25th Session Berlin, , 13- 16 September 2016

Poplars and Other Fast-Growing Trees - Renewable Resources for Future Green Economies

Publications Listed in Country Progress Reports September 2016

Forestry Policy and Resources Division Working Paper IPC/16 Forestry Department FAO, Rome,


The Publications listed in Country Progress Reports do not reflect any official position of FAO but are to provide early release of information on on-going International Poplar Commission initiatives and its member country activities and programmes to stimulate dialogue between Poplar and stakeholders around the globe.

The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers and boundaries.

Comments and feedback are welcome.

For further information, please contact:

Mr Walter Kollert Secretary International Poplar Commission Forestry Department Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Viale delle Terme di Caracalla I-00153 Rome Italy E-mail: [email protected]

For quotation:

FAO, 2016. Publications listed in Country Progress Reports. 25th Session of the International Poplar Commission, Berlin, Germany, 13-16 September 2016. International Poplar Commission Working Paper IPC/16. FAO, Rome. Published at

Web references:

For details relating to the International Poplar Commission as a Technical Statutory Body of FAO, including National Poplar Commissions, working parties and initiatives can be viewed on and highlights of the 25th Session of the International Poplar Commission, 2016, can be viewed on


25th Session Berlin, Germany, 13 - 16 September 2016


Publications Listed in Country Progress Reports

September 2016

Organized by

German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)


Opportunity is taken to acknowledge the comprehensive professional inputs of the National Poplar Commissions of the reporting member countries. Ms. Michèle Millanès from the IPC-Secretariat has thoroughly compiled and edited the list of references and Mr. Alberto del Lungo has disseminated it through the worldwide web.


The Country Progress Reports prepared by the National Poplar Commissions of twenty-two member countries and one non-member country for the 25th Session in Berlin, Germany, in September 2016, yielded a wealth of references published between the years 2012-2016.

Country Progress Reports were submitted by Argentina, , , , Chile, , , , Germany, India, Iran, Italy, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand, , Serbia, , , , Tunisia, Turkey, and the United States of America as well as the Russian Federation as a non- member country. Some country reports did not contain literature references.

This Working Paper IPC/16, which lists the references documented by country and author in alphabetical order, should be read as a supplement to the Synthesis of Country Progress Reports: Activities Related to Poplar and Willow Cultivation and Utilization, 2012 through 2016, FAO, document IPC/15, September 2016.

The references reflect the diversity and scope of the research and development in poplars and globally, but also the different priorities in their culture and use in individual countries.

The Working Papers IPC/15 and IPC/16 are available on the FAO website, at the following address:

Walter Kollert Secretary International Poplar Commission



ARGENTINA ……………………………………………………….….….. 1 BELGIUM ………………………………………………………….…… 12 BULGARIA ……………………………………………………………… 19 CANADA ……………………………………………………………… 19 CHILE ……………………………………………………………… 41 CHINA …………………………………………………………..….. 42 CROATIA ………………………………………………………………. 68 FRANCE ………………………………………………………………. 69 GERMANY …………………………………………………………..….. 76 INDIA ………………………………………………………..…….. 86 IRAN ………………………………………………………..…….. 94 ITALY …………………………………………………………..….. 98 KOREA …………………………………………………………..….. 119 (REPUBLIC OF)

NEW ZEALAND ………………………………………………………..…….. 120 SERBIA ………………………………………………………..…….. 122 SLOVENIA ……………………………………………………..……….. 127 SPAIN ………………………………………………………..…….. 129 SWEDEN ………………………………………………………..…….. 131 TUNISIA ……………………………………………………………… 139 TURKEY …………………………………………………………..….. 140 UNITED STATES ………………………………………………………..…….. 141 OF AMERICA



Achinelli, F. ; Martínez Pastur, G. y J. Frangi. En: Fernández, O., Leguizamón, E. y Acciaresi, H. Manejo de malezas en bosques nativos y plantaciones forestales. (Eds.) Malezas e Invasoras de la Argentina. Tomo I: Ecología y Manejo. EdiUns, pp. 705-729, 2014. Achinelli, F.; Russo, F.; Morales, D.; Baridon, E. y Millan, G. Bioensayos sobre la respuesta de clones de Salix y a enmiendas con cenizas de corteza de una caldera para bioenergía. Actas en CD del 4° Congreso Forestal Argentino y Latinoamericano, realizado en la Ciudad de Puerto Iguazú, Misiones, del 23 al 27 de setiembre de 2013. ISSN 1669-6786. Alcover, N.; Bustamante, J.A.. Captura de CO2 en cultivos energéticos de Populus x canadensis Conti 12. Cuarto Congreso Forestal Argentino y Latinoamericano, Iguazú, Misiones, 23 al 27 de setiembre de 2013. Cultivo energético con forestales: efectos del ciclo de corta, fijación y balance de carbono. XXIII Jornadas de Investigación y V de posgrado, UNCuyo. Mendoza.9 al 11 de abril de 2013. Alvarez J., Faustino LI, Gyenge J, Graciano C. 2012. Efecto del estrés hídrico sobre la dinámica foliar y su relación con la vulnerabilidad a la cavitación del pecíolo en dos clones de álamo. XXV Reunión Argentina de Ecología, Luján, Buenos Aires, Argentina: Sociedad Argentina de Ecología. Alvarez, J., Faustino, L., Segovia, C., Gyenge, J. 2014. Tolerancia a Salinidad de 2 clones de álamo (Populus spp.) implantados en el Delta del Paraná. Actas del III Congreso de la Red Argentina de Salinidad, Chascomús, Buenos Aires, pag. 48. Alvarez, J, Graciano C., Gortari, F. Gyenge J. 2015. Efecto de la disponibilidad hídrica (sequía y anegamiento) y la incidencia de roya sobre la productividad de distintos clones de álamos en el Delta del Paraná. Pp.35-37. En: Investigación Forestal 2011-2015. Los Proyectos de Investigación Aplicada. Proyecto BIRF 7520 AR. UCAR. Ministerio de Agroindustria (ED) Llavallol, C. 428pp. Alvarez, J., Gyenge, J. Graciano C.. 2012. Composición isotópica (δ13C) en madera de álamo Populus deltoides clon Australiano 129/60 generada bajo diferentes niveles de disponibilidad hídrica durante el período de crecimiento. XXIX Reunión Argentina de Fisiología Vegetal. Mar del Plata, 17 al 20 de setiembre de 2012. Alvarez, J. A.; Fernández Tscheider, E.; Faustino, L., Graciano, C.; Gyenge, J. 2014. Fluctuación de la napa freática y crecimiento de forestaciones de Populus deltoides en un campo endicado y drenado del Bajo Delta del Paraná. Jornadas de Salicáceas 2014, La Plata, Argentina. ISSN 1850- 3543. 8pp. Disponible en: G9zc2FsaWNhY2Vhc3xneDpmMTA3YTEwZTdiZTFiN2Q Amico I. y T.Cerrillo. 2014. Evaluación preliminar de nuevos clones de Sauce en la región cordillerana de la provincia de Chubut. IV Congreso Internacional de Salicáceas en Argentina – Jornadas de Salicáceas / Cuarta Edición. La Plata, marzo de 2014. Borodowski E., Signorelli A. y Gaute M. 2013. Producción forestal sustentable en el Bajo Delta del Paraná. Manuales de mejores prácticas, sello de indicación geográfica de la RB Delta. Simposio Científico Académico Delta del Paraná: Historia, Presente y Futuro. 4 y 5 de Octubre de 2010. San Fernando, Buenos Aires. Volumen II – Trabajos completos. ISBN: 978-92-9089-193-2. Págs. 86- 89. Borodowski E.D. 2014. Situación de las Salicáceas en Argentina. Cuarto Congreso Internacional de Salicáceas en Argentina. La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 18 al 21 de marzo de 2014. Disertación. ISSN 1850-3543 (Actas en CD). Borodowski E.D. and Rosa Larrieu M.A. 2015. Poplars and willows in Argentina, its contribution to sustainable forestry and rural development. XIV World Forestry Congress. Durban, South Africa, 7-11 September 2015.


Borodowski E.D. y Kollert W. 2014. Situación de las Salicáceas en el mundo. Cuarto Congreso Internacional de Salicáceas en Argentina. La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 18 al 21 de marzo de 2014. Disertación. 10 Págs. ISSN 1850-3543 (Actas en CD). Borodowski E.D., Battistella, A. 2015. La actividad forestal y el desarrollo sustentable en la región del Delta del Paraná (Argentina). XIV World Forestry Congress. Durban, South Africa, 7-11 September 2015. Borodowski E.D., Rosa Larrieu M., Garrido C.M. y Tato Vázquez C.L. 2015. Construyendo el desarrollo local con la política nacional. El caso de las plantaciones forestales en la República Argentina. XIV World Forestry Congress. Durban, South Africa, 7-11 September 2015. Borodowski E.D., Rosa Larrieu M., Garrido C.M., Boracchia M. y Tato Vázquez C.L. 2013. Building local development through national politics. The case of forest plantations in Argentina. 3rd International Congress on Planted Forests (Porto, Portugal) .16th to 21st May 2013. Poster (ID 102). Borodowski E.D., Signorelli A. y A. Battistella. 2014. Salicáceas en el Delta del Paraná: situación actual y perspectivas. Cuarto Congreso Internacional de Salicáceas en Argentina. La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 18 al 21 de marzo de 2014. Disertación. ISSN 1850-3543 (Actas en CD). Braccini, C; Cerrillo, T; P. Fernández. 2015. Both volatiles and epicuticular plant compounds determine oviposition of the willow sawfly Nematus oligospilus on leaves of Salix spp. Journal of Chemical Ecology. November 2015, Volume 41, Issue 11, pp 985-996 Bustamante J.; Da Silva S. M.; López L., Bustamante A. Obtención de bioetanol a partir de biomasa generada en un cultivo energético de forestales. 3er Congreso Iberoamericano sobre Biorrefinerías (CIAB), 4to Congreso Latinoamericano sobre Biorrefinerías, y 2do Simposio Internacional sobre Materiales Lignocelulósicos. 23 a 25 de noviembre de 2015, Concepción, Chile. Bustamante J.; Funes D.; Clausen M.; Barbeito M. The use of Populus deltoides `Harvard´ as energy source. 24º Reunión Comisión Internacional del Álamo, 28 de octubre al 2 de noviembre 2012, Dehradun, India. Bustamante J.; Pérez S.; Llera J.; Zanetti P. 2012. Diameter of stems as fresh weight estimators in energy crops of Salix babylonica x Salix alba `Ragonese 131-27 INTA´. 24º Reunión Comisión Internacional del Álamo, 28 de octubre al 2 de noviembre 2012, Dehradun, India. Bustamante, J. A., Da Silva S.. Manejo de cultivos energéticos forestales para producción de biomasa y obtención de biocombustibles. Jornadas PIAs 2013, Buenos Aires, 27 y 28 de junio 2013. Bustamante, J. A.; Pérez, S. A.; Llera, J.; Ortiz Maldonado, G.; Funes, D.; Zanetti, P.; López, L. Alcover, N. Fijación y balance de carbono en cultivos de alta densidad de Populus x canadensis ”Conti 12”. XXIII Jornadas de Investigación y V de posgrado, UNCuyo. Mendoza.9 al 11 de abril de 2013. Caccia, F., Guarnaschelli, A., Spinardi, J., Vincent, P., Garau, A., Fernández Tscheider, E. y Cerrillo, T. 2014. Evaluación de algunas respuestas de un nuevo clon de sauce a estrés por inundación. IV Congreso Internacional de Salicáceas en Argentina – Jornadas de Salicáceas / Cuarta Edición. La Plata, marzo de 2014. Calderón, A.; Bustamante, J Riu, N.; y Pérez, S. Clones de álamo para su difusión comercial en Mendoza. Jornadas de Salicáceas 2014; IV Congreso Internacional de Salicáceas en la Argentina, La Plata, Buenos Aires, 18 al 22 de marzo de 2014. ISSN 1850-3543. Calderón, A.; Bustamante, J.; Riu, N.; Pérez, S.; Zanetti, P. Behaviour of clones of Populus spp. In Tunuyán, Mendoza, Argentina. 24º Reunión Comisión Internacional del Álamo, 28 de octubre al 2 de noviembre 2012, Dehradun, India. 12 Calderón, A.; Bustamante, J.; Riu, N.; Pérez, S; Roig, F.; Calderón, M.; Campos, S.; Rearte, E. Naves, N. Salicáceas bajo riego en Cuyo: identificación, comportamiento y manejo cultural. XXIII Jornadas de Investigación y V de posgrado, UNCuyo. Mendoza.9 al 11 de abril de 2013.

2 Calderón, A.; Bustamante, J.; Riu, N.; Pérez, S; Zanetti, P. Behaviour of clones of Populus spp. In Lavalle, Mendoza, Argentina. 24º Reunión Comisión Internacional del Álamo, 28 de octubre al 2 de noviembre 2012, Dehradun, India. Calderón, A.; Rébora, C. y Robledo, S. – Alternativas de modelos silvopastoriles en forestaciones de Populus spp. En zonas bajo riego en el oasis del Valle de Uco en Mendoza – 3º Congreso Nacional de Sistemas Silvopastoriles y VIII Congreso Internacional de Sistemas Agroforestales – 7, 8 y 9 de mayo de 2015 – Iguazú, Misiones – Argentina. Casaubón, E.; Cerrillo, T. Y Madoz. 2015. Instalación de sistemas silvopastoriles en el delta del Paraná: comportamiento de guías de sauce como material de propagación. III Congreso Nacional Sistemas Silvopastoriles. Misiones, mayo de 2015. Cerrillo T, Grande J, Vaschetto J, Bratovich R, Mujica G, García Conde J, Monteoliva S. 2012. Wood evaluation of willows for paper industry and sawing. 24Th Session of International Poplar Commission (IPC), Dehradun, India, Oct 29 –Nov 2, 2012. Abstract in proccendings. Cerrillo T.; Russo, F.; Morales D. y Achinelli, F. 2014.Evaluación preliminar de sauces (Salix spp.) experimentales en sitios bajos próximos al Río Arrecifes, Baradero, Buenos Aires. IV Congreso Internacional de Salicáceas en Argentina – Jornadas de Salicáceas. La Plata, marzo de 2014. Cerrillo, T. 2014. ¿Qué plantar?. Nuevos clones de sauces. Realidades y esperanza para el Bajo Delta. Periódico Actualidad Isleña. Cooperativa de Consumo Forestal y Servicios Públicos del Delta Ltda. Año 7- N°26. Julio de 2014. Cerrillo, T. 2014. Avances del Programa de Mejoramiento del Sauce (Salix spp.) en los últimos tres años. VI Encuentro GEMFo. Campana, abril de 2014. Cerrillo, T. 2014. Selección de seis nuevos clones de sauce (Salix spp.) para el Delta del Paraná. IV Congreso Internacional de Salicáceas en Argentina – Jornadas de Salicáceas / Cuarta Edición. La Plata, marzo de 2014. Cerrillo, T. 2014. Working Party on Poplar and Willow Genetics, Conservation and Improvement (WP4) Report. Report to 47th Executive Committee Meeting of the International Poplar Commission, FAO. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 015390ª54b1e2a0a152e5be8ad43afe78.pdf. Cerrillo, T., Doffo G., Rodriguez, M.E., Achinelli, F. y Luquez, V. 2013. Tolerancia al anegamiento prolongado de sauces (Salix spp.) mejorados- Evaluaciones a campo y en invernáculo. IV Congreso Forestal Argentino y Latinoamericano- AfoA-INTA-FAO. Iguazú, Misiones, Argentina. Septiembre de 2013. Cerrillo, T., Doffo, G., Rodriguez, M.E., Olguin, F., Achinelli, F. y Luquez, V. 2014. Tolerancia al anegamiento prolongado de una amplia gama de genotipos mejorados de sauce (Salix spp.). IV Congreso Internacional de Salicáceas en Argentina – Jornadas de Salicáceas / Cuarta Edición. La Plata, marzo de 2014. Cerrillo, T., Monteoliva, S. 2012. Evaluation of wood characteristics in the first selection phase of a willow (Salix spp.) breeding program in Argentina. IUFRO All Division 5 Conference, 8-13 July 2012, Lisbon Portugal. Abstract in proccendings. Cerrillo, T., Rodríguez, M., Achinelli F., Doffo G. y Luquez V. Bosque 34(1): 71-79. Do greenhouse experiments predict willow responses to long term flooding events in the field? (2013). Doffo G, Rodríguez ME, Monteoliva S, Cerrillo T, Luquez V. 2014. Willows responses to alternate periods of drought and flooding stress. International Poplar Symposium VI – IUFRO, Vancouver Canadá 21-23 July 2014. Abstract in proccendings. Cerrillo, T., Villaverde, R., Avogadro, E., Sallesses, L., Pathauer, P., Álvarez, J.A. y J. Diez. 2014. Respuesta a temprana edad de nuevos genotipos de Salix spp. Ante estrés 3nnovazi en un “bajo dulce” de Chascomús, provincia de Buenos Aires. IV Congreso Internacional de Salicáceas en Argentina – Jornadas de Salicáceas / Cuarta Edición. La Plata, marzo de 2014. Cerrillo, T.; Colpi, C; Facciotto, G.; Hellrigl, B.; Masutti, L.; P. Paiero. 2015. Orientamenti per una selvicoltura dei saliceti. V Capítulo de libro: I Salici in Selvicoltura, in Agricoltura en el Paesaggio, a cura di Paolo Paiero. Padova University Press. Novembre 2014.

3 Cerrillo, T.; Doffo G.; Rodríguez, M. E.; Achinelli, F. y Luquez, V. Tolerancia al anegamiento prolongado de sauces mejorados (Salix spp.) evaluaciones a campo y en invernáculo. Actas en CD del 4° Congreso Forestal Argentino y Latinoamericano, realizado en la Ciudad de Puerto Iguazú, Misiones, del 23 al 27 de setiembre de 2013. ISSN 1669-6786. Cerrillo, T.; Doffo, G.; Rodríguez, M.E.; Olguín, F.; Achinelli, F y V. Luquez. Tolerancia al anegamiento prolongado de una amplia gama de genotipos mejorados de sauce (Salix spp.) Actas de las Jornadas de Salicáceas 2014, Ciudad de La Plata, del 18 al 21 de marzo de 2014, 10 pp. Cerrillo, T.; Dubra, E.; Olemberg, D.; Mangeri, V.; Álvarez, J.L.; Mujica, G.; Álvarez, R. y S. Ortiz. 2014. Una estrategia participativa para la transferencia y propagación de nuevos clones de sauce obtenidos por Mejoramiento Genético. IV Congreso Internacional de Salicáceas en Argentina – Jornadas de Salicáceas / Cuarta Edición. La Plata, marzo de 2014. Cerrillo, T.; Russo, F.; Morales, D. y Achinelli, F. Evaluación preliminar de Sauces (Salix spp.) Experimentales en sitios bajos próximos al río Arrecifes, Baradero, provincia de Buenos Aires. Actas de las Jornadas de Salicáceas 2014, Ciudad de La Plata, del 18 al 21 de marzo de 2014, 8 pb Cerrillo, T; Monteverde, M.S. y S. Ortiz. 2013. Nuevos clones mejorados de sauce (Salix spp). IV Congreso Forestal Argentino y Latinoamericano- AfoA-INTA-FAO. Iguazú, Misiones, Argentina. Septiembre de 2013. Clavijo M.P., Cornaglia P.S., Rodríguez D.A., Signorelli A. y Borodowski E. 2014. Receptividad ganadera de pastizales naturales y de sitios bajo forestaciones de álamo en sistemas silvopastoriles del Delta del Paraná. Cuarto Congreso Internacional de Salicáceas en Argentina. La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 18 al 21 de marzo de 2014. Comunicaciones. 4 Págs. ISSN 1850-3543 (Actas en CD). Clavijo, MP, Cornaglia, PS; Rodríguez, DA; Signorelli, A; Borodowski E. 2012. Manejo del raleo y siembra de exóticas en sistemas silvopastoriles del Delta del Paraná. 2do Congreso Nacional de Sistemas Silvopastoriles, Santiago del Estero, 9 al 13 de mayo de 2012. Pág. 110-115. ISBN 978- 987-679-123-6. Cobas AC, Area MC, Monteoliva S. 2014. Patrones de variación de la densidad de la madera y morfometría celular de Salix babylonica var. Sacramenta para la determinación de la edad de transición entre madera juvenil y madura. Maderas. Ciencia y Tecnología 16 (3): 343-354. Cobas AC, Area MC, Monteoliva S. 2013. Transición de madera juvenil a madura en Populus deltoides implantado en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Maderas. Ciencia y Tecnología 15 (2): 223-234. Cobas AC, Felissia FE, Monteoliva S, Area MC. 2013. Optimization of the Properties of Poplar and Willow Chemimechanical Pulps by a Mixture Design of Juvenile and Mature Wood. BioResources 8 (2): 1646-1656. ISSN 1930-2126 Cobas AC, Monteoliva S, Area MC. 2014. Modelos descriptivos de distribución de madera juvenil y madura en salicáceas y su relación con las pulpas quimimecanicas. IV Congreso Internacional de Salicáceas en Argentina. La Plata, Argentina, 19-22 de marzo 2014. Trabajo completo en actas. Cortizo, S. 2012. Certification of poplar nurseries in Argentina. 24th Sesiones de la Comisión Internacional del Álamo Dehradun, India. 1/11/2012. Cortizo, S. 2012. Effect of Poplar Rust on Basic Wood Density. Proceedings of the IUFRO Division 5 Congress 2012. Lisboa. Portugal: 196-197. Cortizo, S. 2014. Efecto de la roya del álamo sobre el crecimiento del año y del rebrote de la siguiente temporada en tres clones con distinta susceptibilidad y arquitectura del canopeo. Tesis de Maestría. FA-UBA: 173 pp. Cortizo, S. 2014. Identificación de álamos: métodos, normas UPOV y sistemas de certificación en Argentina. INFOR. Coyhaique. Chile. 22-24/10/2014. Cortizo, S. 2014. Introducción del mejoramiento genético y del cultivo de Salicaceas. INFOR. Coyhaique. Chile. Cortizo, S. 2014. Plagas y enfermedades de álamos, identificación y descripción. Taller de capacitación profesional sobre el cultivo de Álamo. INFOR.Coyhaique. Chile. 22-24/10/2014.

4 Cortizo, S. 2015. Mejoramiento de álamo en el marco del Programa de mejoramiento de especies foestales nativas e introducidas para usos sólidos de alto valor (PROMEF). Tigre. Buenos Aires Argentina. 18/8/2015. Cortizo, S. 2015. Viveros forestales un elemento clave en la transferencia de clones de Salicáceas desde el obtentor al sector productivo.Congreso Nacional de Viveros Cítricos, Forestales y Ornamentales. Posadas. Argentina: 55- 64. Cortizo, S. 2015. Viveros forestales un elemento clave en la transferencia de clones de Salicáceas desde el obtentor al sector productivo.Congreso Nacional de Viveros Cítricos, Forestales y ornamentales. Posadas. Argentina. 5/8/2015. Cortizo, S. and Mema, V. 2013. Identification of rust species present in the Lower Paraná River Delta using urediniospore appearance and SSR markers. III Congreso Latinoamericano de IUFRO. San José, Costa Rica. Cortizo, S. and Monteverde, S. 2012. Overview of poplar breeding program in Argentina. Proceedings of the 24th Sesiones de la Comisión Internacional del Álamo. Dehradun, India. Cortizo, S. and Monteverde, S. 2014. Breeding of Populus 5nnovazi in Argentina: selection in populations derived controlled crossing. International Poplar Symposium VI. Vancouver, Canada. Cortizo, S. y Monteverde, S. 2012. Resultados preliminares de la red de ensayos de productividad del programa de mejoramiento de álamo del INTA. Actas de las XXVI Jornadas Forestales de Entre Ríos, Concordia. Argentina. Cortizo, S. y Monteverde, M. 2012. Evaluación de productividad de clones destacados en un ensayo comparativo de Populus L. en el Delta del Paraná. Actas de las 15as Jornadas Técnicas Forestales y Ambientales. El Dorado. Misiones: 10 pp. Cortizo, S. y Monteverde, M. 2012. Resultados preliminares de la red de ensayos de productividad del programa de mejoramiento de álamo del INTA. Actas de las de las XXVI Jornadas Forestales de Entre Ríos: 10 pp. Cortizo, S. y Monteverde, M.S. 2013. Programa de mejoramiento de álamo del INTA. Selección de genotipos en poblaciones obtenidas mediante cruzamientos controlados. AFOA: 13 pp. Cortizo, S. y Monteverde, S. 2014. Crecimiento y calidad de madera de clones experimentales de álamo en fase avanzada de mejora. VI Reunión GEMFO: 36 – 39. Cortizo, S.; Abbiati, N.; Graciano, C. and Guiamet, J. J. 2014. Rust effect on light interception depends on canopy structure. International Poplar Symposium VI. Vancouver, Canada. Cortizo, S.; Bischoff, N.; Lavignolle, P.; Moyano, J.; Claverie, J.; Sabi, M.; Wietz, M.; Vicario A.; Pagano, E.; Álvarez, R. y Mujica, G. 2014. Estrategia técnico-política en el desarrollo de la cadena de valor de Salicáceas. Jornadas de Salicáceas 2014: 19 pp. Cortizo, S.; Bischoff, N.; Lavignolle, P.; Moyano, J.; Claverie, J.; Sabi, M.; Wietz, M.; Vicario A.; Pagano, E.; Álvarez, R.; Mujica, G. 2014. Estrategia técnico-política en el desarrollo de la cadena de valor de Salicáceas. Jornadas de Salicáceas 2014. La Plata. Buenos Aires. 19/3/2014. Cortizo, S.; Bischoff, N.; Lavignolle, P.; Moyano, J.; Claverie, J.; Sabi, M.; Wietz, M.; Vicario A.; Pagano, E.; Álvarez, R.; Mujica, G. 2014. Estrategia técnico-política en el desarrollo de la cadena de valor de Salicáceas. VI Congreso Forestal de Salicáceas. La Plata (Buenos Aires), Argentina. 18-22 Marzo. Cortizo, S.; Cerrillo, T.; Thomas, E. y Monteverde, S. 2016. Subprograma Salicáceas. (Salix y Populus). En Domesticación y Mejoramiento de Especies Forestales. Ministerio de Agroindustria. (ED) Llavallol., C: 85-112. Cortizo, S.; Graciano, C.; Abbiati N. y Guiamet J.J. 2013. Análisis de los factores que conducen a la reducción de crecimiento en álamos afectados por roya utilizando como modelo un clon altamente susceptible. Actas de las Primeras Jornadas Argentinas de Sanidad Forestal. Bariloche. Argentina. Cortizo, S.; Monteverde, M. S.; Garau, A. M. y García, A. 2015. Obtención y transferencia de clones de álamo seleccionados en el marco del Programa de Mejoramiento del INTA. Actas Congreso Nacional de Viveros Cítricos, Forestales y ornamentales. Posadas. Argentina: 7.

5 Cortizo, S.; Monteverde, M. S.; Luquez, V. y García, A. 2015. Guayracá INTA y Ñacurutú INTA, los nuevos clones de álamo del Programa de Mejoramiento del INTA. Actas Congreso Nacional de Viveros Cítricos, Forestales y ornamentales. Posadas. Argentina: 6. Cortizo, S.; Monteverde, M. S.; Refort, M. M.; Keil, G. y Abbiati, N. 2015. Guayracá INTA, un nuevo clon de álamo remitido a inscripción en el Registro Nacional de Variedades. Actas de las XXIX Jornadas Forestales de Enre Ríos. Concordia. Argentina: 5. Cortizo, S.; Monteverde, M. S.; Refort, M.M.; Keil, G. y Abbiati, N. 2015. Guayracá INTA, un nuevo clon de álamo remitido a inscripción en el Registro Nacional de Variedades. XXIX Jornadas Forestales de Entre Ríos: 5 pp. Cortizo, S.; Monteverde, S.; Fernandez Tschierder, E.; Refort, M.; Taraborelli, C.; Keil, G. y Abbiatti, N. 2014. Características técnicas de un nuevo genotipo de álamo para su inscripción en el Registro Nacional de Variedades. Jornadas de Salicáceas 2014: 10 pp. Cortizo, S.; Monteverde, S.; Fernandez Tschierder, E.; Refort, M.; Taraborelli, C.; Keil, G. y Abbiatti, N. 2014. Características técnicas de un nuevo genotipo de álamo para su inscripción en el Registro Nacional de Variedades. Jornadas de Salicáceas 2014. La Plata. Buenos Aires. Da Silva, S. M.; Bustamante J.; Medauta M. C., López L., Bustamante A. Obtención de bioetanol a partir de residuos lignocelulósicos. 3º Simposio Argentino de Procesos Biotecnológicos.9 y 10 de diciembre de 2014, Santa Fe, Provincia de Santa Fe. De Abelleyra D., Gaute M. C. y Borodowski E.. 2012. Análisis de la dinámica estacional de plantaciones de álamo y sauce con imágenes de RADAR en banda C. Actas del Congreso Argentino de Teledetección 2012. El medio ambiente y sus cambios: un desafío para la información espacial. 18 al 21 de setiembre de 2012. Ciudad de Córdoba, provincia de Córdoba (3.19. Bosques nativos y plantados). HH05 – pág 69. Doffo, G.; Rodríguez, M. E.; Achinelli, F. G.; Cerrillo, T. y Luquez, V. Phenotypic plasticity in willows (Salix spp.) under different combinations of drought and flooding stress. Actas de la 7° EPSO Conference – Plants for a Greening Economy, Puerto Heli, Grecia, del 1° al 4 de Setiembre de 2013. Doffo, G.; Rodríguez, M. E.; Morales D.; Russo F.; Etchevers, P.; Achinelli F.; Cerrillo, T. y Lúquez, V. 2014. Utilización de Salix spp. En la producción de biomasa para energía : Rendimiento de biomasa al primer año. Actas de las Jornadas de Salicáceas 2014, Ciudad de La Plata, del 18 al 21 de marzo de 2014, 6 pp. Faustino, L. Doffo, G.; Rodríguez, M.; Gortari, F.; Álvarez, J.; Cortizo, S. y Graciano, C. 2014. Fertilización con N y P en estaqueros de álamo y sauce en el Bajo Delta del Paraná. Actas de las XXVIII Jornadas Forestales de Entre Ríos. Faustino, L.I.; Doffo, G.; Rodríguez, M.E.; Gortari, F.; Álvarez, J.A.; Cortizo, S. y Graciano, C. 2014. Fertilización con N y P en estaqueros de álamo y sauce en el Bajo Delta del Paraná. XXVIII Jornadas Forestales de Entre Ríos: 10 pp. Faustino, L.I.; Rodriguez, M.E.; Gortari, F.; Doffo, G.; Alvarez, J.A.; Cortizo, S. y Graciano, C. 2014. Evaluación de los efectos de la fertilización con N y P en estaqueros de álamo en el Bajo Delta del Paraná. Jornadas de Salicáceas 2014. La Plata. Buenos Aires. Faustino, L.I.; Rodríguez, M.E.; Gortari, F.; Doffo, G.; Álvarez, J.A.; Cortizo, S. y Graciano, C. 2014. Evaluación de los efectos de la fertilización con N y P en estaqueros de álamo en el Bajo Delta del Paraná. Jornadas de Salicáceas 2014: 7 pp. Faustino, Laura I., Guillermo N. Doffo, María Emilia Rodriguez, Fermín Gortari, Javier A. Alvarez, Silvia C. Cortizo, Corina Graciano. 2014. Fertilización con N y P en estaqueros de álamo y sauce en el bajo Delta del Paraná. XXVIII Jornadas Forestales de Entre Ríos, Concordia, 2 y 3 de octubre de 2014.

6 Faustino, Laura I.; Rodriguez, María Emilia; Gortari, Fermín; Doffo, Guillermo; Alvarez, Javier A.; Cortizo, Silvia; Graciano, Corina. 2014. Evaluación de los efectos de la fertilización con N y P en estaqueros de álamo en el Bajo Delta del Paraná. Disponible en: G9zc2FsaWNhY2Vhc3xneDozZTc5Y2M2MTQ0OWNjZGQ4 Fernández Tschieder E.; Borodowski E. D.; García Cortés M. y Signorelli A. 2013. Impacto del raleo sobre el crecimiento de árboles dominantes de Populus deltoides en el Delta del Paraná, Argentina. Tercer Congreso Latinoamericano de IUFRO. I Bosques y servicios ecosistémicos: Ecología y silvicultura de ecosistemas forestales (Silvicultura de plantaciones). 12 al 15 de junio de 2013. San José, Costa Rica. Fernández Tschieder, E.; Achinelli, F.; Russo, F.; y Angelinetti, S. Ecuaciones de volumen total y comercial para rebrotes de Salix babylonica var. Sacramenta `Soveny Americano´. Actas de las Jornadas de Salicáceas 2014, Ciudad de La Plata, del 18 al 21 de marzo de 2014, 8 pp. Ferrer, M. S.; Ibañez, V.; Riu, N. and Masuelli, R.W. 2012. Characterization of poplar clones by molecular markers. 24th Session of the International Poplar Commission and 46th Executive Committee Meeting “Improving Lives with Poplars and Willows”, Dehradun, India, November 2012. Fracassi Natalia G., Wendy M. Buchter, Javier A. Pereira, Esteban D. Borodowski & Daniel Somma. 2015. Determinants of capybara presence in afforestations of the lower delta of the Paraná river, Argentina, Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment, vol 50, issue nro. 3, pp. 229-237. To link to this article: Garau, A.; Guarnaschelli, A.; Otero, P.; Campbell, M.; Cortizo, S. y Caccia, F. 2014. Respuesta morfológica de dos clones de álamo a dos condiciones de disponibilidad hídrica e infección con roya. Jornadas de Salicáceas 2014: 8 pp. Garau, A.; Guarnaschelli, A.; Otero, P.; Campbell, M.; Cortizo, S. y Caccia, F. 2014. Respuesta morfológica de dos clones de álamo a dos condiciones de disponibilidad hídrica e infección con roya. Jornadas de Salicáceas 2014: 8 pp. Gaute M., Borodowski E. y, Signorelli A. 2013. Implementación de un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG) para la caracterización del Bajo Delta Bonaerense. Simposio Científico Académico Delta del Paraná: Historia, Presente y Futuro. 4 y 5 de Octubre de 2010. San Fernando, Buenos Aires. Volumen II – Trabajos completos. ISBN: 978-92-9089-193-2. Págs. 90-94. Gortari, F.; Cortizo, S.; Guiamet, J. J. y Graciano, C. 2014. Efecto la disponibilidad de nitrógeno sobre el impacto de la roya en la fisiología y crecimiento del álamo. Jornadas de Salicáceas 2014: 8 pp. Gortari, F.; Cortizo, S.; Guiamet, J. J. y Graciano, C. 2014. Efecto la disponibilidad de nitrógeno sobre el impacto de la roya en la fisiología y crecimiento del álamo. Jornadas de Salicáceas 2014. La Plata. Buenos Aires. Gortari, F.; Rodríguez, M.E.; Martínez, S.; Cortizo, S.; Graciano, C. 2015. Cambios en el crecimiento y la densidad de la madera en dos clones de álamo (Populus deltoides) debidos a la infección con roya (Melampsora medusae). Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía, La Plata 114(1): 91-99. Gortari, Fermín (2015) Mecanismos fisiológicos que determinan la merma de crecimiento de Populus deltoides Batr. Infectado por roya (Melampsora medusae). Tesis de Doctorado Directora: Corina Graciano- Codirector: Juan J. Guiamet. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Gortari, Fermín, María Emilia Rodríguez, Santiago Martínez, Silvia Cortizo, Corina Graciano (2015) Cambios en el crecimiento y la densidad de la madera en dos clones de álamo (Populus deltoides) debidos a la infección con roya (Melampsora medusae). Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía, La Plata 114(1): 91-99.

