TMS* Plus *Total Mineral Solution

CONCENTRACE® ON STEROIDS Ingredients & Devices • funnel and a coffee filter • Concentrace® or our homemade source of Trace Minerals - Unrefined sea (I use Sea-90-it is used in organic gardening): • An alternative source is Himalayan : • Click here for a recipe for making a reduced-sodium source of trace minerals similar to Concentrace and costs only @ $1 per 1-ounce bottle! • Chloride – (No Salt® or Morton’s Sodium-Free Salt-Substitute) • Purchase in a grocery store or buy online In bulk at ACE HARDWARE or SEARCH RESULTS • Magnesium - one of the least expensive sources is Milk of Magnesia • Zinc sulfate (powdered sources) dosing between 50 and 100 mg per day Great source for organic gardening 50 lb. bag - $70 • Lugol’s solution - 2% to 3% (six drops per day) • colloidal copper solution - • Two copper wire electrodes (any copper wires will work) • 24 V-36 V DC power supply • 1 cup distilled water • Mr. Coffee styled coffeemaker-electrolyze for a minimum of two hours, or until you have a copper tinged solution Recipe • Put 1 cup (220 ml) of 20 ppm colloidal copper solution into stainless steel, ceramic, or glass pot (Mr. Coffeemaker carafe) • Place the container on the coffee maker’s heating pad • Add eight teaspoons (40 g) of KCl NOTE WELL: WE USED TO CONSUME 11 GRAMS OF POTASSIUM PER DAY! THAT IS ABOUT 2 TEASPOONS OF PER DAY! B (Do not use if on a doctor ordered, Potassium Restricted diet) • add one tablespoon of Lugol’s solution (iodine) • Add 1/2 teaspoon (2.8 g) Zinc Sulfate • Add one teaspoon (5 g) milk of magnesia • Add 1 dropper full (one ml) of Concentrace® OR our homemade trace mineral per ounce of water • Or 1/4 teaspoon of Sea salt per ounce (28 ml) of water • Yield 1 cup (220 ml) of TMS Plus • Dose – ¼ teaspoon (1,25 cc/ml) per 10-20 pounds (4.5 to 9 kg) per day • it can be added to or put into drinking water • Put into an 8-ounce (220 ml) Boston Round squeeze bottles with Yorker caps

B Harvard Heart Letter Sodium to Potassium ratio is essential for ours and our pet’s health Published: September 2011 We blame sodium for boosting blood pressure, while we praise potassium for keeping it in check. It doesn’t make sense to look at these two minerals separately, though, since they work in tandem throughout the body. The ratio of sodium to potassium in the diet may be more important than the amount of either one alone.

Our Paleolithic hunter-gatherer ancestors took in about 11,000 milligrams (mg) of potassium a day from fruits, vegetables, leaves, flowers, roots, and other plant sources, and well under 700 mg of sodium. That’s a sodium-to-potassium ratio of 1 to 16. Today, we get more sodium (3,400 mg) than potassium (2,500 mg), for a ratio of 1.36 to 1.