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5-8-1968 Kabul Times (May 8, 1968, vo. 7, no. 40) Bakhtar News Agency

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PAGE 4 THE KABUL TIMES MAY 7,'~968 I - lu;'d'r -BtitWee'tr -i~ I~ E d d F ~blANAPOLJS, 'Indiana May yeslerd~y fOl Tuesday's Indiana nedy camps were also deploY.jhi.; xten e or Gets Approval Of 23 ~atiolls , ULTJ • DELIGHT 7 (Reuter)-A slmmenng feud bet- pllmlY eleJ'nYe !he Elr IWel IndjanapollS lIon submItted by lhe 18- ....ft Trealy on Nuclear Nonprohfer­ '~ hn~ flared mtqJ open warfare WIth One reason for Iemammg 0'1 nerally seen as a stand-i~f,', 1/ BAGHDAD, May 7, (AfI')-The ~ nahon commlttoo was supported by ~ allan that meets the mterests of all Ihe charge lhiit thOir cover of the lhe campaign tllal was a state- VIce-President Hubelt If[ Iraqi proVIsIonal regIme has been represe/ltatlves of Ireland, Eth.opla, ~ the peopleS. silld the [Julch repres Indiana ptmiary campaIgn has been \\ Ide weekend poll showmg ,IS • ey \vho IS n~l cdntestwg~ t \';~,\ extended for two years II was off!. "{~'fj Holland and Norway who spoke ",entallve one-sided and mOammah"y much Il$ 30 pel cent of the De primarieS, too a laa a .. \ cmlly announced here Sbnday mght today III a re8\llar meeteng of 'he ft .,...--__-..,...... :--.,._---. , Kennedy press aide Pierre Salin mocral1c votels were stili unde rlay but ,hts well-Ol e stat!!r"~1i1 ~ The announcemen' was made on :r rst (pOhltcal) eommltlee , f _V;.,Oo,;;L;;."VI;.,;;:I•.,;N.;.,;O;;;.;;.,;4;;;O"'!""" .K;\BUL, WEDNESDAY, MA,Y 8,,1968 (SAUR 18,''1347 S H) gee called for an Immediate mqulfy c.ded as late as last Friday mOCI atlc machme was ,or~a'!t,.) IelevlSlon by MinISter of Culture I, mgw~tl o~n tel~c~~n;:;~:~e~'r~' The Umted Arab Re,Puohe 10m PRICE AF 4 mtl> the JournalIStic practIces and The polls showed the New land NatIOnal GUIdance Malik Dou_ cd the authors of thl' resolullon ap- Portuguese' Seek e'tIrIcs of the Indlanapohs 91a" YOlk senator Wlth some 32 I e os 0 I el 'fttl l<' han al Hassan, who sa.d parllamen- I~· o~ ;;~~ provlllg toe Draft Trea'Y. and lis evemng stable mate, the per cent of the vote agamst 25 CDused the c os ryy f lary electIOns would be held at Ihe becomlllg the 23rd co P,ompidou ,hanapolls New, by the Frcedom per cenl for Gov Roger Bran'g- emocra Ie pr.R'';, 'd N' end of the two year penod ~c a~to lXO~ untfy to do 50 End To Press I'OMPIDOU HONOUREB IN III InformittlOn Committee of the 1D of IndIana the state s [a" VIce President t Until then, a "legislative council' Insh reprseolattve F Aiken said "mefle In Soclcly of Newspaper oUllte son eandldale and 13 pe. cthoastRe~ tabla cer ~de ~~ th'l bal- would tnke the place of the cabinet the Draft Treaty was a "turlpng Editors C olher year) The representative of Ethiopia E. tmare and one of Hie heaViest am. cond Deputy Prime MInister abduJ ma, MaJrmoud Gb8.Zl, Dm:ttor EducatIon, Dr All Ahmad Popal, lah Vaf.ah PreSident of Afghan­ Iepresent Afghanistan In lhe ( haukl district oi Kunar provm­ SovIet Umon teleVISion network....J1F'.. Under Ihe latest extension Gen MakonneQ said that ElhlOpJa and ong several coerCions which have General of PolitIcal Affaus In went to the Kabul