K. Pastra and S. Piperidis (2006), in Proceedings of the 4th European Interactive TV Conference

Crossing-Media for Video Search: enabling usability beyond traditional broadcast and TV

Katerina Pastra and Stelios Piperidis Institute for Language and Speech Processing, Artemidos 6 and Epidavrou, 151-25, Maroussi, Greece {kpastra,spip}@ilsp.gr

Abstract search functionalities. Does this, new, reinforced The explosion of multimedia digital content and the role of video search render it indispensable for end- development of technologies that go beyond users of the new technologies? Within the rapidly traditional broadcast and TV have rendered access changing multimedia-processing context, does to such content important for all end-users of these video search become an even more challenging task technologies. While originally developed for in terms of the retrieval performance required for providing access to multimedia digital libraries, achieving high usability of the new technologies it video search technologies assume now a more is embedded in? demanding role. In this paper, we attempt to shed light onto this new role of video search In this paper, we look into the role of video search technologies, looking at the rapid developments in in the light of the new “convergent” technologies the related market, the lessons learned from state of and the technological challenges that are art video search prototypes developed mainly in the subsequently posed on its development. In order to digital libraries context and the new technological do so, we present the market status and trends in challenges that have risen. We focus on one of the video search for the new technologies, as well as latter, i.e., the development of cross-media decision the search mechanisms used within commercial and mechanisms, drawing examples from REVEAL research prototypes. We discuss the effects of the THIS, an FP6 project on the retrieval of video and new role subsumed by video search and focus language for the home user. We argue, that efficient mainly on the use of cross-media decision video search holds a key to the usability of the new mechanisms for dealing with such effects. Last, we “pervasive digital video” technologies and that it present REVEAL THIS, a research project which should involve cross-media decision mechanisms. attempts to implement cross-media mechanisms for increasing the usability of both its pull and push 1. Introduction video access scenarios.

The proliferation of digital multimedia content and 2. Market Status and Trends in Video Search the subsequent growth of the number of digital video libraries have boosted research on the The formation of regulations for the new development of video retrieval systems. Video technologies that enable traditional broadcast and search technology has traditionally been conceived the internet to converge (e.g. Internet Protocol TV as a way to enable efficient access to large video (IPTV), Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks, Mobile TV) data collections, with automatic indexing and proves that these technologies –with the ever cataloguing of this data being an essential growing popularity- have become something more derivative of its development. The quest for than a trend or optimistic prospect (Carvajal, 2005, efficient video retrieval mechanisms is still Broache, 2005). They already are a new reality, in ongoing, with a number of different unimodal and which: multimodal techniques being implemented and o Traditional TV sets can be extended with evaluated (cf. TRECVID competitions, Hauptmann, intelligent digital video recorders (DVRs), 2004). set-top boxes with PC-like functionalities, or can even communicate with personal However, the emergence of technologies crossing computers for displaying streamed digital the boundaries between traditional broadcast and media through gaming consoles enabling the Internet, and between traditional television and an enhanced, interactive TV experience computers broadens the scope of developing video (Shim et al., 2005).

