., 01 owon Serving The State llnh;;ersitu of 101L'a and the People of Iowa City Established In 1868 Wire And Wirepbeto Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday, August 27, 1959 , Red .Chinese Slash Germans Receive Ike Production Targets TOKYO IA') - Red China slashed oril;!inol quota oC 3!iO million lon$. hlamed inexperience and \I rong its 1959 production goals Wednes· Collon shrank from a quota 0 gue .. ef by stllte ~tati~tical 811encie . day with a confession that its 4'. million tons to about 2''1 mil· fo r the er.ormou errors. lion. The committee disclo. ed th t boasts of record·breaking output The country's total indu trial Chairm n faD TIe.tung· revolu from farms and factories last Cheers, Appla.use output valu" "ill he odjllstcd from tionary pcas:mt comnlune project year were based on false statis­ 165 billion yuan to 147 billion yuan, ha been attacked within the party tics. Chou said. The Chnl' e con Id r itself a "petty bourgeo fanati· Production figures on China s the YU~'n worth abou! 4U U.8. cents. cism.'· lnvestrr>ent in capital co[\~lruc· Calling fcr a n~w campaign LO "great leap forward" in agricul­ Ike Arrives tion will f.l" reduced from 1:1 billion ;;earch out and correct hi critic, ture and indu try in 1958 ~rred yuan to 24,900.GOO.OOO ~ nan. the committee d elared "the prin seriously on the high olae, the The number of big projects til cipal dange,· now confronting tht Communist party Cen~ral Commit· be built this year will be 877 in achieVl'mt'nt of a continued 1 np In Bonn; Meets tee dI sclosed in a broadcast reo stead of the planned 1,092. forward tbis year is the ari ing or port. The Central Commiltee. meetih1 right opporhtni t id a amon As a result or these errors, plus in central China earlier thi. month. ome cadre ." With Adenauer damage tll~s year from noods and drought, targets for coal, steel, grain, cotton and other industrial Crowd Of 300,000 an~ agricultural items are to be County's New 'Death Curve' Greets President adjusted accordingly. The National P~ople 's CongreJs BONN, Germany IA') - The Ger­ taSsented to the revisions, laid be· mans Dwight D. Eisenhower con· Claims Life In 2-Truck Crash quered in 1!M5 welcomed him back fore it by Premier Chou En·lai. Wednesday night as a stalwart de· The ambitious SiS·mlllion·ton John on County'. 12th traffic traCI ic for several hour .. fender and crusader for honorable r,rain program for 1!Jo9 was slashed death of the year was recorded Low's body wa. laken 10 ti,!: peace. aLmost in half. The new goaL is Wedne day when a Des 10in Hamilton Funeral Home in De For two hours, 300,000 of them 275 million tons. trucker was killed in the head·on . Ioines. cheered the American President Steel production, index of the collision of lwo semi·trailers east Bothell's Corner. th c ne 01 along 20 miles of road from Wahn countr·y's industriGllintion. drops ~e veral accidents thi y ar, wa Airport Into Bonn. Here he is starL­ from ils original 18 million tons to of fowa City. al a the SCl'ne of another trarrk ing vItal discussions among Eur­ 12 million. The committee admit Wayne Lowe St· .. 34. diC'd in thc ratality this summer. Frank Gar· ope's leaders just before his meet­ ted the highly touted program of accident which took pl ace on ringer, 14 . Ladora, Wll kill d In a InC in Washlngton with Nlkita making steel in backyard furnaces Bothell' Corner, ninl' miles east three truck sma hup July 8. Khrushchev. bas been a failure and will be of Iowa City on IIighway 6. An The 12 d oths recorded thi yt'ar This is perhaps Eisenhower'S dropped. It said the 3,080.000 tons Iowa Cil)' m'ln, F:dw F.rd P. Organ, now equal the number of cit'ath ., most critical trouble-shooting mis· 01 steel they turned out "met the 53. 