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The Ledger and Times, December 8, 1959

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Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, December 8, 1959" (1959). The Ledger & Times. 3769.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .:R4 7, 1959 Selected Au A Beet All Round Community NeWapaper Women's Fellow- Christian Church social hall at 9:30 am on 'That God The Primary Three is in charge Largest The love gift (A- Source of News Circulation In iken. a • In Murray and The City inday School class il Baptist Church Calloway County Largest he horne of Mrs. Circulation In a 1658 Ryan Ave- for the Christmas The County United Press International IN OUR 80th YEAR Murray, Ky., Tuesday Afternoon, December 8, 1959 MURRAY POPULATION 10,100 Vol. LXXX No. 289 :ind of

thes NEW COUNCIL SWORN IN LAST NIGHT Inaugural Parade Headed By Ben Grogan On Power Board; if ometown Band Of Bert Combs Lester Nanney Mayor Pro-tern

FRANKFORT TP1) — T h three hours, the seemingly-en:I- A new city council was sworn. grandeet inaugural parade in the less procession of bands, Dick. Chin; Prent;ce Lassiter; floa.- n last night by Mayor Halmes state's history began in move marah:nig units and in' unted pa- Marvin Harms. • 'The council is composed of through eheering thaaags in nide officials moved thr "ugh 2. Trafec Itz Street: Ben Gro- the the same' members with the ex- , downanyn Frankf-rt at precisely bunting-draped business gan, Chm; Lester .Nanny. Pren- district avian of four. 9 a. m. CDT., taday as the haorn of the cairital city. tice Lass-.ter The four new councilmen are 3. Police: -1 a aistaial cannon reverberated The parade maved up East Lester Nanny, „Chrn; Maurice Crass a. .. Prentice Las- Chas. ocrosa the Kentucky River Val- Maim Street. across. the Memorial M. Baker, Frank Lancaster. titer, James Rudy Allbritten. and ley. Bridge and then up sweeping 4. Fire Cantrol: James R. All- Leonard Vats tin. -99 rhe Preatonsburg High School Central Avtnue past the review- britten, Chm; Marvin Harris, 0 Business conducted other than Maurice a proudly stepped out first in ing stand near the inaugural Crass, Jr. the swearing in of the council t...• place of honor at the head of platform north of the Capital 5. Cemetery: Prentice Lassiter, incuded naming the cuneil mem- the parade as the remesentative Chm; Alfred Young: Joe Dick. ber of the Power atiosrd. elert -on4 -9W of the hornet -wen (a Gov.-elect Music groups from high schools, 6. Parks Sti Playgrounds: Mar- of the Mayor Pro-tem. and the vin Harris. Bert T. Daubs. colleges. fraternal orders and vet- Leonarci Vaughn MAUrirr 1 ash Jr. James R. Allbritten Chin; Frank Lane-as- naming of committees. ter: James The parade was under the di- erans' organzatiens [- lied the air' R Allbraten, Ben Grogan was named to the reettion of a new grand Mar- with mart al sound as all Ken- 7. City Purchasing: Chas. M P wa Board for a one year term. Baker. Maurice -4W shal this year - Lt. Col H.arald tueky contributed to the festive Crass, Jr: Ben Last Surviving Lestar aanney. who polled more Grogan B. Travis-who succeeded to the occasion. Children's votes in the election than any of 8. Water di Sewer post that far many years be- Civil War Veteran KniAts Win ,Deadly Winter System: Al- The University the other councilmen was named fred Young, longed to the late Col. Carl D. of Louisville Is Losing Ground Chm; Joe Dick. Leo- iparrnan. marching band with its own troup 'as Mayor Pro-Tern. nagrea Vaughn. of dancers The smiling new gaverror was a prcininent among Concert Mayor Ella named the follow- NatualrGas: Richard Tuck. NERS rode HOUSTON. Is Over Chewy 'Storm Strikes those in the van Tex. IRO — Wal- committees in the first official car He of the miles- ing to carry on the Chin: James R. Allbraten; Al- was long ter Waaams, 117. the last sur- 'ERY — aeormpanied by outereng parade. city's business. The first person fred Young. Gov. A. viving veteran at the C.vil B. Chandler. War, named is the chairman of the com- 10. Planning ar Zoning: Frank who was makirur his Not much •further lest Tomorrow back was the ground today in his fourth New England mittee. Lancaster, Chin; fourth aeasearance at The Knights bounced back Ben Gr.,ga a 3-3852 the head of naray delegatam from battle this :'ear with pneurivnia. after an inaugural — - a disappointin.g game 1 Badges and or Finance: Joe Richard Tuck. parade. the Mese Green Club at Louis- Wilfinms started last week Behind gtt, for The Music Department against 11. Health /a Sanitation: Mau- off.eal cars beaten, ville-1.500 strong. breath of the Hardin to drop previously United Press international Sunday night and was put Murray rice Crass. Jr Chin: lanapaimarnalasmazi. Lt. Gov.-elect Wasein W Wyatt Woman's Club will pre- undefeated Beardsley Chevrolet 10U A deadly winter slam) sw Leonard in an oxygen tent. His physician, Vaughn; Lester arnal other new state rafficers ware The Untveraity of Kentucky's sent its second Children's Con- to 92 at Carlisle County last through England Ca\ Nanny. Dr. Russell Wolfe, sad he is night. elf New t the s-rnartly-military units Marching 100 led the 5th cert (4 the season Wednesday The game almost Woman 12 Special Problems: Leonard 4 'he Division "danger turned into a the East Cast engged ugly ill." Vaughn, Chm; Richard NG1, 1.7. S. Army Armored Forces sta- dawn Captial Avenue. and sprin- MornIng, December 9 at 9r30 a. farce when a Beardsley fan hit witih snow and the South shiver- Tuck Mrs. Wane Mae Rosales, ed kled Wil- m.. in the College Auditorium. the Chas, M. Baker. at Font Knax. the 202nd elsewhere were hand repre- liam's :eferee at half-time. ed in sub-freezing temperatures. draughter with whim he The A meeting will be held next U. S Army Rand. and Kentucky's senting other state colleges. pa-gram will feature the a Gale-f• me winds powered the Dies Today taus, sat by his bedside doting The Knights Monday at which time crack National Guard units cappella chair of Murray State combined the ef- city em- under the night giving him near-bazzard cart of the Appala- the leadership Crowds estimated at up to water and College under the direction of fective shootint. of Joe Parker. ployees will be elected. rif Brig Gen. Jes- milk chans Monday through Pennsyl- 1 100.000. sivarrning into Frankfort in an eyedropper. Prof. Robert Chico Reyes and Larry McClure Mayor Ellis made a short talk se S. Ioincisay. Haar. a member of vania and New York state and I Mrs Ada Spann _age 86. from every corner But only a little bit of milk," along with ded just beacire the meeting was The first county tenets follow- of the state, the faculty of the Fine Arts De- the rebounding of Don 'this ad- aned she said. "I have to be very south as far as Virginia and m caring at 12:15 p. m. at journed ed in the 3rd Division the avenues or milled a- partment. Sure to delight the Williams. Ron Sehue and Leonard in watch he emphasized and first cautinus, but we want to North Caraina. the h: me af her daughter. Mrs. and foremost rcund the bunting-draped inati- keep as yaungsters is a colorful seasonal Mahoney to win the game. Parker that attendance to the council were the bands much liquids S uth (at cials blamed the