Adaption of Schottel Instream Turbines for River-Applications
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ADAPTION OF SCHOTTEL INSTREAM TURBINES FOR RIVER-APPLICATIONS Markus Ernst Rupp Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Oceânica, COPPE, da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, como parte dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do título de Mestre em Engenharia Oceânica. Orientador: Antonio Carlos Fernandes Rio de Janeiro Março de 2018 ADAPTION OF SCHOTTEL INSTREAM TURBINES FOR RIVER-APPLICATIONS Markus Ernst Rupp DISSERTAÇÃO SUBMETIDA AO CORPO DOCENTE DO INSTITUTO ALBERTO LUIZ COIMBRA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO E PESQUISA DE ENGENHARIA (COPPE) DA UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO DE JANEIRO COMO PARTE DOS REQUISITOS NECESSÁRIOS PARA A OBTENÇÃO DO GRAU DE MESTRE EM CIÊNCIAS EM ENGENHARIA OCEÂNICA. Examinada por: ________________________________________________ Prof. Antonio Carlos Fernandes, Ph.D. ________________________________________________ Prof. Geraldo Lúcio Tiago Filho, Ph.D. ________________________________________________ Prof. Carlos Antônio Levi da Conceição, Ph.D. ________________________________________________ Prof. Marco Aurélio dos Santos, Ph.D. ________________________________________________ Dr. Joel Sena Sales Junior, D.Sc. RIO DE JANEIRO, RJ - BRASIL MARÇO DE 2018 Rupp, Markus Ernst Adaption of Schottel Instream Turbines for River- Applications/ Markus Ernst Rupp. – Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ/COPPE, 2018. XV, 197 p.: il.; 29,7 cm. Orientador: Antonio Carlos Fernandes Dissertação (mestrado) – UFRJ/ COPPE/ Programa de Engenharia Oceânica, 2018. Referências Bibliográficas: p. 132-134. 1. River Hydrokinetic Energy. 2. Hydrokinetic Turbines. 3. River Resources. 4. Levelized Cost of Energy I. Fernandes, Antonio Carlos. II. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, COPPE, Programa de Engenharia Oceânica. III. Título. iii To my wonderful daughter Isabella. iv Acknowledgements This work was created due to the wish to apply today‟s common engineering concepts, in particular from the field of fluid mechanics and data analysis, to contribute to solutions with regards to real existing problems in the Ocean Renewable Energy Industry. From the beginning the intention was to carry out this thesis work in cooperation with a partner from the industry which could have been realized thanks to the opportunity given by the management team of SCHOTTEL Hydro GmbH, a leading tidal energy technology developer, headquartered in Spay am Rhein, Germany. Therefore my first thank you is due to Mr. Niels Lange, Managing Director, and to Dr.- Ing. Ralf Starzmann, head of hydrodynamics and sales in the company for providing the opportunity to carry out this work in cooperation with a leading industry pioneer. Special thanks are due to Dr.-Ing. Ralf Starzmann who supported me during the development of this thesis in the function as supervisor during my stay in the company. As I was greatly welcomed and supported by Prof. Antonio Carlos Fernandes (UFRJ) from the very beginning after I displayed my intention of developing my thesis in cooperation with an industry partner, throughout various surveys of progress via skype meetings until the final evaluation of the obtained results, I would like to express my sincerest thanks to him for his consistently constructive support in every way possible related to this work. I would also like to thank Prof. Geraldo Lúcio Tiago Filho (Unifei), as a leading expert on Small Hydropower in Brazil, for following the invitation of being a member of the examination committee. He gave numerous helpful advice in the beginning of this work which formed significant parts of the direction this work took. Furthermore I would like to thank the Brazilian National Water Agency (ANA) for providing extensive river data, publically accessible, on their Hidroweb online platform which made large parts of this work possible in the first place. Finally, I want to thank my marvelous family and friends because few of the results would have been possible without their support, motivation and enthusiasm. v Resumo da Dissertação apresentada à COPPE/UFRJ como parte dos requisitos necessários para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências (M.Sc.) ADAPTAÇÃO DE UMA TURBINA SCHOTTEL PARA APLICAÇÃO EM RIOS Markus Ernst Rupp Março/2018 Orientador: Antonio Carlos Fernandes Programa: Engenharia Oceânica No presente trabalho é apresentado o estado da arte do aproveitamento da Energia Hidrocinética de Rios, assim como os desafios para o uso desta tecnologia. Foram analisados os recursos fluviais de mais de quinze rios brasileiros, para então desenvolver um método analítico de categorização do regime de fluxo destes. Diversas simulacoes em CFD foram realizadas para conceitualizar uma Usina de Aproveitamento Hidrocinético de 1 MW no rio Amazonas, Brasil. O estudo de caso revelou que existem