., 01 owon Serving The State llnh;;ersitu of 101L'a and the People of Iowa City

Established In 1868 Wire And Wirepbeto Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday, August 27, 1959

, Red .Chinese Slash Germans Receive Ike Production Targets

TOKYO IA') - Red China slashed oril;!inol quota oC 3!iO million lon$. hlamed inexperience and \I rong its 1959 production goals Wednes· Collon shrank from a quota 0 gue .. ef by stllte ~tati~tical 811encie . day with a confession that its 4'. million tons to about 2''1 mil· fo r the er.ormou errors. lion. The committee disclo. ed th t boasts of record·breaking output The country's total indu trial Chairm n faD TIe.tung· revolu from farms and factories last Cheers, Appla.use output valu" "ill he odjllstcd from tionary pcas:mt comnlune project year were based on false statis­ 165 billion yuan to 147 billion yuan, ha been attacked within the party tics. Chou said. The Chnl' e con Id r itself a "petty bourgeo fanati· Production figures on China s the YU~'n worth abou! 4U U.8. cents. cism.'· lnvestrr>ent in capital co[\~lruc· Calling fcr a n~w campaign LO "great leap forward" in agricul­ Ike Arrives tion will f.l" reduced from 1:1 billion ;;earch out and correct hi critic, ture and indu try in 1958 ~rred yuan to 24,900.GOO.OOO ~ nan. the committee d elared "the prin seriously on the high olae, the The number of big projects til cipal dange,· now confronting tht Communist party Cen~ral Commit· be built this year will be 877 in achieVl'mt'nt of a continued 1 np In Bonn; Meets tee dI sclosed in a broadcast reo stead of the planned 1,092. forward tbis year is the ari ing or port. The Central Commiltee. meetih1 right opporhtni t id a amon As a result or these errors, plus in central China earlier thi. month. ome cadre ." With Adenauer damage tll~s year from noods and drought, targets for coal, steel, grain, cotton and other industrial Crowd Of 300,000 an~ agricultural items are to be County's New 'Death Curve' Greets President adjusted accordingly. The National P~ople 's CongreJs BONN, Germany IA') - The Ger­ taSsented to the revisions, laid be· mans Dwight D. Eisenhower con· Claims Life In 2-Truck Crash quered in 1!M5 welcomed him back fore it by Premier Chou En·lai. Wednesday night as a stalwart de· The ambitious SiS·mlllion·ton John on County'. 12th traffic traCI ic for several hour .. fender and crusader for honorable r,rain program for 1!Jo9 was slashed death of the year was recorded Low's body wa. laken 10 ti,!: peace. aLmost in half. The new goaL is Wedne day when a Des 10in Hamilton Funeral Home in De For two hours, 300,000 of them 275 million tons. trucker was killed in the head·on . Ioines. cheered the American President Steel production, index of the collision of lwo semi·trailers east Bothell's Corner. th c ne 01 along 20 miles of road from Wahn countr·y's industriGllintion. drops ~e veral accidents thi y ar, wa Airport Into Bonn. Here he is starL­ from ils original 18 million tons to of fowa City. al a the SCl'ne of another trarrk ing vItal discussions among Eur­ 12 million. The committee admit Wayne Lowe St· .. 34. diC'd in thc ratality this summer. Frank Gar· ope's leaders just before his meet­ ted the highly touted program of accident which took pl ace on ringer, 14 . Ladora, Wll kill d In a InC in Washlngton with Nlkita making steel in backyard furnaces Bothell' Corner, ninl' miles east three truck sma hup July 8. Khrushchev. bas been a failure and will be of Iowa City on IIighway 6. An The 12 d oths recorded thi yt'ar This is perhaps Eisenhower'S dropped. It said the 3,080.000 tons Iowa Cil)' m'ln, F:dw F.rd P. Organ, now equal the number of cit'ath ., most critical trouble-shooting mis· 01 steel they turned out "met the 53. 9 E. Harrison St. , was Injured in the counl y recordC!d la I YC!Ill' sIan of all, the crowning effort oC rP.quirements of local areas," but in the era h, bul was Ii ted in good at this time. his long militarY'admlnistratlve Dot of industry. condition by hospital olllcial . latc career that will end with his re· Miners got word that 335 million Wedne day afternoon. tirement {rom the presidency aller tons of coal will do, instead of the' Dr. George D. Callahan. John· next year. son COllnly C'llOner, said Low!". To Extend The German thousands gave him death resulted from a kult frae a tumultous recepUon and welcom­ ture and other fractures, Il lacer ed his renewed pledge that the Probable Dead ated groin and severance oC an U.S. Nuclear United States will stand by West arlery. Organ was said to suffer Berlin against Communist en· a forehead lacl'ration. Review 01 Honor Guard croachments. "I like Ike ... I like Ike," the A Super·Value truck driven by Testing Halt President Elsenhow.r Is eecompeni,d by Chene.ltor Konrad Ad,n. / the honor Sluerd. Th. \lund Is composed of m.mber. of the W... In Earthquake Lowe was headed west to unload crowds y-elled. eu.r e' he revl.ws II West G.rmen nmy \lutrd of honor lit 80nn G.rmlln Air Forc.. -AP Wir.photo vlll rodio from Fronkfurt. at Coralville. Organ, driving for WASHINGTON IA'I - Presidenl The first U.S. president to visit airport W.dn.sdllY. Th. officer directly behind Is tM commllno.r of West Germany called the wcl· Wat on Brotiwr Tran. portntlon Eisenhower has ord red th tAm· Company. was traveling ea t from --~------• ------come "overwbelming and magnifi­ Raised To 13 Iowa City. erica's suspension oC nuclear cent.'