea, chair Is not all a misleading we bought, wib a bemused surprised this morning when lASY-TO.BUILD FENCE KIT TURNS YOUR unable to find systems to organize bis do in a MNion dollar program); catch b e blame fully as much brandt's "Night Watch’’ to Joe Against these touches of easing of which brings a sense of comfort day dream, hiding from public twinkling of an eye, she sized she spotted a great, brownish- BACKYARD INTO AN OUTDOOR LIVING ARIAI data into comprehensible patterns from and bat a whole new bureau­ as President Johnson himself. up b e target-quany making Rosenbal’s flag-ralsbg at Iwo 91930 prlsls pain, b e s e random reassurances and eaae to obers. Now many acknowledgment b e still more Enjoy outdoor-living b privacy w ib this new pre-cut package L which predictive conclusions can be cratic substructure, w ib \m- j 1986 PiAHshers Newspaper the main appearance W o r e b e Jima. grey bird alight on a chicken useful, energetic, and strenuous romantic truth, which could be L that perhsps it all need not realty be drawn and manipulative techniques es­ known political implications, Is'^ Syndicate The festival began b 1982 coop in her back yard. b a t can be quickly and easily assembled. Fences, privacy^ people are not like that. They b a t b e next big claimant to committee that day, appraised screens and enclosures of long-lasting clear or knotty blaiid n bed after an, b e President yeeter- tablished. growing like Topqy, tempting are hlgltsbung. They may have b e number at newspapeimen when several citizens decided It Mrs. Esada, who cMlects un- b e ab te’a Mgbest office is not would be nice to do somethbg wBivted animeJs (except dogs Red Cedar are yours w lb fun to build Patty-O-Panels. ta y also repeated, once again, his usual Without such solutions, Pentagon amtoltknis politicians to build fsEen Mto b e habit of chronic going to be b e representative in b e room, and b e n proceed­ for art and, not bcldentally, for and cats), is aoquabted w lb a Each kit coruists of vertical slats w ib pKany o f over-all judgments. Our cause, policy recommendations have been dis- private pcitionage systems and efauH'tlndlng. Their manners are of any particular national ed to slice off b e quarry a few juiKtive and reactive, responding to suc­ stuffing bem wib vast Laguna Beach. The summer variety of wUdfawl, and has on a horizontal strip woven through the pf eourse, Is b e "just" cause. But not often erode; they lack this vir­ group, but b e representative choice filets b e newsmen could m i cessive specific situatloru. ’These are in amounts of Fedisral dollars. tue of gentleness and bu s b e y cook up Into a story If It hap­ fete continued to grow — m bus her property now a peacock, a center. Slats are neld in place by pre­ ■von we Americans agree it la perfect. M a sex, b e fairer one. b e war years — imtil now ad­ golden pheasant, and a variety grooved top and bottom horizontal part responsible for b e erraticness of To understand the Governors’ Jar and roffle others In their It b e women of politics de­ pened to he a dull day. But we f?P7a did not Choose to be b e guardian recent policy in Vietnam. frustrations, consider Missouri. H erald dally conthets w lb bem . apologize for descrlMng in missions amount to $800,(NX) an­ of pigeons. rails, which in turn are fastened to cide to take over b e governor­ nually. •ttirdy end posts set in the ground. RESTORES ^ bo gate." One would'say bat wo More than Pentagon influences have Gov. Warren Hearns won b e A woman once ottered this one such terms, an operation so But, she seye, she never saw BLACK TOP ship on b e next significant “Most culbral projects are anything as vast as this mora­ been involved In b is incorutant line of Democratic primary in b a t Yesterdays sentence prayer Horn the depths fhift of bat office It wdll only gently and sweetly done, with & BEAUTIFIES pld so choose. "We have learned at a action, but the Pentagon Itself has supported by b e community; ines visitor, which she judges R«cIi FaHt*0- SEALERS Demjocratic state in a Mtter of her heart. "Lord . make me be because, of course, b e y such a delicate, judicious sir. Afrodud of- FGHBI IRCtlOR ll '' YOUR DRIVEWAY harrible and brutal cost b a t retreat shifted with each month’s shift in b e o o n t ^ w ib Hilary Bush. Dur­ easy to Bve w lb .’’ She was ours helps. support the commu­ must have been a vulture. rOTlATCH s y m b o l compUlB In eBt have finally decided b e y might such engaging little tosses of nity,’’ a festival official said rOftSTS^ o f ouii/lty goes not bring safety, and weakness military situation. And b ere is littls ing b e campaign he and hia 25 Years Ago doubtless b e worrying type, the head, such seductively pen­ The reason for b e vulture’s I mtnomIQOe p«ck«g*d bun* PROTECTS AGAINST as' well show and exert openly proudly. "The profits contribute vtolt ie unclear, lif it wa« kx>k- SIIBTI INC diB. AvbIUMb |k>es not bring peace.” It is of course reason to b in k b a t —in or out of b e family were targets of a low nervous, active, o'verwrought, b e power and influence b e y sive mustngs on lofty consid­ UwWoi^ la 4, I ^ Pentagon—b e t* is any better definition pMitical attack by Don Thoma­ Prc^xml to erect building to to an opera season and a school ing for food, it went to be GAS — OIL WEATHER far too late to remind b e President serve as meeting hall and so­ hard to live w lb. Then came have already accumulated for erations. Do we dare name Idot b«lgliffe ef our long-range goals in Vietnam or son, a Bush ally. this moment o f seV-awakening of art and design. And the wrong place; all Mrs. Elsada’s that we did not "retreat" into our cial center for mcMbers of four bemselves. her? Of course not. We a n one Chamber of Commerce profits animals are Uvlng, and ’vultures EASY TO USE df b e long-range political constraints ^ I t e by chance. Gov. Hearns and when b is sense of her short The advantages b e y possess, of her devoted slaves. 4'x8* 5*xr Iphero o f Hifluenoe In Vietnam, but and opportunities which exist in that discovered several, weeks ago Bwedleh fraternities in Man­ from the program.’’ live exclusively on carrion, b e chester results in 8-1 vote comings esme upon her. It over­ in b e ir present position, of JUST POUR & SPREAD inught it. crisis ban there was last November. that Thomason, poaslMy with whelmed her. She knelt down, The festival Is operated with carcassee of dead onlinals. Just So far as the Pentagon is responsible, agsdnst plan Jrom tbmdUb running b e state wrlbout only five paid staff members; curious, perhaps. ^ And to say b a t this eountry has ever baoldng from S ^ . Edward prayed bat she might become seeming to, are b e familiar ad­ b e reason we lack a definition of goals Long, had been taUbed by pov­ lodges concerned. On This Date Ml obers contribute their time It flew from be coop up bto »9.70 •11.95 Res. $6.39. ; Wnght peace brough weeknesa is to gentle, and began to strive tor vantages, comprising what is the Defense managers’ disorientation erty headquarters in Washing­ Large crowds swarm over gentlenese in her treatment of In 1776, a French fleet arrived and talents. Lifeguards, doctors, a tree, she says, where its im- greats and reiterate fiction. in attempting to deal with the non- Dougherty, oiroua gtoumjs as every woman knowe how to use at Newport, R.I. secretaries and students show usual size was made all b e ton as regional poverty director, othen. ' in her mock modesty in b e ’ Finally, b e PreMd^nt has, once mllitary elements in b e Vietnamese w ib heedquarters In ICAoraw men and 'elsphhnto eioot Mg Are « 4 searohii% tor it also, In 1883, Italian dictator Benito up dog;gedly night after night to more apparent; she eatlmatea 6 GaUon Can"^*'^ ~ problem. Without b e power of political tent city b a t houses ItuaseH world of men. A woman politi­ Mussolini was born. don costumes or be pabted for that it stood b ree or four feet pgaln, handled b e issue b f b e possible City, trying.to .^tlvate every day cian can use b e stiletto an un­ ...... judgment that neceesarily derlvee from A complaint winged to be Bros. Three Ring ctrous, pre­ In 1866, b e United State b e ir emonymous two minutes on Mgh on b e tree limb, I'is This summer... t slaHonshlp of b e United Nations to b e , minor coUrteslas of life? believable number of times be­ generalized knowledge, experience, and White House to explain b e paratory to their two pentem- . HRA'YIBt: 0 Lord my God, signed b e Hague Ocnventlor b e stage. I asked if there was Leavbg its perch, b e bird lbs Vietnam erlsia In slick, evasionaty intuition, b e alternatives and policy ances hers. fore b e male political world creating a Wor’M Court of Arbi ■nyljtrouble b recruiting nudes. flew to a watering ^le b be take the furnace pOHtlcal realtltiee—how b e ap­ me 1< in my strenuous begins to wake up to the fact Isnns. As at San Francisoo, hs invites "options” tend in Pentagon analyses to pointment could damage the I have nbglected to bs tratlon. Oh, no,” said an official, Esada’a back yard, circled be — - . .'v that she is not always gentle. " b e y like to do It.’ ’ area a few times, and fbally out of your attic with ^ United Nations to oome in and re- be defined mechanically, aa Hats pf logi­ Democratic party’s reformist gentle. Help me to strive for this In 1664, the first transcont' cal possibilities, implicitly of equal 10 Years Ago A woman politician always nental telephone line, betiwee Pat McNulty of Capistrano winged off towards b e Vwub. ■itoroe b e United States position and wing. But ’Thomason has now so dRen -forgotten flower of b e starts her operation w ib an plausibility. The Individuals and groups moved to Kansas City, aii^ar- Spirit. Make me easy to live New York and Ban Franolsci Beach, who once portrayed a Mrs. Esada called b e Con­ ftm United States view in Vietnam. As Working rapidly. Board of unwritten public assmnptlon boxer b Bellows’ "S b g at Shar­ necticut Wildlife Service b involved in a crisis tend to be defined ently awaiting formal ap^nt- Directors review docen depart­ w ib for Jesus’ sake. Amen, was successfully tested. PATIO ^ tbs Sen Francisoo speech, he In- In nominalist fashion; a pro-Weatem b a t she Is never as wickedly In 1646, b e new British prim key’s,’’ told me b e sad tale of Hartford after b e bird’s depar- p o w e t T r o ^ v e n t il a t o r ment. The sad tru b ie that mental budget recommendations submitted by and blindly partisan aa b e un­ 2 regime is Just bat, without any firm ’Thomason’s ability or lack of It minister, Clement Attlee, re another festival participant.’ ’ b re. From her description, a Mtee b e United Nations to help us In Easy to install, low (»st, 2 sad make plane to approve Rev. Joseph H. Dudley graiq> of its motivations on internal dy­ scrupulous male political ani­ placed Winston ChurdhUI at b e "He was a life guard friend of spokesman agreed b a t b e bird B L O C b Vietnam, on our terms, hut doss not to handle b e Jbb ts beside b e budget for coming fisoal year. Center Oongregatiooei Church mal. Women ara gtwiys being ACTIVI UTTLl PIRT automatic. Built for a namics. ’The enemy ie an uodifferenU- point. No Governor can tolerate Potodam OonferaDoa. mine," recalled McNulty, "and must have been a vulture; he gffer to siAmit our oeas in Vietnam to ated force, again without clearly per­ for a few years he had posed as reported b a t a couple of peo­ lifetime. Pulls out a friendly- Administration in sturdy support for llvaly young feotl No cement or foundation need- |bs United Nattona. ceived values. Interests, or dynamics. WaahingtM comforting Ms b e Discus Thrower. Then one ple In Colchester nave mode Canvas uppars with rugged toe guard, superheated trapped similar aightbgs. In ana other respeot, the President’s Thus Communists are seen aa Incom­ enemy. w bter he got to eatbg and ■nd our own PVC soles that look Ilka attic air. Keeps ed. Just lay block in sand. Choioe' prehensibly driven to fig h t' freedom. d rb k b g beer. When he reported Vords yesterday turned more reallstle "In bat job,” a Missouri po­ nibtwr — iMt S tim«« ■■ longl BrigM livint areas But they are also peasants who were b e next summer, the officials 8 IN 4 ACRES PRIVATB ■olora. 8 to 8; 9 to 12. of 6 colors. Ideal for walks and'' gnd honest b a n b e y have in previous not given land reform by pro-Westem litician told us, "Thomason can Fischetti ■aid b e y couldn’t use him b his WASHINOTON - More brai cooler. See It now. bulk) a fully financed political llaeuaakHia o f b e Vietnam crisis, governments. Ths H e rb Vietnamese eld role. But they were willbg b re e out of four acres b rural Reg. $89.00 PaUos. Modular siz« 2" x S" crganlzatlon dwarfing anything to let Mm pose as Buddha." America ora privately owned. thsrs was b e usual pious refsnnm to Communlets support subversion in b s In the state today.” 9 south because bey are members of a 16’. 9 i w oauas of “freedom’’ for b e S ou b Or (hove west to Idaho. ’Iha 11 disciplined IntemationsI movement di­ head of a Corps camp In El­ Vietnamese. But there was much more rected by Peking (or Moscow). Yet b e more County Is now getting Tote and SRve •Mntion and reiteration of our own' N o rb Vlebamese leaders also hats paid exactly the tame salary Install Yourself 27c*" • fnatlonal intoreato" as be blng for China and can he swayed by propagan­ as b e Attorney General of the infroduefory da which warns that b e Chinese will state. The point Is not that ths frhleh we are fighting and b s thing take over their country. ’The Commu­ ire must not fail to defend. And be salary Is particularly high Offer DeUvered ea. ' nists must be stopped in Vietnam or ($10,000), but that It’s high 29c kreatont abarpeet "natkmel kitsreet" still ober countries win faM to sub­ esiouigh to unhinge b e state’s version. But the Vlebamese could also STANEK’S fra hays at atake in Vietnam la b s pay structure. be reconciled and b e war ended if only whan Gov. Roger Brannigan |htaif called faoa That w« should have b e y could be brought to understand TV RADIO SALES & SERVICE Enjoy your home improvements NOW with Glenney’s Easy Revolvinv Budget Ae*^ •uneuvarsd ourselves into s position in ef Indiana first heard that a b e indivldusllst values of New Eng­ group o f citizens (Including for­ count (R .B .A .). As little as $10 a month buys up to $100.00. irUoh it la our prestige and reputation land town meetlM democracy. What mer Gov. Matthew Welsh) had 277 IROAD STREir r' n great world power which la bind- we have in the Pentagon is an im­ formed a non-profit corpora­ QUALITY—THE BEST ECONOMY OF ALL mensely sophisticated i^paratus of tion to run a large drop-out ' J Vw H* to ^ h t la b e most tragic sle- military power and policy working on gaant of our situation in Vietnam, be- camp at the U.S.-owned Camp pollticsl asaunqitiona of csUstrm bls Attorbury, ho picked up the gauaa A iMwir rtally had to bs in- trivlaUty. telephone to Inquire. "He 'was r yOtWWum Hie Defense Department does not satounded," says gn aid, "to poM a rightist dr milttorist breat to < Whan doM Um Frssidant’s psrfomi- discover It was nono of Ms. MANCHESTER American policy. Tba b rea t It poeea CLOSED tarn yastorday Isavs usT business." SHOP is b e threat of tmanalyzed liberal cant In Texas, b s President’s •IRIS’ AND WOMIN’S I Ms Wmssif told us it is real war. eameatly and tirriessly and unskillfuHy eloaest poUticsl friend. Gov. FOR IW.G.GUNMEY I iahitiona like "retreat" and "surren- appUed to tormented and complex con­ John Connolly, Is holding up PAVM ITl SNIAKIR FRIDAYS |er" a n aa impoaaible and unthinkable flicts. If humiliations to b s United ( community action projects for 649-5253 Btatee are b s result o f policy made in •oft stopping ctossici Quality anasiliara TO ga Ito aaya they are. No American w ib failing to meat his ■tandards. w ib jamilna canvas uppars, and our CO. such a way, and Mams is plaosd on tba ’Vhethar Connolly’s or Wash­ llpa avpr advocated them, or b e sctsntists. englnaers and m abom atl- own PVC aoia b a t lasts and laatal Girls' ington's ■tandards ara oorraot, itiM , IS to S; isomana^ alaat, 4 to IOl ■ 8:30 F.M. “withdrawal” which would Mana o f b o Pantagon for having ovar* Connolly men are livid at what VACATION 3 3 4 tantamount to ratraat and aurren- reached bemacivee, what blame goea they regard as an ovsrbaatlng to b e polttleat professionals wbosa da- Intrustlon from Washington, NORTH MAIN STRER fault mada it poiMibla—and even neces­ In Illinois, tbs state offloa feapea atUl pemlsalbls and logl- sary for bese men to deal w ib foreign ■St up by Democratic Gov. Otto AtlOUST t la AUOUST I • OMN IRON. THRU SAT. UdOAJlilO 9 P ^ ELLINGTON ''^GLASTONBURY affairs* Tba Internal crisis in Ameri­ Karner to coordinate commun­ XMAAM IT AT ed 816,000 leaflets over Permit any community to an are uicomplete. es in Connecticut, and In Maine, thorize financial aid for a rail near 5 this morning, police re­ 7.10x15/8.00x14 Tubeless Blackwalls .....1 ^ ...... 2 for 3 7 .9 0 * earthlike." force 1,060 men of the U.S. three North Vietnamese towns. New Hampshire, anji Mar^and. 2. The age of the planet Army's 1st Division who arrived South Viet Nam Premier road, and give the governor the port 12th Circuit The Rev. Mr. Bradley is on authoritv to appoint and dismiss Entry was apparently made 7.60x15/8.50x14 Tubeless Blackw alls...... i for 41.9 0 * A c somewhere between two btl- oh July 12. Nguyen Cao Ky hailed the in­ 'vacation until rnld-August. In by running a car Into the 3 o n and five bilHon years. F a n e r a b . The BS2 strike southeast of crease of U.S. forces in Viet administrative department case of emergency, he may be heads—Henry Altobello of Merl' overhead door to smash a win­ 3. The surface of the plsuiet is Saigon was made by about 30 of Nam announced by Pre.sldent Court Gases contacted through Mrs. Martin dow and let a large German .Vemarkably preserved — that is the big Jets, a U.S. spokesman den. 6.00x13 Tubeless W hitew alls...... 2 for27.90* Carl J. Nymaa Johnson as "evldenoe of the Baker, Allen YMe, or Guy Out­ Establish a commissioner of Shepherd dog out, police say, A s very thin atmoephere has not reported. There was no immedi­ U.S. determination to fight law. V Changed the surface of the plan- Funeral services foV Cart J. MANCHESTER SESSION the Arts—former governor Wil Then a cigarette machine was 6.50x13 Tubeless Whitewalls...... 2 for 3 1 .9 0 * Nyman of Stratford, formerly ate report on the results of the against toe Communists and of The Women's FeUowshlp of busted open, change was tak­ ft since the surface was bom. raid. Normally the Be3s are After a lengthy trial this bert Snow of MlddUetown. of Maitoheeter, were heM yes­ ito desire to meet present re­ the church wiU hold a oook-out- en from the cash register and " 4. The planet never had water baaed in Guam, but they had quirements for winning toe morning, Judge Max Relcher Establish tax exemptions for 6.70x15/7.50x14 Tubeless W hitew alls...... 2 for37JN1* terday afternoon at the Holmes plcnic on Thunday at 6 p.m. at charitable, religious, eduoational a cash box was rifled. A ' 22 •gufficient to create oceans or been shifted to Okinawa be­ war.” found Harry Carpenter!. 35, of the home of Mrs.- Winston O. Funeral Home, 400 Main S t 88 Meekvllle Rd., not guilty of and cemetery Institutions—Rep. caliber target pistol is also re­ 7.10x15/8.00x14 Tubeless W hitew alls...... 2 for Ather large bodies, because tf it Offlceni of King David Lodge, cause of a typhoon in the Guam In a radio address, toe pre­ Abbott, HebrOn R d 'A n Interest­ 4 1 .9 0 * Aad such water at any time in area. the charge of unlawhil dis­ Stanley Blgos of Enfield. ported mleslng. LOU officiaited. mier emphasized that the ed in attending mSy secure fur­ Abolish party nominating con The Patio Drive-In re­ Jts history, there would have The big air and ground opera­ American troops were being charge. of firearms. ther information bh callihg Mfk. nrom 7.60x15/8.50x14 Tubeless W hitew alls...... 2 for4S .90 * Burial win be at the oonveo- Edward Moon, 38, o f Coven­ .ventlons and substitute direct portedly broken Into bjp Smash­ ievere erosion of the planet's lencb of the family. tion was aimed at clearing out a dispatched to meet an "em er­ Abbott. , ' ~ : .surface which is not evident portion of Phuoc Tuy Province, gency” situation and would try, pleaded guilty to the ramariiea—Patriot J. Hogan of ing a aids window. POlise say .BtiamloBd. . there ddesrt’t appear ta b s any­ •Plus T u . No Trade-In Required A om Ma.riner's photographs. In which the Viet Cong recent- leave' Viet Nam when toe ■war charge of operating a motor Manchest^"^' EHMnttig~Hdrald '' S. The Interior of the planet ly cut the strategicc high'highway be­ ended. vehicle while under toe Influ­ Andover dbrreapondeat,' Eaw- PibWWt any cofhmunlty from thing missing at this tUns. Vernon ordering fluoridation of its pub­ has been long Inactive as com- tween Saigon and the military Ky also called for the uniflca- ence of intoxicating liquor and renoe MoeA teL 742-6792. ’ ALLSTATE Futuristic ared to the planet earth vdUch base at Vung Tau, on the coast. Uon of South and North -.Viet was fined |200,and sentenced — . 'll. .