Umverslty at fnendshlp SOCiety Dr Mohammad \\ olld Health Qlganlsatlon As (I \Vt1h the openmg of thiS pro OVldes service for an area With a 1 aher Yahya will continue as head other Afncan states come out for ~I turned the lIfe of the Portuguese ~I 10 20 thIS momeng and aHended a the ForeIgn Mmlstry l>r 'Abdul Halder members of the Cabmet st mbl:> meeting III GenevCl sIal JLlt thlCle are 10\\ 57 such PIO population accounlJng for over half of government, but observer!i pred nuclear dLSarmpmcnt and view .the 1010 an ex;lIe wlthm their own land student a=mbly Ghafour Rawan Farbadl, Drrector II cts ~lct \:e 111 Afghanistan 1hl~ I Afghan Ambassador to Pans Sardar' tin,..: tum! 11 f(l\\ of the population of l.:ountry, Icted a mlnlstenal shakeup coon present Draft Trealy as an Import It noted that all countnes In Wcs The French head of governmen ! of EconomiC RclalJons DIvision and ~d Zalmar Mohammoud Ghazi some DI Salclmuddln \o\'als prCsld Uncle! rUI development PIO Nikolai PSUrisev mlOlslcr of com NCXI July J4 Iraq Will mark the .mt stage on the road to thIS 81m tern Europe except Portugal 'wuh was welcomed by caretaker rector of Acting DJrcctor for CullUrl ReIa, members of lhe Parliament some lilt uf th( Mldl<:al Depot \\ 111 Jf lh tl!\ rcf' and technlca' and mUOIcafJons of the USSR said 10 rOlh anniversary of the revolution 1 he Elhtoplan representative ur Ihe recent sad exceptIon or Greece Kabul UnIVer.slty Touryalal Etemadl tlons DIvIsion· In ForeIgn 5Iiniszry dSSlst

---- " " " ., .. . ' . .' PAGE 2 THE KABVL TIMES MAY 8,1968 THl!: KABUL 'l'1Ml!:::i MAY 8,1968 , 'I 1 JI II domg any hve shows. , , ~e~1~nd~~' -rhef!~~pulation ';~W~osi,ori~r'" ',' ~o:Yintial The nows p( the world saldJiI._ . undenrtOod tbe bealles d"'llled~"1 Food For Thought' Recent developments in the ,PART I' future' on, phe Ibasis 'of past expe­ inst appearing before the Qifeea~bI!i worldwide movement tb bring By Donald ), Bogue' rience. Instead:'·it·is. better' to meaJ1.t,·re~ 4 cause it would Mve. I runaway b.rth rates und~r cont. of somt' .of these nations unless abandon tfill~' series 'analYals, and to the lype of gUItar aild' :' cIIll'm rol are such that it, now is possi. emergency mternational measu· study' theIphehomei1on'of 'cnahlie music they played 10 tile H~Y ble to assert WIth considerable res are taken My purpose here itself, seeking.,!O 'understand' it ) of Bealtemama. ,i••' The first day of sprln~ is On< confIdence that the prosl!ects for, It to emphasize that the engin. and to learn'!·ln',whlch 'direction Imo~n": Swansea, Wales ,hltlg, and ,h,~ ftnt sprm~ day IS success are excellent. eers and the agricultural techni· and how rapiO!y It is - If Toloi AflIhari m. an editonall on An aU-woman jury was swonniJi another In fa~t. It Is Quite reasonable to clans'strivIDg to mcrease the out­ enough' can·lbe learned alibut Sundlly. expresses, the pey', demogral'hers ve of natlOnwldc health serv'ce Was It not Ideal to have stopped lflllll'll0'l \V3S ('onsl~tenl \vh'l tions good management, modern technology, and tentlal food production If mod- have terrorIsed, ,themselves,. each th.1l ,"eludes [amlly olannmg. 