XLIV ENCONTRO DA ANPAD - EnANPAD 2020 XLIV ENCONTROEvento on-line - 14 a DA16 de outubroANPAD de 2020 - EnANPAD- 2177-2576 versão 2020 online Evento on-line - 14 a 16 de outubro de 2020 2177-2576 versão online The Construction Of LGBT+ Identities as Deviant: An Analysis Of The (Re)Pathologization Of Homosexuality In Brazil Autoria Jeferson Neri da Silva -
[email protected] Graduação /UFLA - Universidade Federal de Lavras VALDERI DE CASTRO ALCANTARA -
[email protected] Administração/Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais - UEMG Alyce Cardoso Campos -
[email protected] Prog de Pós-Grad em Admin - PPGA/UFLA - Universidade Federal de Lavras Ananda Silveira Bacelar -
[email protected] Prog de Pós-Grad em Admin - PPGA/UFLA - Universidade Federal de Lavras Administração/UESB Frederico Humberto de Oliveira -
[email protected] Prog de Pós-Grad em Admin - PPGA/UFLA - Universidade Federal de Lavras Resumo The aim of this article was to understand, from the sociology of deviation, the processes of (re)pathologization of homosexualities in Brazil, present in the event "gay cure". Data were collected through bibliographic research and materials published in digital media. The construction of the concept of deviation is discussed, in the light of Howard Becker's theoretical framework, seeking to identify how such a conceptual apparatus can explain homosexuality as a deviant category. It is argued that the idea of the (re)pathologization process that became known as ?gay cure? is a hybrid of religious, moral, social, cultural, political discourses, armed against LGBT+ identities. It is also shown that, despite reactive processes of resistance and strengthening of LGBT+ movements.