— '. lic water supphee—Mrs, Toll Take Incretuea SiiM Fit Most Chavy ll's, Comats, Fokens, Bukk Sptelais, Olds F-85s, Cor- Blghton said is InteraaUy dy- Rider Injured But it appeared the U.S. force to 60 days, suspended, and Ffanbes Burke Redick of New. Nam to meet "any plot of Red Ing^n. li e . had failed to find any Important China's to engulf our country." placed on probation for six HARTFORD (AP)—More and voirs, Lancors, Foiiianas, Valiants, Chavrelots, Dodgos, Fords, Plymouths, enemy units. months. Eledt every lb years a com' Pointing out that craters As Motorcycle Moscow radio said Johnson Stxife Netes more motorists are paying tolls Shock Absorbers During air attacks in the vi­ mission that would reapportion .xanglng ig> to 76 miles across ‘‘Is taking a colossal risk in an­ Thomas Leddy, 39. of Hart­ on the Connecticut Turnpike and were photographed by Mariner cinity Tuesday, U.S. Air Force ford was found guilty of oper­ the House and Senate-^amuel Pontioes, Wagons, Othors Loses a Part nouncing such' a considerable Gould of West Hartford. eating at Its restaurants. Jfc a sweep across only about 1 skyralders bombed a village 1,- increase in toe armed forces in ating a motor vehicle while un­ Roundup M r cent of the Martian surface, 700 yards from a convoy of U.S. South Viet Nam.” der the influence of intoxicat­ .All proposals approved by the The State Highway Depart­ delegates wUl be subject to Xelghton said there may be stiu A Virginia ey mis-‘ Poir Manet. after the ki bond. His plea lor a concessions were 21,996,168. f^eout. 0-ring double seals prevent pressure loss.' nUflc findings of the space- ment of cuts and bruises re­ claimed klUed. ment indicated the United tenced to 10 days In toe Hart­ When Auto Flips Some 6,610,682 vehicles paid ^aft. sulting from the accident. The action took place in ford State ' Jail. They sire separate trial was filed in La­ Guaranteed Against All Failures For Tread Life, NO LIMIT ON TIME, Larger piston and oil capacity gives 40% greater States has not diverted from Its redo and mailed to the fpderal tolls amounting to 21.866,483. • He said that studies of Mari- Whittington was leaving, the Chuong Thlen Province, 130 Charles Antanaitis, 52, Bloom- control than new car shock absorbers. ' policy of seeking peace. Ttiey court in Houston. / Boy Gallant 24, at Forest Last June, tob apd concession MILEAGE, ROADS OR SPEED, Plus a 27-Month Wear-Out Guarantee. er'a radio signals as it mvung westboimd lane of the Wilbur miles southwest of Saigon. Viet­ welcomed Johnson's call for fleW, Bruno Dombroskl, 61, was taken to Windham receipts were 21,96l),247 and 6,- namese rangers made a heli­ Vernon, and George WltheraU. ""Ths Fsderal Bureau of lnvee- Cross Highway on exit 98 when new U.N. efforts to M n g peace. tigaUon maintains Miller’s real Community Hospital after his 387,1 the accident occurred. Trooper copter-borne assault on an esti­ Philippine Foreign Secretary 57, Hartford. car ran off Rt. 31 yesterday ^risp and Ship-Shape mated battalion of Viet Cong Thomas Caffyn, 21, South j name Is Frank James'Coppola. Mario Paluipbo is investigat­ Mauro Mendez said he was Miller has denied it. afterhobn and overturned. Gal­ ing. and boxed the enemy in along a "elated at seeing tlut the Unit­ Windsor, was found gu)lty ofl WOUNDBD BY GUN Get i following too oloeely and was No data has been set for a lant suffered several broken Buy your first 600x13 tube­ ♦Plus Tax canal. Most of the Communist ed States Is not ^viqg up In Viet ribs in the accident casualties resulted from air fined 225. hearing on Miller's petition. WAIXINOFORD CAP)— Dale 2nd Nam." According to state poUoe, less white sidewall for only No Trade-In A Charming Quilt! strikes on the trapped unit, a Paul Olsen, 19, of 112 Amott Rivard, Miller and the other Stewart, 16, was wounded Tire North Viet Namese DefenM Rd. pleaded guHty to the suspects are accused of taking Gallant was driving north on Wednesday when a 12-gauge $21.96* U.S. spokesman said. Minister Vo Nguyen Oiap, the Required Government losses were de­ charge o f unnecessary noise part In art' attempt ito smuggle Rt. 81 when the car ran off the shotgun acclijentally dlaoharged. For Only scribed as "light to moderate." victorious commander In the with a motor vehkde (squealing 266 million worth of? pure heroin road Into and back out of a Hs was in fair condition at Mer­ U.S. officials said 23 enemy Vietnamese war against the tires) and was fined |18. into the United States from culvert, and turned over Info iden Hospital, where pellets weapons were captured. French, said the Viet Cong will The esM o t E81en Harris of Mexico. the south bound highway lane. were extracted from U s arms win the war In South Viet Ni There was no word of Ameri­ 4 am, WMteelde, N. Y., charged with He was alone at ths time. The and legs. can casualties' on' the ground, but the Norto Vietnamese breaking and entering with - ^ MATE'S VOTE car sustained considerable Polios said Stswart and anoth­ Buy 1st 7.50x14 Tubeless Blackwall for 327.2S* Get 2nd Tire Only but two U.S. Army helicopters must be prepared for an Ame criminal intent, and larceny un­ WA8HINOTON CAP) — Offn- damage to its side and top. er boy were hunting Woodchucks taking part In the operation col­ can invasion of North Iflet Nam. der 2250, was noUed. neeticut sanators Thomas J, The accident Is being inves­ In the North Farms sections Buy 1st 8.00x14 Tubeless Blackwall for 329.85* Get 2nd Tire Only lided and wbre destroyed, a In an article In the North The Family Rolations Divi­ Dodd and Abraham Rlbicoff^ tigated by Trooper Lkmel Ross. vdisn the aeddent happened. spokesman said. One American Vietnamese magazine Hoc Tap sion of the court reooauneiided ith Democrats, voted for the Buy 1st 6.00x13 Tubeless Whitewall for $21.95* Get 2nd Tire Only crewman and 18 Vietnamese (study), Glap wrote that toe that toe charge of breach of icUl Security health care bid troops were Injured in the United States has now lost toe peece against John Ckagrove, W edM sdw. Buy 1st 6.90x13 Tubeless WhitewaU for $24.05* Get 2nd Tire Only crash, the spokesman said. war In the South and might In 89, of 37 St. Bernard’s Ter., The bin was paSssd by the Elsewhers in ths dslta, a U.S. desperation attempt an Invasion Vernon, be nolled because the Asnato on a 70-24 'Vote and was Buy 1st 7.50x14 Tubeless Whitewall for $ $ ] ,!$ ♦ Get 2nd Tire Only Navv F8 Crusader bomber of the North., family trouble that had caused sent to the Whitei House for At U.N. headquarters In New his arrest has beeO' straightened slgaing, t Get 2nd Tire Only craslhed Into a paddy field while out. - ■ Buy 1st 8.00x14 Tubeless Whitewall for $ 3 3 .7 5 * on a strafing run against the Torit, Secretary-Generiil U Viet Cong, U.8. sources said. WASHINOTON C8^)—All six a t QMinedticat’S representatives 8EDB8 FIT Chevy l b , Cometo, Fmloonz, Buiok SpeoUIs, Oldz F-86s, Corvalrs, Lanoen, FzlrlanM^ The Informants said the Vallnnto, C b o v io l^ Dodgw, Fordz, Plymoutha, Ponttaca, Merourya, and Many Othera. plane, from the carrier Bon 'voted Wednesday fof repeal of Homme Richard, failed to pull Teen Group Gets Permission section 14B ot the TaftultorUey out of a dive and was destroyed Act. 7 when It hit the ground. The pilot Repeal would take Away the wi^ not seen to eject. Tke crash To Take Over Keenly Annex .ttl^t.pf'atotea to torUd tmlpn oOcurrsd nsar TTa Vinh, In Blnh' '^fdhop cinltrmots. Dlnh Province, about 66 miles Manchester youth, In the 17-<» adults, through their SO-msmber The OonnecUcut congressman south of Saigon. 21 age group, have been given steering .committee,, have of a rosU Democrats, A U.S. Marine spokesman the "go-ahe^" for using ths fered to paint and repair the tn e repeal bUl passed 221-202 and was sent said Amsrican Marines and Keeney Annex as their center, building themselves, with pos­ to the Senate. f "Foelory Ft m Ii " Pally Totlod Vietnamese killed 26 Viet Cong hut they will probably have to sible ftigncial assistance from and captured nine, suspects in a wait imtil the end of Septem- toin^ mtrebsata and' from tha ALLSTATE Heavy-duty JolMt rasratlon.. The battallon- iber to utilixe the facility, aban­ Manchester Jayesea. strei||th operation was launehed doned and unused for some They propose to setup a. can-, ALLSTATE nsar ths tdg U.S. Marine beach­ time. * teen in the building and to use head at Chd.Lai. No'Atnerloan Park and'Bsc Superintendent the premlaes for ^'oonfrogat- MANCHtSTEirS Bulk Motor Oil casualties were reported. Horsoe Murphey today |gave ing, talking, eating and Just Two U.S. Army helleopters Us approval to the plan, sub­ plain visiting.’' Batteries reported slnklhg one boid ba­ ject to a report by CSireetor of All poll ring of tha premises leen 60 and 80 feet lofig and Public Works Fuss on ths cost wUl be d ep sb y the group, wfib O N L Y FUEL low priea 8276 damaging twq others a short 9-19 of paving and extending the the advloslof a co m m it^ ot 24-Mo. GUARANTEE 5161-N distance off the ooaet M ar Ham packing tot, widening the pre- adults, ,and with ptrlodio vlriu There’s a gay nautical air Tan. Ths helicopters also fired sbnt driveway, adding ..anolother by tx>ilos patrols. OPEN nut tills Junior toock. New and HOURS Octor and charm Is added to on a Mispaetsdd VlsiVlst Oong camp driveway a k ^ the norm side The reason for. tbs daisy in pliis taxaa A-VOLT No. SO naii with a two-piece look, and your room when ttw bed la at­ on shore and the crews claimed o f the building, and making using tha Jlremlass, Is bsouiss veMy button mm tired In this showy quUt — ths t l ^ killed 20 guwrrtUas. minimum ranov ranovattons of ths time slsmant present in FIta Theae Cara . . . 1984 - 64 Bunflowerl You need aUy U Marins artillsry oftlosrs, 8276 wMh Patt-O^Rama ts building itself, getting tha bogrtf of directors’ Chevy.; 1966-64 Pontiac; 1864- pieces and 12 ptafn blooks! tearing an attack on an oil depot i n ^ dIdltlon, Fuss must ^ e ck approval tor, an BROTHERS Ply. — 6-oyllnder 1860-66 Ram- sises 9, U, 12, 18, U, Ik 18, six mllea. from Da Nang bass, Bring yonr own eontainer and hoy at thia low, ' SOM to 86. Size 11, aiM with ths Hartford Electric blar and othera. Pattern No. tisl-N has pat­ oallsd for a bombardmant from lig h t O0. for acquiring a right* tha parking low priea! Double Detergent Super-additivee Oak Bar Top Carrier. short stoeves, 8H yards of tern plecee; diagram and fUU destroyers of lbs VM. 7th Visst " i M yard oontrest. of-wsy to the south a t ths 54”, Fittings, Suction Cups. SAVE 6a87 directiona. lying offshora. T do dsatroysrs building, so that the present dean as diey lubrieate. Meeto and exoeedt ante Ib order, send 60c in coins to: To order, send SOo in coins to: respendsd with 100 shalla and no driveway may be widened. At ^ toapaetloB "tour ot tha UMmufafiturtiri* maxiniiBB aererity teata for ofl. attack materialised. Basket Type Top Carrier. la B u m ^ , The Manohestar Anne Oabot, TTm Manchester PoUoe CUef James flsardon mtaaa today, tboaa preaant, T2.YOLT No. 350 feUng HarsM, U6S AVH. OF Evening Herald, 1169 AVE. OF In the hIgUands province of has approved the parking tot, addition to Murphay, Fuaa, Slat Bottom, 41”x34”x6”. NOW 7a87 IBBIGAS, NEW YORK. N.Y. lERfCAS, NEW YtNM. N.Y. KMitum, 286 miles northeast ot provided It has both l a entry Itaardm and Kaaen, trata Build­ FIta •nieae Cara . . . 1956-64 Saigon, Vietnamese authorltisa r and egress, and Town Firs ing Inapaotor Tliomaa Monahan; Chevy.; 1966-64 Pontlaol 1086- olsTmsd M Viet Oong wsr< (3htef W. CUfford Mason has WQUim Aadnilot, foraMan of 64 Ply.; 1966-64 Dodge; 1966- NT ist-daas mailing add 20c For lii-c«aas mafitag add lOo klUad In a clash with local gov- called the bulldteg safe, so far 64 Riunbler and many othar agpli pattern. Print Nams, for eadi pattam. Print Mem* ammaet is s s t z Tnaaisy. Oov- as firs haaacds are ocnoemed. 290 BROAD STREET Zip Ooda , Bh Addr-M* wim Zip Ooda, Style anunsnt losses wars described Reardon has sstlmatsd that No. and Size. as light. Very heavy air. actiw Ity over South VWt Nam Was Adjustment prorated on baoia of current regoltr, BOo today for the Spriz Send 60o now for your new • '06 Issua of fiiaio FUl and Winter ASbinnI RecUar price less trade-in. ^ i eulr eongleta patfsn MANCHESTER EVEmNO HTOAli); MANCHESTER, CONN^ THimSDAV; JULY 29, PAOB l i % | l 't iir MANCHB8 TBR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESIER, CONN^ high'rhway or publ^orimfU^ L i b r # r y Gttaid 'said R h id M raporta on who wlU bring the Flm (i^uatlon from^ewgew thay wara not ahandoning their Kurdish tiibaiman have strayed begun nine weeks of Navy basic First Battalion, 182 Artillery Mt ■truggla tof rstum to full el- before and bombed Turklah bo^ From Your OromwtU. Firem en’s Tests Departmcnt’a rtl eiig*"a*’fhig plus at to u t a Winds Puahi iMhdwar ha|M to W i n d f l o r tralalag at tha VJk Naval to its rooow»»to»^ atrength. L a s ^ Events in World viUan govammant. dervllldt^. ■ 'Dralaiiv Owter, Groat Lakas, tha HawaU Jeuroajr *» toaa than Msnaheator Eveatog BeraM Set for A ug. 6 nemed atoovs; of kb equivalent Tha old eablnot rasignad IS Young Sailor ni. HAMBURG, Germany dayo ago altar woeka of politleal s a month. ■ .' . - . Neighbor’s Kitchenl Am y Naoenal Guard M. 8f t ■oath Wbiiser oorreapondesit, contotnatlon of the training and A T io h n , Gl«*at (AF) — At:yards from the border, searched Seamen Weigh More Fair Fiona Taking Shape; Herbert W. Oonon. 148 ~ Ai m t^SM , toL 844-M8S- Deputy En^neer •n^oymant. Books' HfotlmM are gatUag wnmgltog and rloUng lad by ■AN PBDRO, OaUf. (AP) — Approodmataly 90 applloanta young Britain roporUd today tha oar and dlsoovarad tha studanta and poUtloal and tabor 1980 Cool Nefd Told diet Or. Wappingi la «M of Applications, which may M shorter and ahortar tn Ctormtny, that lie HMl an Australian girt jrouth under tha luggage. OSLO — A' dbmprehenslva Trade winds prssum*My were five membersibers of the Conneotl' for the positions of town fire­ Sought by Town laadari, atudy boMd on moaaurementa Sparkling Plenty obUlfied * " ‘h* Not Quito }4 por bant of ftoUon spent thena wnoka In a RoOa Law said, "thay a ia p :^ ua in pushing Usn-ags sailor' Lss WSUHHfGTOff — About 6001 Kindergmten Marma Hired our National Guard PlatolTaam men will take written examina­ goer's office In ^ e M w lo ^ pdton tor tryM to amunle a Jati. .Wa wara finally rtlaaaed of 1,543 NorweglM seamen and that toft t o ^ for the National Uttoa roaoh a aooond edition: in ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — An Graham southward today as he million tona of oMI a SAN FILtNOMOO — Cliam- tions In Room AT of Manchea- The town has announced on BuUdlng. from InatruoUvo nonfiction tho man- young mnn.out of Buignria dur­ and our paaaporta rotumod to 0,144 of thsir landbound fellow Pistol kfatohaa at Camp Perry, ter High Seheol the evening of sonnel Department, or from any Iraqi Bmbaiasy apolwaman says clMccna s b ^ that the Bailors Bought a swift passsgs to HawaU be naedod to raaoh the natkm'a ^Prepantlona are uMawayfwIilab te under oonatructlon, pagne and aparkltng wtnaa were open oompetHlvo examination bar la 99.4 jpor ^ t ing a holiday trip. ua July 98.” IMO powot goal, .whloh to 9 ^ will have three rooms which OIUo. Aug. 6. his govsmmsnt will pay Indsm- wslgh t.4 to marly 5 pounds In his 24-foot sloop, Dove, r the annual Wan>lnr Pair, The team will Join about two p ^lar beverages last year. tor the p o tio n of deputy town office of W»e Bator* IW , Gorman pubho Philip'Philip 'Law, Law, 97, aahsaid he and nlty tor losssi sqstalnsd whan times tha prsaaiit output e t \ have been propoeed for klnder- 'iTie examlnatlona, to be con­ engineer, a poet which hoa been Service, must be filed no lator Ubrarlara eould 'tap ao t a 94- ItaolMt Taytor,Taylor, 9l9i were> ap- more. The axcasa weight, wWch Graham, 16, left hero Tuesday h I be halil thla ywr aiot 10 thousand markamen from the The 6.0 million gallona sold In ducted for ' the town by the QUITO, Bcuador (AP)' Po­ an Iraqi air force plans bombed increaaea wHM length of sea on what ha hoped would bo tha •loetrio anargF. Coal ta 11 In vicinity of the wap- gbrttn tisb. the United Btatea were ahnoat vacant tot over a year and for than Aug. 18. year Ufa tor Uwlr atock.ot proaohod w an “ Bngll ;llah-apeak- litical laadari vowed today to and strafed a . Turkish bordsr sd to bo supplying half ilia to-1 Parente of kindergarten chil­ United States and Its terrltorlas State Personnel Department, which no eligible applloanta ap­ TMay tho stooka have service, Is greatsr tor otficsrs first leg of a solo voyM* sround Oominunlty Church. In a nine dny pistol eompoUUon M per cent more than In 1B6S. will precede oral vxamlnaiUonB, The position haa a aalaiy tog Bulgarian yottnI aa they continue Uialr fight tor a oonatl- town. than tor crews and more pro­ tha world. tal by then. I tvaat la oponaored bjr the dren wUl be notified of rooen plied for an examination con­ range Sr | 7,3M.3«.18M wnuaT- to bo exchanged ovory ten yeart ■tood outside thoir hoihotel In So­ tutlonal government deipita tha aaslgnmenta when aohedulea are opon to clvlUana polio# and to be taken by those with Th# Turkish Interior Ministry- nounced tor non-smokers. If he reaches Hawaii, ha will re and the Junior auun- V.8. LEADS o r TOURISM* paasliy grades, and to be con­ ducted a tow months ago. ly, and Includu all of the us­ It they want to have Iwolu the fia. Ha said they agreed to take military Junta’s naming of a 1# MnxiON iQunrt complete, ■ Warner said. mqitary pargonn.al. Team Speclfloatlons call tor ap- ^U o demands. And-tha lima ■aid one man waa killed and tan be the youngest parson to have of Commerce. It will begin matches will be fired Aug. 6 NEW YORK — Last year «ha ducted by a committee of' as ual town benefits. the youth out Of tha oountry, naw cabinet of sight cIvIHana other persona wounded when a KINO, PRAYER UNKED navigated tha 3,S00-mlla voyage wAwmoroii — a fadstmll day n i^ t with a teen dance; EdncaSea Topics and 7. ^ UnMed Btatee beoame the world yet unnamed out-bf-town fire plicanU to have not leu than Bxamlnatlone Ubarlana spend aatoflUtw new When UiM tried to oroaa Into and one military man. South Windsor reatdenU are Six yean of progreaalvely re- books has doublod in tha last twln-cnglna plana strafed C9iu- LONDON — The English form alone, hla father said. survey of pubUo schooto Sound fun booth wlU alao bo open C olton Is attending the toadsr tn tourist oamlngs. More offlctato ed for the town by tha Btata Oreooo on July 9, ha said, a Bul­ After tha caMnat wna named karcha, bordering northern of the Our Fsther was given a Tha youth haa a radio roeMv thM 10 imlllon stifdsnto are In Jor the evening, being rwiuested to submit eug- matches this year for too first than 31 billion was apent by From the 20 applloanta will •ponslMa employment In clvH Personnel Department fsw yaan. garian aoMler onrrytng a ma- gestloaa for dlacuaelon topics ttflnewlag, preferrably In the Wadnaaday, unlvsnlty atudsnta Iraq, Wadnaaday. onltorm translation by King or but no transmitter ao ho can’t buildings wHh unsaOataetory [ rta tu rd a y 'e achedule wM open time. Ho to a momber of tho Ttoitora. be chosen nine now firemen, ohlnofun atopped them fivt oallad off a strike but warned • Iraqi pianas pursuing rabal Henry v m . report hla position. Tha Coast Mghls, Wftth a p u ^e to the nrounda. at the educational oonferenoe to *Kh«>lta on view during the be held Sept. 38. Itftemoon will include both The conference la sponsored Stalt and Junior ahowlnga of by the board of education tn co­ JlObMae, baked gooda, flower ar- operation with the South Wlnd­ {yMnunta. needlework and aor Bducatlonal Aaaoctatlon and heuklcrafta. Is enMUed 'Tour Challenge In ^ Uri. Hannah Wllllama, cor- BJducatton—Today and Tomor­ faopondlng aecreUry of the row—A Community Confer­ ence." lair committee, aaya that ex- The propoeed program will hit muat be preaented to the Include round taMe dlscuaslons CIr committee by Sept 10 and among townspeople, membera Mil be judged Saturday mom-of the board and school admin­ fig, before the fair beglna. rae evening progr|m will istrators. ipen with a chidton barbecue; Among the Items that have Jhere will be a record hop for been suggested for discussion 2 fte younger set and the fair by the plsMlng rommlttee are: MU end with an auction. Summerner sch(It ool; new ap- Othw offloere of Wapplng proaches to education In South lno. Involved In the plan- v ^ d so r; new horltona in edu- are Robert Ganley, preal- cation; vocational educational ; Robert Truhella, treaa- grouping of students; commun­ ; Harry Wellea, nipe^ ity use of the schools; kinder* ntendent of grounda; Robertgarten through Grade 3 pri­ l mary grades; Grade 4 through BARGAIN DA T ’" pouchon, cataloguing; and the 6 Intermediate grades; middle 9 Ur dlreoton. g■rtie offloera wHl meet for a school. Grades 7 and 8; high Bing eeealon Thureday at 8 school. Grades 8 through 12; hi the community hoene. our rsaponslblllty to the Cap­ ^ ' lAOW • VAR/nv First ggadergarten Teacheca itol Region; the general level of attalnnaent desired for South Superintendent of achoola Wlndaor e^catlon. harlea Warner haa announced Further suggestions may be N ational hat nine naw taechera have submitted to the superintend­ HUS STAMPS! een hired for the Undergartan ent’s offlce. Board of education S tores dhaaea to begin In September. chairman Francis Nester wpi be Ttie new teachara are; general chairman of the con­ . Ulaa Nancy Poth, a grad- ference. hate of Central Conn. State Col­ Trio Arrested m m i& u a M iP lege; Hre. Nancy Curtla, a South Windsor PoUee 1 (Harold photo by Ptido> -graduate of MUletevllle (Pa.) reported that policeman A1 State College; Mra. Suaan Mc­ Cowpar^walte apprehended MRS. WARREN YOUNG ' Kinney, Michlgen State Col­ three youths Tusaday during an m m if m m e m f lege; Mrs. Nancy FaMneUl, attampted break Into a vend­ ALL GRADE A - 1965 CROP By DORIS BELDINO a curry powder, paprika lind f. ,Panbury State College. Mrs. ing machine at Chuck's Atlantic Curried Eggs In Shrimp Sauce d r y m uetard. Fill c4w- palalnelU haa prevtoualy taught Sendee Station, Rye St. and \ won third place tor Mrs. Wer- ities In white* Make aauce %y vrin the South Wlndaor Ooopeca- Sullivan Ave. iren Young of Bolton Cantor in melting two tableapoona butter ..^tlve Klndergrarten. Apprehended w ere Roger I a recant caasarcla contest spon­ and blending In flour until I, Alao, Mra. Aramenta Booker, Chapman. 88 FViatar Rd., Tim' \ sored by the Manchester office ■mooth. Stir In aoup and milk ,(liwho hoMa a BJ&. degree frocn othy Miner, 28 Demlng Rd., of Hartford Electric Light Co., and stir until sauce thickehs. .erPennaylvanls Statete Unlvrniveralty olastonbury, and Robert Healy, 6-OZ SAVE I mlghboring utIUUes and Oon- Add cheese and stir until melt­ -:,and a MJl. degree from (3Mw- 164 Houae St, Glastonbury. 