7 Gortari, Fermín; Corina Graciano y Juan J. Guiamet (2012) Cambios en la acumulación de materia seca en álamo debido a la interacción entre la infección por roya y el estrés hídrico. XXIX Reunión Argentina de Fisiología Vegetal. Mar del Plata, 17 al 20 de setiembre de 2012. Gortari, Fermín; Corina Graciano, Juan J. Guiamet (2012) Cambios hidráulicos en hojas de álamo debido a la infección por roya. XXV Reunión Argentina de Ecología. Lujan, 24 al 28 de septiembre de 2012. Gortari, Fermín; Cortizo, Silvia; Guiamet; Juan J.; Graciano, Corina. 2014. Efecto la disponibilidad de nitrógeno sobre el impacto de la roya en la fisiología y crecimiento del álamo. Jornadas de Salicáceas 2014, La Plata, Argentina. ISSN 1850-3543. 8pp. Gortari, Fermín; Graciano, Corina; Guiamet, Juan J. 2014. Daño en la integridad del fotosistema II en diferentes clones de álamo debido a la combinación de roya y estrés hídrico. XXX Reunión Argentina de Fisiología vegetal, Mar del Plata, 21 al 24 de septiembre de 2014. Gortari, Fermín; Guiamet, Juan J.; Graciano, Corina. 2013. Cambios en el crecimiento y la dinámica de nutrientes de Populus deltoides Batr. Infectado por roya (Melampsora medusae). 4to Congreso Forestal Argentino y Latinoamericano, AFOA, Iguazú, Argentina, del 23 al 27 de septiembre de 2013. Graciano, C.; Faustino, L.; Rodríguez, E.; Álvarez, J.; Cortizo, S.; Gortari, F. y Doffo, G. 2016. Fertilización en estaqueros de álamo: supervivencia, crecimiento y tolerancia a la sequía de las estacas provenientes de cepas fertilizadas. En Investigación Forestal 2011-2015. Los proyectos de Investigación Aplicada. Ministerio de Agroindustria. (ED) Llavallol., C: 416-418. Graciano, Corina; Alvarez, Javier A. 2014. Alianza estratégica para el desarrollo de capacidades científicas y tecnológicas con enfoque territorial. El caso de la alianza entre FCAyF UNLP- INTA para el desarrollo de conocimientos sobre ecofisiología en Salicáceas. Jornadas de Salicáceas 2014, La Plata, Argentina. ISSN 1850-3543. 8pp. Disponible en: G9zc2FsaWNhY2Vhc3xneDo2NjQxNDk3ZThjNTM0ODQ3 Graciano, Corina; Faustino, Laura Inés; Rodríguez, María Emilia; Alvarez, Javier; Cortizo, Silvia; Gortari, Fermín; Doffo, Guillermo. 2015. Fertilización en estaqueros de álamo: supervivencia, crecimiento y tolerancia a la sequía de las estacas provenientes de cepas fertilizadas. INVESTIGACIÓN FORESTAL 2011- 2015: Los Proyectos de Investigación Aplicada. Español. Argentina. Buenos Aires. Disponible en: s/151209005000.txt Guarnaschelli, A. B.; Garau, A. M.; Caccia, F. D.; Cincotta, E.; Gonzalez Otharán, P. and S. C. Cortizo. 2012. Drought and shade effects on morphology, physiology and growth of Salix clones. Proceedings of the 24th Sesiones de la Comisión Internacional del Álamo. Dehradun, India. Guarnaschelli, A. B.; Garau, A. M.; Cortizo, S. C.; Bergamini, H. and S. Giavino. 2012. Variation in drought responses and growth of four Populus clones cultivated in Argentina. Proceedings of the 24th Sesiones de la Comisión Internacional del Álamo. Dehradun, India. Guarnaschelli, A.B.; Garau, A.M.; Lorenzo, J.; Bustillo, F. y Cortizo S. 2013. Evaluación de factores asociados con la supervivencia y el crecimiento temprano de estacas de Populus deltoides. AFOA: 10 pp. Guarnaschelli, A.B.; Garau, A.M.; Rosas, I.; Figallo, T. y Cortizo S. 2013. Comparación del comportamiento frente a la sequía de dos clones de Populus deltoides. AFOA: 10 pp. Holgado M., Riu, N., Rabinovich, D., Battaglia, M.J. y Molina, M. ‘Diagnóstico fitosanitario en distintos clones de Populus spp., en Mendoza, Argentina’. XIV Jornadas Fitosanitarias. San Luis, Argentina. 3, 4 y 5 de octubre 2012. López, L; Bustamante, J., A.; Llera, J. Relación entre salinidad y producción de madera en cultivos forestales en alta densidad. III Congreso de la Red Argentina de Salinidad. Chascomus, Buenos Aires; 23 al 25 de abril de 2014.

8 Luccerini S.A., Subovsky E.D. y E.D. Borodowski. 2013. Sistemas Silvopastoriles: una alternativa productiva para nuestro país. Apuntes Agroeconómicos. Año 7 Nro. 8. Febrero 2013. ISSN 1667- 3212. Lucero G., Riu N., Pizzuolo P., Boiteux J., Hapon V., González Francés J.y Olmedo Sosa, M. ‘Análisis del nivel de sensibilidad a Septoria musiva de cinco clones de Populus spp. ‘IN VITRO’ –Mendoza, Argentina’.4°Congreso Forestal Argentino y Latinoamericano, Iguazú 2013.Argentina - 23 al 27 de setiembre 2013. ISSN 1669-6786 Lucero G., Riu N., Pizzuolo P., Soto Becerra, A., Ozollog., Boiteux, J. y Hapon V. Comparación de respuestas de clones de álamo a infecciones ‘in vitro’ de Septoria musiva sobre tallos. Jornadas de Salicaceas 2014- IV Congreso Internacional de Salicaceas en Argentina. La Plata, 18 al 22 de marzo 2014 – ISSN 1850-3543. Luquez, M., Achinelli, F. and Cortizo S. Southern Forests 74(1): 61–70. Evaluation of flooding tolerance in cuttings of Populus clones used for forestation ar the Paraná river Delta. Argentina (2012). Luquez, V.M.C.; Achinelli, F.G. y Cortizo, S. 2012. Evaluation of flooding tolerance in cuttings of Populus clones used for forestation at the Paraná River Delta, Argentina. Southern Forests 2012, 74(1): 61–70. Marcucci Poltri, S.N.; Torales, S., El Mujtar, V.; Acuña, C.; Soliani, C.; Zelener, N.; Schmid, P.; Pomponio, F.; Marchelli, P.; Inza, V.; Sola, G.; Soldati, C.; Villalba, P.; Arana, V.; Bozzi, J.; García, M.N.; Azpilicueta, M.M.; Martínez, M.C.; Rivas, G.; López Lauestein, D.; Cosacov, A.; Vega, C.; Cappa, E.; Ornella, L.; Pastorino, M.; Pathauer, P.; Diez, J.; Cortizo, S.; Cerrillo, T.M.; Gauchat, M.E.; Rodriguez, G.; Fassola, H.; Pahr, N.; Surenciski, M.; Obercshelp, J.; Harrand, L.; López, J.; Fornés, L.; Verga, A.; Marcó, M.; Hopp, E. y Gallo, L. 2013. Desarrollo y aplicación de herramientas de genética molecular para resolver problemas complejos de genética forestal. AFOA: 12 pp. Monlezum S.J., Cornaglia P.S., Pincemin J.M., Zunino H., Clavijo M.P. y Borodowski, E.D. 2013. Producción de materia seca de especies forrajeras bajo álamo en sistemas silvopastoriles de la región del Delta del Paraná. Simposio Científico Académico Delta del Paraná: Historia, Presente y Futuro. 4 y 5 de Octubre de 2010. San Fernando, Buenos Aires. Volumen I – Conferencias, Paneles y Trabajos Científico-Técnicos (resúmenes). ISBN: 978-92-9089-193-2. Pag. 134. Monteoliva S, Cerrillo T. 2013. Densidad y anatomía de la madera en familias mejoradas de sauces en Argentina. Revista Arvore 37 (6): 1183-1191. Monteoliva, S .y Cerrillo, T. 2013. Densidad y anatomía de la madera en familias mejoradas de sauces en Argentina. Revista Arvore vol.37 no.6 Viçosa Nov./Dec.2013 Monteoliva, S., S. Villegas and F. G. Achinelli. Short –Term and long – term effects of weed control and fertilization on growth and wood anatomy of a Populus 9nnovazi clone. Forest Systems 24 (1), e020, 5 pp. (2015). Monteverde, S. y Cortizo, S. 2014. Hibridaciones intra e interespecíficas: avances en la obtención de variabilidad genética del Programa de Mejoramiento de Álamo de INTA. VI Reunión GEMFO: 32 – 36. Morales, D.; Russo, F.; Achinelli, F.; Graciano, C. y Luquez, V. Caracterización de los síntomas de deficiencia de N, P, CA, FE, ZN y S en estacas del clon Populus deltoides `Delta Gold´ (‘Stoneville 66’) y su efecto sobre el crecimiento inicial. Actas de las Jornadas de Salicáceas 2014, Ciudad de La Plata, del 18 al 21 de marzo de 2014, 8 pp. Mujica G., Alvarez J. L., Dubra E. y Borodowski E. 2014. Estrategias para el desarrollo en la Cuenca Forestal del Delta del Paraná. Cuarto Congreso Internacional de Salicáceas en Argentina. La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 18 al 21 de marzo de 2014. Disertación. 49 Págs. ISSN 1850- 3543 (Actas en CD).

9 Nojek, S.; Jouanny, M.; Russo, F. y Achinelli, F. Aplicación preliminar de la técnica de clasificación remota de rodales de Salicáceas mediante imágenes satelitales Landsat 8 y redes neuronales artificales en un área del Bajo Delta del Paraná. Actas de las Jornadas de Salicáceas 2014, Ciudad de La Plata, del 18 al 21 de marzo de 2014, 8 pp. Ochoa, M.; Tondi, M.; Calderón, A. y Ayala, O. Alternativas de modelos silvopastoriles en forestaciones de Populus spp. En zonas bajo riego en el oasis sur en Mendoza. –– 3º Congreso Nacional de Sistemas Silvopastoriles y VIII Congreso Internacional de Sistemas Agroforestales – 7, 8 y 9 de mayo de 2015 – Iguazú, Misiones – Argentina. Pagano N, Cerrillo T, S. Leicach y H. Chludil. 2014. Estudios preliminares sobre compuestos antioxidantes en materiales clonales del Programa de Mejoramiento Genético de Sauce del INTA. IV Congreso Internacional de Salicáceas en Argentina – Jornadas de Salicáceas / Cuarta Edición. La Plata, marzo de 2014. Pérez S., Bustamante J, Ferro Malecki M. Riego en cultivo de álamos Conti 12 en alta densidad de plantación para producción de biomasa, con destino energético. Cuarto Congreso Forestal Argentino y Latinoamericano, Iguazú, Misiones, 23 al 27 de setiembre de 2013. Pérez S., Bustamante J, Ferro Malecki M., Zanetti, P. Application of different doses and methods of irrigation on high density cultivation of poplars ‘Conti 12’ for biomass production. 24º Reunión Comisión Internacional del Álamo, 28 de octubre al 2 de noviembre 2012, Dehradun, India. Pérez, S. A.; Bustamante, J. A.; Calderón A.; Navez, N.; Ferro Malecki, M.; Zanetti, P.; Alcover, N.Cultivo energético con álamos: efecto del sistema e intensidad de riego. XXIII Jornadas de Investigación y V de posgrado, UNCuyo. Mendoza.9 al 11 de abril de 2013. Pérez, S. A.; Bustamante, J. A.; Ferro Malecki, M.; Zanetti, P. Aplicación de distintas dosis y métodos de riego en cultivo de álamos ´Conti 12´en alta densidad de plantación para la producción de biomasa. VI Jornadas de actualización en Riego y Fertirriego, Mendoza, 7 al 9 de noviembre 2012. Rabinovich D., Holgado, M., Riu N., Battaglia M.J.y Molina, M. Avances en el estudio de susceptibilidad de clones de Populus nigra, al ataque de Rhytidodus decimusquartus (Schrank), Mendoza, Argentina. 24th Session of International Poplar Commission, Derhadun, India. 1st November 2012. Riu N., Lucero G., Pizzuolo P., Holgado, M., Robledo, S., Rabonovich D., Battaglia M.J., Hapon V. y Boiteux J. Enfermedades y Plagas en Salicáceas. Resumen presentado a las XXIII Jornadas de Investigación y V Jornadas de Posgrado de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, 9 al 11 de abril de 2013. Riu, N., Lucero, G., Robledo S., Pizzuolo P., Hapon V. y Boiteux J. Evaluación de la susceptibilidad a Septoria musiva de siete clones de Populus spp. Sobre fustes, en Tunuyán – Mendoza, Argentina. 24th Session of International Poplar Commission, Derhadun, India. 1st November 2012. Riu, N., Settepani, V. and Cortizo, S.. 2012. Different 10nnovazi clones of Populus 10nnovazi in Rivadavia, Mendoza, Argentina. 24th Session of the International Poplar Commission and 46th Executive Committee Meeting “Improving Lives with Poplars and Willows”, Dehradun, India, November 2012. Riu, N.; Calderón, A ; Bustamante, J.; Pérez, S. Sanidad y comportamiento de clones de álamo en San Carlos, Mendoza- Jornadas de Salicáceas 2014- IV Congreso Internacional de Salicáceas en Argentina. La Plata ,18 al 22 de marzo 2014. ISSN 1850-3543. Riu, N.; Pérez, S.; Robledo, S; and Naves, N. 2012. Phenological identification of five clones of Populus xcanadensis in a UPOV plant nursery in Mendoza, Argentina. 24th Session of the International Poplar Commission and 46th Executive Committee Meeting “Improving Lives with Poplars and Willows”, Dehradun, India, November 2012. Riu, N.; Rearte, E.; Schilardi, C.; Pérez, S. y Ferro M. Optimización de la producción de madera en un monte de álamos, bajo riego por pulsos y riego tradicional por surcos. VII Jornadas de Actualización en Riego y Fertirriego, Mendoza, Argentina.5 al 7 de agosto 2015.

10 Riu, N.; Robledo, S.; Masuelli, R.; Calderón, A. y Bertoldi, V. Aplicación de microsatélites para corroborar la identidad del clon Populus xcanadensis ‘Conti-12’. – Jornadas de Salicáceas 2014 y Cuarto Congreso Internacional de Salicáceas – 18 al 21 de marzo de 2014 – Ciudad de la Plata – Buenos Aires – Argentina. Riu, N.; Settepani, V. and Cortizo, S. 2012. Different behavior clones of Populus 11nnovazi in Rivadavia, Mendoza, Argentina. Proceedings of the 24th Sesiones de la Comisión Internacional del Álamo. Dehradun, India. Rodríguez, M. E.; F. G. Achinelli and V. M. C. Lúquez. 2015. Leaf traits related to productivity in Populus 11nnovazi during the post – flooding period. Aceptado para su publicación en: Trees 29: 953–960. ISSN: 0931-1890 (versión impresa) 1432-2285 (versión online). Rodríguez, M., F. Achinelli, C. Bártoli y V. Luquez. Characterization of the antioxidant response in two Populus 11nnovazi clones with different sensitivity to flooding. Actas del VI Simposio Internacional de Alamos, IUFRO, Vancouver, BC, Canada, del 20 al 23 de Julio de 2014, p. 85. Rodríguez, M.E.; Doffo, G.; Olguín, F.; Cerrillo, T. y V. Lúquez. 2015. Caracteres morfológicos y fisiológicos que contribuyen a la tolerancia a la inundación en sauce (Salix spp). XV Congreso Latinoamericano. XXX Reunión Argentina de Fisiología Vegetal. “Fisiología Vegetal: aportes a los desafíos energéticos, productivos y socio-ambientales de la próxima década”. Mar del Plata. 21 al 24 de septiembre de 2014. Sánchez Acosta, M.; Cerrillo, T. y E. Casaubón. 2014. Proyecto de construcción de viviendas rurales con madera de clones de Salix del INTA Delta, y de Eucalyptus grandis. IV Congreso Internacional de Salicáceas en Argentina – Jornadas de Salicáceas / Cuarta Edición. La Plata, marzo de 2014. Signorelli A., Borodowski E. y Gaute M. 2013. Situación forestal del Delta del Paraná: actualidad y perspectivas. Simposio Científico Académico Delta del Paraná: Historia, Presente y Futuro. 4 y 5 de Octubre de 2010. San Fernando, Buenos Aires. Volumen II – Trabajos completos. ISBN: 978- 92-9089-193-2. Págs. 95-99. Thomas, E. y Cortizo, S. 2014. Evaluación de clones de Populus deltoides en el Alto Valle de Río Negro. Jornadas de Salicáceas 2014: 5 pp Thomas, E. y Cortizo, S. 2014. Evaluación de clones de Populus deltoides en el Alto Valle de Río Negro. Jornadas de Salicáceas 2014. La Plata. Buenos Aires. Thomas, E. y Cortizo, S. 2014. Nuevos genotipos de Populus permitirán aumentar la disponibilidad de clones para forestar en los valles del norte de la Patagonia. Jornadas de Salicáceas 2014: 6 pp Thomas, E. y Cortizo, S. 2014. Nuevos genotipos de Populus permitirán aumentar la disponibilidad de clones para forestar en los valles del norte de la Patagonia. Jornadas de Salicáceas 2014. La Plata. Buenos Aires. Thomas, E. y T.Cerrillo. 2014. Evaluación preliminar de nuevos clones de sauce en la región Norpatagónica. IV Congreso Internacional de Salicáceas en Argentina – Jornadas de Salicáceas / Cuarta Edición. La Plata, marzo de 2014. Villegas MS, Monteoliva S; Felissia F, Area MC. 2012. Efecto de prácticas silvícolas sobre la calidad de la pulpa CMP de Populus deltoides. 2012. Proceedings of the ABTCP 2012 + VII CIADICYP. The 45th ABTCP International Pulp and Paper Congress and VII IberoAmerican Congress on Pulp and Paper Research. 9-11 October 2012, Sao Paulo . Villegas, M. S., S. Monteoliva, F. G. Achinelli, F. Felissia and M. Área. 2014. Effects of weed control and fertilization on wood and chemi –mechanical pulp properties of a Populus 11nnovazi clones. BioResources 9 (1): 801-815.

11 Belgium

Baeten L., Bauwens B., De Schrijver A., De Keersmaeker L., Van Calster H., Vandekerkhove K., Roelandt B., Beeckman H. & Verheyen K. 2009. Herb layer changes (1954-2000) related to the conversion of coppice-withstandards forest and soil acidification. Applied Vegetation Science 12: 187–197. Boothroyd-Roberts K, Gagnon D, Truax B (2013) Can hybrid poplar plantations accelerate the restoration of forest understory attributes on abandoned fields? Forest Ecology and Management 287, 77–89 Brockerhoff EG, Jactel H, Parrotta, JA, Quine CP, Sayer J (2008) Plantation forests and biodiversity: oxymoron or opportunity? Biodiversity and Conservation 17(5): 925-951 De Lange (2015). Populus trees and Russulaceae – a special ectomycorrhizal association in Flanders. MSc thesis UGent. Dey D.C., Gardiner ES., Kabrick JM., Stanturf JA. & Jacobs DF. 2010. Innovations in afforestation of agricultural bottomlands to restore native forests in the eastern USA. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 25: 1-31. Baeten L., Bauwens B., De Schrijver A., De Keersmaeker L., Van Calster H., Vandekerkhove K., Roelandt B., Beeckman H. & Verheyen K. 2009. Herb layer changes (1954-2000) related to the conversion of coppice-withstandards forest and soil acidification. Applied Vegetation Science 12: 187–197. Boothroyd-Roberts K, Gagnon D, Truax B (2013) Can hybrid poplar plantations accelerate the restoration of forest understory attributes on abandoned fields? Forest Ecology and Management 287, 77–89 Brockerhoff EG, Jactel H, Parrotta, JA, Quine CP, Sayer J (2008) Plantation forests and biodiversity: oxymoron or opportunity? Biodiversity and Conservation 17(5): 925-951 De Lange (2015). Populus trees and Russulaceae – a special ectomycorrhizal association in Flanders. MSc thesis UGent. Dey D C., Gardiner ES., Kabrick JM., Stanturf JA. & Jacobs DF. 2010. Innovations in afforestation of agricultural bottomlands to restore native forests in the eastern USA. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 25: 1-31. De Schrijver A, Janssens I, Staelens J, Wuyts K. (2010). Koolstof- en nutrientenkringlopen [Carbon and nutrient cycles]. In: den Ouden J, Muys B, Mohren F, Verheyen K (eds). Bosecologie en Bosbeheer. Acco, Leuven Fortier J, Truax B, Gagnon D, Lambert F (2016) Potential for Hybrid Poplar Riparian Buffers to Provide Ecosystem Services in Three Watersheds with Contrasting Agricultural Land Use. Forests 7(2) doi: 10.3390/f7020037 Gauthier A (2011) Le bois, pilier de la politique de developpement des energies renouvelables? Foret- entreprise doi15-19. Gil-Tena, A.; Brotons, L; Saura, S. (2010) Effects of forest landscape change and management on the range expansion of forest bird species in the Mediterranean region. Forest Ecology and Management 259(7): 1338-1346. Heydemann B. (1982). Der Einfluss der Waldwirtschaft auf die Wald-Okosysteme aus zoologischer Sicht. Schriftenreihe Deutscher Rat fur Landespflege 40:926–943. Horak, J., Vavrova, E., & Chobot, K. (2010). Habitat preferences influencing populations, distribution and conservation of the endangered saproxylic Cucujus cinnaberinus (Coleoptera: Cucujidae) at the landscape level. European Journal of Entomology 107(1), 81. Mantau U, Saal U, Prins K, Steierer F, Lindner M, Verkerk H, Eggers J, Leek N, Oldenburger J, Asikainen A and Anttila P (2010) EUwood - Real potential for changes in growth and use of EU forests. Hamburg.

12 Milwright R.D.P. 1998. Breeding biology of the Golden Oriole Oriolus oriolus in the fenland basin of eastern Britain, Bird Study 45: 320-330. Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe (1998) Annex 2 of the resolution L2, Pan- European Operational Level Guidelines for Sustainable Forest Management. Adopted at the Fifth Expert Level Preparatory Meeting of the Lisbon Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe, 27–29 April 1998, Geneva, . Nilsson J & Grennfelt P (1988) Critical loads for sulphur and nitrogen: report from a workshop held in Skokloster, Sweden, 19–24 March, 1988, Published by the Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen. Peterken GF, Game M (1984) Historical factors affecting the number and distribution of vascular plant- species in the woodlands of Central Lincolnshire. Journal of Ecology 72, 155-182 Reich PB, Oleksyn J, Modrzynski J, Mrozinski P, Hobbie SE, Eissenhat D, Chroove J, Chadwick OA, Hale CM, Tjoelker MG. (2005) Linking litter calcium, earthworms and soil properties: a common garden test with 14 tree species. Ecol Lett 8: 811-818. Stanturf JA., Gardiner ES., Shepard JP., Schweitzer CJ., Portwood CJ. & Dorris LC. 2009. Restoration of bottomland hardwood forests across a treatment intensity gradient. Forest Ecology and Management 257: 1803-1814. Thomaes A, De Keersmaeker L, De Schrijver A, Vandekerkhove K, Verheyen K (2011) Can tree species choice influence recruitment of ancient forest species in post-agricultural forest? Plant Ecology 212, 573–584 Vandekerkhove K, De Keersmaeker L, Walleyn R, Kohler F, Crevecoeur L, Govaere L, Thomaes A, Verheyen K (2011) Reappearance of old-growth elements in lowland woodlands in northern Belgium: Do the associated species follow? Silva Fennica 45, 909–935 van Oijen D, Feijen M, Hommel P, den Ouden J, de Waal R (2005) Effects of tree species composition on withinforest distribution of understorey species. Applied Vegetation Science 8, 155- 166. . (2010). Koolstof- en nutrientenkringlopen [Carbon and nutrient cycles]. In: den Ouden J, Muys B, Mohren F, Verheyen K (eds). Bosecologie en Bosbeheer. Acco, Leuven

Research on poplars and willows at INBO – Research Institute for Nature and Forest – Luc De Keersmaeker ([email protected]) De Keersmaeker L (2013) Spatio-temporal patterns of vegetation recovery in post-agricultural forests on mesophilous sites. PhD thesis, Applied Biological Sciences: Land and Forest Management, UGent Thomaes A, De Keersmaeker L, Van Calster H, De Schrijver A, Vandekerkhove K, Verstraeten G, Verheyen K (2012) Diverging effects of two contrasting tree species on soil and herb layer development in a chronosequence of post-agricultural forest. Forest Ecology and Management 278: 90-100 Thomaes A, De Keersmaeker L, De Schrijver A, Baeten L, Vandekerkhove K, Verstraeten G, Verheyen K (2013) Can soil acidity and light help to explain tree species effects on forest herb layer performance in postagricultural forests? Plant and Soil 373: 183-199 Thomaes A (2013) Tree species effects on herb layer development in post-agricultural forests. PhD thesis, Applied Biological Sciences: Land and Forest Management, UGent Thomaes A, De Keersmaeker L, Verschelde P, Vandekerkhove K, Verheyen K (2014) Tree species determine the colonisation success of forest herbs in post-agricultural forests: Results from a 9 yr introduction experiment. Biological Conservation 169: 238-247 Vanden Broeck A., Cox K., Michiels B., Verschelde P., Villar M. (2012) With a little help from my friends: hybrid fertility of exotic Populus x canadensis enhanced by related native Populus nigra. Biological invasions 14 (8): 1683 – 1696 Vanden Broeck A., Cox K., Villar M. (2012). Natural hybridization and potential seed set of sympatric Populus nigra and Populus x canadensis along the river Ijzer in Flanders (Belgium). Plant Ecology and Evolution 145 (3): 341 - 349

13 Research on short-rotation coppice poplar – Research Centre of Excellence on Plant and Vegetation Ecology (PLECO) – Stefan Vanbeveren ([email protected]) and Reinhart Ceulemans ([email protected])

2016 Bloemen J., Fichot R., Horemans J.A., Broeckx L.S., Verlinden M.S., Zenone T. and Ceulemans R. (2016) Water use of a multigenotype poplar short-rotation coppice from tree to stand scale. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, DOI: 10.1111/gcbb.12345 Brilli F., Gioli B., Fares S., Zenone T., Zona D., Gielen B., Loreto F., Janssens I.A. and Ceulemans R. (2016) Rapid leaf development drives the seasonal pattern of volatile organic compound (VOC) fluxes in a ‘coppiced’ bioenergy poplar plantation. Plant, Cell and Environment, 39: 539-555. DOI: 10.1111/pce.12638 Gebauer R., Vanbeveren S.P.P., Volarik D., Plichta R. and Ceulemans R. (2016) Petiole and leaf traits of poplar in relation to parentage and biomass yield. Forest Ecology and Management, 362: 1-9; DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2015.11.036 (open access) Vanbeveren S.P.P., Gebauer R., Plichta R., Volarik D. and Ceulemans R. (2016) Nutrients and energy in proleptic branches and leaves of poplar under a short-rotation coppice. Biomass and Bioenergy, 85: 271-277. DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2015.12.016 (open access) Zenone T., Zona D., Gelfand I., Gielen B., Camino Serrano M. and Ceulemans R. (2016) CO2 uptake is offset by CH4 and N2O emissions in a poplar short rotation coppice. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 8: 524- 538. DOI: 10.1111/gcbb.12269 (open access)

2015 Berhongaray G. and Ceulemans R. (2015) Neglected carbon pools and fluxes in the soil balance of short-rotation woody biomass crops. Biomass and Bioenergy, 73: 62-66. DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2014.12.002 (open access) Berhongaray G., Verlinden M.S., Broeckx L.S. and Ceulemans R. (2015) Changes in belowground biomass after coppice in two Populus genotypes. Forest Ecology and Management, 337: 1-10. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2014.10.035 (open access) Broeckx L.S., Vanbeveren S.P.P., Verlinden M.S. and Ceulemans R. (2015) First vs. second rotation of a poplar short rotation coppice: leaf area development, light interception and radiation use efficiency. iForest-Biogeosciences and Forestry, 8: 565-573. DOI: 10.3832/ifor1457-008 (open access) De Groote T., Zona D., Broeckx L.S., Verlinden M.S., Luyssaert S., Bellassen V., Vuichard N., Ceulemans R., Gobin A. and Janssens I.A. (2015) ORCHIDEE-SRC v1.0: an extension of the land surface model ORCHIDEE for simulating short rotation coppice poplar plantations. Geoscientific Model Development, 8: 1461-1471. DOI: 10.5194/gmd-8-1461-2015 (open access) Fichot R., Brignolas F., Cochard H. and Ceulemans R. (2015) Vulnerability to drought-induced cavitation in poplars: synthesis and future opportunities. Plant, Cell and Environment, 38: 1233-1251. DOI:10.1111/pce.12491 Njakou Djomo S., Ac A., Zenone T., De Groote T., Bergante S., Faccioto G., Sixto H., Ciria Ciria P., Weger J. and Ceulemans R. (2015) Energy performances of intensive and extensive short rotation cropping systems for woody biomass production in the EU. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 41: 845-854. DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2014.08.058 (open access) Vanbeveren S.P.P., Schweier J., Berhongaray G. and Ceulemans R. (2015) Operational short rotation woody crop plantations: manual or mechanized harvesting? Biomass and Bioenergy, 72: 8-18. DOI:10.1016/j.biombioe.2014.11.019 (open access) Verlinden M.S., Broeckx L.S. and Ceulemans R. (2015) First vs. second rotation of a poplar short rotation coppice: above-ground biomass productivity and shoot dynamics. Biomass and Bienergy, 73: 174-185. DOI:10.1016/j.biomboe.2014.12.012 (open access)

14 Verlinden M.S., Fichot R., Broeckx L.S., Vanholme B., Boerjan W. and Ceulemans R. (2015) Carbon isotope compositions (δ13C) of leaf, wood and holocellulose differ among genotypes of poplar and between previous land uses in a short-rotation biomass plantation. Plant, Cell and Environment, 38: 144-156.DOI:10.1111/pce.12383 Zenone T., Fischer M., Arriga N., Broeckx L.S., Verlinden M.S., Vanbeveren S.P.P., Zona D. and Ceulemans R. (2015) Biophysical drivers of the carbon dioxide, water vapor, and energy exchanges of a shortrotation poplar coppice. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 209: 22-35. DOI:10.1016/j.agrformet.2015.04.009 (

2014 Brilli F., Gioli B., Zona D., Pallozzi E., Zenone T., Fratini G., Calfapietra C., Loreto F., Janssens I.A. and Ceulemans R. (2014) Simultaneous leaf- and ecosystem-level fluxes of volatile organic compounds from a poplarbased SRC plantation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 187: 22-35. DOI:10.1016/j.agrformet.2013.11.006 (open access) Broeckx L.S., Fichot R., Verlinden M.S. and Ceulemans R. (2014) Seasonal variations in photosynthesis, intrinsic water-use efficiency and stable isotope composition of poplar leaves in a short-rotation plantation. Tree Physiology, 34: 701-715. DOI:10.1093/treephys/tpu057 (open access) Broeckx L.S., Verlinden M.S., Berhongaray G., Zona D., Fichot R. and Ceulemans R (2014) The effect of a dry spring on seasonal carbon allocation and vegetation dynamics in a poplar bioenergy plantation. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 6: 473-487. DOI: 10.1111/gcbb.12087 (open access) Zona D., Gioli B., Fares S., De Groote T., Pilegaard K., Ibrom A. and Ceulemans R. (2014) Environmental controls on ozone fluxes in a poplar plantation in Western Europe. Environmental Pollution, 184: 201-210. DOI:10.1016/j.envpol.2013.08.032 (open access)

2013 Berhongaray G., El Kasmioui O. and Ceulemans R. (2013) Comparative analysis of harvesting machines on an operational high-density short rotation woody crop (SRWC) culture: one-process versus two-process harvest operation. Biomass and Bioenergy, 58: 333-342. DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2013.07.003 (open access) Berhongaray G., Janssens I.A., King J.S., Ceulemans R. (2013) Fine root biomass and turnover of two fastgrowing poplar genotypes in a short-rotation coppice culture. Plant and Soil, 373: 269-283. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-013-1778-x (open access) El Kasmioui O. and Ceulemans R. (2013) Financial Analysis of the cultivation of short rotation woody crops for bioenergy in Belgium: Barriers and opportunities. Bioenergy Research, 6: 336-350. DOI:10.1007/s12155-012-9262-7 Njakou Djomo S., El Kasmioui O., De Groote T., Broeckx L.S., Verlinden M.S., Berhongaray G., Fichot R., Zona D., Dillen S.Y., King J.S., Janssens I.A., Ceulemans R. (2013) Energy and climate benefits of bioelectricity from low-input short rotation woody crops on agricultural land over a two-year rotation. Applied Energy, 111: 862-870. DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2013.05.017 (open access) Verlinden M.S., Broeckx L.S., Van den Bulcke J., Van Acker J. and Ceulemans R. (2013) Comparative study of biomass determinants of 12 poplar (Populus) genotypes in a high-density short-rotation culture. Forest Ecology and Management, 307: 101-111. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2013.06.062 (open access)

15 Verlinden M.S., Broeckx L.S., Wei H. and Ceulemans R. (2013) Soil CO2 efflux after land use change to a bioenergy plantation with fast-growing Populus trees – influence of former land use, inter-row spacing and genotype. Plant and Soil, 369: 631-644. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-013-1604-5 (open access) Verlinden M.S., Broeckx L.S., Zona D., Berhongaray G., De Groote T., Camino Serrano M., Janssens I.A., Ceulemans R. (2013) Net ecosystem production and carbon balance of an SRC poplar plantation during its first rotation. Biomass and Bioenergy, 56: 412-422. DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2013.05.033 (open access) Zona D., Janssens I.A., Aubinet M., Gioli B., Vicca S., Fichot R., Ceulemans R. (2013) Fluxes of the greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4 and N2O) above a short-rotation poplar plantation after conversion from agricultural land. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 169: 100-110. DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2012.10.008 Zona D., Janssens I.A., Gioli B., Jungkunst H.F., Camino Serrano M. and Ceulemans R. (2013) N2O fluxes of a bioenergy plantation during a two years rotation period. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 5: 536-547. DOI: 10.1111/gcbb.12019

2012 Broeckx L.S., Verlinden M.S. and Ceulemans R. (2012) Establishment and two-year growth of a bio- energy plantation with fast-growing Populus trees in Flanders (Belgium): Effects of genotype and former land use. Biomass and Bioenergy, 42: 151-163. DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2012.03.005 Broeckx L.S., Verlinden M.S., Vangronsveld J. and Ceulemans R. (2012) Importance of crown architecture for leaf area index of different Populus genotypes in a high-density plantation. Tree Physiology, 32: 1214- 1226. DOI: 10.1093/treephys/tps083 El Kasmioui O. and Ceulemans R. (2012) Financial analysis of the cultivation of poplar and willow for bioenergy. Biomass and Bioenergy, 43: 52-64. DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2012.04.006.

