Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 12-8-1959 The Ledger and Times, December 8, 1959 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, December 8, 1959" (1959). The Ledger & Times. 3769. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/3769 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Au A Beet All Round Kentucky Community NeWapaper .:R4 7, 1959 Selected Women's Fellow- Christian Church Largest social hall at 9:30 am on 'That God The Primary Circulation In Three is in charge The love gift (A- Source of News The City iken. a • In Murray and Largest inday School class Circulation In il Baptist Church Calloway County The County he horne of Mrs. a 1658 Ryan Ave- for the Christmas United Press International IN OUR 80th YEAR Murray, Ky., Tuesday Afternoon, December 8, 1959 MURRAY POPULATION 10,100 Vol. LXXX No. 289 :ind of thes NEW COUNCIL SWORN IN LAST NIGHT Inaugural Parade Headed By Ben Grogan On Power Board; Lester Nanney Mayor Pro-tern if ometown Band Of Bert Combs A new city council was sworn. Dick. Chin; Prent;ce Lassiter; FRANKFORT TP1) — T h three hours, the seemingly-en:I- n last night by Mayor Halmes Marvin Harms. grandeet inaugural parade in the less procession of bands, floa.- • 'The council is composed of 2. Trafec Itz Street: Ben Gro- state's history began in move marah:nig units and in' unted pa- the same' members with the ex- , gan, Chm; Lester .Nanny. Pren- through eheering thaaags in nide officials moved thr "ugh the avian of four. tice Lass-.ter downanyn Frankf-rt at precisely bunting-draped business district The four new councilmen are 3. Police: Lester Nanny, „Chrn; 9 a. m. CDT., taday as the haorn of the cairital city. Maurice Crass a. .. Prentice Las- Chas. M. Baker, Frank Lancaster. R. All- -1 a aistaial cannon reverberated The parade maved up East titer, James Rudy Allbritten. and 4. Fire Cantrol: James ocrosa the Kentucky River Val- Maim Street. across. the Memorial Leonard Vats tin. britten, Chm; Marvin Harris, ley. Bridge and then up sweeping Business conducted other than Maurice Crass, Jr. rhe Preatonsburg High School Central Avtnue past the review- the swearing in of the council 5. Cemetery: Prentice Lassiter, 0 ing stand near the inaugural the cuneil mem- Chm; Alfred Young: Joe Dick. -99 naming a proudly stepped out first in incuded t...• place of honor at the head of platform north of the Capital ber of the Power atiosrd. elert -on4 6. Parks Sti Playgrounds: Mar- the parade as the remesentative of the Mayor Pro-tem. and the vin Harris. Chin; Frank Lane-as- Music groups from high schools, ter: James R Allbraten, of the hornet -wen (a Gov.-elect Leonarci Vaughn MAUrirr 1 ash Jr. James R. Allbritten naming of committees. -9W colleges. fraternal orders and vet- to the 7. City Purchasing: Chas. M Bert T. Daubs. Ben Grogan was named The parade was under the di- erans' organzatiens [- lied the air' P wa Board for a one year term. Baker. Maurice Crass, Jr: Ben reettion of a new grand Mar- with mart al sound as all Ken- Lestar aanney. who polled more Grogan tueky contributed to the festive Surviving any of 8. Water di Sewer System: Al- shal this year - Lt. Col H.arald Last Winter votes in the election than -4W B. Travis-who succeeded to the occasion. Civil War Veteran Children's KniAts Win ,Deadly the other councilmen was named fred Young, Chm; Joe Dick. Leo- many years be- Pro-Tern. nagrea Vaughn. post that far The University of Louisville 'as Mayor D. Is Losing Ground named the follow- NatualrGas: Richard Tuck. longed to the late Col. Carl marching band with its own troup Mayor Ella iparrnan. Over 'Storm Strikes ing committees to carry on the Chin: James R. Allbraten; Al- of dancers was a prcininent among Concert Is Chewy The smiling new gaverror rode HOUSTON. Tex. IRO — Wal- city's business. The first person fred Young. NERS those in the van of the miles- 10. Planning ar Zoning: Frank first car He ter Waaams, 117. the last sur- chairman of the com- in the official was long parade. named is the 'ERY — aeormpanied by outereng Gov. A. viving veteran at the C.vil War, New England mittee. Lancaster, Chin; Ben Gr.,ga Tomorrow The Richard Tuck. B. Chandler. who was makirur his Not much •further back was the lest ground today in his fourth Knights bounced back after 1 Badges and or Finance: Joe fourth aeasearance at the head of naray delegatam from battle this :'ear with pneurivnia. — - a disappointin.g game last week 11. Health /a Sanitation: Mau- international a 3-3852 an inaugural parade. the Mese Green Club at Louis- Wilfinms started gtt,ti.ng for The Music Department of the against Hardin to drop previously United Press rice Crass. Jr Chin: Leonard sw Behind off.eal cars beaten, ville-1.500 strong. breath Sunday night and was put Murray Woman's Club will pre- undefeated Beardsley Chevrolet 10U A deadly winter slam) Vaughn; Lester Nanny. t Ca\ Lt. Gov.