'hIS bloodshed forst aod lben go to Brazzaville "nmennl' who had taken an t'x­ rhe conference table to seek a perma­ ways to utilise nrofits derived from the enter­ ern teehnology were more fully nther. and the' public- at large In olher words. aclIve obJec· Pollee made hghtenmg swo­ C(S:-;IVe dose. though alcohol l'('­ In geneT:lI. the dc\ elopmg countries can be prise for the general ceonomie development of employed, mankmd clearly has ,vlth the essentiaL. hopelessness :Ions among the masses on cullu- nent solution to the problem based ops around Brazz8Vtlle and ar mbllled WIth the p,lIs could pro· on the WIshes and aSpiration of the divided Into l WII categorics as far as foreign ca­ the society. wlthm ItS grasp the capaCIty to and mevltabillty of the "popu. raJ. moral. or religIOUS grounds rested about 300 girls, mostly duce a slmtlar elfect peoplt> of Vietnam spnnklm~ pital m\c.. tmrnt IS concerned: those who have abolish hunger-Within a matter latlOn explosion." are' minor I ather than major ob- Congolese but With a Linda oald her flnc on sentcll- of a decade 01 two Furthermore, Their propheCIes have au' been slacles But alas, Ideals cannot always be of French c("' t "'('n flew oIT t(l her hom.. heen uncle! IOft'lgn domination (or a long time. We are happy to note that Afghanistan's It IS doublfyl whether a total dependent upon on", premIse: "If ThiS IS l, ue both In ASIa ind reahsed otherWise the Ideal thmg was Their cnme weanng mlOl-sk tcm n of Penang dUlln~ "hI( 'I IltJOdrrd..'l of pr1\ ate firms from the fnreign private investment law takes care of net food shortage for the entIre lecent trends contInue "It 15 an Latm Amenca. and seems to be not to have started the war at all Irts dUI11In,llmg powers were able to invest: and the interests uf both the narties in any joint earlh Will ever develop If such anClenl stat'stlcal fallacy to per- neveloplng rap,dly III Afnca The pomt IS that as far as the The Congro-BI azzavdle g(l~ f.owstoft England thu~e IwlJons whi(h h.lvc been under f01"cign private venture. Some of the joint a defiCit does develop, It will be form extrapolattons upon thlS pr~ Thus, at the glass I oot~lo level. Vietnamese dilemma IS concerned ernment. like sevel al Othp1 Ar- (JfJl11iratlOl1 for <1 short ncriod and ha\e never firms in the countr:; clearly show that the spi· mild and only o[ short duration em se when In fact the premise IS the attltudInal and cultural con- u step forward even a slow and fl<.an govern~ents has u.11\n(' I 1\ ocm gl (Ill 0 c1alml'd a \"olld eX]IPricneed the foreign private capllal being rit of cooperation' s the essence of their acti­ The really entlcal problem wl1l Invald It IS my major POlOt that dltluns 31 (' hIghly favoulable meagre one IS welcome And the rOlnt-sklrts group non-stop plaYing 1C'I I I'11 ll1\icsted m their lands vities. The Afghan Woollen Industries, for in· continue to be one of maldlstn- l('lcnt t1 ends have not contlOu- PrevJQussy It had been feared latesl US and North Vietnamese "hen they hit the 100 hoUl mo' k •• greemenl has not been a small gomg It is the laUer categor) that has many pro­ C'"tan{e '11 the paC'"t two year,s has been able but",n of food among the wOlld's cd, nOl w,lI they be likely to do that tradlllOnahsm and religiOUS Kuala Lwnpur <;1111 strong