Activity Descriptions To ensure you are registering in the correct level, review the following activity descriptions. Customer safety and comfort are our primary concern. Should there be an issue with the potential safety or comfort of your child in our program, we may be required to make adjustments to your registration. In the event that a customer is unable to attend a class(es), the Town regrets that make-up class (es) will not be offered. Parent & Tot 4 months - Especially for children aged 4 months to 3+ years and their caregivers. Based on the principle ―Within Arms 3 years Reach‖, the Parent & Tot levels focus on close playful interaction and shared fun between child, caregiver and water. Activities and progressions are based on child development and caregivers learn what it takes to make Water Smart® choices.

Preschool programs give children a head start on learning to swim and are geared to help them develop an appreciation and healthy respect for the water. Progressions work to ensure 3-5 year olds become comfortable in the water and have fun developing a foun- dation of water skills. Water Smart education is incorporated into all Preschool levels. Preschool 1 3-5 years These preschoolers learn to get in and out of the water safely. They'll learn to move safely in shallow water and use a lifejacket to be comfortable with their floats and glides. Preschool 2 3-5 years These youngsters will explore the water learning to submerge and exhale underwater. Buoyant aids are used to help them discover rollovers, glides and flutter kicks.

Preschool 3 3-5 years These preschoolers will master their floats, glides and short swims on their front and back (2-3 m). They‘ll be able to pick up objects from the waist deep water and use their lifejackets to jump and roll into the deep end. Preschool 4 3-5 years These capable preschoolers will strengthen their flutter kicks and try swimming . They‘ll start to learn how to support themselves in deep water and in the end they‘ll do solo jumps and side rolls into deep water. Their lifejacket will support them while they learn to tread water and swim to safety

Preschool 5 3-5 years These skilled and independent youngsters will master short swims doing front crawl (5-10 m) and back crawl (3-5 m). They are ready to take on a forward roll into deep water with their lifejacket on and to tread water without the extra support. Here they will get their first chance to try whip kick and fitness training.

Based on the internationally recognized Swim to Survive standard, the Lifesaving Society‘s Swim for Life Program focuses on basic survival skills and good swimming skills – fun from day one! Swim for Life starts by developing strong foundational skills and per- sonal self-rescue skills, then continues on by challenging swimmers to develop strong swimming strokes. Success oriented and fun for the entire family, there is something for everyone in the Swim for Life program. Swimmer 1 6-13 years These beginning swimmers will work on safe entries, exits and moving through the water. When ready they‘ll do floats, glides and kicking on their front and back without assistance. They'll even explore jumping into deep water and with their lifejackets on.

Swimmer 2 6-13 years These children will be able to jump or side roll into deep water, tread water, and swim (10-15 m) using either front crawl or back crawl. They'll try ‗vertical‘ whip kick and begin to work on their endurance level by stepping into the world of fitness interval training.

Swimmer 3 6-13 years These swimmers will dive and do forward rolls into deep water. Watch them learn handstands and front somersaults underwater. They'll work on their front crawl, back crawl and whip kick over short distances and add some interval fitness training to their practice. By the end they‘ll be able to meet the Swim to Survive standard: Roll into deep water, tread water (1 min.) and swim (50 m).

Swimmer 4 6-13 years These swimmers will swim further with their front crawl and back crawl. They'll get introduced to arms drills, underwater swims and front crawl sprints. Interval training will add to their fitness level.

Swimmer 5 6-13 years These swimmers will try , head up front crawl, and shallow dives. And just for fun try ‗tuck‘ jumps and underwater back somersaults. They'll easily go the distance with a strong front crawl, back crawl and breaststroke.

Swimmer 6 6-13 years These swimmers will master eggbeater and scissor kicks, front crawl, breaststroke and back crawl. With the interval training and sprint racing drills they'll be ready to make the 300 m endurance workout. And just for fun they‘ll try stride jumps and compact jumps. Next step: on to the Canadian Swim Patrol program from Swimmer 6. 4 Swimming Activity Descriptions Fitness Fitness Swimmer is for any one of any age who wants to learn how to design their own individualized workout Swimmer and All Ages as well as work on technique and stroke mechanics. Learn to use pace clocks and timers and reach your Stroke target zone. Get in, get fit and create workouts that are worthy of your time! Great for candidates working on Improvement Swimming levels 4-6 as well as adults.

