Robert J. Kershaw | 448 pages | 08 Jan 2009 | Ian Allan Publishing | 9780711033221 | English | Surrey, United Kingdom It Never Snows in September: The German View of Market-Garden and the Battle of Arnhem September 1944 PDF Book Instead, on his own initiative, he disposed his troops along the northern bank of the Albert canal between Massenhoven and Kwaadmechelen. Meanwhile, British and American aircraft began the preliminary bombardment of flak positions and the landing zone areas for the airborne assault. In conception the material was to aid the Camberley Staff College battlefield tour of Arnhem. This was to have catastrophic consequences later. He lost two more vehicles to 'Jabos' in the wooded collection area near Barentin on the other side. These soldiers preferred after convalescence to return to their previous haunts; preferably in the same unit, where they could reunite with friends and serve under known officers. All the other units pulled out without firing a shot and we were left to cover them. Heinz Harmel, the former commander of the 10SS was still able, with a few gestures of hand and cigar over map, to give one of the most lucid accounts of the German perspective of the battles for Nijmegen and Arnhem I had ever heard. Schulz himself was killed alongside his staff officers. However we are fighting for and our children, and what happens to us matters not. When Women Pray Hardcover T. Hechtel-Valkenswaard road, September. Our company commander, a decent man, was ashamed that we should witness such a scene. There are maps included in the Kindle version. Many soldiers disappeared without trace during the tortuous retreat, as in the case of the Hohenstaufen's 'optics' platoon. Heavy fire power was provided by some 20mm cannon. Air activity was mentioned in passing in the daily reports of all formations, but occupied no more space than the weather, and elicited no comment. During the following night 'engine noise in the bridgehead itself indicated that new armoured units were moved up'. SS Gunners feverishly prepared their positions, digging and improvising cover in the growing light of early morning along the western approach roads to Cambrai. Above all we tried to get at least the majority of soldiers equipped with bicycles in order to make the unit more mobile. In another instance the term "teeth arm elements" are used with no description as to what comprises these elements. I was not so certain I could go so far as to agree with that! Wehrmacht garages in Bloemstraat, as well as the magazine in As seen from the German front line: heavy bomber swarms flying towards Germany were a daily occurrence. This edition really needs a good basic map of the area involved, with a blow-up map of Arnhem town and perhaps Nijmegan as well. Even in the shambles of the Falaise pocket in Normandy, a corporal had written to his wife on 18 August: 'We had to retreat in a great hurry. I don't believe the publishing staff proofread the book after it was converted to the Kindle format as there were numerous spelling and punctuation errors you'd normally encounter with books which have been initially converted to an electronic format. No serious attempt was made throughout this period by the Allies to push on beyond Antwerp and cut the base of the Beveland Isthmus, to deprive Fifteenth Army of its only reasonable escape route. Divisions were responsible for training their own conscripts in Replacement or Feldersatz battalions, whose three companies directly paralleled and fed the three regiments forming the division. It Never Snows in September: The German View of Market-Garden and the Battle of Arnhem September 1944 Writer

General Christiansen, C-in-C Netherlands, had just visited and thanked Lippert for his actions in stabilising the situation in his part of the rear combat zone. The capture of the Arnhem road bridge The race for the Waal bridges, Nijmegen the night of September. If he'd been captured, how would the British extract him and how would it hasten the wars end? These stories simply had to be told. Fuerbringer Collection monitored the advance from his tactical command post, a collection of camouflaged vehicles dispersed in the Bois-de-Bourlon. Now more or less a cohesive battle group, the new formation became known as 'Kampfgruppe Chill'. Division von Tettau. Corps had ordered Harmel to have battle groups standing by to deal with crises. However, the individual German soldier is not forgotten by the author, who uses snippets of diaries, letters and interviews to convey the personal experiences of men who took part in that battle. Many suspected that this might therefore be their last great tank battle. None of the latter had any front experience. Quotation sources are annotated in the notes that follow the text. Thus when suddenly confronted in the dark they fired first and attempted to find out who it was later. Formed only three weeks before, its other two sister battalions were cut off and fighting for their survival in the fortress of Brest. To the west the first rays of the sun broke through as the aerial armada moved into the Channel. Casualties in Normandy had been light, although Hensel had been 'heartbroken' by the loss of a friend, a corporal, to a low-flying 'Jabo'. The raids by Panzer Brigade , September Where the crafty old fox had managed to get all the parts to produce two usable lorries and three armoured half-tracks on the road was a surprise to me. As this replenishment process was unlikely in view of the operational situation to be allowed to continue undisturbed, the 'Hohenstaufen' was instructed to hand all its heavy equipments over to the 'Frundsberg'. What map of Holland is the author using? See more about this book on Archive. The charge of the Parachute Brigades. Intermittent salvoes worked their way up and down the woods on either