Research on biotechnology of poplar - Bioenergy Group, Department of Plant Systems Biology, Flanders Interuniversity Institute for Biotechnology (VIB) - Wout Boerjan (email: [email protected]

2016 Toraman, H. E., Vanholme, R., Boren, E., Vanwonterghem, Y., Djokic, M.R., Yildiz G.,Ronsse, F., Prins, W., Boerjan, W., Van Geem, K., M., and Marin G., B. (2016). Potential of genetically engineered hybrid poplar for pyrolytic production of bio-based phenolic compounds. Bioresource Technology, May; 207:229-36. Custers R, Bartsch D, Fladung M, Nilsson O, Pilate G, Sweet J, Boerjan W (2016). EU Regulations Impede Market Introduction of GM Forest Trees. Trends Plant Sci. 2016 Apr; 21(4):283-5. Pilate, G., Allona, I., Boerjan, W., Dejardin, A., Fladung, M., Gallard, F., Haggman, H., Jansson, S., Van Acker, R.and C. Halpin (2016). Lessons from 25 Years of GM Tree Field Trials in Europe and Prospects for the Future.Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. 2016 C. Vettori et al. (eds.), Biosafety of Forest Transgenic Trees, Forestry Sciences 82, DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-7531-1_4 67 Mottiar Y., Vanholme R., Boerjan W., Ralph J. and Mansfield S.D. (2016). Designer lignins: harnessing the plasticity of lignification. Trends Biotechnol., in press. Beckers B., Op De Beeck M., Weyens N., Van Acker R., Van Montagu M., Boerjan W. and Vangronsveld J. (2016). Lignin engineering in field-grown poplar trees affects the endosphere bacterial microbiome. Proc. Natl.Acad. Sci. U.S.A Feb 23; 113(8):2312-7. doi: 10.1073/ pnas.1523264113.

16 2015 Van den Bosch S., Schutyser W., Vanholme R., Driessen T., Koelewijn S.-F., Renders T., De Meester B., Huijgen W.J.J., Dehaen W., Courtin C.M., Lagraina B., Boerjan W. and Sels B.F. (2015). Reductive lignocellulose fractionation into soluble lignin-derived phenolic monomers and dimers and processable carbohydrate pulps. Energy Environ. Sci. 8, 1748-1763. Baldacci-Cresp F., Moussawi J., Leple J.-C., Van Acker R., Kohler A., Candiracci J., Twyffels L., Spokevicius A.V., Bossinger G., Laurans F., Brunel N., Vermeersch M., Boerjan W., El Jaziri M. and Baucher M. (2015). PtaRHE1, a x Populus alba RING-H2 protein of the ATL family, has a regulatory role in secondary phloem fibre development. Plant J. 82, 978-990. Dima O., Morreel K., Vanholme B., Kim H., Ralph J. and Boerjan W. (2015). Small glycosylated lignin oligomers are stored in Arabidopsis leaf vacuoles. Plant Cell 27, 695-710. Verlinden M.S., Fichot R., Broeckx L.S., Vanholme B., Boerjan W. and Ceulemans R. (2015). Carbon isotope compositions (δ13C) of leaf, wood and holocellulose differ among genotypes of poplar and between previous land uses in a short-rotation biomass plantation. Plant Cell Environ. 38, 144-156.

2014 Tobimatsu Y., Van de Wouwer D., Allen E., Kumpf R., Vanholme B., Boerjan W. and Ralph J. (2014). A click chemistry strategy for visualization of plant cell wall lignification. Chem. Commun. 50, 12262-12265. Niculaes C., Morreel K., Kim H., Lu F., McKee L.S., Ivens B., Haustraete J., Vanholme B., De Rycke R., Hertzberg M., Fromm J., Bulone V., Polle A., Ralph J. and Boerjan W. (2014). Phenylcoumaran benzylic ether reductase prevents accumulation of compounds formed under oxidative conditions in poplar xylem. Plant Cell 26, 3775-3791. Littlewood J., Guo M., Boerjan W. and Murphy R.J. (2014). Bioethanol from poplar: a commercially viable alternative to fossil fuel in the European Union. Biotechnol. Biofuels 7, 113. Miedes E., Vanholme R., Boerjan W. and Molina A. (2014). The role of the secondary cell walls in plant resistance to pathogens. Front. Plant Sci. 5, 358. Morreel K., Saeys Y., Dima O., Lu F., Van de Peer Y., Vanholme R., Ralph J., Vanholme B., and Boerjan W. (2014). Systematic structural characterization of metabolites in Arabidopsis via candidate substrate-product pair networks. Plant Cell 26, 929-945. Van Acker R., Leple J.-C., Aerts D., Storme V., Goeminne G., Ivens B., Legee F., Lapierre C., Piens K., Van Montagu M.C.E., Santoro N., Foster C.E., Ralph J., Soetaert W., Pilate G. and Boerjan W. (2014). Improved saccharification and ethanol yield from field-grown transgenic poplar deficient in cinnamoyl-CoA reductase. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 111, 845-850.

2013 Tobimatsu Y, Wagner A., Donaldson L., Mitra P., Niculaes C., Dima O., Kim J.I., Anderson N., Loque D., Boerjan W., Chapple C. and Ralph J. (2013). Visualization of plant cell wall lignification using fluorescencetagged monolignols. Plant J. 76, 357-366. Vanholme B., Cesarino I., Goeminne G., Kim H., Marroni F., Van Acker R., Vanholme R., Morreel K., Ivens B., Pinosio S., Morgante M., Ralph J., Bastien C. and Boerjan W.(2013). Breeding with rare defective alleles (BRDA): a natural Populus nigra HCT mutant with modified lignin as a case study. New Phytol. 198, 765-776. Vanholme B., Desmet T., Ronsse F., Rabaey K., Van Breusegem F., De Mey M., Soetaert W. and Boerjan W. (2013). Towards a carbon-negative sustainable bio-based economy. Front. Plant Sci. 4, 174.

17 2012 Vanholme R., Morreel K., Darrah C., Oyarce P., Grabber, J.H., Ralph, J. and Boerjan W. (2012). Metabolic engineering of novel lignin in biomass crops. New Phytol. 196, 978-1000. Vanholme R., Storme V., Vanholme B., Sundin L., Christensen, J.H., Goeminne G., Halpin C., Rohde A., Morreel K. and Boerjan W. (2012). A systems biology view of responses to lignin biosynthesis perturbations in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 24, 3506-3529. Harfouche A., Meilan R., Kirst M., Morgante M., Boerjan W., Sabatti M. and Scarascia Mugnozza G. (2012). Accelerating the domestication of forest trees in a changing world. Trends Plant Sci. 17, 64-72.

Research on wood technology of poplar and products - Ghent University (UGent) Laboratory of Wood Technology (Woodlab) - Joris Van Acker (email: [email protected]) Li W., Van den Bulcke J., Mannes D., Lehmann E., De Windt I., Dierick M., Van Acker J. (2014). Impact of internal structure on water-resistance of plywood studied using neutron radiography and X- ray tomography Construction and Building Materials. 73. p.171-179 Van den Bulcke J., De Boever L., De Vetter L., Van Acker J., Verheyen K. (2013). A low-cost tool- chain for reconstruction of standing trees of selected European hardwood species. Wood Research. 58(2). p. 201-216 Verlinden M.S., Broeckx L.S., Van den Bulcke J., Van Acker J., Ceulemans R. (2013). Comparative study of biomass determinants of 12 poplar (Populus) genotypes in a high-density short-rotation culture. Forest Ecology and Management. 307. p.101-111 Li W., Van den Bulcke J., De Windt I., Van Loo D., Dierick M., Brabant L., Van Acker J. (2013). Combining electrical resistance and 3-D X-ray computed tomography for moisture distribution measurements in wood products exposed in dynamic moisture conditions. Building and Environment. 67. p.250-259 Svedstrom K., Lucenius J., Van den Bulcke J., Van Loo D., Immerzeel P., Suuronen J.-P., Brabant L., Van Acker J., Saranpaa P., Fagerstedt K., Mellerowicz E., Serima R. (2012). Hierarchical structure of juvenile hybrid aspen xylem revealed using X-ray scattering and microtomography. Trees-Structure and Function. 26(6). p. 1793-1804 Van den Bulcke J., De Windt I., Defoirdt N., Van Acker J. (2012). Plywood under the scanner: linking moisture dynamics and 3D structure. Proceedings IRG Annual Meeting, Doc IRG/WP 12-20491. Van den Bulcke J., De Windt I., Defoirdt N., De Smet J., Van Acker J. (2011). Moisture dynamics and fungal susceptibility of plywood. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 65(5). p. 708-716 Lettens S., Vandecasteele B., De Vos B., Vansteenkiste D., Verschelde P. (2011). Intra- and inter- annual variation of Cd, Zn, Mn and Cu in foliage of poplars on contaminated soil. Science of the Total Environment. 409(11). p. 2306-2316 De Boever L., Vansteenkiste D., Stevens M., Van Acker J. (2011). Kiln drying of poplar wood at low temperature: beam distortions in relation to wood density, tension wood occurrence and moisture distribution Wood Research. 56(2). p. 245-256. (2015) First vs. second rotation of a poplar short rotation coppice: above-ground biomass productivity and shoot dynamics. Biomass and Bioenergy, 73: 174 185. DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2014.12.012 (open access)

18 Bulgaria

Dimitrova A., Stages of development of experimental plantation of willows for production of biomass, Science & Technologies, 2012, Volume II, Number 6, 2012. Plant studies Dimitrova A., The impact of mineral nutrition on the growth of willow clone Salix viminalis rubra, „Science Days 2012”.University Veliko Tarnovo. Dimitrova, A., „The effect of fertilization on the yield of biomass from experimental willow plantations”, Proceedings of the Biennial International Sympоsium, Silviculture and wildlife management, page 43- 46. Dimitrova, A., Kalmukov, K., Yonovska, I., Mikov, M., Shoot regeneration ability of willow clones in biomass plantantions, Forestry thinking magazine /in press/ Ionovska I., Dimitrova, A., et al., „Willow biomass as energy plantation for production of bioethanol”, 6th international scientific conference “Innovations in forest industry and engineer design”, Forestry University, Sofia, 2013 Mikov M., et al., Report to Executive forest agency: Selection and propagation of indigenous black poplar (P. nigra L), white poplar (P. alba L), grey polar (P. canesens Sm.), 2014 Naidenov Y., History of poplar management, 2013 Stankova, T., Gyuleva, V., Popov, E., Velinova, K., Velizarova, E., D. N., Kalmukov, K., Glushkova, M., Dimitrova, P., Hristova, H., Andonova, E., Georgiev, G. P., Kalaydzhiev, I., 2015. Allometric relationships for aboveground of juvenile black poplar hybris. Silva balcanica, 16(2). ISSN: 1311 – 8706, SJR: 0.135


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55 Chai YB, Liu JL, Sun BL, et al. 2015. Dimensional stability, mechanical properties and combustion performance of poplar wood modified with a mixture of MUF/ boric acid/ borax. China Wood Industry, 29(3): 5-9. Chang L. 2014. Formation Mechanism and Interface Status Evaluation of High Density Polyethylene Poplar Composite Plywood. Thesis for Doctors Degree of Chinese Academy of Forestry. Chen C, Fan XL, Deng YH, et al. 2013. Densification of poplar veneer. Journal of Zhejiang A & F University, 30(4): 536-542. Chen GZ, Gao ZX, Ma H, et al. 2013. Investigation and characterization on synthesis of nano-CaCO3 and composite with fast-growing poplar. Journal of Northeast Forestry University, 41(4): 108-111. Chen M, Deng YH, Chen C, et al. 2012. Study on poplar densification by cross-grain compression. Journal of Southwest Forestry University, 32(5): 80-85. Chen MJ, Wu JR, Deng YH, et al. 2015. Research on the properties of salix discolor branch of its scrimber. Journal of Southwest Forestry University, 356(1): 75-81. Chen XY, Sun DD, Wang ZP, et al. 2014. Creep behavior of poplar parallel strand lumber. Journal of Northwest Forestry University, 29(4): 203-207. Chen Y, Chen MZ, He MP, et al. 2014. Hot pressing technique for poplar plywood bonded with modified soybean protein adhesive. China Forestry Science and Technology, 28(4): 102-105. Chen YP, Wang Z, Chang L, et al. 2014. Analysis on properties diversity of different species of poplar plantation and their effects on the bonding strength of plywood. China Forest Products Industry, 41(4): 11-14. Dong GP, Deng YH, Wang XZ, et al. 2013. Study on salix discolor properties and its particleboard manufacturing technology. Journal of Southwest Forestry University, 33(3): 92-96. Dong HG, Wang CG, Tu DW, et al. 2014. Manufacture and performance analysis of composite board using poplar veneer and paper sludge. China Forest Products Industry, 41(5):27-29. Dong LY, Hu HR, Cheng F, et al. 2015. Analysis of the compositions of APMP effluent. China Pulp & Paper, 34(1): 29-33. Du C, Tu DY, Lao YM, et al. 2013. The experiment on hot pressing process for thermally treated Populus tomentosa Carr. Lumber. China Forestry Science and Technology, 27(6): 105-107. Du J, Wang WX, Meng X, et al. 2014. Effects of sodium bisulfite pretreatment on the chemical composition and enzymatic hydrolysis of poplar pulp. Journal of Cellulose Science and Technology, 22(1): 18-24. Fang GG, Liu SS, Shen KZ. 2014. Optimization of dilute-sulfuric acid pretreatment of poplar residues by using response surface design. Biomass Chemical Engineering, 48(6): 18-24. Fang L, Chang L, Guo WJ, et al. 2014. Performance comparison of HDPE plywood with UF resin plywood.Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 36(2): 125-128. Fang L. 2014. Interfacial modification methods and mechanism of high density polyethylene film/poplar veneer plywood. Thesis for Doctors Degree of Chinese Academy of Forestry. Guo S, Hou LD, Ou SX, et al. 2014. Techniques of self-bonding by interfacial liquefaction for poplar plywood processing. China Forestry Science and Technology, 28(6): 124-126. Han J, Zhou WJ, Zou Y, et al. 2014. Tensile and bending properties of bamboo/wood composite board. Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology, 34(10): 107-110. He SS. 2015. Investigating the properties of small diameter Salix discolor and its medium density fiberboard. Thesis for Masters Degree of Nanjing Forestry University. He W, Jiang SX, Zhang QS, et al. 2013. Properties of poplar modified with monomers using in situ polymerization. China Wood Industry, 27(1): 17-20. Hou RG, Li XJ, Liu Y, et al. 2015. Study on impregnation technology by using UF resin for fast-grown poplar wood. Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology, 35(1): 122-125. Hou RG. 2015. Study on impregnation enhancement-heat treatment technology about poplar lumber. Thesis for Masters Degree of Central South University of Forestry and Technology. Hu SW, Cui WY, Shen Y, et al. 2013. The Preparation and the study of mechanical properties of the copper plating at man-made board. Journal of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, 34(1): 128-132.

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87 DARE, 2014. National Agroforestry Policy. Department of Agriculture Research and Education. Datt, N., Sood, B. R., Kumar, N. and Sharma, V. K. 2012. Forage production and soil fertility as affected by introduction of high yielding species in dry temperate pasture of north western Himalaya. Range Management and Agroforestry. 33(1):73-78. Deswal, A. K., Neeraj Pawar, Raman, R. S., Yadav, J. N., Yadav, V. P. S.2014. Poplar (Populus deltoides) based agroforestry system: a case study of Southern Haryana. Annals of Biology. 30(4): 699-70. Dhiman, R.C. 2004. Availability of poplar wood – a boon for plywood industry. Ply Gazette. August 2004. P. 64-72. Employment generation through poplar farming and utilization. In: Proceedings of the National Workshop on Role of Forestry in Employment generation and Country Report (2012-2015): Poplars and Willows in India and. rural development (eds. SS Negi, RK Srivastava and Ombir Singh). Pp. 95-104. FRI, Dehradun (29 – 30 Aug., 2006). Dhiman, R.C.2012a. Diagnosis of intercrops in poplar based agroforestry. Indian Forester. 138(7):600- 609 Dhiman, R.C. 2012b. An innovative partnership arrangement for poplar-based agroforestry systems in India. Asia-Pacific Agroforestry Network (APAN). APANews, 40: 4-6. Dhiman, R.C. 2012c. High quality poplar culture in India inspires overseas delegates of International Poplar Commission (IPC). Ply Gazette Dec. 2012. Pp. 68-74. Dhiman, R.C. 2012d. Poplar plantations and wood price trends during 2011. Ply Gazette. March 2012. Pp.66-72 and 127-132 (in Hindi). Dhiman, R.C. 2012e. Status of poplar culture in India. ENVIS Forestry Bulletin. 12(1):15-32. Dhiman, R.C. 2012f. Transforming Rural Uttar Pradesh through Integrating Tree Culture on Farm Land: A Case Study of WIMCO’s Poplar Programme.LMA Convention Journal. 8(1): 85-98. Dhiman, R.C. 2013a. Expanding the planting window for poplars. Poplar and Willow Newsletter of the International Poplar Commission. Issue No. 2, Nov., 2013, pp. 4-6. (Also published in Ply World Dec. 13 – Jan.14, pp. 29-30). Dhiman, R.C. 2013b. Status and impact of commercial agroforestry in India. Indian Journal of Agroforestry. 15(2): 55-67. Dhiman, R.C. 2013c. Treatment of fungal infected sapstain for veneer products (from poplar). Ply Gazette. June 2013, pp. 92-99 (English), (134-137 Hindi). Dhiman, R.C. 2013d. Unorthodox asexual means for mass multiplication of poplars. Poplar and willow, Newsletter of the International Poplar Commission. Issue No. 1, June 2013. Pp.7-8. Dhiman, R.C. (2013e). Treatment of fungal infected sapstain for veneer products (from poplar). Ply Gazette. June 2013, pp. 92-99 (English), (134-137 Hindi). Dhiman, R.C. 2014a. Poplars in India: Past, Present and Future. In (eds: P P Bhojvaid and N Khandekar) Sustainable Forest Management for Multiple Values: A Paradigm Shift. Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, pp 183-206. Dhiman, R.C. 2014b. Status of poplar and willow culture in Himachal Pradesh. Indian Journal of Ecology 41(1):1-9. Dhiman, R.C. 2015a. Contractual arrangements for sustaining agroforestry with special reference to WIMCO’s poplar program (Chapter 8). In: Agroforestry: Present Status and Way Forward (Eds. S.K. Dhyani, Ram Newaj, Badre Alam and Inder Dev), ISBN 978-81-7622-349-2. Biotech Books, New Delhi, pp.135-168. Dhiman, R.C. 2015b. Integration of Poplar improvement programme with its end-use: WIMCO’s experience. Indian Journal of Ecology (Accepted) Dhiman, R.C. 2015c. Poplar culture in Zimbabwe. Consultancy report submitted to the Forestry Commission, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Management, Govt. of Zimbabwe, Harare. Country Report (2012-2015): Poplars and Willows in India

88 Dhiman, R.C. 2015d. Contractual arrangements for sustaining agroforestry with special referenc e to WIMCO’s poplar program (Chapter 8). In: Agroforestry: Present Status and Way Forward (Eds. S K Dhyani, Ram Newaj, Badre Alam and Inder Dev), ISBN 978-81-7622-349-2. Biotech Books, New Delhi, pp.135-168. Dhiman, R.C. and Gandhi, J.N 2012a. Clonal development and diversity in WIMCO’s poplar programme. ENVIS Forestry Bulletin. 12(1): 40-48. Dhiman, R.C., and Gandhi, J.N. 2012b. Management of mealy bug (Drosciha stenbbingi) in poplar based agroforestry in Bilaspur, Uttar Pradesh. Indian Journal J. of Agroforestry. 14(7): 73-75. Dhiman, R.C. and Gandhi, J.N. 2013. Insect and diseases management of tree grown in commercial agroforestry in north India: Wimco’s experience. In: (eds. A. Balu, R S C Jayaraj, A Regupathy, V Mohan, Rekha R Warrier, T P Raghunath and N Krishnakumar) Forest Health Management. IFGTB, Coimbatore, pp. 237-254. Dhiman, R.C. and Dhiman, D. 2015. Quantification of wood wastage in mechanized match manufacturing (from poplar wood). International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR) ISSN: 2321-0869, 3(2): 51-57. Dhiman, R.C. and Gandhi, J.N. 2015a. Development and release of clones: A case study of 1999 poplar breeding population at Wimco Seedlings. (Submitted to Indian Journal of Tree Sciences). Dhiman, R.C. and Gandhi, J.N. 2015b. Growing Sweet Corn under a series of poplar plantations. Accepted for publication in Indian Jounal of Agroforestry (Accepted). Dhiman, R.C. and Jagdish Chandar 2012. Expanding poplar culture and plywood industry. Ply World. April-May 2012:29-30. Dhiman, R.C., Chander Sekhar and Gandhi, J.N. 2013a. Mealy bug – An emerging major pest of poplar in Punjab. Indian Farmers’ Digest. 46(3): 41-43. Dhiman, R.C., Gandhi, J.N. and Pande, P. K. 2014. Natural hybridization between Populus suaveolens Fisch.and Populus ciliata Wall. Ex Royale. Indian Forester. 140(8): 753-757. Dhiman, R.C., Gandhi, J.N. and Singh, Y.P. 2015. Heat injury to freshly planted poplar seedlings in nurseries. Accepted for publication in Indian Farmers’ Digest. Dhiman, R.C., Gandhi, J.N., Uniyal, K., Bagwari, A. and Kavita. 2013. Symptoms and control of four major fungal diseases of poplar nurseries in Tarai Region of Uttarakhand. Indian Farmer’s Digest. Pp 40-42. Dogra, A. S., Nautiyal, S. and Nautiyal, D. P. 2014. Contribution of Populus deltoides to farm economy of Punjab. Indian Forester. 140(8): 758-762. Gangoo, S. A., Masoodi, T. H., Murtaza, S. and Islam, M. A. 2015. Management of exotic poplars for production of quality timber and reducing cotton menace in Kashmir (J & K). Indian Forester. 141(5): 514-519. Gattoo, A. A. 2013. An overview of exotic forestry in India. Annals of Agri Bio Research. 18(1): 55-61. Country Report (2012-2015): Poplars and Willows in India Gaur, A.and Gupta, S.R. 2012. Impact of agroforestry systems on carbon sequestration in northern Haryana, India. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 38(2/3):73-85. Grewal, G. K., Gill, R. I. S., Dhillon, G. P. S. and Vikal, Y. 2014. Molecular innovazione à e and genetic diversity analysis of Populus deltoides Bartr.ex Marsh. Clones using SSR markers. Indian Journal of Biotechnology. 13(3): 388-397. Gulzar, P., Kausar, T., Sahaf, K. A., Munshi, N. A., Ahmad, S. and Raja, T. A. 2013. Screening of ethanolic extracts of various botanicals against Fusarium pallidoroseum. (Cooke) Sacc. – The causal agent of twig blight of mulberry. Indian Journal of Sericulture. 52(1): 24-28. Gupta, A., Das, S. P., Ghosh, A., Choudhary, R., Das, D., and Goyal Arun 2014.Bioethanol production from innovazione à rich Populus nigra involving recombinant hemicellulases from Clostridium thermocellum. Bioresource Technology. 165: 205-213 Gupta, M. K. and Sharma, S. D. 2012. Sequestered organic carbon status in the soils supporting different tree plantations in Uttarakhand state of India. International Journal of Research in Chemistry and Environment (IJRCE). 2(2): 32-37.

89 Gupta, M.K. and Sharma, S. D. 2015. Carbon sequestration in the soils under different plantations in Haryana state, India. International Journal of Environmental Sciences. 5(5): 919-926. Gupta, M.K., Sharma, S. D. and Kumar, M. 2014. Carbon sequestration in the soils under different land uses in Panchkula district of Haryana.Indian Journal of Forestry. 37(3): 241-248. Gupta, M. K., Sharma, S. D. and Kumar, M. 2014. Sequestered organic carbon status in the soils under different land uses in northern region of Haryana.Annals of Forestry. 22(1):19-32. Gupta, R. K., Gani, M., Kaul, V., Bhagat, R. M., Bali, K. and Samnotra, R. K. 2016. Field evaluation of Lymantria nnovazio multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus for the management of Indian gypsy moth in Jammu & Kashmir, India. Crop Protection. 80:149-158. Gupta, S. R. 2012 Impact of agroforestry systems on carbon sequestration in Northern Haryana. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences. 38(4): 161-162 Huse, S. K. A., Singh, N.B., Choudhary, P., Sharma, J. P., Thakur, I. K. and Anand, R. K. 2015.Variability estimate of growth and physiological parameters among commercially important tree willows. Indian Forester. 141(5): 505-513. Iqbal, K., Bhat, J. A., Pala, N. A. Hussain, A. and Negi, A. K. 2014.Carbon and biomass density of trees in Duggada area of Garhwal Himalaya, India. Indian Forester. 140(1):18-22. Iqbal, K., Pala, N. A., Bhat, J. A. and Negi, A. K. 2012. Regeneration status of trees around Khohriver in Garhwal Himalaya. Indian Journal of Forestry. 35(4): 471-476. Jat, S. R. and Thakur, P. S. 2012. Growth and physiological responses of Matricaria chamomilla to different doses of organic manures under poplar based agroforestry systems. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products. 19(2): 81-88. Country Report (2012-2015): Poplars and Willows in India Jha R.K. , 2012. A study of variability, associations, and path analysis in poplar (Populus deltoides Bartr. Ex Marsh). Journal of Sustainable Forestry. 31(3):185-204. Kalia, S. and Semwal, D. P. 2014. Biology of Parasalepida Cramer (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae) on Populus from India.I ndian Journal of Entomology. 76(4): 296-298. Kanime, N., Kaushal, R., Tewari, S. K., Raverkar, K. P., Chaturvedi, S. and Chaturvedi, O. P. 2013.Biomass production and carbon sequestration in different tree-based systems of Central Himalayan Tarai region. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods. 22(1): 38-50. Kapoor, K. S. and Rawat, R. S. 2013.Intercultivation of Populus 90nnovaz as a nurse crop: it’s effect on survival and growth performance of Abies pindrow and Picea smithiana. Indian Journal of Forestry. 36(4): 431-434. Kaur, N., Gill, R. I. S. and Singh, B. 2012. Effect of seed rate and nitrogen on growth and yield of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) intercropped with poplar. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products. 19(4): 253-256. Kaur, N., Singh, B. and Gill, R. I. S. 2012. Intercropping of medicinal and spice crops under different agroforestry tree species in Punjab. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products. 19(3):167-173. Kaushal R, Dhiman, R.C., Tewari S., Chauhan, S. and Chaturvedi, O. P. 2015. Poplar utpadan, ropan and pravandhan (in Hindi).Under publication in Farmer’s Digest. Kaushal, R. and Dhiman, R.C. 2015. Decision Support System for Poplar. Submitted to ENVIS. Khaket, T. P., Kumar, V., Singh, J. and Dhanda, S. 2014. Biochemical and physiological studies on the effects of senescence leaves of Populus deltoids on Triticumvulgare. The Scientific World Journal. Article ID 126051. Khan, M. R., Ashwani Kumar, Khan, S. A. 2013.Studies on important plant characters of poplar (Populus deltoides) for agroforestry system of Central Uttar Pradesh. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products. 20(1): 1-5. Kumar, R. 2004. Studies on agroforestry systems and development of suitable agroforestry models in Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. Final Project Report. Forest Research Institute, Dehradun. 64 p. Kumar, D. and Singh, N.B. 2012. Status of poplar introduction in India. ENVIS Forestry Bulletin. 12(1): 9-14.

90 Lodhiyal, L. S. and Lodhiyal, N.2014.Impact of varying densities of poplar (Populus deltoides) plantation on soil physico-chemical properties in the Tarai region of Uttarakhand. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation. 42(3): 298-304. Luna, R. K., Thakur, N. S. and Kumar, V. 2012. Growth performance of twelve new clones of Populus deltoides in Punjab, India. Indian Forester. 138(12):1077-1080. Mandal, B. S., Mandal, N., Singh, Y. P., Kaushik, J. C., Ajit. 2013. Involvement of farmers for adoption of agroforestry system is the today’s need. Progressive Research. 8(1): 183-185. Masoodi, T. H., Ahmad, H., Gangoo, S. A., Sofi, P. A., Bhat, M. A. and Islam, M. A. 2014. Ecological occurrence of Himalayan poplar (Populus ciliata Wallich ex Royle) and its nursery evaluation under temperate conditions of Kashmir. The Bioscan, 9(2): 585-588. Country Report (2012- 2015): Poplars and Willows in India Masoodi, T. H., Masoodi, N. A., Gangoo, S. A., Mushtaq, S. M. and Ahmad, H. 2013. Comparative field performance of some agricultural crops under a canopy of Populus deltoides and Ulmus wallichiana. Journal of Forestry Research, 24(4):783-790. Mushtaq, S. M., Masoodi, T. H., Khan, P. A. and Parrey, G. N. 2014. Biomass production and carbon sequestration potential of Salix alba plantations under temperate conditions of Kashmir (India).International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences. 5(2): B-223-B-230. Nabi, G., Mugloo, J. A., Singh, A. and Bhat, G. M. 2012. Status, raw material requirement and employment generation of wood based industries in South Kashmir. 25(2): 567-569. Pande, P. K. and Dhiman, R.C. 2015.Variation in growth traits in different progenies of Populus 91nnovazi Bartr.ex Marsh. Indian Forester. 141(11):1124-1128. Pande, P. K., Aziz, M., Uniyal, S., and Dhiman, R.C., 2012. Variation in wood anatomical properties and specific gravity in relation to sexual dimorphism in Populus deltoides Bartr.Ex Marsh. Current Science. 102(11):1580-1585. Pande, P.K., and Dhiman, R.C., 2012. Variations in wood anatomical properties and specific gravity of half sib progenies of Populus deltoides. Journal of Forestry Research. 23(3): 491-496. Panwar S. and Wani, A. M. 2014.Economic analysis of different organic manures in sweet potato production under poplar-based agroforestry system. International Journal of Farm Sciences. 4(4): 117-121. Panwar, P., Pal, S., Chakravarty, S. and Alam, M. 2013. Soil quality and production of low land paddy under agrisilviculture systems in acid soil of West Bengal, India. Range Management and Agroforestry. 34(1):51-57. Panwar, S. and Wani, A. M. 2014.Economic analysis of different organic manures in sweet potato production under poplar-based agroforestry system. International Journal of Farm Sciences. 4(4):117- 121. Poonam, Bawa, R., Sankhyan, H. P., Nayak, D., Sharma, S. S.2015. Land use ecology of major ecosystems in cold deserts of Himachal Pradesh. Indian Journal of Forestry. 38(4): 295-301. Poonia, P. K. and Tripathi, S. 2015. Effect of microwave treatment on permeability of Populus deltoides Bartr.wood. Indian Forester. 141(5): 528-532. Puranik, H. V., Nain, A. S. and Murty, N. S. 2015.Site suitability analysis for Willow tree plantation in Uttarakhand using GIS. Current World Environment. 10(1):288-295. Rani S., Chauhan, S. K., Dha, K. K. and Sharma, R., 2014.Flower seed production for remunerative returns under poplar based agroforestry system. Proceedings of International Workshop on Women in Agroforestry, 28-29 November 2013, Kathmandu, Nepal, 2014.pp 82-95. Rattan, G. S., Singh, P.,Chowdary, R. N. V. V. 2012.Studies on Myrothecium roridum – an emerging problem of tree species in the nurseries of Punjab. Plant Disease Research (Ludhiana), 27(1):60-65. Country Report (2012-2015): Poplars and Willows in India Rawat, L., Kamboj, S. K. and Kandwal, A. 2015.Biomass expansion factor and root-to-shoot ratio of some tree species of Punjab, India. Indian Forester. 141(2):146-153. Rawat, Y. S. and Everson, C. S. 2013.Availability and use of willow species in representative cold desert areas of northwestern Himalaya, India. Journal of Mountain Science. 10(3): 472-481.

91 Saloni, P., Kumar, D. andUpreti, N. K. 2015.Plasticization of mango and poplar wood using vapour phase ammonia treatment. Indian Forester 141(11):1137-1142. Sangha, K. S. 2013. Larval performance and oviposition preference of Clostera fulgurita (Walker) (Lepidoptera: ) on Populus deltoides clones. Journal of Insect Science (Ludhiana). 26(2): 258-264. Sangwan, A. K. 2014. Physiological behavior and yield evaluation of colocasia under agri-horti- silviculture system. Hort Flora Research Spectrum. 3(2):114-121. Sangwan, A. K., Dhillon, W. S., Singh, H., Singh, N. P., Chohan, S. K., Gill, P. P. S. 2015 Influence of horti-silviculture combinations on pre-bearing growth and physiological parameters of pear. Indian Journal of Horticulture. 72(1): 21-27. Sarvade, S., Mishra, H. S., Kaushal, R., Chaturvedi, S. and Tewari, S. 2014. Wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) yield and soil properties as influenced by different agri-silviculture systems of Terai region, northern India. International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management. 5(3):350- 355. Shah, M., Masoodi, T. H., Khan, P. A., Wani, J. A. and Mir, S. A. 2015. Vegetation analysis and carbon sequestration potential of Salix alba plantations under temperate conditions of Kashmir, India. Indian Forester 141(7): 755-761. Sharma, J. P., Singh, N.B., Thakur, I. K. and Chaudhary, P. 2015. Field performance and genetic parameters of newly introduced tree willow (Salix species) clones. Indian Forester. 141(8):854-860. Sharma, N.K., Singh, R. J. and Kumar, K. 2012a. Dry matter accumulation and nutrient uptake by wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under poplar (Populus deltoides) based agroforestry system. ISRN Agronomy. Sharma, S.K., Singh, H. and Sultan, M. S. 2012b. Evaluation of some fruit and agroforestry plants against root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita. Plant Disease Research (Ludhiana), 27(1):121- 122. Sharma, S., Singh B. and Sikka R. 2015.Soil organic carbon and nitrogen pools in a chronosequence of poplar (Populus deltoides) plantations in alluvial soils of Punjab, India. Agroforestry Systems. 89(6):1049-1063. Singh, A., Singh, R. P. and Kaur, H. 2013. Response of wheat to different irrigation regimes given under poplar (Populus deltoides Bartr. Ex. Marsh) based agro forestry system. Indian Forester. 139(1): 75-77. Singh, B. And Gill, R.I.S. 2014.Carbon sequestration and nutrient removal by some tree species in an agrisilviculture system in Punjab, India. Range Management and Agroforestry. 35(1):107-114. Country Report (2012-2015): Poplars and Willows in India Singh, B. and Sharma, K. N. 2012. Concentration of nutrients in litterfall of some tree species in various agroclimatic zones of Punjab. Indian Journal of Forestry. 35(4): 421-424. Singh, B. and Singh, N.B. 2013. Variation and genetic correlation in growth and branching characters of Populus deltoides Bartr. Clones. Indian Forester. 139(8): 667-673. Singh, C., Dadhwal, K.S., Dhiman R.C., Kuma, R. and Avasthe, R. K. 2012.Allelopathic effects of Paulownia and poplar on wheat and maize crops under agroforestry systems in Doon Valley. Indian Forester. 137(11): 986-990. Singh, G. and Sangha, K. S. 2012.Ovipositional preference and larval performance of poplar defoliator, Clostera restitura on different poplar clones in north-western India. Journal of Forestry Research. 23(3): 447-452. Singh, M.K. 2012. Morphological markers for identification of Populus deltoides clones in nursery. Hort Flora Research Spectrum. 1(4):383-384. Singh, M.K. 2014. Analysis of peroxidase isozyme for identification of poplar clones. Hort Flora Research Spectrum. 3(1):91-93.

