SONG TO SONG MOMENTMOMENT TOTO MOMENTMOMENT HEART TO HEART KEXP ANNUAL REPORT 2018 MIXES WITH MEANING MESSAGE FROM THE EXECUTIVE MIXES WITH MEANING: THE POWER OF ONE SONG NEXT TO ANOTHER And a big part of that is the way role of music in peoples’ lives. this music community embraces We left 2018 with a greater awe of the inherent humanity of hand- music. picked playlists. Even when it means what you hear is not always So step back for just a moment, predictable or popular. Sometimes and think about how your support it’s imperfect, or raw. But it’s real. brings the music you care about into that space between the music Together, you’ve created a space lover and the artist—person to for music lovers to honor all the person, heart to heart, song to experiences that make us human, song. 2018 was an extraordinary and to connect through music in a year. You have so much to be way that makes our lives better. proud of. In addition to the highlights you’ll Tom Mara, read about in this report, the Executive Director hen you choose to play one example that most stands out for W song next to another, there me is KEXP’s Music Heals series. P.S. And when you email is meaning in that choice. Throughout 2018, we shared
[email protected], or send thousands of listener stories of healing and the song requests to the DJ booth via These choices can tell a story, role of music in these experiences, text … yes, there’s a real human make a statement, evoke an with days dedicated to addiction on the other end of the line.