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View and Print This Publication 98 lPAClIJFlI([; §OllJTHWlEST ]fORlE§T & RANGlE lEXlPlERTIMlENT §TAl'TION 1.----- Be r k e ley , C a I i for n i a____ _ ____ 1966_ _ Pacific Madrone ..... a general bibliography for a promising species PHIL1P M.McDONALD and WILLIAM E.SUNDAHL ABSTRACT: Lis t s 60 references, 21 The supply of merchantable of which emphasize the desirable wood working characteristics of the species. hardwoods in California is esti­ mated at about 1.6 billion board feet (Int. 1/4 -inch log rule), ac­ cording to the 1963 Forest Survey. A significant portion of this total is Pacific madrone (Arbutus menziesii PurshJ, whose range extends along the Pacific Coast from southern British Columbia to southern california (fig.l). So far, the demand for this raw material has been rather small largely because no profitable market has existed. Recently, several operators - -both large and small- -have begun to manufacture hardwood products in 0 reg 0 nan d California. Their activities have created interest in the available knowledge on the species, particularly on its wood working charactenstics. This note b r in g s together most of the available references on Pacific madrone. Index Subject Reference Dendrology .4, 7, 14, 25, 32, 33, 53 Ecology... .44, 54 Biotic factor s. · 6, 29 Climatic factors · . 3 Exceptional size and longevity. 1, 2, 12 Forest types · . 50 Injuries Disease. 5,38,52,55 Insects . 28 Management 45 Mensuration Site quality 42 Surveys .. 34,40, 58, 59 Volume tables . .... 24 Forest Serv i ce -U . S . Department of Agriculture 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ .. ~ , 1 -,,- e A \ ~A 1 _~ __ ~4'O I I I I \M 0 N T A N A ,t. - 41· \ r--'o .. ~ ORE G 0 N 0 A H 0 \ I I -4'· -~ -I-~- \). L41 0 1 5011 Clly I Lo., I Ii &";'N E V A 0 A I u T A -1.· , I " I Prepared by Robert F. Tarrant, U.S. Forest Service. Figure 1. --Natural range of Pacific madrone. -2- Subject Reference Products Gluing. .10,36,37 Machining. 11 Medicinal. 23, 26 Pulping .. ... 31 Seasoning. 8,9,13,15,16,17,18,19,20,49,56 Strength ... 46,47 Uses of wood 35, 41 Veneer ..... .. 60 Wood chemistry. 22, 30 Silvicul tur e Coppicing .. 43 Seed crops . 57 Regeneration 39 Weeding ... .21,27,48,51 Bibliography Anonymous 1918. Giant madrone of California. Amer. Forestry 24: 102. (1) Anonymous 1941. California giant madrone. Amer. Forests 47: 356. (2) Baker, F. S. 1949. A revised tolerance table. J. Forestry 47: 179 - 181. (3) Benson, G. T. 1930. The trees and shrubs of western Oregon. Stanford Univ., Dudley Herb. Contrib. 2, 170 pp., illus. (4) Boyce, John S. 1961. Forest pathology. Ed. 3, 572 pp., illus. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc. (5) Brandt, L. E., Ihrig, H. G., and Stephenson, J. W. 1947. Arbutus menziesii in its native habitat. Royal Hort. Soc. J. 72: 159-160. (6) Brush, W. D. 1948. Pacific madrone. Amer. Forests 54: 122-123. (7 ) Bryan, Eugene L. 1959. Kiln drying 4 x 4 Pacific madrone. Calif. Forestry & Forest Prod. 15, 5 pp. (8) Bryan, Eugene L. 1960. Collapse and its removal in Pacific madrone. Forest Prod. J. 10: 598 - 604. (9) Carstensen, J. P. 1961. Gluing char acteristics of softwood veneers and secondary western hardwoods. Forest Prod. J. 11: 313 - 315. (10) -3 - Davis, E. M. 1947. Machining of madrone, California laurel, tanbark oak, and chinquapin. U. S. Forest Servo Forest Prod. Lab. Rep. R-1727, 6 pp. (11) Dixon, Dorothy 1961. These are the champs. Amer. Forests 67: 40 - 50. (12) Ecklund, Barton A. 1959. Drying behavior of wood with water replaced by non -aqueous liquids. Univ. Calif. Forest Prod. Lab. Paper, 14 pp., illus. (13) Eley, C. 1947. Arbutus menziesii. Royal Hort. Soc. J. 72: 32 - 33. (14) Ellwood, E. L. 1958. Problems and prospects in drying California hard- woods for high-quality use. Calif. Forestry & Forest Prod. 8, 5 pp. (15) Ellwood, E. L., and Ecklund, B. A. 1963. The effect of organic liquids on collapse and shrink- age of wood. I. Effect of degrees of replacement. Forest Prod. J. 13: 291 - 298. (16 ) Ellwood, E. L., and Ecklund, B. A. 1963. The effect of organic liquids on collapse and shrink- age of wood. II. Effect of drying temperatures. Forest Prod. J. 13 : 350 - 354. (17) Ellwood, E. L., Ecklund, B. A., and Zavarin, E. 1963. The effect of organic liquids on collapse and shrink- age of wood. III. Chemical influences. Forest Prod. J. 13: 401 - 404. (18) Espenas, L. D. 1951. The seasoning of Oregon hardwoods. Oreg. Forest Prod. Lab. Inform. Circ. 6, 35 pp., illus. (19) Graham, R. D. 1954. Vapor drying of western woods. Oreg. Forest Prod. Lab. Rep. D-2, 11 pp., illus. (20) Gratkowski, Henry J. 1961. Use of herbicides on forest lands in southwestern Oregon. U. S. Forest Servo Pacific NW. Forest & Range Exp. Sta. Res. Note 217, 18 pp. (21) Hamilton, J. K., and Thompson, N. S. 1959. A comparison of the carbohydrates of hardwoods and softwoods. Tappi 42: 752 - 760. (22) Hammarlund, E. R., Pennington, D E., and Rising, L. W. 1952. An antibacterial substance from the leaves of Arbutus menziesii. J. Amer. Pharm. Ass. 41: 561 - 565. (23) -4- Hornibrook, E. M., Larson, R. W. J Van Akkeren, J. J., and Hasel, A. A. 1950. Board-foot and cubic-foot volume tables for some California hardwoods. U. S. Forest Servo Calif. Forest & Range Exp. Sta. Ires. Note 67, 31 pp. , illus. (24) Jepson, Willis L. 1957. A manual of the flowering plants of California. 