lugares do rio com recursos para operacionalizar comercialmente este tipo de aproveitamento da Energia. vi Abstract of Dissertation presented to COPPE/UFRJ as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (M.Sc.) ADAPTION OF SCHOTTEL INSTREAM TURBINES FOR RIVER-APPLICATIONS Markus Ernst Rupp March/2018 Advisor: Antonio Carlos Fernandes Department: Ocean Engeneering In the present thesis paper today‟s state of the art of River Hydrokinetic Energy as a potential emerging renewable source of energy is presented as well as challenges regarding the establishment of the technology. River resources have been analyzed investigating flow data of over 15 Brazilian rivers and an analytical method which categorizes a river‟s flow regime been developed. Several CFD-Simulations have been carried out to conceptualize a 1-MW River Hydrokinetic Power Plant in the Amazon, Brazil. The case study revealed that there exist river sites which from a resource perspective allow a commercial operation of hydrokinetic energy extraction devices at market competitive costs. vii Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS V LIST OF FIGURES X LIST OF TABLES XV 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 GENERAL 1 1.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE ON HAND THESIS 4 2 HYDROKINETIC ENERGY 6 2.1 CONCEPT 6 2.2 CHARACTERISTICS/ WORKING PRINCIPLES OF HYDROKINETIC TURBINES 11 2.2.1 Hydrodynamic Forces 12 Lift/Drag 12 Thrust 14 Torque 14 2.3 HYDROKINETIC TURBINES 15 2.3.1 Horizontal Axis Turbines 17 SCHOTTEL SIT-250 20 2.3.2 Vertical Axis Turbines 23 VAACT 24 2.4 HYDROKINETIC ENERGY IN BRAZIL 29 2.4.1 Current and Future Brazilian Electricity Supply 29 2.4.2 Current State: River Hydrokinetic Energy in Brazil 31 3 RIVER RESOURCES 35 3.1 RENEWABLE FRESHWATER RESOURCES WORLDWIDE 36 3.2 RIVER FLOW CHARACTERISTICS 40 3.2.1 Discharge Fluctuation 41 3.2.2 Flow Duration Curve 43 3.2.3 Estimation of River Flow Velocity 46 Volumetric Flow Rate Approach 46 Hydraulic Geometry Relationships 47 Manning Equation 48 3.3 BRAZILIAN RIVER RESOURCE STUDY 49 3.3.1 Initial Intention 50 3.3.2 Extended Data Acquisition 53 3.3.3 River Data Processing 55 Determining monthly averaged data points 55 Creating dimensionless Flow Duration Curves (FDCs) 58 Creating dimensionless Cross-Sectional Area Duration Curves (CDCs) 61 Creating dimensionless River Flow Speed Duration Curves (SDCs) 62 Creating Flow Speed Histograms out of SDCs 63 viii Comparison of River vs. Tidal Resources (part 1) 65 Comparison of River vs. Tidal Resources (part 2) 69 3.4 DIMENSIONING OF A RIVER HYDROKINETIC TURBINE 71 3.4.1 The Importance of the Speed Class for the Annual Energy Production (AEP) 72 3.4.2 Calculating mechanical AEPs for different rotor sizes 75 3.4.3 Thrust as Limiting Factor 81 4 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF OPERATING SIT-250 TURBINES IN RIVER FLOW 83 4.1 TIDEMODELLER 84 4.2 SIMULATION SET-UP 86 4.2.1 Simulation Domain and Numerical Grid 89 4.2.2 Boundary Conditions 91 4.3 SIMULATION OF VARIOUS FLOWS USING CFX-TIDEMODELLER 94 4.3.1 One Plat-I 94 4.3.2 Two Plat-I, Distance: 126 m (20 x D) 96 4.3.3 Two Plat-I, Distance:441 m (70 x D) 98 4.4 CFD POST-PROCESSING 99 5 CASE STUDY: 1 MW RHK POWER PLANT IN THE AMAZON 107 5.1 CONDITIONS AT SITE AND PLATFORM POSITIONING 107 5.2 ARRAY LAYOUT AND YIELD STUDY 110 5.2.1 Array Layout 111 5.2.2 Yield Study 114 5.3 LCOE CONSIDERATION 116 5.3.1 LCoE Model (DECC – UK) 117 5.3.2 LCoE Estimation of the 1 MW RHK Case Study 119 5.3.3 Comparison of LCoEs for several power generating technologies in Brazil 124 6 CONCLUSION AND OUTLOOK 128 REFERENCES 132 APPENDIX I – RIVER SITES, BASIC DATA 135 APPENDIX II – RIVER SITES, DISCHARGE CLASSIFICATION 150 APPENDIX III – FLOW SPEED DISTRIBUTION (1) 158 APPENDIX IV – FLOW SPEED DISTRIBUTION (2) 166 APPENDIX V – CODE: MAIN CALCULATIONS 174 ix List of Figures Figure 1.1 History of Energy Consumption in the United States (1776-2015) in quadrillion Btu(British thermal units, 1 Btu ≈ 1055 J) [2] 2 Figure 1.2 World Energy Consumption Increasing 56% by 2040 in comparison to 2010 projected by the EIA [2] 3 Figure 1.3 New installed electricity capacity by fuel, 2016 [3] 3 Figure 1.4 Renewable electricity capacity growth by technology and periods [3] 4 Figure 2.1 Flow through an ideal Betz Turbine [4] 8 Figure 2.2 cP over v3/v1 10 Figure 2.3 Development of velocity and static pressure p along the stream tube [4] 11 Figure 2.4 Lift force L and drag force D of an airfoil with upcoming apparent velocity w [4] 12 Figure 2.5 Lift and drag coefficients versus angle of attack αA from wind tunnel measurements for profiles NACA 4412 to 4424 [4] 13 Figure 2.6 Forces acting on blade element [5] 15 Figure 2.7 Power coefficients of wind rotors of different design [6] 16 Figure 2.8 Torque extracted by different wind turbines [4] 16 Figure 2.9 Sketch of experimental conditions 18 Figure 2.10 Buckingham table: P, v, μ being expressed by ρ, N, D 18 Figure 2.11 Typical Power and Thrust coefficients vs.