step but a major one The group the soul r('iicllon hIt' .11S. i- orcJgn fil ms ha \'c never had a chance to expand its markets at home as weil as ah· regions fiO Instead there have been some attltl.ldes \!"'ould orove to be al- MalaYSian beauty and Shaw These optImistiC assertIons are new 3T}d recent developments most mSUpel able blocks to rapid Samu published In GhaznI In Its Blothers fIlm star Pal Ling frl­ ( ·pt Inucd to play ;) l Ill' q hv til 11I\ rst III these countrIes and these count­ road Labour and raw material are available In not mtended to detl act from the that make It piauSlble to expecl fertility conlrol But the mOt e so· edJtonal on Monday sa1d If the Arab und herself the tentre of a COUll s!:' Ifront ballroom and thell ml said Thev'lI plObahh gIl rxprncllce In dneetmg foreign Investment into WOlld marltel•. It IS true that Afghanistan is a tlon Some years of acute cnsls tlhty control These developmentS more they q.ccept as correct the 3gree9lOn find OUt that the Umted el ged couvlcted of attempted ~u­ <. n o}nvlI1g unld they dlop" their economiCS comparahvel:; small country and some of the lIe Immediately ahead for Indta are so new and so novel that generaltsatlOn that, In most pla~ Nations Secunty Council IS unable IClde and was flneo 100 Malay· Howe,er, 10 the past devclopment dccade forcign l>rJvate Investors may doubt the pre· China PhilipPinE'S IndoneSia populatIOn trends before 1960 are <.es whele there IS a populatIOn to Implement an Israeli Withdrawal Sian dollars (about 14 sterlmg Il 0 De Janeiro .111 thc dcveloping countnes have taken praeh­ scnCe of large markcts tor their products. But MeXICO BraZIl Egypt, largely Irrelevant 10 predIcting Pi oblem the attItude towal d fa- from their terntones. they have to The 21-yeal-old sLar wh.l.....' /\ house v"lfe tulned UIJ 111 (al stens to assure J Sillooth flow of investment as the experience of the Afghan Woollen In· and other nations what w,ll happen 10 the future mlly pl:lnnlng among the mass resort to their oWn means to solve off-screen name IS Ltnda Lim C(lUlt hele to prove lh

U~,s. Appoints 5-Manl Team Foundation Stone For New Acrossl INation Kl!J' Address ,:~e,' ~, Paris Vief Peace Talles I." Isteqlal Highschoo!, Laid KABUL May (BakhlarJ-Thc World Red Cross. Red Crescent, and ( Cnnfmllrd From Page I) cy nor Critics of US. mvolve­ WASHINGTON, May 8, (Reu­ Rcd LIOn and Sun Day was mar· pedltlng the progress of Afghan_ terl.-U S negotiators chosen ment m V'etnam had objected KABUL, May ~. (Bakhtar) --HIS Majesty the Kmg ';r.d l.c;;tan should emanate. firstly, ked throughout 'Afghanistan yester­ for preliminary peace talks op­ to. Its composlt!on, Prll'c~ss Bllqls reCeived French prime mmlstel' and Madame mCC'~lOgs. from France PreSident Johnson, whn can- uay WIth conferencCJs. fi' ening WIth North VIetnam In Pompldou last night m Gulkhana Palace and dlr. od WIth them. Ims and plays Kabul University and French Paris on Friday are Viewed here t [erred With top adVisers agam 'l"rQsert at the dmnel well~ also Pllme l\1"lfllstpr and Mrs Gathermgs were held In Kabul unIverSities have realised these as a balanced team, pleasing yesterday on the coming negot- ~:;I, III lh(' Public Health Institute, the recommendations of the martyr­ both -"war ha,.wks' and "peace Iations and the current Viet 1n2dl, First Deputy PrIme MII11sl-" and Educ,tlOn M'nlster eel kmg A while later when I doves.'