News and Views from and Southern Africa BAOBAB Volume 2 Number 1 November 1992

In the North RENAMO Looks to Clinton Administration to Take a Savimbi's Example "Benign Neglect" Southern Africa Policy The Maputo daily Noticias has described what is happening in Mozambique as the "Savimbi-ization ofRENAMO". REN­ As the US presidential campaign wound to a close various AMO, it says, could ignore the cease-fire accord until it sees renown Africa watchers observed that the policy of President­ what the international community manages to achieve in elect Bill Clinton towards Southern ..<\irica would probably be Angola, where UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi appears to have one of "benign neglect". At the November 13-15 National successfully rejected the results ofan election which went Conference to Support the ANC in New York, Mr. Randall against him and his party, and is instead solidifying his control Robinson, Executive Director ofTransAfrica, Congressman over extensive parts of the countryside and some cities. Howard Wolpe from Michigan and fonner Chainnan ofthe House Subcommittee on Africa, and Congresswoman Maxine RENAMO itselfcannot look forward to elections. A small Waters from south central Los Angeles all observed that sample poll in Maputo recently gave the rebels a minuscule vote. Southern Africa, indeed, Africa in general, is a low priority So while RENAMO forces in southern Mozambique are issue for US administrations. All three speakers said that, given respecting the cease-fire, those in the north continue to fight, the US public's preoccupation with domestic issues, the only way following Savimbi's lead. Southern Africa will get any attention is ifkey solidarity and anti- constituencies, especially the African-American Meanwhile, monitoring commission negotiations have been set community, are mobilized soon and powerfully, demanding back. RENAMO has boycotted them on the grounds that the American media and government attention to Southern Africa. government has not provided senior official Raul Domingos and (So lIthScan, 10/30/92) the other RENAMO delegates with adequate accommodation. (SouthScan, 10/30/92)

US-AID Gives $9.5 million to Mozam­ bique and $27.7 million to US Contractors

On September 11 the United States Agency for International Development (US-AID) granted various Mozambican institu­ tions and individuals $US 9.5 million for health care and water projects, largely in Gaza Province. At the same time AID gave "American private voluntary organizations (PVOs) like Save the Children (US) and CARE $US 27.7 million. A US Embassy press release said the funds were "to help American groups expand their operations in order to reach a greater number of Mozambicans vulnerable to absolute poveny". A new study, authorized by Dr. Carol Thompson of the University of Southern California and the University ofZimbabwe. released by the New York-based organization. The Africa Fund. challenges these alleged US intentions. Entitled "Beware the Hand that Feeds rOll: US-AID in SOllthern Africa". a major finding of the study is that "US-AID drought aid is delivered in ways which under­ mine existing structures in the recipient countries", (AlozambiqlleFile. 10/92)

Malangatana (1984) South ACrica

ANC Support Conference Concludes Rain Comes to

Its Work A week of rain throughout most of South Africa has raised some hopes that the devastating drought may be lifting. But while Over 1,000 delegates from diverse national and regional much needed rain may enable some farmers to plant their crops organizations throughout the US and Canada at the "National this year it is still too late for many farmers. Five thousand Conference in Support of the ANC and Other Democratic Forces whit~ fa~ers are expected to stop farming this year. Over for a new South Africa" resolved at the November 13-15 300,000 farmworker families have already been displaced by the meeting in New York to: drought, and it is expected that up to three million more 1. maintain the effective pressure of sanctions until demo­ displaced farm workers will flood the PWv. In Lebowa and cratic forces call for their ending; Venda, two homelands to the North ofJohannesburg, water has 2. commit themselves to demand the US government exert the completely dried up. Communities are dependent on the South maximum public pressure on the SA regime to end its campaign African Defense Force to deliver tanks of water. (Southern ofviolence; African Partnership Project, 1117/92) 3. provide support and cooperation to the democratic move­ ment to strengthen its capacity to carry out the process of transformation. ANC Deputy Murdered

