
417833 XXX10.1177/1368430211417833Jamieson and HarkinsGroup Processes &

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Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 1­–14 Distinguishing between the © The Author(s) 2011 Reprints and permission: sagepub. effects of co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1368430211417833 and on math gpir.sagepub.com performance

Jeremy P. Jamieson1 and Stephen G. Harkins2

Abstract Stereotype threat and stereotype priming have both been shown to impair test performance. Although research suggests threat-based concerns distinguish the experience of threat from priming (Marx & Stapel, 2006), it is not clear whether these psychological phenomena impact performance via similar or distinct mechanisms. The current work demonstrates that priming and threat produce distinctive patterns of performance via different mechanisms. was found to play a proximal in the effect of stereotype threat on females’ math performance. Threatened females were motivated to disconfirm the negative stereotype, but performed more poorly because they were more likely than controls to use the incorrect, but prepotent conventional solution approach. Gender-math do not incorporate the notion that females are motivated to disconfirm stereotypes. Instead the results are consistent with the argument that participants primed with female gender constructs performed poorly because they withdrew effort.

Keywords mere effort, motivation, priming, stereotype threat

Paper received xxx; paper accepted xxx

Stereotype threat––one of the most heavily 2002). In each case, the threat of confirming studied topics in social over the past the stereotype undermines the performance of decade––refers to the concern that is experienced stigmatized individuals. when one feels at risk of confirming, as self- characteristic, a negative stereotype about one’s group (Steele & Aronson, 1995). A wide range of 1Harvard University stereotypes have been tested (e.g., women’s lack 2Northeastern University of ability in math and science: Spencer, Steele, Corresponding author: & Quinn, 1999; African-Americans’ underper- Jeremy P. Jamieson, 1206 William James Hall, Cambridge, formance on standardized tests: Steele & Aronson, MA 02138, USA. 1995; White males’ athletic inferiority: Stone, Email: [email protected] 2 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations

Stereotypes can also impact the performance motivation-based account of stereotype threat of non-stigmatized individuals. For example, performance effects (Jamieson & Harkins, 2007, Wheeler, Jarvis, and Petty (2001) primed racial 2009, 2011). stereotypes by requiring White participants to write a story from the first person perspective Motivation and stereotype threat about an individual named either “Erik” or “Tyrone.” Participants who wrote the story Given the reliability of stereotype threat perfor- from the perspective of Tyrone (a stereotypi- mance effects, much of the recent work in this cally African-American name) performed more area has focused on identifying mechanisms. poorly on a subsequent test of intellectual Converging evidence suggests that threat effects ability, which is consistent with racial stereo- are multiply mediated by cognitive, affective, types regarding intellectual ability (Wheeler et al., and motivational processes (Steele, Spencer, & 2001). Aronson, 2002). Though most of the initial work Although stereotype threat and stereotype on mechanisms focused on cognitive (e.g., priming are widely studied topics, little has been Schmader & Johns, 2003) and affective processes done to determine whether priming and threat (e.g., Bosson, Haymovitz, & Pinel, 2004), recent share underlying mechanisms. Some research has research has considered motivational processes suggested this possibility: Stereotype activation (e.g., Carr & Steele, 2009; Forbes, Schmader, & leads to stereotype-consistent behaviors (e.g., Allen, 2008; Jamieson & Harkins, 2007, 2009, Ambady, Paik, Steele, Owen-Smith, & Mitchell, 2011; Rydell, Rydell, & Boucher, 2010; Rydell, 2004; Dijksterhuis & Bargh, 2001; Wheeler et al., Shiffrin, Boucher, Van Loo, & Rydell, 2010). The 2001; Wheeler & Petty, 2000). More recently, crux of these motivational explanations is that however, Marx and Stapel (2006) have argued stigmatized individuals’ efforts to avoid confirm- that despite the fact that stereotype threat and ing the stereotype can have the paradoxical effect priming have the same effect on performance, of harming performance (e.g., Jamieson & the cognitive processes that underlie the effects Harkins, 2009; Rydell, Shiffrin et al., 2010; Seibt are different. Specifically, they proposed that ste- & Forster, 2004). reotype threat effects stem from the fact that the In the current work, we focused on motiva- target of the stereotype knows about the stereo- tional processes because efforts to disconfirm type and is a member of the stigmatized group, stereotypes are implicated in stereotype threat, whereas priming effects simply require knowl- but not in ideomotor priming processes. More edge of the stereotype. As they write: “in stereo- specifically, we examined the processes underly- type threat situations, targets (but not nontargets) ing threat and priming using Jamieson and are affected because they know the group stereo- Harkins’s (2007, 2009, 2011) motivation-based type (“women are bad at math”) and because they mere effort model. This model (and others: are members of the group that is targeted by the O’Brien & Crandall, 2003) argues that one conse- stereotype (“I am a woman”)” (p. 244). It is this quence of stigmatized participants’ motivation to combination of “knowing and being” that gives disconfirm negative stereotypes is that it potenti- rise to threat-based concerns, which distinguishes ates whatever response is prepotent, or most threat from priming. likely to be produced (e.g., reading the color-word The goal of the current work was to extend instead of naming the color in the Stroop Color- the theoretical framework provided by Marx and Word Test). If the prepotent response is correct, Stapel (2006) by testing the possibility that stereo- stereotype threat can improve performance––this type threat and priming differ not only in the can be seen in research showing threat facilitates threat-based concerns produced by the former, simple task performance (Jamieson & Harkins, but not by the latter, but also in the pattern of 2011; O’Brien & Crandall, 2003). If the prepo- performance that results. To do so, we relied on a tent response is incorrect, and participants do Jamieson and Harkins 3 not know, as is quite often the case, or lack the Given the training American students receive knowledge or time for correction, potentiating in school, this pattern of findings is not particu- that response will debilitate performance. larly surprising. As Stigler and Hiebert (1999) However, in those occasional cases where partici- note, in the US, “teachers present definitions of pants are able to recognize that their prepotent terms and demonstrate procedures for solving tendencies are incorrect and they are given the specific problems. Students are then asked to opportunity to implement correction, perfor- memorize the definitions and practice the proce- mance can be facilitated. dures” (p. 27). In other words, students are taught Recently Jamieson and Harkins (2009) tested to memorize equations, then directly apply those this model in research examining participants’ equations to the problems, and finally to calculate performance on a test comprised of two types the answers. of quantitative GRE problems––“solve” and On solve type problems, the conventional “comparison”––which differ in the solution approach is typically the most effective approach. approach that tends to be most efficient. Solve As long as the test-taker knows the correct equa- type problems tend to be most efficiently solved tion to apply, solving it will produce an answer. by using the traditional solution approach taught Thus, if threatened females are motivated to dis- in US schools: Directly applying an equation or confirm the stereotype, this motivation should algorithm and computing an answer. On the translate into facilitated performance on these other hand, comparison problems require the problems. However, the form facilitation can take test-taker to take an unconventional approach, is constrained by the task. Because the conven- such as simplifying terms or using logic, estima- tional approach is prepotent, everyone tends to tion, and/or intuition to get the correct answer. use it on solve type problems, and threatened par- In fact, comparison problems often do not ticipants should not differ from controls in their require any computations at all. knowledge of formulas or operations. As a result, Research in the educational psychology litera- effort cannot aid participants’ success in solving ture indicates that when given math problems, the problems that they attempt. Rather, height- American students predominantly take a conven- ened motivation can only be reflected in the tional approach using known rules and equations. number of problems attempted or answered. For example, Gallagher, De Lisi, Holst, And, of course, time constraints place an upper McGillicuddy-De Lisi, Morely, and Cahalan bound for this effect. (2000, Exp. 2) found that participants used a In contrast, the conventional solving approach ­conventional approach 55.5% of the time, is far less efficient on comparison problems and whereas unconventional (e.g., logic, estimation, often does not work at all. Because of their math etc.) approaches were used only 10% of the time, training, it is also unlikely that participants even with the remainder consisting of guesses (16.5%), recognize that they are not using the best omissions (9%), and unknowns (9%). This pat- approach on these problems. Thus, potentiating tern has been replicated in other studies the prepotent conventional approach should (Gallagher & De Lisi, 1994; Jamieson & Harkins, debilitate performance. Given the fact that the 2009; Quinn & Spencer, 2001), and it holds true effect of debilitation on comparison problems is regardless of problem type. For instance, on much stronger than the facilitation effect on solve solve type problems researchers found that the problems, threatened participants’ overall perfor- conventional approach was used 66% of the time mance should suffer compared to controls. versus 9% for the unconventional approach, and Jamieson and Harkins (2009) found support for on the comparison problems the conventional each of these predictions: Females subject to ste- approach was used 45% of the time versus 11% reotype threat completed more solve problems, for the unconventional approach (Gallagher et al., solved fewer comparison problems correctly, and 2000, Exp. 2).1 performed worse overall compared to controls. 4 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations

