
Vol. 53 TONICITY AND OXIDATIVE PHOSPHORYLATION 567 Slater, E. C. (1950). Nature, Lond., 168, 982. Slater, E. C. & Cleland, K. W. (1953). Biochem. J. (to be Slater, E. C. (1953). Biochem. J. 53, 521. submitted). Slater, E. C. & Bonner, W. D. jun. (1952). Biochem. J. 52, Slater, E. C. & Holton, F. A. (1952). 2nd Int. Congr. 185. Biochem. Ab8tr. p. 43. Slater, E. C. & Cleland, K. W. (1952a). 2nd Int. Congr. Slater, E. C. & Holton, F. A. (1953). Biochem. J. (to be Biochem. Ab8tr. p. 42. submitted). Slater, E. C. & Cleland, K. W. (1952 b). Nature, Lond., 170, Stoppani, A. 0. M. (1949). Enzymologia, 13, 165. 118. Tsou, C. L. (1952). Biochem. J. 50, 493.

Chemical Action of X-Rays on Nucleic and Related Substances in Aqueous Systems 1. DEGRADATION OF NUCLEIC ACIDS, , , AND BY X-RAYS AND BY FREE RADICALS PRODUCED CHEMICALLY

BY G. SCHOLES AND J. WEISS University of Durham, King'8 College, Newcastle upon Tyne 1 (Received 16 February 1952)