1 K. Pastra and S. Piperidis (2006), in Proceedings of the 4th European Interactive TV Conference

o TV viewing goes beyond traditional TV classified in the following categories according to sets, in mobiles and portable digital media their main business activities1: players (i-pods) enabling on-the-move TV watching (Charney, 2005). a) Content owners: production companies o File-swapping networks and headline (broadcasters who also produce their own syndication technology facilitates the content e.g. BBC are included in this exchange of not only category too) professional/copyrighted TV programmes b) TV service providers: satellite and cable but also of consumer-generated ones (e.g. companies (e.g. Comcast, BeTV etc.) and podcasts, video blogs, etc.) (Borland, TV broadcasters (e.g. CNN, RTBF etc.) 2005, Jaffe, 2005). c) P2P service networks: networks that allow for file-swapping e.g. BitTorrent, e-donkey In opening new markets, suggesting new business etc. models, and indicating new content distribution d) Electronics manufacturers: manufacturers channels, all these technologies boost the of DVRs and set-top boxes (e.g. TiVo, availability of digital video content and motivate Akimbo, Scientific Atlanta etc.), portable digitisation. In this light, the question of easy and digital media players (e.g. Apple), mobiles efficient access to video content that was once (e.g. Siemens). posed in relation to digital video collections raises e) Computer networking companies (e.g. again more demanding than ever. Cisco), Internet Service Providers (e.g. AOL) and Phone companies (e.g. In this section, we will look into the role of video BellSouth, Verizon etc.) search within this new context. This will shed light f) Internet Protocol TV software developers on the implications this new role has on the (e.g. , Myrio, Virage) development of video search mechanisms and will g) Content service providers: content point towards possible aspects that need to be taken monitoring companies which provide push into consideration for developing highly usable and/or pull services (e.g. TVEyes, BlinkX) video access services. We present the interested h) Web content aggregators: companies that parties in the market of the new TV/video aggregate digital media (text, audio, video) technologies and their stance towards video search or links to these media and present them functionalities. online to a user upon request/search e.g. Google and Yahoo 2.1 The market players i) Content re-packaging companies: companies that acquire content e.g. sports Electronics manufacturers, software companies, videos/TV programmes and re-package it telecommunication giants, cable companies, for meeting various user needs e.g. broadcasters, content owners all have an interest in interactive viewing of a car race, where the the new market that is being created and which user can choose his/her preferable viewing extends beyond professional users to everyday angle(s) (e.g. Nascar) laymen, to home users. As expected, the convergence of internet and TV has not only All these market players have their own interest in resulted in the convergence of the corresponding the new technologies and therefore attempt to business sectors, but has also created new ones, extend the services they provide by either enriching which are interested in providing end-to-end in-house developments or by making alliances with services, i.e., aggregation of video (and other) each other. Figure 1 illustrates the relative position digital content and distribution of this content to of each business sector in the chain from content interested users through a push (data routing owners to end-users of enhanced-TV. The chain according to a user profile) or pull (data search and reveals the dependencies between the different retrieval) model. market sectors for achieving an end-to-end service, which justify the increasing number of alliances, The business sectors which are being actively partnerships and mergings among key players in involved in providing an enhanced TV experience these sectors that take place on an almost day-to- (i.e. IPTV, i-TV, mobile TV etc.) could be day basis.

1 The categories are not mutually exclusive; on the contrary, there are organisations with a wide range of activities, which span more than one category.

2 K. Pastra and S. Piperidis (2006), in Proceedings of the 4th European Interactive TV Conference

Figure 1: Dependencies & dependency trends among different business sectors ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd In particular, content owners are essential in acquisitions of businesses take place, with IPTV allowing digitisation/monitoring/capture of and software developers playing a key-role; for access to TV/video content; all parties interested in example, Siemens has acquired Myrio in its attempt allowing users to watch proprietary content need to enter the IPTV market (Reardon, 2005a). Deals agreements with them. They are themselves between more than one business sectors are also interested in taking advantage of the new content growing; for example, Microsoft, BT and Virgin distribution channels that are opened. TV service are collaborating for providing mobile TV services, providers and phone companies (cellular and other Microsoft contributing all software needed for telecommunication giants) are also competing for packaging and viewing TV on mobiles, BT entering the IPTV market; for the former this is a contributing a new network for mobile TV and natural extension to their current services for which Virgin making use of the network and providing the they already have a successful business-model, service in a new mobile phone (Reardon, 2006). while the latter consider this a new opportunity However, if IPTV software is what makes (Reardon, 2005a) for extending their internet enhanced-TV-experience possible, video search service provision services or/and allowing mobile- software seems to be what makes it usable (Delaney TV. and Peers, 2005).

On the other end, electronics manufacturers want to 2.2 Trends in providing video search services make the best out of the functionalities of the devices they develop. TiVo, for example, has The new business sectors that have emerged (g to i extended the features of its DVRs, allowing the above) rely heavily on video/digital media search user to download movies from the internet, buy technology. This is the main asset and the source of products, search local movie theatre listings etc. competition for both content service providers and (Shim, 2005a) Computer networking companies web content aggregators. For example, TVEyes e- such as Cisco are also extending their reach to the mails links to digital media from a number of consumer networking market and IPTV for set-top sources to a user according to his profile and/or his boxes, in particular, through a number of company queries, it allows a user to search both archived and acquisitions (Reardon, 2005c). In most cases, in- real time broadcast content, it has extended its house IPTV software comes pack-and-parcel with search functionalities to podcasts and blogs (Pogue, the products of the electronics manufacturers (i.e. 2005) and has even included a desktop search set-top boxes, DVRs etc.). When not, alliances or functionality to its engine. One of its main