Reggie Hadebe, media officer ofthe ANC Natal Midlands Inkatha Member Reveals RENAMO Region, was gunned down in an ambush on October 27 on his Support way home from a peace meeting with Inkatha officials. The ANC blamed the killing on the Inkatha Freedom Party, saying that Hadebe was killed because he was investigating reports that Deported Inkatha Freedom Party official Bruce Anderson some police in the kwaZulu tribal homeland ruled by Buthelezi dropped a political bomb November 1 with the disclosure that were being trained by the Mozambican rebel movement REN­ South African military intelligence has been channeling AMO. (Reuter, 10/29/92) weapons to Inkatha from Mozambique's right wing guerrillas, RENAMO to fuel a terror strategy designed to stop the African National Congress from taking power. White Support for Inkatha on the Rise A document in Mr. Anderson's possession details a plan to stop an ANC political takeover with "revolutionary terror". Says the A Recent Markinor survey found that 15% of 800 whites polled document, "Through special operations expose the myth of the said they would vote for the Inkatha Freedom Party (as opposed ANC-SA Communist Party's alliance. Ensure that it is not to, for example, 11% for the Conservative Party). Another 30% possible for a one-man-one-vote election for between three to said they were positive about the organization. The Zulu five years. We must redefine our overall strategy to ensure that Nationalist party has several whites in key leadership positions the ANC-SACP alliance does not at some stage take power in and most oftheir public relations officers are white. Some South Africa." (The Independent, 11/2/92) whites have even gone to the e",:tent oftaking up arms for the IFF. Inkatha's overall support nationally among all race groups is estimated by independent polling agencies to be between 2% AIDS Conference Creates Strategy and 1O%. (Southern African Partnership Project, 1117192) for Control

An unprecedented National AIDS Convention of South Africa Low Intensity War in Ciskei formulated a strategy based on basic human rights to try and control the epidemic in South Africa. Both community partici­ More people have been killed in political violence in Ciskei in pation and coordination between various groups dealing with the seven weeks after the Bisho massacre than in the massacre AIDS were seen as critical to the strategy. itself. According to the Independent Monitoring Network set up by human rights groups after the massacre, at least 30 people AIDS has a doubling rate ofsix months in South Africa with an have been killed since the massacre on September 7. As estimated 200,000 known mV-infected persons, according to tensions mount between the South African Defense Force/Ciskei government figures. However, some experts say the real figure Defense Force and ANC-alliance supporters, analysts are of AIDS sufferers and mV-infected persons could be ten times beginning to note that low-intensity war is developing in Ciskei. higher, as statistics may be inaccurate due to serious under­ (SouthScan, 10/30/92) reporting ofthe disease. (SouthScan, 10/30/92)

Baobab Notes 2 November 1992 MOZAMBIQUE Donor Conference Will Focus on Zimbabwe Troops Withdraw

Children Some 5,000 Zimbabwean troops began to withdraw from Mozambique on October 21 as RENAMO stepped up attacks in Mozambique and Italy are planning a donors' conference next various parts of the country amid rumors of a possible split in the month to raise funds for post-war recoveI)', according to leadership. Mozambique's education minister, Aniceto dos Muchangos. Top on the agenda will be the question ofchildren who suffered Meanwhile, the UN peacekeeping force has been seeking to the most during the war. establish itself. AIdo Ajello is being assisted by up to 25 military observers. The force's tasks include making recommendations Government studies show that more than halfofthe estimated for a full-scale UN Operation in Mozambique to monitor the three million Mozambican refugees in South Africa, Malawi, cease-fire, oversee the separation and demobilization offorces Swaziland, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, and Zambia are children. and help organize ne,,1 year's elections. (SouthScan, 10/23/92) Most of them have no access to education. (SouthScan, 10/30/ 92)

Stop Press ANGOLA As we go to press, there is a strong indication that all-out war UN Resolution on Angola may again be possible in Angola as a result ofJonas Savimbi's aggressive actions. On October 30, the UN Security Council finally pronounced on Angola in a binding but empty resolution. Instead of nanling UNITA and its leader Jonas Savimbi as the destroyers Pik Botha's Role in Angolan Peace ofpeace after the elections, it weakly affirmed that "any party" which fails to abide by the peace accord will be "rejected by Pik Botha clearly wants to broker a deal that will give Pretoria's the international community". It has also called on "both Angolan ally UNITA real power in a multi-party government. sides" to step back from the brink without specifying who has He is pressing for a power-sharing deal which will ignore the brought the country there. detail of the election results, and give the "major players" an equal stake in government. There has been no "resumption ofthe civil war" in Angola. What has happened is that UNITA has broken the peace. If Botha argues for equal representation in a government by sanctions are in order against Serbia, a rigorous international UNITA and MPLA. Under his proposals, each would have 40% regime should be enforced against UNITA, banning the supply representation in the executive, with the remaining 20% shared ofarms and financial or any other services. Ifa war crimes between some ofthe 18 smaller parties contesting the elections. tribunal is proposed for Yugoslavia, Savimbi's own crimes also A deal arising out of such manipulation ofelections results cry out for justification. (The Guardian, 1112/92) indicates the kind ofprecedent the National Party would like to see in South Africa. (ANe Press Statement 011 Pik Botha's Role in Angola)