Motivation and priming any particular group. Because motivational pro- stereotypes cesses should be absent from prime to behavior effects, participants given in the female prime However, there is no reason to expect that condition were expected to perform more poorly ­motivational processes would underlie stereotype than controls on both solve and comparison priming effects. Research on behavioral priming problems because of the stereotype that females indicates that primes impact behavior by activat- perform more poorly than males. In contrast, the ing associated with whatever con- threat participants should perform differentially struct is primed (e.g., Bargh, Chen, & Burrows, as function of problem type: Profound debilita- 1996). Stereotypes about females’ math ability tion on comparison problems, a smaller facilita- suggest that females do not have the same degree tion effect on solve problems, and debilitated of mathematical ability as males. This gender- performance overall compared to their controls. math stereotype does not incorporate the notion that females are motivated by their concern about confirming math stereotypes, which potentiates Method their use of conventional solution approaches leading to divergent patterns of performance on Participants solve and comparison type problems. Instead, the Seventy-six Northeastern University female activated stereotypic information passively guides undergraduates participated in this experiment in behavior (e.g., Bargh et al., 1996). As a result, exchange for course credit. ­activating the female gender construct should debilitate performance on both types of problems (e.g., Marx & Stapel, 2006; Wheeler et al., 2001). Materials To test this hypothesis, participants were ran- The math test consisted of 30 multiple-choice domly assigned either to one of the conditions in problems taken from the quantitative section of the stereotype threat (threat vs. control) the GRE. The test included 15 comparison or to one of the conditions in the priming para- type problems and 15 solve type problems, and digm (priming vs. control), and then completed was presented as a paper and pencil test. See the same GRE-Q test used by Jamieson and Appendix A for examples of each type. Harkins (2009). We used the same explicit threat Problems were sampled from a GRE prepara- manipulation as Jamieson and Harkins (2009). In tion book that included performance norms, as the threat condition, females were informed that indexed by the proportion of test-takers answer- they would be taking a test of quantitative ability ing each problem correctly out of all those who and that the test exhibited gender differences. On attempted that problem. First, we randomly the other hand, no threat control participants picked 12 problems of each type from problems were told the test did not exhibit any gender that varied in their solution rates from 35% to differences. 65%. We then picked the final three problems for Our priming manipulation was adapted from each type so that mean overall accuracy averaged Wheeler et al. (2001). This manipulation required 50% for each problem (unconventional range participants to write a short story from the = 38% to 60%; conventional range = 42% to ­perspective of a female undergraduate student, 63%). Problems were randomized throughout which has been shown to increase the of the test with the constraint that no one type of information associated with female gender stere- problem could appear in more than three con- otypes in the active self-concept (Wheeler, secutive problems. Problem order was identical DeMarree, & Petty, 2007). In the control prime for all participants. condition, participants wrote a similar story from a Participants worked on the test for 20 min- university-wide perspective that did not implicate utes and were instructed to complete as many Jamieson and Harkins 5 problems as they could as accurately as possible. typical day at Northeastern University, as an insti- All participants were given two practice problems tution. That is, participants wrote about general (one of each type) prior to beginning and were events that went on at a university on a daily basis, not permitted the use of calculators. Ample such as the when classes start or an event. This scratch-paper was provided for participants to control ensured that gender-specific information show their work. was not activated. After these manipulations, the experimenter gave the participants the two practice math Procedure problems and told them that they would have 20 Participants were randomly assigned to one of minutes to work on a 30-item test. Upon com- the four conditions in a 2 (Paradigm: Stereotype pletion of the math test, each participant Threat vs. Priming) x 2 (Condition: Experimental responded to a questionnaire. Two questions vs. Control) design. Stereotype threat was manip- allowed us to evaluate the effects of the manipu- ulated explicitly by having a male experimenter lations: “To what extent are there gender differ- inform participants that they would be complet- ences in performance on this task?” (1 = ”no ing a math test that either had (threat) or had not gender differences” and 11 = ”gender differ- (control) been shown to produce gender differ- ences”); and “Who do you believe performs bet- ences. No specific mention was made as to ter on this task?” (1 = ”males perform better,” 6 whether men outperformed women or vice versa, = ”males and females perform the same,” and only that gender differences did or did not exist 11 = ”females perform better”). We expected on the task. Participants were expected to infer these measures to reflect the stereotype threat that women would perform more poorly than manipulation but not to be affected by the prim- men based on the societal stereotype. This ing manipulation. manipulation has been successfully used in previ- ous research (e.g., Brown & Pinel, 2003; Jamieson & Harkins, 2007, 2009, 2011; Keller, 2002; Keller Results & Dauenheimer, 2003; O’Brien & Crandall, 2003; Manipulation checks Spencer et al., 1999). The priming manipulation was adapted from Manipulation check items were analyzed in 2 Wheeler et al. (2001). Participants were informed (Paradigm: Priming vs. stereotype threat) x 2 that they would be completing math problems, (Condition: Control vs. experimental) between- but prior to the math test the experimenter subjects ANOVAs. First, we examined the extent explained that he was helping another lab pilot to which participants believed gender differences test another experiment “examining the role of existed on the test. Consistent with past stereo- hemispheric dominance on creativity,” and asked type threat research, a contrast between the if the participants would also complete this means in the stereotype threat and its control experiment. All but one participant, who was condition showed that threatened participants excluded from the analysis, agreed. Participants believed gender differences existed to a greater were then told that they would write a creative extent (M = 5.57, SD = 2.76) than those in the story about an assigned topic with either their threat control condition (M = 3.45, SD = 2.61), dominant or non-dominant hand. All participants F(1, 71) = 6.05, p = .016, d = .58. On the other wrote with their dominant hands. hand, participants in the gender prime and con- Participants in the female prime condition trol prime conditions did not differ on this meas- were asked to write about a day in life of a female ure (overall M = 4.59, SD = 2.82), F < 1. This Northeastern University student named “Ashley” pattern of means produced a marginal Paradigm x for five minutes. Participants assigned to the Condition interaction in the overall 2 x 2 analysis, ­gender-neutral control condition wrote about a F(1, 71) = 2.79, p = .099, d = .40. 6 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations

We then analyzed whether participants believed males or females performed better. A contrast showed that females subject to stereo- type threat indicated that they believed males ­performed better on the math test to a greater extent (M = 4.62, SD = 1.46) than no threat con- trol participants (M = 5.85, SD = 1.53), F(1, 71) = 7.31, p = .009, d = .64. Gender prime and con- trol prime participants did not differ on this measure (overall M = 5.31, SD = 1.42), F < 1. This pattern of effects produced a Paradigm x Condition interaction in the 2 x 2 analysis, F(1, 71) = 7.00, p = .01, d = .63. Thus, females subject to stereotype threat believed gender differences existed and that males performed better on the GRE test than no threat controls. Additionally, participants in the Figure 1. Number of comparison type problems priming conditions did not differ in their ratings answered correctly as a function of paradigm and on either of these self-report measures, consist- condition. Error bars = +/- standard error of the ent with the notion that priming influences mean. behavior via ideomotor processes (e.g., Wheeler et al., 2001). 6.13, p = .016, d = .59. However, these effects must be interpreted in the context of the three- Performance way Paradigm x Condition x Problem Type inter- action, F(1, 71) = 3.97, p = .05, d = .47. To To examine performance we analyzed the num- interpret this effect, we examined performance 2 ber of problems participants answered correctly. on comparison and solve problems in two two- We first looked at overall performance in a 2 way ANOVAs (paradigm x condition), using the (Paradigm) x 2 (Condition) between-subjects error term from the three-way interaction. ANOVA. Consistent with past research, we found a main effect for condition. Participants in Comparison problems This analysis pro- the experimental conditions (stereotype threat duced a main effect for condition, F(1, 71) = and priming) answered fewer problems correctly 16.21, p < .001, d = .96. As shown in Figure 1, (M = 7.82, SD = 3.33) than participants in the participants in each of the experimental condi- control conditions (M = 9.43, SD = 2.44), F(1, 71) tions performed more poorly than the partici- = 6.02, p < .02, d = .58. No other effects were pants in the control conditions. That is, both significant, ps > .20. stereotype threat and gender prime participants To examine performance as a function of answered fewer comparison problems correctly problem type, the results were analyzed in a 2 than females assigned to no threat and institu- (Paradigm) x 2 (Condition) x 2 (Problem Type: tional prime control conditions. Comparison vs. solve) ANOVA with paradigm and condition as between subjects factors and Solve problems Analysis of the solve problems problem type as a within subjects factor. This produced a Paradigm x Condition interaction, analysis produced main effects for condition, F(1, 71) = 6.41, p = .014, d = .60 (see Figure 2). F(1, 71) = 6.29, p = .014, d = .60, and problem Participants in the female gender prime condition type F(1, 71) = 24.04, p < .001, d = 1.16, and a performed more poorly than the control prime Condition x Problem type interaction F(1, 71) = participants, F(1, 71) = 4.87, p = .03, d = .52. On Jamieson and Harkins 7

Figure 2. Number of solve type problems answered Figure 3. The percentage of comparison correctly as a function of paradigm and condition. type problems participants used the prepotent Error bars = +/- standard error of the mean. conventional solution approach as a function of paradigm and condition. Error bars = +/- standard error of the mean. the other hand, there was a trend for participants subject to stereotype threat to perform better, not worse, than their no threat control counterparts, interaction by examining the different problem F(1, 71) = 2.06, p = .155, d = .34. Thus, unlike on types separately. comparison problems, threat and priming impacted performance on solve problems differ- Comparison problems Analysis of these ently. Whereas the female gender prime impaired problems produced a Paradigm x Condition performance on solve problems, stereotype threat interaction, F(1, 71) = 18.76, p < .001, d = 1.03. 3 actually tended to facilitate performance. As can be seen in Figure 3, participants in the priming conditions did not differ in their use of Solution approach the conventional approach as a function of con- dition (overall M = 45.80%, SD = 16.01), F < 1, As noted before, participants were given scratch- but females assigned to the stereotype threat con- paper to work problems on. An independent dition used the conventional approach signifi- rater, blind to condition, coded the scratch paper cantly more than the no threat control participants, and the percentage of problems on which the F(1, 71) = 35.43, p < .001, d = 1.41. ­participants’ work showed evidence of using the To test whether potentiation of the conven- conventional approach was analyzed in the 2 tional approach directly debilitated threatened (Paradigm) x 2 (Condition) x 2 (Problem Type) participants’ comparison problem performance, design.4 This analysis produced significant we conducted a mediation analysis following the Paradigm x Condition, F(1, 71) = 6.68, p = .012, procedures suggested by Kenny, Kashy, and d = .61, and Condition x Problem Type, F(1, 71) = Bolger (1998) on the number of comparison 10.77, p = .002, d = .78, interactions. However, we problems solved incorrectly. Replicating previous interpreted these interactions in the context of the research (Jamieson & Harkins, 2009), participants’ marginal Paradigm x Condition x Problem Type use of the prepotent conventional approach interaction, F(1, 71) = 2.82, p = .097, d = .40. Like mediated the debilitating effect of stereotype the performance analysis, we decomposed this threat on comparison problem performance, 8 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations

# of times Conventional Approach used

(.47**) .68** (.67**)

Stereotype # of Incorrect Threat Condition Comparison Problems -.05 ns (-.31*)

Figure 4. Number of times the prepotent conventional approach was used on comparison problems as a mediator of number of comparison problems answered incorrectly. Coefficients in parentheses indicate zero-order correlations. Coefficients not in parentheses represent parameter estimates for a recursive path model including both predictors. Asterisks (*) indicate parameter estimates or correlations that differ from zero at p < .05, double asterisks (**) indicate parameter estimates or correlations that differ from zero Figure 5. The percentage of solve type problems at p < .01. Stereotype threat condition is dummy participants used the prepotent conventional solution coded (stereotype threat = 1, no stereotype approach as a function of paradigm and condition. threat = 0). Error bars = +/- standard error of the mean.