Teary Lawrence. on Murray gural platform on the terrace in dolown him as pa- pa-gram of was high man for Murray meetings is highly important. He and SOPA of the Floyd County Christmas select ions with 30 starm f a seven deaths by fire. Route two She had been Ill inint of the Capitol. po'nts for =tad that every councilman E8 FOR YOUNG 1 delegation. such as: Saar of Christmas by as he hit 14 out of 17 from asphyxiation. do a • . _ Williams has been seriously ill auto ace dents or the past five months T O 18 The leading position - -1 Roy laingavald. to be sung by the nom. along with Chico Reyes gocil )°b. among the Mare than 10,000 were said to befare, but he has always bottled in the Ikics-th, a graralrother toed bits. Spann was the widow nf _runty the choir accompanied by Who hit 9 out of 14 for 24 pants i tive council that the city unfts traditinnally goes have come from the her tw•. grantidatieaters were the la'e CP 'SS Spann, Sr.. who t Flayd County back. He recovered from his last could pagress in the comity whsch gave Murray State College Orchestra. and Larry McClure who scored Liberty. died rn 1947. the future as a •the alane, inclucing sax higth schools attack of pneurnimia barely in kaled in a fire near She was a charter i avovernor the largeat Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer 20 points and hit 7 out of 9 from had in the pest if every member feather majarity in and two elementary schools. Ho- time to celebrate hia 117th birth- member cif the Scotts Grove the general raectian featuring a dance number try the floor Other boys hitting ,n of the city administration did his and this tels and motels throughout the day on Nov. 14. The storm dri-pped the mer- Baptist Church having been Id- Jniverse year it Miss Jan Janes. daughter of the scoring column were utmost to carry oil his particular was the new governor's Blue Gria were overfarwing Dr. Leonard cury below freeing as far south, w th the church for the ter Th. Bea horny and Mrs- Cottrad J•.nes. Mahony who hit for 8. Ron duties county. with bondsmen and and en- Sehue as Orianck and Ocala, in central past 47 years. he (other visit- eluding and Sun ind on for more than eta. the pert- rmance will be Herb Dingweeth who contri- F...r.da. but the weather bureau Survivors are. six daughters. buted 7 The Moon Dexter Woman a group of carols snag by the points each and Don Wil- predicted a general warming Mrs E. E. Collie. Murray Route audience. liam/ axploringa who hit for 3. Don Dowdy trend would (pen up southern two. Mrs. C. H. Jones. Detroit, Parents ;2 50 are invited to bring did not hit in the goring column highways jammed with ice arid Mrs 0 J. W.Ison, Mayfield, Mrs. wyatt Sets their Dies pre-sehool age children but played a bang up defensive snow. • _11 H. Lawrence. Murray Route Sunday enjoy the Id Of program These guests g:-me The storm was expected to six. Mrs. T D McMillen of Lou- are ,Oath Of requested to consult one of subade slightly today as it mov- 1isville and Mrs. Terry Law- Office Beardsley Chevroict Prerfifient the was led by At i Mrs. Florene ,Etriona Barrow, f(alowing ushers far their ed tam New York state through rence. two arcs: Cr ,ss Spann. seating arrangement: David Glisson with 31 points who age 74, died Sunday at 11:25 p. Mrs. Don New England toward Canada. Jr.. and Bennie ° Spann. both of i('agitinueg on Page was followed by Ken Trickey with m. at her home in Dexter.,Mrs. Three) More snaw flurries were farecast Murray. one Mather. Jr hn Lam- 24 and Ernest Williams with 21 Inauguration Barrow bed been in ill health for Virginia, North Carolina, Ten- I pkin, Murray. 18 points. grarsdcaildren, Taken for the past ten manths. She nad CAMPS TO MEET nesotr and Georgia. 1 27 great-grandchildren. and one By The Korights hit 50si from the Combs Traded iii Callaway Countj", far Nineteen school buses carrying great-great granddaughter field which was a big difference the past 51 years arid in Dexter scores if children were trapped • Funeral services wall be held at FRANKFORT VI — Lours- Camp 592. and !tom the game aearnst ,Hardin for the past 18 years. Ourt 728. in six-f -'it drifts in Pennsylvania the Scotts Grave Baptist Church , titles one ante Mayor Wilson By JAMES R. RENNEISEN the off cc if Woodmen of the Waraci will when they only ha for 20n' Next governor according She is survived by her hus- and New York. Sn plorws , Wetinearlay at 2:00 p. m. with W. Wyatt the Lt. Gavernor elect, Wonderful United Press International to law; meet Thursday Monday night the Knights will and I do further solemn- band, Henry Fints Barrow, four night. December aught for hours reaching Bros_ -r C. Shelton and Billy in his precedent setting inaugural FRANKFORT (UPI — Beht 1) Swear 10 1959 at 700 p. take on Lyon County at 7;30 in $2:45 that since the adoption sons. Grover Gorge Rubin and m in the the the stranded students. G Hurt in charge .if the ser- address. declared. "the measure irlas Combs, the 48-year-old of the American Isegien -am Health Building. present Censtatitson, 1. Witmer Borrow all of Dover and Hall. Newly R. bert Ranage a 35-year-old vice. Rural will be in the church of our conduct moat be. not the ;1'ttle judge" from the rnpuntams, being a elected offeers will be On Wednesday night the Knahta CE citizen of this State, Clinton Barrow of Dexter, three installed. deer hunter, became separated cemetery_ profit f a party. but the welfare STUDY tonk the. (oath of office as the have net Baked Ham. Cold Drinks wall play against the Murray fought a duel with daughgters. Mrs. Loxbie Lan- will State from friends Monday during a Grandsons .of Mrs. Spann will of a pelvic" 48th governar of the Common- deadly be served by Freshman 5 weapons within bills state caster, DiNer, Mrs. Nathan Green' the camp. Each learn preceding the Tex- at'am that dumped 12 inehea of serve as the active pallbearers. It was the first time a lieuten- wealth of Kentucky today, then nor out of lady is requested la bring a as Wesleyan game. The starting it, not have I serraor up at Paducah. and Mrs Jeanne cov- snow near Uri's:ma...tan. Pa lietwa Friends may call at the J. H. ant g vernor ever had been ask- in his inaugural addrem told accepted ered dish. a challenge to tight a McClure of Mayfield, inie sister, time for this game is 8 p.m. ever, he was found alive 13 hours Churchill Funeral Rene until ed ta speak at the inaugural cere- 95c afestive thrang of 100,000 he duel with deadly weapons, nor Mrs. Ida Barrett of Murray. 24 later by a game warden. the service hour. monies for a