· Cheering thousands massed in WEST YELLOWSTONE Mont, III The cllbs of th two trucks were weapons tests be extend d beyond New Mississippi Oct. 31 to the end oC this year. Housing Bill Sent 10, House Russia Could the streets of Bonn and its sub· - The number of probable dead demolished from the 11 a.m. col· Governor Maps urbs and Ilried the road in tb.e open in sonthwestern Montana's Aug. 17 lision on the corner which was slick Eisenhower acted In view of the country to the airport where the I:artnq.uake was increased to 13 {rom rajn. six·weeks recess announced ear· Segregation plans President's jet liner landed Crom Wednesday. After the colli 'ion, the Iruck ­ Iier in lhe day by the Big Three JA KSON, Mis . IA'I - Cov. - Floor; Effort To Push Approval Deleat U.S., Wa bington. jacknifed inlo a gl'ove of tr es on The change came when a Red atomic powers negotiating at thc elect Ro Barn tt plann d They waved flags and banners Cross ollieial said it appears Mr. the north side of the highway gation -trategy conference with WA LIIN(,ro~ ll'l - A hOlilOl: than two hours general dcbate. Warns Nikita and BeIIt up thunderous explosions ""here th(y came to re t almost Geneva conference on a nucl ar and Mrs. Syqney D. ,Ballard and Southern lead r· and legi. Lator bill Pre id nt Ei. cnhower doe n t Ei enhower only Tue day, in a of applause. Tho route from the their son Christopher, of Nelson, touching. The two trailer units test ban. as he r ted Wedn sday from a lIke we sent to the House floo r pedal m s age to Congre s, mad MOSCOW IA') - Nikita Khruth· airport became so jammed tbat B.C., were engulfed by the tremor· extending into the highway blocked There has been strong support the arrival program lagged 45 min· gruelllng campaign. Wedne day with a take this or a thinly veiJed threi\t to veto thl' chev ha warned that Soviet mill­ triggered mountainslide at Rock in some U.S. government quarters utes behind schedule. Creek campground. Th 61-year-old Jackson atlor· nothln ' tag on it. bill, if It is not changed, ju. t a. he tary mighL could overwhelm tbe to get going again on the tests. Chancellor Konrad Adenauer Red's Menshikov ney, who uncompromisll1g stand Tbe blunt talk came from Rep. did an eurller version. Th new Uniled States but at the same greeted Eisenhower at the airport Bodies of nine victims bave been In announcing El enhower's or· for racial segregation brought recovered . Mrs . Thomas Stowe of Altxrt R;1in to·Ala. l , chairma;l mc:! urc contain mo t feature to tJme said his coming talks with and they rode together in an open Optimistic About der, the Stale Department did not him a comfortable victory io Tues· car into the capital city. Sandy, Utah, also is missing and day's Democratic runoff, m t with of th HOUfO subcommittee on which th Pr ident obJcclcd Pre~id nL Eisenhower could pro­ presumed dead, say whether it now expects a At the airport Eisenhower told Ike-Nikita Talks key advisors, but is ued no late· hou in~, in a 'king a go-head rrOll! :>riginaily but the co I is p<.\rcd vide an historic turn in the coLd Seven persons whose names have speedy agreement on an interna· the West German leader: "The m nl. the Rules Committee for floor d '. down from $J ,375,000,000 to $1,050" war. American people stand by your been on the unreported List were WASHINGTON IA'I - So vie t tional tesL ban or whether the Barnell hope to weld Dlxi located aUve and safe, the Red Ambassador Mikhail Men hlkov United States InteMs to resume bate on the enate·pas cd mea ur . 000,000. l being forced to tUIO "Even· the United Slates with all er at his desk and othcrs showing gin in last November's congres· 10 short·term borrowing, wherll of its economic resources and him shaking hands with Adenauer sional election. there is no interest cf;:i1ing. manpower couLd not enable the stood in store windows. The House Elections subcommit· Federal German Republic to de­ The flags of the United Slales tee, through its chairman, Rep. velop an army equal in strength and West Gennany waved together Robert T. Ashmore !D·SC), r~port· to the Soviet army and the armies from Ught posts. cd that after a check o! the ballots of its aUies. Even together with Wben the President's silver·and· it found Alford received 30,247 its allies it could not compare orange military jet airliner rolled votes to 28,749 for Hays. Weather, with us in strength," he wrote. to a balt at the airport, German howitzers nearby began firing a It thus slighLly increased AI· Khrushchev stressed that he ford's winning margin since the 21·JUD salute, the ftrst time any was not trying to intimidate West visiting dignitary to Germany has official canva/ls in Arkansas after Forecast Germany - "we have both seen received it. the election showed Alford winning too many horrors to resort to this.' Eisenhower is the first American 30,739 to 29,483 - a margin of 1,256 resort to thi ." president to visit the federal re­ Voles. The Soviet leader told Adenauer public. PresIdent Harry S. Trqman Allord, pitching his campaign on that the reunification Df Germany attended the PotIdam conference