The Lifesaving Society‘s Canadian Swim Patrol Program is for youths looking for something different than regular learn-to-swim programs. Using a work hard/play hard approach, swimmers develop swimming strength and efficiency with emphasis on personal responsibility. Each level of the Canadian Swim Patrol Program has three modules: Water Proficiency, First Aid, and Recognition & Rescue. Swim Patrollers work on content appropriate to their ability and interest.

Rookie Patrol 8 & Over Practices develop fitness levels to meet a timed 100 m swim and 350 m workout. Water proficiency skills in- clude: swims with clothes, ready position, foot first and head first surface dives. Demonstrating an ability to conduct a primary assessment and initiating EMS are included as first aid skills. Victim recognition and throw- ing assists are other key elements of the program.

Ranger Patrol 8 & Over Ranger Patrol enhances capability in the water, including stride entry, underwater forward and backward som- ersaults, lifesaving eggbeater kick and increased fitness levels to meet a 200 m timed swim. Rescue skills involve an increased skill level in ABC first aid basics, victim recognition and non-contact rescues.

Star Patrol 8 & Over An excellent preparation for the Bronze Star award, Star Patrol demands good physical conditioning and life- saving judgment. Participants develop lifesaving and first aid skills; further refine front crawl, back crawl and breaststroke over 100 m each; and complete 600 m workouts and for 300 m timed swims.

Jr. Lifeguard 8 & Over The Lifesaving Society‘s Junior Lifeguard Club accommodates 8-15 year olds of different abilities. Youths are Club encouraged to develop skills based on personal bests in swimming, lifesaving, fitness, knowledge, leadership and teamwork. The club provides high activity challenges in an energetic learning environment in the pool and on the deck. Community involvement and competition can also be part of the program.

Aquatic Leadership Courses Bronze 13 & Over Bronze Medallion teaches an understanding of the lifesaving principles embodies in the four components of Medallion water rescue education: judgment, knowledge, skill, and fitness. Rescuers learn tows and carries, and defense and release methods in preparation for challenging rescues involving conscious and unconscious victims of various types. Lifesavers develop stroke efficiency and endurance in a timed swim. Completing Bronze Medal- lion also certifies the swimmer with a CPR-A certificate.

Bronze Cross 13 & Over Bronze Cross is designed for lifesavers who want the challenge of more advanced training including and intro- duction to safe supervision in aquatic facilities. Completing Bronze Cross also certifies the swimmer with a CPR-C certificate. Bronze Cross is a prerequisite for all advanced training programs including National Life- guard and Instructor certification. Prerequisite: Bronze Medallion

Lifesaving 16 & Over These two awards combined is a 40 hour course. Attendance is mandatory for successful completion of these Instructor & awards. Lifesaving Instructors are trained to teach and evaluate the three Canadian Swim Patrol Program Swim-for -Life awards, as well as Bronze Star, Bronze Medallion, Bronze Cross. Candidates learn about long-range and short Instructor -term planning, class management, safety supervision and the principles of evaluation. The Lifesaving Society Swim Instructor Course focuses on preparing the instructor to teach and evaluate basic movement and swim- ming skills, strokes, and fitness. Candidates are introduced to key principles of learning and teaching and acquire proven teaching methods, a variety of skill and stroke development drills and correction techniques. Prerequisite(s): 16 years old, current Bronze Cross or higher

National 16 & Over The Lifesaving Society's National Lifeguard Service (NLS) certification builds on the fundamental skills, knowl- Lifeguard edge, and values taught in the prerequisite Lifesaving Society certifications. Recognized as the standard for lifeguards in Canada, NLS training develops a sound understanding of lifeguarding principles, good judgment, Service and a mature and responsible attitude toward the role of a lifeguard. Prerequisite(s): Current Standard First Aid, Bronze Cross and a minimum of 16 years old 5