It is now generally considered that the chemical effected similar changes in the nucleate complex. action of ionizing radiations on aqueous solutions The OH radicals were generated in solution by the is indirect and involves the primary formation of peroxide-ferrous salt (Fenton's) reagent, free radicals which are produced from the where they are formed according to the following according to the net process (Weiss, 1944, 1947a, b; reaction (Haber & Weiss, 1934): Stein & Weiss, 1949): Fe2+ + H202 -+ Fe3+ + OH- + OH. (2) -w- H+OH. (1) H2O During the preparation of this paper several There are also some definite indications that the publications bearing on the work have appeared. formation ofthese radicals invivo mayberesponsible Butler (1949), by irradiation of DNA with X- and for some of the biological effects of these radiations y-rays and measurements ofthe viscosity changes in (cf. Barron, Dickman, Muntz & Singer, 1949; the presence of protective agents, has also con- Barron & Dickman, 1949). As evidence has cluded that the mechanism of the attack is of an accumulated to emphasize the important role indirect nature. Further evidence is the observed which the nucleic acids play in growth processes it depolymerization ofDNA with chemically produced appeared of interest to study the chemical action free radicals (Butler & Smith, 1950; Smith & Butler, of X-radiation on these substances in aqueous 1951; Limperos & Moscher, 1950), and the inability systems. of X-rays to depolymerize the nucleate in the dry Several investigators have dealt with the action state, in ethylene glycol and in a frozen aqueous of X-rays on solutions of deoxyribonucleic acids solution (Limperos & Moscher, 1950). (DNA) and have observed physical effects such as Some investigations have also been made on the a loss of viscosity and of streaming birefringence influence of in the irradiation of DNA (Wegmuller, 1942; Sparrow & Rosenfeld, 1946; solutions (Butler & Conway, 1950) and on the mole- Taylor, Greenstein & Hollaender, 1948). The results cular sizes, as determined by sedimentation and obtained indicated that the effect of the radiation diffusion-constant techniques, of the degraded was to break the long asymmetric molecules into nucleate fragments (Conway, Gilbert & Butler, shorter fragments. 1950). These studies have shown that after irradia- We have previously reported our preliminary tion, the mean molecular weight of DNA is con- observations on the chemical effects of X-rays on siderably lowered and that the material becomes aqueous solutions of both DNA and RNA (ribo- much more inhomogeneous. Although molecular nucleic ) (Scholes, Stein & Weiss, 1949; Scholes oxygen does not appear to have any influence on & Weiss, 1950) and have interpreted the mechanism the immediate effects ofthe irradiationthese authors of this action as an indirect one. This we confirmed have shown that in the presence of oxygen the DNA by showing that chemically produced OH radicals suffers a further progressive fall in anomalous 568 G. SCHOLES AND J. WEISS '953 viscosity over a period of several hours. This con- 100 ml. were irradiated in Pyrex glass vessels. Blank solu- firms the previous findings ofTaylor et al. (1948) who tions, prepared at the same time, were retained over the also observed this 'after effect'. period of irradiation (which for doses up to 8 x 106 r. required times up to 40 hr.). No attempt was made to Stern, Brasch & Huber (1949) have found that control the pH ofthe nucleic acid, and solutions of DNA are very sensitive to high- solutions. The solutions of commercial sodium nucleates intensity electron bombardment; considerable exhibited, before irradiation, pH values varying between decreases of viscosity were observed. Barron & 5 and 6; those containing the RNA samples BYC and BYD Flood (1950) and Barron & Bonzell (1950) demon- were first brought to pH- 7 with NaOH. The pure DNA strated a decrease in the absorption band at 2600A. solutions were at pH 6-5. There was always a small decrease when the nucleic acids were irradiated with X-rays in pH on irradiation of the nucleate solutions, this being of Irradiation of the solutions in the absence of oxygen; this they have attributed the order of 1 unit. a 6 to to the oxidation, by the radicals, of the chroino- also resulted in slight increase in acidity (from pH pH, 5), while in the case of adenylic acid, where the groups phoric in these substances. solutions were already slightly acid (pH, 3), very little More recently, Grinnan & Moscher (1951) have subsequent change could be observed. Because of their observed an X-ray induced depolymerization of limited in water, the purines were irradiated in highly polymerized RNA obtained from calf and acid solutions (H2SO4). rat liver and similar degradations of this material Dose measurements were carried out by the chemical were also effected by the H202-Fe2+ reagent and by method of Day & Stein (1949) and were of the order of treatment with ultrasonic vibrations. 3000 r./min. Most ofthe irradiations were carried out in the presence of air but some were performed in a vacuum (the solution being freed from air by passage through it of EXPERIMENTAL purified N2 followed by evacuation) and some in solutions saturated with 02 (02 being bubbled through the solution for Materials. Commercial samples of the sodium salts of at least 30 min. before irradiation). (thymus) DNA (BT 1 and BT 2) and of (yeast) RNA (BY 1-BY4) were supplied by British Drug Houses Ltd. Quantitative method8 A specimen of highly polymerized DNA (mol.wt. 1 106) was generously given by Prof. R. Signer (Berne). Determination of ammonia. Samples were steam-distilled RNA was purified as follows: the material was depro- in a vacuum at pH 9-2 (Parnas, 1934; Krebs, 1935) and the teinized by shaking the neutral solution with a mixture of ammonia determined in the distillate with Nessler's 4 vol. CHC13 + 1 vol. amyl (Sevag, Lackman & solution and a Spekker photoelectric absorptiometer using Smolens, 1938) and the acid then precipitated in an an Ilford 602 filter. -HCl mixture (Fletcher, Gulland, Gordon & Dibben, Determination of inorganic phosphate. For the estimation 1944). The product was dialysed through cellophan of inorganic phosphate in the presence of labile organic (Vischer & Chargaff, 1948) and finally dried by successive phosphate two methods were employed, that of Lowry & washings with solvents (Fletcher et al. 1944). Two such Lopez (1946) and the extraction procedure of Berenblum & purified samples, BYC and BYD, contained N, 16-2; P, 9-2 Chain (1938). The former was used in the irradiation experi- and N, 16 1; P, 9.5 %, respectively. The commercial sample, ments and the latter in solutions treated with Fenton's BY3, contained N, 15.8 and P, 9-1 %. (Microanalysis by reagent. Before analysis by the Lowry-Lopez method most Weiler and Strauss, Oxford.) of the unchanged nucleic acid was first removed by pre- , , , and , were pure com- cipitation with trichloroacetic acid (TCA): to 1 ml. of the mercial samples (Roche Products Ltd.). Guanine was cooled irradiated solution 1 ml. of5 % (w/v) TCA was added, further purified by three recrystallizations of the hydro- the precipitated nucleic acid centrifuged off and the chloride from 2x-HCI followed by regeneration of the . supernatant immediately treated with 5 ml. 0 1 N-sodium Xanthine and uracil were twice recrystallized from water. acetate and 5 ml. of sodium acetate buffer (pH 4.1). The The specimens of adenosine and were kindly mixture was finally made up to 20 ml. and treated with supplied by Prof. A. R. Todd. Yeast adenylic acid was ob- 0-2 ml. of a freshly prepared solution of 1% (w/v) ascorbic tained from Roche Products Ltd. acid and 02 ml. of 0.1% (w/v) solution of ammonium The FeSO, used for Fenton's reaction was ofA.R. quality molybdate (in 0-05N-H2SO4). Although there was some and the H,O, solutions were prepared by suitable dilution of delay in colour development in this case, the maximum was 90% material which was free of stabilizers. The FeSO4 attained after about 45 min. In both methods extinctions solution was slowly added into a continuously stirred were measured in a Spekker colorimeter (Ilford 608 filter), mixture of substrate solution and H.O,. calibration being made with A.R. Na,HPO4. Titratable acid group8. These were estimated by , with 0 02 N-NaOH, to the first permanent pink colour of METHODS phenolphthalein. Irradiation Van Slyke nitrogen. This was determined in the apparatus described by Peters & Van Slyke (1931) in solutions pre- A Victor Maximar set operating at 200 kV. and 15 m.a. viously freed from ammonia. Because of high blank values (without filtration) was used as the source of X-rays, the the accuracy of the method was somewhat reduced and was irradiation arrangements being essentially similar to those subject to an error of between 10 and 15 %. described by Farmer, Stein & Weiss (1949). The solutions Quantitative paper chromatography. The quantitative were prepared in distilled water at room temperature and estimation ofthe purines and pyrimidines has been achieved VoI. 53 ACTION OF X-RAYS ON NUCLEIC ACIDS 569 by paper-strip