Chloé Chaigneau

Abstract: Hyblaea, one of the first Greek settlements in , has a large and diverse assemblage of millstones: saddle querns, Olynthus mills, mills, Delian mills, rotary querns and possibly a Pompeian mill. This diversity of mill types is the result of the long occupation of the site and the confluence in Sicily of Greek, Punic and Roman cultures and a variety of food processing traditions.

Keywords: Megara Hyblaea, Saddle quern, Morgantina, Olynthus, Delian, millstone

Chloé Chaigneau, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris) [email protected], ++33 0622405035


Introduction excavated by the French School of Rome resulting in the discovery of a large number (110) of millstones. The city of Megara Hyblaea, founded in 728 BC, Unfortunately, the spatial and chronological contexts was one of the first Greek colonies in Sicily. It is of the millstones were not recorded. Previous work located on the Bay of Augusta between on millstones in Sicily, besides a few references and Syracuse, just east of the , in site reports or surveys, were undertaken at the between a volcanic district and the sedimentary inland cities of Morgantina (White 1963) and plateau of Ragusa (Fig. 1). According to ancient (Canzanella 1997). texts, the colony was destroyed in 483 BC by Saddle querns are characteristic of the earliest, of Syracuse and remained uninhabited until longest and the most active occupation of Megara the foundation of a second settlement around 340 Hyblaea. It is interesting that the number of BC. This second city remained under the sphere lower stones of both saddle querns and Olynthus of influence of Syracuse until the Second Punic mills far outnumber their respective upper stones. War. After its destruction by Marcellus in 213 BC, Furthermore, their quantity cannot always be the site remained sparsely occupied until the 6th determined due to their fragmentary state. Among century AD. The focus of this paper is the study the larger rotary millstones are ten Morgantina of the site’s large assemble of millstones (Fig. 2). models corresponding to at least six different mills, The earliest archaeological work at the site 18 Delian millstone segments corresponding to at dates to the end of the 19th century. Between 1948 least eight mills, and four small cylindrical rotary and 1980 the north-western sector of the city was querns. Although the nature of a single large bell-

Anderson, T.J., Alonso, N. (eds), Tilting at Mills:The Archaeology and Geology of Mills and Milling. Revista d’Arqueologia de Ponent extra 4, 2019, 201-212 ISSN: 1131-883-X, ISSN electrònic: 2385-4723, DOI.10.21001/rap.2019.extra-4.13 202

TILtING At MILLS: THE ARCHAEOLOGY AND GEOLOGY OF MILLS AND MILLING and, at times, dressing patterns. characterised byahighlevelofsurfacefinishing of Sicily. Inany case,alloftheupperstonesare volcanic stonescomefromoutcropsontheisland to GluhakandSchwall (2014), evenassumethatthe be established with certainty. One cannot, according analysis. Theprovenanceoftheotherstonescannot Thorpe 1988,101),benefittedfrompetrographical reputedly fromaquarryinSardinia(Williams- rhyolites. OnlyoneMorgantinamillstone,arhyolite rocks, sandstones,conglomeratesandreddish probably corresponds to a Pompeian mill. shaped i.e. 43% of the assemblage), only 11 are whole. They i.e. 43%ofthe assemblage),only11are whole.They Saddle querns Millstone description andclassification The petrographyincludesdarkvesicularvolcanic Despite the large number of saddle querns (52, Despite thelargenumber ofsaddlequerns(52, meta hasnotbeenclearlyidentified,it Fig. 2: View of the Megara Hyblaea millstone assemblage (photograph by C. Chaigneau). Fig. 1: Megara Hyblaea on the eastern coast of Sicily and sites mentioned in the text. petrography of the rock appears to be irrelevant. Among thedifferent typesofupperstones,the upper stone(036)witha convex grindingsurface. served asagrip(040).A uniqueexampleisthe (50 cmlongand20 wide) hasacuttingthat as lateralhandgrips.One largevolcanicquern Three areequippedwith protuberancesserving wide) andpresentsanovalorasymmetricalshape. represented by no. 037, is wider (16 to 21 cm French width. One-thirdoverlaptheirlowerstones(in by no.008.Theserangefrom13.5to16cmin elongated (ellipticaloralmond-shaped)represented most common is the regularly shaped, narrow and can bedrawnbetweentwogeneraltypes.The Several general morphological tendencies emerge. natural irregularities,everyquerniscarefullyshaped. be coupledwithanother. Exceptfortwocasesbearing measure between30and40cminlength.Nonecan The secondgeneraltypeofupperstone, Among theupperstones(Fig.3)adistinction débordants). ILLING M AND



Fig. 3: Main types of saddle quern upper stones at Megara Hyblaea (drawing by C. Chaigneau). RCHAEOLOGY A HE : T ILLS M A t



Fig. 4: Main types of lower stones of saddle querns at Megara Hyblaea (drawing by C. Chaigneau).

