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TCF/LEFs and Wnt Signaling in the Nucleus

Ken M. Cadigan1 and Marian L. Waterman2

1Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1048 2Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, California 92697-4025 Correspondence: [email protected]

T-cell factor/lymphoid enhancer factor (TCF/LEF) transcription factors are the major end point mediators of Wnt/Wingless signaling throughout metazoans. TCF/LEFs are multifunc- tional that use their sequence-specific DNA-binding and context-dependent inter- actions to specify which will be regulated by Wnts. Much of the work to define their actions has focused on their ability to repress target expression when Wnt signals are absent and to recruit b-catenin to target genes for activation when Wnts are present. Recent advances have highlighted how these on/off actions are regulated by Wnt signals and sta- bilized b-catenin. In contrast to invertebrates, which typically contain one TCF/LEF that can both activate and repress Wnt targets, gene duplication and isoform complexity of the family in vertebrates have led to specialization, in which individual TCF/LEF isoforms have distinct activities.

nt signals play important roles during ligands, ten receptors, alternative receptors, its Wanimal development (Logan and Nusse signal transduction components, as well as the 2004), as well as in adult tissues that are re- cell’s particular developmental history. Despite freshed and repaired by stem cells (Haegebarth this complexity, many Wnt signals act through and Clevers 2009). It is the essential function of a single mediator, b-catenin, to regulate gene Wnt signaling in stem cell self-renewal and cell expression. Wnt ligand– interactions proliferation that links this pathway to problems at the plasma membrane are communicated to of aging and disease such as cancer and diabetes target genes by the translocation of b-catenin (Polakis 2007; Laudes 2011). The term “Wnt into the nucleus where it partners with DNA- signaling” does not imply a single-purpose sig- binding proteins that recognize specific se- nal transduction system. Rather, it refers to a quence motifs in promoters and enhancers of diverse collection of signals triggered by Wnt target genes. The central 12-armadillo repeat ar- ligand–receptor interactions that direct cell ray of b-catenin is the main mediator of tran- behavior in multiple ways: cell polarity, move- scription factor interactions, whereas domains ment, proliferation, differentiation, survival and in the amino and carboxy termini carry potent self-renewal. Diversity in Wnt signaling derives transcription-activating functions (Orsulic and from the diversity of its components, its set of 19 Peifer 1996; van de Wetering et al. 1997; Hsu

Editors: Roel Nusse, Xi He, and Renee van Amerongen Additional Perspectives on Wnt Signaling available at Copyright # 2012 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a007906 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2012;4:a007906

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K.M. Cadigan and M.L. Waterman

et al. 1998). Thus, once b-catenin is recruited to (HMG DBD) (Fig. 1). The HMG DBD can rec- target genes, transcription is activated via the ognize specific DNA sequences with nanomolar actions of these domains and an array of tran- affinity (Giese et al. 1991; van de Wetering and scriptional coactivators (Mosimann et al. 2009; Clevers 1992; Love et al. 1995). In addition to Cadigan 2012). DNA sequence specificity, the HMG box has a Multiple transcription factors that recruit DNA bending function. It recognizes its specific b-catenin to Wnt targets have been identified nucleotide sequence in the minor groove of the and this review will summarize those that are DNA and enforces a bend in the helix between best characterized. However, the nuclear medi- 908 and 1278 (Giese et al. 1995; Love et al. 1995). ators most closely associated with Wnt/b-cat- Both directed and random screen studies have enin action are the TCF/LEFs, high-mobility identified a consensus recognition sequence for group (HMG) DNA-binding proteins with mul- the HMG DBD; 50-SCTTTGATS-30 (Fig. 2) (van tiple domains for protein interaction and regu- de Wetering et al. 1997; van Beest et al. 2000; lation. This review will focus attention on this Hallikas and Taipale 2006; Atcha et al. 2007). family of factors and discuss recent advances Recent chromatin immunoprecipitation experi- that shed light on how Wnt signaling works in ments to define TCF/LEF-b-catenin-binding stem cell niches and differentiation. patterns genome wide identify this consensus as the most frequently occurring sequence in TCF4 and b-catenin-binding peaks (Hatzis TCF/LEF FAMILY et al. 2008; Blahnik et al. 2010; Bottomly et al. Almost all invertebrate genomes carry a single 2010; Norton et al. 2011). The small basic tail TCF/LEF ortholog, whereas vertebrates have motif is located nine residues carboxy terminal expanded to a family of four members (five in to the HMG box and serves two purposes: ele- the Zebrafish) (Fig. 1) (Arce et al. 2006; Arch- vating DNA-binding affinity through contact bold et al. 2012). The first discoveries of TCF/ with the positively charged DNA backbone and LEFs came from searches for transcription reg- functioning as a strong nuclear localization sig- ulators of cell-fate markers in human T lym- nal for interactions with importins (Giese et al. phocytes. “T cell factor 1” (HUGO gene name 1991; Prieve et al. 1998). TCF7 [van de Wetering et al. 1991]) and “lym- phoid enhancer factor 1” (HUGO gene name b-Catenin-Binding Domain LEF1 [Travis et al. 1991; Waterman et al. 1991]) were discovered in T and B cells. T cell factor The connection between TCF/LEFs and Wnt 3 and T cell factor 4 were found later through signaling came from yeast two-hybrid screens low-stringency hybridization screens with TCF7 suggesting that b-catenin could bind tightly cDNAs (HUGO gene names, TCF7L1, TCF7L2 to LEF1 and TCF1, an interaction subsequently [Korinek et al. 1998b]). The immunology-con- delimited to a conserved motif in the amino nected nomenclature is thus historical, and as terminus of TCF/LEFs (Fig. 1) (Behrens et al. knockout studies and expression studies attest, 1996; Huber et al. 1996; Molenaar et al. 1996; these factors play important regulatory roles in van de Wetering et al. 1997; Graham et al. 2000; almost all tissues of the body (Oosterwegel et al. Poy et al. 2001). Deletion of this domain was 1993; Brunner et al. 1997; van de Wetering et al. an important step in establishing TCF/LEFs 1997; Lin et al. 1998; Archbold et al. 2012). as downstream mediators of Wnt and b-cate- nin. Truncated “dominant negatives” could no longer bind to b-catenin, they suppressed the DNA-Binding Domain ability of overexpressed Wnt or b-catenin to in- All TCF/LEFs contain a highly conserved HMG duce secondary axes in frog embryos, and they box and a small peptide motif of basic residues phenocopied the segment polarity defect wing- (“basic tail”); together the HMG box and basic less mutants in Drosophila (Behrens et al. 1996; tail comprise the HMG DNA-binding domain Huber et al. 1996; Molenaar et al. 1996; van de

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Wnt Target Gene Regulation

A β-catenin-binding domain Basic tail

TCF 100 aa HMG domain GBS C clamp

B β-Catenin-binding domain ** * A. queenslandica ---gaavvssng------dpelats—devkeychegegektehlnsm------d----lhdiktelekdaeesetpttssnnn H. magnipapillata mpqlptsta------e-eygae—deiklytqe-----edecsdt------stvdvvndikddllnedgpd-----trkpn S. mansoni m------evact—devkvykdegeedeqkk----ssenlte-dkvglvi-----egegqgqd-----vpnqf C. elegans m------a-deelg—devkvfrrdedadddpmisgetseqqla-ddkkeav-----meaeldga-----grnps D. melanogaster mphthsrhgssg------d-dlcst—devkifkdegdredeki----ssenllv-eeksslidl-----teseek-----ghkis S. purpuratus mpqqhsrgg------e-ddgpp—detktyhteg-eqeekasenvvgp-r---dsfdhlndvkssl---idegesvsqkgsss H. sapiens-TCF1E mpqldsggggaggg------d-dlgap—dellafqdeg-eeqddksrdsaagper--d----laelkssl---vnesegaaggagip H. sapiens-TCF4E mpqlnggggd------dlgan—delisfkdeg—eqeekssen-ssaer---d----ladvkssl---vnesetnqnsssds H. sapiens-LEF1 mpqlsgggggggg------dpelcat—demipfkdegdpqkekifaei-shpeeegd----ladikssl---vneseii-pasngh H. sapiens-TCF3 mpqlggggggggggsgggggssagaagggd-dlgan—delipfqdeggeeqepssdsa-sa---qrd----ldevkssl---vnesenq-ssssds

