How to Choose a or Directory Page 1 of5 Internet Tutorials

How to Choose a Search Engine or Directory

• Fields & File Types • Search Results

• Search Logic • Specialty Searches

• Search Options

Fields & File Types •...-.•....•-.•.•..•..•••.....•.-.....•.-••....-.-...-.._.•-.._._--_._-_ ...._...... _.__ .__.".-._._..--"._ ..".__.""._..._."-"."_.,,_.,, .._-,,_._ .•.._._,,...,,-_..._.._."-""--_ •.__.._.""" •..•.•_...••..,,.,, .._...... ,-..~.~."....~,..."" .. - If you want to search for ... Choose ... _...... -.._..•...•..... __ ....__ ..._----_._-_. __ ...._..._ ..._._ ....._.- ..._ .._....._..._._ ..._....._-.._.__._...- ...__ .__.._ ..... _----_ ...._. -----_ ..._.._..._.._ ..._.._.._._ ...... __ ..__ •..•....• _...... _...... __ ..•.__ ..._--_ ...._.._-_ ....._...._...-..._ ...._._--_ .._-...._._- Audio/Music AIITheWeb I AltaVista I I Fazzle I I Music! Lycos Multimedia Search I Singingfish

Date last modified AIITheWeb Advanced Search I AltaVista Advanced Web Search I Advanced Search I Exalead Advanced Search I Google Advanced Search I HotBot Advanced Search I Yahoo Advanced Web Search

Domain/Site/URL AIITheWeb Advanced Search I AltaVista Advanced Web Search I AOL Advanced Search I Advanced Search I Google Advanced Search I Lycos Advanced Search I MSN Search Search Builder I I Yahoo Advanced Web Search

...... -~.~ ...... ••••••••••••••••••• H ••• H •••••••• ...... -...... ······················· ..··_·_···_·········_··H •...... •....•••..•...... •.•••.•••..... - .....H..__ .._..H...... File Format AIITheWeb Advanced Web Search I AltaVista Advanced Web Search I AOL Advanced Search I Exalead Advanced Search I Yahoo Advanced Web Search ...-. ••••••••.'n •••n·.·•••.••••• •••••••••••••'.A• .n ••••' •••.••••n• ••n •••nH•••_··· ___ ._· __ •••___ ,~~ __ •...... -- __ ~~ -- - Geographic location Advanced Search I Exalead Advanced Search I HotBot Advanced Search I Lycos Advanced Search I MSN Search Search Builder I Yahoo Advanced Web Search "...-.--...... ¥.--~¥-...- ...-. Images AIITheWeb I AltaVista I The Amazing Picture Machine I Images I Ditto I Dogpile I ~ Fazzle I Google Image Search IlceRocket I Ixguick I Mamma I Picsearch I Pixsy I Retrivr I Tiltomo 2/7/2007 How to Choose a Search Engine or Directory Page 20[:5

Language AIITheWeb Advanced Web Search I AOL Advanced Search I Advanced Search I Exalead Advanced Search I Google Language Tools I HotBot Advanced Search I iBoogie Advanced Web Search I Lycos Advanced Search I MSN Search Search Builder I Yahoo Advanced Web Search ...... ~...... - ...... -.-.~~...... _..._...... _...... _-_._ ...... - ...... __ ...... __ ....- ...... •...... _...... Multimedia & video All TheWeb I AltaVista I Blinx I ClipBlast I Dogpile I Fazzle IlceRocket I Search For Video I Singingfish I Vdoogle I Yahoo Video Search

Page Title/URL AOL Advanced Search I Fazzle I Google Advanced Search I Yahoo Advanced Web Search I ZapMeta Advanced Web Search -"._------,-- -, Search logic ...... _...... __ .__ ...- ...... __.__ ...... - ...__ ..- ..._-_...... - ...... _ .._ ...... •.. _ ...... _..... _ .._-...- ...... _ ...._...... __.._-_ ..._ ...... _..- ...... - ...... _....- ...... -...... _...._ ..._..... _ ...... __ ...... _...... If you want to use ... Choose ... -,- ...... _ ...... _-_ ...-..-_.._..__ .._._ ...... _ ...__._._-_._------_ ...._------Boolean operators AltaVista Advanced Web Search I AIITheWeb Advanced Search I Dogpile I Google [OR only] I Ixquick