Sobel Z = 2.63, p = .009 (see Figure 4).5 Thus, on Solve problems Analysis of performance on comparison problems, threatened females used the solve problems produced a main effect for the conventional approach significantly more paradigm, F(1, 71) = 11.84, p = .001, d = .82, that than controls, and this use of the prepotent, con- must be interpreted in the context of the Para- ventional approach mediated the effect of threat digm x Condition interaction, F(1, 71) = 3.93, p = on performance. .05, d = .47 (see Figure 5). Participants in the ste- In contrast, participants in the female prime reotype threat paradigm did not differ as a func- condition did not differ from control prime par- tion of condition in their use of the conventional ticipants in their use of the conventional approach (overall M = 74.76%, SD = 12.12), approach on comparison problems, but, none- F < 1, but females assigned to the gender prime theless, performed significantly more poorly condition used the prepotent conventional than these participants. In an effort to gain some approach less often than control prime partici- insight into this finding, we looked at perfor- pants, F(1, 71) = 4.32, p = .041, d = .49. mance as a function of whether or not partici- Once again, we looked at math performance pants showed evidence of using the conventional as a function of whether or not participants used approach. As would be expected, on those com- the conventional approach. On the subset of parison problems on which the conventional problems on which both prime and control par- approach was used, performance was debilitated ticipants showed evidence of using the conven- to the same extent in the gender prime (M = tional approach, the gender prime participants 30.52%, SD = 28.62%) and control conditions solved the same percentage of solve type prob- (M = 24.58%, SD = 23.07%), F < 1. However, lems (M = 54.62%, SD = 28.62%) as controls when participants did not show evidence of (M = 60.64%, SD = 20.03%), F < 1. However, using the conventional approach, controls out- when participants assigned to the gender prime performed (M = 59.53%, SD = 20.31%) prime condition did not show any written evidence of participants (M = 38.87%, SD = 22.31%), F(1, 69) using the conventional approach, their perfor- = 6.10, p < .05, d = .62. mance dropped (M = 40.78%, SD = 31.49%), Jamieson and Harkins 9

