Four-Lane Highway Seems As e-• ureci

Mayor M. C. Roberts of Texica said today that the long-talked-of Farm-to-Market Road Being Surveyed four-lane highway between Texico Ct.) and Clovis seemed an assures tact in the near future. A surveying crew from the State Having contacted Governor Demp- Highway Department has been in sey on his visit to Clovislast week- Texico FFA Partner County the past week, mak- c•nd, the local mayor quoted the ing surveys on the farm-to-market Governor as saying the State High- road projects that are to be built way Department was ready to pro- in this county in the near future. ceed with the actual construction. Third at State Fair At present, the crew is working of the work as soon as the right-of- on the 8-mile strip from east of way along the route was obtained., Farwell to the Okerahoma Lane Competing with larger schools Mayor Roberts said that the Pantloss Justice school and County Commissioner T. Highway Department was demand- from all over New Mexico, and ac- E. Levy gaffe it as his opinion that tually being the only small chapter Expected Next ing a 120-foot right-of-way irom the crew would move from here to the Texico city limits to the city represented among 13 different Friona, to survey the strip from limits of Clovis, and an 80-foot groups, the Texico FFA boys placed If you don't believe Justice of Friona to the Hub community. clearance through the Town of Tex- AMERICAN STARS IN ENGLAND . . . The U. S. third with their booth at the New the Peace Jess Newton will sell Contracts for these pieces of road ico. He added that practically all of team who played Britain at Wimbledon on June 14 and 15 are pic- Mexico State Fair, which opened in the clothes off his back, you'd tured before the big event. Left to right are Miss ; better not make him an offer. - work are not expected to be let un- the right-of-way had been obtained Albuquerque on Sunday. tii some time next Spring, possibly ; Mrs. Patricia Todd, the only married woman on the Tom Hudson, supervisor of the Last week he went home in his and that he expected final consurn- at the April meeting of the highway ation of this phase of the project team; Pauline Betz, and Margaret Osborne. local boys, reported that Carlsbad bare feet when he was offered Department, Levy said. the near future. was first, Las Cruces second, Texico his price for his boots. And Mon- He added that both projects calle d j Since there has been so muck third, Clovis fourth and Portales day he walked into his home min- for 80-foot right-of-ways the entire speculation as to the actual rout- fifth in the judging of the booths. us his shirt, which went to a 4 distance of ,the routes, and that ing of the new highway, Mayor tn . In their exhibit, the locals stress- bidder. would mean that additional right.: Roberts was asked what route had BOV U.1 g er);^ e r ed the importance of proper dairy His wife says the limit has of-way and would have to be been selected, and replied that the feeding for the best, and most eco- been reached, and she proposes obtained. He said that 10 additional , improved highway would ,follow the ‘it .5",6--7#1 010 nomical results. No individual en- to bar the door when he comes nt 4 in parit-less, feet on each side of the routes was present lines. The hazardous b, r r tries were taken to the State show. Ste t&i.th 0 to be asked, and added that so far as'i curve in east Texico will be prac- t Accompanying Hudson to Albu- he knew, land owners along the tically eliminated when the 80-foot querque were Bobby Potent, Buddy Car Cosh Victim routes were willing to donate the right-of-way is secured. This wilt Pearce, Delmar May and Raymond Snappy looking, uniforms had no- Regional Section land. mean that more property will have Lewis. The party returned home Buried n Okla. thing to do with the outcome of the Fences will, have to be moved ' to be obtained along the route of Late This Time Sunday night. football game last lofiday, when tilt ' Lack and the poles of the Rural the S curve. The Regional News section of 0 The body of Mrs. H. E. Musson, beautifully clad Farwell Steers were Lie ct rifi ca tion lines willhave to 1De 0 unmercifully routed by the rampag- this newspaper, which has re- age 69, who was fatally, injured in Covina Clubber Takes a car crash southeast of this city re-located. All this, Levy explaine d, ing Bovina Mustangs, 27-12, in a cently become a monthly feature, will require time to work or;e Big Apple Crop In game that more than showed the is late this time. Top Honors hi Show last Tuesday night, was taken to Noble, Okla., .last Saturday by a which accounts for the actual con- R. Sumner Valley superiority of the Bovina players at ; This section of The Tribune, tract letting not being expected be- every turn. which is printed in Dallas, arriv- The registered Chester White gild Steed Funeral Home ambulance, and burial was made there. fore next Spring. Harvesting of one of the biggest So far as Farwell was concerned, ed too late to be included in our belonging to Bobby Englant, of Bo- Mrs. Musson died a few minutes apple crops in recent years is just two men on the field looked like issue of September 26th. It is vina, rated first place last Satur- 1 after the car in which she was rid- getting into full swing in the Feces football players—stellar end and hoped that this will not occur day, when a district judging was ing with her husband was hit by N M .Voters Urged Valley at Fort Sumner, a Tribune backfield man Bobby Hart, and again, and that the regional news held at the Tri-State Fair grounds another machine, being driven by reporter observed on a trip to the young Don Ford, freshman new-; will come to local readers regular- in Amarillo as the climax of the To Register Now Robert Rundell. 21, accompanied Valley last Sunday. coiner to the backfield, while the ly. 1946 contest sponsored for 4-H club- Thousands of trees are literally- 0 by his sister, Miss Reta Rundell. W. J. Matthews, Texico Demo- Bovina men shared honors all up I hers by Sears. !loaded to the breaking point, with The accident happened about eight cratic precinct chairman, today call- and down the line for tackling, Englant, an eighth grader in the ,broken limbs in evidence in prac- Alfalfa Makes Good o'clock as the two machineS met at ed attention to the importance of . blocking, advancing and holding the Bovina school, is in his second year tically all a cbuntry road • intersection two voters registering, in order to be Steers. First Year Yields of club work, County Agent Lee I being sold at 50 and 75 cents per miles east -and two miles south of entitled to vote in the general elec- Opening up the game, Farwell McElroy reported today, adding that Ibushel, while the picked crop is N. L. Tharp, farming three miles Lattat. The teussons---were coming •tion in'Novemebn.- - - • - • grabbed a 6-0 lead shortly after the his gilt was conceded as far super- i bringing prices ranging from $1.25 north of this city, who installed a home from Muleshoe, and the Run- j There are a number of votei's in starting whistle, when Herington ior to all others in the show. Judg- to $2.00 per bushel. large irrigation plant early this dell young folks were enroute to a the Texico precinct who have failed blocked a Bovina kick on the 20 ing was done by Ike Dahlberg, head Apple growers said that most of year, reports an exceptionally good social gathering. The Mussons were to register, Matthews said, and in and Hart covered on the 15. Max of the animal husbandry depart- 'the crop is being hauled out by yield from Ihis alfalfa plantings al- within a half mile of their home order to save these residents a trip Ford advanced the ball seven yards, ment of Texas A. & M. truckers, although there is an at- ready this season. when the cars collided. to Clovis, registration books have Williams hit the ?tubborn Bovina I To the young club worker, as an most constant stream of individuals Tharp says he never got his 40 Musson was taken to a Muleshoe been opened by S. C. Hunter at his line for no gain, and then Hart award for his work with the gilt, driving in to pick up a few bushels acres of alfalfa planted until the hospital for treatment of injuries office over the Red Cross Pharma- swept left end into paydirt, with goes a pure-bred Jersey heifer. for home consumption. latter part of June. He has cut 1500 sustained in the crash and the Run- cy. The books will close on October the placelnent kick going wild. Eighth other boys, county winners, Due to thg exceptionally h eavy bales on the first round, and is mak- who showed gilts at the district, dells escaped with only minor cuts 7th, Matthews said, in urging all Farwell kicked off and Bovina and bruises. voters to be sure that they "have crop this year, most of the fruit is • ing the second cutting this week, also were awarded Jersey heifers, smaller than in ordinary years, the bogged down in midfield), where 0 their names on the list" before that estimating that it will surpass the with the remaining nine contestants growers reported. Farwell took over. Penalties pushed ! first. time. the locals back down the field, and receiving $50 purchase orders from Two Veerans Home 0 Other • irrigated crops on the Sears, which will be used to pro- 0 they finally kicked out to Bovina Tharp farm are showing promise of From Occupation on the Farwell 35. And then Bovina mote swine work. Overstreet Heads abundant yields of feed this fall. Local Group To Attend began to roll. On the first play Ross Arland Kriegel, who was among He also reports that he will go into Pfc. Graham Thornton, son of Mr. USO Drive Here swept over the Steer. defense for a the boys showing Jersey heifers the winter with fairly good grass and Mrs. J. R. Thornton, and S-Sgt. National FFA Meeting touchdown, and the score was tied. they had won last year, won a cash H. Y. Overstreet, of this city, has A on his range, although rainfall on Howard "Muggins" Graham, son of The Mustangs tried. a placement prize of $8.30. His brother, Lloyd been named to head the final United pasture lands has been scant this Ma. an Mrs. B. N. Graham, are slat- Four boys of the Texico FFA kick which Farwell blocked, but the Kriegel, who had charge of Parmer's War fund drive in Farmer County year. Tharp gives it as his opinion ed for discharge in the near future, chapter, with their sponsor, Tom Steers were offside and Bovina elec- registered boar, also attended the this year, and stated today that con- that moisture on his range has been after having served with American Hudson, are making plans this week ted to take another trial. Again the district contest. to attend the National FFA Conven- tributions were already being re- just about three inches for the 0 occupation forces in Japan. kick was blocked, again Fanstell year. "The showers seemed to Thornton arrived home Sunday, tion, which will open in Kansas ceived. "We have a very small quota and was offside, and again Bovina got just miss me," he added. Local Firm Unloading being met in Lubbock by his par- City on October 21, being held in another chance. On the third try, connection with the American Royal no concentrated drive will be made 0 Third Car Of Twine ents, after clearing Fort Sam Hous- with Steer defense set for a kick, ton, and is now on terminal leave, Livestock Show. this year," Overstreet said as he Kelley passed to Looney, standing 8000 Calves On Wheat Listed to go from Texico are laid plans for the solicitations in the The Roberts Seed Company, op- at the conclusion of which he wilt clear in the end zone, for the point Clarence Vought, James and Jerry county. hi This Area, Is Report erators of the largest manufacturing receive his discharge. He was sta- that put Bovina out ahead for the tioned in Lagoya, Japan, serving Paul, Malvin Curry and Hudson, Those wishing to make contribu- first time, 6-7. plant in Texico, has been doing a tions may do so by contacting the Triplett & Pringle, who have op- with an MP unit there. and they will make the trip in a tremendous binder twine business new school bus with members of usual solicitors in the various com- In possession of the pigskin the erated cattle feeding pens at Bovina this year in spite of dry weather, Graham is expected in this week, Steer ball toters were downed be.- having gone through here Thursday the Fort Sumner and Clovis chap- munities of the county. for the past few years, hay e shipped with the consequent short crop of 0 hind the line repeatedly by a leak- 8,000 head of calves during the past night enroute to Fort Sam Houston, ters, leaving here on October 19. feed stuffs. In Farwell, Robert Morton, heat: ing forward wall, and finally wound few days, it was stated in Bovina M. C. Roberts, owner and operat- where he will be cleared for term- Roberts To Celebrate up in midfield where Hart fumbled last Saturday. inal leave before his final release of the ag department, has also stat- or of the firm, reported this week ed that several of his boys plan to With Free Barbecue and Ross pounced for Bovina. On For the present, the calves have that he was expecting to unload hi: from the Army. He has been sta- the third play, Ross took the ball been placed on wheat fields near tioned at Tokyo, doing clerical sup- make the trip to Kansas City, but third carload of binder twine here could not say definitely this week, M. C. Roberts announced this into the end zone again, but the Bovina, with a large part of them this week. Customers are scattered ervisory work in a large military placement kick was blocked by who would be in the party. week that he was staging a big being located in the Pleasant Hill all the way from Shattuck, Okla., hospital. celebration at his Clovis elevator Booth, and the score went 13-6. Both young men have spent more 0 neighborhood. They will be kept on to Carlsbad, N. M. on Saturday of this week, on the Combining a freak with luck, than a year on overseas assignments. wheat through the winter months Speaking of his feed plant operat- occasion of the completion of his Farwell came back early in the sec- and then brought to Bovina, placed ions, Roberts said that he had been 0 Barber Public Sole ond half to threaten briefly. Having third milling and mixing unit. on full feed and made ready for operating full speed for the past October 7 Designated Is Set For Tuesay More than 4000 invitations to far- recovered a fumble on their own market. several days and sees little pros- 20, the locals gave the ball to D. mers and feed dealers have been Practically all the calves are of pect of catching up with his orders. Farwell Day at Fair W. C. (Clarence) Barber has an- mailed over this section. Free bar- Ford, who started down the field in good grade Hereford varieties. The firm distributes livestock cubes nounced a general farm clean-up a hard gallop, only to be smacked becue will be served the visitors over a large section of this area, and Officials of the Panhandle South sale at his farm 31/2 miles north and during the ' afternoon and Hank's so hard by three Bovina men that sustained drive to the 15-yard line, poor range conditions have created Plains Fair Association have ad• 4 miles east of Oklahoma Lane Tune Wranglers will furnish music. the ball squirted out of his hands, where they collapsed before the fu- a heavy demands for the products vised that Monday, October 7th, school on Tuesday, October 8, start- 0 went high into the air, and fell into rious Bovina defense and the ball of the local firm. has been designated as "Farwell ing at 10 o'clock A. M. REV. POGUE TO SPEAK the arms of Thomas, who scooted went over on downs. 0 Day" at the annual fair, which Farm machinery and household 40 yards ahead of his pursuers for The pass defense of the Steers opens its 29th showing in Lubbock goods make up practically all of the Rev. Russell Pogue, of Hereford, a score. Farwell's placement was was completely null and void when Methodist Revival Is on that day. offerings, with a four-room house will be in the pulpit at the Bovina true, but the backfield was in mo- the Mustangs took to the air, with Planned For Bovina County Agent Lee McElroy repor- to be the feature of the selling. Baptist Church both Sunday morn- tion and the two points nullified, only two shown as broken up dur- ted the first of this week that so The Methodist ladies of Oklaho- ing and evening on October 6th, it leaving the Steers trailing 13-12. ing the game. Farwell tried to do Rev. Roscoe Trostle, pastor of the far as he knew, no individual en- ma Lane will serve lunch at noon. The Mustangs began to hit the was announced today. Rev. Pogue is her gaining on the ground, which Bovina Methodist church, announ- tries would be taken from here to Col. Dick Dosher will have charge a graduate cf Baylor University and line from all angles then, as well proved an error, as the quick-tnov• ced today that his church would the fair, although he was busy on of the sale and Francis and Dosher of the Southwest Baptist Seminary as tossing some beautiful passes, ing Mustang defense usually swept open a fall revival on Sunday, Oc- final preparations for the Parmer will serve as clerks. at Fort Worth. one of which connected from Looney the locals under before they could tober 13, the series to last through County booth, which will be on ex- 0 0 to end Kelley, putting the ball on get past the scrimmage line. Sunday, October 27th. hibit. LUNCHROOM OPEN CONDUCTS REVIVAL the 1-foot marker. From there Little McKinney, at center, and Rev. P. E. Yarbrough, pastor of 0 Looney went over for the Mustang's Shanks, at end, proved their worth the Memphis, Texas, Methodist STUNT NITE DATE SET Rev. Roscoe Trostle has returned, third counter. Again In the same Mrs. Hershel Morgan has opened against heavier men. It was literally Church, will be the evangelist. Rev. to his pastorate at the Bovina Meth- cuarter Bovina's pass attack jelled, a lunch room, just east of the Tex- Bovina's day, and they capitalized Yarbrough is the conference mis- Seniors of the Texico school an- odist Church after assisting in a with Looney passing to Kelley, wht; ico school, where Texico students cn the breaks and the defects of sionary, and has been in much de- nounced today that they would are availing themselves of hot week-long revival at Vigo Park, stood perfectly free to take the ball the Farwell line-up. mand as a speaker, the pastor said. sponsor their annual stunt night lunches at the noon hour. The school Texas. He announce today that ex- in the end zone for the last count of This game cast Bovina in the lead 0 program, in the auditorium of the cafeteria was destroyed by fire in cellent results were noted at the the day: for the six-man conference, with About half of the world's popula- school, on Friday night, November August, when lighting touched off revival: Farwell showed a brief spark late victories over both Farwell and Ok- tion was undernourished even be- 1st. Further plans will be announced a blaze that took the ag department in the fourth quarter and carried a lahoma Lane. 'fore the war. later. and cafeteria room. Tribune job printing is best. 'FHB STATE LINE TRIBUNE