-elect Wasein W Wyatt in an oxygen tent. His physician, sent its second Children's Con- to 92 at Carlisle County last night. elf through New England Woman 12 Special Problems: Leonard lanapaimarnalasmazi. engged arnal other new state rafficers ware The Untveraity of Kentucky's Dr. Russell Wolfe, sad he is cert (4 the season Wednesday The game almost turned into a leav.ing the East Cast Vaughn, Chm; Richard Tuck shiver- the s-rnartly-military units 4 'he Marching 100 led the 5th Division "danger ugly ill." MornIng, December 9 at 9r30 a. farce when a Beardsley fan hit witih snow and the South Chas, M. Baker. temperatures. A meeting will be held next 1.7. S. Army Armored Forces sta- dawn Captial Avenue. and sprin- Mrs. Wane Mae Rosales, Wil- m.. in the College Auditorium. the :eferee at half-time. ed in sub-freezing , Monday at which time city em- NG1 the Dies Today ed at Font Knax. the 202nd kled elsewhere were hand repre- liam's draughter with whim he The pa-gram will feature the a Gale-f• me winds powered The Knights combined the ef- U. S Army Rand. and Kentucky's senting other state colleges. taus, sat by his bedside doting cappella chair of Murray State near-bazzard cart of the Appala- ployees will be elected. fective shootint. of Joe Parker. Pennsyl- 1 made a short talk crack National Guard units under the night giving him water and College under the direction of chans Monday through Mayor Ellis Crowds estimated at up to Chico Reyes and Larry McClure I Mrs Ada Spann _age 86. ded was ad- the leadership rif Brig Gen. Jes- milk in an eyedropper. Prof. Robert Haar. a member of vania and New York state and just beacire the meeting 100.000. sivarrning into Frankfort along with the rebounding of Don 'this m caring at 12:15 p. m. at he emphasized se S. Ioincisay. But only a little bit of milk," the faculty of the Fine Arts De- south as far as Virginia and journed in watch from every corner of the state, Williams. Ron Sehue and the h: me af her daughter. Mrs. The first county tenets follow- she said. "I have to be very partment. Sure to delight the Leonard North Caraina. that attendance to the council aned the avenues or milled a- Mahoney to win the game. Parker blamed the Teary Lawrence. on Murray important. He ed in the 3rd Division and first cautinus, but we want to keep as yaungsters is a colorful seasonal S uth (at cials meetings is highly rcund the bunting-draped inati- was for Murray with 30 fire. Route two She had been Ill for a and foremost were the bands much liquids dolown him as pa- pa-gram of Christmas select ions high man starm f a seven deaths by =tad that every councilman do gural platform on the terrace in out of the past five months SOPA of the Floyd County as: Saar of Christmas by po'nts as he hit 14 17 from auto ace dents or asphyxiation. and inint of the Capitol. such was the widow nf gocil )°b. been seriously ill the nom. along with Chico Reyes in the Ikics-th, a graralrother toed bits. Spann tive council that the city E8 FOR YOUNG 1 delegation. • . _ Williams has Roy laingavald. to be sung by i - -1 hit 9 out of 14 for 24 pants were the la'e CP 'SS Spann, Sr.. who as a The leading position among the Mare than 10,000 were said to befare, but he has always bottled the choir accompanied by the Who her tw•. grantidatieaters could pagress in the future T O 18 Liberty. died rn 1947. She was a charter _runty unfts traditinnally goes have come from Flayd County back. He recovered from his last Murray State College Orchestra. and Larry McClure who scored kaled in a fire near had in the pest if every member member cif the Scotts Grove t the comity whsch gave •the alane, inclucing sax higth schools attack of pneurnimia barely in Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer 20 points and hit 7 out of 9 from of the city administration did his Baptist Church having been Id- i avovernor the largeat majarity in and two elementary schools.
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