Colony Farm Regional Park

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Colony Farm Regional Park J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D Gr Wht-fronted Goose Glaucous-winged Gull American Dipper Explanation of Symbols Snow Goose Caspian Tern Golden-crowned Kinglet Ross's Goose Rock Pigeon * [I] Ruby-crowned Kinglet Common: seen or heard daily Cackling Goose Band-tailed Pigeon Mountain Bluebird Canada Goose * Eurasian Collared-Dove [I] Townsend's Solitaire Fairly Common: usually seen or heard daily Trumpeter Swan Mourning Dove Swainson's Thrush * Uncommon: not always seen or heard daily Tundra Swan Barn Owl * Hermit Thrush Wood Duck * Great Horned Owl * American Robin * Rare: 1 to 10 records per year Gadwall Snowy Owl Varied Thrush Casual: 2 to 20 records; not seen every year Eurasian Wigeon Northern Pygmy-Owl Gray Catbird American Wigeon Barred Owl Brown Thrasher Accidental: single record of 1 to 4 days’ stay + Mallard * Great Gray Owl Northern Mockingbird Accidental: single record of 5 days’ stay Blue-winged Teal * Long-eared Owl European Starling * [I] + Cinnamon Teal * Short-eared Owl White Wagtail [I] Introduced: established for 10 years Northern Shoveler Northern Saw-whet Owl American Pipit * Known to nest here (incomplete list) Northern Pintail Common Nighthawk Cedar Waxwing * Green-winged Teal Black Swift Lapland Longspur Canvasback Vaux's Swift Northern Waterthrush Records in Black – 2004- 2017 Redhead Anna's Hummingbird Orange-crowned Warbler Ring-necked Duck Rufous Hummingbird * Nashville Warbler Records in Red – prior to 2004 Greater Scaup Belted Kingfisher MacGillivray's Warbler Lesser Scaup Lewis's Woodpecker Common Yellowthroat * Bufflehead Red-breasted Sapsucker American Redstart Common Goldeneye Downy Woodpecker * Yellow Warbler * Hooded Merganser Hairy Woodpecker Palm Warbler Undocumented Species Common Merganser * Northern Flicker Yellow-rumped Warbler Ruddy Duck Pileated Woodpecker * Blk-throated Gray Warbler Ring-necked Pheasant * [I] American Kestrel * Townsend's Warbler The following species were listed on the 1996 Ruffed Grouse Merlin Wilson's Warbler edition of the Colony Farm Bird Checklist but there is Red-throated Loon Peregrine Falcon Yellow-breasted Chat Common Loon Olive-sided Flycatcher Spotted Towhee * no apparent documentation for their occurrence: Pied-billed Grebe Western Wood-Pewee * American Tree Sparrow Horned Grebe Willow Flycatcher * Chipping Sparrow Mute Swan Barrow’s Goldeneye J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D Red-necked Grebe Least Flycatcher * Clay-colored Sparrow Pacific Loon Western Grebe Eared Grebe Hammond's Flycatcher Brewer's Sparrow American White Pelican American Avocet Dbl-crested Cormorant Dusky Flycatcher Vesper Sparrow American Bittern Pacific-slope Flycatcher Lark Sparrow Solitary Sandpiper Western Sandpiper Great Blue Heron * Say's Phoebe Savannah Sparrow * Long-billed Dowitcher Wilson’s Phalarope Green Heron * Ash-throated Flycatcher Fox Sparrow Turkey Vulture Western Kingbird * Song Sparrow * Bonaparte’s Gull Prairie Falcon Osprey Eastern Kingbird * Lincoln's Sparrow Loggerhead Shrike Horned Lark Northern Harrier Northern Shrike White-throated Sparrow Sharp-shinned Hawk Cassin's Vireo White-crowned Sparrow Western Bluebird Bohemian Waxwing Cooper's Hawk Hutton's Vireo Golden-crowned Sparrow Northern Goshawk Warbling Vireo * Dark-eyed Junco Bald Eagle * Red-eyed Vireo * Western Tanager Swainson's Hawk Steller's Jay Black-headed Grosbeak * Red-tailed Hawk * Northwestern Crow * Lazuli Bunting * Additional sightings are welcome and can Rough-legged Hawk Common Raven Indigo Bunting * be sent to Virginia Rail N Rough-winged Swallow * Red-winged Blackbird * Sora Purple Martin Western Meadowlark [email protected]. American Coot Tree Swallow * Yellow-headed Blackbird Sandhill Crane Violet-green Swallow * Brewer's Blackbird Killdeer * Bank Swallow Brown-headed Cowbird * Spotted Sandpiper Barn Swallow * Bullock's Oriole * Greater Yellowlegs Cliff Swallow House Finch * Lesser Yellowlegs Black-capped Chickadee * Purple Finch Acknowledgements Whimbrel Chestnut-bkd Chickadee Red Crossbill Least Sandpiper Bushtit * White-winged Crossbill Pectoral Sandpiper Red-breasted Nuthatch Common Redpoll This list was compiled by Larry Cowan on behalf Wilson's Snipe Brown Creeper Pine Siskin of the Burke Mountain Naturalists, with Mew Gull House Wren American Goldfinch * Ring-billed Gull Pacific Wren Evening Grosbeak assistance from John Reynolds, David Schutz California Gull Marsh Wren * House Sparrow * [I] Herring Gull Bewick's Wren * J F M A M J J A S O N D and Hilary Maguire. J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D past 10 years, represented by black bars. Red Lazuli Buntings, a rare species in Vancouver. provide access to the Mundy Creek Trail to the bars indicate historical status for species that They breed in the mixed field and shrub