2Sc V nectlout MUk Producers. For ed. , homa University; Mrs. Oon- Taken to the State Police Mtaute Makl 'TtS' 5 CANS thoM who "eat wiUi their eyes,” Arrange egge In 10 by 6 by >0 .stance Smith, a graduate of the troop, they were questioned by f this main dtoh looks os good as 1V4 Inch bedclng dtoh. Cover ifl University of Connecticut; Mra. Oov^rthwatte and state p<^ It tostee. egge with sauce. Melt two o 'Patricia Lsmdgreb, a graduates lice, and reportedly admitted to 6-OZ SAVE Carried Eggs In Shrimp Sauce tableapoona butter and m'.K : of Mount S t Vincent OcUege; breaks into a soda machine at CANS 3 d c 8 hard-cooked eggs with breadcrumbs. S p rin k le j 9 hbn. Stuiron Batrone, a Univer- the Long View Driving Range Welcli's Crape Juice 6 1-8 cup mayoonaiaa or ealad buttered breadcnimba around ^'.'Bity of Hartford graduate; and on Sullivan Are., «nd a milk edge of baking dtoh. Bake !n I dressing m ^erate, 850-degree oven, 15 J •7 MUa Virginia Vabalae, Central machine at a public swlimning 9-OZ SAVE H teaspoon salt t Conn. State College. Mias V\a- area in Glastonbury. ONIONS to 20 minutes or until heated 17c ^ teaspoon curry powder through. Garnish with parsley ]>;>baLlaa haa taught at the Wap- The youths were chsuged by Birds Eye wHh Crnom Sauco PKGS H tcaqxxm paprika V plng School for two years. Cowperthwaite with two counts % teaspoon dry mustard before serving. This makes six ■ - Warner has informed the Of willful damage to private tablespoons butter or to eight eervinga. board of education that oon- property, «me count of larceny MIXID VECHABIES 9-OZ SAVE margarine A native of Ohio. Mra. Yoitng S traots with v a rio u s town and one count of attempted wKh Onion Sauco PKGS 29c taUespoone enriched flour has lived In Bolton C enter - ^groups for rental apace for the larceny, for the two breaks Birds Eye can frosen condensed cream about nine years. She to a f. idttdcrgarten claaarooms will be that occurred In South Windsor. of shrimp soup member of Bolton Congrega- f.ivady this week. They are to appear tn the wMi 8-OZ SAVE YOUNG .. aoup can milk tionol Church and the Coen»o- •o/f Town Atty. Fraidc Aheam to Circuit Court 12, East Hart­ H cup Sharp processed Amer­ polltan Club of Manchester. ford, on Aug. 16. AH three wer4 PKGS 29c I U u drawing the contracta. Leased MuhroMM ican cheese, shredded She ho* two daughters, Mrs. > ,apace waa neceaaary to inatl- released on 3100 bond each. 1 cup seft breiMl crumbs Jacqueline Spencer, with whom r"iute a kindergarten program Beglna Training IRINCH 9 tablespoons butter or mar- ahe makes her home,, and Ifrs. f.ithla year because of lack of Seaman Rot. Stephen S. Pas- 7-OZ SAVE Bernard BlUs of Manchester. FRIED garlm, melted ■dasaroom ^laice In exlatlng tiila, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stan-^ PKG 10c HENS Cut eggs In half le n g th ­ Besides cooking and trying /lachoola. The ESI Terry School, ley Paatula, 480 Clark St, haa CLAMS wise and remove yolke. Mash out new recipes, Mrs. Young ______yolka with mayonnaise, aalt, likes listening to good miulc. • IA N S G FRANKS 11- OZ SAVE Swanson's DINNER PKGS 17c 8 to 12 Pound A verage L Thant Promises People I L SPAGHETTI and USED CARS at 12- OZ SAVE M E A T B A LL The Pick of The Crop Try for Peace Swanson's PKGS 17c SCRANTON DINNER (Continued froen Page Om ) In the DEEP DISH SAVE tlons, Individually and collec­ MOTORS. Inc. 16-OZ PKG tively, wiU use their influence to Swanson's CHICKEN PIE 10c bring to the negotiating table all News J governments Involved In on at­ ROCKVILLE, CONN. tempt to holt all aggression and C H O C O L A n SAVE evolve a peaceful solution.” Nancy Sinatra Saralee“"^v ♦V vey aald an earthquake aliook ernment poit last fidl. EEdUUa er iO-iUDf lAVEEc Peaches the vidnlty of Rait laland. In the Ikeda, W. has besn convo is- •Sf 12-OZ Aleutian ohaUi, early today. olng slneo his relaaas last >o- '•*« BID BIPI .ITte agency said Inatrumento cambar from Rm National C in- ■■[It SCRANTON MT DHERGINT>— 59< FKGS showed the quake'* strength* at oer Reasarch Cantor. Dool ira goinatoes ■lx on the Riqhjer cjLte, , , . . , aald Ikada atill was suffti na nSH FLAVOI The Alaska dtaastor oeflM from aftor affooto of tho ^ -h reported no tidal wave warning mint. 1SOZ NATIVI waa Issued. The quake waa not TM»Y CAT FOOD 10 CANS Creen Cabbage that bad, a' dpbKakihkil said. An Air Force ftatlon on Bho- ItSOO Dump Smeagi MOTORS,Inc. mya laland, 'far out on tho Alsu- tlana, said tho quake was not WZUaNOTON, Del. fait thoro. duatrtol study of the UNION STRin — ROCKVILLE r RETAILBR OF FINE FOODS! At tho Anehorafo Nows, a wide wMUr-poUutton Bpokosman said: soys more tkaa I, TIL. 643-9533 — 878-2821 I.WMVI : le uM euANmw I tkn Jtfir It, If M M FMI PapEt MEthEN OsAt CtOEtaHeit Seei a 1 I Uwet hw iww 0*w htM,iSMii«. and a check by structed the mayor to decide e ere laying out the roadi am', over clothing to render Hmbp electoVate, would atop the pres­ voted at a public referendum! |n tbrir W Subtraction—Pull Keyboard Mayor Thomaa J. McCuakar in- upon the relocation of town de­ Buckler Promoted Hktna Whitman, RFD I; CUorts Immobile and exert pressure, car waa only soratetkad. the store to watch the woman ehould be binding upon the travel, the Automobile Manu- Robert A. Buckler of Welles Hewitt, 6 Fern St.; Beatrice i lundarlee of thq town In 17X6. ent practice of a mandatory facturera AssociaMon aays S8S.00 dtoatad that four were out of partments. preventing swelllag, until hos­ as ht suspected her of secreting loes-^ license, end would make Leglelature. He named horse­ Rd., TalcottvI'lle, commanding Poulin, 156 High St.; Kenneth ■ ooreky ha§ claared the land arUolei -jya her large hand- C.B,T. Included town, one w*a wortcinf, and However, many observers feel officer of an Army reserve I round tha road and will eet pital treatment, can be given, I ' linSiltiSpace • provision for o hearing, before racing as one of thoee Issues. one could not ba located. Mayor McCusker Is Justtfled If Mentie, Ellington; Deborah baft pollcFaald. 2. ‘To change the name of the SHEEP UNDER H MIUJON unit headquartered In West Rlckert, S Chrletopher Dr. 5 , Bii krea for plcnlclng. Off- a license could be. suspended. ' Also Special On Eleetrle AHhoufh the board oouM not he delays his decisions. At a CHUCK I reet parking will be provided. f e w e r c o a c h e s r u n n in g ‘ LOS ANGiSLES - The aero- Mrs. was charged Atty. Oroobert, who Is a State Buprr:Tie Court of Errors WASHINGTON —The number act offldaMy, they meat for 2H recent meeting, Republican Hartford, has recently been pro­ Births yestsrday; A son to to the State Supreme Court. of sheep In tJie United States Adding Mochtnea moted to captain. S he Junior Woman'a Club will CHICAGO — Ral|i;oads had Space tnduotry, which glved With .'ehdMlftlng and released member of the oonventlon'a houra, dtacuaalnf a wide range board member Thomas Car- Mr. and Mrs. James HlUisrd, 21 only 12,607 passenger and PulW under $14^ bond. Court date has compilUee on general provi­ 3, To make provision for an at the sUrt of this year was Biickler's promotion followed River St.; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Sect a aign marking tha alte .work to a fifth of dll the natlbn’e Yale Typewriter Service at aubjeota. ruthers told the Democratic ^ d giving a brlaf hlatory of man cars In service iMt year, •deiUlata and CDglnaera, fin- been set' for Aug. 16 “ffl the sions,Is co-chairman of the automatic Increase In the num­ less than 27 million compared One aUbJact dlacusaed ait mayor that such decisions may his appointment as command­ Georgs Daolelaon, 10 Depot St, down 10,778. cars In the past Manohester Ssarion of CiPcult subcommittee on voting rights, ber of judges In the Superior with more than 40 million In Phone 649-498« ing officer of the 76th Trans­ Bucklend. |L landmark. ployed lA mflUon peopla laet langth waa the unifying of the be used as ammunition in the HAt I*. Ita JuJune 22 meeting, the 10 years. ' yasr. Court » hae introduced five other reso- Court whenever a state Increase the early I900’s. town'a departmenta, especially town’s next election campaign. portation Co., 76th Infantry Discharged yeeterday: Grace Dlv,, In February. Ho haa Collins, EUlIngton; Ellsen Mealy, gen tly formed women’e club the police, public worka and Mayor McCusker has also In­ STEAK « ued to Investigate the feas - r building de^tmenta. dicated that, because the town .served for about 17 years In the 666 Hartford Tpke.; Alberts De­ ' -1 National Ouard and the re- prey, 2 Mlnterbum Ct.; Donna 1 limy of preserving Settlers Under present rulea, the Is paying for a government a nek as a local landmark and town’s two former police units specialist (Etllnger), he should .serves, and about two years ac­ Kobus, X Orchard St.; Caroline GENUII^B DOAAESTIC tive duty In Oermany during Rumsey, Broad Brook; Blaine I poaslbla, of clearing tha will merge at one location. be given the opportunity to par­ i -ea and having * algn erected Some heavy crltlclem haa been ticipate In relocation ^clslons. the Korean war. He has attend­ Andrelski, 37 ’Talcott Ave.; ed the basic Infantry officers John Garrott 3 Hilltop Dr.; 9 waa decided the project hurled at town offVelaJa since Transferred a ould be especially appropriate SPRING Mayor MoCuaker revealed sev­ John T. EJwers, supervisor of .school at Ft. Banning, Ga. Norman StroM, Went Rd.; Rose Bennett, Elmwood: Har­ 1 jring the year of the 260th 2 eral weeks ago that the de- personnel and purchasing of A Vernon resident for about ^nlversnry of the founding pe/dmenta would have their the Burroughs Corporation 10 years. Buckler Is food serv­ old Dellsle, 17 Chamberlain Bt; 2 Gertrude Drensek, 76 Union ,e town. headquarters In the public » /e - Todd Division printing plant In ice manager at the W.T, Grant Mrs. Joseph Kolwlcn, ohair ty building on West 9t. ’Tolland, has been appointed Department Store In Thomp- St.; Anita Fennesay. Broad Brook. an of club’a public affair* X number of businessmen In systems analyst at the divi­ sonville. He Is married to the mmlttee, copaultSd with dor the downtown Rockville dis­ y who assured her he had trict have voiced fears that, if intention of aelltng the land the change is made, they will which the rock was located, receive leas police protection. stated,tHit he had been in- One fadlon of the board pre­ g to olaar around the 9 fers to delay any declalon \m- TENDEB, dUICT, BHOULDIU K and had made a study of tn the newly hired director of 9 hUitory; It wan also used an administration, Jay M. BUln- LONDON BROIL ib.t9e dlan school at one time. ger, assumes hla post and de­ RepabUcan Nonilnatlon: cides about the relocation of BONELESS The Republican town com town departments. ttee l ie proponed Robert Another faction, headed last ib.69e bee fOr constable, n l^ t by former mayor Herman LT.WOOD CHUCK ROAST e town - coronrlttee wUl Olson, called for the Immediate LEAN, JUICY ir a "Meet the Candidates' merger of all departments. LOCKER PLANT and MEAT MARKET js Sept. 18 at the Itallan- Olson charged, after the QROUND CHUCK ib. 79b erican Friendahlp Club. Oo- WHOLE 01 HALF LANR Bveetlng broke up, that '“The ______FRESH MEATS — RETAIL DEPARTMENT purpose' of consolidation are nsors of the dance will be not being fulfilled unless we e YOOP aiid the Republican CHUCK FHJIT have one centrally located po­ ALL OUR MEATS ARE FRESHLY CUT AND DISPLAYED— 'omen’e Club. CHOPS M The next meeting of the Re lice department «»d public de­ ______NOT PREPACKAGED U.S. CHOICE "VALUE WAY TRIMMEt)" CHUCK SHOULDER iHcan town oommittee wUl partment.” He added, "We should not Aug. 10. LANBOSiDINATION <^ln0RTltIBS be running two of everything, Something NEW— with the TANG of the ranch country, HOT as the prairis rri Tolland la Congreee V • ip n rr B pBEMniM as we were before consolida­ —with the SNAP of the SOUTH. ^ " Frank Kalas, chairman of tion, It is necessary that the land’B 260th anniversary obl­ • O l i v e r budget be followed; savings TOBIN'S FIRST PRIZE ation, haa’ received a letter Aould be made now, not later.” lb R ^ . WUllam St. Ongc, Olson said his opinions were BAR-B-CUE STEAK 6 9 losing a copy or the Oon- based on the supposition that eslonal Record of June 28, ^ CALIF. ROAST having two departments Is TEXAS HOTS / Q® which St. Onge has inserted more expensive than having one i#8 remarks shout the celebra- merged unit. He pointed out FRANKFURTS m Rjon and ooptea of two newspa­ ^ U N D R O U N D per artlolee about the celebra- that, presently, the police de­ EXTRA LEAN — FRESHLY GROUND partment is paying two dis­ WAYBEST NATIVE GRADE "A” Km. NOT PRE-PACKAGED n VFW Auxiliary Meets rOK tn w et KZBOB patchers on -each of three shifts. SWEET JUICY FANCY MEDIUM "I don’t cars where, but they II The VTFW Auxiliary will hold FRANKS ALL*S jR” a L L B S IP 69* should be moved now,” Olson FOWL 39c Chuck Ground a. 79c % first monthly meeting Mon- BEEF CUBES ^79* said. "And we should do it be­ 2aty evening at 7:30 at the post CKOFPto A TINS CUT Bi A s * WHITE SHRIMP J fore the director of administra­ Oome on Rt. 74. WAYBESIV-NATIVE—GRADE "A" J tion comes here, and he should FOR OUTDOOR COOKING I, The poet auktllary te epon- VEAL .89* PORKCHOPS .59*- DELICIOUS aorlng a cancer program for all BY THE PIECE srawnwuif m m g not take credit for the savings OB, we affect.” CHICKEN PARTS d i ttembera at no charge. All at- Olson noted that the building STEAKEHES %ndlng the Monday meeting BOLOGNA UVBBWBKET .5 9 ' QUARTERS^ 39’ Si!”. 45* LARGE AND MEATY PLUMS Inapector’a office and the public 2|tll receive a card entitling nUBSH — LEAN •BAND UNION rNOXBH , . . A ih. B B M rKOSBM works head share the same of­ Qiem to cancer Insurance. fiR C r 10-ua fice and one secretary. "Both BREASTS » 69c Members who are unable to GROUND CHUCK Kb i K r BEEFBURGERS 99* FISH FRIES 45< departmenta should be together .end are being requested to iB tte town-owned building on FRESH PICKED — NATIVE itact Mrs. Oeorgianna Hemp- i- ■' ■ LEGS u 59c EdSfTio 'Prepare Frozen Foods BETTER BUV AT BRAND UNION U Walbridge HMl Rd. - U DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT I Manchester Evening Herald For the Freshest Fruits aud Vegetables GROTE & WEIGEL — MUCKE'S — FIRST PRIZE lland correspondent, Bette atrale, tel., 876-2845. M ORTON’S APPLIANCE FRANKFURTS and COLD CUTS di K 45 VARIETIES—SLICED TO ORDER CORN Hospital Notes 9 REPAIR Potato Solod with Egg — Cole Slow — Moecnonl Salad CREAM PIES ^visiting houre ore 2 to 8 p.m. I all areas excepting inater- ■’lU®’' L Lot us flH your freexer with U.S.D.A. choice meats— Native poultry. L SERVICE |ty where they ore 2 to 4 p.m. KOWAKD JOinnOM •KAMD TOIOM ITAUAu f M)-ea.< T-ek.li Soobrook Form fruits and vegetables. Save up to 2 0 % and FOOD d 6:80 to 8 p.m. and private to 59 t oms where they ore 10 a.m. FRIED CLANS GREEN BEANS 2 pnATOis oat Hke a king.______ALL 18 p.m.. Visitors ore requested KEAN ; to snoioke In patients’ rooms, W o rent cold storage lockers for your froxen meats for os little os more than two visitors at ONION RINGS (MN^lp!|pST SWEET ^ VnfE-RlPElfED INSTANT time per patient. s SERVICE $1.25 a month, the locker holds about 250 pounds of meat. Com­ pare this deol before you buy o home freexer. Patlente Today: 296 - GRAND UNION pg CANTALOUPES ADQUTTBD' ’TODAY: Mrs. Call 646-0111 WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF FOOD CONTAINERS FOR YOUR ne Albert, 19 Oakland Tec.; SUNSWEET ' rs. Edith Allen, 96 Tumble- FROZEN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. •k Dr., Vernon; Chester LETTUCE EGGPLANT quort $1 Rienkorwskl, 2 Michael Dr., Ver 5 POT PIES"Z" •WBET — EED EIPE IF YO U LIKE THE BEST GIVE US A TEST PRUNE JUICE bottles ■ ■on; Mrs. Maude Brown, Wllll- 3 iKantlc; Mrs. Marie Byers, Hart NORMAN’S B1 BISSEU ST. REAR OF ICE PLANT 643-8424 WATERMELON ORANGE DRINK fcrd; Mrs. Olrther Coolbaugh SEAND UMION m a n c h e st ir PLENTY O F FREE PARKING SPACE DEL M ONTE iventry; Mrs, Amy Cross, T) 2, Bolton; Robert E>aub, FLOUNDER DINNER CREANSICLES S9' „ HlHlard 8t.; Elizabeth Dim- k e e e h e t ic e c e e a m KOUAHD RUaa FRUIT COCKTAIL 4jlw, 869 Main St.; Mra. Alice Bl« nsmore, 16 N. Elm St.; Mrs, TKEAT ICECREAM CHASE & SANBORN or fancy Fletcher, Tolland; Lewis SANDWICHES STARKIST -SOLID scon fill, Tolland; Mra. Elesie Lewis, DEL MONTE ______. (BALLON SUE D 1, Bolton; Mrs. Josephine 29 oz. W H ITE T U N A BEECHNUT coffee TOILET TISSUE 4 Roils 4 9 ^ eas, 366 Parker St.; Walter FRUIT COCKTAIL w cRisco on. fayer. Glastonbury; Mrs. OEAND UNION PANCY V E E i-rm ' i* . therine Meacham, Rt. 6, Bol MANCHESTER Mrs. Lillian Miller, Brook TOMATO JUICE APPLESAUCE 3 * 1 ® ® Conn.; William Phillips, 3 HAWAIIAN PUNCH3'^^\\-M ■UNSWBST a t A A n BAHLT MOEN Bolton; Mra. Mary Pud' FIEIAFPLB rOIANT Vah, 31 Lenox St.; George PRUNE JUICE 2 89^ MARGARINE 4 46 oa )ierl, 34 Ridgewood I>r. DOLE JUICE 4B9S' UBLIC MARKET DIXIE W H in 9" vllle; Mrs. Sophie SllkoW' te 136 Blssell St.; Mra. Mary 803 - 805 MAIN STREl^T PAPER PLATES ct. pk, 67< elan, 702 W. Middle Tpke.; 43* FRuririwiNKS. 3 JL 2 100 temas Whlteaide, 660 W. Mld- 2 FREE 2 HOURS PARKING AT BIRCH STEm* PARKING LOT ’Tpke.; Kelly Zames, 11 DEAL PACKAGE KEEBLER aller Rd.; Mrs. Lorraine Health & Beautg Aids JVa|B£|r Lgum Baked Goods MILK BISCUITS 16 01. pkg. 39e Yanks, 42 South St., Rockville. W o Give VahMblo ^IBDITHS YESTERDAY: A RINSO BLUE |9n to Mr. and Mra. Donald TRIPLE-S NABISCO Balli, 66 Normain St.; a daugh' SAVE 34<-CREST FIG NEWTONS 16 os. pkg. 39e Hr to Mr. and Mrs. Courtney SOw blue 9STAM i # K i V B PS r BLUE STAMPS Qouoette, Ooventiy. 4 9 ^’DieOHAJRGED YESTER­ TOOTHPASTE with p 'J r c li a s e o I e V e r y 8 DAY: Harold Manna. 44 Un 9 GRADE "A” POULTRY WE OFFBt YOU OUR m S t; George Brough, 2Q Oak N APPLE PIE Dairy Speeiais f t , RookviUe; Mrs. Rae Qor- S i • - . II : . I . FRESH, LARGE 6-6^ LBS., GOVT GRADE A CHOICE BEEF CUTS FREE GLASSW ARE 533 Adama Bt.; Mra. Maiy BONELESS , Glaatonbury; Mra. Mar- t Noith, M Avondale Rd.; ROUSTING CHIOKENS a 49° from Mw famous UREY RAINBOW COLLECTION hnette Duke, 16 Soaiborougti GRAND UNION-MEDIUM FOR THE SMALLER FAMILY, MEDIUM SIZE This Wtdi’t Ulan CHUCK ROAST m W Mra. Roae Maher, 89 Tow- a. 49* s29* R O ASU N G c h i c k e n s ...... R>. 4Sc Center Cut for A Nice Pet Remf With each food purchase of $7.50, you are entitled to one LIBBY H Rd.; Anita Krlorton, 230 Kel DN THE ROOKS” w Rd.,-Vernon; Jytn. Florence ■M viu a H nrliu — c h i c k e n p a r t s — SOLID MEAT, CHOICE BEEF AfjUA RIPPLE gkus . with food purchase of |15. two glasses and so on. A different glass will be featured each week I RAPID SHAVE » 99^ MEATY LEGS, quartered...... b . 49c BOTTOM ROUND a 99^ OUSS GRADE'A'EGGS 2 9 9 LARGE MEATY BREASTS...... lb. 69c TOP BOUND ROAST FOR A NICE CHICKEN W IN G S ...... lb. 29c OVEN ROAST a. *r WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LDtlT QUANTITUilt ma King Festival ltfeKra(e*«en JPeatures.,. GENUINE SPRINO WHOLE OR HALF 2 for 1 ALL WHRE MEAT IAM B L E G S ...... lb. 69e ^ FOR DELIVERY— CALL 643-8059 X *li.1R-aa. iN^IOHraiEESE ^ 3 9 *W ebur@ r Offered, again at thla price ' CHICKEN ROIL «..;69* EYE OF THE ROUND a .*F C ^ M E I N A fMmt iMidt 89* I—lU VAHUnif „ dhdh. FRESH GROUND, LEAN We Have another shipment of QUICK FROZEN a 29* GELATIN SALADS tr29* TURKEY DRUM STICKS HAMBURG a6P2a.*P SALE jSvTMElN 79* LEAN, JUST GROUND IN FEGGRESS u 5 9 ‘ CHUCK BEEF a.79' 2a..’1»> SiTODLES 2 Sf35* SWIFT PREMIUM CORNISH GAME HENS ^ I o£ 0 ^ 0 e |».59* ...... 00. 69c Veal-BMf-Porka.^ 2a,.H" HRLlSlARK m m u c E Vrl9 * Bag. SUo enoh. You anve SOoI Ground twice for n nice ment loaf IlFIRST FOOD C01TAGE CHEESE 2 9 ECONOMY SBALmr ICE CREAM MINUTE MAID LEMONADE STORE OF MANCHESTER PHARMACY flUETnCENIX ‘s r 39* AT BTOENt M U OOUMTijlUl ONL^ TINTS, ALL FLAVORS. REG. S9e WHITE OR PINK 646 CBNTIR STRUT PLENTY OF FR|| PARKING 3Bc to. 3 for $1.00 4 coni 39c tl7 . W> ,ip>l>LH TrKB. OFEH WED., THURS.. FRI. TILL 9 F.M. — SAT. H U 6:30 " mu-m u ' MNm Ihroqih loluMaK^ r f iv- "'*e: •■ w’ ■

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, JULY 29, J196B rOURTBEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1965 PAGB FIFTEBU ^.myii^iT.ii « v — ^------DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE BY KOUSON OUR ROAROING HOUSE with BIAJOR HOOFLB lifrtlE SPORI8 -1 Aniwtr t* Frwtws, ■H Ftopit owd PloCM I OUTSTANDING QUALITY... LOW LOW PRICES... Plus World Green Stamps ACM tt acUvIUM 1 OONT KMOW WHAT TLL OO 1 vWITH NO 0«A R A*Hfi* TO 'Sllicdottlldllicdoluld n S S i i ^ — ’ 48 <« »^ For*nr ‘*** A« X9U, MT tOVC, fUT \N» llld S te . 6ALANCB FOR THE FlR*T 1iW»/ UCttjrttNnr dTLoconUnI»W . don ^ is There... «CII(^«T« NISO A The Flawr But E N ao/ TtJOR««LF I'l-l- .York lUU^ Rl«P(T» BVERY PEW TEAR* •ubdtvliWii jm y TO CARRyoN somehow/^ UMlw Korluit 48Bojr'inlcknoiM FROM OOR RB5IARCH!-^HAK- 14 Lorlati 48 Dtpondtd BUGGS BUNNY KAFF/-~-X Tmj«T TOD'LL ( leiUbbod Itbrid lasipunfod eABl.* •«) MANA5B W1THCX>T> ITCtvItr 88 Wild TliUnd (Tr.) moUior * • J COM8 IN/ > TH' 8SAT O'VfR^ R'****’**B«UAd«|rooiid SPoituro MB B e c a u s e t h e Q U A L I T Y is T h e r e ! i S P l A S H ' BIOow by ME lOTrtpo ___ VEg VIOUNt^ OOMT HURRyj llAnnonlan rm r *»»Wp . ^ f 84 Indlih DOWN 18Barfalntv«ia dONoturol M l I. aatolopo IPhotoiropblo ISAbovo (pooh) dJBOM 5 Any way yob laok at it, POPULAR'S meat has all tha luparior quality that makes for good eating. Tender, juicy, rreTOOHOTi] asCeatrory dovleo 81 OrlanUl ddAppout ; 39B«T«n|» _ fulUri dTPooma « 'flaworfui . . . it's the bait our maat axparts can find anywhara in tha land. Not only doai POPULAR'S moat itart out 81 Cook'i utoBia 8^n?(iK______) 83iunt roll B0HoiUUt__« 88 Blrd'i homo BlCompaatpoUl^ that way, it'* kept fresh and perfect by our watching over every itap, from tha cutting room to trimming and packag­ U Siteflw (OM * (Bib.) 87Roo< ftnlol g Narrow Inlat Anchor-Hocking 84 Catchword IPoriodaof Umo asWMtborcock Blackbird o f .... ing . ri^ght through tha moment you choose the cut you want from our modern refrigerated display cases. No “ — — V , cuckoo f LIDO t wonder so many people kaap coming back for more. They know they can count on pleasing their famlllas every time I l i i M i i ' 'f TEXTURED with POPULAR'S GRAND CHAMPION MEATS.


