Prex americanae a PrayeR For columbia

WE CAN DO NO OTHERWISE Issue 1 Summer 2021


The History of Sexual Liberation in Weimar Germany The roots of sexual degeneracy go back far, further than most people think. How far? Read this piece by external Twitter contributor @EttoreFan to find out!

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The Pride Movement: a Danger to us All Contrary to the rhetoric commonly pushed, it is THE HISTORY OF SEXUAL not 'loving' to allow people to live in sin. LIBERATION IN WEIMAR People who engage in homosexual acts actively GERMANY harm themselves and the By Nikelaos society around them.

Page 6 Over the past century, hormone replacement liberal ideas about sex, the therapy— all trace back to family, and human value the influence of a small Rhapsody on Pride have come to dominate group of vocal elite. The primary sin of the discourse in Europe and These people successfully homosexual lobby is America. The decadent managed to reclassify pride, not sodomy. But in institutions and blasé sexual deviancy as a our fight for the family, attitudes of westerners positive good deserving of have we fallen into the towards all manner of liberation, and traditional same sin that we sexual perversion— be it moral values as repressive denounce in others? homosexuals, and regressive attitudes in Page 8 transvestites, abortion, need of stamping out. And, birth control, even child for our part, many of us who have been indoctrinated into this the first ever instances of homosexual culture have uncritically accepted it as activism, as well as the ideation and rise 'the norm,' when it is anything but; by of transsexualism. Culturally, too, we tracing the history of this movement, we see the first ever homosexual can better equip ourselves with the publications (like the "Die Freundin," a knowledge we need to fight against it. lesbian magazine published in Berlin), And so I begin my humble tale of the the first ever gay and lesbian movies, collapse of a nation: and much more. After the end of the First World War, a ------failed Socialist revolution, guided by One cannot try to understand this Rosa Luxenberg and Friedrich period of spiritual and moral decay in Liebknecht, saw the end of the German Weimar Germany without mentioning monarchy and the abdication of the . An openly gay and Emperor Wilhelm II. What followed was very influential "sexologist," he founded the establishment of a democratic the Scientific Humanitarian committee, parliamentary republic somewhat the first ever advocacy group for modelled on the French republic, with homosexual and transsexual rights (he freedom of religion, individual rights, coined that latter term himself). He also freedom of movement, etc., as integral produced and co-wrote a film called parts of its constitution— things which "Different from the Others," which is all sound very familiar today. What considered the first pro-gay film in the followed, however, as a portent to our world. He was so popular, in fact, that times, was an increase in social and he was called to court to analyse the moral decay in the short lived Weimar state. Berlin, dubbed "Babylon Berlin," rapidly became one of, if not the most, degenerate cities in modern history. Berlin became a center of gay living, and Magnus Hirschfeld, a famous sexologist living at the time (of whom we'll talk about soon) stated that there were more gay places in Berlin than in any other city. In the period between the two wars, male prostitution reached its maximum, with about 22,000 famous prostitutes, many of whom were young and unemployed due to the economic crisis. Homosexual clubs like the "Eldorado," where organized drag queen shows were not uncommon, became Magnus Hirschfeld quite popular. During this period we see

