Aaron, David 537–8 presidential campaign of 1968 330 ABM see antiballistic missiles presidential campaign of 1972 333 abortion 260 public/media perceptions 292–3, Abrahamsen, David 12, 33 298, 529 Abrams, Floyd 301 relationship with R.M. Nixon abuse-of-government-power 551, 339–41 554, 559 resignation 331, 337–9 academic studies 110 speeches and rhetoric 331–2 Adams, John 425 Aitken, Jonathan 17–18, 40–43, 109, Adams, Sherman 105 341, 496, 511 administrative presidency 185–201 Alaska 284–6 analytical prelude 186–7 Alaskan Indians 206, 285 career officials 192–3 Allende, Salvador 470–472 contextual tools 189–93 Alsop, Stewart 30–31, 525 emergence 187–9 Ambrose, Stephen impacts and legacies 196–8 Agnew, Spiro T. 341 political appointees 189–92 foreign policy 341, 403–4, 463 strategies 189 post-presidential years 491–2, structure, money and rules 194–6 497, 511 unilateral tools 194–6 pre-presidential years 16, 20–21, affirmative action COPYRIGHTED 203, 207–8, 38, MATERIAL 56, 70, 102–3, 106, 220, 227 109, 114 Agnew, Spiro T. 153–6, 179, 328–42 Anderson, Jack 165 civil rights policy 216 Andrews, Bert 293–4 downfall 335–7, 499 Andrews, Philip 9, 29 memoirs 330, 332, 337–8 anti-Semitism 523–4 political realignment 260 antiballistic missiles (ABM) 153, 351

A Companion to Richard M. Nixon, First Edition. Edited by Melvin Small. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2011 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

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antiwar protests 311–15, 321 psychobiographies 9, 11–13, 32–3, Arab-Israeli War 346, 348, 353, 366, 495–6, 526–8 374–5 rehabilitation 33–43 Arbenz, Jacobo 460 revisionism 487–94, 535 Arena, C. Richard 36 scholarly biographies 20–23 ascendant biographies 9–11 Soviet Union 401–6 assassinations vice-presidential years 29–32, Kennedy, Robert F. 150 102–4, 106–12 King, Rev. Martin Luther Jr. 153, Watergate 486–97 154 see also memoirs Ngo Dinh Diem 172 Bird, Kai 91–2 autobiographies see memoirs Black, Conrad 16–19, 45, 49, 109–10, 144, 158, 556–7 Balogh, Brian 278 Black, Earl and Merle 129, 258 Bangladesh 372–3 Black, Hugo 325–6 Barber, James David 11, 32–3 Block, Herbert 75, 526 Basosi, Duccio 452 Blumberg, Nathan 111 Bean, Jonathan J. 227–8 Bochin, Hal 381 Bender, Peter 414 Boddy, Manchester 73–4 Bentley, Elizabeth 92–3 Bonastia, Christopher 226–7 Berlin agreement 354–5 Bosso, Christopher 279 Berman, Larry 368 Bradlee, Benjamin 60–61 Bernstein, Carl 178–9, 303, 482–3, Brandt, Willy 348, 450, 454 497, 523, 529–30 Bretton Woods system 237, 240–241, Bevin, Ernest 79 246, 250, 445, 451–3 biographies Brezhnev, Leonid 15, 353–4, 366, access to historical documents 7–9 374, 405–7, 437 age of Nixon 43–6 Brinkley, Douglas 114, 515 Agnew, Spiro T. 341 British National Archives 454 ascendant biographies 9–11 Broadwater, Jeff 112 congressional years 68–83 Broder, David 255–6 early works 27–9 Brodie, Fawn 12, 36, 108 Eisenhower, Dwight David 102–6, Brooks, Karl 280 111–14 Brown, Bertram 188 European Community 452–4 Buchanan, Patrick J. 158, 169, 328, Ford, Gerald R. 500–501, 507–8, 332–3, 340 510–516 Buchwald, Art 520 Goldwater, Barry 126 Buckley, William F. 435–6 Hiss, Alger 86–7 Bundy, William 364, 407, 469–70 Kissinger, Henry 363–5, 368, Burk, Robert 112–13 403–4, 408–10, 449–50, 472 Burnham, Walter Dean 253 Nixon, Pat 106 Burns, Arthur 237, 241, 244–7, post-presidential years 491–7 249, 452 post-Watergate 10, 12, 17–20 Burr, William 408, 427, 432–3 pre-political years 27–48 Bush, George H.W. 296 pre-presidential years 7–26 Bush, George W. 497, 531, 535 presidential years 32 Bussiere, Eric 452

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Butterfield, Alexander 62, 485, 546–7 achievements of R.M. Nixon 434–8 Butz, Earl 285 background events 425–6 Byrd, Robert 483 biographies of R.M. Nixon 15, 21 détente and strategies 401, Cabinet Committee on Economic 406, 412–13 Policy 164 European Community 444, 446 Cabinet Room 546–7, 551 foreign policy 345–8, 350–351, CALCAV see Clergy and Laymen 353–5, 359 Concerned About Vietnam Kissinger, Henry 353–5, 362–3, Cambodia 166, 312, 390 366–7, 371–3, 426–39 Camp David 242–6, 452, 546–9 Nixon, Pat 61 Campbell, Alexander 96–7 presidential campaign of 1968 153 Cannon, James 512–13 presidential campaign of 1972 165, Caputo, David 193, 197 167, 174, 180 Carson, Rachel 276 rapprochement approach Carter, Jimmy of R.M. Nixon 428–30 foreign policy 401, 406–7, 413, 417 sources and overview 426–8 Kissinger, Henry 371 strategy of R.M. Nixon 431–4 presidential campaign of 1972 182 Taiwan 430, 435–7 presidential campaign of 1976 triangular diplomacy 434 499–500, 516 Chotiner, Murray 53–4, 108 Watergate 496–7 Church, Frank 285 Carty, Thomas 123 Churchill, Winston 13 Carwardine, Richard 24 CIA see Central Intelligence Agency Casey, Shaun 123 CitriFrost 42 Castro, Fidel 347, 469 Civil Rights Act (1957) 80 Cavalieri, Elena 452 Civil Rights Act (1964) 219, 257 CCMS see Committee on the civil rights policy 19 Challenges of Modern Society Agnew, Spiro T. 333 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) dissenters 325–6 dissenters 317–19, 321, 323 political realignment 257–9, 262–4 foreign policy 470, 472–3 presidential campaign of 1960 129, Watergate 481, 486, 488 134–6 centralization 186–7, 192, 197 presidential campaign of 1968 143, CEQ see Council on Environmental 154, 214 Quality presidential campaign of 1972 Chambers, Whittaker 72, 84–5, 87, 167, 176 90, 92–6, 294 presidential years 203, 206–8, Chang, Jung 412 212–34 Chapin, Dwight 482 Clean Air Act 80, 277–8, 282 Checkers speech 51, 56, 292, 294, (1972) 282–4 494, 523–4 Clergy and Laymen Concerned About Chen Jian 412, 428, 431 Vietnam (CALCAV) 146 Chennault, Anna 157–8 Clifford, Clark 148–9, 153, 157–9 Chester, Lewis 214–15 Clinton, Bill 531, 535 Chile 2, 415, 460–461, 463, 469–74 Clinton, Hillary 63–4 China, People’s Republic of 1, 425–43 Cloes, Elizabeth 35