side of the road. Other Editions The book I have was re-published in Dispel's the myth of the "old men and boys" theory of the Germans in and around Arnhem. As yet, it was not a motive apparent to the fighting man, more than pressured by events. Smoke could be seen rising from the direction of Wolfheze as an ammunition dump near the lunatic asylum exploded, and the old peoples' home was set on fire by fighters strafing the EdeArnhem railway. In the introduction to his superb 'Arnhem' book he states tat he will not address the German side of the battle because Kershaw has already done suc a good job that there is nothing to add. Apr 05, Jim Pfluecke rated it it was amazing. The Allied airborne assault was to split the rear combat zone into two. We have to leave the dead lying in the street, for with fighter-bombers overhead any unnecessary movement may be fatal. Captain Brocke's anti-tank company sited its factory-new 76mm 'Pak' guns left and right of the road. In Holland you could buy cheese, tomatoes - everything! Vehicles were constantly strafed by 'Jabos' or fighter bombers en route, and losses were replaced by requisitioning civilian alternatives. In conception the material was to aid the Camberley Staff College battlefield tour of Arnhem. The first three quarters of the book was well done. Probably lots of good info in there -- but how trustworthy? I managed for example to get my motorcycle repaired. While not perhaps the best introduction to these battles, it has plenty to offer to both the novice and the obsessed. The projectile struck the door - and dropped to the ground like a stone. Destination West Wall. Enemy outposts in the meadows north-west of La Colonie were at first dislodged. The 'system' in effect held them together. It Never Snows in September: The German View of Market-Garden and the Battle of Arnhem September 1944 Reviews

About this product Product Information The airborne landing at Arnhem was immortalizing in the film A Bridge to Far, but this is the first account making extensive use of German sources. Read more Clouds of black smoke belched up in and around Arnhem. The parachute arm was now to be sacrificed in France. Arnhem is to general in this case. The main effort of the ground attack was to be made by XXX Corps from its bridgehead at Neerpelt across the Maas-Scheldt canal a few miles south of Eindhoven on the Dutch-Belgian frontier. General Eugen Felix Schwalbe was given the responsibility for directing the evacuation of Fifteenth Army across the Scheldt. The book addresses both operational and tactical levels of the action across the entire Market-Garden Area of This is a difficult review for me to write. The only complaint I have is for the publisher. SS panzergrenadiers succeeded, however, in blunting the effort, disabling a number by shooting them up with Panzerschrecks bazookas at close range. The latter had been selected from the best recruit intakes, served at the front and then been referred to the N C O school. Luckily the armourer had inserted the detonator and explosive charge in the wrong place. But first of all they had to be trained. Many units had still not arrived. February 14, It is produced by the Gemeentearchief Arnhem Arnhem Archive Experience suggested that only unconditional obedience to orders enabled units to survive when engaged in protracted combat. Then on to Poix. Only the flak, as so often before, was of sufficient calibre to repel an armoured attack. When it was, superior officers would try and mediate through close comrades first. Formed only three weeks before, its other two sister battalions were cut off and fighting for their survival in the fortress of Brest. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Martin van Creveld has produced material suggesting that the German Army inflicted more casualties per head upon its enemies than did all its Allied adversaries during the Second World War. As it was becoming increasingly apparent that 30 the bridgehead was being reinforced by the British, the order was received with scant enthusiasm. Light enemy resistance was encountered at the Dutch-Belgian border astride the Valkenswaard to Hechtel road. Interviews were conducted using maps and photographs to stimulate distant memories. The author believes - contrary to many other military historians - that landing the 1st British Airborne closer to the Arnhem bridge would not have lent itself to a higher probability of mission success. The book addresses both operational and tactical levels of the action across the entire Market-Garden Area of Operation, to include personal accounts at all levels of the battlefield. Pages Page size The reorganisation process continued. Model, wary of an airborne attack, had ordered that the division's fighting units were to depart last. Arriving at the bustling collection point he was redirected to a small 'well-to-do' village on the outskirts of Arnhem called Oosterbeek. Harmel summed up the impact such training had upon his division: 'The whole IISS Corps was especially trained over the previous fifteen months via classroom and radio exercises - all directed to countering a landing supported by airborne forces in Normandy. Excellent book on the German perspective of Market Garden; great photos interspersed with the text, some color maps, good organization, appendix with order of battle. The end result was a fully stretched front of 32 battalions, supported by weak artillery, equipped with only light infantry weapons. An injection of infantry-trained NCOs was required if they were to function effectively in combat. Others were not so fortunate. In Holland you could buy cheese, tomatoes - everything! With the failure of the attack against the Neerpelt bridgehead on 15 September, the Kampfgruppe Walther settled into a defensive routine. I wonder what will become of us.