chromatography (Hotchkiss, 1948; Vischer & centrations and this agreed well with the corresponding Chargaff, 1948; Markham & Smith, 1949), and the principles values obtained from measurements of total . elaborated by these authors were employed for the determi- Ribose was estimated colorimetrically after hydrolysis of nation of the purines in the irradiated nucleate solutions. the test solutions (45 min. on a boiling-water bath in A typical experiment was as follows: to 50 ml. of irradiated 0-5 N-HCI). RNA solution (0-2%, w/v) were added 4 drops 10 % (v/v) Uridine irradiations. Samples (75 ml.) of the irradiated acetic acid and 0-5 ml. 8 % uranyl acetate solution (Kerr & (and blank) solutions were concentrated to 1 ml. (30°, Seraidarian, 1945). The precipitated uranium compound under reduced pressure) and 0-01 ml. of this run in an 86 % was removed by centrifugation and the supernatant then butanol-14% (v/v) water solvent mixture on Whatman treated with 0-2 ml. 10N-H2SO4 and 1 ml. M-AgNO3. After no. 1 paper (Markham & Smith, 1949). Segments of the a short while the Ag purines were centrifuged offand washed dried chromatogram were eluted with 3-5 ml. of water and with a little water. The salts were quantitatively decom- the optical of the eluates measured in a Unicam posed with H2S and known volumes of the Ag-free solution spectrophotometer. (0-01-0-02 ml. as measured by an Alga micrometer syringe), The identity of the uracil liberated on irradiation was were developed on Whatman no. 1 paper with an 86 % confirmed by an examination ofits characteristic absorption butanol-14 % (v/v) water mixture. After about 20 hr., spectrum in both neutral and alkaline solution. segments of the dried chromatogram were eluted with Adenylic acid irradiations. The nucleotide contents of the 0-1 N-HCI and the extinctions read, at the appropriate wave- blank and irradiated solutions were determined by pre- length, in a Unicam spectrophotometer. The identities ofthe cipitation and separation as the uranium complex (Kerr & bases were also confirmed by their absorption spectra. Seraidarian, 1945), decomposition of this with acid (Buell & For qualitative purposes the position ofthe purines on the Perkins, 1928) and eventual determination of the liberated chromatogram were located by the fluorescence-quenching adenine as picrate. To a 20 ml. sample were added one drop technique described by Holiday & Johnson (1949). of 10% (v/v) acetic acid and 0-75 ml. 8% (w/v) uranyl Quantitative paper chromatography was also used for the acetate; the resultant precipitate was centrifuged off after analysis of irradiated uridine solutions (see below). 30 min. (the supernatants being retained for free Adenine and guanine. Adenine was determined as the analysis). Water (2 ml.) and 2 ml. 10% (w/v) H2SO4 were picrate according to the method ofHitchings (1941 a). When added to the uranyl precipitate and the material hydrolysed this purine was separated as the Ag salt, the latter was by immersion in a boiling-water bath for 30 min. After decomposed with H2S and after removal of the Ag2S, the cooling, the calculated amount of 10% (w/v) NH40H was adenine content of the filtrate then determined as above. added (just alkaline to ). The precipitated uranyl salt Guanine was estimated colorimetrically by means of was removed, redissolved in acid (0-5 ml. of 10% (w/v) Folin's reagent (Hitchings, 1941 b). H2SO4), and, in order to remove any adsorbed purine, re- Ribo8e. This was determined colorimetrically with Bial's precipitated with ammonia. The Ag-purine salt was then reagent according to a slight modification (Stone, 1943) of precipitated from the combined supernatants on treatment the Mejbaum (1939) procedure: 3 ml. ofthe test solution and with 3 ml. 1% (w/v) ammoniacal AgNO3, and the adenine 6 ml. of the reagent (prepared by dissolving 200 mg. orcinol content of the separated salt determined. in 56 ml. conc. A.R. HCI and adding 0-2 ml. of 10 % (w/v) Free purine present in the supernatants from the nucleo- FeCl3 solution) were heated for 30 min. in a vigorously tide-uranium precipitate was estimated, as described above, boiling-water bath. The solution was cooled, diluted to by separation as the Ag salt from slightly acid solution. 20 ml., and the extinction measured in the Spekker (Ilford Examination of the solutions remaining after removal filter 608); D-ribose was used as a standard. The ribose of the acid Ag salt failed to reveal the presence of any contents of the adenosine and adenylic acid solutions were nucleoside. determined after preliminary acid hydrolysis (see below). Total adenine and pentose contents of the irradiated and blank solutions were determined, as described in the case of Analyi8 of nucleo8ide and nucleotide 8olutions adenosine, after initial acid hydrolysis. Adenosine irradiation8. The Ag salt of free adenine was Inorganic phosphate was determined in 10 ml. samples by precipitated from 20 ml. samples of the irradiated solutions the method of Lowry & Lopez (1946). according to the procedure of Kerr & Seraidarian (1945) by the addition of two drops of 2N-H2SO4 and 0-4 ml. of M- Detection of oxalic acid, guanidine and urea AgNO3. The adenine content of the separated (centrifuged) To detect oxalic acid, the test solution was acidified, Ag salt was then determined as the picrate. continuously extracted with ether for 20 hr. and the The supernatants from the above treatment contained extract, after removal of the organic solvent, treated with a unchanged adenosine, the amount of which was determined sat. solution of CaSO4. Precipitation of the Ca salt was by estimation of the adenine liberated on acid hydrolysis: allowed to proceed to completion (usually several hours). the solutions were treated with 6 ml. of 20 % (w/v) H2SO4 The salt decolorized permanganate, gave the characteristic and heated in a boiling-water bath for 45 min. After colour reaction on reduction and treatment with 2:7- neutralization with 10% (w/v) NH40H (), dihydroxynaphthalene (Feigl, 1946) and, in addition, was 10 ml. of 1% (w/v) ammoniacal AgNO3 were added, the microscopically identical with pure oxalate pre- precipitated Ag salt separated and the adenine content pared under similar conditions. The yields of oxalic acid determined. were obtained by titration of the separated Ca salts with In addition, the total purine contents of both the irradi- 0-01 N-KMnO4. ated and blank solutions were determined by similar Guanidine and urea were detected as follows: the solution hydrolysis of 10 ml. samples. The amount of purine in the was neutralized, evaporated to dryness in vacuo and the blank solutions gave a measure of the initial nucleoside con- residue extracted several times with warm ethanol. From 570 G. SCHOLES AND J. WEISS I953 this extract, guanidine was precipitated and identified as the specimens. Experiments with dialysed RNA picrate and urea as the dixanthydryl derivative (Fosse, solutions (BY4), with highly polymerized DNA Robyn & Francois, 1914). (Signer A) and with purified RNA (BYC and BYD) have shown that these changes were not due to the Electrodialysis presence of impurities or of small molecular-weight For the separation of small molecular fragments from fractions. unchanged nucleic abid a simple electrodialysis apparatus Evidence for chemical changes in the constituent was used. A central compartment containing the irradiated was from the nucleate solution (50 ml.) was separated, by cellophan purine and bases gained membranes, from the anode and cathode chambers, the formation of ammonia and also from an increase platinum electrodes ofwhich were connected to an ammeter of the Van Slyke amino-nitrogen values. Some rectifier and transformer so that 15 V. d.c. could be applied quantitative findings are recorded in Table 2. across the membranes. Dialysis was allowed to proceed for The yields of ammonia from the polynucleotide up to 50 hr., during which time the solution was frequently solutions were of the order of 0-1 m-mole/108 g.r. stirred and the water contents of the electrode compart- (gram-roentgen). Similar results were obtained ments frequently changed; the current usually rose to about from the irradiations of specially purified RNA and 15 ma. The dialysates were then compared with those ob- DNA samples (cf. Table 2) all of which were free of tained from the corresponding blank solutions. protein. It is of some interest to note that the ammonia yield was considerably reduced in the RESULTS absence of atmospheric oxygen; the significance of Nuci.IC ACIDS this will be discussed in a forthcoming paper. The recorded Van Slyke nitrogen values, which The effects of X-rays on nucleic acids give the difference between blank and irradiated In order to establish chemical effects and to isolate solutions, indicate ring opening of the constituent any products of irradiation, it was necessary to bases. employ fairly high doses of X-rays: aqueous solu- These observations show that the polynucleotides tions of RNA and DNA were therefore irradiated undergo definite chemical changes under the in- with 1-4x 106r. fluence of X-radiation. Further experiments were Under these conditions, degradation