F(1, 69) = 3.29, p = .074, d = .44, whereas the comparison problem performance (cf., Jamieson performance of controls was unchanged (M = & Harkins, 2009). However, participants in the 54.95%, SD = 28.02%), F < 1, interaction female prime condition did not differ from con- F(1, 69) = 2.21, p = .141, d = .36. trol prime participants in their use of the conven- tional approach on these problems. Our analysis of performance as a function of Discussion whether or not participants exhibited evidence of This research replicates Marx and Stapel’s (2006) using the conventional solution approach showed priming finding: Overall, participants primed that when participants used the conventional with female gender constructs performed more approach on comparison type problems, perfor- poorly than controls. Of course, numerous ste- mance was debilitated to the same extent in both reotype threat studies have also found that, over- prime conditions. However, when participants all, females subject to stereotype threat perform did not show evidence of using the conventional more poorly than no threat controls on math approach (i.e. when no work was shown), con- tests, an effect that we replicated in the present trols outperformed prime participants. On these research. However, an examination of perfor- problems, all participants had an equal opportu- mance as a function of problem-type reveals that nity to use the appropriate approach (logic and/ stereotype threat and priming produced these or estimation), but female prime participants outcomes in different ways. appear to have done so less than controls as the We found that stereotype threat tended to facil- latter participants outperformed the former. itate females’ performance on solve problems, an These findings suggest the possibility that prime effect reliable across the three experiments (pre- participants performed poorly because they with- sent research plus two experiments in Jamieson & drew effort, which would be consistent with the Harkins, 2009) that have examined performance as content of gender-math stereotypes (e.g., Steele a function of problem type, combined Z = 1.94, & Ambady, 2006). p = .052. However, stereotype threat profoundly On solve problems, we found that females debilitates performance on comparison problems, under stereotype threat and no threat controls combined Z = -4.62, p < .001. This pattern of used the conventional approach to the same results is consistent with the mere effort model extent. In contrast, female prime participants (Jamieson & Harkins, 2007; 2009, 2011), which used the prepotent conventional approach less suggests that stereotype threat motivates partici- than their controls. Because use of the conven- pants, potentiating prepotent response tendencies. tional approach predicts better performance on On these math problems, the prepotent response solve type problems for all participants (β = .29, is to use the conventional approach, which is the p = .013), gender prime participants may have appropriate approach on solve problems, but not performed poorly because they did use the con- on comparison problems. ventional approach to the same extent as their In contrast to the pattern of findings under controls. Consistent with this interpretation, on stereotype threat, the female gender prime debili- the subset of solve type problems on which both tated performance on both types of problems, and prime and control participants showed evidence for both genders (see note 3). An analysis of of using the conventional approach, they per- solution approaches and solution rates affords formed similarly. It was when female prime par- some insight into the mechanisms underlying ticipants did not show evidence of using the these performance effects. On comparison prob- conventional approach that their performance lems, females under stereotype threat used the dropped, whereas the performance of controls conventional approach significantly more than was unchanged. controls, and their use of the prepotent, conven- When participants did not show any work, tional approach mediated the effect of threat on they could still be working the problem in their 10 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations head using the conventional approach. When However, motivation to perform well broke down both prime and control participants showed writ- the proceduralization of their putting strokes, ten evidence, the two groups did not differ in per- debilitating performance. Thus, research shows formance. As a result, if we assume prime and that the approaches individuals think will help control participants were using the conventional them do well may actually work against them. approach in their heads to the same extent on the Distinguishing between threat and priming problems on which there was no written work, performance outcomes and mechanisms has there is no reason to believe that they would dif- direct relevance for developing interventions to fer in their solution rates. However, controls out- reduce the negative impact of gender-math ste- performed those in the prime condition on these reotypes. If ideomotor processes passively guided problems, suggesting that the female prime par- behavior in situations of stereotype threat, then it ticipants withdrew effort, not even bothering to would be difficult to implement interventions use the conventional solving approach. Of course, short of eliminating the stereotype at the societal all our evidence for effort withdrawal on compari- level. The current research demonstrates that son and solve problems is indirect, and thus future women are, indeed, motivated to disconfirm the research should seek to obtain evidence of this. negative stereotypes directed at their group. This research builds on previous work by Marx Because females do not want to be typecast as and Stapel (2006) by demonstrating that threat poor at math, researchers can use this motivation and priming are not only accompanied by differ- when developing interventions. For example, in a ent thoughts and concerns, but also produce dif- recent study (Jamieson & Harkins, 2009), females ferent patterns of performance and operate via subject to stereotype threat were told the correct different mechanisms. The findings suggest that solution approaches to take on problems on a when females are threatened by the possibility of math test. This simple instruction improved the confirming negative gender-math stereotypes, performance because it reduced reliance on con- they are motivated to disconfirm the stereotype, ventional approaches. Thus, that intervention whereas priming the female gender construct redirected the motivation females experienced does not increase motivation, but instead appears under threat from inflexible perseverance (see to cause females to withdraw effort. Thus, knowl- also Carr & Steele, 2009) to channeling efforts edge of a stereotype alone does not tell us what into more diverse solution approaches. behavior it will produce in its target. Additionally, this and other research (e.g., To disentangle the effects of threat and prim- Carr & Steele, 2009; Gallagher et al., 2000; ing on performance, the research presented here Jamieson & Harkins, 2009) suggests changes that relied on the framework provided by motivational might be made in the design of standardized tests explanations of stereotype threat (Jamieson & in an effort to reduce group differences in perfor- Harkins, 2007, 2009, 2011). It may seem surpris- mance. At its core, stereotype threat is a source ing that one of the reasons that females underper- of measurement (Wicherts, Dolan, & form on math tests is because they are trying not Hessen, 2005). That is, stereotype threat does not to underperform (e.g., Seibt & Forster, 2004). impair females’ latent quantitative ability, but However, the research presented here, as well as rather affects the measurement of their ability. other work, suggests that explicit efforts to per- Thus, one way to improve performance under form well often undermine performance out- threat is to limit measurement bias in our metrics comes. For instance, Beilock, Jellison, Rydell, of math ability. For instance, the quantitative sec- McConnell, and Carr (2006) found that expert tion of the GRE general test currently includes male golfers who were told that females are much both comparison type and solve type problems. better putters tried to execute each component of The research presented here shows that females their putting stroke as flawlessly as possible in an subject to stereotype threat use conventional effort to disconfirm this negative stereotype. approaches to solving math problems to the Jamieson and Harkins 11 exclusion of other approaches. Instead of requir- problems and using logic and estimation was ing test-takers to employ non-traditional solution the most efficient approach for 14 of the 15 approaches (i.e. logic/estimation) on standard- comparison problems. ized tests, test developers could design problems 2. Using percentage correct as the dependent meas- that assess latent quantitative ability that rely on ure did not change the pattern of the results. 3. Jamieson and Harkins (2009) found that males solution approaches widely taught in the mathe- were not affected by the stereotype threat manip- matical curricula. Similarly, changing the way ulation. Given this, we did not run males in the math is taught would also go a long way towards stereotype threat paradigm in the current research. reducing group differences in high-level stand- However, we did run males in the priming para- ardized tests. That is, educators could seek to digm, and found that there were no gender teach students to use both traditional and non- effects. That is, males showed exactly the same traditional approaches to solving math problems, pattern of priming effects as was produced by rather than emphasizing the conventional females, ps < .05. approach and memorization. 4. No identifying information was visible during This research also has relevance beyond the coding. To code a problem, the rater went through study of group stereotypes by suggesting that we the work shown step-by-step to ascertain exactly what the participants were doing to solve each should exercise caution when generalizing from problem. There were instances in which the par- findings produced in priming to the ticipant showed written evidence of using an actual experience of some psychological state. unconventional approach. Of course, these For example, Smith, Jostmann, Galinsky, and van instances were not included in the conventional Dijk (2008) recently reported finding that low approach analyses. We should note that solution power impaired performance on executive- approaches could have been measured in other function tasks. This finding was subsequently ways. For instance, we could have asked partici- generalized to real world settings, which argues pants to report what they were doing while they that empowering employees could help reduce solved problems. We chose to use the more costly organizational errors. However, that implicit method of coding scratch paper in an research used manipulations aimed at activating effort to increase external validity. That is, explicit reporting may potentially introduce demand stereotypes concerning power (e.g., scrambled- ­characteristics––participants could have tried to sentences priming task). Thus, although that figure out what we wanted them to do––or talking research certainly informs us about the content through a problem out loud may have altered par- of stereotypes associated with the powerful and ticipants’ approach. With that said, we doubt that powerless, it may not reflect the actual cognitive using an explicit measure would have impacted the ability of people who occupy these positions. pattern of results because the current research and previous research using this implicit method (Jamieson & Harkins, 2009) have found the same Notes pattern of results as studies that have used explicit 1 In some cases, it is possible to answer solve type reporting measures (Gallagher & DeLisi, 1994; problems by using logic/estimation, and to solve Gallagher et al., 2000; Quinn & Spencer, 2001). comparison problems by taking a conventional 5. The number of times participants used the con- approach. In fact, on some problems, the alterna- ventional approach was used in the mediation tive approach is actually more efficient, but this is analysis, rather than percentage, because the for- not the case for the majority of problems. For mer provides a more valid indicator of the role example, of the 30 problems used in this research, that the conventional approach plays in compari- it would have been possible to use logic and esti- son problem performance. Percentage assumes mation on five of the 15 solve problems and to that whenever participants did not write anything solve the equations on six of the 15 comparison down, they were not using this method, even problems. However, solving the equations was though they may have been doing so in their the most efficient approach for 14 of the 15 solve heads. On the other hand, although number could 12 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations

underestimate the number of times the conven- monitoring: A neuropsychological study of minori- tional approach was used, it cannot misclassify ties under threat. Social Cognitive Affective Neuroscience, the approach as unconventional when, in fact, it 3, 253–261. was conventional. In addition, we predicted the Gallagher, A. M., & De Lisi, R. (1994). Gender dif- number of incorrect problems, rather than num- ferences in Scholastic Aptitude Test-Mathematics ber correct, because our hypothesis is that using problem solving among high-ability students. the conventional approach on comparison prob- Journal of Educational Psychology, 86, 204–211. lems directly leads to poor performance. How- Gallagher, A. M., De Lisi, R., Holst, P. C., ever, not using the conventional approach is only McGillicuddy-De Lisi, A. V., Morely, M., & Cahalan, one requirement for success. To solve the prob- C. (2000). Gender differences in advanced math- lem correctly, participants must also recognize ematical problem solving. Journal of Experimental that an unconventional approach should be used, Child Psychology, 75, 165–190. and then implement it successfully. Thus, the most Jamieson, J. P., & Harkins, S. G. (2007). Mere effort direct test of the hypothesis requires prediction of and stereotype threat performance effects. Journal incorrect responses. of Personality and , 93, 544–564. Jamieson, J. P., & Harkins, S. G. (2009). The effect of stereotype threat on quantitative GRE problems: References A mere effort interpretation. Personality and Social Ambady, N., Paik, S. K., Steele, J., Owen-Smith, A., & Psychology Bulletin, 35, 1301–1314. Mitchell, J. P. (2004). Detecting negative self-rele- Jamieson, J. P., & Harkins, S. G. (2011). The intervening vant stereotype activation: The effects of individu- task method: Implications for measuring mediation. ation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 40, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37, 652–661. 401–408. Keller, J. (2002). Blatant stereotype threat and women’s Bargh, J. A., Chen, M., & Burrows, L. (1996). math performance: Self-handicapping as a strate- Automaticity of social behavior: Direct effects of gic means to cope with obtrusive negative perfor- trait construct and stereotype activation on action. mance expectations. Sex , 47, 193–198. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 71, 230–244. Keller, J., & Dauenheimer, D. (2003). Stereotype threat Beilock, S. L., Jellison, W. A., Rydell, R., J., McConnell, in the classroom: Dejection mediates the disrupt- A. R., & Carr, T. H. (2006). On the causal mecha- ing threat effect on women’s math performance. nisms of stereotype threat: Can skills that don’t rely Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 29, 371–381. heavily on still be threatened? Kenny, D. A., Kashy, D. A., & Bolger, N. (1998). Data Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 32, 1059–1071. analysis in social psychology. In D. Gilbert, S. T. Bosson, J. K., Haymovitz, E. L., & Pinel, E. C. (2004). Fiske & G. Lindzey (Eds.), Handbook of social psychol- When saying and doing diverge: The effects of ste- ogy (4th ed., Vol. 1, pp. 233–265). New York, NY: reotype threat on self-reported versus non-verbal McGraw-Hill. . Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 40, Marx, D. M., & Stapel, D. (2006). Distinguishing ste- 247–255. reotype threat from priming effects: On the role of Brown, R. P., & Pinel, E. C. (2003). Stigma on my mind: the social self and threat-based concerns. Journal of Individual differences in the experience of stereo- Personality and Social Psychology, 91, 243–254. type threat. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, O’Brien, L. T., & Crandall, C. S. (2003). Stereotype threat 39, 626–633. and arousal: Effects on women’s math performance. Carr, P. B., & Steele, C. M. (2009). Stereotype threat Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 29, 782–789. and inflexible perseverance in problem solving. Quinn, D. M., & Spencer, S. J. (2001). The interference Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45, 853–859. of stereotype threat with women’s generation of Dijksterhuis, A., & Bargh, J. A. (2001). The perception- mathematical problem-solving strategies. Journal of behavior expressway: Automatic effects of social Social Issues, 57, 55–71. perception on social behavior. In M. P. Zanna Rydell, R. J., Rydell, M. T., & Boucher, K. L. (2010). The (Ed.), Advances in experimental social psychology (Vol. effect of negative stereotypes on learning. Journal of 33, 1–40). San Diego, CA: Academic Press. Personality and Social Psychology, 99, 883–896. Forbes, C. E., Schmader, T., & Allen, J. J. B. (2009). The Rydell, R. J., Shiffrin, R. M., Boucher, K. L., van role of devaluing and discounting in performance Loo, K., & Rydell, M. T. (2010). Stereotype threat Jamieson and Harkins 13