HMG domain Basic tail

A. queenslandica kkphikkplnafmlfmkekraevikec--tlkesaainqilgkmwhkldkseqakyyemareerarhmqmypgwsardnya-ahkkrrkkrsk H. magnipapillata krphvkkplnafmlymkeqrpkiaaef--tlkesaainqilgkrwhalekteqakyyemarkeraihmqlypgwsardnyaqigrkkkrprdk S. mansoni krvhikkplnafmlfmkdmrpivqeec--tlkesaainqilgkkwhelsrdkqakyyelarkekelhhqlfpgwsardnyaihsrrkkkrkla C. elegans kddhvkkplnafmwfmkenrkalleeignnekqsaelnkelgkrwhdlskeeqakyfemakkdkethkerypewsarenyavnkkktkkrrdk D. melanogaster kkphikkplnafmlymkemrakvvaec--tlkesaainqilgrrwhelsreeqskyyekarqerqlhmelypgwsardnygyvskkkkrkkdr S. purpuratus kqqhikkplnafmlymkemrasvvkec--tlkesaainqilgrrwhaltreeqakyyelarkerqlhmqlypgwsardnyaihgkkkkkkrdk H. sapiens-TCF1E kkptikkplnafmlymkemrakviaec--tlkesaainqilgrrwhalsreeqakyyelarkerqlhmqlypgwsardnyg---kkkrrsrek H. sapiens-TCF4E nkphikkplnafmlymkemrakvvaec--tlkesaainqilgrrwhalsreeqakyyelarkerqlhmqlypgwsardnyg---kkkkrkrdk H. sapiens-LEF1 krphikkplnafmlymkemranvvaec--tlkesaainqilgrrwhalsreeqakyyelarkerqlhmqlypgwsardnyg---kkkkrkrek H. sapiens-TCF3 kkphvkkplnafmlymkemrakvvaec--tlkesaainqilgrkwhnlsreeqakyyelarkerqlhsqlyptwsardnyg---kkkkrkrek

C clamp GBS

A. queenslandica rkcrarfgmdqqqmwcgpcrrkkkcir-v S. mansoni lfsfttsql H. magnipapillata kkcrarygldrqeqwckpcrrkkkcirfi C. elegans fpmfppspv S. mansoni kkcrarfglehqnrwckpcrrkkkcirfl D. melanogaster pfrfspsll C. elegans kkcrarfgvnntemwckfckrkkkceyat S. purpuratus lphflmhpi D. melanogaster kkcrarfgldqqsqwckpcrrkkkcirym H. sapiens-TCF1E vswfthpsl S. purpuratus kkcrarfgvdqqdfwckpcrrkkkciryi H. sapiens-TCF4E msrfpphmv H. sapiens-TCF1E kkcrarfglnqqtdwcgpcrrkkkciryl H. sapiens-LEF1 lgwfshhmi H. sapiens-TCF4E kkcrarfgldqqnnwcgpcrrkkkcvryi H. sapiens-TCF3 ssrfsphmv

Figure 1. Hallmarks of the TCF/LEF family. (A) Schematic of TCF domains, showing the location of five conserved domains found in this family, the amino-terminal b-catenin-binding domain, the Groucho binding sequence (GBS), the high-mobility group (HMG) domain followed by a nuclear localization signal (basic tail), and the C clamp. The specific TCF shown is from the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus.(B) Alignments of the five domains from six invertebrate TCFs and the four human family members. Consensus residues are highlighted in dark gray with conservative changes in light gray. The extent of conservation is far greater in the HMG, basic tail, and C-clamp domains compared with the b-catenin-binding domain and GBS. Three residues in the b-catenin-binding domain that contact b-catenin and are essential for interaction are marked with asterisks (Graham et al. 2000; Poy et al. 2001). A GBS could not be identified in TCF/LEFs from porifera and cnidarians and some flatworms, whereas a C clamp is found in nearly all invertebrate TCFs (it is not found in some flatworm TCF/LEFs) and in some vertebrate TCF1 and TCF4 isoforms. The sequences shown are from the sponge Amphimedon queenslandica (gene bank accession number ADO16566.1), the cnidarian Hydra magni- papillata (XP_002159974.1), the parasitic flatworm Schistosoma mansoni (XP_002572116.1), the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (NP_491053.3), the dipteran Drosophila melanogaster (NP_726522), the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (NP_999640) and human TCF1E (EAW62279.1), TCF4E (CAB97213.1), and LEF1 (NP_001124185), and TCF3 (NP_112573.1).

Weteringet al. 1997). These experiments showed C Clamp how powerfully suppressive amino-terminally truncated TCF/LEFs can be. As we will discuss Alignment of TCF sequences reveals a third below, these forms occur naturally in the verte- region as a highly conserved domain (Fig. 1B) brate family (see “TCF/LEF heterogeneity”). (van de Wetering et al. 1997). This domain is

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K.M. Cadigan and M.L. Waterman

HMG DBD site HMG DBD site (Drosophila) (vertebrates) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Helper site Helper site (Drosophila) (vertebrates) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5

Figure 2. High-mobility group DNA-binding domain (HMG DBD) and Helper sites of Drosophila and vertebrate TCF/LEFs. Sequence logos were constructed from TCF/Pangolin sites described in Chang et al. (2008) and from a collection of vertebrate Wnt-regulated enhancers (N Hoverter, MLWaterman, and KM Cadigan, unpubl.).

small, enriched in basic, cysteine, and aromatic low, the C clamp is no longer present in every residues, and located carboxy terminal to the vertebrate TCF/LEF family member. However, HMG DBD. The function of this domain was one of the genome-wide chromatin immuno- defined only recently when its requirement for precipitation studies for TCF4 binding noted gene regulation in human cancer cells (Atcha enrichment of a Helper-like GC-rich sequence et al. 2007) and Drosophila (Chang et al. 2008) at a subset of targets (Hatzis et al. 2008). This led to the discovery that it is a second DNA- suggests that despite the loss of the C clamp in a binding domain. The domain is called the couple of family members, this domain is func- “C clamp” to highlight the absolute require- tionally relevant in vertebrates. Understanding ment for four cysteine residues in DNA bind- the contribution of the C clamp to Wnt regula- ing (Atcha et al. 2007), and the first had been tion in vertebrates and invertebrates requires previously noted by the Clevers group as the further study. “CRARF” domain (van de Wetering et al. 1997). Vertebrate TCF/LEFs containing the C Gro/TLE-Binding Domain clamp have been suggested to be important in regulating specific target genes (Wohrle et al. TCF/LEFs repress gene transcription in the ab- 2007; Weise et al. 2010). Although there is not sence of available b-catenin. Several corepres- yet an nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) or sors participate in this process, such as myeloid crystal structure of the C clamp, experiments translocation gene related-1 (Mtgr1) (Moore et show that it has specific DNA-binding activities. al. 2008), corepressor of Pan (Coop) (Song et al. The C clamp carries specificity for a secondary, 2010), and hydrogen peroxide-inducible clone GC-rich sequence called a “Helper site” (Fig. 2) (HIC5) (Ghogomu et al. 2006; Li et al. 2011). that can occur with variable spacing and orien- The most intensively studied TCF/LEF co- tation relative to the Wnt response element repressors are the Groucho/transducin-like en- (Atcha et al. 2007; Chang et al. 2008). It is un- hancer of split (Gro/TLE) repressor family. Ge- usual, but not unprecedented for transcription netic studies in Drosophila and C. elegans factors to carry two sequence-specific DNA- support a role for their Gro/TLE orthologs re- binding domains and, as will be discussed be- pressing Wnt targets (Cavallo et al. 1998; Calvo