of the poly- thus concerned with the isolation and identification nucleotides was indicated by the complete loss of of any low molecular-weight fragments which may viscosity of the DNA solutions and also by a lower- be formed. For the separation of such fragments ing of acid-precipitability in both the RNA and from unchanged nucleic acid, electrodialysis DNA solutions as shown by qualitative experi. through suitable 'cellophan ' membranes was ments. This depolymerization was accompanied by employed. The irradiated nucleate solutions were the liberation of titratable acid groups and by the electrodialysed for 40-50 hr. Un-irradiated blank formation of inorganic phosphate. Table 1 shows solutions were treated in exactly the same manner. some results obtained. In this way an increase in dialysable organic The yields were reproducible, but were found to phosphate and also in inorganic phosphate was vary with the nature and also with the sample of detected in the positive-pole section. The cathode nucleic acid irradiated. This was demonstrated, for compartment yielded on treatment with silver example, with particular reference to some RNA nitrate in acid solution (Kerr & Seraidarian, 1945) Table 1. Formation of inorganic phosphate and titratable acid groups by irradiation of aqueous solutions of nucleic acid8 with 200 kV. X-rays Inorganic Solution phosphate Titratable formed acid formed Conen. Dose (moles x 105/ (equiv. x 105/ Compound Sample (% w/v) (r. x 10-6) 100 ml.) 100 ml.) Remarks RNA BY2 2-0 4 4-0 25-0 In air RNA BY3 2-0 4 3-3 19-9 In air RNA BY3 2-0 4 2-9 21-0 In air RNA BY4 2-0 4 50 30-0 In air (after dialysis) RNA BYC 0-2 1 0-9 In oxygen (1 atm.) RNA BYD 0-2 1 0-8 14-0 In oxygen (1 atm.) DNA BT2 1-0 4 3-6 18-0 In air DNA Signer A 0-2 1 0-45 10-0 In oxygen (1 atm.) VoI. 53 ACTION OF X-RAYS ON NUCLEIC ACIDS 571 Table 2. Production of ammonia and increase in Van Slyke nitrogen by irradiation of aqueous 8olutions of nucleic acids with 200 kV X-rays Solution Ammonia Increase in A formed Van Slyke N Concn. Dose (moles x 104/ (moles x 104/ Compound Sample (% w/v) (r. x 10-6) 100 ml.) 100 ml.) Remarks PNA BY1 1-0 2 0-56 In vacuo PNA BY1 1-0 2 1*405 1-10 In air PNA BY2 2-0 4 2-34 2-50 In air PNA BY3 2-0 4 2-30 In air PNA BY3 2-0 4 2*35 In air PNA BY4 2-0 4 2-00 2*10 In air (after dialysis) PNA BYC 0-2 1 0-45 In oxygen (1 atm. PNA BYD 0-2 1 0-46 In oxygen (1 atm.) DNA BT1 0 5 2 0-896 0-50 In air DNA BT2 1-0 2 1-20 0.98 In air DNA Signer A 0-2 1 0-39 In oxygen (1 atm.) small amounts of the silver salts of the purines. The the yields obtained on irradiation of two samples of individual bases were subsequently identified as RNA. It can be seen that the amounts of free bases adenine and guanine by paper chromatography. formed are quite small, being of the order 4 x 10-6 No or xanthine could be detected moles of purine/108 g.r. on these chromatograms. (The yields obtained by such a dialysis method (Scholes et al. 1949) do not, Table 3. Formation offreepurine bases by irradiation however, represent the total inorganic phosphate of RNA solutions with 200 kT X-rays in the release. Subsequent experiments have shown that presence of oxygen the phosphate is incompletely dialysed out under (RNA soln., 0-2%, w/v; 1 atm. 02; dose 1 x 106 r.) the conditions described.) of the irradiated RNA solutions the Yield of purine On dialysis moles x 106/100 ml.) negative-pole section always gave a positive pentose test (Bial's reagent) and, after removal of the Sample Adenine Guanine purines as above, a second silver salt could be BYC 2-0 1-8 obtained in alkaline solution (Kerr & Seraidarian, BYD 2-2 1-7 1945). This salt contained ribose, a basic component (which formed a picrate) but no organic phosphate. Action of OH radicals produced chemically These findings appear to indicate the presence of The nucleic acids are also degraded by Fenton's small amounts ofmaterial of a nucleosidic character. reagent. Ammonia and phosphoric acid could be This alkaline silver salt contained, in addition, readily detected among the products ofthe reaction; a substance which gave a strong Sullivan colour Table 4, records the yields of these substances test. This reaction (Sullivan, 1935), which is charac- obtained on oxidation of RNA under the conditions teristic of guanidine compounds, was also given by indicated. the irradiated nucleate solution (after removal of ammonia). It is probably due to the presence of a Table 4. Formation of ammonia and inorganic phos- de- guanidine derivative resulting from partial phate by the action of Fenton's reagent on RNA gradation of the guanine ring system. Repeated experiments, however, failed to reveal the presence (RNA (BYC) 0-2%, w/v; 25 ml. treated with 5 ml. FeSO4 soln. and 1 ml. H202.) in these solutions of any detectable amounts of very V. 11A low molecular-weight basic fragments. Yield of inorganic From the irradiated RNA solutions the liberated H202 added Fe2+ added ammonia phosphate free purines were separated and estimated without (moles x 104) (moles x 105) (moles x 105) (moles x 106) use of were as 1-8 1*2 0-20 0-23 the electrodialysis. They precipitated 1-56 removal of 7-2 10-0 1-10 the silver salts after unchanged poly- 3-0 - 00* 0.0* nucleotide and other higher weight fractions with * After 20 hr. at room temperature. uranyl acetate. The adenine and guanine contents of the isolated salts were finally determined by Even with these relatively low concentrations of quantitative paper chromatography. Table 3 shows (approx. 00O1M) the chemical 572- G. SCHOLES AND J. WEISS I953 changes were quite apparent. As 0O01 M-hydrogen nucleosides and nucleotides are as yet compara- peroxide alone had no detectable effects on these tively rare materials, experiments had to be con- RNA solutions (cf. Table 4) it was evident that the fined to the ribose derivatives. chemical effects observed with Fenton's reagent To confirm the indirect nature of the action ofthe were a result of reactions involving the OH radicals radiation on these various substances experiments produced in this system (eqn. 2). In this respect, with OH radicals, produced chemically by the Taylor et al. (1948) have also showvn that hydrogen hydrogen peroxide-ferrous salt (Fenton's) reagent, peroxide up to concentrations of O01OM has little were again carried out. effect upon the viscosity of DNA solutions. Since, therefore, similar effects are induced both by the Action of X-rays ionizing radiation and by free radicals generated Purines and pyrimidines. The liberation of chemically, it is confirmed that the mechanism of ammonia from some of the purine and pyrimidine the action of X-rays on the nucleates in aqueous bases is shown in Table 5. The presence of an amino solution is an indirect one. group in the molecule enhanced the formation of With greater amounts of hydrogen peroxide it anmmonia as shown by a comparison of the yields was possible to degrade the polynucleotides to obtained from xanthine and from guanine and also much lower molecular species. From the RNA by the very small yields from uracil. Other more solutions, for example, urea and guanidine could be qualitative experiments have, in addition, shown isolated and from DNA solutions, urea, under only a slight ammonia yield from thymine but a similar conditions. These were characterized as the relatively high yield from . The yield of dixanthydryl derivative and as the picrate re- ammonia, however, depended upon the pH of the spectively. The formnation of such products, irradiated solution, the figures quoted for the however, evidently represents a far-reaching purines adenine and guanine, for instance, showing degradation of the basic components. that deamination increased with increasing acidity. Determination ofthe ratios ammonia formed/base PURINES, PYRIMIDINES, NUCLEOSIDES destroyed gave values greater than unity (Table 5). AND NUCLEOTIDES Under these conditions, therefore, the nitrogen The production of ammonia and increased Van atoms ofthe purine ring systems also contributed to Slyke-nitrogen values found on irradiation of the ammonia formation and the small but definite yields nucleic acids with X-rays indicated degradation of from uracil (which contains no primary-amino the constituent purine and pyrimidine bases. group) indicated the occurrence of a similar process A study ofthe effects ofX-rays on aqueous solutions in the pyrimidine system. of the bases themselves was therefore made to gain The results were indicative of a rather severe some insight into the mechanism of the attack on degradation of these compounds. Indeed, in all these substances. Furthermore, an investigation of cases the formation of dioxide was observed. the chemical changes occurring on irradiation of the The purines yielded small amounts of oxalic acid purine and pyrimidine nucleosides and nucleotides (isolated as the calcium salt), guanine in addition was considered to be of some value in any inter- being degraded with the formation ofsmall amounts pretation of the X-ray-induced decomposition of of guanidine (isolated as the picrate). Table 6 the nucleic acids. However, as the deoxyribose summarizes these results.