the theme that Hays was not firm· is a domestic matter of the Ger~ In 1945 before the republic was Iy enough for racial segregation, mans and cannot be accomplished formed. Potsdam Is in what has raD as a last minute write·in can· by the great powers. become Communist East Germany. dldate. His supporters widely dr· Western reunification proposals, As the President appeared, an culated gummed stickers bearing he said, are unrealistic, And he explGldon of eileen and clapping bIB name and all "x" mark which added, "we are emphatically welled up from the spectators many voters attached to the bal· maued arOUDd the scene. Elsen· lots. against interference in this purely domestic matter." hower took off his bat, with a sweeping Oourlab. and waved. His Hays did not contest the elec· In Bonn President EiJeobower .tioo but said he thought it should Partly famous grin f1aahed and the crowd was greeted by thousands of Ger· roared even louder. be Investigated in view of charges Moscow Stage Door Tribute To Bernstein mans begging him to reunify Ger· of irregularities made by John In spite of his t%-hour flight, be Cloudy It is RUliian music lov.s a""laud a, LlOfIarct Bernst,ln, conductor of the th, orc,,"tra rec,ived popular and critical ACclolm ,.,. th'ir fIv, many. expected the subjects looked freab and rested. Wells, publisher of a LitUe Rock of reunificatioo and maiDteaance Weekly newspaper. N,w Yorit Phllhumonlc Orchestra, I,av.. the MOK_ C...... ",mry performancil in MO$cow. They will tour L.nl"lrod end Kiev ...... The visit by Eisenhower to West of Allied bases in West BerHn wUl Germany fa UIe 11m leg of hla Weill, amoog other things, chal· WedMscNY with hi, wife, MId to him holdint bouquet. a,mst,ln and r.tvmin, t. Moscow .... thrH mor, performanc.. , LowWs be discussed by Eiaenbower aDd penoa-to.perIoI diplomatic ven- ~p Wirephoto via rodio from Mosc_ Ie~~ the legality of the stickers. ,Adenauer, ",",-.~~rm-. - p' 3 Changes Quake Hits Mexican Coast; Clyde Herring In Highway At Least lS Believed -Dead Approved For MEXICO CITY IA'I - A heavily destructive earthquake hit the Routes OK'ed Mexican Gulf Coast a~ea around Coatazacoalcos Wednesday. killing ICC Position AMES"" - The Iowa Highway an unknown number and injuring many persons. Whole sections of WASHT GTON IA'I - Clyde E. Commission Wedne day approved some towns were demolished. Herring. Iowa Democrat. wa ap­ applications for three proposed The town of Jaltipan. 37 miles inland from Coatazacoalcos. ap­ proved by the Senate Commerce route changes on U.S. highways peared to have suffered heavy casualties. Committee Wednesday (or a plac~ in the state. A report from Coatazacoalcos , -----:------on the Interstate Commerce Com · The changes will be submitted mi sion. to the American Association oC Slate s.aid between L5 and 20 were be- SUI Math Profs But before his nomination wa Highway Officials. heved dead there. I approved, he was handed an as­ One of the changes is an alter­ Octal'io Pavon Remon. mayor of To Attend Meets signment by committee Chairman Acayucan, s ~i d on his return from Warren G. Magnu on ID-Wa ·h.l. to nate route for U.S. 6. between I . Jaltipan at least 60 were injured. In Sa t Lake City find out about Ihe status of a case Dexter and Interstate 35-80. four ::.n unknown Ilumber' killed and thl' UOIY before the ICC . miles west of Des Moines . The town was all but destroyed. Three members of the Depart- highway presently is designated as Herring. like Iwo other ICC mem­ Highway 90. In his own town of Acayucan, menl of Mathematics at SUI will bers liP for reappointment. sam the mayor said. 40 persons were participate in meelings of mathe­ he had no objection to having Another changc co Us for the re­ injured and 20 per cent of its t mati cal societies to be held in Satt members of Cnngre's make in­ location of U.S. 6 from three miles buildings collapsed. Acayucan i3 Lake City. tah. from Aug. 30 to quiries about the status of ca e ea t of Atlantic to Dexter. along abouL 10 miles from Jaltipan. St-pl. 4. under consideration by the quasi­ the route of Interstate 80. At the port of Coatazcoalco four W.T. Reid. profe or and new judicial agency. The third change is for the relo· docks were destroyed. Four others head of the Department of Mathe· Questions about lhe practice cation oC U.S. 75 from Sloan to used by sulphur companies. were matics. will read a research paper were raised at a hearing on Her­ the south limits of Sioux City. onto twisted and cracked. City official 011 matrix differential equations be­ ring's nomination and the nomina­ Interstate 29. The pre ent highway estimated eight per cent of the fore a secLion on analysis of the tions o( Howard G. Freas and Abe passes through Sloan and Salix. city wa badly demaged. Seventeen American Mathematical So~iety. an M. Goff. and along the edge of Sergeant persons wen' injured. organization devoted to mathe- Bluff. All three nominations were ap­ Seven others were reporled hur: matics re earch. Deputy Chief Engineer L. M. proved by the committee .and sent Clauson told the commission that in inchital across the Coataza- Steve Armentrout as istant pro- to the Scn:lte for confirmation probably Thursday. renumbering the r 0 ads would coalcos River. fe sor of