The State Line Tribune Fuel Tablets Coming TRIBUNE ADS BRING HOME THE BACON il W. H. GRAHAM, Editor and Owner Best For Outside Workers O Beauty and the Entered as a second class mail mat- FORT WORTH.—Fuel tablets used ter at Farwell, Texas, under the Act around the world during the war of March 3, 1879. fur heating "C" rations may soon be ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY everyday utilitiy items fo r Texas hunters, fishermen and outdoor Subscription Rates Per Year workers Farmer and Adjoining More than 21 million packages of Counties $2.00 fuel in tablets and in cans are now Outside this Area . 2.50 for sale, the War Assets Administra- OUR PLEDGE tion announced today. These com- We pledge allegiance to the pact fuel units can be used outdoor:, Flag of the , and to by placing them in a hole in the the Republic for which it stands; ground large enough to fit cooking One Nation, indivisible, with Lib- utensils. erty and Justice for all. Samples of different sizes of cans and tablets are on display in the BREAKFAST BECKONERS WAA Fort Worth regional office in the T&P Building. Minimum pur- No one can resist the butter-rich flavor ... the honey- chases range from 25 cartons for ed fragrance ... the dainty. appetite-provoking goodness small retailers to 100 cartons IL' of our baked-right, sweet rolls. They're oven-fresh every Health Notes large retailers. day. So add sweet rolls to your breakfast t•-.hie. Stop in ils Tram Departanetst of Health 0 for them today. SURPLUS HOSPITAL MATERIAL AUSTIN—Young children may suffer as much from winter illness- Hospitals, universities and colleg- CRAWLEY'S BAKERY A Veterans' Day party at the Honolulu Army Navy USO Club es or North and West Texas will es as they do from those commonly brings together Hawaii's most attractive ex-service woman, Mrs. known as "summer complaints", in Esther Neptune, and Hawaii's most decorated veteran, Captain Alex- be able to share in an offering the opinion of Dr. Geo. W. Cox, ander N. Kahapea. 13,000 new hospital and laboratory State Health Officer, and his advice Besides acting as a "bridge" for veterans returning to normal com- type autoclaves and sterilizers to In: to parents as the winter season ap- munity activity, USO serves the veteran by bringing USO-Camp Shows made nationally available by thy units into veterans' and military hospitals on a regular basis, and by WAA for one month, starting Octo- proaches is to guard babies anc. scheduling parties, entertainment, and other social functions in these youngsters against these winter hospitals. ber 15. Some 56 types of items are health hazards. included. The Fort Worth regional Influenza, tonsilitis, pneumonia, WAA office will furnish detaile1; wit Check These particulars and accept orders. bronchitis, and asthma arc included i and serious disease. Grown people very red in color, spreads over most among the diseases which may be may contact it, but children under of the body. dangerous winter illnesses among 15 years are especially apt to have it, The doctor is required by law to young children, since they affect Used Car 1 if exposed. It is especially dangerous report the case to the local health the respiratory or breathing system. officer. Do your part by following I Such disease as pneumonia may de- for chidren under 5 years, and Dr. carefully the quarantine instructions velop from a neglected cold, they Geo. W. Cox, State Health Officer, which the heath officer will give j warns mothers to "not let your Values! may follow as an after-effect of you, since a severe or fatal case of 'children take any chances with STEED measles or whcoping cough, or they • ..y aevetop FOR REAL SERVICE may occur suddenly and with very I scarlet fever. Call the doctor as soon tact with some one who has only a little warning. These diseases of the as the first symptons appear." light attack. Children who have had AND BARGAINS respiratory system are more preva- If your child has contracted scar- I scarlet fever, or who have been ex- Funeral Home let fever, the first signs you may not- lent in winter than in summer and posed must not return to school tni 35 Dodge Coupe are much more difficult to combat ice are that he seems tired, restless til permission is given by the health I than digestive ailments such as and out of sorts. Usually, there is a officer and physician. summer complaint. sore throat, chills, vomiting, or con- "Serving Clovis 39 Studebaker Commander, new tires, "These winter diseases are parti- vulsions and fever. His skin is dry I nearly new motor. cularly dangerous to babies and and hot. His tongue is furred, and, VETS BACK TO FARMS Territory young children," Dr. Cox stated. under this white covering, it is red One million of the World War I: ''Nearly all of them are spread and swollen. In ordinary cases, these veterans who left farms already Since Clovis Began" 34 Ponticc Pickup, with 39 engine. through the secretions from the early signs are followed in a day or have or will soon return to the nose and mouth. Children not in two by a rash. Little flat red points, farms, the Veterans Administration vigorous health are naturally more close together, appear fiat on the reports. Ninety per cent of these • susceptible to these complaints and neck and chest and soon the rash, expect to be farm operators. Phone 14 the first line of defense," Dr. Cox cautioned, "is to strengthen the powers of resistance against di- Clovis, N. M. State Line Garage sease; the second is to keep them tinder medical supervision, and the Texico, N. M. third is to make sure they avoid contact with others who have colds, coughs, or fevers."

AUSTIN,—The State Department of Health has just issued a warning in regard to scarlet fever, as the number of cases usually increases during the fall months. The major- When ore you going to ity of deaths from glis disease occur from October through February. Scarlet fever is av ery contagious et your new cur ?

Until it conies, keep your HERE'S THE NEWS YOU'VE old car on the job with Hudson. Protective Service! BEEN WAITING FOR Have your car inspected regularly —and serviced expertly. Building Materials are That's Rule No. 1 for motorists on the new car "waiting list:' Coming Through Again It's a long list this yen—for never before has there been so great a demand for Hudson style, quality THERE'S NO With the arrival of two carloads of and performance. dimension materials and a full car- SHORTAGE ... Of course we hope you're sched- load of No. 1 white pine this week ... uled for a beautiful new 1946 Of new, attractive Summer and the promise of a car of shingles Hudson one of these days. But until Yon neighborhood lindion patterns of wall paper at our you get it, let us keep you in the dealer is one of 3,000 selling ad store. Through early purchas- soon, it looks like you can go ahead smiths: ibis greet new cer es, we have the biggest stock driver's seat with prompt, expert Choice of Sarper•Six end Sipe?. of wall paper ever shown in with those building plans. All indicat- Hudson service—moderately priced. Eight engines . . . All pepsin Clovis. Come in, we can fit body styles . . . Nine sienderd ions point to a complete stock of buil- :ohm, fr go 2 tree rc,-; .7! you out for every room in That's the commonsense way to 1 the house. ding materials soon. Check with us assure safer, more dependable trans- today! portation, as well as higher value G. C. Williams Paint for your car when you come to Store trade it in. HUDSON 119 E. Fifth Clovis, N. M. Houston Bros. Inc. E. M. ROOF, Mgr. Roberts-Hardage Hudson Co. Phone 3721 Texico, N. M. `TIRES' Farwell, Texas By GRAHAM HUNTER TIRES TIRES POSSUM FLATS . . . "THE EARLY BIRD GETS HIS" PASSENGER • TRUCK TRACTOR 2 To BRICKTENVJERY BAKING NOUR. BOY! THEY PA, W Vi2 GET T`rkEt-77. \-::7 • HOWDY FOLKS! I'VE G01'11115 Z'ISTI3P.KE V4111-1 GLINCIOLA FLOURI. BETTER HURRY. OLO JALOPY 700 LATE FOR GLAW$01.7% F WE ANFAS IS TOWN = _ RECAPPING THAT GLADIOLA FLOOR-BOARDED IT'LL BE JUST7GO E:•.? FLOUR'S GOIN' BEFORE SUN-UP NOW ! FOR YOU ! YOU r;:0•4 REPAIRING LIKE HOT CAKES! 70 GET OUR. WON'T USE AM- • GLADIOLA FLOUR. 11411,1G ELSE!! SEEMS LAKE EVERY- Owte Day Setala 43 B0171 COUNTRY GLARIIPLA 15 AFTER-1'1115 c3 FINI/R GLADIOLA I e r2eit Meg Comor--1 Short.Short. Tuts Lean SUSIE KNOWS 714E 14112E9 HANDS WON'T STAY CAN YOU V4A7140131 11-1E112, BLAME GLAPIOLIA Ca_ BISCU175. 'EM? THE STATE LINE TRIBUNE