9 E. Harrison St. , was Injured in the counl y recordC!d la I YC!Ill' sIan of all, the crowning effort oC rP.quirements of local areas," but in the era h, bul was Ii ted in good at this time. his long militarY'admlnistratlve Dot of industry. condition by hospital olllcial . latc career that will end with his re· Miners got word that 335 million Wedne day afternoon. tirement {rom the presidency aller tons of coal will do, instead of the' Dr. George D. Callahan. John· next year. son COllnly C'llOner, said Low!". To Extend The German thousands gave him death resulted from a kult frae a tumultous recepUon and welcom­ ture and other fractures, Il lacer ed his renewed pledge that the Probable Dead ated groin and severance oC an U.S. Nuclear United States will stand by West arlery. Organ was said to suffer Berlin against Communist en· a forehead lacl'ration. Review 01 Honor Guard croachments. "I like Ike ... I like Ike," the A Super·Value truck driven by Testing Halt President Elsenhow.r Is eecompeni,d by Chene.ltor Konrad Ad,n. / the honor Sluerd. Th. \lund Is composed of m.mber. of the W... In Earthquake Lowe was headed west to unload crowds y-elled. eu.r e' he revl.ws II West G.rmen nmy \lutrd of honor lit 80nn G.rmlln Air Forc.. -AP Wir.photo vlll rodio from Fronkfurt. at Coralville. Organ, driving for WASHINGTON IA'I - Presidenl The first U.S. president to visit airport W.dn.sdllY. Th. officer directly behind Is tM commllno.r of West Germany called the wcl· Wat on Brotiwr Tran. portntlon Eisenhower has ord red th tAm· Company. was traveling ea t from --~--------------------------• --------------------------------- come "overwbelming and magnifi­ Raised To 13 Iowa City. erica's suspension oC nuclear cent.'· Cheering thousands massed in WEST YELLOWSTONE Mont, III The cllbs of th two trucks were weapons tests be extend d beyond New Mississippi Oct. 31 to the end oC this year. Housing Bill Sent 10, House Russia Could the streets of Bonn and its sub· - The number of probable dead demolished from the 11 a.m. col· Governor Maps urbs and Ilried the road in tb.e open in sonthwestern Montana's Aug. 17 lision on the corner which was slick Eisenhower acted In view of the country to the airport where the I:artnq.uake was increased to 13 {rom rajn. six·weeks recess announced ear· Segregation plans President's jet liner landed Crom Wednesday. After the colli 'ion, the Iruck ­ Iier in lhe day by the Big Three JA KSON, Mis . IA'I - Cov. - Floor; Effort To Push Approval Deleat U.S., Wa bington. jacknifed inlo a gl'ove of tr es on The change came when a Red atomic powers negotiating at thc elect Ro Barn tt plann d They waved flags and banners Cross ollieial said it appears Mr. the north side of the highway gation -trategy conference with WA LIIN(,ro~ ll'l - A hOlilOl: than two hours general dcbate. Warns Nikita and BeIIt up thunderous explosions ""here th(y came to re t almost Geneva conference on a nucl ar and Mrs. Syqney D. ,Ballard and Southern lead r· and legi. Lator bill Pre id nt Ei. cnhower doe n t Ei enhower only Tue day, in a of applause. Tho route from the their son Christopher, of Nelson, touching. The two trailer units test ban. as he r ted Wedn sday from a lIke we sent to the House floo r pedal m s age to Congre s, mad MOSCOW IA') - Nikita Khruth· airport became so jammed tbat B.C., were engulfed by the tremor· extending into the highway blocked There has been strong support the arrival program lagged 45 min· gruelllng campaign. Wedne day with a take this or a thinly veiJed threi\t to veto thl' chev ha warned that Soviet mill­ triggered mountainslide at Rock in some U.S. government quarters utes behind schedule. Creek campground. Th 61-year-old Jackson atlor· nothln ' tag on it. bill, if It is not changed, ju. t a. he tary mighL could overwhelm tbe to get going again on the tests. Chancellor Konrad Adenauer Red's Menshikov ney, who uncompromisll1g stand Tbe blunt talk came from Rep. did an eurller version. Th new Uniled States but at the same greeted Eisenhower at the airport Bodies of nine victims bave been In announcing El enhower's or· for racial segregation brought recovered . Mrs . Thomas Stowe of Altxrt R;1in to·Ala. l , chairma;l mc:! urc contain mo t feature to tJme said his coming talks with and they rode together in an open Optimistic About der, the Stale Department did not him a comfortable victory io Tues· car into the capital city. Sandy, Utah, also is missing and day's Democratic runoff, m t with of th HOUfO subcommittee on which th Pr ident obJcclcd Pre~id nL Eisenhower could pro­ presumed dead, say whether it now expects a At the airport Eisenhower told Ike-Nikita Talks key advisors, but is ued no late· hou in~, in a 'king a go-head rrOll! :>riginaily but the co I is p<.\rcd vide an historic turn in the coLd Seven persons whose names have speedy agreement on an interna· the West German leader: "The m nl. the Rules Committee for floor d '. down from $J ,375,000,000 to $1,050" war.
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