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Coastal Zone Management Act (1972) Costa Rica 468 287 Costello, William 11, 31, 68–9 Coatsworth, John Henry 467–8, 473 Council on Environmental Quality Cohen, Richard 339 (CEQ) 275, 277, 285–7 Cowie, Jefferson 265 biographies of R.M. Nixon 16–17 Cox, Edward Ridley Finch 61 dissenters 312, 315–16, 319, 322 Coyne, Patrick 88 European Community 444 Craig, Bruce 92 foreign policy 346, 348, 351–2, CREEP see Committee to Re-Elect 358–9 the President Kissinger, Henry 362–3, 367–71, Crespino, Joseph 129 374 Critchlow, Donald 126, 266 presidential campaign of 1960 137 Cronin, John 86–8 presidential campaign of 1968 Cronkite, Walter 298 143, 151 Crouse, Timothy 167–8, 302 presidential campaign of 1972 Crowley, Monica 515–16 174, 182 Cuba 347, 460, 464, 466, Watergate 497 469–74 see also Soviet Union Cuban Missile Crisis 469–70 Cole, Richard 193, 197 Cultural Revolution 347, 412, 431 Colodny, Len 488–9 Colson, Charles 18, 181, 299, 304 Daley, Mayor Richard 133, 152, Committee on the Challenges 167, 176 of Modern Society Dallek, Robert (CCMS) 445, 451 domestic policy 229 Committee to Re-Elect the President foreign policy 365–8, 370–373, (CREEP) 169, 172–3, 175, 375–6, 410, 430, 463 482–4, 491, 530 post-presidential years 555, 558 Communism pre-presidential years 108 biographies of R.M. Nixon 9–10, 14 Davies, Gareth 226, 228, 262 congressional years 69–77, 79–80 de Gaulle, Charles 348, 417 détente and linkage strategies 401 de Toledano, Ralph 9–10, 29, 36, 68, Hiss, Alger 84–9, 93–5 70, 107, 137, 522 Kissinger, Henry 371 de Vittorio, Giuseppe 79 Latin America 464–5 Dean, John 317–18, 483–5, 500 Nixon, Pat 54 debates 131–4 political realignment 254 DeBenedetti, Charles 392 presidential campaign of 1960 declassified documents 385–6, 388–9, 124– 6 391, 406–9, 446 presidential campaign of 1968 defence policy 2, 153 145–6, 155 DeFrank, Thomas 516 presidential campaign of 1972 174 Dent, Harry 222, 262 public/media perceptions 294, 521, détente 523–4 China, People’s Republic of 401, congressional years 68–83 406, 412–13 Connally, John 237, 243–4, 249, 260, European role 413–14 263, 333–4, 452 Kissinger, Henry 362, 368–71

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Middle East and Third World Earth Day 272, 279 415–16 economic policy 2 Soviet Union 346, 350–353, 358, background events 235–7 400–424 biographies of R.M. Nixon 19 Dewey, Thomas 72, 81 European Community 445–6, 451–3 Dinges, John 471–2 first period (Jan. 1969 to disability rights 203, 207 Feb. 1970) 238–40 dissenters 311–27 Latin America 463, 466–7, 471 administration’s responses 312–15 policy-making and presidential background events 311–12 agency 248–50 policy rationale 315–26 political realignment 261 Dobrynin, Anatoly 156, 352–4, 366, presidential campaign of 1972 164, 369, 470 165 Dod, Andrew 13 presidential years 190–191, 194–8, Dole, Bob 21 203–4, 210, 235–51 domestic policy 2–3 second period (Feb. 1970 to Nov. administrative presidency 185–201 1972) 240–246 Agnew, Spiro T. 328–42 third period (Nov. 1972 to Aug. biographies of R.M. Nixon 17–19, 1974) 247–8 22–4 Edsall, Thomas and Mary 266 congressional years 75–80 education policy 2, 188, 191–4, dissenters 311–27 196, 215 Ford, Gerald R. 508 Edwards, Willard 295 Great Society and social Efron, Edith 299, 306 reforms 202–11 Ehrlich, Paul 286 Nixon tapes 558 Ehrlichman, John political realignment 252–69 Agnew, Spiro T. 331, 335, 341 presidential campaign of 1960 128 domestic policy 190–191, 219, 224, presidential campaign of 1968 245, 247, 262, 274, 313 143–68 memoirs 505–6 presidential campaign of 1972 post-presidential years 483–4, 164–84 488–9 public/media perceptions 292–310, public/media perceptions 294, 295 520, 534–5 Eisenhower, Dwight David see also civil rights policy; economic biographies 102–6, 111–14 policy; environmental policy civil rights policy 221 Donaldson, Gary 123 dissenters 320 Donegan, Thomas 94 economic policy 241 Donovan, Robert 105 foreign policy 404–5, 460, 462, 464 Douglas, Helen Gahagan 73–4, 523 political realignment 257 Downey, Sheridan 73 pre-presidential years 14, 54–7, 81, Doyle, William 556 85 Drew, Elizabeth 229, 252, 255 presidential campaign of Dulles, John Foster 104–5, 463 1960 136–7 Dunham, Corydon B. 300 Vietnam 381–2 Durant, Robert 198 Eisenhower, Julie Nixon 36–8, 54, 106 Dutton, Fred 166, 256 Eisenhower, Mamie 61

