Journal of Ecological Engineering Received: 2020.01.15 Revised: 2020.01.30 Volume 21, Issue 3, April 2020, pages 51–60 Accepted: 2020.02.15 Available online: 2020.03.16

Features of Heavy Metals Accumulation in Bottom Sediments of the Southern Hydroecosystem

Olena Mitryasova1, Piotr Koszelnik2*, Renata Gruca-Rokosz2, Victor Smirnov1, Svitlana Smirnova1, Yevgen Bezsonov1, Monika Zdeb2, Sabina Ziembowicz2

1 Petro Mohyla National University, , 2 Rzeszow University of Technology, ul. Powstańców Warszawy 12, 35-959, Rzeszów, Poland * Corresponding author’s e-mail: [email protected]

ABSTRACT The performed studies allowed determining the peculiarities of heavy metals accumulation in the sediments, as well as the nature of their distribution in the hydroecosystem Southern Bug (Ukraine). Geochemical anomalies are formed in the zones of influence of industrial and urban agglomerations. Technogenic pollutions of bottom sedi- ments with heavy metals affects the qualitative state of the water environment and can cause cumulative toxicosis on the hydrobiont population in the zones of geochemical anomalies formation, namely in the area of influence of the Nova and Mykolaiv cities. The mechanism of the cumulative toxicosis emergence is accompanied by chronic effects of low concentrations on hydrobionts with an excess of permissible fluctuations on a regional background, which ultimately contributes to the development of intoxication.

Keywords: heavy metals, hydroecosystem, bottom sediments, concentration ratio.

INTRODUCTION proportional to the issue of surface water con- tamination by heavy metals. The problem is most The development of territorial water resourc- prominent in cities with developed infrastructure. es management by a basin principle on the terri- That is why the bottom sediment is an indicator of tory of Ukraine was implemented as a result of the ecological state of hydroecosystems. the Water Framework Directive. Determination The behavior of HM in the hydroecosystem of the geochemical characteristics of the bottom is due to the processes of sorption, sedimentation, sediments within the river basins, namely the solubility, boiling, diffusion, and so on. Each hy- characteristics of the heavy metals distribution droecosystem seeks to achieve an equilibrium (HM) is of fundamental importance for ensuring state (homeostasis), first of all, at the expense of the environmental sustainability of hydroecosys- self-healing, which is realized in two opposite tems. The rocks washed by river are potential nat- directions. On the one hand, the hydroecosys- ural sources of HM in the aquatic environment. tem restores the pelagic environment (aqueous Thus, Mo, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Co are always present thickness) during the sedimentation of HM and in low concentrations in an aqueous environment. its accumulation in the bottom sediments. The Among the anthropogenic sources of HMs, the accumulation process and the toxic effect of HM greatest contribution is due to industrialization in the hydrophobic deposits depend on many fac- and urbanization (Pohrebennyk et al. 2019). tors: their nature and physical and chemical prop- The research on the hydroecosystem of the erties, such as bottom sediments, temperature bottom sediments reflects the features of the ad- regimes, seasonal variations, oxidation-reducing joining territories of the geochemical state, given conditions, the presence of suspended matter, the the intensity and nature of human economic activ- activity of the biotic component of the hydroeco- ity. The problem of HM accumulation is directly system, etc. The processes of HM sorption with