· .. Cong oft'ensive m Saigon and ",,:1 Mrs, Popal, French Secret3!') cf Stote fer ForeIgn Affairs Women's InstllUlc. Ghazl. Istcklal, Naden:l. Mohmoud Tar?l. Khushlll SIgn the golden book, I shall see Dl1llomallc Qbservers said ..Isewhere, was believed to have and Madame Bellencoul t. French Mlnlst~r Plempotentl3J y and '\ Ith deIJght, around me FJ ench the delegatIOn eombIned fIrmn­ selected the leam WIth great "Iotocol Counsellor R Vours Afghan AmbassadOl to Pans Sai­ Khan. Malalal. Rob" Balkhl and Prmcess Mariam high schools and Afghan professors here a' ess with fleXibIlity. TheY thought t'ale d" Zalmal Mahmoud Chazl, FI ench Ambassador 'n K3bul AII­ Publications (,f 'he Afghan Red .( the same time that 200 stude"t, Its Significant that neither pro­ It consists of roving -Ambass3­ fll(' Negr~. fnrol m~llon and CuHule MlIllstCI Dr Moh3mmad { rescent Sn... lcty .lOd (he House fnr arC' studymg In France ponents of a tougher war polt- dor W Averell Harriman, for­ ,\O"S P,esldent of the Afghan-Freneh FrIendshiP SnClety, Dr Ihc Destitute were (!lslflhul('<..l .It lhe· Madame Pornp;dou chattmll. with lIer Royal IIighness Prine ess BilqlS YoI" Excellency deputy pnmc mC'1 Deputy Defence SecretarY " ..h ,mlllad Haldel. D" eelor GenHa' <.r the Pol It IC:\' Afr,,, s <;c O1eetlOgs Photo By Moqm" KabuL Timer nllnlster CYJ1.IS Vance. Deputy Vietnam Com Gell Andrew J Goodpas­ l)"partmcnt In the Ft.. IPlgn Ministry. DI Rnwan F:.llhadl and In ,I spccl:h a' the Publll He,llth Pompidouls F~Il()llq In thiS ~; [ane gathenng, bf'-i tL·r. and two offiCIals who have ·.:IS S.lIeh .... Eten}.i:ldt. pl"'sldl'llt of the 'VOJTIPIl'S °In_ Instltutc audltoilum Ocpu:y Publl<.: yond the stlmulous of friendshIPi''"; Banquet Speech not been oflicl3Uy named yet slLtlltl' Health Mlnlsler Or Abdul Rt4hman Etemadi Stresses Close Ties With French \\ hlch IS Its SOurCe r also spe~ These are ASSIstant Secretary H,lklml saId the Afghan Red ere the governmental aspect because! ( Continued .From Page I) of State PhlIJp HabIb, an experl yc.. .. tl'rddy morning Pompldou In thr' field ol teChl1ll'al ass.', ~l:ent SOClC..'ly In a short time has •( ClJnlf/l/ll'd f-rofl/ Page II We hope the prelimmary talks those of the region In order to leC't"lvlng {he pnme mmister ort J of the mternatJ?nal commun tv un ASlan affalts. and WillIam J.tJ(! Ul(' !t;undatl(,1D stone of the l1'- His Majesty the King talking to Freneh Prelllll'r and Mnll' Pomp idou national LCclgue uf Red Cros~ SOI,;I­ ha~ se l nt area~ 3cC'Qldmg' to needs of nam of the mternatIonal dod It shows that thel e IS conHrl-_ 1 hi" been. done always In Har Ilmc:\n whose experience lit" \\3S 1C'l'E:.'lvC'd cit tile EduCd· '1(' l [lt1m French ~c.e-Il:e. lul- ctlCS, and at times of cataslrophles ofr~ the time and at the same adhe· I WIsh tn say that the chN('(, .,f situation and before finishmg J (nct· In the gUiding prinCIple a C::pllil of conciliation but also of negotiating With the commu­ lIOn MI:llstl" SDOIts st:ldlum be- lure.