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TA(a w o L...f kt te. .••• CHKAI, KENTUCKY TUESDAY — DECEMBER- 8, 1959 THE LEDGER. & TIMES Smooth Murray Squad Takes North Texas leeiteiSHED by LEDGER a TIMES PUOLISHING COMPANY. tee onsolidatioe of the Murray Ledger, The Calloway Times and Ties nines-Herald. October Sport's 30, 1928. and the West Page iLegaucksaa. e 1942 Joimswg State 8249 Even As Mudd Hits Net For 31 JAMES C. WILLIAMS PUBLISHER A sino411, moving Murray Larry Bale spear-headed a Racer and Herndon picked up 10. We reserve the right to re)ect any Advertising. Letters to the Editor KENTUCKY LAKE LEAGUE 'State Thoroughbred squad slap- drive that saw Murray ptell to Murray scored on 32 field goals, W Publie Voice _teals which. is our 9mlian, --71 'Hazel High 0 ars its4 Ike MO Avg. pod highly regarded North Texas a halttime adeeantage of rune 18 eat 28 free throw attempts Iltarest of our readers • Team L pew withan' 02-80 defeat last nite points, 38-29. and ceinnetted 20 pers,nal fouls. 1ATIONAL Tucker Real Estate ....30 14 Tin l in the MSC REPRESENTATIVES. WALLACE WITIICER CO., ISIII Sports Arena, It -Bale scored 12 points for Mur- North Texas scored on 26 field hoorah Memphis. Tenn_ MO Park Ave_ Mew Usk Downs Concord lendeey's 29 15 72.5 was the third win of the season ray State in &sets. 17 of 28 charlty tosses, MR M. kWh- the first Bait. Jim goo Ave. leibrey's Quentin. W Bolystou St. Bann& . 27 17 738 fur the Racers against one Liss. Mudd hie for 10 fvr the visitoN. and was charged with 18 person- AU Taylor Motors 27 17 704 1 North Texas is a tough bets- "Mudd in your eye" als. cen entered at the Post Office. Murray, Kentucky, ter tradantiasuaa The Hazel High School Lions become a es Martin Oil 26 16 742 some Valley Conference team real Racers will be host to Second Class Matter put the finishing touches to an threat in the second half The shit Tidwell Paint 24 20 beg rated as the best night. mpreseeve queen crown:rig cage squad as the amiable 6'7 senior from Texas Wesleyan Wednesday jus ELBSCBIPTION RATES. cere- Bank I By Carrier in Murray. par wqmik Pat of Murray .. 20 24 642 , Murray State has faced thus far Freeburg, Illino,s, scored el eon- Murray (82) ibooth 15t In Calloway nee:1y Feeley night by ending a the and afteining counties. Par Mau. Pik Pui domes Inc. 19 25 eii4 lin the young seas. North pre- O'Riurdan 18, Greene 13, Smi- where. $5.50. Wok' long drought with New Concord. seeutIve points far the Texas tees Wright's Gro. 18 26 =Isented the Racers' 3-2 offense school. koski 0, Herndon 10, Peter:on For the first time in many ,..arites, tur Peeples Beek ..... 17 26 6441Iwith a clogged-up middle but a But 2, Hens:n 0, West 0, Fleet 18, Hazel topped its county rival 80-71. the 'Brees determthely see Jaycees 13 30 614 I smooth passing attack enabled fought Jim Mudd all the way Wilkins 2, Wiknore 4, Gr rn 15. TUESDAY_ — DECEMBER 8, 1959 With the score knotted at 13-13 Court House .... 12 32 606 Murray to break into the open. and held an lood, 51-40, North Texas (Ce1. at the end of the first quaeter the 11 Point First High Individual The vectors took a 4-2 ad- at the end of his first onslaught- harried 1, McLatrighlei 3 Bo- Lams emerged from a second GEIS Three Games eith handicap vantage at the outset of the con- er. Other ren 6, klickel 2, Reitzel f ..yrd quarter battle weh a one point tearn mates tuck over IMPROVEMENTS AUTHORIZED Bil Dudeun 6e3 test but Murray grasped the lead where Mudd left off and con- 6, Mudd 33, McClelen 0, Gris- edge. 33.32, at haleurne Hazel real- Charlie Costello 6115 after a king series oif ties and tinued to blast away at the Racer som 9- ly begin clicking in the third New School Buildings ... $500,000 Don Tucker .. 1575 moved ahead for keeps on a lead until it dwindled to one stanza and widened the margin First Wish Individual Gelder by Ron Greene, 21-19. point, 54-43, with 10:46 loft to Planning Commission with Professional to sx points, 52-46. Game With Mendicap play. James Dale Erwin hit for 23 Consultation Don Tucker 778 Jarrell pains in the last half to pace the Graham and Gene Aarar Milford Hicks 268 Herndon L.onis in their victory. Erwin fin- Bulldogs came to the rescue PUSh- IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED Bill Fandrich 259 ug Murray LAST TIMES TONIGHT * shed the game with a total of 36. back into a command- ing lead. Jerry Kent Waters. playing his la was the last screen Debbie Reynolds • Industrial Expansion threat of the et game of eligibility hit for 18 t) Lincoln game despite Mudd's Glenn Ford -in- Sidewalks, Curbs and Gutters net swishing antics. New Concord was led by Smith Almo Wins 'It Started With a Kiss" Widened Street In Some Areas with 27 points. Patterson hit for The Texas ta)lster hiniehed 17. with a total sf 33 points. He was — Technicolor — Continued Home Building It took a sudden death over time Hazel 13 33 the only player on the North Airport For Murray 52 8U Over to decide a battle between Paducah Hickman team to reach the deuble fig- 4 New Concord 13 32 46 71 Lincoln and visiting Murray Doug- WED. & THURS. Audition 're Hospital ures. Five Murray men hit Hazel ille lass as the Bundees came out on the F—Thomas. Tee Almo Warriors double column. Bale and O'Rior- J Wileon 5. Waters 18. downed a top18-56. J. T. Duffey hit the highly rega.ded den each collected 18 points, C—B. Wilson 15 Hickman County basket that ended the clash. I 73-69 in a big battle Graham hit for 15, Greene for 13 G--Erwin 36, T Wilson 8. in the Warrior Munay took a 15-11 edge but VOMANCIPIWINIAP den Friday night. 't P02.Mg. P .P.P'eol WAS New Concord (71) found the score knotted 27-27 at Almo took a it F—Bailey 7. Smith 27. 22-14 first period haeltime. Again the Bulldogs forg- Tit lead but saw its C—Patterson 17. inaren of safety ed ahead and were out front by 10 lit !It vanish in the G—Curd 14. Weatheford 6. secc71 cearter as points. 45-35, at the end of the Racer the Falcons moved Into a 39-38 VF. -ewer third canto But the Lincoln squad IT SENT A ' halftime lead. The Warriors, I 1 g:asp- refereed to give up and tied the hi lellION VOITS ed a shaky four poirt spried. 55-51, eta Rose Bowl count as the game ended. Each -, ACROSS THE ROSE QUEEN — - ia the third period -nd never let geeen for that big New Symsonia team picked up one fielder in the 830ADelAI A Mt - i„o to claim the victory. Schedule Year's Day parade and foot- first overtime. STAGE) Jerry Overby was the top scorer Ar. ball extras aganza in Pasa- Johnny Cooper led Murray with with 27 points. Thomas Lamb SF Margaret Ber- hit 15 points Ceeerevade was high for dena. Calif., is Throws Wednesday, December S. M. for 19 points. Stewart led the Fal- 9' teison, le, a reseient of the the gerne with 24 points cons with 25 and Harper picked MSC Sports Mena city of the same name. The Murray Douglas 15 27 45 54 56 58 31 up 19. Murray vs. Texas Wesleyan 5-foot-8 coed was born in T he *ineoria Ruuilh %Were Paducah Lincoln 11 27 36 54 56 56 Almo ' 22 Saturday. December 12 Of If Minneapolis, Minn. an over South Marshall 76-36 38 55 73 Murray ISM Hickmar. County Deland. Fee.da of: IS Friday night 14 39 51 al F—Cooper 15. Hornbuckle, Duffy Murray vs Stetson Symso. nia took an early '21-14 Alma 1731 14, Arnold 2. s.• t F--Coureey • Garee 8:00 pin lead and never let up in recording 8. elcCla.d 8. C—Belton 2 1E111 .0. Tigers the win. Ahead by 10 points, C—Lamb 19. Dix. Theme. Open 32-22, 0—Jackson 12. McGhee 11. G—Oveiby 27 Jackson 11 t at the halftime interrmseion. the Lincoln 1561 Hickman ill Riders really hit their stride in County 1681 F—R Jones' 11. W Jones 4, Hens- Up stepped the little man with the big F—Overstreet With Winner the second half. 3. Harper 19, Pad- ley 2, It gett 2 cigar, .Rhew arts Farmer led Synuonia C—Greena-sde 24. .6. C—Stewart 25 with 20 and 18 points reepecrively. G—Wieion 5. Youne 3, Bolen 2, G--Waterfled Said, come here Cat, let • env Mae ay Kean T.gera opened Willuns was high fu. the losers 10. Martin 2, Meyers Shumpert 4 me sell you a • 1, Hiett 0. NI ie. teeketball season In free- a: e 20. car. tyle night with a 64-33 Syrnsonia 21 32 57 76 teENIBER. 