51 Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 21(3), 2020 suspended matter and deposition in benthal have the runoff of heavy metals. The influence of the been studied in detail for decades. Such a develop- South-Ukraine electric power producing complex ment results in loading on the bottom and benthos on the ecological condition of the Southern Bug hydrobionts, since the toxic bottom sediment is River is presented in work (Bezsonov et al. 2017). a habitat for many classes of benthos and affects Andrusishin and Grubinko (2012), according to their species composition, as well as accumula- the results of the study on the seasonal dynamics tion of the most dangerous substances in the food of the metal content in water and the Zbruch river, chain. It is known that benthophyte fish receive it was found that the bottom sediments are char- toxicants through the “water-bottom sediments- acterized by excess of background indices for the benthic invertebrates-fish” chain. Quite often, it content of Zn, Fe, Pb, Co, Ni and Cd. is this development that erroneously provides the The Southern Bug River basin is an impor- information about the status of water bodies with- tant part of the landscape, so its research has re- out taking into account the levels of the bottom ceived sufficient attention, both in monitoring sediment pollution. surveys at the level of oblast administrations and On the other hand, specific conditions (for in the work of scientists. Thus, the monograph example, dredging, time dynamics of pH, min- of Khilchevsky (2009) focuses on the compo- eralization, etc.), can induce secondary pollution nents of the water balance of the Southern Bug due to the diffusion of HM into the water column. River basin. It was noted that the annual rainfall Under these conditions, the main load is felt by in the lower part of the basin is from 470 mm to pelagic organisms. 540 mm, since this area is in the steppe zone and Therefore, based on the information above, it is characterized by a small share of underground is expedient to apply a comprehensive study on power and a small amount of rain floods. The av- the state of the hydroecosystem. The latter is a erage annual air humidity is 60–65%. The rates very complex polyfunctional system, which is of evaporation from the water surface are in the marked by superpositional interaction of a large lower reaches – 800–900 mm. The Southern Bug number of factors in dynamic variations. River feeds at the expense of thawed waters dur- The importance of the spatial distribution ing spring and winter periods and precipitation of HM in the Ukrainian river water systems at- in the summer. The underground drainage on the tracts the attention of many scientists. There are basin is negligible. The mineralization of water the largest variations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg and Zn is: spring flood – 600 mg/dm³; summer-autumn in the diocese of Oskil, Lopan, Udi and Siversky measurements – 674 mg/dm³. Donets in the territory of the Kharkiv, Donetsk Lyuta (2018) determined the patterns of dis- and Luhansk regions (Vytavna et al. 2015). There tribution of chemical elements (Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr, is an interesting experience of the influence of Ni, Co) in the bottom sediments of river basins sedimentary Fe and Mn on the oxygenation of in the territory of Ukraine (including in the basin overlying waters in dam reservoirs (Koszelnik of the Southern Bug); they analyzed the spatial and Bartoszek 2018). background regular distribution of their content in The spatial distribution of chemical pollutants the bottom sediments from the north to the south, in the lateral and radial fluxes of the river systems that is, from the river basins of the Polis zone to of the rivers allows estimating the migration pro- the basins of the Steppe landscape-climatic zone, cesses, identifying the sources of HM inflow, as which is in line with the geochemical features of well as the areas of their possible accumulation. the soil cover of the catchment areas. The author Klymenko with co-authors (2016) found that in concluded that despite the prolonged and inten- the modern period, the Ust river plays the role of sive man-made impact on the surface waters of an accumulator of anthropogenic products against Ukraine, the preponderance of natural factors in the background of the geochemical anomalies the formation of the chemical composition of the of individual elements. Klebanov and Osadcha bottom sediments is a priority. (2012), on the basis of data processing of the state We directly conducted a study of the pollu- network of hydrometeorological observations tion of the bottom sediments of the Buhsky estu- for the period 1990–2010, calculated the annual ary, which formed below the course of the South- release of Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Cr from the Danube ern Bug. In Mykolaiv, Southern Bug gradually drainage basin and revealed the regularities of the passes into the Buhsky estuary, the water area of quantitative ratio of the individual elements in which rises to 2–3 km, and the maximum depth

