Gyo Taek Jin Polygonal approximation of unknots by quadrisecants Abstract: If a knot K in R3 has only finitely many quadrisecants which meet K at finitely many points, we use these points to form a polygonal approximation called the quadrisecant approximation which is denoted by Kb. The quadrisecant approxima- tion conjecture states that Kb has the knot type of K if K is nontrivial. We give examples of unknots, some polygonal and some smooth, having finitely many but at least two quadrisecants, for which the conjecture holds. Keywords: knots, quadrisecants, polygonal approximation MSC: 57M25 8.1 Introduction A knot K is the image of a locally flat embedding of S1 in R3, i.e., we do not consider wild knots. A quadrisecant of a knot K is a straight line which meets K at four distinct places. The existence of quadrisecants for nontrivial knots was first announced by Pannwitz in 1933 for polygonal knots and later by Morton and Mond for smooth knots and by Kuperberg for tame knots. Fig. 8.1: A quadrisecant Theorem 8.1.1 ([10, 9, 8]). Every nontrivial knot has a quadrisecant. It is not hard to see that every knot can be perturbed to have infinitely many quadrise- cants. On the other hand, every knot can be perturbed to have only finitely many quadrisecants which meet the knot at finitely many points. Gyo Taek Jin, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 291 Daehak-ro Yuseong-gu Dae- jeon Korea 34141, E-mail:
[email protected] Open Access.