725 PRISCILLA'S POP BY AL VERMEER MIDDLE TURNPIKE L AS SOON AS HIS MAJESTY FILLS THE^ MANCHESTER ROYAL JEVNEL' OUT OUR WAY BY J. a WILLIAllB g C H E S T / .t.T.T»f .f.T.f.f.t I.T.T f.t T.I.T,l.f.?.r.t,f,l.f.T VALUZiBLE COUPON , i *v V PAN READY— NO WASTE i ^ •rhis la IM« C aayar a — d fer U V/f A ' / Veal Steak ^ 100 FREE :£Sf STAMPS WMi Any PurelMM af $S er Mara OSCAR MAYER VAC PAK Ar Yew PHewdly Pepelw ADULTS ONL— ONI TO A FA|dlLT Valid thrauqk Saturday, July H it [9" T No Stamp! with Cifarattai or loor— Stato Law i* SIked Bacofi" 89*1 I , • J BONNIE BY JOE CAMPBELL 59 HardSalami^99‘^ " “ «'^ .UM.r.tf.r,r.T,t.f.T.f.r.T.T.f,r.r.r,i,f,f,MT.f.T.T/fi PDNTRlW. , rr REALLY , TH«rS THE WORST] WORKS. YOU R6 O f VALUABLE COUPON | THiMdWECAM BRAVE/ 1X7/ Beef Lb. Brisf hi Ibb C aw — * —d far & T u r t s 2.Jl«JShort R ib s 59 1 100 FREE ;SK,‘STAMPS "I swam the length of the bathtubr* With Parchaaa of a rail af FOTOCHROME U COLORED HLM At Aay Papular Sapar Marhat Carryhif Nhe LiVERWURST jMinute Steak '99' Valid through Saturday, July 31 BEN CASEY C ^ waru / >*9 Aimcte 7-SECnON 3-*STUP6M1S WE RECOGNIZE STUPENW" Stm BE TREATED AS AMirURE RIGH1S, BUT LETIS BE CIEAR..THE JkPU.TE,NaT POTBlTtAUJUVENUE RACULTY WILL NOT SURR0JOER (Beef Roast» . ‘ .f.I.f.t.f.f.t.I.f.T.T.mi.n.f.f.f.f.M f,T M.f.f.M.f.y.T, SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL OR BOLOGNA 3 89 L ^7t*UN0U^. .J(ORAet>ICWE-.rB DUTIES With VALUABLE COUPON ,'1.. JP rp KNOWN THE CR» / T lW S THE PRICE VPU A HI6H PRIEST IS REQUIRED Irtaf hi thk Caap— Aaad far iHeAc m s / BKN WASSOPEMANOIN6X / MUST PAV WHEN'fcU 6 0 TO MAKE A lOT OP SACRIFICES. EACH ARMOUR BY THE KEEPING ME aUMPlN6r ON VtoUlONTHWE t a k en IT. M nto p u b u c s e r v ic e . 50 FREESTAMPS IMS DflOUSNTPRoaEM. ^ Purchaso STAR PIECE iGround Chucl<69 with Parchaaa af a ran af S FOTOCHROME M BLACK & WHITE HLM Th'B FREEZER SPECMis eWing Beef ^79'

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1 1 |& r ' NEW POTATOES i 1.!. I., S9c



rAO B mTBEH MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ TBB Wrist Bone Broken Hospital ^Refugees \ Herald Angle Legion Bats Triumph over Stafford^ 6~1 PBTB ZANARDl Palmer Still AsiM m I aperte U tter Ray LaGace Zone Four Race Stay® Same Tony C. Lost Gallery Choice • Animals lik e Athletic Fields Hurls Win^ As Leaders Register Wins! HARRMON, N.T. (AT) Spark Twins ^ WiA Tlie rad-wlnfTfd bUckblrd that zealously guarded the -O tr y Playwr, ths UJL 18th hole at EUlngtOT Mdge has passed on to its great­ Four Hitter There’s still no room at Ui#T Seuth Windsor now has three Open ohamploB who ie at N F W Y O llT f fA P ^ — I f 'f ’ltif undergo surgery fora two Mta kv l y reward, but n^ot Trtthwt leaving some memories for vlotoilee ovar Wetfursfleld thk About 10 Days m removal of a newly-dlsoovored B altlm o^ held to ^ top. Zone Ifour leadens South the top of his game, Is here. Windsor end RookvUle both ■eeeon. the Minnesota Twins main­ tumor on the back of his pitch­ Fred Newman for six InnlMS, lose left behind, p e bird had become a topic of con- Maybe it’s ths lateness ■o k Jack NlcUaus, tha won last night, the 'Wlndgr O ty g. Windsor 618 000 » —4- tain their current pace, the ing arm. He took a 8-0 lead Into struck for three runs In the s*t- ,nation for all who played the EUington courae of ths season, but mors Wg money-wUmer from enth, enabling iteve Barber To »If there ta • Velhella."f - ■ ■— ------Boys romping over last place Wethersfield 000 000 O—O-S-i b o s t o n (A P )—^Th* have lost alug- American League pennant the fourth innlng'but was unable I iksly its the smell of the 2 5 ^ whose MSaetera tit- win his ninth game. Newman, ^ t s s Louie Beoker, ohelrmmn Windsor Locke, 15-0, whUe NorMIca and Twwrfclni: Kray- f ln f outfielder Tony Conifflisro for a week to 10 days. to continue. thato anttos are ueualW aa wnpta stands es one of the may wind up flying from who homered for the A n g M ’ 7 ths Ooir Ciommtttee, "she Zone Four pennant so close Coach Porter BHnn’s outfit beat •r and Ferro. TTie injury to the colorful outfielder Wednesday night Oliva, whose batUng average run. took his eight loea, * Smy still b6 fluttering her wings oolorful aa thslr names T , . at hand. Whatever the rea­ Wethersfield, 4-0, on Marty ” oM atuanlnt >n goM hk- the roof of the Mayo has soared from .368 to .808 took the limelight away from the somewhat tarnished INDUN8-WHIT11 ROX— ' I another golf ooutm, s^ MancheeUr's Pete LoMagllo NorelHa’s two-hltter. WINSBOB LOCK* — B«0k- Clinic. since July 1, and the 8-foot-8 wl'U handle his lath season as son, Manchester Legion ace of the team’s pitching staff, Bill Monbouquette. Whitfield's 14th homer, aftoFa ' 'M r d ln g wliat she oonelders to bats have suddenly oome alive. Thim Mdll eUer up a bit vllle rode a moiry-go-roiind Camllo Pascual, Minnesota's Roggenburk provide the neces­ toooer coach at UHartford tfala Til* right-hander from Med-< walk to Leon Wagner in tte C rSr prlvnU domain." Beck. While Ray LeOeoe was hurling after Friday when the two ocoring all Us rune In the e ^ top , became a prospec­ sary first aid against Washing­ ^ . facing 10 opponents, be­ m ford has hopea he'll repeat hie eighth, snapped a 3-3 t l e ^ t concern teetiflee to ths olUbs collide head on at Henry ond and third, lO^oomlng In the 2 2 1 , and Sam ing a 3-0 whitewashing of the tive hospital resident Wednes­ ton, enabling the Twins to retain a nifty tour-hitter last night in performance of a year ago and Cleveland and sent the Wime 'Sacs ths bird woo In the hearts ginning with Bates OoUege on Pork In Rockville. It’a all even sscond alone. Eleven men M 4 «lly Oaeper and Yankees May 13. day night but the league-leading a fwr-game bulge in the stand­ Stafford Bpringi, hU matse ne made a good start Wednes­ Box down to the ninth defeat4n JTclub membena Bopt. to in Hartford. so far, with each team winning reached base before Windsor .Oainpton, thrae- Twins kept rolling — thanks to a ings. * « * ware oolleoting 11 hits to beet m day night as he shut out the " I was able to put the ball the last 10 games. The In d lA s AnlmaU, fo r eome reason, one of two previous meetings. Locks startsr Bud Mack oould tlme whmara the PGA where I wanted It," he ex­ player on the way to the opera­ Stafford, S-1. cUwult thk yser, Kansas City Athletics 6-0 on Dick Brown’s two-run double had tied It In the seventh on P e­ u vs always Uked athletlo fields. This ons figures to be a battle retire a batter. There were eight plained, "even the waste pitch­ ting table and one who's been Rookie Show eight well-scattered hits. in the seventh inning paced sec­ dro Gonxales' single, two InfiAd Sonsldsr the oaae o f the of , Jim Needham hiu in the frame, including But the focus of es when I got ahead of the there. STANDIMOB ■ A T LnOACB 30E BAVINO The victory kept Kansas City ond-place Baltimore to a 6-1 vic­ outs and a bunt single by K adow laili who ohoee the RooMss stole the Show in the working for South Windsor Lenny Adam’s three-run homer. tlon, the man wtth the bto- batter.” Tony Oliva, who plans to have tory over Los Angeles and a lOO, especially three hot young- W. L. Pot. from moving out of the Ameri- Brown. ^ Smith Windsor High eoooer field against Jim Martello for Rock- The winners used plenty Monbo said he kept remind­ ths painful bone chip In a finger third-place Cleveland remained • • « 4 ■ters — Tom WMskopf, Dave South WIndaor...... U..S..AM •an League cellar. ^ lU home tWe spring. Ewp;- vUle. talent on the mound, three dif­ a s jrts w y jK ing himself, "keep it down, removed after the season, 4H games out by tbpping Chica­ Philo and John Berry. AU three RockvlUe ...... U S .716 Oonlgllaro broke a wrist when TIGERSYANKEBfi— Sedy has been to a football ferent pitchers combined to keep it down." He said he also rapped five hits and Gary Rog- go 4-3 on Fred Whitfield’s two- Manohester...... U 4 .7SS I Sport# South Windsor—-Mahrl&lnlng E3*iSSr"~**"- •truck by a Wee Stock pitch, The Tigers scored all their whara a ■oamparing dog qualified for Uie 1200,000 Cart­ Schedule shut out Windsor Locks on oos got a signal from Carl Yastr- ganburk, sidelined all of last run homer in the eighth. I>anlelaon ...... S S .606 it’s slim half-geme edge. South souring an otherwise sweet vic­ runs in the eighth after rootle 'Sols the Show, romping around ing World Golf Championship hit. Al PuU snd Bob Oumon T lM i« ■ MtUa deUbt xemaki about the seventh inning year after an arm operation, Stafford ...... 7 le A U Windsor scored one run in the tory. Detroit edged New York 4-8 Jack Cullen had checked th'An M ths fislfi wlth -olBolala and at Wethersfield, Wetakofp fin­ worked on either side o f Winner Palmar le the fona’a fa­ —a flagging motion telling him pitched 8 1-3 strong innings in Wethersfield ...... S U .188 Thursday. July 20 second and three more In the Conigliaro, who had been on Norm Cash’s three-run hom­ on five hits in his first majbr SVysni ahke In pursuit ishing In a tie for flfUi, Berry Joe Van Oudenhove. vorite for the 6100,006 fined by Manager Billy Herman to keep his pitches down be­ relief of Pascual aa the Twins league start. Cash's homer m s In sixth spot and FhUo shoot­ Windsor Locks ...... S IS .188 Paul Dodge vs. Telephone, third against Wethersfield’s Ed cause the wind had changed er in the eighth and Boston * ^ p animal eiory has to ba Putz, Charlie Ragno, Adams, TlumderMrd doanto which Just last week for poor conduct, walloped Washington 8-1. the first this year off Y a n ^ ing a fine 208. Mt. Nebo, 6; 16. Krayer. That’s aH they needed, and was blowing out. blanked Kansas City 6-0 behind ' ihs 'Yals-Harvard game of. seven Rick Blanchard, end (jurt 2Seh- opened today over WeM- was In the midst of his hottest reliever Steve Hamilton, Who Buddy Krebs had a rocky de­ The victory kespe the locals In Basketball—West Adders vs. as Norellca let only one man ad­ Many times Monbouquette Pascual, 8-3 this season and right-hander BUI Monbouquette •Sars ago where plgtate took ner all had two hits for Rock­ cheeter Oountty ahB>0 6,. 2 2 vance a« far as third bara. streak of the year when struck made his 31st appearance '^n d but at Stafford Springs Speed, a challenging third pocHlonposition in Indians, 6; Culbros vs. Mor- has lost a well-pitched game twice a 30-game winner, started in other American League C billing. The Boston boys vlUe, one of Puts’s a circuit 676^yard eonree. The down. relief of Cullen. " way last Friday night, getting sone wairare,vartare. a game behind 6:16. Charter Oak. Norelka’s teammates came up because he made one or two against the Senators after leam- games. ■Md ths ptga as part o f a half- BBC SOFTBALL blast. It was an equally bril­ ehnkping eli8gg«r'e prog- Since the team returned home Involved In a spectacular flip leader Bcutti Windsor and a half with two douMe plays hi the pitches too fat. show and the snlmale had Building up a Mg lead with] PonticelU’s vs. Green Manor, liant Job defensively for the tn Wednesday's pro- last Wednesday. Oonlgllaro was that saw him roll four times a gams out of second place, cur­ late Innings. He said he laid off his curve » intsnUon o f ratumlng to fIvs runs ih each the first and Mt. Nebo, 6; 16. winners, who played errorless oompetKloii batting .466 and had a slugging Jlng down the backatretch. Bob rently presided over by Rock­ Ernie Hoffman led the hit relying primarily on his fast Seir boxes, UUng the mud of second Inning, Moriarty’s had Morlarty Broa. vs. Valoo, Dil­ ball oloeely watched, end there percentage of .896 while run­ SUvsr la expected to have the ville. T n ln a are sure to change, parade, getting three Mnglea ball and slider. Yete Bowl mubh better. 17u UtUe trouble defeating Arm y A lon Stadium, 8. was a elaealile and en- ning up a consecutive game car ready for this Friday’s race, however. While South Windsor and driving In two rune while Rockville "In fact, I only threw seven ■seond half was hald im while Navy, 18-3, last nlgnt at Mt. thuatoetio ororad w m an d- hltUng streak of 10. however. In which Krebs hopes and RoclevUle are playing F ri­ Friday, July 86 catcher Tom Twatklns tripled 0 10 5 6 0-16-13-0 curves all night." Reds’ Sammy Ellil fans delighted to etudenti ohee- Nebo. tag the crean what be The Stock pitch, following a |gg arrant plga- to quality for ths Trenton ’ ’200.^ day, Manohester hoete Windsor South Windsor Legion at home another run for ths wln- Windsor Locks •olid single by Lee Thomas, Monbo said he got a big lift Bruce Wtnot, H a r ^ Bemia, 0 0 0— 0- 1-4 holed out on the IfiOi bole. s e e Krebs has shifted over to the Ltxte at Mt. Nebo then wel­ RookvUle, Henry Park, S, 1 ners. 0 6 9 broke In on his fists before he picking Bert Campanerls off Bob Damaschl and Dave Mc­ 9 comes South Windsor Sunday at first base In the opening intling. dirt track after many years of Kinney had two hits apiece for could move. It was an old story. success riding on the home. Even before Oonlgllaro re­ Campy, who leads the Ameri­ 4largin Mmrken the winners. Two Giants Down Make One Card Oiit Outhurls Koufax asphalt . . . u-ysar-old Pste ported to his first professional can liCague In stolen bases with Morlarty Bros, gets eaothsr R ’s tlvee In a row now tor Joe Shea had three hlta In a Testa, staying at Foster Camp# baseball assignment in April, 36, was warned by several ear­ Two Giants went down yesterday in San Francisco making one Cardinal out. gnok at Hartford Twlkght Coach John Cervini’e crew, all loalng cause whUe Fran .Bene- lier tosses to first base but he In Belgrade, Maine, pulled a by considerable edges. After a 1963, the youthful slugger broke When Card catcher Tim McCarver lofted a fly to short right, shortstop Dick NEW YORK (AP)—When Sammy Ellis retires, ke i|*sgue leader Veloo tonight vento and Dick Bretenstein and a wrist when hit by a pitch refused to cut down his lead of gndsr DUlao Stadium Ughte. rx>d slsed bass out of Great tallspln saw Manchester drop Rick Fontanella had a pair of about IS feet and was caught Schofield (15) and leftfielder Jim Ray Hart both went into action. This se­ may be the only guy on the block with a sterling siller Pat Mistretta (S-0) o f iCor> Lake on a worm. three in a row, all by shutouts, safeties each. thrown by his uncle, Vincent American League * • e Martelll. leaning the wrong way. ries shows their collision and (bottom) the ball still in Hart’s glove. 'Hie Gi­ ------tlunch pail. Arty's and Oeoe Reilly (7-0) the boys have anapped back to Moriarty’i B61 008—18-13-4] Carl Tastrzemskl hit his 14th W. L PoL O.B. run a total of S7 hlta and 27 runs A year ago, Oonlgllaro was ants won, 8-5. (A P Photofax.) Minnesota .. 63 37 .630 — The Cincinnati right-hander gf Valoo are ourrsntly tunning Legion Notes Arm y A Navy 100 000 1— 8- 2-7 C O M /8 fiU I struck by Kansas City’s Moe home run and Lee Thomas belt­ took another step away from IMck and neok as the loop’s top in the last tluee conteeta. Damaschl and Rice; Barker, Baltimore .. . 68 40 .892 4 The Legion’s Duke Hutchinson Drabowski, breaking a thumb, ed his 16th, with one on, to lead Keane Booed carrying a two dollar pail, cut- kurisrs . ■ - Veteran tratners LnOace won fats fourth game Benevento and Rutherford, Han­ the Red Sox attack. raised his league-leading aver­ Cleveland ..., 67 40 .688 4H has now allowed only, one run in and by Oeveland’s Pedro Ra- Detroit ...... pitching Sandy Koufax In the ' M n Dalegel and Jolmngr John- of the aeason, against tw o de- son. The Sox got three runs in the age to .341. . 66 .873 a the past 16 innings, that coming Bioe, breaking his arm and Chicago .... . 62 44 .642 9 By Yank Fans Reds’ 4-1 triumph over Los •OD of the New Toclt Football feata. The Bast Catholic H lg^ ALUBINI JUNIOB8 second Inning when Felix Man­ Rollie Sheldon, the ex-Yankee BASEBALL HEROES Rain Delays in the 10th frame against Rock­ missing six weeks play, New York .. . 49 63 .480 16 geles Wednesday njght. OUnta wMl oomprlee the facul­ lefthander struck out five and Where are the hitters? Appar­ tilla was hit by a pitch, Thomas who had a 6-0 lifetime record ville . .. strong arms abide with Aa if that weren't enough, the Los Angeles . 46 64 .460 17 Ellis stymied the National ty for a apaolal training cHnIo walked a like number, three o f ently nowhere near Bob Klentan homered and Oonlgllaro and against Boston, was handed his NEW YO R K (A P ) — Johnny local entry, Don Romano, Rick Bwampecott resident ran into PITCaiINO — Sammy EUis Washington . 43 68 .426 20V4 League leaders on four qjts at Falifiald University, Aug. those In the second frame. of the Red Box. He continued CLEMANCE Russ Nixon doubled. Conigliaro fifth loss of the season against . Scotch Golf; Keane, manager of the New Roberta, Dennis Lynch, Mike the wall In Oomlskey Park, Cincinnati, pitched a four-hitter Boston ...... 36 82 .367 26 while the second-place R ^ s ' fth through Aug- 13. TTie ollnio Marie De Tora suffered the loss, hla strong pitching last night, Chicago, and suffered-water on doubled to run his consecutive four victories. York Yankees, was booed at Leach and Bill Rylander all and struck out 13 aa the Reds Kansas City . 