The Influence of Media on Views of Gender

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The Influence of Media on Views of Gender Article 7 Gendered Media: The Influence of Media on Views of Gender Julia T. Wood Department of Communication, University of North times more often than ones about women (“Study Re- Carolina at Chapel Hill ports Sex Bias,” 1989), media misrepresent actual pro- portions of men and women in the population. This constant distortion tempts us to believe that there really THEMES IN MEDIA are more men than women and, further, that men are the cultural standard. Of the many influences on how we view men and women, media are the most pervasive and one of the most powerful. Woven throughout our daily lives, media insinuate their messages into our consciousness at every MEDIA’S MISREPRESENTATION OF turn. All forms of media communicate images of the sexes, many of which perpetuate unrealistic, stereotypi- AMERICAN LIFE cal, and limiting perceptions. Three themes describe how media represent gender. First, women are underrepre- The media present a distorted version of cultural life sented, which falsely implies that men are the cultural in our country. According to media portrayals: standard and women are unimportant or invisible. Sec- ond, men and women are portrayed in stereotypical White males make up two-thirds of the popula- ways that reflect and sustain socially endorsed views of tion. The women are less in number, perhaps be- cause fewer than 10% live beyond 35. Those who gender. Third, depictions of relationships between men do, like their younger and male counterparts, are and women emphasize traditional roles and normalize nearly all white and heterosexual. In addition to violence against women. We will consider each of these being young, the majority of women are beauti- themes in this section. ful, very thin, passive, and primarily concerned with relationships and getting rings out of collars and commodes. There are a few bad, bitchy Underrepresentation of Women women, and they are not so pretty, not so subor- A primary way in which media distort reality is in dinate, and not so caring as the good women. underrepresenting women. Whether it is prime-time tele- Most of the bad ones work outside of the home, vision, in which there are three times as many white men which is probably why they are hardened and un- desirable. The more powerful, ambitious men oc- as women (Basow, 1992 p. 159), or children’s program- cupy themselves with important business deals, ming, in which males outnumber females by two to one, exciting adventures, and rescuing dependent fe- or newscasts, in which women make up 16% of news- males, whom they often then assault sexually. casters and in which stories about men are included 10 From Gendered Lives: Communication, Gender, and Culture by Julie T. Wood, Chapter 9, pp. 231-244. 0 1994. Reprinted with permission of Wadsworth Publishing, a division of Thomson Learning. Fax 800-730-2215. 31 T LI Y IIYC~ WI I H MEDIA Other myths about what is standard are similarly for- Stereotypical Portrayals of Women and Men tified by communication in media. Minorities are even In general, media continue to present both women less visible than women, with African-Americans ap- and men in stereotyped ways that limit our perceptions pearing only rarely (Gray, 1986; Stroman, 1989) and other of human possibilities. Typically men are portrayed as ethnic minorities being virtually nonexistent. In chil- active, adventurous, powerful, sexually aggressive and dren’s programming when African-Americans do ap- largely uninvolved in human relationships. Just as’ con- pear, almost invariably they appear in supporting roles sistent with cultural views of gender are depictions of rather than as main characters (O’Connor, 1989). While women as sex objects who are usually young, thin beau- more African-Americans are appearing in prime-time tiful, passive, dependent, and often incompetent and television, they are too often cast in stereotypical roles. dumb. Female characters devote their primary energies In the 1992 season, for instance, 12 of the 74 series on to improving their appearances and taking care of homes commercial networks included large African-American and people. Because media pervade our lives, the ways casts, yet most featured them in stereotypical roles. Black they misrepresent genders may distort how we see our- men are presented as lazy and unable to handle author- selves and what we perceive as normal and desirable for ity as lecherous, and/or as unlawful, while females are men and women. portrayed as domineering or as sex objects (“Sights Stereotypical portrayals of men. According to J. A. Sounds, and Stereotypes,” 1992). Writing in 1993, David Doyle (1989, p. ill), whose research focuses on mascu- Evans (1993, p. 10) criticized television for stereotyping linity children’s television typically shows males as “ag- black males as athletes and entertainers. These roles gressive, dominant, and engaged