• •

Now Baked In Clovis MEA 'S FINE BRE 1:0

*ea Buiteizeci, Aleawi

On Sale in Texico-Farwell at Your Favorite Grocery' Store

Visit Our Retail Department: -- Stlecialige 9n Pa4hies 61 411 Kutch --

315 West Seventh Clovis, New Mexico

• •


I v'here he will be stationed for the corn r rre'reclIlriewitX50008 present. J. W. re-enlisted in the Ar- thy. CPOItlis locar OUT OF Those enjoying this affair were CO 01'1\7\1 Bovina Mr. and Mrs. Bill McDonald and ADAM'S HAT daughters of Clovis, Mr. .and Mrs. Ashcraft of Dimmitt, Mr. and Mrs COUNICHE1/4- i John L. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Happenings "I White, Lawrence Rhodes, Betty C By Jean Merit n Moorman, Martha Williams, the r Heins Hone Institute ' 1 r / i honoree, and the host and hostesses. C L I 1 Mr. and Mn. George Potter and _____0 e war daughter of Clarendon, visited Mr. ‘1/4.C.k.C.CC 6..00C‘ JaJ'1503..))c."..). JUST RECEIVED—Some Graham- and Mrs. Aubrey Rhodes last week- Soc i a l Held In Looney Hoeme sweeps. C. R. Elliott Co., end. Bovine. 37-tfc Home on Wednesday Lt. George Robert Caldwell spent 1 A farewell paryt was given for We have in stock for immediate de- Friday night in the home of his mo- Rev. and Mrs. Fred Sumpp, Wed- livery, the "Jeffory Soil Control ther, and took his wife and baby, nesday evening in the home of Mr. Cultivators" in 16, 13 and 10 foot who had spent two weeks here, back and Mrs. Reagan Looney. sizes. The plow every farmer needs. to Abilene. He is to move to St. Games were played and 38 guests Consumers Supply, Clovis, N. Mex. Field, Mo., on October 4. were served. The Stumpps were 44-4tc. I Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Caldwell, of presented with a lovely table lamp. Chock-full of Chowder Spearman, Lt. and Mrs. George Ro- They will leave for _their new loca- If the meat situation has you HANK styw:ed, serve chowder tonight in- WANTED—Clean cotton rags. Sikes bert CaldWell and son, Miss Ruby tion at Gainesville, this week. LUISETTI Motor Co., Farwell. 44-tfc. Gullege of Tech were Sunday din- stead. Seafaring folk learned the stout-liearted satisfaction of such of • ner guests in Mrs. Caldwell's home. ►STANFORD, TOR SALE--1041 Ford coach, good kettl', cookery centuries ago. Legend Mr. and Mrs. A. G. White have re- WMU Has Meeting GREATEST condition. See Roy Hawkins, Bo- says chowders originated in Brittany, turned from a vacation in Denver, The ladies of the Baptist WMU famed fishing sector along the coast COLLEGE CAGE. vine. 45-3tp Colorado Springs, Austin and Cor- met for an all-day meeting in the of Franc,. Long ago, when the flail- STAR OF ALL TIME IN THE tez, and places of interest in Mexico. home of Mrs. Hilary Tidenberg, on ing fleetit came back from far-Bung FOR SALE—Nazarene church buil- seas, there would be a great com- OPINION OF ding, can be moved; also parson- Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Ayres are Wednesday. A covered dish lunch- munal celebration. MANY EXPERTS age and two lots in Texico. S. C. visiting in Oklahoma, Kansas and eon was served at noon. At tight of the first sail, out came Hunter. 46-tfc Nebraska. Those attending. Mrs. Green, Net- a huge black cauldron. And Into th John Robert Kimbrow, of Lub• tie Lee Wilson, Mrs. Vernon Ward, pot went fish, crustacean, vegetable, FOR SALE—IHC corn binder, 2- bock, spent last weekend here. Mrs. Free, Mrs. Bradshaw, Mrs. R. and spice. Each family tossed in its Duns row, good rubber, 41 model, been Mr. and Mrs. George Livings and N. Williford, Mrs. Reagan Looney, contribution as a measure of rejoic- I ME used two seasons, in storage other- ing. And there, along the shore, avarED CLARK , son, of Dallas, visited in the Char- Rev. and Mrs. Stumpp and the hos- was brewed a mammoth stew in ALL-LEAGUE taroBACK wise. Also, good Thor electric wash- ley Jefferson home last week. tess. which the whole community par- OF THE PROS Sot TIMES, t ing machine. G. T. Watkins, '1 1/2 Joe Lawrence Langer, of Amaril- 0 took. In time, this custom grew HAD NO.7 ON HIS FOOT-, miles northeast Farwell. 46-3t p. into a festival, like America's own lo, visited his parents last weekend. OFFICE FURNITURE 7 BALL UNIFORM ANO Mrs. Melvin Wiley and new baby county fain. AVM LICENSE! SEWING—Upholstery work, draper- Today's sturdy chowder stems ies, coats, suits, dresses, kiddies' returned to their home in Friona, Office furniture, including 166 from that hospitable tradition. It rlothes made to order. Mrs. Lola after spending 10 days in the Chas. desks, 461 chairs, 546 tables, 401 has the air of a collation about it Pace, 4th house south of Farwell Jefferson home. filing cabinets and 298 typewriter still, as though its ingredients were John Tabor, of Lubbock, spent the tossed in by lavish, grateful hands. postoffice. 46-3tc stands, now declared surplus to the SCHOOLS GETS SURPLUS SWISS STUDENT AT TECH past weekend with his parents. And it rejoices in that same rich needs of the military, is now on sale aroma, that robust flavor compound- NEW and reconditioned motors in Mr. and Mrs. Joe Langer made a exclusively to veterans of World ed when honest sea food is stewed Schools and colleges of North and LUBBOCK—Ralph Wild, the Ant stock. We can also render prompt business trip to Canyon and Dim- War II. Local vets needing any of into one richly glorious composition. West Texas seeking to buy surplus exchange student to come to Texas service, as we have plenty of me- mitt, Tuesday. this office equipment may be certi- Its making is quite casual: con- war property for classroom and lab- from Switmland since the war, is densed cream of green pea soup pro- chanics. Sikes Motor, Farwell. 47-tfc Mrs. John L. Wilson and Mrs. fied to purchase it through the Fort oratory work will have much more a student in the textile engineering Frank H. Wilson were in Amarillo, vides a vegetable stock base; saves LOST—A white male pig, 10 weeks Worth WAA office, T&P Bldg. Ord- precious cooking time by coming rapid access to such property miller department of Texas Tech. He in- old. If found, notify Joe Reed, Friday. ers may be submitted by mail for prepared in a can. Into this soup new WAA regulations. Educational tends to study American methods Chester. Cranfill is ill at this writ- blOoks east Henderson elevator, the purchase of office furniture, is tossed haddock or cod, potatoes, institutions are now granted top of textile production in preparation Farwell. 47-3tp ing. either for personal use or for use in salt pork, the omniscient onion, priority in securing surplus real pro- for operating his father's mills in Mr. and Mrs. John L. Wilson. a small business or professional en- crackers, and milk. You will find perty, and third priority, preceded St. Gallen, Switzerland. SALE—Almost new golf club. Frank Wilson and Carolyn, Mrs. W. this chowder makes a heart-warm- run terprise until October 11. ing, a soul-staying meal teamed with only by federal agencies and World - - - - --- Mat 2107, Mrs. Gilbert Ford, Far- E. Williams and J. W. Ashcraft at- salad and a fruit dessert 'War II vets, in securing personat GOATS RAISED AT TECH welt 47-3tc tended the football game in Plain- • ON RESEARCH COMMITTEE Fish Chowder property for tneir needs. icy, Saturday night. They enjoyed a Wash- I LUBBOCK — Some 28 angora Ton PASTURE-65 acres maize in very nice 7 o'clock dinner in the LUBBOCK—Mart G. Pederson, 1 lb. haddock or cod. SHELTER HALF TENTS 'goats, raised by eke animal husban- bloom, will pasture about 50 Gay Morgan home there. former professor of dairy manufac- Cover with- Nearly 15,000 shelter hair. tents. dry department of Texas Tech, have head; plenty of water on farm. Chas. Rev. and Mrs. Price and children tures at Texas Tech, who is now 3 cups water both new and used, recently de- been delivered to E. H. Schoch of Thompson at Lariat Grain and Seed left for Lubbock, Friday, to make clared production manager of Price salted with- , surplus to the needs of the San Angelo. Schuch plans to use _Elevator. 47-1tp their home. Creamery, El Paso, has recently 1 teaspoon salt. `ormy, are being offered' for sale by the animals Is a base for a purebred FOR SALE—Keifer pears, fine for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jefferson and been named as the fifth member of the Fort Worth WAA office to com- flock. boys left the first of the week for Cover then simmer for 5 minutes. 7reserves and canning. 75c bushel the International Association of Ice Drain, reserving stock. mercial deaiers. The tents range in O their new home in Oklahoma. en trees. Mrs. W. H. Graham, Far- Cream Manufacturers Research Add to stock and cook until tender- price from $2.70 to wholesalers buy- I The Patent Office in Washington vet Robert Read attended the Portales committee. ing a minimum of 90, to $3.34 to 1, is averaging only about 430 new pat- community singing, Sunday. 3 cups diced, raw potatoes. - — Pederson is representing the Sou- Remove skin and bones from fish. small retailers who may buy as few ents a week thia year against a pre- Mrs. Alma Vassey and Mrs. Joe thern and Southwestern states. He Cut into cubes. as 30. war average of almost 800. Looney spent Thursday in Portales. received his BS degree at Tech in Cut into small pieces- Mrs. Danner, of Clovis, visited in 8 1932. 1-inch cube fat salt pork or 1 strip he Chas. Gray home, Friday. bacon. Sauté. Remove to ab- C W ti=ll D E Jackie Barnett, Sam Johnston, sorbent paper. I Tobacco: Found in many southern Paul and Charles Don Smith, Billie Sauk' an pork drippines-- states and in some cigaretees. 0 Toe Eberting were all home from 1 medium onion, chopped. COURAVE11, 0 college over the. weekend. 0 "Stuffed-Up"Nose,Heclachet Add to potato mixture- et, 0 Dorothy Jean Rhodes and Inell 1 11-07.. can condemed cream of Cash In. due to.. 1 ' ipti "e- 8 Elliot left for Canyon to attend WT, \NI oea soup, tr_rilloted Jean Merritt 0 on Monday. ?5 cup milk 0 fC ID a 's teaspoon pepper D•hy Fowl Counselor Mrs. Bob Johnston and Mrs. Hu- 8 ..i•I•ii II\ 12 oyster crackers, split in half Now is a gi..-)nd tire to cash in on the abund- Heins lions. Institute bert Ellison made a business trip to Reliof of your mIserletwah COLD PREPARATION cooked fish listen above. TABLETS or LIQUID 0 Lubbock, Thursday. starts In 6 seconds Heat t;toroui:iily. Serves 8. (1 cup ance 31. gross by marketing your cream with 00000000000000000000008 Mrs. D. H. Wilkerson, one of the :,action; Take only as directed pc-r servin 4l. accident victim's in Friday's car wreck, returned to her home Sun- us at the present high price. day. She is doing nicely. WORKS AS WATERBOY Lawrence Rhodes, of Roswell, When he wag a boy, Frank Boy- Courteous, Prompt Service Always spent the weekend at home. SELF's RADIO kin, Alabama congressman, workto Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Parker and I fur 30c a day as waterboy for a Coinnlee Line Merit Feeds daughters, of Amarillo, spent the I construction gang. weekend in the Will Parker home. ' . Eight-Month Old Eager Beaver Mr. and Mrs. Jed Queen mover SERVICE into the small U. B. Wheeler house Eager beaver! That's what dad calls me. Why, I don't know. Maybe Sunday. All Work Guaranteed mom's telephone conversation to Mr. a'hd Mrs. E. A. Fasholtz of A. Milstead & Son grandma will enlighten me. " . . . Clovis, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Fash- Texico N. M. Yes, mother, he's fine and such a oltz of Pleasant Hill and Mrs. Beu- ro. darling little angel. You should lah Reed of Colton, Cal., visited in 011. Texas bear him talk. For an eight-month- the F.. V. Isham home Sunday. JIM'S . old baby I'll have you know he's quite linguistic—all of three differ- Mrs. Benton Niece has gone to l ,t sounds,sounds, tda,"ka; and 'bat Sleeps Oklahoma to attend the wedding of and is growing like a bad her daughter, Hazel Knadler. eed. He does so many cute things, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ward of Ama- entertained by the hour. At CAFE rillo visited in hte Vernon Ward es It's difficult for me to continue ... , y domestic duties . . . Oh! the home, Sunday. B. N. GRAHAM plastic toy you gave him—it holds Texico, N. M. lot of interest for him now. When sview he reaches for it. Then he Farewell Party Honors "Insurance of All Kinds" 11101 -1rEtes and chews on it constantly. If "Where Friends Meet ta he drops the toy he keeps looking ,J .W. Ashcraft at it until I retrieve it. You must Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Wilson Farwell. Texas And Eat" come and see him this week-end. and daughters entertained in thei He always has a smile for familiar home, Sunday. with a one o'clock facts. Such a livewire, too—he's no dinner honoring J. W. Ashcroft, who SUNDAY DINNER longer content to lie on his abdomen. will go to San Antonio this wee'-. He gets up on his hands and knees Visit us next Sunday and sits by himself—no help what- soever. Sometimes in his maneuvers for a home - cooked be gets in such awkward positions I have to rescue him . . . What a chicken dinner. TIMELY REPAIRS bundle of energy! At his feedings PROTECT YOUR be is so impatient and excited— practically gobbles up his food. His EQUIPMENT drddy calls hint eager beaver . . . ■ You must come soon, mother . . . Work Binder Twine with easy-to-handle. mech- All right. Good-bye." My bubbling activity — that ac- anically-perfect machinery. Have counts for the name. Dad's right, W. D. WANZOR your farm machinery double-ch- but to continue this pace I must eat Have carlaod of the nationally known Plymouth . uked for greater praduction, and more food. Those baked and mash- Public Auctioneer ed potatoes you have been servini: Twine. As good as the best, at $7.00 per bale. less future repair bills. A small, sae, mom, are the solution. I didn't Muleshoe, Texas. inexpensive repair job today, may Ike them at first because they were be the way to avoid large repair pasty. When you stirred in some Good fence posts and some yellow pine flooring. bills later. Your equipment is val- milk, they were fine. You've prob- 26 Years Experience ably" noticed my teeth and gums uable. Protect it by letting UE Have good seed wheat for sale. aced more exercise so the crispness; Owner check it today. of zwieback, graham crackers an.i melba toast certainly is appreciated. When you start harvesting your new crop milo, Arien't you proud of me? I eat al- MULESHOE LIVESTOCK DON'T DELAY—BRING THAT TRACTOR truist a full container of strained AUCTION vegetables and strained fruit now. hegari and sudan, please see us before selling. TO US TODAY! As for that wonderful pre-cooked Sales Every Wednesday cereal, I can never get enough of it. By the way, that new strained cus- tard pudding makes a fine combina- Phones: tion with a topping of strained apri- Henderson Grain & Seed Co. cots and apple sauce. These foods Res. 143—Sale Barn 135 Heavy's Garage certainly help me grow. No wonder, Phone Farwell, Texas the doctor says they are rich in Muleshoe Texico, N. M. titainins and minerals which are necessary for stood health. THE STATE LINE TRIBUNE