The lower stones (Fig. 4) are better preserved. are two identical perfectly rectangular and thin We can distinguish four main types following fine-grained stones (108). tendencies leading to thinner and more regular Although none of these querns were found in shapes. Only one (099) has a concave grinding situ, it is possible that elongated almond-shaped surface. A second group consists of three thick upper stones were coupled with thin and wide rectangular lower stones. This combination appears volcanic lower stones, oval to rectangular in shape, to be a typical Archaic Greek, if not Sicilian, form with their back more or less shaped (104). The as in the case of the saddle querns discovered at thirteen other pieces seem to belong to a third Morgantina (White 1963, 200-02) and , group of thinner lower stones of volcanic rock a colony founded on the opposite side of Sicily or sandstone, rectangular in shape, with a rather by residents of Megara Hyblaea (Gluhak and flattened back (094). Among the lower stones Schwall 2014, 4). 204

TILtING At MILLS: THE ARCHAEOLOGY AND GEOLOGY OF MILLS AND MILLING a mechanism implying a to-and-fro motion. of themill.Thepatternwearseemstoconfirm reinforce thesystemoftractionandextendlife long sides.Thesefittingsappeartoberepairs worn examplehasbothslotsandgroovesonits (Frankel 2003,5-6).Onlyonelargeandparticularly on mostOlynthusmillstonesoftheAegeanworld alternative tothesingle,deepperforationspresent cuttings ontheshortsidesseemtobeamoreresistant at times conserved in these cuttings. the middleofedge.Traces ofironandleadare at thelevelofrimandhorizontalcuttingsalong a squarerim.Theyallbearslotsontheshortsides V-shaped centralcutting(servingasahopper)and average 40 x 35 cm and present a characteristic striations pattern (Frankel 2003, 13). furrows paralleltothehopper, themostcommon shows adressingpatternintheformofstraight Bonnano 2009,28)(Fig.5).Onlyoneupperstone (White 1963,202-203;Canzanella1997,254-256; or othersettlementswithstrongGreekinfluences examples foundelsewhereinSicilyeitherGreek and eightupperstones.Theyarecomparablewith represented inMegaraHyblaeabytwolowerstones Olynthus mills These fittingsservedtosecurethedrivingrig.The ‘Sicilian’ Olynthusupperstonesmeasureonan The Olynthusmill(alsocalledhopperrubbers)is Fig. 5: Examples of an Olynthus mill upper stones (drawing by C. Chaigneau). before the elaboration of its final design. type ofmechanismtothewesternMediterranean mill. Itdoes,howeversuggestthetransferofthis as apotentiallocationofinventiontheOlynthus unique exampledoesnotpermitustoidentifySicily cuttings foralever. Thechronologicalcontextofthis would befollowedbythemajorimprovement, regularisation ofthecontourandhand-grips.This hopper inasaddlequern,followedbyprogressive Olynthus millprobablybeganwiththecarvingof Olynthus mill.Theearlyphasesofdevelopmentthe Hyblaea fragment does not have lateral hand-grips. to theexamplesatPrieneorDelos,Megara Mediterranean (Frankel2003,8). However, contrary rock (Fig.6).Thismillhasparallelsintheeastern elongated hopper, roughlyhewnfromacoarsevolcanic with ahemisphericalcross-sectionandcentral, appears tobeasaddlequern(c.30x187cm) either activated by the miller or by gravity. grains intotheslit.Thisdownwardpressurewas We assumethattherewasadevicepushedthe that whendrivenitwassubjecttohighpressure. located inthemiddleareaofbothfaces,indicates parallel totheslit.Thesignificantwearofhopper volcanic rock.Onepresentsshallowdressingfurrows This example is possibly a prototype of the ‘classical’ This example is possibly a prototype of the ‘classical’ An interestingexampleisafragmentofwhat All of the Olynthus examples are of hard,vesicular ILLING M AND

Fig. 6: Saddle quern upper stone with a central hopper. This type of quern is considered a prototype of the Olynthus mill ILLS M