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Eisler, Gerhart 70–71 Federal Elections Campaign Act 166 election see presidential campaign Federal Reserve Board’s Open Market Ellsberg, Daniel 300–301, 315, 323, Committee (FOMC) 237, 245, 388, 484 247–8 Emery, Fred 487, 554 Feeney, Mark 538 employment see labor policy Felt, W. Mark 303 environmental policy 2 Ferrell, Robert 105, 113 approval of EPA 275–8 First Lady duties and persona 59–6 5 background events 270–271 Flamm, Michael 325 Clean Air Act 277–8, 282 Flippen, J. Brooks 262, 271, 274–5 congressional years 80 FOMC see Federal Reserve Board’s demise of planning impulse 286–7 Open Market Committee Earth Day 272, 279 Foot, Rosemary 427 land and resources 284–6 Foote, Wilder 92 mass movement to new social Forbes, Jack 228 regulation 279–84 Ford Foundation 280 origins of environmentalism 271–3 Ford, Gerald R. 1 presidential campaign of 1972 166 biographies 500–501, 507–8, presidential years 185, 195–6, 203, 510–516 270–291 economic policy 249 White House response 273–5 memoirs 500, 502–5 Environmental Protection Agency pardon R.M. Nixon 504–5 (EPA) 185, 195–6, 275–8, presidential campaign of 1976 279, 281–3, 287 499–500, 505, 516 Environmental Quality Council relationship with R.M. Nixon (EQC) 273–4 499–518 European Community 444–59 resignation of Agnew, Spiro T. background events 444 499–500 biographies 452–4 resignation of R.M. Nixon 500 declassified documents 446 Foreign Affairs (R.M. Nixon) 429 economic policy 445–6, 451–3 foreign policy 1–3, 345–61 Kissinger, Henry 447–50 biographies of R.M. Nixon 18–19, 22 Year of Europe 445–6, 449–50 challenges of 1969 346–9 Evangelista, Matthew 411 congressional years 70, 73–4, 78–81 Evans, M. Stanton 112 containment by other means 358–9 Evans, Rowland 215–16 declassified documents 446 extralegal activities 311–13, 315, 320, détente and linkage strategies 346, 325–6, 481, 535–6 350–353, 358, 362, 368–71, 400–424 Family Assistance Plan (FAP) 205–6, dissenters 312–13 209 European Community 444–59 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Ford, Gerald R. 508–10 dissenters 313, 314, 317–18 Kissinger, Henry 345–59, 362–79 domestic policy 303 Latin America 460–477 Hiss, Alger 86–90 memoirs of R.M Nixon 14–18 post-presidential years 483, 486–7 355–8, 386, 445 pre-presidential years 43–4 Nixon tapes 555

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presidential campaign of 1960 128, Goldberg, Bernard 293 134 Goldberg, Robert 126 presidential campaign of 1968 Golden, Marisso Martino 189, 198 155–7 Goldwater, Barry 125–6, 144, 254, 328 presidential campaign of 1972 GOP 22, 69, 215, 219, 254, 264 174–5, 180 Gorbachev, Mikhail 371, 411, 416 public/media perceptions 532–3 Gore, Louise 328 structure of peace and Gould, Lewis 257 diplomacy 349–50 Graham, Hugh Davis 215, 220–222 triangular diplomacy 353–5, Graham, Katherine 304–6 388–90, 409, 434 Graham, Rev. Billy 130 vice-presidency of R.M. Nixon 102, Gray, L. Patrick 483–4 104–5, 114–16 Great Society 188, 202– 12, 241, 255, see also China; Soviet Union; Vietnam 281, 520, 534–5 Francis, Michael 466, 471, 473 Greenberg, David 109, 224, 231, Frank, Reuven 298 462, 475, 494–5, 538–9 Freedom of Information Act 446–7 Greene, John Robert 111, 511–13 Frick, Daniel 8 Greenstein, Fred 105 Fried, Richard 112 Griffith, Robert 112 Froman, Michael 405 GRU see Glavnoye Razvedyvatelnoye Frost, David 13, 218, 531, 536 Upravleniye Fulbright, J. William 146 Guatemala 460 fund crisis 50, 104, 110–111 Gulliver, Hal 258 Guston, Philip 526 Gaddis, John Lewis 371, 404–5, 416 Gutin, Myra 65 Gaines, Kevin 115 Galambos, Louis 104 Hadley, Charles D. 256 Galbraith, John Kenneth 145 Hagerty, James 105 Gall, Peter 216–17 Haig, Alexander 341, 488–9, Gallup, George 136 500–501, 503–4 Galvin, Daniel 264 Halberstam, David 293, 295 Gandhi, Indira 372 Haldeman, H.R. Gannon, Frank 15 Agnew, Spiro T. 331, 335–7, 340 Gardner, C. Richard 28–9 domestic policy 172–3, 192, 229, Garment, Leonard 50 247, 259, 273, 297–9, 314, 321 Garthoff, Raymond 368, 370, 375, Ford, Gerald R. 500 402–3, 407 foreign policy 367, 381, 386, 406 Gellman, Irwin F. 24, 43–4, 50, Nixon tapes 557–8 69–70, 87, 112, 294, 522 post-presidential years 482–3, Gervasi, Frank 124 485–6, 488–9 Gettlin, Robert 489 pre-presidential years 131 Gifford, Laura 124 Halliday, Jon 412 Glad, Betty 413 Hanhimäki, Jussi 350, 352, 355, 365, Glavnoye Razvedyvatelnoye 368, 370–372, 374, 390, 409, Upravleniye (GRU) 90–91 417, 432–3, 449, 454, 469–70, Goh, Evelyn 412, 425–6, 430–434, 472–4 436–7 Hanson, J.H. 44