52 Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 21(3), 2020 in the lower reaches reaches 5–6 m. In the work In order to determine the gross content of HMs (Smyrnov and Smyrnova 2014), a GIS-oriented (Mn, Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr, Sr, Fe), the studied samples system approach for creating digital cartographic were processed concentrated nitric acid in the ra- models of HM pollution of the bottom sediments tio solid and liquid phase 1:5 with heating and pe- was introduced to determine their ecological riodic stirring for day. The concentrations of ele- quality on the example of the Buhsky estuary. ments in the samples were determined using X-ray The man-caused anomalous zones of high HM spectrometry using S2 PICOFOX Bruker X-ray content (Zn, Ni, Mn, Pb, Cu) in the bottom sedi- spectrometer − detector type: silicon drift detec- ments are identified with the zones of influence of tor, high voltage generator: MNX 50P50/XCC, industrial enterprises. X-ray source: MCB50 air-cooled metal ceramic The aim of the work was to determine the -0.7G, X-ray optics: multilayer monochromator. spatial distribution of heavy metals in the bottom The statistical processing of the experimental sediments of the hydro ecosystem Southern Bug data was performed using the Microsoft Excel on the site of the city of Nova Odessa – the city and Statistica 10.0 software package. of Mykolaiv. The research tasks included: 1) es- The characteristics of the heavy metal con- timating the level of contamination by the heavy tent were conducted according to indicators: metals (Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe, Sr) of the bottom Сі,аv – the average value is concealed in the stud- sediments of the Southern Bug on the geochemi- ied areas, Сi,min is the minimum concentration of cal background; 2) determining the features of HM, Сi,max – maximum concentration of HM. The accumulation of heavy metals in the bottom sedi- calculations of these parameters were carried out ments; 3) indicating possible risks for hydrobi- according to the formulas (table 1): onts (based on the literature data).  (1) 𝐶𝐶𝑖𝑖 𝐶𝐶𝑖𝑖,𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 = MATERIALS AND METHODS where: – metal content 𝑛𝑛in the i-bottom sample deposits selected in item n. The strategy of testing the bottom sediments Сі was based on the following principles: The content of heavy metals in the bottom •• The location of the bottom sediments sampling sediments in Ukraine is not normalized. There- stations along the flow of the hydroelectric fore, the estimation of the level of chemical con- system Southern Bug with a step of 5–10 km, tamination of the bottom sediments is carried out

taking into account the river morphology and in accordance with the parameters Kс, developed location of settlements with maximum ap- in conjunction with geochemical and geohygienic proximation to the regular according to the studies of the natural environment. The coefficient

“Requirements for ecological and geological of concentration of a chemical substance (Kс) is research at a scale of 1:50 000–1:25 000” (Os- determined by the ratio of the actual content in

trovsky and Ostrovsky 1998). the soil (Сі) in mg/kg to the regional background

•• The usage of sampling equipment (bathom- content of the HM (Сфі): eter, bottom ladle Morduhay-Boltovsk area of capture 1/40 m2 by RD 52.24.609–2013 (Or- (2)  ganizing and Conducting Observations on the 𝐶𝐶𝑖𝑖 𝐾𝐾𝑐𝑐 = Content of Pollutants in the Bottom Sediments 𝐶𝐶 𝑖𝑖 of Water Bodies) (Fig. 1). •• The sampling of bottom sediments was con- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ducted during the summer of 2018 (summer data cut). The samples were collected with the The research was conducted at the bottom of help of a rod dipper. the Southern Bug hydroecosystem on the section •• The samples were carefully mixed and dried between the settlements of Mykolaiv and Nova at a temperature not higher than 40±5°C, Odesa. The hydroecosystem of the Southern Bug carefully mixed, quartile. Immediately be- is located mainly in the area of the Ukrainian fore the analysis, the sample was ground in a crystalline shield and only its lower current with mortar and sifted through a sieve with mesh the largest influx of Ingul lies within the Black size of 1 mm. Sea lowlands. In the upper part of the basin,