3 K. Pastra and S. Piperidis (2006), in Proceedings of the 4th European Interactive TV Conference

competitors, Blinkx, allows also for an integrated 2.3 Employed video search mechanisms search providing results from a user’s desktop and the web, including TV content, blogs, images, P2P While most implementation details are kept aside, it content and for the creation of a customized TV seems that the video search mechanisms currently channel based on topics/keyword searches provided in the market have one or more of the following by the user. Automatic continuous streaming video characteristics: is played whenever the user logs in and can be o They make use of metadata provided for downloaded to a PC (Mills, 2005). The search tool each video/TV programme by the content is proactive, in the sense that it looks for owners or/and the broadcaster (e.g. information related to what the user is working on information also available in electronic in other programs, without waiting for the user to programme guides). Microsoft, AOL and initiate a search (Regan, 2006). Yahoo rely exclusively on such data; the latter has also developed a headline On their turn, some of the big search engines have syndication based protocol for facilitating extended their searches to video too (cf. Yahoo publishers in adding metatags to media video and Google video – Olsen, 2005a), while files (Media RSS) (Olsen, 2005a). others, such as AOL, have acquired video search o They are text-based and actually run on software companies (e.g. SingingFish and Truveo) closed captions (e.g. Google) or/and on for accommodating these needs (Olsen, 2005b). automatically generated transcriptions of What is more important to note though, is that other the audio (e.g. TVEyes). BlinkX, on its business sectors involved in the enhanced-TV- turn, searches for keywords in the audio experience market have realised the importance of track by transforming a keyword into a video search technology too and have proceeded in concatenation of phonemes and matching partnerships with video search market players. the latter with the audio track. TiVo, for example, has partnered with Yahoo: from o They apply mostly to English video files. any yahoo TV episode page found, the user can o They are mainly keyword-based searches click on a “record to my TiVo box button” and with semantic expansion being quite schedule the recording through the yahoo portal restricted (e.g. Google identifies concepts (Singer, 2005). Microsoft has also been developing associated to the textual keywords) its own video search software, which could possibly o The video retrieved is either the entirety of be used by telecom operators who already make use a programme (or a part of its structure e.g. of its IPTV software (La Monica, 2005). a film chapter) or a short segment consisting of a few seconds before and Furthermore, electronics manufacturers make after the keyword matched (Streamsage, alliances with content aggregators (e.g. Motorola 2005). and Google deal, Intel and Google etc.), and so do Will such video search mechanisms suffice for phone companies (e.g. Vodafone and Google deal) efficient access to the increasing number of digital in order to include video search in the services they video content? The above-mentioned video search provide. Partnerships between content owners and services are still in their infancy, with beta versions content service providers are another sign of the of the engines having been released in early growing need of all business sectors in the summer of 2005; therefore, no usability evaluation TV/video market to manage and distribute content of these services is currently available. Still, some efficiently to their end-users. For example, the problems with such mechanisms are evident: Press Association, BBC and TVEyes partnership in o Metadata creation is cost and labour developing the “Politics Today” portal, in which effective and in many cases video files are users can search for and watch audio and video files accompanied by limited or no such from e.g. the British parliament along with related information. Especially in the case of news articles reveals a tendency of content owners consumer-generated video content, for going beyond traditional archival indexing and metadata cannot be taken for granted for retrieval of their collections for their own retrieving a video file professional use to providing such access to laymen o Closed captions are not always available (PA Press Release, 2005). for TV programmes (not available at all for other types of video data), while Figure 1 illustrates these direct and indirect automatic transcriptions are not very dependencies (dependency trends) of some business robust for being the sole source of sectors on the use of video search technology. retrieval; especially in cases when the recording conditions are noisy (e.g. field interviews), automatic speech recognition