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Hardin, Clifford 164 housing policy 187–8, 192, 195, 208 Hardin, Garrett 286 Hoyt, Edwin 32 Hartmann, Bob 504–6 Hughes, Don 131 Haslam, Jonathan 415, 472 Hughes, Howard 491 Haynes, John Earl 72–3, 112 Hummer, Ed 86–7 Hays, Samuel 271 Humphrey, Hubert H. health policy 2, 213, 215 civil rights policy 214, 221 Heath, Edward 450 domestic policy 149 –151, 155–9, Heclo, Hugh 278 167, 171, 180, 195 Helms, Richard 319, 321 Vietnam 382 Herbers, John 519 Hunt, E. Howard 482, 484, 488, 491 Herring, George 102–3 Huston Plan 314–15, 317–19, 321–3 Herschensohn, Bruce 532 Huston, Tom 314–15, 317–18 Hersh, Seymour 229, 363–4, 402, Hutschnecker, Dr. Arnold 108–9, 527 469–70, 472 Hyland, William 403 Herter Committee 78–9, 445 Hynes, Catherine 450, 454 Hess, Stephen 107 Hickel, Walter 274, 276–7, 284–5 IMF see International Monetary Fund Hiss, Alger Immerman, Richard 104–5 biographies of R.M. Nixon 9–11, 14 In the Arena: A Memoir of Victory, pre-presidential years 72–3, 75, Defeat, and Renewal 84–101 (R.M. Nixon) 16–17, 39–40, public/media perceptions 294, 295, 510, 533 522 India 372–3, 446 vice-presidency of R.M. Nixon 112 inflation 165, 235, 237–9, 242–3, 249 Hitchens, Christopher 408–9 Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Hixson, William 258 317–18, 322, 487 Ho Chi Minh offensive 357, 509 International Monetary Fund Hobgood, Linda 49, 64 (IMF) 246 Hodgson, Godfrey 214–15, 263 Iran 19, 346, 357–8 Hoff, Joan IRS see Internal Revenue Service domestic policy 194, 221–2, 224, Isaacson, Walter 356, 368, 386, 404 230, 261, 271, 322–3 Israel 150, 176, 346, 357, 366, 374–5 foreign policy 365, 384, 407 Itzkowitz, Norman 12–13 post-presidential years 492–4, 514, 534, 549 Jackson, Henry “Scoop” 167, 171, Hoover, J. Edgar 274, 280, 286–7 domestic policy 314, 319 Jackson, Rev. Jesse 172, 176, 208 foreign policy 464 Japan 430, 439 Hiss, Alger 88, 89 Jensen, Richard 263 Horne, Alistair 376, 450 Johnson, Lady Bird 60–61 Hougan, Jim 488 Johnson, Lyndon B. House Committee on Un-American China, People’s Republic of 429 Activities (HUAC) civil rights policy 213, 221, 225–6 biographies of R.M. Nixon 9–10, 14 dirty tricks 487 congressional years 69–73 dissenters 323, 324 Hiss, Alger 84–9, 95–7 foreign policy 349

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Latin America 465, 467–8 biographies 363–5, 368, 403–4, Nixon, Pat 59 408–10, 449–50, 472 Nixon tapes 548–9 China, People’s Republic of 362–3, presidential campaign of 1960 366–7, 371–3, 426–39 122–3, 126–8, 134 declassified documents 406–9 presidential campaign of 1968 dissenters 320 144–51, 156–9 documentary records 362–3 presidential campaign of 1972 167 European Community 447–50 Vietnam 380, 382 foreign policy 345–59, 362–79 Johnson, Paul 519 Latin America 461, 465–7, 469–74 Johnson, Thomas 539 memoirs 347, 350, 364, 369–71, Johnston, Richard 258 375–6, 381, 389, 402, 408, 429–30, 434, 472, 507, 514 Kalb, Bernard 363 Middle East 362, 374–6 Kalb, Marvin 363 modern-day criticisms 408–10 Kalmbach, Herbert 483 Nixon, Pat 49 Kaufman, Scott 413 Nixon tapes 557 Keefer, Edward 362 pre-presidential years 15, 38, 125 Kempton, Murray 520 presidential campaign of Kennan, George 404–5 1968 156–7 Kennedy, Edward M. 165, 172, 178 presidential campaign of 1972 Kennedy, Jackie 60–61 173–4, 180–182 Kennedy, John F. relationship with R.M. Nixon civil rights policy 221 362–79 dirty tricks 487 secret trip to China 353–4, 428 Latin America 465, 475 Soviet Union 362–3, 367–71, Nixon tapes 548–9 383–4, 400–417 presidential campaign of 1960 Vietnam 362–3, 367–8, 373, 122–3, 125–37 381–91 public/media perceptions 307 Klehr, Harvey 72–3, 112 Vietnam 380 Klein, Herbert 106, 296, 306–7, 329, Kennedy, Robert F. 340 assassination 150 Kleindienst, Richard 483–4 presidential campaign of 1968 Knowland, William 75 146, 148, 150 Kochavi, Noam 415 Keogh, James 29–30, 107, 296–7 Komine, Yukinori 555–6 KGB see Komitet Gosudarstvenno Komitet Gosudarstvenno Bezopasnosti Bezopasnosti (KGB) 90–92 Khan, Muhammad 525 Korda, Michael 519 Khrushchev, Nikita 124–5 74, 126 Kimball, Jeffrey 367–8, 381–2, Kornitzer, Bela 10–11, 31–2, 68, 107, 384–6, 389, 433, 435, 115, 521–2 554–5, 557 Kotlowski, Dean 206, 224–6 King, Rev. Martin Luther Jr. 135, Kruse, Kevin 129 153, 154 Kutler, Stanley 8, 306, 322, 336, King, Robert 88 486–7, 496–7, 510–511, 551, Kissinger, Henry 2–3 553–4, 559