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Wnt Target Gene Regulation

et al. 2001). Gro/TLEs contain a conserved glu- found in only one TCF/LEF from S. mansoni tamine-rich Q domain at their amino termini and two TCF/LEFs from S. mediterranea (C that binds to the central portion of TCF/LEFs as Peterson, pers. comm.). It is not yet clear which well as the portion containing the HMG DBD TCF/LEFs in these organisms mediate Wnt sig- (Daniels and Weis 2005; Arce et al. 2009). A naling, but it is interesting to note that a similar short motif in the central domain has been situation exists in amphibians and mammals, identified that is essential for binding of LEF1 which contain four TCF genes that produce a to TLE1, and similar regions can be found in large number of isoforms, but only the TCF1E most other TCF/LEFs (Fig. 1) (Arce et al. 2009). and TCF4E isoforms contain a C clamp (Atcha Whether this small motif is the core site of bona et al. 2007). These findings are consistent with a fide Gro/TLE interactions in TCF/LEF-assem- rule in which TCFs from organisms containing bled complexes at endogenous target genes re- a single TCF gene will have a C clamp, whereas mains to be determined. Other small sequence this domain is lost from some TCFs in organ- motifs have been discovered between the b-cat- isms possessing multiple TCF genes. Evolution enin-binding and HMG domains and they ap- to multiple-TCF genomes may enable organ- pear to impart additional modes of repression isms to refine Wnt signals to specific subsets (see “TCF/LEF heterogeneity”). of target genes.

EVOLUTION OF TCF/LEFs TCF/LEF HETEROGENEITY Examination of the predicted protein sequences Refinement of Wnt signaling through TCF spe- from sequenced genomes provides a picture cialization is evident in vertebrates in which of the evolution of the TCF/LEF family. Defin- the TCF/LEF family has expanded to four loci ing proteins solely by sequence similarity has an with alternative promoters and alternative important caveat, nicely illustrated by the SYS-1 messenger RNA (mRNA) splicing. These capa- protein, which clearly functions as a b-catenin bilities create heterogeneous patterns of ac- in C. elegans and is structurally similar to other tivity. Alternative promoters produce truncated b-catenins despite having almost no conserva- dominant–negative forms of LEF1, TCF1, and tion at the primary sequence level (Kidd et al. TCF4, similar to the Wnt-interfering, amino- 2005; Liu et al. 2008a). Leaving this consider- terminal deleted TCF/LEF forms created for ation aside, examination of predicted prote- epistasis analysis (van de Wetering et al. 1996; omes suggests that Wnts, b-catenin, and TCF/ Hovanes et al. 2001; Vacik and Lemke 2011). LEFs are metazoan inventions, because they Alternative mRNA splicing produces TCF/LEFs are absent in Choanoflagellates (a single-cell missing functional domains such as the C clamp eukaryote) and present in Sponges (King et al. and other small regions amino terminal of the 2008; Adamska et al. 2010; Srivastava et al. HMG DBD domain (van de Wetering et al. 1996; 2010). Nearly all invertebrate genomes exam- Duval et al. 2000; Hovanes et al. 2000; Proku- ined contain one recognizable TCF gene that nina-Olsson et al. 2009b; Weise et al. 2010). With codes for a TCF/LEF containing an amino-ter- one exception for TCF4 (Kennell et al. 2003), minal b-catenin-binding domain, an HMG nearly all variations retain the HMG DBD sug- domain followed by a basic tail, and a C-clamp gesting that TCF/LEF isoforms exert their spec- domain (Fig. 1). The one exception is found trum of activities via specific DNA binding. in Platyhelminthes, in which the parasitic flat- The functional outcome of all this hetero- worm Schistosoma mansoni genome (Berriman geneity is that TCF/LEF isoforms enable Wnt et al. 2009) contains three TCF/LEF genes and signals to be interpreted differently. For exam- the genome of Planaria (Schmidtea mediterra- ple, although Wnt can activate gene tran- nea) has five (C Petersen, pers. comm.). These scription by directing the formation of b-cate- flatworm TCF/LEFs all have well conserved nin-TCF/LEF complexes with transcription- HMG and basic tail motifs, but C clamps are activating complexes (Mosimann et al. 2009;

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K.M. Cadigan and M.L. Waterman

Cadigan 2012), a recent example in Xenopus ing of these are the CtBP motifs in the carboxyl shows how it also uses b-catenin to disengage terminus of invertebrate TCF/LEFs and mam- TCF3 and corepressors (Hikasa et al. 2010; malian TCF3 and TCF4 (PXDLS) (Brannon Mahmoudi et al. 2010; Mohan et al. 2010). et al. 1999; Valenta et al. 2003). Direct CtBP: Heterogeneity also means that TCF/LEFs can TCF-binding interactions are controversial specialize for unique gene targeting, or that and have been variously deemed irrelevant or they can engage distinct activating or repressing functional depending on the study (Brannon cofactors. Toillustrate, TCF3 is generally known et al. 1999; Valenta et al. 2003; Hamada and as a repressor of Wnt target genes (Kim et al. Bienz 2004; Fang et al. 2006). In Drosophila cells, 2000; Merrill et al. 2004) and the full-length, CtBP represses Wnt targets in the absence of b-catenin-binding form of TCF4 is also some- signaling, and CtBP associates with Wnt target times associated with target gene repression gene chromatin independently of TCF/LEF (Tang et al. 2008). In contrast, full-length TCF1 (Fang et al. 2006). Interestingly, homo-oligo- and LEF1 are more often linked to Wnt target merization of CtBP is required for repression gene activation (Reya et al. 2000; Kratochwil of some Wnt targets, but CtBP is also necessary et al. 2002; Liu et al. 2005). The mechanistic for activation of other targets as a TCF/LEF-b- basis for these differences is not completely catenin-associated monomer (Bhambhani et al. known but they seem to track to small repres- 2011). These novel findings suggest that CtBP sor-recruiting motifs in the central region and/ could be part of the heterogeneity and context- or the carboxyl terminus of the proteins. For dependent actions of TCF/LEFs, including the example, the five amino acid motifs LVPQ and activating/repressing functions of mammalian SxxSS that are present obligatorily in TCF3 ap- TCF3 and TCF4—a correlation that might refo- pear as alternatively spliced variations in TCF4 cus attention on the question of whether CtBP and not at all in TCF1 and LEF1 (Pukrop et al. does or does not directly interact with the 2001; Gradl et al. 2002; Liu et al. 2005). Origi- PXDLS motifs in the carboxyl terminus of these nal studies in Xenopus systems showed that two TCF/LEFs. forms with SxxSS behave like repressors, where- as forms missing this motif act like activators THE TCF/LEF TRANSCRIPTIONAL SWITCH (Liu et al. 2005). This was recently confirmed in a study of human hepatocellular carcinoma For genes whose expression is induced by Wnt/ in which of the 14 alternatively spliced TCF4 b-catenin signaling, the standard model is that isoforms expressed in liver cancer cells, those TCF/LEF represses transcription in the absence that contained the SxxSS motif were growth of signaling, and is converted to an activator by suppressive, whereas those lacking the element association with b-catenin. This model is well were Wnt activating and growth promoting supported in Drosophila and C. elegans, organ- (Tsedensodnom et al. 2011). The fact that SxxSS isms that contain a single TCF/LEF gene. How- forms of TCF4 are generated through alterna- ever, the situation is more complex in verte- tive splicing means that the prevalence of these brates, in which individual TCF/LEF proteins forms could differ among cell types and cell have become more specialized in their ability to stages. Such variations could be one reason why repress and/or activate Wnt target genes. TCF4 has been assigned either activating or re- In Drosophila tissues and cell culture, loss or pressing, oncogenic or tumor suppressor func- depletion of TCF/LEF (also known as Pangolin, tions in intestine and colon cancer cells (Kor- or Pan) results in a strong reduction in activa- inek et al. 1998a; Tang et al. 2008; Angus-Hill tion of Wnt targets (Brunner et al. 1997; van de et al. 2011). Wetering et al. 1997; Stadeli and Basler 2005; Other alternatively spliced regions of TCFs Fang et al. 2006; Parker et al. 2008). In addition, have been noted to increase or decrease target reduced TCF/Pan also causes derepression of gene activation potential (Weise et al. 2010; Le several Wnt targets in the absence of signal- Bacquer et al. 2011). Perhaps the most interest- ing (Cavallo et al. 1998; Fang et al. 2006; Liu