•11ld I}rO~JPSS has ex'cndcu hplp tu vldlm.. ilt hnnll' hIS pollcy 11:,. In hI mly mamtalnlng her pnnCI- ~J.I1( t~· I Ping: to the cultural heritage of Pans as the venue o[ thiS meet­ Wish to declare how 'highly we lllsts goes back to the days of ,.lflt··J Iht' leCplll 1.IL·1l11:-;l·" df the Thp Frellch PII'nIC' \tnd abroad \lur (ountry the SUPI erne Afghan JOg indicates the recogmtlOn of admire France's positive action It IS an occasIon great Pride! pIes ?y whIch sht' has made kn- Ihe Wolld War ll. outlined a "fl­ SdDI I b, !<' 1:-;1 Ol'puty Educa- ~.,'rl P1l' Isl!:.·qI.II h I~h Sl'h:101 I~ Dr Barakzol. Ihe preSident of Ihe t(}~~o\Vn Assembly In J964 adoptpd il rll'­ th.. dlstmgulshed role played by under the leadership of General .Ind delIght. that 111 mv VISit ner VIeWs ex Ible r csponsc" strategy (or Uon MlIlIstCI Hamldullah the s.vmbo{ll of FI ,lnc~,-Af~f1 q BETTENCOURT, House of thC' De-shlUlc said the Af wltne~'il-'s;.j I~ !!lunatic Constitutllln Fl anre III mtel n3tIOnai rel'ltllll­ dc Gaulle for the consohdation Alghanlstan not only OUI two countnes. also In thl::i the Pans talks In a New York r luyal SprdJ Afghan and culturallelatlons ghan Red Crest.:enl SOCIety plan­ expan~l(m In the mternatHlnal scene Af. shIps (If peace and mternational C(lope­ th(' development and area have often defended the speech lasl night J F'rpnch tll:-;UllltOI', at the sch- Th:~t hIgh I11 ;1 SII!!1I1IC' tnt Tlsltu-nenl ,lst::lI1Cl' In butldinl~ an .tn!l~·X to Among Ihose who attended the ~o{Jd and InternatlOnal coopeJ aUon convinced that they can maintain lations dependence and will show that which preoccupy all men of for training Informed and active !w1lse OI"I,TI:J;f\ classl"S n nl1',th~' c'11 and cultural cooperation dur­ pl;:ay portf:111f) Dr Aljdul The events In the east ~lJ:.rl and consolidate thell Ielallon3 uy Your ExcellenCies. ladles and thiS beautiful country more th.n will. the search fOJ peace "ruth n the lnuntry U II of tilt' c'l\ should Iil1" s(lI, ;nl: Afgbainstan's Third Five out PortfoliO 01 All "II Year Uevelopment Plan period, \\est of the ASiatiC conllnt:'nt ha­ fotlm\ mg the path of fnendshlp gentleml"Tl. 1 raise my gla!'>s tn dnythlng else has a firm c'JnVIC_ I raise my glass to the health SlOce the Educ:ltlon 1\1 II1lSt. \' til be 1.11Ind tll he tOll ,l1"Jl! t I VVethlii S,I",lb! ~nLl J(,d1Id ve roused OUI anxletv The Vlel· and undprstandmg and In findln'~ the honour and health of Gencrni tlon aboul the future of HiS Majesty Mohammad Za- SPORTS GOODS 1:-; ,,\'·;U'(' of thl.:· rolC' thiS SCn()Il! 11111'." ,11 t~· I:.! :~I ul(·... The Information DepaJ·tme"t of Gq,p: '),ll D' ~'''Iqhamm·.lcl I\kl IP1 nam \.. ar has unfortunately not a solution uf their mutual {110h· de Gaulle. the presldeot of the We all kno\\' that for eve' y her Shah, of Queen Homlra, of Visit Mohammad Siddique and ,IIi ... ·, 'p th, fl3m('wOl k of I du ~ th" Foreigi> I\i' hE'''' and thl" Pill t I\lC solution of the conflict must respect for the fights of peopl~s Mmlster agd Madame PompJrlou. IOternatlOna! cooperation and and Mrs Etemadl and to the pro- raekets, tennis balls, golf balls. dt'd 10 o.;eek Frtll)ce's help In ex- y1ng ceremOOies Pompldou 101 ~ ccrdlJlity, were attended by PIR­ /.