^ ^ -f WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 19®8 1 uTSs# TWENTY-BIOHT tim iOaturlr^Btipr If^raUt Jolg 94. INS I a l V. • . W( Four from Town 13,700 About Town Mrtwbw at the Aodtt ■ttNsm of OIrealatfoa Dr. f i r TOililintim 9t Announce Engagements At Guard School Md. hM n tum id IfigtdiMwtoD— CU/y • / VaUgm Chmrm hc*n« aftir vMttnr Mi immMa, Itour Manohsstor man art Jitr. and Mm. WIWun TurMn^ mimbers of the Oonnictlctit Na­ Craft originals TOL. L X W r , NO. 214 «MI o( M Mgalow ft. HI la iMth tional Ouard Officer’s Tralnir (TWENTY PAGES) MANCEEBTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 29. 1965 (ClBBilflad Advarttotag aa F ags U ) PRICE SI Ito NlHoml InaUtutM c t RmUUi School at Camp Dempsey, ait Batttirta. Hia Ktfi, Mra. antic. ’Ihsy era being tnUnM create room individuality Maria BohlwK TurMtiglm, tor> to become National Guard of . *s •( Imiabruek, Auatrla, la ficera. Training indi Saturday. M m im k a with a Mimberi Of toe Junior clasi l^tOOluVOCnii WT9CiAll* are Stephen Shurkua of W Lin­ den St., Robert F. Kopta of 10 n ta Rar. M f Ahnatron, a Okfott St. and Alexander M. m M cliaij o< tlii FUadUfla Burgees IH of 10 Depot 8q. Churoh, Swaden, wM m aJ( to- Seldon L. Bogll of 31 River- Paratroopers from 101st nfgM at 7:10 at CWvmry Church, aide Dr. Is a member of the Hi haa b n n a mlarionary to cenior claaa. He le also a memt Motoo andana Spainapain amand iain ^ hi bar of the 184th MlUtory Police •widMi, Spanlah and BnglUh,I Company of the laeth Battalion, aooonimanywf himself oni thi Mancheater. aaoormm. I h iI puMiepuhHe la iavltid.; Mountain launil Chaptir of •wMt AdeUnea, Inc., will meet Special and nhiaiw i tomonww at • p.m. Go to War in Viet Nam at Kaat Hartford High School. REMINGTON HAND H m . engagement of Mlaap JWUot photop Lorina photo ADDING MACHINES Mary-BMin Chirk to Lynn The engagemont of Miss Jan­ The engagement of Miss Linda Subtraction—^FuU Keyboard Not for Breakfa$t Police Arrests Qlenn White, both of Manchee- ice Ann Fowler of Manchester M. Browning of Tolland to Alan f'-r ^ NEW YORK (AP)—Tif­ tor, haa been announced by her to Thomas J. Donlon of East S. Hunter of Manchester has $ 8 5 .0 0 fany's Fifth Avenue Jewel- Land Amid parenta; Mr. and Mrs. Harland Hartford has been announced been announced by her parents, O.8.T. Included era, plans to put two foun­ Flrkiy, IS, of ST Brook- B. Oarfc of 800 Center St. by her parents, Mr. and Mrs- Mr. and Mrs. Bradford J. tains In its window die- •eldleM St., was oharfid laat night Her fiance ia the aon of Mre. Delbert L. Carter of 3S7 Oak Browning of Patridge Lane, Tol­ Also Special On Eleetrta pteya. But water, pryclous wMi breach of peace. His flather New R aid Merton KIngrtey of Strong, St. land. Adding Mncblnee Beauty . • « in thto city facing a short- polated a tlOO bond, and court Mlalne and Olenn White of Her fiance is the son of Mr. Her fiance Is the son of Mr. age, win not be used. m a a ra n o i la Aur. • In Man- Maine. and Mrs. Thomas J. Donlon at and Mrs. Leslie Hunter of 343 Tnie Typewriter Servloe Sofa, choir and toblo, from the A distUler wlH donate e n ^ e r aeealon of OhouK Court. Mias d a rk Is a graduate of Blast Hartford. E. Center St. Phone M9-d986 seven eases of gin to be re­ On R ebels FMlce say Flrkiy became collection of Craft orlginali, set the W x- Mioncheater High School and a Miss Fowler is a graduate of Miss Browning is a 1M4 grad­ o , ’ ■ circulated In the fountains. albualva when toM to atop kilter 1MB graduate of Middlesex Manchester High School. She is mood for contemporary. Free flow­ SAIGON, South Viet tat at the Oentar near tM Dug- uate of Stafford High School. Memorial Hospital School of employed In the data process­ She is a secretary at Purdy- out, a pool room. Nursing, Middletown. She Is on ing department at Pratt and ing ityle touched with the elegattee Nam (AP)—Paratro^rg Ferris' Cbrp., Manchestar. Hmr BtHn S* tow PriMSl of the 101st Airborne Divi­ the mneing staff at Middlesex Whitney, Divlaion of United Mr. Hunter is a IMS graduate 4*1 rwMwwef of richly grained solid wolnut State News Mensortsd Hospital. Aircraft Oorp., East Hartford. of Manchester High School and sion, successors to the Personal Nodees Mr. White was raiedlctoiian Mr. Donlon Is a recent gradu­ a IMI graduate of Ward’s Thick foam rubber for loftett seat­ Vorld War II heroes ate of Hartford Institute of Ac­ of hia otaee at Strong High School of Electronics, Rocky ing. Sofa eniemble tadudee