Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011–2035 APPENDIX D Visual and Spatial Character

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Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011–2035 APPENDIX D Visual and Spatial Character KIDMORE END PARISH COUNCIL OXFORDSHIRE CANE END · CHALKHOUSE GREEN · GALLOWSTREE COMMON KIDMORE END · TOKERS GREEN Neighbourhood Development Plan 2011–2035 APPENDIX D Visual and Spatial Character 1 Appendix D: Visual and Spatial Character d1. Cane End Characteristics listed here are intended to be used as a general guide for the application of Local Character Policies to the hamlet of Cane End itself and specifically to ensure retention of important local characteristics in the case of infill development. Ⅲ Cane End · Dean Hutchison KIDMORE END NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2 Appendix D: Visual and Spatial Character Settlement Hierarchy Designation is mainly lined with hedgerows and mature trees. Like the A4074, Park Lane is crossed by Cane End was removed from South Oxfordshire recognised bridleways and footpaths that even- Settlement Hierarchy in 2017. tually link to The Chiltern Way. Park Lane leads Under the methodology outlined by SODC, out of the hamlet towards the neighbouring Cane End is open countryside. parish. AONB Designation: Cane End is within the Dwellings enjoy varying settings within the AONB. Chilterns AONB. Either side of the Reading Road (A4074) they are surrounded by open country- Overview and history side, extensive farmland; paddocks; pasture; and, ancient woodland. Wooden fencing, brick Originally known as Canon End, the small and flint stonemasonry, mixed hedging hedge- village of Cane End is situated on the north west rows; coppice hedging; hidden cast iron railings; boundary of the parish. During the 13th and and mature trees typically front properties that 14th centuries, Notley abbey built up an estate line the main road. mainly in Cane End but in the 16th century this land was sold during the dissolution of A concentration of dwellings is centred around monasteries. the junction leading from the A4074 along Horsepond Lane to the corner of Park Lane and Cane End is the only village in the parish with bordered by the narrow access road surround- public transport; a regular bus service on the ing the new build site known locally as The Fox A4074 between Oxford and Reading. Cane End (built as Canon End, currently advertised as Fox has mains gas and drainage via septic tanks. Heath Gardens). Although most are road facing There are a number of small businesses oper- dwellings, those toward the edge of the Built ating from Cane End but no public facilities. Limit back directly onto open countryside. Within the village there are allotments with 10 Outside Built Limits: Radiating out of the plots for parishioners roads in the hamlet, the housing in Cane End is centred around and has grown organically Spatial Characteristics from the economic activities of a range of Within Built Limits: Located on the outskirts ancient farming communities and reflected in of the parish, the arterial link road A4074 runs the names of the homes. Subsequently, the through Cane End and links Oxford to Reading. settlement is made up of farmhouses, barns, thatched cottages; and, a selection of Grade II The central point of the hamlet is the junction listed properties. Some feature preserved build known locally as ‘The Fox’. It is triangular in characteristics dating from the late 16th century nature and bound by the A4074; Horsepond as well as from the 18th and 19th century, Road, the main road in the hamlet; and, a whereas some build characteristics have been narrow access road that leads to the remaining recognised and listed as recently as 1985 road in the hamlet, Park Lane. (English Heritage, Historic England). Horsepond Road leads towards Gallowstree There is intermittent housing and buildings Common and the parish in general. The part throughout the settlement, including hous- within Cane End is bordered by arable farmland, ing along the A4074 north and south of The paddocks and ancient woodland. Fox, and on the outer limits of Park Lane and Park Lane and the access road are narrow Horsepond Lane. in nature with few passing areas. They are The remaining land outside the Built Limits is unpaved local access routes with gullies to farmland, woodland or open countryside. assist rainwater runoff. Park Lane is bound by farmland, ancient woodland and managed plantations; arable farmland and paddock that 3 Ⅲ Cane End Guideline Built Limits, scale 1:2253 Visual Characteristics preserving the architectural quality of their former agricultural usage. As a major road the A4074 comprises tradi- tional A-road signage and markings, including Characteristic Historic a 40mph speed limit and speed camera. Street Infill Pattern furniture is limited to a post box, a wooden park bench, parish notice board, and bus Cane End has not grown through infill as it has stops. Dwellings are mostly road facing in an been considered to be in open countryside and organic arrangement. There are no recognised not recognised as a settlement in the SODC pavements. Local Plans. There has been