From: Bethan Wallington Sent: 30 November 2017 12:22 To: DevelopmentControl Subject: FW: Motorway Service Area at Junction 6 M3 - 17/03487/FUL Attachments: Winslade Response A - General comments and objections.pdf; Winslade Response B - Analysis of Moto Planning Statement.pdf; Winslade Response C - Highway Safety, Traffic Impact and Need.pdf; Winslade Response D - Useof access off Dickens Lane.pdf From: John Raymond [mailto:
[email protected]] Sent: 30 November 2017 10:52 To: Bethan Wallington <
[email protected]> Subject: Motorway Service Area at Junction 6 M3 - 17/03487/FUL **** PLEASE NOTE: This message has originated from a source external to Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council, and has been scanned for viruses. Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council reserves the right to store and monitor e-mails **** Dear Bethan As requested and further to our telephone conversation this morning, I am resending the submission from Winslade Parish Meeting concerning the M3 J6 Moto MSA application as one e-mail. Please see below and attached. On 23rd November these comments were submitted as five separate e-mails, four e-mails from me and one from our Transport Consultant, Simon Tucker, of David Thomas Associates. He was submitting Response C attached direct. Thank you for agreeing to ensure these responses do not appear duplicated on the B&DBC Planning web-site. Kind regards John Raymond for Winslade Parish Meeting From: John Raymond Sent: 23 November 2017 14:41 To: '
[email protected]' <
[email protected]>