(drawing and photograph by C. Chaigneau). OF


Morgantina mills The dimensions of the eyes of the metae range from 12 cm in diameter and 4.5 cm in depth. The widest The Morgantina mill, driven with a rotary motion, is 16.5 cm with a hole only 0.8 cm deep (Fig. 7, RCHAEOLOGY consists of a bi-conical upper stone and a conical A

no. 117). Some eyes bear traces of iron oxide HE lower stone. It is named after the Sicilian inland indicating they were equipped with iron spindles. : T city of Morgantina, 100 km west of Megara Hyblaea The catilli, on an average, are only 40 cm high ILLS where many mills of this type were unearthed (White suggesting that they were driven by humans and M A t 1963, 203-204). A feature that distinguishes it from not animals like the Pompeian ‘donkey mills’. later Pompeian models is its vertical asymmetry

Another difference with the Pompeians is their IL t ING as the upper cone, serving as a hopper, is much T small upper cones, indicating that they are not smaller than the lower cone. Hence the millstone reversible. Indeed the fittings and driving rig of is not reversible. this type mill are still not totally understood since 205 The assemblage of Morgantina mills at Megara few have been unearthed in situ, their wooden Hyblaea is made up of five catilli and five metae fittings are not preserved and they do not benefit (Fig. 7). Only one catillus is whole while another from iconographical representations. It has been is archaeologically complete. The metae are all suggested that a Morgantina catillus at Carthage, complete. They were hewn for the most part from for example, was equipped with horizontal levers dark grey or red volcanic rocks. Two are rhyolites and driven with a to-and-fro semi-rotary motion (Williams-Thorpe 1988, 101). Four are exhibited either at the museum entrance or among sculptures (Lancel et al. 1982, 96-100). This reconstruction in the lapidarium. remains, nonetheless, highly hypothetical. Another element that characterises the catilli is Certain differences appear when comparing the their large lateral lugs (not always symmetrical) proportion of the hopper and the grinding surface occupying half to almost the total of its height. The of the Morgantina catilli from the sites of Megara lugs have rectangular cuttings that served as mortises Hyblaea and Morgantina. The average hopper/ to attach vertical wooden fittings to drive the mill. grinding surface proportion in Megara Hyblaea is The fittings were fixed with a pin through horizontal 32% to 78%, whereas the proportion at Morgantina holes pierced in the rock. Certain Morgantina catilli is of 19% to 59%. The hoppers of the catilli from have opposite shallow slots and horizontal cuttings the site of Morgantina are therefore far smaller along their upper rim which served to attach either than those of Megara Hyblaea. fittings for a hopper or the spindle of the meta(White Another difference is that the “sockets” of the 1963, 203). Two are dressed with radial furrows. handle lugs of the Megara Hyblaea catilli are The sections of the metae are basically conical. U-shaped and open toward the top while those Their diameters attain a maximum of 53 cm and a of Morgantina are either U-shaped or rectangular height ranging between 39 and 56 cm. In general (closed) like those of the later Pompeian catilli. These they show a symmetrical pattern of wear. Four differences might reflect a chronological difference. present vertical edges along their base measuring Besides, the comparison of, on the one hand, the from 10 to 20 cm in height. The lower part of assemblages of Megara Hyblaea and Morgantina in meta no. 118 presents a very rough exterior surface Eastern Sicily – with great morphological diversity 25 cm in height. It is possible that this lower part – and the mills from the area of on the was intended to be buried in the ground or in a northern coast of Sicily show a predominance of podium. metae with wide, flat tops without eyes (Burgio 2008, The diameters of the flat or rounded upper part 132; Bonnano 2009, 29-31). The general tendency of the working surfaces range from 9.5 to 22 cm. toward homogenization and simplification therefore 206

TILtING At MILLS: THE ARCHAEOLOGY AND GEOLOGY OF MILLS AND MILLING 2009, 29-31; Williams-Thorpe 1989;Lancel etal. 1963; Canzanella1997;Burgio 2008,132;Bonnano identified inSicily, Sardiniaand Tunisia (White the Punicsphereofinfluence, sinceithasbeen models are older. suggests thattheMegaraHyblaeaandMorgantina Fig. 6: Morgantina millstone (stones 123 and 116 found separately). This type is well represented in Megara Hyblaea The Morgantinamodel seems tocharacterise (drawing by C. Chaigneau). model. and istheprototypeof theRomanPompeian accepted viewthattheMorgantina typeprecedes 397 BC(Moritz1958,55). Thisdatingbolstersthe the ruinsofMotya,asite thatwasdestroyedin mill typeisprovidedbya metabroughttolightin 1982, 96-100).Afirmterminusantequemforthis