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To sign up for a one-year subscription to Baobab Notes, send a Penguin Forum Series: check make out to the Mozambique Solidarity Office to 343 S. Dearborn, Suite 300, Chicago, n.. 60604. PrOfItS and Wages: The South Africall Ecollomic Challellge by Nicoli Nattrass 0$5 low income 0$10 regular income and organizations Water, Waste and Wildlife: The Politics ofEcology in South 0_$ Here is a contribution for the continuation ofthe MSO's work Africa by Eddie Koch, Dave Cooper, and Henk Coetzee

name: ' _ The Questfor Democracy: South Africa ill TrQ/lSitioll by Frederik Van Zyl Slabbert

address: _ MK: The ANC's ArmedStruggle by Howard Barrell

city, state, zip: _ Each book is $10, plus $1.50 for shipping and handling. Checks can be made out to the Mozambique Solidarity Office. Baobab Notes 3 November 1992 Riots in Malawi after Chirwa's Death Anti-ANC Propaganda Campaign-

Rioting erupted in Malawi in the home town ofOrton Chinva, Eight months after the De Klerk regime entered negotiations who died in Prison on October 20. Police moved in to quell the with the ANC, Military Intelligence of the South African protest in Nkhata Bay on Lake Malawi. Defense Force was still launching covert propaganda initiatives to discredit the ANC, the Weekly Mail and Radio 702 reported Chinva, who was held in prison for II years after being ab­ this week. R12 million (around 4 million US) ofcovert money ducted with his wife from exile in Zambia in 1981, was sen­ was spent between August 1990 and August 1991 to set up tenced to death in a trial criticized by international human rights NewsLink, a newspaper based in Botswana meant to be the organizations. His sentence was later commuted to life impris­ centerpiece of the regime's pan-African anti-ANC propaganda onment. (SouthScan, 10/30/92) effort. The government now admits to the project despite earlier denials, although it still insists no funding was given after February 2, 1990. (Southern African Partnership Project, 11/7/ Luanda Back Under Government 92) Control

On November 2, Angolan government forces regained cont Urgent: Special Appeal the capital city after four days offighting. More than 1,000 people have been killed since UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi As the Baobab Notes and the Mozambique Support broke the cease-fire after his defeat in the October elections. Among those killed were UNITA's second-in-eommand Network Newsletter, we have been a consistent Jeremias Chitunda and Elias Salupeto Pena, the nephew of source ofnews and information on Mozambique Jonas Savimbi. Both were shot and killed while trying to flee and Southern Africa since 1987. Ifyou have found Luanda. (Associated Press, 11/3/92) this newsletter helpful, we would welcome any contribution you could give to our work. Any Ideas For Action amount sent would.1Je shared equally with Mozambiquefor drought relief. Tax deductible The Washington Office On Africa is urging groups and individu­ contributions are also possible. To continue pub­ als concerned about Angola to write a letter to the State Depart­ lishing and distributing the Baobab Notes, we must ment supporting the Angolan electoral process and rejecting efforts to renew the war. Letters urging the US to take a stand on make this special appeal. the escalating threats ofwar and to speak out against Savimbi should be addressed to Acting Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger, United States Department of State, 2201 C. Street, Editors: Karin Candelaria. Prexy Nesbitt. and Maelinda Turner NW, Washington, D.C. 20520. Special Thanks to Maureen Lai-Ping Mark..

MOZ&Dl'Lique Solidarity Office 343 S. Dear'Lorn, Suite 300 Chicago, lL 60604



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