UTILITY‐SCALE SOLAR ENERGY FACILITY VISUAL IMPACT CHARACTERIZATION AND MITIGATION PROJECT REPORT This document is the project report on the utility‐scale solar energy facility visual impact characterization and mitigation study conducted under DOE FY12 AOP SIT 7, “Glare, Visual Impacts and Mitigations,” and is the deliverable for Subtask 7.1. Prepared by Robert Sullivan and Jennifer Abplanalp, Environmental Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory. 12/20/2013 0 DOE SOLAR SIT 7 GLARE, VISUAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATIONS UTILITY‐SCALE SOLAR ENERGY FACILITY VISUAL IMPACT CHARACTERIZATION AND MITIGATION STUDY PROJECT REPORT Robert Sullivan, Jennifer Abplanalp Environmental Science Division Argonne National Laboratory
[email protected] (630) 252‐6182 Executive Summary This report summarizes the results of a study conducted by Argonne National Laboratory’s (Argonne’s) Environmental Science Division in support of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Soft Cost Balance of Systems Subprogram under the SunShot Initiative, and funded through the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Fiscal Year 2012 Annual Operating Plan. The study, entitled Utility‐Scale Solar Energy Facility Visual Impact Characterization and Mitigation Study, documented the visual characteristics of various utility‐scale solar energy facilities on the basis of field observations, and developed and described visual impact mitigation strategies for these types of facilities. An examination of recent environmental assessments for proposed utility‐scale solar facilities suggests that stakeholders are increasingly raising the potential negative scenic impacts of solar facilities as a concern, and some local governments are restricting commercial solar energy development specifically to protect scenic resources. However, relatively little is known about the visibility, visual characteristics, and visual contrast sources associated with solar facilities that give rise to visual impacts.