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labor policy Luu Van Loi 387–8 congressional years 75–8 Lynyrd Skynyrd 530 economic policy 240–242 Lytle, Mark 314 presidential years 205–8, 210, 220–221, 227–8 MacIntyre, Thomas 148 see also civil rights policy Mackenzie, G. Calvin 186 Ladd, Everett Carl 256 MacMillan, Margaret 355, 371–3, 555 LaFeber, Walter 116, 475 Magruder, Jeb 483, 490–491 Lamb, Charles 226–7 Mailer, Norman 177 Lang, Gladys and Kurt 304–5 Malek, Frederic 191–3 Lasby, Clarence 113 Mann, James 427 Lashner, Marilyn 304 Mao Zedong 15, 366, 373, 412–13, Lasky, Victor 487–8, 530 427–8, 431, 433–4, 436–7, 439 Lassiter, Matthew 129 Maranto, Robert 188 Latin America 460–477 Marcantonio, Vito 71, 73–4 background events 460–461, 474 Marcus, Alfred 276, 278 economic policy 463, 466–7, 471 Maresca, John 450 Kissinger, Henry 461, 465–7, Marshall, George 79–80 469–74 Marshall Plan 445 legacies and judgments 473–5 Martin, Joe 79 pre-presidential years 57, 106, Martin, William McChesney 237, 244 114–16, 462–5 Marton, Kati 50, 53 presidential years 465–9 Matusow, Allen J. 173, 235, 261–2 Lawrence, Mark 470, 473 Mayhew, David 266 Lawson, Steven 230 Mazlish, Bruce 12, 33, 527 LeMay, Curtis 155 Mazo, Earl 10, 27, 30, 68, 106–7, Lennon, John 176–7 115–16, 295, 520, 522 Lewis, Anthony 21 MBFR see Mutually Balanced Force Liddy, G. Gordon 482, 484, 491 Reductions Liebovich, Louis 307 McAndrews, Lawrence 226 Lindsay, John 170–171 McCarran Act (1950) 72 linkage strategy 350–353 McCarthy, Eugene 145–50, 165, 209 Lipsitz, George 77 McCarthy, Joseph Litwak, Robert 508 congressional years 75 Lodge, Henry Cabot 126, 133, 134 public/media perceptions 294 Long, Russell 244 vice-presidency of R.M. Nixon 103, Longford, Lord 17–18 106, 112 Longworth, Alice Roosevelt 133, 153–4 McCord, James 482–3, 488, 493 Lowenstein, Allard 146 McCracken, Paul 164, 243, 273 Lubell, Samuel 253, 256 McGinniss, Joe 154, 296, 529, 538 Lublin, David 258 McGovern, George Ludlow, Piers 454 Agnew, Spiro T. 334 Lukas, J. Anthony 500–501, 553 domestic policy 152, 167, 170–173, Lundestad, Geir 447–8 175–6, 178, 180–182, 245–7 Lungren, John Jr 106–7 foreign policy 401 Lurie, Leonard 107–8 political realignment 256–7, 259–60 Lüthi, Lorenz 389, 435 McKay, David 197

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McLendon, Winzola 62 Mink, Patsy 167 McMahon, Robert 373 Miroff, Bruce 256–7 means tested programs 203 Mitchell, Greg 73–5 Meany, George 167, 173, 175–6 Mitchell, John N. 154, 215, 328–9, media relations 490–491 Nixon, Pat 49–50, 55–7, 60–65 Möckli, Daniel 448 post-presidential years 519–45 Moe, Terry 186–7 presidential years 292–310 Mollenhoff, Clark 501 Melanson, Richard 405 Moratorium on work 313–14 Melnick, R. Shep 283 Morgan, Iwan 23, 113, 219, 254 memoirs Morris, Roger 21, 38–9, 53–4, 110 Agnew, Spiro T. 330, 332, 337–8 Morrison, Paul 168–9 Ehrlichman, John 505–6 Morrow, E. Frederick 113 Ford, Gerald R. 500, 502–5 Morton, Rogers 285 Goldwater, Barry 126 Mott, William 358 Hartmann, Bob 505–6 Moynihan, Daniel P. 202, 204, 230, Hiss, Alger 86 238, 286, 323 Kissinger, Henry 347, 350, 364, Mudd, Roger 306 369–71, 375–6, 381, 389, Mueller, Niels 537 402, 408, 429–30, 434, 472, Mundt, Karl 71–3, 88, 89 507, 514 Murphy, Reg 258 R.M. Nixon Muskie, Edmund 165, 168–9, 262, Agnew, Spiro T. 329, 332, 337–9 273, 274, 280–283, 287 civil rights policy 217–19 Mutually Balanced Force Reductions dissenters 311, 319–20 (MBFR) 352–3, 414 Ford, Gerald R. 502–3, 509, 516 Kissinger, Henry 371–2 Nader, Ralph 279, 281 Latin America 462–3 Nathan, Richard 185–6, 195, 197, 198 pre-presidential years 13–18, National Environmental Protection Act 33–4, 39–40, 84, 86, 97, 106, (NEPA) 274–5, 283–5, 287 111, 113, 115 National Industrial Pollution Control presidential campaign of Council (NIPCC) 277–8 1960 122–3 National Labor Relations Act public/media perceptions 295, 533 (1935) 76 Soviet Union 402 National Security Council (NSC) 38, Vietnam 381, 385 103, 105, 190, 313, 315, 320, Merseburger, Peter 454 323, 356, 403, 409 Metcalf, George 225–7 Native American rights 228–9 Middle East 351–3, 357–9 NATO see North Atlantic Treaty détente and linkage strategies 415–16 Organization economic policy 235 Nelson, Gaylord 279 European Community 446, 448 Nelson, Keith 405–6 Kissinger, Henry 362, 374–6 neoconservatism 392 Mieczkowski, Yanek 514–15 NEPA see National Environmental Milhous, Almira 41 Protection Act military service 28–30, 34–5, 37–8, New Deal 75–8, 85, 159, 252–6, 42–3, 45 264, 521