Dinner Party Held In L. R. Vincent Home Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Vincent enter- ARGUS tained in their home the past Wed- nesday with a dinner party honor- CAMERAS ing Mr. and Mrs. Richard Marshall, Sr., Mrs. Louise Marshall and Rich- Post-Nuptial Shower Former Girl Weds In Intermediate Troop of the Girl ard Marshall, Jr., all of Boston, ARGOFLEX and Is Given On Friday ,California, Sept. 21 Mass. Scouts will have regular meetings C-3s now on Wednesday (today). Troop I will I Mrs. Jess Herbert Pipkin, the for- Miss Edna Earle Thompson, Fall flowers featured the decora- in stock. mer Wynelle Brown, was honored daughter of' Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. tions. Lavender, asters, dahlias and meet at the Farwell school at 4 with a lovely miscellaneous shower Thompson, of South Gate, Califor- blue fern in a crystal bowl banked o'clock as usual, and Troop II, fifth the past Friday evening, when Miss- nia, became the bride of Galen D. by tall yellow tapers in crysat can- and sixth graders, will meet witli Here are some items that es Jeatonne Morris and Maxine Moore on the evening of September delabra formed the centerpiece for Mrs. John Aldridge from 4 to 6 for ! a Weiner roast. have been hard to get for Ford, and Mesdames Mae Porter, 21, in a double ring ceremony per- the serving table. In the background NEWS FROM OUR -Jimmie Morris and Julia Hillock formed at the Little Church of were bouquets of red carnations, acted as hostesses. Flowers in Glendale, Calif. sweet peas and nasturtiums. BOYS IN UNIFORM Visits Old Friends many months. Given in marriage by her father, The social Ss held in the home Other than the guests of honor, Mrs. Nettie Hiner, formerly of the bride was lovely in a gray tail- DISCHARGE FILED economics building of the Farwelt attendants included Mr. and Mrs. Farwell, was here from Fort Worth ored dress with ice-blue acccessories Pfe. Thos. L. R. Wilkerson was school, with around one hundreri R. B. Summers, Nell, Elaine and the past Friday, visiting with el complimented with an orchid cor- discharged from the Army at Fort guests attending. Decorations fea- Jerry Wayne Summers, and Clar- friends and former neighbors. She sage. For something old she wore a Sam Houston en August 10th. He tured colors of the Rainbow Girls, ence Summers of Hereford, Tex. was accompanied by her daughter, ' RED + gold bracelet belonging to her mo- has the EAME ribbon with cam- as Mrs. Pipkin had been a member 0 Mrs. Louise Rogers, of Littlefield. ther; something new was a double paign stars of Northern France and of the Parmer County chapter. 0 Gifts were piled high on a lace- strand of pearls, gift of the groom; Barbecue Sponsored By the Rhineland, the good conduct PHARMACY covered table, and another lace- a lace handkerchief, belonging to and American defense colors. Ser- Worldwide Communion the groom's mother, served as some- Texico Ag Dept. vice time totaled three years and spread table was used for serving. As an entertainment feature for Sunday, October 6 TEXICO, N. M. being centered with a bouquet oc thing borrowed, and her costume jseven months, with 37 months accessories were something blue. the general public, and a money- spent overseas. vari-colored roses and draped in .Worldwide Communion Sunday, Her sister, Miss Billie Thompson, making plan for the chapter, mem- the rainbow colors. Miss Jeatonne to be observed throughout Ameri- acted as maid of honor, and was bers of the Texico FFA department TRANSFERRED TO LEWIS Morris presided at the serving table can Protestantism on October 6, has Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Graham and dressed in a frock of ice-blue with are sponsoring a barbecue, to be Pfc. Jim Bob Roop, son of Mr. end Miss Maxine Ford was in buildingthe come to have an especial signifi- Mr. and Mrs. Vance Crume spent gray accessories. Her shoulder cor- held at the school and Mrs. E. M. Roop of Texico, has charge of the guest book. Friday of next cance to Protestantism in the war Sunday afternoon in Fort Sumner, sage was of Talisman roses. night of October 11, notified his family that he is being During the social hour, Miss Mar- and post-war years, Rev. Harvey E. securing fall 'apples. Attending the groom was Charlie week. transferred from Atlanta, Ga., to cia Anne Johnson sang a solo, and Tickets are now on sale, at $1 for Carrell, local Methodist pastor, said two readings were given by Mrs. Stetler. Ushers were Archie and Fort Lewis, Washington, just out of adults and 60c for students in and Tacoma. today. Mrs. W. E. Wilson, of Dimrnitt, Cyde Magness. Mrs. Wilson. of Bo- Johnny Hicks. 'It has been through the Fellow- Mrs. Thompson, mother of the below the 8th grade, sponsor Tom sister of Rev. Harvey E. Carrell, vina, was at the piano for soft mu- ship of Suffering and Service, for ibride, was dressed in navy blue Hudson said today. He added, "All MOVING TO has arrived to spend several days sic during the evening. FLORIDA which an offering has been taken at with gray accessories and had a places at the banquet will be sold Lt. Cmdr. Allan Rogers, son of as a guest in the Carrell home. by ticket reservations, with deadline that communion service each year, corsage of gardenias. The groom's Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Rogers of Tex- that the Church's concern for suf • • Mission Rally Sunday mother, Mrs. L. E. Moore, wore a on sales set for Wednesday noon, ico, advised his parents by phone October 9th. No tickets will be sold fering humanity, regardless of race, Misses Reba and Johnnie Hill- At Lariat Church blue suit with black accessories Monday night that he was being creed, or color, has been best dem- house, both of Clovis, visited with at the door, and no one willbe ad- moved from Hutchinson, Kansas, to St. John's Lutheran Church at and a gardenia corsage. onstrated. friends in Farwell last Friday eve- Rev. Fletcher H. Scharer officiat- mitted without a ducat." a naval base in Florida, where he ning. Lariat will observe its annual mis- This year again the day will be ed at the ceremony. Vocalist Jeanne The barbecue serving will begin will be an instructor on the Navy's Y. uctoner b, observed, with communion service Johns sang "I Love You Truly" and ato'clock, Texas time, and games big four-motor jobs. Allan has been Rev. J. C. Roock of Borger, preach- of bingo and various other enter- and offering for others, in practi- in Kansas for the past several ing the sermons at services which "Always". tainment features will follow. cally every church of Protestantism. A reception. for almost 75 guests months, but the base there was clos- RUBBER will begin a 11:00 a. m. and 3:00 p. "Go to your church Sunday and join was held in the home of the bride's 0 ed the first of the week. in., it is announced by Rev. E. H. Christians throughout the world in STAMPS Riese of Littlefield, serving the con- parents following the ceremony. Joint Meeting Is Slated this special day of communion," the will make ENROUTE TO DENVER gregation at this time. Mr. andMrs. minister residents. Clovis Electric Shop their home in South Gate, follow- For Methodist Ladies Cpl. and Mrs. Junior Crume left Visitors are expected from Clovis, ing a honeymoon in San Francisco. The Wesleyan Guild and the Wo- here Tuesday for Denver, where he 0 Friona and Littlefield. The ladies of Moore, a real estate broker, is the man's Society for Christian Service has been assigned to the staff at Mr. and Mrs. Jess Newton and the host church will serve at the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Moore of of the Hamlin Memorial Methodist Fitzsimmons General Hospital. They Mrs. Roy B. Ezell spent last Friday church at noon and following the Church will hold a joint meeting in had spent several days visiting with attending the Roosevelt County 8-Foot afternoon service. South Gate. Mrs. Moore formerly lived with the parlors of the local church, next relatives and friends here. Crurne Fair, in Portales. In tieI evening colored slides w xico and gra- Tuesday evening, October 8th. has been stationed at Camp Polk, Extension Cords be shown at the church, depicting family in duate of the Texico high school. Mrs. Bess Mansfield, of the Guild. La., for the past several months. Mrs. Lee McElroy an daughters the work in Texas. These pictures will have charge of directing the were Amarillo shoppers over the were taken during the Texas Dist- o program, and a social hour will be weekend. rict Convention at Houston last Ap- Guests Of Carrells enjoyed at the conclusion of the Special Program At ril. 25c Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Patterson of meeting. Bovina, Thursday Mrs. Sam Aldridge, president of A cordial invitation is extended Snyder, Texas, Miss Nannell Pat- All members of both circles are the Farwell Parent Teacher Asso- to all to attend these services at Supt. W. 0. Cherry announced to- terson of Gail, Texas, and Mr. aria urged to be on hand at 8 o'clock. ciation, was in' Amarillo, Saturday, Portable the Lariat Church. lband children we., day that the Student Council of the attending a district PTA gathering. Mrs. R. H. We on Bovina high school is sponsoring an Vaughn, N, M., visited during the unusual program on Thursday after- Electric Heaters past weekend with Rev. and Mrs. Young Missionary Jim Cleve Dixon, who is attend- Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Hamel ann noon of this week, October 3rd, Harvey E. Carrell and family. The ing school at Texas Tech, visited son, Don, of Magargle, Texas, visit- Group Has Meet when Edward L. Jeambey will Automatic Electric ed over the weekend with Mr. and Pattersons are parents of Mrs. Car- his mother, Mrs. Ruby Dixon, over Members of the Young Missionary the weekend. Mrs. H. A. Clift and family, in Far- rell, and the other two ladies arc group of the Bovina Methodist Heating Pads well. sisters of the local resident. Church enjoyed a special meeting Mr. and Mrs. John Graham, of last Friday evening, when Mrs. • • Dawn, announce the arrival of their Thelma Ford, of Friona, appeared as firstborn, John Kent, on Monday, Magness guest speaker. September 30th. The young man i Mrs. Ford is district supervisor of the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. B. N. No more won, missionary work among the younger Graham, of FarWell. rasiuipmenttt women of the Methodist churches. ABOUT YEAST GETTING STALE! Mrs. Roscoe Trostle was in charge H. H. Petree and Z. W. Petree of of directing the evening program. this city spent the latter part of Coe 0 the week in Sequel, Oklahoma, r XFIWE LL TEXAS PTA Meeting Slated visiting their brother. For October 10th Mrs. H. A. Clift, chairman of the program committee, remined pa- trons of the Farwell school today that the regular monthly meeting of the Parent Teacher Association will be held next Thursday, October 10th. E. L. JEAMBEY The meeting will be at the school, show his collection of odd and in- beginning at 8 o'clock. Supt. H. A. teresting canes, gathered from al Clift is to speak on "Laying the over the world. Cornerstone". and other numbers Included in the exhibit will be will be arranged. A social hour will the Vavagusa Beer Stick of the follow the program, and all are in- Kenyas colony in British East Afri- vited to attend. ca. Jeambey will also show othe: New Fleischmann's Fast Rising Dry Yeast keeps ---0- -- unusual canes an sticks, each of M iss Thomas Pledged which has its own unusual history. full-strength for weeks on your pantry shelf The program will be presented ak To University Group the school at 1:45 Thursday after- IF YOU BAKE AT HOME—you can make Omega chapter of Alpha Phi so- noon, and the public is urged to at- delicious bread anytime. . . at a moment's notice rority, University of Texas, announ- tend. with New Fleischmann's Fast Rising Dry Yeast. ces the pledging of Miss Norma 0 Always dependable—New Fleischmann's Fast Jean Thomas, daughter of Mrs. J. Home From Vacation Rising keeps fresh for weeks on your pantry D. Thomas of Farwell. Miss Thomas is a sophomore stud- 11lr. and Mrs. A. G. White return- shelf—ready for quick action whenever you ent, at the University, transferring ed to their home in Bovina the want it. Just dissolve according to directions there this fall after spending her first of the week after spending on the package. Get New Fleischmann's Fast freshman year at Abilene Christian several days vacationing in Colo- Rising Dry Yeast today. At your grocer's. College. rado. The most comp!ete selection of step stools I Are Visitors Here Marriage Performed and kitchen stools we have ever had! Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith and Rev. Harvey E. Carrell, local Dean Johnson, of Childress, have Methoidst minister, performed the been recent visitors in the homes of nuptials for Miss Billie Christene • All Colors Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Vincent and Mr. Bell and William Harvey White- and Mrs. R. B. Summers. Smith is head, Jr., the past Wednesday, Sep- • All Styles Bill the Butcher Says tember 25th. the father of Mrs. Vincent and Mrs. , Summers. • All prices from $1.95 to $7.45 :hr.: first of this week found us with the Mr. and Mrs. Dick Crume, of most beau- i aftilly empty, clean meat cases we have had in I.ubbock, were weekend visitors • Al! Famous Brands! .Will Leave Today • nth relatives in Farwell. Jew ral weeks. For the first time in 12 years, we had Mr. and Mrs. Richard Marshall, — — - Absolutely Sr., Mrs. Louise Marshall and Rich- nothing to offer in the meat line—and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Herbert Pipkin For Famous Manufacturers nu prospects of getting any meat. ard Marshal, Jr., of Boston. Mass., have gone to Canyon, where he is who have bean visiting in the home enrolling in West Texas State. In Furniture of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Summers, left But we have been promised some deliveries this today for Los Angeles, and will also It's... week and we should be able to take of our custo- visit points in Washington, Oregon mers by and Colorado before returning t., the latter part of the week. So, just keep their homes. CIE REPAIR coining. We'll do the best we can to keep your able supplied. Birthday Party Held SHOES Bobby Joe Crume, son of Mr. anti Mrs. Joe Crume, celebrated his 12th Keep your short in clod repair birthday last Saturday night, when by ',ringing the- to us regularly. FINE Hall's Grocery & Market a number of classmates gathered in Fair Prices—Prompt Service his home in Farwell. Games of bun- FURNITURE co were enjoyed and delicious re- Electric Shoe Shop freshments served at the conclusion Next Door to Texicr Postoffit. 319 Main Street Clovis, N. M. 4, of the evening. THE STATE LINE TRIBUNE

