YOUTH LEADERS Young victims of the BP oil spill take a stand. TRANSFORMER Former 'Gilmore Girls' star takes on Michael Bay. 2 SEPT 17·30, 2010 SPECIAL SCHOLARSHIP ISSUE PACIFIC e CITIZEN WHAT'S INSIDE PACIFIC a crnZEN HOW TO REA CH US E·mail:
[email protected] Online: Q&A With Roxana Saberi Tel: (213) 620-1767 Falc (213) 620-1768 Mail: 25OE.FirstStreet.Suite 301 Los Angeles, CA90012 STAFF EXeaJtive Editor caroline Y. Aoyagi·Stom Assistant Editor Lynda Un Reporter Nalea J. Ko Business Manager Vacant Circulation Eva Lau·Ting The Pacific Citizen newspaper (ISSN: CJ03O..8579) is published The former National JACL Scholarship winner talks about semi·monthly (except once In De her 100-daycaptivity in Iran.» PAGE 3 cember and January) by the Japa· nese American Citizens League, Pacilic Citizen. 25OE . lslStreel, Suite 301, Los Youth Leaders in BP Oil Spill Angeles, CA90012 Mainstream media coverage has waned, but yo uth leaders Periodical postage paid at L.A .. CA POSTMASTER: send address have since stepped up to the challenge. » PAGE 4 changes to National JACL, 1765 Sutt8!" St., San Francisco, CA 94115 From 'Gilmore Girls' to 'Transformers' JACL President: David Kawamoto Natiooal Director: Floyd Mori p.G. EDITORIAL OOARD Margie Yamamoto, chairperson: Paul Niwa, EDC : Usa Hanasono. MDC : Jason Chang, CCDC ; Judith Aono, NCWNPDC; Hugh Burlesoo, PNWDC : Jeflilami. IDC: Cindi Har· bottle. PSW'DC: Sonya Kuki , Youth SUBSCRIBE Get a one-year subscription 01 the Pacific Citizen newspaper at: www, or call (BOO) 966-6157 Leigh Nishi·Strattner (left) is among the many winners of the 2010 JACL Actress Keiko Agena goes from small screen to the silver ADVERTISE National Scholarships.