Coquitlam-Buntzen Project Water Use Plan Lower Coquitlam River Fish Productivity Index Implementation Year 12 Reference: COQMON-7 Study Period: 2000-2017 Results Prepared by: Jody Schick Jason Macnair 529 Gower Point Road, 2919 Ontario St., Vancouver B.C. Gibsons, BC., V5T 2Y5 V0N 1V0,
[email protected] [email protected] March 31, 2019 Coquitlam River Fish Monitoring Program: 2000-2017 Results Final Report Prepared for: BC Hydro Prepared by: Jody Schick1* and Jason Macnair2 _____________________________________________________________________ 1 529 Gower Point Road, Gibsons, BC., V0N 1V0,
[email protected] 2 2919 Ontario St., Vancouver B.C. V5T 2Y5,
[email protected] * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed ii Executive Summary As part of the Coquitlam River Water Use Plan (LB1 WUP), a long-term adaptive management study is being conducted in the Coquitlam River to compare anadromous fish production under two experimental flow regimes. Fish population monitoring under the first flow regime (Treatment 1, dam release flows from 0.8-1.4 cms) occurred from 2000 until the completion of the Coquitlam Dam seismic upgrade in October 2008, with the exception of 2001(8 years). Fish production under Treatment 2 (release flows from 1.1-6.1 cms) will be monitored for up to 9 years. The Lower Coquitlam River Fish Productivity Index Monitoring Program (COQMON-07) focuses on four anadromous species: Steelhead Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) and Pink Salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), and includes adult escapement and smolt outmigration monitoring for each species. Higher returns during 2007-2014 allowed Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) escapements to be estimated as well.