Table 5. Irradiation of aqueous 8soUtion8 ofpurine and pyrimidine bases with 200 kV. X-rays in the presence of air Solution Ammonia Moles of formed ammonia formed/ Concn. Dose (moles x 104/ mole of base Substance (% w/v) pH (r. x 10-6) 100 ml.) destroyed Adenine 0-2 2-00 4 7.74 Adenine 0-2 3-00 4 5-75 Adenine 0-2 3-50 4 4-47 Adenine 041 1-75 4 8-34 1-75 Adenine 0.1 2-75 4 6-50 1.5 Adenine 0.1 4-80 3-2 3-07 Guanine 0-2 0-62 4 6-5 Guanine 0-2 1-03 8 11-0 Guanine 01 1-28 4 4-74 1-45 Uracil 0-1 7-0 8 0-19 Xanthine 0.1 0-20 4 3-5 Vol. 53 ACTION OF X-RAYS ON NUCLEIC ACIDS 573 Table 6. Irradiation of aqueous solutwons ofpurine and pyrimidine bases with 200 kV. X-rays in the presence of air (Solutions, 0.1 %; dose, 4 x 106 r.) Ammonia Oxalic Guanidine Titratable Solution formed acid formed formed acid formed (moles x 104/ CO2 (moles x 106/ (moles x 106/ (equiv. x 104/ Substance pH 100 ml.) formed 100 ml.) 100 ml.) 100 ml.)