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Fig. 1. Locations of the sites of sampling of the bottom sediments at the Southern Bug River; SBS_1 – v. Kovalivka, SBS_2 – v. Trikhati, SBS_3 – v. Olshanske, SBS_4 – v. Gurievka, SBS_5- v. Constantinovka, SBS_6 – v. Kiryakovka, SBS_7 – v. Nadbuzske (sources), SBS_8 – Varvarovka, SBS_9 – Mykolaiv River Port, SBS_10 – Mykolaiv Sea Port crystalline rocks lie close to the surface, some- pollution of the hydroecosystem by various func- times going out to the surface in the valley of the tional disorders, which are clearly manifested river. The South Bug River flows into the Black in the long-term exposure of the element to the Sea, forming together with the Dnipro the Dni- organism. In any case, the balance of microele- pro-Bug estuary. A powerful source of HM in the ments or the change in their ratio in the organism reservoir is the inadequately treated wastewater of hydrobionts leads to pathological physiologi- of industrial enterprises that contains a significant cal or functional states. amount of chemical elements. In reservoirs of Almost all hydrobionts, both plant and ani- HM mainly sorbed by suspended substances and mal organisms, can accumulate toxic substances in the form of sorbed conglomerate are deposited for a long time. In fish, heavy metals can be de- and form stable geochemical anomalies for de- posited in the skin, bones, muscles and gills. In cades (Trakhtenberg et al. 1994). mollusks, toxicants accumulate in the mantle Among HM, Cr, Zn, Ni, Cu, Mn, Fe, Sr have cavity, in the leg and hepatopancreas, some in the greatest ecological significance. The choice of the muscles. In higher aquatic vegetation, the these elements is due to the factors of their in- deposition of many poisons is observed in the fluence on hydrobionts. Hydrobionts react to the root (Dudnyk 2014).

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Elements of the I class of danger 72.5 mg/kg. The background regional content of zinc was 40 mg/kg (Luta 2018). Accordingly, the Chrome (Cr) is a chemical element of the concentration coefficients were 0.55–1.81 with an VI-B subgroup of the periodic system elements average of 0.95. The area v. Kovalovka – v. Nad- with atomic number 24. This is a heavy metal buzke (SBS_1-SBS_7) there is a regional back- with an atomic weight 51.996 which is con- ground level 22.2–44.0 mg/kg, which corresponds tained in the Earth’s crust (0.03%) and sea water K within the range from 0.55 to1.1. Almost twice 3 c (0.05–0.5 mg/dm ) (Dritsa 1985). as high content of the zinc (72.5 mg/kg ) relative The chrome content at the investigated area to the regional background was observed near ranged from 16.1 to 113.5 mg/kg, the average Mykolaiv (Table 1, Fig. 2b). value was 42.7 mg/kg (Table 1). The concen- The values of the Kc (1.15–1.81) on the sta- tration coefficientc K was determined relative tions near Sea Port (SBS_8-SBS_10) indicate to the regional background of bottom sedi- the formation of geochemical anomalies, which ments (40 mg/kg). The average rate was 1.07 in some way will further influence the hydrobi- (0.4–2.84). The variation element ranged from onts. The research results (Pinkina 2006) indicate 16.1 to 32.9 mg/kg (SBS_1-SBS_7) correspond- that the phenomenon of mollusks’ adaptation to 2+ ing with fluctuations indicatorc K from 0.4 to the excess concentrations of Zn is expressed in 0.82. Within the limits of the influence of the the increased resistance ones to highly toxic met- Mykolayiv industrial and urban agglomeration als, which at “chronic” concentrations is replaced (SBS_8-SBS_10) there was an abnormally high by the phase of depression due to the violation of content of chrome in the bottom sediments from their adaptive mechanisms.

