East Midlands Trains Key Facts
East Midlands Trains Key facts • We serve South Yorkshire, the East Midlands, the East of England and the North West • 66,000 passengers choose to travel with us everyday • We are responsible for 87 stations, including Derby, Lincoln, Nottingham and Sheffield • We employ over 2,000 people • We strive to deliver 473 train services a day, on time every time* • We use a fleet of 88 trains • CO2 emissions are 66% lower by train than by car# • The average speed of 1 in 10 journeys on the M1 is just 37.7mph†. A modern railway for a thriving region... * figures based on December 2008 timetable # per passenger kilometre – source DEFRA Passenger Transport Emission Factors 2007 † southbound between junctions 18 (Rugby) and 9 (Hemel Hempstead) Dec 2006 – Nov 2007 – source DfT Since 1999, the number of passengers travelling by train on our Getting you there on time We’ve achieved We know that our passengers want safe, reliable trains, and we are routes has risen by over 75%. determined to deliver this, day in day out. Through our own internal so much already improvement initiative, and by working closely with Network Rail, our passengers are already starting to see real improvements. But we know that in order to continue growing rail travel on our East Midlands Trains started in November 2007 Figures announced in Autumn 2008 show average punctuality at and we’ve wasted no time in making a start on 90.9%, the best recorded since the start of the franchise and over network, we need to continue to seek improvements and deliver 3% better than performance for the previous operators for the same improvements and planning a brighter future for period.
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