Adenine 175 8-34 + 5 _ Guanine 1-28 4.74 1.8 5.0 Uracil 7-0 013 2-7

Table 7. Irradiation of aqueous solutions of adenosine with 200 V. X-rays in the presence of air Substance Exp. (a) Exp. (b) Exp. (c) Exp. (d) (moles x 104/100 ml.) (3-30 x 106 r.) (3-18 x 10 r.) (3-06 x 106 r.) (2.94 x 106 r.) Adenosine (initial) 3-270 2-905 3-140 2-900 Adenosine (final) 0-338 0-588 0-668 0 594 Total adenine* remaining 0-634 0-884 1-060 1*020 Total ribose remaining 1-130 1-006 1-115 1-130 Free adenine formed 0-296 0-296 0-389 0*424 Ammonia formed 2-75 2-2 Titratable acid formed (equiv.) 1-70 1-40 112 1-40 * Determined after acid hydrolysis.

Deamination with the formation of the corre- acid was isolated as the calcium salt and the sponding hydroxy compounds (i.e. hypoxanthine formation of hydroxy acids was suggested by and xanthine) did not apparently take place under the yellow colour produced on treatment of the these conditions, as these substances could not be (concentrated) irradiated solution with neutral detected by paper chromatography, but certain ferric chloride. substances containing the primary amino group, Determination ofthe amount of ribose which had e.g. adenine, guanine and cytosine, yielded on disappeared on irradiation showed the sugar to be irradiation with X-rays small amounts of hydroxyl- a relatively good acceptor. For example, on irradia- amine (Scholes & Weiss, 1951). For example,-from tion of 100 ml. of a 6-6 x 10-3M-ribose solution with adenine solutions which have received a dose of a dose of 4 x 106 r. (in air), 0-6 m-mole of the sugar approx. 1 x 10O r. one obtains approx. 1 x 10-7 moles was destroyed and at the same time 0-604 m-equiv. of hydroxylamine/100 ml. (at pH 7, in air). of titratable acid and 0 005 m-mole of oxalic acid The irradiated uracil solutions showed a signifi- were produced. cant increase in titratable acid (cf. Table 6) and on The effects of X-rays on aqueous solutions of treatment with 2:4-dinitrophenylhydrazine yielded adenosine and of yeast adenylic acid have also been a precipitate of insoluble hydrazones one of which studied in some detail; 100 ml. samples of 0-1 % (m.p. 3150) was soluble in sodium carbonate, indi- solutions were irradiated with doses in the region of cating the presence of a functional acid grouping. 3x 106r. Although no urea or oxalic acid could be isolated Apart from changes resulting in the formation of from the irradiated pyrimidine solutions, these , ammonia and titratable acid, in substances were readily formed on subsequent mild both cases the liberation of free purine bases was alkaline hydrolysis with sodium bicarbonate (at observed. In the nucleoside solutions free ribose boiling-water bath temperatures). The irradiation was detected chromatographically. The nucleotide of uracil therefore leads to the intermediate forma- was dephosphorylated, but did not yield any un- tion of carbonyl compounds and to substances sus- combined ribose or any of the corresponding ceptible to alkaline hydrolysis. nucleoside. Ribosidic compounds. D-Ribose was degraded The quantitative results from irradiations of with the formation of carbon dioxide, lower adenosine are recorded in Table 7. In Table 8 the aldehydes, small amounts of oxalic acid and pre- yields are calculated in moles per cent. As it has not sumably also some hydroxy acids. Evidence of yet been possible to determine the actual yields of acid formation was also obtained from a marked uncombined ribose in the presence of adenosine, increase in titratable acid. The production of figures for the 'free' ribose formed (Table 8) may aldehydic compounds was indicated by the ready also include substances consisting of sugar attached formation of 2:4-dinitrophenylhydrazones. Oxalic to an 'altered' purine residue. 574 G. SCHOLES AND J. WEISS I953 Table 8. Irradiation ofaqueous s01uti0ns ofadenosine Some investigations have also been made on the with 200 kV. X-rays in the presence of air effects of X-rays on aqueous solutions of the pyri- midine ribosidic compounds. Uridine, a typical Substance Exp. Exp. Exp. Exp. pyrimidine nucleoside, gave, among other products, (motlades/ninmes) (a)90 (b)25 (4)4 (d uracil and free pentose. Table 11 shows some figures Total 8990 *25 84*24 8225 obtained on duplicate irradiations. Comparison st-r-oyedadeninoved with Table 7 shows that uridine was almost twice as Total ribose 82*25 8200 7760 destroyed 73d00 reactive as adenosine towards the available radicals 'Free' ribose 27-00 17-75 18-00 22-40 produced in the irradiation. formed A more quantitative estimate of the reactivity of Free adenine 10.10 12.75 15-75 17*75 a particular substance (S) towards OH radicals can formed be obtained by investigating the reaction in the

Table 9. Irradiation of aqueous solutions of yeast adenylic acid with 200 kV. X-rays in the presence of air Substance Exp. (a) Exp. (b) Exp. (c) (moles x 104/100 ml.) (2.93 x 10f r.) (3-06 x 106f r.) (3-06 x 106 r.) Adenylic acid (initial) 2-490 2-635 2-550 Adenylic acid (final) 0-289 0-297 0-283 Total adenine* remaining 0-710 0-680 0 753 Total ribose remaining 0-587 0 533 0*393 Frce adenine formed 0400 0 390 0-448 Inorganic phosphate formed 1-765 1-905 1-995 Ammonia formed 2-70 2-94 Titratable acid formed (equiv.) 2-05 2-20 2*15 * Determined after acid hydrolysis.

Similarly, Tables 9 and 10 give the results ob- presence of ferrous . The latter are known to tained on irradiation of yeast adenylic acid. react relatively rapidly with OH radicals according Table 10 shows that both 'combined' ribose and to the reaction ' combined' phosphate were present in the irradiated Fe2+ + OH -+ Fe3+ + adenylate solutions and this is highly suggestive of OH-, (3) the formation of a ribose phosphate as an inter- and when both these reactants are present in the mediate in the reaction mechanism. The 'combined' solution, the OH radicals will divide themselves phosphate was always higher than the 'combined' between reaction (3) and the reaction ribose and this may be interpreted as being due S + OH -+ oxidation products, (4) to the production of other unidentified organic phosphate compounds. There was also a significant depending on the relative reactivities. Thus, by liberation of inorganic phosphate from the nucleo- determining the inhibitory action of a substance tide. towards the oxidation of ferrous ions one obtains a relative measure ofthe reactivity ofthis substance Table 10. Irradiation of aqueous solutions of yeast adenylic acid with 200 kV. X-rays in the presence Table 11. Irradiation of uridine 8olutions with of air 200 kV. X-rays in the presence of air Substance Exp. Exp. Exp. (Uridine soln., 0.1 %; dose, 1*8 x 106 r.) (moles/100 moles) (a) (b) (c) Uridine decomposed Uracil formed Total adenine destroyed 81-00 83x80 78-50 (moles x 104/100 ml.) (moles x 104/100 ml.) Total ribose destroyed 82-75 86*00 95*00 Free adenine formed 18-80 16-20 21-50 0-32 0-0165 'Combined' ribose formed 17-25 14*00 500 0 30 0-0150 Inorganic phosphate formed 80*25 81-50 88*20 'Combined' phosphate formed 19-75 18-5 11-8 towards OH radicals. The reactivities of different substances (e.g. adenine and uracil) may therefore The analytical figures from the nucleoside and be compared if one studies the inhibitory effect nucleotide experiments show that while under these towards the oxidation offerrous ions ofeach ofthese conditions both the base and sugar components substances separately under otherwise similar con- underwent considerable decomposition, these pro- ditions. Ferrous sulphate solutions of constant cesses did not lead to any marked formation of free concentration were irradiated, in vacuo, in the purines. This is similar to the case of the nucleic presence of various amounts of either the purine or acids. the pyrimidine base and the extent of oxidation of VoI. 53 ACTION OF X-RAYS ON NUCLEIC ACIDS 575 the ferrous determined. The results (Fig. 1) show quite definitely that uracil reacts more rapidly Action of OH radicals produced chemically than adenine. A comparative study of the am- On treatment with Fenton's reagent both adenine monia and phosphate liberation from yeast adenylic and guanine yielded carbon dioxide and ammonia, the guanine in addition being oxidized with the formation of small amounts of guanidine, urea and 9 oxalic acid. Uracil yielded carbon dioxide, traces of urea, traces of oxalic acid and a mixture of 2:4- dinitrophenylhydrazones (an -soluble hydra- 8 zone being apparently identical with the corre- sponding derivative obtained from the irradiation). As with the irradiation ofuracil, the major amounts .7 ofurea and oxalic acid were obtained on subsequent mild hydrolysis ofthe oxidized base. These observa-