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Wnt Target Gene Regulation

et al. 2008b). Studies with POP1, the nematode the repression role for TCF/LEF is not observed TCF/LEF, also support this dual role with both at every WRE, presumably owing to the lack of repression (Rocheleau et al. 1997; Thorpe et al. elements that would activate gene expression in 1997; Maduro et al. 2002) and activation of the absence of functional TCF/LEF sites (Lam Wnt targets being severely compromised in et al. 2006; Chang et al. 2008). POP1 mutants (Herman 2001; Shetty et al. In vertebrate systems, initial studies with 2005; Lam et al. 2006). TCF/LEF loss-of-func- simple reporters containing multimerized TCF/ tion studies are nicely complemented in both LEF sites indicated that all four TCFs can me- organisms by analysis of reporter genes whose diate activation of transcription by b-catenin expressions are driven by Wnt response ele- (Molenaar et al. 1996; Korinek et al. 1997; van ments (WREs). Mutation of the TCF/LEF bind- de Wetering et al. 1997; Hsu et al. 1998) and are ing sites in these WREs results in a reduction of bound by corepressors of the Gro/TLE family activation by Wnt signaling, but also depression (Brantjes et al. 2001). However, loss-of-function of reporter activity in cells where the WRE is analyses support the view that repression and normally not active (Yang et al. 2000; Knirr activation capabilities of these factors have been and Frasch 2001; Shetty et al. 2005). These re- divided among the family. In Xenopus ventral– sults support the model depicted in Figure 3A,C, lateral patterning, systematic knockdown of in which these invertebrate TCF/LEFs restrict TCF/LEFs with morpholinos combined with a WRE activity in cells receiving little or no Wnt rescue by chimeric TCFs fused to repressor or signal, and activate the WRE in cells with suf- activator domains, found that TCF3 and TCF4 ficient Wnt signaling. It should be noted that acted as repressors, whereas LEF1 and TCF1

ABInvertebrate TCF switch Vertebrate TCF exchange no Wnt no Wnt TCF1

co-rep co-rep


TSS TSS CDWnt present Wnt present co-rep β HIPK2 -cat co-rep TCF3 PP co-act co-act co-act co-act β-cat β-cat TCF TCF1


Figure 3. Regulation of TCF/LEFs in invertebrates and vertebrates. (A) Most invertebrates have one TCF/LEF gene producing a protein that can recruit corepressors to Wnt targets in the absence of signaling. (B)In vertebrates, TCF/LEFs are more specialized, with TCF3 often fulfilling this repressive role. (C) When high levels of b-catenin are found in the nucleus after Wnt signaling, it binds to invertebrate TCF, displacing (or inacti- vating) corepressors and recruiting coactivators through its amino- and carboxy-terminal transactivation do- mains. (D) For at least some vertebrate Wnt targets, a TCF/LEF exchange occurs, in which Wnt/b-catenin signaling promotes HIPK2-dependent phosphorylation of TCF3, causing it to leave Wnt target gene chromatin, allowing TCF1-b-catenin to occupy the WRE, facilitating transcriptional activation. See text for more infor- mation.

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K.M. Cadigan and M.L. Waterman

acted as activators (Liu et al. 2005). A similar Whether HIPK2 is involved in the exchange in separation of roles was observed at a different stem cells is not known. developmental stage during Wnt-dependent in- duction of the Spemann organizer. Here, TCF3 and TCF1 provided repressor roles and TCF4 an TCF/LEF-b-CATENIN REGULATION OF activator function (Houston et al. 2002; Stand- HISTONE MODIFICATIONS leyet al. 2006). TCF3 seems to act most often as a repressor as evident in genetic studies in other The transcriptional switch model for regulation systems (Kim et al. 2000; Merrill et al. 2004; Cole of TCF/LEF activity by Wnt/b-catenin signal- et al. 2008; Yi et al. 2011), whereas LEF1 appears ing proposes that in the absence of signaling, restricted to activation of Wnt targets (Reya et al. TCF/LEF recruits corepressors to target gene 2000; Kratochwil et al. 2002). TCF1 and TCF4 chromatin. Upon b-catenin association with have both repressor and activator functions, TCF/LEF, these corepressors are displaced or depending on the cells or tissues examined inactivated, and a variety of coactivators are re- (Korineket al. 1998a; Galceran et al. 1999; Roose cruited via interactions with b-catenin. The list et al. 1999; Tang et al. 2008; Nguyen et al. 2009). of transcriptional coregulators involved in this An important limitation of these studies is switch is large (Willert and Jones 2006; Parker the heterogeneity of TCF isoforms produced in et al. 2007; Cadigan and Peifer 2009; Mosimann cells. As described above, some TCF1 and TCF4 et al. 2009; Cadigan 2012) and a comprehensive isoforms lack the b-catenin-binding domain list will not be presented here. Rather, the con- and act as dominant negatives, so they would nection between these factors and histone behave genetically as repressors of the pathway modifications of Wnt target gene chromatin in a mouse knockout (Roose et al. 1999). will be discussed given the wealth of evidence In addition to a Wnt-directed exchange of that the state of chromatin has a profound in- corepressors for the coactivator b-catenin, dif- fluence on transcription (Berger 2007; Suga- ferential activities of vertebrate TCFs raise the numa and Workman 2011). possibility that the transcriptional switch pro- The most extensive chromatin modification moted by Wnt could also involve an exchange of to be examined in the context of Wnt target gene TCF family members. Direct evidence for this regulation is histone acetylation. Addition of type of mechanism has been found in Xenopus acetyl groupsto several conserved lysine residues for the Vent2 gene, in which TCF/LEF repres- on the amino termini of histone H3 and H4 sion and activation occurs through a single subunits is highly correlated with transcription- binding site (Hikasa et al. 2010). Wnt stimula- al activation. This reaction is catalyzed by his- tion promotes the phosphorylation of repres- tone acetyltransferases (HATs)and counteracted sor-acting TCF3 by homeodomain-interacting by histone deacetylases (HDACs). The role of protein kinase (HIPK2), which results in its dis- HDACs in repression of Wnt targets in the ab- sociation from the WRE (Hikasa et al. 2010). sence of signaling was first proposed using an TCF1 is not phosphorylated by HIPK2 and re- artificial Wnt reporter (Billin et al. 2000), but places TCF3 on the Vent2 WRE for gene activa- it has been extended to endogenous targets as tion (Fig. 3B) (Hikasa and Sokol 2011). Wnt- well (Kioussi et al. 2002; Sierra et al. 2006; Lyu HIPK2 signaling also promotes the dissociation et al. 2011). In addition, TCF/LEF1-binding of LEF1 and TCF4 from the Vent2 WRE (Hikasa corepressors such as members of the Groucho/ et al. 2010), suggesting that the HIPK2 pathway transducin-like enhancer of split (Gro/TLE) could play a prominent role in regulating TCF/ and myeloid translocation gene (MTG) families, LEF chromatin occupancy in many contexts. which contribute to Wnt target gene repression One potential example is embryonic stem cells, (Cavallo et al. 1998; Roose et al. 1998; Moore in which it has recently been shown that Wnt et al. 2008), are known to act in part by binding signaling promotes an exchange of TCF3 and to HDACs (Chen et al. 1999; Brantjes et al. 2001; TCF1 at several Wnt targets (Yi et al. 2011). Linggi et al. 2005).