one small develop- ment at Fox Heath Gardens, previously the site The A4074 (Reading Road) has its own distinct of a large restaurant and car park. spacing pattern between properties. Few have frontage directly onto the main road. All prop- The majority in the village follows a linear erties have a driveway, off street parking, and format, mostly set back from the road and designated garden space. Most are enclosed by lanes and front facing with both front and rear hedges, walls, fences or gates to the front. All but gardens and off-road parking. All properties two properties are detached. Houses are named. back on to open fields and or countryside. Outside the built limits, Cane End House and The village has just 37 houses and is a desir- Vines Farm are examples of older estate or able place to live due to its rural nature and farm dwellings with connected land and therefore market value is high. Some of the buildings that include converted former farm houses are thatched and many houses have buildings and stables. A number of former farm been extended. There are also farm buildings buildings have been converted to dwellings. within the curtilage. The general specification of Where altered, the characteristics of converted renovations is high. Large plots and low density properties reflect their original habitation, by of housing have been maintained. KIDMORE END NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN 4 Appendix D: Visual and Spatial Character Ⅲ Cane End · Steven Plows Ⅲ Cane End · Paul Seymour 5 Appendix D: Visual and Spatial Character d2. Chalkhouse Green Characteristics listed here are intended to be used as a general guide for the application of Local Character Policies to the hamlet of Chalkhouse Green itself and specifically to ensure retention of important local characteristics in the case of infill development. Ⅲ Chalkhouse Green · Mark O’Neil Ⅲ Chalkhouse Green · Mark O’Neil KIDMORE END NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN 6 Appendix D: Visual and Spatial Character Settlement Hierarchy Designation the 19th century and before are situated on Chalkhouse Green Road and Tanners Lane. Undesignated Sunken lanes were likely to have been part Designation: In Open Countryside – in the of historic drove roads into Reading. One setting of the AONB. route historically that does appear to have come through the parish of Kidmore End was Overview and History a drove road through Gallowstree Common Chalkhouse Green is a small hamlet to the and Chalkhouse Green to bring cattle and South of Kidmore End Parish which is not desig- sheep to market in Reading. Two pine trees nated as a settlement within South Oxfordshire near Chalkhouse Green Farm (off Chalkhouse District Council’s Local Plan and is designated Green Lane) probably indicate a last overnight as being in open countryside. The hamlet stopping place for the drovers before an early consists of 66 dwellings and three farms: one morning trek into the market used as a livery stables; one small farm special- The hamlet of Chalkhouse Green has no ising in rare breeds and one farm used as a yard facilities and drainage is via septic tanks/ for a small business. To the east of the hamlet waste-water systems. Properties have mains are two amenity facilities namely Reading electricity and water but no gas. Rugby Club and Rosehill Riding Stables. Adjacent settlements are Sonning Common to Today, the main route through the hamlet from the north-east, Emmer Green to the South and Emmer Green is Kidmore End Road which is a to the west, Tokers Green, another hamlet within relatively unkept adopted road, no land drains, Kidmore End Parish. There are no commercial or under four metres wide with many pot holes industrial premises. and several areas which are prone to flood- ing and have few passing places, This then Chalkhouse Green has an overriding rural char- becomes Chalkhouse Green Road which goes acter comprising linear and scattered housing, to Kidmore End Village and is again a country with a small number along Kidmore End Road lane that is under four metres with few passing which changes to Chalkhouse Green Road and places. branching from this road onto Tanners Lane and Chalkhouse Green Lane (approximately 1,050 These roads are used by horses, cyclists, metres long) the majority of the properties can walkers as well as motor vehicles including be accessed. Mostly they are in generous plots cars, vans and lorries and due to their width and set back from the road with front and back and general state of repairs these roads are not gardens. This is in stark contract with Emmer generally suitable for large or heavy vehicles or Green urban areas which have a more compact, volumes of traffic. There are no pavements or higher density and regular townscape pattern. street lighting. The speed limit is 30mph which Sonning Common to the north-east is sub-ur- would benefit from being reduced to 20mph ban in character and Kidmore End 1km to the as there has been an increase in through traffic north is a small rural village centred on the in recent years which makes the roads unsafe church, school and pub and a cross-road.
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