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96 Kazemi Najafi, S., Ebrahimi, Gh. And Sadati, S.E., 2012. Effect of spacing and intercropping on stress wave velocity of planted poplar trees, Journal of Forest and Wood Products, 65 (2): 187-197. Khanjani Shiraz, B., Hemati, A., Pour tahmasy, K. and Sardabi, H., 2014. Growth comparison of different poplar clones, planted on lowlands of west Guilan, 21 (3): 557-572. Lashkarbolouki E., Modirrahmati A.R., Kaneh E. and Mosavi Koopar S.A., 2014. Study on phonological and growth characteristics of different poplar clones (Populus euramericana (Dode) Guinier) in Guilan province, Journal of plant research, 26 (4): 526-536. Maassoumi, 2012. Experimental Taxonomy of the Genus Salix in Iran. Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands, 112 p. Mahdavi, S., Kermanian, H., Rameani, O. and Molavi, S., 2012. Kraft pulping of two fast growing Populus euramericana clones, Journal of Forest and Wood Products, 65 (1): 107-118. Mahmoudkia, M., Mastery Farahani, M.R. and Resalati, H., 2012. Investigation on weathering resistance of propionylated eastern cottonwood, Journal of Wood & Forest Science and Technology, 19 (2): 119-129. Modir-Rahmati, A.R., Ghasemi, R., Calagary, M. and Baghery, R., 2014. Study of adaptability and growth of different Poplar and Paulownia clones in the mountainous region of northern Iran (Rostam- Abad, Guilan province), Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, 22 (4): 736-748. Mohammadi Limaei, S., Bahramabadi, Z., Shahraje Rostami, T., Adibnejad, M. and Mousavi Koupar, S.A., 2013. Determination of economically optimal rotation age of (Popolus 97nnovazi) in Guilan Province, Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, 21 (1): 63-75. Mohammadi, A., Calagari, M., Ladan-Moqaddam, A.R. and Mirakhori, R., 2013. Investigation on growth and physiological characteristics of Populus euphratica Oliv. Provenances at Garmsar sesert station, Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, 21 (1): 115-125. Noori, F., Khodakarami, Y. and Modir Rahmati, A.R., 2015. Comparison of growth and yield of 10 closed-crown Populus nigra clones in second utilization period, Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, 23 (1): 134-142. Noori, F., Khodakrami, Y., Hamati, A., Modir Rahmati, A.R. and Noori, A., 2013. Investigation on growth characteristics of natural hybrids of Populus deltoids Marsh.) under climatical conditions of Kermanshah province, Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, 21 (2): 268-276. Parhizkar, P., Asadi, F., Khoshnevis, M., Teimouri, M., Yaghoubian, A. and Amanzadeh, B., 2013. Growth and production efficiency of one year old Popolus caspica Bornm. Under different indole butyric acid volume and cutting diameter, Iranian Journal of Forest, 5 (2): 183-194. Parsapour, M. K., Sohrabi, H., Soltani A. and Iranmanesh, Y., 2014. Allometric equations for estimating biomass in four poplar species at Charmahal and Bakhtiari province, Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, 21 (3): 517-528. Partovi, T. and Mirshokraie, S.A., 2012. Structural study of milled wood and dioxane lignin of Populus nigra using DFRC method, Journal of Forest and Wood Products, 65 (1): 1-18. Provenances at Garmsar desert station, Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, 21 (1): 115-125. Puladi, N., Delavar, M.A., Golchin, A. and Mosavi Koper, A., 2013. Effect of alder and poplar plantation on soil quality and carbon sequestration (A case study: Safrabasteh Poplar Experimental Station), Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, 21 (2): 286-299. Raeisi, M., Enayati, A.A., Dousthoseyni, K. and Pourtahmasi, K., 2012. Effect evaluation of layering technique effect with poplar on surface roughness of particleboard, Journal of Wood & Forest Science and Technology, 19 (2): 59-74. Rajabi Kaboud Cheshmeh, O. and Vaysi, R., 2015. Investigation and Comparison of Paper Properties of Birch and Aspen CMP Pulp with the Beech and Horn Beam CMP Pulp, Journal of Wood & Forest Science and Technology, 22 (1): 17-30. Ramazami, S., Talaeipour, M., Aliabadi, M., Tabeei, A. and Bazyar, B., 2013. Investigation of the nnovazion, biometry and chemical characteristics of juvenile and mature poplar (Populus alba) wood, Iranian Journal of Wood and Paper Science Research, 28 (1): 182-193.

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98 Bergante, S.; Facciotto, G.; Comolli, R.; Ferre’, C. (2012)- Land use change: from traditional cultivations to poplar SRF. [Poster] In: Proceedings of the ‘20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition’Milano, 18-22June2012. lCV.3.9 [En] Bergante, S.; Facciotto, G.; Rosso, L.; Nervo, G. (2012) – Comparison between poplar and willow SRC with two different harvesting cycles for bioenergy production. [Abstract] In: ‘lmproving Lives with Poplars and Willows’ Abstracts of submitted papers. 24th Session of the International Poplar Commission, Dehradun, lndia, 30 October-2 November 2012. Working Paper JPC/11 FAO, Rome, Italy. P. 66 [En] Bianconi D., Paris P., Massacci, A., (2012). Prime esperienze di bonifica del suolo dal lindano: Le potenzialita della short rotation coppice (SRC) per il recupero ambientale e la sostenibilità economica Micron ,22: 65-74 Bisio, L.; Negro, M.; Allegro, G. (2012)- I Coleotteri Carabidi della Valle di Gressoney (Valle d’Aosta) (Coleoptera carabidae). Revue Valdotaine d’Histoire Naturelle 66 5-43 [lt] Blasi, S., Bonafaccia, A., Lo Monaco, A., Picchio, R., Sirna, A., Verani, S. (2012) Caratterizzazione energetica del materiale ritratto da diradamenti in impianti di Pinus spp. In Italia centrale. In: Attualita della ricerca nel settore delle energie rinnovabili da biomassa. Atti del convegno. Ancona 16-17 dicembre 2010. 83-90 [lt] Bonadei, M,; Zelasco, S.; Giorcelli, A.; Gennaro, M.; Calligari, P.; Quattrini, E.; Carbonera, D.; Balestrazzi, A. (2012)-Transgene stability and agronomical performance of two transgenic Basta- tolerant lines of Populus alba. Plant Biosystems 146: 1 33-40 [En] Castro, G.; Alga, R.; Fragnelu, G.; Vigolungo, S.; Zanuttini, R. (2012) – Attitude to plywood production of six new poplar clones (‘Brenta’, ‘Mella’, ‘Sesia’, ‘Soligo’, ‘Taro’ and ‘Timavo’). [Abstract] In:’lmpruving lives with Poplars and Willows’ Abstracts of submitted papers. 24th Session of the International Poplar Commission, Dehradun, lndia, 30 October-2 November 2012. Working Paper JPC/11 FAO, Rome, Italy. P. 136 [En] Castro, G.; Alga, R.; Giorcelli, A.; Cremonini, R.; Negro, F.; Roattino, G.; Zanuttini, R. (2012) – Uso del pioppo per produrre compensato: studio dell’intluenza della stazione. Quaderni di ricerca della Regione Piemonte – Agricoltura 78 42-45 [lt] Castro, G.; Giorcelli, A. (2012)- Nuovi cloni di pioppo: ignorati dalla pioppicoltura e dal mercato. SHERWOOD – Foreste ed alberi oggi n. 186 p. 51 [lt] Chiarabaglio P.M. (2012)- Sostenibilita ambientale della pioppicoltura disciplinata. Convegno ‘La pioppicoltura nella Green Economy’ Casale Monferrato, 8 marzo 2012. 2 p. [lt] Chiarabaglio P.M. (2012) – Sostenibilita ambientale della pioppicoltura disciplinata. [Presentazione orale] Convegno ‘La pioppicoltura nella Green Economy’ Casale Monferrato, 8 marzo 2012. Chiarabaglio P.M.; Nervo G.; Facciotto G.; Vietto L.; Castro, G. (2012) – Impiego di genotipi di salicacee per interventi di fitorimedio. [Presentazione orale] Workshop ‘Biologia degli stress in Salicaceae: modelli di ricerca propedeutici a piantagioni multifunzionali’ Capracotta (IS), 6-7 giugno 2012. [it] Chiarabaglio, P.M.; Giorcelli, A.; Allegro, G.; Picco, F.; Rossi, A.E.; Isaia, M.; Rizzioli, B.; Nascimbene, J.; Coaloa, D.; Solarolo, D.; Demichelis, G. (2012)- Sostenibilita degli impianti di arboricoltura da legno in Piemonte. L’arboricoltura con latifoglie di pregio (ADL) in Piemonte: ricerca, divulgazione, attuazione. Torino, 26 ottobre 2012. [lt] Available: http:/www.regione.piemonte. it/foreste/cms/media/files/pian __gest/arboricoltura Chiarabaglio, P.M.; Nervo, G.; Facciotto, G.; Vietto, L.; Mughini, G. (2012)- Use of salicaceous genotypes for phytoremediation: the experiences of the CRA Research Unit for intensive wood production of Casale Monferrato. [Abstract] In: ‘lmproving Lives with Poplars and Willows’ Abstracts of submitted papers. 24th Session of the International Poplar Commission, Dehradun, India, 30-October-2 November 2012. Working Paper IPC/11 FAO, Rome, Italy. P. 169 [En]

99 Coaloa, D. (2012) – Analisi della filiera delle biomasse lignocellulosiche ad uso energetico in ltalia, sviluppo, stato attuale e prospettive. [Poster] Presentato al Primo Convegno della Associazione Italiana di Economia Agraria e Applicata (AIEAA) ‘Verso una bio-economia sostenibile: aspetti economici e sfide di politica economica’ Trento 4-5 giugno 2012. [lt] Coaloa, D. (2012) – Aspetti tecnici dell’applicazione dei disciplinari di Certificazione Forestale della Pioppicoltura. [Presentazione orale] Presentata a ‘lncontritecnici sulla pioppicoltura – Progetto QualiAmbiPio’, Mantova, 06.12.2011, Cremona 13.12.2011, Mortara (PV) 31.01.2012. 30 pp. [lt] Coaloa, D. (2012) – Bilanci economici delle colture energetiche. Progetti di ricerca FAESI e SUSCACE. Recenti acquisizioni scientifiche perle colture energetiche. SHERWOOD – Foreste ed alberi oggi;_ Supplemento 2 n. 183 89-93 [lt] Coaloa, D. (2012) – lndirizzi colturali per la certificazione forestale. [Presentazione orale] Incontro sulla certificazione forestale e il mercato del legno di pioppo ‘?Progetto quadriennale per il rilancio della filiera pioppolegno’ Mantova 28.11.2012 e Mortara 04.12.2012. lit] Coaloa, D. (2012) – Questionnaire on poplars and willows. National Country Report of Activities Related to Poplar and Willow Cultivation and Utilization. 24th Session I International Poplar Commission, Dehradun, India, 30 October-2 November 2012. [En] available: Coaloa, D. (2012) – Short rotation coppice in ltaly: development and current situation. In: Proceedings of the ‘20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition’ Milano, 18-22June2012. 2384-2387 [En] Coaloa, D. (2012) – Short rotation coppice in Italy: development and current situation. [Poster] Presented at the ‘20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition’ Milano, 18-22 June 2012. [En] Coaloa, D.. (2012) – Valutazioni economiche delle colture oleaginose per la filiera biodiesel. [Presentazione orale] Seminario sulla divulgaz. Risultati dei progg. Di ricerca FAESI e SUSCACE: sez. ‘Colture erbacee oleaginose: potenzialita produttive di brassicacee e girasole, meccanizzazione della raccolta, bilancio economico della filiera biodiesel’ Bologna 8.11.12. [lt] Coaloa, D.; Grignetti, A.(2012) – Esperienze in atto sulla conversione agricola verso colture energetiche. In: ‘Attualita delle ricerche nel settore delle energie rinnovabili da biomassa’ Atti del Convegno Ancona, 16-17 dicembre 2010. 311-317 [It] Coaloa, D.; Nervo, G.; Scotti, A. (2012)- Multi-purpose poplar plantations in Italy. [Abstract] In: ‘Improving Lives with Poplars and Willows’ Abstracts of submitted papers. 24th Session of the International Poplar Commission, Dehradun, India, 30 October-2 November 2012. Working Paper IPC/11 FAO, Rome, Italy. P. 74 [En] Coaloa, D.; Nervo, G.; Scotti, A. (2012) – Multi-purpose poplar plantations in Italy. [Presentazione orale] ‘Improving Lives with Poplars and Willows’ 24th Session of the International Poplar Commission, Dehradun, India, 30 October-2 November 2012. [En] Coaloa, D.; Tonetti, R.; Napolitano, L. (2012) – Novita della misura 221B del PSR della Lombardia. Ciclo medio-lungo anche per il pioppo. SHERWOOD – Foreste ed alberi oggi n. 186 23-27 [Jt] Demichelis, G.; Solarolo, D.; Chiarabaglio, P.M.; Nervo, G. (2012) – C02 balance: environmental sustainability of poplar stands in comparison with natural forest. [Abstract] In: ‘lmproving Lives with Poplars and Willows’ Abstracts of submitted papers. 24th Session of the International Poplar Commission, Dehradun, India, 30 October-2 November 2012. Working Paper IPC/11 FAO, Rome, ltaly. P. 170 [En] Di Candilo, M.; Ceotto, E. (2012) – Applicazione di liquami bovini alle colture dedicate da energia: produttivitä, implicazioni energetiche e sul bilancio del carbonio. Atti del Convegno Attualita della Ricerca nel Settore delle Energie Rinnovabili da Biomassa 349-354. [ITA, eng] Di Candilo, M.; Ceotto, E. (2012)- Cattle slurry application on Energy crops: a sustainable practice? Proceedings of 20th European Biomass Conference and Exibition, 18-22 June 2012, Milan, ltaly 170- 174 [ENG, eng] Di Candilo, M.; Ceotto, E. (2012)- Field performance of New Energy Poplar Clones in Combination with different Planting Density. Proceedings of 20th European Biomass Conference and Exibition, 18- 22 June 2012, Milan 283-286 [ENG, eng]

100 Di Candilo, M.; Facciotto, G. (2012)- Colture da biomassa ad uso energetico. Potenzialita e prospettive. Progetti di ricerca FAES1 e SUSCACE. Recenti acquisizioni scientifiche perle colture energetiche. SHERWOOD – Foreste ed alberi oggi. Supplemento 2 n. 183 10-19 [It] Di Matteo, G.; Riccardi, M.; Righi, F.; Fusaro, E. (2012) – Inter- and intraspecific variations in bud phenology, foliar morphology, seasonal stomatal conductance and carbon isotopic composition in Cedrus libani and C. atlantica. Trees – Structure and Function 26 1161-1167 [En] (DOI) 10.1007/s00468-012-0692-9 Di Matteo, G.; Sperandio, G.; Verani, S. (2012) – Field performance of poplar for bioenergy in southern Europe after two coppicing rotations: effects of clone and planting density. Forest – Biogeosciences and Forestry n. 5 224-229 [En] available: 005 Facciotto, G. (2012)- Storia della SRF e suo sviluppo in Italia. Progetti di ricerca FAES1 e SUSCACE. Recenti acquisizioni scientifiche perle colture energetiche. SHERWOOD – Foreste ed alberi oggi. Supplemento 2 n. 183 26-30 [It] Facciotto, G.; Bergante, S.; Lacaria, S. (2012)- Production of poplar and willow clones for biomass in Italy. [Abstract] In: ‘lmproving Lives with Poplars and Willows’ Abstracts of submitted papers. 24th Session of the International Poplar Commission, Dehradun. Lndia, 30 October-2 November 2012. Working Paper IPC/11 FAO, Rome, ltaly. P. 76 [En] Facciotto, G.; Bergante, S.; Tirroni, P.; Zampieri, R.(2012) – Analysis of poplar SRF commercial plantations in Veneto region (ltaly). In: Proceedings of the ‘20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition’ Milano, 18-22 June 2012. 417-421 [En] Facciotto, G.; Bergante, S.; Tirroni, P.; Zampieri, R.(2012) – Analysis of poplar SRF commercial plantations in Veneto region (Italy). [Poster] In: Proceedings of the ‘20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition’ Milano, 18-22 June 2012. lCV.3.10 [En] Facciotto; G.; Rocca, A.; Bergante, S.; Giovanardi, R.; Baldini, S.; Danuso, F. (2012) Development of a short-rotation coppice simulation model and calibration for poplar. [Abstract] In: ‘lmproving Lives with Poplars and Willows’ Abstracts in submitted papers. 24th Session of the International Poplar Commission, Dehradun, India. 30 October-2 November 2012. Working Paper IPC/11 FAO, Rome, ltaly. 143 -144 [En] Gallucci, F.; Pari, L.; Bellacima, R.; Barontini, M. (2012) – Storage of poplar chips: comparison between two different methods of conservation and between different chips size. 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 18-22 June 2012, Milan, ltaly. 432-434 [ENG, eng] Giorcelli, A.; Allegro, G.; Bazzani, R.; Bellan, S.; Chiarabaglio, P.M.; De Andrea, G.; Esposito, C.; Facciotto, G.; Gennaro, M.; F. Picco; L. Sebastiani (2012)- Impianti di arboricoltura da legno in Piemonte: produzione legnosa, connessioni ecologiche e condizioni fitosanitarie. Innovazione e Sperimentazione – Supplemento ai Quaderni di ricerca della Regione Piemonte – Agricoltura 77 61- 74 [lt] Giorcelli, A.; Gennaro, M.; De Andrea, G.; Chiarabaglio, P.M. (2012) – Effetti diretti e indiretti di trattamenti chimici contro le ruggini del pioppo. Forest@ n. 9 158-165 [lt] Guo, M.; Facciotto, G.; Li, C.; Bergante, S.; Murphy, R. (2012) - Environmental 101nnovazi of bioethanol derived from the ‘lmola’ poplar clone. [Abstract] In: ‘lmproving Lives with Poplars and Willows’ Abstracts of submitted papers. 24th Session of the international Poplar Commission, Dehradun, India, 30 October-2 November 2012. Working Paper IPC/11 FAO, Rome, ltaly. P. 177 [En] Marchi, E.; Amatangelo, G.; Verani, S.; Picchio, R. (2012)- Productivity and Energetic Analisys in Felling Operation of Pine Forest Thinnings. [Abstract] presented at ‘Forest Engineering – Concem, Knowledge and Accountability in Today’s environment’ FORMEC, Dubrovnik 8-12 October, 2012. 1 p. [En] Massacci ,A., Passattore, L., (2012). II rimedio dei suoli e acque contaminati con metalli pesanti, organici ed eccesso di nutrienti: processi biologici utili nella rizosfera. Micron, 22: 33-43 Mughini, G.; Gras, M.; Salvati, L.; Filippelli, S.; Tanchis, U. (2012)- Velino e Viglio due cloni per l’eucalitticoltura italiana. SHERWOOD- Foreste ed alberi oggi 187 41-45 [It

101 Navarro, A.; Mastrolilli, M.; Campi, P.; Palumbo, A.D.; Facciotto, G. (2012) – Biomass production of fast growing woody species in a short rotation coppice in Apulia (ltaly). In: Proceedings of the ‘20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition’ Milano, 18-22 June 2012. 422-426 [En] Navarro, A.; Mastrolilli, M.; Campi, P.; Palumbo, A.D.; Facciotto, G. (2012) – Biomass production of fast growing woody species in a short rotation coppice in Apulia (Italy). [Poster] In: Proceedings of the ‘20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition’ Milano, 18-22 June 2012. 1 CV.3.11 [En] Nervo, G.; Carletti, G.; Vale’, G.; Steenackers, M.; Allegro, G.; Giorcelli, A.; Vietto, L.; Cattivelli, L. (2012) – Genetic linkage map of Poplar (P. nnovaz.~, P. nigra, and P. x canadensis) based on SSR markers and the innovative RAPID-seq approach. [Abstract] In: ‘Improving Lives with Poplars and Willows’ Abstracts of submitted papers. 24th Session of the International Poplar Commission, Dehradun, India, 30 October-2 November 2012. Working Paper IPC/11 FAO, Rome, Italy. P. 37 [En] Palmieri, N.; Bonaventura Forleo, M.; Suardi, A.; Coaloa, D.; Pari, L. (2012) – Produzioni del colza per fini energetici: impatto ambientale e metodo di coltivazione. [Presentazione orale] Primo Convegno della Associazione ltaliana di Economia Agraria Applicata (AIEAA) ‘Verso una bio- economia sostenibile: aspetti economici e sfide di politica economica’. 23 pp [lt] Pari, L.; Civitarese, V.; Del Giudice, A.; Suardi, A. (2012)-A new cut-windrower for medium rotation forestry of poplar. 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 18-22 June 2012, Milan, ltaly. 273-276 [ENG, eng] Pari, L.; Civitarese, V.; Del Giudice, A.; Santangelo, E.(2012)-The harvest ofwindrowed five year old poplar with a new self-propelled chipper. 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 18-22 June 2012, Milan, ltaly. 387-390 [ENG, eng] Pari, L.; Palmieri, N.; Bonaventura Forleo, M.; Suardi, A.; Coaloa, D. (2012) – LCA of oil seed rape production for energy purposes: sensitivity analysis. In: Proceedings of the ‘20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition’ Milano, 18-22 June 2012. 2257-2261 [En] Pari, L.; Palmieri, N.; Bonaventura Forleo, M.; Suardi, A.; Coaloa, D. (2012) – LCA of oil seed rape production for energy purposes: sensitivity analysis. [Poster] Presented at the ‘20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition’ Milano, 18-22 June 2012. [En] Pennacchio, F.; Sabbatini Peverieri, G.; Jucker, C.; Allegro, G.; Roversi, P.F. (2012) – A key for the identification of larvae of Anoplophora chinensis Anoplophora glabripennis and Psacothea hilaris (Coleoptera Carambicidae Lamiinae) in Europe. Redia 95: 57-65 [En] Perez, I. Ciria, P.; Bergante, S.; Perez, J.; Carrasco, J.E.; Rosso, L.; Facciotto, G. (2012) Biomass production of Siberian elm at the end of second vegetative period in Spain and Italy. In: Proceedings of the ‘20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition’ Milano, 18-22 June 2012. 402-408 [En] Perez, I. Ciria, P.; Bergante, S.; Perez, J.; Carrasco, J.E.; Rosso, L.; Facciotto, G. (2012) Biomass production of Siberian elm at the end of second vegetative period in Spain and ltaly. [Poster] In: Proceedings of the ‘20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition’ Milano, 18-22 June 2012. ICV.3.8 [En] Picchio, R.; Neri, F.; Petrini, E.; Verani, S,; Marchi, E.; Certini, G. (2012)- Machinery-induced soil compaction in thinning two pine stands in central ltaly. Forest Ecology and Management 285 38-43 [En] Picchio, R.; Sirna, A.; Sperandio, G.; Spina, R.; Verani, S. (2012) – Mechanized harvesting of eucalypt coppice for biomass production using high mechanization level. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering 33: 1 15-24 [En] Picchio, R.; Spina, R.; Sirna, A.; Lo Monaco, A.; Civitarese, V.; Del Giudice, A.; Suardi, A.; Pari, L. (2012)- Characterization ofWoodchips for Energy from Forestry and Agroforestry Production .. Energies 5: 10 3803-3816 [ENG, eng] Picchio, R.; Verani, S.; Sirna, A.; Bordino, A. (2012) – Diradamenti in pineta con gru a cavo. Terra e vita n.3 46-50 [lt] Picchio, R.; Verani, S.; Sperandio, G.; Spina, R.; Marchi, E. (2012) – Stump grinding on poplar plantation; working time, productivity, and economic and energetic inputs. Ecological Engineering 40 117-120 [En]

102 Pignatti G. (2012)- ll Dauerwald di Bärenthoren e la sua attualita. Forest@9 260-272 [lt] Pignatti G.(2012) – Boschi alpini e cambiamenti climatici. Quali conseguenze per la gestione forestale?.SHERWOOD – Foreste ed Alberi Oggi 180 29-33 [lt] Pignatti, G.; De Natale, F.; Gasparini, P.; Mariano, A.; Trisorio, A. (2012) - High nature value forest areas: a proposal for Italy based on national forestry inventory data. Italian Journal of Forest and Mountain Environments 63: 3 281-288 [En] Pignatti, G.; De Natale, F.; Mariano, A.; Gasparini, P. (2012)- II contributo dell’inventario forestale nazionale alla stima del valore della biodiversità dei boschi italiani. [Abstract] In: Calabrese G.; Pacucci C.; Russo G. (eds.) Libro dei riassunti IX Convegno Nazionale sulla Biodiversita sessione ‘Territorio, paesaggio e servizi ecosistemici’ Universita degli Studi di Bari-CIHEAM IAM Bari, Valenzano (BA), 5-7 Settembre 2012, III session. P. 8 [lt] Pollegioni, P.; Der Linden, G.Van Belisario, A.; Gras, M.; Anselmi, N.; Olimpieri, I.; Luongo, L.; Santini, A.; Turco, E.; Scarascia Mugnozza, G.; Malvolti, M.E. (2012) – Mechanisms governing the responses to anthracnose pathogen in Juglans spp .. Journal of Biotechnologv 159: 4 251-264 [En] Porzio, G. F.; Prussi, M.; Chiaramonti D.; Pari, L. (2012)- Modelling lignocellulosic bioethanol from poplar: estimation of the level of process integration, yield and potential for co-products. Journal of Cleaner Production 34: - 66-75 [IT A, ita] Rosso, L.; Vietto, L.; Facciotto, G.; Bergante, S.; Nervo, G. (2012)- Lignocellulosic biomass as feedstock for biofuels production. [Abstract] In: ‘lmproving Lives with Poplars and Wi/lows’ Abstracts of submitted papers. 24th Session of the International Poplar Commission, Dehradun, India, 30 October-2 November 2012. Working Paper IPC/11 FAO, Rome, Italy. P. 154 [En] Solarolo, D.; Demichelis, G.; Chiarabaglio, P.M., Nervo, G. (2012) - Energy returned on energy invested for poplar stands in comparison with natural forests. [Abstract] In: ‘Improving Lives with Poplars and Willows’Abstracts of submitted papers. 24th Session of the International Poplar Commission, Dehradun, India, 30 Octoher-2 November 2012. Working Paper IPC/11 FAO, Rome, Italy. P. 198 [En] Sonnati, C.; Ughini, V.; Malvicini, G.L.; Facciotto, G. Bergante, S. (2012)- Prime esperienze di potatura meccanica del nocciolo in Piemonte. Corylus&Co. 3: 1 48-63 [lt] Sperandio, G.; Verani, S. (2012) – Costi d’impianto del pioppo. Conviene il turno biennale. Terra e vita 53: 43 28-32 [lt] Sperandio, G.; Verani, S. (2012) – Legna da ardere e cippato dagli interventi silvicolturali. Terra e vita 53: 16 34-38 [lt] Sperandio, G.; Verani, S. (2012) –Triturazione delle ceppaie di pioppo: analisi dei tempi e dei costi dell’operazione. Forest@ 9 293-300 [lt] Sperandio, G.; Verani, S. Pagano, M. (2012) – Con la cippatura in campo si abbattono i costi. Terra e vita 53: 19-20 [lt] Trisorio, A.; De Natale, F.; Pignatti, G. (2012)-Aree agricole ad alto valore naturale: quale biodiversità?. [Abstract] In: Calabrese G.; Pacucci C.; Russo G. (eds.) Libro dei riassunti IX Convegno Nazionale sulla Biodiversita sessione ‘Territorio, paesaggio e servizi ecosistemici’ Universita degli Studi di Bari-CIHEAM IAM Bari, Valenzano (BA), 5-7 Settembre 2012,III session. P. 33 [lt) Verani, S.; Sperandio, G. (2012) – Cippato da ceduo di eucalipto, un’opportunita per il Sud ltalia. Terra e vita 53: 8 52-55 [lt] Verani, S.; Sperandio, G. (2012) – Utilizzazione di un ceduo di eucalipto per produzione di biomassa con impiego di meccanizzazione spinta: aspetti tecnici ed economici .. In: ‘Attualita della ricerca nel settore delle energie rinnovabili da biomassa’ Atti del convegno. Ancona, 16-17 dicembre 2010. 304- 310 [lt] Verani, S.; Sperandio, G.; Neri, F.; Marchi, E. (2012)- Coppice harvesting in ltaly: results from twelve experimental areas. [Poster] Presented at: FORMEC: 45° International Symposium on Forestry Organization. Forest engineering; Concern, Knowledge and Accountability in today’s environment. Dubrovnik, Croatia 8-12 October 2012. [En]

103 Vietto, L.; Chiarabaglio, P.M.; Rosso, L.; Rossino, R.; Prendin, S.; Nervo, G. (2012) –Conservazione e valorizzazione della innovazione di Salicacee: situazione attuale e prospettive. [Poster] Presentato al IX Convegno Nazionale sulla Biodiversita, Valenzano, (BA), 5-7 settembre 2012. 1 [It] Vietto, L.; Facciotto, G.; Rosso, L.; Bergante, S.; Nervo, G. (2012)- Selection and testing of Populus alba and Salix spp as biofuel crop. In: ISAF XIX International Symposium on Alcohol Fuels, Verona, 10-14 October 2011. 68-72 [En] Vietto, L.; Facciotto, G; Giorcelli, A.; Allegro, G.; Castro, G.; Nervo, G.; Bisoffi, S. (2012) – New P. x canadensis clones for wood industry and biomass production selected in Italy. [Abstract] In: ‘lmproving Lives with Poplars and Willows’ Abstracts of submitted papers. 24th Session of the International Poplar Commission, Dehradun, India, 30 October-2 November 2012. Working Paper IPC/11 FAO, Rome, Italy. P. 58 [En]

2013 Allegro, G. (2013) – Nuove segnalazioni di Carabidi per il Piemonte e considerazioni sulla carabidofauna piemontese (Coleoptera Carabidae). Rivista piemontese di Storia naturale 34 171-180 [It] Assirelli, A.; Civitarese, V.; Fanigliulo, R.; Pari, L.; Pochi, D.; Santangelo, E.; Spinelli, R. (2013)- Effect of piece size and tree part on chipper performance .. Biomass and fitoenergy 54: 77-82 [ENG, eng] Barontini, M.; Gallucci, F.; Scarfone, A.; Santangelo, E.; Pari, L. (2013)- Lo stoccaggio del cippato di pioppo in SRF. Stato dell’arte e nuove acquisizioni. Sherwood 192 21-26 [IT A, eng] Barontini, M.; Scarfone, A.; Santangelo, E.; Gallucci, F.; Spinelli, R.; Pari, L. (2013)- The CRA-ING experience on storage of poplar wood chips. 21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 3-7 June 2013, Copenhagen, . 170-172 [ENG, eng] Bergante. S.. Facciotto, G., Rosso, L., Nervo, G., Allasia, E., Fazio, F. (2013)- Produttivita delle SRC nell’Appennino calabrese. [Presentazione orale] FORLENER 2013 Convegno”I/ risultati ottenuti nell’ambito dei progetti SALPIO e BIOENERGIE’ Caresanablot (VC) 27 sett. 2013. 14 pp. [lt] available: Bergante, S.; Facciotto, G.; Rosso, L. (2013) – Influence of poplar and willow cultivation models on cellulose production for 2nd generation bioethanol. [Abstract] In: 20th International Symposium on Alcohol Fuels (ISAF) ‘Alcohol fuels enabling sustainable future development’ Stellenbosh, Cape Town, 25-27 March 2013. 56 [En] available : Bergante. S.; Facciotto, G.; Rosso, L. (2013) – Influence of poplar and willow cultivation models on cellulose production for 2nd generation bioethanol. [Oral Presentation} 20th International Symposium on Alcohol Fuels (ISAF) ‘Alcohol fuels enabling sustainable future development’ Stellenbosh, Cape Town, 25-27March2013. [En} Bergante, S.; Nervo, G.; Facciotto, G. (2013) – Energie da biomasse agricole forestali: miglioramento e integrazione delle filiere dei biocarburanti e della fibra per la produzione di energia elettrica e termica. (Presentazione orale} FORLENER 2013 Convegno “I/ risultati ottenuti nell’ambito dei progetti SALPIO e BIOENERGIE’ Caresanablot (VC) 27 sett. 2013. 14 pp. [lt} Bergante, S.; Rosso, L.; Facciotto, G. (2013) – Produttivita di cloni di pioppo e salice da biomassa in Calabria. [Abstract} In: IX Congresso Nazionale SISEF ‘Multfunzionalita degli Ecosistemi Forestali Montani.· Sfide e Opportunita per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo’ (Tonon G. Ventura M. Bucci G. eds) Bolzano, 16-19 sett. 2013. Posters – Riassunti. C9. 12.96 #227 p. 109 [lt}. [online} available: Bergante, S.; Rosso, L.; Facciotto, G. (2013) – Produttivita di cloni di pioppo e salice da biomassa in Calabria. [Poster] Presentato al IX Congresso Nazionale SISEF ‘Multifunzionalita degli Ecosistemi Forestali Montani.· Sfide e Opportunita per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo’ Bolzano, 16-19 sett. 2013. [lt} Bergante, S.; Rosso, L.; Facciotto, G. (2013) – Wood characteristics of Poplar and Willow Clones Grown in 2 and 5-year SRC. In: Proceedings of the ‘21st European Biomass Conference & Exhibition’ Copenhagen, 3-7 June 2013. 182-185 [En} availahle:

104 Bergante. S.; Rosso, L.; Facciotto, G. (2013) – Wood characteristics of Poplar and Willow Clones Grown in 2 and 5-year SRC. [Poster} In: Proceedings of the ‘21st European Biomass Conference & ~Exhibition’ Copenhagen, 3-7 June 2013. IAV1.12 [En} available: www. Etaflorence. Itlproceedings/ Bisio, L.; Giuntelli, P.; Allegro, G. (2013) -1 Coleotteri Carabidi della Val Pesio (Alpi Liguri) (Coleoptera Carabidae). Memorie della Societa entomologica italiana 90: 2 61-87 [lt} Bulian, F.; Castro, G. (2013) – Pannellild i legno e formaldeide. Notizie CATAS 18: 3 11-12 [lt} Bulian, F.; Castro, G. (2013) – Pannelli di legno e formaldeide: come lassificarli correttamente. Lapis Luglio 2013 p. 10 [It} Callegari, G.; Castro, G.; Rian, M.D.I.; Spinelli, A.; Zanuttini, R. (2013)-Mona Lisa Wood Pavillion: Optimization and Parametric Design by Using Poplar Plywood Engineered Components.[Abstract} In: 4th International Scientific Conference on Hardwood Processing 2013. Programme and abstracts. Florence, ltaly 7-9 October 2013. P. 42 /En] Callegari, G.; Castro. G.; Rian. M.D.I.; Spinelli, A.; Zanuttini. R. (2013) – Mona Lisa Wood Pavillion: Optimization and Parametric Design by Using Poplar Plywood. In: Proceedings of the ‘4th International Scientific Conference on Hardwood Processing 2013’. Florence, ltaly 7-9 October 2013. 202-209 [En} Castro, G. (2013) – Bambù: legno o non legno?Sherwood – Foreste ed alberi oggi 195 p.51 [lt} Castro, G.; Fragnelli, G.; Zambusi, P. (2013) – Umidità e densita basale in giovani pioppelle. Variazioni nel corso della stagione vegetativa. Sherwood – Foreste ed alberi oggi 195 33-37 [lt} Castro, G.; Mori, P.; Zanuttini. R. (2013) – Produttivita di sfogliato e diametro dei fusti. Indagini preliminari sui cloni di pioppo ‘l-214’ e ‘Neva ‘. Sherwood – Foreste ed alberi oggi 192 5-9 [lt} 39 Chiarabaglio, P.M; Allegro, G.; Picco, F.; Rossi, A.E. (2013) – Valutazione dell’efficacia di una rete ecologica in una area agricola in presenza di impianti di arboricoltura da legno ed elementi naturali relitti. [Presentazione orale] Workshop ‘Strumenti per la realizzazione delle reti ecologiche: dalla pianificazione all’attuazione’ Vercelli, 15 maggio 2013. [lt] availab/e; Chiarabaglio, P.M; Giorcelli, A.; Maltoni, A.; Mariotti, B.; Rossi, A.E.; Tani, A. (2013) – Valutazione degli effetti di regimi idrici differenti nella fase di attecchimento in campo di postime di Juglans regia. [Abstract] In: IX Congresso Nazionale SISEF ‘Multifunzionalita degli Ecosistemi Forestali Montani: Sfide e Opportunita per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo’ (Tonon G. Ventura M Bucci G. eds) Bolzano, 16-19 sett. 2013. Posters – Riassunti. C9.12.99 #176 p. 112 {lt] [online] available: : Chiarabaglio, P.M; Giorcelli, A.; Maltoni, A.; Mariotti, B.; Rossi, A.E.; Tani, A. (2013) – Valutazione degli effetti di regimi idrici differenti nella fase di attecchimento in campo di postime di Juglam regia. [Poster] Presentato al IX Congresso Nazionale SlSEF ‘Multifunzionalita degli Ecosistemi Forestali Montani: Sfide e Opportunita per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo’ Bolzano, 16-19 sett. 2013. [lt] Chiarabaglio, P.M; Giorcelli, A.; Rossi, A.E.; Demichelis, G.; Solarolo, D.; Regalli, N (2013) – Ruolo degli impianti di arboricoltura da legno per l’accumulo della C02 e confronto con i boschi naturali. [Abstract] In: IX Congresso Nazionale SISEF ‘Multifunzionalita degli Ecosistemi Forestali Montani: Sfide e Opportunita per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo’ (Tonon G. Ventura M Bucci G. eds) Bolzano, 16-19 sett. 2013. Posters – Riassunti. C9. L 2.98 #179 p. / II {lt] [online] available: Chiarabaglio, P.M.; Giorcelli, A.; Rossi, A.E.; Demichelis, G.; Solarolo, D.; Regalli, N (2013)- Ruolo degli impianti di arboricoltura da legno per l’accumulo della C02 e confronto con i boschi naturali. [Poster] Presentato al IX Congresso Nazionale SISEF ‘Multifunzionalita degli Ecosistemi Forestali Montani: Sfide e Opportunita per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo’ Bolzano, 16-19 sett. 2013. [lt] Coaloa D. (2013) – Colture energetiche (dedicate): valutazione economiche-produttive. [Presentazione orale] FORLEN ER, Caresanablot (VC) 27-29 settembre 2013. [lt] Coaloa D. (2013) – Le peuplier en Europe et dans le monde. {Oral Presentation] Assemblée Generale de PROPOPULUS, Szolnok, Hongrie 13-14 mai 2013. [Fr]

105 Coaloa D. (2013) – Valutazioni economiche delle filiere biomasse lignocellulosiche-energia. [Presentazione orale] FORLENER, Caresanablot (VC) 27-29 settembre 2013. [lt] Coaloa D., Greco G. (2013) – Sostenibilita economica e rendimenti energetici della micro filiera aziendale (SAVIF). [Presentazione orale] Convegno nazionale ‘Attivita svolta e risultati ottenuti nell ‘ambito del progetto sulle colture dedicate alla produzione di biomasse per scopi energetici in Sicilia (Enersicilia)’ Caltanissetta, 29 novembre 2013. [lt] Coaloa, D.; Facciotto, G. (2013) – The influence of Community Agricultural Policies and of National Energy Policies on Biomass and Energy Production within the Farm in Italy. In: Proceedings of the ‘21 st European Biomass Conference & Exibition’ Copenhagen, 3-7 June 2013. 1917-1929 [En] available: Coaloa, D.; Facciotto, G. (2013) – The influence of Community Agricultural Policies and of National Energy Policies on Biomass and Energy Production within the Farm in Italy. [Poster] Proceedings of the ‘21st European Biomass Conference & Exibition’ Copenhagen, 3-7 June 2013. 5.A V.3.14 [En] available: D’Antoni, S.; Chiarabaglio, P.M.; Grignetti, A. (2013) – La pioppicoltura nelle aree golenali: criticita e indicazioni per i siti Natura 2000. La mia terra vale News n.4 2 pp. [lt} [ online} Facciotto, G. (2013) –Attivita svolta e risultati del progetto ‘Valutazione di nuove costituzioni di salice e pioppo per uso energetico’ SALPI0 (OIGA-MiPAAF). [Presentazione orale} FORLENER 2013 Convegno ‘I risultati ottenuti nell’ambito dei progetti SALPIO e BIOENERGIE’ Caresanablot (VC) 27 sett. 2013. 7 pp. [lt} available: Facciotto, G. (2013) – Short, medium rotation e pioppicoltura per impieghi energetici. [Presentazione orale} Seminario ‘L’utilizzo energetico di biomasse legnose locali: esperienze a confronto e nuove opportunita’ Pavia 15 maggio 2013. 30 pp. [lt} available: Facciotto, G., Bergante, S., Rosso, L., Vietto, L. (20! 3) – Selezione di cloni ibridi di pioppo e salice per biomassa nel Nord ltalia. [Presentazione orale} FORLENER 2013 Convegno ‘I risultati ottenuti nell’ambito dei progetti SALPIO e BIOENERGIE’ Caresanablot (VC) 27 sett. 2013. 13 pp [lt} available: Facciotto, G.; Allasia, E.; Bergante, S. (2013) – Production of Poplar and Willow Clones for biomass in ltaly. [Poster} In: Proceedings of the ‘21st European Biomass Conference & Exhibition’ Copenhagen, 3-7.June 2013. lAV./.3 [En} available: Facciotto, G.; Allasia, E.; Bergante, S. (2013) – Selection of Poplar and Willow Clones for SRC in ltaly. In: Proceedings of the ‘21st European Biomass Conference & Exhibition I Copenhagen, 3-7 .June 2013. 166-169 [En] available: Facciotto, G.; Bergante, S.; Paris, P.; Tosi, L.; Minotta, G.; Biason, M. (2013)-Agrocop System Mixing Timber and Bioenergy Trees: 7 Years Growth, and Ecophysiological Results in Experimental Plots in Casale Monferrato, Valley. [Abstract} In: IX Congresso Nazionale SISEF ‘Multifunzionalita degli Ecosistemi Forestali Montani: Sfide e Opportunita per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo’ (Tonon G. Ventura M Bucci G. eds) Bolzano, 16-19 sett. 2013. Comunicazioni Orali – Riassunti. C9. 9.2 #193 p. 75 [lt} [ online} available: Facciotto, G.; Bergante, S.; Paris, P.; Tosi, L.; Minotta, G.; Biason, M. (2013)-Agrocop Systems Mixing Timber and Bioenergy Trees: 7 Years Growth and Ecophysiological Results in Experimental Plots in Casale Monferrato, . [Presentazione orale] IX Congresso Nazionale SISEF ‘Multifunzionalita degli Ecosistemi Forestali Montani.· Sfide e Opportunita per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo’ Bolzano, 16-19 sett. 2013. [lt} Facciotto, G.; Guo, M.; (2013) – Environmental viability of Bioethanol derived from Poplar Clone Imola.[Oral Presentation} 20th international Symposium on Alcohol Fuels (ISAF) ‘Alcohol fuels enabling sustainable future development’ Stellenbosh, Cape Town, 25-27 March 2013. [En}

106 Facciotto, G.; Guo, M.; Li, C.;Bergante, S.; Littlewood, J.; Murphy, R.; (2013) – Environmental viability of Bioethanol derived from Poplar Clone lmola. [Abstract} In: 20th International Symposium on Alcohol Fuels (ISAF) ‘Alcohol fuels enabling sustainable future development’ Stellenhosh, Cape Town, 25-27 March 2013. P.55 [En] available: html Fedrizzi, M.; Pagano, M.; Pignatti, G.; Righi, F.; Sperandio, G.; Verani, S. (2013)-Prove di pacciamatura e riciclo di cippato di palma per usi agroforestali. [Abstract} In: IX Congresso Nazionale SISEF ‘Multifunzionalita degli Ecosistemi Forestali Montani: Sfide e Opportunita per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo’ (Tonon G. Ventura M. Bucci G. eds) Bolzano, 16-19 sett. 2013. Posters – Riassunti. C9. L 2.100 #148p.113 [lt} [online} available: Fedrizzi, M.; Pagano, M.; Pignatti, G.; Righi, F.; Sperandio, G.; Verani, S. (2013) – Prove di pacciamatura e riciclo di cippato di palma per usi agro-forestali. [Poster] Presentato al IX Congresso Nazionale SISEF ‘Multifunzionalita degli Ecosistemi Forestali Montani.· Sfide e Opportunita per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo’ Bolzano, 16-19 sett. 2013. [lt] Gennaro, M.; Giorcelli, A.; Allegro, G. (2013) – Piantagioni di arboricoltura da legno in Piemonte. Lo stato di salute attuale. Sherwood – Foreste ed alberi oggi n. 197 11-15 [lt] Gonthier, P.; Luchi, N.; Petrucco Toffolo, E.; Balestrini, R.; Colazza, S.; Faccoli, M; Garbelotto, M.; Giorcelli, A.; Giordano, L.; Guarino, S.; Lione, G.; Loreto, F.; Mello, A.; Michelozzi, M.; Pepori A.L.; Santini, A.; Sillo, F.; Vizzini, A.; Zampier (2013) – Define: a multidisciplinary research project to investigate the effects of exotic plant pathogenic fungy and insects on native ecosystems. {Abstract] Journal of Plant Pathology (Supplement) 95: S4 46 [En] Gonzales-Audino, P.; Griffo, R.; Gatti, P.; Allegro, G.; Zerba, E. (2013) –Pheromone detection of the introduced forest pest Megaplatypus 107nnovaz (=Platypus 107nnovaz) (Chapuis) (Platypodinae, Curculionitlae) in Italy. Agroforestry Systems 87: I 109-115 [En] Klein, T; Di Matteo, G.; Rotenberg, E.; Cohen, S.; Yakir, D. (2013) – Differential ecophysiological response of major Mediterranean pine species across a climatic gradient. Tree Physiology 33: 1 26-36 [En] doi: 10.109 3/treephys/tps 116 Koskela, J.; Lefevre, F.; Schueler, S.; Kraigher, H.; Olrik, D.C.; Hubert, J.; Longauer, R.; Bozzano, M.; Yrjana. L.; Alizoti, P.; Rotach, P.; Vietto, L.; Bordacs, A.; Myking, T; Eysteinsson, T; Souvannavong, O.; Fady, B.; Decuyper, B.; Heinze, B.; et al (2013)- Translating conservation genetics into management: Pan-European minimum requirements for dynamic conservation units of forest tree genetic diversity. Biological Conservation 157 39-49 [En] Macci, C., Doni, S., Peruzzi, E., Bardella, S., Filippis, G., Ceccanti, B., and Masciandaro, G. (2013). A real-scale soil phytoremediation. Biodegradation, 24(4), 521-538. Mughini, G. (2013) – Cloni di eucalitto per la produzione di biomassa in area mediterranea. [Presentazione orale] FORLENER 2013 Convegno ‘I risultali ottenuti nell’ambito dei progetti SALPIO e BIOENERGIE’ Caresanablot (VC) 27 sett. 2013. 15 pp. [lt] Mughini, G. (2013) – Potenzialità produttive ed aspetti ambientali della coltivazione di eucalitto in Sicilia. [Presentazione orale] Convegno ‘Attivita svolta e risultati ottenuti nell’ambito del progetto sulle colture dedicate alla produzione di biomassa per scopi energetici in Sicilia’ Feudo San Martino, Caltanissetta, 29 novembre 2013. 19 pp. {lt] Mughini, G.; Alianiello, F.; Benedetti, A.; Mughini Gras, L.; Gras, M.; Salvati, L. (2013) – Clonal variation in growth, arsenic and heavy metal uptakes of hybrid Eucalyptus clones in a Mediterranean environment. Agroforestry Systems 86: 3 14 pp. [En] Nervo G., Coaloa D., Chiarabaglio P.M. (2013) –Aspetti ambientali della coltivazione del pioppo. [Presentazione orale] Convegno nazionale ‘Il pioppo: una risorsa ecosostenibile per il futuro’. Piacenza, 11-11- 2013. [lt] Pari, L., Civitarese, V.; Del Giudice, A.; Scarfone, A. (2013)- Prove di raccolta del pioppo quinquennale. Risultati preliminari in un cantiere innovativo .. Sherwood 192 (2S) 10-12 [ITA, eng]

107 Pari, L.; Brambilla, M.; Civitarese, V.; Bisaglia, C. (2013) – Preliminary evaluation of a short rotation forestry poplar biomass supply chain in Emilia Romagna Region. Journal of Agricultural Engineering. Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the ltalian Society of Agricultural Engineering. 44: s2 373-377 [ENG, eng] Pari, L.; Civitarese, V.; Del Giudice, A.; Santangelo, E. (2013)- Abbattitrice andanatrice e cippatrice semovente. Un cantiere innovativo per pioppo quinquennale .. Sherwood 192 (2S) 6-9 [ITA, eng] Pari, L.; Civitarese, V.; Del Giudice, A.; Assirelu, A.; Spinelli, R.; Santangelo, E. (2013) Influence of chipping device and storage method on the quality of SRC poplar biomass. Biomass and Bioenergy 51: 169-176 [ENG, eng] Pari, L.; Clvitarese, V.; Del Giudice, A.; Scarfone, A. (2013) - Innovative system for medium rotation forestry harvesting. 21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 3-7 June 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark. 125-128 [ENG, eng] Pari, L.; Civitarese, V.; Del Giudice, A.; Barontini, M. (2013)- Miglioramento della pezzatura del cippato. Rotore CRA ING di seconda generazione per Claas Jaguar .. Sherwood 192 13-15 [ITA, eng] Pari, L.; Civitarese, V.; Del Giudice, A.; Scarfone, A. (2013)-Two prototypes for medium rotation forestry harvesting. Journal of Agricultural Engineering. Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the ltalian Society of Agricultural Engineering. 44: s2 611-614 [ENG, eng] Pari, L.; Suardi, A.; Palmieri, N.; Bonaventura Forleo, M; Coaloa, D. (2013) – Coltivazione della colza per scopi energetici. Valutazione della sostenilità ambientale attraverso la metodologia LCA (Life Cycle Assessment). Sherwood- Foreste ed alberi oggi, Supplemento n. 2 al 192 40-45 [lt} Pignatti G.; De Natale F; Mariano A.; Gasparini P. (2013) – II contributo dell’inventario forestale nazionale alla stima del valore della biodiversità dei boschi italiani. In: Atti del IX Convegno Nazionale sulla Biodiversita sessione ‘Territorio, paesaggio e servizi ecosistemici’ Universita degli Studi di Bari-CIHEAM IAM Bari, Valenzano (BA), 5-7 Settembre 2012. 7 pp. [lt} Pignatti, G. (2013) – Dinamica post-incendio in una piantagione di pini mediterranei. [Abstract} In: IX Congresso Nazionale SISEF ‘Multifunzionalita degli Ecosistemi Forestali Montani: Sfide e Opportunita per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo’ (Tonon G. Ventura M Bucci G. ed~) Bolzano, 16-19 sett. 2013. Posters – Riassunti. C9. J 2. 57 #147p. 66[11} [online} available: Pignatti, G. (2013) – Dinamica post-incendio in una piantagione di pini mediterranei. [Poster] Presentato al IX Congresso Nazionale SISEF ‘Multifunzionalita degli Ecosistemi Forestali Montani: Sfide e Opportunita per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo’ Bolzano, 16-19 sett. 20 J 3. [lt} Pignatti, G.; Verani, S. (2013) – Struttura e diversita in sistemi agro-forestali con asparago selvatico della campagna romana. {Abstract] In: IX Congresso Nazionale SISEF ‘Multifunzionalita degli Ecosistemi Forestali Montani: Sfide e Opportunita per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo’ (Tonon G. Ventura M Bucci G. eds) Bolzano, 16-19 sett. 2013. Comunicazioni Orali – Riassunti. C9.9.3#! 49 p. 76 [lt} [ online} available: : Pignatti, G.; Verani, S. (2013) – Struttura e diversita in sistemi agro-forestali con asparago selvatico della campagna romana. [Presentazione orale} IX Congresso Nazionale SISEF ‘Multifunzionalita degli Ecosistemi Forestali Montani: Sfide e Opportunita per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo’ Bolzano, 16-19 sett. 2013. [lt} Pollegioni, P.; Olimpieri, L.; Woeste, K.E.; De Simoni, G.; Gras, M; Malvolti, ME. (2013) – Barriers to interspecific hybridization between Juglans nigra L. and J. regia L species. Tree Genetics & Genomes 8: [En] DOI 10.1007/s11295-012-0555-y Rosso, L., Vietto, L, Facciotto, G., Bergante, S. (2013) – Pioppo bianco per la produzione di bioenergie. [Presentazione orale} FORLENER 2013 Convegno ‘I risultati ottenuti nell’ambito dei progetti SALPIO e BIOENERGIE’ Caresanablot (VC) 27 sett. 2013. 19 pp. [lt} available:

108 Rosso, L.; Facciotto, G.; Bergante, S.; Nervo, G. (2013) – Evaluation of different perennial grasses and short rotation woody crops for biofuel. [Abstract} In: 20th International Symposium on Alcohol Fuels (ISAF) ‘Alcohol fuels enabling sustainable future development; Stellenbosh, Cape Town, 25-27 March 2013. P.27 [En} available: Rosso, L.; Facciotto, G.; Bergante, S.; Nervo, G. (2013) – Evaluation of different perennial grasses and short rotation woody crops for biofuel. [Oral Presentation} 20th International Symposium an Alcohol Fuels (ISAF) ‘Alcohol fuels enabling sustainable future development’ Stellenbosh, Cape Town, 25-27 March 2013. [En} Rosso, L.; Facciotto, G.; Bergante, S.; Vietto, L.; Nervo, G. (2013) –Selection and testing of Populus alba and Salix spp. As bioenergy feedstock: Preliminary results. Applied Energy 102 87-92 [En} Rosso, L.; Facciotto, G.; Paris, P. (2013) – Pioppo con canna da zucchero. Crescono le superfici in lndia. Terra e vita 43: 6 [lt} Rosso, L.; Vietto, L.; Bergante, S.; Nervo, G.; Facciotto, G. (2013) – Lignocellulosic Biomass as Feedstock for Biofuels Production. In: Proceedings of the ‘21st European Biomass Conference & Exhibition’ Copenhagen, 3-7 June 2013. 129-133 [En} available: www. Etaflorence. It/proceedings Rosso, L.; Vietto, L.; Bergante, S.; Nervo, G.; Facciotto, G. (2013) – Lignocellulosic Biomass as Feedstock for Biofuels Production. [Oral Presentation} ‘21st European Biomass Conference & Exhibition’ Copenhagen, 3-7 June 2013. [En] Rosso, L.; Vietto, L.; Facciotto, G.; Bergante, S. (2013) – Poplar and Willow Clones Selected in ltaly for Biofuel Production. [Abstract} In: 20th International Symposium on Alcohol Fuels (ISAF) ‘Alcohol fuels enabling sustainablefuture development’ Stellenbosh, Cape Town, 25-27 March 2013. 72 [En} available: Rosso, L.; Vietto, L.; Facciotto, G.; Bergante, S. (2013) – Poplar and Willow Clones Selected in ltaly for Biofuel Production. [Poster} 20th International Symposium on Alcohol Fuels (ISAF) ‘Alcohol fuels enabling sustainable future development’ Stellenbosh, Cape Town, 25-27 March 2013. [En} Rosso. L.; Bergante, S.; Vietto, L.; Facciotto, G. (2013) – Populus alba e Salix spp. Per la produzione di biocarburanti. [Abstract} In: IX Congresso Nazionale SISEF ‘Multifunzionalita degli Ecosistemi Forestali Montani: Sfide e Opportunita per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo’ (Tonon G. Ventura M Bucci G. eds) Bolzano, 16-19 sett. 2013. Comunicazioni Orali – Riassunti. C9. 7.1#209 p.62 [lt} [online} available: : Rosso. L.; Bergante, S.; Vietto, L.; Facciotto, G. (2013) – Populus alba e Salix spp. Per la produzione di biocarburanti. [Presentazione orale} IX Congresso Nazionale SISEF ‘Multifunzionalita degli Ecosistemi Forestali Montani.· Sfide e Opportunita per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo’ Bolzano, 16-19 sett. 2013. [lt} Sciaky, R.; Allegro. G. (2013) – Two subgenera and two new species of Pterostichus from China (Coleoptera Carabidae). Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona Botanica e Zoologia 37: 113-122 [lt} Sperandio, G.; Verani, S. (2013) – II costo d’impianto di piantagioni energetiche di pioppo: confronto tra SRF e MRF. [Abstract} In: IX Congresso Nazionale SISEF ‘Multifunzionalita degli Ecosistemi Forestali Montani.· Sfide e Opportunita per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo’ (Tonon G. Ventura M Bucci G. eds) Bolzano, 16-19 sett. 2013. Posters – Riassunti. C9.12.101 # 12 5 [lt} [online} available: : Sperandio, G.; Verani, S. (2013) – Il costo d’impianto di piantagioni energetiche di pioppo: confronto tra SRF e MRF. {Poster} Presentato al IX Congresso Nazionale SISEF ‘Multifunzionalita degli Ecosistemi Forestali Montani: Sfide e Opportunita per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo’ Bolzano, 16-19 sett. 2013. /It] Sperandio, G.; Verani, S.; De Natale, F.; Tarchi M (2013)-Il Lazio non scommette sulle colture a rapida crescita. Terra e Vita 54: 43 42-44 [It}

109 Sperandio, G.; Verani, S.; Facciotto, G.; Tosi, L; Paris, P. (2013)- Esperienza pilota in clima mediterraneo .sull’uso delle piantagioni SRC di pioppo per lo smaltimento di liquame bovino. [Abstract] In: IX Congresso Nazionale SISEF ‘Multifunzionalita degli Ecosistemi Forestali Montani: Sfide e Opportunita per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo’ (Tonon G. Ventura M Bucci G. eds) Bolzano, 16-19 sett. 2013. Comunicazioni Orali – Riassunti. C9. 7.3#169 p.64 [lt] [ online] available: : Sperandio, G.; Verani, S.; Facciotto, G.; Tosi, L.; Paris, P. (2013) – Esperienza pilota in clima mediterraneo sull’uso delle piantagioni SRC di pioppo per lo smaltimento di liquame bovino. [Presentazione orale] IX Congresso Nazionale SISEF ‘Multifunzionalita degli Ecosistemi Forestali Montani: Sfide e Opportunita per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo’ Bolzano, 16-19 sett. 2013. /It} Tarchi, M; Verani, S.; Sperandio, G. (2013) – Energia e calore da pioppo e potature di viti e olivi. Terra e Vita 54: 29-30 28-31 [lt} Trisorio, A.; De Natale, F.; Pignatti ,G. (2013) –Aree agricole ad alto valore naturale: quale biodiversità?. In: Atti del IX Convegno Nazionale sulla Biodiversita sessione ‘Territorio, paesaggio e servizi ecosistemici’ Universita degli Studi di Bari-CIHEAM IAM Bari, Valenzano (BA), 5-7 Settembre 2012 .. 155-162 [It} Trisorio, A.; De Natale, F.; Pignatti, G. (2013) – Le aree agricole ad alto valore naturale in Italia: una stima a livello regionale. Agriregionieuropa 9: 33 10 pp. [lt] available: Verani, S.; Sperandio, G. (2013) – Cantieri di raccolta di SRF di pioppo: organizzazione, produttività di lavoro e costi. {Abstract] In: IX Congresso Nazionale SISEF ‘Multifunzionalita degli Ecosistemi Forestali Montani.· Sfide e Opportunita per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo’ (Tonon G. Ventura M. Bucci G. eds) Bolzano, 16-19 sett. 2013. Posters – Riassunti. C9.12.102 #124p.115 [lt} [online] available: : Verani, S.; Sperandio, G. (2013) – Cantieri di raccolta di SRF di pioppo: organizzazione, produttività e di lavoro e costi. [Poster] Presentato al IX Congresso Nazionale SISEF ‘Multifunzionalita degli Ecosistemi Forestali Montani.·Sfide e Opportunita per la Ricerca e lo Sviluppo’ Bolzano, 16-19 sett. 2013. [It} Verani, S.; Sperandio, G. (2013) – Pioppo da SRC, con il tumo triennale aumentano biomassa e produttività. Terra e Vita 54: 6 54-54 [It] Verani, S.; Sperandio, G. (2013) – Raccolta di piantagioni energetiche di pioppo. SHERWOOD – Foreste e alberi oggi 191 44-48 [lt} Vietto, L.; Chiarabaglio, PM; Rosso, L.; Rossino, R.; Prendin, S.; Nervo, G. (2013) – Conservazione e valorizzazione della biodiversità di Salicaceae: situazione attuale e prospettive. In: Atti del IX Convegno Nazionale sulla Biodiversita- Valenzano (BA), 5/7 Settembre 2012. 266-272 [It}

2014 Allegro, G. (2014) – Carabidi della Langa Astigiana (Piemonte meridionale) (Coleoptera, Carabidae) .. Rivista Piemontese di Storia Naturale n. 35 151-165 [It} Allegro, G. (2014) – Carabidi delle colline astigiane. In: Sentieri di collina tra Monferrato e Langa Astigiana. Passeggiate naturalistiche e culturali [F. Correggia ed.}. Edizioni del Capricorno. 81-82 {It} Allegro, G. (2014) – La fauna carabidica dell’Alneto del Mulino (Nord-Ovest Astigiano, Piemonte) (Coleoptera, Carabidae). I Quaderni di Muscandia 14: 109-117 [Ita) Allegro, G.; Bergante, S.; Castro, G.; Chiarabaglio, P.M; Coaloa, D.; Facciotto, G.; Giorcelli, A.; Nervo, G.; Prendin, S.; Rossi, A.E.; Rossino, R.; Savi L.; Sebastiani, L.; Vietto, L. (2014) – Qualita e sostenibilità ambientale della pioppicoltura in filiere legno-energia, Regione Lombardia, Quaderni della Ricerca n.160. 126 pp [It] Anselmi. N.; Giorcelli, A.; Rocco, E. (2014) – Pathogenic endophytic fungi in transplanting poplar plants. [Abstract] In: VI IUFRO International Poplar Symposium, Vancouver, July 20-23 2014.p.110 [En]

110 Assirelli, A.; Liberati, P.; Sant Angelo, E.; Del Giudice, A.; Pari, L. (2014) – II diserbo sulla fila del pioppo SRC. Valutazione di sensori di rilevamento delle talee .. Sherwood 203 21-27 [IT A, eng] Barontini, M.; Scarfone, A.; Spinelli, R.; Gallucci, F.; Santangelo, E.; Acampora, A.; Jirjis, R.; Civitarese, V.; Pari, L. (2014)- Fuel Quality and Storage Effect in Piles of Poplar Chips. 22nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 23-26 June 2014, Hamburg, Germany 324-328 [ENG, eng] Barontini, M.; Scarfone, A.; Spinelli, R.; Gallucci, F.; Sant Angelo, E.; Acampora, A.; Civitarese, V.; Raida, J.; Pari, L. (2014)- Stoccaggio del cippato di pioppo a lungo termine. Analisi fisico- chimica del prodotto finale. Sherwood 203 15-20 [IT A, eng] Barontini, M.; Scarfone, A.; Spinelli, R.; Gallucci, F.; Sant Angelo, E.; Acampora, A.; Jirjis, R.; Civitarese, V.; Pari, L. (2014) – Storage dynamics and fuel quality of poplar chips. Biomass and Bioenergy 62: 17-25 [ENG, eng] Bergante, S. (2014) – Produttivita delle SRC nell’Appennino Calabrese. [Presentazione orale] Convegno ‘Le potenzialita delle SRF in Calabria’ Decollatura (CZ), 12 febbraio 2014. [lt] Bergante, S.; Facciotto, G. (2014) – Influence of water availability on growth and production of poplar SRC in Po Valley (Italy). [Abstract] In: VI IUFRO International Poplar Symposium, Vancouver, July 20-23 2014. P. 172 [En] Bergante, S.; Facciotto, G. (2014) – Influence of water availability on growth and production of poplar SRC in Po Valley (Italy) [Poster] VI IUFRO International Poplar Symposium, Vancouver, July 20-23 2014. [En] Bergante, S.; Facciotto, G.; Nervo, G. (2014) – Biomasse per scopi energetici. In: Qualita e sostenibilità ambientale della pioppicoltura in.filiere legno-energia. Regione Lombardia, Quaderni della Ricerca n. 160 37-48 [It) Bergante, S.; Nervo, G.; Facciotto, G. (2014)- Biomass production of fast growing species SRC in a marginal soil (Italy). In: Proceedings of the 22nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Hamburg, 23-26 June 2014. DOI: 10.507 I/22ndEUBCE2014-1.CV.4.43 329-331 [En] available: Bergante, S.; Nervo, G.; Facciotto, G. (2014) – Biomass production of fast growing species SRC in a marginal soil (Italy). [Poster) In: Presented at the 22nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Hamburg, 23-26 June 2014. 1.CV4.43 [EN] available. Bergante, S.; Rosso, L.; Facciotto, G. (2014) – Poplar and willow SRC productivity in the Calabrian Apennine (Italy). [Abstract] In: VI IUFRO International Poplar Symposium. Vancouver, July 20-23 2014. P. 171 [En] Bergante, S.; Rosso, L.; Facciotto, G. (2014) – Poplar and willow SRC productivity in the Calabrian Apennine (Italy). [Poster] In: VI IUFRO International Poplar Symposium, Vancouver, July 20-23 2014. [En] Berti. S.; Castro, G. (2014) – Cenni agli impieghi non strutturali. In: II legno massiccio [curatore: Roberto Zanuttini]. Assolegno – Federlegno-Arredo, Milano. 148-155 [It] Bisio L., Allegro G. (2014) I Coleotteri Carabidi della Val Sangone (Alpi Cozie) (Coleoptera Carabidae). Rivista Piemontese di Storia Naturale n. 35 213-260 [It] Carletti G.; Carra A.; Allegro G.; Vietto L.; Valè G.; Cattivelli L.; Nervo G. (2014) –A linkage map in hybrid poplar based on ‘genotyping by sequencing’ for QTL analysis of pest resistance. [Poster] Presented at the 58th ltalian Society of Agricultural Genetics Annual Congress, Alghero, Italy – 15/ 18 September, 2014. [En] Carletti G.; Carra A.; Allegro G.; Vietto L.; Valè G.; Cattivelli L.; Nervo G. (2014) –A linkage map in hybrid poplar based on ‘genotyping by sequencing’ for QTL analysis of pest resistance [Abstract] In: Proceedings of the 58th ltalian Society of Agricultural Genetics Annual Congress, Alghero, Italy – 15/18 September, 2014. Poster Communication Abstracts. 1.36, ISBN 978-88-904570 [En] Carletti, G.; Nervo, G.; Cattivelli, L. (2014) – Flavonoids and/ Melanins: A Common Strategy across Two Kingdoms. International Journal of Biological Sciences 10: 1159-1170 [En]