area south and the northern park entrance on the no longer occur in the months indicated. The west of the Forensic Institute. Green Herons Pitt River Road. information is derived from records and can sometimes be seen along the ditches COQUITLAM ENTRANCE Immediately over the experience of many observers, including over beside the Coquitlam River during the summer railway tracks on Colony Farm Road (off from 1400 lists of birds submitted to eBird, an online months. Summer is also a good time to see the Lougheed Highway), there is a small parking database. An additional list of species that were large numbers of Black-headed Grosbeaks and area that provides access to the Mundy Creek The BIRDS OF on the earlier (1996) checklist but for which Band-tailed Pigeons, which are attracted to Trail. The larger main parking area is 1.2 km documentation is lacking, is also included. Elderberries in the fields. In winter, Northern further down Colony Farm Road. Here there are COLONY FARM REGIONAL PARK Shrikes can be found hunting from perches on washroom facilities, picnic tables and an Habitat Colony Farm Regional Park occupies an top of the bushes. In the checklist, the asterisks (Coquitlam/Port Coquitlam) information kiosk with maps. An organic area of about 262 ha (655 acres) and consists beside species’ names indicate birds known to community garden, open to the public, is predominantly of open field habitat with have nested in the park. Several additional Colony Farm Regional Park offers excellent located here as are two remaining heritage shrubs, trees, and water channels bordering the summer species undoubtedly nest here, such as opportunities to see birds and other wildlife. buildings from the time when this was a field margins and dykes. The Coquitlam River Virginia Rail, Sora and Brown Creeper, but to The park is located along the Coquitlam River working farm. From here, one short trail leads meanders through the centre of the park. The date we lack evidence. Reports of breeding and contains a range of habitats important to to the west of the Kwikwetlem First Nations river is shallow and silty here and has wide evidence are welcome at wildlife, including wetlands, forests and community to the mouth of the Coquitlam shrub-filled banks. A pond and wetland area [email protected]. meadows. Of particular importance is the old- River. An excellent route for birding is along the were created on the east side of the park near field habitat – one of the largest protected Other Wildlife An endangered land snail, the Garden Trail, over the Millennium Bridge, along the Shaughnessy Street entrance. The areas of such habitat in Greater Vancouver. Oregon Forestsnail, is found here. Other the dyke north to the Pumphouse Trail to the Pumphouse Trail runs beside the pond and is a endangered species that potentially or are pond. Most of the park offers easy flat terrain along good viewing place for waterfowl, especially in known to occur are Snowshoe Hares, Western hard-packed gravel trails. The Coquitlam River PORT COQUITLAM ENTRANCE There is a the fall and winter months. Although the entire Painted Turtles and Pacific Water Shrews. It is divides the park into approximately two equal trailhead (with an information kiosk) leading park is important to wildlife only some fields possible to see deer, coyotes and the occasional halves which are joined within the park by the into the park with a small parking area on (mainly on the Port Coquitlam side) are bobcat in the park. Several species of bats can Millennium Bridge. designated in the Park Management Plan for Shaughnessy Street. The trail here is the be seen. Pumphouse Trail leading to the pond and Colony Farm is managed by Metro Vancouver wildlife habitat (111 ha). The remainder of the Trails The Traboulay PoCo Trail runs through wetland area. There is also a northern park Parks and in addition to birding, offers walking, fields are designated for either agricultural use the park along the east side of the Coquitlam entrance accessed from the Pitt River Road botanizing, running and cycling opportunities. (75 ha) or integrated management which is River and provides easy access into and out of near the Red Bridge. This is not part of the park, To prevent disturbance of wildlife and intended to be a blend of wildlife use and the park on its north and south sides. This trail but from here you can walk or cycle south into destruction of fragile habitats, dogs must be compatible agriculture (46 ha). circles the city of Port Coquitlam. The complete the park, passing a swampy side channel of the kept on a leash at all times. Many bird species Birds About a dozen species recorded in the circuit is about 25 km. Coquitlam River on the way. nest on the ground in the fields, so please stay on the dyke trails. More information and trail park are threatened or endangered.
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