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New Federalism 195 biographies 7–26, 27–48, 106–12, New Leftism 272, 279, 525–6 491–7 New Politics 166, 171, 175 childhood in Yorba Linda 40 Newman, Chief Wallace 39–40 comeback years 532–4 Ngo Dinh Diem 172 congressional years 68–83 Nguyen Anh Vu 387–8 defenders and supporters 530–532 Nguyen Lien-Hang, T. 389–90 early images 521–2 Nguyen Van Thieu 157–9, 382–3, foreign trips 114 391, 509 Hiss, Alger 84–9, 95–7 Nichols, David 113 knee injury 129, 131–3 Nichols, Louis 88 liberal critics 522–5 Nichter, Luke 448–9 meets Pat 34 NIPCC see National Industrial military service 28–30, 34–5, 37–8, Pollution Control Council 42–3, 45 Nixon, Arthur 28 move to New York 532–4 Nixon Doctrine 355–8, 386, 445 New Left critics 525–6 Nixon, Ed 45–6 personality profile 11–13, 32–3, 38, Nixon, Frank 28, 40, 46 495–6, 526–8 Nixon, Hannah 31, 40, 46 political debut 521 Nixon, Harold 41, 46 popular culture 536–8 Nixon, Pat pre-political years 27–48 biographies 36–8, 106 presidential campaign of 1956 111 biographies of R.M. Nixon 31–2, public/media perceptions 519–45 45, 49–51, 56 rehabilitation 33–43 campaign trail work 53–4, relationship with Agnew, Spiro T. 58–9 339–41 childhood 51–2 relationship with Ford, Gerald R. death 63–5 499–518 education 52 relationship with Kissinger, employment 52–3 Henry 362–79 First Lady duties and persona resignation 62–3, 346, 376, 381, 59–63, 64–5 497, 500, 503 marriage to Richard 50, 52–5 schooling in Whittier 30–31, 34–6, meets Richard 51 39–41, 44–5, 51, 222 move to New York 58 subsequent presidencies 535–9 move to Washington 54 Tricky Dick coinage 523 overseas trips 57, 60–61 vice-presidential years 29–32, political duties 50–51, 54–7 102–21 pre-presidential years 49–67 see also memoirs presidential campaign of 1960 58 Nixon tapes 546–62 public/media perceptions 49–50, abuse-of-government-power 551, 55–7, 60–65 554, 559 resignation of R.M. Nixon 62–3 Agnew, Spiro T. 339–40 Nixon, Richard M. archiving and release 549–60 academic studies 110 challenges and developments 558–9 age of Nixon 43–6 copies and transcripts 559–60 anti-Semitism 523–4 Ford, Gerald R. 508

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foreign policy 449, 452 Paris Agreements 345, 353, 357, 368, Kissinger, Henry 557 389 Presidential Recordings and Parmet, Herbert Materials Preservation Act domestic policy 222–3, 255, 263, 549–51 265, 341 taping system 546–9 post-presidential years 489–90, Nixon, Tricia 53, 61 495–6, 511 No More Vietnams (R.M. Nixon) 385 pre-presidential years 22, 105, 109 North Atlantic Treaty Organization Paterson, Thomas 114 (NATO) 348, 444–51, 455 Patman, Wright 500–501, 503 Norton, Bernard 90 Patterson, James T. 77, 102–3, Novak, Michael 208 213, 496 Novak, Robert D. 215–16 Peale, Rev. Norman Vincent 130–131 NSC see National Security Council Pelovitz, Samuel 94–5 penal reform 17 Obama, Barack 21 People’s Republic of China see China, O’Brien, Lawrence 156, 178 People’s Republic of O’Connor, John 303 Pepper, Claude 72 Office of Price Administration (OPA) Perlstein, Rick 108, 230, 265, 276–7, 52 313, 556 Office of Strategic Services (OSS) 79 Perrett, Geoffrey 106 Olson, Edward 106 Perry, Herman 38, 53, 69 Olson, Karen 45, 106 Persian Gulf 357–8 Olson, Keith 305, 323–4, 495, 554 Peru 463–4 O’Neill, William 143 Peters, Gerhard 345, 356 OPA see Office of Price Administration Philippines 358 OPEC see Organization of Petroleum Phillips, Kevin 170, 216, 217, 254–7, Exporting Countries 261–3, 267 Operation Freedom Train 174–5 Pickering, Mrs. Cecil 35 O’Reilly, Kenneth 89–90, 229 Pickett, William 114 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Pietrusza, David 123 Countries (OPEC) 235–6, Pike, Frederick 466 247 Pinochet, Gen. Augusto 460, 471 Oshinsky, David 112 PNW see Prevention of Nuclear War OSS see Office of Strategic Services political financing 166, 169 Ostpolitik 414, 446, 448, 453–4 political realignment 252–69 Oudes, Bruce 510 politicization 187, 192 Ouimet, Matthew 411 Pompidou, Georges 445, 450, 452–3 Oval Office 547 Pope, Philip 114 popular culture 536–8 Pach, Chester Jr. 106 population growth 286 Packard, Vance 525 post-presidential years Page, Bruce 214–15 Nixon tapes 546–62 Pakistan 372–3, 446 public/media perceptions 519–45 Palestine 150 Watergate 481–98 Panama 467 post-Watergate biographies 10, 12, Panetta, Leon 216–17, 222, 229 17–20

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Prados, John 391, 556 public/media perceptions 299–300, Prague Spring 151, 347, 445 302 PRC see China, People’s Republic of presidential campaign of 1976 pre-political years 27–48 499–500, 505, 516 age of Nixon 43–6 Presidential Recordings and Materials early works 27–9 Preservation Act presidential years 32 (PRMPA) 549–51 psychobiographies 32–3 Presidential Records Act 446, 497 rehabilitation 33–43 presidential years vice-presidential years 29–32 administrative presidency 185–201 pre-presidential years Agnew, Spiro T. 328–42 biographies of R.M. Nixon 7–26 biographies of R.M. Nixon 32 congressional years 68–83 civil rights policy 203, 206–8, 212–34 Hiss, Alger 84–101 dissenters 311–27 Latin America 57, 106, 114–16, economic policy 190–191, 194–8, 462–5 203–4, 210, 235–51 Nixon, Pat 49–67 environmental policy 185, 195–6, pre-political years 27–48 203, 270–291 presidential campaign of 1960 Great Society and social reforms 122–40 202–11 vice-presidency 29–32, 102–21 Latin America 465–9 presidential campaign of 1956 111 political realignment 252–69 presidential campaign of 1960 58, presidential campaign of 1972 122–40 164–84 background events 122–5 public/media perceptions 292–310 campaign plans 127–9 see also domestic policy; foreign debates 131–4 policy economic policy 241 Prevention of Nuclear War (PNW) election result 136–7 agreement 351 final weeks 134–6 price fixing 237 religion 129–31 price policy 242–3, 247, 249–50 Republican Convention 125–6 Price, Raymond 18, 218–19, 336, 532 presidential campaign of 1968 PRMPA see Presidential Recordings 143–63, 202 and Materials Preservation Act Agnew, Spiro T. 330 Prucha, Francis 228 civil rights policy 214 psychobiographies 9, 11–13, 32–3, political realignment 254–5 495–6, 526–8 public/media perceptions 296 Pueblo crisis 147 presidential campaign of 1972 164–84 Quality of Life (QOL) 278 acceptance speeches 176–7 Agnew, Spiro T. 333 Rabe, Stephen 115, 463–4 campaign tactics 168–72 race issues China visit 174 political realignment 260 election results 164–5, 182–3 pre-presidential years 134–6 political realignment 256–7 presidential campaign of 1968 143, primaries 172–4 154, 159