Page 2 Prex Americanae accused in the Harden–Eulenburg affair Lenz, the first ever doctor to perform (a scandal that saw the Prince of sex-change operations on transvestites. Eulenburg at the centre of a homosexual Dr Levy-Lenz is infamous for performing allegation). a "sex change" operation on Dora Together with Arthur Kronfeld in 1919, Richter, the "first known person to Hirschfield opened the "Institue fur undergo a complete male-to-female Sexualwissenschaft", a sexology gender reassignment surgery." Levy- research centre. The institute quickly Lenz made him go through an became popular for researching orchiectomy (removal of his testicles), everything "sex" related, including after which he had a penectomy developing methods for the first ever (removal of his penis), after which, in transsexual surgeries, as well as June of 1930, Richter was given an contraceptives and treatments for artificial vagina by Berlin surgeon Prof. venereal diseases. The group was so Dr. Erwing Gohrbandt. popular that it was visited several times Another worker in the institute was the by health officials and scientific dermatologist and endocrinologist researchers from the , and Bernard Shapiro (Bernhard Schapiro, in its works inspired Fabian socialists like the German), who developed a the sexologist and eugenicist Havelock treatment for impotence, and Ellis. "Prajaculin," a treatment for premature One particular aim of this group was to ejaculation. Shapiro was the first person repeal Paragraph 175 of the German to successfully apply hormonal Criminal Code, which made treatment to the problem of homosexuality, prostitution, and undescended testicles. He was, in fact, bestiality illegal, and was actively the first to employ chorionic enforced by the Republic. Among the gonadotropin, which can potentially be signatories of the petition to repeal this used as an anti-fertility agent, and code were famous physician Albert would go on to become the centre of a Einstein, Nobel Prize winner Hermann US scandal because of its possible Hesse, as well as SPD (the Social involvement in contaminated Tetanus Democratic Party— the largest political vaccines. party in Germany at the time) leader Hirschfield, however, wasn't the only Eduard Bernstein. person creating groups to advocate for Incredible to believe, yet the people sexual degeneracy. Perhaps less known, working for Hirschfield were probably a but a major financier of Hirschfield who lot worse than the founder of the gave substantial financial support to institute himself. In addition to the co- Magnus' institute, was the anarchist founder of the institute— Arthur Benedict Friedlander. Friedlander, along Kronfeld, a psychiatrist who fled to with Adolf Brand (the founder of "Der to receive full USSR citizenship Eigene," the world's first gay magazine), and become a university professor— we founded the "Gemeinschaft der also find the gynaecologist Ludwig Levy- Eigenen," or Community of One's Own.

Issue 1 Page 3 communists and socialists, but her primary means of elevation to the world stage came about through her collaboration with Hirschfeld and his institute, when the two advocated for the abolition of paragraph 218 of the German code, which outlawed abortion. Together with Hirschfeld, Stöcker built many abortion, sterilization, and family planning clinics all over Germany to provide men and women with so-called sexual health services. The BfM, with Stöcker at its head, was also one of many groups that attended the World League for Sex Reform, hoping to, as historian Atina Grossman says in Reforming Sex, "continue the tradition begun in 1911, when the first international conference for birth control was convened in Dresden." Though the BfM was one of the most influential, there were many other birth control groups that emerged in Germany during the interwar period. For instance, GESEX, also known as the Eva Katter, a transsexual "Society for Sexual Reform," was patient of Hirschfeld's founded by the sexual reformer Felix This group rejected the ideas of Theilhaber. Disgruntled GESEX activists Hirschfield's feminine understanding of later split off and merged with the homosexuality and instead advocated National League for Birth Control and for a return to pagan Greek pedæresty, Sexual Hygiene, or RV. The RV was even while being married. important in Germany, and their work ------remains impactful today— Ernst Gräfenberg, the doctor and researcher The degeneracy in Weimar Germany who theorized the eponymous "G-spot" also included large strides forward in of female orgasm, worked in the RV birth control. The BfM (short for Bund clinics when he developed the intra- fur Muttershultz— in English, The uterine device (more well known by its German Federation for Maternity acronym IUD), a birth control tool used Protection) was the primary birth to this day to prevent pregnancy. control advocacy group, and was led by a radical feminist named Helene This degeneracy, however, though it had Stöcker. Stöcker worked alongside its heartland in Germany, wasn't limited