RESTRICTIONS LIFTED I DR. EAVES TO JAPAN and Cyrus W. Leonard, and Jessie S. sum of $100.00, and it is alleged that Leonard, and the unknown heirs, he owns fee simple title to said lots TRIBUNE ADS BRING HOME THE BACON Discontinuance of the required 80 LUBBOCK—Dr. C. D. Eaves, pro- assigns and legal representatives of and he further pleads that he has fess-Or of history at Texas Technolo- said parties, Defendants, Greeting: fee simple title to said lots by rea- percent extraction rate by millers You are hereby commanded to son of the ten year statute of limi- producing wheat flour has made pos- gical College, has been granted a appear before the Honorable Dist- tations, as is more fully shown by sibe the lifting of various restrictions leave of absence to go to Japan to rict Court of Parmer County at the Plaintiff's Petition on file in this on receipts of wheat millfeeds and teach and supervise social science Court House thereof, in Farwell, suit. the use of such products in manu- studies at the government college Texas, at or before 10 o'clock A. M. The officer executing this process COL. DICK DOSHER for armed forces personnel in To- of the first Monday next after the shall promptly execute the same ac- facturing mixed feeds. The custo- expiration of forty-two days from cording to law, and make due return Licensed Auctioneer mary extraction rate of 72 percent kyo. Dr. Eaves is heading westward the date of the issuance of this cita- as the law directs. will make available larger amounts as his wife departs for Germany to tion, same being the 11th day of Issued and given under my hand Farwell, Texas of millfeeds which are the bypro _ supervise accounting work in a sim- November A. D. 1946, then and and the Seal of said Court, at office duct of flour manufacture. ilar college at Frankfort. The Tech there to answer Plaintiffs Petition in Farwell, Texas, this the 30th day of the professor and his wife had both filed in said Court, on the 30th day of September A. D. 1946. There Is No Substitute For Results These limitations were part of September A. D. 1946, in this program to get equitable distribu- planned to teach in Tokyo, but a re- Attest: cause, numbered 1376 on the docket D. K. ROBERTS, Clerk, lion of byproduct feed for livestock quest of Gen. Douglas MacArthur of said court and styled Henry District Court, Parmer PHONE 2501 FOR SALES DATES and poultry during a time when in- that civilian wives not accompany Lewis, Plaintiff, vs. S. G. Sheller, County, Texas. creased wheat exports were neces- their husbands to Japan changed et al, Defendants. By: Dorothy Lovelace, Deputy. A brief statement of the nature (SEAL) 47-4tc sary to help offset famine and hun- the program. of this suit is as follows, to-wit: ger abroad. Mixed feed manufactur- Plaintiff brings suit in trespass to ers are still prohibited from using From caddy to professional golf- try title, alleging that he was the during current months more than 85 er is the record of Ben Hogan, son- owner of percent of the grain, grain products, sational golf pro from Hershey, Pa. Lots one (1) and two (2), Block forty-six (46), of the original Estes & Charles Oil Co. and grain byproducts used during town of Friona, Parmer Coun- Farwell Cafe BOVINA, TEXAS the same month in 1945. LEGAL NOTICES ty, Texas, 0 en the 1st day of September A. D. Regular Lunches And AFRICAN LIONS CITATION BY PUBLICATION H,46 and that the defandants and DISTRIBUTORS OF African lions are bringing $10 a THE STATE OF TEXAS latj of them unlawfully entered upon Short Orders snarl, Bengal tigers are being sold G.TO ‘N S. G. Sheller, Minnie Sheller, said premises and dispossessed him Hunter, George W. Hunter, therefrom, and withhold possession by the stripe, giraffes are higher Hannah Jane Hunter, Hanna J. thereof from him for a period or than ever and camels are quoted at Hunter, Hanna Hunter, C. W. Leon- thirty days to his damage in the Good Sandwiches PHILLIPS $2,500 for single humped . ones. A I double-humper brings twice as Good Coffee much and no deliveries until 1947! IT'S BACK lig44011111111711141111111•14111.11.1.11=.* PRODUCTS THE BIGGEST AND BEST YET! Ice Cream, Malts, And A new star on your The 29th Annual Other Popular Milk Drinks HARVEST OF STARS PANHANDLE SOUTH PLAINS WE WASH, GREASE AND Your Patronage CLEAN MOTORS Appreciated FAIR Let Us Get That Car Ready For Winter AT LUBBOCK OCTOBER 7-12 T. W. Blewett VERNON ESTES, Mgr.

Finest Produce of the ON THE MIDWAY South Plains! BILL HAMES Livestock, agriculture and Women's exhibits. SHOWS One of the greatest HearAmerica's favorite tenor Wild And Rough carnivals in the nation.. 'JAMES MELTON BUCK STEINER every week beginning MIDGET Sunday, Oct. 6 BIG c OCT. 5 NIGHTS 12-0 8-12 C 1:30 P.M. AUTO Music, Drama, Chorus SCHOOL CHILDREN FREE Howard Barlow and RACES A brilliant new Roper Gas OCTOBER 9 & 10 60 piece orchestr a Thrills galore every afternoon Range with "jeweled" features O Subj:ct to Federal Tax. in front of the grandstand. f INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER that sparkle with distinctiveness WFLCOME 110M!4 ... assure a cooking service z..-:.:nission to \ha Fair grounds opening day to all veterans of SORE THROAT—TONSILITIS! For World War II wearing discharge buttons or in uniform upon pay- that is truly unexcelled. One of e! ment of :'-ral tax. quick re- ief from pain and discomfort try the finest of these is the big our Anotliesio•Mop. It is a doctor's pre- scription tht has given relief to thousands. "3-in-1" oven that turns out Guaranteed superior or your money back. luscious, full-flavor foods "fit Generous bottle, with appiicators on, 50c at for the gods." FOX DRUG STORE ,:nTEP„.1R Ril Items Corruaa'5.e Aluminum Sheet Roofing, 6; 8, 10 Ft. Season Hog Wire, 26 and 32 Inch Cement And Lime Gas Heaters Flee? Furnaces Cedar Fence Posts Propane Gas Tanks Hand. To Garden Tools Weed Cutters "AMERICA'S FINEST Weeding Hoes Cicero FitIDith Lumber BY ROPER GAS RANGE" Weed-No-Mere Company 16-inch Sweeps BOVINA, TEXAS. Z:e. ---,"STAGGERED" COOKING TOP Feel Mills 8-Ft. Windmill ----- $5, "SIMMER-SPEED" BURNERS I . Redwood Storage Tank -.."2"--AZO— LARGE "3-in-1" OVEN THE' REVOLUTIONARY PLOW, < I \ Belting 2-.-(V...,,"GLO"- BROILER --;1" I N Gas Engines \ ,... 6- "SCIENTIFIC" COOKING CHARTS Sanders Plow Parts 1 Graham-Hoeme Plows Ccmbination Radio - Ree- ore. Playe„. - AiICABOUT THE BIG "3-in-1" OVEN ASSURING Mattress SPEED • EVEN HEAT • ECONOMY Hollywood Twin Beds Base Rockers Dinette Suites GRAHAM-HOEME PLOW Dinette Chairs rEATuEIES--le Coffee Tables SELF-SHARPENING POINTS — NO SIDE DRAFT End Tables EXTRA LIGHT DRAFT—NOTHING TO GREASE Souther incuien max PLOWS ALL TYPES OF LAND W111-IOUT ADJUSTMENTS li Writing Desk PREVENTS EROSION BY WIND AND WATER ' Floor Lamps MILT TO ILAST A LIFETIME. i COST IN HALF—DOUBLES SUB-SOIL MOISTURE Light Fixtures CUTS PLOWING FOR SALE BY Use Natural Gas for Cooking, Water Heating Refrigeration, House Heating, Air Conditioning I R. Elliott Co. 1 .C. C. R. Elliott Company Telephone 2821 BOVINA, TEXAS 5-14 4 Bovina, Texas

TRIBUNE ADS BRING HOME THE BACON LET US DO YOUR ABSTRACT OF TITLE WORK Guaranty Abstract & Title Company Roy E. Cook, Manager HAMMOND'S ELECTRIC SHOP Phone 3581 Farwell, Texas BOVINA, TEXAS EXPERT ELECTRICIAN IN ALL LINES WE DO RADIO, REFRIGERATOR AND MOTOR REPAIR WORK Electrical House Wiring—Estimates Furnished Free .9it ime 4 IV eed Phone 2251 Bovina, Texas.

We stand as friend and counselor in your time of need. Look to us for advice, for guidance, for sympathy, and WM. H. FLIPPIN, JR. for understanding. With professional skill, and with General Auctioneer thorough going experience—we offer you every facil- Friona, Texas ity, every assistance, and complete compliance with MOTHER PRODUCES FOUR WINNERS . . . The all-American' rec- ord of "get of sire," are the four daughters of Echo Helbon Mercedes, Farm and Livestock Sales A Specialty your every request—when your needs are greatest. Baker farm, Exeter, N. H., shown above. These four, all classified Excellent, have produced a total of over 400,000 pounds of milk. This Good Service Fair Treatment is not only a record for the Holstein-Friesian breed, but believed to be a record for all breeds of dairy cattle. One of the cows recently died, At Courthouse, 2nd and 4th Mondays but the other three still are producing. I Solicit Your Business River Funeral Home Thompson Heads Good 'fourth of the gas tax which will continue to be allocated to the avail- Ambulance Service Roads Movement In able free school fund. Phone 1000 Clovis, N. M. "Thompson's deep interest in bet- Parmer County ter and more improved highways and farm-to-market roads was the Try Our Sun- AUSTIN—Lee Thompson of Bovi- primary factor in his selection to na, prominent Parmer County good head the Parmer county campaign," roads advocate, has been chosen Simons said. day Dinners tlottleg Chairman of the Parmer County "With so many outstanding orga- Good Roads Amendment campaign nizations backing the amendment,- u4 PAii? committee, it was announced today he continued, "we feel that every Why not take off from cook- To by Charles E. Simons, executive citizen in Farmer County should be ing occasionally and bring Notice -- vice-president, of the Texas Good fully informed of the provisions of the family down for an ap- HERSE1P Roads Association. the measure and the benefits they petizing Sunday dinne r. Appearing on the ballot in the will derive from it. For this reason, Give the wife a break once November 5th general election as we have selected Thompson to head in a while. OVR YARD WILL BE Amendment Number 3, the goodthe, Parmer County committee and roads constitutional amendment direct a vigorous edutcaional cam- guarantees .the availability of motor paign to point out the merits of this vehicle registration fees and gaso- amendment." - REGULAR LUNCHES SHORT ORDERS line taxes exclusively for road pur- Closed All Day poses, with the exception- of one- Need letterheads? Dial 2131. SIZZLING STEAKS ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5 City Cafe FARWELL, TEXAS


'.1 • • . • • .;.; • 4,,pteAl; Balance " ‘... ,t7,4 :ttl'OCITY'4a t" -.. .diatr.%. • •tt )0". .41 • •••


t'.141t r-- `4•1,,. et' - ebt I - in S

-Ar Notice To Voters z-=7ti - • $45v*4-.4.;• -

'1 -2 for • _ life! - 6 Ise In Texico recinct: ON OUR y. — 4 SCUTCERN NE:VSPAPER SET OP SHOP LY 4 BOX OR AND BEGihfl MOBI LSTATIC A liCMIll.CS4'41/CIRERTI/ROYD11-• OW THE SOWN fOR 314, "MRS /I132-1865), SOT NEVER MVP BALANCER All voters must be registered in order to TO PtIBUSH AN ISSUE LAO; ROVING.