744 pp. J illus . Berkeley: Univ. Calif. Press. (25) Kabadi, B., and Hammarlund, E. R. 1963. Preliminary identification of the antibacterial principle "madronin" from the leaves of Arbutus menziesii. J. Pharm. Sci. 52: 1154 - 1159. (26) Kay, B. L., Leonard, O. A., and Street, J. E. 1961. Control of madrone and tanoak stump sprouting. Weeds 9: 369 - 373. (27) Keen, F. P. 1952. Insect enemies of western forests . U. S. Dep. Agr. Misc. Publ. 273 (rev.), 280 pp., illus. (28) Kittridge, J. A. 1940. Comparison of forest floors from plantations of the same age and environment. J. Forestry 38 : 729 - 731. (29) Kurth, E. F. 1948. Chemical analysis of western woods. Part 1. Paper Trade J. 126 ~6): 56 - 57. (30) Laundri e, J. F. 1959. Continuous cold soda pulping of west coast red alder, tanoak, madrone, and big leaf maple. U. S. Forest Servo Forest Prod. Lab. R-2162, 12 pp. (31 ) Little, Elbert L., Jr. 1953. Check list of native and naturalized tr ees of the United States. U. S. Dep. Agr. Handb. 41, 472 pp. (32) Lyons, C. P. 1952. Trees, shrubs, and flowers to know in British Columbia. 168 pp., illus. Vancouver, B. C. : J. M. Dent & Sons. (33) Metcalf, Melvin A. 1965. Hardwood timber resources of the Douglas -fir subregion. U. S. Forest Servo Res. Bull. PNW -11 ~ Pacific NW. Forest & Range Exp. Sta., Portland, Oreg. 12 pp. (34 ) -5- Mitchell, Harry O. 1958. Pacific coast hardwoods and their uses. Nat. Hardwood Mag. 32(11); 110 - 114. (35) Olson, W. Z . 1949. Some tests on the gluing characteristics of four West Coast hardwoods: chinquapin, tanoak, California laurel, and madrone. Calif. Lumber Merchant 27 ' 24): 48 - 52. (36) Olson, W. Z. 1955. Gluing characteristics of chinquapin, tanoak, California laurel, madrone. U. S. Forest Serv. Forest Prod. Lab. Rep. 2030, 7 pp. (37) Peace, T. R. 1962. Pathology of trees and shrubs with special reference to Britian. 753 pp., illus. Oxford: Clarendon Press. (38) Pelton, John 1962. Factors influencing survival and growth of a seedling population of Arbutus menziesii in California. Madrono 16: 237 - 276. (39) Pfeiffer, J. R. 1953. Basic data for Oregon hardwoods. Oreg. Forest Prod. Lab. Rep. G-2, 40 pp., illus. (40) Pfeiffer, J. R. 1953. Western hardwoods - -a promising industry. Nat. Hardwood Mag. 27 : 43 - 45, 51. (41) Porter, D. R., and Wiant, H. V., Jr. 1965. Site index equations for tanoak, Pacific madrone, and red alder in the redwood region of Humboldt County, California. J. Forestry 63: 286 - 287. (42) Roy, Douglass F. 1955. Hardwood sprout measurements in northwestern California. U. S. Forest Servo Calif. Forest & Range Exp. Sta. Res. Note 95, 6pp., illus. (43) Roy, Douglass F. 1957. Silvical characteristics of tanoak. U. S. Forest Servo Calif. Forest & Range Exp. Sta. Tech. Paper 22, 21 pp., illus. (44) .. Roy, Douglass F. 1962. California hardwoods: Management practices and problems. J. Forestry 60: 184 - 186. (45) Schniewind, Arno P. 1957. The strength and related properties of Pacific madrone. 1. General description and strength properties in the green c ondition. Calif. Forestry & Forest Prod. 3, 4 pp. (46) -6 - Schniewind, Arno P. 1960. The strength and related properties of Pacific madrone. II. Shrinkage and strength proper­ ties in the air dry condition. Calif. Forestry & Forest Prod. 20, 4 pp. (47) Schubert, G. H. 1950. Control of sprouting of tanoak and madrone stumps. U . S. Forest Serv. Calif. Forest & Range Exp. Sta. Res . Note 74, 2 pp. (48) Smith, H . H. 1954. Seasoning California hardwoods . U. S. Forest Servo Calif. Forest & Range Exp. Sta. Tech. Paper 5, 18 pp. , illus. (49) Society of American Foresters 1954. Forest cover types of North America. 67 pp. , illus. Washington, D. C. : Soc. Amer. Foresters. (50) Starker, T . J. 1942. Will girdling always kill Douglas-fir? J . Forestry 40: 658 - 659. (51) Stuntz, D. E., and Seliskar, E. C. 1943. A stem canker of dogwood and madrone. Mycol. 2: 207 - 221. (52) Sudworth, George B. 1908. Forest trees of the Pacific slope. U.
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