Page 4 Prex Americanae to just one country. Conferences became figure in the development of analytic very popular as ways of spreading ideas philosophy, and Fabian socialist. He was under the guise of "sexual/scientific a birth control advocate and, along with discoveries," and naturally attracted his very feminist wife, travelled international audiences. The first enthusiastically to the USSR to see the important such congress would be the effects of the communist revolution. First International Congress for Sexual Russell was instrumental in bringing his Reform organized by Hirschfield's liberal ideas to both a popular and elite "World League for Sexual Reform," audience throughout Britain and the whose ideals were policy reforms English-speaking world at large. related to the tolerance of sodomy in And the spread did not stop there. We society, spread of eugenic and feminist Christians, living in 2021 America, now ideals, and, of course, the normalization have to contend with the fruits of the of birth control. sexual liberation movement started One of the people who attended this halfway across the world nearly a congress was a doctor named Norman century ago. Things look bleak, much as Haire, who would go on to popularize they did in the Weimar Republic, and I the "Steinach operation," a partial do not want to pretend otherwise. But to vasectomy that was thought to turn the depressing account of history revitalize, rejuvenate and increase I've just given to a more hopeful note, I sexual potency. He effectively sterilized would like to remind my dear readers an estimated 200 artistic and that "where sin abounds, grace does intellectual men in the UK, including more abound." We live in what appears, Irish poet W. B. Yeats. Although not by all metrics, to be a crumbling society, active in Germany, Haire was very but that need not mean that we should influential and invested in the area of resign ourselves to the existence of evils birth control, so much so that he took a saturating our nation. Rather, we can leading role in the world's first fight activism with activism, and let the international conference on birth voice of God be heard through us. Let control in London. Other participants this same history be our guide: the included the famous physicist Albert tactics that helped the activists of Einstein, the American sexologist Harry Weimar spread their ideas throughout Benjamin (who researched the world in mere decades can help us transgenderism and was one of the first in our quest to spread the gospel to the proponents of giving estrogen to four corners of the earth. We can decide children), as well as a number of if the future is a continuation of the feminist abortion rights and female- same chapter of liberalism, or a new equality activists like Helene Stöcker. epoch in the grand saga of salvation Perhaps the most notorious participant history: so be vocal, be loud, and be of the group, however, was Betrand good soldiers of Christ— the fate of our Russell. Born into a well-off family of nation and the world hinges on it. British elite, Bertrand was a famous Globalist, anti-Christian scientist, key

Issue 1 Page 5 THE PRIDE MOVEMENT: A DANGER TO US ALL By Paul Peterson

To begin, I harbor no ill will towards as a symbol of the Death that awaits anyone of any sexual identification. I those who act against their nature. God sincerely hope for as many of them as is not threatening anyone— He is possible to one day join me and my warning them that they are actively brothers and sisters in Heaven. harming themselves. That is the truth. However, they cannot join me if they do However, God has removed this threat not understand the dangers of their of eternal Death and made a way for all lifestyle, the dangers of their own pride to be saved— if they repent. Think of the and self-worship. The Lord tells us, adultress who was to be stoned in the even, that this is our duty as Christians: gospel of John: "Jesus straightened up "Love does no harm to a neighbor. and asked her, 'Woman, where are they? Therefore love is the fulfillment of the Has no one condemned you?' 'No one, law." So, I will explain how an active sir,' she said. 'Then neither do I LGBTQ lifestyle endangers not only condemn you...go now and leave your their salvation, but their immediate life of sin.'" He didn't say "You are free mental and physical health, as well as to sin more." or, "Go, sin, and all will be our greater society. well, and we will throw you a month- The Lord is very explicit in Holy long party." No! He said "Go now and Scripture about how He feels towards leave your life of sin!" LGBTQ people relations, same-sex or otherwise, must repent and leave their life of sin to outside of marriage, which He defines be saved. They must become absolutely multiple times as exclusively between committed to holiness, as the Lord calls man and woman (Mk. 10:6-9, 1 Cor. them to do so in this life, with the help 7:2). He also gives other warnings of His infinite and undeserved graces. against unnatural relations, stating in This isn't a unique calling either: all are Leviticus that "if a man has sexual called to repent and serve the Lord. This relations with a man as one does with a isn't some targeted campaign against woman, both of them have done what is LGBTQ people. detestable. They are to be put to death; Another major reason to combat the their blood will be on their own heads." Pride movement is that it endangers its Of course, to modern eyes this may go very own members. God even tells us against our conscience— putting people ahead of time the consequences in the to death!— but that is because we book of Jude, so let's unpack what he misread the intent of the passage. While says: at the time people who performed In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the homosexual acts were killed, this served surrounding towns gave themselves up to

