11 FARWELL TEXICO I ENE New Mexico.] THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR FARWELL, PARMER COUNTY, TEXAS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1946 NUMBER 97 Four-Lane Highway Seems As e-• ureci Mayor M. C. Roberts of Texica said today that the long-talked-of Farm-to-Market Road Being Surveyed four-lane highway between Texico Ct.) and Clovis seemed an assures tact in the near future. A surveying crew from the State Having contacted Governor Demp- Highway Department has been in sey on his visit to Clovislast week- Texico FFA Partner County the past week, mak- c•nd, the local mayor quoted the ing surveys on the farm-to-market Governor as saying the State High- road projects that are to be built way Department was ready to pro- in this county in the near future. ceed with the actual construction. Third at State Fair At present, the crew is working of the work as soon as the right-of- on the 8-mile strip from east of way along the route was obtained., Farwell to the Okerahoma Lane Competing with larger schools Mayor Roberts said that the Pantloss Justice school and County Commissioner T. Highway Department was demand- from all over New Mexico, and ac- E. Levy gaffe it as his opinion that tually being the only small chapter Expected Next ing a 120-foot right-of-way irom the crew would move from here to the Texico city limits to the city represented among 13 different Friona, to survey the strip from limits of Clovis, and an 80-foot groups, the Texico FFA boys placed If you don't believe Justice of Friona to the Hub community. clearance through the Town of Tex- AMERICAN STARS IN ENGLAND . The U. S. Wightman cup third with their booth at the New the Peace Jess Newton will sell Contracts for these pieces of road ico. He added that practically all of team who played Britain at Wimbledon on June 14 and 15 are pic- Mexico State Fair, which opened in the clothes off his back, you'd tured before the big event. Left to right are Miss Louise Brough; better not make him an offer. - work are not expected to be let un- the right-of-way had been obtained Albuquerque on Sunday. tii some time next Spring, possibly Doris Hart; Mrs. Patricia Todd, the only married woman on the Tom Hudson, supervisor of the Last week he went home in his and that he expected final consurn- at the April meeting of the highway ation of this phase of the project team; Pauline Betz, and Margaret Osborne. local boys, reported that Carlsbad bare feet when he was offered Department, Levy said. the near future. was first, Las Cruces second, Texico his price for his boots. And Mon- He added that both projects calle d j Since there has been so muck third, Clovis fourth and Portales day he walked into his home min- for 80-foot right-of-ways the entire speculation as to the actual rout- fifth in the judging of the booths. us his shirt, which went to a 4 distance of ,the routes, and that ing of the new highway, Mayor tn . In their exhibit, the locals stress- bidder. would mean that additional right.: Roberts was asked what route had BOV U.1 g er);^ e r ed the importance of proper dairy His wife says the limit has of-way and would have to be been selected, and replied that the feeding for the best, and most eco- been reached, and she proposes obtained. He said that 10 additional , improved highway would ,follow the ‘it .5",6--7#1 010 nomical results. No individual en- to bar the door when he comes nt 4 in parit-less, feet on each side of the routes was present lines. The hazardous b, r r tries were taken to the State show. Ste t&i.th 0 to be asked, and added that so far as'i curve in east Texico will be prac- t Accompanying Hudson to Albu- he knew, land owners along the tically eliminated when the 80-foot querque were Bobby Potent, Buddy Car Cosh Victim routes were willing to donate the right-of-way is secured. This wilt Pearce, Delmar May and Raymond Snappy looking, uniforms had no- Regional Section land. mean that more property will have Lewis. The party returned home Buried n Okla. thing to do with the outcome of the Fences will, have to be moved ' to be obtained along the route of Late This Time Sunday night. football game last lofiday, when tilt ' Lack and the poles of the Rural the S curve. The Regional News section of 0 The body of Mrs. H. E. Musson, beautifully clad Farwell Steers were Lie ct rifi ca tion lines willhave to 1De 0 unmercifully routed by the rampag- this newspaper, which has re- age 69, who was fatally, injured in Covina Clubber