From: Shoreline Update To: Nancy Lenzi Subject: SMP RECORD -- FW: Comment to the Planning Commission on the SMP draft Date: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 11:04:53 AM From: robert ahlschwede [mailto:
[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, November 28, 2010 9:02 AM To: Shoreline Update Subject: Comment to the Planning Commission on the SMP draft My name is Rob Ahlschwede and I live at 3726 Wesley Loop NW, Olympia. Living outside of the city limits and the UGA, I have concerns about what this draft suggests Olympia may allow to happen on the shorelines within the city. The city that I consider my city!! My main area of concern is the listed setback distances and the heights allowed within those distances. The setbacks and heights in the draft are completely out of line with what the community and the council have indicated they want. In fact, the city council recently voted and you dealt with the down zoning to the historic 35' within the first 200 feet. The 42' in the first 100' and 65' in the next 100 is not what this community is trying to do. In fact, if you allow these figures to go forward, you are, in effect, allowing a rezone of the whole waterfront to what was just down zoned. If you allow these setbacks and heights to remain at those values it is more than possible the council will send it back to you expecting that change anyway. They did vote 7-0 on the above mentioned down zone. The other thing I am concerned about is that even at 35' the document allows(current zoning does also) for "sheds" and the like atop buildings .