twa Normandy and Bastog^ ^ SohDol and attended Pratt and counting and is employed at HWI. He is an electronic tech­ Several Fires 9 bi Memoriam WMtaey Apprendceehlp School, CooleyM and Co., brokerage cam and tlx throw plMowe. Tailored came to the war in South hi lorfeia BMmory at our tawiiand firm, Hartford. /.j nician at Pratt and Whitney, Viet Nam today. sad tMlwr, AjiUmm j How, who nsat Hartford. He jws recenUy West HartAnd. In your choice of designers* fabrics. psased Mrejr Julr IB, ISoOi oompletod a three-year tour of The umdding la planned for No date has been announced Under Study As 8,700 men of ths UUst’S aervici In U.S. Army. aviaticm, OcL a. tor the wadding., First Brigade began landing at _____Is a Oowr mar wahar. Coffee table base of sculptured Cam Ranh Bay, 180 miles north­ urmitot son mar set: Tstundng from Viet Nam last year. He ta employed at Pratt lit. I telid walnut with 60" crystal gtose east of Saigon, a UK. spokes­ tbs baarta Swt torad yua Saar- As Suspicious man laid giant BBS Jet bombers and WhMney, DtvMon of United SofI Field Day ‘ top. All designed by Adrkm Peorsall Ataotaft C o ^ , Oart Hartford. eegdaewaiw RwoWw^taT 1M Ham 0 STAFFORD SPRINGS of the U.S. Strategic Air Com­ WVa. Sob. HaiigWaMwtow. tlM w sddl^ la planned for mand dumped 000 tons of bombs To Attract 500 R. E. Wandell •mMwMlkmM , toll Twit It for Croft. originators of furnllum, oM m kyjm (AP)—A fire destroyed on suspected Viet Cong poalUoas Ang. M. fgllilsnsd ts mA St i m m int (HMsld photo by Plato) Ims lltaa kaO fvtaa. TWy give I fashions.__ an unoccupied farm house 86 miles southeast of Saigon. About DM periona from Building SaiMMito' Camp Kennedy Celebrates First Birthday early today in the fourth After the BBS raid —the alxtb throughout Connecticut are ex- m lutffcus. Thif Ism dsaf I in South Viet Nam by the Okina­ sSssI ww w dewdreegd, blaze battled by firemen in DMted to attend the annual C o n trac to r MMfdbr Asb. SRaMi i Sherry Keenan and Bruce Smith, volunteer counselors, carry in the water­ wa-based bombers — several Field Day of the Sons of Italy in the area during the night. thousand paratroopers ot the IVORYTON PLAYHOUSE Residential-Commercial JM Ml* tr I.tf J(m> M to melon being served to the campers by Teri Ivaniski of Jon-ly Coiffures at America Sunday at Rosemount Ml* MF ■•Mnwta bM *i4»toi Earlier in the night fires de­ 178rd Airborne Brigade began Restaurant, Bolton, it was an­ Aiterations-Remodeling Camp Kennedy’s first birthday party. Miss Ivgniski organized and .coordinat­ stroyed an abandoned house combing the hlUy area. By Ute Saturday Evening Tours nounced today by Louis P^azai *“Belanoa to the registered ed the hour-and-a-half long party, with eveiytning furnished by the hair­ trailer, a v a c u t house, and a today one Viet Cong bad been of Manchester, general chair­ **Bu8ine88 Built On TM of the Heberleln BEZZINI BROS dressers of the Manchester area. Story and otiier photo on page seven. barn In West Stafford. killed, another caj^red, and Tth. • Oeaa Baymoad ia "Di|doinatie man. Duse and' Matasinl Lodges Customer Satisfaction" PBtaot Cofp.” Fire Chief Forrest N. Burke thera were no U.S. casualties, are sponsorliig the event WAYSIDE FURNITURE said arson was suspected in the the spokesman reported. g. 14th. Walter PIdgaaa ta *T1ie Happleat MflUonalre” The ouUng win open with a series o t fires. North at the border, a UK. ribbon cuttlM ceremony at 11 Foil Insurance Coverage He requested an investigation Air Force RFlOl photo recon­ g. SSth. Shelley WInton ta ‘Whe'e Afraid of Vlrgtiila a.m. Mayor Froncls Mahonay of 519 E. MIDDLE TPKE.—AT THE 6REEN^49-1864 the state fire marshal’s o t- naissance Jet waa Shot down Woolf" 82 BALDWIN ROAD (jdsddojfL Manchester and Richard Morra, DRUG COMPANY Shot Kills White Youths %ce. while photographing one of the * Oatoato Hefan la n h e Oraaa U first selectoian of Bolton, wiU Tel. 644-0450 OPEN DAILY TO 9 PJ».—SAT. TO 5 P.M. In nearby WUIington Wednes­ two surface to air mlaalle sltee prsside at the ceremmy. After 5:00 P.M. / 901 Main S t—6dS-SSSl day, Fire Marshal Oldrlch Vona- attacked TUeaday by 44 fighter- John Ottavtono Jr., grand sek asked the state fire mar­ (AP piiDto(*a) bombers. THm pilot was prw COST: f l ,§ t Psr Person venerable of the national lodge; shal’s office to investigate four This picture of crater-covered Mars was released today by the National Aero­ sumed killed.
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