RCHAEOLOGY A HE Fig. 8: Large bell-shaped meta (probably coupled with a Pompeian mill) (drawing by C. Chaigneau). : T ILLS M A t

IL t ING A Pompeian mill? The Megara Hyblaea assemblage consists of 18 T segments which can be broken down into 11 upper A roughly bell-shaped volcanic meta is 81 cm stones (corresponding to 8 different mills) and 7 207 high and has a maximum diameter at its base of lower stones, each also belonging to a different 80 cm (Fig. 8, no. 114). Its base has a vertical edge mill. No couples have been identified. Both upper about 30 cm high before tapering to a highly worn, and lower stones, of similar heights, have broad asymmetrical grinding surface. Its top is 32 cm in grinding surfaces. None show traces of dressing. diameter and has a square eye 5 cm deep with Their diameters, ranging from 65 to 90 cm, insured traces of an iron spindle sealed with lead. a higher yield of ground material compared to other The dimensions and the morphology of this smaller mills. millstone recall the volcanic metae known in the The Megara Hyblaea group is one of the largest cities of Pompeii and Ostia in or the metae and best preserved assemblages of this mill type. of ring-mills from northern Morocco (Luquet Furthermore, it is the westernmost representation 1966; Williams-Thorpe 1988, 260) and the south of this mill type and the only of its type identified of Hispania (Anderson 2016). Due to the factor in Sicily. Other Delian mills are known in northern of distance, an Italian provenance (Orvieto in the Greece and in Egypt (Brunet 1997; Peacock 2013). Vulsini volcanic district?) is much more likely than The lower stone, devoid of binding fittings, was a western Mediterranean origin. There is therefore probably held together by a wooden frame. In the a greater probability that it corresponds to the lower stone of a Pompeian mill than to a lower case of the upper stone, a channel running along the stone of a ring mill. rim (either upper, lower or both) could have served, by means of wooden circle, to assemble the mill and insure the cohesion of the slabs. Furthermore, Delian mills complete iron fittings are preserved on one small The Delian mill consists of two hollow inverted segment of a lower stone in the form of iron rings trunco-conical stones with interlocking convex and firmly set with lead to the upper rim. These rings concave grinding surfaces (Fig. 9). Its principal could have served to attach iron cramps to the characteristic, differing from other mills of Antiquity, central shaft, a system that facilitated dismantling is that it was assembled from five to eight segments the mill for transport or maintenance. The smallest and that the upper stone or runner turns inside millstones bear the iron fittings only on the upper the lower stone (like a pot-mill). Its name derives rim, while the larger models required such devices from the Greek Island where it is the predominant on both upper and lower rim. rotary mill and where M. Brunet (1997) studied Despite the discovery of the complete in situ mill an example excavated in the Maison des Sceaux in , the reconstruction by Brunet (1987) has (House of Seals). not receive unanimous support because of the lack 208

TILtING At MILLS: THE ARCHAEOLOGY AND GEOLOGY OF MILLS AND MILLING the advantagethatasitwaseasiertomanufacture are evidencethatconfirmBrunet’s reconstruction. preserved ironfittingson theMegarian segments (Peacock 2013). Yet itisouropinionthatthewell- abandoned inordertoextractthemetalfittings by Brunetwasfoundupsidedownafterit Peacock recentlysuggestedthatthemillexcavated the meansoftraction(Peacock2013).Moreover, of ahopper, thecomplexityofassemblageor Fig. 9: Delian mills at Megara Hyblaea (no. 073: upper stone; no. 071: lower stone). The upper stone bears traces of iron cramps sealed with lead. The hypothetical reconstruction of no. 073 and 071 is meant to illustrate how the mill was The factthatthemillismadeupofsegmentshas mounted (drawings and photographs by C. Chaigneau). traction and the function of the Delian mill. understand themeansoftentering,system Yet there is still much work to be done to fully the dexterityofartisans,isamajordrawback. and a blacksmith. This complexity, although proof of precision onthepartofastonemason,carpenter mounting theelementsrequiredahighdegreeof easier totransportafterdismounting.However, (not requiring a large single monolithic block) and Rotary querns Discussion and conclusions There are only four small rotary querns at Megara The millstones of Megara Hyblaea, like the Hyblaea and none is complete (Fig. 10). A catillus different phases of the city itself, are poorly dated. and meta of volcanic material (080 and 079) are Their chronological distribution seem to match relatively small and thick (27 x 14 cm and 31.5 x the traditional chronology of the city. The saddle 13.5 cm). According to their dimensions and fittings querns therefore belong to the early period of the (no visible handle hole on the catillus and a non- Archaic phase directly after the foundation of the perforated meta eye), they resemble a complete couple colony in 728 BC. This mill type probably remained found in Morgantina (White 1963, 204). Two other in use until the first years of the second phase of catilli (081 and 082), averaging 30 cm in diameter, occupation (second half of the 4th century BC). are of a type of sandstone that is particularly worn. The second half of the 4th century BC phase is ILLING They have circular eyes and opposite rynd cuttings marked by the introduction of Olynthus mills in M AND on the upper face (type 3B, Robin and Boyer 2011, domestic contexts and the larger Morgantina mills