mathematic . will also lessen the confu ion of traveler present a paper dealing with Moore A bill under consideration by a "}~.,... through Iowa. and also divert spaces before a eclion of the same Senate Judiciary Subcommittee more traffic onto the interstate Man Accused Of society_ II.T. Muhly. professor of would bar anyone. including men,­ Firemen Battle Flames From Gas Explosio·o· bel'S of Congress. from any pri­ sy~m . mathematics. will participate In However. ome commIssIoners Abducting Woman the meeting oC the Board of Gov­ vate contacts with such agencies. Firemen fight to stop thll spr.ad of flames from a propane gas four trucks, end scattered fire oyer a large area. Firemen from six ernors oC the Math matical As- It is an outgrowth or last year'~ 'X' l said they fe lt putting more than plosion in Atlanta, Ga., Wednesday that injured on. m~In, damaglld companies joined in pouring water on a big tanker loaded with 6,000 sociation o( America as the new inve tigation by a Hou e group of one number designation on the KNOXVILLE. IQwa (J1'I - Marion gallons of gas and kept it from exploding.-AP Wirephoto. road might lead to confusion . County auUlOrities took into eu t­ govemor of the Iowa Section. pressures on the Federal Communi­ rather than lessen it. ody Wedne day a man they said The MathematicaL ASSOciation of cations Commission. forced a woman into a car with America is concerned with the Be(ore the hearing ended. Mag­ him at knif!:i>Oint. leaching of undergraduate mathe­ nuSOn said that he had been asked States Have SUI Geologist LONG CELEBRATES NO. 64 T. A. Thomp on. chief of the matic course . by a prominent member of Con· Funeral For Fred Ambrose State Bureau of Criminal Investi- gress. whom he didn't identify. to NEW ORLEANS UP! - Gov . Earl inquire about the status of a case K. Long celebrated birthday No. gation said th woman was ab- BRITISH DINNER FOR lICE before the ICC. . Attack Laws, To St,!dy 64 Wednesday with a visit to his ducted about 3 p.m. Wednesday To Be Held Here Friday doctors and some efforts to raise by a man carrying a knife. LONDON 1.fI _ Sir Anthony Eden Magnu on said he had only the campaign contributions for his bid Vern Jones of the Knoxville Po- and Sir Winston Churchill are ex­ number of the case and didn't Hoegh Says Funeral services for Fred W. Ambrose, 66. who was sccretary and At MoscowU. for another term. Long told news­ lice Department identified the woo peeted to be among 30 or 40 guests know what it was about. But he business manager ot SUI from 1944-54. will be conduded Friday at men in Baton Rouge Tuesday con­ man as VaUora Byers of nearby at the dinner Prime Minister Har­ to ld Herring that he soon would be WASHINGTON UP! - The Of- 10:30 a.m. at st. Mary's Catholi c Church in rowa City. Burial will be Paul Randau. SUI graduate stu­ starting work at the ICC and he tributions (or his campaign have Harvey. The man was not identi- old Macmillan will give Monday Cice of Civil and Defense Mobili­ in the new section of St. Joseph's Cemetery. dent in geology from Los Alios. been few and far between. fied immediately. night for President Eisenhower. UlOught he would assign him to zation ¥~trr~n~­ More Jy Alert civil defense drill at secret the loss of the rings. She alleged Before coming to SUI. Ambrose Der relocation centers outside Wash- h' d . both crt whbrtt are also doIng' \9ork Than Sna es ington. This test has been in the rings were taken from the lock- was co-arc Itect an supermtend- in this field .., /'. 'l ( , " progress since April 17. 'er roam in a variety store Where ellt of bliilding and grounds for the Cephalo~;~ L: are' a Jlubgroup of NEW YORK (Al! - Afraid of The purpose of emergency legis- the two women worked together. mollusks ",hich 'wcre nUIl)erous in poisonous snakes? lation is to set up lines of suc- She said the theft took place May Bees and wasps actually carry the past and are thought t Qtave cession for officials. preserve es- 11. been the dominant form of life 400 a greater kiss of dealh for Am- senUal records and establish relo- eriC/illS. cation siles. Mrs. Allen was arrested in Well- million years ago. Shells of these Poisonous bites killed 215 Ameri- man T u e s day by Wa hinglon &nimals are ortel! preserved in cans In 1950-54. Eighty-five died Among the sta.tes. now havi~g County authorities under a warrant Crom slings of bees. wasps. hornets, such laws. are ~llmols, Iowa. Mm­ rocks. the age oC wbich geologists and yellow jqeket ·. compared with ' nesota. Mlsso~rt. N~bra ka . South issued in police court here. She was can estimate by study of the fa il 71 killed by snal'es. Pnisonous spid- Dakota and Wlsconsm. returned to Iowa City by the John­ forms. ers killed another 39. Scorpions, son County Sherif's Office Tuesday One of the classic rock section., sling rays and others did in the evening. occurs in the Ural Mountains and rest. 2 Cities Seek In prelimin ary police court hear­ Randall hopes to do work in this The figures are reported by Dr. area. explained :\1 iller. He will M. Parrish of Burlington, Man Accused Of ing. she was granted continuance probably join a field group. collect Vt.. who thinks that previous esti· on the charge to Thursday morning fossil organisms and return them mates of