111 Carletti, G.; Valè, G.; Allegro, G.; Vietto, L.; Cattivelli, L; Nervo, G. (2014)-A dense genetic linkage map of poplar based on ‘genotyping by sequencing’ for QTL analysis of pest resistance. [Abstract] In: VI IUFRO International Poplar Symposium, Vancouver, July 20-23 2014. P.23 [En] Castro, G. (2014) –I movimenti del legno. L Love Parquet – Il magazine 4 14-15 [It] Castro, G. (2014) – Il peso del legno e il suo rapporto con l’umidita: due temi alla base di molte contestazioni. I Love Parquet – II magazine 20-21 [It] Castro, G. (2014) – The weight of wood and its relationship with moisture. 1 Love Parquet International 3 12-14 [En] Castro, G.; Berti. S.; Pisano, M. (2014) – Preliminary study on the variation of the bending properties of poplar rotary-cut veneer. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff.72: 6 837- 839 [En] DOI J0.1007/s00/07-0/4-0847-z Castro, G.; Fragnelli, G.; Zanuttini, R. (2014) – La pioppicoltura e il compensato di Pioppo dell’industria italiana .. Vignate (MI); Lampi di stampa. [ISBN 978-88-488-1580-2]. 84 pp. [lt] available: Castro, G.; Mori. P.; Zanuttini, R. (2014) – Produttivita di sfogliato in funzione del diametro di fusti di pioppo. Indagini preliminari sui cloni ‘I-214’ e ‘Neva’. Incontro su ‘Pioppi di grandi dimensioni con piantagioni policicliche’ Quargnento (AL) 7 novembre 2014. [lt] available: Castro, G.; Roattino, G. (2014) – Caratteristiclte e idoneita all’impiego industriale del legno di pioppo:confronto tra impianto di golena e fondovalle su diversi cloni (progetto ARBOSAN). [Presentazione orale] AS.PRO.LEGNO.AMBIENTE Assemblea dell’Associazione. Bozzole (AL). 15 marzo 2014. [It] Cerrillo, T; Colpi, C.; Facciotto, G.; Ghisi, R.; Hellrigl, B.; Lucchin, M; Masutti, L.; Paiero, P. (2014) – Orientamenti per una selvicoltura dei saliceti. In: 1 salici in selvicoltura, in agricoltura e nel paesaggio [a cura di P. Paiero]. Padova; Padova University Press. 110-149 [It] Charles J.G., Nef L., Allegro G., Collins C.M, Delplanque A., Gimenez R., Höglund S., Jiafu H., Larsson S., Luo Y. Parra P .. Singh A.P., Volney W.J.A., Augustin S. (2014) – lnsects and Other Pests of Poplars and Willows. In: Poplars and Willows: Trees or Society and the Environment (eds. JG. Isebrands & J Richardson). FAO-CABI. Cap. 9: 459-526. [En] Chiarabaglio, P.M; Allegro, A.; Rossi, A.E.; Savi L. (2014) – Studi sulla sostenibilità della pioppicoltura. SHERWOOD – Foreste ed alberi oggi 206 5-8 [It] Chiarabaglio, P.M.; Allegro, G.; Rossi, A.E.; Savi, L. (2014) – Valutazione della sostenibilità della pioppicoltura. In: Qualita e sostenibiltà ambientale della pioppicoltura in filiere legno-energia. Regione Lombardia, Quaderni della Ricerca n. 160 61-79 [lt] Chiarabaglio, P.M.; Coaloa, D.; Ferraris, S.; Giovannozzi, M. (2014) – Effetto degli eventi alluvionali del 1994 e del 2000 .negli impianti di arboricoltura da legno e sulle formazioni naturali. In: Atti e contributi del convegno ‘L ‘alluvione del 5-6 novembre 1994 in Piemonte. Venti anni di attivita nella previsione e prevenzione in ambito geo-idrologico’ Torino 28-29 ottobre 2014, Geoengineering and Mining. Volume Speciale n.4 ISBN: 978-88-6378-003-l pp. 77-82 [It] Chiarabaglio, P.M.; Giorcelli, A.; Allegro, G. (2014) – Environmental sustainability of poplar stands. In: ‘Actas de las Jornadas de Salicaceas 2014’ Cuarto Congreso lnternacional de Salicaceas en Argentina “Sauces y Alamos para et desarrollo regional” Ciudad de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 18-21 marzo 2014„ JSSN 1850-3543 [En] available: http:/ (jornadasdesalicaceas2014. actas-de-las-jornadas-de-salicaceas-2014. Html Chiarabaglio, PM.; Allegro. G.; Rossi, A.E. (2014) – Valutazione di impianti di arboricoltura da legno mediante indicatori ambientali. [Presentazione orale] Incontro su ‘Pioppi di grandi dimensioni con piantagioni policicliche’ Quargnento (AL) 7 novembre 2014. [lt] available: Civitarese, V.; Fanigliulo, R.; Pochi, D.; Spinelli, R.; Pari, L. (2014)- Cippatura comparativa di porzioni basali e cimali di pioppo .. Sherwood 203 8-10 [IT A, eng] Civitarese, V.; Pari, L.; Suardi, A.; Acampora, A.; Assirelli, A.; Scarfone, A. (2014)- Claas Jaguar in raccolta di differenti specie arboree allevate a ciclo breve. Sherwood 203 65-68 [IT A, eng]

112 Civitarese, V.; Pari, L.; Gallucci, F.; Santangelo, E.; Del Giudice, A.; Barontini, M.; Suardi, A.; Acampora, A. (2014) – Colture arboree a ciclo medio. Benefici offerti dallo stoccaggio in andana. Sherwood 203 11-14 [IT A, eng] Civitarese, V.; Pari, L.; Acampora, A.; Suardi, A.; Barontini, M.; Gallucci, F.; Scarfone, A.; Del Giudice, A.; Santangelo, E. (2014)- Dehydration Process ofWindrowed MRC Poplar Sterns. 22nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 23-26 June 2014, Hamburg, Germany. 321-323 [ENG, eng] Civitarese, V.; Pari, L.; Acampora, A.; Faugno, S.; Pindozzi, S.; Suardi, A.; Assirelli, A. (2014)- Influence of Yield Productivity of Understudied Wood Species on Self-Propelled Chipper Performances. 22nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 23-26 June 2014, Hamburg, Germany. 318 – 320 [ENG, eng] Coaloa, D. (2014) – Sostenibilità economica e certificazione forestale della pioppicoltura. In: Qualita e sostenibilità ambientale della pioppicoltura in filiere legno-energia. Regione Lombardia, Quaderni delta Ricerca n. 160 81-89 [It} Coaloa, D. (2014) – Sostenibilità economica e certificazione forestale della pioppicoltura. [Presentazione orale] Convegno ‘Qualita e sostenibilità ambientale della pioppicoltura in.filiere legno-energia (QualiAmbiPio)’ ERSAF Azienda Carpaneta, Bigarello (MN), 18 giugno 2014. [It} Coaloa, D. (2014) – Stato attuale e prospettive della filiera del legno. [Presentazione orale} Convegno ‘Misure di sostegno alla pioppicoltura nei prossimi PRS 2014-2020’ Casale Monferrato, 27 giugno 2014. [It} Coaloa, D. (2014) – Valorizzazione energetica delle biomasse daa colture dedicate: l’esperienza dell’Unità di ricerca per le Produzioni Legnose fuori Foresta (CRA-PLF). In: Convegno finale sui risultati ottenuti nell’ambito del progetto ‘ECODENS – eco-stabilizzazione delle sanse mediante densificazione’ DICGIM, Universita di Palermo. Palermo, 30 gennaio 2014. 97-98 [It} Coaloa, D.; (2014) – Valorizzazione energetica delle biomasse daa colture dedicate: l’esperienza dell’Unità di ricerca per le Produzioni Legnose fuori Foresta (CRA-PLF). [Presentazione orale} Convegno finale sui risultati ottenuti nell’ambito del progetto ‘ECODENS – eco-stabilizzazione delle sanse mediante densificazione’ DJCGIM, Universita di Palermo. Palermo, 30 gennaio 2014. [It} Coaloa, D.; Facciotto, G. (2014) – Biomass feedstock from multipurpose poplar plantations: current situation and potential development in ltaly. In: Proceedings of the 22nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Hamburg, 23-26 June 2014. 1 D0.1.1 112-115 [En] available: Coaloa, D.; Facciotto, G. (2014) – Biomass feedstock from multipurpose poplar plantations: current situation and potential development in ltaly. (Oral presentation) 22nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Hamburg, 23-26 June 2014 Coaloa, D.; Facciotto, G. (2014) – Economic sustainability of biomass for energy use in Italian rural context. In: Proceedings of the 22nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Hamburg, 23-26 June 2014. 5AV.3.41500-1502 [En] available: available: Coaloa, D.; Facciotto, G. (2014) – Economic sustainability of biomass for energy use in Italian rural context [Poster] Proceedings of the 22nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Hamburg, 23- 26 June 2014. 5AV.3.4 [En] Costa, C.; Sperandio, G.; Verani, S. (2014) – Use of multivariate approaches in biomass energy plantation harvesting: logistic advantages. Agricultural Engineering International CIGR Journal 71- 80 [En] Di Matteo, G.; Nardi, P.; Verani, S.; Sperandio, G. (2014) – Seasonal variation in stomatal conductance summer photosynthesis, intrinsic water-use efficiency’ and budburst phenology in three Poplar clones grown on a non-irrigated SRF in a suboptimal site of Central Italy. [Poster] AgroCop conference, Porano 16-17 October 2014. [En] Facciotto, G. (2014) – La potatura del pioppeto. In: Qualita e sostenibilità ambientale della pioppicoltura in filiere legno-energia. Regione Lombardia, Quaderni della Ricerca n. 160 27-35 [It]

113 Facciotto, G.; Bergante, S. (2014) – Effect of windstorm on poplar trees grown in SRC with different fertilization anti irrigation management. [Abstract} In: VI IUFRO International Poplar Symposium, Vancouver, July 20-23 2014. P.192 [En} Facciotto, G.; Bergante, S. (2014) – Effect of windstorm on poplar trees grown in SRC with different fertilization anti irrigation management. [Poster} VI IUFRO International Poplar Symposium, Vancouver, July 20-23 2014. [En] Facciotto, G.; Bergante, S.; Ajmone Marsan, F; Passarella, I.; Biasioli, M (2014) – Produzione di energia rinovabile con cedui a turno breve di pioppo, salice e robinia, coltivati su suoli contaminati,in area urbana. [Presentazione orale] Workshop:’ Fitorisanamento e bonifica di suoli contaminati nella terra dei fuochi’, Fisciano (SA),12 Giugno 2014. [It] Facciotto, G.; Navarro, A.; Mastrorilli, M; Bergante, S. Nervo, G. (2014) – Biomass production of poplar SRC in Southern Italy. [Abstract} In: Vl IUFRO International Poplar Symposium, Vancouver, July 20-23 2014. P.170 [En] Facciotto, G.; Navarro, A.; Mastrorilli, M; Bergante, S. Nervo, G. (2014) – Biomass production of poplar SRC in Southern Italy. [Poster] VI IUFRO International Poplar Symposium, Vancouver, July 20-23 2014. [En] Facciotto, G.; Vietto, L. Rossino, R.; Prendin, S.; Nervo, G. (2014) –Aspetti produttivi e qualitativi di piantagioni di pioppo in Lombardia. In: Qualita e sostenibilità ambientale della pioppicoltura in filiere legno energia. Regione Lombardia, Quaderni della Ricerca n. 160 13-25 [It] Giachino, P.M; Allegro, G.; Baviera, C. (2014) – Two new species of Oxytrechus Jeannel 1927 from Ecuador (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Zootaxa 3895 (1) 144-150 [En] Giorcelli, A.; Allegro, G. (2014) – Aspetti fitosanitari delle piantagioni di pioppo in Lombardia e possibilità di difesa. In: Qualita e sostenibilità ambientale della pioppicoltura in filiere legno-energia. Regione Lombardia, Quaderni della Ricerca n. 160 51-59 [It} Giorcelli, A.; Gennaro, M. (2014) – Necrosi corticali da Brenneria nigrifluens e altri batteri su noce in impianti piemontesi: studio dell’evoluzione della malattia in campo e caratterizzazione di isolati con rep-PCR. Forest@ 11 180-188 [It] Kuzovkina, Y.A.; Vietto, L. (2014) –An update on the cultivar registration of Populus and Salix (Salicaceae). Skvortsovia. International Journal of Salicology and Plant Biology 1: 2 133-148 [En] Maienza A., Mughini G., Salvati L., Benedetti A., Dell’Abate M T. (2014) –Assessing the influence of summer organic fertilization combined with nitrogen inhibitor on a Short Rotation Woody Crop in Mediterranean environment. International Journal of Forestry Research 2014: Article JD 371895 5 pp. [En] Manzone, M., Bergante, S.; Facciotto, G, (2014) – Energy and economic evaluation of a poplar plantation for woodchip production in ltaly. Biomass and Bioenergy 60 164-170 [En] available: Marchi, E.; Picchio, R.; Spinelli, R.; Verani. S.; Venanzi. R.; Certini, G. (2014) – Environmental impact assessment of different logging methods in pine forest thinning. Ecological engineering 70 429-436 [En] Mariotti; B.; Maltoni; A.; Chiarabaglio, P.M; Giorcelli, A.; Jacobs D.F.; Tognetti, R.; Tani, A. (2014) – Production of big size Juglans regia L. seedlings for agroforestry. [Abstract} Convegno ‘Agroforestry Systems – a modern response to global challenges of climate change, food production, bioenergy needs, environmental restoration’ Porano (TR) October 16-17 2014. [En] Mariotti; B.; Maltoni; A.; Chiarabaglio, P.M; Giorcelli, A.; Jacobs D.F.; Tognetti, R.; Tani, A. (2014) – Production of big size Juglans regia L. seedlings for agroforestry. [Poster} Convegno ‘Agroforestry Systems – a modern response to global challenges of climate change, food production, bioenergy needs, environmental restoration’ Porano (TR) October 16-172014. [En J Meo Zilio D., Chiarabaglio P.M, Costa C, Di Giovanni S., Lorenzoni P., Palocci G., Raglione M., Tripaldi, C., Aleandri R. (2014) – NIR and Electronic Nose Analysis of Mycorrhized Corn Grain. [Abstract} in: Proceedings of the international Congress ‘Environmental Sustainability and Food Security’ Potenza, 17-19 June 2014. P. 80 [En]

114 Mughini G.; Gras M.; Salvati L. (2014) – Growth performance of selected eucalypt hybrid clones for SRWC in central and southern ltaly. Annals of Silvicultural Research 38: 1 7-12 [EN Mughini, G. (2014) – L’eucalitto in Calabria. {Presentazione orale] Convegno ‘Le potenzialita delle SRF in Calabria’ Allasia Plant Magna Grecia S.S. Loc. Santa Margherita ~ Soveria Mannelli (CZ) 12 febbraio 2014. [lt} Navarro, A.; Campi, P.; Palumbo, A.D.; Facciotto, G.; Mastrorilli, M. (2014) – Intensive Short Rotation Coppice under Mediterranean Climate: Present and Future Perspectives. In: Proceeding 22nd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Hamburg (Germany) 23-26 June 2014. ICV.4.50 346 – 351 [En] available :!0.507 J/22ndEUBCE2014-JCV4.50 Navarro, A.; Facciotto, G.; Campi, P.; Mastrorilli, P. (201-1) – Physiological adaptations of five poplar genotypes grown under SRC in semi-arid Mediterranean environment. Trees. Structure and Function 28: 4 983-99-1 [En] Palmieri, N.; Forleo, M.B.; Suardi, A.; Coaloa, D.; Pari, L. (2014) – Rapeseed for energy production: Environmental impacts and cultivation methods. Biomass and bioenergy 691-11 [En] Pari, L.; Civitarese, V.; Acampora, A.; Suardi, A.; Assirelli, A. (2014)- Harvesting trials of different poplar short rotation forestry. Sixth edition of’the International Conference on Agricultural Development and Sustainability, Agrocentro 2014, 9- 11 April 2014 Vl Symposium of Agriculture Engineering p. 1909 [ENG,’eng] Pari, L.; Suardi, A.; Picchio, R.; Coaloa, D. (2014) – Colture energetiche a confronto. Analisi ambientale di colza, canna comune e pioppo. SHERWOOD – Foreste ed alberi oggi 203 83-90 [It} Paris, P.; Facciotto, G.; Bergante, S.; Tosi, L.; Minotta, G.; Biason, M. (2014) – Innovative alley coppice systems-mixing timber and bioenergy woody crops: 7 years growth and ecophysiological results in experimental plots in northern ltaly, Po Valley. [Abstract} in: Program and Book of abstracts of 11th European IFSA Symposium, 1-4 April2014, Berlin, Germany. P. 113 [En} Paris, P.; Facciotto, G.; Bergante. S.; Tosi, L.; Minotta, G.; Biason, M (2014)- Innovative alley coppice systems-mixing timber and bioenergy woody crops: 7 years growth and ecophysiological results in experimental plots in northern ltaly, Po Valley. In: Proceedings of the 11th European IFSA Symposium, 1-4 April 2014, Berlin, Germany. 1968-/975 [En} Passatore, L., Rossetti, S., Juwarkar, A.A., Massacci, A. (2014). Phytoremediation and bioremediation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs): state of knowledge and research perspectives. .Journal of hazardous materials, 278, 189-202. Roggero, A.; Giachino, P.M.; Allegro, G.; Palestrini, C. (2014) –Morphological differences among four species of the genus Platynus nonelli, 1810 (Coleoptera, Carabidae). [Poster} Presented at the ‘8th Symposium on Morphometry and Shape Evolution’, Dijon (France), 2-3.06.2014. [It} Rosso, L.; Bergante, S.; Vietto, L.; Facciotto, G. (2014) – Influence of fertilization on biomass production of four poplars and willows clones for biofuel purpose. [Abstract} in: VI lUFRO international Poplar Symposium, Vancouver, July 20-23 2014. P.173 [En] Rosso, L.; Bergante, S.; Vietto, L.; Facciotto, G. (2014) – Influence of fertilization on biomass production of four poplars and willows clones for biofuel purpose. [Poster] VI IUFRO International Poplar Symposium, Vancouver, July 20-23 2014. [En] Rosso, L.; Bergante, S.; Vietto, L.; Nervo, G.; Facciotto, G. (2014)-Poplars and willows for biofuels production. In: ‘Actas de las Jornadas de Salicaceas 2014’ Cuarto Congreso Internacional de Salicaceas en Argentina “Sauces y Alamos para el desarrollo regional” Ciudad de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 18-21 marzo 2014„ ISSN 1850-3543 [En] available: Sasso R.; Mughini G.; Laudonia S. (2014) – Primi dati su fenologia e distribuzione in Italia di Thaumastocoris peregrinus Carpilllero and Dellape (Heteroptera: Thaumastocoridae), la cimicetta della bronzatura dell’eucalipto. FOREST@ 11: 105-115 [It} Sperandio, G.; Fedrizzi, M. Pagano, M; Guerrieri, M.; Verani, S. (2014) –Abbattimento di palme infestated da punteruolo rosso. Indicazioni operative relative a tre diversi sistemi di lavoro . SHERWOOD – Foreste ed alberi oggi 204 35-38 [It}

115 Tani, A.; Maltoni, A.; Mariotti, B.; Chiarabaglio, P.M.; Giorcelli, A.; Tognetti, R. (2014) – Produzione vivaistica per l’arboricoltura da legno. Risultati della sperimentazione AALSEA. [Presentazione orale] lncontro su ‘Pioppi di grandi dimensioni con piantagioni policicliche’ Quargnento (AL) 7 novembre 2014. [It} available; Tarchi, M. Verani, S.; Pedemonti, A.; Sperandio, G. (2014) – Pioppo a SRF, l’irrigazione paga solo se raddoppia la produzione. Terra e Vita 17 41-44 [It} Verani, S.; Sperandio, G. (2014) – Ceduo di eucalipto a fini energetici. Uno studio su costi e produttività della lavorazione. SHERWOOD – Foreste ed alberi oggi 202 25-28 [lt} Verani, S.; Sperandio, G.; Pedemonti, A. (2014) – Tagliare un pioppeto ‘stramaturo’ comporta costi medi contenuti. Terra e Vita 8 43-45 [It} Verani, S.; Sperandio, G.; Picchio, R.; Spinelli, R.; Picchi, G. (2014) – La raccolta meccanizzata del pioppo. Titolo originale: International Poplar Commission Thematic Papers Field Handbook – Poplar Harvesting. Mestre (VE); Regione del Veneto. 40 pp. [En] Verani, S; Sperandio, G. (2014) – Biomassa da eucalipto, la fustaia aumenta la produttività del lavoro. Terra e Vita 30: 39 30-35 [lt} Vietto, L.; Carletti, G.; Nervo, G.; Facciotto, G. (2014) – Evaluation of Populus nigra L. and P. alba L. clones for adaptability and biomass production in Sicily. [Abstract} In: VI IUFRO International Poplar Symposium, Vancouver, July 20-23 2014. P.178 [En] Wühlisch Von, G.; Koskela, J.; Vietto, L.; Vries De, S.M.G. (2014) – Hybridization of poplar holds much potential if conservation of genetic resources is integrated in improvement work. [Oral Presentation] VI IUFRO International Poplar Symposium, Vancouver, July 20-23 2014. [En}

2015 Allegro, G.; Chiarabaglio, P.M; Rastelli, M. (2015) – Reperti interessanti di Carabidi (Coleoptera, Carabidae) al Bosco del Vaj – Bosc Grand (Piemonte, Collina di Torino). Rivista piemontese di Storia naturale n.36 145-155 [It} Allegro, G.; Giachino, P.M. (2015) –Annotated checklist of the Blennidus subgenus Agraphoderus species from Peru with description of B.bombonensis n.sp. and synonymic notes (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pterostichi11ae). Zootaxa 1-48 [En} Allegro, G.; Giachino, P.M.; Bisio, L.; Giuntelli, P. (2015) – Philorhizus occitanus .sp. n. from the South Western Alps (, Italy) (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Dromiini). Fragmenta entomologica 47: 2 J 27-131 [En] Balestrini, R.; Zampieri, E.; Petrucco Toffolo, E.; Mello, A.; Faccoli, M; Giorcelli, A.; Gonthier, P. (2015) –Arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization in black poplar roots after defoliation by an invasive and a native insect. [Abstract] ln: ‘Sostenere il pianeta, boschi per la vita. Ricerca e innovazione per la tutela e la valorizzazione delle risorse forestali’ 10° Congresso Nazionale SISEF, Firenze, 15-18 settembre 2015 Abstract Book: Comunicazioni orali. C10.5.8 p. 51 [En] Balestrini, R.; Zampieri, E.; Petrucco Toffolo, E; Mello, A.; Faccoli, M.; Giorcelli, A.;Gonthier. P. (2015) –Arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization in black poplar roots after defoliation by an invasive and a native insect. [Oral Presentation] ‘Sostenere il pianeta, boschi per la vita. Ricerca e innovazione per la tutela e la valorizzazione delle risorse forestali’ 10° Congresso Nazionale SISEF, Firenze, 15-18 settembre 2015 Abstract – Book: Comunicazioni orali. [En] Bergante, S.; Facciotto, G. (2015) – Produttività di tre nuovi cloni di pioppo in una SRC quinquennale. [Poster] In: ‘Sostenere il pianeta, boschi per la vita. Ricerca e innovazione per la tutela e la valorizzazione delle risorse forestali’ 10° Congresso Nazionale SISEF, Firenze, 15-18 settembre 2015 Abstract –Book: Posters. C I0.14.3 p. 52 [It] Bergante, S.; Zenone. T; Facciotto, G. (2015) – Short Rotation Forestry for Energy Production in Italy: Environmental aspects and New Perspectives of Use in Biofuel lndustry. In: Sustainable Biofuels. An Ecological Assessment of the Future Energy. ISBN: 978-311027584/ [En]

116 Bergante, S.; Zenone, T; Facciotto, G. (2015) – Short Rotation Forestry for Energy Production in Italy: Environmental aspects and New Perspectives of Use in Biofuel lndustry. In: Sustainable Biofuels. An Ecological Assessment of the Future Energy. [Ajay Kumar Bhardwaj, Terenzio Zenone, Jiquan Chen eds.]. 13 7-153 [ En] Bisio, L.; Giachino, P.M.; Allegro, G. (2015) – I Coleotteri Carabidi della Valle Orco (Alpi Graie) (Coleoptera Carabidae). Rivista piemontese di Storia naturale n. 3 6 89-144 [lt} Buresti Lattes, E.; Castro, G.; Mori, P.; Zanuttini, R. (2015) – Sfogliatura del pioppo. Confronto fra piante di ‘l-214’ di dimensioni tradizionali e di grandi dimensioni. SHERWOOD – Foreste ed alberi oggi 212 9-12 [It] Caprio, E.; Nervo, B.; Isaia, M.; Allegro, G.; Rolando, A. (2015) – Organic versus conventional systems in viticulture: Comparative effects on spiders and carabids in vineyards and adjacent forests. Agricultural Systems 136 61-69 [En] Ceotto, E.; Castelli, F.; Moschella, A.; Diozzi, M.; Di Candilo, M. (2015)- Nitrogen-use efficiency of poplar SRC fertilized with cattle slurry. Proceedings of 23rd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 1-4 June; Vienna, 123-126 fENG, eng] Chiarabaglio, P.M; Giorcelli, A.; Arena, A.; Filippi, F.; Cristaldi, L.; Marchesi, N. (2015) – Impianto pilota per il consolidamento e la riqualificazione di una difesa idraulica a Suardi (PV). QuiPo – Periodico di informazione su assetto fluviale, navigazione e territori del Po VI: ¾ 11-13 [lt] Civitarese, V.; Faugno, S.; Pindozzi, S.; Assirelli, A.; Pari, L. (2015)- Effect of short rotation coppice plantation on the performance and chips quality of a self-propelled harvester. Biosystems Engineering 129: 370-377 [ENG, eng] Civitarese, V.; Spinelli, R.; Barontini, M.; Gallucci, F.; Santangelo, E.; Acampora, A.; Scarfone, A.; Del Giudice, A.; Pari, L. (2015) – Open-Air Drying of Cut and Windrowed Short-Rotation Poplar Sterns . BioEnergy Research 8: 4 1614-1620 [ENG, eng] Coaloa, D. (2015) – Wood biomass for energy use: needs, capacities and perspectives in ltaly. In: Proceedings of the 23rd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, 1-4 June 2015. 1569- 1571 [En} Coaloa, D. (2015) – Wood biomass for energy use: needs, capacities and perspectives in ltaly. [Poster] In: Proceedings of the 23rd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, 1-4 June 2015. [En] De Vries. S.M.G. ; Alan, M. ; Bozzano, M. ; Burianek, V ; Collin, E. ; Cottrell, J. ; Ivankovic. M.; Kelleher, C. T.; Koskela, J.; Rotach, P.; Vietto, L.; Yrjãnã, L. (2015) – Pan-European strategy for genetic conservation of forest trees and establishment of a core network of dynamic conservation units. European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (EUFORGEN). Bioversity International, Rome, Italy. ISBN 978-92-9255-032-5, [En] Di Matteo, G.; Nardi, P.; Verani, S.; Sperandio, G. (2015) – Physiological adaptability of Poplar clones selected for bioenergy purposes under non-irrigated and suboptimal site conditions: A case study in Central Italy. Biomass and bioenergy 81 183-189 [En] Ebone, A.; Cristald,L L.; Buzio, S.; Chiarabaglio, P.M. (2015) – La gestione delle esotiche nell’ambito forestale e nelle aree protette. [Presentazione orale} Convegno ‘Piante esotiche invasive: dalla prevenzione alla gestione’ Torino, 14/04/2015. [It} available: Ebone, A.; Cristaldi, L.; Buzio, S.; Chiarabaglio, P.M. (2015) – La gestione delle esotiche nell’ambito forestale e nelle aree protette.lnformatore Botanico ltaliano 47: 2 370-371 [lt} Erani, S.; Sperandio, G.; Picchio, R.; Marchi, E.; Costa, C. (2015) – Sustainability assessment of a selfconsumption wood-energy chain on small scale for heat generation in Central ltaly. Energies 8: 6 5182-5197 [En] Facciotto, G.; Bergante, S.; Navarro Garcia, A.; Mastrolilli, M (2015) –Esperienze di coltivazione del1’0lmo siberiano in cedui a turno breve. [Poster} In: ‘Sostenere il pianeta, boschi per la vita. Ricerca e innovazione per la tutela e la valorizzazione delle risorse forestali’ 10° Congresso Nazionale SISEF, Firenze, 15-18 settembre 2015 Abstract –Book: Posters. Cl 0.14.4 p. 53 [It}

117 Facciotto, G.; Minotta, G.; Paris, P.; Pelleri, F. (2015) – Treefarming, agroforestry and the new green revolution, a necessary alliance. In: Proceedings of the Second International Congress of Silviculture. Florence, November 26th – 29th 2014. Vol.2: 658-669 [En} Febbi, P.; Menesatti, P.; Costa, C.; Pari, L.; Cecchini, M. (2015)-Automated determination of poplar chip size distribution based on combined image and multivariate analyses. Biomass and Bioenergy 73 : 1-10 [ENG, eng] Giachino, M. ; Allegro, G. (2015) – Une nouvelle espèce d’Apristus de l’ile de La Réunion (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Contribution à l’étude des Coléoptères de La Réunion et des archipels de l’Océan Indien occidental. Tome 11 : 35-38 [Fr] Kelleher, C. T ; De Vries, S.M.G. ; Balluckas, V. ; Bozzano, M. ; Frydl, .J. ; Gonzales Goicoechea, P. ; IvankoviC, M. ; Kandemir, G. ; Koskela, J. ; Koziol, C. ; Liesebach, M. ; Rudow, A. ; Vietto, L. ; Zhelev Stoyanov, P. (2015) –Approaches to the Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources in Europe in the Context of Climate Change. European Forest Genetic Resources Programme (EUFORGEN), Bioversity International, Rome, ltaly. ISBN 978-92-9255-032-5 xiv+47 [En] Manzone, M.; Bergante, S.; Facciotto, G. (2015) – Energy and economic sustainability of woodchip production by black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) plantations in ltaly. Fuel 140 555-560 [En] Mariotti, B.; Maltoni, A.; Chiarabaglio, P.M.; Giorcelli, A.; Douglass, F. Jacobs; Tognetti, R.; Tani, A (2015) – Can the use of large, alternative nursery containers aid in field establishment of Juglans regia and Quercus robur seedlings?. New Forests 22 pp. [En] Masiello, D.; Pincin. A.; Pignatti, G. (2015) –Abete greco sul Carso triestino. SHERWOOD – Foreste ed alberi oggi 208 37-40 [It} Njakou Djomo, S.; Ac, A.; Zenone, T; De Groote, T; Bergante, S.; Facciotto, G.; Sixto, H.; Ciria Ciria, P.; Weger, J.; Ceulemans, R. (2015) – Energy performances of intensive and extensive short rotation cropping systems for woody biomass production in the EU. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 41 845-854 [En] Pari, L.; Brambilla, M.; Bisaglia, C.; Del Giudice, A.; Croce, S.; Salerno, M.; Gallucci, F. (2015) – Poplar Wood chip storage: Effect of particle size and breathable covering on drying dynamics and biofuel quality. Biomass and Bioenergy 81: 282-287 [ENG, eng] Pochi, D.; Civitarese, V.; Fanigliulo, R.; Spinelli, R.; Pari, L. (2015) - Effect of poplar fuel wood storage on chipping performance. Fuel Processing Technology 134: 116-121 [ENG, eng] Rosso, L.; Minotta, G.; Bergante, S.; Facciotto, G. (2015) – SRC con pioppo bianco e salice per la produzione di bioetanolo. [Abstract} In: ‘Sostenere il pianeta, boschi per la vita. Ricerca e innovazione per la tutela e la valorizzazione delle risorse forestali’ 10° Congresso Nazionale SISEF Firenze, 15-18 settembre 2015 Abstract – Book: Comunicazioni orali. C10.8.2 p. 83 [It} Rosso, L.; Minotta, G.; Bergante, S.; Facciotto, G. (2015) –SRC con pioppo bianco e salice per la produzione di bioetanolo. [Presentazione orale} ‘Sostenere il pianeta, boschi per la vita. Ricerca e innovazione per la tutela e la valorizzazione delle risorse forestali’ 10° Congresso Nazionale SISEF, Firenze, I 5-18 settembre 2015 Abstract –Book: Comunicazioni orali. [lt} Saulino L.; Pasquino V.; Todaro L.; Rita A.; Villani. P.; Chirico G.B.; Saracino A. (2015c) – Adaptive traits to Fluvial System of Native Tree European Black Poplar (Populus Nigra L.) Population in Southern Italy. In European Geoscience Union 20 l 5, 17:5047, [En] Saulino L.; Pasquino V.; Todaro L.; Rita A.; Villani P.; Chirico G.B.; Saracino A. (2015d) – Biomechanical Aspects of Native European Black Poplar (Populus nigra L.) under Hydrodynamic Loading in Southern Italy. In Third International Congress “Wood in World River”, Padoa, ltaly, 79- 82 [En] Saulino L.; Teobaldelli M.; Cona F.; Saracino A. (2015b) – Le Piantagioni Arboree Sperimentali a Turno Breve in Campania: Ruolo e Prospettive per il Settore della Ricerca Scientifica. In 10° Congresso Nazionale “Sostenere il Pianete, Boschi per La vita” Ricerca e innovazione per La Tutela e Valorizzazione Delle Risorse Forestali, 54/150 [lt]

118 Saulino L.; Teobaldelli M.; Cona F.; Todaro L.; Saracino A. (2015a)- Diameter Distribution and Stool Biomass Allocation in Native Black Poplar Provenances and Selected Hybrid Poplar Clones under Short Rotation Forestry. Ln ll International Congress of Silviculture Designing the Future of the Forestry Sector, edited by Orazio Ciancio. Accademia ltaliana di Scienze Forestali. Florence 26-29 November 2014. Vol. II: 683-689. ISBN 978-88-87553-21-5 [En] Sperandio, G.; Civitarese, V; Verani, S. (2015) – Trinciare potature di olivo conviene solo per autoconsumo. Terra e Vita 56: 39 58-63 [It} Sperandio, G.; Fedrizzi, M.; Trinchera, A.; Pagano, M.; Baratella, V.; Guerrieri, M.; Verani, S.; Giuseppe. P. (2015) – Impiego del trinciato di palma in un substrato per il vivaismo forestale. [Poster} Giornate Tecniche Soi 2015. [lt} Santangelo, E.; Scarfone, A.; Del Giudice, A.; Acampora, A.; Alfano, V.; Suardi, A.; Pari, L. (2015) – Harvesting systems for poplar short rotation coppice. Industrial Crops and Products 75: 85- 92 [ENG, eng] Sperandio, G.; Verani, S.; Tarchi, M. (2015) – Pioppo a rotazione triennale, piu biomassa con l’irrigazione. Terra e Vita 56: 13 38-41 [It] Teobaldelli M.; Saulino L.; Fassi F.; Mandelli A.; Cona F.; Chirico G.B.; Medina Gonzales H.; Saracino A. (2015) – Forestry Decision Support System (FDSS) in Management of Short Rotation Woody Plantation. In AIIA 2015 International Mid-Term Conference. Naples, Italy: Italian Society of Agriculture Engineering [En] Verani, S.; Sperandio, G.; Picchio, R.; Marchi, E.; Costa, C. (2015) – Sustainability assessment of a self consumption wood-energy chain on smal1 scale for heat generation in Central ltaly. Energies 8 : 6 5182-5197 [En]

Republic of Korea

Jun-Won Kang, Zareen Khan, Jenny Knoth, David Roman, Sharon Doty. 2014. Studies on the Potential Role of Endophytes Isolated from Poplar and Willow. Proceedings of Jour. Korean For. Soc. pp. 79 Su-Young Woo, Seong-Han Lee, Sun-Mi Je, Myung-Ja Kwak, Hana You, Jin-Kie Yeo, Byoung- Hwan Cheon. 2014. Growth characteristic and wood biomass production for a short rotation coppice poplar plantation in Saemangeum reclaimed land. Proceedings of Jour. Korean For. Soc. pp. 69 Hyun-Chul Kim, Eun-Kyung Bae, Sim-Hee Han. 2014. Biomass Production of Short Rotation Coppice of Poplar Species Treated with Low-Concentrated Liquid Fertilizer in Reclaimed Land. Proceedings of Jour. Korean For. Soc. pp. 324 Won-Woo Cho, Song-Hee Lee, Hyeon-Soo jang, Sora Lee, Ho-Duck Kang. 2014. Growth Response and Physiological characteristics of introduced poplar clones in Elsen tasarhai, Mongolia - First year monitoring -. Proceedings of Jour. Korean For. Soc. pp. 96 Eun-Kyung Bae, Hyo-Shin Lee, Jae-Soon Lee, Young-Im Choi, Seo-Kyung Yoon, 2013. Isolation and characterization of the plasma membrane intrinsic protein gene in poplar (Populus alba × P. glandulosa). Proceedings of Jour. Korean For. Soc. pp.986-986 Hae-Youn Choi, Hanna Shin, Kyu-Suk Kang, Heung-Kyu Moon, So-Young Park. 2013. Effect of genotype, cytokinins and tissues on multiple-shoot formation and elongation in Populus euramericana. Proceedings of Jour. Korean For. Soc. pp. 520-521 Su-Gwang Lee, Won-Woo Cho, Song-Hee Lee, Su-Young Woo, Seong-Han Lee, Myeong-Ja Kwak, Yo-Han Son, Tae-Kyung Yoon, Ho-Joong Youn, Ho-Duck Kang. 2012. Selection of Poplars to combat desertification in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Proceedings of Jour. Korean For. Soc. pp. 52-53

119 Sun-Mi Je, Su-Young Woo, Im-Kyun Lee, Myeong-Ja Kwak, Seong-Han Lee. 2012. Sapflow of leachate on Salix koreensis, Populus alba × Populus grandulosa, Robinia pseudoacacia grown in abandoned mine. Proceedings of Jour. Korean For. Soc. pp. 229-232 Won-Woo Cho, Song-Hee Lee, Su-Young Woo, Su-Gwang Lee, Ho-Duck Kang. 2013. Physiological characteristics of introduced poplar clones to combat desertification in Mongolia. Proceedings of Jour. Korean For. Soc. pp. 238-240 Hae-Youn Choi, Hanna Shin, Kyu-Suk Kang, Heung-Kyu Moon, So-Young Park 2013. Improved shoot regeneration and stem elongation from petiole segments using LED (Light-emitting diodes) system in Populus euramericana. Proceedings of Jour. Korean For. Soc. pp. 1039-1040 Solji Lee, Sim-Hee Han, Chang-Young Oh, Ki Woo Kim, Pan-Gi Kim. 2014. Effects of Elevated CO2 Concentration and Air Temperature on Water Physiology of Populus alba × glandulosa. Proceedings of Jour. Korean For. Soc. pp. 304 Seo-Kyung Yoon, Eung-Jun Park, Eun-Kyung Bae, Young-Im Choi, Joon-Hyeok Kim, Hyoshin Lee. 2014. Isolation and characterization of a monodehydroascorbate reductase gene in poplar (Populus alba × P. glandulosa). J. Plant Biotechnol. 41:194–200 Seo-Kyung Yoon, Hyo-Shin Lee, Eun-Kyung Bae, Young-Im Choi, Joon-Hyeok Kim, Seol-Ah Noh. 2014. Isolation and Characterization of a Basic Leucine Zipper Gene in Poplar (Populus alba × P. glandulosa). Jour. Korean For. Soc. 103(2):189-195 Eun-Kyung Bae, Hyo-Shin Lee, Jae-Soon Lee, Young-Im Choi, So-Young Park. 2013. The Nuclear DNA Content and Histological Characteristics of Triploid Poplars Grown In Vitro. Jour. Korean For. Soc. 102(2):198-203 Eun-Kyung Bae, Hyo-Shin Lee, Jae-Soon Lee, Eun-Woon Noh. 2012. Selection of a Triploid Poplar by Flow Cytometric Analysis and Growth Characteristics of its in vitro Grown Plants. Jour. Korean For. Soc. 101(2): 291-296 Hyun-Chul Kim, Hanna Shin, Heon-Ho Lee, Jin-Kie Yeo, Kyu-Suk Kang. 2014. Biomass Production in the Short Rotation Coppice of Poplar Species Treated with Low-Concentrated Liquid Fertilizer. Korean J. Breed. Sci. 46(1):10-16 Mi-Hyung Kim, Geon-Ha Kim. 2014. Life Cycle Assessment of Activated Carbon Production System by Using Poplar. J. Kor. Soc. Environ. Eng. 36(11): 725~732 Hyun-Chul Kim, Hanna Shin, Heon-Ho Lee, Jin-Kie Yeo and Kyu-Suk Kang, 2013. Growth Response and Adaptability of Poplar Species Treated with Liquid Pig Manure. Jour. Korean For. Soc. 102(3):420-427

New Zealand

Clothier S and Wilkinson A. 2013. Willow - versatile, useful, practical. New Zealand Tree Cropper 74: 32-35. Douglas GB, McIvor I, Manderson AK, Koolaard JP, Todd M, Braaksma S and Gray RAJ. 2013. Reducing shallow landslide occurrence in pastoral hill country using wide-spaced trees. Land Degradation & Development 24: 103-114. Douglas GB, Wall AJ, Dodd MB, Hawke MF and McIvor I. 2013. Balancing pastoral and plantation forestry options in New Zealand and the role of agroforestry. Proceedings of the 22nd International Grassland Congress, 15-19 September, Sydney, Australia, pp. 1003-1010. Jones T and McIvor I. 2013. Willows and poplars for drought mitigation. New Zealand Tree Grower, November, pp. 12-14. Jones T, McIvor I and McManus M. 2015. Drought tolerance of five hybrid willow clones to different watering regimes. WISPAS No. 122, 5-10.