83 83 .340 28 snapped Koufax’ winning strapk W0 ba held nightly in the gym fanning four and putting five pacing his club to a 7-8 victory the knee which kept him out of game hitting streak to 10 and The Red Sox victory prevent­ Yankee Stadium Wednesday owning powerful wings . . . Man­ men on via walks. Prices radMii M tv fiM KMfoalhtrTirt! snapped Sandy Koufax' 11-game Floyd Stars Wednesday’s Results night. It was the first time that at 11 and moved to within ^ o ' trith iptolal eniphaale placed on chester has been shut out five over uie White Sox with a two- action 10 days. Russ Nixon doubled him home. ed Kansas City from taking Tw o tuns In the top o f the winning streak and trimmed the Minnesota 8, Washington 1 Keane, in his first year as Yan­ games of the Dodgers. Re tagfing o f various parts of times this season and won via hitter. Bases on baUs hurt the A year ago Monbouquette had Boston got a run Ih the fourth over ninth place in the stand­ second would have been enough National League - leading Los DALMAHOY, ScoUand_(AP) Detroit 4, New York 3 kee field boss, has been hooted The victory put Blits In* a • fits body to prevent InJuty. the collar twice . . . through the loeers, as pitchers John Good- a miserable 3-9 record at the on singles by Eld Bressoud and ings. Even with a victory In the for Manchester. LaGace wound Angeles Dodgers 4-1, Boston 6, Kansas City 0 at by home town fans. class with Koufax, Don Dtws- flioee tnterssted should eon- Windsor Locks game Coach row and Brian Oonn allowed aU-«tar game break. However, Jim G o a g e r, sandwiched finale, the Athletics would re­ — The first round of the $38,000 up on second place when hla BATTINO — Tony OUva, Min­ Cleveland 4, Chicago 2 This was the situation. The dale and Juan Marichal, jhe ' Saot Bd Baibour at FalifM d. John Cenrtnl’s crew scored 87 only three hlta. he finished the season strong, around a sacrifice, and in the main in the cellar leaving town. Dalmahoy Golf Tournament fly to left field iwea dropped. fifth on Yastrzemski’s homer. nesota, rapped five singles, Baltimore 6, Los Angeles 1 Yankees, defending American four being the only pitchers In Ihoee who ^ e a to attand the tuns for an average of Just over Kleman had two hits aa well winning 10 of 16 in the second He scored easily when Mark The Red Sox wrapped up the scored three runs, drove in two was postponed before It got Today’s Games League champs now reposing in the majors to havs at leastjl4 • htdlanapohs Olowna-Nsw Yoric three per game. They have al­ to help his own cause. John half for a final mark of 13-14. Heller tripled to deep leftfleld. and stole two bases, sparking started today because parts of victories this season. Bills ig)W Stars baabbaU game at Hart- Entwlstle’s double and Good- H ie victory Wednesday night scoring In the sixth on a passed Always hang any freshly ■Detroit (McLain 9-3) at New the second division, went Into lowed 44. Joe Sa'vino kept things going the American League-leading York (Stottlemyre 11-5) is 14-6 while Koufax is 17-4. ) fonTs DUlon Stadium Monday row’s single were aB the hits made Monbouquette 8-11. To the b^l after Dalton Jones and cleaned sleeping bag on the the course were flooded. the eighth inning leading the Games outside the sone are with a single to score Heller TMtrxemski had singled. clothesline until it is free of Twins to an 8-1 triumph over Kansas City (O ’Donoghue 8- And the showing the 24-ye gllht are in fo r a bundle of for the loeera. rugged right-hander it was his Hours of torrential rain had Tigers 2-0 behind the pitching of the toughest to win. The best It ended the soaring although T h » two hits for Yastrzemski all traces of solvent. Washington. 13) at Boston (Wilson 7-8) old fireballer has mads : gufCaiws. The touring Negro Red Sox (H8 8—7-8-3 best game of the season, includ­ left huge pools on the greens. Jack Cullen. The rookie right­ Manchester could do was tie Manchester loaded the bases Chicago (John 9-3) at CHeve- hander csUled up from Toledo good for a guy who didn’t '^iroup featurse such perform- Niantlc In the season opener. White Sox 300 d-d-3-3 The T2-hole tournament Is again before Detora oouM re­ Keiman and Tedford; Good- J scheduled to last three days. land (Tlant 9-3 or Stange 6-3) Tuesday, was making his first before the season started w h ^ - •n aa Midget Darro Austin, They have since lost to West J tire the side. row, Oonn and Douglas, Hay­ The weather sabotaged the night major league start. er he would be a reliever oe a BUly V eu g^ Blrmlngton Bern Haven, Bristol and East Hamp­ Another run came in In the den. tournament Just as Raymond Only games scheduled. Bill Freehan, first up for the starter. He did know one thifg, tod Nature Bogr WlWams and ton. fourth when Mike Leach tripled Coming up with three tuna Floyd, 23-year-oId American, Friday's Gaines Tigers, singled to right. Gates though. He didn’t want to re­ over the bead of the rightfleld in late fiinlnga. Fire A FMlce had run into top form. He was Cleveland at New York, N Brown, a pinch hitter for win­ lieve. , * ning pitcher Dave Wlckersham, In other National League er and scored when Steve Brady erased a 1-0 Bantly OU leaA the favorite with canny Scots Detroit at Chicago, N to win 8-1 last nl^t at the saying; "This laddia looks like tripled on the first pitch, scoring games Wednesday, Phlladelj^ia heat out an Infield hit. Baltimore at Minnesota, N West Side Oval. Jim Soetman another Jack NicklaUs to us." Washington at Kansas City, N Freehan. Don Wert grounded edged Pittsburgh 1-0 in 14 Sin- Manchester put the icing on out, Brown holding third. nlngs, Milwaukee outlaned the cake 'with a three nm rally Mcked up victory for Fire A Floyd, from St. Andrews, 111., Boston at Los Angeles, N Grant, Budney Tie ttollce with a two-hltter. At this point, Keane came out Houston 6-4, San Francisco de­ in the fifth. LoGaoe opened defeated Eric Brown — the Scot Terry Richter carried the Mg with the 100 per cent match play National League of the dugout and called in lefty feated St. Louis 8-6 and Chicago with a single and went to third If your car swept New York 7-2 and 9-0. on Heller’s double to left. Again stick fo r the winners, getting U record against the Americans in W. L. Pet. O.B. Steve Hamilton to replace Cull­ Savlno responded to the call, three hits fo r a perfect ^ h t u Philadelphia and Pittsburgh Ryder Qip competition — by Los Angeles . 60 43 .683 en. TTie booing of Keane started F A P ...... 000 012 X— 8 four holes in Wednesday's Little at this move. Jake Wood batted battled through 13 scoreless In­ In N.E. GoK Play knocking them both in with Cincinnati . .. 67 44 .664 2 Banuy ...... 010 000 0— 1 nings before Don Schwall triple deep to lefthander. I> Ryder Cup match by firing a Milwaukee . .64 43 .667 3 for Jerry Lumpe and walked, Soetman and KlelnecBmidt; walked three Phillies in the 14th Tora got Dennis Lynch and Joe brilliant seven-under-par 34-31— San Francisco 63 43 .663 8% then Norm Cash homered off a Rea and Ough. 65 in the rain. Philadelphia 61 48 .616 7 0-2 pitch. The boos started again and Alex Johnsort beat out a MANCHESTER, Vt. (A P )— A pair of clubmates Diminlco but BUI Rylanderis g^rounder to second was booted, CHURCH SOFIBAIX The British Isles team won by Pittsburgh . 61 61 .600 8H when Keane removed Hamilton, two-out infield single, driving,ln (rom Wethersfield, Conn., Jim Grant and Hank Bud- enabling Savlno to bring home Scoring early. Center Congo 27 holes to 13 after torrential St. Louis .. . 80 60 .600 8>A after A1 Kallne singled and Cookie Rojas. The Pirates man­ (doesn’t brought in Pedro Ramos. aged only five hits off Jim B o ­ aey, have tied for medaliil't honors in the qualifying Manchester’s last score. withstood a late S t Mary’s ral­ rain had cut late 18-hole singles Chicago ... . 48 64 .471 liH ly to win 7-S last night at Houston ... ..43 56 .439 14’ i Ramos retired the Tigers ning and Jack Baldschun. - play of the New England Amateur Golf Championship. LaOaoe’s shutout bid was lost matches to as little as 11 holes. Cfiiarter Oak I*aric. The loeera Brown's victims in the Ryder New York ,.32 68 .320 26 V4 without further scoring, but the The Braves boosted their All- Grant, 33, and Budney, 2 t,f early. Two walks and a single damage had been done and De­ Star break to 13-4 as Depis fell two rune abort with a sev­ L L Cup have been Lloyd Mangrum, 6ach posted two-ovar-par 146s to Don Julian In the second ac Golf Association ordered a play­ Wednesday’s Results troit won 4-3. Menke drove in two rqns wltl| a enth inning tally. Tommy Bolt .Jerry Barber and Chicago 7-9, New York 2-0 ‘ evsr the S.SSS yard Equinox off for the medal if both men counted for the bost’a onl Cullen said, " I still felt pretty homer and a single and T y CUne Troutman and Parmakian Cary Middlecoff. Cincinnati 4, Los Angeles 1 "Oountry d u b Wedneaday. are eliminated In the first round tally. good when I left the game, but rapped three hits. Billy O’Dell KasohMtor (•) paced the winners with a pair But as the Scot walked smil­ Milwaukee 6, Houston 4 Grant, a University of Hous­ of match play today. saved Ken Johnson’s 11th vlflito- ab of hits whUe Burt BaskervUIe, ing through the rain from Dal- Ban Francisco 8, St. Louis 6 the manager did the right ton golfer, had w h lp i^ Budney get out thing.” ry against five defeats by pltfh- Three former champions Leach, el 2 Barry BaakervUle and Mel mahoy’s 18lh green after taking Philadelphia 1, Pittsburgh 0 lor the Wethersfield club cham­ D. BrSidy, 3b 8 Ing out of a bases-loaded Jan^in failed to qualify—Dave Sullivan Blanco had two apiece for the a merciless beating from IHoyd, pionship by a one-alded acore a S. Bradv. as 4 Today’s Games the seventh. ~ of Dover, Mass.; Charles Clare LaGace. p 8 winners. ‘ he said: "T o lose by four holes week ago. New York (Cisco 2-6 and Mus- Dick Schofield and Jim Da­ of Now Haven, Conn., and Bob KeUer. c 8 C. Congo .. .203 200 0—7- 1-8 after going around in 70 seems Budney failed to register a Savlno. 8b S graves 0-0) at Chicago (Koonce venport each batted across two Grant, Jim Grant’s father. St. Mary’s ..100 300 1-7-10-8 incredible. Big this boy Is going thres-putt green in the two-day, Lynch, ri 7-8 and Faul 1-2), 2 runs In a five-run second inning State champions who failed to Boberts. McCarthy and Morrison; to be one of the world’s greats, M-hole qualifying round, post­ Philadelphia (Culp 6-6) at that carried the Giants p a s tft. qualify for match play were J. Dmnob, lb 0 Haldeman and Kiley. and if I had to lose to a Yank I ing a 74 attar Tuesday’s 73. Rytandar, U 4 Pittsburgh (Veale 10-7), night American League Louis. Singles by Lou Brock, Ted Carangelo of Swampecott, INTERMEDIATES much, am glad it was to him." Only games scheduled. ' Grant, the 1364 medalist, the Massachusetts champion; KUlebrew tt, Twins; Whitfield Ken Boyer and Phil Gagllano Totals ~ An hour after Brown and Behind Ken Ylznitaki’s Uvo- Friday’s Games 14, Indians; Cash IS, 'Hgers; plus Ron Herbel's error hel^d Should have repeated. He Ed Mauro Jr. of West Warwick, 8 Floyd had paddled in from the ' missed a "glnuna’ ’ putt on the hltter, PonticeUl’s defeated Po­ Tufsyn rubber for extra m ileage! New York at Philadelphia, N Kubek 4, Yankees; Thomas 16, St. Louis to three runs In (he R.I., and Steve Robbins of ab wateriogged battlefront, the lice A Fire, 10-4, last night at Chicago at Pittsburgh, N Yastrzemski 14, Red Sox; New­ sixth. 16th hole, taking a swipe at the Portsmouth, N.H. R IMoia, 8b 8 tournament was abandoned with ball and m 1 ■ a 1 n g. The first Champcn, as 4 Mt. Netx>. PonticelU's took the Houston at Cincinnati, N man 1, Angels. Dick Ellsworth 12-6 stopMd The only state champion to the score counting as the round leader had a TS to go with Kolodzlej. i< 1 lead with three runs In the 3-T Nylon cord for extra strength! Los Angeles at St. Louis, N New York on seven hits in yie [uaUfy was John Donnelly of U. Detora, p 8 third and won going aiway, matches stood. National League ' kls opening 71. Furphey, U> 8 San Francisco at Milwaukee, first game and received support lurllngton, Vt., who finished pushing across' seven runs In Menke 4, Braves; Morgan 12, . H m epontoring New England Hanley, o 8 why buy $26.00 tires?" N Astros; Linty 1, Giants; Banks from two-run homers by 'Ernie with 76-76-161. E)dwanls. 3b 3 the final two Innings. NO TMDE-lliS NEEDED! eOODYEAR Banks and Ron Santo. Banks, Four positions were awarded Young, if 3 17, WUUams 17, Santo 21, Cubs; JuUaa. of i Ylznltskl, Alt Huntington ^Fabulous Haig’ Cardenas 8, Reds. whose homer was his 17th, ata- In a sudden death playoff. They snd Tom Hally all had doubles gled before Santo connected % r went to Ed Skocsylas of Bristol, Totals SB 7 7 £ 7 7 7 for the winners, Hally account­ COMPARE! YOU DOTT RAVE TO H T BRAKE SPEeiALI Bowling his 21st. 28-Foot Mark Conn.; Dean Cassell of New MWicheetec MO W ^ ing for four of the winner’s Winning Fight sta/tord 010 OOO 0—1 TRE *^EC0ND TIR riO 6ET OOR DISCOIIT. Managers Red Schoendienst Larry Jackson, 9-13, posied Bedford, Mass.; George Wllk of runs. AN M s for In s thSA fipot SUMMERETTE — Jean Mil­ Pittsfield, Mass., and Harvey 3b — Hener, D. Brady. CTaun- of thk St. Louis Cardinals, Dick his 12th career victory over the ^Boston’s Goal parne; 8b—Heller. Savlno. Leach; PonticelH’s 030 48x— 10-5-0 Against Cancer ler—-iy6-453, Betty Trace— 210- Slsler of the Mets with a five-hitter in the Allen of Weston, Mass. ab—HeUer: dp — D. Brady to 8. PoUce A Fire (KtO 20x— 4-2-4 Defending champion Ron 530, Sandy Beben—181, Jo-Ann and Harry Walker of the Pitts­ nightcap. Billy Williams backed KIEV, UJkfi.R. (AP) — The Brady to J. Dlmtnloo; Savlno to J. Ylanitskl and RadtUng, Minor NEW YORK (AP) — Walter Gray, 461, Mary Lou Sherwood, burgh Pirates were Cardinal him with three hits. Including a Smith of Manchester, Conn., de­ Dlmlnloo to 8avli» to B. Brady; TUeCLESS ■-foot mark la Ralph Boston’s lobHMkJM****'' 9. Stanord 7; bb— and Harrington. Hagen, who reigned as the king 453. teammates In 1946. homer, and three runs batted In. long Jump goal in the Sovlet- clined to Jeopardise his auto- I.«Gaoa 5. M. Datom 8; eo-LaGac* 600x13 SIS.0S . 3U JS of professional golf before the a. matlo quallflcaUon by playing 6. U. Dotora 4; M)i>--Sevlno, Hal­ SUMMER BASKETTBAIA, 6 M itlS 17.25 ° U.9S Amerloan tnok end field meet Withstanding a late Eagles U.S. Royal Safety Air Ride? present day leaders such ------••• ' — ■" "W ' bore thla weekend — and he in the qualifying round. ler. 7.60 s 14 4 67 0 1 IS 80.60 1645 Jack NIcklaus, Arnold Palmer, jOdidui It pqeeible. rally, the Grads held on to win 8.00s M 47.10a IS 23.30 17 JO from . ^ Tony Lema and Gary Player SO-OS last night at Charter Oak 8.50x14 4 7.60 Sts 25.95 1615 .&■ were bom. Is winning the great­ ' .''■verything must be Just Park. 'Hie wliu\ers took a half­ 9.00 s IS 29.10 a n est match of his life. - oonmoons, weatbsr,- my time lead and held It the reel of 1U K -1YR The 72.year-old fabulous Haig, ' and landing,” ths wiry the way, although ttie Baglee 600 X IS 16.90 1670 es he was known in the I920e essee A * I world record oame within one point of tak­ 17.80 1635 NO MONEY DOWNI 2 2 670 X IS when he was a contemporary of dsr said today. ing the lead in the third quar­ 7.10x15 21.10 i s n 7.95 Babe Ruth, Bill 'niden. Red 6.70 X 15 Black Tube plus tax *1 feel great but I must Im- ter. ‘ 7.60x15 23.06 17J0 FREE MOUNTINQI No Exchange Needed Grange, Jack Dempsey, Bobby ~~~ I my landing soon. Z don’t Carl Hohenthal (36) led aU •VLMTAX Jones and Bari Sande, under­ ’ what it’li taka to win but •oorers with Bob Evane (10) went a throat operation for can­ I I ’va g ^ i t I want to hasp holding control of both boards. cer Tuesday. reoord clean against Ter- Ray LaGace (16) paced the "He’s doing very, very well,’’ Ovanesysu.** > loeera. his son, Walter Hagen, Jr, said .The 4iel b e tw e i Boston and Jay BoU today. The Indian J n . beat Dixen’e, Igw TerOvanesva 64-88 in the first contest. Skip good/Vear 9 9 j of the featured sidi Ooughies and Pete Kelly pacing the annual meeting of BLACK WHITEWALLS the attack. Bob Dixon toaaed vgfjeaasr.-sFiss BRAKE - Wg trank powers fiatur- in 18 points In a losing effort.^ •scept repairable punctures,urS.ilFAaOODVtAhTOIt a IF 6.00x13 This...... TGBELE8S I w and 8un^ In Kiev's On- and Canada will nwhe Mlewa^I on a MW tirs bsssS Stadium. ALUMNI JUNIORS 5 sdlualment. net en tha Meher "Ho Trade-In rries." ADJUSTMENT Boorlng In evary temlng, the 6.50x13 This...... 9 .9 5 6.00x13 This. 1 2 .9 5 'V.1 < .Boston novsr has lost to his 6.50x13 dst rival outdoors. Hs holds Oriolea defeated the Yankees, 7.75x14 Tbta...... 9 .9 5 This. 1 2 .9 5 13-6 last night at Keeney St. 7.75x14 This. world rsoord of 37 fast 414 GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE NieHOlS-MANCHESTER TIRE 8.25x14 Tbla...... 1 3 .9 5 ■ 1 2 .9 5 TV sat ait lioe Angeles lari Park. The loeers scored all their 8.25x14 This. -1 5 .9 5 »l-07 amber, TsrOvanesyan’s runs in the first. Orioles’ plteh- 713 MAIN STREET — 649-9523 295 RROAD 5TRRCT — 643-5179 8.55x14 This...... 1 9 .9 5 8.55x14 This. Pull front wheels, check this year Is to fast 114- er. Stave Fish regaining bal­ • 1 9 J I5 ance and setting them down 7.75x15 This...... 1 0 .9 5 7.75x15 This. • 1 2 .9 5 drum, lininsr, seals and Boston’s anthualasm and Ran- ANTENNA y Matson’s continued power without a run the reat of the 7.75x15 Tubed . . . 7 j| 5 9.45x15 This. 1 9 .9 5 cylinders, check and pack HOLLYWOOD SERVICE CENTER COOK'5 5ERVICE 5TATION 8.15x15 Tubed nth the IS-pound shot are the way- SU MIDDLE TPKE. EAST—846-5831 ...12.95 7.75x15 Tubed 1 0 .9 5 bearingg, add brake Huid so brighteet spots in Amsrioan Flah had a douMe for the 848 B. CENTER ST.—S40-8187 8.45x15 Tubed ...li.9 5 8.15x15 Tubed 1 4 .9 5 as n^ed^, adjust braking ■JQkuatloits. wbmera as well. Gena Rloco, INSTALLED with two hke for the OriMee, •UHRER'5 5HELL 5IR VIC I Pins Tax. No Exchange Beq’d. 8.’45xl5 ’Tubed 1 6 .9 5 contact on all wheels. On ths darker side are doubts JACK'S^ ATLANTIC bout U.B. strength in tbs dls- and Barry London, two douhlea I 70S MAIN ST,-^9-88S8 658 CENTER ST.-448-8138 for the Yankees, took hitting | 'k H»a faces, wbare ths Ruasliuis nmally exoat honors. RANTLrS SERVICE CENTER RUPINI'R PLYINO A 5ERVICI Immediate credit, easy terms, low monthly payments. [Jn** Olympie champion, Billy SSS MAIN ST— S4D-4S68 118 CENTTER ST^-S46-S37t I of Coemudde, OsUf., in ths >•000 matars, and Bob Sohul of BiABohi Signs DON WILLIS OARAOl OZZH'5 5HEU 5TATION sytott, Ohio, in ths s,ooa both 18 MAIN ST,—S4S-46S1 375 MAIN BT.—645-1313 CALL -A ^ e hsen running In Europs PHILADELPHIA (AP) - All Blanoht, veteran baokoourt man I *• coming Mrs. Osrry nLSW ORTH ond LASSOW M. it M. SHILL SIRVICI I I dndiren iS-ysar-old dlstanoa ■Igned a contract for the 19S8-SSI ROUTE S. ANDOVER—643-37SI 649-3406 |WD6 of Bpokane, WMh.. la suf- ■eaaon Wednesday with ths | SS3 OAKLAND ST— 648-81U fir in g from a bad oold. Philadelphia T6era of the Na- TIRE A lso on ths ailing Ust U Rm GOT m —Oolflng gfigstor Chi Chi Rbdriguez is so Uonal Baaketball AaaoolaUon. T Y ttAwIsv, Qlymplo -mster Blanohl, 83, aoored 404 polnU I RU D r5 M O IIL 5ERVICE 5TATION 400 If? BROAD STRUT MANCHESTER TURNPIKE NAMATH UNWRAPPED-^ 0 6 Namath, the $400,000 quarterback of the New’ Jbsmi^on nom L«s Angslss, rsllsved At oinking this putt ho romovos nls fitnw In so gamaa laat aeaaon. He will | 186 BAST CENTER 6T—S46-St77 TEL 443-2444 York Jets was unwrapped for pro competition last night in Lowell Mm s ? ^,(li6^rsd with an Aohlllss tjm- fodotm And plACOs It over tho cup In An oxAggmtod be etarting Me lOtb eeaeon Ms. too, IMS bsMi nnmliig ttw NBA. OpMi Wed.. Thiin., Fri. B-B — Men. R Tu m . 8*5i30 • Sat. B-4 . TVemdAPPUANCE where the Jet rookies took on firit-year men of the Boston Patriots 'Namath* AtSm ptto S S o cortAin tfao bAft otAyi put It dooi. completed hia first pass— to set lip a touchdown and later fired for two more hilluropm scores in the Jets’ 28-6 victory. (A P Photofax.) ' ° rAOt paHnEKi Suburban For Sals 71' MANCHESTER - RolHng Park n V B ROOM home on large WAPPINO - 1 badroom Aistoni— | —Ideal for children, 1% room nicely lendscapad lot, eonvan* built Ranch at 90 Ridge Rd.. Oepe extra large kitchen, din­ lantty located m Vernon. Leon­ deadend rireei, megnlfloanl LAND OLBAJUMO, tn o ro- RdfOLtODCASCMRIt ing room, $ bedrooms, 1% ard Agency, Realtore, 646* view, mid 60’s. Call ownae, 646* CLASSIFIED moval, aad ohain aaw arark. MOW! MUD-THAN THI baths, firepieo#, overateol^e- 0466, 1260 or 367-6600.