-_ 6 - tions on the pyrimidine confirm those of Pfaltz & Baudisch (1923) who have shown that uracil, on E treatment with ferrous sulphate and hydrogen zi5 \ 3 peroxide, yielded intermediate substances, which, when hydrolysed with sodium bicarbonate were 0~~~- .n 4 ;5 split to form urea. The results of our experiments are shown in 0 Table 12, the recorded yields of urea and guanidine 3 _ \^ \ o being obtained by direct weighing of the isolated 2 A dixanthydryl-urea and guanidine picrate re- spectively. As only traces of ammonia were de- L_2 r 10 tectable in adenine solutions treated with hydrogen peroxide alone (cf. Table 12) it is evident that these degradations must proceed via the free radicals 1 formed according to reaction (2). The qualitative nature ofthe products formed is strikingly similar to o those obtained on irradiation ofthe bases; the action 4 8 12 16 20 of the radiation must therefore be interpreted on a Concentration of base (moles X 105/l.) mechanism involving free radicals. Fig. 1. Ferrous ions oxidized by irradiation of ferrous Qualitative examination of the mode of oxidation sulphate solutions with X-rays in the presence ofdifferent of some pentose compounds with Fenton's reagent concentrations of adenine (curve A) and uracil (curve B) has also shown similarities to the chemical effects in vacuo. Total dose, 5-52 x 10' r.; pH, 2-4; 1 9 x 10-4M- induced by X-rays. Ribose itself, for instance, was Fe2+. decomposed with the liberation of carbon dioxide and the formation of lower carbon compounds. and cytidylic acids has also demonstrated the Among the latter were aldehydes, hydroxy acids greater reactivity of the pyrimidine derivatives. and some oxalic acid. The deamination of the basic On irradiation of nucleic acids, therefore, the component of adenosine and of yeast adenylic acid pyrimidine components will obviously suffer a was readily observed in the treated solutions and, in greater attack. each case, some free adenine was liberated and could

Table 12. The effects of Fenton's reagent on purine and pyrimidine bases Solution - H202 Fe2+ Ammonia Urea Guanidlme Con(cen- added added formed formed forme-d Oxalic trattion (moles x 103/ (moles x 104/ (moles x 104/ (moles x 106/ (moles x 101/ acid Substance (% - w/v) pH 100 ml.) 100 ml.) 100 ml.) 100 ml.) 100 mlLI.) formed Adenine 2 2-0 2-2 4 0-58 Trace Adenine 0-0-!2 2-0 6-6 12 1-40 Trace Adenine* 25 3 0 5.5 . Trace Guanine 0-"O.1 1-0 2-2 4 0-25 + + Guanine 0-2 0-5 20-0 25 1-50 1-0 4-0 Uracil 0-1 4 0 1-0 1-25 . Trace Trace * 24 hr. at room temperature. 576 G. SCHOLES AND J. WEISS I953 be isolated and identified (via the silver salt). In in solution, where yields approaching unity are addition, the nucleotide suffered some dephos- common, these values may appear to be rather phorylation; e.g. treatment of 100 ml. of a 041 % small. However, with large molecules of the nucleic solution of yeast adenylic acid with 3-6 x 10-3 mole acid type, the presence of a number of possible sites of hydrogen peroxide and 0 45 x 10-3 mole of of attack will most likely lower the yield of a given ferrous salt resulted in the liberation of 1F6 x 10-r single product. Even so, small chemical changes mole of inorganic phosphate. in the polynucleotide molecule may be sufficient to account for gross physical changes such as loss DISCUSSION of streaming birefringence and precipitability by acids. When aqueous solutions of the nucleic acids and The changes occurring on irradiation ofthe purine related substances are irradiated with X-rays, and pyrimidine bases can likewise be interpreted by definite chemical changes take place which result a mechanism involving free radicals. As OH radicals from interactions between the solute molecules and are known to attack ethylenic centres it is most the free radicals formed by the action of the radia- likely that the action ofthese radicals on the purines tion on the solvent (water) (eqn. 1). In general, the may involve some attack on the central 4:5-ethylenic results obtained appear to indicate that the follow- bond. Similarly, because of the marked ethylenic ing changes take place in the nucleic acids: (a) a character of the 4:5-pyrimidine bond, and as the deamination and ring opening of the constituent pyrimidines are known to form glycols (cf. Johnson bases; (b) some fission of the glycosidic linkages & Dyer, 1933) it is highly probable that inter- with the liberation offree purines; (c) some breakage mediates of this nature are formed on irradiation of of the ester linkages, leading to the formation of the pyrimidines; further oxidative fission of such inorganic phosphate and presumably to an increase pyrimidine glycol intermediates could lead to the in titratable acid. It is also certain, at least in the formation of aldehydes and to substances re- irradiation of RNA, that fragments corresponding sponsible for the production of urea and oxalic acid in size to nucleosides are produced to some extent. on subsequent hydrolysis, as indicated by our The effect of the free radicals, therefore, is to experiments. induce structural changes in the polynucleotides; In the case of the nucleosides and nucleotides the the breakage of primary linkages results in a experimental observations present a rather com- fragmentation which can lead to the elimination of plicated picture, but, within the scope of the avail- structural units from the polymer chain. able data it appears permissible to draw some The yield of a radiochemical reaction (the 'ionic general conclusions about the mechanism of these yield' or yield per radical pair) can be conveniently reactions. If A, R, P, A* and R* indicate adenine, expressed as the number of molecules of a specified ribose, the phosphate group, 'changed' adenine and substance formed or destroyed per ion pair or 'changed' ribose respectively, then some probable radical pair produced. On the basis that the energy reactions may be represented schematically as required to produce one radical pair in water is follows: hxydrolysis (1)>,f A*-R hA*+R; R ) R* A-R adenosine (2) hydrolysis A-R* A+R*; A, A*