0.41-C.4.4 We offer you exclusive features found in no other vote in the November election. Such reg- tire balancer—tires are balanced with a special bal- istrations must be made on or before ancing stock that stays inside the tire, giving cor- rect, scientific balance without the use of unsightly October 7th, 1946. Arrangements have wheel weights that are always getting displaced or lost entirely. been made enabling all legal voters in We Are Receiving A Few Passenger Tires Texico Precinct to make such registra- TASTER MILKING QUICKER COW RESPONSE tion before S. C. Hunter at his office in TION HIGH EVEN PRODUC Gulf Service Station Texico, thus avoiding special trip to -- Farwell, Texas

Clovis. No cost for this service. • ;67 C" . . t;t1 t. •

MINIVALVWC41111:11!6111117.11We 4../../.1V.11111.:V.031*..1".•11 ircervouri:•••Tim THAI'S Cita DE UtittYUKIO MikStailt WEIS lib • • SPEE11410 Don't Trust •

HAT'S the Find of milking you • I i - " . • ." want for your herd—the kind that • gets the best results . . . pays highest to Luck • profits and saves the most time. There is only one "magnetic" milker—the • • Action . . . plus De Laval Magnetic Speedway—that assures absolutely uniform milking at Virr•WO-070;•:111r•:1470'111 all times. You must have uniform milking action for best, fastest Brown 5w ss 4.5 NOW, more than ever before, your old Ask us for the face.; DE LAVAL—MILKER OF CHAMPIONS 44, Another De Leal Milked Champion . . . car needs the best gasoline on the mar- Royal's Patience of Lee's Hill Farm. New Vernon, N. J. Held world's rec- 82 ket to give you the right performance. ords as a senior 2-year-old and senior 3- NRB-311-Z6rh1F Scirr year-old. As a 5-year-old produced 21,- Don't expect your car to give you good LAVAL 676 lbs. milk, 933 lbs. fat in 365 days SEPARATORS —fourth higbest in class for Brown Swiss breed. service on inferior grade gasoline. Get ... first in 1878 and still first today in skim- DE LAVAL Your driving effectiveness is not a matter of luck. It a tankful of the New Phillips 66 and see ming performance, long STERLING Mr.KER service, high quality . . . provides De Laval depends on the perfect condition of your car. Our expert, your car perform like a twe-year-old. cream production and quality milking at lower lowest con per year of cost. Simple, rugged and skilled mechanics will see to it that your car performs use. A sire and style dependable. Sterling Pul- for eTery need and sator has only two mow- purse--!,%Id 0 motor ing parts. Wonderfut quietly and efficiently—gives you smoother, safer mile- Once again you can say, "Fill 'er up!" drivcc high or performance obtains low cop result.. age. Make sure your car is completely trustworthy. Drive in for a superior repair job today! Service Spurini Station Eubank & Son Auto and Karl's Auto Clinic Farwell, Texas. Home Supply Co. Phone 3941 Farwell

1 Iv ".• •••• Clovis, N. M. r

Farmers Worked 75.4 Hours a Week above expressions, thus leaving the ectle dU tiicsk t.ta other as indicating his or her vote. To Be Expended Soon received no definite instructions on The polling places and presiding officers of said election shall be res- the new program, other than a let- pectively as follows: In a meeting held recently, FSA ter from the Washington office to The same polling places and the supervisors in the Panhandle area the effect that the combined prog- same presiding officers as have been were advised that Region 8, which ram would offer better service to heretofore selected and appointed includes Texas, New Mexico ana the farm families in the program. respectively to hold the General Oklahoma, would expend their re Election on November 5, 1946, in Parmer County, Texas. habilitation loan funds by the last The manner of holding said elect- of February, 1947, Frank Seale, head QUICK RELIEF FROM HOURS ion shall be governed by the laws of Q. Can milk production be in- of the local office, reported today. Symptoms of Distress Arising from the State regulating general elect- creased by giving cows more water? "I wish to encourage FSA bor- ions. A. It is often possible to increase rowers in Parmer County to make STOMACH ULCERS 83.2 A copy of this order, signed by production of a herd by 10 to 15 per- DUE TO HOURS the County Judge of said County, cent, simply by increasing the num- their applications at their very first EXCESS ACID and certified to by the County Clerk ber of times they are watered. If convenience for money that they Free BookTell s of HomeTreatineatthot 41.6 Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing HOURS of said County shall serve as prop- possible, water should be available will need before the first of next Over two million bottles of the WILLARD lit er and sufficient notice of said elec- at all times with water cups at each July," he continued. w tion. stanchion. If not, cows should be TREATMENT have lx'en sold for relied'at La X The Farm Security Administra- symptorni ordist arising fromStornacit 44 cg Notice of said election shall be watered at least three times daily, and Duodenal Ulcers duo to Excess Add-- 1. 0 given by posting a copy of this ord- winter and summer. tion set-up and name is due to be Poor Digestion. Sour or Upset Stomach. er at the top of which shall appear changed on November 1, at which Gassiness. Heartburn, Sleeplessness, etc-. Q. I have quite a large number of duo to Excess Acid. sold on 15 days• trial! the words "Notice Of Election For time the Farmers' Home Adminis- Ask for ••Willard's Message" which fully Average Hours of Work per Week-1939. 1943. 1944 young cockerels that I wish to mar- The Re-Allocation of County Taxes", ket as broilers. What is the best way tration, combining the FSA prog- explains this treatmi:at—free--at American farm operators aver• urger; wartime demands of a hun- at the Coutthouse door of said Coun- to finish them out? ram and the Emergency Feed ana RED CROSS PHARMACY ty, and in each of the election pre- aged 75.4 hours of work a week gry world cincts of said County for thirty (30) A. Use a broiler growing feed all Seed loan program, will be inaug- Texico, N M. during a recent three years. accord- Farm operators in the West North days prior to the election, which no- the way until the birds are mar- ing to a nationwide survey of work- Central area worked the longest keted. Fattening feeds are not gen- tices shall be posted by the Sheriff erally used for feeding broilers. ing habits in agricultural centers hours. putting in an average of or a constable, who shall make a re- in the same period. according to S3.2 hours a week. Second were the turn on a copy of such notice, how Q. What kind of housing is re- the American Iron and Steel insti- farm operators in the East North and when he executed the same. quired for dairy goats? FOR SALE tute. workers in steel plants aver- Central area with 82.5 hours a week, Notice of said election shall also A. Housing for goats need not be aged 41.6 hours of labor a week. while farm operators in the Middle be given by publication thereof in elaborate. The Research Farm of the •The operators of the six million Atlantic worked 79.9 hours a weak. a newspaper published in Parmer Ralston Purina Company recom- County, once each week for three mends a dry, well ventilated build- 320-acre farm, good improvements. American farms spent nearly 4.000 Farm operators in the Pacific states consecutive weeks, the date of first ing that is free from drafts, with a work hours a year. per man, plus put in the smallest number of week. publication being not less than floor that has good drainage and a 8-room modern home in Farwell. the use of mechanized equipment, ly work hours, averaging 72.1 for twenty-one (21) full days prior to surface that can be scrubbed and to earn a living and to produce the tl,e i.hree years of 1939. 1943 and the date of said election. disinfected. Individual pans for feed- One of the best modern homes in Texico; beautiful crops and food needed to meet the 1944. ADOPTED And Approved, this ing grain should be provided, and yard and trees; doublE. garage. the 12 day of August, 1946. an ample water supply must be A. D. SMITH, available at all times. 3-bedroom home in Farwell, modern. County Judge. In the event that the annual levy Q. What is the best hay for feed- Building, 2 lots; fully equipped for blacksmith LEGAL NOTICE of a tax not exceeding fifteen (15c) W. H. FLIPPIN, Jr. Commissioner Precinct No. 1. ing work horses? shop. Terms. cents on the cne hundred dollars' A. An excellent hay for work stock NOTICE OF ELECTION valuation for the further mainten- F. T. SCHLENKER Notice Of Election For The Re- Commissioner Precinct No. 2. is a mixture of well-cured clover and Binders: 1-row and broadcast. In good condition. Allocation Of County Taxes ance of the public roads of said T. E. LEVY timothy; mixed alfalfa and timothy; The State Of Texas County has heretofore been, or shall or similar combinations. These mix- Several farms, improved or unimproved. hereafter be, authorized by a ma- Commissioner Precinct No. 3. tures are usually better than a County Of Parmer jority of the qualified property tax- W. S. MENEFEE Cafe, good location, doing good business. To The Resident Qualified Prop- Commissioner Precinct No. 4. single source of hay, because they paying voters of the County, voting The State Of Texas possess the good qualities of both Good house and lots, in edge of Farwell. erty Taxpaying Voters of Parmer at an election held for that purpose, legume and non-legume hays. County, Texas: nothing herein shall be construed as County Of Parmer 640-acre wheat farm, north Clovis. 400 acres sowed Take Notice that an election will rescinding or in any manner affect- I, the undersigned authority, Q. Can turkeys be caponized? wheat goes, a $27.50 per acre. be held on the 5 day of November, ing the power and ao.;hority of the Clerk of the County Court and Ex- A. Yes, but caponizing does not 1946, in said County, in obedience Commissioners Court to levy and to Officio Clerk of the Commissioners seem to be practical or economical, Modern home, 35-acre tract, w.pst of Clovis. to an order duly entered by the I continue to levy said tax. Court of said County, do hereby probably because it takes turkeys Commissioners Court on the 12 day The said election shall be held un- certify that the above and forego- nearly two years to reach physical 4-room house, to be moved. of August, 1946, which is as follows: der the provisions of the Constitu- ing is a true and correct copy of an maturity and the results of caponiz- 7-room house, to be moved. On this the 12 day of August, 1946 tion and laws of the State of Texas, order passed by said Commission- ing are not evidenced until after the Commissioners Court of Parmer particularly amended Section 9, Ar- ers Court on the 12 day of August, that time. 1 large business building. County, Texas, convened in regular ticle 8, of the Constitution, and Sec- 1946, and of the minutes pertaining session, at the regular meeting place to its adoption, as said order ap- Send your questions about livestock tion 3a, Article 6, of the Constitu- or poultry problems to FARM FACTS, thereof in the Courthouse at Far- tion, and all persons who are legal- pears of record in Vol. 3, Page 355, 835 South Eighth Street, St. Louis 2. well, Texas, with the following of the Minutes of said Court. Niiisouri. Questions will be answered ly qualified voters of said County, without charge, either by mail or in this FARWELL REAL ESTATE members of the Court, to-wit: A. D. and who are resident property tax- WITNESS my hand and the seal column, as a service of this newspaper. Smith, County Judge; W. H. Flip- cf the Commissioners Court, this • AND COMMISSION CO. pin, Commissioner Precinct No. 1, said County and who have duly the 23 day of September, 1946. F. T. Schlenker, Commissioner Pre- rendered the same for taxation, D. K. ROBERTS, Common Sense is not inherited, Dosher & Francis Phone 2501 F, r ti 11 cinct No. 2,T. E. Levy, Commission- shall be entitled to vote at said Clerk of the County Court er Precinct No. 3, W. S. Menefee, election. And Ex-Officio Clerk of the but accuired. Commissioner Precinct No. 4, being Commissioners Court of Pal- present, and, among other proceed- The ballots for said election shall mer County, Texas. ings had by the Court were the have written or printed thereon the (SEAL) following: following: 46-3tc. Commissioner F. T. Schlenker in- "FOR Re-Allocation of County • Taxes." troduced an order and moved its Prospects are still good for a rec- adoption. The motion was seconded "AGAINST by Commissioner W. H. Flippin. The County Taxes." Re - Allocation of ord-sized corn crop, estimated at 3,- motion, carrying with it the adoption Each voter shall mark out with 442.202,000, USDA reports. of the order, prevailed by the fol- lowing vote: •31201liffilgt .Ayes: Commissioners W. H. Flip- pin, T. E. Levy, F. T. Schlenker, W. S. Menefee; Noes: CommissionerS (none). The order is as follows: WHEREAS, at the general elect- ion held throughout the State of Texas on November 7, 1944, the qualified electors of the State, vot- ing on the proposition, approved the amendment to Section 9, of Ar- ticle 8, of the Texas Constitution, which amendment provides that the Commissioners Court in any county may re-allocate the county tax levies As I moving to Clovis, I will stage general farm cleanup sale at my authorized in said Section 9 of Ar- ticle 8. by changing the rates provi- Once; 5 miles sough cnd 4 east of Bovina, or 31 miles north and 4 east of ded for any of the purposes author- ized in said Section by, either in- OkIchorna Lane, on— creasing or decreasing the same, but in no event shall the total of such taxes exceed Eighty (80c) Cents on the one hundred dollars' valuation for any one year, provided that be- fore the Commissioners Court may Tues a make such re-allocations and chang- Oct. 8th es in such levies the same shall be With labor conditions as unsettled as submitted to the qualified property SALE STARTS AT 10:30 A. M. taxpaying voters of such countF at they are, it is a mighty good idea to lay a general or special election: and in event such re-allocations and chang- es are approved by a majority of in your winter coal supply new, while we the qualified property taxpaying vo- FARM EQUIPMENT HOUSEHOLD GOODS ters of any such county, such re-al- have plenty on hand. locations and changes shall remain 1-42 M. Farmall, complete, 4-row too! 1—Battery radio. in force and effect for aperiod of bar, planting attachment. six (6) years from the date of the 1—liocker. election at which same shall have •• —Hoeme plow, 13 foot. 1—Bedstead. been approved. unless the same again shall have been changed by a 1—Iowa electric separator, 1000 gal. cap. 2—Sets springs. majority of the qualified property 1-16-10 Van Brunt wheat drill, on steel. taxpaying voters of such county, 1—Pialf bed and springs. voting on the proposition: and 1-19137 model combine. 1—Mattress. WHEREAS, the Commissioners V belts, good condition. Court of Parmer County, Texas. MASH FEEDS 1--Dining table with six chairs. deems it advisable and to the best '2-2-row sleds. 1---Breakfast table, drop leaf style. interest of said County to re-allo- 1—E1^ctric fence charger. cate the county taxes authorized to WE HAVE PLENTY NOW, PRICED AT 2—Butane heating stoves, new. le levied annually by Section 9, Ar- 1—Chain hoist. 2—Chairs. -ticie 8, of the Constitution, by chan- 1—Magneto, in good condition. ging the rates in rest:wet to certain 2—Electric radios. county taves as herein provided: 1—Garden plow. 1--Couch. ' THEREFFORE, BE IT ORDERED $3.85 i—W heel barrow. BY THE COMMISSIONERS COURT 1---Wi_shine. machine. OF P A.RMETt COUNTY, TEXAS: 1--Bumper. That a special election be held in And Up 2--Steel bedstead. said County on the 5th. day of Nov- --Trailer. ember. 1946, which is not less than 1--Dresser. thirty (30) days from the date of tri... Set tool bar markers. .111r, 111pir--,1101■••",111.•- "Mr,- 170- 1---Breakfast table, 6 chairs. adoption of this order, at which elec- 1nr•-- cieheader. tion the following proposition shall 1--Lot fruit jars. be submitted to the qualified proper- 1--G:s pump. I 1—Three-quarter h. p. motor. ty taxpaying voters, who own tax- Guard against h!oat in your stock by wire. able property in said County and Lot se) !In:ben who have duly rendered the same keeping plenty of mineral salt out for for taxation, for their action there- 1—Ch!lcl's saddle, bridle and blanket. 1-4 room house. upon: "Shall the Commissioners Court of them. This is especially important at Partner County. Texas, be author- year ized to levy and collect in each this time of the year. LUNCH WILL BE SERVED BY METHODIST LADIES OF OKLA. LANE for a period of six (6) years from date of said election, county taxes as follows: Not exceeding Fifty-Five Cents TERMS: CASH No property to be removed until settled for with clerks (55) on the $100.00 valuation, in any one year, for County purposes; BINDER TWINE WE HAVE IT Not exceeding Thirty Cents (30) , on the $100.00 valuation, in any one year, for roads and bridges; Not exceeding Five Cents (5) on il the $100.00 valuation in any one year to supplement the jury fund of Farmers Supply Co. . C. BARBER, Owner County; and Not exceeding Five Cents (5) on Co!. Dick Dosher, Auct. the $100.00 valuatioh, in any one RAY MEARS, Mgr. TEXICO-FARWELL Dosher & Francis, Clerks year, for the erection of public build- ings and other permanent improve- „ ments." ••• THE STATE LINE TRIBUNE