Page 6 Prex Americanae sexual immorality and perversion. They serve participate in their faith, with very few as an example of those who suffer the of those being in a true, orthodox punishment of eternal fire. In the very same church! While the numbers of those who way, on the strength of their dreams these are religious are higher in the US, they ungodly people pollute their own bodies, reject authority and heap abuse on celestial beings. are also in liberalized denominations which are entirely outside of the truth of First off, the pollution of their bodies. God. Lastly, what the Pride movement Well, the first pollution is the most calls "marriage," relations betwen two obvious: disease. According to the CDC, people of the same sex or between two STDs and mental illness run rampant dysphoric individuals, is a false image amongst LGBTQ people, with 83% of and one of the worst rejections of Godly primary and secondary syphilis cases authority. Some would even say it is a being among homosexual or bisexual mockery of the sacrament of marriage. men. Homosexuals are not only at This endangers their children as well as higher risk for syphilis, but also HPV, ours, as they are subject at such a chlamydia, gonorrhea, and— surprise vulnerable age to the dangerous and sirprise— anal cancer (17 times more now widespread liberal ideologies likely, in fact). And, not only are STD common amongst the Pride movement rates higher, but so is drug abuse, with and its adherents. Even more so, it more than 37.6% of LGBTQ people aged endangers us as we are then targeted by 18 and older reporting marijuana use, this ideology as proper heterosexual compared to 16.2% reported by the men and women of God, and brings overall adult population. Furthermore, judgement upon our nation as we fail to misuse of prescription opioids and create a more moral nation. heroin use is also higher, with 9% of LGBTQ To all my people aged readers, I 18 or older leave you reporting with this use, thought. I do compared to 3.8% among the overall not wish to demonize these people. They adult population. are our human brothers and sisters. But the facts show that an active LGBTQ Now, what of rejecting authority and lifestyle is dangerous to us all. It is our abusing celestial beings? Just think duty as Christians and as those in about where we observe most of accordance with natural law to lovingly political activity of the current Pride educate those who actively pursue this movement: in their godless Marxist and lifestyle. They run too many risks here, anarchist protests. They drive their and much too large a risk at Judgement. agenda in spite of authority and of law. This Godless movement of Pride must be In the end, however, they reject the ended— and the solution to the false ultimate authority: the natural law that love of compassion (allies) or lust God has laid before us, and God Himself. (LGBTQ) is to turn to the true Love of Only 29% of UK-based LGBTQ people God.


By Svirado

It is, at the time of this writing, Pride irresistible passion in the month of June month, and while I have an itching ("compulsion," in the psychological curiosity to see what's happening in the literature). But for all the talk and even lowest dregs of society, my stomach is action, if you strip away the rhetoric and not quite strong to handle the kink— underlying pathological mental states, perhaps, as the media seems to imply, what really underlies the homosexual I'm simply not 'child' enough— so I'll movement in general, and Pride in have to settle for a mental parade particular? Is it, as they so forcefully around town instead. I start my short- claim, truly about sexual liberation and lived thought-experiment in the middle equality? of downtown, where I am immediately Now, for a brief history lesson: the accostated by a group of homosexual medievals made a strong categorical activists circling in to make sure that distinction between sex and sodomy. Sex I've fallen into conformity with the is, metaphysically, the act of fecund self- movement's latest thoughts; the giving which tends towards procreation. question "sir, do you support the sexual Sodomy is any other form of penetrative rights of queer minorities," or some copulation. This is of vital import, similar variant floating through my ears, because if we don't get our words right gets me we can thinking— never have which meaningful means, talks about thankfully, these that I can underlying divert my ideas. imaginative faculties In light of elsewhere. this, it's So I ban the hard to say garish that parade homosexual imagery activists from my A relatively tame kink demonstration at Pride are head, and concerned begin to ponder more deeply: with giving a systemic account of human homosexuals talk a lot about sex (in sexuality at all, for the simple reason clinical terms, this would be that they muddle together words to "obsession"), and they appear to create confusion. For instance, we the copulate on public streets with masses have been systematically