355) and lateral handle fittings plugged with lead. in collective contexts such as bakeries or residences ILLS

The choice of this type of sedimentary rock is of large families. M OF especially surprising considering its fragility. It is After the destruction of the city in 213 BC, larger particularly weak around the handle hole. In fact, mills appear to have been progressively abandoned EOLOGY

the original cavity of a broken handle hole of the in favour of Olynthus and later small rotary querns, G

catillus was filled with a fragment of volcanic rock AND

a mill that would appear to be better adapted to a and sealed with lead (081) while a second handle decrease in the needs of the remaining inhabitants. was placed elsewhere along the edge. The reduction of economic activity after the city’s RCHAEOLOGY A HE : T ILLS M A t

IL t ING Volcanic T Sandstone 209

080 079


1 081



0 30 2

Fig. 10. Rotary querns at Megara Hyblea. The hole of the broken sandstone (081) was plugged with a fragment of volcanic rock and sealed with lead (drawings by C. Chaigneau). 210

TILtING At MILLS: THE ARCHAEOLOGY AND GEOLOGY OF MILLS AND MILLING of Sicily, acrossroadsbetween theGreek,Punic chronological phasesappears tobecharacteristic and the Olynthus mill. have beencontemporary to theMorgantinamill Delian millwasintroduced earlier, then itwould stop orthecitylivedabriefrenewal.Butif economic lifeofthecitydidnotcometoatotal Hyblaea. We canthereforeassumethateitherthe mills appearafterthereputeddestructionofMegara 35; Peacock2013,160-163).Inbothcases,Delian appears later, in the Late Antiquity (Brunet 1997, century BCtothe1stBC.Yet inEgyptit ,atleastfromtheendof3rd This milltypeisknowninGreeceduringthe introduction oftheDelianmillisfarfromclear. approximately theearly2ndcenturyBC, the density of occupation of the city. to eitherreconsiderthechronologyofmillsor city thatwasreputedlysparselyinhabitedleadsus and chronologicalquestions.Theirpresenceinthe presumably Pompeian)raisescertainsociological at MegaraHyblaea(Morgantina,Delianand 2003, 18). common inthewesternGreeksettlements(Frankel centuries AD,contemporarytotherotaryquern,is imported volcanic rock. quality localsandstoneinsteadofthemore costly destruction mightalsoexplaintheuseoflower Fig. 11. Bakery identified near the city wall of Megara Hyblaea. The building measures 12 by 9 m and includes, in its The diversityoftypes millsinthesame Contrary tothe‘Pompeian’metadated The presenceofthethreetypeslargemills The persistenceoftheOlynthusmillintofirst centre, a round feature interpreted as a millstone podium (Photothèque EFR MHO 2024). grain while the Delianmill,ifindeed ofGreek of mills.Olynthusmills were suitableforhulled sort of barley cake. or roughlygroundforporridges orGreekmaza,a hulled cerealswereconsumed wholeandroasted Free-threshing speciesservedforbread,whereas Furthermore, theseproductssawdifferent uses. as bitter vetch and fava beans (Stika grain and barley associated with legumes such foods are free-threshing species, such as hulled predominant amongthecerealsandotherstaple on severalSiciliansitesrevealthatwheatwasnot wheat fields,palaeobotanicalanalysescarriedout Rome’ (Cicero,InVerrem, II,2)duetoitsfertile indicate ore grinding. deep groovesonasegmentofDelianmillcould that theyweregrainmills,althoughonecaseof in thedifferent mills.Itiscommonlyassumed possible toidentifytheproductsthatwereground have beenundertakenatMegaraHyblaea,itisnot of food stuffs. contexts andrelatedwithprocessingdifferent types technical traditionscoexistedindifferent cultural querns arefromRomancontexts.Thedifferent come from Punic contexts. civilisation, while the Morgantina type appears to the composite Delian mill are specific to the Greek and Romancultures.ThustheOlynthusmill This impliestheuseofatleast twodifferent types Although Sicilywasknownasthe‘granaryof Since nomicroanalysisofvegetableremains The ‘Pompeian’metaandthesmallerrotary et al. 2008). tradition, might also have been used to grind grains Bibliography designed for a collective use. The Morgantina mill, which evolved into the Pompeian type characteristic Anderson, T., 2016. Turning Stone to Bread, A of the bakeries of the Roman world, was destined Diachronic Study of Millstone Making in Southern for the milling of wheat. It is thus most likely that Spain. Southampton Monographs in Archaeology a Morgantina mill was set on a podium like that New Series, 5, Southampton. brought to light in a bakery of Megara Hyblaea near the Hellenistic city wall (Fig. 11). Arribas, A., 1987. El barco del Sec (Calvia, Mallorca), The bakery, poorly preserved, has four rooms estudio de los materiales. Mallorca. and opens onto the street. It recalls the distinctive Bonanno, C., 2009. Apollonia: indagini archeologiche thresholds of shops such as those at Volubilis in