1950 signed name, visiting Farmington South Marshall 14 22 40 56 ORDINANCE NUMBER 343. BE- 1 my 1 gave my money, vin .ver PASSED ON THE S EC 0 N D 1 Sytmenia itli ING AN ORDINANCE DECLAR- .110 READLSG ON THE 20TH DA1 1 bought a car from Little Bonnie ... F—Ellingein 14. %Vie:is 2. Richards ING THE NEED, NECESSITY. OF NOVEMBER. 1969 Aheed by three pomts at the 6, Wood 8 DESTRABILeTY. AND INTENTION N• . /5/ HOLMES EI.Lth I'M HAPPY!! rid of the fleet period, the Tigers C—Ft.hew 20 OF THE CITY OF MURRAY, Mayor of City ot el.:reel to a 25-35 halftime lead G--Farmer 18 Hill. Copeland 5, KENTUCKY, TO ANNEX CERT- Murray. Kentucky I. The Murray squad upped its mar- Green 3 ..70NTIGUOUS TERRrruktY ATTEST: the spread in the Garriscn te Bonnie Used HE Cars South Marshall 1561 CITY OF MURRAY, ).c stanza /s/ STANFORD ANDRUS Li to F—eleseler IS. Wilkess 20. eiCKY; AND ACCURATELY City Clerk 1 Mile Out, Concord Road ' Phone PL 3-5380 I. a. C--P Jones 12. Tbomes)n 2 JEr'SING T H E BOUNDARIM Robert Lee and Lawny Rose Der G—J Lavett. 'Weaver 2. B. Lovett OF THE TERRITORY WHICH g: SURPRISEthe family this( .crnbir.ed s...-ortng talents to lead 3 Byers 2. ..,I, . CITY OF MURRAY. KENTUCKY. a. 'he Tigers to their first victory e. Use t gift of all — the G. PROPOSES TO AN c eith 20 and 29 points respectively. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COM- .". ! ,T.PER table e) pew iter. Four NiicCla.r. hit for 20 markers for a. MON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF • ei fiae 'he :ceers eoratur colors I. MURRAY. KENTUCKY, AS FOL- g: -dur ey 18 ee 48 64 a a boat LOWS: a. of QUI& I i*,f1 15 25 38 33 HIGH SCHOOL szerrom I. That'It Is needful, g: ei tee a do111.111Stiatin , Murray High a. necessary. and desirable that the have Zven enjoythq F — 19 ,Y.....erns. Lee 20 Cage following described lands lying ad- C—Miller 12 Hurt 1 jacent and contiguous to the pres- our State Tacks 1. G--Pride 8 ().o.ey 4 B.rnett ent boundary limits of the City of Murray, Kentucky. be annexed more t LEDGER & TiMES Farmington 453) arkimote/ Schedule to said City of Murray, Kentucky, 11. F—Irvtin 6 P.echae. 4. and become a part thereof. to-wit C—Mce.a.n 20 Beginning at a point on it 4 Tuesday, December 8 the - STATE PARK existing Southerly city limes GROSS RECEIPTS Ile\ rr''- 43 143" 2 F4rmer a elerrey at Hopkin.svele of '52 - '60 the Cey of Murray. said begin- — — -- Christian Co. at S Marshall ning point being North 85 De- Lone Oak at N Marihall p.m grees 05 Minutes East and 2343 New Cur.cord at Almo 1952-53 ENSION CAR feet from the centerline of Ken- $ ONE NEW DI NI Co:lege High at Hazel 1,544,414.83 tucky Highway No. 121 estriarie Lyon County at K:rksey where the exiseng Southerly city limits 1953-54 Friday. December 11 lommor 1,823,739.28 line crosses the sad ii- PRESENTS PROOF Fancy Farm at Kirksey centerline: Li thence Seuth Ii Dearees 20 Min- C elege Hi at New Concord 1954-55 utes West and parallel with the 1,959,750.64 PROVEN ECONOMY, PROVEN VLUE lenton at S Mac shall centerline of Kentucky Highway . Trig Co at Murray icati 1955-56 No. 121 and being 230 feet East- 2,045,368.35 N Marshall at Heath .11111.1! erly from the mid centerline 7"" Mademnville Rosewald at Douglas for a distance of 149 8 feet to a $ ,STUD AKER 7,373,273.10 LOIT 'BABY point; thence continuing 2110 feet NAM from, and parallel with. Ken- Al tucky 14.1„tiway No 121 South eerie their ..ii. he Lark ern cr 7-)0 in lion Free 3 Degets 55 Minutes West foi ' I Weikel 1 Throw ,01 Mere than - . distance Of 1955.2 feet to a 1141)1)5 01.5'11151• ItpOtl 11:55( .4151y. polo, lower Wit is (112t milt., atone, thence Soutp 85 Degrees anti operating (fete I I, a'gt on regular gat. 1956-57 $ loaart instil ant e Wins For 30 Minutes Nest for a Metorice 2,037,762.45 111) to et! or more titan 1.000 lteet‘. re s the le , ore, I he Lark sa'.ts a- 7410.0 feet to a stone; thence North 3 Degrees 45 lelffitites West 1957-58 , oh gas bills (that's He a gallon!, and its meintenanic bills up to 2,157,186.19 fur a distance of 4006.7 feet to a ere. estlesrt ire job fete). "le Pe e en high in trade in salue Benton , ("T.% point in the centerline of an 1958-59 2 group. ,216,796.56 tweets show lent resale eeeii emerge in its prat' unnamed street, said line passes A - .11 ee 511 \ \ kl 51Is r R it d 1)/..‘1.Lit free throw by Kenai) leek through a /Zone located 26. feel 1959-60 2,249,490.53 .fe . the final bon Friday n.ght South of the centerline of the (iii4P /KU IS 15111 11151. III) I ot, I•I PitICALLI %III I 5141. t Benton a surpree 53-5'2 win street. thence South 116 Degrees 14. 51 WI. COSSLItIIaLLS, iIMDlOY5 550 1100/I 54 as $ Lone Oak 30 Minutes Wek fier a distance 8,661235.73 'N oh score knotted et 52-52 the of 548.8 feelety I stone, said r,.c r, voter was the gun man if a atone being bested on a line it e.-eak in the Waning seconds. extended fropi the Easterly prop- It' Tressed has Mot but drew a erty line of North Eighteenth , triai that spelled defeat Street to the abovementionea 1956 - '60 'au 04kers. sturie. thence North 2 Degree, $8,661,235.73 It. •.(in was on top 13-9 in the 30 Minutes West for a distance . e.r.g 1952 e period but the Pea pee of 476.5 feet ta stone on the - '5§ 7,373,273.10 le wept back to a 25-25 dead- Southerly rIght-of-way line at ,k .1 halitune. Tie gain at We Kentucky Hiebway No. 96 and rid of the third period the. game also the ex,sting Southerly city wes never (fielded until Peek's lineed the City of Mur 0 ii e'er IT, e throw ray, Kereueky. (All of thc dot- las? Dreier. w.s 8itheme teip serer hiterig er-ices and directions herein giv- MI967.63 Points for the Flash. Peek led en are as shown by survey as Liersten with 15. prep'-id by Eerie:- Y Hollis, Reg- le.-reen 13 25 43 53 istered Civil Engineer, Paducele Len. Oak 9 25 43 52 Kentucky • Eisoov Renton soak VATE (530 SECTION II. That It .1s the In PAM F Jenes 10 Ceeee 7, Morgan 8. tention of City of Murray, Kens C Peek 15, tucky, to annex to City nit Murray ‘;, 'ee LLALIKER DEILEITS rpo r • - 7 te ToeR Set KEEP NEM Ge-Darnae 7. Pees...11 6. Kentucky. so as to become a part GROW/4161 MOTORS. Inc. 303 So. 4th St. Murr4-, Lone Oak 152) thereof, the territory described in , TAYLOR F 14. Claik 11, Owens. SECTION I hereof. lrr.,,,MiCKS—THFYREMUGHFPTHANTHV C PASSED ON THE FIRS1 fiEAD- Dept. of Conservation • G 21 Ger, ING ON THE e'eall DAY OF NO- _Division of Parks •