Full Boolean logic with parentheses AlltheWeb Advanced Search I AltaVista e.g., behavior and (cats or felines) Advanced Web Search I Exalead Ilxquick I MSN Search .A~~ __ ~ __ •• ~k_. ___ k. __ •••• _. ______•• __ 4 ___ •• ___ • __ ._. __ •• _ •• ,_. ____ • __ ••• -----,_ ..__._-----_. __ ._--- ..-._...__.- ...... - Implied Boolean +/~ Most search engines offer this option ----.-- Boolean logic using search form ~erminology Most advanced search options offer this, including: AIITheWeb Advanced Search I AltaVista Advanced Web Search AOL Advanced Search I Advanced Search I Exalead I Google Advanced Search IlceRocket Advanced Search I MSN Search Search Builder I Yahoo Advanced Web Search

Proximity searching Exalead I Google [by default] Ilxquick

Search options -- If you want.. Choose ... -- Alternative search terms SurfWax --- A user fill-in search form Many search engines offer this, including: AlltheWeb Advanced Web Search I AltaVista Advanced Web Search I AOL Search Advanced Search I Advanced Search I Google Advanced Search IlceRocket Advanced Search I MSN Search Builder I Yahoo Advanced Web

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Search ----. Search for documents similar to those in existing Google results

••••••••••• •• •• •• • •••••• H ••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• H ••••••••• ~ ••••••• ...... ••....•.•...... ••••••••••••••••••• ••• • •••• H· •••••• . .. ········..·.·H._ ...... Truncation Exalead I Ixquick f--. Live human guides ChaCha

Your search stated in plain English I Brainboost I Ixquick I MSN Search .~.....~...... • ~...... ~...~..~..~•..••....••...... ,..,...... -~...... ,..... - •••..•••• " ••••.•• _ ••.• ·._.··,_·· •••••• ''' ••.. w, ••~,_·· __ ••••• ·_· ____ ._."'. __ ."'''.'''.,.,.~ ••. _ •••~ ..• " ••••_ ••••••.••••••••• ._,__ ,••__ .~ ••_,_ ••__ •••_·._,_~_"_~ ___ ,~,'•.,,•.'•.h~'~N"_'~_h __ ••__ N_ •••••• "." ••• _NON •••• "" ••• "_., •••• ,, ••••• -".h~ ••"_ •••••"••~ ••h''''''h'''''' Translation of pages retrieved as search results, or Babel Fish any text or Web page, to and from selected languages ...... _---______.__._._ _._----.--- -.-- -.------.------~..---~-..---.------~------.---- ..-..-.- An exact phrase within quotations Most search engines offer this option f------.--- An exact phrase from a template choice Many search templates offer this. For example: AIITheWeb Advanced Search I AltaVista Advanced Web Search I Fazzle I Google Advanced Search IIce Rocket Advanced Search - Multiple search tools searched simultaneously with Chubba I Clusty I Copernic I Don Busca I Fazzle I duplicate records removed Ixquick I Mamma I MetaCrawler I Query Server I SurfWax I Yooci I more ... ._.-....._---_._ ...._._._--_ .._.._..-.....----_._----._.__._..._--_._------_ .._-_._._ ..__._--'----_.------..- ..------.-- ..---.----- Search Results -- If you want. .. Choose ...

.•.•__ ~"m ..' •..•_.__ ."., ...... ,...,.~..~~._,,,V''''''''''''_N''' __ y__ ,..~___ ''''..'~ ..'N~ __ ''''~"""~" __ N_" ,~_..~"y'vv .....-----,,~---~"" N'"'''' Results based on linking, i.e., number of links from A9 I Alexa Web Search I AltaVista I I highly rated Web pages Google I Google Web Directory

[Many search engines use this technology as part 0f their results ranking strategy]

