Revision 4.6.0 (February 23, 2021)

Appendix A –

Please Read and Heed Appendix Z in order to properly configure RingCentral Meetings.

Microsoft Windows, by default, resets the DSCP value of all transmitted packets to BestEffort (0). You must take positive action forcing Windows to tag RingCentral traffic with proper DSCP values. Please note that the traffic going TO RingCentral will be marked, but you must implement proper QoS in the remainder of your network to take advantage of the markings and to set the DSCP values on return traffic as it ingresses your network. This is only one element of a proper QoS implementation.

This is particularly critical if you are using WiFi. Wireless Access Points depend on the DSCP marking of traffic in order to enable WMM prioritization of voice/video traffic. Without this marking a busy wireless network will not support voice / video traffic effectively.

A special PowerShell script has been developed to automatically generate the QoS policy rules, removing the tedious task of manually entering the large quantity of individual rules.

The script supports two action variants based on the Windows environment.

1. clients that are not part of a domain (must be run on each client machine using the 'Administrator' account). All required elements if a NetQosPolicy are generated. The script must be executed on each client computer!!! 2. Domain-based Windows networks (must be run on a domain controller using the 'Administrator' account). A default group QoS policy will be generated. The script should only be executed once for the entire domain. RingCentral Engage Product Support The RingCentral Engage product is a recent acquisition. It is a Call Center service.

New Engage customers utilize standard RingCentral Voice services and only require the standard RingCentral rules.

Special QoS rules must be generated if and only if you are a Legacy Engage customer (a customer prior to the RingCentral acquisition). The rules are complex and should only be included if needed. If you are not sure, call your account manager or customer service manager to verify.


Revision 4.6.0 (February 23, 2021)

PowerShell Script The PolicyGen script can be obtained as a ZIP file named based upon the release revision date ( from:

The '.ps1' file obtained from unzipping this file is a universal PowerShell script. This script should be run using the 'Administrator' account. If run by any other user it will attempt to elevate privileges, but the new terminal window may disappear before you can read any resulting messages.

Windows, by default, blocks execution of PowerShell scripts. If you get an error message that script execution is blocked AND you are logged in as 'Administrator' you may issue the following commands to enable script execution on the LocalMachine:

Get-ExecutionPolicy -List ### make note of the value for LocalMachine to use later ### Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Scope LocalMachine ### ### Run the script .\PolicyGen-yyyymmdd ### ### Restore prior value ### Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy xxx-saved-xxx -Scope LocalMachine

The first action taken by the script is to determine if it needs privilege elevation. If so, it will give you the option of logging out and logging back in as 'Administrator' or dynamically elevating its privilege level. Run the script using the 'Administrator' account if possible.

The script will then determine what kind of Windows environment is present. Here is the startup output when run on a Windows Domain Controller:


Revision 4.6.0 (February 23, 2021)

Here is the startup output when run on a standalone Windows 10 machine:

User Input The script will ask you some initial questions. The first question is shown in the screens above:

Debug ONLY (Do not execute rule changes.) ?

Answering Yes will prevent any changes from being made but will tell what you WOULD be done.

The next question will be:

Process rules for RingCentral products?

Answering Yes will enable generation of QoS policy rules for the RingCentral suite of products.

The next question will be:

Process rules for LEGACY Engage product?

Answering Yes will enable generation of QoS policy rules for the Legacy Engage product.

The final question will be:

Remove rules (Cleanup) ONLY?

Answering Yes will limit action to the deletion ONLY of the QoS policy rules selected above.

Upon answering the final question, the script will summarize the actions it will be taking and wait for you to press Enter, at which time it will execute.

Please report any issues encountered.