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On the activation side of the transcriptional Jessen et al. 2008). The PHD domain of Pygo switch, there is abundant evidence that CREB- can bind H3-K4me3 (Fiedler et al. 2008; Gu binding protein (CBP) and its close relative et al. 2009; Kessler et al. 2009). Although the p300, both of which encode HATs, can bind to role of this interaction is controversial in Dro- the carboxy-terminal transactivation domain of sophila (Kessler et al. 2009), in mammalian sys- b-catenin and mediate activation of Wnt target tems Pygo2 also interacts with MLL2 (Chen gene expression (Mosimann et al. 2009; Teoand et al. 2010), suggesting a model in which Pygo- Kahn 2010). Recruitment of CBP/p300 to Wnt pus proteins act to connect WREs bound by target gene chromatin has been correlated with TCF and b-catenin with proximal promoters an increase in H3 and H4 acetylation (Kioussi of Wnt targets (Cadigan and Peifer 2009). et al. 2002; Sierra et al. 2006; Parker et al. 2008; This idea is further strengthened by physical Badis et al. 2009; Lyu et al. 2011). In Drosophila interactions between Pygo and Mediator sub- cells, Wnt/b-catenin signaling causes a wide- units (Carrera et al. 2008) and TAF4 (a TFIID spread increase in H3/H4 acetylation across subunit) (Wright and Tjian 2009), both of the entire Wnt target locus (up to 40 kb), even which physically associate with the RNA poly- though CBP recruitment is limited to the site merase II complex. Indeed, there is recent evi- of TCF binding (Parker et al. 2008). However, dence that several WREs in the c- locus depletion of CBP resulted in loss of all the form loops with the proximal promoter to af- Wnt-dependent histone acetylation, support- fect transcriptional activation (Wright et al. ing a model in which CBP directly or indirectly 2010; Yochum et al. 2010; Yochum 2011). catalyzes the widespread modification. Al- Other recent examples of histone modifi- though the evidence outlined above suggests a cation complexes that participate in activation major role for histone acetylation in activation of Wnt targets are protein arginine methyl- of some Wnt targets, other studies have found transferase 2 (PRMT2) in Xenopus, which pro- no evidence for a significant change in histone motes H3K8me signatures (Blythe et al. 2010), acetylation at other Wnt targets in response to and the DOT-COM complex, responsible for pathway activation (Wohrle et al. 2007; Blythe H3K79me3, a chromatin mark associated with et al. 2010). transcriptional elongation (Steger et al. 2008; Trimethylation of the fourth lysine of H3 Mahmoudi et al. 2010; Mohan et al. 2010). (H3-K4me3) has also been linked to activation PRMT2 was biochemically associated with b- of Wnt targets and the function of the Wnt catenin in Xenopus embryonic extracts, and is coactivator Pygopus. H3-K4me3 is a chromatin required for Wnt/b-catenin signaling-depen- mark found at proximal promoters, a signature dent establishment of the dorsal (Spemann) or- which is positively correlated with transcription ganizer (Blythe et al. 2010). A more general role (Berger 2007; Suganuma and Workman 2011). in the activation of other Wnt targets remains Wnt/b-catenin signaling causes an elevation to be tested. Components of the DOT/COM of H3-K4me3 at various target promoters (Par- complex, such as DOTL1 (the methyltransfer- ker et al. 2008; Blythe et al. 2010; Chen et al. ase subunit; also called DOT1) are required for 2010) and the mixed-lineage-leukemia proteins the pathway in Drosophila and mammalian cells (MLL1/2), the methyltransferases that catalyze (Mahmoudi et al. 2010; Mohan et al. 2010). this modification, are required for full activa- In the latter system, transcription profiling sug- tion of several Wnt targets (Sierra et al. 2006; gested that DOTL1 functions predominately in Chen et al. 2010). the regulation of genes activated by Wnt/b-cat- Pygopus proteins (Pygo in flies; Pygo1 and enin signaling (Mohan et al. 2010). Further in- Pygo2 in mammals) contain PHD domains and vestigations will be needed to determine the role are Wnt coactivators that bind to the amino- of the DOTL1 complex in general versus Wnt- terminal transactivation domain of b-catenin specific gene activation, as well as exploring the indirectly through Legless (in flies) or BCL9 mechanism by which DOT-COM and PRMT8 and BCL9-2 (in mammals) (Kramps et al. 2002; complexes are recruited to WRE chromatin.

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In addition to the chromatin marks dis- pression, and do these pathways regulate all cussed above, there are others (e.g., H4K20me TCF/LEFs or specific members? via SET8 and H3R17me via CARM1) that have First, TCF/LEF gene transcription can be been linked to activation of Wnt targets (Li et al. regulated by the Wnt pathway. With the excep- 2011; Ou et al. 2011). Although still to be inves- tion of TCF3 (TCF7L1), all of the TCF/LEF tigated, it seems likely that not all Wnt targets promoters (including the promoters for dom- will require all the aforementioned chromatin inant–negative isoforms) contain predicted marks, and a more genome-wide systematic WREs (Fig. 4) (K Pate and ML Waterman, un- analysis may reveal the existence of classes of publ.). These WREs have been experimentally chromatin signatures that define subsets of validated in the LEF1 and TCF7 promoters and target genes. Adding to this complexity in ver- both genes often appear as Wnt-regulated tran- tebrate systems is the likelihood that different scripts in microarray studies (Roose et al. 1999; target genes will require different TCFs for reg- Hovanes et al. 2001; Li et al. 2006). In addition, ulation. For example, loss of TCF3 in a neuro- genome-wide ChIP-ChIP experiments show blast stem cell results in global elevation of H3/ that the promoters for full-length LEF1, TCF7, H4ac levels (Lluis et al. 2011), a change consis- and TCF7L2 are occupied by TCF4 (Hatzis tent with its role in transcriptional repression. et al. 2008; Bottomly et al. 2010). The TC7L1 Perhaps targets that are more dependent on promoter (for TCF3) is the lone exception; it TCF3 will also show larger differences in histone is not occupied by TCF4 and its promoter acetylation in response to pathway activation. does not have identifiable TCF/LEF binding sites. Second, regulation of the internal promot- ers for dominant–negative TCF/LEFs is equally TCF/LEF EXPRESSION AND REGULATION important and could vary during development Because TCF/LEFs are potent transcription reg- or disease progression. For example, domi- ulators, it is important to control their activity. nant–negative forms of TCF1/TCF7 are detect- New insights into regulation of transcription ed in normal colon crypt epithelial cells but they and protein localization show how Wnt signal- are absent in colon cancer cells (Najdi et al. ing and other signals control TCF/LEFs beyond 2009). A switch in isoform expression from a just making b-catenin and its chromatin mod- Wnt-opposing dominant negative in normal ifiers available. cells, to a Wnt-promoting full-length isoform TCF/LEFs are expressed in distinct but in cancer cells could explain why knockout of broadly overlapping patterns such that it is TCF7 in mice produces adenomas in the intes- common for more than one TCF/LEF to be tine, whereas knockout of TCF7 in colon cancer coexpressed in any one cell. Double knockout cell lines slows their growth (Tang et al. 2008). studies in mice show that functional redundan- Likewise, the LEF1 locus is aberrantly activated cy is common, as mice missing more than in colon cancer, but only the promoter for full- one TCF/LEF develop early and severe embry- length LEF1. The promoter for dnLEF1 is silent onic lethal phenotypes, much more than single (Hovanes et al. 2001). Reexpression of dnTCF1 knockouts (Galceran et al. 1999; Gregorieff et al. or dnTCF4 in colon cancer cells can shut down 2004). TCF3 is unique in that its knockout leads Wnt signaling and force a stall in the G1 phase to an early embryonic lethal phenotype (Hous- of the cell cycle (van de Wetering et al. 2002). ton et al. 2002; Merrill et al. 2004; Liu et al. How is it that dnTCF /dnLEF promoters are si- 2005). Given that TCF3 is the most abundant lent in cancer? A partial explanation is available family member in embryonic stem cells, this for the dnLEF1 promoter: Its promoter is si- phenotype makes sense. However, single knock- lenced through active repression by an upstream out experiments also show that TCF/LEFs have distal repressor element that makes WREs in specialized in their function and expression pat- the promoter inaccessible (Li et al. 2006; Yoko- terns. What are the pathways that control ex- yama et al. 2009). The YY1 transcription factor