bites and stings by veno­ Confidence Game and was released under $1.000 bond. to Moscow for study there. mous animals and insects are far Randau. who received his B.S. too low. MOLINE. Ill. (Al! - A man ac­ in 1955 from Stanford Universily. Many deaths from poisonous cused oC operating a confidence bites are very likely erroneously Find Prospective will return to SUI artPf his year in game from hospital beds in two :Uoscow to cont ;n\l2 his stU dies on attributed to heart attacks. hea ~ cities was sought by police Wed· fossil cephalopods. strokes . or other causes. he writrs nesday. Plant Buyer The exchange studcnl'ships are in the American Medical Associa­ A warrant was issued for Ken­ tion "Archives of Internal Medl DES MOINES UP! - A large adnlinisteree! through Columbia neth Miles .1fter sevcl'al employeF University and last year 22 stu· cine." ·Jf ?vIoline Public Hospital identifil-d manufacturIng firm is interested Fred Ambrose Rattlesnakes were the most dan­ in buying the Solar Aircraft Co. dents from nine American univer· him from a circular as the man sities studied in the Soviet Uni on. gerous sin gle species. killing 55 per­ who came lhere earlier this month University of Wyoming. Laramie. plant in Des Moines. the Iowa He held that post from 1926 to sons. but bees were next mo.t and said he had fallen from a most deadly. taking 52 human horse lind was in extreme pain. Development Commission sa i d 1941. Ambrose served in the U.S. lives. he says. He analyzed sting Wednesd.ay: Army during World War r. He was Co lis For Added and bite deaths r eco~d ed by the While awoiting medical atten­ National Office of Vital Statistics. tion. the man telephoned separate Commlsslo.n Director Ed Storey a construction foreman and super­ jewplery stores and ordered a dia­ said the company is a nationallY- I intendent for several Wyoming Interest In Mass mond ring. watch and radio. He known manufacturer of metal fab-I firms ~fore he joined ~ h e staff of paie! for then: with fra udulent rica lions. the UnIversIty of Wyommg. Media Personnel 2 SUI Seniors checks that totaled $248.50 after they were delivered -to his room. Solar announced last week it Am?rose came to SUI i~ 194~ as The average user of the maSS . . supermtendenl or the Untverslty's media must begin to take an iDter· Win Scholarships Then he checked out oC the hos­ was selhng its plant. whIch had Physical Plant. pital. est in the recruiting of new person· Two seniors at SUI have been employed nearly 1.000 persons. A native of Stevens Point Wis. nel for the media, if the public Stepping From Past To Future Poli ce in Rochester. Minn .• said Solar had made missile compon- Ambrose was a graduate of Stev: welfare is to be properly served. named winners of Western Electric a )nRn fitting Miles' description A Spitflr., on. of the types of aircraft used tw.nty y.ars allO in the Battl. of Britain, I.ads an alrial scholarships for the coming year. ents. but decided to consolidate ens Point State Normal School and Leslie G. Moell er. proCessor 8IICI operated the same scheme Aug. 6 its operations at its San Diego. attended Stout Institute. Meno­ ,.r" of British aircraft in a recent flight oVlr th. Enillish coast ",ar Norfolk. Anoth.r Battl. of Britain Helen Reich. Sill sc~olarship ch"ir­ director of the SUI School of Jour· while he was a patient in st. Calif.. plant. monie. Wis. He also studied archi- veteran, the Hurrican., is second from the bottom. At the top is a Javelin VII, with a Hunt.r IV next; man. has announced. nalism. said Wednesday in a panel Mary's hospital. Storey ' said the firm interested tecture at the Uni ted YMCA on recruiting at the Associatioa Ito+h are .... latest jet models. Th. British air council has decid.d to r.tir. perman.ntly the Spitfire Clark Christensen. a senior in accounting £rom Walnut. and John Miles also is wanted by the FBI in buying the Solar plant wanted Schools. for Education in Journalism Coli' and .... Hurrica", pla",s aft.,. their annual fly-over Sept. 20 over London.-AP Wirephoto, W. Emde. a senior in electrical and by Jack onville. m.. authori­ a building with 400.000 to 500,000 Ambrose was a member of Sl. vention al the University of 0re­ engineering from Iowa City. will ties on a charge of passing frauqu­ square feet. Mary's Church and the Holy Name gon. receive $400 scholar hips for 1959- lent checks in 1957. A five-member inspection team Society. He served on the Board The media nel'd personnel for 60. The grants are based upon for the firm visited the place in Control of Athletics at SUI for their information-handling staffs. ability and need and are awarded SHIPS COLLIDE Tuesday. many years and on a number of Moeller said. and mo,t media 8r ~ 'Th~ 1)al1y Iowan upon recommendations of the University committees. He belong- now having difficulty geltir.t dean of their respective colleg e~. LONDON Iof! ...: The Indian naval Storey said the firm would em- ed to the Rotary Club. Triangle enough staff members of high Both recipients are married ar,d vessel Mysore and the British de­ ploy about 1.000 persons iC it buys Club. Veterans of Foreign Wars capabilities. At the same time. the plant. and the Associtaoin of Superin­ ' ... 