Testing SEG Bibliography from 23001 to 24000

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Testing SEG Bibliography from 23001 to 24000 Testing SEG bibliography from 23001 to 24000 Sergey Fomel November 12, 2001 References Aaro, S., 1992, Geophysical aspects of the Siljan impact crater, central Sweden: 54th Mtg., Eur. Assn. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 652–653. Abatzis, I., and Kerr, J. D., 1991, Practical use of advance software in an interactive stratigraphic and structural analysis of Roar Field: A case history: 53rd Mtg., Eur. Assn. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 84–85. Albertin, U., Shrout, J., Stankovic, G., Troutner, J., Wiggins, W., and Beasley, C. J., 1995, Computer representation of complex 3-D velocity models in Dooley, J. C., Ed., 11th Geophysical Conference:: Austr. Soc. Expl. Geophys., 456–460. Aleotti, L., and Cesaro, M., 1992, Pseudo synthetic seismogram from statistically de- rived sonic log: A case: 54th Mtg., Eur. Assn. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 782–783. Alfano, L., 1991, Measurements of DC small signals masked by noises: 53rd Mtg., Eur. Assn. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 320–321. Almeida, F. E. R., and Matias, J. S., 1991, A study of the orientational variation of induced polarization time domain data: 53rd Mtg., Eur. Assn. Expl. Geophys., Ex- panded Abstracts, 360–361. Almond, R., and FitzGerald, D. J., 1998, Naudy based automodelling with trend en- hancements in Denham, J., Ed., 13th Geophysical Conference:: Austr. Soc. Expl. Geophys., 372–377. Amann, W., and Pietila, R., 1998, Geophysical response of the Silver Swan nickel sul- phide deposit Western Australia in Denham, J., Ed., 13th Geophysical Conference:: Austr. Soc. Expl. Geophys., 273–279. Amano, H., and Ohta, Y., 1991, Separation of P-wave and S-wave in VSP wavefield on the basis of a forward modelling technique in Vozoff, K., Ed., 8th Geophysical Conference:: Austr. Soc. Expl. Geophys., 1–4. 1 Anatoly, A., 1992, Complimentary features of geophysical methods and computational aspects of joint data inversion: 54th Mtg., Eur. Assn. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 750–751. Anderson, C. G., and Logan, K. J., 1992, The history and current status of geophysical exploration at the Osborne Cu and Au deposit, Mt. Isa in Dooley, J. C., Ed., 9th Geophysical Conference:: Austr. Soc. Expl. Geophys., 1–7. Anderson, H., and Nash, C., 1997, Integrated lithostructural mapping of the Rossing area, Namibia using high resolution aeromagnetic, radiometric, Landsat data and aerial photographs in Facer, R. A., Ed., 12th Geophysical Conference:: Austr. Soc. Expl. Geophys., 185–191. Anderson, A., Dodds, A. R., McMahon, S., and Street, G. J., 1993a, A comparison of airborne and ground electromagnetic techniques for mapping shallow zone resistiv- ity variations in Facer, R. A., Ed., 10th Geophysical Conference:: Austr. Soc. Expl. Geophys., 323–331. Anderson, H. F., Duncan, A. C., and Lynch, S. M., 1993b, Geological mapping capa- bilities of the QUESTEM airborne electromagnetic system for mineral exploration - Mt. Isa Inlier, Queensland in Facer, R. A., Ed., 10th Geophysical Conference:: Austr. Soc. Expl. Geophys., 333–340. Andrieux, P., Galdeano, A., and Thera, A., 1991, Two applications of space-variable convolution filters reducing to the pole within a large survey area and continuation from, or to, an irregular surface: 53rd Mtg., Eur. Assn. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 412–413. Andrieux, P., Sebti, K., Dubois, J. C., Hubans, C., Chanet, A., and Verdier, F., 1992, Borehole electromagnetics to monitor movements of salt water: 54th Mtg., Eur. Assn. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 388–389. Annan, A. P., and Cosway, S. W., 1991, Ground penetration radar survey design crite- ria: 53rd Mtg., Eur. Assn. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 480. Annan, A. P., and Lockwood, R., 1991, An application of airborne GEOTEM in Aus- tralian conditions in Vozoff, K., Ed., 8th Geophysical Conference:: Austr. Soc. Expl. Geophys., 5–12. Annan, A. P., 1991, Transient airborne EM applied to geological mapping: 53rd Mtg., Eur. Assn. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 478. Antoine, L. A. G., and Doucoure, M. C., 1992, Effect of navigational error in high- resolution airborne magnetic surveys: 54th Mtg., Eur. Assn. Expl. Geophys., Ex- panded Abstracts, 324–325. Arai, E., 1995, A resistivity tomography test survey in the Toyoha mine, Hokkaido, Japan in Dooley, J. C., Ed., 11th Geophysical Conference:: Austr. Soc. Expl. Geo- phys., 45–50. 2 Archer, S. H., and Martinez, R. D., 1991, A comparison of petrophysical equations for extrapolation of lithology beyond well locations using seismic data: 53rd Mtg., Eur. Assn. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 524–525. Arntsen, B., Ursin, B., and Landro, M., 1991, Estimation of reflection coefficients from zero-offset field data: 53rd Mtg., Eur. Assn. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 590–591. Asakawa, E., and Kawanaka, T., 1991, Seismic raytracing using linear traveltime in- terpolation: 53rd Mtg., Eur. Assn. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 626. Ashida, Y., and Sassa, K., 1993, Depth transform of seismic data by use of equi-travel time planes in Facer, R. A., Ed., 10th Geophysical Conference:: Austr. Soc. Expl. Geophys., 341–346. Asten, M. W., 1992, Interpretation of ground TEM data from conductive terranes in Dooley, J. C., Ed., 9th Geophysical Conference:: Austr. Soc. Expl. Geophys., 9–16. Aubry, D., Clouteau, D., Dompierre, J., and Svay, J., 1992, A hybrid numerical method for seismic borehole problem (sbp) modelling: 54th Mtg., Eur. Assn. Expl. Geo- phys., Expanded Abstracts, 496–497. Averboukh, A. G., 1992, Application of geostatistic regularities in seismic interpreta- tion: 54th Mtg., Eur. Assn. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 786–787. Azry, H. A., Webster, S. S., Isles, D., Zubaidy, H. A., and Witham, W., 1993, Explo- ration for Cyprus style copper deposits, Sultanate of Oman: A case history in Facer, R. A., Ed., 10th Geophysical Conference:: Austr. Soc. Expl. Geophys., 315–321. Baaren, P. V., and Brice, T., 2000, Environmentally sensitive 3D land seismic survey design; a case study: 14th Geophysical Conference, 295–299. Baillie, P., and Pickering, R., 1991, Tectonic evolution of the Durroon basin, Tasmania in Vozoff, K., Ed., 8th Geophysical Conference:: Austr. Soc. Expl. Geophys., 13–18. Baixas, F., and Dupont, R., 1991, Algebraic reconstruction for 3-D seismic quality control: 53rd Mtg., Eur. Assn. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 430–431. Baker, P. L., and Cull, J. P., 1992, Acquisition and signal processing of ground- penetrating radar for shallow exploration and open-pit mining in Dooley, J. C., Ed., 9th Geophysical Conference:: Austr. Soc. Expl. Geophys., 17–22. Baker, P. L., 1989, Log analysis systems incorporating artificial intelligence techniques - Some examples in Denham, J., Ed., 7th Geophysical Conference:: Austr. Soc. Expl. Geophys., 331–334. Baker, P. L., 1991, Ground-penetrating radar response to bounding surfaces and litho- facies variations in sand barrier sequences in Vozoff, K., Ed., 8th Geophysical Con- ference:: Austr. Soc. Expl. Geophys., 19–22. 3 Baki, G., and Kitchenside, P. W., 1992, A comparison of high-order elastic modelling methods for AVO verification: 54th Mtg., Eur. Assn. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 476–477. Balch, A. H., and Erdemir, C., 1992, Sign correction of P to S converted reflected waves by determination of the angle of illumination: 54th Mtg., Eur. Assn. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 570–571. Ballesteros, M. W., 1991, Harriet field - A two dimensional modelling study in Vozoff, K., Ed., 8th Geophysical Conference:: Austr. Soc. Expl. Geophys., 23–26. Baltassat, J. M., and Pottecher, G., 1992, Application of GPR to the construction of utilities: 54th Mtg., Eur. Assn. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 402–403. Bancroft, J. C., 1991, Accurate amplitude calculations for time domain DMO in Vozoff, K., Ed., 8th Geophysical Conference:: Austr. Soc. Expl. Geophys., 27–30. Bardan, V., 1991, On estimation of minimum-phase wavelet: 53rd Mtg., Eur. Assn. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 578–579. Barker, R. D., 1992, Automatic inversion of electrical imaging data: 54th Mtg., Eur. Assn. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 356–357. Barlow, M. G., and McConachie, B. A., 1993, Experimental techniques in VSP record- ing and tube wave suppression as applied in the northern Mount Isa basin in Facer, R. A., Ed., 10th Geophysical Conference:: Austr. Soc. Expl. Geophys., 347–358. Barr, F. J., Sanders, J. I., and Chamberlain, D. A., 1991, A digital telemetry system im- plementation of the dual-sensor, bottom-cable method: 53rd Mtg., Eur. Assn. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 200–201. Barritt, S. D., Kuma, J. S., Zeil, P. W., Ortega, E., and Amor, J. M., 1992, Integrated studies to locate granite-related Sn/W/As/Au mineralization in the El Moto prospect, central-southern Spain: 54th Mtg., Eur. Assn. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 642–643. Bashforth, M., and Koppenjan, S., 1992, Ground-penetrating radar applications for nondestructive inspection of construction work: 54th Mtg., Eur. Assn. Expl. Geo- phys., Expanded Abstracts, 408. Bassrei, A., 1991, Inversion of 2-D gravity data by a relative entropy algorithm: 53rd Mtg., Eur. Assn. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 410–411. Bassrei, A., 1992, Regularization and inversion of magnetic data: 54th Mtg., Eur. Assn. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 322–323. Batini, F., Omnes, G., and Renoux, P., 1991, 3-D surface seismic and well seismic applied to the delineation of geothermal reservoirs in metamorphic formations in the Larderello area: 53rd Mtg., Eur. Assn. Expl. Geophys., Expanded Abstracts, 358– 359. 4 Bauer, J., and Kelsall, B.,
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