a TUEPDAY - DECEMBER N, 1959 LEDGER & T"1 - MURRAY, KENTUCKY PAGE THREB . ORDINANCE NUMBER 345, xas BEING AN ORDINANCE PRO- HIBITING, THE DEPOSIT OF ANY LEAVES, TRASH, DIRT, For 33 PAPER, DEBRIS, OR CYPHER LI lereatt, UPON ANY STREET Oath... OR ALLEY OF THE CITY eee' licked up 10. MURRAY, KENTUCKY; RE- d en 32 field g PEALING ALL ORDINANCES, e throw attempts OR PCPRTIONS ORDINAN- s . s, eller chairs, radii, bees OF izing payments of u,p to $500 to 20 persenal fouls. • Mayfield CHerrybIll 7-5331. It no CES IN CONFLICT complete with springs and mat- HEREWITH, veterans cat four wars, or their :Cored on 26 field EICTION SALE r FOR SALE. I answer call collect Union City, Ten- TO THE EXTENT OF SUCH tresses, two heaciboarde, sofa, heirs or kin, new is being test- 28 chanty tosses, nessee, phone TUrnee 5-5361. ..TFC CONFLICT small buffet, coffee and end moisarmENTEE-iitThalloway ONLY; AND PRO- ed in the courts. Many opponents - AUCTION ta- ed with 18 pers.& n SALE Thursday, De- bles, marbled Monument Company, VIDING PENALTY FOR THE contend its payment would seri- top tat*, very W. Main St. MONUMENTS-Murray Marble & cember 10th, 1:00 p. m. large and near Orr. VIOLATION HEREOF. ously impair other state services. rain or expensive wool , .11; and College. Vester TIC Granite Wctics, builders of fine will be host to shine, 1603 pad, vacuum BE IT ORDAINED BY THE Occupying the crowded inaugu- Hameltem Avenue, cleaner, floor pol- memorials for over half century, n Wednesday night. dther, STORE FIXTURES, CONSISTING COMMON COUNCIL OF THE ral platform with Combs was Lt. just West of cuileg,,,, at hassocks, many small pieces Porter White,. 'ay (82) afs- of ceiling Manager. Phone PL CITY OF MURRAY, KENTUCKY, Gov. Wilson W.'Wyatt, 54-year- the Cowie home, owner leaving furnettere, yard and garden fare, sewing machines, 3-2612. 3, Greene 13, Smi- J5C AS FOLLOWS, TO-WIT: old former Louisville town. Will sell all medren tools. Noshing sold or show cases, display islands in good mayor ecion 10, Peterson furni- shown be- SECTION I: From and ture and spotless; condition. Call PL 3-5505, Contact aleer whose inaugural address mark- 411 refaegerat !e, fore sale. Douglas Shoemaker, West 0. Bale 18, sectienal L. D. Miller. D1OP CAMMIE AND PEA RLE FABRIC the 'date of the final anseptionS of ed another "first" today. furniture, and twe I Auctioner. D nure 4, Gr m 15.• -9-C Shop, 5 miles North of Murray this ordinance, it shall be un- Brisk, sunny weather beckon- Texas (el SINGER SEWING MAOHINES, Benton Highway, going eut of lawful for any person, firm, cor- ed thousands of .inauguration vis- teLatighlei e Bo- Answer to Purzi• new machines, $59.50 up. poration, or any other legal ent- itors to Cltu.e.)W Via) PUZZLE Yesterday's Used business everything priced to sell. F.sankfort Der the grand- 2. Reitzel r yrd electric machines $19.50 up. Treadle Dealers and everyone welcome. ity to deposit or cause to be de- est parade and ceremony in in- Mc-Clelen 0, Gr:s- ACROSS 6-hpanish machines $7.50 up. Two used vac- posited any leaves, train, d'irt, augural title 0000 OUMM MOU ITC history. A proud dele- 1-Si in an 6-Smoothed the ROM QOM OUH uum cleaners $10.00 each. New paper, debris, or other Litter, gaton from Combs' hometown of 4-Eifete feather, of OMOM NIUM vacuum cleaners ;49.a0. Contact -upon any street or alley of the Prestonrsiburg led 0-Preface eggs OM the long pa- 11- Wootly 8. Lubrnatee UM MOO MSS Bill Adams, Phone PL 3-5323 or WANTED City of Murray, Kentucky, with- se iinrough the blocked-off 12•16tirred up II- Spanish MOE MUM NO0 PL 3-1757, 103 North 54.h. Next out first having obtained permis- streets of this normally 1b-Three-'toed article RUNG a@ quiet sloth UOUOU sion of the Superintendent of capiStal city as 10•C 1•ur age door to People's Bank, Murray. 11 BOYS AGE 10-12 WHO WANT temperatures hey- 16-Polite SIMIGUIW WIIMANR DIED FOR A WHILE-Walter Story, 55, one of the injured 12-S5 mbol let OPIUM TIC to train Streets in writing. ered in the meddle 40s. Bands and IC-blunt. of allver 11E1 'MOW for Ledger & Times car- in crash of a cargo plane in a Chicago residential area, 26th 14-.t drawing of Ulgtb UCON WAR SECTION II: From and after FLats moved through the cheer- AES TONIGHT * rier routes. Must be honest, cour- talks with his wife In hospital where he "died" Pre.ident frume5 frc•ni WOO GIOUW OW SHEEP, 12 Yews, 1 Buck, 7-two the date of the final adoption cet ing lines of visitors who con- and was . Reynolds • a fund teous and dependable. See James brought back to life. A nurse, unable to feel his pulse point ONO IMMO UO years, 5- 5 years old. Ph ne HE this ordinance, it shall be un- versed on Frankfort from every 17-Pormer MODO Harmon, Ledger & Times. TI beat, told doctors the patient was dead. Story was rushed Ford -in- 21 - Flo wer ItusAan ruler WHION 5-4975 Hazel Ky. 12-10-P lawful fir any person, firm, cor- section el the state to attend the 22- Briatle 20-4hor( Jacket D WOEvir to an operating room, his windpipe was severed and an 24 poration, or any other legal ent- festetivities which wind up to- With a Kiss" reek letter 13-itsibelohlaa THREE PIECE BOYS CORDU- oxygen tube was inserted. He lost his blueness and came •:6-Tolied deity ity to transport over any street night with a governor's recep- :hnicolor - 20-Man's 34 - 'uliege 33-Stnitler 53-Stchlan ROY SUIT. Sze 24 months. practical nursing. Exeprienced. back to life abortly thereafter. He's recovering. volcano or alley of City of Murray, Ken- tion, four inaugural balls and the nickname degree 41-Period of Whte baby shoes, 4/12. Also metal Can give reference. Mrs. Chris- 29- W./rainy (abbr.) time 57 -Exploalv• lucky, by hand or vehicle, any grand march in the Cap.ted. 31-Underwater 21-Sea In Asla 43-Place for noise btd and springs. Phone PLaza 3- tine Garland, Kirksey route two, leae ee, fr THURS. ridge trash, dirt, pager, debris, CARD 17-Wheel tooth worship 58-A continent 4639. D-10-P D-10-C OF THANKS neral Home fear their services. 33-Latin Si' 44-Symbol for (abbr.) Man', name or other Utter, in suds careless We will always remember the coiounction 22- filwrato tin 60 Roman We wish to express our sincere 34-Cog, , otaieti 35:imows 46-S5 mbol for bronze THREE ROOM furnished apart- r manner as to permit such leaves, kind assistance of all our friends 112-Cooled lava thanks and 36-Chatli nge 717-Pinh.1.61 nickel ment. Ground floor. Water fur- I FOR RENT trash, cilirt, paper., debris, u appreciation to Dr. during our bereavement in the MICKEY :S- •-• 48-More arid 64-Symbol for Other Hamilton, the nurses and Murray mullmery 51 -Snakes bromine rished, Phone PLaza 3-1735, 1206 I litter to fall onto any stre t (Continued from Page One) loss of our loved one. I or alley of the City of Murray, Hospital state for their faithful W. Main. D-10-P SIX The Family of Jett 1'4i./.1er TTC Lectacte ROOM HOUSE, large rooms Kentucky. semi:ices, to the friends and neigh- ROONEY 45 Lair 1 1 3 4 3 .....--.. 05 7 a 9 lo I ample illington of Farmangton lot. Front and back porches, SECTION III: All ordinances bors for the toe food anu beauti- 28 x 300 ft business house - 106 . Talbert Moore of De- The United States earned 800 as KIILER MEARS falsehood Ii 12 ',13 14 West Olive, sail PL 3-5064. D8P of the Cloy of Murray, Kentucky ful flowers. 41•••-•radise N. 4th Si. CaLl Mrs. J. B. Fare is our brothers, Herman of million dollars from foreign visit- 50-A continent PL 3-1224. D - 10-P :n conflict herewith, to the ex- IT SENT A 62- 17 West Virginia, Oves of West Vir- Our spec:al thanks to Bra, ors in 1958, while American tour- SolicLt mitt TWO 2-BEDROOM tent of such conflict and to such ese; MILLION VOLTS 14- bs itibo;144 den HOUSES at ginia, Mahlon cif Murray route Herrin and Bro. Maethews for ists went more than two billion • samarium . '9 2. :11 V 12 23 403 and 405 South 1 lth Street. extent only. are hereby repeal- .r ACROSS THE 51-1-'oserivt THREE BEDROOM HOUSE on two and Curtis of Hazel route their come reng words. Also the dollars abroad, including 536 mil- $50 per. month. Possession :tn- ed. IROADIVAI tabhe • 24 25 '-'-'.26 27 28 South Fitteenth Street. Call one. singers and J. H. Churchill Fu- lion in Europe. 