2 THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1.5. lOWI City, lowl live in Iowa City housing. stroyer Hogue collided off Ceylon media salary levels must be in­ This is the fourth year that West­ Tuesday night. killing one sailor "This firm regards an Iowa 10- tendents of Buildings and Grounds. creased even more rapidly than ern Electric has provided two $400 aboard the Hogue, the admiralty cation with high favor." Storey He was a member of the American they have in recent years. he said. The Dolly Iowan is written and eeliled by students and Is governed by a board of five student trustee.! elected by scholarships for SUI students. announced Wednesday night. said. Legion for 40 yellrs. Jour'lalism school enrollments t'le student body and fout faculty trustees appointed by tl, e presidfnt of tIle Vnlvcrslty. Tlte Dally Io wan', Ambrose married Laura Agnes con~inue rcllltivl;:lv lInchangcJ a,1 exp ress i o,~ S editorial policy, tflcrujure. is not of Vi acIm inistrutlon policy or opinion, in any porticular. Kearney in Denver. Colo .• April 21 . Mo~I1C1' sai,l . while demand (or 1920. She survives him. as do one graduates ilJcreases as new field! montha. $3; all other mail l1Jbsc:rlp ­ Make-good · serv'lce on mjged papers son. John Frederic Am~rose oC of employment open uP. and wbil~ 1t1e-1)olly Iowan tlogs. flO per year; six montha. fS.60 ; Is not possIble. but every effort will University Bulletin Board Alexandria. Va .. and a grand­ college enrollment is ge nerally III' three monlhs, $3.25. be made 10 correct errors wIth the , next I""ue. daughter. Maria Ambrose. 11. <.reasing. ------MEMBER- -- U.lnnll, lI.n.u. "or' ••11 ...... e re.... • ••• , Tb. D.n, J..... effI.. . AUDIT BUREAU DAILY IOWAN EDITORIAL 8TAFP MEMBEa. ., , ... ASSOClATED PRESS a ••• III (JeDt.a.I ••'I ... C ••'.r. II, ..0 •• of lb. day ",'.r..... n ...... ft., OF Ed itor ...... Ted R ..mu"""" The A ..""lated Preas II entitled ex­ ••" lie ',pe' ...... II, .....1 .... r .111 ...., 'be .r, •• llIll••• t1A, CIRC ULATIONS CIty EdItor .. '" Marlene Jor,ensen clllslvely 10 lbe uoe (or republication ....U ...... Panl, 1 ••lal f •••U ... ar•••• oU,llIlo , •• "'10 ....1 .. . Sports EdItor ...... Don Forsythe of all the I""al neWI prlnled In thl. newspaper a. well a. .11 AP news I Hoskins In Custody Of Iowa OHice..s Published dally ekcept Sunday and - Chief Photo.raph"" .... Jerry SmIth dlspatchel. THE SUI FOILBNSICS ASSN. WIll hold a.m. 10 noon. Service desks: Monday­ Mondll y and Iejlo l bolldays bt' S\u­ Its flnt .eneral meeting Tuelday. Friday. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturd.y, 8 WSUI - IOWA CITY 911 II l e dent• Publt""U onl. In c. , Communlca­ DAILY IOWAN 8UPEa.VI80a.s FROII September 30, In Room 12la Sheaffer 8 .. m . to noon. Reserve desk: MondlY'. D!ULY IOWAN ADVERTISING STAFF POTEAU. Okla. (.fI - Iowa Rapids Aug. 15. He was the IIsI tlon. Center. Iowa City. Iowa. En­ BusLneas IIlana,er and SCHOOL or JOUIlNAUSM FACULTY Hall. Next year's pro,ram In debate. FrIday. 8 •. m. to 5 p.m. T ...... '. AUI." 2'. 10l1li tered • • second class mailer at the PubUsher ...... John M. Harrlaon dillCuuion. oratory and e.xtempor" l:Iw enforcement officers Wedne - of the trio to be recaptured. poot oUlce at Jo wa ClIy. und~r the Advertlslna DIrector ... Mel Adams Edltorl.1 ...... Arthur M . Sanderson aneoU. speaking will be dlscuased. All VITEa.ANS: Each PL 5SO veteran 8:00 Mornln, Chapel Kt of Conlll'els of March 2. 1879. Advertlslnl MaM.er . ... Jay Wilson Advertl.ln, ...... John Kottm an students • .lrelhmen especially. who are mu st sl,n a V.A. Form 18I6A to cov­ day took custody of Jack Hoskins Cla.aWed Adv. Mllr ... Larry Henne.y Clrclllatlon •...... WUbllr Peterson 8:15 N~w s Hoskins was taken by officers Promotion Mana,er .. Walter Barbee Interested In forensic work are wel­ er his attendance from Aua. I to AUII. 8:30 Mornln, MUllc Dial 41.1 from noon 10 mldnlaht to come. 12. A form will be available In the and started back with him to TaUSTEE8. BOAa.D OP STlJOENT 8:30 Booklhelf south oC here Monday. He w~ reporl new. Ilems. women'l "".-e PURUCATIONI bo oemenL hallway or Unlvenlty Hall Rock Rapids where the (ugitive Jt.em.., for announcements to The DAJLY IOWAN ClltCULATION THE UNIVEaSITY COOPUATJVE on Wed. A.... II or ., the Veteran. 10:00 New. turned over Wednesday to L,. DaU, Iowan. EdItorial olll

I u.s. Answers Laos' Appeal For More Aid WASHINGTON t.fI - The Unit· ed States met Laos' urgent appeal for more aid Wfdnesday and ac· cused the Communist world of abetting the use pf force against the tiny Southeast Asian kingdom. The exact amount of new aid was not di.scJosed. The State 0 epa r t men tan· .. nounced also an unusual session of thl' Southeast Asia Treaty Organ· ization wiU be held here In late ~pte mber . While the Laos crisis may be discu sed at this session. pre. of· ficer Lincoln Whlte said that so far as he knew the questions 01 sending of troops by the United states or SEA TO to Laos has not ari sen. Rep. Samuel S. Stratton (D·N.Y.l urged that Marines be sent to Lao and that a carri~ task iVrce be stationed in the area. "This is jUst . Dubuque. Re-Enters ' has callrd statr o(flcillls to a con· There were no houses for miles Many inIO ...