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presidential campaign of 1972 172 Rockefeller, Nelson 124, 125, 156, presidential years 206–10 177, 182, 328, 466, 468 see also civil rights policy Rogers, William 15, 374 Radosh, Ronald 264 Rome, Adam 272 Rae, Nicol C. 124 Romney, George 145, 152, 208 Randolph, Stephen 555 Roosevelt, Franklin D. rat-fucking strategies 169–70, 172 political realignment 252 Rather, Dan 298–9 pre-presidential years 45, 75–7 Rathlesberger, James 270 public/media perceptions 307 Raymont, Henry 462 Roosevelt, Theodore 2 Reagan, Ronald 17 Rorabaugh, W.J. 123–4 domestic policy 178, 197, 258, 265, Rosen, James 230 371 Rosenof, Theodore 253 foreign policy 371, 401, 416 Rosenthal, Harry 63 The Real War (R.M. Nixon) 18, 509 Rosow, Jerome 259 Realpolitik 429, 431 Roth, Philip 537 Rebozo, Bebe 302 Rowse, Arthur 111 Reeves, Richard 176, 230, 496, 556–7 Ruckelshaus, William 277, 279, 281–4 Reeves, Thomas 112 Rudenstine, David 301 Reichard, Gary 111 Rumsfeld, Donald 204 Reichley, A. James 219–20, 507–8, 511 Rusher, William 261 religion Russia see Soviet Union political realignment 260 Ryan, Kate Halberstadt Bender 51 presidential campaign of 1960 Ryan, William 51 129–31, 137 Republican Convention of Safire, William 1960 125–6 Agnew, Spiro T. 329, 333, 340 Reston, James 166, 171–2, 175–6 domestic policy 144, 154, 164, 219, Reuss, Henry 280 230–231, 297 revisionism 487–94, 535, 549 Nixon, Pat 64 Richardson, Elliott 337–8, 485 presidential years 187, 192–3 Richardson, Elmo 106 Salant, Richard 304, 306 Riegle, Don 177 SALT see Strategic Arms Limitation Rising, George 266 Talks Rizzo, Mayor Frank 179 Santa Barbara oil spill 273–4 RN: The Memoirs of Saudi Arabia 357 (R.M. Nixon) Sax, Joseph 280 Agnew, Spiro T. 329, 332, 337–9 Saylor, John 285 dissenters 311, 319–20 Scammon, Richard 256, 262, domestic policy 217–19 264, 267 Ford, Gerald R. 502–3, 509, 516 SCAT see South Pacific Command Air Kissinger, Henry 371 Transport pre-presidential years 15–16, 33–4, Schaller, Michael 266 84, 123 Schell, Jonathan 216, 257 public/media perceptions 295, 297 Schlesinger, Arthur M. Jr. 145, Vietnam 381, 385 315–16, 383, 524 Robinson, Jackie 210 Schorr, Daniel 305, 534

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Schoultz, Lars 461, 464, 475 Sorley, Lewis 391 Schrag, Peter 301 South Korea 358 Schram, Martin 302 South Pacific Command Air Transport Schudson, Michael 539 (SCAT) 30, 34, 42–3 Schulte, Renée 35 Southeast Asia Treaty Organization Schultz, George P. 218, 220, 278 (SEATO) 356, 382 Schulzinger, Robert 404 Southern Strategy 2 Schwartz, Barry 522 Soviet Union 1, 400–424 Schwartz, Thomas 417 biographies 21, 401–6 Scott, Hugh 105 declassified documents 406–9 Scott, Katherine 324–5 European Community 444, 448 SEATO see Southeast Asia Treaty European role in détente 413–14 Organization foreign policy 345–7, 350–355, 359 Secret Service 547 Hiss, Alger 90 segregation 2 Kissinger, Henry 362–3, 367 –71, Sferrazza, Carl 64 376, 383–4, 400–417 Shabecoff, Philip 272 Latin America 469–70 Shafer, Byron E. 258 modern-day interpretations 408–17 Shannon, William 522 Nixon, Pat 61 Shattuck, Frances 111 presidential campaign of Shelton, Willard 522 1960 124–5 scholarly biographies 20–23 presidential campaign of 1968 151, Shriver, R. Sargent 135 153, 156 Shultz, George 206–7, 246 presidential campaign of 1972 Sikkink, Kathryn 474 174–5, 180 Sirhan, Sirhan 150 rapprochement with China 429–30, Sirica, John 482–3, 485–6, 547 434, 437–9 Sitkoff, Harvard 216–17 Watergate 497 (R.M. Nixon) Spear, Joseph 307 Kissinger, Henry 372 Special Services Staff (SSS) 322 Latin America 462–3 Spock, Dr Benjamin 165 pre-presidential years 14, 84, 86, SSS see Special Services Staff 97, 106, 111, 113, 115, 122 Staggers, Harley 300 public/media perceptions 295 Stahl, Lesley 305, 307 Skidmore, Mary George 35 Stans, Maurice 207, 277 Skowronek, Stephen 203 Stassen, Harold 72 Skrentny, John David 219, 227–8 Stein, Herbert 243, 248 Small, Melvin 51, 223–4, 263, 313, Steinem, Gloria 59 324, 370–371, 494, 514, 534 Stevenson, Adlai 519 Smith Act (1940) 72 Stevenson, Richard 405 Smith, Gaddis 471 Stewart, Lt. James B. 42–3, 45 Smith, Gerard 369 Stone, I.F. 307 Smith, Peter H. 463–4, 468–9 Strategic Arms Limitation Talks Snepp, Frank 388 (SALT) 1, 175, 351–4, social policy 202–11 369–70, 401–3, 410, 413, 555 Social Security see welfare policy Stripling, Robert 14, 85 Sorensen, Ted 126 Stroud, Kathy 60