______rage. VA approved. A. Mlchaod TdMODA______MIMIMiPPI” *tUTHt WILUNGTON — Just off the HSnRON - - Six room modern ATTENTION MANCflESTBR - executive 7 APPUAM6b s xajpalrod ~ all jurrooisNTNOTicsr room Oepe, 3H bathe, 3-car LILAC ST. SperkUng Cepe, 4 Parkway, On Schofield Road, a Ranch, paneled den, oil hot wa COLONIAL MANOR oleen 6 room Ranch on Mg lot ter, 3-ear gerage, large M , 1% ADVERTISING makaa waahora, ratrlgofatora, HOMESEEKERS garage, well-te-well earpeting, plus 3 unflmehed, completely traaaen, dryera, aad olao groCKROOM attendant hlfb And 36 foot family room, l$xS3 n. redecorated, deep lot, sewers, with treat for $18,600; on Ruby bathe. Ken Oatrtneky, Roaltor, Bohool education, pravloua ax- Road an oMer home with un­ r trio ranfoa hurnara COLONIAL OAKS swimming pool, lovely treed stores, busts, only $14,900, 646-6166. K, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS trad. Ooama perienoa helpful. Apply Ion* OHIC—6 room Cepe, 3 un* lot. Heyas Agency, 60-410$. small down payment. Robert limited poeriMUtles. two oar oloanod and ro] VERNON Immeoulete 8 AAi to B PJH Appllanoo, Mfg. Oo. Regent 8t. Manohaa- lor enytlmm la raal ftnlehri Street, Anderson Agency 621-1774, eve­ garage, big barn, acre (more If 'a t , DLBCrtlUC stove, Frtgl- OOLOfflAL—4 sMridlng, _ rooms,n ireers-old I roome Split Level, ter. ______WANTED — Good hems for 6 ^ r e refrigerator, good oondl- •■tale rentals — apartments, One, two end three bedroom Dovriy nings. wanted) for $1$,900. T. J. i TOUT ARS A>ll Truok la A -ll epertmente aveflehle, all SOLD " oompletely enolcasdfcasd yard,yard. near Crockett, Reeltoa at 6U-1677. excellent young axecutlva ^ black and white Son, $50. tor both or best of- 4welMng^ eaii venlent'”' ^ * ^ * - icUtUee. > I COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Oallara, attloa, traah, amall f u l l -t i m e Ghiard — higheat female c a t 649-6460 after I J. D. Realty, 64$4U6. a lie n e e s , heat, hot water, Low priced for quick tale. ■cboole and ^ W ' neighborhood, wooded lot wiUi. MOlOUT Xkn nUDAT lOiM AM. — SATDBDAV 0 AAL truckiivi' dona A-1 rl|Atl Call agency rale In area, work lor (,r. Call between 10-1, 6a.l900, private cellars, large epe- mentt, only Lappen COVENTRY - 6 rooms,e. 8-had-$*t view on deadend street, short . reputable, growing oom pa^. If p.m. ______. FOR SALE room year ’round home,I, excMr N MS-20M, Tramaao TnniioUBf S w r YTRINO la etorUeed re- WE ^ V B curiam era welting cloue rooms, multi cloeete. ELEGANT — 8 bedroom Agency, 449-6361, 646-6140' walk to new eohool, paneled i farvloa. qwllflad apply at O o ^ State ^dltlaned used furniture ana for tha rental of your apero Cell for an appointment Oerrleon ooloniel on Wood* BY OWNER lent arte near lake, miymly 19^^ rec room plus childrenA play- f PLEASE READ YOUR AD Employment Service 808 Main hHI Road in lovely Woodhfil SIX ROOM Cape, full shed dor­ 600. Hayes Agency, 640-^181. room, recently redecorated In­ fHARPBNINO BaiTloa—fawa, 42 Mnilanoee, Wgh quality—low SlSlm f ______« r "W m * a m t a n tahaa ® nr tha plama aa a St., 1 p.m „ Friday, July 80. Live Stodc Height* In luncheeter. mer, 1% baths, flrtplact, din­ Manchester — Specious 6 side end out, Immediate oe*. kalvai. axaa, ahoart, akataa, % cea LeBIaao Furniture, 190 COVENTRY — Route 44a7 ^ m - eoitveaHeea. Tha advarttaar ahoold laad hla ad tha F IM T J. D. R E A LTY CO. Specloue rooms wttlt I ’A ing room, ons car garags, $16, room custom built Colonial, oupency. Owner trensferred-, rotary bladaa. Qulok aanrloa. h a n d y m a n , adult, part-time, KHOOLBD buckalto gelding fwtb Itreet Rookillls, trs- t h r e e r o o m clous Oepe, three bedrooms. DAT IT APPBAB8 aad BIIPORT SRBORB la tbna for tho ____ ^ ------apartment, 648-6129 648-8779 tiled bathe, well to well 600. Phllbrick Agency, 4*6 beautifully decorated, de­ and anxious. 678-7803. ) aaxt laatcWna, Tha HataM la laapoaalbla tor oaly o r a laooi^ Capitol Bqutpmant Oo., 'Sll 6 hours dally, M.60 per hour. 7 years old, 14.1 hands,la, idad E74. Open 9 * 247 No. Den, Dining room, Family carpeting, half acre wooded BTRANT STREET - Big rooms sirable neighborhood, built* n a t or omitted laaerttoa for aajr advarttaotMet aad t ^ oaly M un St, Manehoatar. Houra 743-8090. tor English or Weatenj i f i e ^ RUGS, 9x13 beige, $80; M ^ 8 t ., Oefl 649-5339, 9-6. ils: room. Ideal large family. Now HEBRON ACRES, Route mT' ’ dally 7-8. Thuraday 7-d, Satur­ ure, needs ex p e rie n ce r i ^ , lot. A real buy from on ob* hers, four down end Iw two up. Ins. Priced In low 30'a, $18,900. Barrows k Wallace. to tha extent o f a "malm food” laawrtlon. Error* whleh ^ ^IB cranberry oriental, $40; ■entaa owner. Owner transferred. Phone (Watch for eigne) Over 1% , : tho aalaa o( tha advactbomaat win not baeorreetad bgr day 7-A etS-TMS. WOODWORKINO — Several $450. Alao, Waatem aaddla, |60. 'FIVE ROOM Duplex, 8 large 1% bathe. (One bedroom 649-6306. acre plot. Charming Oepe, eub^' 13x15 avocado acrilan. 068-2000 bedrooms, furnished or unfurn­ 646-0662. fo o d - openings for fuU-Ume and part- 649-8971. ______THREE r o o m apartment, . . . down). Home Is spoUsts, has urban Ranch, desirable Split. ; LAWNMOWBR ahaipanlnf; ra- time. Apply at Nap Bros., 132 Maln^Street, $60. 649-033^.6. ished. Wesley R. Smitti Agency, SPACIOUS — 7 room older enclosed porch, kitchen is i IN BOLTON, a true four bed­ ^ A N , u s e d refrigerators, colonial with a 1 oar ga* Tremendous value under $16,* paiia, aalea, rotor Diadaa Naubuc Ave. Olaatonbury. Realtor, 648-1067. woman's delight. Very cen­ room Ranch with I'/j baths, full 000. Appointment at other (BeelMlK M l Tiae) aharpaned; bicycle aalaa, aarv- Artlclfe For Sale 46 fliMee, automatic waehera NEW 8-room country apart- rage on Tanner Street in MANCHESTER - Why be hot! basement with a two car ge­ guarantees. Bee them at WE HAVE Apartmente — 3% tral. At $17,960 this is good times call Suzanne Shorts, 641^ : lea. Manoheatar Cyolo Shop, DRIVER — Salesman for retail menu, garagea. all electric, the Bowers School ereA value. Come see for yourself. We have a five room air con­ rage. Nice Mg family home, 875-3136 149 W. Middle Turnplka, 649 B. D. Pearl’fe Amllanaea, 649 rooms, $110; 4 rooms, $146, (3 TTiUi le a rare value in a 6886, or -torts MeLoBen, 126* , 6 4 3 -2 711 le'e cream trucks. Must be 18 DON’T msrsly brighten your nice suburban setting, $90. per T. J. Cfockett, Realtor, 64S- ditioned Ranch. Be! Air Reel lot Mg enough to allow tha cMl- 5770. J. Wateon B e ^ A Co., 3098. years of age or over and have caimste . . . Blue LuA xe mem Jain St. Call 04f-2171. month, no tease. Leonard bedrooms); 4 rooms, $115. preetlge home location. 1677. Estate, 643-9332. 649-4693. dren plenty of room to climb Heat, hot water, kitchen ep 522-2114. driver’s Ucense. Apply after 8 ...^ m in a t a mp4d resoiM^. UM OLENWOOD gas and gas Agency, Realtors, 646-0469. end dig. Beautiful screened In HAVE n M B — will work. Odd p.m. at SAW Magasine Shop, Rent alsctric ahampoosr $1. ilences Included. Cell Warren ECONOMICAL — 6 room MANCHESTER — SpoUeee 6 LOVELY room Cepe, with porch. Must be seen. T. J. Jobs our q>oclalty. Will do moat ^ v e , exceUent condition. 649 SOUTH WINDSOR — T room 188 Main St., WUllmanUc. Paul’s Paint * Wallpapar SI. Howland 648-1106. older home on Delmont room Colonial, breezeway, ga­ seclusion; - privacy, view end .Crockett, Realtor, 643-1677. Split, fireplace with paneled Tnnbit Rtaehiiig Onr Advirtistr? anythlnf. Call 643-3097 or RI 6- RIO. < THREE ROOM Street. All roome on first ply- ______rtment, 470 rage, 1% bathe, 8 twdroome, restful country living. In.town., woU, gansge, emerite drive. 0064. INSPECTCm of m achined Main St., $90. 1 649-6329, 941. SEVEN room duplex, modem* floor with tremendous ex* leige lot, fine looetton, only Bel Air Real EeUte 648-9382. Ma n c h e s t e r is only minutes IBWING m a c h in e — Singer teed, good looetton, garage, Hanley Agency, 646-0080. H-Hoar Aaiwtrlic Stnriet parte. Approxhnaitely 50 hour PICNIC TABLES, all aUas and penelon poeriblHUes. A 4* $30,800. Hayes Agenoy,” 644- 649-4593. away from this estete, consist­ 2 typewriters — Standard xutometlc rig ■ seg, cabinet 646-3180. week, third shift, In-procesa oar garage will provide in* atylss, from 6 foot $13.M, da- {nodel, excellent condition, but 0181. ing of three houses and 22% FOR SALE —6% room Ranch, and electric. Repaired over­ and final experience In dimen­ f o u r r o o m s , third floor, no come. Tma Hating le hi tip* MANCHESTER — Quick occu acres of land. For full informa­ Frit it HtriM Rtadtrs hauled rented. Additlg ma- ton holes, embroiders, hems TWO ROOM apartment, heat, on lovely treed lot, aluminum t 2 Floor Ilnislilnf 24 Hdp Wanted—-Ftonale 35 Help Wanted—^Male 36 sional Itupeotlon required. Con- children. Call 649-8679. top condition. Priced under JUST Lis t e d - 8% room nancy, low jjprice, fine older Wa chlnea rented and repaired, stove, refrigerator fumlehed, tion call The Ellsworth Mitten storms, carpeting, stone fir»>' { Waal IbfemaatloB oa one of onr eloaalM tromatios Cotp., 200 West etc., was $809.60, unpaid bal $17,000 for a quick sale. Ranch, built-ine, fireplace, 3% ftome near Mancherier Green. Agency 643-6980. t- pickup and delivery aervlce. f l o o r SANDINO and reflnlah- ASSISTANT needed for or­ SALES TRAINEE wanted by ter 4. ■ncs $69.86, take over pay 21 HUNTINGTON S t.-5 rooms, on bus line, cell Mrs. Harris place, attached gerage, many - aamna a* tha trlnrfi—t nrtadr Stmpty oa f tha Main St. RockvEe. Ask for acres, nice Suburban location, Fireplace, many closets, $17,- extras, $17,600. By owner, fTS* >- Yale Typewriter Service, 649- Ing (apeclallxlng In older thodontic office, attractive sal­ old reliable compaiw and SALES AND Service on Arisns, jnsnls of $8. monthly, a t y Sew first floor, sunpoTch, adults, Burton’s Inc., 649-6851. A(7nON WANTED on this Im- Mr. WhHe. For an appointment to In* raaeonebly priced. Leonard 900 buys it! Barrows A Wal­ 8360. It EDWARDS 4986. floors). Waxing floors. Paint­ ary scale, wiUtng to train. leader In its field. ’Ihia la Hahn EcUpee, Jacobs tha Claaal- radio, heater, good condition, ly In person. Contromattes store In Rockville. Merchandls 4:80. OATJ. — ASK FOR DAVID Cape, fireplace, dead end Realtor. 643-1667. built contemporary ranch, a boat otter. 669-8613. After ~ concrete work. CaU 6494144. detiiUs pbobe 349-7771 anytime. Must have dependable car. For POUR ROOM apartment, cen DESIRABLE otora or office rooms, 6 finished, garage, fire­ family room, flre^ace, sun- dltion, close to Manchester end Had Manafar, Manchaatar 200 West Main S t, Ing experience helpful. Excel­ trally located, heat, hot water, street, Manchester. KutcMnS r- p.m. further InformaiUon caU 638- AIR FILTERS, most slMt In AT ALBERT’S YOU CAN ■pace, ground floor, clean, at­ place, convenient to bus, shop­ deck, high scenic eloping wood­ Vernon Olrcte. CeU owner, 645- Bfaninf Herald tofather CARPENTRY — 83 yean’ ex­ le. lent benefit program, bonus ar­ 8686 or 844-0303. adulU, $6fi. 643-2171, 643-8470. tractive end reeaonable. Apply Agency, Realtore. 646-5S24. FOUR FAMILY, 4-room units, a stock for your 'window or cen- NOW. RENT BRAND NEW ping. 649-6606. ed lot. Hayes Agency, 646-0181. 1710. re with a memo Uatlaf I960 CHEVROLET Impala hard­ perience. Ceilings and floors Help Wanted— ^Femile 35 — ------rangement. Arthur Dnu, Mr. tm l air-coiMlitionlng unit. T.P. Mr. Chesee, State Theetn, U prims east side location, all ap­ companlM you do NOT tUad, porches, rae rooms, ga­ Patten, 649-5004, Mr. Gordon, ^m lture A Appliances HORSE RANCH la Menchee- pliances. Wesley R. Smith It top sedan. 1960 Buick hardtop. Help Wanted—Bbie 36 Aitkin Co., 27 ToUand Tpke., Don’t Buy Anywhere, Ev?n a.m. - 8 p.m. ter with 37 eorak. 8 room $11,990 — HOT value In cool J want to aoa your letter. 1060 Rambler wagon. Douglaa rages, additions, atUcs finish­ 843-1605. Agency, Realtor, 648-1667. Bolton. Four room Ranch with tt DISHWASHER Manchester. house, 1% bathe, bain, ouL J Tour latter win be daa- ed, remodeled, concrete work. IMPORTANT NOTICE FiW Us Until You Get The DAMATO BUILT THREE ROOM ottioe or buel- MOVING TO FLORIDA IS Motors, 838 Main. F«cts About Our New Rental buildings, oorrele, etc., $M,000. pertiel basement and a big Snow Rangers troyad If tho advertiaer la No Job too mnaU. Immediate MACHINIST — Bridgeport op­ FuU-tlme, good working MILLIONS of rugs have been nest, ground floor, 470 Mein PORTER STREET area — Cus­ V on* you’ve menUooed. If The 1964 Civil Rights Law IMPORTANT NOTICE conditions. Reply stating Flan FtaUbrtck Agency, 646-8464. 2-car garage, excellent condi­ 1967 PLYMOUTH SAVOY, 6 cy­ eatlmates. 648-2629. rohlbitu, with certain excep- erators, turret lathe operator cleaned with Blue Lustre. It’s Charm with economy. Con­ Street, plenty of parking. 649 Six room Cape, furnlahed tom designed 8-room Raised tion throughout. Lot is wood­ not It win be handled In linder, S78. CaU after 7, 618- The 1964 ClvU Rights Law and stock man. Job shop ex­ age, previous work experi­ Amertoa’s finest. Rent riectric PHONE HARTFORD 6229, 9-5. or unfurnished vicinity of Ranch, highly elevated. 130x180 Protect Skiers jl- DION CONS’TRUCTTON CO. — Sons, discrimination because venient to moot everything GARRISON Ooloniel In execu­ ed with plenty of privacy. T.J. the uaual manner. 0696. Mbits, with certain excep- perience preferred, 65 hour ence, and salary expected. shampooer $1. The Sherwln- 347-0358 Or 527-9036 tive neighborhood on a beauti­ Verplenck School. Tel. 649* lot, 4 bedrpoms, 2% baths, g- Complete building service. New o f sex. R wlU now be neces­ ins, discrimination because with country atmosphere. Crockett, Realtor, 648-1077. sary for our readers not only week. Paragon Tool Co., Inc Box E, Herald. WitUame Oo. OR COME IN AND SEE OFFICE for rent In Tinker ful wooded lot, 6 roome, 1% 6410. fireplaces, 30’ family room, 2 WASHINGTON—’Hw Arert 1960 CADILLAC Ctoupe DeVUle, construction, alterations or ad­ of sex. It wlU now be neces­ One floor apartments 'with Block. Apply CHeaaey’e Men' to read the usual Female 369 Adams St., Manchester. CARL NIBRENBURG private entrances. Heat and baths, breezeway, 3-car ga­ car garage. Wesley R. Smith RCK3KVILLE — 113,500, three rangers you meet In National Id orirtnal kyw mileage. 1961 Olds- ditions. Roofing, aiding, paUnt- sary for our reodera not only New furniture,' appliances and Shop. Agency, P a llor, 643-1567. family with good return. Two M liMt and Found ing, etc. 648-1863, 648-0895. Help Wanted and Male Help to read the usual Female G.E. appliances only some rage, $:m ,400. Phllbrick Agm- Forests in the summer have mobile F86 sedan. Douglaa Wanted claaslficatlonB, but MACHINISTS — Bridgeport op­ PURCHASED parts expediter, GO-CART, good condition, 2 new Mevisions are now available cy, 649-6464. MAN(3HE8TER — new Hating. three-room units plus 1% bring winter counterparts — enow ■8 M ofon, 838 Main. Help Wanted and Male Help of extras. 568 A 676 HU- u LADTS WRISTWATCH vldnlty QUALITY Carpentry — Rooms, also our Olaaaifioation Hate erator and lathe curator. Must some work experience, diversi­ tires, $50. 157 Vernon Street. for rentals. We can fill your Hard St. Open Monday-Fri- Houses For Rant 65 4 bedroom Cepe, large flre- 6-6, TWO-FAMILY, large roome, $196 per month. Barrows A rongera. The Job of tbeee men fh Waqted clasaificaUons, but u of Parkade and Broad Street fied duties, fringe benefits, ex­ $14,500—Six room Coloniel, ga­ d, 1966 DESOTO — power Steer­ dormers, porchea, basements Wanted — Male or Female be able to set up and operate needs from a single room to a day, 7:30-8:30, or call for pleced living room, enclosed exceUent condition, enctosed Wallace. 649-5306. —who wear green pericee end Pleaae caU 648-1871. also our Classification Help cellent working conditions, Ap­ TWO POWER mowers — waU- rage, 1% acres, garden, fruit front porches, dishwashers, 3- or ing, power brakes, best offer, rettnlahed, cablnete, buUt-ina, . . . 87. from blueprints. Good pay, eomplete home. Reasonable appointment, Warren E. porch, kitchen with bullt-ina, black eld ponte — Is to be sure Wanted — Male or Female overtime, and fringe benefits. ply Iona Mfg. OomiMtny, Re­ papering board equipment, gar­ weekly or monthly rates can be and shade treee, suburban, car gerage, central. Wesley R. VERNON — 8-bedroom itencta, caU after 6:80, 649-4816. formica, aluminum, vinyl, . . . 37. den tools, miscellaneous house­ Howland, Realtor, 360 Main BIROH STREET —Five rooms Buckley School area. Leonard cverylMng is eof* for riders. LOST—Ona carixm rubber boae, AUled Instrument A Tool Co., gent St. Manchester. arranged. Free delivery and Hutohine Agency, Rcelton, Agency, Realtors, 646-0489. Smith Agency, ~ Realtor, 648- fireplace, built - ins, garage, They eneck the slopaa t o labeled from Bervic Co., Eaat steel, oeramo aiding. WUUam hold arttoler, 30 fluoresceftt St.. 643-1108. $100. Call 649-6229, 9-6. Id 1965 CHEfVELLB Malibu Super RobUna Carpentry Scrvlca, 67 Woodland St., Manchester. there are no carrying charges. 649-5324. 1667. storms, fenced yard, near safety, rinrt shdee before they Ml Haxtford."Reward. Haaae ooB WATIRESSES wanted, days and bulbs, 4’ lengths, 644-0984. eohool, $16,900. Owner, 876' Sport, turquoiae, 3 door h i^ . 649-8446. nights, fuU time, part-time, 649-4875. And you are not under any ob­ WARANOKE ROAD build up into destructive evm* IS 635-6088. top, white leather interior, ELECTRICAN — Journeyman, Situations Wanted— ligation. Suburban For Rent 6l> HUGE KITCHEN, Mrob cabi­ No. 141... vacant Cape, 4 bed* MANOHEiSTBR — 6 room Colo­ 4661. lenohee, post to keep mukt have experience with food Immediate employment. CaU REMINGTON Electric Type- FIVE ROOM apartment on first nets, dishwasher, screened bucket aeate, 6 cylinder auto­ CARPENTRY —Concrete stepa, and Uquof. See Mrs. Canfield, Female 38 'Writer, 6 years old. Good condi­ NOW YOU CAN RENT rooms, two full baths, rec room. nial 3 bedrooms, 1% baths, 26x $14,900 — Large 3 bedroom P«>P>« ^ riopeelopes tm 649-4817. floor of 3 family house, on bus ROCKVILLE — 4% room Du­ porch, 6% room Olonial, 1% 26 ft. paneled living room, with AnnonneenMntf matic tranamlaslan, fully fac­ floors, hatchways, remodeling 8-7 p.m., ISoltoa Lake HoteL PRESS OPERATORS tion, $100. 