6C-Liiiiinf• mecidately. Call Bob sEcrioN IV: Any person, STAGE) Tuck- Realty Company, Phone Mr.41er at He had four grandchildren. 61-Parent PL firm, corporation, or any other (coll.) • 120 30 ,..c.. 31 • 33' Pit 3-4342. ITC 3-3312 D-R-C Friends may call at the Max le} legal entity found guilty of vio- III- Vessel 1. r H. Churchill Funeral Home until making tea es 45 ."...:136 37 ,... ''..., . - lating any provision of this or- .nia- Pr... Me the ....:': the funeral hour. Arrangements TWO BEDROOM apartment, AUCTION SALE ciinance shell be deemed 'guilty 1 W Means 34 39 $ - 10 41 • • .,42 14 are inecrnplete at this time. DRAG LINE WORK ' 66-0ratem urefuineshed. $35 per mentih. Call of a mesdemeaner, and wpm con- god r. Company, Phene in 45 ..„,,... 47 Tutker Reeky Vrction thereof, shall be fined We Specialize in Work on 67-Things, /' ,..•./ SAT. DEC. 12 1-p. m. rant or Ia.' PLaza 3-4342. ITC not less than $1.00 nal- more than SO Si 52 53 •••••‘.54 shine at Ivan Rudolph home LAKE AND FARM PROPERTY - DOWN ..56. 4:•:. (now sold) on Methodsst Church $25J30 for each offense. Children... 55 56 57 sa :..,219 60 For 111•111EP' 111"-- 1-A riat• 1---17•10TICE ground in Murray will sell nice PASSED ON FIliST RE-AIDING (Continued from rage One) labbr rugs, bedroom furniture, ofLee FARM PONDS - DITCHING - DREDGING 2-Ached A I••.•:,'63 64 J ON THE 4th DAY OF DECEM- desk, glass Contact 3- Pr;n ter'. door bow( case, chairs BER, 1959. Robinson, Mrs. Robert Bear, Mrs. mut. • DEAD STOCK REMOVED FRIES. h the big 7 tables, (thest_ electric stoves, a HOLM ES ELLIS Roman 4 2.ur , .•:.• ' . . Prompt service. Trucks dispatched Prydetkevytch, Mrs. Neale , few old pieces glassware, phone, MAYOff. CITY OF MURRAY, Mason, Mrs. Paul RAYMOND BALL . The L'a4te0 lure ta. ne. II by two-way radio. Call called Shahan, Mrs. coffee mill, clock, spanning KENTUCKY Bobby McDougal and Mrs. How- Paris, Tenn, Phone 2045 a viiheel, and marble top bureau's STANFORD ANDRUS ard 01-.1a. II you a • (Swivel type) attic full of otner 110 things. Noter lig soles or shown b401..-re sale. money, Douglas Shsemaker, Auctioneer nnie THRILLER D-10-C pam3sis YOU KNOW \ THCY 94001D RUN FULL PAGE TgEsit6p4COLD 44AVE A Bk.; "NOSE APE A NEW WNAT TNEY socar) ADS IN EVERY NEWSPAPERN TME GPECIALULARCti TV, AND Ti4EY 6000 IDEAS, Elme:••11.1. nog •••••• 11•••=•.. -r 0.0••• 411M.M. rm. 00 •//go• •1•01 •••••••k HELP DO ON DECEMBER LOISAIN6 BEETI4OVEN 940OLD CARVE i-iI5 FACE ON WANTED I 6IXTEENTI4? A I4APPY EiIRTI4DAY MOUNZR(J6MAORE CHAPTFP 4 driving splinters into my palm. anything that a lifeline t1.-e •-rt MEN-WOMEN $20 DAILY. SELL OMEARLINO roe vith an tin...:-r -41:11/rt say I was very mu- by Lieutenant Trant would be ed Carl Luminous nameplates. Write broken barrage of eht.'t ter. pelsed." 'Tee Lieotennnes continu- suspect but I grabbed it. ing Reeves Co., Attleboro, Mass. DlOP PI 3-5 3,S0 •Vivem drove me honie to change voice sounded very slightly "Yes," I said. "1 imagine I'd * into fresh clothes We were actu- . muffled as if it were coming to remind you that I had an alibi." ally getting out of the car before me through a thin barrier of Trent turnee away from me LADY BOOKEEPER permanent ;-'Cr74 I paper. "There'd already been sev- with maddening leisureliness • r I saw Lieutenant Trent. j-db. Write P. 0. Box 46, Murray, He appeared from nowhere, it eral hints. The woman who herfrd "We called Miss Taylor, Mr. Ky. &vine; qauleficaleon.s. T F C seemed, hovering at my side like - the shoes had seen Saxby on Hadley. This morning when I a chauffeur ready to assist the 'several oceasinna come into the borrowed your phone I told head- NANCY by Ernie Bushmiller descent ot an elderly employer. building inth a woman. She didn't quarters to get in touch with her. "Hello. Mr Hadley Good eve- I know who the woman was, of They got the South Caeolina nem- ning. Mrs_ Ryson." He moved his'course, but the general descrip- ber. We talked to her the moment grave smile from one to the °thee tion could very well have fitted she arrived. She confirmed Mrs. of us. "TWA is a piece of luck Mrs. Hadley. And then-well. the Hadley's and Miss Fredley'a alibis, for me, Mr. Harley. I've just Duvreux story established a sort of course. But when it crate to •been told by the maid that no one of pattern, didn't it? Begin as a you, her story was • little differ- was at home." protege of the wife-switch to ent from yours or your wife's. cfinote./ "They're over at our house, the daughter. She said that, to the heat of her Lieutenant," said Vivien. "We're "Of course, Chuck confused the knowledge, when she left at four- giving a party. A celebration- issue for a while, but he nejber thirty, you still hadiet come after Chuck's terrible ordeal." sidetracked me too much. I merlin Some." I said, "Did you want anything from the moment the motel own- So much for Connie's "arrange- ! -' 60 In particular, Lieutenant ?'' ers checked in and Mrs. Fost• ments." I Might have kocr.•.'n that "As a matter of fact, Mr. Had- wick called from Toronto, I had In Illy contest of wits -between ley, I want to speak to you." a fairly good idea who killed Connie and Trent, erant would I turned- to Vivien. "You go Don Saxhy. And now, since eve nly wit. He hade- paused $14.83 en." I said, "I'll come by in a found out about the bracelet. I!rni. giving time for this body minute." I have a very good blow to make its effect. ▪ would say "All right, darling." Vivien Idea." Then he went on. "I'm sere F39.28 planning to get smiled at Trent again. "But don't He paused, but his eyes never that you've been her to keep hum too long. Please Lieuten- left my race 1 was looking back In touch with he, and ask include you in the alibi. For all r50.64 ant. We nerd him." at him stupidly. I imagine, or I know, you've already done so. She waggled her hand at him, how0er a rabbit is supposed to I got ahead of 168.35 kiseedme on the cheek and drove look hack at a snake. But I'm afraid And I spoke to her from the oft. For a moment Trant stood elleually, Mr. Hadley, once you. by Al Capp office. I have the conversation -i..IL' ABNER looking after her, then he turned you've found the best motive on tape. As the D. A. sees it and to me. I preceded him up the you've found the murderer. A man -5(..17 IT WERE t73.10 it. Mr. Hadley. the only IF AH DON'T GIT -steps, opened the front door, and who descovers that both his wife as I see library. people, apart from yourself, who WHICH A PHOTO led him into the and his daughter have been- 11N-1 OVER TH' TAKE IT then have become at the moment have any known GOT I should by what shall we "says betrayed?- FINISH LINE FINISH!! oppreesiveness he al- immediate motive for murdering NOW, FUR, •used to the by the same man. ha.s a very DRUG WE'LL SEE inspired in me, the sensation Don Saxby, were Mrs Hadley. or IT'LL5E. TOO ways good motive for murder, di5esn't OVER TH' ever since I'd first met him Miss Hadley. Miss Taylor has L- that he?" ' LATE had been biding his time, been able to give them both a FIRST? PITCHER he Somehow. I 62.45 airtime like the most patient'i suppose. In the definite alibi. But you . ." lee IN en- even flow of his words. I had A •ot tigers for a eiulden, eventual made a little gesture with hi-, MINUTE!! 