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round base 90 cm in diameter. OF Techniques et économie antiques et médiévales le Since this podium is only one meter from the temps de l’innovation. Paris, 29-38. wall, it is unlikely that the Morgantina mill was EOLOGY G driven by an animal. An oven, a mechanical kneading Burgio, A., 2008. Il paesaggio agrario nella AND trough, and some other monolithic bases, possibly ellenistico-romana: Alesa e il suo territorio. Roma. serving to shape the loafs, were unearthed in the other rooms. Yet the chronology of the construction Canzanella, M.G., 1997. Per uno studio della cultura and the occupation of the bakery remain unknown. materiale: le macine di Entella. In Seconde giornate RCHAEOLOGY According to a few photographs taken during A internazionali di studi sull’area elima: atti, Gibellina, HE the excavations, other Morgantina mills might have 22-26 ottobre 1994. Pisa, 251-90. : T to the residential been in small open spaces or not ILLS area of rich houses along a plateau leading to Chaigneau, C., 2017, Le «moulin délien»: l’apport du M A t the Archaic centre of the city. These mills could corpus de Mégara Hyblaea. In O. Buchsenschutz, provide a clue to the diversity of types of mills and G. Fronteau and S. Lepareux-Couturier (eds), Les IL t ING grinding practices and the evolution of the social meules à grain du Néolithique à l’époque médiévale : T and economic organisation of milling in Sicily. technique, culture, diffusion: actes du 2ème colloque This paper stresses the heterogeneity of Sicilian tenu à Reims (2014), Revue archéologique de l’Est. 211 milling systems, proper to the Greek and Sicilian culture. The data regarding the Morgantina and Frankel, R., 2003. The Olynthus mill, Its Origin Delian mills are especially relevant since these two and Diffusion: Typology and Distribution, American types of mills are rarely published. Furthermore, the Journal of Archaeology, 107.1, 1-21. Central Mediterranean area is key to understanding the origin and the distribution of these mills. It Gluhak, T.M. and Schwall, C., 2014. Provenance is our hope that this preliminary study will foster Analyses of the Volcanic Rock Grinding Stones other future millstone studies in Sicily and its from the Greek Colony of Selinunte, Sicily (Italy) surroundings. – Constraints and Possibilities, Archaeometry. doi: 10.1111/arcm.12086 Acknowledgements Gras, M., Tréziny, H., Broise, H., Pelagatti, P. and This study was undertaken as part of a Master Voza, G., 2004. Mégara Hyblaea. 5, l’espace urbain thesis supervised by Francis Prost (Université Paris d’une cité grecque de Sicile orientale. Rome. 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne) in the larger framework of the study of archaeological artefacts from the Lancel, S., Morel, J.-P. and Thuillier, J.-P., 1982. Byrsa Hellenistic city of Megara Hyblaea. I would also II. Rapports préliminaires sur les fouilles 1977-1978: like to thank Henri Tréziny and Jean-Christophe niveaux et vestiges puniques. Rome. Sourisseau (Université d’Aix-Marseille) for their assistance. Luquet, A., 1966. Blé et meunerie à Volubilis, Bulletin d’archéologie marocaine, 6, 301-16.

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