prevents perceptual learning. Proceedings of the Biographical notes National Academy of Sciences, 107, 14042–14047. jeremy jamieson is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Seibt, B., & Forster, J. (2004). Stereotype threat and Psychology Department at Harvard University. His ­performance: How self-stereotypes influence processing by inducing regulatory foci. Journal of research examines the effects of social stress on Personality and Social Psychology, 87, 38–56. performance, decision making, and physiology. Schmader, T., & Johns, M. (2003). Converging evidence stephen harkins is of Psychology at that stereotype threat reduces working memory Northeastern University. His research interests capacity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 85, focus on the effect of motivation on performance. 440–452. Smith, P. K., Jostmann, N. B., Galinsky, A. D., & van Dijk, W. W. (2008). Lack power impairs . Psychological Science, 19, 441–447. Spencer, S. J., Steele, C. M., & Quinn, D. M. (1999). Appendix A Stereotype threat and women’s math performance. Examples of the problems used in this research. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 35, 4–28. These problems were sampled from a GRE prep- Steele, C. M., & Aronson, J. (1995). Stereotype threat aration book. and the intellectual test performance of African Americans. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 69, 797–811. Solve type Steele, J. R., & Ambady, N. (2006). “Math is Hard!” The effect of gender priming on women’s attitudes. If the total surface area of a cube is 24, what is Journal of Experimental Psychology, 42, 428–436. the volume of the cube? Steele, C. M., Spencer, S. J., & Aronson, J. (2002). Contending with group image: The psychology of a) 8 stereotype and social identity threat. In M. Zanna b) 24 (Ed.), Advances in experimental social psychology (Vol. c) 64 23, pp. 379–440). New York, NY: Academic Press. d) 48√6 Stigler, J. W., & Hiebert, J. (1999). The teaching gap. New e) 216 York, NY: Simon & Schuster, Inc. Stone, J. (2002). Battling doubt by avoiding practice: The effects of stereotype threat on self-handicap- For this problem, the individual must apply the ping in White athletes. Personality and Social Psychology formula for the volume of a cube, which is: Bulletin, 28, 1667–1678. length x width x height (all of which are the same Wheeler, S. C., DeMarree, K. G., & Petty, R. E. (2007). value for a cube). To get the length of a side, the Understanding the role of the self in prime-to- individual divides 24 by 6 (there are 6 faces on a behavior effects: The active self account. Personality cube) to obtain the area of one face, 4. The length and Social Psychology Review, 11, 234–261. of one side is 2 (area = length x width). To com- Wheeler, S. C., Jarvis, W. B., & Petty, R. E. (2001). pute volume, the test-taker then cubes 2 to get Think unto others: The self-destructive impact of the answer, 8. Thus, solve problems involve the negative racial stereotypes. Journal of Experimental application and computation of equations. Social Psychology, 37, 173–180. Wheeler, S. C., & Petty, R. E. (2000). The effects of ste- reotype activation on behavior: A review of possi- Comparison type ble mechanisms. Psychological Bulletin, 127, 797–826. Wicherts, J. M., Dolan, C. V., & Hessen, D. J. (2005). n = (7 )(193) Stereotype threat and group differences in test performance: A question of measurement invari- Column A Column B ance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 89, The number of distinct 10 696–716. positive factors of n 14 Group Processes & Intergroup Relations

a) The quantity in Column A is greater 19. Thus, the factors of the final product are: b) The quantity in Column B is greater 7, 7*19, 7*192, 19, 192, 193, plus the final product c) The two quantities are equal itself (7*193) and 1. Because the goal of the prob- d) The relationship cannot be determined from lem is not to compute the value of n, but simply the information given to determine whether the number of positive fac- tors of n is greater than, less than, or equal to 10, This problem can be solved by using intuition. all the test-taker now needs to do is to add up the First, the test-taker must realize that each number number of distinct positive factors (8) to find presented (7, 19, 3) is a prime number. Thus, the that Column B is greater than Column A. Thus, test-taker can logically deduce that the factors of the correct answer choice is “b,” and no calcula- the end product can only be multiples of 7 and tions were necessary.