73.8 to 113.5 mg/kg. In terms of Kc, the range varied from 1.84 to 2.84 (Table 1, Fig. 2a). Elements of the II class of danger The toxicity of Cr varies and depends on the degree of oxidation. The compounds of Cr(VI) are Nickel (Ni) is a scattered element of the bio- 100–1000 times more toxic than those of Cr(III). sphere. Its average content in soils is 4.0∙10–3 %, in The physiological need for hydrobionts Cr(III) is natural surface waters – 3.4∙10–7 % (Dritsa 1985). proven: it is part of the glucose tolerance complex The average concentration of Ni in the bot- (GTF), which regulates the metabolism of glu- tom sediments was 9.5 mg/kg, which is half the cose in living organisms (Snitinsky et al. 1999, value of the regional background (20 mg/kg). The Vincent 2000, Myslyva 2016). spatial diversity of nickel for the investigated area Zinc (Zn) The average zinc content in the ranged from 7.3 to 12.7. The concentration coef- Earth’s crust is 8.3∙10–3 % (15). Its content in the ficient was defined at the level of 0.36–0.63 with bottom sediments depends from the parent rock, an average value 0.47 (Fig. 2c). the content of organic matter and the pH reaction There was peak magnification of the Ni con- of the soil solution. This element is an intensive tent in Mykolaiv of about 12 mg/kg, in particu- migrant both in surface and underground waters. lar near Varvarivka district, River and Sea ports. The geochemically active sorbent of zinc in the Another increase of concentration up to 12.5 oc- natural environment is clay, and the main reser- curred in Kovalivka, which is located below the voir is hydrogen sulfide. city of Nova Odesa. Studies (Bandman et al. 1989) The averaged zinc content was 38.2 mg/kg confirm that the increase of the nickel content in with a variation within the range from 22.2 to the river water can be observed in the places that

Table 1. Statistical characteristics of bottom sediments about the heavy metals content in the Southern Bug Danger class (Dmitriev et al. 1989) I II III Cr Zn Ni Cu Mn Fe Sr Metal [mg/kg] [mg/kg] [mg/kg] [mg/kg] [g/kg] [g/kg] [mg/kg]

Сi,min – Сi,max 16.1–113.5 22.2–72.5 7.3–12.7 6.6–15.3 0.4–2.5 6.9–15.1 20.9–296.4

Сi,av 42.7 38.2 9.5 9.8 1.3 10.0 88.2 Background 40 40 20 28 500 - 400 (Luta 2018) K -K 0.4–2.84 0.55–1.81 0.36–0.63 0.24–0.55 0.84–5.04 0.05–0.74 c,min c,max - Kc,av 1.07 0.95 0.47 0.35 2.58 0.22

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Fig. 2. The content of heavy metals in the bottom sediments of the Southern Bug hydroecosystem.