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Wnt Target Gene Regulation


LEF1 IRES 1 32



B TCF7 1 32



~+150 kb C TCF7L2 1 2 4 5 6 * *



Figure 4. TCF/LEF isoform diversity. (A) Schematic of the LEF1 locus with two promoters. The first promoter produces an mRNAwith an internal ribosome entry site in the 50 UTR (encoded by exon1) (Jimenez et al. 2005; Tsai et al. 2011). A second promoter in intron2 produces a truncated, dominant–negative form of LEF1 missing the b-catenin-binding domain (green rectangle) (Hovanes et al. 2001; Li et al. 2006). Red and blue domains are the HMG and basic domains for DNA binding (refer to Fig. 1). (B) Schematic of the TCF7 locus (which codes for TCF1). Similar to LEF1, the TCF7 locus codes for full-length and dominant–negative forms through the use of two promoters (van de Wetering et al. 1996). (C) The TCF7L2 locus (codes for TCF4) produces multiple truncated isoforms in addition to the full-length form. A putative intron1 promoter has been proposed that produces a dnTCF4 similar to dnLEF1 and dnTCF1 (Duval et al. 2000). A third promoter in intron5 has been defined (Vacik and Lemke 2011). This promoter produces a dnTCF4 isoform because it is missing the b-catenin- binding domain. The promoter lies immediately downstream from a 92-kb genomic interval (yellow rectangle) that contains the strongest known risk alleles for type 2 diabetes (black asterisk; rs7903146 and rs12255372 [Grant et al. 2006]) as well as an alternative polyadenylation signal that might produce the previously discovered inhibitory form referred to as TCF4N (red asterisk) (Kennell et al. 2003; Locke et al. 2011).

is necessary for this repression as it binds to the son et al. 2009a,b), but the most significant di- core promoter and communicates with the dis- abetes-associated SNP lies within a 92-kb geno- tal repressor (Yokoyama et al. 2009). mic interval that has additional activities. A Another example comes from the recent recent bacterial artificial (BAC) discovery of a promoter for dominant–negative survey in transgenic mice determined that this TCF4 and an intronic enhancer connected to region contains a strong regulatory enhancer risk of diabetes. The strongest diabetes-associ- (Savic et al. 2011). This region also contains a ated polymorphism identified to date occurs in signal for alternative polyadenylation for pro- an intervening sequence of the TCF4/TCF7L2 duction of a truncated, inhibitory TCF4 iso- gene (Grant et al. 2006; Lyssenko et al. 2007; and form missing the HMG DNA-binding domain reviewed in Doria et al. 2008). Single-nucleotide (Fig. 4) (Kennell et al. 2003; Locke et al. 2011). polymorphisms (SNP) in introns can change The SNP-containing interval is clearly an splicing efficiencies and influence the relative important regulator of the levels of TCF7L2 expression of spliced isoforms (Prokunina-Ols- gene expression. But there is an even deeper

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K.M. Cadigan and M.L. Waterman

consideration. A recent study of TCF4 expres- et al. 2010; Hikasa and Sokol 2011; Yi et al. sion during development showed that the fifth 2011). The swap results in activation of Wnt intron of the TCF7L2 locus harbors a highly target genes because TCF3 is repressive, whereas conserved promoter for a dominant–negative TCF1 is activating. Multiple sites of phosphor- isoform of TCF4—a form missing the b-cate- ylation in the central portion of xTCF3 are es- nin-binding domain but retaining the HMG sential target residues for the switch, and these DNA-binding domain. This promoter is acti- sites are also phosphorylated in the correspond- vated during embryogenesis by VAX1/VAX2, a ing region of xTCF4 and mLEF1 (Fig. 5) (Hi- regulator essential for negative feed- kasa and Sokol 2011). It is worth noting that back of Wnt signaling. Although the VAX-in- these residues are conserved in human ortho- duced dnTCF4 form is most prevalent in the logs of TCF3, TCF4, and LEF1, but they are not brain, it might be important to reassess how present in any TCF1 homolog (Fig. 5). This sug- the diabetes-associated SNPs located upstream gests that Wnt-triggered HIPK2 signals may be affect the production of full-length versus dom- especiallyeffective at promoting TCF1 occupan- inant–negative TCF4 in tissues such as the pan- cy of WREs. It is also worth emphasizing that creas. Such changes would be mostly invisible HIPK2 activation and the TCF3/TCF1 swap is in microarray and RNA-seq data unless one was b-catenin dependent. specifically looking for it. Sorting out the con- The Wnt- and b-catenin-dependent feature nection between expression and activity of of HIPK2 action has intriguing parallels to TCF4 isoforms is important because out of all regulation of the C. elegans ortholog POP1. In the vertebrate TCF/LEFs, this family member this case, a Wnt signal that is delivered asym- shows the most polymorphisms and mutations metrically to dividing daughters of the EMS in cancer and diabetes (Grant et al. 2006; Sjo- progenitor cell directs the alternative catenin blom et al. 2006; Cauchi et al. 2007; Bass et al. WRM1 and a Nemo-like kinase (NLK) called 2011; Mullighan et al. 2011). LIT1, to bind the carboxyl terminus of POP1 As illustrated with the HIPK2-directed and phosphorylate its context-dependent “TCF exchange,” TCF/LEF localization appears regulatory domain (CRD) (Lo et al. 2004; to be dynamic on target gene chromatin. As Yang et al. 2011). NLK phosphorylates CRD mentioned above, Wnt signals direct a swap residues that are similar to those targeted by of TCF3 for TCF1 in a b-catenin- and HIPK2- Wnt/b-catenin/HIPK2 (Fig. 5). Phosphorylat- dependent manner in Xenopus embryos and ed POP1 is recognized by 14-3-3 proteins for mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) (Hikasa rapid nuclear export, an action that lowers




Figure 5. TCF/LEF phosphorylation sites for HIPK2, LIT1/NLK, and TNIK. Amino acid alignment of human LEF1, TCF3, and TCF4 and the C. elegans ortholog POP1. The indicated regions are amino terminal of the HMG domain. Residues in red are validated, mapped phosphorylation sites by the kinase HIPK2 (Hikasa and Sokol 2011), the kinase NLK and its C. elegans ortholog LIT1 (Ishitani et al. 2003; Lo et al. 2004), and TNIK (Mahmoudi et al. 2009).