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(ASR) degrades considerably (Hauptmann, In 2001, the need to compare the different video 2005). retrieval approaches/prototypes led to the o There is an abundance of non-English organisation of a Video track within the Text video/TV programmes of interest to users, Retrieval and Evaluation Conference (TRECVID), which currently cannot be retrieved, unless a competition that is being organised every year English metadata are associated to them. since (Hauptmann and Christel, 2004, Smeaton, o Going beyond keyword matching to 2005). In this evaluation campaign, competing intelligent processing through query systems are given a test video collection (mainly expansion and semantic search strategies is broadcast news in English), a number of statements important not only for achieving better expressing an information need (topic/query) and a precision and recall in retrieval, but mainly common shot boundary reference (retrieval unit) for making the best out of queries formed and they are asked to return a ranked list of at most by laymen (i.e. uninitiated everyday users a thousand shots which best satisfy the need. The of the video search services). users who form the queries are trained analysts and o Users are expected to lose interest, if they the queries themselves may consist of a mix of have to watch long video files until they visual descriptions and semantic information (e.g. (probably) reach the segment that is “find shots zooming on the US Capitol dome”) directly related to their query. On the other (Smeaton, 2005). hand, sufficiently long segments are necessary for users being properly Competing systems implemented a variety of informed regarding their query. indexing and retrieval mechanisms, which were able to tackle lack of metadata and closed captions, The quest for more accurate and effective video degraded ASR output and strict keyword matching. search mechanisms has been undertaken within It was generally found that (Hauptmann and research prototypes. We turn to them for Christel, 2004): suggestions on developing more efficient video search mechanisms. o Systems that performed medium-specific analysis (e.g. automatic speech 3. Video Search in Research Prototypes recognition, face detection, image analysis etc.) and which subsequently fused the In this section, we first present the lessons learned medium-specific individual retrieval from state of art prototypes that have been scores for each shot were found to perform developed and evaluated within a “digital slightly better than systems which relied collection” access scenario; in doing so, we explore on e.g. text-based only retrieval whether they go beyond the above-mentioned video mechanisms. search drawbacks and if so, to what extent their o Learning the best linear weights for fusing suggestions could be implemented in the new such multimedia information according to enhanced-TV context. We discuss how differences the type of the query was found to be in the context of use affect the development of helpful for retrieval. video search mechanisms and turn to suggestions o Text query enhancement through lexical on effective video search for the new technologies resources or associated information found by recently completed and on-going research in web documents retrieved by a search projects. engine (cf. also work in the PRESTOSPACE project, Dowman et al., 3.1 Video search mechanisms in digital 2005), relevance feedback mechanisms collection scenarios (Jones, 2004) and use of high-level concepts associated with low-level The large digital library initiatives in mid-nineties features, all seemed to contribute in more boosted research on the development of video accurate video retrieval (Smeaton, 2005). analysis technologies and in particular of video indexing and retrieval. Projects such as Informedia These findings point to slight benefits from the (Hauptmann, 2005) and Fischlar (Smeaton, 2004) implementation of multimedia approaches for video explored a variety of unimodal and/or multimodal indexing and retrieval, ones that make use of both mechanisms for intelligent indexing, retrieval, visual and linguistic analyses of video content. Still, summarization and visualization of mainly they fail to convince on the necessity of going broadcast news files. beyond text-based retrieval and actually the query- type based fusion they suggest opens a number of

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research questions that remain to be addressed (Hauptmann, 2005). Ø From advanced computer users to laymen

The TRECVID evaluation setup itself (and the While digital video library users were advanced participating systems) is more focused on a digital computer users, the enhanced-TV context reaches video collection application scenario and remains everyday people, uninitiated computer users. This detached from the “pervasive digital video” reality. affects not only the type of queries (information The users of its video search scenario are not the need) formed, but also their quality and accuracy, everyday laymen/novice computer users reached by the expectations/demands on video retrieval the new enhanced-TV services. The accuracy, the length of the retrieved unit, the queries/information need statements used are not domain and language of the retrieved data. relevant to the new context of convergent technologies and the search unit is a keyframe Ø From structured data collections to (representative of a shot retrieved for the user) pervasive video data rather than a video segment that will be presented to the user. A structured video collection with no Digital video collections consist of data of a variety of genre/domain (mostly news broadcasts) specific genre and domain (or of finite number is presupposed. The development of query-type thereof), with expected content and structure and of dependent multimedia mechanisms for video professional quality. The availability of any type of retrieval relies on the availability of a “query and video in the “convergent technologies” reality corresponding retrieved videos” corpus for training entails that video access mechanisms should deal a system; given that there is a non-finite type of with not only professionally made videos, but also queries a user may submit in the enhanced-TV consumer-generated ones of probably lower quality, context, this is an unrealistic approach for the and more noise. Furthermore, abundance of video corresponding video search services. means non-finite variety in domains and languages, language genres, pronunciations, visual imagery All these must be taken into consideration when and even cues revealing programme structure. The drawing conclusions regarding the direction the variety of sources of data implies that associated development of video search mechanisms in the metadata will not always be of the same granularity new context should take. It is no coincidence that or even of the same type and in many cases will not stronger suggestions on the need for multimedia even be available. approaches to video search, come from research projects that implement applications for leisure and Ø From static to dynamic search entertainment within the “digital home” and/or for the “mobile user”. Projects such as UP-TV Within the enhanced-TV context, video search (Tsinaraki et al., 2005), BUSMAN (Xu et al., 2004) becomes dynamic in two senses; first of all, not and AceMedia (Bloehdorn et al., 2005, Petridis et only archived data but also real-time broadcast data al., 2004) are characteristic cases; the projects needs to be searched, and actually the timely consider the association of low-level image features delivery of such data to the user can become a and higher-level concepts important for video competitive advantage for a content service indexing and retrieval and develop tools and provider. This imposes time-constraints to a search formalisms for the corresponding semi-automatic mechanism. On the other hand, the search model annotation. Such an association goes beyond query- itself goes beyond traditional search triggered by a type dependent learning for multimedia fusion and user through an interface to pro-active, personalised actually takes the TRECVID findings a step further. search for a user according to his/her known profile In what follows, we look into the parameters that and interests. Effectiveness in indicating effect the development of video search technologies “interesting” data for the user becomes even more for use in the enhanced-TV context and which have crucial and personalization is rendered central for led researchers to focusing on the image-language the functionality of the search mechanism. association need. Based on the above, one could argue that the ideal 3.2 Technological challenges in the new video video search mechanism for use by e.g. a content search context service provider, should be language, domain and genre independent, should be able to analyse any In going from digital video libraries to the medium-specific part of the video (i.e. audio, pervasive digital video reality a number of video image, subtitles etc.) robustly, to structure the video access aspects have been extended affecting the (i.e. identify meaningful, comprehensive development of video search mechanisms: stories/segments in it covering a specific topic for