It Never Snows in September: The German View of Market-Garden and the Battle of Arnhem September 1944 Read Online

In 16 days nine shattered infantry divisions - 59, 70, , , , 17 Luftwaffe Field, , and - were evacuated. Consternation and shock greeted the fall of Antwerp in the 'Wolfchancellory', Hitler's headquarters in Rastenburg, east Prussia. Return to Book Page. Much clearance and rescue work was required. A scratch-built force of German sailors, airmen and reservists fighting as infantry checked the airborne landings. Readers also enjoyed. This amazing book provides a high level of detail about the German efforts to stop the allied airborne and ground attack in Holland in late The following night Bittrich ordered the division to refit and replenish east of Arnhem. Bundesarchiv The Wilhelmskaserne blazes after the raid on 17 September. During this time we regrouped and re-equipped. As ever, she had an unerring eye for detail during the proof reading. A great deal has been written about Arnhem and the massive Airborne drop of a bridge too far over the years since Nevertheless, he allotted Student the area running from the North Sea to Maastricht, a front of km 75 miles. The Wilhelmskaserne barracks was straddled by heavy calibre bombs. Information about Arnhem, 55 miles beyond the German front line, could therefore be expected to be fragmentary. Due to the company's technical expertise, and the fact that it was a complete unit, they were allowed to proceed. The blow falls, 22 September. Three major advantages were expected to accrue: cutting the land exit of Fifteenth Army remaining in Western Holland; out-flanking the 'West Wall'; and providing the means for a final thrust into Germany along the north German Plain, which might shorten the war. All the bridges over the surrounding network of canals and ditches were blocked by obstacles and guarded. During the summer of , invasion 'alarms' had practised all units. In addition to the editing issues there are a few challenges I have to what is written. The Koevering raid, September. A number of outposts were forward in Douai, to the right, watching for enemy movement. Only a few managed to escape. Although small in number, the returnees were always greeted with pleasure. The weather at this moment was favourable. This paperback version is presented in a personally annoying style of two columns per page, and the maps included are difficult to interpret or help contextualise the narrative Finally, this book would never have been written if my wife Lynn had not been able to keep our young boys at bay as patiently as she did during the crucial formative stage in the writing. Munition dumps began to explode. May 22, JD rated it really liked it Shelves: ww2-on-land. Everything had to start over again from scratch. Jan 03, Singleton Mosby rated it really liked it Shelves: world-war Want to Read saving…. Intermittent salvoes worked their way up and down the woods on either side of the road. German soldiers craved order, and fought better within its confines. Right then - we gave up three APCs. Model's original intention had been to replenish both divisions at the front and thereby quickly form an Army Group reserve. They were escorted by 1, fighters. Harmel summed up the impact such training had upon his division: 'The whole IISS Corps was especially trained over the previous fifteen months via classroom and radio exercises - all directed to countering a landing supported by airborne forces in Normandy. All-in-all, seems like an amateur effort. The difficulty, as with First Fallschirmjaeger Army, was to quickly train and assimilate all these elements entering service in September Travelling between his base headquarters in Utrecht and the front, Fullriede was in a unique position as a roving correspondent to comment upon morale and preparedness in a zone that was to be split in two by the airborne landings four days later. The odds began to tell as groups of tanks isolated single guns and overwhelmed them in multiple engagements. During the following night 'engine noise in the bridgehead itself indicated that new armoured units were moved up'. It embraced almost the whole of the province of Westphalia. We are lucky in our misfortune to have Auntie Johanna, with whom we have managed to recover.