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Wnt Target Gene Regulation

nuclear concentrations of POP1 and results in ways. First, normal colon crypts express a dom- an increase in target gene activation (Thorpe inant–negative form of TCF1 that can oppose et al. 1997; Maduro et al. 2002; Shetty et al. its full-length counterpart (Najdi et al. 2009). 2005). Activation of mammalian NLK also has Asmentionedabove,thisWnt-suppressingform negative actions on TCF/LEFs. In this case, is missing in colon cancer. A second tier of neg- NLK is activated by Wnt ligands such as ative regulation uses specific Wnt signals (Wnt1, Wnt5a to phosphorylate TCF4 and LEF1 and Wnt5a) to trigger nuclear export of TCF1 (Najdi trigger their dissociation from DNA (Ishitani et al. 2009; R Najdi, unpubl.). This action shares et al. 1999, 2003). Similar to LIT1 and HIPK2, similarities with the Wnt-directed inhibition Wnt directs the formation of a complex between of other TCF/LEFs because b-catenin appears NLK, b-catenin, and the TCF/LEF protein, and to be involved, but whether TCF1 is phosphor- once again, the residues phosphorylated by NLK ylated by a different kinase for export is not are a subset of the LIT1- and HIPK2-dependent known. phosphorylations (Fig. 5) (Sokol 2011). The heterogeneity inherent in the TCF/LEF There is one other kinase that phosphory- family means that linking the molecular effects lates TCFs in a Wnt- and b-catenin-dependent of b-catenin-dependent kinases (HIPK2, NLK, manner. TNIK (for Traf2- and Nck-interact- and TNIK) to their overall effect on Wnt signal- ing kinase) was discovered through proteomic ing in any one cell type or tissue may not analysis of TCF4 complexes in mouse intestine be straightforward because multiple TCF/LEFs and human colon cancer (Mahmoudi et al. with different activities are often coexpressed. 2009). This kinase is recruited by b-catenin to For example, can we conclude that Wnt-HIPK2 WRE-bound TCFs for phosphorylation. TNIK always results in Wnt target gene activation and is a Germinal Center/Ste20-type kinase, very that Wnt-NLK-nuclear export of TCF1 always different from NLK and HIPK2, yet it targets a leads to Wnt target gene repression? The answer residue in the CRD region of TCF3 and TCF4 is clearly no. Because the vertebrate family has that is identical to a HIPK2 site (Fig. 5) (Shita- expanded and specialized, the functional out- shige et al. 2010). TNIK actions enhance Wnt come of HIPK2 or NLK kinases on Wnt signal- target gene activation much like the outcomes ing depends on how they alter the relative con- of HIPK2 and LIT1 action but how it does this is centrations of activating and repressing TCF/ unknown (Mahmoudi et al. 2009; Satow et al. LEFs versus the available pool of b-catenin (So- 2010; Shitashige et al. 2010). TNIK could cer- kol 2011). In fact, Wnt-NLK-TCF1 export pre- tainly function in a manner that is completely dicts a very different outcome for normal colon different from HIPK2, but it is also possible that epithelia in which dnTCF1 is expressed (export it triggers atranscriptionalswitch between TCF/ wouldleadtoWnttargetgeneactivation),versus LEFs. In fact, TCF4 has been recently proposed colon cancer cells that express full-length TCF1 to function as a growth suppressor in colon (export would reduce Wnt target expression) cancer cells, whereas TCF1 has been observed (Najdi et al. 2009). Another important case in to promote Wnt signals and proliferation (at point is the observation in C. elegans that ex- least in colon cancer) (Tang et al. 2008; An- porting the single TCF ortholog POP1 from the gus-Hill et al. 2011). Because TCF1 is expressed nucleus leads to overall Wnt target gene activa- as a full-length activating form in colon cancer, tion. It may seem paradoxical that reduction and because it is not targeted by any of these of TCF/POP1 concentrations in the nucleus kinases, it would be interesting to know whether leads to target gene activation, but a recently TNIK can activate Wnt target gene transcrip- proposed model suggests that nuclear concen- tion by directing a transcription switch between trations of TCFs are as important as nuclear TCF4 and TCF1. b-catenin concentrations for establishing an TCF1 appears as a stand-alone in that it is optimal b-catenin:TCF ratio (Phillips and Kim- not phosphorylated by HIPK2, NLK, or TNIK, ble 2009). Too much TCF might translate into but its TCF1 actions are controlled in other target gene repression rather than activation.

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Consistent with this, quantitative modeling of Read et al. 2007). Both AR and b-catenin can Wnt signaling in Xenopus shows that sensing bind to TIF2/GRIP1, a p160 steroid receptor fold changes in Wnt signals works best by mon- coactivator and the three proteins may act to- itoring the relative amounts of two interacting gether in a complex to activate transcription factors (i.e., b-catenin and TCF) than by trying (Song and Gelmann 2005). to measure absolute levels of stabilized b-cate- The AR-b-catenin interaction likely plays a nin (Goentoro and Kirschner 2009). Thus, it crucial role in prostate cancer, in which AR is could be that Wnt signals regulate gene expres- required for progress of this cancer at all stages sion by dynamically controlling the concentra- (Culig et al. 2002; Niu et al. 2010). Mutations tions of TCF/LEFs in the nucleus as much as stabilizing b-catenin are found in 5%–7% they do b-catenin. of prostate cancers (Voeller et al. 1998; Chesire et al. 2000) and other proteins that elevate nu- clear b-catenin levels are also found at high fre- /b NON-TCF RELAYS: WNT -CATENIN quency in tumors (Rios-Doria et al. 2004; Chen SIGNALING THROUGH NON-TCF/LEF et al. 2006). Most prostate cancers initially re- PROTEINS spond to a reduction in androgen levels, but As outlined thus far in this review, TCFs are eventually convert to an androgen-independent major nuclear recipients of Wnt/b-catenin sig- state (Culig et al. 2002; Niu et al. 2010). In the naling. However, there are other transcription mouse, expression of a stabilized form of b-cat- factors that can bind b-catenin and activate enin can promote prostate hyperplasia pre- or transcription. These include type I and type II post-castration (Bierie et al. 2003; Yu et al. 2009) nuclear receptors (Mulholland et al. 2005; Beil- and the physical association of AR and b-cate- deck et al. 2010), several members of the SOX nin is stronger post-castration (Wang et al. family (Kormish et al. 2010), FOXO proteins 2008) or with an AR mutant that is hormone (Essers et al. 2005; Almeida et al. 2007), the insensitive (Masiello et al. 2004). Thus, b-cate- homeodomain proteins Prop1 and PitX2 (Kio- nin may play an essential role in enabling AR to ussi et al. 2002; Olson et al. 2006), hypoxia-in- operate independently in low androgen envi- ducible factor 1a (HIF1a) (Kaidi et al. 2007), ronments (Schweizer et al. 2008). and the bHLH protein MyoD (Kim et al. 2008). b-catenin-binding proteins have the po- Here we summarize some of this work, to high- tential to compete with TCF/LEF for limiting light general questions regarding non-TCF pro- amounts of b-catenin. For example, overexpres- teins and their role in Wnt/b-catenin transcrip- sion of AR inhibits activation of the TCF/LEF tion and biology. reporter TOPFLASH by b-catenin (Chesire and One well-studied example of b-catenin in- Isaacs 2002; Pawlowski et al. 2002). The signifi- teracting with a is the androgen cance of this competition is not clear for AR, receptor (AR). The ligand-binding domain of but has been proposed to be significant in the AR binds directly to the Arm repeats of b-cate- case of HIF-1a (Kaidi et al. 2007). Hypoxia nin (Mulholland et al. 2002; Yang et al. 2002; (which increases HIF1a levels) reduces TCF/ Song et al. 2003). Androgen increases the LEF-b-catenin transcriptional activity, which strength of the AR-b-catenin interaction (Tru- is correlated with cell-cycle exit of colorectal ica et al. 2000; Song et al. 2003) and promotes cancer cells (Kaidi et al. 2007), and it also regu- nuclear accumulation of the complex (Mulhol- lates gene expression in a b-catenin-dependent land et al. 2002; Pawlowski et al. 2002; Song et al. manner (Kaidi et al. 2007; Zhao et al. 2011). 2003). Consistent with these studies, Wnt/b- However in some hypoxic stem cells, there ap- catenin signaling promotes transcriptional acti- pears to be sufficient b-catenin to interact with vation by AR at the level of simple reporter con- both TCFs and HIF1a (Mazumdar et al. 2010). structs (Truica et al. 2000; Mulholland et al. In colorectal cancer cell lines, a positive-feed- 2002; Verras et al. 2004) and AR target genes back loop occurs, in which HIF1a represses (Masiello et al. 2004; Cronauer et al. 2005; APC transcription, elevating b-catenin protein