56 Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 21(3), 2020 are located much lower than the discharge of sew- Kc = 0.24. Twice higher contents of Cu, which age, for example, at a distance of 50 km. ranged from 9.1 to 15.3 mg/kg ,were determined The analysis of literature proves the toxic at the v. Kiryakivka – River port (SBS _6-SBS _9) effect of excessive concentrations (with excess (Table 1, Fig. 2d). of background) of nickel and its compounds on hydrobionts. Thus, nickel chloride in the con- Elements of the III class of danger centration of 4.5–10.0 mg/l causes the death of mirror carp (Cyprinus Carpio) 200 hours later, on Iron (Fe) is the fourth most common element rainbow trout (Parasalmo penshinensis) at a con- (after O, Si and Al ) in the Earth’s crust (Dritsa centration of 25.0 mg/l and on a gold lynx (Tinca 1985). There are 308 minerals containing iron, tinca) at a concentration of 55.0 mg/l. The hydro- almost 200 of which are formed in hypogeneous biont which is most sensitive to the toxic effect of conditions in the Earth’s crust. The most of natu- the nickel is daphnia common (Daphnia pulex) ral compounds of iron are oxygen compounds, in 1.9 mg/l) (Zelikoff 1998, Zelikoff et al. 2002). in the first place among which there are silicates The average lethal concentrations of nickel (amphiboles, pyroxenes, mica). Consequently, are for freshwater invertebrates (Crustaceae) – given the prevalence of this element in the natu- 0.13–15.2 mg/l (24–504 hours), for crustaceans ral environment, the norms of its content in soils (Crustacea) – 6.74 mg/g (96 hours) (Bruckа- have not yet been proposed. Therefore, our as- Jastrzbska and Protasowicki 2005). sessment was to describe the fluctuations of this An algae mikroregma (Mikroregma) and in- element in the bottom sediments of Southern Bug testinal bacillus (Escherichia coli) hydrobionts hydroecosystem. are the most sensitive to the nickel chloride. The At the study area, the Kc value varied from concentration from 0.1 mg/l of nickel chloride 7.0 to15.0 g/kg, the average was 10 g/kg. A causes their death. Particular resistance to nickel clear increase Fe content was observed in the sulfate is shown by the bristle fish three-pointed area of Nova Odesa city (SBS_1) and Mykolaiv (Gasterosleus aculeatus). The death of individu- city (SBS_8-SBS_10). The Fe content was 13.7 als is observed after 60 hours at a concentration and 13.2–15.1 g/kg, respectively. At the sites of nickel sulfate 50 mg/dm3 (Lukyanenko 1989). SBS_2-SBS_7, the content of the Fe varied from Copper (Cu) is a chemical element with 7.0 to 8.0 g/kg, which we consider as background. atomic number 29. In natural waters, the Cu(II) The maximum concentration of Fe (15.1 g/kg) compounds are encountered most commonly. Out was observed in the Sea Port area, next to which of the Cu(I) compounds, the least water soluble is the ship building plant, the production activity are Cu2O, Cu2S, CuCl. In the reservoirs for fish- of which is more than 100 years (Table 1, Fig. 2f). ing purposes, the content of Cu limitation is based Manganese is a chemical element with atom- on the toxicological sign of harm to hydrobionts ic number 25. In the Earth’s crust, the Mn content (MPC = 0.0005 mg/l) (Dritsa 1985). corresponds to about 0.1% of mass. In seawater, The physiological value of Cu is due to the there is about 1.0∙10–8 % of Mn (Trakhtenberg content of more than 50 proteins and enzymes in et al. 1994). Most of it is in the form of poorly which it is found. In the blood of most mollusks soluble compounds. The hydrobiont plants as- and arthropods, copper is used instead of iron for similate only bivalent manganese. Therefore, the the transport of oxygen, copper is contained in degree of security and the level of its assimilation blood in the plasma proteins of ceruloplasmins, are closely related from interaction the between promotes the growth and development of hydro- water and bottom sediments. bionts, participates in hematopoiesis, immune In the study area, the Mn content varied with- responses and is part of the liver proteins (Luky- in the range of 0.4–2.5 g/kg, the average value anenko 1989, Dudnyk 2014, Myslyva 2016). was 1.3 g/kg. Accordingly Kc was determined The content of copper in the investigated within the range of 0.84–5.0 with an average of area varied in the range from to 6.6–15.3 mg/kg, the index of 2.58. the average rate was 9.8 mg/kg. Kc was defined The space distribution of Mn in the bot- within 0.24–0.55. The average of the index was tom sediments, was conventionally classified 0.35. At the sites of the v. Trikhati – v. Kosty- in three zones: (i) wastewaters of the Nova antynivka (SBS_2-SBS_5) the concentration Odesa city treatment facilities carry out tech- was determined at the level of 6.6–6.8 mg/kg, nogenic loading of manganese compounds