(hydrolysis) (1 A*-R-P > A*+RP

A-R-P P; A A* adenylic acid ()(hydrolysis)

19-4 eV. (Rigg, Stein & Weiss, 1952), it can be Primary attack by the radicals is followed by some shown from the values given in Tables 1-3 that the hydrolytic processes, as indicated above. Secondary yields per radical pair for the formation ofammonia, radical attacks may also take place on the primary inorganic phosphate and free purines, are of the products of the reaction, this latter effect being order of 0.1, 0-02 and 0.01 respectively. In com- operative to a greater extent when larger doses of parison with other known radiochemical reactions X-rays are employed. It is very likely that with Vol. 53 ACTION OF X-RAYS ON NUCLEIC ACIDS 577 both the nucleoside and the nucleotide, attack takes atoms may also contribute to the ammonia yield. place by the two different routes (1) and (2); from The purines also yield small amounts of oxalic acid, a comparison of the yields of the various products, guanine in addition being degraded with the forma- however, it appears that route (1) is the predominant tion of small amounts of guanidine. Mild alkaline path of degradation. hydrolysis ofirradiated uracil solutions results in the formation of urea and oxalic acid. A study of the SUMMARY competition reactions of uracil and of adenine with OH radicals (in the presence of ferrous ions) has 1. It has been shown that some well-defined confirmed that uracil reacts more rapidly with these chemical changes take place when aqueous solutions radicals than adenine. of the nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) are irradiated 4. Chemical changes occurring on irradiation of with X-rays. Fragmentation ofthe polynucleotides adenosineandofyeastadenylicacidincludeammnonia is accompanied by an increase in the number of liberation, decarboxylation, an increase in titratable titratable acid groups and bya liberation ofinorganic acid groups and the liberation of small amounts of phosphate and ofsmall amounts offree purine bases. free purine base. From the nucleoside some free Liberation of ammonia and some ring fission of the ribose is produced. The nucleotide suffers some constituent purine and pyrimidine bases also occurs. dephosphorylation, but does not yield any uncom- Glycosidic, ester, and internucleotide linkages are bined pentose or any of the corresponding nucleo- thus broken. Corresponding chemical effects (e.g. side. Irradiation of uridine results in the formation liberation of ammonia and inorganic phosphate) of some free uracil and some free ribose. observed on treatment of the nucleates with the 5. It has been shown also that somewhat similar hydrogen peroxide-ferrous salt (Fenton's) reagent effects are induced on treatment of these various have confirmed that the mechanism of the action of substances with the hydrogen peroxide-ferrous salt X-rays on these dilute aqueous solutions is via the (Fenton's) reagent. Possible mechanisms of the free radicals which are formed by the initial degradation of these compounds by ionizing radia- splitting of the water molecules. tions have been discussed. 2. Aqueous solutions of purines and pyrimidines and of some of their corresponding ribonucleosides Our thanks are due to Prof. A. R. Todd, F.R.S., who and ribonucleotides have been irradiated with generously supplied us with the specimens of uridine and X-rays and the nature of the concomitant chemical adenosine, to Prof R. Signer for the specimen of DNA, to Dr R. Markham for valuable assistance and advice in changes investigated. matters relating to the paper chromatography, and to 3. The presence of an amino group in the base Mr B. Milling who helped with some of the experiments. (e.g. in adenine and guanine) enhances the produc- We wish to acknowledge with thanks the financial assistance tion of ammonia on irradiation. In both the purine from the North of England Council of the British Empire and pyrimidine systems, however, the ring nitrogen Cancer Campaign.

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BY A. E. KELLIE, E. R. SMITH AND A. P. WADE The Courtauld In8titute of Biochemistry, MiddleBex Hospital Medical School, London, W. 1 (Received 26 May 1952) Very few general methods have been suggested for The object of the present work was to prepare the estimation of the non-ketonic alcohol fraction derivatives of the steroid which would lend from urine. Dobriner, Lieberman & Rhoads (1948) themselves both to chromatographic separation and employed an electrometric titration method de- quantitative estimation. pending on the formation of half esters of the Acetates and benzoates have already been em- alcohols with and the titration ployed in isolation studies. The former have been of these with dilute alkali. In model experiments used for chromatographic separations but do not with pure compounds good results wete obtained, lend themselves to quantitative estimation; they but the method did not prove satisfactory when can, however, be characterized in the finger-print applied to urinary extracts. Tompsett & Oastler region of the infrared spectrum (1200-800 cm.-1) (1948) weighed the half succinates of the neutral (Jones & Dobriner, 1949). Benzoates have not been non-ketonic fraction of urinary extracts. The use of widely used for separating steroid alcohols, but the antimony trichloride reaction (Pincus, 1943) recent work by Brooks, Klyne & Miller (1951) has has been suggested (Pincus, 1948), but no reports of shown that many pairs of related benzoates can be its application have appeared. separated by chromatography on alumina. By Engel, Patterson, Wilson & Schinkel (1950) virtue ofthe phenyl radical such esters absorb in the described a colorimetric method for steroid alcohols ultraviolet region of the spectrum and could be which has been applied to clinical material. By detected and estimated. analogy with the Zimmernann reaction a colour The steroid alcohols can be esterified with 3:5- would be expected if a steroid complex containing dinitrobenzoyl chloride and the resulting esters, the m-dinitrophenyl group was treated with alkali when treated with dilute alkali in the presence of in the presence of excess of ketone. This group of a ketone, give an intense purple colour character- workers tried the 3:5-dinitrobenzoates but found istic of the m-dinitrophenyl group. Colour develop- them very sparingly soluble in either aqueous or ment is complete within 5 min. and acetone will act ethanolic potassium hydroxide. However, the both as the solvent medium and as the ketone hemi-3:5-dinitrophthalates obtained from primary required by the reaction. A method has been and secondary alcohols were soluble in alkali, and developed by studying the conditions for the pro- on treatment with methanolic potassium hydroxide duction of maximum optical , and has been gave a red coloration in the absence of a ketone. No used for the determination of dinitrobenzoyl separation of individual alcohols was attempted. esters.