86.19 pounce. 'gathered what he was landing up band. to: I had realized that after the Hie now, although his smile "Motive. Mr. Hadley, opeorten- long crouch the pounce nad come. a was as unintimelating as ever ity . . . and an alibi which dide't 96.56 DurThat it should have _come in he had in so many words happen to hold up very well. 0 se. nee so stagg;‘rtngly miming dismixsed . us corn- just this way was It? That's what I Want you to 90.53 !est unexpected tat I felt nothing at . e oey reorn the ease-, I felt tens- think about. I know it's unortho- first but istoriehment merged - r than I'd ever felt before with dox for a cop to show his hard. with something that was almost cared much tor 35.73 lent but I've never amusement. being orthodox. And 41n 'a „eitee "How about a drink r I said, "You're accusing me?" I said. like this where the murdered men, overt to the bar and was I went "Accusing you, Mr. Hadley 7 morally if npt legally, deserved myself a shot of bourbon pouring No, I'm not accusing you, I'm what was corning to him . . I t) S 04 he said, "No. thank you. ,S0 4, Ue...4 ".,•d before only asking you what you would feel, well, shall we say that I think- so. Not now." I don't say If I did accuse you." feel holding out on you -any long- water in my drink. "You 35.73 I put "rd-fay it was ridiculous." er wouldn't be cricket 7" 4FeelllIge's74T by Raeburn Van Buren mind if I do?" ABFIIE an' SLATS -se4 don't "Ridiculous that you would Once again, at the least imag- course not.. You probably I BELIEVEZE 0f-1, SLATS -.YOU STARTLED ME en( have wanted to kill a man who'd inable moment, he was stretching S. • SO - I NEXT CAB IS E THOUGHT you WERE BACK IN 'THE 73.10 need one." done what Saxhy did to your wife out his hand, smiling his exasp- ills HURRY ON HOME AND THEATRE his SL ATS 'e IT'S (GASP) He took out cigarette case and daughter?" erating smile of tolerance for all GET DINNER STARTED, SLATS. selecting a prid, cigarette, inevit- - "No, not exactly, but-" human frailty. 'IOU AND ABBIE CAN TALK CVER NOT---NOT SLATS it on the case and go' ably tapped "But-what?" "Don't bother to see me out. HOW WE'RE GOING TO FIND OUT GLOBE AT ALL-- 5763 lit IL They can't do anything to you I know the way. But there's ono MORE ABOUT THr-, ROSS eAmata "Cartier's," .he said, "is a very if you're innocent. How many last thing I'd like to say. store, Mr. PERSON. Impressive Hadley. I'd times had I been uttering that Even in cricket, I believe, the tried a couple of other jewelers trite reassurance in the last few GLOSS object of the game is to win. I StASE but less. than five minutes THEAT first, days? have no actual proof yet. I'll even 1100It I'd shown them that pearl ANAINSI after "Well, Mr. Hadley? You admit be frank enough to tell von that. bracelet at Cartier's. they were you bad the motive. What about But new is only now. Good eve- identify it as a able to bracelet the opportunity? Wouldn't you ning, Mr. Hadley." you had them make for your say In your own defense that you wife seven years age." couldn't have killed him because The, hiehtmare's over! Vivien yoiLbad an alibi?" Lieutenant Trani Isn't fin- and her celebration! My hand was r I'd been waiting for that, wait- inhed seith GeorTe liadley-yet. _ gripping my glass so tightly that ing with the Miser of Mira Tny. Ile cenfronts him nese in Lee with a hallucinatory sensation I ler hovering ()mincingly in my Lone% aparterient: Continue the isybo)).04 t; .• Parks could almost feel it rushing, mind. I knew as clearly-8e I knew e'en, tomorrow .9.9 I., foorw• ,04144. VI

• TUMMY — DECEMBER 8, 1959 PAGE FOUR MEI LED.GER & TIMES — MURRAY. KENTUCKY - Of Interest To Women - Society - - - Clubs - - - Features STEP Engagement Announced ANOTHER Home Department ' Music Calendar •• Sees Fashion Show At Christmas Meet Tuesday, December 8th FOR THE A program featurng a fashion The Dames C : u b of Muraza show "Progressive Fastecns" was State College will hold their reg- at tea pies:treed at a recent meeting oe ular meetir.g at 7:00 pan. to havi :he Horne Dmactrnent of the Mur: Methodist Student Center for the . ray Woman's club. Mrs. 0. C. Weals a group picture taken goods. was in charge of the program. Shied Bring any canned ft: Fastiens frcm 1900 to the present clothing and toys you have Needy day were modeled by M&-adarnes ristmaa Boxes for the Ralp V•eter Orr. 0. C. WelS.% J. A Out- The epea kr r will be II 7 on "Child Develaprnent H. CHURCHILL Teesencer MAX .rd. Leonard Vaughn. John Resig. • • • T. C. Doran. and Mimi Patricia Barnes. a guest who modeled a Wednesday. December 9th Mu-- teenage formal. See.iind Child en's Cuneer. Rober• Mrs. Kirbey Jennerap chairman. ray State A capella Choir. 930 a me Murray pi-es:deft Guests were Mrs. C C. Baer. director: District Governor, and M s State College Auditorium. Lowry. • • • • John Pasco. general club president FUNERAL HOME Mrs. Lowry conducted- the cancer Thursday. December llith Opera eAm- 1 blfteeng service and lighted one Mc :1,41: a Ball: d, director: 8:30 candle as state representative. ahl"." Blaine Unkin Buildina! Lightal candles for the Mu. ray pra_ Murray State and for the Home depart- Ball Room. Club • •. • • ment wc-e Mrs Paeco and Mrs. Jerin.regs • Friday. Decametre, llth Opera An - Mrs G B. Scott was introduced Menottes Christmas Ballard director: 83. and gave a short talk on the TB eh!". Blaine Union Buildte. aral drive She recently received p.m.. Murray State CHAPEL ffoorn. A Bell NEW an award on ..ecogriition of her • S• service to the TB aseociation. 4 Woman's Che ii The next meeting will be Jan.- Annual. Murray Murray Star, uary 21 at the club house. A Hat Ci'S 131MT13S Program. Singers. Robe: • W3.13T1 student frcrn Murray State Colle.e Madrigal 7 pin.. Miurra:. C liege w.k be the guest speaker. Bag. director: • • • • Warrian's Club House. • • • • Honored At Birthday Sunday. December 13th Party Recently F.rst Christ an Church Choir's annual C.eernas Pr, ,gram. Pau: Miss Evelyn Marie Donetgorli Shahan. deceive Jack Winter. or- Route Six, was honored recently ganise 7 pm.. Firs: Christian with a pie tz in her hame celebra- Church. • • • • ting her 14th birthday. Miss Lois Anne Crowe. Guests were Larry Hapeas. Eaine First Rapt:et Church's arinir : Cleary.. De:13 Fergersara 114-Iton Chrietenas program. three chows. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bailey Crowe of Wyoming. Ohio 730 Doneleurt Andrew Scalf. Ann Fer- Harry Harripsher. chrectar: have made known the engagement of their daughter Lois gerson. Bobbie Jean Geurin. Lyle. m.. First Baptist Church. . Mr. • • • • Anne. to David Holton McConnell of Pridemore. Clyde Tidwell. Evelyn , Bruce McConnell Church's annual McConnell, son of Mrs. David Franklin Grunts. Ruth Roberts: First Methodst McConnell, is the grandson • Danny McCuiston. Harold Pride- ! Chi atoms progrtm. presented. by of Murray, and the -.late Dr. Miller. Rob Dalstrin, Senior SITF. 7:30 p.m of Mrs. Milton Diltz Holton of this city. more. R•nnie the Day Kathy Fereerson. Linda Dnnelson, Methadast Chiech. Miss Crowe. an alumna of The Summit Country • Barbara Steele.. Rex Donelson. • • • School. attended College of St. Elizabeth in Morristown, Trial Sue Donelson. Roy Donelsorai New Jersey. and is a graduate of the University of Billie Joe Steele Mrs. Fred Wick- .4.4 t'Il. Book Group Cincinnati where she was affiliated with Theta Phi off. Mr and Mrs Allen McCo.ston.1 Alpha. Donelson. Mr .1Ieets: Hears Review M. and •Mrs. au Mr. McConnell was graduated from Davidson Colleg•t Mrs Loins Donelann arid th• and Of Hart's "Act One where he was a member of Beta Theta Pi. He served honoree Lieut. (j.g.) in the The AAUW Book Group met in the Navy and holds the rank of recently .r. the horne of Miss Ruby aVal Reserve. and Miss Clara Eagle wedding is planned for the spring. Simpson The Home has been First in 'every phase Miss Eagle rev.ewed "Act One Since April 1916 Our Funeral' by Mom Hart. The book is a cue- of the funeral profession in Murray and Calloway County. The proof cent best seller. Social Calendar Fifteen members and guest al- is as follows 1 tencied. Street at 2'30 Mr, A. 0 Woods * • Tuesday. December 8th .m and demon-' County a Funeral Home with The Five cscles of the First ; will give the p FIRST to give Murray and Calloway anaemic:its for Baptiat Chureh's !AMU wel moeenteistrate floral 'an E Pa ia adequate space inside' and ample parking outside. at the following places: Circle IrirkerChristtaa. Mrs. in of the Cbr.stmas parry. PERSONALS at. 2:30 pm in the horne rd Mrs., charge FIRST to offer Murray and Calloway County all Cadillac Ambul- that merrber.s will George Upchurch: Circle Two. 2:30 and arm-emcee Churchill: exchange al 00 gifts at the meet- Mrs P. C. Ernrneeson Jr . and pm. witha Mrs Ronald ances and Hearses. And now the Mrs in_ ! Mrs Claude 'Anderson of Hazel Circle Three 2:30 pm, with 2:30, • • • • ever to be built in Murray or Calloway County. were Nashville Wednesday and Grace McClain: Circle Four. FIRST Chapel Circle A joint meeting of the Jeesie 1Ttraradey of Ise week ehopping. pan. with Mrs H. C. Chiles: Haueton Service Club and the Min- FIRST Electric Organ ever to be installed in Murray or Calloway Wh.le there tihey visited Mr. arid Five. 1 pm., with Mrs. Bernice ray Grove 126 of the Supreme Mrs. Harold Fleisr_hrean. W seha rt County. • • • • • • • Fa est Woodman Circle will be BARS BEHIND SASS —;rake- • the held at the Murray Wornan's Club It-off girl Candy Barr smiles U. S Department-of Agriculture The Mary Leona Frost and FIRST Chapel in Murray or Calloway County thai will seat up- House at 6:30 pm. for a Christmas like it. nice here. behind figures .rrcheate that the U S. Bess.e Tucker circles of the First their dinner and program following Each in one room. Sari Antonio, Tex., Jail bars wheat surplus of ore than a bil- Meliodist Church will have wards of 400 persons all the member is asked to brine a dollar while awaiting transfer to lion bushels.; enough to produce joint Christmas meetipg at g.ft for exchange. Dinner rpe- va- Huntsville to serve a 15-year 60 billien loaves of bread — or25 home of Mrs. Vesne Kyle ONLY Funeral Home in Murray that has a home-like atmosphere rat to be tiara should be called in th Mrs. marijuana sentence. :.aves for eve, y' peegon cr. ( Mrs. E. S. Ferguson is or Mrs. Gen na co-hostess All members are urged Katie Overcast and not a ,commercial building appe:trance.. to attend. Hamlett. • • • • • • • • ONLY Funeral Home in Murray or Calloway County that has an Visitors" The Murray Branch of the "Arnatil and the Night the ballroam AAUW will have a Meeting in will be presented in all VETERAN PERSONNEL, namely.... Building at the Fine Arts Lounge at the Col- af the Student Union Music De- leer at 7:30 p.m. 8.30 , tonight by the charge Churchill, NAVY Dr C. S. Lowry will talk on partment of the college. No Max Hi made f, admission to the Phiksophy and Art. , will be James M. Churchill, MARINES The public is invited. opera. • • • • Ames M. Coleman. ARMY Derembet 9th Wednesday. Friday, December 11th Wesleyan C.rcle if the First, Max E. Bailey, ARMY The The Mix ray Woman's Club an- Church will meet at '7 Methodist nual Open Flouee for members and in the social hall of the chur- living iniesta The program will 'Irie under LASTLY the only funeral home in Murray having it's owner Each member is asked to bring ch the eupervaion of the Music Oft. the ones we serve will be given PERSONAL a white elephant the Murray Seat* in the funeral home so that • • • • Who well present College Madrigal Singers undet the The East„ Side Homemakers Club attention and service at all times. d:rection of P of Robert Bear The at ten o'clock with Mrs. prograrn starts- promptly at 7:00 "So we dedicate OURSELVES and this fine CHAPEL to our friends TV Clifton Carripbel. 201 South 13th St. p m. • • • • • • • • in Murray, Calloway County and Neighboring Communities. Because second Child en's Concert The The North Mu. ray Homemakers presented in the Murray YOU and YOU and YOU that made this progress possible." (,.t.. will be Club will meet in the home of it is Auditorium at 9:30 k nsole State College Sirs. Preston Boyd at 10:30 a.m. This program is gym...fired 11;•L am for an all day meeting Music dr locally by the Woman's Club • • • • Department performance of Giant. '- • • • • • The second ) Carl- Menotti's opera. "Amahl and Casee Sunday School The Golden tag N.ght Visitors," will be tonight the First Baptist Church ••• Class rit 8.30 in the student Union Build- Christmas party for will have a .na. at Murray State College. Ad Per - — and their husbands its members riesrion is free. MAX H. CHURCHILL Week tonight at the Kentucky Colonel • • • • °Mosel 21C3439 p, • The party tonight is b,Nrirt ''-Si' at 6:30 Monday, Beet-inner itth ty col°. regular month- ee fretsed wood fibers held Irte-ad of the Suburban Homernak•es Club ?el 'a c.:64• sc- The overall droborill ly meeting. at 7:00 o'clock tonight hwa 21* - • • • • will meet 4 in the home of Mrs. Paul Grogan Avenue Members -design features: Thursday. December 111th al 514 Whitnell With these advance Christ- The Foundational Supdsy School are requested to bring a 50e FUNERAL HOME Ultra-Vision' chassis, Claes of the Fir* Baptist Church mas gift. • Powerful - • • • • full Rowe: it insformer will meet at 7.30 in the house of The Business Guild of the Chris- Mrs F.dgai Shirley for the Christ- • • Precision-etched circuitry Church will meet in the home mas party Group Three will be tian SERVICE crystal-clear picture of Mrs. C S Lowry at 7:30 Mrs. SUPERIOR AMBULANCE • Bright, sharp, in &large f arramtments. sound • • • • George Hart is in charze of the • Ftull fidelity, up-front , - Hale will The South Murray Homemakers program. Mrs. Norman devotion. Members are Club will meet at one-thirty o'clocit give the their love gift. of. 831. rpm-wagINN in the home of Mns Maurice Chris- asked to bring EQUIPPED WITH OXYGEN tering. • topher. • • • • • • • • The Magazine Club will meet The Penny Homemakers Club PL 3-4612 • Murray, Ky. BILBREY'S of Mrs. am the 311 North 4th St. Thursday. night in the home will meet at 10 in home A W Russell at 321 North 7th of Mr. J B IJurkern

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