Ivy upon as the property of the above Junior Dairy Show West Texas College opening date for the cafeteria will defendants the following described be the first of the year. In the mean- •property, situated in Parmer County, •Texas, to-wit: Plans Announced Opens On Tuesday time, however, all student needs (Said description showing the will be met in the smaller dining number of acres, original survey, lo- COLLEGE STATION-This year's CANYON-College days finally halls. cality in county, and name by which began Tuesday morning, October 1, 1 0 said property is most generally Junior Daiiry Show at the State for students of West Texas State known.) Fair of Texas will be held October College. After a delay of two weeks 'Civil Service Offices FIRST TRACT: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5-7, according to announcement by and 6, in Block 18, of the to enable college authorities to pre- Opened In Amarillo town of Farwell, Parmel• County,l :G. G. Gibson, dairy husbandman for pare housing facilities for an expec- Texas. the A. & M. Extension Service. ted record enrollment, registration The 14th U. S. Civil Service Re- And I will on the first Tuesday in1 The premium list is the best yet, is confirming throughout the week. gion comprising the State of Texas, the month of November, 1946, the Gibson says. There will 'be $825 As for the housing situation, tho has established boards of Civil Ser- same being the 5th day of iaid awarded on each of three breeds- all units of the dormitory system vice Examiners for the purpose of month, proceed to sell all the right.t Jerseys, Holsteins, and Guernseys- title, and interest of the Defendants making a total of $2,475 in the Jun- have not been completed as was recruiting, examining and certify- in and to said property at the Court . hoped, girls will be taken care of ing eligibles to fill vacancies in the House door of said county in the city .ior Dairy Show premiums. Five adequately, by existing facilities and Federal service at points through- or town of Farwell, Texas, between classes have been provided with a by the new addition to Randall out Texas. the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.1820 top and 10 moneys in each. The to the highest bidder for cash, pro- ' Club Group of five heifers owned Hall, bringing its capacity to 236. Veterans interested in Federal vided, however, that none of said Material shortages, especially in employment in these agencies property shall be sold to the owner,Dv - three or more boys has a top plumbing facilities, will delay the should immediately contact the Exe- of said property directly or indirect; money of $50. opening of Conner Hall, new state- cutive Secretary, Board of U. S. Iv or to anyone having an interest • Dairy cattle will be judged at 9 maintained dormitory for veterans, Civil Service Examiners, at the par- therein or to any party other than a I a. m. Monday, October 7. Heifers taxing unit which is a party to this should be in place on Friday, Octo: for at least another month, accord- ticular establishment in which in- suit for less than the amount of the ber 4. It will not be necessary to ing to Virgil Henson, college busi- terested. adjudged Value of said property or ness manager. In addition to those shown below, the aggregate amount of judgments keep cattle there for the duration of Though not completed according there are Boards of Examiners at against said property in said suit, the entire fair .except to be shown to plans, 76 apartments for married all first- and second-class postoffices whichever is lower,subject also to the in open classes, Gibson says. right of the Defendants to redeem veterans and their families and which dissesminate information re- same in the time and manner pro- places for 250 single vets will be garciing civil service examinations

vided by. law and subject also to the fr• livable. In case of an overflow of announced on a region-wide basis, right of the Defendants to .have said ~Ca3. !A r men students, college administrators and furnish general information to property divided and sold in less i Vanished r©m M..„„., !'kr4- _ ,_ , are prepared to install cots in Bur- the public relating to Federal em- divisions than the whole. A ton Gymnasium temporarily until ployment. DATED at Farwell, Texas, this the 1 26th., day of September, 1946. permanent quarters are complete. In Amarillo, the Boards are loca- EARL BOOTH, COLLEGE STATION - Whv is I Delay in construction on the cen- ted at the Bureau of Reclamation there no whole wheat flour on •Tex- QUINT CALVES MAKE A DEPOSIT . . . The Wayne "Cornhusker Sheriff, Farmer County, Texas , tralcafeteria where all college stud- and the Veterans Hospital. 47_3th as markets? ents eventually will be fed will ne- 0 -. .Quints," world's only living quintuplet calves, visit the Fairbury, o Neb., bank to make a deposit in their personal savings account- That's a question that folks over cessitate a resumption of the use of Johnny came home from high sch- money they have earned at state Pair exhibitions. The quints were THE STATE OF TEXAS the State are asking now. Edith dormitory dining rooms. Meals will ool with a bit of newly acquired born Nov. 20 on the farm of Leo Schmoldt, near Fairbury, and now COUNTY OF FARMER Lawrence, specialist in food prepar- be served for girls in Cousins and SHERIFF'S SALE knowledge. "You know, dad," he said weigh an average of 425 pounds. Left to right they are: Russia, Eng- ation for the Extension Service, Randall Halls, and for boys in Staf- importantly. "they say that paper , WHEREAS, on the 27th., day of points out that the shortage is most land, China, France and United States. August, 1946, in Cause No. 1158, in probably due to manufacturer's ford Hall, Terrill, and the college can be used to keep a person warm." the District Court of Farmer County, cafeteria with the athletes. b "That's right, son," returned the LEGAL NOTICES however, that none of said property Texas, wherein The State of Texas backlog of orders for 80 per cent Mrs. Sue Donald, college dietitian father wryly. "I had a mortage that shall be sold to the owner of said and County of Parmer, Farwell In- extraction flour. Since there is a believes that the earliest possible kept me sweating 20 years." property directly or indirectly or to dependent School District and City much larger scale market for the THE STATE OF TEXAS ' anyone having an interest • therein I of Farwell were Plaintiff's, -Implead- regular flour than there is for whole COUNTY OF FARMER or to any party other' than a taxing ed Party Defendants, recovered judg- wheat, manufacturers are naturally SHERIFF'S S ALE unit which is a party to this suit for ment against William Harvey, J. M. WHEREAS on the 8th day of July, less than the amount of the adjudg- Logan, the unknown stockholders of catering to the larger demand. • 1946, in Cause No. 1150, in the Dist- The First National Bank of Texico Probably another reason for the rict Court of Parmer County, Texas, ed value of said property or the ag- wherein The State of Texas, County gregate amount of judgments against and The First National Bank of Can- present shortage is that manufac- '77- art IT: said property in said suit, which- yon, Defendants, for taxes, penalty, turers produce smaller quantities of Arc t: 4.0 61") t•,' of Parmer and Farwell Independent interest, and cost against the herein- ,whole wheat flour during the sum- Owners School District were Plaintiffs, re- ever is lower, subject also to the right of the Defendants to redeem after described property; • covered judgment against John W. same in the time and manner pro- WHEREAS, on the 27th., day of mer months. It spoils rather quick- FOR FREE REMOVAL O F Moody, T. N. Moody and their un- , yided by law and subject also to the August, 1946, by virtue of said judg- ly in hot weather and demand drops is known heirs, assigns and legal .rep - right of the Defendants to have said ment and the mandates thereof the at that time. Dead Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep resentatives, Defendants, for taxes property divided and sold in less Clerk of the above mentioned Dist- : penalty, interest, and cost against rict Court of said county did cause i Now that wheat is becoming read- the hereinafter described property; divisions than the whole. . CALL DATED at Farwell, Texas, this the to be issued an'Order of Sale com-yil available, the backlog of regular ' WHEREAS, on the 27th, day of manding me as Sheriff of said county flour orders should sodn be reduced August, 1946, by virtue of said judg- 26th day of September, 1946. i EARL BOOTH, to seize, levy upon, and sell in the to the'extent that millers will take CONSUMERS FUEL ASSN. ment and the mandates thereof the manner and form as required Clerk of the above mentioned Dist- Sheriff, Parmer County, Texas by law care of the smaller demand for the' 47-3tc the hereinafter described property' 1 Phone 15 rict Court of said county did cause WHEREAS, by virtue of said judg- whole wheat product, Miss Law- Bovina, Texas to be issued an Order of Sale com- 0 ment and said Order of Sale and the rence says. manding me as Sheriff of said Coun- THE STATE OF TEXAS mandates thereof I did on the 26th., I There are no government regula- ty to seize levy upon and sell, in the COUNTY OF FARMER day of September, 1946, seize and tions prohibiting the manufacture . HOLT'S PANHANDLE STATION manner and form as required by law SHERIFF'S SALE the hereinafter described property; levy upon as the property of the a- and distribution of whole wheat' Phone 94 Muleshoe, Texas WHEREAS, on the 27th., day of bove defendant the following descri- flour, and the product should soon ! WHEREAS, by virtue of sairejudg- August, 1946, in Cause No. 1149, in bed property, situated in Farmer ' ment and said Order of Sale and the the District Court of Parmer County, County, Texas, to-wit; be back on Texas grocery markets. I mandates thereof I did on the 26th., Texas wherein The State of Texas (Said description showing the day of September, 1946, seize and and County of Parmer, Farwell In- number of acres, original survey, lo- levy upon as the property of the a- dependent School and City of Far- cality in county, and name by which bove defendant the following descri- well were Plaintiffs, Impleaded Par- said property is most generally bed property, situated in Parmer Co- ty Defendants, recovered judgment known.) unty, Texas, to-wit: against Elitia J. Hudson, Mattie D. FIRST TRACT: Lot 13, Block15, of (Said description showing the Hudson, L. F. Wilson, T. 0. Cunning, the original Town of Farwell, Par- number of acres, .original survey, lo- and their unknown heirs, assigns, mer County, Texas. cality in county, and name by which and legal representatives, Defend- And I will on the first Tuesday in said property is most generally ants, for taxes, penalty, interest, and the month of November, 1946, the known.) cost against the hereinafter describ- same being the 5th., day of said FIRST TRACT: Lots number ed property; month, proceed to sell all the right, twenty-one (21) and twenty-two (22), WHEREAS, on the 27th day of title, and interest of the Defendant in Block twenty (20) of the original August, 1946, by virtue of said judg- in and to said property at the Court town of Farwell, Parmer County, ment and the mandates thereof the House door of said county in the city Texas. Clerk of the above mentioned Dist- or town of Farwell, Texas, between And I will on the first Tuesday in rict Court of said county did cause the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. the month 'of November, 1946, the to be issued an Order of Sale com- to the highest bidder for cash, pro- same being the 5th day of said month manding me as Sheriff of said county vided, however, that none of said proceed to sell all the right, title, to seize, levy upon, and sell in the property shall be sold to the owner and interest of the Defendant in and manner and form as required by law of said property directly or indirect- to said property at the Court House the hereinafter described property; ly or to anyone having an interest door of said county in the city or WHEREAS, by virtue of said judg- therein or to any party other than a town of Farwell, between the hours ment and said Order of Sale and the taxing unit whin is a party to this of 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. to the mandates thereof I did on the 26th suit for less than the amount of the highest bidder for cash, provided, day of September, 1946, seize and le- adjudged value of said property or the aggregate amount of judgments against said property in said suit. whichever is lower, subject also to • DON'T BURY I the right of the Defendants to re- deem same in the time and manner Your Dead Animals! provided by law and subject also to the right of the Defendants to have For Free Removal Call: said property divided and sold in less divisions than the whole. Darr & Sons, Farwell DATED 'at Farwell, Texas, this the 26th., day of September, 1946. Cliford. Leakes' Shamrock EARL BOOTH, Service, Bovina Sheriff, Parmer County, Texas 40- kieBeee 47-3tc That's the 12 Million Dollar Question of your Public Service Co. Poultry & Egg House, 0 Friona THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF PARIVIER There are just about as many answers to that Our trucks, equipped with power loading, sanitary beds, NOtice is hereby given that the are in your town every day, except Sunday, to give you Commissioners' " Court of Parmer question as there are people in the Panhandle prompt and courteous service. County, Texas, intends to lease for mineral development purposes all of A PIONEER Plains Pecos Valley area. Labors 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, and 10, of STARKEY RENDERING SERVICE League 315, of the Parmer County IN BUILDING Your Public Service Company's 12 mil- Clovis, New Mexico School Lands situated in Gaines and Andrews Counties, Texas, as AHEAD FOR lion dollar expansion program will shown by the plat thereof recorded THE FUTURE benefif everyone. in Volume 30, page 413, of the Deed Records of Gaines County, Texas, There'll be many new industries using low each Labor being approximately 1000 varas square. Such Commis- • cost, reliable electric power, more homes with sioners' Court will receive and consider bids for such mineral the advantages of electrical' living, more farm- MO E leases on the above lands at its ers taking on Reddy Kilowatt as their new meeting at the- Court House of Par- • mer County, in Farwell, Texas, at "hired hand." 9:00 o'clock A. M., on the 28th day TO LOAN of October, 1946 Such Commission- We're happy that in our 22nd year, we're a ers' Court in its discretion may re- On Land in Parmer County ject all bids. pioneer in building ahead for the future. Our A. D. S1VIITH, County Judge, expansion program will bring better living, Of Farmer County, Texas. 46-3tc. electrically, to everyone in the years to come. 1 0 "Orchid Ladies". Two of them Another in a series of advertisement; designed to help build this fast-growing territory in which we serve.