Takes a car crash southeast of this city re-located. All this, Levy explaine d, ing Bovina Mustangs, 27-12, in a cently become a monthly feature, will require time to work or;e Big Apple Crop In game that more than showed the is late this time. Top Honors hi Show last Tuesday night, was taken to Noble, Okla., .last Saturday by a which accounts for the actual con- R. Sumner Valley superiority of the Bovina players at ; This section of The Tribune, tract letting not being expected be- every turn. which is printed in Dallas, arriv- The registered Chester White gild Steed Funeral Home ambulance, and burial was made there. fore next Spring. Harvesting of one of the biggest So far as Farwell was concerned, ed too late to be included in our belonging to Bobby Englant, of Bo- Mrs. Musson died a few minutes apple crops in recent years is just two men on the field looked like issue of September 26th. It is vina, rated first place last Satur- 1 after the car in which she was rid- getting into full swing in the Feces football players—stellar end and hoped that this will not occur day, when a district judging was ing with her husband was hit by N M .Voters Urged Valley at Fort Sumner, a Tribune backfield man Bobby Hart, and again, and that the regional news held at the Tri-State Fair grounds another machine, being driven by reporter observed on a trip to the young Don Ford, freshman new-; will come to local readers regular- in Amarillo as the climax of the To Register Now Robert Rundell. 21, accompanied Valley last Sunday. coiner to the backfield, while the ly. 1946 contest sponsored for 4-H club- Thousands of trees are literally- 0 by his sister, Miss Reta Rundell. W. J. Matthews, Texico Demo- Bovina men shared honors all up I hers by Sears. !loaded to the breaking point, with The accident happened about eight cratic precinct chairman, today call- and down the line for tackling, Englant, an eighth grader in the ,broken limbs in evidence in prac- Alfalfa Makes Good o'clock as the two machineS met at ed attention to the importance of . blocking, advancing and holding the Bovina school, is in his second year tically all a cbuntry road • intersection two voters registering, in order to be Steers. First Year Yields of club work, County Agent Lee I being sold at 50 and 75 cents per miles east -and two miles south of entitled to vote in the general elec- Opening up the game, Farwell McElroy reported today, adding that Ibushel, while the picked crop is N. L. Tharp, farming three miles Lattat. The teussons---were coming •tion in'Novemebn.- - - • - • grabbed a 6-0 lead shortly after the his gilt was conceded as far super- i bringing prices ranging from $1.25 north of this city, who installed a home from Muleshoe, and the Run- j There are a number of votei's in starting whistle, when Herington ior to all others in the show. Judg- to $2.00 per bushel. large irrigation plant early this dell young folks were enroute to a the Texico precinct who have failed blocked a Bovina kick on the 20 ing was done by Ike Dahlberg, head Apple growers said that most of year, reports an exceptionally good social gathering. The Mussons were to register, Matthews said, and in and Hart covered on the 15. Max of the animal husbandry depart- 'the crop is being hauled out by yield from Ihis alfalfa plantings al- within a half mile of their home order to save these residents a trip Ford advanced the ball seven yards, ment of Texas A. & M. truckers, although there is an at- ready this season. when the cars collided. to Clovis, registration books have Williams hit the ?tubborn Bovina I To the young club worker, as an most constant stream of individuals Tharp says he never got his 40 Musson was taken to a Muleshoe been opened by S. C. Hunter at his line for no gain, and then Hart award for his work with the gilt, driving in to pick up a few bushels acres of alfalfa planted until the hospital for treatment of injuries office over the Red Cross Pharma- swept left end into paydirt, with goes a pure-bred Jersey heifer. for home consumption. latter part of June. He has cut 1500 sustained in the crash and the Run- cy. The books will close on October the placelnent kick going wild. Eighth other boys, county winners, Due to thg exceptionally h eavy bales on the first round, and is mak- who showed gilts at the district, dells escaped with only minor cuts 7th, Matthews said, in urging all Farwell kicked off and Bovina and bruises.
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