• birlhs hav(' taken Thr 'li Days lU a Word ference SI.' pl. 8 to di. cu. problel1\, H AlR·CONDITIONW eUJcfency _part· pm. House for Rent Coachella , the nearest town, is 20 pla"e on plane landing in Gander, Four Day a Word Steel Talks of state 1'I!I;(III'lt ion of nur Ing Five Day! Ilk' a Word m.n! In Coral ville. Phone "!IaII4 . • . " miles north. "nd twin~ have bl'('n born hortly NEW TltREE bedroom home (or renl; home. Ten Days 20¢ a Word Pets for Sale lu I compl.led. Adult. only. DIll NEW YORK Lfl - Steelworkers' In her pur e police foun d a key lie said he is concl'rn d. amon after landin,(, buL 'hI may be '"'' On lonth a Word APART'I1 NT. "'dull. 01.1 '4!1S ' -II 8J38. 8·3 Presidl'nt flal id McDonald reo to a Riverside hotel room and a )ther 'hings, WI Ih unliccn. 'd nur· first lime thol twins ha\' be(,l1 SIAMESE kltte !l4t8. {Minimum Charge 5O¢1 APAR~II'!NT Ind Toom •. I·' lurned to negotiations in the steel driver's license with a nonexi tent il'\g home '. lind comm('nted th:tl thr horn alof, Or.dUlt. ludent liter ~ strike Wedn!)sday ror the fi rst time Riverside addre . Riverside I Dr. J . G. Poton. Gander phy ;. House Trailer For Sale number 01 th~ r mn.1I be "shocking· p .n\. 8-1& Where To Eat in almost tl1rf~C week but the slow more Lhan 100 miles northwest of Iy high." cian \\'ho ml't lIIr~. Stl\'('r.. aid the AU modem 30 It. houle Iraller. ,00<1 pace of the talks appeared unaf· here. A State Hcalth Department offi · girl wer half an hour old when rondlUon. plut attached IIvlnl room feeted. TWO room (Urnl hod aparlrnon t In and (_·In yard Jl.IlCOn_bly priced. The truck driver. Frederick cial aid later it i not known they rt'W~ •• "1167. 8-2'1 Sl'ssions just felt a thud and stopped. ome may be operating without matur(', but wa. unable to , ay ly Aug. 7. state licen es. but Lhat the £igur!' whNher the air trip had promptpu 3 TURNI. HED rooma end bath _ PhoM T 1851 36 fL Glider trill... Excellent " It happened so fast. Suddenly, 4231 . 1-27 _____ -'-y.. p_in_9 ...... ____ condition. e;J.OOO .OO. Phone 1-4925. 8-27 thought he may be as high as 400. II e ti the early birth . there she was in fron l of me," said use his time mated there are about 1.000 nurs­ Said Stiver. in England ; ''1'01 24 HOUR ",Ice. Eleclrlc Typewrll.r. 19:13 KOZY. a4 CI. two bedroom tran.r Frye. "I slid off the road and into LARGE Iplrtmenl for 3 or 4 Gr""u.'" ' ·1330. 8-2. Jull bath. ,1.800. Call 8$48. 8-21 on other ing and ell todial home in Iowa . all shook up." the sand at the should er. I could n't bo).. "1143. 8- 26 ------~--.------busin€ ss. The official, F. W. Pickworth. TYPlNG. 8-0437. 9-21 believe it - a gi rl there in the day he th departm nt' director of Ho' .. 13R ___-.,;..H~ a.;Jlp;;;.....W;..;...;;a;.;.n;.;.te;..d;;;..... ___ the steel desert. TYPING. 1110. pital rvices, aid many of the Regents Accept Phone 4191 Miscellaneous ry's top negot lA· "What're you doing?" T shouted. WANTED - Woman [0 work In my unlicenscd home may be m ctin · home morn I" ••• 8-21J.i. 8·28 tors as the steel "She just stood th re, and sort of slate standards but have nol both· Sewer Bid For THE DAILY IOWAN RESERVES COLDSPOT. 115.00; Hld •• A.Bed. SoCa. Instructio n strike went into looked ove r at me. I started to gel ered to apply for licen' s. THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY 11500; BookcA e d k and "haIr. WMITED - Foun"'ln help. Mu , applY its 43rd day. After out and grab her, because I aw Erbe exp\,(,' ed concern about Hawkeye Apts. ADVERTISING COPY. 120.00. axl2 ruB • • ~ . OO . 8-6018. 827 8~~I;fu~'?,~ld:'la~ looooni. MImt Yo~ •• :~ry.peL:,';;, .• ED~~·s~ore~oun :-1~ four hours of tall:, I'\ u r~ina home lice n ~i n g aft r It this truck coming. BuL there DES MO INES l-" - The Stale ______federal med!otor Joseph Finnegan 8LONDCOO; 3 bookbunk 1><'<1helv.;. compl"to; Student 3 dHkmo,"1 •. i-____~-~-~iiiiii------iiiiiii--iiiiiiiiiiiiii--;;;; wasn't time. So 1 startE' d bli nking was disclosed that there are vcr· dIning room ChaIr •. 8-0613 '·1 told newsmen: "The parties my lights at him . al such places operating in Des Board of Regents Wednesday ac- Who Does It promptly got down to a buslhess· cepted a low bid for exten ion of ------:.--:.:....;-'..:;..:...;.,;..--,,--- "I guess he thought T was blink· Moines wi thout the required city RUBBISH and II,M lutuJJnl. 8-5181 GAS 110 ••. 4 yel .. old. Dial 8161 . 8-21 like review of the material which and state licen e . a sewer in the Hawkeye Apart· 1-11 the subcommittees had been go· ing because I was stuck in the ments at SUr. The bid was $11.427 sand. She didn 't mo ve. She was The sever:lI unau' horized homl's ELECTROLUX cleaner; davenport Inel ing over for the past two and a were denied Iicen s la t year be· by Joe Schrader of Bellevue. Iowa. M.... KE conred belt.. buckl ...n d but· "haIr; Ocel lonll chllr; coU .prlnll. looking at the truck when it hit ton . Spwlrur ml"hlne for renl. SIn" ,wo paIr lone drlpu, dIn I", ..,1, ell Female production wprker.s for packing de­ half weeks. By the end of the day cause they could not pass inspec, Other bid accept d by the er Sewln. Cen[er, 1%5 S. Dubuque. 