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levels, which promotes high levels of HIF1a Likewise, we have reviewed how the transcrip- transcript and protein (Newton et al. 2010). tion regulatory actions of TCF/LEFs are equally These data indicate a complex interaction be- complex and powerful. Genomes with multi- tween HIF1a,TCF/LEFs, and b-catenin, which ple TCF/LEFs have evolved individual family may differ between cell types. members with specialized functions, a feature Given the large number of transcription that might explain how some TCFs can act as factors that can bind and recruit b-catenin to growth suppressors or tumor suppressors and regulatory sequences, how much of Wnt/b- how some TCFs access selective subsets of target catenin is mediated through TCFs in vertebrate genes. Multiple isoforms from alternative pro- systems? To answer this question, mutations moters and alternative splicing create many that specifically abolish b-catenin binding will of these specialized functions. Defining the reg- have to be examined in vivo. For example, the ulatory networks that control isoform expres- (VDR) a type II nuclear re- sion is not only important for understanding ceptor, can bind b-catenin independent of how each TCF/LEF gene functions in stem cells vitamin D to promote transcription (Palmer and their differentiating progeny, but it is im- et al. 2001; Malloy et al. 2002; Shah et al. 2006). portant for understanding how these isoforms Recessive mutations of the human VDR gene participate (or oppose) disease states such as resultinhereditaryvitaminD-dependentrickets diabetes or cancer. Tools that detect specific (HVDDR) and are usually accompanied by epi- TCF/LEF forms, and mutations that selectively dermal defects such as alopecia, i.e., hair loss remove one form or another will be critical for (Malloy and Feldman 2011). However, some this understanding. VDR alleles display HVDDR without alopecia (Malloy et al. 2002; Malloy and Feldman 2011). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Characterization of one such mutation showed that it lacked the ability to respond to vitamin We acknowledge members of the Cadigan D (Malloy et al. 2002) but still retained the abil- and Waterman laboratories for helpful discus- ity to be activated by b-catenin (Shah et al. sions. The work is supported by NIH grant 2006; Palmer et al. 2008). Given recent data GM082994 and NSF grant 0950348 to K.M.C., that b-catenin and VDR act together to promote and CA096878, CA108697, and CIRM #RB2- hair follicle development (Palmer et al. 2008; 01629 to M.L.W. Baker et al. 2010), these data suggest that VDR acts in bones primarily through vitamin D and through b-catenin in hair formation. Although REFERENCES this model requires further testing, it provides Adamska M, Larroux C, Adamski M, Green K, Lovas E, a blueprint for dissecting the importance of Koop D, Richards GS, Zwafink C, Degnan BM. 2010. Structure and expression of conserved Wnt pathway b-catenin interactions for other transcription components in the desmosponge Amphimedon queens- factors. landica. Evol Dev 12: 494–518. Almeida M, Han L, Martin-Millan M, O’Brien CA, Mano- lagas SC. 2007. Oxidative stress antagonizes Wnt signal- CONCLUDING REMARKS ing in osteoblast precursors by diverting b-catenin from T cell factor- to forkhead box O-mediated transcription. The transcription regulatory actions of b-cate- J Biol Chem 282: 27298–27305. nin are much more varied and complex than Angus-Hill ML, Elbert KM, Hidalgo J, Capecchi MR. 2011. originally assumed when TCF/LEFs were first T-cell factor 4 functions as a tumor suppressor whose disruption modulates colon cell proliferation and tumor- identified as a b-catenin partner. This review igenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci 108: 4914–4919. has highlighted how b-catenin participates in Arce L, Yokoyama NN, Waterman ML. 2006. Diversity of the switch-in/switch-out of different TCFs at LEF/TCF action in development and disease. Oncogene target genes, how it recruits varied and multiple 25: 7492–7504. Arce L, Pate KT, Waterman ML. 2009. Groucho binds two histone modifying complexes, and how it inter- conserved regions of LEF-1 for HDAC-dependent repres- acts with other types of transcription factors. sion. BMC Cancer 9: 159.

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TCF/LEFs and Wnt Signaling in the Nucleus

Ken M. Cadigan and Marian L. Waterman

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2012; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a007906 originally published online September 28, 2012

Subject Collection Wnt Signaling

Wnt Signaling in Vertebrate Axis Specification The β-Catenin Destruction Complex Hiroki Hikasa and Sergei Y. Sokol Jennifer L. Stamos and William I. Weis Secreted and Transmembrane Wnt Inhibitors and Wnt Signaling in Skin Development, Homeostasis, Activators and Disease Cristina-Maria Cruciat and Christof Niehrs Xinhong Lim and Roel Nusse Wnt Signaling in Normal and Malignant Wnt Signaling in Bone Development and Disease: Hematopoiesis Making Stronger Bone with Wnts William Lento, Kendra Congdon, Carlijn Voermans, Jean B. Regard, Zhendong Zhong, Bart O. et al. Williams, et al. Frizzled and LRP5/6 Receptors for Wnt/β-Catenin Targeting Wnt Pathways in Disease Signaling Zachary F. Zimmerman, Randall T. Moon and Andy Bryan T. MacDonald and Xi He J. Chien TCF/LEFs and Wnt Signaling in the Nucleus Wnt Signaling in Mammary Glands: Plastic Cell Ken M. Cadigan and Marian L. Waterman Fates and Combinatorial Signaling Caroline M. Alexander, Shruti Goel, Saja A. Fakhraldeen, et al. Alternative Wnt Pathways and Receptors Wnt Signaling and Injury Repair Renée van Amerongen Jemima L. Whyte, Andrew A. Smith and Jill A. Helms β-Catenin-Dependent Wnt Signaling in C. elegans: Wnt Signaling and Forebrain Development Teaching an Old Dog a New Trick Susan J. Harrison-Uy and Samuel J. Pleasure Belinda M. Jackson and David M. Eisenmann The Evolution of the Wnt Pathway Wnt Signaling in Neuromuscular Junction Thomas W. Holstein Development Kate Koles and Vivian Budnik

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