120 McIvor I and Douglas G. 2012. Poplars and willows in hill country - stabilising soils and storing carbon. In: Advanced Nutrient Management: Gains from the Past - Goals for the Future. (Eds L.D. Currie and C L. Christensen). Occasional Report No. 25. Fertilizer and Lime Research Centre, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. 11 pages. McIvor I. 2013. The work of the Poplar and Willow Research Trust. Conservation Quorum Issue 71, Autumn, pp. 10-11. McIvor I. 2013. Willows for the farm – Specially selected for New Zealand conditions. Willows No. 1, Plant & Food Research, Auckland, New Zealand. 10 pages. McIvor I. 2013. Poplars and willows as fodder. Fact Sheet 02, New Zealand Poplar and Willow Research Trust, 3 pages. McIvor IR, Sloan S and Pigem LR. 2014. Genetic and environmental influences on root development in cuttings of selected Salix and Populus clones - a greenhouse experiment. Plant and Soil 377(1): 25- 42. McIvor I. 2015. Trees for the farm. A decision support tool for farmers. Plant & Food Research, Auckland, New Zealand. 10 pages. McIvor I and Jones T. 2014. A new willow insect pest in New Zealand – The giant willow aphid. New Zealand Tree Grower, August, pp. 22. McIvor I, Barham M and Ross J. 2015. The economic costs of a major rain storm event - findings from a survey of affected farmers. In: Moving farm systems to improved attenuation. (Eds L.D. Currie and L.L Burkitt). Occasional Report No. 28. Fertilizer and Lime Research Centre, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. 10 pages. McIvor I, Clarke K and Douglas G. 2015. Effectiveness of conservation trees in reducing erosion following a storm event. In: Moving farm systems to improved attenuation. (Eds L.D. Currie and L.L Burkitt). Occasional Report No. 28. Fertilizer and Lime Research Centre, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. 12 pages. Marden M and Phillips C. 2013. Survival and growth of poplar and willow pole plantings on East Coast hill country - a pilot study. Landcare Research, Gisborne, New Zealand. 16 pages. Newstrom-Lloyd L, McIvor I, Jones T, Gabarret M and Polturat B. 2015. Winning with willows – Extending the supply of nutritious pollen for bees in spring. Trees for Bees. 12 pages ( Phillips CJ, Marden M and Lambie MS. 2014. Observations of root growth of young poplar and willow planting types. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 44:15, 12 pages. Sivakumaran S, McIvor I, Gillum A, Sloan S, Jeyakumar P, van den Dijssel C and Hedderley D. 2012. Soil quality in pastoral hill country as influenced by the presence of willow (Salix matsudana x alba) trees. In: Advanced Nutrient Management: Gains from the Past - Goals for the Future. (Eds L.D. Currie and C L. Christensen). Occasional Report No. 25. Fertilizer and Lime Research Centre, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. 6 pages. Sloan S, Green S, McIvor I and Kemp P. 2013. Influence of tree shading by Populus × euramericana ‘Veronese’ on understorey pasture production on a hill slope. WISPAS No. 116, 3-6. Sopow S, Gresham B, Gunawardana D and Flynn A. 2014. Tuberolachnus salignus, a new aphid on the block. Forest Health News No. 246, Scion, Rotorua, New Zealand. 2 pages. Stokes A, Douglas GB, Fourcaud T, Giadrossich F, Gillies C, Hubble T, Kim JH, Loades KW, Mao Z, McIvor IR, Mickovski SB, Mitchell S, Osman N, Phillips C, Poesen J, Polster D, Preti F, Raymond P, Rey F, Schwarz M, Walker LR. 2014. Ecological mitigation of hillslope instability: ten key issues facing researchers and practitioners. Plant and Soil 377: 1–23.

121 Serbia

Andrašev, S., Bobinac, M., Rončević, S., Vučković, M., Stajić, B., Janjatović, G., Obućina, Z. (2012): Effects of thinning in a plantation of poplar clone I-214 with wide spacing. Šumarski list, 1- 2: 37-56. Zagreb; UDK: 630* 232.5 + 242 (001); ISSN: 0373-1332 Andrašev, S., Bobinac, M., Rončević, S., Vučković, M., Stajić, B. (2012): The structure of poplar trees in urban green areas of Novi Sad. Ed. Marković Z. XX International Scientific and Professional Meeting "ECOLOGICAL TRUTH" ECO-IST'12. 30 May - 2 June 2012, Hotel “Srbija TIS“, Zajecar, SERBIA. Proceedings. p. 449-456. ISBN: 978-86-80987-98-9 Andrašev, S., Bobinac, M. (2012): The structure and monitoring of poplar trees in urban green areas of Novi Sad. Ed. Vuletić D. IUFRO Conference “Forests for cities, forests for people. Perspectives on urban forest governance”. 27-28 September 2012, Zagreb, Croatia. Book of abstracts. p. 57-58; ISBN: 978-953-7909-00-0 Andrašev, S., Rončević, S., Ivanišević, P., Pap, P. (2012): Definisanje dinamike uklanjanja prestarelih stabala topola u Novom Sadu. Ur. Jovanović-Galović, A., “Enviroscience NS 2012”, 26-27 septembar, Gradska uprava za zaštitu životne sredine, Novi Sad. Knjiga abstrakata. p. 46-47. ISBN: 978-86-910591-4-9 Rončević, S., Andrašev, S., Ivanišević, P., Klašnja, B. (2012): Izbor vrsta drveća za ozelenjevanje delova Novog Sada u zavisnosti od edafsko-hidroloških uslova. Ur. Jovanović-Galović, A., “Enviroscience NS 2012”, 26-27 Septembar, Gradska uprava za zaštitu životne sredine, Novi Sad. Knjiga abstrakata. p. 48-49. ISBN: 978-86-910591-4-9 Andrašev, S., Vučković, M., Bobinac, M., Ivanišević, P., Stajić, B. (2012): Structual and productive- developmental characteristics of white willow plantations of different density on humogley in Donji Srem. Bulletin of the Faculty of Forestry 106: 7-28. UDK: 630*52/*56:582.681.81(497.113). DOI: 10.2298/GSF1206007A. (in Serbian with English summary) Rončević S., Andrašev S., Ivanišević P., Kovačević B., Novčić Z., (2012): Effects of alluvial soil properties variability on growth of white poplar (Populus alba L) cl. L-12. Ed. Rakonjac LJ. International Scientific Conference “Forests in future – Sustainable Use, Risks and Challenges”. 4th- 5th October 2012, Belgrade, Serbia. Proceedings. p. 469-475. ISBN 978-86-80439-33-4; COBISS.SR-ID 195909644; UDK: 630(082)(0.034.2) Ivanišević P., Galić Z., Rončević S., Andrašev S., Kovačević B., Obućina Z., (2012): Soil habitat characteristics in ass. Fraxino angustifoliae – Quercetum roboris Jov. 1951, Jov. et Tom. 1979. forests in Ravni Srem. Ed. Rakonjac LJ. International Scientific Conference “Forests in future – Sustainable Use, Risks and Challenges”. 4th-5th October 2012, Belgrade, Serbia. The book of abstracts. p. 110; ISBN: 978-86-80439-30-3; COBISS.SR-ID 193412108; UDK: 630(048) Andrašev S., Rončević S., Vučković M., Bobinac M., Stajić B. (2012): Diameter structure modeled by Weibull distribution in plantations of white willow in Vojvodina. Ed. Borz A.S., International Symposium "Forest and Sustainable Development". 19th-20th October 2012, Brașov, Romania. Book of abstracts. p. 17. Ivanišević P., Pekeč S., Rončević S., Andrašev S., Kovačević B. (2012): The importance of the establishment of stands for game for the increment of afforested area and game population in Vojvodina. Naučni skup lovstva i lovnog turizma sa međunarodnim učešćem. 9 i 10. jun 2012. Žagubica, p. 209-220; ISBN: 978-86-7031-290-6; COBISS. ER-ID 275480839; UDK: 639.1 (082) 338.48: 639. 1 (082) Ivanišević P., Galić Z., Pekeč S., Kovačević B., Rončević S., Andrašev S. (2012): The Effect of Habitat Properties and Management Technology on Black Poplar Biomass Production in Sebia. International Scientific Conference: 24th Sesion of the International Poplar Commission and 46th Executive Committee Meeting „Improving Lives with Poplar and Willows“. 30 October – 2 November, 2012, Dehrudan, India. Book of abstracts, p.85.

122 Orlović S., Andrašev S., Rončević S., Kebert M., Galić Z., Rotkin O. (2012): Nova sorta vrbe "DRINA" No 0002765, Republika Belorusija, Inspekcija za ispitivanje sorti. Rončević S., Andrašev S., Ivanišević P., Kovačević B., Klašnja B. (2013): Biomass production and energy potential of some Eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh.) clones in relation to planting space. Šumarski list, 1-2: 33-42. Zagreb; UDK: 630*537+262 (001); ISSN: 0373-1332 Andrašev, S., Vučković, M., Stajić, B. (2013): The choice of location parameter of Weibull diameter distribution in the plantations of the poplar clone 618 (Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh.). Ed. Govedar Z., Dukić V., International Scientific Conference “Forestry Science and Practice for the Purpose of Sustainable Development of Forestry: 20 years of the Faculty of forestry in Banja Luka”. 1th-4th November 2012, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska / Bosnia and Hercegovina. Proceedings, p. 365-375; ISBN: 978-99938-56-27-6; COBISS.BH-ID 3756824: UDK: 630*245.17:582.681.81 Andrašev, S., Bobinac, M., Rončević, S., Vučković, M., Stajić, B. (2013): Modelling crowns of hybrid poplar trees grown in urban condition of Novi Sad. Ed. Aleksić N., XVII International Eco- Conference “Environmental protection of urban and suburban settlements”, organizer Ecological Movement of Novi Sad. 25th-28th September 2013, Novi Sad, Serbia. Proceedings, p. 203-212; ISBN: 978-86-83177-47-9; COBISS.SR-ID 280539655: UDK: 502.3:711.4(082) Andrašev, S., Bobinac, M. (2013): Biological differentiation of trees in plantations of white willow (Salix alba L.) of different density in the habitat of oak and narrow-leaved ash in the Lower Srem. Ed. Tsakov H., International Scientific Conference held on 85th Anniversary of Forest Research Institute at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. 1st-2nd October 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria. Abstracts, p. 49 Ivaniševič P., Galić Z., Pekeč S., Rončević S., Andrašev S., Kovačević B., (2013): Značaj podizanja bafer šuma u funkciji zaštite od degradacionog procesa alkalizacije primarnih poljoprivrednih zemljišta u Vojvodini. Topola, 191/192: 51-62, Novi Sad. UDK: 630*233(497.113); ISSN: 0563- 9034 Rončević S., Kovačević B., Andrašev S., Pekeč S. (2014): Survival of reproduction and planting material of salt tolerant tree species in condition of solonjec. Poplar, 193/194: 85-95, Novi Sad. UDK: 631.15.2:630*165; ISSN: 0563-9034 (in Serbian with English summary) Andrašev S., Rončević S., Bobinac M. (2015): Early effects of thinning in plantation of Eastern Cottonwood (Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh.), clone Bora on the Sava river alluvium. In: Ivetić V., Stanković D. (eds.): Proceedings: International conference Reforestation Challenges. 03-06 June 2015, Belgrade, Serbia. Reforesta. pp. 149-158. Rebić M., Vilotić D., Andrašev S., Rončević S. (2015): The influence of planting density on the structure quality of three type 1/1 clones of eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh) planted on the fluvisol soil type. In: Ivetić V., Stanković D. (eds.): Proceedings: International conference Reforestation Challenges. 03-06 June 2015, Belgrade, Serbia. Reforesta. pp. 242-250. Andrašev S., Bobinac M., Rončević S. (2015): Elements of growth and characteristics of the first thinning in the mixed culture of poplar and black locust on fluvisol. In: Kovacevic D. (ed.): Sixth International Scientific Agricultural Symposium “Agrosym 2015”, October 15-18, 2015, Jahorina, Bosnia and Hercegovina. University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture. Book of Proceedings: 2088-2094. UDK: 631(082)(0.034.2). ISBN: 978-99976-632-2-1. COBISS.RS-ID 5461016. DOI: 10.7251/AGSY15052088A Andrašev S., Bobinac M., Bauer-Živković A.. (2015): Elements of growth and structure of middle aged mixed cultures of euro-american poplar and black locust on fluvisol at different site classes. Poplar, 195/196: 41-53. UDK: 631.442[582.52+582.681]. ISSN: 0563-9034. (in Serbian with English summary) Galović V., Orlović S., Szabados L., Perez I., Kebert M., Vasić S, Pekeč S., (2014): Improving tolerance to abiotic stress by cloning one of the poplar homologs of GRAS/SCL TF gene. V Congress of the Serbian Genetic Society, September 28th – October 2nd 2014, Kladovo, Serbia, p. 353.

123 Galović, V., Szabados, L., Orlović, S., Fladung, M., Trudić, B., Pekeč, S. (2012): Platform for testing different stress inducible genes on Poplars, Book of Abstract, International scientific conference: “Forestry science and practice for the purpose of Sustainable development of forestry” 20 years of the Faculty of Forestry, 1‐4th November, Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, BiH, pp. 108. Galović, V., Fladung, M., Szabados, L., Orlović, S., Trudić, B. (2012): Improving tolerance to drought and saline stresses of poplar clones using GRAS/SCL TF, a gene encoding a transcription factor, Book of abstracts, of the International Scientific Conference „Forestry science and practice for the purpose of sustainable development of forestry“, 20 years of the Faculty of Forestry, 1-4th of November, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska, BIH, , pp. 107 Galovic, V., Orlovic, S., Szabados, L., Perez, I. (2015): Testing of salt tolerance associated genes in Serbian poplar clones. Book of abstract Euforia 2015 Conference, Rogla 31-4, September, Slovenia. Trudić, B., Kebert, M., M. Boris Popović, Štajner, D., Orlović, S., Galović, V., Pilipović, A. (2013): The effect of heavy metal pollution in soil on Serbian poplar clones, Šumarski list, 5–6 (2013): 287– 296 Trudić, B., Kebert, M., Popović, M. B., Štajner, D., Orlović, S., Galović, V. (2012): The level of oxidative stress in poplars due to heavy metal pollution in soil, Baltic Forestry Journal, 18 (2): 214- 227. Trudić, B., Anđelković, B., Orlović, S., Tešević, V., Cvetković, M., Stanković, J. (2015): Preliminary Biochemical Analysis of M1 (Panonnia) Poplar Clone Surface Resins, Proceedings of the Biennial International Symposium Forest and Sustainable Development, Transilvania University Press 2015, ISSN 1843-505X, p. 69–74 Trudić B., Galović, V., Orlović, S., Pekeč, S., Klašnja, B. (2012): Possibility for developing of poplar tolerant to drought in Republic of Serbia, 24th Session of the International Poplar Commission and 46th Executive Committee Meeting " Improving Lives with Poplars and Willows " Dehradun, India, 29 October to 2 November 2012 Trudić, B., Orlović, S., Galović, V., Pekeč, S., Stojanović, D.B., Stojnić, S. (2014): Molecular Technologies in Serbian Lowland Forestry under Climate Changes - Possibilities and Perspectives. South-east Eur for 5 (2): (early view). DOI: Trudić, B., Anđelković, B., Tešević, V., Orlović, S., Jadranin, B. M., Krstić, G., Galović, V. (2013): Chemical analysis of leaf cuticular wax of poplar clones in Serbia Topola/Poplar, 191/192: 63-72. Pilipović, A. (2012): Fitoremedijacija naftom kontaminiranih zemljišta vrstama rodova Populus L. i Salix L.,(PhD thesis) Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, 125 str. Novi Sad. Katanić М., Paoletti Е., Orlović S., Grebenc T. and Kraigher H. (2013): Mycorrhizal status of an ozone sensitive poplar clone treated with the anti-ozonant ethylenediurea. European Journal of Forest Research Katanić M, Grebenc T, Orlović S, Matavuly M, Kovačević B, Bajc M, Kraigher H (2015): Ectomycorrhizal fungal community associated with autochthonous white poplar from Serbia. iFOREST Early View (online: Nov 12, 2015) - doi: 10.3832/ifor1370-008 Katanić M., Kovačević B., Đorđević B., Kebert M., Pilipović A., Klašnja B., Pekeč S. (2015): Nickel phytoremediation potential of white poplar clones grown in vitro”. Romanian Biotechnological Letters 20(1): 10085-10096 Katanić M., Orlović S., Grebenc T., Kovačević B.,Matavuly M., Kraigher H. (2014): Ectomycorrhizal fungal community in mature poplar plantation. Book of abstracts of What are we linking? The 1st annual meeting of Cost action FP 1305 Biolink, 4-7 November at University of Reading, Reading, Berkshire, : 25 Katanić M., Orlović S., Grebenc T., Kraigher H. (2015): Abundance of ectomycorrhizal exploration types of poplars from protected natural habitat to sites with unfavourable environmental conditions. Book of abstracts of Belowground biodiversity in changing environment the meeting of COST Action FP1305 BioLink: Linking soil biodiversity and ecosystem function in European forests, Kraków, , 17-19 March 2015 P-9

124 Katanić M., Orlović S., Grebenc T., Bajc M., Kovačević B., Matavuly M., Kraigher H. (2015): Seasonal variation in ectomycorrhizal community from mature poplar plantation. EUFORIA European Forest Research and Innovation Area The final EURORINNO conference 31st August-4th September 2015, Rogla, Slovenia: 58 Katanić M., Orlović S., Grebenc T., Kovačević B., Kebert M., Matavulj M., Kraigher H. (2015): Mycorrhizal fungal community of poplars growing on pyrite tailings contaminated site near the river Timok. South-east European forestry 6 (1):53-63 DOI: Katanić M., Kovačević B., Glowska N., Paoletti E., Matavulj M., Kraigher H. (2013): Naseljenost korena topola ektomikoriznim, arbuskularno mikoriznim i tamnim septiranim endofitskim gljivama. Topola 191/192, 17-29 Katanić M., Pilipović A., Kovačević B., Pekeč S., Novčić Z. (2014): Uticaj genotipa i sredine na kolonizaciju korena topola mikoriznim i endofitskim gljivama Topola 193/194: 97-107 Katanić M., Orlović S., Grebenc T., Matović B., Bajc M., Kraigher H. (2015): Monitoring of ectomycorrhizal types on trees in Serbia. Monitoring in Forestry and Wood product chain: Book of proceedings of scientific meeting Forest and Wood, Ljubljana, May 19th 2015, 36-39 Katanić M. (2014): Diverzitet mikoriznih gljiva topola (Populus spp.) (PhD Thesis), Prirodno- matematički fakultet, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, 194 str. Novi Sad. Kovačević B., Miladinović D., Orlović S., Tomović, Z., Rončević, S., Poljaković-Pajnik, L. (2012): Effect of leaf treatment with cobalt chloride on adventitious rooting of Cottonwood (Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh ) cuttings. Propagation of Ornamental Plants, 12(1): 52-57. Kovacevic B., Miladinovic D., Katanic M., Tomovic Z., Pekec S. (2012): The Effect of Initial Medium pH on White Poplar Growth In Vitro. Abstracts of Submitted Papers of 24th Session of IPC, Dehradun, India, 30 October-2 November 2012: 91 Kovacevic B., Miladinovic D., Orlovic S., Katanic M., Kebert M., Kovincic J. (2012): Lead Tolerance and Accumulation in White Poplar In Vitro. Abstracts of Submitted Papers of 24th Session of IPC, Dehradun, India, 30 October-2 November 2012: 182. Kovačević B., Miladinović D., Katanić M., Tomović Z., Pekeč S. (2013): The effect of low initial pH on in vitro white poplar growth. Bulletin of the Faculty of Forestry, 108: 67-80. Kovačević B., Miladinović D., Orlović S., Katanić M., Kebert M., Kovinčić J. (2013): Lead Tolerance and Accumulation in White Poplar Cultivated In Vitro. SEEFOR, 4(1): 3–12. Kovačević B., Orlović S., Miladinović D., Katanić M., Vuksanović V. (2013): Evaluation of copper tolerance and accumulation in black poplar in vitro. Abstracts of International Scientific Conference “Forest Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 85th anniversary”: 35. Kovačević B., Tomović Z., Katanić M., Orlović S., Vasić I. (2014): Alternative standardization of data by standard deviation within population - Example of Populus nigra in Danube basin. Book of abstracts of V Congress of the Serbian gentic society, September 28th-October 2nd 2014, Kladovo, Serbia: 228. Kovačević B., Tišma G., Katanić M., Orlović S., Nikolić N. (2014): White poplar genotypes tolerance to lead presence under low pH in vitro - morphological and biomass characters. Book of abstracts of V Congress of the Serbian gentic society, September 28th-October 2nd 2014, Kladovo, Serbia: 228. Kovačević B. (2014): Variability of leaf morphometric characters in Populus nigra populations in the basin of river Danube. In: Šiler B., Škorić M., Mišić D., Kovačević B., Jelić M., Patenković A., Kurbalija Novičić Z. Variability of European Black Poplar (Populus nigra L.) in the Danube Basin. Zoran Tomović, Ivana Vasić (Eds.), Public Enterprise “Vojvodinašume”: 52-85. Kovačević B., Orlović S., Pap P., Katanić M., Dabić S. (2014): The Effect of Application of Cobalt Chloride and Indolbutiric Acid Powder Formulations on Rooting of White Poplar Hardwood Cuttings [In Serbian] [Efekat primene praškastih formulacija sa kobalt hloridom i indolbuternom kiselinom na ožiljavanje drvenastih reznica bele topole]. Topola/Poplar, 193/194: 117-127 Kovačević B., Tomović Z., Vasić I., Orlović S., Katanić M., Drekić M. (2015): Leaf morphological variation of Populus nigra in the Danube basin. Proceedings of the Biennial International Symposium “FOREST AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT”, Braşov, 24-25th of October 2014: 26-35.

125 Borišev, M., Pajević, S., Nikolić, N., Orlović, S., Župunski, M., Pilipović, A., Kebert, M. (2015): Magnesium and iron deficiencies alter Cd accumulation in Salix viminalis L. International Journal of Phytoremediation. DOI: 10.1080/15226514.2015.1073670 Pilipović, A.,Orlović S., Nikolić N., Borišev M., Krstić B., Rončević S. (2012): Growth and Plant Physiological Parameters as Markers for Selection of Poplar Clones for Crude Oil Phytoremediation. Šumarski List, 136 (5-6): 273-281 Stojnić, S., Orlović S., Pilipović A., Vilotić. D., Šijačić-Nikolić M., Miljković D. (2012): Variation in Leaf Physiology Among Three Provenances of European Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in Provenance Trial in Serbia. Genetika, vol. 44 No 2: 341-353 Trudić, B., Kebert, M., Popović, B., Štajner, D., Orlović, S., Galović, V., Pilipović, A. (2013): The effect of heavy metal pollution in soil on Serbian poplar clones, Šumarski list, 137(5–6): 287–296 Topić, M., Borišev, M., Orlović, S., Tomičić, M., Župunski, M., Nikolić, N., Pajević, S., Krstić, B., Pilipović, A. (2013) Clonal differences of black poplar cuttings for morpho-physiological and biochemical responses to soil water deficits. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 23:1725-1732 Pilipović A., Drekić M., Orlović S., Poljaković-Pajnik L., Nikolić N., Borišev M. (2015): Growth And Physiological Response Of Different Poplar Clones On Herbivory Induced Stress. : Proceedings of the Biennial International Symposium Forest And Sustainable Development. TRANSILVANIA UNIVERSITY PRESS. pp. 121-126. Pilipovic, A., Orlovic, S., Stojnic S., Vasic V., Pekec S. (2012): Investigation of Potential of Different Poplar Clones for Biomass Production on Differently Contaminated Soils through Investigation of Some Physiological Parameters. International Poplar Commision, 24th Session Dehradun, India, 30 October-2 November 2012, Improving Lives With Poplars and Willows. Abstracts of Submitted Papers. Page: 189. Pilipović A., Matavulj M., Orlović S., Katanić M., Simeunović J., Pekeč S. (2013): Crude oil phytoremediation potential of different poplar clones (Populus L.): Investigation of rhizodegradation processes. International Scientific Conference-Forest research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 85th Anniversary. 1-2 October 2013. Sofia. Bulgaria. Book of Abstracts. Page 37. Pilipović A., Orlović S., Pap P., Klašnja B. (2014): Selection of new poplar (Populus sp.) clones for multiple purposes in Serbia. Book of abstracts of V Congress of the Serbian genetic society, September 28th-October 2nd 2014, Kladovo, Serbia: 335, September 28th-October 2nd 2014, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-87109-10-0, 2014. Zorić L., Pilipović A, Perić S., Karanović D., Luković J. (2015): Stem xylem characteristics and their possible application in selection of poplar genotypes (Populus L., Salicaceae). 6th Balkan Botanical Congress. Rijeka, Croatia, 14-18. September 2015. Book of abstracts. Natural History Museum Rijeka, Croatian Botanical Society and Botanical Society of Slovenia. Page 43. Pilipović A., Orlović S., Katanić M., Simeunović J., Pekeč S., Matavulj M. (2014) Phosphatase activity as a parameter for assessment of rhizodegradation potential of poplar clones. Greenhouse dose-response experiment of phytoremediation of oil contaminated soil. Biologia Serbica, Vol. 36, No 1-2:55-64. Borišev M., Pajević S., Nikolić N., Krstić B., Župunski M., Kebert M., Pilipović A., Orlović S. (2012) Response of Salix alba L. to heavy metals and diesel fuel contamination. African Journal of Biotechnology 11: 14313-14319.

126 Slovenia

2012 Božič, Gregor, 2012. Genetic variability of Populus nigra (L.) populations in Slovenia and efforts for its dynamic conservation in endangered forest ecosystems. In: Utilization of genetic approaches for effective conservation of endangered species: regional workshop, Debrecen, , March 14-16, 2012, p.14. Božič Gregor, Kajba Davorin, Vanden Broeck An, 2012. Population genetic diversity of European Black Poplar in Slovenia and Croatia and efforts for its dynamic conservation in endangered forest ecosystems. In: Congress of Croatian Geneticists with international participation, Krk, Island of Krk, Croatia, May 13-16, 2012. FRANEKIĆ, Jasna (ed.), GARAJ-VRHOVAC, Vera (ed.). Book of abstracts, Croatian Genetic Society, 68. Božič Gregor, Krajnc Nike, 2012. Wood biomass production with fast growing trees on arable land in Slovenia: current state, past experience, and future. Folia biologica et geologica, 53, 1/2, 129-140. Brus Robert, Marinšek Aleksander, Grebenc Tine, Božič Gregor 2012. Tehnične smernice za ohranjanje in rabo genskih virov: trepetlika (Populus tremula) in beli topol (Populus alba), Slovenija. Gozdarski vestnik, ISSN 0017-2723, 70, 3, 149-156. Jemec Tina, Krajnc Nike, Piškur Mitja, 2012. Wood biomass from outside forest plantations of fast- growing species. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva, 97, 19-30. Jurše Ana, Zupančič Justin, Maja, Vrhovšek Danijel, Gaberščik Alenka, Božič Gregor, 2012. Effect of wastewater salinity on treatment performance of constructed treatment wetland and growth of poplars in sand filters. In: MAČEK JERALA, Milena (ed.), et al. Prenos inovacij, znanj in izkušenj v vsakdanjo rabo: zbornik referatov. Naklo: Biotehniški center, 1-10. Jurše Ana, Gaberščik Alenka, Božič Gregor, Vrhovšek Danijel, Zupančič Justin Maja, 2012. Effect of wastewater salinity on treatment performance and growth of phragmites and Populus in constructed wetland and sand filter. In: 9th International Phytotechnology Society Conference, 11-14 September 2012, Hasselt, 310. Jurše Ana, Zupančič Justin Maja, Vrhovšek Danijel, Gaberščik Alenka, Božič Gregor, 2012. Effect of wastewater salinity on treatment performance of constructed treatment wetland and growth of poplars in sand filters. In: 1. znanstvena konferenca z mednarodno udeležbo s področja kmetijstva, naravovarstva in hortikulture, 19. and 20. April 2012. KRAMARIČ, Martina (ed.), et al. Prenos inovacij, znanj in izkušenj v vsakdanjo rabo. Book of abstracts, Naklo, Biotehniški center, 31-33. Likon Ines, Likon Marko, 2012. Uporaba vlaken pridobljenih iz semen dreves vrste Populus za absorbent in filtrni material ter postopek in postrojenje za njihovo pridobivanje: SI 23548 A. Ljubljana: Ministrstvo za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo, Urad RS za intelektualno lastnino. Likon Marko, Likon Ines, 2012. Use of fibers obtained from seeds of Populus trees as absorbent and filtering material and method for their production: international publication no. WO 2012/067588 A : international publication date 24 May 2012. Patent Corporation Treaty (PCT), World Intellectual Property Organization, International Bureau.

2013 Božič Gregor, Kraigher Hojka. 2013. Short rotation plantations on arable land: forest policy and legislation framework in Slovenia. Presented at Konferenz "Ungenutzte Ressourcen in unserer Region", Güssing, May 8th 2013. Božič Gregor, Grebenc Tine, Krajnc Nike, 2013. Forest plantations on arable land. In: Gospodarjenje z gozdom za lastnike gozdov. MEDVED, Mirko (ed.) Ljubljana: Kmečki glas, 139-143, ISBN 978-961- 203-396-5. Jemec Tina, Krajnc Nike, 2013. Lesna biomasa iz "lesnih njiv". EGES, 17, 3, 88-90. Jemec Tina, Krajnc Nike, 2013. Zunajgozdni nasadi hitrorastočih drevesnih vrst. Iz znanosti za prakso v gozdni tehniki, 2, 1, 3.