Issue 1 Page 8 conditioned at this point to uncritically men want to sodomize each other in accept such contradictory words as "gay their bedrooms, no SWAT team is going sex", "anal sex," and even "straight oral to drop in and arrest them on the spot. sex—" terms which would have rung as The acknowledgement of the word ‘sex' utterly ridiculous and totally nonsensical is merely that, a verbal descriptors of reality to any pre-modern acknowledgement, with no practical mind. At best, homosexuals can say they effect on a person's sin of choice. Yet, perform sodomy— at worst, merely I'm sure, I need not convince you that mutual masturbation. this verbal acknowledgement is This very well might just be an artifact something that homosexuals would be of a poorly-trained generation of deeply offended at not receiving. philosophers, writers, and other Which immediately raises several academics. But it may well not be. I questions. If these people simply cared invite you to perform the following about sexual liberation, then why work reflection: picture yourself at your local so hard to convince the world that the Pride parade, complete with men in dog acts they perform are sex? Why costumes and half-naked women embrace muddled thinking, even to the twerking in front of a camera. A group point of including ‘asexuality' under the of homosexuals walks up to you, much umbrella term of a sexual rights as in my previous thought-experiment, movement? If the homosexual rights but this time you start off the movement were truly merely about two conversation by telling them that you consenting adults in their bedroom, then will totally support their rights to there would be no need for all the copulation, but only on the condition constant, vehement, aggressive, and that they refer to their unnatural acts as spiteful public displays of sodomy that sodomy, not sex. How loudly do they constitute the entire month of June. But rush in at you, demanding in shrill since, unfortunately, this month exists, screeches that you recant? That you we must conclude that our assumed accept that their sex lives are valid, premise, the popular idea that those lived experiences, and refuse to degrade with same-sex inclinations are motivated their transcendental love-dances to by some principle as noble-sounding as mere masturbation? sexual equality, is totally and utterly If they were being honest (and false. So, then, what principle truly grounds the gay rights movement? consistent), they would acknowledge that their fixation on anything sexual In one word: pride. wouldn't necessitate any sort of ------movement at all, let alone an entire First, I want to begin with a working month dedicated to it. Harvard definition of pride. In question 162 of professor of gender and sexuality, part II of the Summa, St. Thomas Michael Bronski, said of gay marriage Aquinas says that pride is the desire of a that "it's simply a legal contract," and man to "overstep beyond what he is." the same principle applies here: if two Pride, the capital vice and highest of

Page 9 Prex Americanae sins, was the reason for Satan's 'non ever further-away from the starting serviam', by which he refused to serve point? Sex, being built into our nature, God, and rather wished to be served and and existing as a symbol of God's love adored like God. and union with the Church, is an Now, your average homosexual is almost inherently good thing— so it must be certainly an atheist, or some deconstructed and tacked on to all denomination of liberal Christian that manner of depravity, redefined in the amounts to just as much— he doesn't homosexual's Own Image. And as soon want worship, in other words. But that as Obergefell v Hodges passes, the doesn't mean that he isn't deeply activists turn around to their next target steeped in the prideful desire to be like and start deconstructing the family God, even as he rejects his laws and through a perverse demonic imitation very existence. Simply, rather than thereof, complete with adopted kids and desiring to be adored as God, he desires the gay-bee-see's. There are now rumors to create as God. of people clambering to "open up dialogue" on bestiality, zoophilia, even Thus, in the context of the never-ending pedophilia. Every month new and more spiritual warfare that is our lot on earth, exotic (read: disgusting) constructs of we come to see the true motivations queer-theory are thrown to the populace behind the LGBT movement: activists at large, and accepted by large swathes and allies simply seek to usurp God as of them. the creator of all morality. The laws of God must be overthrown, in order to be And so returning to the point— Pride is replaced by the laws of our choosing— not about sex. It never was. Thinking God, they implicitly and unknowingly activists care about people with same- declare through their acts, must be sex inclinations, let alone what they do continually blasphemed: not only in the in their bedroom, is a false flag. All they law that he gave, once, to Moses, but in care about is subverting and destroying perpetuity. Hence the "slippery slope" the natural law, however they can, and that conservative media constantly replacing it with their own creation, a bemoans and the left calls a fallacy— Satanic simulacrum of morality. Sex just this continual degradation of the natural happens to be the first vector of many, law is a feature, not a bug. You give an because our fallen nature makes us so inch, they take a mile-long pride parade, fragile and prone to voracious excess. But as soon as they've finished and then start asking if kids can handle kink— obviously, they conclude ‘yes.' deconstructing one aspect of human Why? To push more boundaries, to existence, they immediately jump on to continually grow more and more absurd the next, and the next, attempting to in defiance and subversion of the recreate reality and morality in their natural law. Tolerance is not enough— own image. And so, at root, our fight then acceptance is not enough— against Pride is a fight against pride, then….? that most pernicious of evils. ------See how the goalposts constantly shift,