57 Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 21(3), 2020 to the Southern Bug hydroecosystem. Near Strontium (Sr) is a chemical element with Kovalivka, an increased content of manganese atomic number 38. This element is similar to to 1.35 g/kg (SBS_1) which was recorded that calcium and barium, occupying an intermediate is in three times greater than the content near position between them. The average mass of the v. Tryhaty where the concentration was the strontium content is 3.4∙10–2 %. It is almost 0.42 g/kg (SBS_2) (Fig. 2e). Accordingly, Kc always presents in calcium, potassium and bar- was 2.64 and 0.84. According to scientists (Saet ium minerals. This element weakly reacts with et al. 1990), the double exceeding of the back- water, forming strontium hydroxide Sr(OH)2 ground caused an increased level of technogen- (Dritsa 1985). ic load of the bottom sediments, but the natural In the investigated area, natural strontium was compensatory processes of dilution due to flow washed out from calcium minerals, which reach of water were triggered. (ii) The geochemical the surface in the fault zone of the Ukrainian background at the area (SBS_3- SBS_7) was shield. The Sr content in the bottom sediments stabilized at the level of 0.9–1.1 g/kg. This area varied from 20.9 to 296 mg/kg, the average was is strongly overgrown with with yellow laven- 88.2 mg/kg. Kc was defined with range from 0.05 der (Latin Núphar lútea), a perennial aquatic to 0.74, average 0.22. The high concentration of plant which is capable of concentrating the Mn Sr was measured around Nova Odessa and was compounds. Perhaps, the process of decompo- 300 mg/kg (SBS_1), Kc was determined at the sition of plant remains has led to fluctuations level of 0.74 (Fig. 2g). Kc (1.77–2.16). (iii) The third zone was local- The specifics of the Sr distribution in the in- ized on the area (SBS_8- SBS_10). The area of vestigated section of the hydroecosystem of the Varvarovka district (SBS_8) was characterized Southern Bug consisted in the gradual reduction by an abnormally level of manganese in the bot- of its concentration up to 22 mg/kg in the area tom sediments to 3 g/kg, which exceeds Kc in of the Seaport of the Mykolaiv city (SBS _10). 5 times. This should be explained by the con- Perhaps, this is due to the processes of adsorp- fluence of the Ingul River nearby the Southern tion Sr by such plants as (Latin Nuphar luteum) Bug. The Ingul hydroecosystem suffers from the and common reed (Latin Phragmites australis). dumping of mine waters in the development of Our conclusion was influenced by the results of manganese ores. However, near the River and the research where the studied processes of 137Cs Sea ports, the manganese content was stabilized and 90Sr accumulation by higher aquatic plants about 1.9 g/kg, which was the result of natural occurred in the reservoirs of urbanized areas breeding and sets Kc in the range of 3.57–3.72. (Watanabe et al. 1997). It is generally thought that This element easily diffuses in the water col- strontium does not play a significant biological umn from the bottom sediments, which is why role, and excessive levels of natural fluctuations its migration substantially affects the state of the in natural waters pose a danger to hydrobionts. hydroecosystem. According to the study (Wata- nabe et al. 1997), manganese is able to enter the fish organism through the gills and intestines, and CONCLUSIONS the level of absorption from the water is quite high. The biological role of manganese is real- The urban areas (Nova Odesa and Mykolaiv) ized through the enzymes that are triggered by are the sources of the arrival of heavy metals of this trace element and activate the protein-car- technogenic origin in the hydroecosystem of the bohydrate metabolism, affecting the process of Southern Bug with their subsequent accumula- phosphoric-calcium metabolism. tion in the bottom sediments. This element, as the enzymes cofactor, also Within the limits of the influence of the regulates the lipid metabolism, which catalyzes Mykolaiv industrial and urban agglomera- the transformation of mevalonic acid into squa- tion, geochemical anomalies have been formed lene (a triterpene hydrocarbon series), and stimu- with an excess of the regional background for lates the synthesis of cholesterol and fatty acids in the elements Cr (2.7–2.9) and Mn (3.6–5.0). In the liver (Watanabe et al. 1997). Kovalivka which is located below the city of Thus, destabilization of background fluctua- Nova Odesa a manganese geochemical anomaly tions can have a significant effect on the function- has also generated at the level 2.6. Overall, the al processes of hydrobionts. average Kc value is represented as a decrease line:

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