STUDIES IN POPULAR CULTURE STUDIES IN POPULAR CULTURE 40.1 FALL 2017 40.1 FALL IN POPULAR CULTURE STUDIES Fall 2017 40.1 v From the Editor Lynnette Porter STUDIES 1 “No But”—Understanding Sally Jenkins’ Friction with Feminism Steve Master and Taylor Joy Mitchell IN 31 Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Technology, Mysticism, and the Constructed Body Sara Raffel POPULAR 53 Robin Hood Goes to Neptune: The Collective Social Bandit in Veronica Mars Melissa Sartore CULTURE 78 The American Western Mythology of Breaking Bad Paula Brown 102 Shifting Gears and Paradigms at the Movies: Masculinity, Automobility, and the Rhetorical Dimensions of Mad Max: Fury Road Darin Payne 136 Book Reviews 40.1 FALL 2017 STUDIES IN POPULAR CULTURE Studies in Popular Culture gratefully acknowledges the generous Studies in Popular Culture, a journal of the Popular Culture Association in the South, publishes articles on popular culture however mediated through film, lit- support of erature, radio, television, music, graphics, print, practices, associations, events— any of the material or conceptual conditions of life. Its contributors from the United States, Australia, Canada, China, England, Finland, France, Ireland, Is- The Humanities and Communication Department, rael, Italy, Scotland, Spain, and the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus include Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, distinguished anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists, cultural geographers, ethnomusicologists, historians, and scholars in comics, communications, film, games, graphics, literature, philosophy, religion, and television. Dr. Sally Blomstrom, Chair Direct editorial queries and submissions by email to editor Lynnette Porter,
[email protected]; mailing address: Humanities and Communication Depart- and ment, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, 600 South Clyde Morris Boule- vard, Daytona Beach, Florida 32114.