·'·b ~: I £.1 t\'o(' of bf)(h bllll'!. nnlng Minister Dr. Abdul Samad a:;sure the people of Vletn.l:Tl and natIOns to those accompanymg him, dnd expansIon alld progl ess of RII na- spenty of the kmgdom of Afgr,a- sportswears and shotgun cart­ p,tnrhn-; and Implovl'lg the sch~)- \ stlllll al~m: "'lmp of Ill(' pit· rnL.: l".':prn"p) /n Chan star/lum the nght to peace, ,elf-determl. ThiS IS the best way for the to the strengthening of Franc,­ t Ions In common In an env rll- mstan ridges. 01 In l1lStl uctlOn d/Hi f:Jelllt p'" • si I ('ph ' !l1med and high ranking French "fficials. natIOn Without foreign mterfeJ­ countnes of thIs regIOn to pre­ Afghan Ielallons nmertt of harmony -_._--- II" s='ll~ • Although Pompld(lu ,,\ IntNi til pnee and unity serve their natIOnal mterests and Your ExcellenCies, Deputy prJ. INTERNATIONAL . II IS a m::..ter of areat 'de- :-,0.' thpst' Stl('('tS s""Il""lv ,Ie, ' t 't me Minister and Rector CLUB lIght to see Ih:H tho; "cho!)1 \\ 111 ri..,t the oeoolL' of Ktll)ul I ~ '.' Dr. Hoqe'qi Ap,peors ! t 's my wish aDd my decJslon If' lebwl t WIth the "ommon cJf- veral areas recognised hmJ 0' ~o OUR FAMOUS FRmNDS Mme Pompidou Sees ,. A,WA Puts· On Romantre to act as to strengthen and ox;.b of the two (,~llntllP~ '1 s walt Ing tour and apl)l:jq:!ed ,Before Senate expand In whatever France and 1 ;-(;0. eXl")I!'C"<=E'd lh,,:, IF'pe til ,t F,'mndou \\ 3Iked (/('1\vn 1I:1a>- -::!\~: I l\i.n:I (Bdl\ht:111 Afghanlslan palliclpates "THK BLUE SHARKS" mo,€, !:ll- •• ... \\1 l Shl~r ,1'1:1 \','-\/ 'PRESS lht:, school would pLIY;l 1. "'.n: I r. \\.J!H! [1\1 lOCi' eh ('1'1 Illl' Comedy 'For Charity Benefit The future depends on the LlVK BASD FROM LAHORE l"lrt:'.IOt lole III conc;olld:ltlng re- Alrb:J.r I<~C!1l cl\ipnUe:- Women's Institute • If"~rr,'ll(' )1' the JlI.-I,(.:,. ,\ I'.... youth tlf the world, espeCially on Will play at tbe "international Club" Thursday'May 9, 3:00 p.m, l,lllons of fllendshm O('I\\·.... "p AI Yesteldav a[ternoon the Fr- (Continued from page 3) By A Stall Writer KABUl May 9 lBakhtall­ f cd ...·pst..·rd]\' b· .P(' tr.,. The Amencan Women's Assocla-ghter, and turn the two bour roma­ those With higher education z'oo a.m. hh;lnlst~n ,lI1d F'r;l":;c c' ('l1ll, oreml~r H:J:ve a reCl"j"Illr" "1 :d ;1T'lt' "ompldUll • accompanied '? ... ..,t" r. 1;I1:lntlng or fIll. \lsual aid SerVIl.:es throughoul the It 's my WIsh that Frenc,", and Hp mentioned th!..' efforts of the 11 the Fl't;"nch l'mb;-ts5v whieh hon'says "we are not oul to comp- nllc play mto a hvely evening at (Table Tennis Ball) by Mrs Etemadi VISited the \Vn 'ilL' I., d.c11l.n ;0 III.' " .. It..ountry Afghan youth shoulder the hI- French alcheoI01:~lsts In blillt.."'f.. , "'" ':)It'~nclp.d by ChlC·f Jl'stlCP ele wTth Kabul Amateur DramatIc the theatre. And will remind you of many jolly nights at the Club. !f"-'n'" I 1·,t'ltrle y€'stel day altel- \If PI1'11al... CoUt b '! I:. The newspaper says that audiO­ ghest and most necessa- ) Ii •.. t the O,ISt lllstory of Af- rr Ahdlll }T-klm Z''':/ f'(' PIPS'- Society," but KADS may regard tbem The play IS dIrected by Mrs Ro- Please make your reservatlllns and purchase the entrance tic. , 'II~' " 1', ' 'tIPl! such ~. -I"l-, visual aid serVices m Afghanlstan as so. bert Neuma~n, Wife of the Amenc- ry responsibllrlles 10 to- eh~HJI l"I'!l ,md thell v du ,Ill,. n ~tp ~t cf tho HOll')C' of R"t)rl..