in exciting activities wrote Evans, mislead young black male viewers in& from which they receive rewards from others for their thinking success “is only a dribble or dance step away” ‘masculine’ accomplishments.” Relatedly, recent studies and blind them to other, more realistic ambitions. l&- reveal that the majority of men on prime-time television panics and Asians are nearly absent, and when they are are independent, aggressive, and in charge (McCauley presented it is usually as villains or criminals (Lichter, Thangavelu, & Rozin, 1988). Television programming foi Lichter, Rothman, & Amundson, 1987). all ages disproportionately depicts men as serious con- Also under-represented is the single fastest growing fident, competent, powerful, and in high-status ‘posi- group of Americans- older people. As a country, we are tions. Gentleness in men, which was briefly evident in aging so that people over 60 make up a major part of the 197Os, has receded as established male characters are our population; within this group, women significantly redrawn to be more tough and distanced from others outnumber men (Wood, 1993~). Older people not only (Bayer, 1986). Highly popular films such as LethaI are under-represented in media but also are repre- Weapon, Predator, Days of Thunder, Total Recall, Robocop sented inaccurately In contrast to demographic reali- Die Hard, and Die Harder star men who embody the ties, media consistently show fewer older women than stereotype of extreme masculinity Media, then reinforce men, presumably because our culture worships youth long-standing cultural ideals of masculinity:’ Men are and beauty in women. Further, elderly individuals are presented as hard, tough, independent, sexually aggres- frequently portrayed as sick, dependent, fumbling and sive, unafraid, violent, totally in control of all emotions, passive, images not borne out in real life. Distirted and-above all-in no way feminine. depictions of older people and especially older women Equally interesting is how males are not presented. in media, however, can delude us into thinking they J. D. Brown and K. Campbell (1986) report that men are are a small, sickly, and unimportant part of our seldom shown doing housework. Doyle (1989) notes that population. boys and men are rarely presented caring for others. B. Horovitz (1989) points out they are typically repre- The lack of women in the media is paralleled by the sented as uninterested in and incompetent at homemak- scarcity of women in charge of media. Only about 5% of ing, cooking, and child care. Each season’s new ads for television writers, executives, and producers are women cooking and cleaning supplies include several that cari- (Lichter, Lichter, & Rothman, 1986). Ironically, while two- cature men as incompetent buffoons, who are klutzes in thirds of journalism graduates are women, they make up the kitchen and no better at taking care of children. While less than 2% of those in corporate management of news- children’s books have made a limited attempt to depict papers and only about 5% of newspaper publishers women engaged in activities outside of the home there (“Women in Media,” 1988). Female film directors are has been little parallel effort to show men involbed in even rnonz-scarce, as are executives in charge of MTV It family and home life. When someone is shown taking is probably not coincidental that so few women are be- care of a child, ‘t1 is’ usually the mother, not the father. hind the scenes of an industry that so consistently por- This perpetuates a negative stereotype of men as uncar- trays women negatively Some media analysts (Mills ing and uninvolved in family life. 1988) believe that if more women had positions o; Stereotypical portrayals of women. Media’s images of authority at executive levels, media would offer more women also reflect cultural stereotypes that depart mark- positive portrayals of women. edly from reality As we have already seen, girls and 7. Gendered Media abilities to placate producer Barney Rosenzweig, who complained, “These women aren’t soft enough. These JILL women aren’t feminine enough” (Faludi, 1991, p. 150). While female viewers wrote thousands of letters praising I remember when I was little I used to read books from the boys’ section of the library because they were more the show, male executives at CBS continued to force writ- interesting. Boys did the fun stuff and the exciting ers to make the characters softer, more tender, and less things. My mother kept trying to get me to read girls’ sure of themselves (Faludi, 1991, p. 152). The remaking books, but I just couldn’t get into them. Why can’t sto- of Cagney and Lacey illustrates the media’s bias in favor ries about girls be full of adventure and bravery? I of women who are traditionally feminine and who are know when I’m a mother, I want any daughters of mine to understand that excitement isn’t just for boys. not too able, too powerful, or too confident.
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