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presentation to the user), to take user preferences for searching for information. Cross-lingual into consideration and work in real time, with the retrieval is enabled (i.e. the user can issue a query highest precision. However, technology is far from in one language and retrieve data in another), while achieving this. As mentioned earlier, recent the summaries presented to the user are not only research projects that at developing video translated to the user’s language but are also access prototypes for applications within the personalized according to a user’s interest or enhanced-TV context, focus on the multimedia specific query. English and Greek for EU politics, nature of videos for dealing with this challenging news and travel-related data are handled by the task, and in particular on the association of prototype. semantically equivalent medium-specific pieces of information extracted from a video. Figure 3 illustrates the system architecture; input data is analyzed by a number of different medium- In the next section, we present one such project, specific processors (i.e. speech processing REVEAL THIS, which takes things a step even component, image analysis component, etc.) each further, suggesting that one should go beyond this of which provides its own interpretation of the data association to crossing media for performing contributing to the “bag” of time-aligned (in the efficient video indexing. case of audio and video files) medium-specific pieces of information (e.g. speaker turns, named 4. The REVEAL THIS Suggestion: cross-media entities, facts, image categories, face ids, text decision mechanisms categories etc.). These pieces of information are available for the more complex modules, which are The REVEAL THIS project (REtrieval of VidEo responsible for indexing, categorization and And Language for The Home user in a Information summarization. Society) is an EC funded FP6 project which aims at developing software for efficient access to multimedia content2. The envisaged use scenario of the technology that is being developed in the project is illustrated in figure 2.

Figure 3: The REVEAL THIS system architecture Figure 2: The REVEAL THIS use scenario These more complex modules are viewed as decision mechanisms that should take advantage of the semantic interaction between the different Web, TV and /or Radio content monitored by the medium-specific pieces of information available for service provider is fed into the REVEAL THIS a video segment. The latter is the result of a prototype, it is being analysed, indexed, categorized similarly viewed segmentation mechanism, which and summarized and stored in an archive. This data stands as the processing (indexing- categorization- can be searched and/or can be pushed to a user summarization-) unit for these modules. These according to his/her interests. Novice and advanced units/segments are semantically coherent video computer users are targeted; the former will be segments covering a particular topic. The REVEAL using mainly a simple mobile phone interface THIS attempts to develop cross-media decision where information will be pushed to, while mechanisms for video segmentation, video advanced computer users will use a web interface indexing, video categorization and multimedia summarization are still ongoing. What are these

mechanisms supposed to decide on though? 2 For more details cf. http://www.reveal-this.org and Piperidis and Papageorgiou (2005).

