FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1970 Films Said Transferred c Military Spying Records 'Saved' (AP) — An Illi- Pucinski said he was con- nois congressman says he has cerned that the keeping of been told microfilms of Army such files could lead, in a real intelligence flies on civilians or imagined national crisis, to was turned over to another a sudden interment of many undisclosed military security civilians similar to the round- agency after the files were or- p of Japanese-Americans dered destroyed by Secretary that took place after the Japa- of the Army Stanley Resor. nese attack on Pearl Harbor. Rep. Roman Pucinskl, D- Pucinskl also said he was said yesterday he and six frightened by the breadth of other congressmen military spying activities re- have sent a letter to Rep. ported by O'Brien, Chet Bonfield, D-Calif., chair- man of the House Government O'BRIEN said such Illinois Operations Committee, asking political figures as Sen.-elect for an investigation of spying Adlai Stevenson III, D-111., an civilians by military intelli- federal Judge Otto Kerner gence agencies. Pucinski de- and Rep. Abner J. Mikva, D- clined to say who toid him of m., had been kept under sur- the alleged record transfer. veillance. Also signing the letter to A SIMILAR investigation Bonfield were Illinois Reps. has been scheduled In the John Kluczynski, Edward Senate by Sen. Sam J. Ervin, Derwtnski, Frank Annunzio, D-N.C. One of the witnesses , Kenneth Gray invited to the Senate bearings and John Anderson. Derwtnski is John M. O'Brien of Evans- and Anderson are Republi- ton, Ill., a former Army intel- cans, the rest are Democrats. ligence agent who recently Mikva was not asked to sign said that his former unit had the letter because he was al- spied on 800 Illinois citizens legedly on the Army surveil- and groups. lance list.