16 Avondale Rocul, Brand new 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6 com­ Many features, must be seen to Ranch, garage, fireplace, lot danger Is post and see that n- tory guaranteed. Call 876-8898 irehes, garagea, closets, cell- WILL DO boning in my home. line and near shopping district. plex, 2 bedrooms, full cellar, baths, Manchester, $20,900. be appreciated. Tradee consid­ center fireplace, wall to wall FIRST GLASS mechanic want­ after 7. plete home outfits, washers, Hutchins Agency, Realtors, 126 X 879, trees, suburban. lifts and other taeikties a n op­ m BLECnRdLUX Sales aad serv­ anytime. ga, attics flnlahed, rec rooms PACKERS 16 cents piece, no white dress dryers, freezers, refrigerators, Available August 1st. Call 649- stove, refrigerator, excellent ered. carpeting, ideal location, walk­ erated safriy. ed, good pay, plus many com­ shirts. fW icy things, extra. 3614 after 6 p.m. location. $110. CaU 876-869$ 646-5324. Hutchins Agency, Realtors, L ice, bonded roprsacntatlva. AI- formica. No Job too amaU. D A MACHINISTS gu er electric ranges, gaa and ing distance to school, church­ 649-5334. ul pany. benefits. Apply in person Call between 4-8:80 p.m. 849- an'yUme. T. J. Crockett, Realtor L Dred Am ell, llO Bryaa Dr., D Carpentry Service. 648-8880. Boats and Accessories 46 |«s ranges, Maok and white or 4-8 ROOM TWO Family, excel­ es, shopping, aiKl pubUc trana- fi­ 1961 MGA, tan, good condition. to Arnold Harris, Service Man­ 6121. FIVE ROOM 1st floor apart­ 648-1577 • portetion. 649-6614. Manchester, 6«4-S14L “SEWING ager, Bourne Buick, Inc., 285 perlence perferred, color TV, stereo consoles, bed­ ment, near bus and church lent starter, good location, VERNON — 7 room Crionlal, le CaU 649-8286. DION, INC RocfliM 16 FOOT, 35 Johnson engine, room, H'vlng rooms, dinettes, (4 bedi-ooms) with ons full bath Id ntiy. Ai- Main St. first shift. Apply STARTINO September 7, reU' one child accepted, no pets Resort Property priced for quick sale, $16,600. INVITATION BWIMMINO lesaons tartudlng OupentiT. electric start, with trailer. tables lempe, oheira and many FOUR BEDROOMS, aluminum KEENEY SCHOOL area, 8 room and 2 lavatories, rec room, and oa Junior and Senior Ufe saving, I960 OADtEUiAC—4-door hard­ and a ^ U oo^ C eil- able mother wlU care for S-4 Wonderful pleasure and fishing available August 1st. $68 per F or Rent Eugene Gagliardone, 649- aiding, dlshwariier, 1% bathe, MACHINE MAN WANTE3D over 60 with OD EASTERN BOILER CO. more. 2760, J. D. Realty Co., 648-5129. Cape, 4 bedrooms, 3 biatha, % garage, wall-to-wall carpeting, B Red Croea certified, bourn at top — 62, ahsdlutely mint con Inga. Workmanridp guaran- year olds In clean playschool boat. Fully equipped with wa­ month. 649-0147. nice lot, double garage, Imme­ acre lot, landscaped, kitchen TO BID dUlon. A car for someone wtx> teed. $6 Autumn i t 648-4860. grinding experience preferred, 99 Loomis S t, Manchester surroundings. 40 hours, $20, 8 COLUMBIA LAKE — For Rent combination windows. Excel­ 5 your ooBvenlence. August 649- ter skies, fishing gear, and A—I^B —E—R—T’—S MANCHESTER—10 room home. diate occupancy. Reduced to buUt-ins, fireplace, easy to fi­ lent value and only $22,600. Sealed bids wlU be recrivad :h 5334. ‘ ’ appreotates fine quality. Please but may train if some'shop ex­ « hours $4.50. Write Box K, Her­ THREE ROOMS, furnlkhed or — Small waterfront cottages $18,200. Lappen Agency, 649* AL WILCOX — Quality carpen­ OPERATORS” perience background. Apply In other accessories. Reasonable. unfurnished, steam heat, pri 200x860 lot, excellent for large nance. 649-3009. T. J. Crocket, Realtor, 648-1677. at the Office of the General o ^ Mr. Valle only, 389-6488. ald. 643-1774, 649-4735. 48-46 ALLYN ST., HARTFORD August end September. OaQ 6261, 649*6140. NEW Olive Orsena. Latex bouse try, remodeling. Garages, person R. T. G. Inc., 219 Adams OPEN NIGHTS TILL 9 P.M. vate home, reasonable, adiUts. 643-2598, 649-49». family or in-Jaw situation. Im' Manager, 41 Center Street ** ht LOCAL ROUTE opening 6% day mediate occupancy. Bel. Air MANCHESTER — 6 room older (XIVENTRY — Daly Road. Re­ Manchester, Connectiout, until- IMlnt stop in and see. Mmrlscn 1965 VALlAiNT Signet, V-6 au­ kitchens, tile work. Good ref­ PLEASANT WORKING Street. OLASSPAR 14’ boat, choice of New Bolton Rd., 643-6389. MANCHESTER — Assume $13$ id Paint 789 Main St, tomatic, power eteering, excel­ erences. 643-7887 after 8 p.m. week, $126. to start, quallflca- Oogs— Birds—-Pets 41 COVENTRY — Beautiful lake­ Real Estate, 648-9882. house, aluminum aiding, porch­ furbished two bedroom home. ] Aug. 13, 1965 at 11:00 e.m. to r Id 26 or 40 h.p. motor, trailer, ex­ . payments for $2,600! Six room es, gerage, near school, buses, lent eonditian. Must mA, 63,- CONDITIONS! EXPERIENCED painters want­ Uons: Married, good health, f FIVE ROOMS of furniture tor MODERN 4-room apartment, side cottage, excellent location Cape, garage, on gorgeous lot New bath, lake privileges, ex- ^ one % ton utility truck and one . e- tras. Good bt^. 644-1912. LINDEN STREET — Fine cen­ and stores. $18,9(X). Marion Ed- E bU D A Y HOUSE, Cottage 100. 649-6673. ed. CaU Glastonbury between outgoing personaUty, satisfac­ GROOMINQ and boarding, will ■ale, call 649-3954 , 643-4762. recently redecorated, conven­ end condition, quality through­ wlto all city facilities. Barrows eellent for young family. Only j 4 ton pick-up truck. yt Street. New concept In redre- Roonng—Siding 16 6-7 pjn., 633-7765. tory employment record, driv­ collect and deliver. H. O. ient location, working couple, out. For full information cell tral location. This is an right lund 'Real Estate 286-4619. 644- $7,900. Barrows A Wallace. 849-, Bid forms, plans and epecl*- m Experienced help and qual­ A Wallace. 646-6306. ipent Uvfng, RN on duty, Near 1068 OLDBMOBILE, good condi­ er’s Ucense. Must be ambitious Chase, Harmony Hill Ken­ Diamonds—WatclK Au t o m a tic Kenmore washer, no children. Gall 649-4819. 648-6980. roomer 'with two bathe mat 0414. 1^306. I I ficatlons are s'vellable at the ■t tion, $100. CaU after 6 p.m. 640- i f y trainees wanted. nels, Bolton, 648-6427. needs redecoration. Has a lot buaee, etaurefam and atiopplng. BIDWELL HOME Improvement and wUUng to work herd and Jewelry 48 normal wash and wear cycle, COLONIAL, Hollister St., near ------I Controller's Offics, 66 Center ro ReaaonaUe rates. For inferma- 86T4. Oompaoy—Roofing, riding, a t learn. For personal Interview very good condition. 844-0411. FIVE ROOM apartment, ga OLD ORCHARD BEACH Maine of possibilities. Lot Is plenty SOUTH WINDSOR — 5% room street, Manchester, (toimeoti* Earn as you learn, excel­ ENGLISH SETTERS, registered all schools, six rooms, 1% {• tion caU 649-3888. teraocoa, aridttkma and re- caU 628-6686 or 644-0202. rage, no pets. $110. monthly, — 2 apartments nicely fur­ Mg (80 X 175) and there is a baths, aluminum riding. Imma­ Ranch, level lot, 8 bedrooms, cut. 1069 CHEVROLET Impala Con­ modeling of aU types. Excet lent fringe beneflte for aU. MACHINISTS litter, hunting stock; also. WATCH AND JEWELRY re­ Lots For Sale 73 pairing. Prompt servloe. Up to ICENMORB Electric dryer, 10 Call 649-39M, 643-4762. nished, completely equipped, one car garage. Vacant, look culate, immediate occupancy. kitchen with chidng area, fire -Town of Manchestefr- la BOAROE PENNIES, 10666, 46e vertible, Immaculate condition teta wortananahlp. 6496496. PART-TIME service station at­ Dachshunds and Weimaraners, different cycles, like new. Par­ including, electric range, re­ It over. We are asking $18,000. placed living room, oil hot wa­ sacrifice, $760. Evenings 626 $20 on your old watch la MANCHESTER — Quiet street Bel Air Real Estate 643-9383. BOLTON — 2 building lots total­ Connecticut d- 1960 small date, uncirculated, tendant wanted, experienced puppies all ages, Stuq service. ty moving. 644-0411. frigerator, comfortable beds. T. J. Oockett, R e i ^ , 648 ter heat, aluminum storms and Richard Martin, 6674 or 348-4416. Southington, 1-838-6678. trade. Closed Mondeye. F. E 6 room duplex, tiled both, new ing 6 acres, $7,000. (5all Eugene $7.96. Fine early dates below MANCHESTER MODES preferred, couple nights week­ Bray, 787 Mein Street, State Off street parking, rates re­ 1677. SEVEN ROOM Colonial, cool, screens, $16,300. Wolverton General Manager book, 644-1918. Roofing and Chimneys 16-A ly, possibly Saturday and Sun­ BNOER automatic rig-zag, like furnace, enclosed porch, gar­ duced for August. (8 minute country setting, fireplace, fine GagUardone, J. D. Realty, 646- Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. 1062 OHE7VROLBT. Convertible, PINE ST., MANCHESTER COCKER PUPPIES, buff, 9 Theater BuUdlng.. new, monograms, embroiders, age, adults only. MOO. Hayes 2760, 643-5129. radio, heater, V-6 automatic ROOnMO — Spaf.iaWring i 1st SHIFT day. Apply M A M Shell Serv­ walk to beech) 64S-t0O6. shnibltory, $14,600. C!all Eugene RIDE WANTED from Coventry weeks, attractive and niceW button holes, etc. Original price Agency, 646-0131. ANDOVER — Everything you transmlaalon, exceUent condi pairing rooCa of aU kinds, new ice Station, Route 6, Bolton. bred, AKC registered, H. C. ANSALDI BUILT Ck^;liardone, 649-3760. J. D. to Pearl St., Hartford, Must ever $300. Take over last 4 pay­ CAPE D — 4 room cottage Realty Co.r8M-6139. want, 8 room Raised Ranch, leava O ovenw by 6:80. 743- tion. E,690. CaU 875-8606. roofa, gutter work, chtnneya Chase, Harmony HIU Kennels, NEAT 3-room apartment with in Dermisport, near ocean, INVITATION eleaned, rspalrad. Aluminum LADY TO WORK three days 3rd. SHIFT ments of $10.80 each. Call deal­ with 6 acres and trout brook, 7640. weekly (Tues., Wed., and Hebron Rd., Bolton, Conn. INVITATION er Hartford, 622-0631. bath, porch. second floor, available July 81. O H 876-09U SIX ROOM COLONIAL TWO FAMILY 6-6, excellent aiding. 80 yaara* SKperience. 648-5427. Bel Air Real Estate. 643-9332, • Trades—Tractors Thurs.) in local insurance riove, refrigerator, heat, hot after 6 p.m. Convenient location, city throughout, newly painted, con­ 846-4563. TO BID Free esUmatea. CaU Howley, ‘ PART TIME TO BID COMPLETE oontents of homo water, garage. A'vailable Aug. AutomodbDos F or Sals 4 8495881, 844-8888. agency. Insurance experience CARPENTERS WILL TAKE all unwanted pets, water and sewers, fuU pise* venient location. JuUan Realty, ATTENTION Sealed bids will be received 1964 INTBRNA’nONAL cub not neceseary but both short­ Sealed bide wiU be received for sale, excellent condition, 15. 816 Center St., 649-6706. ter house, hot water oil Realtors, 640-9190. ANDOVER — four room Ranch, excluding cats and -dogs. WlU 133-4339. Business Property at the office of the General in ttD OART Tour credit turn­ tractor, electric atertlng, hand and typing required. buy ^aU cages according to at the Office of the General MANCHESTER 4 rooms, first heat, cast iron radiation, two bedrooms, sunporch, ga­ Manager, 41 Center Street, ed down? Short on down pay- Mghte, snow plow, 88” rotory Radio—TV Repair Please write Box Z, Herald, For Sale 70 MAN(3HEBTBR — West Side. and condition. Call 648-9269. . Manager, 41 Center Street, Be d r o o m set, dresser, bu­ floor, heat, hot water, riove, 1% baths, quick ooou* rage, artesian well, half acre, Manchester, (tonn., untU Au. aaaotr Bankniptr Repoeeee lawn mower, and wheel and state quaUficatlons. AU rc- TURRET LATHE Good location. Four room PROFESSIONAL MEN Services 18 Manchester, Connecticut, until reau, bed, box spring and mat­ refrigerator. 49 Birch St., be­ MAIN STREET site. Bear Cen­ pancy, easily financed. Ranch. Aluminum storm win­ lot. Call owner 742-8642. ' yust 9, 1965 at 11:00 e.m. fo* 5 MonT Don’t daapairl Saa Bon- welghita. 640-0688. pUes treated confidantlaUy. Aug. 6, 1965 at 11:00 a.m. for ------1 Loader, 3 Cubie 2 dat Dou^aa. Inmdre about low- CONNIE’S TV and Radio 8erV‘ ENGINE LATHE tress, must sell. 649-1U6. tween 7-9 evenings or call 533- ter, with building of 6,600 eg. dows, hot water oil heat, ga­ 5 fui^shlng and Inetalliim an PRICED TO SELL WAPPING — Split Level, 3 yard Capacity. Bid forma^ 2 AND EXECUTIVES aat d ov^ amaUest Myments ice, avNllaUe aU hours. Satie- PART-TIME or fuU-Ume, c CARPENTER’S 4111, 822-8860. ft. Many potenUele. Will f t rage, nice garden. Owner, 648* •e perienced bookkeeper. A roly INVITATION air conditioner In Water nenoe. Owner 646*6339, 9*8. 0897. large bedrooms, 1% baths, plans end epeclfloetlone are •nywhera. No small loan or fl- 1961 WHITE dump truok. 742- factloo guaranteed. Call 4 BRIDGEPORT Dmt. office. BRAE-BURN REALTY 6061. in person, MariewA Inc., 867 Wanted—To Buy 58 TWO ROOM kitchenette apart­ g a r ^ , rec room, birch patio, available at the ControUer’a y aanca company pfauA Douglas 1816. HELPERS Bid forms, plans end epocl- ment, heat, hot water, refrig­ 648-6273 WHY RENT? Only 814,900. $16,1 644-1879. Motors, 816 Mato, Main S t TO BID Office, 66 Center Street, Men* e DRILL PRESS flcetlone ere avelleble at the VB b u y and eell antique and erator, call 643-0678. Refer­ Land F or Sale 71 buys this Immaculate 6 room This announcement might Chester, Connecticut. Sealed bide wUl be received VfHKSWAOEN Camper — 1961 Auto Drivtiiir School 7-A Moving—Trucking— Controller’s Office, 66 Center Used furniture, china, glees, su­ ences. home In town, low pay­ Interest you If you are Town of Manchester, te BURRING Steady Employment at the Office of the' General Street Manchester, Connecti­ rer, picture framee, old coins, BOLTON — On* acre. Route 85, ments, easy financing. Lappen looking for an exceptional Connecticut oompletely factory equ^)podc Storage 20 TOY AND GIFT foundation, well, eeptic tank, MANCHESTER — 6 room Colo la 648488SI, 649-6674. IMUVING Inatructlona Home Manager, 41 Center Street, cu t |uns, pewter, ecrap gold, MANCHESTER — Oxforf Agency, 649-5361, 649-0140. site to build a new home In INVITATION Richard Martin, Apartment, attractive two bed­ . $2,000. Seven beautiful level nJal, 12x23 foot living room 0- -up, reai MANCHBSniR DeUvarv. LlgM NEW BRITAIN 62 Weeks a Year Manriiester, Connecticut, until Town of Menebseter, •atches, old Jewelry, hobby >yUh fireplace, formal dinlni Manchester. I will sell a General Menegov PARTY PLAN Aug. 9, 1965 at 11:30 a.m. for Connecticut •eUectlone, paintings, attic con- room duplex, heat, hot water, acres, Route 6, pond and brook, NEW LISTING—Trees galore! IMS' VALIANT V-100, 2 door age cliuMaat. Special attention trucklag and package delivery. room and large kitchen will 2% acre site in a very ex­ TO BID fr- sedan, standard transmission, to nervous and elderly. Serv- truck and body hoist. Richard Martin, t*nts or whole eetetee. Funl- range, refrigerator, parking, $4,800. Terms, Owner, 742-8090. Charming 6 room Cepe, 1% clusive neighborhood. ' City 9 RaMgerators. waahara and Manager and dealers need- Excellent Wages pine cabinets, 8 bedrooms, 1% baths, 3 bedrooms, dining Sealed bids will be received radio, heater, aafety belts, ex- Ing Manchester and surround Bid forms, plane and speoi- General Manager wre Repair ^ rv lce, 643-7449. conveniently located. $136. water, sewer, gas, beautiful 9 atot'c moving anielalty. Folding In this area. FuU or spare 45 TO 60 HRS. oaths, combination windows, room, ftraplece, rec room. at the Office of the General Oellpnt oondltlon, good tires, log towns. Call Manchester ehalia tor r^vit 949-oni. flcationa are available at the 643-0973, 643-7796. double amesite drive. Excel­ trees, etc. Less than 6 min­ ja 2 new snow Brea. 643- Driving Academy, 743-7249, time opportunity showing, Controller’s Office, 66 Centef Houses For Sale 72 Hayes Agency, 846-0131. utes from Main St. Manager. 41 Center Street, stand out .ine of over 600 WRITE P.O. BOX 850, Rooms Without Board 59 MANCHESTER four rooms, lent condition throughout. Well Manchester, Connecticut, until 829. PER WEEK MANCHESTER, CONN. Street, Menoheater, Connecti­ $14,400 — 3 bedroom Ranch, landscaped yard. Priced to saU 6-6 TWP FAMILY, lovely lot, Painting—^Papering 21 newest mtlonally adver­ cut first floor, $88, couple w w e August 13, 1965 at 11:30 e.m. tised Toys and Gifts. Cash ^ M S BX)R lUDNT, one block butlt-lns, nice condition, large at $17,900. U A R Realty Co., ideal for children, low oeah re- S ib PLYMOUTH Sporte Sub- Garage—Service- Town of Manoheeter, child. Call Glastonbury 683-9067 for trucks. urban, 6 paaaar^r atetUm- Storage 10 INTERIOR and axtarlor paint­ in on tremendous Christ-' £fom Main Street, fr^e park- for apjpolntm ent.______lot. Over 100 more lletinge of Inc., 648-3693, R, D. Murdock, ulred, assume mortgage. J.D. Call 643-7029 Bid forms, plans and epeclfl- mas demand. CaU or 'write ABOVE AVERAGE PAY Connecticut ell kinds. CaU Elleworth A. 643-6473: Slealty Co., 648-6139. ib g o n ,' $490. cu t $44-8666 ing, waUpapar removed, fully Richard Martin WHY “ $• kitchen prlvHagee, gentle- cations are available at the gfler $:80 p.m. Insured. Rena Belanger, 64S- today Santas’ Parties Dspt SHOP FOREMAN Trainee, Ver- men only, 648-8137. MANCHESTER Garden Apart­ Mitten Agency, Realtors, 64^ Before 9:80 a.m. or Controller's Office, 66 Center 0613 or 644-0604. N Avon, Conn. Trisphons General Manager ments, 4% rooms, heat, hot 6930. $14,600 - - Manoheeter. 6 room SIX ROOM Ranch, 160x300 well OAK 8T. — Garage for rent non-RockvUle area. Will be Ceps, new elding, fenced shad­ groomed lot, kitchen, Uvlng Between 6*8 p.m. Street, Manchester, Connecti­ 649-8000. Area Code 208, 678-M6S. trained to eesum* responalbll' fCRNlBHED r o o m s , complete ter. riove. refrigerator, and out. INSIDB and outalda patntkig. TCbt housekeeping facilities, IMMACULATE 4 room Ranch, ed lot with flreplaoe, eewere. room with fireplace, dining tty for email riiop, mechani­ PAINT? parking. Oompletely r ^ ® * * * ' oversized living room, recent* Hutohine Agenoy, Reeltora, Town of Manchester, You name your own prioa. Contromatics cally Inclined. Prefer machine tantrally located. Mrs. Dorsey, $120. 648-0000, 849-0090. Of­ room, 8 bedrooms, bullt-lns, gS' PUBUC ly customized kitchen with 049-6834. rage, quaUty oonetructlon, $18,- Connectiout Motor^cles-^BicjrcIes 1 Special rates for homeowners OFFICE WORKER, experienced khop or brade school expert J4 Arch St, yucheeter. fice 16 Forest St, 63 or over. 649-7868. 676-6401 . sxpei AUTOMATIC bullt-lns, beautiful shaded lot, 700. Wolverton Agency, Reel Richard Martin, preferred, generalrsl offoffice work. ence end military ofaMgation Generil Manager HEARING HONDA Scramblai*, 360cc, 1966, ortation. Corp. t t a THOMPSON HOUSE, Cot- MANCHESTER — Two bedroom Leonard Agency, ReiUtors, SIX ROOM Garrison Ooloniel tore, 649-3818. P A n m N o ; e x t e r i o r Mfust have ownI trtranspoi fulfilled. Apply Connecticut INSTALL M « Street, centrally located, 646*0469. with garage, built - tn oven ZONING I BOARD low mUeege. CaU 648-6771 after Write to Box C, Herald. State B m plo^ en t Service, 806 TRANSMISSION modem duplex, full basement, 6 p.m. waU- 300 W. MAIN ST. i ^ e , pleasantly furnlened range, dlshweaher, Anderson SIX ROOM Cepe, eMcsllent con­ BUILDING lot for sal* — In­ OF APPEALS 11 work. M ein St., Manoheeter. backyard, $125. 