went into the deepest jungles in V.( search of new, exotic varieties. This story, beautifully illustrated with fOur colors, appears in The Ameri- SOUTHWESTERN can Weekly, the magazine distribu- R. L. Brown ted with next Sunday's Los Angeles Examiner. The Land Man ifiVICE" CLIMBS TO THE TOP COMPANY 110 Wall Street Muleshoe David Sarnoff, president of Radio Corporation of America, was once a 22 YEARS CI' GOOD CITIZENSHIP AND PUBLIC SERVICE messenger boy. mtztmktuszczemz,z=rozmuzzr„wistrz:vms :ammsasnamteraws7mAmo&-,mm.. ...'wro-rs'zzss..\\====m•-* THE STATE LINE TRIBUNt.


Check Compression. Tighten Cylinder Head, Manifolds. The se::-.on fo;- ,:olds is here. Y many tripr to to-.':n by 'Trim.; :•our med__ Test and Clean Spark Plugs. Adjust Spark Gap. Cheeez 'now and being pr3p:.red to give prompt to Wiring, Tighten Connections. the slightest indication cc: illness. it's Clean and Adjust Distributor. Set Engine Timing. b help you. . Check Coil, Condenser. Adjust Generator and Voltage FOX DRUG STORE Control. Adjust Carburetor. Clean Fuel Pump. Service Air Clean- er. TRIBUNE ADS BRING HOME THE BACON Inspect Cooling System. Tighten Hose Connections. Ad- just Fan Belt. Test and Service Battery. Clean and Tighten Connections. Inspect Exhaust System, Muffler and Tail Pipe. New Merchandise-- Tune Motor for Best Operation and Gas Mileage. SIGNS BRITISH LOAN BILL . . President Truman used 2G pens In signing the three billion 750 million dollar British loan agreement, and gave each official present a pen as a memento of the ceremony. Lower Prices! The chief executive Is shown, !eft. with Lord Inverchape!, British am- $4.95 bassador to the United States, and presenting him with a pen used In signing the bill. LABOR ONLY

Registrants Classified Ranchvale And Texico Better Merchandising Sikes Motor Company For Parmer County Split Softball Games Ford — Ford Tractor Phone 2361 Following a recent meeting of The Ranchvale girls again prove :• Methods! 1 the Parmer County Selective Ser- their superiority on the softball dia- 1 vice Board, the following classifica • mond, last Friday, when they down- Es,77-2//WL.E.,,As2311.011111.1.5111111116W-Wr4;lia;:Alt siOGMNIZSI Steers Meet Oklahoma : t.:ons have been announced by Mrs. ed a determined but underdog Tex- Bessie Lee Henneman, clerk: ico team, 10-17, while the Texic Loners Here, Friday New Registrants boys evened up the afternoon by Rex Leroy Steinbock, J. D. John- toppling their opponents, 12-7. The second home game of the son, Edwin Dcan Baxter, Benjiraar, A check of the box score sbowee: --SPECIA S-- current football season will he Isaac Foster, Jr., Truett Glenn Han- that Moore, on the mound, held the played Friday afternoon of this nelson, Smith "%Villa:et Pope, 1-1i11:; Texico girls down the first three in- FRIDAY AND SATURDAY week, when the Farwell Steers and Rochelle C'eristian. i nings, with the locals failing to cross the Oklahoma Lane Cowboys meet 1-P. home plate until the fourth. In the OCTOBER 4TH AND 5TH on the field back of the local court- James D. Johnson. fifth they racked up two scores. house at 2 o'clock. This will be the 3-A ! were blanked in the sixth, and took LETTUCE second conference game for. both Justus C. McCoy, 1Thyrnand G.:a total of seven in the final round teams, with each having recorded Davics, Frani: L. Brcr.',- n, Este.' B. at bat. Nice Firm heads, lb.. lie an earlier loss to Bovina. Smith, C- eil I'd. Flo-ecl. j - Ranchvale, cemparatively, had its Thomas, who sustained a badly 4-A ' '1,i,g innings early in the game, tak- SPUDS broken nose last Friday, and Den Glyn C. Griffin, Edward L. Lang. int; four counts in the first and sev- No. 1 White or Rest 10 lbs. .. 39c Ford, who got a bone chipped in his Glenn M. Ezell. ' en in the second. They were held left wrist the same day, will defin- 1-C Discharged scoreless in the third, had one each COFFEE itely be out of the lineup this week, Lewis D. Chitwood, George le in the next three times, at bat, and Schilling's, 1 Coach Jack Wiliams reported today. Green, Elvin A. Hammonds, Alvie I \wend up by (-coring three times in 1h. 46c; 2 lbs.. for 91c It is also very ;:kely that Max Ford, O. Bell. ' the finale. who has a bruised ankle, and Rob- 1-C Enlisted I Coach C. E. Sanders used a large BREAD ertson, nursing a banged-up hip, Bill C. Justice, Andrew T. her- number of subs in the boys game, Any Brand, loaf lie will see the game from the sidelines. SAVED SON'S LIFE . . . Ivar soy, Rufus E. Douglas, Onyal W.. after taking a commanding lead in Robertson, M. Ford and Thomas are Dunsford, Nottingham, England, Smith. !the first three innings. Blain banged PEACHES scientist, shown with his son. 1-C Deceased regulars in the backfield, with D. • 'out the only hornet• of the day, but Ford an outstanding sub back. Peter, after the boy's life had been Beldon C. Lawson. Waldon, of Ranchvale, was high White Swan, No. 2' can 30c Consequently, a re-juggling of the saved by a new plasma discovery 1-C Inducted scoring indi,idual, crossing home talent available was in process thi's made by his dad. Dunsford hopes k . Floyd- L. Rector. plate three times during the match. TOMATO JUICE other lives will be saved by plasma week for the Steers, with Coach 4-F 0 which he originated. , No. 2 can. tip Williams tentatively listing Booth _ 1 Howard I. Harmon, Arthur or Hanna and Sheets or Loe at the 'Moorman, Marston G. Mars, Jai;,.'_ i VI .F. pec to Visits At end positions, Herington at center, Deer Hunters Plan W. Loving, Rollin E. Farmer, James County Board Office Beginning October 3, we will have on hand Williams at quarterback, Curtis or II. Curtis. Annual Take-Off Hart at left half, and M. Ford or I Peter W. Baker, Jr., of the Austin all the groceries and meats t hat are avail- Harding at right half. Texico Players Go To cffice of Selective Service, head- able at the very lowest cost. The Steers took a beating in both ' What is believed to be the first ' quarters for Texas, spent a day here body and ego at the hands of Bovine contingent of deer hunters to leave Grady For Tourney last week reveiwing the files of WE WILL SELL FOR CASH ONLY last Friday, and as a result, are Texico-Farwell this season is mak- Parmer County registrants. Luckling down to heavy workouts in ing plans to take off next week, Boys and girls of the Texico Mrs. Bessie Lee Henneman, clerk. AFTER THIS DATE (lead earnest this week, determined aad will pitch camp near Grand school will• be in Grady on Saturday reported today that Baker had that the visiting Cowboys, who by Junction, Colorado, for the opening of this week, October 5th, partici- stressed the fact that all men be-Be- all rules of the game should be the day on October 12. 'pating in an invitation softball tweenthe ages of 19 and 29 should underdogs, will not throw them for E. G. Blair and son, Joe, J. E. tournament which is open to a large report immediately to the board any $1.25 their third successive loss. Bingham and Bill Bradshaw of Bo- change of family status, as only Value Oklahoma Lcne is a newcomer to vino, and Ralph Humble of Farwell I numberLooking of teamsover thein this field, area. coach(.; Lon-fathers ate oeing drafted at the football scene, with the boys will make up the party. They ,are opine that the Ranchvale girls are , present. Brooms 83c there having played their first game , going to Colorado this year because almost sure winners in that divie All files of rr,en listed as 4-F will in history two weeks ago, but re- of the early season, planning to re- sion, but on the other hand, Grady. i be sent to State headquarters in SALT Peanut Butter ports indicate that they are both turn home by the time Fall harvest Ranchvale and Texico have all the near future, she added, urging 15c heavy, and fast, and inexperience opens. made good showings in boys' games, 'that if there is any change of sta• Iodized, 2 10c bx'c 32 oz. jar 51c could very easily be offset by en- Quite a number of local nimrods and the breaks of the tournament' tus among seen in this group it thusiasm and determination. °are expected to be heading for the could give the championship to should be reported to her, to avoid KRAUT CHEERIOS The lineup for the OklahomaIdeer-infested (they hope) hills of anv of the three. an unnecessary checkup. No. 21 'n can 20c 2 boxes 27c Laners was given on Tuesday by New Mexico when the New Mexico Coach C. E. Sanders, of the Tex- Coach W. M. Roberts as follows: season opens later in this month. ico boys, said today that he was nor. i HERE FROM OREGON Apple Juice PEACHES $1 Gober, left end; Rundell, center; 5 in possession of drawings for place- Gallon jug 1.09 ' Diced. syrup, gal. .. .19 Dollar, right end; Grissom, left half; SELLS CANDY BUSINESS ments and time as yet, but added T. M. Bieler, of Klamath Fall, Donaldson, right half; Christian, that he would be notified by Friday. Oregon, was here the first of the fullback. Subs likely to see action Trophies will be presented to week, visiting with his brother, C include Foster, Sudderth, Gulley, Ebb Ranaol of this city has sold his candy and confection business both first and second place winners F. Bieler, Texico rural route carrier. BEEF ROAST STEAK Kriegel and Jones. in the two divisions of the meet. Bieler was enroute to his home af- t) C to R. P. Perrin of Lubbock, who AA Chuck, lb. AA Beef, lb. 53c R. E. Everett of Bovina, and 11. ter attending a reunion of the Spa- L. McKee, of Clovis, will serve as took over last week. The Perrine have also leased the Randol resi- nish-American War veterans at LIVER officials. Teachers Plan Open Leavenworth, Kansas. BEEF RIBS dence and will make their home Beef, lb 35c AA, lb. 22c here, operating the business in the House At Farwell Repairing injured eyes. A revolu- same location near the Farwell Tribune dant ads get results. tionary scientific step which can school. At a faculty meeting held last bring untold joy to many facing At present, Randol said he had Thursday, members of the Farwell blindness is described, with case no announcement to make regard- teaching staff voted to hold open histories, in The American Weekly, ing his plans for the future. house in ail departments of the the magazine distributed with next o school on November 15th, at the Sunday's Los Angeles Examiner. STATE LINEt In purchasing, women are more conclusion of National Education Marke like professional buyers than are Week, Supt. H. A. Clift said today. JOHN PORTER OWNERS CHAMP PORTErt Need letterheads? Dial 2131. men. Clift added that all classes of the school would be open for inspection at that time, with special exhibits • • being arranged by the students, em- • phasizing various lines of work. It was also voted at the meeting BINDER TWINE that the annual Hallowe'en carni- val would be held the last of Octo- Watch Your Cattle ber; and students of the school will take charge of the arrangements.

HAVE GOOD LUCK Heavy cattle losses from bloat moy be expected if you don't watch your cattle Claude Dyer and Curley Hend- ricks and some Clovis parties re- which will soon be grazing on wheat. turned home the first of the week from a successful fishing trip to Better fortify them against this unne- Elephant Butte Lake. In addition to a large number of channel catfish cessary loss by feeding them Vit-A-Way that would average two to lbs., the mineral feed that more than pays they brought back one large mud- cat that tipped the scales at 11 lbs. its way. BEST GRADE INTERNATIONAL ATTENTION, MOTHERS! If looking foe better remedy for Children's Chest Colds LIVESTOCK IZMIR; s a FOOTBALL -Rub, the new Guio- try Durham's Nu•Mo AGRicuLTuRE ENTERTAINMENT —doubte Roberts Seed Co. col-Camphor trentment. Remelober Farwell Elevator Co. the purchase price refunded if you do not Ray Ford, Manager Texico and Clovis find this Modern Chest Rub more effedive —35c and 60c at FOX DRUG STORE