Title Low Sodium Salt of Botanic Origin
(12) STANDARD PATENT (11) Application No. AU 2004318169 B2 (19) AUSTRALIAN PATENT OFFICE (54) Title Low sodium salt of botanic origin (51) International Patent Classification(s) A23L 1/237 (2006.01) C01D 3/04 (2006.01) (21) Application No: 2004318169 (22) Date of Filing: 2004.11.09 (87) WIPO No: W005/097681 (30) Priority Data (31) Number (32) Date (33) Country 10/819,001 2004.04.06 US (43) Publication Date: 2005.10.20 (44) Accepted Journal Date: 2010.12.09 (71) Applicant(s) Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (72) Inventor(s) Bhatt, Ajoy Muralidharbhai;Eswaran, Karuppanan;Patolia, Jinalal Shambhubhai;Reddy, Alamuru Venkata Rami;Shah, Rajul Ashvinbhai;Barot, Bhargav Kaushikbhai;Mehta, Aditya Shantibhai;Gandhi, Mahesh Ramniklal;Mody, Kalpana Haresh;Reddy, Muppala Parandhami;Ghosh, Pushpito Kumar (74) Agent / Attorney Cullens Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys, Level 32 239 George Street, Brisbane, QLD, 4000 (12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property Organization 11111|11| 1 111 |1 11111111 1111| 1111111|111 1111111 ||111 International Bureau 1111111 111111 111111111111111 1111 ii1111li iili (43) International Publication Date (10) International Publication Number 20 October 2005 (20.10.2005) PCT WO 2005/097681 Al (51) International Patent Classification7 : C01D 3/04, Marine Chemicals Research Institute, Bhavnagar, Gujarat A23L 1/237 364 002 (IN). BHATT, Ajoy, Muralidharbhai [IN/IN]; Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute, (21) International Application Number: Bhavnagar, Gujarat 364 002 (IN). REDDY, Alamuru, PCT/IB2004/003678 Venkata, Rami [IN/IN]; Central Salt and Marine Chemi cals Research Institute, Bhavnagar, Gujarat 364 002 (IN). (22) International Filing Date:9(74) Agents: BHOLA, Ravi et al.; K & S Partners, 84-C, C6 November 2004 (09.11.2004) Lane, Off Central Avenue, Sainik Farms, New Delhi 110 062 (IN).
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