643-7114.______MANCHESTER — New 7-room dition, 70x160 lot. 1% bathe. CHRISTMAS U here for Avon. ROCKVILLE, CONN. TROUBLE? {Bonn, parking. Gall 649-3868 winfowB, ell around, 1% bathe, quire 248 Fern St. Manchester. TOWN OP COVENTRY 1965 HONDA, 0 B 160. Very FnQy In­ Er overnight and permanent NEW 4-rooms, 2 bedrooms, ap­ Oerrleon Colonial, 13x34 Itv- oil hot water heat, 8 generous Rusoo etorm windows end INVITATION clean, 1^ montha old. CaU 649- sured. Free estlmatea. Our laboroftorlea are getting ALUMINUM ■'Ing room, family room, built- doors, fire alarm system, an- Thera will be a public hear- ready now for the sver-fatersas- 'A'F t m Ro in I Tm I jU tot rateil: pliances, basement laundry. bedroome, 160 x 600 treed lot. NORTH COVENTRY — 50 roll­ fete on Aug. a, 19W at ,8 p.m 9296 before 3:16. 9656, Joaapb P. Lewte. PHONE MR. BBOKBR QUALIFIED Wesley R. Smith Agency, Real­ in kitchen, epaeious lot. Priced Wolverton Agenoy, Realtore, oloesd beck yard. 649-4804. ing acres, good drainage, river ing Ohrtetmae demand for our 675-8817 TO BID at tha ’Town Building on tha ★ s A I TVp m M* CHARTER OAK ST. — tor, 648-1667. ______right. Heyee Agency. 64S-01S1. 646 3818. flows through property, woods, 1064 HONDA, green, model 380 EXTBRIO'^ and Interim' patat- products. Our Rsiprsssiitatlvss JIG BORE OPERATORS "Own eultOUe for working FLJNT DRIVE —I room Cepe, Seeled bids will be received agpeal of Adam Schllke for a btg. Wallpaper books, p a n ^ are makliig jdans now to ban' l y d o s t Tm ih i SIDING pasture, hey fields, road front­ oc, mUeage 4,000. OaM 648- i t ■ ^ • m en , private entrance, FOUR LARGE room apartmei^ SEVEN ROOM Split Level, aluminum elding, fireplace, age, good potential. Only 822,- at the Office of the General variance on property located hanging. Orillnga. Floors. Ful­ die the unprecedented demand An Equal Opportunity MANCHESTER — Ranch, large Manager, 41 Center Street, «a Rt. 44A In Cofontry re- 0923, after 4 p.m. Bmpk^er Second and Third SMfte Only ★ Atf Worii > lit- weritiy. 649*1746. compiriely modern, l^eboaro tresd 160x460 tot, garage, 34’ family eized kitchen with bullt- fenced in lot, weTl-to-weU car­ 000. Lawrence F. Fleno, Reel- ly Insured. Worl that wlU M mode for their hot water heat, fireplace, flreplaced Uvlng room, kitohen, Manchester, ‘Connecticut, until q^esUng permlaalon to conduct 1968 HONDA, 806 oc. dream 60-Hour Work Week lns, 8 bedroome, hot water peting. WlU listen to rsesoneble tore, 643-3708, antead. Lao Palletlar, earvteee. Don’t you wait until G u o ra n tM d . ®*AN fumittied room for a kitchen cabinets. dining room, $ bedroome, heat­ Aug, 16,. 1965 at 11:00 e.m. for ~ oaramlo atudio and retail tourtog, exceUeot oondltlon, Ji no ansarer. 64S-9<^ It's too M e. Cell today so you CAU hart, pleetertd walla, one ear ^ftni. J. D. Realty Oo.. $48- siflM of . ceramics aa aoceaaory ; Uifirinoni central. Call Mra. ters. tiled bath. wardrobjolM- ed family room, 1% bathe, beet garage, treee, $16,900. PhU- 5139. storm s ^ e r pipe. many aooeatorles, call 648-0490. too can earn thoee extra dol‘ AN iSKPEKlBNOBD oar poUah PURDY-FERRIS CORP. ; ^>«yute. S48.9S68. queMty, $38,600. WolvMton Bid forme, plane end epeol* u ^ to residence Including con- PAINTTNa BY Dick Fontaine, lam In your epees time. Ex­ er and used car get rMdy man MwiliMtor M ok Agenoy, $4t-$4$4. Rfifiort Property For Sale 74 akruotion of 30’ x 40’ addition 886 HILLIARD ST. 649-3406 etorm^ w l^ w a and Agenoy, Realtore, 649-8il8. MAN0HB«TBR-« room Ranch floetione ere available at the Interior and exterior. T aper cellent tnelning. OeU 386-4933. to start at once, top selery to 649-0000 “ *M FOR RENT, centrally Controllar’e Office, 65 Center a ^ amaalt* parking lot to the Boalneciii Services bangl^ng and waU paper remov­ rirtit men. Cell or see Mr, beautiful CXINOORD IU>. — Beeutlfid MANOHESTDR *- 4 bedroom with 3 fult ceramic bathe, 3-oor TranimiitlM Obe " 1 , ample parklng> imlvate Muri see to eppre<^te MOO. gerage, 8 bedroome, fireplace, a n c h o r h e r b beautiful Street, Mencheeter, Oonneott* Vtar of exlating garage. Offered al. Dutch Boy and DuPont. YOUNG WOMAN to work at MyeVbe at Burnside Motors, es, gentleman preferred Ranch, large Uvlng room, for* Colonial, 4 yeora old, modern i^U Intereated persons are QuaUty workmanship. CaU counter In fast take-out food op­ Adults preferred. 648-7(»e kitchen with bullt-lns, family Utohen' with built - In oven, Coventry -py eetting, I out Beet Hertford, 3$9-0346. 7 OLCOn STRUT 18. mol dining room, eobinat Town of Mencheeter, B ^tw l to attend. HAROLD A SON Rubbtab avanlnip, 537-9071. eration, exceUent working oon- BXPBIUBNOBD fuel dU driver, (BEAR 614 OBNTEB ST.) kitchen, iTtedroom e, reore%i room, 1% bathe, dining room, range, dlehweeher, uUItty Grant % Toothaker, ditlons, woik everege 30 hours AirrOMOBlLB year-round work, fringe bene- one cor garage, priced In low room, eompleteW otumlnuni ^■SOLDv.^js; Oonneotlout moval —- attics, oallara and ll-eebanio, tion room, lendsoap^ ynrd. Richard Martin, Senior OHpdrmaa yards, > weakly - and monthly weriily.- ibepefieaoed prsfem d. •teedy poaMlon,, In MW oar fltsv Write Box W Hetald. (Hve , MANCHISTIR Morton E. Robertimi, llenltor, 30’a ’ Pmlbrtok Agenoy. $41- elded. Wolverton Agenoy, Reel- $7,300. Lappen Agency 549- tA‘ L^pventry^nliif pickup. Bolton-Mancbaater Apply Grinder King, 176 Bpnioe agency. Ohorches Motors, 80 complete resume, all replies PliOM S44-0022 140. General Manager S,. BoaM of Appeab oinlty. Harold Hoar, 649-4084. Read Herald Ads. St. between 6-6 p.m. Oakland 8t., Manchester. confidentleL jf'i

THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1965! 6 i ^ A n m Ddly Net Press Run A r the Week Bndedl The WeaUAr reuwMt el V. S. WMHtav I M y 94, IN S Fair, eetl timlgliA lew. A duplIgaiU brM fa ffama, !i 4Bonsorad by Iw ManolNstar 1 3 ,7 0 0 Ml emmy oNI pl«ei—I About Town YW OA. will a ■ ba playad tomor­ r e< the Audit rew, doiidy taler ta dey,' row at ■ p.m. la tba baaamant e( Oliealetlou lEumtttg IrraUi Mcm ben o t Manoheater WATHa will fo to Holmaa Fu­ rooms at tha formar tadmloal NOW iUancftdffor— rd CUy of VlUa§0 Charm neral Home, Too Main Bt., to­ school, M School S t H ia pub- morrow at 7 p.m., to pay raa- Uo is invltad, Ragtstmtloas wM fiin sh u M L pacta to AUred Bunu, latnar of ba takm at T;4S. ■ VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 266 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 80, 1966 (Ctaeeiftad AdvertSMug ea Vage M) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Dollar Mrs. Francia McCaughay, a HIRING mambar o f tha organlaatlon. om aara and mambars o f tha Brlttah Amarioan Club wlU R. H. Woolia^ot 1t6 S. Main maat aA tba dubhouaa tomor­ St. and hU aons, Raymond and row at 7;S0 psn. and prooaad to Bmaat, aia guaaU of Mrs. Hal- Holmaa Funaral Home, 400 por Septamber Opening Of Hartford Grudge Fight an Mhelp from other nations as slg- Gov. Carl E. Sanders, In an bert C. Pacetta said his action WASHINGTON Thurs. till 9 P.Me Atlanta Interview, said he- bS' tier, a Fifth Avenue jeweler. ' ' nlflcant. ly- Dealer was prompted by “ hundreds of “ Wliat’s the point? Price tags Thirty nations now are The State Department’s data Gunman Forces Thus Saturn 1 ended with an­ CRISP Bid to Buy Ueved the sltuaUon had im complsdhts from housewives other success its flight program proved somewhat. Aaked about don’t look uleil attached to fine giving help to South Viet lists these nations aiding South and shoppers who felt they were wMch started Oct. 37, 1961. FRESH Oosed All Day Wednesday Ku Klux Klan leaders’ plan to jewelry.” Nam — three times as Viet Nam so far: : 460 MAIN ST. He added that tags on items Wapping Cabbie AU 10 (lights were successful LONG During July and August Boston Oub vlalt the Amerlcus area San­ many as when Saigon ap­ Australia — An Infantry'bat­ and the rockets provided Ameri­ ders said they had a right to selling for several thoqsand 'dol­ talion, combat advisers, an air MANCHESTER Tel. 643-0623 lars each would provide “ a pealed to the non-Commu- On Unpaid Trip ca’s missilemen with valuable peaceful assembly but he hoped force unit, a surgical team, civil data on how to handle large and no group w ^ d come i Unknown Buyer temptation, and we don’t want nist countries for aid a engineers, one million textbooks Is Rejected our windows broken.” complex boosters. The lessons Anlaricus to oreate violence. year ago. for niral schools, 14,000 eases of EAST HARTFORD (AP) — A An antique dealer, who de­ taxi driver ended a IM-mlle will be apidied to the Saturn IB Cucumbers The governor, who said Gets Churchill Eight other nations have condensed milk, a 60-kllowatt arid the massive Saturn 6 NEW HAVEN (AP)— Thursday he would take what' clined use of his name^ said; broadcasting station aafl other forced journey to New York VThis means I ’ll, have to mark promised help. City today—his night’s receipts wMoh will be used to launch ever acUon necessary to keep items. The New Haven Register m y prices up so that I can bar­ About 700 civilians and 4,0W astronauts to the moon. order here, repeated the state­ Lingfield Farm soldiers from 18 nations besida Belgium — Medicines. stolen and no fare (or the LARGE, SWEET, NEARBY reported today that a syn­ gain down again with the cus­ hour trip at gunpoint. Saturn IB wiU begin Its flight ment. the United States are on the job Brazil — Coffee and medical dicate represented ' by a LONDON (AP) — A mysteri- tom er." , Albert G. Hammond of 99 program early next year, and Walker said a curfew had in South Viet Nam, according to supplies. on Its fourth flight is scheduled each PEACHES No. 2 Bskt. 59c Hamden real estate broker oiis English buyer paid 0106,406 Tha commissioner’s office Canada — Medical help, flour Spruce Lane, Wapping, picked been diacuased but that “ thus said the order will In no way State Department figures. up a passenger at a diner short­ to lift a three-man Apollo spaoe- today for Sir Winston (Jhurch- The number Is expected to and scientific and educational is attempting to purchase far, we feel that things have not affect the joy of bargaining. ly before 1 a.m. and said he sMp into orbit to practice (br take a big jump with the pros­ assistance. AND THE LIVING IS EASY.e. the Boston Red ^ x . The reached that stage." He and the Ul’s racehorse stud farm, com­ Once a merchant posts his found himself staring at a gun. lunar voyages. The rocket wlU Sweet Plums, Ripe Cantaloupes and Watemelons report said that the offer City Council have requested all pleted with a mile-long private price," ssLid a spokesman, “ we pective arrival of perhaps 16,000 Nationalist China — Experts The passenger asked him to have essentially the same first doi. 59e .W ITH A MEW ciUzena not having necessary race course. more Korean troops In addition on . agriculture, psychological Native Blueberries was rejected, but that the don’t care what adjustments he drive to Hartford, a spokesman stage aa Saturn 1 but will have business on the streets at night The property changed hands and the consumer make In it." to the 3,200-man Korean task warfare, electric power and suT' for the East Hartford (jab (jo. a more powerful second stage would-be buyers are stljl to remain at home. at a 10-minute aucUon in Lon­ Evelyn Byrnes, who owns a force already in Viet Nam. gery; equipment tor electric said. But when the cab reached and eventuaUy a ^ r d stage. K lG clienA idle interested. The Sumter Cpunty grand don. Only one man present fashionable Park Avenue dress Later this year the Philip­ power stations, 600,000 mathe Newington on the Wilbur Croee Mounted on the i4-foot-wMe Nathan B. 8okadty. Dfahea get cleaner scheduled a news conference Donald. , At no coit to you, and at eur woy of Income Tax Deduction* and iniurance after that meeting. There have been talka Involv­ •» . drier, too, in a KitehenAid. Mying, "Thonkt for your builnoH" and clolmil Sources In the union said the ing the 10 major steel compa- PinehursI Ground Medh *Welcomt, New Cuilomera*'...we extend The Syttem moke* available to you, Heavy Casualties Inflicted Industry had made an offer of (Bee Page Eight) to you Health Sov-A-Tox . . . o new at any time, a complete record of your around U cents an hour In order m to bead off strike notice that pretcripHon record lyttem to help you, original preKrlptloni and preicrlptlon SAIGON, South Viet oontMt with the# U.S. and Vietnamese planes would create a crisis atmos­ K i Lean Chuck refill*. No other lervlc* efftr* you lo much. 13 A X V * , — _ raportad. continued to hammer suapeoted HAMBURG among other Ihlngi, qualify for Federal Nam (AP)—A Viet Cong phere and further upset an al­ (jommunlst nierrlUaa also Viet Oong concentrations In ready edgy steel market. Or 8 in 1 Blend lOtchenltid foree attacked a govern­ shelled the district headquarters South Viet Nam, U.S. military Under an Interim contract Bulletins Of Pork... Beef... Veal Lb. # T C spokesmen reported. Good Quality Lb. 59c BIIBW 6IBII-IIIK HEALTH lA V -A -T A X -Y O U R PRIVATE RECORD ment training center 76 of Nghla Hohh, 86 miles south of that averted a strike May 1, ei­ Da Nang. Government casual' They said 100 Vlst Oong were I, Yew famllr ivtefO - IniNinihr e»elleW« •rlglnol prtKrIpIlM ewebwi miles southwest of Saigon ther side Is tree to serve 80 days Bf M illllitl Ues wei;e termed "very light.” reported killed Iw U.S. Air notice of termination on or after In S U). Lots 8 Lb. Lots le ebtaln rtflili. today and inflicted heavy Several thousand men of the Force pilots who flew 1S8 mil' NEW ENGLAND GOLF 55c Yevr dector ten rtrltw Intlenriy ymir mMltcatlon avar a eartad af Hma. Aug. 1. That would make mid­ a. casualties, a U.S. military U.S. ITSrd Airborne Brigade/ Blons In the past 34 hours. An night Aug. 80 the earliest possi­ 0. Tatal at all pnicrt|rilan purchaMi It avallabla la yau far lax purpawi MANCHESTER, Vt. (AP) spokesman announced. continued a sweep operation 06’ estimated 68 Viet Oong were ble date tor the nation’s first <->dlm Grant of WetbersflaUL „ C H K ^ AND TURKEY ARE YOUR BUDGETS BEST FRIEND at tilt and id Hit yaar. An ssUmated 196 to 600 guer- miles souUwaat of Saigon but killed by U.S. Marine A4 Sky steel strike since 1059. PENOBBCOTTniBSH MAINE . - scored a 4 and 9 victory ovoD ' Ihara b na charaa far AU Mfvlfa - |u»f a raquait tram yaa and yaw rlUas hit tha Tan An regional tor the asoond day no s l^ flo a n t hawks and F4B Phantoms In Fran Quinn today In a qwu^ pifianal 6U wlllbf »at vp Immaalatily. I l l U> TODAY______oontaot with the Vlat Oong waa Although negotiations report­ tank. tore# training center with 57mm raids 030 miles northeast of Sai­ edly have not progressed as ter-flnid match of the Naot FRYERS . reported. . t% :h b . Averagai ♦1.00 •pleWi and dnomed miidns Omi be equipped «MS’ . racoillsss rifles and machine gon, spokesmen said. lU as expected, serving of England Amatear Golf Tour­ Whole, Split or Cut lb. (Bn, , a for t S M f Aneflwr ef the many Rim fervicot effered byi guns, the spokesman said. Tha spokeamen said one guer­ Neither of the claims was con' strike notice would be routine. nament. The aU-OonnectleuI Choloe oftuSrbhVhrtCy^orC u siydlpliwmsIisw The V lft Oong sent a suloida rilla was found dead anditnmh- firmed by body qount. Both sides had hoped, how­ mnteh between Ted Innenrfc er wounded. Re speculated tiiat SBUOCTBD, LARGE, FRESH PBNOB8COTT * Mg, v w s e ^ depeoHy. Fueh damollUon team to blow up an The epokednien said U.S,' and ever, that agreement oo an In­ of Newington and dim Healsgr cycle modfipreiddM choloe M four oyeiee imiuding S e n K ^ ammunltlan dump at the center the caoualUea might have been Vietnamese alronaft teamed up dustry- wide contract could be of Weet Hertford want ta but the guerrlllaa didn’t reach vlotlma of a Okinawa-baaed EU13 Thursday to bomb a Viet Oong Uealay, 9 end 1. "v, CHICKEN BREASTS tb . 69c lorontnHoelth pratNoon. reached before Aug. 1 or that Dpirt 6»sf-iflla6n4ld the dump, tha spokeamen ra- Ixmibera that hit the area encampment S3 miles east of progress would be eufflclent to IN 10 LB. LOTS..,...59e b . ported, Thursday. Boo Trang in the Mekong,Delta. make a strike notice unneces­ WALKEB VPHBUI , M lU ta^ Informants quoted ARTHURS Oommuntat oaaualUaa, U any, Forward air controllers estl sary. FOBTH WORTH, TM . IntsUlgonoa reports aa saying SW IFTS PREBOUM FRANKFURTS ...... lb. 6»« 8 D). lots lb. 65e ' were not reported. ^ mated “ many Viet Oong were Union sources said Thursday — The 9nd Court of OIrii r t / f In a ralatod Incident, tha that 100 Vlat Oong disgulad m killed” but said tte stnko In­ FOUNDS PreacrlpUcn Boa aiasscs a* riM bpist DRUG STOHe THAT SAVBS YOU MONGY Buddhlat monks gathtrad In a '(hat L W. Abel, steelworkers Appenla affimad today A okasmoa said Um IHet Oong formation was atUl being president, and chief Induotry fo00,000 Judgment won hy sw up a bridge between Tan mountainous area near tha op­ checked. 40 MAIN ST. 942 MAIN ST. B erational area. Artillery. fire nogoUatoCxR. Conrad Cooper former CMn. Edwta A An and O io Lanh and haraasatf In air attaoka on North Vlat had met aaveral times this Walker ta a libel auN agataat PINEHURST GROCERY. Inc. ROCKVILLE, CONN. MANCHESTER, CONN. C3an Lanh with flv t round# of waa turned on tha area but Nam today, U.B. Air Force and there wera no raporta that the (AP PtoMm). draak, They said It was posoibla the Aaeoctated Praoe. The TEL. 876-9268 TEL. 648-1606 r eomm mortar fire and Rinall Navy planes hit port faollltlss,faollli Court njedtad Wnlkoiqi. CORNER MAIN and TURNPIKE - OPEN N I^ TILL 9~SATURDAT HLL i arms- fira. A woman and two target was bit, barracks and a'stagliig ar ‘ lO sort of broakthrou^ vould ar«M , Injured Vietnamese rangers sprawl naar their a ;^ d e d helicimte rhich 00^ . t ( or ojlmlnato a otrllw no- oroaa apM ol tor on i Open Thurs. snd Fri. tUl 9—OpsB FrL and Sat. 8 A JI. PHONE 648-9581 • hlUrea were . raportid An air atrlka in a nearby area apokasman said. Ftm Ddivesy • Charga Accounts Tuesday hit a Buddhlat pagoda lided with Inother while taking off from Kien Long yeMoriey; s . 9N B ,lw p uB lttva da Ik . and M monka ware woundad. (■ m n g * VghD i part of a foroe being airlifted into action against the Viet Coojg. •ikl 'tadustiy IMM grawtaa af oaltai ■i k I

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