8. "5176. fl. 1 her. It was terrible. Phone 2413. I .IBR a substantial portion of the rna· tion for fi re safety. lectricol wir· board; partment. Hours 1 to 5 p.m. This will be a terial had been covered. " "I couldn 't go look at her. The ing, or plumbing, official said. Steam generator at Iowa Slale ------Ignition FinD':lgan refE'rred to working out truck driver found her. He wasn't permanent half-time shift. Teachers Coll ege; Bross and Co.. Work Wonted Carburetors of technical contract language on shook up as bad as I was. But Apply Personn •• CHice BANK BILL PASSED Minneapoli , $185, 000. GENERATORS STARTERS issues of a non-economic nature. then he didn 't see her get hit. I WASHlNGTO t.4'I - Congres3 Surfacing on central parking lot WANTE______D - Irontn.... 1-1144. 1-_ 11 He added that he by no means Briggs & Stratton Motors did." agreed Wednesday in liberalizing at Iowa State University: E. C. sees any likelihood of an early WORKING mothen will Ip pr~.te changes in lhe lending and bor· Heni ng en, Atlantic, $12,771.80. Jack and JUl'. competent da, .0... Pyramid Services Owens Brush Co. setUernent of the wage dispute. rowmg authority of nalional banks. Jervtc:... J ade and J llI Nursery School. Iowa State's proposal to buy 8-3880. , ., So. Clpltol. ,·tHC 621 S. Dubuque Dial 5723 Lower Muscatine Ro.d 16-Year-Old Girl The House agreed to Senate three tracts of land west of the '" Rock Island Duo change in the bill. sending it to school on Highway 30 for the new Bleeds To Death the President. It would increase agronomy and agricultural engi· By CHI C YOUNG Charged With the ceiling on bank's bor rowing neering farm was approved by the In Boat Accident authority from 100 per cent of regents. Loan Firm Fraud ca pital to 100 per cenl of capital WINONA, Minn . lA'I - A teen· plus 50 per cent of su rplu . MOLINE, III. (,ft - A couple aged girl bled to death Wednes· ~:;;:~~~;~~~;::;.---­ operating a, loan company was dr­ day when she cut a boat loose [1" J , NOW rested late Tuesday on charges or from a dam, the craft bounced, ' A! J SHOWtNG falSl!ly obtaining monE'Y - possibly and the knife she held stabbed as much as $300,000 - from a into her mouth. THE IIOST Chicago finance company. Mary Ann Streater, 16, Winona, lEAunfUL ... · Frank Hearn, 64. Moline civic had gone to the Mississippi River ARE THE leader, and his wife, Blanche. 63. with two girl friends. They tied VlCnMSI were arraigned before Police their boat in the locks While wait· Magistrate Lester Eckstrom of ing clearance through the locks. nearby Milan and charged with Dr. Jobo Tweedy, coroner. said obtaining Inoney under false pre· the boat apparenlly was tied too tenses from Walter E. Heller & low. When the waLer started ris· Co. of Chicago. ing to allow the boat's pa sage, Each was released on $5,000 the bow was pulled under. BEETLE bond. Mary Ann leaned over the prow The Rock Island County slate's but found she couldn 't untie Lhe .ro'".~." UrES TO GI9U,.S 1: DON'T eVEN attorney, Bernard J . Moran. said knot. She took a knife to cut the HOW CAN YOU UNpe~TAND IT M'l"SELFL the couple. operating Hearn Fl· rope. The boat bounded to the sur­ ATTENTION PLEASEI TEI.1. WHAT ,f1e euT we eel TEMPE~TU~c nance Co.. falsified loans to the face and the quick motion thrust Extra 5 P. M. Showl Sun. & WEATf1ER WILL IZANE;e.?L~ I NO DIReCTION WE ~ ev JUST AND t-OICECASIS FIt''''' ertak ft Pt · N 3 Sunning. Southpaw Pcte Burnside W' you ·e mru . . . .. rt ® ,· oven a er ca urtng o. 1 worked thc Tigcrs out of thl' Jerry Walker and 1ilt Pappas, to tional League race. I r n s f 0 0 . FOOTBALL '59 witb a 3O·foot putt or a birdie 3. bases· loaded jam, and Davc Sislcr, hold the Athl~tics in chec~ . Walker SI. Louis ended a seven·game at • I 'I' , '1 ~ ~ I • ~ Mrs. KlineIelter is Pennsylvania with an assist from Tom Morgan, started and got cremt for his ninth losing streak, excluding a sus· '" fih~"" I' '\ ... slate· champion but hardly figured got $e side out in the ninth. victory against seven dcCeats. He pcnded game viclory over Pilts· y~ ~zy r~ y~ ", .. , "," ~ SUn' ve ~t Miss Gunder· Bunning struck out 11 and walked was relieved by Pappa after the burgh. ~ r = = Velella Denies SOl'. who bad been rated the chief five. A' scored their final run in the Jackson, who struck out seven 1., S. Clintor. - - - threat to defending champion An· W.ohlnllon .. . 000 000020- 2 4 0 eighth inning on doubles by Jerry and walked three, was backed by AIR CONDITIONED S~ lli~g ; Quality, ,Sterling (or.' -pv, . ,' ~ne. " Third of a Century neMin Quast. Gunderson' s putter leCt her DelroltKemmerer... Cle"enlt<.. 100 002 ,81 and 3Court. 6 1 Baltimorel..umpe and . Dob. ... Cerv,lOO 300 200- 6 11 I .. : - , " ' ~~ ney; Bunning.· Burnllde ~Ox-'81, Sisler Kan sas Cily ...... 000020010- 3 10 0 :~1~5.~h~it~ll~t~ta~c~k~t~h~a~t~in~c~lu~d~e~d~a~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~iiiiiiiiiiii~ ~~iiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~., ~:..iiiiiiii~~~~~iiiii~ Ass'ociation ::. In Il lurclt lind she needed three 191. Morlan 19. and B.rberet. W - Walker. Pappas 18, Triandos; Daley . ~, ~ '1 ~ '13·\0'. L n · H). 181 . 181 }lOUIe, !I -nens "ol'ng out. Bunnlnl Ken"nerer Dlol<50n Grim and W - Ii' J oil ,three ...... • Home run - Delroll. yo.t (16). Walker 19-7'. L _ Daley 11~9) , " • / 1 .Miss Quast, 2L-year-old brunette HOOle runs - Baltimore, Nieman I ;;

The Only Medium That Reache. The ENTIRE University Family . . (A $25:000,000.00. Market) . '