127 Krajnc Nike, Jemec Tina, Piškur Mitja, 2013. Pridobivanje lesne biomase iz nasadov hitrorastočih drevesnih vrst, primer nasada Velenje (Exploitation of wood biomass from plantations of fast growing tree species, the case of the Velenje plantation. In: 3rd International Conference Energy Technology and Climate Changes, Slovenia, Velenje, 20.-21. 6. 2013, AVSEC, Jurij (ed.), Book of abstracts. Velenje: Coal Mine, 147 -148. Likon Marko, Remškar Maja, Ducman Vilma, Švegl Franc, 2013. Populus seed fibers as a natural source for production of oil super absorbents. Journal of Environmental Management, 114, 158-167,, doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2012.03.047. Likon Ines, Lobnik Aleksandra, Likon Marko, 2013. Poplar seed fibers - Examples of the use of natural nano/micro materials in practice. In: NANOAPP - 1. International Scientific Conference on Nanomaterials & Applications, Portorož, Slovenia, September 22-26, 2013. Lobnik, A. (ed.), Gutmaher, A. (ed.). Book of abstracts. Maribor: IOS - Inštitut za okoljevarstvo in senzorje, 47-49. Urbančič Mihej, Božič Gregor, 2013. Talne lastnosti rastišč črnega topola ob Savi. In: VILHAR, Urša (ed.). Delavnica "Intenzivno spremljanje stanja gozdov": zbornik prispevkov. Ljubljana: Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije, p. 122. Vilhar Urša, Božič Gregor, Simončič Primož, 2013. Meteorological stress indicators in riparian urban forest. In: The walking urban forest: a dynamic green infrastructure for our cities. Abstracts, 129. Vilhar Urša, Čarni Andraž, Božič Gregor, 2013. Growth and vegetation characteristics of European black poplar (Populus nigra L.) in a floodplain forest along the Sava River and temperature differences among selected sites. Folia biologica et geologica, 54, 2, 193-214.

2014 Jurše Ana, Vrhovšek Danijel, Zupančič Justin Maja, Božič Gregor, Gaberščik Alenka, 2014. Effect of wastewater salinity on treatment performance of vertical constructed wetland and growth of poplars in sand filters. Sylwan, 158, 11, p. 1-15. Pilar, A., Rueda, J. A., Cabanes, C., Bielsa, A., Ester P., López, Ignacio C., M., Gaspà, I., Delgado, J. P., Jordán, E., Ciccarese, L., Pellegrino, P., Bianco, P., Crosti, R., Silli, V., Soraci, M., Krajnc, N., Triplat, M., Duarte, I., Bárbara, A.R., Margaritis, N., Grammelis, P., Papadelis, A., Zanchi, G., 2014. Demonstration plots with short rotation energy plantations: setting up of integrated strategies for the development of renewable energies. Final reports of pilot actions: pilot action 1.6., Rogelja Todora, Krajnc Nike, Triplat Matevž, Ščap Špela, 2014. Analiza potencialov lesne biomase iz gozdov in hitrorastočih nasadov na območju Podravske, Spodnjeposavske, jugovzhodne regije. Ljubljana: Silva Slovenica, Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije, 29 p.,

2015 Aravanopoulos, F. A., Tollefsrud, M.M., Graudal, L., Koskela, J., Kätzel, R., Soto, A., Nagy, L., Pilipovic, A., Zhelev, P., Božič, G., Bozzano, M., 2015. Genetic monitoring methods for genetic conservation units of forest trees in Europe. Rome: Bioversity International, 46 p. ISBN 978-92-9255- 030-1. nitoring_web.pdf. Božič Gregor, Bratkovič Vlado, Köveš Igor, Božič Gregor, 2015. Strokovne osnove za osnovanje zunajgozdnih lesnih nasadov za proizvodnjo biomase. Güssing: Güssing Energy Technologies; Ljubljana: Silva Slovenica, Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije. 25 p. ISBN 978-961-6425-82-7., oizvodnjo_biomase.pdf.

128 Božič Gregor, Černela Mitja, Doczekal Christian, Ferlan Mitja, Ferreira Andreja, Hrenko Melita, Köveš Igor, Marinšek Aleksander, Rupel Matej, Skudnik Mitja, Sunko Rok, Zweiler Richard, Železnik Peter, Bratkovič Vlado, Božič Gregor, 2015. Smernice za sonaravno vzgajanje in trajnostno gojenje avtohtonih hitrorastočih drevesnih vrst na projektnem območju kot obnovljivega vira za proizvodnjo energije. Güssing: Güssing Energy Technologies; Ljubljana: Silva Slovenica, Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije, 55 p. ISBN 978-961-6425-81-0., http://eprints.gozdis. si/1140/1/Smernice_za_sonaravno_vzgajanje_in_trajnostno_gojenje_avtohtonih_hitrorasto%C4%8Di h_drevesnih_vrst_na_projektnem_obmo%C4%8Dju_kot_ obnovljivega_vira_za_proizvodnjo_energije.pdf. Debeljak Marko, Ficko Andrej, Brus Robert, 2015. The use of habitat and dispersal models in protecting European black poplar (Populus nigra L.) from genetic introgression in Slovenia. Biological Conservation, 184, 310-319., doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2015.02.004. Jurše Ana, 2015. Ugotavljanje primernosti navadnega trsta (Phragmites australis) in različnih klonov topola (Populus spp.) za čiščenje odpadne vode s povišano slanostjo. Doktorska disertacija (The suitability of reed (Phragmites australis) and different clones of poplar (Populus spp.) for the treatment of wastewater with a high salinity. Doctoral dissertation. Ljubljana, 104 p. Likon Marko, 2015. Poplar trees – unlimited source of advanced materials. Poplar and Willow News. Newsletter of the International Poplar Commission, 5. July 2015, 7-9. Zweiler Richard, Hacker Joachim, Sunko Rok, Grnjak Lilijana, Bratkovič Vlado, Božič Gregor Lakota, Miran, 2015. Der Landwirt als Energieproduzent : Beispiele und Geschäftsmodelle für erneuerbare Energie. Güssing: Güssing Energy Technologies, 18 p.,

2016 Mrak Tanja, Gričar Jožica, Kraigher Hojka (ed.), 2016. Atlas of woody plant roots: morphology and anatomy with special emphasis on fine roots, Studia Forestalia Slovenica, 147. 1st ed. Ljubljana, Slovenian Forestry Institute, The Silva Slovenica Publishing Centre, 118 p. ISBN 978-961-6993-02-9. ISBN 978-961-6993-03-6.,, doi: 10.20315/SFS.147.


Perez-Cruzado, C; Fehrmann, L; Magdon, P; Cañellas,I; Sixto,H; Kleinn, C. 2015. On the site-level suitability of biomass models. Vol.73, 14-26. Environmental Modelling & Software. Sixto,H; Cañellas,I; van Arendonk,J; Ciria,P; Camps,F; Sánchez,M; Sánchez-González,M. 2015. Growth potential of different species and genotypes for biomass production in short rotation in Mediterranean environments. Vol.354, 291- 299. Forest Ecology and Management San Miguel G, Corona B, Ruiz D, Landholm D, Laina R, Tolosana E, Sixto H, Cañellas,I. 2015. Environmental, energy and economic analysis of a biomass supply chain based on a poplar short rotation coppice in Spain. Vol.94, 93-101. Journal of Cleaner Production Oliveira, N; Sixto,H; Cañellas,I; Rodríguez-Soalleiro,R; Pérez-Cruzado,C. 2015. Productivity Model And Density Management Diagram For Short Rotation Crops Of Poplar Grown In Mediterranean Environments. Vol.72, 309-320. Biomass and Bioenergy

129 Njakou, S; Ac, A; Zenone, T; De Groote, T; Bergante, S Facciotto, G; Sixto, H; Ciria, P; Weger, J; Ceulemans,R. 2015. Energy performances of intensive and extensive short rotation cropping systems for woody biomass production in the EU. Vol.41, 845- 854. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews Sixto,H; Gil,P; Ciria,P; Camps,F; Sanchez,MM;Cañellas,I; Voltas,J.2014. Performance of hybrid poplar clones in short rotation coppice in Mediterranean environments: analysis of genotypic stability. Vol.6, 661- 671 Global Change Biology Bioenergy Pérez-Cruzado,C; Sanchez-Ron,D; Rodríguez-Soalleiro,R; Hernández,Mj; Sánchez-Martín,Mn; Cañellas,I; Sixto,H. 2014. Biomass production assessment and contribution to country-scale energy demands from Populus spp. short rotation irrigated crops in Spain. Vol.6, 312- 326. Global Change Biology Bioenergy Actividades realtivas al cultivo y la utilización del álamoy del del sauce 2012-2015 Comisión Nacional del Chopo [28] Cañellas, I Huelin, P; Hernández, MJ; Ciria, P; Calvo, R; Gea-Izquierdo, G; Sixto, H. 2012. The Effect of Density on Short Rotation Populus spp. Plantations in the Mediterranean área. Vol.46, 645- 652. Biomass & Bioenergy Sixto, H; M.J. Hernández, Miguel, I. Cañellas. 2013. Red de parcelas de cultivos leñosos en alta densidad y turno corto a escala nacional.Monografías INIA: Serie Forestal. 188 pp. ISBN 978-84- 7498-559-7.Madrid Sixto,H., Salvia,J, Barrio,M, Ciria,P, Cañellas,I. 2011. Genetic Variation and Genotype-Environment Interactions in Short Rotation Populus Plantations in Southern Europe. Vol.44, 163-177. New Forests 42

Congresos: Sixto, H; Calvo, R; Sánchez, M.M; Arrieta. J. A; Otero, J. M; Salvia, J; Cañellas, I. 2012. Fine scale site variation correlated to growth in a Salicaceae plantations (Salix and Populus) during the first vegetative period. Proceedings of the Conference, pg.108. 24th International Poplar Commission (IPC- FAO) Improving lives with poplars and willows, India Sixto, H; Sánchez, M.M; Cañellas, I. 2012. Characterization of poplar genotypes growing in SRF under water stress conditions. Proceedings of the Conference, pg.197. 24th International Poplar Commission (IPC-FAO) Improving lives with poplars and willows, India J. Grima-Pettenati, J. C. Leplé, J. M. Gion, L. Harvengt, M. Fladung, , U. Schmitt, D. Meyer, B. Kamm, L. Leal, J. Pinto Paiva, J. Rodrigues, F. Ruiz-Fernandez, F. R. Canton, F. Gallardo, I. Allona, H. Sixto. 2013. TREEFORJOULES, a Plant KBBE project to improve eucalypt and poplar wood properties for bioenergy. FI-PPP (JRC European Commission). Proceedings of the Congress. Fernandez, Mj; Ciria, P; Barro,R; Sixto, H; Carrasco,J. 2013. Quality of the biomass produced in short rotation coppices of poplar, willow, black locust and sycamore in two different Spanish locations. Proceedings of the International Conference. 21st European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, Copenhagen. Moreno-Cortés, A; Hernández-Verdeja, T; Sánchez, M; González-Melendi, P; Sixto, H; Allona,I. 2014. Performance of RAV1 transgenic poplars during the first year on field trial. International Poplar Symposium VI (IUFRO). IPS-VI Abstract Compendium’ Sixto; H; Sanchez, M; Sanchez, Mª De La O; Cañellas, I. 2014. Populus alba clones and their hybrids growing under water deficit conditions for biomass production in short rotation forestry. IPS-VI Abstract Compendium’, P.138 Sixto, H; Molina, Jj; Sanchez, M; Garrido,A; Cañellas, I; Mounet, F; Grima-Pettenati,J; Alia, R; Leplé,Jc; Gallardo, F; Ruíz- Cantón,F. 2014. Characterization and transcript profiling of wood related genes in poplar genotypes growing under salt stress conditions. IPS-VI Abstract Compendium’, p-61. International Poplar Symposium VI (IUFRO), Vancouver. Hernandez-Garasa, MJ; Alvarez, CM. Ibarra, I. Cañellas, H.Sixto. 2014. Comparison of clones and rotation lengths in commercial plantations of hybrid poplar in central Spain. IPS-VI Abstract Compendium’. International Poplar Symposium VI (IUFRO), Vancouver.

130 Oliveira N., Ciria P., Camps F., Sánchez-González M., Sánchez M., Cañellas I., Sixto H. 2015. Assessing genotypes in second rotation for lignocellulosic biomass production. 23rd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, pg.205-209, Viena. Sixto, H; Oliveira, N; Diaz, AM; Gonzalez,B; Sánchez,M; Cañellas, I;del Río,M. 2015. Mixed short rotation plantations for biomass production. 23rd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, pg. 210-213, Viena.

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Zoubeir Bejaoui, Ali Albouchi, Mohammed S. Lamhamedi, Mejda Abassi and Mohamed H. El Aouni 2012 - Adaptation and morpho-physiology of three Populus deltoides Marsh. x P. nigra L. clones after preconditioning to prolonged waterlogging. Agroforestry Systems, 86:433–442. (DOI: 10.1007/s10457-012-9487-7). Abassi M., Mguis K., Ben Nja R., Albouchi A., Boujneh D. et Béjaoui Z., 2012 - Adaptations micromorphologiques foliaires développées par le peuplier blanc (Populus alba L.) face à la salinité. Acta Bot. Gallica, 159:1, 9-15. To link to this article: Béjaoui Z., Albouchi A., Abassi M, Lamhamedi MS. et El Aouni MH. (2013) - Sensibilité à l’hydromorphie de trois clones de Populus deltoides Marsh. x P. nigra L. : Évaluation de la croissance, des formations adaptatives et des glucides. Actes du 1er Colloque International "Ressources Sylvopastorales et Développement Durable en Méditerranée ; Annales de l’INRGREF (ISSN1737-0515), 18, Numéro spécial, 123-138. Mejda Abassi, Ali Albouchi et Zoubeir Béjaoui (2013) - Effets de la salinité sur l'état hydrique et la production de biomasse du peuplier blanc (Populus alba L.). Actes du 1er Colloque International "Ressources Sylvopastorales et Développement Durable en Méditerranée. Annales de l’INRGREF (ISSN1737-0515), 18, Numéro spécial, 139-153. Mejda Abassi, Khaled Mguis, Zoubeir Béjaoui, Ali Albouchi, 2014 - Morphogenetic responses of Populus alba L. under salt stress. Journal of Forestry Research, Vol. 25 (1): 155-161. ISSN 1007- 662X (Print); ISSN 1993-0607 (online), DOI: Houda Zarati, Khaled Mguis, Mejda Abassi, Hager Jouili, Ali Albouchi, Ammari Youssef, Mohammed S. Lamhamedi, Zoubeir Béjaoui, 2015 - Growth, gas exchanges and accumulation of inorganic matter of Populus nigra L. in responses to treated wastewater. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES), J. Bio. & Env. Sci. ISSN: 2220-6663 (Print), 2222-3045 (Online), Zoubeir Béjaoui, Khaled Mguis, Mejda Abassi, Ali Albouchi, Mohammed S. Lamhamedi, 2015 - Involvement of Carbohydrates in Response to Preconditioning Flooding in Two Clones of Populus deltoides Marsh. x P. nigra L. J Plant Growth Regulation, DOI 10.1007/s00344-015-9555-0m Received: 23 April 2015 / Accepted: 16 September 2015 Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015. 'Online First' electronic offprint is available :

139 Zarati Houda, Zoubeir Bejaoui, Ali Albouchi, Dharmendra K. Gupta, Francisco J. Corpas, 2016 - Comparative study of plant growth of two poplar tree species irrigated with treated wastewater, with particular reference to accumulation of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, As, and Ni). Environ Monit Assess (2016) 188:99 DOI 10.1007/s10661-016-5102-0m ISSN: 0167-6369 (Print) 1573-2959 (Online) Publisher Springer International Publishing. Mejda Abassi, Khaled Mguiss, Ali Albouchi, Mohammed S. Lamhamedi et Zoubeir Béjaoui, - Morphological and physiological responses of three Salix species submitted to zinc excess - Frontiers in Plant Science (submitted). Mejda Abassi, Khaled Mguiss, Ali Albouchi, Mohammed S. Lamhamedi et Zoubeir Béjaoui, - Effects of salinity on growth, leaf gas exchange, water relations and antioxidant responses of Eucalyptus lehmanni, Salix alba and Populus nigra – Journal of Plant Growth Regulation (submitted).


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United States of America

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183 Willow Publications Genetics and Molecular Biology Carstens, B. C., R. S. Brennan, V. Chua, C. V. Duffie, M. G. Harvey, R. A. Koch, C. D. McMahan, et al. 2013. "Model Selection as a Tool for Phylogeographic Inference: An Example from the Willow Salix Melanopsis." Molecular Ecology 22 (15): 4014-4028. doi:10.1111/mec.12347. (accessed June 27, 2016). Kuzovkina, Y. A. 2015. "Compilation of the Checklist for Cultivars of Salix L. (Willow)." HortScience 50 (11): 1608-1609. (accessed June 20, 2016). Lim, G. S., M. R. Carvalho, S. M. Stuber, S. T. Gunner, and J. L. Reveal. 2013. "A Reconsideration of the Typification of Rafinesque Generic Names Allied to Salix L." Rhodora 115 (962): 170-190. doi:10.3119/12-11. (accessed June 27, 2016). Puckett, E. E., M. J. Serapiglia, A. M. DeLeon, S. Long, R. Minocha, and L. B. Smart. 2012. "Differential Expression of Genes Encoding Phosphate Transporters Contributes to Arsenic Tolerance and Accumulation in Shrub Willow (Salix Spp.)." Environmental and Experimental Botany 75: 248-257. (accessed May 17, 2016). Serapiglia, M. J., F. E. Gouker, J. F. Hart, F. Unda, S. D. Mansfield, A. J. Stipanovic, and L. B. Smart. 2015. "Ploidy Level Affects Important Biomass Traits of Novel Shrub Willow (Salix) Hybrids." Bioenergy Research 8 (1): 259-269. doi:10.1007/s12155-014-9521-x. (accessed June 20, 2016). Serapiglia, M. J., F. E. Gouker, and L. B. Smart. 2014. "Early Selection of Novel Triploid Hybrids of Shrub Willow with Improved Biomass Yield Relative to Diploids." BMC Plant Biology 14 (1). doi:10.1186/1471-2229-14-74. (accessed June 23, 2016). Serapiglia, M. J., K. D. Cameron, A. J. Stipanovic, and L. B. Smart. 2012. "Correlations of Expression of Cell Wall Biosynthesis Genes with Variation in Biomass Composition in Shrub Willow (Salix Spp.) Biomass Crops." Tree Genetics and Genomes 8 (4): 775-788. doi:10.1007/s11295-011-0462-7. (accessed June 27, 2016). Tantry, M. A., S. Shah, M. Y. Dar, M. M. Mir, K. Ghazanfar, F. A. Sheikh, M. A. Khuroo, and S. Akbar. 2013. "9,10-Seco-9,19-Cyclolanostane Triterpene from Salix Caprea L. (Goat Willow)." Natural Product Research 27 (2): 171-175. doi:10.1080/14786419.2012.665912. (accessed June 27, 2016). Twyford, A. D. 2014. "Testing Evolutionary Hypotheses for DNA Barcoding Failure in Willows." Molecular Ecology 23 (19): 4674-4676. doi:10.1111/mec.12892. (accessed June 23, 2016).

Physiology and Ecophysiology Becklin, K. M., M. L. Pallo, and C. Galen. 2012. "Willows Indirectly Reduce Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Colonization in Understorey Communities." Journal of Ecology 100 (2): 343-351. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2745.2011.01903.x. (accessed June 27, 2016). Castro-Morales, L. M., P. F. Quintana-Ascencio, J. E. Fauth, K. J. Ponzio, and D. L. Hall. 2014. "Environmental Factors Affecting Germination and Seedling Survival of Carolina Willow (Salix Caroliniana)." Wetlands 34 (3): 469-478. doi:10.1007/s13157-014-0513-6. (accessed June 23, 2016). Evans, T. L., R. Mata-González, D. W. Martin, T. Mclendon, and J. S. Noller. 2013. "Growth, Water Productivity, and Biomass Allocation of Great Basin Plants as Affected by Summer Watering." Ecohydrology 6 (5): 713-721. doi:10.1002/eco.1292. (accessed June 23, 2016). Hochwender, C. G., D. H. Cha, M. E. Czesak, R. S. Fritz, R. R. Smyth, A. D. Kaufman, B. Warren, and A. Neuman. 2012. "Protein Storage and Root: Shoot Reallocation Provide Tolerance to Damage in a Hybrid Willow System." Oecologia 169: 49-60. (accessed May 17, 2016).

184 Jenderek, M. M., B. Ambruzs, J. Tanner, G. Holman, C. Ledbetter, J. Postman, D. Ellis, and C. Leslie. 2014. Extending the Dormant Bud Cryopreservation Method to New Tree Species. Acta Horticulturae. Vol. 1039. (accessed June 23, 2016). Lavin, S. R., K. E. Sullivan, S. C. Wooley, R. Robinson, S. Singh, K. Stone, S. Russell, and E. V. Valdes. 2015. "Nutrient and Plant Secondary Compound Composition and Iron-Binding Capacity in Leaves and Green Stems of Commonly used Plant Browse (Carolina Willow; Salix Caroliniana) Fed to Zoo-Managed Browsing Herbivores." Zoo Biology 34 (6): 565-575. doi:10.1002/zoo.21244. (accessed June 20, 2016). Lavin, S. R., K. E. Sullivan, S. C. Wooley, K. Stone, S. Russell, and E. V. Valdes. 2015. "Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) Analyses of Nutrient Composition and Condensed Tannin Concentrations in Carolina Willow (Salix Caroliniana)." Zoo Biology 34 (6): 576-582. doi:10.1002/zoo.21240. (accessed June 20, 2016). Leffler, A. J. and J. M. Welker. 2013. "Long-Term Increases in Snow Pack Elevate Leaf N and Photosynthesis in Salix Arctica: Responses to a Snow Fence Experiment in the High Arctic of NW Greenland." Environmental Research Letters 8 (2). doi:10.1088/1748-9326/8/2/025023. (accessed June 27, 2016). Mata-González, R., T. L. Evans, D. W. Martin, T. McLendon, J. S. Noller, C. Wan, and R. E. Sosebee. 2014. "Patterns of Water use by Great Basin Plant Species Under Summer Watering." Arid Land Research and Management 28 (4): 428-446. doi:10.1080/15324982.2014.886088. (accessed June 23, 2016). Melcher, P. J. and M. A. Zwieniecki. 2013. "Functional Analysis of Embolism Induced by Air Injection in Acer Rubrum and Salix Nigra." Frontiers in Plant Science 4 (SEP). doi:10.3389/fpls.2013.00368. (accessed June 23, 2013). Patankar, R., G. Starr, B. Mortazavi, S. Oberbauer, and A. Rosenblum. 2013. "The Effects of Mite Galling on the Ecophysiology of Two Arctic Willows." Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 45 (1): 99-106. doi:10.1657/1938-4246-45.1.99. (accessed June 27, 2016). Pattison, R. R. and J. M. Welker. 2014. "Differential Ecophysiological Response of Deciduous Shrubs and a Graminoid to Long-Term Experimental Snow Reductions and Additions in Moist Acidic Tundra, Northern Alaska." Oecologia 174 (2): 339-350. doi:10.1007/s00442-013-2777-6. (accessed June 23, 2016). Pearse, I. S., K. Hughes, K. Shiojiri, S. Ishizaki, and R. Karban. 2013. "Interplant Volatile Signaling in Willows: Revisiting the Original Talking Trees." Oecologia 172 (3): 869-875. doi:10.1007/s00442-013-2610-2. (accessed June 27, 2016). Pierce, S. C., M. B. Koontz, S. R. Pezeshki, and R. Kröger. 2013. "Response of Salix Nigra [Marsh.] Cuttings to Horizontal Asymmetry in Soil Saturation." Environmental and Experimental Botany 87: 137-147. doi:10.1016/j.envexpbot.2012.10.003. (accessed June 27, 2016). Schifman, L. A., J. C. Stella, T. A. Volk, and M. A. Teece. 2012. "Carbon Isotope Variation in Shrub Willow (Salix Spp.) Ring-Wood as an Indicator of Long-Term Water Status, Growth and Survival." Biomass and Bioenergy 36: 316-326. (accessed May 17, 2016). Sullivan, T. S., M. B. McBride, and J. E. Thies. 2013. "Rhizosphere Microbial Community and Zn Uptake by Willow (Salix Purpurea L.) Depend on Soil Sulfur Concentrations in Metalliferous Peat Soils." Applied Soil Ecology 67: 53-60. doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2013.02.003. (accessed June 27, 2016). Wang, W. and W. Zhu. 2012. "Soil Retention of 15N in a Simulated N Deposition Study: Effects of Live Plant and Soil Organic Matter Content." Plant and Soil 351 (1-2): 61-72. doi:10.1007/s11104- 011-0929-1. (accessed June 27, 2016).

185 Global Climate Change Euskirchen, E. S., T. B. Carman, and A. D. Mcguire. 2014. "Changes in the Structure and Function of Northern Alaskan Ecosystems when Considering Variable Leaf-Out Times Across Groupings of Species in a Dynamic Vegetation Model." Global Change Biology 20 (3): 963-978. doi:10.1111/gcb.12392. (accessed June 23, 2016). Khorsand Rosa, R., S. F. Oberbauer, G. Starr, I. Parker La Puma, E. Pop, L. Ahlquist, and T. Baldwin. 2015. "Plant Phenological Responses to a Long-Term Experimental Extension of Growing Season and Soil Warming in the Tussock Tundra of Alaska." Global Change Biology 21 (12): 4520- 4532. doi:10.1111/gcb.13040. (accessed June 23, 2016). Potosnak, M. J., B. M. Baker, L. Lestourgeon, S. M. Disher, K. L. Griffin, M. S. Bret-Harte, and G. Starr. 2013. "Isoprene Emissions from a Tundra Ecosystem." Biogeosciences 10 (2): 871-889. doi:10.5194/bg-10-871-2013. (accessed June 27, 2016). Sharp, E. D., P. F. Sullivan, H. Steltzer, A. Z. Csank, and J. M. Welker. 2013. "Complex Carbon Cycle Responses to Multi-Level Warming and Supplemental Summer Rain in the High Arctic." Global Change Biology 19 (6): 1780-1792. doi:10.1111/gcb.12149. (accessed June 27, 2016).

Entomology Bultman, H., D. Hoekman, J. Dreyer, and C. Gratton. 2014. "Terrestrial Deposition of Aquatic Insects Increases Plant Quality for Insect Herbivores and Herbivore Density." Ecological Entomology 39 (4): 419-426. doi:10.1111/een.12118. (accessed June 23, 2016). Eckberg, J. O., G. A. Johnson, R. E. Pain, D. L. Wyse, and G. E. Heimpel. 2015. "Spillover of Tent Caterpillar (Malacosoma Americanum) Herbivory Onto Willow Bioenergy Crops in an Agricultural Landscape." Annals of Applied Biology 167 (2): 178-185. doi:10.1111/aab.12216. (accessed June 20, 2016). Hughes, K. M., I. S. Pearse, P. Grof-Tisza, and R. Karban. 2015. "Individual-Level Differences in Generalist Caterpillar Responses to a Plant-Plant Cue." Ecological Entomology 40 (5): 612-619. doi:10.1111/een.12224. (accessed June 20, 2016). Lehnert, M. S. and J. M. Scriber. 2012. "Salicaceae Detoxification Abilities in Florida Tiger Swallowtail Butterflies (Papilio Glaucus Maynardi Gauthier): Novel Ability Or Pleistocene Holdover?" Insect Science 19 (3): 337-345. doi:10.1111/j.1744-7917.2011.01459.x. (accessed June 27, 2016). Orians, C. M., R. S. Fritz, C. G. Hochwender, B. R. Albrectsen, and M. E. Czesak. 2013. "How Slug Herbivory of Juvenile Hybrid Willows Alters Chemistry, Growth and Subsequent Susceptibility to Diverse Plant Enemies." Annals of Botany 112 (4): 757-765. doi:10.1093/aob/mct002. (accessed June 27, 2016). Pike, K. S., G. Graf, R. G. Foottit, H. E. L. Maw, C. Von Dohlen, J. Harpel, A. Pantoja, S. Emmert, and A. M. Hagerty. 2012. "Eriosomatine Aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Eriosomatinae) Associated with Moss and Roots of Conifer and Willow in Forests of the Pacific Northwest of North America." Canadian Entomologist 144 (4): 555-576. doi:10.4039/tce.2012.49. (accessed June 27, 2016). Price, P. W. and M. D. Hunter. 2015. "Population Dynamics of an Insect Herbivore Over 32 Years are Driven by Precipitation and Host-Plant Effects: Testing Model Predictions." Environmental Entomology 44 (3): 463-473. doi:10.1093/ee/nvv039. (accessed June 20, 2016).

Pathology Kaczynski, K. M. and D. J. Cooper. 2013. "Susceptibility of Salix Monticola to Cytospora Canker Under Increased Temperatures and Decreased Water Levels." Forest Ecology and Management 305: 223-228. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2013.06.002. (accessed June 23, 2016).

186 Kenaley, S. C., L. B. Smart, and G. W. Hudler. 2014. "Genetic Evidence for Three Discrete Taxa of Melampsora (Pucciniales) Affecting Willows (Salix Spp.) in New York State." Fungal Biology 118 (8): 704-720. doi:10.1016/j.funbio.2014.05.001. (accessed June 23, 2016). Swain, S. V., S. T. Koike, T. J. Michailides, C. Feng, and J. C. Correll. 2012. "First Report of Twig Canker on Willow Caused by Colletotrichum Acutatum in California." Plant Disease 96 (12): 1822. (accessed June 27, 2016). Toome, M. and M. C. Aime. 2015. "Reassessment of Rust Fungi on Weeping Willows in the Americas and Description of Melampsora Ferrinii Sp. Nov." Plant Pathology 64 (1): 216-224. doi:10.1111/ppa.12237. (accessed June 20, 2016). Travadon, R. and K. Baumgartner. 2015. "Molecular Polymorphism and Phenotypic Diversity in the Eutypa Dieback Pathogen Eutypa Lata." Phytopathology 105 (2): 255-264. doi:10.1094/PHYTO-04- 14-0117-R. (accessed June 20, 2016).

Phytoremediation and Endophytes Heintzman, R. L., J. E. Titus, and W. Zhu. 2015. "Effects of Roadside Deposition on Growth and Pollutant Accumulation by Willow (Salix Miyabeana)." Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 226 (2). doi:10.1007/s11270-014-2270-9. (accessed June 20, 2016). Karnjanapiboonwong, A., R. Mu, Y. Yuan, H. Shi, Y. Ma, and J. G. Burken. 2012. "Plant Tissue Analysis for Explosive Compounds in Phytoremediation and Phytoforensics." Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering 47 (14): 2219-2229. doi:10.1080/10934529.2012.707540. (accessed June 27, 2016). Khan, Z., D. Roman, T. Kintz, M. Delas Alas, R. Yap, and S. Doty. 2014. "Degradation, Phytoprotection and Phytoremediation of Phenanthrene by Endophyte Pseudomonas Putida, PD1." Environmental Science and Technology 48 (20): 12221-12228. doi:10.1021/es503880t. (accessed June 23, 2016). Meiman, P. J., N. R. Davis, J. E. Brummer, and J. A. Ippolito. 2012. "Riparian Shrub Metal Concentrations and Growth in Amended Fluvial Mine Tailings." Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 223: 1815-1828. (accessed May 17, 2016). Mirck, J. and T. A. Volk. 2012. "Mass Balances and Allocation of Salt Ions from Solvay Storm Water for Shrub Willow (Salix Spp.)." Biomass and Bioenergy 39: 427-438. (accessed May 17, 2016). Warsaw, A. L., R. Thomas Fernandez, D. R. Kort, B. M. Cregg, B. Rowe, and C. Vandervoort. 2012. "Remediation of Metalaxyl, Trifluralin, and Nitrate from Nursery Runoff using Container- Grown Woody Ornamentals and Phytoremediation Areas." Ecological Engineering 47: 254-263. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2012.06.036. (accessed June 27, 2016).

Management Operations Batchelor, J. L., W. J. Ripple, T. M. Wilson, and L. E. Painter. 2015. "Restoration of Riparian Areas Following the Removal of Cattle in the Northwestern Great Basin." Environmental Management 55 (4): 930-942. doi:10.1007/s00267-014-0436-2. (accessed June 20, 2016). Berner, L. T., H. D. Alexander, M. M. Loranty, P. Ganzlin, M. C. Mack, S. P. Davydov, and S. J. Goetz. 2015. "Biomass Allometry for Alder, Dwarf Birch, and Willow in Boreal Forest and Tundra Ecosystems of Far Northeastern Siberia and North-Central Alaska." Forest Ecology and Management 337: 110-118. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2014.10.027. (accessed June 23, 2016). Booth, D. T., S. E. Cox, G. Simonds, and E. D. Sant. 2012. "Willow Cover as a Stream-Recovery Indicator Under a Conservation Grazing Plan." Ecological Indicators 18: 512-519. (accessed May 17, 2016).

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21st Session of the International Poplar Commission, Portland, Oregon (USA), 24-28 September 2000)

IPC/1 (English only) Abstracts of papers and posters presented at the 21st Session of the Commission, Portland, Oregon (USA) (24-28 September 2000)

22nd Session of the International Poplar Commission – Santiago (Chile), 29 November-2 December 2004

IPC/2 (English only) Abstracts of papers and posters presented at the 22nd Session of the Commission, Santiago (Chile) (29 November-2 December 2004)

IPC/3 Synthesis of Country Progress Reports – Activities related to poplar and willow cultivation and utilization, 2000 through 2003

IPC/4 (English only) Publications Listed in Country Progress Reports, November 2004

23rd Session of the International Poplar Commission, Beijing (China), 27-30 October 2008

IPC/5 (English only) Abstracts of papers and posters presented at the 23rd Session of the Commission, Beijing (China) (27-30 October 2008)

IPC/6 Synthesis of Country Progress Reports – Activities related to poplar and willow cultivation and utilization, 2004 through 2007

IPC/7 Publications Listed in Country Progress Reports, October 2008

IPC/8 (English only) Field Handbook – Poplar Harvesting, October 2008

IPC/9 (not yet published) Poplars and Willows in the World

24th Session of the International Poplar Commission, Dehradun (India), 30 October-2 November 2012

IPC/10 (English only) International Workshop “Improve the contribution of poplars and willows in meeting sustainable livelihoods and land-use in selected Mediterranean and Central Asian countries”, Ismit (Turkey), 27-31 July 2009

IPC/11 (English only) Abstracts of papers and posters presented at the 24th Session of the Commission, Dehradun (India) (30 October-2 November 2012)

IPC/12 (English only) Synthesis of Country Progress Reports – Activities related to poplar and willow cultivation and utilization, 2008 through 2011

195 IPC/13 (English only) Publications Listed in Country Progress Reports, October 2012

25th Session of the International Poplar Commission, Berlin (Germany), 13-16 September 2016)

IPC/14 (English only) Abstracts of papers and posters presented at the 25th Session of the Commission, Berlin (Germany) (12-16 September 2016)

IPC/15 (English only) Synthesis of Country Progress Reports – Activities related to poplar and willow cultivation and utilization, 2012 through 2015

IPC/16 (English only) Publications Listed in Country Progress Reports, September 2016