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Subversive Activities Control Bill Vietnam 1–2, 380–399 (Mundt-Nixon) 71–3, 524 Agnew, Spiro T. 331, 335 Summers, Anthony 19–20, 44–5, biographies of R.M. Nixon 15, 108–9 18–20 Suri, Jeremi 351–2, 365, 374, declassified documents 385–6, 409–10, 416, 432 388–9, 391 Szulc, Tad 363, 466 détente and linkage strategies 401, 406, 409 Taffet, Jeffrey 465 dissenters 311–15, 321–4 Taft–Hartley Act 76–8, 81, 524 economic policy 238–40 Taiwan 430, 435–7 European Community 444, 446 Tanenhaus, Sam 92 Ford, Gerald R. 509–10 Tax Reform Act (1969) 239–40 foreign policy 345–8, 350–353, television debates 131–4 356–9 Tet Offensive 147–8 French phase of conflict 381–2 Theoharis, Athan 112, 318–19 Kissinger, Henry 362–3, 367–8, Thompson, Hunter S. 302–3 373, 381–91 Thomson, Charles 111 military histories 390–391 Thurmond, Strom 177, 181, 215, 219 Nixon, Pat 61 Trachtenburg, Marc 432, 437 Nixon tapes 551–2, 554–5, 558 Train, Russell 273, 275, 278, political realignment 259, 264 282–3, 287 presidential campaign of 1968 transatlantic policy see European 143–53, 155–9 Community presidential campaign of 1972 166, transport policy 193 167, 174–5, 177–81 Treleaven, Harry 296 presidential years 189, 212, triangular diplomacy 353–5, 388–90, 213, 216 409, 434 public/media perceptions 292, Truman, Bess 61 300–301, 520, 526, 535 Truman Doctrine 78–9 rapprochement with China 434–5, Truman, Harry 71–2, 77–8, 89, 438–9 126, 253 triangular diplomacy 388–90 Tucker, Nancy 427, 436, 439 Watergate 497 Tyler, Patrick 415–16, 427 Viorst, Judith 60 Volcker, Paul 246 Udall, Morris 285–6 Volkan, Vamik 12–13 Udall, Stewart 285 Volkogonov, Dimitri 91 unemployment 238–9, 241 Voorhis, Jerry 69, 75, 521 Ungar, Sanford 301 voter fraud 137 voting reforms 2, 212, 216, 257 Valeriani, Richard 363 van der Harst, Jan 449 Wadleigh, Henry Julian 90 van Ee, Daun 104 wage policy 242–3, 247, 249–50 Vassiliev, Alexander 91, 112 Wagner Act (1935) 76 Venezuela 468 Wallace, George C. 155, 159, 167–73, vice-presidential years 29–32, 214, 255, 257 102–21 Wallace, Henry 71–2

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Watergate 2–3 Whitaker, John 274, 281–4 Agnew, Spiro T. 334–5, 340–341 White, G. Edward 112, 115 biographies 8, 15, 18–19, 21, White, Harry Dexter 89 486–97 White, Theodore H. 122–3, 173–4, burglary 481–2 214, 294, 302, 316–17, 520 calls for impeachment or resignation Whitten, Jamie 276, 280 of R.M. Nixon 485–6 Whittier High School/College 30–31, dissenters 311–12, 315–16, 321–4 34–6, 39–41, 44–5, 51, 222 foreign policy 357 Wicker, Tom 21–2, 109, 223, 224, Hiss, Alger 97–8 326, 490–491, 493, 511, 534 inquiry and hearings 482–7 Wilderness Act (1964) 284–5 Kissinger, Henry 362, 366–7, Wilentz, Sean 266 375–7 Wilkins, Roger 210 Nixon, Pat 61–2 Wills, Garry 11–12, 86, 107, 223, Nixon tapes 546, 551, 553–4 254–5 political realignment 258, 260–261, Wise Men 149 263 Witcover, Jules 296, 328, 335, 339, post-presidential years 481–98 538–9 presidential campaign of 1972 166, Wofford, Harris 135 169, 172, 178, 182 Wohlforth, William 408 presidential years 212, 216, 223, 235 Wood, Robert 197 public/media perceptions 303–5, Woodward, Bob 97–8, 178–9, 303, 307, 520, 526, 529–37 482–3, 497, 523, 529–30 resignation of R.M. Nixon 345, 497 Woolley, John 345, 356 revisionism 487–94 WSPF see Watergate Special Watergate Special Prosecution Force Prosecution Force (WSPF) 551, 553–4 Wattenberg, Ben 256, 262, 264, 267 Xiaoping, Deng 355 Weinberg, Robert 96–7 Weinberger, Caspar 195 Yafeng Xia 412, 428, 430, 433 Weinstein, Allen 72, 87, 90–91 Yalta Conference 90, 92 Weisbrode, Ken 449–50 Yaqub, Salim 374, 376, 415 Weisbrot, Robert 216–17 Year of Europe 445–6, 449–50 Welch, Ola Florence 33, 41–2 235, 366–7, 415 welfare policy 2, 22 Young, Neil 531 congressional years 75–8 Yuill, Kevin 227 presidential years 185, 188, 191–4, 196, 205–6, 209–10, 213, 215 Zhai Qiang 434 Wells, Wyatt 452 Zhou Enlai 366, 368, 372, 412, 430, Werth, Barry 515 432–4, 436–7 Westad, Odd Arne 347, 407–8, Ziegler, Ronald 296, 302 416, 473 Zimmerman, Hubert 452 Westmoreland, Gen. William 347 Zubok, Vladislav 411 Whearty, Raymond 94 Zumwalt, Raymond 547

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