- ..... ~t'] ~hould dev~lop kets for your aecompanying gues Is in advanee at the offiee. "'I':'pc F£lllf>ld(,u \\·:.Is we!c=-'Illc·d I ~ ~·l ~" "0" tho .11I·tl(,(· :\!'I"stt\ specially now when day's world PaYing respect blJr It PIlS In thIS t(·"pect \\ h dl I ,eo:: D Abdul ~'lh' "':'!n~t­ "! '.,. .. '(:.. ¥ AWA's fIrst dramatIc productlon, an Ambassador In Kabul Mrs. Ne- ~t th.. gate of the Institute by ]'1 ~"" .r'll'll ( I ',.,.,,,, I ,1 II .•. we have established In Kabul a la­ to human persons and cons0Lull­ ale tl,Jnshted In many 1;ln.WI- Pres dent A.IJdul H(lcf! On ...·], me­ Pompidou watches an inscript 0,1 beIng laid at the fotllltl:tt'un The Barrets of Wlmpole Street, WIll umann talks qUIte modest:ly about instructors, ofl1clals and stydents I; I' (' Ill"'d .' ·I.ll1ltll)l\~ 1'1'111 boratory processing dOL:umentary Bile! l build'n~ In USrs Fn 4 10 taon of al'.: nations on the road gc,; til whIch hf' s'w we "'r' mbels of thl' cabinet S"ui-', 2,>1 of the new tor I':e Is!eql,l HIgh Scbool. ~l(]n?n'mGld open the auditorIum the feat saymg her experience (I d€lwllt~:1eIS prc~ented her DI Am:1I1 P'I',ld I j dms- The newspaper says that Since to peace IS progress ' nUl recognl1 ton Jnd ,mpr,,( 1, where Hel Majesty the Queen IS sented [0 he' bv MIS Saleha Fa· I 'l , I; ~ '" 1 .. II, ~ ',., The newspaper that of cou PIl.'Sl·n round 01 dIScusslon:-.. a dCdl all of the I I children fall to speak out dent.s frum the Afghan InstItule of Boeing 'I: El \In.,r! , ,I ·~t.J nlll It t,·~ I 1\, 'J r~ undergOing a medical check-up 727 there are a number of films Open m'sirust llr vl>':lled dIS1,;·~lmIOl. 111I1ILIIIlIn III passIve US LfI'It.:hOl Jagalnst rum except Ehzabeth. the Tel.:hnology Members of AWA do and treatment I dtPl !\'Imt· Porno dou \..... 'led \11. jlll's HId Id .iI t\ 'I ' prepared abroad whu:h l.:an be sh· have marked the 01 all t.:o Bnt.': old Barret IS a mere det.:or eITeds' the year 1948 0' ,It ,rH~<'; ne'lcl' doW t In' . \1', ptlbl(> \uolness .Ind Impaltence f1lctanes arc plltun:o \,\,lIhln Ihe alcm lasl wt.'c:k In Ucll.lnt.C' or U1l.1 IW,tnt 10 hiS <.:hlldren but hIS love In England relatively ve- 4 KABUL May Il (B"khlal)­ 1,;lIuntr) on social ... ultllr< CulOn ry dosely Proceeds of tbe play mrnous Counl.:11 resolulJuns edu~atlOnal I... llf the kmd Ihe poet Roben Bro­ mlc. health and prob· Tass nl'\\'S agenry correspondent Jordan's l.:omplaJOt Ihilt f" " wning (AI Nebellbaul would glad' whIch WIll be on al 8.00 p.m. Tnu­ here. Alexle Petrov, marked the lems and actIvities H Will have a rsday, FrIday, Salurday, and Sun­ following a veiled po!lc:y of IInlle~ Factory Refuy'e For Viet far betted Impact on the audIence Iy 'iwap for "good, sound hatred" Soviet Press Day yesterday WIth day evenmgs Will go to chanties here. atlon 10 the Arab old Lily h.t:-; Il·"'· Robrel Browmng"s clandestine a receotlOn 10 his home which than fllm~ made abru.ld and shown Plan To Brin?: TV IV~'d Afro.A"I"'i.n leSen'llll'lll :lIion people upled territories Immedlateh hl

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