Results clustered by concept and/or type of site Accumo I Search AllinOne MetaSearch I m (often laid out as a "horizontal" list of topics in I Clusty I Don Busca I Exalead I iBoogie I addition to a single vertical list of results) Infonetware I metaEUREEKA I Kartool Killerlnfo Mooter I Quintura I Search AllinOne MetaSearch Ujiko I I Yahool Mindset -.~•...... • ,-- ..~,...•-,------," .. ,--- Option to search on related topics AIITheWeb I Dogpile I Factbites .... --...... "...... -....--....-...-.- ..-..--.~...... -....-..••...... -..... ------_ ...... _.._---,,_._._._,,_ ...__ .•.._ ...... _-_._----_ .._.i------.- ..------.--. ------.-.-.--.-~---.--..-.-...... -.---.--.. Results in graphical/visual format Kartoo I Mnemomap I Mooter I Quintura I yjiko I Webbrain ...._._ ...._..._ ...... _...... - ...... _..-...... _--._ ...._...-...... •.• __ ._ ...... _-_ ..._...... _--_._ ... --- ...... _...... _ .._...... _-_. __ ._._...... _...... _...... _..._-_._ ...... •.•...... _-_ ....._ ...__._..- ...... Results with thumbnail images of retrieved sites Don Busca I Exalead I IceRocket ,,, ,, ,, ,,.. ,-, ...... "....•.. -"...... -...... ~."..-"...... " •.•....• ".."..... " ...... ~...... •.....• •...... _...-.._...... ~...... •..... -,-....-...•.... , y---.~,~.-.--,-,.".-...... --.."..,.."..,..."...."~-. .---." ..".."'...-,. , ...... _...... "...... _,"'-"... , ...... ""._ ...,., ....".•.•... _, ..._." •...... ""., . Queries stored at the site and notification of new Google Alert I Karnak I TracerLock results -_._-_._ ..._...... __ .._--_.__ .._-",.------_. __ ._--,-, .."""------.-.-- ..---.--- ...--...---~.-.----.~.--...----.----.-.-~~------.-.--.---..--~-. Queries stored by the search service for repeat Copernic

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Search results appear as you type Google Suggest I SurfWax LookAhead (RSS feeds)

Specialty Searches

If you want to search ... Choose ...

The Deep Web (not generally covered by search Complete Planet I Google I Search. Com spiders) [Many search engine sites offer deep Web searches. For example, see Ixquick and InfoGrid] ---.------.------+------Blogs I Blogdigger I Bloglines I BlogPulse I Bloogz I Clusty I Feedster I Globe of Blogs I Google Blog Search IlceRocket I Keotag I s.phere I Technorati I Yahoo News Search I Zoola

Files in FTP sites (text, multimedia, software, etc.) IOth Net

Library materials WorldCat

News (multiple sources searched simultaneously) AlltheWeb: News I AltaVista - News I I Google News Alerts IlnfoGrid I NewsNow I I Pandia Newsfinder I RocketNews I SurfWax News Accumulator I I The WorldNews Network i---~--,,--,-,-----,------,-,,-"""---""---,,-,-----,--,,-."'-----" ----,-,- ,,------,-,,----,,-, News (RSS feeds) I Daypop I Memigo I NewslsFree

Podcasts Pluggd I I Podcast Search Service I PODZINGER I Yahoo Pod casts 1------,,------,------RSS feeds Chordata I I SurfWax LookAhead I

Saved Web pages EY.rl1

Scholarly materials, e.g,. books, articles, etc. Google Book Search I Google Scholar I Live Search Books I Windows Live Academic

Search trails, e.q., paths taken from search results Trexy to selected pages """""""""""""""".""""".""""."", """."""....,.. "_,""',,"'''''''''''''''''''".",,'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''""""+""'""",","''",''''""''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''""'''','''',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,''''''''''''''''''' ..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,""""""""""""""",,,,,,,,, ,,,,,".",...,,""",,,,,.,,,."""".."''''',",. ,.,,'''..,,'',''''',,,'',,'',,.,,'',,""''..'"''''""..'''".'...'"'''.".'"".'' Site analysis GoLexa

Usenet newsgroup postings Google Groups

Web events -,----"""''''.,,------t------. Your own customized search engine Eurekster Swicki I Google Custom Search Engine I Rollyo 2/7/2007 How to Choose a Search Engine or Directory Page 5 of 5

Reference sources (dictionaries, encyclopedias, e- Reference Collection (U Albany Libraries) mail and address lookups, calculators, quotations, news, government info, statistics etc.)

Professionally maintained directories About I Academic Info I BUBL LINK IINFOMINE I Librarians' Internet Index I Intute I The Scout Archives I Virtual Learning Resources Center I WWW Virtual Library I more ...

Directories maintained by volunteers JoeAnt I Open Directory Project (DMOZ)

Updated: 7 February 2007

Send comments to Laura Cohen 2/7/2007