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Crossing-media for achieving a task has normally taken the form of finding semantic equivalences One could go on elaborating the notion of cross- between different media both of which express the media decision mechanisms addressing also the same information (e.g. a TV news programme and a methods that could be used for implementing such corresponding web news article) (Boll et al., 1999). mechanisms. However, this goes beyond the scope REVEAL THIS suggests mechanisms for crossing- of this paper, which aims at suggesting these media within the same multimedia document (i.e. mechanisms as a direction in video search research, video), where one needs to go beyond the notion of which seems more appropriate in the new semantic equivalence to other semantic interaction “pervasive digital video reality”. relations. 5. Conclusion Cross-media decision mechanisms go a step further from medium-specific feature fusion suggested in In this paper, we looked into the growing market of the literature (cf. section 3.1) and attempt to decide the convergent-technologies that go beyond whether two medium-specific representations: traditional broadcast and TV and in particular the a) are associated (i.e. there is a semantic effects on and from video search services in this equivalence in their meaning) – what context: market trends have shown that video multimedia integration does (Pastra and search technology is indispensable for those Wilks, 2004) (e.g. the image of the involved in the product chain from TV/video European Parliament building and the content to the end-user. We further presented the corresponding textual label), characteristics of the video search services provided b) are not associated but they complement in this market and the ones of the more advanced each other, they collaborate in forming a video search techniques developed in state of the art message (e.g. the image of Josep Borrell prototypes. The latter point to the fact that one and the audio of his speech on the should take advantage of the different medium- European Commission stance on the war specific pieces of information that can be extracted in Iraq) , or from a video; however, they fail to convince on the c) are not associated, they do not collaborate necessity for doing so which could be due to their in forming a message, they are actually restricted development and evaluation within a semantically incompatible (contradicting), digital libraries scenario. due to e.g. errors in automatic medium- specific analysis/interpretation We, therefore, discussed the effects on the Taking as an example the case of a cross-media development of video search mechanisms when indexing mechanism for a video retrieval system, shifting from the digital libraries application one could say that once the mechanism takes as scenario (for which most of these systems were input the medium-specific analysis of a video developed) to the pervasive digital video context; segment (e.g. the output of the image analysis this shift was found to render the need for taking component, the face detection component, the advantage of the multimedia nature of videos more speech processing component and the natural demanding and to make the suggestion of crossing- language understanding component), it has to media for the task worth investigating. Thus, we decide which medium-specific pieces of presented the notion of cross-media decision information (medium-specific interpretations of the mechanisms as suggested by the REVEAL THIS video) are more representative of the content of the project, a project that attempts to implement such segment for indexing. mechanisms for the home user.

In case (a), the association indicates a highly We have, therefore, concluded that efficient video significant piece of information, which could be search is indispensable for highly usable used as an indexing term. In case (b), a conjunction technologies that go beyond traditional broadcast of different medium-specific pieces of information and TV and that cross-media decision mechanisms forms the indexing term. In case (c), the indexing may hold the key for its development. mechanism will have to choose (a) piece(s) of information from a specific medium that is to be The rapid developments in the new “pervasive trusted as more reliable for expressing the video digital video” market require that we step back segment content. This choice could be domain- from core research and development in video and/or genre-specific, it could rely on each medium analysis and retrieval, in order to look at the new processor’s confidence scores etc. The third case is role video search technologies have come to play particularly important in view of the technological and the subsequent technological challenges that challenges mentioned in section 3.2. have risen, to learn from the last decade of

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developing video search mechanisms within the Hauptmann A. and Christel M., (2004), “Successful digital libraries context and re-direct research Approaches in the TREC Video Retrieval accordingly; otherwise, there is a risk of developing Evaluations”, in Proceedings of ACM Multimedia, technologies that are detached from the actual pp. 668-675. needs of the target users, detached from the new reality that is rapidly being formed around us. In Hauptmann A., (2005), “Lessons for the Future this paper, we attempted to take this step back and from a Decade of Informedia Video Analysis get an overview of the video search related Research”, International Conference on Image and situation. Video Retrieval, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3568, pp. 1-10. 6. Acknowledgements Jaffe J., (2005), “Online travel-guides: the next This work is carried out in the framework of the generation”, http://www.news.com, 28 September REVEAL THIS project (FP6-IST-511689 grant). 2005. The authors would like to thank the project participants for fruitful discussions on the market Jones G., (2004), “Adaptive Systems for Multimedia aspects of video search. Information Retrieval”, in Proceedings of the Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval Workshop, Lecture 7. References Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3094, pp. 1-18.

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