Issue 1 Page 10 And here I want to take an abrupt turn to take a long, deep, and critical look into the mirror of introspection at ourselves in the traditionalist movement, because the fight against pride might be right in our own backyard. Homosexuals claim to desire sexual liberation, when really all they desire is the pride of becoming the arbiters of morality; we, in an analogous vein, claim to be Christians desiring God's will. But underneath all the words, what do our actions say about our true desires? When we are bombarded by headlines, pictures, and videos of other people's sins— and in the month of June this barrage grows far, far worse— how do we react? I speak first and foremost for myself when I respond ‘with outrage.' After all, sodomy is an inherent social injustice— a grave evil, one of the four sins that cries out to heaven for vengeance. It is right and just to judge the act, and to rebuke those who would spread the ideology. Aquinas, speaking of anger, The Prince of all prideful rebellion even says that "if one is angry in against God accordance with right reason, one's How, then, do we battle the temptation anger is deserving of praise." But I of pride, even as we fight against the know, for a fact, that I am not the only pride of others? The only antidote to one driven to an often disproportionate pride— all pride— is humility, the anger, tinged with the self-righteousness humility of saying to God "behold the of knowing that I'm in the right, and this handmaid of the Lord: be it done to me seeps into the things I talk about with according to thy word." This is not to others, the way I talk, and the say that we should be passive. Humility information I share online. Herein lies and passivity are antithetical, one a the unspoken trap so many of us virtue and the other a vice. Rather we traditionalists have fallen into: claiming must, first and foremost, entrust in words to follow God's will because we ourselves to God's will. As for what this oppose the grave sins of society, but means in the context of Pride betraying in actions that we simply specifically, Luke has a telling narrative: desire to gratify ourselves by showing everyone how "based" and trad we are. And it came to pass, when the days of his

Page 11 Prex Americanae assumption were accomplishing, that he bad— it is, in fact, a virtuous act and steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem. civic duty. But imprudent involvement And he sent messengers before his face; and lends an air of credence towards ideas going, they entered into a city of the (even in disagreement) by implying that Samaritans, to prepare for him. And they received him not, because his face was of one they're worth discussing in the public going to Jerusalem. And when his disciples sphere, and can all too easily serve as a James and John had seen this, they said: distraction from the more important Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come things. There are too many places we down from heaven, and consume them? And could be, too many things we could be turning, doing, to he rebuked bother them, engaging saying: with the You know nonsense not of of Pride, what either spirit you now in June, or any other time of the are. The Son of man came not to destroy souls, but to save. And they went into another year. Firm boundaries and clearly stated town. positions when prompted? Absolutely. But the Christian response to Pride's Consider how our Lord reacted— and worship of self is humility's worship of they went into another town. The clock God. Pride seeks to be seen and gazed is ticking: there is only so much time to at by all; humility seeks to be ignored— become holy, only so much time to reap "I must decrease, so that He may a harvest before night falls when no increase." In other words, we mustn't man can work. Every hour spent yelling seek to draw attention to ourselves, or at unrepentant sinners, every hour desire to be called holy and righteous by immersing ourselves in ‘dialogue' with peers because we condemn and approve those who hate us and want to see us of the right sets of social aberrations, dead, is an hour not spent praying, an but only because we truly are holy. And hour not spent converting the great so I end with a fraternal exhortation to unwashed who have not yet actively all my Christian brethren: Go to church. rejected God's laws and love. Our Spend time in prayer. Become truly ultimate desire needs to be first and filled with the light of Christ. And as for foremost the salvation of souls. our society and the social ills that We must remember that true humility plague it— engage it within the bounds lies in total abandonment to the divine of an authentic vocation, and no more. will, and that means acknowledging that Follow God's plan of sanctity for your God and God alone can solve the life, little as it may seem, and He will aberrations that plague our society. I'm see to the rest. not saying getting involved politically is

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